Walter Jurmann Collection - California Digital Library


Walter Jurmann Collection - California Digital Library
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Finding Aid for the Walter Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Processed by Juliane Brand.
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Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Finding Aid of the Walter Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Collection number: APAM-1
UCLA Library, Performing Arts Special Collections
University of California, Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA
Processed by:
Juliane Brand.
Date Completed
Encoded by:
ByteManagers using OAC finding aid conversion service specifications.
©2004 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
Descriptive Summary
Title: Walter Jurmann Collection,
Date (inclusive): 1910-1988
Collection number: APAM-1
Creator: Jurmann, Walter
Extent: 12 boxes(6 linear ft.)
Repository: University of California, Los Angeles. Library. Performing Arts Special Collections
Los Angeles, California 90095-1575
Abstract: Collection consists of material related to career of the composer Walter Jurmann. The bulk of the collection was
collected by Yvonne Jurmann after the composer's death in 1971 and includes songs from European and American films,
other popular songs, newspaper and journal articles, holographs of songs and lyrics, correspondence, business papers, and
photographs. Also includes the complete piano-vocal score for Windy city.
Physical location: Stored off-site at SRLF. Advance notice is required for access to the collection. Please contact Music
Library Special Collections for paging information.
Language: English.
Restrictions on Access
The collection is open for research.
Restrictions on Use and Reproduction
Property rights in the physical objects belong to the UCLA Music Library. Literary rights, including copyright, are retained by
the creators and their heirs. It is the responsibility of the researcher to determine who holds the copyright and pursue the
copyright owner or his or her heir for permission to publish if Performing Arts Special Collections does not hold the
Preferred Citation
[Identification of item], Walter Jurmann Collection, APAM-1, Music Library Special Collections, University of California, Los
Provenance/Source of Acquisition
The Walter Jurmann Collection was a gift to the Archive of Popular American Music of the University of California, Los
Angeles, made by the composer's widow, Mrs. Yvonne Jurmann in 1988. Although it contains a good deal of primary and
holograph material, the bulk of the papers, particularly the editions of printed songs and almost all of the secondary
documentary material, such as newspaper and journal articles, was gathered by Mrs. Jurmann after the composer's death in
1971, hence the reference to this material not as Papers but as a Collection.
Processing Information
Processed by: Juliane Brand, 1989
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
The composer Walter Jurmann (born in Vienna, Austria, 12 October 1903; died in Budapest, Hungary, 17 June 1971), was
part of the great wave of talented European emigres who played so significant a role in shaping and to some extent
redirecting American culture after 1933. In Jurmann's case, emigration was fortuitous rather than, as for so many, either
planned or forced. After completing his schooling, love for music and his melodic gifts led him to an engagement as a
professional piano player in a fashionable spa hotel in the resort town of Semmering, south of Vienna. Here he met Fritz
Rotter, already a successful lyricist, who suggested they work together. In 1927 Jurmann moved to Berlin, unquestionably
the most important cultural center in the German-speaking world during those interwar years, and became a pianist in the
famous Eden Hotel. Rotter's and Jurmann's first collaborative effort from that year, "Was weißt denn Du, wie ich verliebt
bin", was an immediate hit song, the first of many. In 1931 Rotter introduced Jurmann to the Polish composer Bronislaw
Kaper (1902-1983), who had come to Berlin in 1926. Kaper had attended both the Warsaw and Vienna Conservatories, as
well as the Vienna University, and in the ensuing collaboration with Jurmann he became the one to arrange and orchestrate
the other's melodies. From the start the Jurmann/Kaper team was a successful and extremely productive one, further
cemented by friendship. In fact, their output was so prolific as to lead their publishers to begin issuing a certain amount of
the music under pseudonyms; of these Bob Handers (variously spelled also as Henders), Erich Walter Schmidt and Caspar
Paolo have been ascertained from the Berlin years.
The singers who helped disseminate Jurmann/Kaper songs included Richard Tauber, Jan Kiepura, Greta Keller, Dajos Béla,
Benjamino Gigli and the well-known singing group Comedian Harmonists. With the advent of the sound film, Jurmann and
Kaper became involved with the German film industry, and as a consequence of their association with several
German-French and Austrian-French film co-productions (Hochzeitsreise zu dritt/Voyage de noces, 1932, Ein Lied fuür
Dich/Tout pour l'amour, 1933, among others) they went to Paris in 1933. Here they wrote for a number of French films as
well as revues, publishing mostly with the Parisian firm Edition Coda (during this time they seem occasionally to have used
the name Pierre Candell). In 1934 Louis B. Mayer of MGM heard of Jurmann and Kaper and persuaded the team to come to
Their work there -- in 1935 songs for "A Night at the Opera", "The Mutiny on the Bounty", "Escapade" and one year later the
big hit song "San Francisco", in the film of the same name starring Jeanette MacDonald and Spencer Tracy -- quickly won
acclaim. However, as the film industry in Hollywood gradually changed and ever fewer films required specially composed
"theme" songs, Jurmann began to loosen his ties to MGM, and in 1938 the Jurmann/Kaper collaboration was amicably
dissolved. As of the early 1940s Jurmann turned to freelance composing and eventually retired from professional
song-composing altogether. During the last years of his life, as the Collection shows, there was a renewed vigorous output
of songs, including many love songs for his second wife, whom he married in 1953, as well as songs written specifically for
the cities San Antonio, Houston and Los Angeles.
Scope and Content
Collection consists of material related to career of the composer Walter Jurmann. The bulk of the collection was collected by
Yvonne Jurmann after the composer's death in 1971 and includes songs from European and American films, other popular
songs, newspaper and journal articles, holographs of songs and lyrics, correspondence, business papers, and photographs.
Also includes the complete piano-vocal score for Windy city.
It should be noted that the Archive of Popular American Music general catalog already included a substantial amount of
sheet music of Walter Jurmann songs before the receipt of the Walter Jurmann Collection. Moreover, other collections in the
Archive directly or indirectly complement the Walter Jurmann Collection. Thus, for example, the Papers of Gus Kahn, a
frequent collaborator of Jurmann during his American years, included an ozalid copy of a presumably unpublished
Jurmann/Kaper/Kahn song, "The Magic of Springtime", originally written for but never used in the 1936 MGM film
"Maytime". Other connections will no doubt come to light as the Archive's materials continue to be catalogued.
Indexing Terms
The following terms have been used to index the description of this collection in the library's online public access catalog.
Motion picture music.
Jurmann, Walter, 1903-1971--Archives.
Composers--Archival resources.
Popular music.
Songs with piano.
Jurmann, Walter, 1903-1971. Windy city Vocal score.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Music Index -- Introduction
The index is exclusively restricted to the series I.A-I.F and II, in other words, to Jurmann music in the Collection, as well as
to all song lyrics (whether written by Jurmann or others) to which music was composed by Jurmann. Organization is
alphabetical by title of the work or lyric, and entries are indicated by their series and sub-series alone, e.g., I.F or II.B.
Multiple entries within the same sub-series are not indicated. If an entry is catalogued under a uniform title that differs from
the actual song title, the index indicates that uniform title in the formulation: see [Uniform Title], [Series no].[Sub-series no.
21 Lieder und Chansonssee Songs. Selections, I.F
Adieusee Chant du destin, I.A
Adieu, es ist zu schön, um wahr zu seinsee Abenteuer am Lido, I.A
All God's chillun got rhythmsee Day at the races, I.A
All I've got is yousee II.A; see also Das Lament einer verliebten Frau, II.A
All the world is waiting for love and romancesee II.A
All the world is waiting for romancesee Unidentified. I.A.
Am schönen Titicacaseesee I.B
American way, Thesee I I.B
Angelinasee II.A
Annemariesee II.A
As the wind blowethsee Windy City, I.C
At our honeymoon [First line]see New love, II.B
Auf Dein Wohl trink mit mirsee I.B
Augen der Liebe seh'n Alles so schön--, Diesee I.B
Ausgerechnet Donnerstagsee I.B
Baiser de femme sous un ciel de feu, Unsee Parade de France, I.C
Because of yousee Her Majesty Love, I.A
Beginn den Tag mil Liebesee I.B
Believe my heartsee Unidentified, I.A
Beneath the lights of homesee Nice girl?, I.A
Better world to live in, Asee I.B; I.D; II.A
Blue Mondaysee II.A
C'est chez noussee Parade de France, I.C
C'est l'amour qui m'enivresee Chant du destin. I.A
C'est ton amoursee Parade de France. I.C
Chéri, tu reviendrassee I.B
City of angelssee Miracle on Main Street. I.A
Cook with a songsee II.B
Cosi cosasee Night at the opera. I.A
Deine Liebe ist wie der Frühlingsee I.B; II.A
Deine Mutter bleibt immer bei Dir!see Ich glaub' nie mehr an eine Frau, I.A
Denk' daransee I.B: II.A; see also Deine Liebe ist wie der Frühling, II.A
Do it nowsee II.A; see also Forever and ever, II.A
Doing things for yousee "Unidentified. I.A
Ich folge Dir, bis an's Ende der Weltsee I.B; II.A
Ich frag' Madam', wann kommen wir zusamm'see Ehe m.b.H., I.A
Ich geh' nie von Dir fort, denn ich lieb' Dich!see Madame wünscht keine Kinder, I.A
Ich hab' im Frühling nur Dich geküßtsee I.B
Ich lieg' so gern im grünen Grassee I.B
Ich mache mir Vorwürfe täglich [First line]see II.A
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Ich trag' Dein Bild in meinem Herzensee I.B
Ich weiß schon längst, daß Du mich heimlich lieb hast!see I.B
If there were dreams tor salesee I.B; II.B
I'm stuck on the guysee II.A
Immer, wenn ich glücklich bin, muß ich schrecklich weinensee Heut kommt's drauf an!, I.A
In 24 Stunden kann so viel gescheh'nsee Heut kommt's drauf an!, I.A
In Deinem Rosengartensee I.B; II.A
In Dich bin ich verliebt--!see I.B; II.A
In Dich hab' ich mich verliebt!see I.B
In meiner Einsamkeitsee I.B
In the eyes of the nationsee II.A
In the spirit of the momentsee His butler's sister, I.A
Don't ever run away from lovesee Windy City, I.C
Drop a penny in the wishing wellsee Lucky number, I.A; II.B
Du bist in meinem Leben die erste Sensation!see I.B
Du bist nicht die Erste!see Ihre Majestät die Liebe, I.A
Du gefä'llst mir sosee Skandal in der Parkstraße, I.A
Du liebst mich nicht mehrsee I.B
Einmal im Lebensee I.B
En avantsee Nuits moscovites, I.A
Engel nimmt Dich bei der Hand, Ein [First line]see Our lovesong, II.A
Es war nur eine kleine Träumereisee I.B; II.A
Forever and eversee II.A
Ganz ohne Liebe wär' das Leben so bescheiden--see Skandal in der Parkstraße, I.A
Have faith in Americasee I.B; II.A
He left me all broken hearted [First line]see I can't take it anymore. II.B
Houstonsee I.B; II.A
I can't take it anymoresee II.B
I found my sunshine in the rainsee II.A
Ich denk' an Mä'di die ganze Nachtsee Ihre Majestät die Liebe, I.A
In your wedding gown [First line]see New love, II.B
Is it really lovesee Presenting Lily Mars, I.A; II.B
It had to besee II.B
It must have been madnesssee II.B
It's great to be a soldiersee II.B
It's one year tonight at midnightsee II.A
It's up to you and mesee II.A
I've got dish-pan handssee II.B
Jingle of the pots and panssee Cook with a song, II.B
Keiner hat Dich je so heiss wie ich geliebt--see I.B
Kennst Du den Weg zu Paradies--?see I.B
Kind, ich freu' mich auf Dein Kommen und bin traurig wenn Du gehstsee Kind, ich freu' mich auf Dein Kommen, I.A
Kinderlied (Es war einmal ein Baby--)see Melodie der Liebe, I.A
Kleine Reise im Frühling mit Dir!. Einesee I.B
Lach' mich nicht aus!see I.B
Lament einer verliebten Frau, Dassee II.A
Lass' Dich versöhnensee Beginn den Tag mit Liebe. I.B.
Let's learn the art of giving [First line]see These are the symptoms of love, II.A
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Let's make this great big world a better placesee Better world to live in, II.A
Let's make this great big world a better place to live insee Better world to live in. II.A
Liebe bei Kerzenlichtsee I.B
Lied aus meiner Heimat--, Einsee Melodie der Liebe. I.A
Lights of Picadilly will shine again. Thesee Unidentified, I.A
Linger just a little longersee I.B
Little tingle tangle toessee Tulip time in Michigan. I.A; II.B
Long live Israelsee I.B; II.A
Los Angeles (1967)see I.B; II.A
Los Angeles (1982)see I.B
Los Angeles (1984)see I.B; II.B
Love is heresee II.B
Love song of Tahitisee Mutiny on the Bounty, I.A
Lovesongsee Our lovesong, II.A
Lucky loversee II.B; see also I can't take it anymore. II.B
Manchmal möcht' man so gernsee --Und das ist die Hauptsache!. I.A
Manhattan after darksee II.B
Matrose hat das größte Herz der Welt. Dersee Kind, ich freu' mich auf Dein Kommen, I.A
Mein einziger Wunschsee II.A
Mein Fräulein, kennen Sie schon meinen Rhythmus?see Ihre Majestät die Liebe, I.A
Mein Glück bist Du!see Ihre Majestät die Liebe. I.A
Mein Gorilla hat 'ne Villa im Zoosee Heut kommt's drauf an!. I.A
Mein schönes Wiensee I.B; II.A.; see also Ich mache mir Vorwürfe täglich [First line], II.A; see also Ich trag' Dein Bild in
meinem Herzen, II.A
Melody Farmsee Everybody sing. I.A
Mensch, mach' Dir nichts draus!see Ihre Majestät die Liebe, I.A
Minesee II.B
Mit einer Rosesee Der schönste Traum. I.B
Modernes Wiegenlied. Einsee I.B; see also Der Weg zu Deinem Herzen. I.B; see also Ich folge Dir, bis an's Ende der Welt,
Mulligan stewsee II.B
My heart is an islandsee I.B
My heart is singingsee Three smart girls, I.A
My heart ran away with the moonsee I.B; II.B
My unforgettable yousee I.B
Natachasee Nuits moscovites. I.A
Never say goodbye to mesee II.A
New lovesee II.B
Ni mal ni biensee On a volé un homme, I.A
Nimm Dir mit aus Wiensee I.B
Ninonsee Lied für Dich, I.A
Ninon quand tu me sourissee Tout pour l'amour, I.A
No one to talk tosee Blue Monday. II.A
Nuits moscovitessee Nuits moscovites. I.A
Nur eine Mutter [First line]see II.A
Nur eine Mutter versteht Deinen Schmerzsee Beginn den Tag mit Liebe. I.B
Nur eine Stunde mehrsee I.B
Nur meine Leidenschaft, die macht mich so beliebt!see --Und das ist die Hauptsache!, I.A
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Nur Sport!see Madame wünscht keine Kinder, I.A
O Madonasee Tout pour l'amour. I.A
Oh Donna Annasee II.A
Ohne Deine heiße Liebe [First line]see Our love will live. II.A
Ohne Erinnerungensee I.B; II.A; see also Ich trag' Dein Bild in meinem Herzen. II.A
Ohne Worte laßt uns scheidensee Ausflug in die Liebe. I.A
Olga, Tochter der Wolgasee I.B
On a little street in Nischninovgorodsee I.B, II.B
On a misty moisty morning [First line]see My heart ran away with the moon, II.B
On n'aime qu'une foissee Nuits moscovites, I.A
On the bumpy road to romancesee II.A; see also Better world to live in, II.A
One I love, Thesee Everybody sing, I.A
Only one heartsee On a little street in Nischninovgorod, I.B
Our love could be so tender [First line]see These are the symptoms of love, II.A
Our love will livesee II.A
Our lovesongsee II.A
Parade March of the 6th Ferrying Commandsee I.E
Please don't let me downsee II.A
Poor babysee On a little street in Nischninovgorod, I.B
Possessedsee II.A
Reg' mich nicht auf, Johanna!see I.B
Regard de femme, Unsee On a volé un homme. I.A
Remember Pearl Harborsee I.B
Remember the seventh of Decembersee Remember Pearl Harbor, I.B
Reves d'amoursee I.B
Russian rhapsodysee Presenting Lily Mars, I.A
'S wird schon wieder bessersee Es wird schon wieder besser, I.A
Sag' einmal "ja" zu mir, was liegt schon dran!see I.B
San Antoniosee I.B; II.A; see also Better world to live in, II.A
San Franciscosee San Francisco, I.A
Say's [sic] the bluebirdsee II.B
Schade, daß Liebe ein Märchen ist!see Melodie der Liebe, I.A
Schließe Deine Augen zu [First line]see Our lovesong. II.A
Schön ist das ganze Leben!see Glücklicher Herr Fünf. I.A
Schönste Traum, Dersee I.B
Sehr geschätztes Fräulein Laurasee I.B
Shadows on the starlit waterssee Typee, I.A
Signorinasee Lied für Dich. I.A
Signorina, ich liebe Dichsee Hochzeitsreise zu dritt!, I.A
So great my lovesee II.B
So lang Du noch träumen kannst [First line]see II.A
Someone to care for mesee Three smart girls. I.A
Sommernacht am Meer, Einesee I.B
Sonntag ohne Sorgen, Einensee I.B
Spanischer Tango und ein Mädel wie Du--, Einsee I.B
Spiel mir ein Lied auf der Geige--see I.B
Tanks are rolling along, Thesee II.B
Teach me how to love yousee II.A; see also Angelina, II.A
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Thank you Americasee Nice girl?, I.A
There are so many islands [First line]see II.A
There goes another daysee II.B
These are the symptoms of lovesee II.A; see also Better world to live in, II.A; see also Please don't let me down, II.A
This is Israelsee Long live Israel. II.A
This is my heartsee I.B; II.A: see also O Donna Anna. II.A
Though you're not the firstsee Her Majesty Love, I.A
Three letters in the mailboxsee Thousands cheer. I.A
Tomorrow is another daysee Day at the races. I.A
Ton sourire apaisésee Chant du destin. I.A
Tränen in der Geigesee Glücklicher Herr Fünf. I.A
Triffst Du mein Süßessee Ausflug in die Liehe. I.A
Trink Dich gesundsee I.B
Tvrolkasee Too many husbands, I.A
Two hearts under one umbrellasee Unidentified, I.A
Und ich klopf, klopf, klopf an Deine Türesee Beginn den Tag mit Liebe, I.B
Unforgettable yousee II.A
Unidentifiedsee I.F
Unvergesslichsee Unforgettable you, II.A
Venetia, ville d'amoursee Chant du destin, I.A
Vergesse Deine Sorgensee I.B; II.A
Vielen Dank--see I.B; II.A
Vivons l'amour! vivons la vie!see Parade de France, I.C
Wagging on the doorstepsee I.B
Waitingsee II.A
Waltzsee Too many husbands, I.A
Was kann ich dafür [First line]see Please don't let me down, II.A
Was weisst denn Du, wie ich verliebt binsee I.B
Weg Wegsee Wagging on the doorstep, I.B
Weg zu Deinem Herzen, Dersee I.B
Weißt Du was Du kannst--mich am Nachmittag besuchen--see I.B
Welcome to the Hemisfairsee I.B
Well-natchsee II.B
Wenn der Frühling kommt ins Landsee Ausflug in die Liehe, I.A
Wenn der Maximilian Tango mit Dir tanztsee I.B
Wenn ein kleiner Zufall will--see Es wird schon wieder besser, I.A
Wenn ich den Isak ein bißchen pisaksee I.B
Wenn ich mal eine Dummheit machsee Hochzeitsreise zu dritt!, I.A
Wer weint heut' aus Liebe Tränensee Ehe m.b.H., I.A
Whatever you do is wrongsee II.B
When I look at yousee Presenting Lily Mars, I.A
Where do we go from heresee Parade de France. I.C
Wie gern möcht' ich Dich verwöhnen!see Melodie der Liebe. I.A
Wie schön ist diese Weltsee Abenteuer am Lido. I.A
Wien bleibt immer Wiensee Wien ist wieder Wien. I.B
Wien ist wieder Wiensee I.B. see also Ich trag' Dein Bild in meinem Herzen, II.A
Windmill in the willowssee II.B
Windy Citysee Windy City, I.C
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
World we can believe in, Asee Better world to live in, 11. A
You and the waltz and Isee Seven sweethearts, LA; II.B
You don't know the meaning of lovesee II.B
Your in a tizzy [First line]see These are the symptoms of love, II.A
You're all I needsee Escapade, LA
Scope and Content Note
This series includes all the drafts, manuscripts, holographs and published editions in the
Collection, representing almost exclusively music by Walter Jurmann. The series is divided
into six sub-series, A-G, namely songs written for film, independent songs, stage works,
choral arrangements, piano works (of which there is but one), miscellaneous compositions
and, in a small concluding category, music written by composers other than Jurmann.
