The Filipino Express v29 Issue 02
The Filipino Express v29 Issue 02
Stories on Pages 4 and 5 VOL. 29 w NO. 02 w January 9-15, 2015 w NATIONAL EDITION w NEW JERSEY w NEW YORK w 201-434-1114 w $1.00 Securing Pope Francis a big challenge By Cyntia D. Balana, Julie M. Aurelio MANILA -- Security officials will provide air cover and deploy snipers on rooftops in addition to nearly 40,000 troops from the police and the military to protect Pope Francis during his visit from Jan. 15 to 19, officials said on Tuesday. “We are considering everything, his preferences, his personality, the crowds which will reach millions. That will serve as a challenge to us,” said Chief Supt. Wilben Mayor, spokesman of the Philippine National Police. Lt. Gen. Jeffrey Delgado said the Philippine Air Force (PAF) would provide round-the-clock air patrols to ensure that all routes and venues are secured. All PAF helicopters and available assets will be deployed in Metro Manila and in Palo and Tacloban in Leyte province where the Pope will say a Mass for victims of last year's Supertyphoon “Yolanda,” said the Air Force chief. “So if you have air assets here, we'll make it all available for the security. In the same way in Visayas, all air assets deployed there will be made available for the security of the Pope,” Delgado said. Gen. Gregorio Pio Catapang Jr., chief of staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, said snipers would be posted in strategic positions and high-rise buildings along Roxas Boulevard to complement a security force of 6,000 LITTLE SWISS GUARDS. Twenty youngsters from the School of Our Lady of Lasalette in San Jose del Monte, Bulacan province, rehearse to 7,000 troops and around 5,000 reservists that would for the arrival of Pope Francis at the Manila Cathedral. Like the original Swiss Guards at the Vatican, they will perform guard duties for the u Page 14 Pope. Joan Bondoc Next episode on Binay US told: Explain surveillance in PH 'teleserye': Housing deals US Embassy says unmanned aircraft found in Quezon not drone but 'target’ By TJ Burgonio MANILA -- Next episode in the long-running corruption investigation of Vice President Jejomar Binay in the Senate: The award of contracts to favored developers in government mass housing projects. Government agencies concerned are now investigating the contract awards and the irregularity will be scrutinized by the Senate blue ribbon subcommittee that is looking into allegations of corruption against Binay, Sen. Antonio Trillanes IV said on Monday, Jan. 5. “There are now anomalies being uncovered in his present By Cynthia Balana position as chair of HUDCC (Housing and Urban Development LUCENA CITY -- A militant Coordinating Council),” Trillanes youth party-list group is told reporters in a phone-patch demanding an explanation from interview. the United States following the Quoting government agencies, discovery of a US military drone in Trillanes said Binay awarded deals Quezon province, saying it to “favored contractors” with indicated espionage activities by existing arrangements with Pagthe US government on Philippine Ibig Fund for the construction of soil. government housing projects. In a statement, Rep. Terry “What we know is that this is a Ridon of Kabataan party-list, a partnership,” he added. “In effect, left-wing youth organization, said they split the earnings.” the US military was acting as if the Trillanes, however, could not Philippines was part of US immediately cite figures, but he said territory. He said it was not the the irregularity involved Pag-Ibig first time a US spy aircraft was PHILIPPINE soldiers guard what is believed to be a surveillance drone, but funds. discovered in the Philippines. which the US government said is an aerial target, which was found in the B i n ay ' s c a m p s c o f fe d a t Ridon called on the US island town of Patnanungan in Quezon province on Jan. 4. Photo FROM u Page 7 u Page 6 FACEBOOK PAGE OF PATNANUNGAN POLICE 'Je Suis Charlie' message goes viral after Paris attack Associated Press ‘JE SUIS CHARLIE’ - A man lights a candle next to a poster reading “Je suis Charlie” (I am Charlie) in front of the French Embassy in Berlin on Jan. 7 to express solidarity with employees of the French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo that has been target of an attack by Islamic gunmen. AFP Messages of condolence, outrage and defiance over the Paris terrorist attack on a newspaper office spread quickly around the world Wednesday, Jan. 7, with thousands of people taking to the streets to protest the killings and using the slogan “Je Suis Charlie” on social media. Many who poured into Place de la Republique in eastern Paris near the site of Wednesday's noontime attack waved papers, pencils and pens. Journalists led the march but most in the crowd weren't from the media world, expressing solidarity and support of freedom of speech. Similar gatherings, including some silent vigils, took place at London's Trafalgar Square, in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, in Madrid, Brussels, Nice and elsewhere. “No matter what a journalist or magazine has to say, even if it is not what the majority of people think, u Page 15 January 9-15, 2015 Page 2 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS SC asked to stop 'Great Train Robbery’ By Jerome Aning NO TO LIGHT RAIL FARE HIKE. Militant groups protest outside the Supreme Court as their representatives file a petition to stop the government from raising the fares on the Light Rail Transit and the Metro Rail Transit. RAFFY LERMA Grounds for TRO The petitioning groups, led by the militant Bagong Alyansang Makabayan (Bayan), contended that no public hearings were conducted for the rate hike as required by law and that only “public consultations” were held in February 2011 and December 2013 to inform the people about the rate increase. However, they said the public consultations were mere public forums where the public was simply informed about the increase in rates. “The public was not even given t h e o p p o r t u n i t y to f i l e i t s OU T Former Rep. Augusto Syjuco has filed a similar suit, claiming that the rate hike was unconstitutional and violative of due process. LD The petitioners sought the issuance of a temporary restraining order, or a status quo ante order, against the increase, and the annulment of the Dec. 18, 2014, order of the DOTC approving it. Aside from Abaya and Chaneco, the other respondents in the case are MRT 3 officer in charge Renato San Jose, the Metro Rail Transit Corp. (MRTC) and the Light Rail Manila Consortium. No explanation “There was even no attempt on the part of the DOTC, LRTA and MRTC to give an explanation of how they arrived at the increase and the factual and legal grounds, if any, for such increase,” they said. “It is irregular for DOTC to grant these private concessionaires these fare hikes, even without their actually applying for a fare hike, and even without a hearing where they should have presented the bases on why they deserve a fare hike, and the extent of the fare hike increases,” Syjuco said in his separate suit. The petitioners also said that the transportation secretary and the LRTA chief have no power to approve the increase unilaterally. “The secretary of the DOTC simply does not have any conferred authority and there is no available procedure within the DOTC to properly consider the propriety of a fare rate increase for the LRT/MRT,” they said. As for the LRTA, they said the u Page 6 SO M A N I L A - - A s t h ey h a d threatened to do, militant groups on Monday, Jan. 5, went to the Supreme Court to petition the high court to stop the new increased fares at the Light Rail Transit (LRT) and the Metro Rail Transit (MRT)which they called the “Great Train Robbery” that they claimed was victimizing some 1.3 million daily commuters. “We come to this honorable court to stop this continuing injustice dead on its tracks, and to protect the suffering commuters from the continuing abuses of government and untrammeled greed of big business,” they said in a p e t i t i o n fo r c e r t i o ra r i a n d prohibition. The petitioners accused Transportation and Communications Secretary Joseph Emilio Abaya and Light Rail Transit Authority officer in charge Honorito Chaneco of committing grave abuse of discretion in approving the fare increase without sufficient basis and in violation of the law governing public services. The Department of Transportation and Communications (DOTC) began implementing the new rates last Sunday that are roughly double the previous rates. opposition to the rate increase,” they said. Those opposed to and applying for the increase should have been made to prove their claims first before the government agencies acted on the rate increase petition, the petitioners said. January 9-15, 2015 Page 3 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS World's journalists put pen to paper in biting solidarity Agence France-Presse Associated Press HELPINGHOUSE.CA PHOTO PH now top source of immigrants to Canada DALY CITY, California -- The Philippines last year surpassed China and India as Canada's top source country for new immigrants. According to the latest data from the government, approximately 30,000 Filipinos became permanent residents last year, while 47,000 visitor visas were issued to Filipinos. T h e re a re c u r re n t ly a n estimated 650,000 Canadian residents who originated from the Philippines. Some experts would argue that that figure is in fact m u c h h i g h e r, r e p o r t e d There are many reasons that Canada has become an attractive PARIS -- Cartoonists and writers from around the world are reacting as they know best by putting pen to paper - in an outpouring of anguished and biting solidarity with those gunned down at French weekly Charlie Hebdo. Among the cartoons that went viral online was one by Australia's David Pope: A picture of a gunman with a smoking rifle standing over a body, bearing the caption “He drew first.” “Ultimately people who carry out these attacks can't defeat ideas through these means and they won't succeed,” Pope wrote, adding that he had once met a cartoonist involved in the shooting and that the attack “hit a nerve.” “Our task is to keep doing what we do… focus our satire on those in power and those who seek to wield power in ugly ways like these gunmen and be part of a movement that promotes social solidarity, a free, open and tolerant society,” Pope wrote. destination for Filipino citizens seeking opportunities. The labor The words “I am Charlie” are spelled out with candles at a gathering in solidarity with those killed in an attack at the Paris offices of the weekly shortages, combined with the high newspaper Charlie Hebdo on Wednesday, Jan. 7, 2015, outside the French quality of life are attracting record Consulate in San Francisco. AP numbers. Filipinos bring much to the table for Canadian employers as drew a plane exploding in a have pens.” well. Most citizens are quite adept fireball into the Eiffel Tower, its at speaking English, one of the pointy top redrawn as the nib of South African cartoonist biggest challenges faced by many an ink pen. Zapiro said he hoped the newcomers to the country. One of the most powerful attack “doesn't have a further They are also known for drawings had no drawing. chilling effect on satirists, working hard and being adaptable Christian Adams' cartoon for The commentators and journalists; to Canadian life. Many choose to Daily Telegraph in London any freethinkers in society.” settle in smaller urban and rural showed a completely blank space “But I'm afraid that scenario centers, as opposed to the majority with the heading: “Extremist is probably inevitable,” he said. of newcomers who head to approved cartoon.” Like Charlie Hebdo, Zapiro, Montreal, Toronto or Vancouver. Another Telegraph cartoon whose real name is Jonathan No drawing “[Filipinos] are committed to showed one gunman saying to Shapiro, has drawn In India, cartoonist Manjul u Page 6 another: “Be careful, they might u Page 7 January 9-15, 2015 Page 4 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS Jeepney popemobile drives to history Pope Francis to tour Manila in custom-made jeepney By Jason K. Ang MANILA -- Pope Francis will be riding the first jeepney converted into a popemobile, the unofficial designation for any motor vehicle used by the leader of the Roman Catholic Church, during his visit to Manila. When he does, the US military war horse ingenious Filipinos turned into a public transport vehicle will drive into automotive history. The white popemobile is built on a brand-new jeepney chassis, converted to a secure platform to give the faithful a good view of the Pontiff. It is every inch a Philippine jeepney, from the long bumper with steel “bull bar” up front, to the stainless steel strips adorning the sides, to the checkered plate metal step at the rear. The papal coat of arms adorns the hood, roof and sides and includes the emblem of the Society of Jesus, an eight-pointed star symbolizing the Virgin Mary, and a spikenard representing St. Joseph. On each of the jeepney's flanks, is a Although the sides of the vehicle are open, cold air is blown out of a pair of vents flanking the papal seats. Electric fans, another common jeepney feature, help cool down the cabin. Mounted on the left side of the passenger compartment is a collection of rosaries from the Vatican. POPE FRANCIS' RIDE A new popemobile to be used by Pope Francis during his visit is a takeoff from the jeepney, a symbol of Filipino ingenuity. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO glass cross, sculpted by renowned artist Ramon Orlina. Glass crosses by Orlina “It was meant to be, or maybe it was divine intervention,” said Orlina of the glass crosses. The s c u l p t u re s w e re o r i g i n a l ly commissioned for a church, but a bishop nixed the project. Then he got a call from Edison Cham, CEO ofECTK, a company that builds armored vehicles. The glass crosses fit perfectly on the popemobile, an elegant touch that still manages to evoke the immense customization usually done on jeepneys. Entrance is of course at the rear, with a folding rear step covered in red carpet unfurling down to the pavement. The passenger compartment is an airy three-seat space, with the papal seat front and center. At the sides are two auxiliary chairs for Archbishops Luis Cardinal Tagle and Socrates Villegas. Each of the seats is equipped with a seatbelt, lest the vehicle be flagged down by diaper-wearing traffic constables from the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority. Interior surfaces are t r i m m e d i n w h i t e l e a t h e r, including the side-grab bars and the roof liner. There's another concession to comfort: air conditioning. Swiss guard is driver Driving the vehicle will be a member of the Pope's traveling entourage, presumably a Swiss guard. He will have to be capable of driving a stick shift, as the popemobile uses a trusty diesel engine, complete with authentic rumble, mated to a five-speed floor-mounted manual shift. Pope Francis eschews luxury cars, challenging priests to think about the poor and needy when they consider riding such vehicles. As a cardinal and even as Pope, he has been known to take public transportation. He will surely appreciate the charms of this custom-made jeepney, a popemobile that is truly Filipino. For motorists, Pope bobbleheads Adobo and 'lechon' for lunch in Palo By Desiree Caluza TUBA, Benguet -- How would you like the company of Pope Francis as you drive, that is, his bobblehead image nodding at you from the dashboard? The idea of the Pope providing a calming effect on the road came to sculptor Peter Pinder as he carved an image of Francis in 2013, before the Pope announced his visit to the Philippines in January. Pinder's final products feature the familiar image of Francis waving to the crowd set in cold bronze, in fiber glass and in plastic - all covered by copyright he acquired in October. The image has movable parts, its right hand waving and its head bobbing up and down. Touched by the humility and sincerity of the Pope, Pinder said he intended to express those qualities of Francis in his sculptures. Admirer of Francis He said he was not religious but he admired the Pope. “I really like the fellow, his face, his smile. He looks like your grandfather who is down-toearth,” Pinder said. “He connects with people. [Francis] really makes sense. He and the Dalai Lama, they say wise things. Francis could bring peace to the world. He has no problem going to Turkey to talk with Islamic leaders,” he said. Pinder described Francis as an “emotional Pope.” He said he did research for information about Francis to be able to capture the Pontiff 's movements, gestures and expressions. The resulting 17.8-centimeter sculpture and mold is a detailed By Joey Gabieta CALMING EFFECT. Sculptor Peter Pinder produces bobblehead images of Pope Francis, which he says have a calming effect on motorists. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO image of Francis from head to waist. Pinder spent hours replicating the angle of the Pope's waving hand, his glistening eyes, his chin, aquiline nose and the spots on the left side of his face. “When the image nods, its head nods to the [right side]. He is an emotional Pope, so I would like to relate that emotion to the movement,” Pinder said. Pinder is producing a limited edition of the cold bronze version of Francis' image and 50 of the fiber glass version. Wanted: Manufacturers The artist said he was looking for manufacturers to mass produce the plastic version. “The plastic image can be affordable to any jeepney or taxi driver. I hope to see drivers along Roxas Boulevard or Baguio with the image of Pope nodding at them,” Pinder said. Inspired by the bobblehead cat that decorates many public utility vehicles, Pinder thought to himself, “What if I make [Francis] do that? Stick [his image in front of the car] and he blesses your trip.” Pinder said he would have wanted to make a sculpture of the Pope that he would have titled, “Pope Francis in Motion with Emotion.” He said a friend recently visited the Vatican and met the Pope. “I didn't believe him at first but when I saw his picture shaking hands with the Pope and laughing with him, I thought I was just one person away from him. I could have given him one of my sculptures. My friend gave him a shawl from Baguio,” Pinder said. the dioceses of Borongan and Calbayog, and 15 from Palo have PALO, Leyte -- When Pope been chosen as luncheon guests of Francis sits down for lunch with the Pope on the third day of his fivetyphoon and earthquake survivors day visit to the Philippines. in Leyte province on Jan. 17, he will The lunch is scheduled at 12:45 be offered two of the Filipinos' p.m. on Jan. 17, right after the Pope favorite dishes: adobo and lechon. says Mass on the apron of the Palo Archbishop John Du international airport in Tacloban. disclosed the menu on Monday, The Mass will start at 10 a.m. saying that following the Pope's Aside from the 30 survivors, preference for simple living, there also joining the lunch with Francis would be no “fancy foods” at his are Manila Archbishop Luis Antonio lunch with 30 survivors of Cardinal Tagle and Du. The dining S u p e r t y p h o o n “ Y o l a n d a ” hall, located on the upper floor of (international name: Haiyan) and the Archbishop's Palace, has a floor the earthquake in Bohol province in area of around 50 square meters. 2013. Interpreters will be around, “There will be lechon, adobo among them Msgr. Rex Ramirez, and vegetables, preferably v i c a r g e n e ra l o f t h e Pa l o malunggay,” Du said during a archdiocese and head of the press conference held at the secretariat for the papal visit. Archbishop's Palace in Palo town. The Argentine Pope speaks Du said the foods that would be mostly in Spanish and Italian and served during the papal lunch were says Mass in Latin. parts of Filipino culture that he “I don't know Latin. Perhaps, we wanted Pope Francis to taste. could talk in Chinese,” Du, partly Chinese, jokingly said. Volunteer caterers Du said the spoons and forks According to Du, three caterers that would be used by Francis and from Palo have offered their his guests were “old” and owned services for free and they will cook by the archdiocese. in the kitchen of the Archbishop's Asked how long he expected the Palace, which was damaged by papal luncheon to last, Du said: “It Yolanda and not yet fully repaired. will all depend. If the survivors will Five survivors of the Oct. 15, be interactive with the Pope, I guess 2013, Bohol earthquake, five the meeting will last more than 30 survivors of Yolanda from each of minutes.” TO ADVERTISE, PLEASE CALL 201-434-1114 OR EMAIL US AT: FILEXPRESS@AOL.COM January 9-15, 2015 Page 5 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS Pope Francis leaves at the end of a New Year mass he celebrated in St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican, Thursday, Jan. 1, 2015. AP Department of Public Works and Highways workers repair the Quirino Grandstand in time for Pope Francis' Mass at the Luneta in Manila at 3:30 p.m. on Jan. 18. The altar at which Pope Francis will say Mass at Rizal Park on Jan. 18 will not be decked with flowers but with colorful plants that can be found in backyards in rural Philippines. INQUIRER PHOTO / NINO JESUS ORBETA Pope Francis: Around PH without leaving Luneta altar By Jocelyn R. Uy MANILA -- The altar at which Pope Francis will say Mass at Rizal Park on Jan. 18 will not be decked with flowers but with colorful plants that can be found in backyards in rural Philippines. It will also be replete with other native elements symbolizing the Philippines - from the marble top and the white linen cloth of the altar table to the papal chair. “If we can't bring the Pope to go around the Philippines, we will bring the Philippines and its elements close to the Pope,” said the designer of the altar, Rev. Alex Bautista, who is also chair of the Commission for the Cultural Heritage of the Church in the Diocese of Tarlac. At a press briefing on Monday, Bautista said the marble top of the wooden altar table came from Romblon, while the white linen cloth that would cover it was spun from Bulacan's piña fiber, an indigenous material used to make the barong Tagalog. The canopy will feature Bulacan's arts and crafts, while the altar will be adorned with San Francisco and Pandan plants, which are “very common in rural backyards,” Bautista said. Symbols “In the design consideration… the concept is to serve the liturgical purpose and to have Filipino character and reflect the simplicity of the Vicar of Christ,” said Bautista, who also designed the papal chair. Some of the design elements also have their corresponding symbolism relevant to the Filipinos, he said. The San Francisco plant, for instance, requires light to acquire its colors, he said. “They need sun to have color. It's like the faith of the people, [which comes from] Christ, who is the light of the world,” he said. The altar table will also feature anahaw patterns to symbolize the strength of the Filipino people, he said. “The Filipino context will be incorporated in the design [of the altar], including the landscaping.” At the Mass, the culmination of Pope Francis's five-day apostolic visit, devotees will get the chance to hear the Argentine Pontiff speak in Filipino when he leads the faithful to recite the Apostle's Creed, said Rev. Carmelo Arada Jr. of the service committee on liturgy. The Mass will be in English, following the new translation of the third edition of the Roman Missal, while the Profession of Faith, to be led by the Pope, will be recited in the vernacular, Arada said. “The intercessions of the Prayer of the Faithful are prayed using the different Filipino languages Hiligaynon, Kapampangan, Ilokano, Cebuano, Waray, Bikolano… and the response will be in Tagalog,” he said. Highlight The Mass will be capped with the lighting of candles and the singing of “Tell the World of His Love” to mark the 20-year anniversary of World Youth Day in the Philippines. “[T]he public is requested to bring their own candles,” Arada said. Some 2,500 priests and 200 bishops will attend the Mass. Music will be provided by a 1,000member choir and 200-member orchestra, said Rev. Rufino Sescon Jr., executive secretary of the steering committee. “This is the grand activity and we hope to hear and listen to the message of Pope Francis,” he said. Pope Francis to say Masses in English in Philippine visit By Tina G. Santos MANILA -- Pope Francis will celebrate Masses in English during his five-day visit to the Philippines. Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) president LingayenDagupan Archbishop Socrates Villegas said the Pope will use English in his Masses in Tacloban City on January 17, and at the Rizal Park in Manila on January 18. “The Pope wants to reach out to more people,” Villegas said in a text message to reporters. “Latin is difficult for many Filipinos, English is easier to understand,” he added. The original plan was for the Pope to celebrate Masses in Latin and have the public respond in English. He will also speak English when he addresses Filipinos during his visit. “The Pope is the Pope of surprises. He might make offthe-cuff comments in Italian and Spanish,” Pasig Bishop Mylo Hubert Vergara, chair of the CBCP Commission on Social Communications, said in a previous press briefing. The Argentinian Pope speaks six languages - Spanish, Italian, Latin, French, German and English, which he spoke during his recent visit to South Korea. The Pope, however, will say his Mass at the Manila Cathedral in Latin “because the clergy and bishops are supposed to understand Latin,” Villegas explained. The Mass at the Manila Cathedral on January 16 will be attended bishops, priests and religious women and men. The Pope is scheduled to arrive in Manila on January 15 from Sri Lanka. He will fly to Tacloban on January 17 to meet with the survivors of Super Typhoon “Yolanda” (international name: Haiyan). He will return to Rome on January 19. January 9-15, 2015 Page 6 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS SC asked ... From page 2 agency had no authority to regulate the light rail transit industry but only the privilege to operate such a mode of transportation, the exercise of which was subject to review and approval by the government. Edre Olalia and Ephraim Cortez, of the National Union of Peoples' Lawyers who represented the petitioners, said the fare hike “will only condemn the riding public, especially the ordinary workers, most of them low-income or minimum wage earners and students, deeper into misery, while fattening the pockets of big private operators of the railway systems.” Signature campaign The National Union of Students of the Philippines (NUSP) said it will launch a signature campaign to disprove Malacañang's claim that only a few commuters are opposing the fare hike. The signature campaign will be conducted in Metro Manila schools, the NUSP said, as the sector is one of those severely affected by the LRT 1, LRT 2 and MRT 3 fare increase. “The Aquino administration is wrong if it insists that there is little opposition to the fare hikes. On the contrary, students are very enraged by the increase,” said Charlotte Velasco, a spokesperson for the League of Filipino Students. “Mr. Aquino and his Cabinet are seemingly taunting the student movement by saying that only a few oppose the fare hikes when in fact, the majority of Metro Manila students will suffer greatly because of the new rates,” said NUSP national president Sarah Elago. Students' rage Elago said the signature campaign will negate the government's claim and “show our students' rage against the fare hike.” “Burgeoning train fare costs add to the already bloated education cost. To put it simply, the LRT/MRT fare hike aggravates the education crisis in our country. Why can't President Aquino and Secretary Abaya see this?” she said. Velasco said that higher train fares meant students had to scrimp to make sure that their allowance would be enough for their expenses, particularly food. “The doubled train fares, especially in LRT-1 and -2, essentially means that these students have to cut corners again to make ends meet,” she said. Many students, particularly those studying in Manila's university belt and in Quezon City colleges and universities, depend on the affordability of the mass rail transport system, Velasco said. The NUSP and the LFS warned of further protest actions should Malacañang continue to “play blind, deaf and mute” to the public outcry against the LRT and MRT fare hike. Nancy's complaint Sen. Nancy Binay on Monday claimed that had the DOTC not surrendered P4.5 billion to the administration's controversial D i s b u r s e m e n t A c c e l e ra t i o n Program (DAP), it would not have needed to raise train fares. The P4.5 billion was originally allocated for the purchase of additional trains for the MRT-3, she said. Citing government documents on the DAP, Binay said the DOTC surrendered P4.5 billion from its budget to the Department of Budget and Management for use in the DAP, under which the Executive Department pooled P237.7 billion of so-called savings to fund economic stimulus projects beginning in 2011. In July 2014, the Supreme Court declared the DAP unconstitutional, including a circular allowing the release of savings from the Executive Department to agencies and projects outside the national budget approved by Congress, or cross-border transfer of savings. Binay said the DOTC move betrayed its lack of concern for the thousands who ride the MRT and LRT every day. “They sprang a surprise on us while we were celebrating Christmas and New Year,” she said. 'Heartless' Senators Joseph Victor Ejercito and Antonio Trillanes IV also denounced the DOTC for its “heartlessness.” “There's no heart in imposing an additional P1 increase when passengers are being punished with poor services, such as long lines, nonfunctioning elevators and escalators, and derailed trains,” Ejercito said. “The one who conceived the idea should have had more consideration for the commuters. They could have subsidized that because life is hard. How much is that? It's not that big. I don't understand it. Whoever thought of it has no heart,” said Trillanes. The petitioners included Bayan and its affiliated groups, former LRTA administrator Melquiades Robles, journalist Herman Tiu Laurel, Myrleon P e r a l t a o f t h e A n t i - Tr a p o Movement of the Philippines, Social Security System employees union president Amorsolo Competente, National Center for Commuter Safety and Protection president Elvira Medina, Federation of Free Workers president Jose Matula, National Labor Union president David Diwa, University of the Philippines professor Giovanni Tapang and taxpayers-commuters Maria Donna Miranda, Angelo Suarez and James Bernard Relativo. US told ... From page 1 government to explain the deployment of US surveillance drones in the Philippines. But in a statement, the US Embassy in Manila said the object was actually not a drone but an unarmed aerial target being used for military exercises between the US military and its allies, including the Philippines. The embassy said the supposed drone was an “expended” aerial target that was launched during military exercises, dubbed Valiant Shield, which took place on Sept. 15-23 last year off Guam. The aerial target, according to the embassy, does not carry weapons and is not being used for surveillance. T h e A r m e d Fo rc e s o f t h e Philippines supported the embassy statement, saying the drone, with serial No. BQ55079, is a Northrop BQM-74E Chukar that is used to simulate enemy missiles and aircraft during naval exercises. It said the Chukar was washed up on Philippine shores by the ocean's currents and tides. “We would like to assure the public that this type of drone is not a surveillance equipment contrary to the claims of some quarters,” the AFP said. It said no bilateral military exercises between the Philippines and the United States that employed this type of training equipment had been scheduled. “Foreign military operations in our seas and skies, even in the guise of support, should be condemned rather than tolerated,” Ridon said. On Sunday, Jan. 4, the object believed to be a US Navy drone was found in the island town of Patnanungan in Quezon. It was the second time the object was found. On Jan. 6, 2013, a similar object was also recovered in waters off Ticao Island PH now top source of immigrants... From page 3 being citizens, to being volunteers, to being public minded,” says Immigration M i n i s te r C h r i s A l exa n d e r. “People like them because they take up challenges beyond just working and finding a place to live.” Employers in Canada have increasingly been importing temporary workers from the Philippines for years now, and many of those workers are able to apply for permanent residency within two years of arriving in Canada. Despite recent controversy over temporary foreign workers, Minister Alexander says that his government is committed to helping employers find the labor t hey so desp era tely n eed particularly in the booming Prairie provinces. The government has been working to improve the temporary program so that worker's rights are ensured and those who are most needed are able to come and build a life for themselves and their families in Canada. in Masbate province. The US Embassy in Manila, in a statement on the Masbate case, has said the drone recovered off Masbate was actually fired during live exercises in Guam and was only washed ashore in the Philippines. Senior Supt. Ronaldo Genaro Ylagan, Quezon police chief, said police were waiting for instructions from higher Philippine National Police officials on what to do with the drone, which is still in the custody of the police force in the town where it was found. Ridon said the Department of Foreign Affairs had already confirmed that US Navy surveillance planes were conducting routine maritime patrol missions in contested areas off the West Philippine Sea. He said the US military could be exploiting the growing tensions in the disputed area to deploy spy planes and warships in Philippine territory. Ridon said the US military might be surveying the area to assess the value of its oil and mineral reserves that would be of interest to them as the United States was known for its “aggressive pursuit of economic and political supremacy in the Asia-Pacific in recent years.” He said the discovery of the spy aircraft also revived the issue on US espionage activities, through the National Security Agency's Mystic program. The program, Ridon said, was designed for surveillance operations in the Philippines, Mexico, Kenya and the Bahamas. Mystic is among the espionage programs exposed by whistle-blower Edward Snowden last year, according to Ridon. Ridon has filed House Resolution No. 1164, urging the House committee on foreign affairs and the House committee on information and communications technology to investigate the coverage of Mystic in the Philippines. January 9-15, 2015 Page 7 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS World’s journalists ... From page 3 condemnation for daring to draw cartoons poking fun at the Prophet Mohammad. photo US: Flu season worsens, could peak this month NEW YORK -- Health officials say the flu is rampant in most of the country and could peak soon. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Monday, January 5, reported flu was widespread in 43 states and flu activity was intense in most of them. A CDC expert said those trends are expected to continue. Flu season started early this winter, as it has the last two years. This season seems similar to two years ago, when the flu peaked by early January. But the flu is hard to predict, and it has yet to rev up in heavily populated states like New York and California. The CDC report issued Monday covers the week of Christmas. Next episode ... From page 1 Trillanes' claim of corruption in HUDCC and Pag-Ibig Fund, saying that reforms introduced by the Vice President had prevented a repeat of housing scams, such as the P6-billion Globe Asiatique mess of 2011 for which the real-estate developer's president, Delfin Lee, is now in jail facing charges of syndicated fraud. Joey Salgado, Binay's spokesman, said Pag-Ibig Fund “services have improved, benefits have been expanded, and the fund [has grown] under the leadership of the Vice President.” Salgado criticized Trillanes for resorting to character assassination. Tough to dislodge “Since he has admitted casting a moist eye on the presidency, Trillanes should show what he has done . . . to help [the] people and explain where and how he spent his millions in [Priority Development Assistance Fund] and [Disbursement Acceleration Program] funds,” Salgado said. Binay is proving tough to dislodge from the lead in voter preference for president in 2016. Early polls show him still leading other potential presidential candidates despite the the Makati scandal. Trillanes said President Aquino was aware of the investigation by government agencies of the housing contract awards. While the new hit on Binay is not covered by the resolution he filed seeking an inquiry into allegations of corruption against Binay when the Vice President was mayor of Makati City, Trillanes said he expected the blue ribbon subcommittee to take it up. “I will not include it on the agenda, but I can't preclude that the issues would branch out and lead to that,” he said. Trillanes said he had been given documents on other irregularities. The subcommittee would tackle those allegations, he said. “It's a new angle in corruption that you won't expect somebody to commit, but the Vice President did it just the same. For him, everyone is 'Editorial foolishness' The Financial Times was one of the few to criticize Charlie Hebdo and faced a backlash after publishing an opinion piece by its European editor that called the weekly “stupid” and “foolish.” In an online article, Tony Barber condemned the attack, but accused the satirical weekly of “editorial foolishness” and said that it had “just been stupid” to provoke Muslims with its Mohammad cartoons. “Some common sense would be useful at publications such as Charlie Hebdo, and Denmark's Jyllands-Posten, which purport to strike a blow for freedom when they provoke Muslims,” he wrote. Flemming Rose, the Danish editor at Jyllands-Posten who triggered global protests in 2005 by publishing cartoons of Mohammad, said that Charlie Hebdo was defending press freedom. Highest price paid Next episode in the long-running corruption investigation of Vice President Jejomar Binay in the Senate: The award of contracts to favored developers in government mass housing projects. Miranda fair game,” he said. The blue ribbon subcommittee headed by Sen. Aquilino Pimentel III will resume its inquiry into alleged corruption in Makati on Jan. 22, with a hearing on overpricing in the construction of the P700-million Makati Science High School. March wrap-up Trillanes said he was amenable to wrapping up the inquiry in March, but argued that the subcommittee should be flexible and extend it if more “explosive issues” cropped up. “If issues crop up, we can't turn our back on these. Might as well give an allowance. For as long as there is information that needs to be investigated, then let's continue the hearing,” he said. Pimentel said earlier that if he could convince Trillanes to limit the scope of the investigation, the subcommittee could wrap up the inquiry by March. In his resolution, Trillanes sought an inquiry into the construction of the P2.28-billion Makati City Hall Building II, the main City Hall, and other alleged irregularities in Makati. “Maybe we could limit the alleged other anomalies. The subcommittee can't act as if it will audit all the transactions of Makati. We can't do all of that. We have a lot of things to do,” Pimentel said. He said that after wrapping up the Makati Science High School inquiry, he would ask Trillanes if he wanted to proceed with the main City Hall investigation. “Charlie Hebdo didn't shut up… and they have now paid the highest price for that,” Rose said. Among the news outlets choosing to show their solidarity by running Charlie Hebdo cartoons was Spanish monthly Mongolia. “ To d a y w e a r e a l l #CharlieHebdo and we back f re e d o m o f ex p re s s i o n ,” Mongolia's editor, Gonzalo Boye, said. The Instagram account attributed to mysterious British graffiti artist Banksy bore a cartoon of a pencil under the word “yesterday,” the same pencil snapped in two under “today,” and a third with the stub of the pencil, once again sharpened, under the line “tomorrow.” It bore the simple caption “RIP.” #JeSuisCharlie Many editorial pages were similarly outraged by the attack, insisting that the killings should not undermine press freedom. France's media erupted in fury, with the daily Liberation running the headline “We are all Charlie” - a line repeated in many other papers and echoed online with the hashtag #JeSuisCharlie. Le Parisien went with “They will not kill liberty” while Les Echos called for people to face up to “barbarism,” publishing the last cartoon written by one of those killed in the attack. “The hooded bastards declared war on France, on our democracy, on our values,” the paper said in an editorial. The attack “targeted the heart of democracy - the freedom of the press,” wrote German daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, adding in an opinion piece that the gunmen must not be allowed to win. “We cannot allow men with Kalashnikovs and rocketpropelled grenades to determine what we should say, write, draw and even think,” it said. That “would spell the end of the free and open society.” Britain's press called for a measured response, fearing the rise of Islamophobia and the far right. Both the Daily Mail and the Daily Telegraph ran with the front-page headline “The War o n Fre e d o m” wh i l e T h e Guardian leapt to the defense of Charlie Hebdo, saying there was something “distinctly French about the form of offensiveness” it reveled in. January 9-15, 2015 Page 8 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS Asians must be screened for diabetes at lower fat levels - experts ALEXANDRIA, Virginia -- Americans - the nation's fastest standards, following a 2011 State Ev i d e n c e t h a t m a ny A s i a n growing ethnic group develop o f t h e S c i e n c e S c i e n t i f i c Americans develop the diabetes at diabetes at lower BMI levels Symposium on Diabetes in Hawaii. lower Body Mass Index (BMI) because of differences in their “Research has shown that BMI levels than the general population, body composition: weight gain may not be the best marker in this t h e A m e r i c a n D i a b e t e s tends to accumulate around the population. This paper is a Association is lowering the BMI waist in Asian Americans, the area significant step in the right cut point at which it recommends in which adiposity is considered direction of widely recognizing the screening Asian Americans for most harmful from a disease diabetes disparity that exists in type 2 diabetes. standpoint, rather than in the o u r p o p u l a t i o n s a n d This new guideline is aligned thighs and other parts of the body. communities,” said Ho Luong Tran, In this Wednesday, Oct. 17, 2007 file photo, an overweight person with the position statement “Clinicians have known this M.D., president of the National eats at a bench in London. AP published in the January issue of intuitively for quite some time,” Council of Asian Pacific Islander Diabetes Care. said William C. Hsu, M.D., vice Physicians, and lead coordinator “The position statement p r e s i d e n t , I n t e r n a t i o n a l of the AANHPI Diabetes Coalition. highlights, for the first time, the Programs, Joslin Diabetes Center “The next steps are to increase physiologic differences seen and assistant professor, Harvard the amount of clinical research and between Asian Americans and Medical School, who was lead data on this diverse population, other populations affected by author of the position paper. while simultaneously pushing for diabetes,” said Jane Chiang, ADA's “They can see that Asian policy change that will positively Agence France-Presse gain weight as it is to get them to senior vice president for Medical Americans are being diagnosed impact health outcomes,” Tran lose weight,” said chief author A f f a i r s a n d C o m m u n i t y with diabetes when they do not a dde d. T h e A DA' s p o si t i o n MIAMI, United States – US E l i s a F a b b r i n i , a s s i s t a n t Information. appear to be overweight or obese statement does not redefine scientists encouraged 20 obese professor of medicine. “A s i a n A m e r i c a n s a re a according to general standards. overweight or obesity for Asian people to eat extra fast food for Those not suffering from heterogeneous group and have But if you use the previous Americans, only the BMI cut point several months, and found that ailments typically associated h i s t o r i c a l l y b e e n Association standard for diabetes for screening for type 2 diabetes. about a quarter stayed in good with obesity at the outset of the underrepresented in studies, so it screening of being age 45 or older “What this does is to help us, as health despite the additional study - such as insulin resistance, is important to keep in mind that with a BMI of 25 kg/m2 or above, a society, identify those who are at pounds they gained. high cholesterol, high blood this is just the beginning. Clearly, yo u w i l l m i s s m a ny A s i a n risk for type 2 diabetes who might The study in the January 2 pressure and excess liver fat - did we need more research to better Americans who are at risk,” Hsu otherwise not have been identified edition of the Journal of Clinical not have these problems even understand why these distinctions explained. because of their lack of appearance Investigation was led by a team of after adding about 15 pounds exist,” Chiang added. The Asian Americans Native of obesity,” said Hsu, adding that s c i e n t i s t s a t Wa s h i n g t o n (seven kilograms) to their For members of the general Hawaiian and Pacific Islander the growing prevalence of diabetes University School of Medicine in already overweight frames, said population, the ADA recommends (AANHPI) Diabetes Coalition and its economic impact in the St Louis, Missouri. the findings. testing for diabetes when BMI began drawing attention to the United States heighten the need Subjects were encouraged to The results mirror what reaches 25 kg/m2 or higher. Based need for changes in clinical for early detection and prevention. eat 1,000 extra calories per day, scientists have seen in the general on an exhaustive review of the management guidelines for Asian For a copy of the Association's mainly by frequenting fast food population, which is that about a literature, for Asian Americans, it Americans, who experience twice position statement, or to obtain a restaurants with the goal of quarter of obese people do not is now recommending that the prevalence of type 2 diabetes copy, visit adding six percent of their body appear to suffer from metabolic screening be done at 23 kg/m2 or than Caucasian Americans despite 10.2337/dc14-2391. weight. complications that can lead to higher. having lower rates of obesity “This was not easy to do. It is heart attack, diabetes and stroke. It is believed that Asian under current federal BMI just as difficult to get people to u Page 14 Not all obese people prone to poor health study Why many Filipino seniors in the US fear hospice care By Vivian Zalvidea Araullo SAN FRANCISCO, California -It's a sharp contrast from early last spring, after the seniors had attended a seminar on end-of-life issues in wheelchairs, walkers and canes. This time older Filipino i m m i g ra n t d re s s e d i n t h e i r Christmas best stream in, ready to party with their friends, the regulars at the Thursday morning senior program at West Bay Pilipino Multi Service Center. Assistive devices now deposited by the door, the festivities begin, as always, with prayer. Laughter accompanies noodles, egg rolls, cake and coffee, consumed