pdf - Il Palombaio
pdf - Il Palombaio
Welcome We are pleased to welcome you at our country house, in the Azienda Agricole Monte del Palombaio. This little guide summarizes the highlights in the neighborhood we are fond of since four generation and should be an useful address book too. My Gran-Gran Mother chose this place moving from Northern Italy, and since then, my Gran Mother has built Villa Cicas becoming the family house after the World War, and my Mother has restored Villa Flavia and Casale Pomodoro. Nowadays it is my turn, and if you are curious to see how it will end up, please keep following us on our website or visiting us, hoping you will enjoy it. The current season products of the farm are our welcome gift, and they should give you a taste of the keenness of our work, always up to reach the best quality possible. Franziska Lydia Khevenhüller Minozzi 1 About us Farm and Agriturismo Owner Franziska Lydia Khevenüller Minozzi Agriturismo Supervisor Florencia Cavallo Farmland Supervisor Quinto Carucci Agriturismo Customer Service Valentina Ciolac website: www.ilpalombaio.it Contacts Florencia Cavallo +39 3337800443 Quinto Carucci +39 339 1558980 Valentina Ciolac +39 342 5307370 Franziska Khevenhüller +39 335 7079479 2 Useful Numbers Hospital Medical Guard ASL ROMA F/N.C.8 TEL: +39 06 96669696 Ambulance Croce Rossa Italiana TEL 06 99837715 Via di Montevirginio Canale Monterano Pharmacy Dott. L. Ricci Tel. 06 9962972 06 9964367 Via Vittorio Emanuele, 139 Manziana Doctor Dott.ssa L. Del Sette TEL 06 99674068 Via Selvestrelli, 3 Manziana Dentist Dott. Claudio Lecanchiole Via Aprile, 3 Oriolo Romano Dott. Luigi Moricone Tel. 06 99837731 Via S. Anna, 71 Oriolo Romano Dott. Alberto Rosati Tel: 06 9967 4639 Corso V. Emanuele, 156 Manziana Veterinary Dott. G. Piferi Tel. 0761 669922 Cel. 348 3414634 Viale Laura, 75 Capranica Dott. Mascagna Tel 06 9964404 Via dei Platani, 1 Manziana Veterinary Hospital Clinica Veterinaria Centro Cinofilo CAERITE Via Braccianese Claudia, 19/200 Bracciano Tel: 06 99801005 Email: angelo.landi@tiscalinet.it Gendarmerie Tel.: 06 9964103 Via Braccianese Km 27,7 Manziana Police Headquarter Commissariato Polizia Tel: 076658341 Viale della Vittoria, 15 Civitavecchia Fireman Vigili del Fuoco Tel. 06 99802424 Tel. 06 99803183 Via Settevene Palo Bracciano 3 Index About the neighborhood ................................................... 5 Touristic Attraction ........................................................... 6 1. Wild Natural Features ................................................. 7 2. Manors through the centuries .....................................9 3. Garden Secrets ....................................................... 11 Contacts Cultural Attraction ........................................................... 13 Sport Activity .................................................................. 15 Grocery shopping ........................................................... 17 General Services ............................................................ 18 Ristoranti and Pizzerie ................................................... 19 Every street brings to… Manziana.................................. 20 4 About the neighborhood The town of Manziana is where once the Santa Pupa Castle was, from which the family of the Prefetti di Vico were used to rule the region in XI century. Under the Pope Onorio IV in 12901, the Castle and its land were bought by the Santo Spirito in Sassia Fraternity of Rome. It was them, in 1593, who changed the name to Manziana. We own them the construction of the Main Building in Piazza Tittoni too,in which they guarded the highest tower of the Santa Pupa Castle. The builing became their head quarter in the region and was take with alienation by the Senator Tommaso Tittoni. He was Foreign Minister under the Italian Kingdom in 1903 and in 1908. On the front side of the Building a memory plate remembers as under the Fraternity in 1733 the water of the spring Il Palombaro has been brought to the town of