Published, manuscript and holograph material is interfiled in the collection and listed
alphabetically by title or, in the case of the film songs, alphabetically under the uniform title
of the film.
The bulk of Jurmann's compositional output comprises songs, either independently
conceived or written specifically for film. However, on two occasions Jurmann also composed
for the stage: during his Paris tenure for a revue, "Parade de France", which played at the
Casino de Paris, and in the 1940s for the musical "Windy City". That work was plagued by
serious and continuing problems with the libretto (originally by Phillip Yordan); it New Haven,
Philadelphia, Boston and Chicago, but Jurmann's music was unanimously praised. In the case
of the category I.G, Music by others, the five entries under the uniform title "Jump for joy"
are justified in the collection by virtue of Jurmann's position as chairman of the American
Revue Theater that produced the 1941 Duke Ellington show.
Box : Folder 1 : 1
Songs for Film
Adieu, es ist zu schön, um wahr zu sein / Worte: Fritz Rotter ; Musik:
Creator/Collector: [Abenteuer am Lido]
Physical Description: 1 score ([4] p.)
Scope and Content Note
Copyist's ms., in ink.
On title page: A-Tempo-Verlag (Karl Wewerka & Co.), Musik- und Bühnenverlags Kom.
Ges., Wien VII, Lineng. 10/B 39-2-97.
Box : Folder 1 : 1
Adieu, es ist zu schön, um wahr zu sein: Lied und Tango; wie schön ist diese Welt :
Lied und langsamer Foxtrot : aus dem Alfred Piccaver Tonfilm "Abenteuer am
Lido" der Pan-Film Produktion / Worte von Fritz Rotter ; Musik von Jurmann-Kaper.
-- wien : Dacapo-Verlag, c1933.
Creator/Collector: [Abenteuer am Lido]
Physical Description: 1 score ([4] p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no. : D.C. V. 54.
Lacking cover or title page.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Songs for Film
Ein Ausflug in die Liebe / Worte von R. Bernauer und R. Oesterreicher ; Musik von
Walter Jurmann. -- Wien : Verlag von Ludwig Doblinger, c1931.
Box : Folder 1 : 1
Creator/Collector: [Ausflug in die Liebe]
Physical Description: 1 score (7 p.)
Scope and Content Note
On title page: Aus dem Bernauer-Oesterreicher-Sascha-Tonfilm "Ein Ausflug in die
Contents: ohne Worte laβt uns scheiden: Tan-go -- Triffst Du mein Süβes-- : Foxtrot -Wenn der Frühling kommt ins Land : Foxtrot.
Pl. nos.: D. 6876 - 6879.
Box : Folder 1 : 2
Adieu / Lyric by Ned Washington ; Music by Bronislaw Kaper and Walter Jurmann.
-- New York: Robbins Music Corporation, c1935.
Creator/Collector: [Chant du destin]
Physical Description: 1 score (3 p.) -- (Igor Gorin's favorite concert songs). Pl. no.:
SH 1379-3.
Box : Folder 1 : 2
Chant du destin : Film de Lucien Muratore / Production Pan Film ; Distribuée par
les films André Haguet ; Musique de Pierre Candel [i.e., Walter Jurmann] ; Paroles
de Ninon Steinhoff & André Legrand. -- Paris : Éditions Coda, c1934.
Creator/Collector: [Chant du destin]
Physical Description: 1 score (15 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Contents: Adieu : Chanson et Tango -- Ton sourire apaisé : Berceuse -- Venetia, ville
d'amour : Serenade -- C'est l'amour qui m'enivre : Valse.
Pl. nos.: E. C. 161 - 164.
Box : Folder 1 : 3
All God's chillun got rhythm : Featured in the M-G-M production "A day at the
races" / Lyric by Gus Kahn ; Music by Bronislaw Kaper and Walter Jurmann. -- New
York : Robbins Music Corporation, c1937.
Creator/Collector: [Day at the races]
Physical Description: 1 score (4 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: SH 1574-3.
Box : Folder 1 : 3
Tomorrow is another day : Featured in the M-G-M production "A day at the races" /
Lyric by Gus Kahn ; Melody by Bronislaw Kaper and Walter Jurmann. -- New York :
Robbins Music Corporation, c1937.
Creator/Collector: [Day at the races]
Physical Description: 1 score (5 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: SH 1573-4.
Box : Folder 1 : 3
Wer weint heut' aus Liebe Tränen : Lied und slow Fox ; Ich frag' Madam', wann
kommen wir zusamm' : Foxtrot : aus dem Tonfilm der T-K-Produktion Ehe m.b.H. /
Texte von Fritz Rotter ; Musik von Dr. B. Kaper und Walter Jurmann. -- Berlin :
Edition Karl Brüll, c1931.
Creator/Collector: [Ehe m.b.H.]
Physical Description: 1 score (5 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. nos.: E.K.B. 1596, 1594.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Songs for Film
Box : Folder 1 : 3
You're all I need : Featured in the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer production "Escapade" /
Lyric by Gus Kahn ; Melody by Bronislaw Kaper and Walter Jurmann. -- New York :
Robbins Music Corporation, c1935.
Creator/Collector: [Escapade]
Physical Description: 1 score ([3] p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: SH 1304-3.
"Advance artist copy".
Box : Folder 1 : 3
You're all I need : Featured in the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer production "Escapade" /
Lyric by Gus Kahn ; Melody by Bronislaw Kaper and Walter Jurmann. -- New York :
Robbins Music Corporation, c1935.
Creator/Collector: [Escapade]
Physical Description: 1 score (5 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: SH 1304-3.
Box : Folder 1 : 3
Es wird schon wieder besser : ein Ufaton-Film der Produktion Bruno Dufay / Texte:
Fritz Rotter ; Musik: Walter Jurmann und B. Kaper. -- Berlin : Ufaton-Verlag, c1932.
Creator/Collector: [Es wird schon wieder besser]
Physical Description: 1 score (5 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Contents: 'S wird schon wieder besser : Foxtrot -- Wenn ein kleiner Zufall will-- : Lied
und Slow-Fox.
Pl. no.: Ufaton 1096.
Box : Folder 1 : 3
Melody Farm : Featured in the M-G-M production "Everybody sing" / Words by Gus
Kahn ; Music by Bronislaw Kaper and Walter Jurmann. -- New York : Leo Feist,
Creator/Collector: [Everybody sing]
Physical Description: 1 score (5 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: 6945-3.
Box : Folder 1 : 3
The one I love : Featured in the M-G-M production "Everybody sing" / Words by
Gus Kahn ; Music by Bronislaw Kaper and Walter Jurmann. -- New York : Leo Feist,
Creator/Collector: [Everybody sing]
Physical Description: 1 score (4 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: 6949-3.
Box : Folder 1 : 4
Der glückliche Herr Fünf : Ein Tonfilm der Paxfilm GMBH im Verleih der Bayrischen
Film Ges. M.B.H. / Regie: Heinz Hilpert ; Text von Fritz Rotter ; Musik von B. Kaper
u. W. Jurmann. -- Berlin : Edition Karl Brüll, c1932.
Creator/Collector: [Glücklicher Herr Fünf]
Physical Description: 1 score (5 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Contents: Tränen in der Geige : Slow-Fox -- Schön ist das ganze Leben! : Lied u.
Pl. nos.: E.K.B. 1661, 1663.
Two copies.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Songs for Film
Box : Folder 1 : 4
Because of you : First National Pictures, Inc. presents Marilyn Miller in "Her
Majesty Love" / Lyric by Al Dubin ; Music by Walter Jurmann ; Ukulele
Arr[angement] by S. M. Zoltai. -- New York : Harms, c1931.
Creator/Collector: [Her Majesty Love]
Physical Description: 1 score (5 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: 8768-4.
Box : Folder 1 : 4
Though you're not the first : First National Pictures, Inc. presents Marilyn Miller in
"Her Majesty Love" / Lyric by Al Dubin ; Music by Walter Jurmann ; Ukulele
Arr[angement] by S. M. Zoltai. -- New York : Harms, c1931.
Creator/Collector: [Her Majesty Love]
Physical Description: 1 score (5 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: 8767-4.
Box : Folder 1 : 4
Heut kommt's drauf an! : Ein Boston-Film im Verleih der Siegel-Monopol-Film
Vertrieb Cinema. -- Berlin : Wiener Boheme Verlag, c1933.
Creator/Collector: [Heut kommt's drauf an!]
Physical Description: 1 score (7 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Contents: Ich bin der Hans im Glück! : Foxtrot / Text von Fritz Rotter ; Musik von Paul
Mann u. Stephan Weiss -- In 24 Stunden kann soviel gescheh'n / Worte von Fritz Rotter
; Musik von Jurmann und Kaper -- Immer, wenn ich glücklich bin, muβ ich schrecklich
weinen / Text von Fritz Rotter ; Musik von Jurmann und Kaper.
Pl. nos.: W.B.V. 1637-1639.
Box : Folder 1 : 4
Mein Gorilla hat 'ne Villa im Zoo : Paso doble : aus dem Hans Albers-Tonfilm "Heut
kommt's drauf an" / Text von Peter Kuckuck ; Musik von B. Kaper und W. Jurmann.
-- Berlin : Beboton Verlag, c1933.
Creator/Collector: [Heut kommt's drauf an!]
Physical Description: 1 score (3 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: Beboton 316.
Box : Folder 1 : 4
In the spirit of the moment / Lyric by Bernie Grossman ; Music by Walter Jurmann.
Creator/Collector: [His butler's sister]
Physical Description: 1 score ([4] p.)
Scope and Content Note
Ozalid copy of ms.
Box : Folder 1 : 4
In the spirit of the moment : From the Universal Picture "His butler's sister"
starring Deanna Durbin / by Bernie Grossman and Walter Jurmann. -- New York :
Southern Music Publishing Co., c1943.
Creator/Collector: [His butler's sister]
Physical Description: 1 score (5 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: In The Spirit, etc.-3
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Songs for Film
Hochzeitsreise zu dritt! : Ein Mondial Tonfilm / Text von Ernst Marishka ; Musik
von Walter Jurmann und B. Kaper. -- Berlin : Edition Meisel, c1933.
Box : Folder 1 : 4
Creator/Collector: [Hochzeitsreise zu dritt!]
Physical Description: 1 score (5 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Contents: Signorina, ich liebe Dich : Tango -- Wenn ich mal eine Dummheit mach :
Pl. nos.: M.L. 60-61.
Three copies; c. 2-3: lacking covers.
Box : Folder 1 : 5
Deine Mutter bleibt immer bei Dir! : Lied und Boston : Hauptschlager aus dem
Richard Tauber Tonfilm "Ich glaub' nie mehr an eine Frau" / Worte und Musik von
Fritz Rotter und Walter Jurmann. -- Wien : Wiener Boheme Verlag, c1929.
Creator/Collector: [Ich glaub' nie mehr an eine Frau]
Physical Description: 1 score (3 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: W.B.V. 2048.
Box : Folder 1 : 5
Ihre Majest ät die Liebe : Ein Joe May-Tonfilm / Texte von Bernauer und
Oesterreicher ; Musik von Walter Jurmann. -- Berlin : Alrobi Musikverlag, c1931.
Creator/Collector: [Ihre Majestät die Liebe]
Physical Description: 1 score (11 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Contents: Du bist nicht die Erste! : Lied und Tango -- Mein Glück bist Du! : Lied und
Englisch Waltz -- Mein Fräulein, kennen Sie schon meinen Rhythmus? : Lied und
Foxtrot -- Ich denk' an Mädi die ganze Nacht : Lied und Foxtrot -- Mensch, mach' Dir
nichts draus! : Lied und Six-eight.
Pl. nos.: Alrobi 344, 394, 395, 405, 421.
"Klav[ier]-Arrang[ement] von Hartwig von Platen", except: Mein Fräulein, kennen Sie
schon meinen Rhythmus?.
Box : Folder 1 : 5
Kind, ich freu' mich auf Dein Kommen : Ein Ufaton-Film / Texte: Fritz Rotter ;
Musik: Walter Jurmann u. B. Kaper. -- Berlin : Ufaton Verlag, c1933.
Creator/Collector: [Kind, ich freu' mich auf Dein Kommen]
Physical Description: 1 score (5 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Contents: Kind, ich freu' mich auf Dein Kommen und bin traurig wenn Du gehst :
langsamer Walzer -- Der Matrose hat das größte Herz der Welt: Marschlied.
Pl. nos.: Ufaton 2042-2043.
Box : Folder 1 : 5
Ein Lied für Dich : Ein Cine Allianz Joe May-Film der UFA / Texte: Ernst Marischka
u. Fritz Rotter ; Musik: Walter Jurmann und B. Kaper ; Klav[ier] Arr[angement] von
Walter Borchert. -- Berlin : Wiener Boheme Verlag, c1933.
Creator/Collector: [Lied für Dich]
Physical Description: 1 score (5 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Contents: Ninon : Slowfox -- Signorina: Serenade.
Pl. nos.: W.B.V. 1641-1642.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Songs for Film
Ninon / Lyric by Harold Adamson ; Music by Bronislaw Kaper and Walter Jurmann.
-- New York : Robbins Music Corporation, c1935.
Box : Folder 1 : 5
Creator/Collector: [Lied für Dich]
Physical Description: 1 score (5 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: SH 1295-3.
Box : Folder 1 : 5
Ninon / Lyric by Harold Adamson ; Melody by Bronislaw Kaper & Walter Jurmann. -New York : Robbins Music Corporation, c1935.
Creator/Collector: [Lied für Dich]
Physical Description: 1 score (5 p.) -- (Igor Gorin's favorite concert songs)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: SH 1365-5.
Box : Folder 1 : 5
Drop a penny in the wishing well / Lyric by Paul Francis Webster ; Music by Walter
Jurmann, 1942.
Creator/Collector: [Lucky number]
Physical Description: 1 score ([4] p.)
Scope and Content Note
Ozalid copy of ms.
Two copies.
Box : Folder 1 : 6
Madame wünscht keine Kinder : [ein] Lothar Stark Tonfilm / Musik von Walter
Jurmann u. B. Kaper ; Worte von Fritz Rotter u. Max Kolpe. -- Berlin :
Monopol-Liederverlag, c1933.
Creator/Collector: [Madame wünscht keine Kinder]
Physical Description: 1 score (5 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Contents: Ich geh' nie von Dir fort, denn ich lieb' Dich! : Foxtrot -- Nur Sport! : Foxtrot.
Pl. nos.: M.L. 66-67.
Two copies; c. 2: "Künstlerexemplar".
Box : Folder 1 : 6
Melodie der Liebe : Ein Richsliga-Film der Heros / Worte von Fritz Rotter ; Musik
von Dr. B. Kaper und Walter Jurmann. -- Berlin : Alrobi Musikverlag, [1932].
Creator/Collector: [Melodie der Liebe]
Physical Description: Incomplete; photocopy of cover only; music lacking.
Scope and Content Note
Contents: Ein Lied aus meiner Heimat-- : Lied und Slow-Fox -- Schade, daß Liebe ein
Märchen ist! : Lied und Tango -- Wie gern möcht' ich Dich verwöhnen! : Lied und
Tango -- Kinderlied (Es war einmal ein Baby--).
Box : Folder 1 : 6
City of angels : From the Arcadia production "Miracle on Main Street / Lyric by
Ralph Freed ; Music by Walter Jurmann.
Creator/Collector: [Miracle on Main Street]
Physical Description: 1 score ([3] p.)
Scope and Content Note
Ozalid copy of ms.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Songs for Film
Love song of Tahiti : Featured in the M-G-M production "Mutiny on the Bounty" /
Lyric by Gus Kahn ; Melody by Bronislaw Kaper and Walter Jurmann. -- New York :
Robbins Music Corporation, c1935.
Box : Folder 1 : 6
Creator/Collector: [Mutiny on the Bounty]
Physical Description: 1 score (5 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: SH 1306-4.
Two copies; c. 2: "Advance artist copy, new rev. ed."
Box : Folder 1 : 7
Beneath the lights of home : Deana Durbin pict[ure] "Nice girl" / Music by Walter
Jurmann ; Lyrics by Bernie Grossman.
Creator/Collector: [Nice girl?]
Physical Description: 1 score ([4] p.)
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in pencil, with holograph signature.
Lyrics lacking.
Box : Folder 1 : 7
Beneath the lights of home : From the new Universal picture "Nice girl?" / Music
by Walter Jurmann ; Lyrics by Bernie Grossman. -- New York : Remick Music
Corporation, c1941.
Creator/Collector: [Nice girl?]
Physical Description: 1 score (5 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: 3204-4.
Box : Folder 1 : 7
Thank you America : From the new Universal picture "Nice girl?" / Music by Walter
Jurmann ; Lyrics by Bernie Grossman. -- New York : Remick Music Corporation,
Creator/Collector: [Nice girl?]
Physical Description: 1 score (5 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: 3203-4.
Box : Folder 1 : 7
Thank you America : From the new Universal picture "Nice girl?" / Lyric by Bernie
Grossman ; Music by Walter Jurmann. -- New York : Remick Music Corporation ;
New York : Warner Bros.-Seven Arts Music [distributor], c1941.
Creator/Collector: [Nice girl?]
Physical Description: 1 score (5 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: 3203-4.
Box : Folder 1 : 7
Cosi cosa : From the M-G-M picture "A night at the opera" / Lyrics by Ned
Washington ; Melody by Bronislaw Kaper and Walter Jurmann. -- New York :
Robbins Music Corporation, c1935.
Creator/Collector: [Night at the opera]
Physical Description: 1 score (5 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: SH 1364-4.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Songs for Film
Box : Folder 1 : 7
Natacha : Fox-trot ; On n'aime qu'une fois-- : Tango : du film "Les nuits
moscovites" / Paroles de André de Badet ; Musique de Kaper-Jurmann. -- Paris :
Editions Coda, c1934.
Creator/Collector: [Nuits moscovites]
Physical Description: 1 score (5 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: E.C. 210, 209.
Box : Folder 1 : 7
Nuits Moscovites : Valse : du film "Les nuits moscovites" / Paroles de André de
Badet ; Musique de Kaper-Jurmann. -- Paris : Editions Coda, c1934.
Creator/Collector: [Nuits moscovites]
Physical Description: 1 score (5 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Contents: Nuits Moscovites : Valse -- En avant : Chanson tzigane.
Pl. no.: E.C. 221, 222.
Box : Folder 1 : 8
On a volé un homme : dans le film "On a volé un homme" Production Fox-Europa /
Paroles de René Pujol ; Musique de W. Jurmann et B. Kaper. --Paris : Editions
Salabert, c1934.
Creator/Collector: [On a volé un homme]
Physical Description: 1 score (5 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Contents: Ni mal ni bien : Java -- Un regard de femme : Slow-Fox-trot.
Pl. nos.: E.A.S. 9226, 9227.
Box : Folder 1 : 8
Is it really love : Prod[uction] "presenting Lily Mars" / Lyrics by : Paul Francis
Webster ; Music by: Walter Jurmann, 1942.
Creator/Collector: [Presenting Lily Mars]
Physical Description: 1 score (6 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Ozalid copy of ms.
Box : Folder 1 : 8
Is it really love : From the M-G-M picture "Presenting Lily Mars" / Lyric by Paul
Francis Webster ; Music by Walter Jurmann. -- New York : Leo Feist, c1943.
Creator/Collector: [Presenting Lily Mars]
Physical Description: 1 score (3 p.)
Scope and Content Note
P1. no.: 7422-2.
Box : Folder 1 : 8
Russian rhapsody : Production "Presenting Lily Mars" / Lyrics by Paul Francis
Webster ; Music by Walter Jurmann, 1942.
Creator/Collector: [Presenting Lily Mars]
Physical Description: 1 score (5 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Ozalid copy of ms., with ms. additions in pencil.
Box : Folder 1 : 8
When I look at you : Prod[uction] "Presenting Lily Mars" / Lyric by Paul Francis
Webster ; Music by Walter Jurmann, 1942.
Creator/Collector: [Presenting Lily Mars]
Physical Description: 1 score (5 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Ozalid copy of ms., with ms. additions in pencil.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Songs for Film
Box : Folder 1 : 8
When I look at you : From the M-G-M picture "Presenting Lily Mars" / Lyric by Paul
Francis Webster ; Music by Walter Jurmann. -- New York : Leo Feist, c1942.
Creator/Collector: [Presenting Lily Mars]
Physical Description: 1 score ([6] p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: 7368-3.