between Filipino Christmas songs, dancing and a gift exchange. Seniors become somber Conversation, though, become somber, centered around death and dying. One of the West Bay Pilipino regulars, Aida Tolop, a care provider in her forties, shares with the group her traumatic experience with a past, now-deceased care recipient. The man was transferred to hospice care, just a day after she rushed him to hospital for a urinary tract infection. Being in hospice “was like he was being killed little by little,” she says, with unmasked horror on her face. When she visited her ward the next day, Tolop says she was shocked to see that her care recipient was taken off his oxygen tank and was being administered morphine to alleviate pain. The infection had developed into sepsis, hospice care providers told Tolop. She says they told her they administered the pain medication “because he was old anyway, and that the infection had spread to his bloodstream.” B u t t h e p a t i e n t ' s f a m i ly members, who were coming in from other states, were never consulted, Tolop says. “I didn't know if he really had lost all chances of surviving.” By the time the man's relatives arrived, the patient was unconscious and could no longer communicate. “I wish they had waited for his family to arrive, because he might have previously conveyed his wishes to them. For me, it seemed like the process was rushed,” Tolop says. “It was like they were using pain relief just as a reason, but really, it looked like he was just being slowly put to death with morphine.” The family reacted with sad resignation, she recalls, saying the doctors were the experts. Tears flow d o w n To l o p ' s f a c e a s s h e remembers the moment her care recipient finally died. Confusion on Catholic teachings Tolop's story sparks a shouting Caregiver Aida Tolop, left with her care recipient, retired dentist Maria Comoda. PHOTO BY JUN NUCUM match. Another elderly woman, a staunch Catholic, stands up and chimes in, warning the others to never go into hospice care, or to receive palliative care, insisting these are mere pretexts to assisted suicide. Citing Catholic beliefs, she points out that it is a mortal sin to w i l l f u l ly e n d l i fe , a n d t h a t unrepentant mortal sinners are doomed to eternal damnation. In response, a World War II veteran scolds Tolop and the woman for bombarding their colleagues with fear and guilt. Yet the Catholic senior's statements illustrate some of the most common, but understandable, confusion over end-of-life issues and terminology, even in the general population. Catholic experts in the field of palliative care succinctly draw the distinction between palliative care and assisted suicide or euthanasia (so-called mercy killing) through the slogan: “Kill the pain. Not the patient.” Palliative care “kills the pain” and seeks to show compassion to those who may or may not be terminally ill by providing pain alleviation, without hastening or bringing about death. Patients can receive it to ease pain and provide comfort at any time, at any stage of illness, whether it be terminal or not. And it can be administered at home, according to the National Caregivers Library. Hospice care is generally provided to patients considered to be terminal or within six months of death. But perhaps the deeper confusion resides in the superstition-riddled and often nondoctrinal, traditional Filipino Catholic morality that appears to conflate suffering and pain with holiness. The Philippines, the third largest Catholic country in the world, is deeply conservative. It's in this narrow context that a number of Filipino Catholics might view end-of-life issues: It is God's decision, not man's, to end life. Suffering through pain is equated with Jesus-like martyrdom as atonement for sin, best exemplified by Filipino Catholic penitents' extreme custom of bloody selfflagellation and crucifixion, literal reenactments of the biblical Christ's own end-of-life story. Not always God's will But pain and suffering do not u Page 14 January 9-15, 2015 Page 9 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS High Five for “Seven Fingers”! Assembly Member Bonta Wants a Fil Am Labor Leader Day in California By Joseph G. Lariosa, Marlon L. Pecson Tasawan Kovitprakornkul ALAMEDA CITY, California (JGL) -- Rob Bonta was not even born yet in Quezon City a year before martial law was proclaimed in the Philippines but he would hear a lot of Larry Dulay Itliong also known as “Seven Fingers” for leading a SFP Officer Edgar Parker. Gary De Guzman/Manila Mail non-violent 1965 Great Delano Grape Strike and Boycott that transformed the labor movement in California. Bonta, the first Filipino American ever to be elected to the California Assembly, told the Journal GlobaLinks he wants F i l i p i n o A m e r i c a n s a n d Helping hand for Haiyan victims. California Assembly Member Ron Bonta is mainstream Californians to shown helping during the rehabilitation of the victims of super typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) in this photo. (JGL Photo courtesy of Mr. Ron Bonta) learn the sacrifices and to achieve, to be a good officer.” challenges that Itliong, a native Though the recruits went home of San Nicolas, Pangasinan in the T h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l every night during their eightPhilippines, and other Filipino L o n g s h o r e m a n ' s a n d month training, Kovitprakornkul American pioneers faced before Warehouse Workers Union). He felt like they lived in the academy. labor workers got the wage lost three fingers in an accident “The hours are from 8 a.m. to 5 increase, medical plan, day care in an Alaskan cannery, which p.m. but we do get there sometimes center and a school workers now earned him the nickname, two hours early and a lot of times, enjoy. "Seven Fingers." we leave two to three hours late so As one of his first official bills Larry Itliong Day is already there's not much time sleeping,” following his first re-election as being observed in Carson City, she said. A l a m e d a C o u n t y ' s s t a t e California on October 25th, his “For eight months, you're pretty representative (District 18) last birthday, since in 2010. On the much sleeping, eating and Nov. 4, Bonta, 42, had introduced same year, Los Angeles adopted breathing academy but as long as last Dec. 1 bill No. AB-7, which a resolution honoring the this is what you really want to do m a n d a t e s t h e C a l i f o r n i a Delano farmers as a group. and you have a passion for it, it'd be governor to proclaim “Larry Bonta's bill will make Itliong Day Photo of Larry D. Itliong. (Wikipedia) fun. It was a lot of fun for me,” she Itliong Special Day” on his 102nd a statewide celebration. added. Starting this year, the birthday on Oct. 25, 2015 and e ve r y ye a r t h e re a f t e r t o Alvarado Middle School in Union Dolores Huerta. NFWA was later Joining the force for her means celebrate the legacy Itliong and City, California will be renamed called the United Farm Workers breaking a “boring day or not other Filipino American labor after Itliong and another Filipino (UFW), which merged with letting it go stale,” having been leaders left behind following American labor leader, Pete Vera Itliong's Agricultural Workers inspired by her mother's The 1965 Great Delano Grape Cruz, provided supporting Organizing Committee (AWOC). hardworking ethic. community organizations would T h e U . S . - b o r n ( Yu m a , Strike and Boycott. As a farmworker Itliong come up with $15,000 for A r i z o n a ) C e s a r C h a v e z ' s Right choice worked in Alaska, where he administrative cost for the name birthday, March 31, is a state “I wanted to do something o r g a n i z e d c a n n e r y a n d change and additional cost of holiday in California, Colorado, where I was moving, I was active a g r i c u l t u r a l u n i o n s , i n $26,000 for uniforms for AMS- and Texas. and I thought that law enforcement Washington, and up and down branded uniforms and teaching w o u l d b e a f i t f o r m e ,” California; he also worked in materials. This came after Pride of the Fil Ams Kovitprakornkul said. “When I “This bill will urge inclusion Montana and South Dakota. Watsonville, California named started learning more about the While living in Alaska, he helped its middle school after Cesar into the California public school law and about law enforcement and found the Alaska Cannery C h a v e z , f o u n d e r o f t h e education about Itliong and the history of it, I realized that it Workers Union (which later C o m m u n i t y S e r v i c e other Filipino American labor was definitely the right choice for became Local 7 of the United Organization and co-founder of leaders Philip Vera-Cruz, Pete me. Cannery and Packing and Allied the National Farm Workers Velasco and Andy Imutan as u Page 30 Workers Union, then Local 7 of Associa t ion (NFWA) w it h u Page 14 Fil-Am jiu-jitsu world champ, athletic coach among San Francisco’s new cops By Elton Lugay SAN FRANCISCO, California -Standing at 5 feet 2 inches, Tasawan Kovitprakornkul packs a punch despite her petite frame. A jiu-jitsu world champion and personal trainer, the 25-year-old, Thailandborn Filipino American is also an officer of the San Francisco Police Department. Kovitprakornkul and Edgar Parker III, also a Fil-Am, are two of the 45 brave men and women who recently graduated from the San Francisco Police Academy. The ceremony was on January 2 at the Scottish Rite Masonic Center on 19th Avenue. San Francisco is home to 2,209 sworn officers, according to Officer Albie Esparza, public information officer at the SFPD. Exacting training “The training [in Presidio] was no other experience that I've ever been through or [I don't think] any other type of company can simulate t h i s t y p e o f t r a i n i n g ,” Kovitprakornkul told Manila Mail in an interview right after their commencement ceremony. “It took a lot of dedication and a lot of perseverance, and you really had to have the will to want this - the will January 9-15, 2015 Page 10 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS Busy year ahead It will be a very hectic year on the economic front for the Philippines this 2015. Hopefully the focus will be on opportunities. Of course, like in the past, they'd be mixed with challenges. And some of them, having been manifest for some time, would be a shame to lose. Let us cite a few: In infrastructure, prospects remain promising for the Aquino administration's flagship public-private partnership (PPP) program. This, despite the fact that after more than two-thirds into President Aquino's term, the PPP's record has not been impressive with only eight of more than 50 infrastructure projects awarded. The government has promised to do more this year and the next. The private sector is excited about the big-ticket items set for rollout this year. These include the P123-billion Laguna Lakeshore Expressway Dike, which has drawn interest from the country's biggest business groups, including first-time PPP investors such as tycoons George Ty and Andrew Tan. At the Department of Transportation and Communications, everybody is looking to do the next airport PPP deal. The contract bundles major provincial airport projects, valued at P116 billion, for turnover to the private sector of the maintenance and operations of the airports in Bacolod-Silay, Davao, Iloilo, Laguindingan, New Bohol (Panglao) and Puerto Princesaall gateways to major tourism and business destinations across the country. Given the right push, the PPP program is seen as a vital factor in sustaining the country's economic growth rate. In November, the country is hosting this year's Apec (AsiaPacific Economic Cooperation) leaders' summitnearly two decades since it played host to this regional conference in 1996. The Philippine economy has come a long way since, and the administration hopes to display its “remarkable turnaround” in recent years as the country holds the various Apec meetings months leading to the summit. Said to be the country's biggest event of the year, the gathering could indeed be a window of opportunity for the Aquino administration to showcase its achievements. And then, there is the integration of the economies of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean). Established in 1967 in Bangkok by the five founding members (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand), the regional grouping aims to create a single market and production base where there is free flow of goods, services, investment, capital and labor. Under the Asean integration plan, tariffs on most goods from member-countries will be lowered to zero or near-zero, financial systems will have the same standards, and employment restrictions will be eased so that Southeast Asians will be free to find jobs in any country within the region. Whether all Philippine industries are prepared for the integration is more of a challenge than a question that government must address. There, too, is the expected power shortage in summer. The government is still soliciting private sector participation in the effort to augment power supply starting March this year, although recent indications are that the shortage would not be as severe as initially expected. True, the economy is expected to benefit this year from falling crude oil prices, particularly in terms of lower power and transportation costs. Some analysts, though, warn about a Deportations Dropped in 2014 A consolidated enforcement statistics released by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) shows that for the fiscal year 2014, DHS returned and removed from the country a total of 577,295 undocumented immigrants. The number of deportations reported at 414,651 was down by 23,940 or 5 percent from the 438,421 deportations in 2013. 162,814 inadmissible aliens voluntarily returned to their country of origin or withdrew their application for admission. The report also shows that the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the largest investigative arm of the DHS, made a total of 315,943 removals and returns. Apprehensions made by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), the agency in charge of protecting the borders, totaled 486,651, most of which were along the southwest border. The consolidated statistics from the DHS Office of Immigration Statistics, ICE, and CBP was reported and released together for the first time in line with DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson's effort to p ro m o t e t ra n s p a re n c y a n d improve the agency's manner in collecting and reporting statistics. Impacting enforcement operations was the surge of Central American families and unaccompanied children illegally crossing the border. According to the report, the Border Patrol apprehensions of individuals coming from Mexico dropped 14 percent while there was a 68 percent increase of individuals coming from other countries who were caught at the border, a vast majority of those coming from El S a l v a d o r, G u a t e m a l a a n d Honduras. Deportation of individuals coming from other countries require more time and resources compared to Mexican nationals. They would need to be housed while they are being processed for removal and would need air transportation to return them to their home countries. The report also reveals that of the 315,943 individuals removed and returned by ICE, 213,719 were apprehended while attempting to illegally enter the U.S. and 102,224 were apprehended inside the country. Eighty-five percent of the interior removals and returns involved aliens convicted of crimes. The number was significantly up from the number of criminals removed in fiscal year 2011 which u Page 12 Opinion The Black Nazarene, the u Page 12 Pope, and the crowd By Randy David Publisher/Editor-in-Chief: Lito A. Gajilan, Jr. Columnists: Reuben S. Seguritan, Esq., Juan L. Mercado, Joseph G. Lariosa Correspondent: Grace G. Baldisseri The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not reflect the opinion of the paper nor that of the publisher. Email: Phone: 201-434-1114 Fax 201-434-0880 2711 John F. Kennedy Boulevard, Jersey City, NJ 07306 The Catholic Church has had such a long history of dealing with spontaneous crowds that one c a n n o t t h i n k o f a ny o t h e r institution on earth that has had more experience and success in taming the explosive discharge associated with crowds. It is part of its heritage. In welcoming and making room for everyone, Catholicism has had to continually confront its primal challenge: how to manage the crowd. Its methods, honed through the centuries, offer lessons that we may well keep in mind as we brace ourselves for two events in January that will be dominated by the specter of the crowd - the annual procession of the Black Nazarene of Quiapo and the forthcoming visit of the popular Pope Francis. No deployment of police forces, no matter how huge, can possibly control a crowd that is blinded by the urge to go as near as possible to where they believe the sacred is, and hopefully to touch it. Ke e p i n g o rd e r u n d e r s u c h circumstances has always been a nightmare. To that, one must now add the complications posed by the faddish quest to take “selfies” with anything or anybody of significance in the effort to preserve a fleeting moment. S e l f i e s , r e p o r t e d l y, h a v e considerably slowed down the movement of devotees lining up to kiss or wipe the feet of the Nazarene inside the Quiapo Church. Every year, the spectacular Quiapo procession has always resulted in people being hurt or killed whenever the crowd breaks out into occasional stampedes. The organizers of the procession have learned over the years to prepare for such contingencies in order to minimize accidents. One important measure they have adopted is to prevent people who are reeking of alcohol from joining the procession. This year, the city government decided to impose a liquor ban for the duration of the feast itself. This year's “traslacion” or procession of the icon of the Black Nazarene through the narrow u Page 15 January 9-15, 2015 Page 11 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS Making life worth living Ellen Tordesillas January 6 is the end of a long Christmas celebration in the Philippines. Christmas trees and decorations are or have already been dismantled and put back in boxes for storage to be put out again come November after All Saints Day. January 6 is Three Kings Day, when the Christian world pays tribute to the wisdom and good heart of the three Magis - Melchor, Gaspar and Baltazar - who defied the powers that be and traveled long to see the newly born King, Jesus. This was recounted by the disciple, Matthew. I got an amusing text of a Filipino version of the Three Kings (which the Magis - wise men who More than Three Kings indulge in astrology are invariably called) account. Here's the text:” Do you know that that originally there were six kings who saw the signs in the stars about the birth of Jesus? But only three reached Bethlehem. What happened to the other three? The fourth one followed the bright star and ended up in the United States. Not finding the Baby Jesus, he founded Burger King. The fifth one also followed the guiding star and ended up on an endless wall which turned out to be the Great Wall of China. There was no Baby Jesus. Famished, he concocted something and shared with it with the community. That was the beginning of Chowking. The star that the sixth Magi followed led him to the Philippines. He also didn't find a Baby Jesus. But he went into cattle raising and later on put up an eatery: Tapa King. That's Filipino creativity and humor for you. The legend about more than three kings who journeyed to pay homage to the new-born King of Kings has been taken up by other writers. The one by the famous novelist, Hnery van Dyke initially published in 1895, captures the essence of being a Christian. Titled the “The Other Wise Man,” the story is about a priest or Magi named Artaban from Persia. Like Gaspar, Melchor, and Baltazar, Artaban saw signs in the heavens that The King had been born. In one way or another he was able to communicate with the three and they agreed to meet at a certain place so they could travel in a caravan through the desert. u Page 12 No poverty, no corruption The more exciting times are, the faster time seems to fly. That is what happened with 2013 and 2014. 2013 was like an erupting volcano with the Napoles scandal, the Zamboanga siege, the Bohol earthquake, and the monstrous Typhoon Yolanda. The impact of 2013 was such that 12 months were not enough to absorb it. It leaped over to 2014 with the PDAF and the DAP controversy making the Executive and Legislative Branches collide with the Supreme Court. Then, the unthinkable but inevitable three serving senators are detained awaiting their trial for plunder. Literally, 2013 and 2014 took our breath away. These two years may end up like prophets warning us of the trajectory of life into 2015 and beyond. First, the political tsunami is not over, and it is beyond partisanship. People are slowly but surely finding their voice. They are out less in the streets but moving powerfully towards social media, creating noise that politicians would do well to respect. People power is not over, it is stepping up to the next level. Second, climate change is not a fancy phrase anymore. It has started to have a face, like Yolanda, and a texture, like very wet. A country like the Philippines may be used to typhoons, floods, landslides and earthquakes, but the frequency, the intensity, and the impact on communities are dangerous and alarming. Climate change says that coastal towns are gravely endangered with rising water levels. Well, floodwaters are also quick to rise, and rise higher than before, in urban areas. It used to be that 90% of Filipinos were considered masa, and poor. That is what used to comprise classes D & E. The OFW Opinion By Jose Ma. Montelibano p h e n o m e n o n , h o weve r, h a s dismantled the choking hold of poverty for at least 30% (and growing). The BPO industry has further opened higher-thanaverage starting salaries for about one million Filipinos, mostly young, and many from the D sector. Self-rated poverty remains high at around 55%, but both the OFW market and the BPO industry will reduce that number in the next few years. The new middle class is truly emerging, led by the traditional C sector and now joined by upper D. I hope that upper D gets to be classified as C soon, so this sector would then be the real middle class and the majority as well. The middle class, though, is not only about income and economics. It is a lifestyle that has its own morality and emerging political maturity. Technology will facilitate and hasten this maturity by linking the masa to global influences with speed and audio-visual features. Both the OFW and BPO workforces a re i n t i m a te ly a s s i m i l a t i n g international mindsets and values through daily work exposure. That is indoctrination by activity, and unbelievably effective. It is a new year and the poor among us deserve a new understanding and approach into the poverty that enslaves them. From as long as I can remember, this poverty has been connected with corruption. In the 2010 elections that catapulted PNoy into the presidency, corruption was actually blamed for corruption with the slogan “Kung walang kurap, walang mahirap.” That slogan, by repetition and by the political victory of its source, promises that poverty will go away only if corruption disappears before it. But is our poverty really because of corruption? Can anyone show us how corruption created the massive poverty that has plagued the Filipino people? Filipinos were poor even before there was a corrupt Filipino government. Maybe a review of history can help us trace how poverty began. Historical amnesia makes it impossible for government to eliminate poverty. Is poverty solved when assumptions of root causes may be terribly flawed? u Page 12 was made once again about the horrendous delays in the release of cargo that has been making life a living