Manziana. Further water sources, making part of the richness of this countryside, are La Matrice, Il Fosso e La Dolce.2 Our Farm is named after the Monte del Palombaro, hill which was part of the former Boccalupo estate of the Comm. Giuseppe Giacomini. The Main Villa was once the Villa Giacomini, as some 1925 postcard of the neighborhood shows. The land of the Boccalupo estate along with the land of the Senator Tittoni and of Don Bartolomeo dei Principi Odescalchi, were dedicated to the intensive agriculture.3 The name of Azienda Agricola del Palombaio has been given by us as my family took it ower, and since then we passed it over from mother to daughter reaching know the fourth generation. 1 Angela Carlino Bandinelli, “Bracciano Negli Occhi Della Memoria”. Edizioni Mediteranee, 2004. p.12. 2 Fiordispini Biagio, Manziana e i suoi dintorni. Aggiornamento di Giusppe Sanità. Tip. Lubi’rRoma; 1908. 3 De-Sanctis Francesco, La cultura intensiva. Tipografia Forense; 1900 5 Touristic Attraction 1. Wild Natural Features 2. Manors through the centuries 3. Garden Secrets Nota: For a better displacing we invit you to use the available map in the house, which is at your disposal during the period of your staying. The numbering given in the Touristic attraction description are referring to the addresses reported in the Peculiar Attraction and Activity section at the end of the little guide. 6 1. Wild Natural Features At the beginning of the last century, the Farm was a Vineyard, which faced an enduring transformation until the smooth vine rows in between the olive trees left their places to the hazelnuts trees. The secular chestnuts woods were and still are the framework to the farm, of which two-thirds is run nowadays for the hazelnuts business. The harvest activity is mainly performed during the late summer and autumn season, starting therefore at the end of August with the hazelnuts, which end up in October when it is the chestnuts turn, until November when all our working forces are focused on the harvest and squeezing process of our olives. The wintertime is than dedicated to the cuttings, the spring to the fertilization, in order to boost the herbs growing for the soil shredding for the harvest in late August, again. We dance this Walzer, weather forecast permitted, continuously all over the years as our neighbors do. You may spot this scenario driving towards the Lake of Bracciano were you may take a swim (25,29) and visit Trevignano Romano, Anguillara Sabazia and Bracciano. Further trips, for kids and adults, may be the trip with the motorboat (4) as well as taking sailing lessons (21) on the lake. Organizing mountain bike or hiking (35) trips, rather than watching the falconers performances (2) or the Leonardo da Vinci flying prototypes and the unique Spitfire airplane kept in the Aeronautic Museum (3) in Bracciano, and last but not least the Odescalchi Castel in Bracciano (5), owned by the same family since centuries. The water of the Bracciano Lake is the water reserve of the city of Rome, used already at the time of the Romans and brought to the city through the Acquedotto di Traiano, renovated by Pope Paolo V. The water arriving at the Gianicolo Fontain in Rome was used to be brought from that Acquedotto and named therefore after the Pope “Acqua Paola”. The Acquedotto di Traiano is still today standing between the Lake of Bracciano and the Lake of Martignano were you may 77 enjoy bathing in the crystal-clear waters (31), in the Natural Park of Bracciano-Martignano (6). Both lakes are of volcano origins, the latest was the main crater and the Bracciano Lake was the second one. Leaving the lakes, you may have walking or biking trips to the Manziana Geyser (7), where you can still spot the volcano activity today. Further, the Monterano Ruins, the Mediaeval ghost city driving to Tolfa are a nice walk as well as the trip to the Manziana Forest and the San Giuliano waterfalls, reaching out finally at the seaside watching down from the Sasso, where you may drive