Box : Folder 1 : 9
San Francisco : Featured in the M-G-M production "San Francisco" / Lyric by Gus
Kahn ; Melody by Bronislaw Kaper and Walter Jurmann. -- New York : Robbins
Music Corporation, c1936.
Creator/Collector: [San Francisco]
Physical Description: 1 score (5 p.)
Physical Description: Two copies; c. 2: photocopy of c. 1.
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: SH 1449-3
Holograph inscription on cover: In herzlicher Erinnerung an reizenden Abend in
Hollywood. W. Jurmann 31. Okt. 36.
Box : Folder 1 : 9
San Francisco : Foxtrot : du film Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer "San Francisco" / Paroles
anglaises de Gus Kahn ; Paroles françaises de André & Didier Mauprey ; Musique
de B. Kaper et W. Jurmann. -- Paris : Éditions France Mélodie, c1936.
Creator/Collector: [San Francisco]
Physical Description: [2] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: E.F.M. 423.
Unaccompanied melody.
English and French lyrics.
Box : Folder 1 : 9
San Francisco ; Foxtrot : aus dem gleichnamigen MGM-Film / Deutscher Text: Fritz
Rotter ; Originaltext: Gus Kahn ; Musik: Bronislaw Kaper u. Walter Jurmann ;
Klavierbearbeitung: Helmut Gardens.
Creator/Collector: [San Francisco]
Physical Description: 1 score (p. 146-147).
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: 12 FDH 29.
German lyrics.
Box : Folder 1 : 9
San Francisco / Bronislaw Kaper és Walter Jurmann zenéje -- Gus Kahn szövege.-Budapest : Editio Musica, c1981.
Creator/Collector: [San Francisco]
Physical Description: 1 p. of music (p. 17).
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: Z. 50 094.
Unaccompanied melody, with English and Hungarian lyrics.
In: A Zenemükiadó vállalat 1981. Aprilisi táncdal és Magyar nóta újdonságai.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Songs for Film
Box : Folder 1 : 9
San Francisco / Lyric by gus Kahn ; Melody by Bronislaw Kaper and Walter
Jurmann. -- New York :Robbins Music Corporation, 1939.
Creator/Collector: [San Francisco]
Scope and Content Note
Color reproduction of cover only; "Dedicated to Golden Gate International Exposition.
A Pageant of the Pacific, 1939".
Box : Folder 1 : 10
You and the waltz and I : Waltz-time in Vienna : From the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
picture "Seven Sweethearts" / Words by Paul Francis Webster ; Music by Walter
Jurmann. -- London : Francis, Day & Hunter, c1942.
Creator/Collector: [Seven sweethearts]
Physical Description: 1 score (3 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: F. & D. Ltd. 21217.
Box : Folder 1 : 10
You and the waltz and I : From the M-G-M picture "Seven Sweethearts" / Lyric by
Paul Francis Webster ; Music by Walter Jurmann.-- New York : Leo Feist, c1942.
Creator/Collector: [Seven sweethearts]
Physical Description: 1 score (5 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: 7362-3.
Box : Folder 1 : 10
You and the waltz and I : From the M-G-M picture "Seven Sweethearts" / Lyric by
Paul Francis Webster ; Music by Walter Jurmann. -- Sydney : J. Albert & Son,
Creator/Collector: [Seven sweethearts]
Physical Description: 1 score ([3] p.)
Box : Folder 1 : 10
Du gefällst mir so! : Lied und Foxtrot / Text von Fritz Rotter ; Musik von Walter
Jurmann und B. Kaper. -- Berlin : Wiener Boheme Verlag, c1932.
Creator/Collector: [Skandal in der Parkstraße]
Physical Description: 1 score (3 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: W.B.V. 1528.
Two copies; c. 2: with ms. title page, including: aus dem Tonfilm "Skandal in der
Box : Folder 1 : 10
Ganz ohne Liebe wär' das Leben so bescheiden-- :Lied und Slow-Fox / Text von
Fritz Rotter ; Musik von Walter Jurmann und B. Kaper. -- Berlin: Wiener Boheme
Verlag, c1932.
Creator/Collector: [Skandal in der Parkstraße]
Physical Description: 1 score (3 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: W.B.V. 1530.
Two copies; c. 2: with ms. title page, including: aus dem Tonfilm "Skandal in der
Box : Folder 1 : 11
Three letters in the mailbox / Lyric by Paul Francis Webster ; Music by Walter
Creator/Collector: [Thousands cheer]
Physical Description: 1 score ([3] p.)
Scope and Content Note
Ozalid copy of ms.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Songs for Film
Box : Folder 1 : 11
Three letters in the mailbox : From the M-G-M picture "Thousands cheer" / Lyric by
Paul Francis Webster ; Music by Walter Jurmann. -- New York : Leo Feist, c1943.
Creator/Collector: [Thousands cheer]
Physical Description: 1 score ([3] p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: 7420-2.
Box : Folder 1 : 11
My heart is singing : Waltz / Lyric by Gus Kahn ; Music by B. Kaper and W.
Creator/Collector: [Three smart girls]
Physical Description: 1 score (8 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Ozalid copy of ms.
Box : Folder 1 : 11
My heart is singing : From the Universal production "Three smart girls" / Lyric by
Gus Kahn ; Music by Bronislaw Kaper and Walter Jurmann. -- New York : Leo Feist,
Creator/Collector: [Three smart girls]
Physical Description: 1 score (6 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Lacking: p. 3-4.
Box : Folder 1 : 11
Someone to care for me : From the Universal production "Three smart girls" / Lyric
by Gus Kahn ; Music by Bronislaw Kaper and Walter Jurmann. -- New York : Leo
Feist, c1936.
Creator/Collector: [Three smart girls]
Physical Description: 1 score (5 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: 6855-3
Box : Folder 1 : 11
Someone to care for me : From the Universal picture "Three smart girls" / Lyric by
Gus Kahn ; Music by Bronislaw Kaper and Walter Jurmann. -- New York : Leo Feist,
Creator/Collector: [Three smart girls]
Physical Description: 1 score (4 p.)
Box : Folder 1 : 12
Tvrolka : For the Columbia picture "Too many husbands" / Lyric by Bernie
Grossman ; Music by Walter Jurman ; Arr[anged] by Paul Mertz, c1940.
Creator/Collector: [Too many husbands]
Physical Description: 1 score (5 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Ozalid copy of ms.
Lyrics lacking.
Box : Folder 1 : 12
Waltz : For the Columbia picture "Too many husbands" /Lyric by Bernie Grossman ;
Music by Walter Jurmann ; Arr[anged] Paul Mertz, c1940.
Creator/Collector: [Too many husbands]
Physical Description: 1 score (2 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Ozalid copy of ms.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Songs for Film
Ninon quand tu me souris : Slow-Fox-trot : dans le film Tout pour l'amour / Version
concert paroles de Ch. L. Pothier ; Version film paroles de Georges Clouzot et
Serge Veber ; Musique de B. Kaper et W. Jurmann. -- Paris : Éditions Salabert,
Box : Folder 1 : 12
Creator/Collector: [Tout pour l'amour]
Physical Description: 1 score ([2] p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: E.A.S. 8814.
Box : Folder 1 : 12
Ninon quand tu me souris : Slow-Fox-trot / Version concert, paroles de Ch. L.
Pothier ; Version film, paroles de Georges Clouzot et Serge Veber ; Musique de B.
Kaper et W. Jurmann. -- Paris : Éditions Salabert, c1933.
Creator/Collector: [Tout pour l'amour]
Physical Description: [2] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Unaccompanied melody.
Pl. no.: E.A.S. 8814 bis.
Box : Folder 1 : 12
O Madona! = O Madonna! : Sérénade : dans le film "Tout pour l'amour" / Paroles
de Ch. L. Pothier ; Musique de B. Kaper et W. Jurmann. -- Paris : Éditions Salabert,
Creator/Collector: [Tout pour 1'amour]
Physical Description: 1 score ([2] p.)
Scope and Content Note
Unaccompanied melody.
Pl. no.: E.A.S. 8850 bis.
Box : Folder 1 : 12
Little tingle tangle toes : Production "Tulip time in Michigan" / Lyric by Paul
Francis Webster ; Music by Walter Jurmann, 1942.
Creator/Collector: [Tulip time in Michigan]
Physical Description: 1 score (4 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Ozalid copy of ms.
Box : Folder 1 : 12
Shadows on the starlit waters : "Typee" - Prod. 814 / Lyric by Ned Washington ;
Music by B. Kaper and W. Jurmann, 1935.
Creator/Collector: [Typee]
Physical Description: 1 score (3 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Ozalid copy of ms.
Box : Folder 1 : 12
--Und das ist die Hauptsache! : ein Joe May-Tonfilm / Musik von Walter Jurmann ;
Gesangstexte von Fritz Rotter. -- Berlin : Alrobi Musikverlag, c1931.
Creator/Collector: [--Und das ist die Hauptsache!]
Physical Description: 1 score (5 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Contents: Manchmal möcht' man so gern-- : Lied und English Waltz -- Nur meine
Leidenschaft, die macht mich so beliebt! : Lied und Foxtrot.
Pl. nos.: Alrobi 458, 459.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Songs for Film
All the world is waiting for romance / Lyric by Bernie Grossman ; Music by Walter
Jurmann, c1941.
Box : Folder 1 : 13
Creator/Collector: [Unidentified]
Physical Description: 1 score (3 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Ozalid copy of ms.
Box : Folder 1 : 13
Believe my heart / Lyric by Bernie Grossman ; Music by Walter Jurmann, c1941..
Creator/Collector: [Unidentified]
Physical Description: 1 score (4 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Ozalid copy of ms.
Box : Folder 1 : 13
Doing things for you / Lyric by Bernie Grossman ; Music by Walter Jurmann, c1941.
Creator/Collector: [Unidentified]
Physical Description: 1 score (5 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Ozalid copy of ms., with ink markings.
Box : Folder 1 : 13
The lights of Picadilly will shine again / Lyrics by Bernie Grossman ; Music by
Walter Jurman, c1941.
Creator/Collector: [Unidentified]
Physical Description: 1 score ([4] p.)
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, with typed lyric sheet laid in; signed and dated: Feb 17, 1941.
Box : Folder 1 : 13
The lights of Picadilly will shine again / Lyrics by Bernie Grossman ; Music by
Walter Jurmann, c1941.
Creator/Collector: [Unidentified]
Physical Description: 1 score (4 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Ozalid copy of ms.
Box : Folder 1 : 13
Two hearts under one umbrella / Lyrics by Paul Francis Webster ; Music by Walter
Creator/Collector: [Unidentified]
Physical Description: 1 score ([3] p.)
Scope and Content Note
Ozalid copy of ms.
Box : Folder 2 : 1
Other Songs
Am schönen Titicacasee : Lied und Foxtrot / Text und Musik von Fritz Rotter und
Walter Jurmann. -- Wien : Wiener Boheme Verlag, c1930.
Physical Description: 1 score (3 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: W.B.V. 1388.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Other Songs
Auf Dein Wohl trink mit mir : Lied und English Waltz / Text und Musik von Fritz
Rotter und Walter Jurmann. -- Berlin : Drei Masken Verlag, c1930.
Box : Folder 2 : 1
Physical Description: 1 score (3 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: D.M.V. 4173.
Box : Folder 2 : 1
Die Augen der Liebe seh'n Alias so schön-- : Slow-Fox und Lied / Text und Musik
von Fritz Rotter und Walter Jurmann. -- Berlin : Drei Masken Verlag, c1930.
Physical Description: 1 score (3 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: D.M.V. 4126.
Two copies; c. 2: lacking title page.
Box : Folder 2 : 1
Ausgerechnet Donnerstag : Foxtrot / Text von Fritz Rotter ; Musik von Walter
Jurmann. -- Wien : Wiener Boheme Verlag, c1928.
Physical Description: 1 score (3 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: W.B.V. 1279.
Box : Folder 2 : 1
Beginn den Tag mit Liebe ; Lass' Dich versöhnen ; [Und Ich] Klopf, klopf, klopf an
Deine Türe.
Physical Description: [4] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in pencil, with song titles in ink; text lacking.
Two typed lyric sheets laid in; sheet 1: Beginn den Tag mit Liebe--; sheet 2: Lass' Dich
versoehnen!; sheet 2 verso: holograph, in pencil, Nur eine Mutter versteht Deinen
Box : Folder 2 : 1
Verse zu Beginn den Tag nit Liebe ; Verse zu [Lass Dich] Versöhnen ; Verse to
[Und ich] Klopf [klopf klopf an Deine] Türe.
Creator/Collector: [Beginn den Tag mit Liebe]
Physical Description: [2] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in pencil; text lacking.
Two typed lyric sheets laid in; sheet 1: Und ich klopf, klopf, klopf an Deine Tuere;
verso: holograph note, in ink; sheet 2: Lass' Dich versoehnen!; verso: holograph note,
in ink.
Box : Folder 2 : 1
Verse to Better world to live in / Words & Music by Walter Jurmann, c1967.
Creator/Collector: [Better world to live in]
Physical Description: [2] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in pencil and ink; two versions with unaccompanied melody.
Box : Folder 2 : 1
Verse to A better world to live in / Words & Music by Walter Jurmann, c1967.
Creator/Collector: [Better world to live in]
Physical Description: 1 score ([2] p.)
Scope and Content Note
Holograph [photocopy], with lyrics in a different hand.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Other Songs
Box : Folder 2 : 1
A better world to live in / Words and Music by Walter Jurmann, c1967.
Physical Description: 2 p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Transparency of ms. in ink; unaccompanied melody.
Box : Folder 2 : 1
A better world to live in / Words and Music by Walter Jurmann. -- [Los Angeles] :
Mirador Publishers, c1967.
Physical Description: 1 score (5 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: A Better World etc. - 4.
Box : Folder 2 : 2
Chéri, tu reviendras-- / Paroles de André Mauprey ; Musique de Pierre Candel [i.e.,
Walter Jurmann]. -- Paris : Editions Coda, c1934.
Physical Description: 1 score (3 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: E.C. 112.
Box : Folder 2 : 2
Deine Liebe ist wie der Frühling / Words/Music: alter Jurmann, c1976 [i.e., c1977].
Physical Description: [2] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Ms., in pencil.
Box : Folder 2 : 2
Denk' daran / Worte u. Musik. Walter Jurmann, c1976 [i.e., c1977] .
Physical Description: 1 score ([3] p.)
Scope and Content Note
Ms., in pencil.
Box : Folder 2 : 2
Denk daran / W. Jurmann.
Physical Description: [1] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Ms. [photocopy], with unaccompanied melody and chord symbols.
Box : Folder 2 : 2
Denk daran / W. Jurmann.
Physical Description: [1] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Ms. [photocopy], with unaccompanied melody.
Box : Folder 2 : 2
Du bist in meinem Leben die erste Sensation! : Lied u. Tango / Text von Fritz
Rotter ; Musik von W. Jurmann u. B. Kaper. -- Berlin : Wiener Boheme Verlag,
Physical Description: 1 score (3 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: W.B.V. 1592.
Two copies; c. 2 with different title page.
Box : Folder 2 : 2
Du liebst mich nicht mehr : Slow Fox / Text von Fritz Rotter ; Musik von Bob
Henders [i.e., Jurmann-Kaper ?]. -- Berlin : Wiener Boheme Verlag, c1932.
Physical Description: 1 score (3 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: W.B.V. 1533.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Other Songs
Einmal im Leben-- : Lied und Waltz / Text von Beda ; Musik von Walter Jurmann. -Wien : Wiener Boheme Verlag, c1929.
Box : Folder 2 : 3
Physical Description: 1 score (3 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: W.B.V. 2025.
Box : Folder 2 : 3
Es war nur eine kleine Träumerei / Worte und Music [sic]: Walter Jurmann, c1976
[i.e., c1977].
Physical Description: 1 score ([2] p.)
Scope and Content Note
P. 1: ms., in pencil; p. 2: ms. [photocopy].
Box : Folder 2 : 3
Es war nur eine kleine Träumerei / W. Jurmann.
Physical Description: [1] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Ms. [photocopy], with unaccompanied melody and chord symbols.
Lyrics lacking.
Box : Folder 2 : 3
Es war nur eine kleine Träumerei.
Physical Description: [1] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Ms. [photocopy], with unaccompanied melody.
Lyrics lacking.
Box : Folder 2 : 3
Have faith [in America] / Music [sic] u. Worte Walter Jurmann, c1979.
Physical Description: 1 score ([2] p.)
Scope and Content Note
Ms., in pencil.
Box : Folder 2 : 3
Houston / Words and Music by Walter Jurmann, c1966.
Physical Description: 2, [1] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Transparency of ms., in pencil and ink.
Box : Folder 2 : 3
Houston / Words and Music by Walter Jurmann. -- [Los Angeles] : Mirador Music
Publishers, c1966.
Physical Description: 1 score (5 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: Houston-4.
Box : Folder 2 : 4
Ich folge Dir, bis an's Ende der Welt / Musik u. Worte: Walter Jurmann, c1976.
Physical Description: 1 score ([2] p.)
Scope and Content Note
Ms., in pencil.
Box : Folder 2 : 4
Ich hab' im Frühling nur Dich geküßt : Langsamer Foxtrot / Fritz Rotter u. Walter
Jurmann. -- Berlin : Drei Masken Verlag, c1930.
Physical Description: 1 score (3 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: D.M.V. 4166.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Other Songs
Ich lieg' so gern im grünen Gras : Walzerlied / Text und Musik von Fritz Rotter und
Walter Jurmann. -- Berlin : Wiener Boheme-Verlag, c1933.
Box : Folder 2 : 4
Physical Description: 1 score (3 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: W.B.V. 1632.
Box : Folder 2 : 4
Ich trag Dein Bild [in meinem Herzen] / Worte/Musik: Walter Jurmann, c1976 [i.e.,
Physical Description: [2] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Ms., in pencil.
Box : Folder 2 : 4
Ich weiß schon längst, daß Du mich heimlich lieb hast! : Lied und Tango / Text von
Fritz Rotter ; Musik von Walter Jurmann ; Klav[ier]-Arr[ange-ment] von Nico
Dostal. -- Berlin : Alrobi Musikverlag, c1929.
Physical Description: 1 score (3 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: Alrobi 36.
Box : Folder 2 : 4
If there were "dreams for sale" / Music: Walter Jurmann ; Lyrics: Ruth Freed.
Creator/Collector: [If there were dreams for sale]
Physical Description: [1] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in pencil, with holograph signature in pencil and one addition in green ink.
Lyrics lacking.
Box : Folder 2 : 4
If there were dreams for sale / Walter Jurmann ; Ruth Freed.
Physical Description: [2] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in pencil, with unaccompanied melody; lyrics in ink.
Title and statement of responsibility: ms., in ink, by Ruth Freed.
Box : Folder 2 : 4
If there were dreams for sale / Lyrics, Ruth Freed ; Music, Walter Jurmann.
Physical Description: [2] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in pencil, with unaccompanied melody.
Box : Folder 2 : 5
In Deinem Rosengarten / Worte u. Music [sic] : Walter Jurmann, c1976 [i.e.,
Physical Description: 1 score ([2] p.)
Scope and Content Note
Ms., in pencil.
Box : Folder 2 : 5
In Deinem Rosengarten / Walter Jurmann.
Physical Description: [1] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Ms. [photocopy], with unaccompanied melody and chord symbols.
Box : Folder 2 : 5
In Deinem Rosengarten.
Physical Description: [1] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Ms. [photocopy], with unaccompanied melody.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Other Songs
Box : Folder 2 : 5
In Dich bin ich verliebt--! / Musik & Worte: Walter Jurmann, c1976 [i.e., c1977].
Physical Description: [1] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Ms., in ink, with unaccompanied melody.
Box : Folder 2 : 5
In Dich bin ich verliebt / W. Jurmann.
Physical Description: [1] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Ms. [photocopy], with unaccompanied melody and chord symbols.
Box : Folder 2 : 5
In Dich bin ich verliebt.
Physical Description: [1] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Ms. [photocopy], with unaccompanied melody.
Box : Folder 2 : 5
In Dich hab' ich mich verliebt! : Slow-Fox und Lied / von Fritz Rotter u. Walter
Jurmann. -- Berlin : Edition Karl Brüll, c1929.
Physical Description: 1 score (3 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: E.K.B. 1424.
Box : Folder 2 : 5
In meiner Einsamkeit / Worte u. Music [sic]: Walter Jurmann, c1979.
Physical Description: [2] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Ms., in pencil.
Box : Folder 2 : 6
Keiner hat Dich je so heiss wie ich geliebt-- : Lied und Waltz / von Fritz Rotter und
Walter Jurmann. -- Berlin : Edition Karl Brüll, c1929.
Physical Description: 1 score (3 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: E.K.B. 1426.