hell for nearly every importer. But to listen to Cabinet Secretary Rene Almendras, who made the appeal to the importers to move their shipments out of Manila even before tomorrow's feast of the Black Nazarene, you'd think that religious holidays and the pope's visit are causing the delays in the release of cargo. And, because of these two events, Almendras explained, the decongestion of the waterfront and the normalization of cargo releases will have to be pushed back to February. The pope, of course, has as much to do with the problem of stranded cargo at the waterfront as he has with the problem of homeless children in Pasay City, whose officials woke up one fine day and decided to round up street urchins on the off-chance that Francis might see them upon his arrival. If only the pope knew what the government is doing - or planning to do, like setting him up for blame - in his name. *** Commission on Elections Chairman Sixto Brillantes has challenged his former commissioner, computer expert Gus Lagman, to attempt to hack into a Smartmatic precinct count optical scan machine to prove the latter's allegation that election results can be easily manipulated. It is a challenge Lagman and all his fellow critics of Comelec, many of whom work in the IT industry, should take up. u Page 12 Blaming the Pope The arrival of the pope is expected to inflame the religious fervor of the faithful in the predominantly Catholic nation when he arrives. The government, however, is apparently also getting ready to blame the pope for congestion in Manila's ports, of all things. Ahead of the visit of Pope Francis next week, the Aquino administration has urged importers to move their cargo out of Manila's thoroughly congested seaports. This is because most of the capital city, especially areas near the Port Area where the waterfront is located like Rizal Park, will practically be shut down during the pontiff's five-day visit. Ordinarily, I'd understand why this appeal has to be made. But the visiting pope, while he may be sometimes perceived as rocking the Catholic Church to its very foundations, has nothing whatsoever to do with the congestion that has plagued Manila's ports for a couple of years now. The stock market, for instance, will be closed during the pope's visit not because traders are overly religious, but because the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (which is in Manila) will also be closed. If BSP is closed, there is no clearing of checks, which is why no stock market trades can happen. But if you were to ask any importer who does business at the Manila port if they could speed up the process of releasing their containers, as the government advises, they would wholeheartedly respond in the affirmative. Unfortunately, that is something that is beyond their power - and entirely within the authority of the officials who have slowed the releasing of cargo from the port to an absolute crawl. In fact, the inefficiency of the Bureau of Customs has long been blamed for the pileup of thousands upon thousands of containers at Manila's port, a fiasco that often flares up into rumors that Commissioner John Philip Sevilla is on his way out. Just last Jan. 7, Malacañang Palace had to issue a statement to the effect that Sevilla is about to resign or be removed. Presidential spokesman Edwin Lacierda felt compelled to cite the improved collections and other good deeds that Sevilla was supposed to have performed - even if no mention January 9-15, 2015 Page 12 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS No poverty ... From page 11 The reduction of poverty driven by OFW remittance and employment by BPO businesses is not related to anything anticorruption. Government did not establish the OFW and BPO industries, global dynamics did. The poor themselves who went, and keep going, abroad to fill up the labor needs of other countries are taking themselves out of poverty. And the capacity to speak English and be better mannered towards customers from the West is what built the BPO industry. Tourism is fast showing just how powerful it can be in reducing poverty, and tourism again is more about the beauty of the country and the Filipino people more than it is about being anti-corruption. If the main drivers to reducing poverty are not about corruption, what happens to “Kung walang kurap, walang mahirap?” I think corruption is related to poverty, but the other way around. I think that if there is less poverty, there will be less corruption. I think the slogan or formula “Kung walang mahirap, walang kurap” is more effective and more wise. Making victory against greed a condition before poverty can be dismantled is condemning the present poor in the Philippines to be poor indefinitely as human societies have been unable to eliminate greed over millennia. Why do we not go against poverty as our primordial national objective, base governance on this principle, instead of putting more importance to anti-corruption? People who are not in dire need cannot be easily manipulated to compromise themselves and vote for those who can give them money or favors. People who earn more, who have more work and stable employment, they are the ones who can tell politicians to behave. So why not use the people themselves to dismantle corruption instead of layers of laws and regulations that strangulate governance and balloon its cost? It is New Year. It is a good time to begin with new thoughts, with new assumptions, with new priorities against both poverty and corruption. We have been in the direction of destruction, even if the intent is to destroy corruption, for too long and achieved little. It is in guaranteeing dignity to our poor, in building their capacity for production, in raising their c o n f i d e n c e f o r entrepreneurship, and in providing a vision that even our children can be inspired to pursue that we truly can build a nation and a future full of hope. More than three kings ... From page 11 He gathered his treasures to offer to the new born King - a sapphire, a ruby, and a pearl of great price. Not far from where he started, he saw a dying man and he had to stop and help him. When Artaban arrived at their meeting place, the three Magis had already left. Since he missed the caravan, and he can't cross the desert with only a horse, he was forced to sell one of his treasures in order to buy the camels and supplies necessary for the trip. He arrived in Bethlehem too late to see the child Jesus because Mary and Joseph with the baby had to flee Bethlehem to escape the evil plan of the paranoid King Herod. They went to Egypt. Artaban traveled to Egypt and Deportations ... Blaming the Pope ... From page 11 Lagman has laughed off Brillantes' challenge. But I really think he should take it seriously. I'd love to see Filipino h a c ke r s , wh o a re k n ow n worldwide for their ability to break through even the toughest computer security measures, give it a shot. And I don't think they won't be able to run rings around whatever precautions Smartmatic has put into its controversial machines. I truly believe that Smartmatic's real expertise is not in building computerized counting machines but in getting Comelec to approve its exorbitant contracts. This is why I have no reason to think that its PCOS machines are immune from the attacks of a dedicated amateur hacker, to say nothing of the efforts of a well-funded group of computer experts who want to manipulate the elections. If Lagman thinks he can't do the hacking himself, perhaps he should enlist any of the people from the Anonymous Philippines group. I'm sure these “hacktivists,” as they call themselves, would love to get the chance to break into Smartmatic's machines. And I'd really love to see Brillantes' face when he sees how the expensive and expensively-maintained PCOS m a c h i n e s o f h i s favo r i te technology provider are hacked by the bright kids who break into the most secure of Web sites for laughs. It's time for Lagman and his crew ro step up to the plate and hit it out of the park. How about it, Gus? From page 10 was only 67 percent. Also, 98 percent o f I C E E n f o r c e m e n t R e m o va l Operations (ERO) removals and returns were under an enforcement priority category. This is a result of the government's continued efforts to “refine its enforcement priorities” by focusing its resources on the removal of those who are considered threats to public safety and national security. Because interior enforcement operations on convicted criminal aliens especially those at-large require significantly more resources and time, this contributed to the decline in the number of deportations for fiscal year 2014. The report also noted that the decrease in the number of deportations was attributed to the refusal of state and local enforcement to cooperate with ICE detainers or request to detain dangerous criminals or priority individuals for subsequent transfer to ICE custody. 10,182 ICE detainers were not honored in fiscal along the way, he encountered people who needed help. As always he stopped, using money from the sale of some of the treasures he brought, and helped them. His search for Jesus took him 30 years but he never saw him. Artaban arrived in Jerusalem and went to the temple. There he learned that Jesus is being crucified in Calvary and he decided to go there. On his way out of the temple, he saw a woman being sold for slavery. He brought out his last treasure, a pearl, to ransom the young woman. Then the earth shook. That was the hour of Jesus' crucifixion. Some part of the temple's roof fell on Artaban. As he was breathing his last, he heard a voice, “Verily I say unto thee, Inasmuch as thou hast done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, thou hast done it unto me.” The Magi Artaban finally met the Lord, Jesus. year 2014 which required more resources in the apprehension of criminal aliens at-large. Meanwhile, a total of 8,013 individuals convicted of serious crimes were apprehended by Border Patrol officers at ports of entry. A total of 223,712 inadmissible individuals were also stopped at port of entries or an increase of more than 9 percent from fiscal year 2013. According to Secretary Johnson, “DHS's 2014 year-end enforcement statistics demonstrate that our front line officers and agents continue to execute their critical mission in a smart and effective way, focusing our resources on convicted criminals and those attempting to illegally cross our nation's borders.” Although they have met many challenges, he indicated that “DHS components have adjusted and continue to successfully secure o u r b o rd e r s a n d p ro t e c t o u r communities.” (Editor's Note: REUBEN S. SEGURITAN has been practicing law for over 30 years. For more information, you may log on to his website at or call (212) 695-5281.) Busy year ahead ... From page 10 possible adverse impact in the longer term. They say the low prices could trigger layoffs in oil-producing countries where many Filipinos are based; this could have an adverse impact on the local property sector where overseas Filipino workers have become a major market and which has been enjoying a boom for the past many years. Also, the economies of the country's major trading partners remain fragile, particularly those of Japan and the eurozone. There is also the prospect of higher interest rates in the United States that could raise borrowing costs and lead to a capital flight from emerging markets to dollar-denominated investments. The biggest external risk remains the political tensions in various parts of the globe, from Russia to the Middle East to East Asia. As for extreme weather disturbances which seem to relish the Philippines as a favorite destination, they too are inescapable realities that the country must keep on working to “handle.” It could be a rough ride this 2015 for the Philippine economy, but as things stand, the country seems prepared to cope with any external shock. And there is a consensus that the Philippine economy will remain one of the region's best performers this year. Let's get serious and prove that consensus right. TO ADVERTISE, PLEASE CALL 201-434-1114 January 9-15, 2015 Page 13 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS Expert unmasks China strategy of 'creeping expansion' By Jun Medina A prominent global security scholar has unmasked China's “grand strategy” of gaining control of the Asia Pacific Region by “creeping expansion” rather than waging major battles. Dr. Alexander L. Vuving, an associate professor at the AsiaPacific Center for Security Studies based in Honolulu, Hawaii, writes in an essay posted by that China is creating its own islands in disputed areas of the South China Sea to leverage its claim on the strategic areas teeming with marine life and potentially huge oil and gas reserves. Beijing's territorial claims based on its self-declared horseshoe-shaped, nine-dash line map - cover areas close to the coasts of Brunei, Indonesia, M a l ays i a , t h e P h i l i p p i n e s , Vietnam and Taiwan. China claims practically the whole South China Sea, a vast expanse of water that encompasses islands, islets, atolls and reefs that stretches from the Paracels, Spratlys, Scarborough Shoal in the West Philippine Sea and Pulau and Natuna Islands in Indonesian waters. Creeping expansion “The ultimate goal is to gain control of the region. The campaign to achieve this goal relies on creeping expansion, rather than major battles,” wrote Vuving in a commentary aptly titled “China's Grand-Strategy Challenge: Creating its own Islands in the South China Sea.” Dr. Vuving studied political science, economics, sociology and electronic engineering at Cornell U n i v e r s i t y, t h e J o h a n n e s Gutenberg University and the Budapest University of Technology. He received his master of arts (summa cum laude) in political science, sociology and economics, and his doctor's degree (magna cum laude) in political science from the Johannes Gutenberg University in Germany. According to Vuving, Beijing's preferred tactics in its protracted strategy for regional dominance, often at the expense of its smaller and weaker neighbors, are salami slicing and small-stick diplomacy. This strategy, Vuving stresses, requires three “imperatives,” each of which is built on top of another, namely: First, to avoid open armed strikes as much as possible; clashes can be initiated, but only to exploit an existing favorable situation. Second, to control the most strategic positions in the sea; if not already in possession, these positions must be seized stealthily if possible and in a limited conflict if necessary. And third, to use these position as logistical hubs and bases for power projection. Vuving - whose varied areas of research interests include Asian security, the rise of China and Vietnamese politics - observed that the history of the China's involvement in the South China Sea dispute has neatly followed these imperatives. time of the first, and the Soviet Union pulling out at that of the second,” Vuving writes. “In both events, China also enjoyed the acquiescence of the United States, the most powerful actor in the larger Asia-Pacific region. As a result, the military clashes caused little diplomatic repercussions,” he adds. The second imperative of taking control the most strategic positions is reflected in Beijing's choice of places to occupy in the disputed areas. Two armed conflicts He cited the fact that of the numerous attempts by Beijing to snatch new possessions during these six decades, only two involved armed conflicts. The first took place in January 1974 against South Vietnam during which China ended up seizing the western half of the Paracel Islands, the Crescent Group, from the former. The second was a far smaller but no less bloody - skirmish against unified Vietnam at Johnson South Reef in March 1988. “What's remarkable about these two confrontations is that they both were fought at a time when a power vacuum was swelling in the region, with the United States withdrawing at the Quality, not quantity Thus, he notes that when China tangled with Vietnam for a foothold in the Spratly Islands in 1988, Beijing traded quantity for quality, taking six reefs as opposed to 11 by Hanoi. Five of the six, Vuving opines, are among the most strategic features in the archipelago. China's first choice in the Spratly Islands was Fiery Cross Reef, one of the best in the archipelago in terms of location and the potential for land reclamation. The atoll occupies an ideal spot at the western gateway into the Spratly Islands and is one of the few Spratly islands that are most exposed to the main transoceanic shipping routes traversing the South China Sea. 280 Luis Munoz Marin Boulevard Jersey City, NJ 07302 The atoll, known as Kagitingan in the Philippines and Yongshu in China, is the focus of ongoing reclamation by Beijing as shown by satellite images released last month in IHS Jane's Defense Weekly. The Jane's report says China is building what could be an airstrip and apron on the reclaimed area measuring 3,000 meters long and 200 meters wide. Its location not too far from, but not too close to, the other i s l a n d g ro u p s re d u c e s i t s vulnerability and enlarges its sphere of influence. Adding to these advantages, Fiery Cross Reef occupies an area of 110 square kilometers, one of the largest in the Spratly Islands. Four of the remaining five Subi Reef, Gaven Reef, Johnson South Reef and Cuarteron Reef lie at the edge of four different island groups, from where they can control a large maritime area and the key waterways into the Spratly Islands. The two land features that China later added to its possessions also boast immense strategic values. PH reefs seized Vuving observes that Mischief Reef, which China surreptitiously took from the Philippines in late 1994 or January 1995, lies at the u Page 15 201-333-8060 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY January 9-15, 2015 Page 14 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS Securing Pope Francis ... From page 1 work alongside the 25,000 PNP force mobilized for the papal visit. Close-in security will be provided by the Presidential Security Group. No threats monitored Speaking at a joint Department of National Defense-AFP traditional New Year's call, Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin said the government had not monitored any specific threat to the Pope, and to the holding of the Black Nazarene procession on Jan. 9. “We are looking at all angles, looking at all reports and act on these,” he said. Catapang admitted that ensuring the Pope's safety was a big “security challenge.” “It's a security challenge in a way but we can do it. We will just Why many Filipino seniors in the US ... From page 8 always necessarily reflect God's will, stresses Vincent Nguyen, MD, Board Certified Hospice and Palliative Care Specialist. Nguyen describes himself as a “cradle Catholic,” born and raised in the Roman Catholic tradition. “People overall who do this [hospice and palliative care], do the work of God,” he said. Nguyen works with spiritual leaders, including Roman Catholic priests, to train them in dealing with families confronted with tough questions on death and dying. “Not every single priest is trained on endof-life issues,” he notes. He also speaks to several leaders about teaching seminarians, the future priests. “Within the Catholic teaching, we are on a journey in this world for a mission, and when we're done with our work, God will call us home.” Nguyen says. “We are open to life, we are open to death. We know life is a gift, and we will do everything to stay alive.” But Nguyen admits that lifesustaining technology can be both a blessing and a curse. “We want to High five ... From page 9 there has been a Harvey Milton (Special Day) as (Itliong) is deserving one, too.” Mr. Bonta said. Many public schools observe Harvey Milk Day in California on May 22. This observance celebrates the achievements of Harvey Milk, a gay rights activist who was assassinated in 1978. Bonta's bill will add Section 37222.18 to the Education Code, and to add Section 6725 to the Government Code, relating to public schools. It will require the Governor to proclaim certain days each year for specified reasons. Existing law also designates particular days each year as having special significance in public schools and educational institutions and encourages those make do of available forces. We are in joint forces with the PNP. The PNP will bring in the biggest contingent,” he said. Catapang said that authorities were more concerned about the millions expected during the Pope's Mass at Manila's Rizal Park. “Our greatest worry is people surge that's why we are putting up the barricades. The Pope is really very popular,” he said. “Everybody wants to be near the Pope.” Bigger than Barack's crowds Compared to the state visit of US President Barack Obama last year, the papal visit is expected to draw far bigger crowds. “It will be more challenging to plan the security. The PNP considers all scenarios as challenging, that is why we adopted a whole of government process,” Mayor said in a press briefing in Camp Crame on Tuesday. The PNP has formed Special Task Force “Papal Visit 2015” led by Director Ricardo Marquez to pray for curative healing, and God will answer prayers. But we also pray for wisdom to see if [the technology] is prolonging life or prolonging the process of dying.” “If the treatment is more harmful than the intended benefit, it needs to stop. That is within the Catholic church's teaching,” he explains. The role of palliative care, Nguyen believes, is to journey with the family. “It's not a determination whether we want to keep someone alive. The person is already dead (except for the technology).” He urges Catholic families in end-of-life situations to seek their priest's advice. Advance directives Advance directives are documents that can spare families the agony of decision-making on behalf of a loved one who has fallen sick. According to the National H o s p i c e a n d Pa l l i a t ive C a re Organization, an advance directive names a person's legal health care representative and spells out instructions for a person's future life-sustaining treatments, should the person be unable to make medical decisions on his own behalf, as was the case with Tolop's former care recipient. It is recommended for all adults, 18 and older, regardless of their health status. B u t wo u l d n' t a n a dva n c e e n t i t i e s to c o n d u c t s u i t a b l e commemorative exercises on those dates. If passed, AB-7 will compliment AB-123 that Bonta introduced in his first of his first two-year term after his election in 2012. The AB-123 requires California public schools to teach the contributions of Filipino Americans to the California Farm Labor Movement. As chair of the committee on health, Mr. Bonta also listened to the suggestions of these reporters to undertake a fact finding and legislative research and pass regulations on ways to verify if remains of those cremated by crematoriums around the state are really ashes of those given to bereaved family survivors. There have been widespread reports that some funeral homes sell the “useful” body parts or organs to protect the Pope. The PNP will secure the immediate vicinity of the venues Pope Francis will visit, while others will be deployed for perimeter and route detail. Mayor said the PNP was considering everything in planning t h e s e c u r i t y a r ra n g e m e n t s , including Pope Francis's preferences. The Pope will not be riding a bulletproof vehicle during his visit here, but will be using a white, open car. Pope Francis is also known for mingling with crowds. Since Pope Francis is considered a head of state, the PNP considers the papal visit as a state visit and apostolic journey which requires the specific protocol and security appropriate for the head of the Catholic Church. The PNP urged the people to cooperate. “We ask them to observe the rules and security arrangements, the public will serve as a safety net in our preparations on security and public order,” Mayor said. directive effectively preempt God's will and possibly violate Catholic doctrine? Filipino priest Father Geoffrey Baraan of the Saint Anne Catholic Church in Union City, Calif., clarifies the Church's stance: “The teaching of the Church is selective advance directive.” Baraan explains that while the Catholic Church allows the faithful to spell out their end-of-life preferences in advance, their directives must not go against Catholic prohibitions. He states that patients “will not be allowed to be totally abandoned after the life-support machine is taken out. Total deprivation, so as not to let the person die naturally, is not approved. Merciful killing and euthanasia are not allowed.” However, Baraan says, “The church approves even the removal of life support machines, if the person continues to receive necessary medication, sustenance and comfort care to let him die naturally. The operative word is still naturally.” Customs hard to change A 2013 report of the California HealthCare Foundation warns of the serious consequences of not executing advance directives: “Some patients fail to receive desired treatment, while many others receive unnecessary or unwanted procedures. This puts them at risk for infection, pain, and time away hospitals or teaching hospitals of victims killed in accidents or natural causes without the consent of the next of kin. It was reported that during the funeral viewing, some remains may show the face and hands but the rest of the body could just be mannequin. And the ashes given to the bereaved family could be from someone else or from animals. 