to the Santa Severa Castel (16). Not only the Geysers, but the Stigliano Thermal bath (1) too are a leftover of the volcano activities of the region. You may relax there in the morning in the Natural Sauna, used also by the Imperator Plinio in the I century A.D, or take bathes in the swimming pools. Around the Thermal bath, the Nature is still untouched; you will need to drive further North to gaze back on the cultivated field until you reach the Vico Lake (32), of volcanic origins as well. This lake is more human-being spared than the previous two, leading to a much more extended wild bird population you can watch at canoeing on the lake side (Ristorante Fiorò tel. 0761 612090, Trattoria Riva Azzura tel.0761 612395). Also the Manziana Geysers (7) are rich of birds, migrating southwards as well as the Porto Oasis (17), a park next to Fiumicino in which even more birds are heading to it or even settled in this amazing place. You may enjoy next to Fiumicino a sunbath on the seaside (30). Those are some of the activities and beauties you may appreciate around the Agriturismo, hoping you may find them as much entraining as we do, in order to fully enjoy your Italian staying. 8 8 2. Manors through the centuries The northern part of the Lazio region, where our agricultural farm is located, is called Tuscia. In its origins this land was the site of a very intense volcanic activity, now extinct, and in our days is full of numerous water sources. This area is also rich in architectural remains of several populations who lived here over the centuries and have contributed significantly to develop its lands. Some examples are the aqueduct of Traiano in the Natural Park of Bracciano – Martignano (6), named by the Roman emperor who ordered its construction; the Roads and the amphitheater of Sutri, important city founded by the Etruscans and then conquered by the Romans. The elliptical amphitheater was discovered in 1835-1838 by the Savorelli family and was able to sit 9,000 people on three rows of bleachers with a functional distribution system. Around the first century A.D. the distinction between the two populations (Etruscans and Romans) disappears and the same happens in architectural works. Peculiar in this transition are the Etruscan tombs, painted in the image of the most beautiful Roman houses, rich in all essential even in the afterlife. The tombs can be visited in Cerveteri, in the Necropolis of Banditaccia, with an hour jounrney with a special train or by foot (10). Besides Cerveteri, full of there treasures are also Tarquinia (9), Parco di Veio and up to Rome at Villa Giulia where you can find the Museo Etrusco della Capitale. The architectural element of the arch, decorative and functional icon and timeless in architecture, we owe it to the Etruscans, the inventors of the keystone. These valuts are also found in medieval towns in ruins as Monterano, or preserved as Rota and Saraceno Castle of Santa Severa (16) or even changed with the times while 9 9 retaining the original medieval center as Bracciano Odescalchi Castle (5). The same Manziana stands in place of the Castle of Santa Pupa, destroyed by the war between the Prefetti family of Vico, who lived there, and the ruling family of Bracciano Lake. Odescalchi Castle, originally belonging to the Orsini and only later conquered by the Odescalchi, is another example of this struggle between families, which occur constantly in this area of Tuscia and Lazio and which have been the authors of amazing architectures, equal to those already created by Nature. Examples of the latter are the park of Monsters of Bomarzo (11), wanted by Prince Orsini in 1552 and realized by the architect Pirro Ligorio, surrounded by a forest that gives us today a show like no other in the world. Not least are the Villa Lante in Bagnaia (12), whose garden hides water games comparable to those of Villa d'Este in Tivoli (15), built by Pirro Ligorio, and the Castello Ruspoli in Vignanello (14), which became a medieval fortress castle thanks