Three copies; c. 3 with blank title page and additional information:
Klavierarrangement von Karl M. May.
Box : Folder 2 : 6
Kennst Du den Weg zum Paradies--? : Tango u. Lied / Text und Musik von Fritz
Rotter und Walter Jurmann ; Arrangement: Franz Grothe.-- Berlin : Drei Masken
Verlag, c1930.
Physical Description: 1 score (3 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: D.M.V. 4124.
Two copies; c. 2: with blank title page.
Box : Folder 2 : 6
Eine kleine Reise im Frühling mit Dir! : Lied und English Waltz / Text und Musik
von Fritz Rotter und Walter Jurmann ; Klav[ier]-Arr[angement] von Walter
Borchert. -- Wien : Wiener Boheme Verlag, c1931.
Physical Description: 1 score (3 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: W.B.V. 2171.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Other Songs
Lach' mich nicht aus! : Lied und Slow-Fox / Text und Musik von Fritz Rotter und
Walter Jurmann ; Klavier-Arrang[ement] von Nico Dostal. -- Berlin : Alrobi
Musikverlag, c1929.
Box : Folder 2 : 7
Physical Description: 1 score (3 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: Alrobi 157.
Box : Folder 2 : 7
Liebe bei Kerzenlicht / Worte u. Music [sic] Walter Jurmann, c1979.
Physical Description: 1 score ( [3] p.)
Scope and Content Note
Ms., in pencil.
Box : Folder 2 : 7
Linger just a little longer : Walz [sic] / Words by Bernie Grossmann ; Music by
Walter Jurmann, Feb 22, 1951.
Physical Description: 1 score (5 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in pencil, with holograph signature.
Lyrics lacking.
Box : Folder 2 : 7
Long live Israel / Words & Music by Walter Jurmann.
Physical Description: [2] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in pencil and ink, with one typed lyric sheet laid in.
Box : Folder 2 : 7
Long live Israel / Words and Music by Walter Jurmann, c1968.
Physical Description: 1 score (4 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Transparency of ms., in pencil and ink.
Box : Folder 2 : 7
Los Angeles, the city I love / Words & Music by Walter Jurmann, c1967.
Creator/Collector: [Los Angeles (1967)]
Physical Description: [2] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in pencil, with unaccompanied melody ; one typed lyric sheet laid in.
Box : Folder 2 : 7
Los Angeles the city I love / Words and Music by Walter Jurmann, c1967.
Creator/Collector: [Los Angeles (1967)]
Physical Description: 1 score (5 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Ozalid copy of ms.
Box : Folder 2 : 7
Los Angeles / Words by Arthur Hamilton ; Music by Walter Jurmann ; Arr. by Theo
Hassek. -- Vienna : Weltmusik Edition International, c1982.
Creator/Collector: [Los Angeles (1982)]
Physical Description: 1 score ( [2] p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: W.M. 8691.
On title page: First presentation on the occasion of "Austria salutes California".
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Other Songs
Box : Folder 2 : 7
Los Angeles / Music by Walter Jurmann ; Lyric by Arthur Hamilton.
Creator/Collector: [Los Angeles (1984)]
Physical Description: [1] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Ms. [photocopy], with unaccompanied melody.
"First" [version]-- Yvonne Jurmann.
Box : Folder 2 : 7
Los Angeles / Music by Walter Jurmann ; Lyric by Arthur Hamilton.
Creator/Collector: [Los Angeles (1984)]
Physical Description: [2] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Transparency of ms., in ink, with unaccompanied melody.
"Second" [version]-- Yvonne Jurmann.
Box : Folder 2 : 7
Los Angeles / Lyrics: Arthur Hamilton ; Music: Walter Jurmann, c1984.
Creator/Collector: [Los Angeles (1984)]
Physical Description: [3] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Ozalid copy of ms.
"Third" [version]-- Yvonne Jurmann.
Box : Folder 2 : 8
Mein sch önes Wien / Musik & Worte: Walter Jurmann, c1976 [i.e., c1977].
Physical Description: [2] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Ms., in ink, with unaccompanied melody.
Box : Folder 2 : 8
Mein schö;nes Wien / w. Jurmann.
Physical Description: [1] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Ms. [photocopy], with unaccompanied melody; lyrics lacking.
Box : Folder 2 : 8
Mein schönes Wien.
Physical Description: [1] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Ms. [photocopy], with unaccompanied melody; lyrics lacking.
Box : Folder 2 : 8
Mein schönes Wien / Text: Josef Kaderka ; Musik: Walter Jurmann; Musikalische
Bearbeitung: Theo Hassek. -- Wien : Eberle Verlag, c1982.
Physical Description: 1 score ( [2] p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: E.V. 6180.
Box : Folder 2 : 8
Ein modernes Wiegenlied / Worte und Musik -- Walter Jurmann, c1979.
Physical Description: [1] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Ms., in pencil, with unaccompanied melody; one typed lyric sheet laid in.
Box : Folder 2 : 8
My heart is an island / Lyric by Ruth Freed ; Music by Walter Jurmann, c1956.
Physical Description: [1] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Ozalid copy of ms., with unaccompanied melody.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Other Songs
Box : Folder 2 : 8
My heart ran away with the moon / W. Jurmann.
Physical Description: [1] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Ms. [photocopy], with unaccompanied melody and chord symbols; lyrics lacking.
Box : Folder 2 : 8
My heart ran away with the moon.
Physical Description: [1] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Ms. [photocopy], with unaccompanied melody; lyrics lacking.
Box : Folder 2 : 8
My unforgettable you / Words and Music by Walter Jurmann, c1967.
Physical Description: 2 p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Transparency of ms., in ink, with unaccompanied melody.
Box : Folder 2 : 8
Nimm Dir mit aus Wien / Text: Hans Werner ; Musik: Walter Jurmann.
Physical Description: [2] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Ms. [photocopy], with unaccompanied melody; lyrics lacking.
Box : Folder 2 : 8
Nur eine Stunde mehr / Worte und Music [sic]: Walter Jurmann, c1979.
Physical Description: [2] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Ms., in pencil.
Box : Folder 2 : 9
Ohne Erinnerungen / Text u. Musik: Walter Jurmann ; Klavierbearbeitung: Herbert
Seiter, c1976.
Physical Description: [2] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Ms., in pencil.
Box : Folder 2 : 9
Olga, Tochter der Wolga : Russischer Foxtrot / Text von Artur Rebner ; Musik von
Walt Jurman ; Für Klavier arrang[iert] von Franz Grothe. --Berlin : Drei Masken
Verlag, c1928.
Physical Description: 1 score (3 p.) -- (Schlager Serie).
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: D.M.V. 3867.
Markings in ink.
Box : Folder 2 : 9
Verse to Nischninovgorod ; Verse to Only one heart ; Verse to Poor baby ; Verse,
Deanna ; [unidentified] .
Creator/Collector: [On a little street in Nischninovgorod]
Physical Description: [2] p. of music; text lacking.
Scope and Content Note
Ms., in pencil and ink, with unaccompanied melody; lyrics lacking.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Other Songs
Reg' mich nicht auf, Johanna! : Lied und Tango / Text und Musik von Fritz Rotter
und Walter Jurmann ; Klavier-Arrang[ement] von Walter Borchert. -- Wien : Wiener
Boheme Verlag, c1931.
Box : Folder 2 : 9
Physical Description: 1 score (3 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: W.B.V. 1480.
Box : Folder 2 : 9
Remember Pearl Harbor / Lyric Grossman ; Music W. Jurmann.
Physical Description: [2] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in pencil; lyrics lacking.
Two copies; c. 2: photocopy.
Box : Folder 2 : 9
Remember the seventh of December / Lyrics: Bernie Grossman ; Music: Walter
Creator/Collector: [Remember Pearl Harbor]
Physical Description: 1 score ( [4] p.)
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in ink; lyrics lacking.
Box : Folder 2 : 9
Rêves d'amour : Valse / Musique de Pierre Candel [i.e., Walter Jurmann] ; Paroles
de André de Badet. -- Paris : Editions Coda, c1934.
Physical Description: 1 score ( [2] p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: E.C. 190.
Box : Folder 2 : 10
Sag' einmal "ja" zu mir, was liegt schon dran! / Text von Fritz Rotter ; Musik von
Walt Jurmann ; Für Klavier arrangiert von Franz Grothe. -- Berlin : Drei Masken
Verlag, c1928.
Physical Description: 1 score (3 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: D.M.V. 3965.
Box : Folder 2 : 10
San Antonio / Words and Music by Walter Jurmann, c1966.
Physical Description: 2 p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Transparency of ms., in pencil, with unaccompanied melody.
Box : Folder 2 : 10
San Antonio / Words and Music by Walter Jurmann ; Spanish words by Raul A.
Almaguer. -- Berlin : Wiener Boheme Verlag, c1981.
Physical Description: 1 score ( [i], 5 p.)
Scope and Content Note
English and Spanish lyrics.
Box : Folder 2 : 10
San Antonio : the city of so many charms / Words and Music by Walter Jurmann ;
Traducido al español: Raul A. Almaguer. -- Berlin : Wiener Bohème Verlag, c1981.
Physical Description: 1 score ( [3] p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: W.B.V. 1604.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Other Songs
San Antonio : the city of so many charms / Words and Music by Walter Jurmann. -[Los Angeles] : Mirador Music Publishers, c1966.
Box : Folder 2 : 10
Physical Description: 1 score (4 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: San Antonio-3.
Box : Folder 2 : 10
San Antonio : the city of so many charms / Words and Music by Walter Jurmann. -[Los Angeles] : Mirador Music Publishers, c1966.
Physical Description: [1] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Photocopy on orange paper; unaccompanied melody.
Box : Folder 2 : 10
Der schönste Tr[aum] ; Mit eine[r] Rose, c1979.
Physical Description: [1] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Ms., in ink, with unaccompanied melody.
Laid in: photocopy of Der schönste Traum with holograph additions in pencil; two
typed lyric sheets.
Box : Folder 2 : 11
Sehr geschätzes Fräulein Laura : Lied und Tango / Text und Musik von Fritz Rotter
und Walter Jurmann ; Klav[ier] Arr[angement] von Walter Borchert. -- Berlin :
Wiener Boheme Verlag, c1932.
Physical Description: 1 score (3 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no. : W. B.V. 1511.
Two copies; c. 2: with typed title page.
Box : Folder 2 : 11
Eine Sommernacht am Meer -- : English Waltz / Text von Fritz Rotter ; Musik von
Bob Handers [i.e. Jurmann-Kaper]. -- Berlin : D.L.S.-Beboton-Verlag, c1932.
Physical Description: 1 score (3 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: D.L.S.-Beboton 252.
Box : Folder 2 : 11
Einen Sonntag ohne Sorgen : Foxtrot / Text von Fritz Rotter ; Musik von Walter
Jurmann und B. Kaper. -- Berlin : Alrobi Musikverlag, c1933.
Physical Description: 1 score (3 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: Alrobi 756.
Box : Folder 2 : 11
Ein spanischer Tango und ein Mädel wie Du-- / Text und Musik von Fritz Rotter und
Walter Jurmann ; Klav[ier] arr. von Walter Borchert. -- Wien : Wiener Boheme
Verlag, c1931.
Physical Description: 1 score (3 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: W.B.V. 1415.
Box : Folder 2 : 11
Spiel mir ein Lied auf der Geige-- : Lied und Slow-Fox / Text von Fritz Rotter ;
Musik von Walter Jurmann ; Klav[ier] -Arrang[ement] von Walter Borchert. -- Wien
: Wiener Boheme Verlag, c1930.
Physical Description: 1 score (3 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: W.B.V. 2116.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Other Songs
Box : Folder 2 : 12
This is my heart / Words & Music by Walter Jurmann.
Physical Description: [1] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Ms., in pencil, with unaccompanied melody.
Box : Folder 2 : 12
Trink Dich gesund : Schunkelwalzer / Musik von Erich Walter Schmidt [i.e.,
Jurmann-Kaper] ; Worte von Peter Schattner [i.e. Fritz Rotter]. -- Berlin : Edition
Meisel & Co., c1933.
Physical Description: 1 score (3 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no. : E. M. 271.
Box : Folder 2 : 12
Vergesse Deine Sorgen / Worte und Music [sic] walter Jurmann, c1976 [i.e.,
Physical Description: 1 score ([2] p.)
Scope and Content Note
Ms. , in pencil.
Box : Folder 2 : 12
Vergesse Deine Sorgen / W. Jurmann.
Physical Description: [1] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Ms. [photocopy], with unaccompanied melody ; lyrics lacking.
Box : Folder 2 : 12
Vergesse Deine Sorgen.
Physical Description: [1] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Ms. [photocopy], with unaccompanied melody and chord symbols.
Box : Folder 2 : 12
Vielen Dank-- / Musik u. Worte: Walter Jurman, c1976 [i.e., c1977].
Physical Description: 1 score ( [2] p.)
Scope and Content Note
P. 1: Ms., in pencil; p. 2: photocopy of second page ms.
Box : Folder 2 : 12
Wagging on the doorstep / Lyrics by Alfred Dunning ; Music by Walter Jurmann,
Physical Description: [1] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Ms., in pencil, with unaccompanied melody.
Box : Folder 2 : 12
[Wagging on the doorstep] Weg Weg.
Physical Description: [1] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Ms. [photocopy], with unaccompanied melody; pencil additions.
Box : Folder 2 : 12
Was weisst denn Du, wie ich verliebt bin : Lied und Boston / Verse von Fritz Rotter
; Musik von Walter Jurmann. -- Wien : Wiener Boheme Verlag, c1928.
Physical Description: 1 score (3 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: W.B.V. 981.
Holograph dedication: Meiner l[ieben]
Schwägerin & l[ieben] Bruder in aufrichtiger Liebe. Euer Walter. Wien, 9. Okt. 28.
Title page blank.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Other Songs
Box : Folder 2 : 13
Der Weg zu Deinem Herzen / Worte und Musik-- Walter Jurmann, c1979.
Physical Description: [1] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Ms., in pencil, with unaccompanied melody and one typed lyric sheet laid in.
Box : Folder 2 : 13
Der Weg zu Deinem Herzen, c1979.
Physical Description: [1] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Ms. [photocopy], with unaccompanied melody; pencil additions.
Box : Folder 2 : 13
Der Weg zu Deinem Herz[en] ; Modernes Wiegen Lied.
Physical Description: [1] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Ms., in ink, with unaccompanied melody; lyrics lacking.
Box : Folder 2 : 13
Weißt Du was Du kannst--mich am Nachmittag besuchen-- : Foxtrot / von Rotter,
Jurmann und Egen. -- Berlin : Roehr Aktiengesellschaft, c1929.
Physical Description: 1 score (3 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: R. 3263.
Title page blank.
Box : Folder 2 : 13
Welcome to the Hemisfair / Words & Music by Walter Jurmann, c1967.
Physical Description: [2] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in pencil, with holograph signature in ink; one typed lyric sheet laid in.
Box : Folder 2 : 13
Welcome to the Hemisfair / Words & Music by Walter Jurmann, c1967.
Physical Description: [1] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in pencil, of unaccompanied melody, with lyrics in ink; one typed lyric
sheet laid in.
Box : Folder 2 : 13
Welcome to the Hemisfair / Words and Music by Walter Jurmann, c1967.
Physical Description: [1] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Transparency of ms., in ink, with unaccompanied melody.
Box : Folder 2 : 14
Wenn der Maximilian Tango mit Dir tanzt : Lied und Tango / Text und Musik von
Fritz Rotter und Walter Jurmann ; Klav[ier] Arrang[ement] von Nico Dostal. -Berlin : Alrobi Musikverlag, c1931.
Physical Description: 1 score (3 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: Alrobi 541.
Box : Folder 2 : 14
Wenn ich den Isak ein bißchen pisak : Foxtrott / Text von Artur Rebner ; Musik von
Walt Jurmann. -- Berlin : Drei Masken Verlag, c1928.
Physical Description: 1 score (3 p.) -- (Schlager Serie)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: D.M.V. 3889.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Other Songs
Box : Folder 2 : 14
Wien bleibt immer Wien.
Creator/Collector: [Wien ist wieder Wien]
Physical Description: [1] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Ms. [photocopy], with unaccompanied melody.
Lyrics lacking.
Box : Folder 2 : 14
Wien ist wieder Wien / Musik & Worte : Walter Jurmann, c1976 [i.e., c1977].
Physical Description: [2] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Ms., in ink, with unaccompanied melody.
Box : Folder 2 : 14
Wien ist wieder Wien / Text und Musik: Walter Jurmann ; Musikalische
Bearbeitung: Theo Hassek -- Wien : Eberle-Verlag, c1982.
Physical Description: 1 score ( [2] p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: E.V. 6179.
Box : Folder 3 : 1
Stage Works
Un baiser de femme sous un ciel de feu : Slow Fox / Paroles de Henri Varna, Léo
Lelièvre, Marc Cab ; Musique de Jurmann-Kaper. -- Paris : Éditions Coda, c1934.
Creator/Collector: [Parade de France]
Physical Description: 1 score ( [2] p. )
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: E. C. 213.
Box : Folder 3 : 1
C'est chez nous : Fox-marche / Paroles de Henri Varna, Léo Lelièvre & Marc Cab ;
Musique de Jurmann-Kaper. -- Paris : Éditions Coda, c1934.
Creator/Collector: [Parade de France]
Physical Description: 1 score ( [2] p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: E. C. 214.
Box : Folder 3 : 1
C'est ton amour : Valse / Paroles de Henri Varna & Louis Poterat ; Musique de
Jurmann-Kaper. -- Paris : Editions Coda, c1934.
Creator/Collector: [Parade de France]
Physical Description: 1 score ( [2] p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: E. C. 211
Box : Folder 3 : 1
Vivons l'amour! vivons la vie! : Tango / Paroles de Henri Varna, Léo Lelièvre &
Marc Cab ; Musique de Jurmann-Kaper. -- Paris : Éditions Coda, c1934.
Creator/Collector: [Parade de France]
Physical Description: 1 score ( [2] p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: E.C. 212.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Stage Works
Box : Folder 3 : 2
Windy City / Words by Paul Webster ; Music by Walter Jurman, c1946.
Creator/Collector: [Windy City]
Physical Description: 1 vocal score, [121] p., in various pagings.
Scope and Content Note
Ozalid copy of holograph (?) .
Box : Folder 3 : 3
As the wind bloweth : [from] Windy City, a new musical play by Philip Yordan /
Lyrics by Paul Francis Webster ; Music by Walter Jurmann. -- New York : Chappell,
Creator/Collector: [Windy City]
Physical Description: 1 score (5 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: 1425-4.
Box : Folder 3 : 3
Don't ever run away from love : [from] Windy City, a new musical play by Philip
Yordan / Lyrics by Paul Francis Webster ; Music by Walter Jurmann. -- New York :
Chappell, c1946.
Creator/Collector: [Windy City]
Physical Description: 1 score (5 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: 1414-4.
Box : Folder 3 : 3
Where do we go from here : [from] Windy City, a new musical play by Philip
Yordan / Lyrics by Paul Francis Webster ; Music by Walter Jurmann. - New York :
Chappell, c1946.
Creator/Collector: [Windy City]
Physical Description: 1 score (5 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: 1423-4.
Choral Arrangements
Box : Folder 3 : 4
A better world to live in : for mixed chorus, SATB, with accompaniment / Words by W. J. ; Music by Walter Jurmann.
Creator/Collector: [Better world to live in; arr.]
Physical Description: 1 score (8 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Ms., in pencil, with additions in ink.
Box : Folder 3 : 4
A better world to live in : for mixed chorus SATB with accompaniment / Words and Music by Walter Jurmann ; arr.
by Noble Cain. -- [Los Angeles] : Mirador Music Publishers, c1967.
Creator/Collector: [Better world to live in; arr.]
Physical Description: 1 score (8 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Stage Works
Pl. no.: A Better etc.-7.
Box : Folder 3 : 5
Piano Works
Parade March of the 6th Ferrying Command / Walter Jurmann ; arranged by P. A.
Marquardt, 1942.
Physical Description: [2] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in pencil, with holograph dedication: Respectfully dedicated to Col. Spake,
Los Angeles, Calif., October 1942.
Box : Folder 3 : 6
Miscellaneous Music by Walter Jurmann
21 Lieder und Chansons / Walter Jurmann. -- Berlin : Wiener Boheme Verlag, [19?].
Creator/Collector: [Songs. Selections]
Physical Description: 1 score (52 p.)
Scope and Content Note
English or German words.
On title page: Mit den besten Wünschen! Yvonne Jurmann.
Two copies.
Box : Folder 3 : 6
Creator/Collector: [Unidentified]
Physical Description: [1] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in pencil.