16 OF 20 Bills signed Mr. Bonta said out of the 20 bills that he introduced or co-authored, 16 were signed by Governor Jerry Brown. Last year, he was a co-author of a bill that now fully funds the C a l i f o r n i a S t a t e Te a c h e r s ' Retirement System program for teachers and school districts that would have run out of $74-billion in 30 years if the bill were not passed. Not all obese ... From page 8 But those whose did suffer from metabolic problems before the study grew even worse when they put on extra weight. Fat-regulating genes All the research subjects were helped by dieticians to lose the weight they gained for the study, which was featured on HBO's documentary “Weight of the Nation” while the research was under way. Study authors said they now understand better how to distinguish obese people who will be more prone to ill health from those who may be more protected. For instance, those with abnormal metabolisms accumulated fat in their livers, while the healthier people did not, even when they gained more weight. “Another difference involved gene function in fat tissue,” the university said in a statement. The study found that overweight people with normal metabolisms had more fat-regulating genes. “The activity of those genes increased even more when the metabolically normal people gained weight. That wasn't true for people with abnormal metabolism,” the study found. Since obesity is known to contribute to dozens of health problems, more research is needed to figure out why some are particularly prone to problems from obesity. “Could it be genetics, specific dietary intake, physical lifestyle, emotional health or even the microbes that live in the gut?” queried senior investigator Samuel Klein, director of Washington University's Center for Human Nutrition. “We need more studies to try to understand why obesity causes specific diseases in some people but n o t i n o t h e r s ,” K l e i n s a i d . from loved ones in their final weeks and days.” The same study shows that 70 percent of Californians surveyed preferred to die at home than in a hospital or hospice. Also, two-thirds did not want their families burdened by the cost of care. Seniors at San Francisco's West Bay Pilipino Multi Service Center said they share these preferences after receiving information on endof-life issues and advance directive forms early last spring. But by the Christmas season, most of them still hadn't taken action. Antonietta Villareal is relying on her children to make the decisions for her, should the time come when she cannot. “I have four kids here in America, and they'll decide what to do with me,” she says. “I haven't really shared any preferences with them, not even verbally.” She does however express a wish for her remains to be cremated and brought back to the Philippines. Juana Paylano has told her children not to prolong her life, should she be in a situation that warrants that kind of choice: “That's just verbal. There's nothing written.” Her big concern is that her death not be a financial burden to her children she's even set aside a fund to pay for her funeral and burial costs. Maria Comoda says she's not in the right frame of mind yet to fill out her advance directive, even if she knows she has to do one. “You have to make an advance directive while still active,' my son reminded me the other night,” Comoda says. “I might just leave it up to my son to do it.” She adds, “I'll still live long. I pray to God I will still live longer.” There's a phrase in the Tagalog, the main Filipino language, that describes this fatalistic attitude: Bahala na. It means, “Just leave it to God.” However, some seniors, like Angie Bagares, did complete advance directives. “We had a friend who didn't have an advance directive,” Bagares says. “She slipped, hit her head and became comatose. She has no relatives here. That's tough. She never woke up. So an advance directive is really important.” Vivian Zalvidea Araullo is the executive director at West Bay Pilipino Multi Service Center, a San Francisco nonprofit that serves Filipino immigrants and other communities of color. Zalvidea Araullo, a multi-awarded broadcast and print journalist, wrote this article for through a New America Media journalism fellowship sponsored by the California Health Care Foundation. Contact her at ; with additional reporting by correspondent Jun Nucum. Aside from chairing the health committee, Mr. Bonta is also chair of the public employees retirement social security committee. As a state assembly member, he serves two years for each term and he is termed out after serving the 12th year when he turns 50. His position pays him $90,526 annual salary. He urged his constituents in Oakland, San Leandro and Alameda cities to get in touch with him if they have proposed bills that he could introduce. “I try my best to work very hard and I feel invigorated when I can fulfill my commitments to my constituents if there is an opportunity to grow and serve,” Mr. Bonta added. Never forgetting his roots, he travels to the Philippines from time to time. In his last visit after the landfall of super typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan), Bonta pulled up his sleeves and helped in rehabilitation of the homes of victims of Haiyan in Tacloban City. He was born in Quezon City but was brought to the U.S. when he was two months old by his father, Warren Bonta, an American native of Oxnard, California and his mother, the former Cynthia Arnaldo, a native of Dumaguete City in the Philippines. Bonta also plans to highlight the contributions of World War II Filipino veterans' contributions to end World War II, including grants of their benefits that have so far been token amounts. A lawyer by profession, Bonta was a vice mayor of Alameda city when he ran for assembly member. He is a graduate of Yale University and had attended Oxford and Cambridge Universities. ( January 9-15, 2015 Page 15 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS Expert unmasks China ... From page 13 center of the eastern wing of the Spratly Islands and close to the water highways that run along the eastern South China Sea. China also seized in 2012 the strategically located Scarborough Shoal, a traditional Filipino fishing ground that lies only 123 miles from Palauig, Zambales. Known in the Philippines as Bajo de Masinloc and Panatag Shoal, the area is a triangle-shaped chain of reefs with a perimeter of 29 miles. It covers an area, including an inner lagoon, of 58 sq. miles. M a n i l a d e c i d e d t o t a ke Beijing's maritime claims to arbitration in January 2013 by an Arbitral Tribunal under the aegis of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) in an effort to secure a peaceful resolution of the maritime dispute. Power projection “With its control of the Paracel Islands, Scarborough Shoal and several strategically located lands in the Spratly archipelago, China is far more advantaged than any other countries to project control of strategic sea routes,” Vuving writes. For example, he explains, Woody Islands (the largest feature in the Paracels), Fiery Cross Reef, Mischief Reef and Scarborough Shoal form a “four-point constellation from which, with a radius of only 250 nautical miles, the entire main body of the South China Sea can be kept under intense watch.” “This means that all it takes for China to become the lord of the South China Sea is to develop these assets into robust platforms that can provide both logistic support for a myriad of fishing boats, government vessels, submarines and aircraft to dominate the sky and the water of the region, and The Black Nazarene ... From page 10 streets of Manila offers a perfect chance to rehearse those measures that are needed to maintain crowd discipline during the historic papal visit. The crowds will surely be several times bigger. Unlike other visiting heads of state whose public appearances tend to be confined to indoor events, such as when a university confers an honorary degree on a foreign dignitary, Francis will be celebrating the Mass in open air before a crowd of several million devotees. I understand he will then mount a vehicle to reach out to the people in the crowd, the way he does at St. Peter's Square in Rome. Having seen how the statue of the Nazarene is mobbed as it makes its way through the surging crowd, I cannot imagine how devotees will react when the living Pope himself goes out to bless the crowd. It would be a sight to behold. But, how does one control the collective effervescence emanating from a fired-up crowd? Dr. Alexander Yuving, Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies some grounds for generating large economic and security zones,” Vuving stresses. This was how China transformed Woody Island, an uninhabited sandbank 60 years ago into a fortress populated by at least 1,000 military personnel and civilians, Vuving says. The island now features a 2,700-meter airport with a runway and a parallel taxiway, which is capable of handling eight or more fourthgeneration aircrafts such as SU30MKK fighters and JH-7 bombers, and a 1,000-meter long deepwater port that can accommodate vessels of 5,000 tons or more. South China, Vuving surmises. “With its enlarged and strategically located islands, China has more potential than any other major powers to gain air and naval supremacy in the South China Sea,” says Vuving. “Although Beijing still has a l o n g way t o g o , i t i s n o t unimaginable to see in the next two decades a South China Sea dotted with powerful Chinese staging bases that stretch from the Paracel Islands in the northwest to Mischief Reef in the southeast, and from Scarborough Shoal in the northeast to Fiery Cross Reef in the southwest.” Massive building projects According to Vuving, China has also been conducting “massive construction projects” to turn the rocks China occupies into islands down south in the Spratlys. Q u o t i n g Ta i w a n ' s t o p intelligence official Lee Hsiangc h o u , Vuv i n g s ays C h i n e s e President Xi Jinping has approved plans to reclaim lands to build military installations not only on Fiery Cross Reef but also on the Cuerteron Reef, Johnson South Reef, Gaven Reef and Hughes Reef. It would not be surprising for Beijing to built military installations, like airstrips and deep water harbors at Subi Reef, Mischief Reef and Scarborough Shoal and eventually set up an air defense identification zone in the Counter-measures In the face of the creeping expansion, Vuving suggests the Association of Southeast Asian Nations could send international observers as part of ASEAN-China 2002 Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea to verify the constructions and exert diplomatic pressure to persuade to suspend the work. Another way to challenge China's strategy, Vuving says, is to take a page from Beijing's own playbook. “For example, in a first step, Vietnam can offer the Indian military access to naval facilities in Cam Ranh Bay and the U.S. military access to air bases in Da Nang, two of Vietnam's most strategic locations along the South China Sea coast,” he says. If China does not heed the message, the U.S. and Japanese militaries and coast guards could be offered access to Cam Ranh and Da Nang, from which they can patrol the South China Sea. Ultimately, if China is still determined to “turn the South China Sea into a Chinese lake,” then a s t ro n g a l l i a n c e b e t we e n Vietnam, the Philippines, the United States, Japan and India is necessary to redress the imbalance of power,” Vuving says. If we were to rely purely on our experience with crowds whose sense of entitlement grows with distress and the fear of being left out, we should worry endlessly for Francis' safety. Such crowds we have seen recently. They were the looting bands in Tacloban that spontaneously emerged from the chaos and desolation left by Supertyphoon “Yolanda.” We caught a glimpse of the same crowd in the aftermath of a big fire that razed many homes in Manila, when the victims spontaneously seized relief goods awaiting distribution, unable to wait for someone to create a line and ensure equitable sharing of the goods. Lately, we saw it, too, at the Cebu Pacific check-in counters, when some irate passengers, reacting to the fiasco of delayed and canceled flights, quickly metamorphosed into a righteous mob and insisted on occupying a plane they knew wasn't meant for them. In every instance, self-pity turns into grievance, and then to a sense of entitlement that builds up and finds discharge in destructive crowd behavior. No one probably has observed the sociology of crowds more keenly than the writer Elias Canetti. What he says about the Catholic Church and the crowd is fascinating, and gives us enough reason to hope that Pope Francis will be safe in a crowd of worshippers. “There has never been a state on earth capable of defending itself in so many ways against the crowd. Compared with the Church all other rulers seem poor amateurs.” There is something, says Canetti, about the whole tradition of the Catholic Church that insulates the institution from the unpredictable discharge of the crowd. First is the deliberation that is inherent in every aspect of Church ritualsall of it appears “like an infinite dilution of lament.” There is a reason and meaning to every measured movement , virtually allowing no room for spontaneous experiences. The communion is perhaps the best example of the discipline to be found in Catholic rituals. Filipinos patiently waited for their turn at communion long before they learned the modern practice of queuing in everyday life. All it takes for a crowd to become a menacing mob is for one ‘Je Suis Charlie’ message ... From page 1 they still have the right to say it without feeling in danger, which is the case today,” said Alice Blanc, a London student who is originally from Paris and was among those in the London crowd, estimated in the hundreds. Online, the declaration “Je Suis Charlie,” or “I Am Charlie,” replaced profile pictures on Facebook while Twitter users showed themselves with the slogan on signs with words of support for the 12 victims who were killed at Charlie Hebdo, a weekly newspaper that had caricatured the Prophet Muhammad. The “Je Suis Charlie” slogan grew into a trending hashtag on Twitter and spread to Instagram, along with an image of a machine gun with the words “Ceci n'est pas une religion,” or “This is not a religion.” One user on Instagram sent out a simple black-and-white drawing of the Eiffel Tower with the message: “Pray for Paris.” Another wrote: “Islam is a beautiful religion. This is not what we see on TV. Terrorists are not real Muslims. #IamCharlie.” Masked gunmen methodically killed the 12 people, including the newspaper's editor, as they shouted “Allahu akbar!” - or “Allah is the greatest” - while firing, then fleeing in a car. The newspaper's depictions of Islam have drawn condemnation and threats before. It was firebombed in 2011 and also satirized other religions and political figures. There were also protests in some American cities. In San Francisco, hundreds of people held pens, tiny French flags and signs that read “I am Charlie” up in the air outside the French Consulate in the financial district. A handful of the participants lit candles that spell out “Je Suis Charlie,” while others placed pens and pencils and bouquets of white carnations and red roses by the consulate's door. Julia Olson, of Nimes, France, said she wanted to be in the company of other people after hearing the news. “There is nothing we can do but be together,” the 26-year-old said. Several hundred people gathered in Manhattan's Union Square amid chants of “We are not afraid” and holding signs in English and French saying “We are Charlie.” The Newseum in Washington displayed “#JeSuisCharlie” on its atrium screen as a show of support for free expression. In Los Angeles, a small group gathered outside a French restaurant with people holding up signs and cell phones that read “Je Sui Charlie” and “I am Charlie.” About 1,000 people gathered near the European Union's headquarters in Brussels to express sympathy and outrage. In Spain, about 200 people in Madrid gathered outside the French Embassy to voice outrage. Some also held pens in the air and chanted “Freedom of Expression” and “We Are All Charlie.” In 2004, bombs on rush-hour trains killed 191 people in Madrid in Europe's most deadly Islamic terror attack. French students in Stockholm organized about 100 people to lay flowers and candles in front of the French Embassy in Stockholm. A handful of women in the swank Roman piazza where the French Embassy is located had “Je suis Charlie” banners taped to their jackets. “I still cannot believe what happened,” said protester Linda Chille. “It is cruel and very shocking.” The Newseum in Washington is dedicated to the subject of journalism and planned to project “#JeSuisCharlie” on its atrium screen later Wednesday in a show of support for free expression. DEVOTEES join a procession for the Black Nazarene in Quiapo, Manila. INQUIRER FILE PHOTO or two individuals to start mobilizing collective grievances and directing a crowd toward some remedial action. The Church prevents this from happening, observes Canetti, by discouraging communication between worshippers. “They do not preach to each other; the word of the simple believer has no sanctity whatsoever.” One cannot say to what extent that is still true in the Church today. The quest for participation pervades all institutions. The Church is challenged to nurture the impulse that moves the laity to play an active role in the administration of Church life. More than traditional obedience to authority, it is this that sustains enduring faith. January 9-15, 2015 Page 16 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS By Carol Tanjutco, JD Rising from the recent Typhoon Ruby, which battered Oriental Mindoro Puerto G a l e ra , a d ive r s ' h ave n renowned for its marine biodiversity, will once again be turned into a world stage for the upcoming Malasimbo Music and Arts Festival on March 6-8, 2015. For the past five years the o r g a n i z e r , D 'A b o v i l l e Foundation, has partnered with the Department of Environmental and Natural Resources, the Department of Tourism and the Municipality of Puerto Galera to bring some 5,000 spectators from all over the world for the weekend festival. Pa s t g a t h e r i n g s h ave benefited reforestation efforts and the completed solar energy project for the Iraya Mangyan community in Barangay Baclayan, Mindoro. The island is accessible via Verde Island Passage from Batangas Pier using Minolo Shipping line or private bancas, approximately an hour and a half trip. Those who opt to bring their cars and trailers can take the slower “RORO” (roll in, roll out) or take the FastCat watercrafts, carrying vehicles from Batangas to Calapan pier. It will take another scenic hour-drive from Calapan to Puerto Galera, where Tamaraw Falls will graciously welcome arriving guests. Though several four- to five-star family resorts have mushroomed, like the nearby Infinity, Manor Hotel, Puerto Galera Beach Club and Tamaraw Beach Resort, among others, there are the native cottages and rooms for rent offered by local residents catering to backpackers. For those seeking colorful nightlife, White Beach, Sabang and Lalaguna offer bars and restaurants open until late. Hotel and room prices vary from US$15 to $400 per day, these are usually sold out Inscribed in stone: Puerto Galera, the most beautiful bay in the world! during the Malasimbo Music Fest. A host of PADI accredited dive centers conducted in s eve ra l l a n g u a g e s awa i t novices and seasoned divers alike, with guided dive maps showing up to 43 locations and dive points, from shipwrecks, underwater caves and rare marine species. From a shallow coral reef dive of 12 meters to a deep dive of 30 meters (100 feet), one will experience a spectacular showcase of marine life. Sites such as North Wall and Shark Ridge often yield sightings of turtles, sharks and a school of rays, and hammerheads, if you are lucky. Puerto Galera remains a “virgin island” tourist u Page 17 January 9-15, 2015 Page 17 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS Malasimbo ready to turn ... From page 16 destination of the Philippines, boasting private, white sand coves accessible only by outrigger boats and jet ski safari around the shores. It is also the only bay in the country to be listed among the “Most Beautiful Bays in the World.” This honor is inscribed in stone at the point of entry welcoming guests to the municipality. A boat trip further up to Occidental Mindoro will reveal the indigenous Mangyan tribes in their native communities. During the festival, a Mangyan Village Exhibit will feature the seven indigenous home-styles, a fixed feature on the festival grounds since year one. Knowledge about the island's rich pre-colonial culture and heritage is shared through workshops, performances and information cues. Past performers can be v i e we d a t h t t p : / / Tamaraw Falls, named after the endangered specie, Tamaraw, greeting guests at the point of entry to Puerto Galera. performers/ and the 2014 o f f i c i a l v i d e o a t For the 2015 updated list of performers, information is available through the foundation website: One of the performers is Bob Marley's next generation reggae artist, KyMani Marley Jr, also known as KJ Marley. Past performers archive may be found at Mt. Malasimbo stands behind Infinity Resort. Contributed photo January 9-15, 2015 Page 18 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS Councilman Arvin Amatorio sworn into office “Green Lugaw Served Cold” prepared by Chefs Irbille Donia and Justin Legaspi had a spinach base and edible flower garnish. PHOTO BY RON QUESADA Assemblyman Joseph A. Lagana, right, administers the oath of office to Bergenfield Township Councilman Atty. Arvin Amatorio on January 1, 2015 at the Bergenfield Town Hall. Also in photo are the Councilman’s wife Ilya and their son Lance. Photo by Sonny Austria Pride of Filipino-Americans. Jersey City Council President Rolando Lavarro, right, and Township of Mahwah Councilman Jonathan Wong, left, pose with Councilman Atty. Arvin Amatorio, center, after the swearing-in ceremony. Photo by Sonny Austria Supreme Court Chief Justice Maria Lourdes A.P. Sereno and Quezon City Mayor Herbert Bautista lead the wreath-laying ceremony during the celebration of the 203rd birth anniversary of the revolutionary heroine Melchora "Tandang Sora" Aquino at the Tandang Sora National Shrine in