to the architectural skills of Antonio da San Gallo the Younger in 1531. Pirro Ligorio’s other work in the area is the Palazzo Farnese in Caprarola (13) which, with its pentagonal shape, is an architectural gem in the middle of the hazelnut fields and that is no less than its namesake Palazzo Farnese in Rome, started by San Gallo and completed by Michelangelo. By San Gallo is also the work of Pozzo di San Patrizio of Orvieto (18), whose spiral staircases never meet. If you enjoy geometric shapes, then special are to be visited the Oasi di Porto with the hexagonal Lake of Traiano (33m length of each side), only for its bird species (17) and the Triangolo Barberini in Prenestina, designed by Bernini’s school as hunting lodge. These want to inspire some ideas of the cultural richness of the area, strongly influenced by Rome, eternal city and invaluable cultural center. 10 10 3. Garden Secrets The fertility of the grounds along with the desire of the families to create a garden around their houses in the Tuscia, the Northern part of the Lazio Region, helped the growth of gardens that are still today known plant collection or architectural interesting gardens samples. Thus, driving along the lake side of the Bracciano Lake, you may visit the Parco Botanico di San Liberato. It was the 1964 as Russel Page together with the Sanminiatelli family created that garden, which the most famous garden architect of Europe later defined as a “magic garden” in his autographed writings left in 1979. The garden covers five hectares (ha), in which the chromatic harmony has been studied in order to provide the whole year long a colorful scene. Parco Botanico di San Liberato Tel. 06 99805460 1° and 4° Sunday of each month May-June/15; Sectember/15-November info@sanliberato.it www.sanliberato.it Via Settevene-Palo, 33 Bracciano If you are fond of roses, the gardens of Palazzo Patrizi in Castel Giuliano, offers you to visit one of the hugest private rose garden of Italy. Hundreds of rose species, among them the “Albértine Barbier” (1821 variety), “Blu Magenta” (1900), “Sweet Juliette” (created in 1989 by Austin aiming the eight century roses while giving them the bloom of modern once), climbing on the old walls resulting in an astonishing sight. Each second week of May of each year they organize the Festival of Roses. Palazzo Patrizi Booking required. 11 11 Tel. +39 06 998 02 530 Fax. +39 06 998 09 749 Castel Giuliano Bracciano www.castel-giuliano.it The richest herbaceous and tree Chinese Peony collection in Europe is in Vitorchiano, in the Moutan Botanical Center. More than 150.000 plants of 600 different varieties, covering nearly all the known species and hybrids are hosted in it. The collection boast some rare species too, rescued in Nature in the most isolated region of the Asian Continent. In the Tuscian Valley all those Chinese Peonies have found the ideal habitat. Centro Botanico Moutan Tel. +39 0761 300490 Fax. +39 0761 300491 S.S. Ortana, 46 Vitorchiano www.centrobotanicomoutan.it The Manors have unique and particular garden too, as that of Palazzo Farnese a Carparola (13) which has been drawn by the Vignola on many levels developing up the extended Volcano slope. Nonetheless, the garden of Villa Lante in Bagnaia (12) in which you may observe the water gliding in between the bushes of the Italian Garden. In the same style is the garden of Castello Ruspoli (14) chopped, although with another design. In our agricultural farm has the Garden of the main Villa been transformed from an terraced one to the current shaped one thanks to the advices given by the architect Paolo Pejrone, friend of my Grandmother, to my Mother. What is in common of all this gardens is the intent to exalt the Nature’s beauty that in this Earth corner has been very generous. 