Box : Folder 3 : 7
Music by Others
Nothin' : American Revue Theatre (Walter Jurmann, chairman) presents Duke
Ellington in a sun-tanned revu-sical, Jump for joy / Lyric by Sid Kuller and Ray
Golden ; Music by Hal Borne. -- New York : Robbins Music Corporation, c1941.
Creator/Collector: Borne, Hal. [Jump for joy]
Physical Description: 1 score (5 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: SH 2226-3.
Box : Folder 3 : 7
The tune of the hickory stick : American Revue Theatre (Walter Jurmann,
chairman) presents Duke Ellington in a sun-tanned revu-sical, Jump for joy / Lyric
by Paul Webster ; Music by Hal Borne. -- New York : Robbins Music Corporation,
Creator/Collector: Borne, Hal. [Jump for joy]
Physical Description: 1 score (5 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: SH 2225-4.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Music by Others
The brown-skin gal in the calico gown : American Revue Theatre (Walter Jurmann,
chairman) presents Duke Ellington in a sun-tanned revu-sical, Jump for joy / Lyric
by Paul Webster ; Music by Duke Ellington. -- New York : Robbins Music
Corporation, c1941.
Box : Folder 3 : 7
Creator/Collector: Ellington, Duke. [Jump for joy]
Physical Description: 1 score (5 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: SH 2222-3.
Box : Folder 3 : 7
Chocolate shake : American Revue Theatre (Walter Jurmann, chairman) presents
Duke Ellington in a sun-tanned revu-sical, Jump for joy / Lyric by Paul Webster ;
Music by Duke Ellington. -- New York : Robbins Music Corporation, c1941.
Creator/Collector: Ellington, Duke. [Jump for joy]
Physical Description: 1 score (5 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: SH 2224-3.
Box : Folder 3 : 7
Jump for joy : American Revue Theatre (Walter Jurmann, chairman) presents Duke
Ellington in a sun-tanned revu-sical, Jump for joy / Lyric by Paul Webster and Sid
Kuller ; Music by Duke Ellington. -- New York : Robbins Music Corporation, c1941.
Creator/Collector: Ellington, Duke. [Jump for joy]
Physical Description: 1 score (5 p.)
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: SH 2228-3.
Box : Folder 3 : 7
La femme d'une nuit : Romance-Valse / Paroles de Léo Lelièvre ; Musique de
Michel Levine. -- Paris : Editions Salabert, 1931.
Creator/Collector: Levinne, Michel. [Femme d'une nuit]
Physical Description: [2] p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: E.A.S. 6246bis.
On title page: holograph note in ink: Michel Michelet.
Box : Folder 3 : 7
Boogie Woogie Piano Styles no. 2. -- Chicago : Forster Music Publisher, c1943.
Creator/Collector: Pease, Sharon. [Boogie Woogie]
Physical Description: 46 p. of music.
Scope and Content Note
Pl. no.: 48203.
Song Lyrics
Abstract: Introduction
Scope and Content Note
At the beginning of his career, Jurmann set predominantly lyrics written by others -- in his
German period above all those by Fritz Rotter and during the American years lyrics by such
as Harold Adamson, Ruth Freed Bernie Grossman, Gus Kahn, Ned Washington and Paul
Francis Webster. As of the time he withdrew from an active professional composing career,
Jurmann began writing his own texts. This series is subdivided into those two categories,
lyrics written by Jurmann and those written by others. As the collection reveals, Jurmann
jotted down his first ideas for song lyrics in longhand on a variety of scraps of paper, before
progressing to the typed stage. But whether in the case of his own words or those by
someone else, he generally seems to have participated in honing the final version of any
lyric he composed.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Song Lyrics
Box : Folder 4 : 1
Lyrics by Walter Jurmann
All I've got is you / Lyrics & Music by Walter Jurmann.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in ink.
Letterhead: Walter Jurmann, 10324 Cheviot Drive, West Los Angeles, California.
Box : Folder 4 : 1
All I've got is you / Lyrics and Music by Walter Jurmann.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Two copies; c. 2: carbon copy.
Box : Folder 4 : 1
All the world is waiting for love and romance.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in ink, with pencil additions.
Letterhead: Walter Jurmann, 10324 Cheviot Drive, West Los Angeles, California.
Box : Folder 4 : 1
All the world is waiting for love and romance / Lyrics and Music by Walter Jurman.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Three copies; c. 2: with pencil and ink additions; c. 3: carbon copy, with ink additions.
Box : Folder 4 : 1
Angelina ; Teach me how to love you.
Physical Description: [2] p.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in ink.
Box : Folder 4 : 1
Angelina / Lyrics and Music by Walter Jurman.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Three copies; c. 1-2: typescript, c. 2 with typed and holograph pencil corrections; c. 3:
carbon copy of c. 1.
Box : Folder 4 : 1
Annemarie / Words and Music by Walter Jurmann.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in pencil.
Letterhead: Walter Jurmann, 1454 North Doheny Drive, Los Angeles 46, California.
Box : Folder 4 : 1
Let's make this great big world a better place ; These are the symptoms of love.
Creator/Collector: [Better world to live in]
Physical Description: [2] p.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in ink, with pencil additions.
Letterhead: Walter Jurmann, 10324 Cheviot Drive, West Los Angeles, California.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Song Lyrics
Box : Folder 4 : 1
Let's make this great big world a better place to live in.
Creator/Collector: [Better world to live in]
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in ink, with pencil additions.
Box : Folder 4 : 1
On the bumpy road to romance.
Creator/Collector: On verso:
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in pencil.
On bottom: O.K. Yvonne.
Box : Folder 4 : 1
A better world to live in.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in ink, with pencil additions.
Box : Folder 4 : 1
San Antonio / Words & Music by Walter Jurmann.
Creator/Collector: On verso:
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Typescript, with holograph ink additions.
Letterhead: Walter Jurmann, 1454 North Doheny Drive, Los Angeles, California 90069.
Box : Folder 4 : 1
Let's make this great big world a better place to live in / Lyrics and Music by
Walter Jurman.
Creator/Collector: [Better world to live in]
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Typescript, with one holograph ink addition.
Three copies; c. 2-3: carbon copies, one with holograph additions in ink and pencil.
Box : Folder 4 : 1
A world we can believe in / Words & Music by Walter Jurmann.
Creator/Collector: [Better world to live in]
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Three copies; c. 2: missing one line of text; c. 3: carbon copy on yellow paper of c. 1.
Box : Folder 4 : 1
Blue Monday / M[usic] & L[yrics] by Walter Jurmann.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in ink.
On verso: holograph notations in ink.
Box : Folder 4 : 1
[First line:] It's a blue blue Monday
Creator/Collector: [Blue Monday]
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in brown pencil on light blue paper, with additions in pencil.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Song Lyrics
Box : Folder 4 : 1
[First line:] No one to talk to.
Creator/Collector: On verso:
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in pencil.
Box : Folder 4 : 1
Deine Liebe ist wie der Frühling / Musick [sic] und Worte Walter Jurmann.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Two copies; c. 2: photocopy.
Box : Folder 4 : 1
Denk daran / Worte und Musick [sic] Walter Jurmann.
Creator/Collector: On verso:
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Typescript, with pencil additions.
Box : Folder 4 : 1
Denk daran / Musik und Worte: Walter Jurmann .
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Three copies; c. 2: carbon copy, with one notation in ink; c. 3: photocopy.
Box : Folder 4 : 1
Do it now / Lyrics and Music by Walter Jurman.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Two copies; c. 2: carbon copy.
Box : Folder 4 : 1
Es war nur eine kleine Traeumerei / Musik und Worte: Walter Jurmann.
Creator/Collector: [Es war nur eine kleine Träumerei]
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Two copies; c. 2: carbon copy.
Box : Folder 4 : 1
[First line:] Forever and ever I'll give you my heart.
Creator/Collector: [Forever and ever]
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in pencil; extraneous notation, in ink.
Box : Folder 4 : 1
First line:] Love me.
Creator/Collector: On verso: [Do it now]
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in ink, with pencil additions.
Letterhead: Walter Jurmann, 10324 Cheviot Drive, West Los Angeles, California.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Song Lyrics
Box : Folder 4 : 1
Forever and ever / Lyrics and Music by Walter Jurman.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Three copies; c. 2: with pencil additions; c. 3: carbon copy of c. 1.
Box : Folder 4 : 1
Have faith in America / Words & Music by Walter Jurmann.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in red and black ink.
Box : Folder 4 : 1
Houston / Words & Music by Walter Jurmann, c1966.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Physical Description: Typescript.
Scope and Content Note
Three copies; c. 2: carbon copy of c.1; c. 3: carbon copy of different typescript.
Box : Folder 4 : 2
I found my sunshine in the rain.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Typescript, with holograph additions in pencil.
Box : Folder 4 : 2
Ich folge Dir, bis ans Ende der Welt / Musick [sic] und Worte Walter Jurmann.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Typescript, with holograph staff of music, in pencil.
Two copies; c. 2: photocopy.
Box : Folder 4 : 2
On verso: Ein modernes Wiegenlied / Musick [sic] und Worte Walter Jurmann.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Typescript, with holograph additions in pencil.
Two copies; c. 2: photocopy.
Box : Folder 4 : 2
[First line:] Ich mache mir Vorwürfe täglich.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in ink.
Box : Folder 4 : 2
On verso:[Mein schönes Wien] [First line:] Wie an ein Märchen.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in ink.
Box : Folder 4 : 2
Ich trag' Dein Bild in meinem Herzen ; Mein schönes Wien ; Ohne Erinnerungen ;
Wien ist wieder Wien / Musik und Worte Walter Jurmann.
Physical Description: [4] p.
Scope and Content Note
Typescript, with holograph additions in pencil.
Two copies; c. 2: [3] p. of photocopy, with holograph additions in pencil; only Ohne
Erinnerungen lacking photocopy.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Song Lyrics
Box : Folder 4 : 2
[I'm stuck on the guy] [First line:] He isn't just a fellow
Physical Description: [2] p.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in pencil and ink.
Box : Folder 4 : 2
I'm stuck on the guy / Lyrics & Music by W. Jurmann.
Physical Description: [2] p.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in ink and pencil.
Box : Folder 4 : 2
In Deinem Rosengarten / Musik und Worte: Walter Jurmann.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Physical Description: Typescript.
Physical Description: Two copies; c. 2: carbon copy.
Box : Folder 4 : 2
In Dich bin ich verliebt / Musik und Worte: Walter Jurmann.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Physical Description: Typescript.
Physical Description: Two copies; c. 2: carbon copy.
Box : Folder 4 : 2
[First line:] In the eyes of the nation.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in pencil.
Lyrics refer to Los Angeles.
Box : Folder 4 : 2
[It's one year tonight at midnight].
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in pencil.
Box : Folder 4 : 2
It's one year tonight at midnight / Lyrics and Music by Walter Jurmann.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Typescript, with holograph additions in pencil.
Box : Folder 4 : 2
It's one year tonight at midnight / Lyrics and Music by Walter Jurman.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Physical Description: Typescript.
Physical Description: Two copies; c. 2: carbon copy.
Box : Folder 4 : 2
It's up to you and me.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in ink, with additions in pencil.
Letterhead: Walter Jurmann, 10324 Cheviot Drive, West Los Angeles, California.
Box : Folder 4 : 2
It's up to you and me / Lyrics and Music by Walter Jurman.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Physical Description: Typescript.
Physical Description: Two copies; c. 2: carbon copy.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Song Lyrics
Box : Folder 4 : 2
Das Lament einer verliebten Frau.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Physical Description: Holograph.
Scope and Content Note
Three copies; c. 1: in ink, with additions in pencil; c. 2: in pencil, without title; c. 3: in
pencil, with additions in ink, without title.
Box : Folder 4 : 2
On verso of c. 3: All I've got is you.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Physical Description: Holograph, in pencil.
Box : Folder 4 : 2
[Long live Israel] This is Israel.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in pencil, with additions in ink.
Box : Folder 4 : 2
Box : Folder 4 : 2
On verso: Ms. notations in pencil.
Long live Israel / Words and Music by Walter Jurmann.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Typescript, with holograph additions in ink.
Three copies; c. 3: carbon copy.
Box : Folder 4 : 2
Long live Israel / Words and Music by Walter Jurmann.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Physical Description: Typescript.
Scope and Content Note
Three copies; c. 3: different typescript, with holograph additions in pencil.
Box : Folder 4 : 2
[Los Angeles (1967)] Los Angeles, the city I love / Words and Music by Walter
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Typescript, with holograph additions in red pencil and ink.
Letterhead: Walter Jurmann, 1454 North Doheny Drive, Los Angeles 46, Calif[ornia]
CRestview 5-7317.
Box : Folder 4 : 2
Box : Folder 4 : 2
On verso: Ms. notations in ink.
[Los Angeles (1967)] Los Angeles, the city I love / Words and Music by Walter
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Typescript, with holograph additions in pencil and ink.
Letterhead: Walter Jurmann, 1454 North Doheny Drive, Los Angeles 46, Calif[ornia].
Four copies; c. 2-4: carbon copies of three different typescripts; c. 2: with additions in
ink; c. 4: on yellow paper.
Box : Folder 4 : 2
[Los Angeles (1967)] Los Angeles, the city I love / Words and Music by Walter
Jurmann, c1967.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Song Lyrics
Box : Folder 4 : 2
Mein einziger Wunsch.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Physical Description: Holograph, in pencil.
Box : Folder 4 : 2
Mein schoenes Wien / Musik und Worte: Walter Jurmann.
Creator/Collector: [Mein schönes Wien]
Physical Description: [1] p.
Physical Description: Typescript [carbon copy] .
Box : Folder 4 : 2
Never say goodbye to me / Music & Lyrics by Walter Jurmann
Physical Description: [1] p.
Physical Description: Holograph, in pencil
Box : Folder 4 : 2
[First line:] Nur eine Mutter versteht Deinen Schmerz
Physical Description: [1] p.
Physical Description: Holograph, in pencil.
Box : Folder 4 : 3
Oh Donna Anna / Worte und Music [sic] Walter Jurmann.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Physical Description: Typescript, with additions in pencil.
Box : Folder 4 : 3
On verso: [This is my heart] [First line:] If you should need a friend
Physical Description: [1] p.
Physical Description: Holograph, in pencil.
Box : Folder 4 : 3
Ohne Erinnerungen / Musik und Worte: Walter Jurmann.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Physical Description: Typescript.
Physical Description: Two copies; c. 2: carbon copy.
Box : Folder 4 : 3
On the bumpy road to romance / Lyrics and Music by Walter Jurman.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Physical Description: Typescript.
Scope and Content Note
Three copies; c. 2-3: carbon copies of a different typescript.
Box : Folder 4 : 3
Our lovesong / Words and Music by Walter Jurman, based on a theme from
L'Arsienne [sic] by G. Bizet.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Physical Description: Typescript.
Scope and Content Note
Three copies; c. 2-3: carbon copies; c.2: with additions in ink; c. 3: with additions in
Box : Folder 4 : 3
On recto of c. 3: [First line:] Schließe Deine Augen zu ; [First line:] Ein Engel
nimmt Dich bei der Hand.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in pencil.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Song Lyrics
Box : Folder 4 : 3
On verso of c. 3: [First line: Hoch vom Kahlenberg]
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in pencil.
Box : Folder 4 : 3
[Our lovesong] Lovesong / Music and Lyrics by Walter Jurman, based on a theme
from L'Arsienne [sic] by Bizet.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Typescript, with additions in pencil.
Box : Folder 4 : 3
[Our love will live] [First line:] Until the moon forgets to beam.
Physical Description: [2] p.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in ink, with additions in pencil.
Letterhead: Walter Jurmann, 10324 Cheviot Drive, west Los Angeles, Calif[ornia].
Box : Folder 4 : 3
Box : Folder 4 : 3
On verso: [First line:] Ohne Deine heiße Liebe.
Our love will live / by Walter Jurmann.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Physical Description: Typescript.
Scope and Content Note
Letterhead: Walter Jurmann, 1454 North Doheny Drive, Los Angeles, Calif[ornia]
90069, 275-7317.
Box : Folder 4 : 3
[Please don't let me down] [First line:] You told me that you care ; [First line: ]
Was kann ich dafür.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in pencil, with additional notations.
Box : Folder 4 : 3
Box : Folder 4 : 3
On verso: printed invitation to Saks Fifth Avenue Collection of Furs, 3 August
[Please don't let me down] [First line:] You told me that you care.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Physical Description: Holograph, in pencil.
Scope and Content Note
Letterhead: Walter Jurmann., 10324 Cheviot Drive, West Los Angeles, California.
Box : Folder 4 : 3
On verso: [These are the symptoms of love] This [sic] are the symptoms of love.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in ink.
Box : Folder 4 : 3
[Please don't let me down] [First line:] You told me that you care.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in ink, with additions in pencil. Letterhead: Walter Jurmann, 10324 Cheviot
Drive, West Los Angeles, California.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Song Lyrics
Box : Folder 4 : 3
Please don't let me down / Lyrics and Music by Walter Jurman.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Physical Description: Typescript.
Physical Description: Two copies; c. 2: carbon copy.
Box : Folder 4 : 3
Possessed / Lyrics & Music by Walter Jurmann.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in ink.
Box : Folder 4 : 3
Possessed / Lyrics & Music by Walter Jurmann.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Two copies; c. 2: carbon copy.
Typescript, with additions in ink.
Box : Folder 4 : 3
San Antonio / Words & Music by Walter Jurmann.
Physical Description: [2] p.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in ink (p. 1) and pencil (p. 2)
Box : Folder 4 : 3
San Antonio / Words & Music by Walter Jurmann, c1966.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Typescript, with holograph additions in pencil.
Letterhead: Walter Jurmann, 1454 North Doheny Drive, Los Angeles, Calif[ornia]
90069, 276-7317.
Box : Folder 4 : 3
San Antonio / Words & Music by Walter Jurmann, c1966.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Typescript, with holograph additions in ink.
Letterhead: Walter Jurmann, 1454 North Doheny Drive, Los Angeles 46, Calif[ornia],
CRestview 5-7317.
Two copies; c. 2: photocopy.
Box : Folder 4 : 3
San Antonio / Words & Music by Walter Jurmann, c1966..
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Typescript, with holograph additions in ink.
Letterhead: Walter Jurmann, 1454 North Doheny Drive, Los Angeles, Calif[ornia]
Two copies; c. 2: carbon copy, with additions in ink.
Box : Folder 4 : 3
[First line:] So lang Du noch träumen kannst.
Physical Description: [2] p.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in ink.
Letterhead: Beverly Wilshire Hotel.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Song Lyrics
Box : Folder 4 : 3
Teach me how to love you / Lyrics and Music by Walter Jurman.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Physical Description: Typescript.
Physical Description: Two copies; c. 2: carbon copy.
Box : Folder 4 : 3
[First line:] There are so many islands.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in pencil.
Letterhead: Memo from Robert Mills.
Box : Folder 4 : 3
Box : Folder 4 : 3
On verso: Ms. notation in ink.
[These are the symptoms of love]
Physical Description: [1] p
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in ink.
Box : Folder 4 : 3
On verso: [First line:] Your [sic] in a tizzy ; [First line:] our love could be so tender
; [First line:] Let's learn the art of giving.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in ink and pencil, with various notations and single lines of lyrics.
Box : Folder 4 : 3
These are the symptoms of love / Lyrics and Music by Walter Jurman
Physical Description: [1] p.
Physical Description: Two copies; c. 2: carbon copy.
Scope and Content Note
Typescript, with additions in ink.
Box : Folder 4 : 3
[This is my heart] Verse to This is my heart . Unforgettable.
Physical Description: [2] p.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in ink; p. [2] : additions in pencil.
Box : Folder 4 : 3
This is my heart / Words & Music by Walter Jurmann.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Physical Description: Typescript.
Box : Folder 4 : 3
[Unforgettable you] Unforgettable / Words & Music by Walter Jurmann.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in ink.
Three copies; c. 2: lacking statement of responsibility.
Box : Folder 4 : 3
Unforgettable you / Words and Music by Walter Jurmann.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Physical Description: Typescript [carbon copy].
Scope and Content Note
Three copies; c. 2: with holograph notation, in pencil.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Song Lyrics
Box : Folder 4 : 3
[Unforgettable you] Unvergesslich.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in pencil.
German words.
Two copies.
Box : Folder 4 : 3
Vergesse Deine Sorgen / Musik und Worte: Walter Jurmann.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Physical Description: Typescript.
Physical Description: Two copies; c. 2: carbon copy.
Box : Folder 4 : 3
Vielen Dank.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in pencil.
Box : Folder 4 : 3
Vielen Dank / Musick [sic] und Worte Walter Jurmann.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Physical Description: Typescript.