Banlat, Barangay Tadang Sora, Quezon City on Tuesday, Jan. 6, 2015. MNS photo CJ Sereno cites Tandang Sora's good civic-mindedness MANILA -- Chief Justice Maria Lourdes P. Aranal Sereno on Tuesday, Jan. 6, cited the good civicmindedness of national heroine Melchora Aquino better known as “Tandang Sora”. In her speech in pure Tagalog during the 203rd Birth Anniversary of Tandang Sora, Sereno said that because of the good civic-mindedness of the “Mother of the Revolution”, Tandang Sora's husband Fulgencio even became a “kabesa” or barangay captain. She noted that the "heart of service" of Tandang Sora was so intense which should be emoluted by all civil servants in the present day. The Chief Justice stressed that there is a big necessity to relive the life of Tandang Sora nowadays. Sereno said that Tandang Sora became a widow with six children whose youngest was seven years old which did not discourage her to raise her family. She likened the situation of Tandang Sora to the mothers of the present time whose better halves are now working as Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs). Sereno also urged the youth to continue the ideals of heroism and servitude that Tandang Sora had exemplified to the Filipinos. Likewise, the highest magistrate of the land also assured that the Judiciary will continue to be inspired by the bravery and heroism shown in the life of Tandang Sora. (MNS) Filipino food crusade sends savory message to America By Ron Quesada The San Francisco Giants on August 30, 2014 was one of the worst teams in baseball, yet the letters “SF” could be seen in every color on apparel gleaming in the sunlight . On both sides of Embarcadero there seemed to be more people, more excitement, more local produce bagged and sold at the Ferry Building Farmer's M a r ke t a n d m o re a r t i s a n s manning more booths at the SF Artist Market. At the center of it all, the Va i l l a n c o u r t Fo u n t a i n wa s partially obscured by white tents with red, yellow and blue flags, bearing signs that read “Karinderia,” “Pulutan” and “Street Food.” Words like “lugaw,” “karekare,” and “sisig” were trending off fingertips on mobile devices and on the tips of garlic-rice tongues. It was clear that San Francisco savors Filipino food. Perhaps it was the searing sun, or perhaps it was the Red Horse breakfast that the author was served by San Francisco's own Asian food mad scientist Tim Luym (who is now at San Mateo's Attic Restaurant), or maybe it was the siling labuyo that he put in his kinilaw that day, but the air at Savor Filipino buzzed and diners' blood surged from the explosions on their palates. Whose food? Our food! Another thing that has been burning hot for the past few years is the topic of “mainstreaming” Filipino Food (see Bino A. Realuyo's heartfelt love letter on this topic “Dear Filipino Food in America” to get up to date). The persistent trend is one of the motivating forces that birthed the Filipino Food Movement, the notfor-profit organization that produced the landmark event. FFM and Savor Filipino were a collective dream of the organizers during simultaneous food comas they suffered after Kulinarya, the Filipino food cooking competition that has become a tradition in San Francisco. While Kulinarya did a great job celebrating the community's professional and amateur culinary talent , it remained an “ethnic” affair. The moving and shaking food lovers behind FFM wanted to do an event that invited the greater community (i.e., non-Filipinos) to the dining table, and to have it curated by those that have intimacy with the cuisine. Defining “Filipino” is too complicated to be left to outsiders with TV shows, so the FFM board rolled up its sleeves and set about doing the work of throwing the biggest Filipino Food party the nation has ever seen. Too Many Cooks? The pool of Filipino food talent runs the gamut of the food industryfrom the white tablecloths at the trendiest locations, to the boxed TV dinners i n t h e f ro z e n a i s l e a t t h e neighborhood grocery and the equally daring entrepreneurs who put up either turo-turos that serve as quasi-community centers or mobile food trucks that serve long lines all over after sending out a single tweet. Not to be overlooked are the many food writers whose works are sought after by home chefs seeking credible resources, and professional chefs cooking in other idioms who dream of placing their lola's dish on their employer's fine dining menu. Each talent plays an important role in the story of Savor Filipino. While the original wish list was comprehensive and covered all 50 states (and even our Canadian neighbors were considered), eventually, overtures were made, flights were booked, and the roster of featured chefs had to be finalized. January 9-15, 2015 Page 19 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS Fil-Am teen blooms in US Rose parade By Nimfa Rueda PA S A D E N A , C a l i f o r n i a - Wearing the Rose Princess crown, a Filipino-American teenager waved to hundreds of thousands of spectators lining the route of the spectacular 126th Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena, California, on New Year's Day. “I'm very proud to represent the Filipino-American community,” said Gabrielle Current, one of the seven young women selected to serve as ambassadors for the Rose Parade and Rose Bowl events viewed by tens of millions around the world. Current, 17, was selected from nearly a thousand young women who competed for a spot in the 2015 Tournament of Roses Royal Court. “It feels amazing to be a part of this magnificent event,” she told the Inquirer. The parade featured marching bands, equestrians and flowercovered floats highlighting historic figures, celebrities and popular culture around the theme “Inspiring Stories.” 'Unbroken' A riderless horse represented grand marshal Louis Zamperini, a World War II hero and former Olympian, who died in July. Zamperini is the subject of a bestselling book and the movie “Unbroken,” directed by Angelina Jolie and now in theaters. could handle it all, so my family and I prayed about it,” she said. “We left it in God's hands.” Current said she is also very grateful for the support of her mother Kathy Castillo-Current, a former beauty queen, and her father Jerry, who was the first Mr. Asia-USA. Fil-Am Rose Gabrielle Current, 17, blooms along the route of the traditional Rose Bowl Parade during the 126th Tournament of Roses in Pasadena, California, viewed by millions around the world. NIMFA RUEDA Cast members from “The Love Boat” rode on a Princess Cruises float, one of 39 that paraded down the 5.5-mile route on Colorado Boulevard. After the parade, Current and the rest of the Royal Court were presented at the Rose Bowl, where more than 90,000 watched the college football playoff featuring Oregon and Florida State. The event in California is watched by an estimated 56 million TV viewers across the United States and 28 million from 174 countries around the world. An estimated 17 million viewers switched to ESPN afterward to catch the Rose Bowl game. Current recalls watching the Rose Parade for the first time when she was about six years old and being enthralled by the Rose Princesses. “I knew then I wanted to be a part of this beautiful event,” she said. Dream come true More than just a dream come true, being a Rose Princess has also been a source of pride for Current as a m e m b e r o f t h e Pa s a d e n a Ohio Fil-Am doctors' medical mission will go to Batangas and Leyte CLEVELAND, Ohio -- Free medical services for residents of Tanauan City and Malvar, Batangas, and Tacloban in Leyte will be provided by doctors of the Association of PhilippineAmerican Physicians of Ohio in late January. The medical mission will start January 25 in Tanauan City and Malvar in Batangas at the Laurel Memorial District Hospital. The visit is sponsored by Mayor Antonio C. Halili and Mayor Carlito R. Reyes, MD, respectively. From February 2 to 6, the medical mission will be in Tacloban City, at the RTR Hospital under the direction of Dr. Wilfredo Liao and sponsored by the RTR Foundation and Mission Tacloban under the direction of Ana Margarita Ginggay Hontiveros. APPO Mission Chair is Armando B. Damian, MD and overall mission coordinator is Carmencita Caliwara Damian, MD. Rumilia Tolentino Nogueiral, MD is APPO's president. The mission will also visit to Cabuynan Elementary School in Leyte, which was rebuilt after Typhoon Yolanda/Haiyan. The Unified Filipino-American Organizations of Greater Cleveland donated classrooms to this school. th STO NINO of TONDO FIESTA MASS - The 19 year Fiesta Mass will be held on January 17, 2015, Saturday at 3:00 nd PM at ST. Mary's Church, 2 Street, between Manila Ave and Erie St (near PATH Grove Station), Jersey City, NJ 07302. Please bring your own family Sto. Nino to be placed in the altar with the Sto. Nino of Tondo. Fiesta reception will follow. For more information, call: Leny M. Isidro (551) 358-5234, Cita Roman (201) 333-5624 or St. Mary's Parish (Carmen) (201) 434-8500 community. “It's an honor for me to be able to serve my community, where I grew up,” said Current, who spent the three months leading up to t h e N e w Ye a r ' s D ay p a ra d e attending 125 events as a Tournament ambassador. It's a grueling schedule for any teen, and when added to Current's commitments as a senior at Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy an all-girls Catholic high school - a student leader and an aspiring musical artist, it can get overwhelming. “At one point, I wasn't sure if I Youth leader The members of the Royal Court were chosen based on a number of criteria, including poise, personality, public speaking ability, academic achievement and community and school involvement. Current also serves as Historic Filipinotown Teen Ambassador of Goodwill. She is a member of the National Honor Society and the California S c h o l a r s h i p Fe d e r a t i o n . A s president of Vivace & Friends, she produced a benefit concert that raised $5,000 for Youth Orchestra Los Angeles. She studies classical voice at the prestigious Colburn School of Music in Los Angeles. She plans to major in music management. Current loves musical theater and has performed in Phantom of the Opera, Titanic, God Spell, West Side Story, 9 to 5, and Xanadu. Also a model, she has been featured in many ad campaigns, including those for Pottery Barn, Macy's, Target, Ross and Kohls. January 9-15, 2015 Page 20 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS PH starts foreign borrowing via global bond issuance By Ben O. de Vera Officials from the Philippine Stock Exchange blow horns as they ring the opening bell to start the first day of trading for 2015 in Makati on Monday, January 5. Analysts remain bullish on the market with the index expected to rise to 8,400, based on a 15 percent earnings growth for this year. MNS photo Immediately following ERAP's politically motivated decision to impose a truck ban February last year, container vans piled up to as much as 113 percent of Manila Harbor's container yard capacity. (Photo by Ali Vicoy) The past year's hottest issues and inside information By Andrew James Masigan A number of businessrelated issues grabbed the headlines in 2014, many of which remain hot topics today. Since this is my first column for the year, let me revisit some of last year's issues and share the inside information I gathered on how they are likely to develop in the year ahead. Port congestion and the world's worst airport Immediately following ERAP's politically motivated decision to impose a truck ban last February, container vans piled up to as much as 113 percent of Manila Harbor's container yard capacity. This caused a ripple effect of delays where vessels waited up to nine days for anchorage, and another 20 hours for unloading. Port movements plummeted from 25 moves per hour to just 12 - a situation that weighed heavy on the supply chains of manufacturers and traders alike. There are no official statistics on its economic impact, but best estimates have it that the economy lost some $12 billion in productivity. Last December, container yard utilization improved to 81 percent, but delays are still rampant. Meanwhile, over at NAIA, select international flights were moved from Terminal 1 to the bigger Terminal 3 last August. NAIA 1 was re n ova t e d w i t h m i n o r aesthetic improvements put in place. There has been no change in the manner by which NAIA is managed. Runway traffic is still a festering problem, with flight delays still the norm. So with our main air and sea ports choking on their own capacities, where do we go from here? While there have been much talk about moving the The government has started the issuance of long-tenor bonds, on top of a debt swap arrangement with global investors, in line with the programmed foreign borrowing for this year. In a statement, the government said a global offering for cash of its global bonds due 2040 had started on Jan. 5. The bonds are denominated in US dollars. No issuance amount was indicated in the statement, although the amount programmed for external commercial funding in 2015 was set at $750 million. The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, meanwhile, approved in December last year the issuance of up to $1 billion in Republic of the Philippines (ROP) bonds this year. The pricing of the new bonds is expected at about 4 p.m. New York City time on Jan. 6 (or 5 a.m., Manila time, on Jan. 7), according to the statement. The joint lead managers for the 15year bond offering are: Citigroup Global Markets Inc., Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC, Deutsche Bank Securities Inc., Goldman Sachs (Asia) LLC, The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corp. Ltd. (HSBC), J.P. Morgan Securities LLC, Morgan Stanley & Co. International plc, Standard Chartered Bank and UBS AG, Hong Kong Branch. The settlement of the bond offering would be on Jan. 20, the government said. The Philippines also invited holders of 15 previously issued ROP bonds maturing between next year and 2034 to submit offers to sell the bonds for cash in an aggregate purchase price amount determined by the government. For the switch tender offer transaction, the maximum purchase amount should exclude accrued interest, which would be payable in cash on Jan. 12, according to the statement. Deutsche Bank Securities and HSBC will be the dealer managers for this offer, while the latter will also serve as the billing and delivering bank. The submission period for ROP bond holders interested to swap was set for Jan. 5 and 6. Settlement date is Jan. 12. The total outstanding principal amount of ROP bonds maturing between January 2016 and October 2034 stood at $19.723 billion as of Jan. 5. In a separate statement, debt watcher Standard & Poor's Ratings Services (S&P) assigned a 'BBB' rating to the Philippines' new dollardenominated global senior unsecured bonds maturing in January 2040. According to S&P's website, a 'BBB' credit rating means there is an “adequate capacity to meet financial commitments, but more subject to adverse economic conditions.” “The ratings on the Philippines reflect the country's strong external liquidity and net external creditor position, combined with an effective monetary policy framework, which has sustained a low inflation and interest rate environment . These rating supports are weighed against a relatively low income level and fiscal constraints owing to a narrow revenue base and a shortage of basic i n f ra s t r u c t u re a n d g ove r n m e n t services,” S&P said. National Treasurer Rosalia V. de Leon said last year that the share of foreign borrowings in the government's financing program for 2015 would drop to 14 percent from 17 percent in 2014. California to begin work on first US bullet train country's main airport to Clark and the seaport to Batangas, I can tell you now that this is not going to happen. I recently spoke to what they asked for,” Richard said. “We Associated Press DTI Secretary Greg Domingo, have never ever stepped away from who told me that that vision, not one inch.” FRESNO, California -- California's government is not inclined to Californians in 2008 approved a high-speed rail project reaches a move the country's premier nearly $10 billion bond for the train, milestone Tuesday, Jan. 6, as officials ports outside the city since and in 2012 the Obama administration mark the start of work on the first US its current location is bullet train, which is designed to whisk dedicated $3.3 billion in stimulus d e e m e d a c o m p e t i t ive funds. The state Legislature last year travelers at 200 mph (320 kph) advantage. But here's the dedicated to the project a portion of the between Los Angeles and San Francisco rub…how can NAIA and the greenhouse gas fees collected under in less than three hours. Port Area expand when it has the state's cap-and-trade program to The ceremony in Fresno comes neither the space nor the amid challenges from Central Valley reduce greenhouse gases. access roads? Gov. Jerry Brown, a staunch farmers and communities in the train's My sources in advocate of the train, is expected to path who have sued to block it and from Malacañang told me that the Republican members of Congress who attend the groundbreaking along with developers of the Palm hundreds of other dignitaries. vow to cut funding for the $68 billion Islands in Dubai (Jan De Nul Bullet train systems in other project. Opponents also say the state and Van Oord) recently made countries generate revenue, and can't deliver the sleek project as it was a presentation before select California officials are banking on this first promised. cabinet secretaries and one to entice private investment as well Dan Richard, chairman of the taipans proposing a as to generate revenue from California High-Speed Rail Authority, reclamation project on the advertising and development around acknowledges the authority has been southwestern side of Roxas the stations. slow to buy up most of the land needed Boulevard. The area is said to To make way for tracks, some for laying track, but he is confident the measure 20 square demolition started last year in Fresno, system will be built, making California kilometers or roughly the but officials say work this year will be a model for high-speed rail across the u Page 22 more intensive along the project's first country. “The voters are going to get exactly u Page 22 January 9-15, 2015 Page 21 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS Top business stories of 2014: US grows, world slows NEW YORK -– The year 2014 showed how sheltered the US economy is from geopolitical and health crises around the world. The global economy sputtered, but the US powered ahead. Employers are finally hiring enough to lower unemployment. A plunge in gas prices and a rising stock market has Americans feeling richer and spending a bit more. Those are some of the top business stories of 2014, as chosen by business editors at The Associated Press. Others include massive product disasters: A string of auto recalls after faulty ignition switches from General Motors Corp. and air bags in many car models caused injuries and deaths. Hackers stole personal information from millions of people in a wave of breaches at stores, banks, a movie studio and other organizations. We' re a l s o b e c o m i n g increasingly dependent on our phones and tablets, using them to communicate, play and pay. Janet Yellen became the first woman to head the Federal Reserve and US workers won higher pay as cities and states across the country raise the minimum hourly wage. Corporate deal-making was also in the spotlight. Companies acquired each other at a level not seen since 2007, the year the Great Recession began, while a burst of businesses went public. The top 10 business stories of 2014: 1.) U.S. GROWS AS WORLD SLOWS: After a freezing winter put a chill on buying and selling, the US economy has posted its best six months since 2003. But the rest of the world hasn't been as lucky. In this July 30, 2014, file photo, a builder works on the construction of new homes in Belmar, New Jersey. After a freezing winter put a cold stop to buying and selling, the US economy has posted its best six months since 2003. AP PHOTO/MEL EVANS Japan has fallen back into recession. The 18 countries that make up the eurozone are barely growing and fear a dangerous drop in prices. Major developing nations aren't faring much better. China's growth has dropped to a five-year low of 7.3 percent. Western sanctions and dropping oil prices have decimated Russia's currency. Brazil just edged out of recession. What's helped the US is its relative insulation. American consumers, not exports, are the main drivers of the world's largest economy. 2.) JOBS ARE BACK: Millions of Americans still struggle with low pay and fewer hours of work than they want, and millions have given up looking for a job entirely. But five years after the recession ended, the US job market is looking healthy. The unemployment rate is below 6 percent. Employers added nearly 3 million jobs, the most since 1999, as shoppers and businesses spend more. As a result, the Federal Reserve ended its recession-era stimulus program in October and is edging closer to lifting interest rates. The Fed has kept rates near zero since 2008 to spur lending and investment. 3.) SECURITY BREACHES: The theft of 40 million credit and debit cards and 70 million personal records from Target last fall turned out to be just the beginning. Home Depot Inc. hackers nabbed 56 million cards and 53 million e-mail addresses. There were breaches at Kmart, Dairy Queen and Albertsons. JPMorgan Chase & Co. said hackers stole information covering 76 million households and 7 million small businesses. Sony employees' private information and e-mails were posted online. The consequences? Sony Pictures Entertainment canceled the mass release of “The Interview,” a comedy about assassinating the North Korean leader, after hackers threatened to attack movie theaters. Target Corp. replaced top executives. Shops, card companies and banks sped up card security improvements. 4.) OIL PLUNGE: Global crude prices have fallen to around $53 per barrel from this year's high of $115 because of more production, especially in the US, while slowing economies in Europe and Asia crimp demand. A rapid decline in the second half of the year pushed gasoline to about $2.26 a gallon in the US, the lowest price in more than five years. Americans are pocketing $16.2 billion more a month than when gas was at its 2014 high of $3.70. Cheaper crude is also pumping up auto sales and saving airlines money on jet fuel. But drilling could slow in North Dakota's new boomtowns and other regions, hurting businesses t h a t h ave c ro p p e d u p . A n d governments in energy producers Russia, Venezuela and Iran are being squeezed, increasing the likelihood of political upheaval. 