12 12 Cultural Attraction 1. Le Terme di Stigliano / Stigliano Thermal Bath Tel: 06 9980 5977 info@termedistigliano.it www.termedistigliano.it Via Bagni di Stigliano, 2 Canale Monterano 2. Falconieri Centro Volo Rapaci “I Falci di Rocca Romana” Cel. 320 0414525 informazioni@volorapaci.co m www.volorapaci.com Via Sutri 13 Trevignano Romano 3. Aeronautica Militare Museo Storico A.M Tel/Fax 06.99887509 musexpo@tiscali.it aeromuseo@aeronautica.di fesa.it Aeroporto "Luigi Bourlot" Strada Circumlacuale, snc Loc. Vigna di Valle Bracciano 4. Motonave Sabazia/Boat-tour & Biking Consorzio Lago di Bracciano Ex Idroscalo degli Inglesi Tel. +39 06 99 80 54 62 Cel.+39 346 50 38 893 consorziolagobracciano@t ele2.it Lungo Lago Argenti, 11 Bracciano 5. Castello Odescalchi Tel. +39 0699804348 Fax. +39 0699809175 castello@odescalchi.it Tour guidato/Guided tour: Tel. +39 (06) 99804348 museo@odescalchi.it Bracciano 6. Parco Naturale Regionale di BraccianoMartignano www.parcobracciano.it Chiosco P.zza V. Emanuele III Tel. 06.99919979 Fax. 06.9997848 infoturismo@trevignanoro mano.it 7. Caldare di Manziana Via delle Betulle (Km 13,2 Via Lazio/SP2c) Manziana 8. The Silver chaser Artist (since 1890) Armando Mortet Tel. 06 9983 8354 Via Borgo Garibaldi, 112 Oriolo Romano 9. Necropoli Etrusche Cerveteri: 13 Tel. +39.06.88522517 Tarquinia: Tel. +39.06.88522517 www.tarquinia-cerveteri.it 10. Necropoli Etrusca in Trenino / Etrurian Necropoli by train Train departure/ partenza treni: 10:00, 11:30, 15:00. No more than 56 person capacity, booking sujested. Information point/ punto Informazioni: Tel. 06.99552637 Cel. 328.2925237 artemideguide@hotmail.com 11. Parco dei Mostri di Bomarzo Tel. 0761/924029 Fax 0761/924174 info@parcodeimostri.com www.sacrobosco.it Sacro Bosco Loc. Giardino s.n.c Bomarzo 12. Villa Lante della Rovere di Bagnaia Tel. 0761 288008 Via Jacopo Barozzi, 71 Bagnaia 13. Palazzo Farnese, Caprarola Cel. 349 29 34 058 Fax 06 233 242 622 info@tusciaguide.it Visite Guidate/Guided tour Tel 0761 647941 Caprarola 14. Castello Ruspoli Tel. 0761 755338 P.za della Repubblica, 9 Vignanello Sundays and holydays: 10.00-13.00 15.00-18.00 April – July Booking required: July – October 15. Villa d’Este, Giochi d’acqua Tel. 0774 312070 www.villadestetivoli.info Piazza Trento, 5 Tivoli 16. Castello Saraceno di Santa Severa Santa Severa Tel. 0766 570209 Fax 0766 570077 www.museosantasevera.org 17. Oasi di Porto, Birdwatching Tel. +39 065880880 Fax. +39 065880885 info@oasidiporta.it Via Portuense Fiumicino 18. Pozzo di San Patrizio Tel. 0763 343768 Viale San Gallo Orvieto 14 Sport Activity sanmartinogolf@proline.it Via di Monte Topino, 1 Sutri Impianti Sportivi 19. Piscine Pubbliche/ Public Swimming-pool TEL 06 99674034 Via Augusto Silvestrelli, Manziana Equitazione /Horse riding 24. Tenuta di Santa Barbara Tel. 06 99800178 Via Podere del Sambuco,10 Stabilimenti balneari 20. ATHENA CLUB Tel: 06 9980162 Via Guardati, 1 Bracciano Vela 25. Lungo Lago delle Muse Anguillara Sabazia (Maurizio) Tel. 06 9968235 Cel. 329 39 32067 Cel. 388 7540861 21. CENTRO VELICO 3V info@circolovelico3v.it www.centrovelico3v.it Via della Rena 112, Trevignano Romano Tel: 3281380783 (Enrico) 26. Maresol Tel 06 9904078 Lungo Campo di Mare, 98 Cerveteri Golf club 22. Golf Club Le Querce Tel. +39 0761 609 308 Fax. +39 0761 600 142 info@golfnazionale.it Via Cassia, Km. 44,500 Sutri 27. Giovanni Bianchi Tel. 06 66562111 Via Porto Maurizio Fregene 23. Golf & Country Club San Martino della Quercia Tel. +39 0761 608125 Fax +39 06 85353502 www.sanmartinogolf.it 28. Riva di Traiano Tel. 333 6195385 www.rivaditraiano.com 15 29. Ristorante ACQUARELLA Tel. +39 06 9985131 acquarella.z@tiscali.it www.ristoranteacquarella.it Hiking 35. Guido Prola Cel. 328.8275056 guido.prola@tin.it Visite-guidate-Naturalistiche 30. La Lucciola Tel. 066671488 Cel. Ezio 3333645745 Ristorante Cel. 3661278426 lalucciola@live.com Via Monti dell'Ara Maccarese Fiumicino Informazioni 31. Lago di Martignano Tel. Enzo 330 742326 Tel Giorgio 335 325561 Tel Andrea 392 9561488 Tel Piergiulio 347 1944993 www.lagodimartignano.org 32. Lago di Vico Tel 0761 647941 Cel. 338 2042866 info@tusciaforyou.com Info turistiche: Tel. 0761-646157 Visite speciali: Tel. 0761 647444 Diving Center 33. Fabrizio