Box : Folder 4 : 3
Physical Description: [2] p.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in pencil.
Box : Folder 4 : 4
The American way.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Typescript, with one addition in pencil.
Box : Folder 4 : 4
Cook with a song / Music by Walter Jurman ; Lyric by Bernie Grossman. Jingle of
the pots and pans.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Physical Description: Typescript.
Box : Folder 4 : 4
[I can't take it anymore] [First line:] He left me all broken hearted
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in pencil.
Box : Folder 4 : 4
On verso: Lucky lover / Words by: Paul Cunningham ; Music by: Walter Jurman.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Typescript, with ms. additions in blue ink.
Box : Folder 4 : 4
I can't take it anymore / Words by Ted Gerret ; Music by Walter Jurman.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Physical Description: Typescript.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Song Lyrics
Box : Folder 4 : 4
If there were dreams for sale.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Typescript, with Walter Jurmann additions in pencil and ink.
Box : Folder 4 : 4
If there were dreams for sale / Music: Walter Jurmann ; Lyric: Ruth Freed.
Physical Description: [2] p.
Scope and Content Note
Typescript, with Walter Jurmann additions in pencil and Ruth Freed additions in ink.
Box : Folder 4 : 4
If there were dreams for sale / Music by: Walter Jurmann ; Lyrics by: Ruth Freed.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Physical Description: Typescript [carbon copy].
Box : Folder 4 : 4
If there were dreams for sale.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Typescript [carbon copy], with one addition in pencil.
Box : Folder 4 : 4
It had to be / Lyrics by Ruth Freed ; Music by Walter Jurmann.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Typescript, with Walter Jurmann additions in ink.
Box : Folder 4 : 4
It had to be / Lyrics by Ruth Freed ; Music by Walter Jurman.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Physical Description: Typescript.
Physical Description: Two copies; c. 2: carbon copy.
Box : Folder 4 : 4
It must have been madness / Words by Ted Gerret ; Music by Walter Jurman.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Physical Description: Typescript.
Physical Description: Two copies; c. 2: carbon copy.
Box : Folder 4 : 4
It's great to be a soldier / by Walter Jurmann, Bernie Grossman, Paul Webster.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Typescript, with ms. additions in pencil, including Walter Jurmann signature.
Box : Folder 4 : 4
[It's great to be a soldier] (Extra choruses) It's great to be a soldier / by Walter
Jurmann -- Bernie Grossman -- Paul Webster.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Typescript, with Walter Jurmann additions in pencil and ink.
Box : Folder 4 : 4
It's great to be a soldier / Lyrics by Webster & Grossman ; Music by Walter Jurman.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Physical Description: Typescript.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Song Lyrics
Box : Folder 4 : 4
I've got dish-pan hands.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Typescript [carbon copy], with one Walter Jurmann addition in pencil.
Box : Folder 4 : 4
Los Angeles / Music by Walter Jurmann ; Lyric by Arthur Hamilton.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Physical Description: Typescript [photocopy].
Box : Folder 4 : 4
Love is here / Lyrics by Ruth Freed ; Music by Walter Jurmann.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Typescript, with Walter Jurmann additions in ink.
Box : Folder 4 : 4
Love is here / Lyrics by Ruth Freed ; Music by Walter Jurman.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Physical Description: Typescript.
Physical Description: Two copies; c. 2: carbon copy.
Box : Folder 4 : 4
Lucky lover / Lyrics by Paul Cunningham ; Music by Walter Jurman.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Physical Description: Typescript.
Physical Description: Two copies; c. 2: carbon copy.
Box : Folder 4 : 4
[Lucky number] Drop a penny in the wishing well / Lyric: paul Francis Webster ;
Music: Walter Jurman.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Physical Description: Typescript.
Physical Description: Two copies; c. 2: carbon copy.
Box : Folder 4 : 4
Manhattan after dark.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Typescript, with one addition in pencil.
Box : Folder 4 : 4
Physical Description: [1] p.
Physical Description: Typescript.
Scope and Content Note
Two copies; verso c. 2: ms. notations in pencil.
Box : Folder 4 : 4
Mulligan stew / Music by Walter Jurman -- Lyric by Bernie Grossman.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Typescript, with ms. additions in pencil.
Box : Folder 4 : 4
Box : Folder 4 : 4
On verso: Walter Jurmann notations in pencil.
[My heart ran away with the moon] [First line: On a misty moisty morning]
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Typescript; verso: ms. notations in pencil.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Song Lyrics
My heart ran away with the moon / Lyric: Paul Francis Webster ; Music: Walter
Box : Folder 4 : 4
Physical Description: [1] p.
Physical Description: Typescript [carbon copy].
Box : Folder 4 : 5
New love / Lyrics by Ruth Freed ; Music by Walter Jurmann.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Typescript, with Walter Jurmann additions in ink and pencil.
Box : Folder 4 : 5
On verso: [First line:] In your wedding gown ; [First line:] At our honeymoon.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Walter Jurmann holograph, in pencil and ink.
Box : Folder 4 : 5
New love / Lyrics by Ruth Freed ; Music by Walter Jurman.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Physical Description: Typescript
Physical Description: Two copies; c. 2: carbon copy.
Box : Folder 4 : 5
On a little street in Nischninovgorod / Music by Walter Jurman ; Lyric by Bernie
Physical Description: [1] p.
Physical Description: Typescript.
Box : Folder 4 : 5
[Presenting Lily Mars] Is it really love / Lyric by Paul Francis Webster ; Music by
Walter Jurmann.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Box : Folder 4 : 5
[Presenting Lily Mars] Is it really love?
Physical Description: [1] p.
Physical Description: Typescript.
Box : Folder 4 : 5
Say's [sic] the bluebird / Lyric by Paul Francis Webster ; Music by Walter Jurman.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Physical Description: Typescript.
Box : Folder 4 : 5
[Seven sweethearts] You and the waltz and I / Lyrics by Paul Francis Webster ;
Music by Walter Jurmann.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Typescript, with Walter Jurmann additions in ink and pencil.
Box : Folder 4 : 5
So great my love.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Physical Description: Typescript.
Physical Description: Two copies; c. 2: carbon copy.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Song Lyrics
The tanks are rolling along / Lyric by Paul Francis Webster; Music by Walter
Box : Folder 4 : 5
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Typescript, with one Walter Jurmann addition in pencil.
Box : Folder 4 : 5
The tanks are rolling along / By Paul Webster & Walter Jurman.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Typescript [carbon copy].
Box : Folder 4 : 5
There goes another day / Lyric by Paul Francis Webster ; Music by Walter Jurman.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Typescript, with one Walter Jurmann addition pencil.
Box : Folder 4 : 5
[Tulip time in Michigan] Little tingle tangle toes / Lyric by Paul Francis Webster ;
Music by Walter Jurman.
Physical Description: [2] p.
Physical Description: Typescript.
Scope and Content Note
On verso of p. 1 and 2: ms. notations.
Box : Folder 4 : 5
Physical Description: [1] p.
Physical Description: Typescript [carbon copy].
Box : Folder 4 : 5
Whatever you do is wrong.
Physical Description: [3] p.
Physical Description: Typescript [carbon copy].
Box : Folder 4 : 5
Windmill in the willows / Lyric by Paul Francis Webster ; Music by Walter Jurman.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Physical Description: Typescript.
Physical Description: Two copies; c. 2: carbon copy.
Box : Folder 4 : 5
You don't know the meaning of love / Words by T Gerret ; Music by Walter Jurman.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Physical Description: Typescript.
Box : Folder 4 : 5
[Lyrics. Selections] / Music by Walter Jurman ; Lyric by Bernie Grossman.
Physical Description: [9] p.
Scope and Content Note
Typescript and carbon copies of various typescripts; in the case of two selections: both
typescript and carbon copy.
Box : Folder 4 : 5
Additional page: [First line:] I talked to God.
Scope and Content Note
Ms., in pencil.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Abstract: Introduction
Scope and Content Note
There is only one entry in this series, accorded a degree of importance incommensurate with
its extent or informativeness by the fact that it is the only document of its kind in the
Collection. It was probably for the purposes of an interview that Jurmann drafted this
one-page explanation of how he came to compose the song "San Antonio" which was
premiered in 1967 and subsequently made the official theme song for the city's 1968
"Hemisfair". In his draft, Jurmann wrote among other things:
Asked what made him write his newest song San Antonio he stated, it was simply a case of
Love at first sight. [ . . . ] The best way of expressing my feelings is through the medium of
Writings By Walter Jurmann
Box : Folder 4 : 6
[Notes: re San Antonio]
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in ink.
Abstract: Introduction
Scope and Content Note
In the 1940s and beyond Jurmann became very interested in collaborating on screenplays
and librettos for musicals. A number of scripts, plot synopses and related material, including
a few screenplays crediting Jurmann on the title page, as well a several different versions to
the musical "Windy City", were among Jurmann's papers. This series is arranged
alphabetically by title, with all the "Windy City" versions with different titles under the
uniform title "Windy City".
Condemned to live : screenplay / by Arnold Phillips and Lawrence Goldman from an
original story by Ken Britton.
Box : Folder 5 : 1
Physical Description: 1 script, bound. 124 p.
Physical Description: Typescript [photocopy].
Box : Folder 5 : 2
Condemned to live / Original story by Ken Britton ; Adaptation by Arnold Phillips.
Physical Description: 1 plot synopsis. 15 p.
Physical Description: Typescript [carbon copy].
Box : Folder 5 : 3
Goodbye angel! / by John Kafka & Walter Jurman.
Physical Description: 1 plot synopsis, bound. 51 p.
Physical Description: Typescript [carbon copy].
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Maskerade : ein Musical nach dem gleichnamigen Tonfilm / Buch und Liedertexte : Walter Reisch, c1978...
Maskerade : ein Musical nach dem gleichnamigen Tonfilm / Buch und Liedertexte :
Walter Reisch, c1978.
Box : Folder 5 : 4
Physical Description: 1 script, bound. 125 p.
Scope and Content Note
The original version of Maskerade was the script upon which the American film Escapade
was based.
Box : Folder 5 : 5
Metropolitan saga / by Walter Jurmann and Anne Freelick
Physical Description: 1 plot synopsis, bound.
Physical Description: [34] p., in various pagings.
Physical Description: Typescript [carbon copy].
Box : Folder 5 : 6
The secret singer / by Ann Watermann, 1934.
Physical Description: 1 plot synopsis, bound. 13 p.
Physical Description: Typescript [photocopy].
Box : Folder 5 : 7
The secret singer / by Ann Watermann.
Physical Description: 1 plot synopsis, bound. 14 p.
Physical Description: Typescript [carbon copy].
Box : Folder 5 : 8
The secret singer / by Walter Jurmann.
Physical Description: 1 plot synopsis, bound. 14 p.
Physical Description: Typescript [carbon copy].
Scope and Content Note
On cover page: holograph signature.
Box : Folder 5 :
The third from the left : first draft of a musical comedy / by Ladislas Fodor.
Physical Description: 1 script, bound. 89 p.
Physical Description: Typescript [photocopy].
Physical Description: Two copies.
Box : Folder 6 : 1
[Windy City] The honest gambler / by Philip Yordan, c1943.
Physical Description: 1 script, bound.
Physical Description: [99] p., in various pagings.
Scope and Content Note
Typescript., with ms. additions in pencil. + [8] p. typescript [carbon copy].
[Windy City] Danny boy : a musical play / by Philip Yordan ; with Lyrics by Paul
Francis Webster and Music by Walter Jurman, c1945.
Box : Folder 6 : 2
Physical Description: 1 script, bound.
Physical Description: [105] p., in various pagings.
Physical Description: Typescript [carbon copy].
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Windy City : a musical play / by Philip Yordan with Lyrics by Paul Francis Webster and Music by Walt...
Windy City : a musical play / by Philip Yordan
with Lyrics by Paul Francis Webster and Music
by Walter Jurman, c1945.
Box : Folder 6 : 3
Physical Description: 1 script, bound.
Physical Description: [107] p., in various
Scope and Content Note
Typescript [carbon copy], with Walter Jurman
additions in pencil and ink.
Original title Danny Boy crossed out on both
cover and title page.
Box : Folder 6 : 4
[Windy City] [Lyrics. Selections]
Physical Description: [15] p.
Physical Description: Typescript [carbon copy].
Box : Folder 6 : 4
[Outline and script]
Physical Description: [5] p.
Physical Description: Typescript [photo- and/or carbon copy]
Box : Folder 6 : 4
Physical Description: [p. 52-62]
Scope and Content Note
Holograph, in pencil.
Box : Folder 6 : 4
I'm running out of luck ; I never had a break ; Tropical serenade.
Physical Description: [3] p.
Scope and Content Note
Typescript and carbon copy of typescript.
Two copies for I'm running out of luck; c. 2: holograph, in pencil.
Windy City : a dramatic musical / Book: Philip Yordan ; Lyrics: Paul Francis Webster ;
Music: Walter Jurman, 1946.
Box : Folder 6 : 5
Physical Description: 1 script, bound.
Physical Description: [109] p., in various pagings.
Scope and Content Note
Typescript [carbon copy], with holograph and ms. additions in pencil and ink.
On title page: As performed in: New Haven, Philadelphia, Boston, Chicago, 1946.
[Windy City] Heads or tails : a musical play / by Phillip Yordan ; with Lyrics by Paul
Francis Webster and Music by Walter Jurmann.
Box : Folder 6 : 6
Physical Description: 1 script, [96] p. in various pagings.
Scope and Content Note
Walter Jurmann holograph.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
[Windy City] [Heads or tails], Act 2, scenes 1-3.
Box : Folder 6 : 7
[Windy City] [Heads or tails], Act 2, scenes 1-3.
Physical Description: [14] p.
Scope and Content Note
Typescript, with Walter Jurmann additions in pencil and ink.
[Windy City] Heads or tails : a musical play / by Philip Yordan ; Lyrics, Paul Francis
Webster ; Music, Walter Jurman, c1955.
Box : Folder 6 : 8
Physical Description: 1 script, bound.
Scope and Content Note
[107] p., in various pagings.
Typescript [carbon copy].
[Windy City] Of him and her : a dramatic musical / by Philip Yordan ; with lyrics by
Paul Francis Webster ; and music by Walter Jurman.
Box : Folder 6 : 9
Physical Description: 1 script, bound.
Physical Description: [107] p., in various pagings.
Physical Description: Typescript [carbon copy].
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
with Walter Jurmann
Abstract: Introduction
Scope and Content Note
Correspondence in the Jurmann Collection falls easily into three categories, A-C, namely
correspondence between Jurmann and others, correspondence between others which relates
to Jurmann, and correspondence between Yvonne Jurmann and others. By far the majority of
the letters originates from the later years of Jurmann's life and beyond; dates for each item
are given only by year, Letters from organizations are, secondarily, cross-referenced under
the name of the actual writer of the letter. Correspondence to Walter Jurmann which was
written in response to an extant communication from him is filed alphabetically under
Jurmann (box 7/folder 2) , as are most of the other letters or copies of letters written by
Jurmann himself.
Sub-series V.B, Correspondence relating to Walter Jurmann, has three further subdivisions,
namely correspondence regarding the song "San Antonio", correspondence regarding the
song "San Francisco" and Miscellaneous; this last category consists of two items sent by
Walter Jurmann' s father Norbert Jurmann to the family of his brother-in-law, Rudolf and Olga
The following key is in explication of the abbreviations used to describe the letters.
L Letter
AL Autograph letter
ALS Autograph letter signed
TL Typed letter
TLS Typed letter signed
ANS Autograph note signed
CS Card signed
TCS Typed card signed
PC Postcard
D Document
DS Document signed
TDS Typed document signed
Box : Folder 7 : 1
with Walter Jurmann
1 TLS, 1970.
Creator/Collector: Alamo Kiwanis Club of San Antonio
Physical Description: [1] p.
Box : Folder 7 : 1
1 ALS [photocopy], [n.d.].
Creator/Collector: Almaguer, Raul
Physical Description: [1] p.
Box : Folder 7 : 1
see J. J. Robbins.
Creator/Collector: Barco, R.
Box : Folder 7 : 1
1 TLS, 1967.
Creator/Collector: Connally, John [ Governor of Texas]
Physical Description: [1] p.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
with Walter Jurmann
Box : Folder 7 : 1
1 TLS, 1967.
Creator/Collector: Council of International Relations
Physical Description: [1] p.
Box : Folder 7 : 1
2 ALS, 1 ACS, 1967-70.
Creator/Collector: Fernandez, Rosita
Physical Description: [5] p.
Box : Folder 7 : 1
1 TLS, [n.d.].
Creator/Collector: Freed, Ruth
Physical Description: [1] p.
Box : Folder 7 : 1
1 ALS, 1967.
Creator/Collector: Garringer, Lori
Physical Description: [2] p.
Box : Folder 7 : 1
with: Jurmann, Walter: 1 TL [carbon copy], 1967.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Box : Folder 7 : 1
see Our Lady of the Lake College
Creator/Collector: Gentemann, Sister Elaine
Box : Folder 7 : 1
Creator/Collector: Hodge, Paul
see also Clippings, Series VII.D., San Antonio
see also Miscellanous, Series IX., The KONO Boss Sixty Hit List . . .
Box : Folder 7 : 1
1 ANS, [n.d.].
Creator/Collector: Hodges, Paul
Physical Description: [1] p.
Box : Folder 7 : 1
1 ALS, 1967.
Creator/Collector: with: Willis, Elain to Paul Hodges.
Physical Description: [2] p.
Box : Folder 7 : 1
1 TLS, 1950.
Creator/Collector: Irving Allen Enterprises, Inc.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Box : Folder 7 : 1
1 TLS, 1952.
Creator/Collector: J. J. Robbins
Physical Description: [1] p., with WJ signature.
Box : Folder 7 : 1
with: 1 DS, 1952.
Physical Description: [4] p.
Scope and Content Note
re: Lucky Lover. + WJ signature.
Box : Folder 7 : 1
Jurmann, Walter
see also Garringer, Lori
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
with Walter Jurmann
Box : Folder 7 : 2
1 L, 1966.
Creator/Collector: Jurmann, Walter To Lyndon Johnson [President of the US]
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Three copies; c. 1: typescript; c. 2: carbon copy of different typescript; c. 3: holograph
draft, in ink.
Box : Folder 7 : 2
Box : Folder 7 : 2
with: 1 PC from the White House, [n.d.].
1 CS, 1910.
Creator/Collector: To Norbert Jurmann [Walter Jurmann's father] from Otto and
Walter Jurmann
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Picture postcard of photograph of Otto and Walter Jurmann with their mother, Hermine
Fischer Jurmann.
Card written by Walter Jurmann's brother Otto and not signed by WJ.
Box : Folder 7 : 2
1 CS, 1917.
Creator/Collector: To Noe [Norbert] Jurmann
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Picture postcard of photograph of Walter Jurmann with his aunt Goldschmidt.
Box : Folder 7 : 2
1 CS, [c. late 1920s].
Creator/Collector: Jurmann, Walter To Otto Jurmann
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Picture postcard of photograph of Walter Jurmann skating.
Box : Folder 7 : 2
1 TCS, [n.d.]
Creator/Collector: To Yvonne Jurmann
Box : Folder 7 : 2
1 TL, 1970.
Creator/Collector: To Richard Nixon [President of the US]
Physical Description: [2] p.
Scope and Content Note
Two copies [carbon copies].
Box : Folder 7 : 2
with: 1 AL [holograph draft], [n.d.].
Physical Description: [5] p.
Box : Folder 7 : 2
with: 1 TL from The White House (Noble M. Melencamp), 1970.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Box : Folder 7 : 2
Creator/Collector: Kullen, sid
see Irving Allen Enterprises, Inc.
Box : Folder 7 : 2
Creator/Collector: Lastfogel, Abe
see U.S.O. Camp-Shows, Inc.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
with Walter Jurmann
Box : Folder 7 : 3
1 TLS, 1966.
Creator/Collector: Leahy, Joe
Physical Description: [1] p.
Box : Folder 7 : 3
Creator/Collector: Melencamp, Noble M.
see Jurmann, Walter to Richard Nixon.
Box : Folder 7 : 3
1 TLS, 1934.
Creator/Collector: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Physical Description: [1] p.
Box : Folder 7 : 3
1 T [photocopy], 1935.
Physical Description: Two copies.
Box : Folder 7 : 3
2 TLS, 1967.
Creator/Collector: Our Lady of the Lake College
Physical Description: [2] p.
Box : Folder 7 : 3
1 CS, 1932.
Creator/Collector: Rátay, Z.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Picture postcard of Arosa, Switzerland.
Box : Folder 7 : 3
1 TLS, 1938.
Creator/Collector: Rossi, Angelo [Mayor of San Francisco]
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
re: San Francisco.