5.) AUTO RECALLS: In the US alone, automakers recalled more than 60 million cars and trucks. That far surpasses the previous record of 30.8 million in 2004. The bulk of those come from two problems that have led to nearly 50 deaths and dozens of injuries. Japanese air bag supplier Takata, whose air bags can inflate too fast and spew shrapnel, has fought regulators' demands to expand u Page 22 PH, Japan discuss measures to further boost investments By Bernie Magkilat NEW PEZA IT PARK, FIRST IN MANDAUE CITY. Norkis Cyberpark, Inc. Chairman Norberto B. Quisumbing Jr. (second from left) signs the registration agreement with Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) Director General Lilia B. de Lima to operate as an Ecozone Developer/Operator of an Information Technology Park located at A.S. Fortuna Street corner V. Albano Street, Barangay Bakilid, Mandaue City to be known as Norkis Cyberpark. Also in photo are Johanna Lourdes B. Quisumbing (left) of Norkis Cyberpark, Inc. and Danilo E. Ignacio (right) (DEI Properties, Inc.) PEZA registers P6-B Norkis Cyberpark By Bernie Magkilat The Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) has approved the registration of the P6-billion Quisumbing-owned Norkis Cyberpark, the first IT park in Mandaue City, Cebu. PEZA Director General Lilia B. de Lima said Norkis Cyberpark Inc., Inc. Chairman Dr. Norberto B. Quisumbing, who is also chairman of the Cebu-based conglomerate Norkis Group of Companies, signed its registration agreement. The Cebu-based conglomerate, which started in motorcycle manufacturing business, will develop a 2.8-hectare lot into an IT park consisting of five BPO office towers and a complementing retail strip. The first office building, called Norkis One and a specialty retail strip called The Arcade shall cater to the captive BPO market and its surrounding neighborhood. The cyberpark is being developed by DEI Properties Inc. Norkis Cyberpark will be the third IT Park in the entire Cebu to be approved by PEZA. As a developer, Norkis is entitled to 5 percent tax on gross income earned while its locators are entitled to five years in income tax holidays. The Quisumbing family patriarch said its cyberpark The Philippines and Japanese governments are discussing measures, particularly infrastructure, to further improve investments climate in the country and entice more Japanese companies to locate here. Japanese Ambassador K a z u h i d e I s h i k a wa t o l d reporters after his courtesy call to Tra d e a n d I n d u s t r y Secretary Gregory L. Domingo that Japan would like to further improve economic relations with the Philippines. “We discussed what kind of measures we can pursue to further increase Japanese investments into the Philippines. We covered various issues like infrastructure,” Ishikawa said. While both Domingo and Ishikawa did not discuss specific action, the newly installed Japanese envoy has stressed the strong interest among Japanese businesses to project, which is funded via internally-generated funds and Ishikawa bank loans from the country's top three banks Banco de Oro, invest in the country. Metrobank and Bank of the “We would like to see more Philippine Islands, is expected to Japanese investments here. become its flagship project in the Japanese businessmen are future. very serious, there is a very The master planned strong interest prevailing development will help push among Japanese business development in the Mandaue City persons to invest here,” he said. area as well as increase overall Already, the Philippines e c o n o m i c a c t i v i t y. A t i t s will be hosting a huge Japanese completion, Norkis Cyberpark will business delegation in help generate 38,000 jobs. February this year. The mission The cyberpark, which is close composed of over 40 Japanese to the Norkis headquarters in u Page 22 Mandaue, has a three to five year u Page 22 January 9-15, 2015 Page 22 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS California ... From page 20 segment a 28-mile (45kilometer) stretch from Fresno north to Madera. A second phase of work will occur along the 114 miles (183 kilometers)from Fresno south to Bakersfield. Plans call for completing first 520 miles (837 kilometers) linking San Francisco and the Los Angeles Basin by 2029. Rep. Jeff Denham, a Central Va l l e y R e p u b l i c a n a n d The past year’s ... From page 20 size of Makati. On it will be an integrated central business district and logistic center containing the new airport and seaport. It is a project that will be developed over a decade at the cost of some $30 billion. The project assures Metro Manila's relevance as a center of business and trade within ASEAN. I was also told that the Banco de Oro affirmed its capability to syndicate funding w i t h o u t t a p p i n g f o re i g n sources. The proposal is under consideration and we should know if Malacañang will give it the green light this year. Meanwhile, the immediate remedy for NAIA is to expand Terminal 2 to double its capacity on the property formerly occupied by Nayong Pilipino. A third runway is also contemplated, but right of way remains an issue. As for the Manila Harbor, the thrust is in operational efficiencies as no expansion is planned for 2015. In all likelihood, port congestion will persist. Traffic Traffic has eaten away on our quality of life, not to mention costing the economy P140 billion in lost productivity. There are good news and bad news as far as traffic goes. The good news is, several infrastructure projects are now under construction to give us all relief. Among them are the 9.98-kilometer NAIA to Coastal Road Loop; the 14.8-kilometer skyway linking SLEX to NLEX; outspoken critic of high-speed rail, vows to block any federal money for the trains because he doesn't believe they'll be as fast or carry as many riders as initially promised. Without funding, he said, the project won't move beyond an initial stretch in the Central Valley. “It's hard to celebrate breaking ground on what is likely to become abandoned pieces of track that never connect to a useable segment,” Denham said. Officials say design and planning already has created 632 jobs, and that the workforce will rise to 20,000 over the next five years. Fresno Mayor Ashley Swearengin, a Republican, said she backs the rail system. In addition to putting construction workers on the job in the short term, Swearengin said the rail project will connect the Central Valley agricultural region with other sectors of the state's economy. “We're stuck right in the middle and it's difficult to get in and out,” she said. “It fills a deficit for Central California.” the four-kilometer Daang Hari Road; the LRT-1 Extension; and the new MRT-7 line linking Bulacan to Quezon City. The bad news is, all these will come online between 2016 to 2020. Until then, the traffic situation will get worse. Despite public clamor for remedial measures like imposing two-day car bans and the like, my sources reveal that both the MMDA and the City Mayors cannot come to an agreement on an appropriate course of action. Political considerations are getting in the way, as no one wants to expend political capital with elections just around the corner. penetrate the aerospace, electric vehicles, and natural health products industries as well. For seven quarters now, the manufacturing sector has grown between seven to nine percent. This is an indication that the decades of industrial decline has finally reversed. Manufacturing resurgence The resurgence of our manufacturing industries is the b r i gh te s t n e ws o f 2 0 1 4 . Manufacturing is now on a sharp upswing thanks to the i m p l e m e n t a t i o n o f DT I ' s C o m p r e h e n s ive N a t i o n a l Industrial Strategy. At the heart of the strategy is the formulation of what they call “development roadmaps”. These roadmaps provide the framework and chronological steps in which to elevate certain industries from their current state to a level of global competitiveness. A total of 52 industries now have roadmaps in varying stages of implementation. DTI's vision is for the Philippines to become an international hub for manufacturing products of advanced technologies. Not only is the Philippines jockeying to be part of global supply chains for auto parts and electronics, it is now trying to A Filipino car S p e a k i n g o f a manufacturing resurgence, the wait for a genuine all-Filipino automobile may soon be over. We heard that a Bacolodb a s e d c o m p a n y, C h a r i o t Motors, is now building a 27hectare plant in Talisay, Cebu to manufacture an all-Filipino car. Chariot Motors is a jeepney assembly company that's responsible for building 70 percent of medium-sized passenger vehicles in the whole of Negros Island. The car will be called “Parac” (bad choice) and will utilize Filipino-made parts except for the 1,600cc engine which will be manufactured by a n A m e r i c a n c o m p a n y, Cummins. The car will be retailed for P550,000. Next week, watch out for my round-up on DOT's Visit Philippines Year and the presidential bets for 2016. Meanwhile, let me greet everyone a happy and prosperous new year! Andrew is an economist, political analyst and businessman. He is a 20-year veteran in the hospitality and t o u r i s m i n d u s t r y. F o r comments and reactions, email More of his business updates are available via his Facebook page (Andrew J. Masigan). Follow Andrew on Twitter @aj_masigan. Manila Bulletin PH, Japan ... From page 21 companies will be the biggest Japanese mission to the Philippines for the past three years. Japan, the first country for the Philippines to forge a bilateral comprehensive free trade agreement, is also one of the top sources of foreign direct investments at 16 percent of inflows to the Philippines. In terms of trade, Japan is one of the Philippines' top export markets, with bilateral trade representing 14.5 percent of Manila's external trade. When asked if Japan will increase PEZA ... From page 21 development timeframe. Construction of Office One, a six-story building at a cost of about P300 million, has been completed last year. Upon completion, the whole Norkis Cyberpark development will have 114,000 square meter of office and retail space at the ground floor. Quisumbing said that its consultants have considered the hard lessons learned from the recent calamities in the design and structures of the Norkis Cyberpark. Thus, the buildings and the development are designed to ensure we are ready should something similar happen in the future. Quisumbing further said that its foray in the BPO sector is in response to the strong demand for BPO locators in Top business stories ... From page 21 recalls. And GM was fined the maximum $35 million by US safety regulators for dragging its feet - for a decade - over replacing faulty switches that can shut down car engines. The US Justice Department is investigating both companies. 6.) MOBILE MOMENTUM: PC sales are slumping, but mobile phone subscriptions are expected to reach 7 billion this year - the same as the world's population. Phone makers are launching cheaper smartphones aimed at developing countries, which could get billions more people online. Already, more than a billion people check Facebook on their phones and tablets. The social media giant spent $22 billion on a phone messaging app, WhatsApp. Uber, a hail-a-cab app, is valued at $40 billion. Apple Inc., the iPhone and iPad maker, launched a payment system that sidesteps cash and plastic. 7.) STOCK MARKETS SOAR: Another year, another record. The end of the Federal Reserve's bond-buying stimulus program stressed investors this fall, but US stocks kept rising, extending the bull market run to nearly six years. More companies acquired each other and big companies bought up more than $400 billion of their own stock, helping lift the Standard & Poor's 500 index 11 percent in 2014. And despite the end of the Fed's bond purchases, which was expected to weigh on markets, bond prices rallied and rates dropped. 8.) MINIMUM WAGE GROWTH: Inequality has been rising, and median household incomes have fallen since the recession began in late 2007. But the federal minimum hourly wage has remained at $7.25 since 2009. Labor its official development assistance to the Philippines, Ishikawa said, “Whatever is necessary we are willing to assist the Philippines.” On Monday, the new Japanese ambassador was welcomed by Vice President Jejomar C. Binay during the latter's courtesy call at the Coconut Palace. The two discussed the plans of the Ambassador to improve Japan's economic activities in the Philippines, particularly in Southern Tagalog. As the Presidential Adviser on Overseas Filipino Workers' Concerns, the Vice President also thanked the envoy for his pledge to increase the number of Filipino nurses and caregivers in Japan. Manila Bulletin Metro Cebu. Cebu, which has 33,000 current BPO seats, is ranked as the world's eighth major destination for BPO firms according to investment advisory firm Tholons. Cebu has a very low 2 percent office space vacancy rate at present. Quisumbing noted that the Quisumbing family, which has been in business for over 40 years has employed over 3,000 people only but this new venture is going to employ 38,000 people. Norkis, which used to be the exclusive assembler and distributor of Yamaha motorcycles in the country, said that the motorcycle business has been overcrowded because of the entry of several Chinese brands. Norkis has also taken in the distribution of two Chinese brands Haojie and Sunrise, which account for 15 to 20 percent of total motorcycle market in the country. Manila Bulletin organizers, fast-food workers and WalMart Stores Inc. employees have campaigned for higher pay across the country. Congress hasn't acted, but cities and statesand President Barack Obamahave. Obama raised pay by executive order for government contractors, to $10.10 an hour. By Jan. 1, 29 states and Washington, DC, will have a higher minimum wage than $7.25. Seattle approved an increase to $15 an hour, the highest rate in the country. 9.) JANET YELLEN: The Federal Reserve had been led exclusively by men for a century. Then Janet Yellen, a 6 8 - ye a r - o l d f o r m e r e c o n o m i c s professor and the No. 2 at the Fed, became the first woman to lead the central bank. Plainspoken, with a trace of her native Brooklyn in her speech, Yellen criticizes inequality, focuses on jobs growth and has tried to demystify the moves of the notoriously opaque Fed. She has also tied the failure of most economists to predict the damages wrought by the financial crisis to a lack of diversity in the field. She says that increasing diversity is a priority at the central bank. 10.) LET'S MAKE A DEAL: Higher stocks and confidence lifted global mergers and acquisitions volume to highest level since 2007. Global deal volume rose 20 percent to $3.41 trillion, including debt. Climbing markets make it easier to do stock deals, and borrowing is cheap. Meanwhile, initial public offerings had their biggest year since 2000. Healthcare companies made up 37 percent of all IPOs in the US, nearly double the level in 2013. And the biggest IPO ever, that of China's ecommerce behemoth Alibaba Group Holding Ltd., raised $25 billion in September. Associated Press - Tali Arbel with Autos Writers Tom Krisher and Dee-Ann Durbin, Economics Writer Chris Rugaber, Energy Writer Jon Fahey and Technology Writer Barbara Ortutay. January 9-15, 2015 Page 23 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS Miss Universe Philippines Mary Jean Lastimosa (left) poses with Miss Finland Bea Toivonen and Miss Israel Doron Matalon during a swimwear shoot in preparation for the 63rd Miss Universe competition on January 25, 2015 in Doral, Miami. MNS photo Ariella Arida to host online stint for Miss Universe pageant By Rissa M. Camongol MANILA, -- Miss Universe 2013 third runner-up Ariella Arida is back in the contest - this time as a host. The Philippines' representative to the Miss Universe pageant last year has been tapped by the organizers to be a backstage host covering online events for this year's contest. Eighty-eight candidates will compete for the crown during the pageant which will be held in Miami, Florida, on January 25. “Feeling ko magco-compete ulit ako,” Arida said in an interview with ABS-CBN News on Sunday, adding that she has since started working out to prepare for her role as a host. In the past two years, Miss Universe title-holders Shamcey Supsup and Janine Tugonon have been tapped by Miss Universe organizers to host events during the pageant. Arida said she hopes to be able to speak to the Philippines' contestant Television host German Moreno starts undergoing therapy after mild stroke By Allan Policarpio MANILA -- Veteran TV host German Moreno has started u n d e rg o i n g t h e ra py a f te r suffering a mild stroke on New Year's day, according to his son Federico. Known in show biz circles as Kuya Germs, Moreno is currently confined in the Acute Stroke Unit of St. Luke's Medical Center, Quezon City. “Don't worry, he's [doing] okay…he's in good spirits,” Federico said in a text message sent to the Inquirer through GMA 7 head of corporate communications Angel Javier. “It's just that he cannot entertain calls or guests in the coming days,” added Federico, who suspects that “overfatigue” might have triggered his father's stroke. “We humbly ask for prayers for his quick recovery,” Federico said. Moreno, 71, currently hosts the long-running, late night variety-talk show “Walang Tu l u g a n w i t h t h e M a s t e r Showman” which airs every Saturday. The TV personality was last seen at Marian Rivera and Dingdong Dantes' recent wedding as one of the principal sponsors. Charice, Alyssa talk about getting married 'all the time' Ariella Arida By Rissa M. Camongol MANILA -- Singer Charice Pempengco and girlfriend Alyssa Quijano talk about getting married “all the time,” especially when they are attending weddings. “We talk about it all the time,” said Pempengco in an interview with Philippine Entertainment Portal ( during the wedding reception of GMA 7 stars Dingdong Dantes and Marian Rivera on December 30 at Mall of Asia Arena. We can't avoid it, she said, “lalo na kapag uma-attend ng weddings.” As guests of Dantes and charming public servant organized Rivera, Pempengco and Quijano free check up for eye cataract said they were able to “relate” patients in cooperation with JCI to the happiness of the couple Calamba. Screen grab from Charice Pempengco's Instagram account (@supercharice) who recently got married. She also donated eyeglasses, “It feels good when you find wheel chairs, medicines and books in 'the one'… we can relate to it,” to be “stable” first, adding that doesn't mean I'm proposing various schools and barangays in Pempengco said in a mix of they are not going to shirk from tomorrow,” she said in an cooperation with Children Filipino and English. their responsibility to their interview on ABS-CBN 2 talk International Philippines. However, according to families. “Hindi matatapos ang show “Aquino and Abunda Angelica also spearheaded blood Pempengco, there are no responsibilities namin sa Tonight” aired on December 23. donation campaigns, requested for concrete plans yet: “There are family namin,” she said. “(Alyssa and I) are both discounts in private and public many things that we still need Charice admits to being turning 23 … marami pa hospitals in Laguna, as well as to accomplish in life. I want her inspired as well by the wedding k a m i n g d a p a t g a w i n a t sponsored a free insulin project for diabetics in cooperation with JCI (Quijano) to finish her studies,” of fellow singer Aiza Seguerra kelangang maabot,” the singer Hiyas de San Pablo. she said. and actress Liza Diño last said. u Page 26 Pempengco said she wants month. “Inspired but that this year, MJ Lastimosa, and help boost her confidence. “I'm thankful that I was chosen by the organizers,” Arida said in Filipino, “because this way I can reach her (Lastimosa) and give her advice.” Angelica Jones strikes balance between politics and showbiz MANILA -- Angelica Jones Alarva is making great effort to fulfill her duties and responsibilities as Laguna Board Member, even as she also makes sure she satisfies requirements given to her showbiz career. The actress-singer-turned politician made clear, “I always make i t my p r i o r i t y t o s e r ve my constituents first and foremost. Sila lagi ang inuuna ko.” Not a few noted how hard Angelica works for her constituents going on to earn the tag “Laguna's Angel of Public Service.” Last October and November, the German “Kuya Germs” Moreno. INQUIRER FILE PHOTO/ARNOLD ALMACEN January 9-15, 2015 Page 24 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS Marian Rivera defends inadequate grasp of English By Mikee Delizo Actress Marian Rivera has admitted to not being proficient in English. “Kapuso Mo, Jessica Soho” covered her recent visit to De La Salle UniversityDasmariñas, where she earned a d e g re e i n Psyc h o l o g y. Although Marian described herself in the episode as “hindi ako kagalingan mag-English,” she believes this should not be a reason for people to bash her as someone “na hindi matalinong tao.” She explained, “Kasi makagraduate ka sa isang magandang eskuwelahan, sa isang La Salle, dugo't pawis. Walang bobong taong nakakagraduate ng (psychology).” Back in 2010, Rivera was ridiculed for her English when she defended President Noynoy Aquino over mental health issues during the presidential campaign. “Isa po akong psychology at nakikita ko na wala naman siyang diperensya kaya sa kanya pa rin ako kahit anong sabihin nila,” she was quoted as telling the press then. Marian lamented how quick people could pass judgement about a person based on English know-how. “Ang sakit lang isipin… sana maging malawak ang pag-iisip ng mga tao tungkol sa definition ng pagiging isang matalinong tao. Kasi para sa akin, ang matalinong tao, ('yung) marunong dumiskarte sa buhay,” She continued, “Aanhin ko ang kagalingan sa pag-i-Ingles kung hindi naman ako marunong dumiskarte at hindi ako mapagmahal sa mga magulang ko, o nakakalimutan ko ang mga kaibigan ko? Kung ang definition ng matalino ay pag-i-Ingles lang, huwag na lang ako maging matalino.” Boys Republic (Photo: Boys Republic in Manila By Jonathan M. Hicap PROUD LASALLIAN: Marian Rivera visits DLSU-Dasmariñas. Photo from her Instagram account She then added, “Kapag hindi ka magaling mag-English, kahit nakatapos ka ng college mo, kahit mabait kang tao, kahit mapagmahal ka sa pamilya mo, kahit matulungin ka sa kapwa mo, feeling nila bobo ka. Pero 'pag matalino ka, kahit ipokirta ka, kahit sinungaling ka o ano mang definition nila, bakit ang tingin ng tao, maayos pa rin, basta nakakapag-Ingles ang isang tao?” Meanwhile, Teena Barretto, the coordinator of Rivera's lavish wedding to Dingdong Dantes, defended the celebrity couple amid criticisms that the two did not spend their own money for the occasion. “Dingdong paid for the wedding. And it was not a cheap wedding,” she posted on I n s t a g ra m . “ W h i l e s o m e sponsors were graciously accepted, most were politely declined.” She added, “The amount of sponsorship / xdeal is not even 5% of the total wedding cost paid by the groom.” Marian and Dingdong tied the knot on Dec. 30 at the Immaculate Concepcion Church in Quezon City, with the reception being held at the sprawling Mall of Asia Arena in Pasay City. Their 12-foot wedding cake, sponsored by Goldilocks, captured the attention of international media for possibly being the biggest of its kind. Manila Bulletin Boys Republic will be in the country this week to promote their new album via several shows. Dubbed “Boys Republic Live in Manila,” the first leg of the tour will be held on Jan. 10 at Lucky Chinatown mall at 2 p.m. This will be followed by an appearance at the Venice Piazza in The Fort at 7 p.m. the same day. The second leg of the tour happens on Jan. 11 at the Eastwood Mall at 3 p.m. “We are very excited to meet you guys for the first time,” Boys Republic told fans in a video message. “We are very happy to start off the new year of 2015 with our fans in the Philippines,” they added. Boys Republic, composed of Sung Jun, Sun Woo, Min Su, Su Woong and One Junn, debuted in June 2013 with the single “Party Rock,” which peaked at No. 1 on iTunes' singles chart in the Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore and Thailand. They followed it up with their first mini-album “Identity,” released on October the same year. The album's title track “You Are Special” zoomed to No. 1 on Malaysia's KKBOX Chart in 2013. In February last year, they released “Video Game,” the first song in their “Fantasy Trilogy.” this was followed by “Dress Up” in July. Boys Republic performed at the 6th MTV World Stage Live in Malaysia last August alongside American hiphop artists B.o.B., Malaysia's Yuna and Thailand's Thaitanium. They made their comeback last November with the new mini-album “Real Talk,” which contains seven tracks including “The Real One.” Manila Bulletin Daniel Padilla defends dad from bashers MANILA - Daniel Padilla cried foul after some netizens continued bashing his father, actor Rommel Padilla, for supposedly telling him to prioritize his career above anything else. Padilla said these bashers do not have the right to criticize because they do not know his