Lunghi fabri.cic@libero.it 34. Nautica Traiano Srl. Broker Paolo Rybaudi Tel. 0766 34342 Cel. 392 5063697 16 Grocery shopping Supermarket Carrefour Tel: 06 99675078 Via Braccianese Claudia, km 29,2 Manziana CONAD Tel. 06 99837199 Via della Stazione angolo Via Fonderia snc Oriolo Romano Butcher MAZZILLI TEL +39 06 9962813 Via QUADRONI 14, Manziana Bakery Il Fornaio Di Quadroni Di Mariani Simonetta - Adelaide Tel +39 06 9962143 Via Poggio della Torre 1, MANZIANA PASTA ALL’UOVO Hand made Pasta Tel. +39 06 9962828 Via Silvestrelli 23 Manziana 17 General Services Guide ROME/Stadtführerin VANNELLA DELLA CHIESA +39 338 6634836 Post Office TEL 069967001 06 9967584 VIA DEI PLATANI Bank CARIVIT Cassa Risparmio Viterbo TEL 06 99674919 FAX 0699674978 Piazza T. Tittoni, 5 Manziana BANCA DI ROMA TEL 06 99802121 Via degli Olivi 2/4 Bracciano 2 Car Workshop FIAT/Lancia Tel. 06 99803623 Via Pizzunti, 2 Bracciano RENAULT TEL 06 9912545 Via Milazzo Ladispoli Officina meccanica per moto Zona Artigianale Manziana Engine distributors ERG Via Roma, 90 Manziana Limousine/NCC GRILLI CLAUDIO Via Matrice, 35 Manziana Cel. +393207565584 Cel. +393463265895 Laudry Tintoria Maelan Di Lanzillo Marisa Tel. 06 9980 2322 Via Marchi Carlo, 15 Bracciano Hairdresser Ricci e Capricci Tel 06 9962050 Cel. 339 8905786 Via Roma Manziana Turist office Ufficio turistico di Sutri Tel.: 0761/609380 turistico@comune.sutri.vt.it Ufficio turistico Bracciano info@turismobracciano.com Ufficio turistico Tarquinia Tel. 0766/849282 Barriera San Giusto Tarquinia 18 Ristoranti and Pizzerie Il Ninfeo Tel. 06 9980 5977 Via Bagni di Stigliano, 2 Canale Monterano Antichi Sapori Tel 06 99674716 P.zza Antonio Valentini, 14 Quadroni Lapergola da Camillo Tel 06 9962102 Cell 392 8341240 Via Poggio della Torre Quadroni Monte dell’Oro Tel. 06 99800007 Loc. Sambuco, Strada Il Sasso Pizzerie Il Grillo Tel 06 998 7685 Piazza Don Cesolini, 32 Bracciano Il Ponte Tel. 06 9987711 Via Canale, 3 Manziana Santa Croce Tel: 06 99838572 closed Monday Via Claudia, 75-77 Oriolo Romano Trattorie Del Sorcetto TEL 06 99674505 La Riserva Tel. 06 9964473 Via della Solfatara, 00060 Canale Monterano Antonio Abruscato TEL 06 99800122 TEL 06 9964473 Via delle Trafogliette Manziana (5Km direzione Sasso) Ristorante Pesce La Vela tel 06 99607065 Lungolago delle Muse, 12. Anguillara 19 Every street brings to… Manziana By train: The Manziana/Canale Monterano train station is reachable after a 5 min car drive from our Agriturismo, from which you can get on the Roma Ostiense/Viterbo trains. From the platform 2 the trains are driving in 1h11min toward Rome San Pietro (the nearest station to the city center) and in 40min to Viterbo Porta Romana. From the South by car: From the North by car: Driving on the A12/E80 From the AUTOSTRADA DEL towards CIVITAVECCHIA/ SOLE A1 take the FREGENE, get the ATTIGLIANO (SP20) exit or CERVETERI/LADISPOLI exit the ORTE (SS675), in order to and keep right on the VIA drive in direction VITERBO on SETTEVENE PALO (SP4/a). the SS675 highway. Get the At the turnaroud get the first CASSIA/VETRALLA/ exit, VIA AURELIA (SS1). ROMA/CIVITAVECCHIA exit, Keep following the indication direction Rome on the VIA to MANZIANA/ SASSO/ CASSIA (SR2). CANALE MONTERANO/ You will drive by the following BRACCIANO, until you get the towns: Piana di San Martino, exit on VIA FURBARA Vetralla, Cura, Botte, SASSO. Casaletto, Madonna di Loreto. Keep driving on the SP2C until Shortly after Madonna di you cross the VIA CLAUDIA Loreto, turn right on the VIA BRACCIANESE (SS493), CLAUDIA BRACCIANESE where you will turn left SS493, direction of VEJANO. towards MANZIANA. You will drive by Vejano, than Oriolo Romano and befor Drive through Manziana town arriving in Manziana you will keeping on the SS493 in need to turn left in the Azienda direction of ORIOLO Agricola Monte del Palombaio ROMANO, until you will need entrance (Km 32,1). to drive right off the road in the Azienda Agricola Monte del Palombaio entrance (Km 32,1). (Latitude: 42°08'30.8"N 12°07'51.0"E) 20