Box : Folder 7 : 3
Creator/Collector: Schlagel, Marie Anne
see Videotape Center
Box : Folder 7 : 3
1 ALS, 1968.
Creator/Collector: Sisters of Mercy, Saint James Convent
Physical Description: [2] p.
Box : Folder 7 : 3
Creator/Collector: Southern Music Publishing (Dorothy Morrison)
see Documents--contracts, Series VI .A., Southern Music Publishing Co., Inc.
Box : Folder 7 : 3
Creator/Collector: Thrift, Terry Jr.
see Alamo Kiwanis Club of San Antonio
Box : Folder 7 : 3
1 TLS, 1959.
Creator/Collector: Truman, Harry S.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
with Walter Jurmann
Box : Folder 7 : 3
1 TLS, 1944.
Creator/Collector: U.S.O.-Camp Shows, Inc.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Box : Folder 7 : 3
1 TLS, 1968.
Creator/Collector: Videotape Center
Physical Description: [1] p.
Correspondence - Relating to Walter Jurmann
Box : Folder 7 : 4
1. re San Antonio
From abell, Bess
Creator/Collector: To Rosita Fernandez [Mrs. Raul A. Almaguer]
See The White House to Mrs. Raul A. Almaguer
Box : Folder 7 : 4
1 TLS [Photocopy], 1967.
Creator/Collector: From Connally, Nellie
Physical Description: [1] p.
Box : Folder 7 : 4
1 TLS [photocopy], 1967.
Creator/Collector: From The White House to Mrs. Raul A. Almaguer [Rosita
Physical Description: [1] p.
Box : Folder 7 : 4
From the San Antonio Convention & Visitors Bureau 1 TLS, 1987.
Creator/Collector: To Sharon Hinds, of KMOL-TV
Physical Description: 2 p.
Box : Folder 7 : 4
Creator/Collector: From Rhoads, Kathy
See San Antonio Convention & Visitors Bureau
Box : Folder 7 : 4
From Grade 5, Lamar School, San Antonio. 3 ALS, 1967.
Creator/Collector: To James Shand, of Joske's
Physical Description: [3] p.
Box : Folder 7 : 4
with: To Paul Hodges from Pattie, Ann 1 ALS, 1967.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Box : Folder 7 : 4
1 ANS, [n.d.].
Creator/Collector: From James Shand
Physical Description: [1] p.
Box : Folder 7 : 4
2. re San Francisco
1 T, 2 TLS [photocopy], 1984.
Creator/Collector: To Dianne Feinstein [Mayor of San Francisco]
Physical Description: [3] p.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Correspondence - Relating to Walter Jurmann
2. re San Francisco
Box : Folder 7 : 4
1 TLS [photocopy], 1984.
Creator/Collector: To Warren Hinckle, San Francisco Chronicle
Physical Description: [1] p.
Box : Folder 7 : 4
2 telegrams, 7 ALS [photocopies], 8 TLS [photocopies], 1984.
Creator/Collector: To Quentin Kopp [Supervisor of San Francisco]
Physical Description: [14] p.
Box : Folder 7 : 4
3 TLS [photocopies], 1984.
Creator/Collector: From Kopp, Quentin to various addressees
Physical Description: [3] p.
Box : Folder 7 : 4
1 TLS [photocopy], [1984?].
Creator/Collector: From Grimes, Robert to Kay Grimes
Physical Description: [1] p.
3. Miscellaneous
Box : Folder 7 : 5
1 CS [c. 1910].
Creator/Collector: Jurmann, Norbert to Olga and Rudolf Fischer [brother and sister-in-law of Hermine Fischer Jurmann]
Physical Description: [1] p
Scope and Content Note
Picture postcard, with group photograph.
Box : Folder 7 : 5
1 CS, 1913.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Picture postcard, with photograph of the Jurmann family: Otto and Walter Jurmann and their parents
Box : Folder 7 : 6
With Yvonne Jurmann
1 ALS, [n.d.].
Creator/Collector: Almaguer, Raul
Physical Description: [2] p.
Box : Folder 7 : 6
Creator/Collector: Bamberger, Josef
see also UFA-Musikverlage
Box : Folder 7 : 6
1 ACS, [n.d.].
Creator/Collector: Bamberger, Josef
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Correspondence - Relating to Walter Jurmann
With Yvonne Jurmann
Box : Folder 7: 6
3 TLS, 1973.
Creator/Collector: Chappell &
Physical Description: [3] p.
Box : Folder 7 : 6
1 TLS, 1967.
Creator/Collector: Eisenhower, Mamie Dodd
Physical Description: [1] p.
Box : Folder 7 : 6
1 ALS, [1985].
Creator/Collector: Fernandez, Rosita
Physical Description: [1] p.
Box : Folder 7 : 6
1 TLS [carbon copy], 1984.
Creator/Collector: Jurmann, Yvonne To Dianne Feinstein [Mayor of San Francisco]
Physical Description: [2] p.
Box : Folder 7 : 6
1 TLS, 1984.
Creator/Collector: [Kolestil], Thomas [Austrian Ambassador to the US]
Physical Description: [1] p.
Box : Folder 7 : 6
1 TLS, 1984.
Creator/Collector: Kopp, Quentin
Physical Description: [1] p.
Box : Folder 7 : 6
with: Jurmann, Yvonne, to Quentin Kopp 1 TL [carbon copy], 1984.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Box : Folder 7 : 6
Creator/Collector: Mahfouz, Philip
see Chappell & Co.
Box : Folder 7 : 6
Creator/Collector: Mosty, John R.
see San Antonio Convention & Visitors Bureau
Box : Folder 7 : 6
1 TLS, 1984.
Creator/Collector: San Antonio Convention & Visitors Bureau
Physical Description: [1] p.
Box : Folder 7 : 6
Creator/Collector: Southern Music Publishing (Dorothy Morrison)
see Documents--Contracts, Series VI.A.: Southern Music Publishing Co., Inc.
Box : Folder 7 : 6
1 TLS, 1979.
Creator/Collector: UFA-Musikverlage
Physical Description: [2] p.
Scope and Content Note
laid in: [3] p.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Abstract: Introduction
Scope and Content Note
This series is subdivided into seven categories, as summarized in the table of contents. A
distinction is made between contracts, category VI.A, and agreements, category VI.B;
whereas contracts are actual prepared (and usually printed) documents, agreements were
often no more than a signed and counter-signed formal letter. The army documents refer
mainly to Jurmann's honorable discharge in May of 1943, after he had voluntarily enlisted in
the previous year; thereafter he participated in USO shows for the troops. Category VI.F, the
personal documents, includes identity cards, passports and driver's licenses.
The following key is in explication of the abbreviations used to describe the letters.
L Letter
AL Autograph letter
ALS Autograph letter signed
TL Typed letter
TLS Typed letter signed
ANS Autograph note signed
CS Card signed
TCS Typed card signed
PC Postcard
D Document
DS Document signed
TDS Typed document signed
Box : Folder 7 : 6
Creator/Collector: Barco, R.
see Correspondence with Walter Jurmann, Series V.A., J. J. Robbins.
Box : Folder 7 : 7
1 DS, 1952.
Creator/Collector: George Paxton, Inc.
Physical Description: [4] p.
Scope and Content Note
re: On the island of my heart.
Box : Folder 7 : 7
Creator/Collector: J. J. Robbins
see Correspondence with Walter Jurmann, Series
Scope and Content Note
V.A., J. J. Robbins.
Box : Folder 7 : 7
1 DS, 1950.
Creator/Collector: Phillips, Arnold
Physical Description: [2] p.
Scope and Content Note
re: Condemned to live. laid in: 1 typescript [photocopy]
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Box : Folder 7 : 7
1 DS, 1950.
Creator/Collector: 1 DS.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
re: Condemned to live. + Walter Jurmann signature.
Box : Folder 7 : 7
1 DS, 1943.
Creator/Collector: Southern Music Publishing Co. , inc
Physical Description: [5] p.
Scope and Content Note
re: In the spirit of the moment. + Walter Jurmann signature.
Box : Folder 7 : 7
1 DS, 1972.
Physical Description: [4] p.
Scope and Content Note
re: In the spirit of the moment. + Yvonne Jurmann signature.
Box : Folder 7 : 7
laid in: 1 TLS from Southern Music Publishing (Dorothy Morrison) to Walter
Jurmann, 1971.
Physical Description: [1] P-
Box : Folder 7 : 7
laid in: 3 TLS from Southern Music Publishing (Dorothy Morrison) to Yvonne
Jurmann 1971-1972.
Physical Description: [4] p.
Box : Folder 7 : 7
laid in: 1 TL and 1 TLS from Yvonne Jurmann to Dorothy Morrison, of Southern
Music Publishnq, 1971.
Physical Description: [2] p.
Box : Folder 7 : 8
1 TLS, 1967.
Creator/Collector: To Adam, Josh
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
re: A better world to live in.
Two copies [carbon copies].
laid in: 1 printed contract, unsigned
Box : Folder 7 : 8
1 TLS, 1967.
Creator/Collector: To DuBose, L. B.
Scope and Content Note
re: San Antonio. Three copies [carbon copies].
laid in: 1 TD, notarized, 1967 [1] p.
Box : Folder 7 : 8
1 TLS, 1967.
Creator/Collector: To Fernandez, Rosita
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
re: San Antonio. Three copies [carbon copies].
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Box : Folder 7 : 8
1 TLS, 1967.
Creator/Collector: To Grabot, Bob
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Two copies [carbon copies].
laid in: 1 printed contract, unsigned
Box : Folder 7 : 8
1 TDS, [n.d.].
Creator/Collector: Joske's of Texas to Walter Jurmann
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
re: San Antonio.
Box : Folder 7 : 8
Creator/Collector: Leahy, Joe
see Worcester Records
Box : Folder 7 : 8
1 TLS, 1967.
Creator/Collector: To Lopez, Arturo
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
re: San Antonio.
Three copies; c. 2-3: carbon copies.
Box : Folder 7 : 8
1 TL, 1950.
Creator/Collector: To Phillips, Arnold
Physical Description: 2 p.
Scope and Content Note
re: Condemned to live.
Three copies [carbon copies].
laid in: l holograph draft, in pencil holograph list of expenses, in ink.
Box : Folder 7 : 8
1 TLS, 1942.
Creator/Collector: Ross, Gertrude to Walter Jurmann
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
re: You and the waltz and I.
Box : Folder 7 : 8
1 TLS, 1967.
Creator/Collector: Worcester Records (Joe Leahy) to Walter Jurmann
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
re: San Antonio ; Houston ; My unforgettable you ; A better world to live in.
Two copies; c. 2: carbon copy. + WJ signature.
Box : Folder 7 : 8
1 ALS, [n.d.].
Physical Description: [1] p.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Box : Folder 7 : 9
1 D, 1967.
Physical Description: [2] p.
Scope and Content Note
re: Los Angeles, the city I love [Los Angeles (1967)].
Box : Folder 7 : 9
1 D, 1955.
Physical Description: [2] p.
Scope and Content Note
re: Was weisst denn Du, wie ich verliebt bin. Copyright renewal.
laid in: 1 TL to Fritz Rotter from Songwriters Protective Association, 1955; [1] p.
Box : Folder 7 : 9
1 D, 1967.
Physical Description: [2] p.
Scope and Content Note
re: Welcome to the Hemisfair.
Box : Folder 7 : 9
Worcester Records (Joe Leahy) 1 DS, 1967.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
re: sound disc recordings of San Antonio, My unforgettable you, A better world,
1 DS in ink, with signature in different ink. [1] p.
re: recording session, 1967.
Box : Folder 7 : 10
1 D, 1943.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Special Orders [photocopy] re discharge.
Two copies.
Box : Folder 7 : 10
1 D, 1943.
Physical Description: [2] p.
Scope and Content Note
Discharge form.
Two copies; c. 2: carbon copy.
Box : Folder 7 : 10
1 D, 1943.
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Report of discharge [carbon copy]
Box : Folder 7 : 10
1 DS, 1943.
Physical Description: [2] p.
Scope and Content Note
Honorary discharge.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Box : Folder 7 : 10
1 D, [n.d.].
Physical Description: [1] p.
Scope and Content Note
Occupation certification.
Box : Folder 7 : 11
Box : Folder 7 : 11
Identity cards
1 DS, Austria, 1923-1924
Scope and Content Note
Box : Folder 7 : 11
1 DS, France, 1933-1935.
Scope and Content Note
Carte d'Identite.
Box : Folder 7 : 11
1 DS, Austria, 1934.
Scope and Content Note
Heimatschein [proof of birth certificate].
Box : Folder 7 : 12
1 DS, Austria, 1926-1938.
4 DS, US: 1948-1952, 1955-1957, 1963-1966, 1971.
Driver's Licenses
1 DS, Germany, 1930.
1 DS, Germany/International, 1932.
Physical Description: laid in: two enclosures.
Box : Folder 7 : 13
1 DS, France/International, 1933-1935.
Box : Folder 7 : 13
1 DS, US/International, 1971.
Box : Folder 7 : 14
Box : Folder 7 : 14
re: San Antonio 1 D [photocopy], 1985.
re: San Francisco 3 D [photocopies], [[n.d., n.d., 1984]].
Bio-Bibliographic Material
Abstract: Introduction.
Scope and Content Note
Secondary material on Walter Jurmann ranges from the occasional periodical article, works
lists and discog-raphies to newspaper clippings, concert and festival programs, press
releases and material relating to radio and television programs on Jurmann. The series is
sub-divided into seven sub-series. The newspaper clippings and radio program materials are
not described in detail, though items in both sub-series are arranged in chronological order,
insofar as that was possible.
Box : Folder 8 : 1
Box : Folder 8 : 1
Walter Jurmann zum 80. Geburtstaq am12. Oktober 1983., et cetera Special (May
1983). Contents:
"Von Semmering nach Hollywood," 1-15
Creator/Collector: Pacher, Maurus.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Bio-Bibliographic Material
Box : Folder 8 : 1
"Filmographie," 16-24.
Creator/Collector: Brachtel, Karl Robert.
Box : Folder 8 : 1
"Diskographie," 25-33.
Creator/Collector: Pacher, Maurus.
Box : Folder 8 : 2
Box : Folder 8 : 2
Box : Folder 8 : 2
krb. "All God's Chillun got Rhythum," et cetera 2 (1976) , 18.
"Aus der Eden-Bar nach Hollywood," et cetera 2 (1978) , 17.
et cetera 17 (August 1983), 17.
Creator/Collector: Walter Jurmann
Box : Folder 8 : 3
Box : Folder 8 : 3
[Bound collection of photocopied excerpts from:]
Deutscher Spielfilm Almanach1929-1950 (Munchen: Filmladen Christoph
Winterberg 1976)
Creator/Collector: Bauer, Alfred.
Physical Description: [17] p.
Box : Folder 8 : 3
Die osterreichischen Spielfilme der Tonfilmzeit (1929-1938)(Wien: Osterreichische
Gesellschaft fur Filmwissenschaft, 1968).
Creator/Collector: Fritz, Walter.
Physical Description: [7] p.
Box : Folder 8 : 3
Catalogue des films francais de long métrage. Films sonores de fiction1929-1939
Physical Description: [13] p.
Box : Folder 8 : 3
The MGM Story. The Complete History of fifty roaring years. (London: Sundial
Books Limited, 1975)
Creator/Collector: Eames, John Douglas.
Physical Description: [7] p.
Box : Folder 8 : 4
One-Way Ticket to Hollywood. Film Artists of Austrian and German Origin in Los
Angeles (Emigration1884-1945) , An exhibition presented by the Max Kade
Institute for Austrian-German-Swiss Studies, University of Southern California, 74.
Creator/Collector: Walter Jurmann
Box : Folder 8 : 5
"Walter Jurmann," biography
Creator/Collector: [Jurmann, Yvonne].
Physical Description: Typescript. [2] p.
Box : Folder 8 : 6
Works Lists
Record of the works of Jurmann, Walter.
Creator/Collector: [ASCAP]
Physical Description: [3] p.
Physical Description: Typescript [?].
Physical Description: Two copies; c. 2: photocopy.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Bio-Bibliographic Material
Works Lists
Box : Folder 8 : 6
Record of the unpublished works of Jurmann, Walter.
Creator/Collector: [ASCAP]
Physical Description: [1] P.
Physical Description: Typescript [?].
Physical Description: Two copies; c. 2: photocopy.
Box : Folder 8 : 6
Member Catalogue, performed titles [n.d.]
Creator/Collector: [ASCAP]
Physical Description: 9 p.
Physical Description: Typescript [computer print-out]
Box : Folder 8 : 6
List of Jurmann songs
Creator/Collector: [Gema]
Physical Description: [12] p.
Physical Description: Typescript [computer print-out]
Box : Folder 8 : 6
Titel-Liste Walter Jurmann / UFA-Dokumentation, 29.6.[19]79.
Creator/Collector: [Ufaton Verlag]
Physical Description: [20] p., various pagings.
Physical Description: Typescript [computer print-out].
Physical Description: Two copies; c. 2: photocopy, new pagination.
Physical Description: Typescript [photocopy].
Physical Description: 9 p.
Physical Description: Two copies; c. 2: with additional p. 10-13 typescript.
Box : Folder 8 : 7
[Lists of songs. Various] Lieder von Walter Jurmann.
Physical Description: Typescript. [4] p.
Box : Folder 8 : 7
Musik von Walter Jurmann in amerikanischen Filmen.
Physical Description: Typescript [photocopy]. 2 p.
Box : Folder 8 : 7
Ms. [photocopy].
Physical Description: [13] p.
Box : Folder 8 : 7
Physical Description: [1] p.
Box : Folder 8 : 7
Physical Description: [8] p.
Box : Folder 8 : 8
1 biographical summary and selected works list
Creator/Collector: Walter Jurmann
Physical Description: [photocopy]. [4] p.
Physical Description: Two copies.
Box : Folder 8 : 9
"Auswahl-Diskographie. Walter Jurmann," UFA- Musikverlage.
Physical Description: Typescript. 4 p.
Physical Description: Seven copies; c. 2-7: photocopies.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
[Discographies. Various]
Box : Folder 8 : 9
[Discographies. Various]
Physical Description: [8] p.
Physical Description: Typescript, carbon copy and photocopy.
Box : Folder 9 : 1
Bound collection of clippings, [3] p. 1934-1935.
Creator/Collector: Zeitungsausschnitte
Scope and Content Note
with: Photocopies of 5 items from above.
Box : Folder 9 : 2
re: Houston
Physical Description: 5 items from American newspapers (1967).
Box : Folder 9 : 3
re: San Antonio
Physical Description: 34 items from American newspapers (1967).
Physical Description: 2 items from local newspapers (1967) sent by Paul Hodges.
Physical Description: laid in: Hodges, Paul. 1 ANS, 1 AN, [n.d.], [2] p.
Physical Description: 3 items [photocopies] ([1967]).
Box : Folder 9 : 4
re: San Francisco
Scope and Content Note
54 items [including photocopies] from American newspapers (1984-1985).
Box : Folder 9 : 5
re: Windy City
Scope and Content Note
3 items [photocopies] from Chicago newspaper (1946).
Box : Folder 9 : 6
re: Other
Scope and Content Note
34 items [including photocopies] from American and international newspapers and
periodicals (1971-1988).
Radio and Television Programs
Box : Folder 8 : 10
1. Announcements
"Aus der Welt des Films von einst und heute," Deutschlandfunk Programm and
Information (Feb 1977)
Physical Description: [n.p.]-
Box : Folder 8 : 10
"Die Comedian Harmonists," [unidentified clipping].
2. Listings
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Radio and Television Programs
2. Listings
Box : Folder 8 : 11
Box : Folder 8 : 11
Box : Folder 8 : 11
[Listings. Various]
Radio Bremen. ProgrammauswahlOktober 1978
"Radio Bremen. 43. Programmwoche 23. bis 29. Oktober 1978"
Physical Description: Clippings. [18] p.
Physical Description: Clippings [photocopies]. [8] p.
Box : Folder 8 : 12
3. Scripts and Related Materials
"Film-Erinnerungen an Walter Jurmann," Bayerischer Rundfunk/Bayern 1 (16 Dec
Physical Description: 1 item [photocopy]. 9 p.
Physical Description: Two copies.
Box : Folder 8 : 12
"Die Film-Chronik," Deutschlandfunk (15 Feb 1977)
Physical Description: 1 item [photocopy]. 11 p.
Box : Folder 8 : 12
"Schade, dass Liebe ein Marchen ist-- Musikalische Erinnerungen an Walter
Jurmann," Westdeutscher Rundfunk (28 Sep 1978).
Physical Description: 1 item [photocopy]. 14 p.
Scope and Content Note
Two copies.
