

globegarden Newsletter June 2013
Dear parents, globegarden friends and interested readers,
After a very cold and wet spring, we are all very much looking
forward to a beautiful summer. After the last sunny days, which
we could enjoy outside in parks, the lake or playgrounds, we
believe summer cannot be long.
Warm regards and enjoy reading!
globegarden Industriestrasse
pedagogic head: Eva-Maria Gerl
Industriestrasse 6
6300 Zug
Tel: 041 710 92 00
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globegarden Newsletter June 2013
From our globegarden………….……………………………
Theme of the Month
May was all about family. First we prepared presents for our mommies. In the Infants & Toddlers group
we created picture frames and the Twos coloured flower pods in which they then planted flowers. The
pre-kindergarten children cooked strawberry marmalade. With these presents we want to say thank you
to our mommies for all their love and care!
Also we learned who our mommies and daddies, our sisters and brothers, our grandmothers and –
fathers and our uncles and aunts are with the help of lots of different games!
What was also very important for us this month was independence. The children were encouraged to do
things on their own on a daily basis and were supported by the teachers in the different activities of our
daily lives. This strenghtend the children’s self-confidence a lot!
One of the month’s highlights was the visit of an elderly lady who sang Swiss children’s songs together
with us and accompanied our songs on the piano.
Of course we crafted a lot like every month. In May, we crafted butterflies and snails with different
techniques while we saw spring unfold outdoors.
Whenever it was nice outside, we spent time outdoors and thought of activities that we could do in front
of our globegarden – like painting the sidewalk with colourful chalk or having a boot race!
Discovering Day
In every group, we studied the nature around us and experimented outside during our daily trips
outdoors. Although it rained a lot, the children enjoyed the daily excursions in the nature surrounding us.
The children moved around and could make many experiences with their gross motor skills on different
playgrounds nearby. We observed birds and also a brimstone butterfly which was especially exciting!
The experience and impressions of these trips were further discussed in the learning sequences indoors
where we deepend our knowledge and learned knew things with the help of different learning materials.
We sang seasonal songs like “Kuckuck, Kuckuck, ruf’s aus dem Wald”, “Es war eine Mutter” and “Es
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globegarden Newsletter June 2013
regnet ohne Unterlass”.
Trip of the Month
On the day of our planned trip, it was raining immensely. In this way, the day turned to a special
experience for our children – because we held our picnic in the movement room downstairs!
Thanks to the interest of the children and the support and ideas of the staff members, we enjoy a
stimulating and happy atmosphere at our globegarden Industriestrasse every day!
Idea of the Month
Brikenda had the idea of body painting with the babies which was a great experience for all their
senses! In the meantime the Twos group visited the paint studio downstairs on a regular basis and
created the most beautiful pictures!
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globegarden Newsletter June 2013
Education and Care………….………………………………
Sonnenschutz für Kinder
Kinder dürfen unter keinen Umständen einen Sonnenbrand erleiden, denn der Eigenschutz gegen die
UV-Strahlung entwickelt sich erst in den ersten Lebensjahren. Jeder einzelne Sonnenbrand im
Kindesalter erhöht das Risiko, später an Hautkrebs zu erkranken. Ein schwerer Sonnenbrand kann
sogar lebensbedrohend sein und muss sofort ärztlich behandelt werden.
Keine Sonnenstrahlen für Babies
Besonders gefährdet sind Säuglinge. Sie sind der UV-Strahlung praktisch schutzlos ausgeliefert und
dürfen daher nicht in die direkte Sonne. Innert Kürze würden sie einen Sonnenbrand erleiden und ihre
Augen könnten Schaden nehmen. Verwenden Sie für die empfindliche Babyhaut keine Sonnencreme.
Schützen Sie Babys mit sonnengerechten Kleidern - und vor allem mit Schatten.
Sonnenexposition frühestens im 2. Lebensjahr
Im zweiten Lebensjahr darf Ihr Kind gut geschützt ein
wenig in die Sonne. Auch Sonnencreme können Sie
jetzt anwenden (physikalische Filter verwenden).
Tragen Sie eine halbe Stunde bevor Sie in die Sonne
gehen eine grosszügige Menge Creme auf nicht
bedeckte Körperstellen. Nach dem Baden muss sie
erneuert werden. Doch auch mit Sonnenschutz sollte
Ihr Kind nicht zu lange in der Sonne sein. Die starke
Mittagssonne von 11-15 Uhr muss auf jeden Fall
gemieden werden. Nutzen Sie den Vor- und
Nachmittag für Aufenthalte im Freien.
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Schatten und sonnengerechte Kleidung
Kinder müssen ab UV-Index 3 (mittlere Strahlungsstärke) geschützt werden: durch Kleidung,
breitrandige Kopfbedeckung und Sonnenbrille mit UV-Filter. Kinder sollten vorwiegend im Schatten
spielen, besonders zwischen 11 und 15 Uhr, wenn die UV-Strahlung am stärksten ist.
Die Kleider sollten aus engmaschigem Stoff und nicht eng anliegend sein. Achten Sie darauf, dass die
Schultern Ihres Kindes auch beim Baden mit einem T-Shirt oder Badekleid bedeckt sind. Vorsicht: Auch
unter dem Sonnenschirm kann die UV-Strahlung noch beträchtlich sein. Zusätzlicher Schutz mit
Kleidung, Sonnencreme und Brille ist notwendig.
Referenz: Bundesamt für Gesundheit; http://www.bag.admin.ch/uv_strahlung/10653/10685/?lang=de
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Administrative News…………………..................................
Our team takes part in an internal training day once a year. This day will be the same every year.
In order to inform you early enough you can find the annual overview of the public holidays and our rest
days below. We kindly ask you to note the following dates in your diary. Thank you very much.
Annual overview of public holidays and rest days in Zug:
Internal Training Day on the second Friday of the “Sportferien”
Good Friday/ Karfreitag
Easter Monday/ Ostermontag
Ascension Day/ Auffahrt
Whit Monday/ Pfingsten
Feast of Corpus Christi/ Fronleichnamsfest
August 1st / 1. August
Assumption Day/ Maria Himmelfahrt
All Hallows' Day / Allerheiligen
Feast of the Immaculate Conception/ Maria Empfängnis
Christmas Holidays: 24.December until (including) 02. January/ Wehinachtferien vom 24. Dezember bis
und mit dem 02. Januar
News from our nursery, preschool and generally about childcare is what we wish to share with you in
this newsletter. Daily activities are always shown on www.facebook.com/globegarden . Further
information about our childcare program, curriculum and learning is provided on www.globegarden.org –
don’t forget have a look there from time to time.
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Sharing every moment ..……………………………………
Bodypainting with the babies
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globegarden Newsletter June 2013
Impressions from the Infants & Toddlers group
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Paint studio!
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A walk in the rain and a downstairs picnic
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globegarden Newsletter June 2013
Impressions from the Twos group
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globegarden Newsletter June 2013
Impressions from the pre-kindergarten group
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Singing and making music with Mrs. Sägesser
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globegarden Newsletter June 2013
Childcare Centers
General-Wille-Strasse 8
8002 Zürich
Tel. 044 536 55 32
General-Wille-Strasse 8
8002 Zürich
Tel. 044 536 55 32
Certified Quality Management «International Education Excellence»
globegarden - a great place to grow!