Box : Folder 8 : 13
3. Scripts and Related Materials
[Yvonne Jurmann: script for taped radio program, UFA-Musikverlag, 1978]
Creator/Collector: Backhaus, Helmuth M. "Walter Jurmann,"
Physical Description: Typescript [photocopy]. 8 p.
Physical Description: 7 copies.
Scope and Content Note
with: works 1ist/discography [photocopy], 3 p. 5 copies.
Box : Folder 8 : 14
"Erinnern Sie sich?" SDR and SWF 1 (16 Mar 1979).
Physical Description: 1 item [photocopy]. 8 p.
Box : Folder 8 : 14
"Von Berlin nach San Francisco," Bayerischer Rundfunk/Bayern 2 (22 Dec 1979)
Physical Description: 1 item [photocopy], bound. 14 p.
Physical Description: with: Typescript [photocopy]. [2] p.
Box : Folder 8 : 14
"Schade, dass Liebe ein Marchen ist. Zum 80. Geburtstag des Deutsch
Amerikaners Walter Jurmann," Westdeutscher Rundfunk (4 Sep 1983).
Physical Description: 1 list of performances [photocopy]. 10 p.
Physical Description: Two copies; c. 3: of p. 1, 3, 4 and 5.
Box : Folder 8 : 14
"Erinnern Sie sich? Walter Jurmann," Sudfunk 1 (21 Sep 1983).
Physical Description: 1 item [photocopy] 10 p.
Physical Description: with:1 item [carbon copy], [1] p.
Box : Folder 8 : 15
"Musik liegt in der Luft," [unidentified source] (10 Oct 1983).
Physical Description: 1 item [photocopy]. 2 p.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Radio and Television Programs
3. Scripts and Related Materials
Box : Folder 8 : 15
"Mr. Evergreen," Deutsche Welle (12 Oct 1983).
Physical Description: 1 item [photocopy]. 5 p.
Physical Description: Two copies.
Box : Folder 8 : 15
"Vorhang auf! Operette - Musical - Film," Südfunk1 (11 Oct 1985).
Physical Description: 1 item [photocopy]. 14 p.
Box : Folder 8 : 15
"Das Sonntagskonzert: Walter Jurmann - ein Komponist, den keiner kennt und
jeder pfeift," Deutsche Welle ([n.d.)].
Physical Description: 1 item [photocopy]. [4] p.
Box : Folder 8 : 15
"Musikalische Erinnerungen. Melodien von Walter Jurmann," Hessischer Rundfunk
Physical Description: 1 item [photocopy]. 18 p.
Box : Folder 8 : 16
"Walter Jurmann - 'Weltbürger der Musik'," Television co-production ORF and WDR
(30 December 1986).
Box : Folder 8 : 16
1 production outline.
Scope and Content Note
Typescript [photocopy], [10] p., in various pagings.
Box : Folder 8 : 16
1 production schedule.
Physical Description: Typescript. 7 p.
Physical Description: with: 1 item of correspondence (1985).
Physical Description: Typescript. 2 p.
Physical Description: Two copies; c. 2: photocopy.
Box : Folder 8 : 16
1 recording schedule (1985).
Physical Description: Typescript [photocopy]. 5 p.
Box : Folder 8 : 16
1 list of song titles.
Scope and Content Note
Ms., in ink. 2 p.
Box : Folder 8 : 16
Playback Aufnahmen "Walter Jurmann Portrait" (1986)
Physical Description: Typescript, 5 p.
Box : Folder 9 : 7
of Concerts and Festivals
re: Schade, daβ Liebe ein Marchen ist. Zum 80. Geburtstag des
Deutsch-Amerikaners Walter Jurmann (4 September 1983).
Physical Description: 1 flyer, 1 ticket.
Box : Folder 9 : 7
re: Musicale. A living tribute to Walter Jurmann (6 March 1988).
Physical Description: 1 program.
Physical Description: Five copies.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
of Concerts and Festivals
Box : Folder 9 : 7
re: [Los Angeles (1984)]
Physical Description: 1 program, The Autumn in Vienna Ball (1982).
Physical Description: Two copies.
Physical Description: 1 invitation.
Box : Folder 9 : 8
re: San Antonio (1984).
Physical Description: 12 programs.
Physical Description: Multiple and photo-copies.
Physical Description: 1 invitation.
Box : Folder 9 : 9
re: San Francisco (1984)
Physical Description: 1 item.
Physical Description: 1 original and multiple photocopies.
Box : Folder 9 : 9
Steve Silver's Beach Blanket Babylon goes to the stars and Broadway
Scope and Content Note
1 program (1984)
Show closes with: San Francisco.
Box : Folder 9 : 9
re: Windy City (1946)
Physical Description: 1 program [photocopy].
Physical Description: 3 copies.
Box : Folder 9 : 10
Box : Folder 9 : 10
A Song For You A Tribute to the Music of Walter Jermann 3/12/95
[Film festivals. Various]
Scope and Content Note
Two programs and accompanying material (1987).
Box : Folder 9 : 10
re: Jump for joy, 1941.
Scope and Content Note
Presented by the American Revue Theatre (Walter Jurmann, Chairman).
1 program.
Press Releases
Box : Folder 9 : 11
re: San Antonio (1984).
Physical Description: Two typescripts [photocopies].
Scope and Content Note
re: San Antonio becoming the official song of the city of San Antonio.
Box : Folder 9 : 11
re: San Francisco (1984)
Physical Description: 1 publicity brochure, [4] p.
Scope and Content Note
re: San Francisco becoming the official song of the city of San Francisco.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Abstract: Introduction
Scope and Content Note
There are 173 photographs in all, mostly black and white prints, with occasional duplicates.
The photographs are organized according to the criteria laid out in the table of contents, in
twelve sub-series and with photographic negatives in a thirteenth. Identification of the
individuals depicted, where provided, was to a great extent undertaken on the basis of
information kindly provided by Mrs. Yvonne Jurmann. On group photographs the subjects are
referred to by number, with identification proceeding from left to right.
A. Photographic negatives
Box : Folder 10 : 1
Seventeen items.
Box : Folder 10 : 2
Box : Folder 10 : 2
B. Portrait Photographs of Walter Jurmann
One item [c. 1913].
Two items [c. 1930s].
Physical Description: Item 1: five copies; item 2: three copies.
Box : Folder 10 : 2
One item [c. 1930s].
Physical Description: Two copies; c. 2: enlargement.
Box : Folder 10 : 2
Six items [c. 1940s].
Physical Description: Passport photographs.
Box : Folder 10 : 2
One item [c. 1953].
Physical Description: Two copies, different size.
Box : Folder 10 : 2
One item [c. 1953].
Physical Description: Three copies, different size.
C. Walter Jurmann alone
Five items, [c. 1930]
Two items [one duplicate]: Walter Jurmann acting on stage.
Five items [Walter Jurmann skiing], [c. 1930].
Three items.
Four items [one duplicate, one enlargement]: Walter Jurmann in San Francisco
and Lake Tahoe, 1953.
Box : Folder 10 : 3
One item, [.c. 1960s].
Box : Folder 10 : 3
Five items [one duplicate], [c. 1964-1971].
Box : Folder 10 : 4
D. Walter Jurmann and Family Members
Box : Folder 10 : 4
Box : Folder 10 : 4
Box : Folder 10 : 4
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Two items: Walter Jurmann and his mother, Hermine Fischer Jurmann [c. 1910; c.
Two items [passport photographs]: Walter Jurmann and his brother Otto Jurmann.
Two items: Walter Jurmann and his mother, Hermine Fischer Jurmann [c. 1930s].
One item: group photograph with Walter Jurmann, his mother, Fritz Rotter and
three unidentified people.
E. Jurmann Family Members
Box : Folder 10 : 5
Box : Folder 10 : 5
E. Jurmann Family Members
Two items: Norbert Jurmann, and Norbert Jurmann with unidentified man.
One item: Norbert Jurmann and his wife, Hermine Fischer Jurmann.
Box : Folder 10 : 5
Three items: Walter Jurmann's brother and sister-in-law, Otto and Anne Jurmann.
F. Yvonne and Walter Jurmann
Box : Folder 10 : 6
Box : Folder 10 : 6
One item [fifth wedding anniversary, 1953]
Three items, [c. 1953].
Four items, [c. 1960s].
Two items, [San Antonio, 1968].
One item, [San Antonio, 1968].
One item, [San Antonio, 1969?]
One item [two smaller color duplicates].
Box : Folder 10 : 6
Three items, [Seefeld in Tyrol, 1971].
G. Yvonne Jurmann
One item, [c. 1940s].
One item: Yvonne Jurmann and Mamie Eisenhower [c. 1946].
Three items: Yvonne Jurmann in San Francisco and Lake Tahoe, [1953].
Five items [one duplicate], [post 1971].
One item: Yvonne Jurmann in San Antonio, Tx., with Mayor Henry Cisneros, [19?]
One item: Yvonne Jurmann in Vienna, with Manuela Zerga, Yvonne Stolz and
Yvonne Kalman, [19?].
Box : Folder 10 : 8
Box : Folder 10 : 8
H. Walter Jurmann and Identified Others
Box : Folder 10 : 9
2. Group photographs
1. With one other person
Three items [one duplicate]: Walter Jurmann and Fritz Rotter, [c. 1930].
One item: Walter Jurmann and Marta Jellinek (Yvonne Jurmann's mother) [c.
One item: large group.
Scope and Content Note
back row, 1st: Nacia Herb Brown; 6th: Harold Adamson; 12th: Robert Katscher; 15th:
Walter Jurmann. front row, 4th: Bronislaw Kaper; 5th: Gus Kahn.
Box : Folder 10 : 9
One item: large group around piano, 2nd row, 3rd from left: B. Kaper; 2nd row,
4th from left: Walter Jurmann.
Four items: with Harold Adamson, Robert Katscher, Burton Lane, Bronislaw Kaper,
Arthur Johnston, Gus Kahn, Arthur Freed, Ned Washington, Walter Jurmann, Nacio
Herb Brown, in various arrangements.
Box : Folder 10 : 9
Box : Folder 10 : 9
Box : Folder 10 : 9
H. Walter Jurmann and Identified Others
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
2. Group photographs
Two items: large group around a piano outside, with Gus Kahn, Jack Robbins,
Walter Jurmann, Bronislaw Kaper, Harold Adamson and others, in various
H. Walter Jurmann and Identified Others
Box : Folder 10 : 9
One item: [Yvonne Jurmann: possibly occasion of film "Kill or be Killed"]
Scope and Content Note
standing row: 6th: Max Nossak; 9th: Bronislaw Kaper; 10th Walter Jurmann; 12th: Gus
Box : Folder 10 : 9
Box : Folder 10 : 9
Two items: 4th: Francis Lederer; 10th: Walter Jurmann.
One item: Walter Jurmann, Louise Rainer, Gus Kahn, B. Kaper.
Box : Folder 10 : 9
Box : Folder 10 : 9
One item: Walter Jurmann, Deanna Durbin, Joe Pasternak[?].
Four items [one duplicate]: Walter Jurmann, Fritz Rotter and friends skiing, [c.
One item: Walter Jurmann, Willy Fritsch and unidentified woman ice-skating
Two items: Walter Jurmann, Willy Fritsch, Fritz Rotter and four unidentified men.
Three items: Walter Jurmann in St. Moritz, with Willy Fritsch, Rosza Barsony and
Box : Folder 10 : 9
Box : Folder 10 : 9
Box : Folder 10 : 9
Box : Folder 10 : 9
Three items: Walter and Yvonne Jurmann with others.
Box : Folder 10 : 9
Seven items: Walter Jurmann with Caryn Bass and others [c. 1966].
Box : Folder 10 :
I. Walter Jurmann and Unidentified Others
One item [c. 1910or earlier].
Physical Description: Class photograph.
: Folder 10 :
Two items: class photographs.
: Folder 10 :
Three items [two duplicates]: Walter Jurmann attending a fiftieth anniversary
: Folder 10 :
Three items [one duplicate]: occasion of Jurmann's first sound film, 1931.
: Folder 10 :
Four items: occasion of Jurmann's second sound film, "Ausflug ins Leben", 1931.
Box : Folder 10 :
Box : Folder 10 :
Eleven items, various.
J. Identified Others
One item: Rosita Fernandez [c. 1960s].
Box : Folder 10 :
Box : Folder 10 :
One item: candid group photograph with Fritz Rotter [c. 1930].
K. Unidentified Others
Two items: studio photographs.
Box : Folder 10 :
Box : Folder 10 :
Twelve items, various.
L. Land- and City-scapes
Eleven items, European [pre-1934].
M. Miscellaneous
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
M. Miscellaneous
Box : Folder 10 :
Five items, Walter Jurmann's grave [1971].
Abstract: Introduction
Scope and Content Note
This series includes incidental items, such as tourist brochures, promotional materials,
graphic design layouts, one poster (included without a folder in the oversize box 12) and a
number of honors. The provenance of the galley proofs to Stephen and Ethel Longstreet's
Man of Montmartre (New York: Funk & Wagnalls Co., [n.d.]) is unclear.
Box : Folder 11 : 1
re: San Francisco
Physical Description: 1 item.
Scope and Content Note
Two-sided promotional stand-up card.
Box : Folder 11 : 1
Box : Folder 11 : 1
re: San Francisco
Box : Folder 11 : 1
re: Viel-Harmonie [n.d.]
Scope and Content Note
Picture postcard, color, for Ariola recording [includes: Ein spanischer Tango].
Box : Folder 11 : 1
"The KONO Boss Sixty Hit List for the week of May 4 thru May 10 1967"
Physical Description: [2] p.
Scope and Content Note
Sent to Walter Jurmann by Paul Hodges, with a holograph note by Hodges laid in, [1] p.,
[May 1967].
Box : Folder 11 : 1
Tourist Information
Box : Folder 11 : 1
re: San Antonio
Physical Description: 3 brochures, 1984-1986.
Physical Description: 1 map.
A Picture Book of San Antonio -- to color, copy & complete, with drawings by Paul
Hudgins & Words by David Bowen (San Antonio: Corona Publishing Company, 1978).
Box : Folder 11 : 1
Physical Description: 1 book [32] p.
Scope and Content Note
Enclosed in letter to Yvonne Jurmann from Raul Almaguer, see Correspondence.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Longstreet, Stephen and Ethel. Man of Montmartre (New York: Funk & Wagnalls Co., [n.d.])
Longstreet, Stephen and Ethel. Man of
Montmartre (New York: Funk & Wagnalls Co.,
Box : Folder 11 : 2
Physical Description: Galley proofs, 126 p.
Box : Folder 12 : 1
Graphic design lay-outs
Scope and Content Note
re: Houston, 3 items.
Box : Folder 12 : 2
re: San Antonio, 4 items.
Box : Folder 12 : 3
1 D, making Walter Jurmann an honorary member of the Council of International
Relations, 1967.
1 DS, appointing Walter Jurmann as Honorary Citizen and Goodwill Ambassador of
Houston, Texas.
Box : Folder 12 : 3
Box : Folder 12 : 3
Box : Folder 12
1 D, appointing Walter Jurmann as International Ambassador for Hemisfair 1968.
Gütersloh concert poster, 1983.
Scope and Content Note
Autographed by participants.
Sound Recordings
Abstract: Introduction
Scope and Content Note
Each disc and/or cassette, together with any duplicates, is given an individual folder, with
the exception of the two last entries.
A better world to live in / Words & music - Walter Jurmann ; arr. and cond[ucted] by
Joe Leahy ; [performed by] Josh Adams. San Antonio : the city of so many charms /
Words & music - Walter Jurmann ; arr. & cond[ucted] by Joe Leahy ; [performed by]
Bob Grabot. -- Mirador, [n.d.].
Box : Folder 11 : 3
Physical Description: 1 sound disc (45 r.p.m., 7 in., mono.)
Scope and Content Note
Publisher no.: Mirador MR-505.
Box : Folder 11 : 4
Houston : the gateway to space / Words & music -Walter Jurmann ; arr. &
cond[ucted] by Joe Leahy ; [performed by] Bob Gradot. My unforgettable you / Words
& Music - Walter Jurmann ; arr. & cond[ucted] by Joe Leahy ; [performed by] Josh
Adams. -- Mirador, [n.d.].
Physical Description: 1 sound disc (45 r.p.m., 7 in., mono.)
Scope and Content Note
Publisher no.: Mirador MR-504.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Sound Recordings
Houston : the gateway to space / Words & music -Walter Jurmann ; arr. & cond[ucted] by Joe Leahy ; [...
San Antonio / Letra y musica - Walter Jurmann ; Traducido al español - L. B. DuBose ;
[performed by] Rosita Fernandez con el Mariachi Chapultepec. San Antonio / Words &
Music - Walter Jurmann ; arr. & cond[ucted] by Joe Leahy ; [performed by] Bob
Gradot. -- Mirador, [n.d.].
Box : Folder 11 : 5
Physical Description: 1 sound disc (45 r.p.m., 7 in., mono.)
Scope and Content Note
Publisher no.: Mirador MR-503.
Two copies.
San Antonio / Letra y musica - Walter Jurmann ; Traducido al español - L. B. DuBose ;
[performed by] Rosita Fernandez con el Mariachi Chapultepec. San Antonio :
[instrumental solo] / Letra y musica - Walter Jurmann ; Traducido al español - L. B.
DuBose ; [performed by] Mariachi Chapultepec, Arturo Lopez. -- Mirador, [n.d.].
Box : Folder 11 : 6
Physical Description: 1 sound disc (45 r.p.m., 7 in., mono.)
Scope and Content Note
Publisher no.: Mirador MR-502.
Two copies.
San Antonio / Words & Music - Walter Jurmann English version sung by Bob Gradot ;
Spanish version sung by Rosita Fernandez, c1967.
Box : Folder 11 : 7
Physical Description: 1 musicard (33-1/3 r.p.m., 7x8 in.)
Physical Description: Six copies.
Wien ist wieder Wien / Komp: W. Jurmann ; Text: W. Jurmann ; Vocal: W[alter] Heider
; Das Lothar Steup-Trio. Mein schönes Wien / Komp.: W. Jurmann ; Text: J. Kaderka ;
Vocal: W[alter] Heider ; Das Lothar Steup-Trio. -- Centrocord, 1983.
Box : Folder 11 : 8
Physical Description: 1 sound disc (45 r.p.m., 7 in., mono.)
Physical Description: Publisher no.: Centrocord S 4011.
Box : Folder 11 : 9
Autoren-Porträt Walter Jurmann. -- UFA-Musik- und Bühnenverlage, [ n.d.].
Physical Description: 1 sound cassette (dolby; stereo) + 1 booklet ([21]
Physical Description: Publisher no.: UFA 822.
Veronika, der Lenz ist da : Schöne und zärtliche Melodien von Walter Jurmann / Das
ORF-Symphonie-orchester, Dirigent Erwin Halletz. -- Telefunken, 1978.
Box : Folder 11
Physical Description: 1 sound disc (33-1/3 r.p.m., 12 in., stereo.)
Scope and Content Note
Contents: Veronika, der Lenz ist da -- Ninon -- Cosi-cosa -- Du bist nicht die Erste -- Was
weißt denn Du -- Schade, daß die Liebe ein Märchen ist. San Francisco -- Ein Lied aus
meiner Heimat -- Signorina -- Wie schön ist diese Welt -- Ein spanischer Tango -- Adieu, es
ist zu schön um wahr zu sein.
Publisher no.: Telefunken 6.23 302.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988
Sound Recordings
Walter Jurmann. -- UFA-Musik- und Bühnenverlage, [ n.d.].
Box : Folder 11
Walter Jurmann. -- UFA-Musik- und Bühnenverlage, [ n.d.].
Physical Description: 2 sound discs (33-1/3 r.p.m., 12 in., stereo.)
Scope and Content Note
Contents: Veronika, der Lenz ist da -- Deine Mutter bleibt immer bei Dir -- San Antonio -Warum gehst Du vorbei an Deinem Glück -- Signorina -- Ninon, lach mir einmal zu -- San
Francisco -- Was weißt denn Du, wie ich verliebt -- Schade, daß Liebe ein Märchen ist -Du bist nicht die erste -Ein spanischer Tango und ein Mädel wie Du -- Mein Fräulein, kennen Sie schon meinen
Rhythmus -- Du bist nicht die Erste -- Spiel mir ein Lied auf der Geige -- Eine kleine Reise
im Frühling -- Wie gern möcht' ich Dich verwöhnen -- In 24 Stunden -- Ich hab' im Frühling
nur Dich geküßt -- Es war einmal ein Baby -- Frauen brauchen immer einen Hausfreund -Ein Lied aus meiner Heimat -- Lach mich nicht aus -- O Madonna.
Publisher no.: UFA 334--335.
Finding Aid for the Walter
Jurmann Collection, 1910-1988