family personally. “Nalungkot po ako dahil malungkot po 'yung nangyayari sa social media. MANILA - Former Kaya ayoko niyan eh. Nakakalungkot President and now Manila na ang babata pa nung mga kung anuMayor Joseph Estrada finally ano ang sinasabi sa amin. Akala mo met actor Bernard Palanca, kung sino nang may mga alam. Kaya the boyfriend of his daughter 'yun talagang ikinalungkot ko, kahit si Jerika Ejercito. Pa p a , s i T i t o Ro b i n ( Pa d i l l a ) Palanca and Ejercito d i n a d a m a y. M a s y a d o s i l a n g welcomed their first baby nagmamarunong. Masyado silang early last year. maraming alam,” he said. In a series of posts in her Although he usually does not mind Instagram account, Ejercito his detractors, Padilla said he got irked shared photos where Estrada this time because hurtful words have can be seen with the actor. Daniel Padilla been thrown their way. According to Ejercito, the “Magaling nga sila eh. Medyo metting between her father tinamaan nila ako ngayon. Dati hindi their love team. However, the actor said and her boyfriend made this naman nila ako tinatamaan eh. Kaso this does not give fans the right to Christmas extra special. ngayon, medyo bumanat sila sa malign his father nor any member of “Was going through my pamilya ko. Medyo nakakalungkot na his family. photos trying to free up some ganun sila. Masyado silang “Kung wala si Kathryn, wala naman space and I didn't realise that nagmamarunong,” he said. ako. Totoo 'yun. Kaya malaki ang someone managed to capture Padilla said he understands why pasasalamat natin kay Kathryn. Ngunit these precious moments some fans are too possessive when it 'yun nga ang sinasabi ko, may mga when @bjpalanca finally met comes to him and his onscreen partner nagmamarunong na. Na akala mo sila u Page 26 Bernard Palanca and Jerika Ejercito Kathryn Bernardo, admitting that he 'yung nagpapakain sa amin, sila yung u Page 26 wouldn't be where he is now if not for Erap finally meets Bernard Palanca January 9-15, 2015 Page 25 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS Fall in love with Miguel Tanfelix and Bianca Umali in Once Upon A Kiss GMA Network rings in the New Year with the launch of its newest primetime series that will captivate the hearts of Filipinos - Once Upon A Kiss. It is a retelling of a classic fairytale with a modern twist. The program premiered on January 5 on GMA Pinoy TV. Once Upon A Kiss is the story of a boy in coma who is awakened after being kissed by his childhood friend and how they fought for their love amidst the squabble between their families. Set to portray the lead roles in the romantic drama series is the youngest loveteam of the Kapuso Network: Miguel Tanfelix as Prince Pelaez and Bianca Umali as Ella Ro d r i g o . A r m e d w i t h t h e i r excellent onscreen chemistry and natural acting skills, Miguel and Bianca will make us believe once more how love can bridge gap between people, rich and poor, the powerful and the needy. GMA Network is proud to present a stellar cast of the country's most respected artists in film and television including Michael De Mesa, Cris Villanueva, Mariel Pamintuan, and Tessie Tomas. This also marks Mylene Dizon's comeback to the Kapuso Network as she portrays the character of Miguel Tanfelix and Bianca Umali Giselle Pelaez Almario, Prince's mother and the main antagonist in the series. Playing equally vital roles are Manilyn Reynes, Kempee de Leon, and Miss Nova Villa. Adding star power to the program are Al Tantay, Maricar de Mesa, Frank Magalona, Betong Sumaya, Sabrina Man, Eunice Lagusad, Miggy Jimenez, Cai Cortez,and Gabby Eigenmann. Both coming from poor families, Aurora (Manilyn) and Eric (Cris) used to dream of having a better life together. However, for Material gain, Eric gives up his love for Aurora and pursues Giselle (Mylene), the daughter of the family that owns the rest house where Aurora's parents work. Later on, Aurora marries Jimmy (Keempee), Eric's friend. Eric, on the other hand, regrets marrying Giselle because her family just treats him like a puppet in their company. Prince (Miguel) is the son of Eric with Giselle, while Ella (Bianca) is the daughter of Aurora with Jimmy. Although their families are mortal enemies, they become childhood friends. But, they become separated when Prince leaves for the city. They cross paths once again when Prince returns to their town as a teenager. However, the once kind and humble Prince is now an arrogant and egotistical kid. Will Prince and Ella be able to rekindle their friendship and relationship? Will their love story have a happy ending despite the complications a n d i n t e r ve n t i o n s o f t h e i r respective parents? Under the helm of acclaimed TV director Bb. Joyce Bernal, Once Upon A Kiss premieres January 5 on GMA Pinoy TV. Get the latest updates on Once Upon A Kiss from its official Facebook page www. and Twitter account @7OnceUponAKiss. For more information on GMA International events and updates, visit the we b s i te , w w w. G M A N e t wo rk . Com/international. Ex-lovers Kris Aquino, Herbert Bautista end year on good terms By Rissa M. Camongol MANILA -- After reconciling with estranged friend Ai Ai de las Alas, Kris Aquino has also made peace with another person who became close to her heart in the past year. On the January 6 episode of her talk show “Aquino and Abunda Tonight,” Kris Aquino said ex-boyfriend Mayor Herbert Bautista went to her house shortly before the New Year to make amends to her and end the year on a good note. The night before she was to attend the wedding of stars Dingdong Dantes and Marian Rivera, Aquino said the Quezon City mayor visited her at home. She said “personal nyang ginustong tapusin ang taon na OK kami, na friends kami (Bautista personally wanted to end the year with us being on good terms, as friends).” Aquino said Bautista's gesture was what inspired her to try to be friends with De las Alas again. “I appreciated his (Bautista's) gesture; maybe Ai Ai would have Vic Sotto and Pauleen Luna Aquino and Bautista share a light moment in this photo taken last year. Inquirer file photo the same reaction as mine if I do the same to her,” Aquino said. “I felt so good that (Bautista) gave me the importance to see me,” Aquino said, adding she wanted De las Alas to feel the same toward her. Aquino and Bautista had a short-lived relationship last year. In April, Aquino admitted in her talk show that she and Bautista were dating. A couple of months later, Bautista said in another TV interview that their relationship did not work out because of the conflict it had with his children. Aquino responded later that month to Bautista by saying “true love graciously lets go.” She also said she wished him good things and hoped they could be friends again. For Vic Sotto, Pauleen Luna, marriage first before baby MANILA -- "Eat Bulaga" cohosts and celebrity couple Vic Sotto and Pauleen Luna are not discounting the possibility of having kids of their own. Sotto, 60, quipped, "Meron, meron!" when asked if he and Luna have plans to build their own family, in light of their close relationship with co-star Ryzza Mae Dizon, who is 9 years old. "Not now," the 26-year-old Luna interjected, laughing. "Ako naman, not now!" Explaining her answer, the actress said: "[I don't want to get pregnant] because I'm not yet married. Doon naman tayo sa tamang proseso." Asked if she still feels unprepared to become a mother at her age, Luna said, "I think there's no particular age that you're ever ready. When it comes, you will be ready." Sotto, who has four children, earlier said he would be happier if another baby comes along. The comedian also chose to keep mum when asked if he plans to propose marriage to Luna in 2015. (MNS) January 9-15, 2015 Page 26 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS Tom Rodriguez serious about Carla Abellana MANILA - It seems like things are getting serious between actor/host Tom Rodriguez and actress Carla Abellana. Rodriguez admitted that he is exclusively dating the actress, adding that what he feels for Abellana is really special. “All the time naman. It's an evolving thing and it's always getting stronger and getting better. Well I'm not seeing anyone else. And I don't plan to,” he said. “Mas tumitibay pa nga eh and sinasabi ko na wala nga akong ibang mas or nararamdaman na ganito ka-espesyal na relationship, sa kanya lang,” he added. Just recently, the two made headlines following a report saying the actress' father does not approve of Rodriguez, after he saw the actor lose his temper on the set of a game show. Abellana, however, defended Rodriguez saying there is no truth to such report. “There's really no truth behind it. Si Tom pa, napakabait na tao. Hindi ko alam kung saan nanggagaling 'yun,” she said. Contrary to reports, Abellana said her father is actually looking forward to getting to know Rodriguez more. ANDERSON. Stars in Christmas TV drama about a young man who needs a kidney transplant. Gerald teams up with Maja for the first time By Mary Ann Bautista Gerald Anderson has a lot to be thankful for this Christmas. He has a flourishing career and a supportive girlfriend. He credits his blessings to his faith in God. He explains, “There are people who drown their sorrows in alcohol or drugs. I chose to be caring and loving, so I help out in charities, which brings me a different type of fulfillment. When I'm feeling low, charity work makes me feel light. The more blessings I receive, the more I want to be a blessing to others!” Carla Abellana and Tom Rodriguez Gerald is also happy he has found love in Maja Salvador: “She will drop everything for you. She's my rock and inspiration!” When he found himself caught in between ex-girlfriend Kim Chiu and Maja, he says he learned to turn promises into goals. He elaborates, “Does it make me less of a man if I don't make promises? My goal is to have a very long relationshipI want the kind of marriage that lasts a lifetime!” He is paired with Maja for the first time in the Christmas special, “The Gift of Life.” Angelica Jones strikes ... From page 23 To make sure she is always in touch with the people of Laguna, she holds a “people's day” meeting every Monday. She also goes around various places in Laguna's third district every Wednesday just to see how the people there are doing. Angelica recently received the Most Inspiring Women in Public Service 2014 award. MNS Erap finally ... From page 24 dad. Best Christmas to date. God has blessed beyond what we could ever ask for and we intend to make it right in His time,” she said. Ejercito also shared some photos where the former President can be seen bonding with her son. In Ejercito's latest post, Palanca can also be seen joining the Estradas in their family picture. Several months back, it was reported that Estrada does not approve Daniel Padilla ... From page 24 nagpalaki sa amin. 'Yun ang malungkot,” he said. According to Padilla, he always reminds his fans not to engage with others who are spreading negativity. “Kahit naman anong sabihin ko, hindi naman titigil. Ilang beses ko nang sinubukan. Kahit 'yung last time kong get-together diyan sa malapit sa bahay, sinabihan ko na 'yung mga supporters Angelica Jones Alarva of his daughter's relationship with Palanca. In an interview with “The Buzz” which was aired on October 20, Estrada said Palanca hasn't reached out to him yet. “I don't know anything about it. No [I haven't met him yet], no [efforts to reach out]. I don't know,” he said at the time. Asked if it is true that he disapproves of Palanca to be her daughter's partner, Estrada said at the time: “Anong tatanggapin? Nag-eenroll ba? Meron na silang pamilya 'yun. Bahala na sila.” ko na 'yun, 'yung talagang mga solid, limang taon ko nang kasama. Simula pa lang, nandun na hanggang ngayon.” “Sinabihan kong marami nang magulo eh. Kahit nga ako ang gulo ko na eh. 'Wag na silang sumali, sabi ko.' Sabi ko, 'Huwag niyo na lang pansinin. Magkaroon na lang tayo ng sarili nating mundo. Maging suplado na lang tayo para wala na lang masabi,'” he said. Setting aside controversies, Padilla said he will just do his best in all his projects and give whatever his fans deserve. January 9-15, 2015 Page 27 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS 'Amazing Praybeyt Benjamin' crosses P300-M milestone MANILA -- Vice Ganda-starrer ''The Amazing Praybeyt Benjamin'' surpassed the P300million mark at the box office, the comedian announced. In a tweet, Vice Ganda said the Metro Manila Film Festival (MMFF) entry has earned P300 million since opening on Christmas day. This means that the film is on track to match the gross earnings of another Vice Ganda-starrer "Girl, Boy, Bakla, Tomboy," an entry in last year's MMFF that is currently the highest-grossing Philippine film of all time. Dominic Du of the MMFF executive committee said that the annual film fest has already earned more than P701 million as of January 1. He added that it surpassed the gross-box office receipts of last year's MMFF by around five percent. Du also revealed that "English Only, Please," which stars Derek Ramsay and Jennylyn Mercado, leapfrogged "Kubot: The Aswang Chronicles 2" to take the last spot of this year's top four entries. Adam Dietlein The cast towing their luggage at the airport’s arrival area 'Beauty and the Beast' cast arrives in Manila Vice Ganda The romantic comedy won Best Director, 2nd Best Picture, Best Screenplay, Best Original Story, Best Editor, and the top acting honors at the awards ceremony held on December 27. The other top grossing e n t r i e s , a s a n n o u n c e d by Metropolitan Manila Development Authority chairman Francis Tolentino back on December 26, are "The Amazing Praybeyt Benjamin," My Big Bossings," and "Feng Shui 2". By Janine Villagracia MANILA -- Every fan who's been counting the days until “Beauty and the Beast” starts its Philippine run can now celebrate as the cast of the renowned animated feature film-turnedtheatrical show is finally in the country. The entourage's flight touched down at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) Terminal 3 at around 11:20 p.m. Monday, Jan. 5. Leading the cast of the musical adaptation are actors Hilary Maiberger and Darick Pead who will play Belle and Beast respectively, while supporting cast includes Adam Dietlein as Gaston, Jordan Aragon as Lefou, Paul Crane as Maurice, Emily Matthenson as Mrs. Potts, Hassa Nazari-Robati as Lumiere, James May as Cogsworth, and Charlie Jones and William Poon as Chip. Jones and Poon will be assuming the young cup's role alternately. Asked what the crowd can expect from the show that they are about to bring to the Philippine stage, cast member Adam Dietlein said, “They're gonna expect the energy and just the Disney love.” “Beauty and the Beast” in Manila is presented by Disney Theatrical Productions, NETworks, Broadway Entertainment Group, MKFAE and Ovation Productions, which is producing a musical show for the first time in its 35 years in business. The show will run from January 9 to 25, 8 p.m., at the CCP Main Theater. On Saturdays and Sundays, the show is at 2 p.m. Tickets are priced at P7,895; P6,845; P5,790;P4,740; P4,210; P3,160; and P2,105, and are available at and Chris Brown talent fee fully paid: 'Don't Wake Me Up’ By Pocholo Concepcion MANILA -- Chris Brown either threw a tantrum or simply missed his flight to Manila on the day he was scheduled to perform at a New Year's Eve countdown concert at the Philippine Arena, a source contracted to provide Filipino music artists to the event told the Inquirer. The 25-year-old Brown - an American R&B/hip-hop singersongwriter who has had brushes with the law and had pleaded guilty five years ago to a felony charge for assaulting his former girlfriend, pop star Rihanna - reportedly lost his passport on Dec. 30, a day before the concert, and subsequently failed to board a commercial flight to Manila. The Maligaya Development Corp. (MDC) management said Brown's local representative, Mike Pio Roda of Pinnacle Live Concepts, had informed them only on Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 31, that the singer could not make it to the concert that evening. The source, who provided other artists to the concert, said that Brown did not seem inclined to return his talent fee and that MDC was contemplating a lawsuit against the artist. “We were informed that Chris (was) still in Los Angeles because according to them, Chris Brown lost his passport the day before the scheduled event,” a statement from the MDC management said. The New Year Countdown concert at the Philippine Arena in Ciudad de Victoria in Bocaue, Bulacan province, proceeded as scheduled even without Brown, a press statement from the Iglesia ni Cristo (INC) said. INC general auditor Glicerio Santos Jr. said the main event in the countdown concert dominated by rock star Bamboo was the 30minute fireworks display before a capacity crowd in the 55,000-seater Philippine Arena. Unprofessional “That's a lot of bull,” said the Inquirer source - who requested anonymity because he was not authorized to speak on the matter adding that the incident was a reflection of Brown's unprofessional attitude. His talent fee had been fully paid before he was to fly to Manila, said the source. There was talk that the entire production, including talent fees for other performing artists, cost over $1 million (or more than P44 million), although at press time this had not been confirmed by the concert organizer. Brown lost his passport when it was “stolen from his vehicle,” said Roda, who told the Inquirer he was hired as a talent consultant to negotiate the singer's contract for the concert. Roda, whose office, Pinnacle Live Concepts Ltd., is based in Hong Kong, said he learned about the stolen passport from Brown's management only on Dec. 31. But Brown's initial entourage composed of his tour manager, crew and dancers arrived at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (Naia) before 9 p.m. on Dec. 30, said Jasmine Macaraeg, head of the pending approval… However, if he cannot reach an agreement… he would aim to come (to Manila) on tour at some point… (but) no plans just yet. So far, MDC has not agreed to do a separate concert with him.” Chris Brown. AP Filipino road management team assigned to meet the artist and his group and handle all their needs before, during, and after the concert. Second entourage Macaraeg added that Brown himself was scheduled to arrive with a second entourage at 11 a.m. on Dec. 31 via Korean Air, and was booked at the Manila Peninsula. Brown's group was supposed to include “his manager, a personal security, an assistant, a friend, a p h o t o g r a p h e r, a n d B r o w n' s girlfriend.” Only the photographer from that flight made it to Naia, said Macaraeg, who added that a text message from the concert promoter said that Brown had missed his flight and might arrive “8 p.m. on Dec. 31, still via Korean Air.” She was then informed that Brown's flight would hopefully arrive “9:30 p.m. via Delta Air,” Macaraeg said. A third advisory from the concert promoter said Brown had not yet left the United States, but would take a chartered private jet, although his management was still negotiating for a pilot and permit to land at the Clark International Airport in Pampanga province. The last message Macaraeg received was at 3 p.m. of Dec. 31, saying that Brown might not arrive at all. “But his dancers were rehearsing until 4 a.m. of Dec. 30,” she said. Not canceled; rescheduled “I can't speak on behalf of MDC nor do I know if that is true or not,” said Roda, who was quoted by MDC in a statement sent to media as saying: “We are currently in communication with the venue and exploring all options to address this cancellation. We hope to amicably come to terms on how we (will) proceed next…” Roda told the Inquirer that “Chris' intention is to reschedule, Other concert performers The other concert performers in the New Year's Eve concert were KZ Ta n d i n g a n , M o r i s e t t e , S a m Concepcion, Enrique Gil, Brisom and Tempura Kidz. Several artists also performed at the nearby Philippine Sports Stadium, including Kitchie Nadal, Barbie Almalbis, Rico Blanco and pop and rock bands 6cyclemind, Callalily, Imago, Itchyworms, Mayonnaise, Parokya ni Edgar, Autotelic, Brisom, Kjwan, Sandwich, Silent Sanctuary, Spongecola and Up Dharma Down. On Tuesday, Dec. 30, top OPM artists Shamrock, Hajji Alejandro, The Voice Kids, Rey Valera, Asin, Coritha, Juan Rodrigo, FBC Rebirth and Willie Nepomuceno also performed at the stadium and kicked off the two-day New Year concert. On that same day, a “Kabayan Ko, Kapatid Ko” concert topbilled by Kathryn Bernardo, Snooky Serna, Leo Martinez, Victor Wood and Anthony Castelo was held inside the Philippine Arena. The 2015 Philippine Countdown Concert, the first to be held at the Philippine Arena which had been declared the largest mixed-use theater in the world by Guinness World Records, was seen to be the start of such yearly events in the venue. January 9-15, 2015 Page 28 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS Pacquiao fed up, tells Floyd ‘I don't care!' In this Sept. 27, 2014, file photo, Muhammad Ali is shown before the Ali Humanitarian Awards ceremony in Louisville, Ky. A family spokesman for Muhammad Ali says the boxing great has been released from a hospital after recovering from a severe urinary tract infection. AP Boxing great Muhammad Ali released from hospital Associated Press LOUISVILLE, Kentucky -- Boxing great Muhummad Ali has won his bout with a severe urinary tract infection. The three-time world heavyweight champion was released from an undisclosed hospital Tuesday (Jan. 6) night, family spokesman Bob Gunnell said Wednesday. Ali is back home and looking forward to celebrating his 73rd birthday on Jan. 17 with his family and friends, Gunnell said. “He's in great spirits and enjoying being back home,” Gunnell said. “He's back in his daily routine.” Ali has been waging a battle with Parkinson's disease for years. Ali was hospitalized Dec. 20 with what was initially believed to be a mild case of pneumonia. Doctors later determined Ali was suffering from a severe urinary tract infection and not pneumonia, Gunnell said. He said the Ali family appreciates the outpouring of support and well wishes. Ali and his wife, Lonnie, have homes in Paradise Valley, Arizona; Berrien Springs, Michigan; and in Louisville. Gunnell would not say which of his homes Ali had returned to. In this social media post, boxing champ Manny Pacquiao urges Floyd Mayweather to just 'sign the contract' so their fight could push through. INSTAGRAM SCREENGRAB By Cenon B. Bibe Jr. MANILA -- Showing signs of irritation of the bragging of Floyd Mayweather Jr., fighting congressman Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao taunted the American boxer to just make good on his claims to face him in the ring. “Floyd brags about his lifestyle and everything! I don't care!” Pacquiao said in a social media post Monday (Jan. 5) night. Pacquiao was apparently referring to posts of social media posts of Mayweather showing his shoes, jewelry and jetsetting. The undefeated Mayweather has also dropped a May 2 date for his possible date with Pacquiao on the ring. In response, the Filipino champion retorted that Mayweather should just “sign the contract.” “I'm just waiting here for him to sign the contract!” Pacquiao said, who recently defended his WBO welterweight crown against another American Chris Algieri. Chess grandmaster Wesley So. PHOTO BY SUSAN POLGAR Wesley So sweeps Las Vegas chess tourney By Bert Eljera LAS VEGAS. Nevada -- Wesley So d e fe a te d g ra n d m a s te r Ts e g m e d Batchuluun of Mongolia in the ninth and final round Tuesday, December 30, to easily capture the $10,000 first prize in the 24th North American Open chess championships at Bally's Casino Resort. With several hours rest, the fresh- looking So prevailed in 46 moves to score his seventh win against two draws to close out with eight points in the fiveday tournament in which he was not threatened in any game. In the eighth round, he settled for a quick 18-move draw with grandmaster Julio Becerra, a Cuban defector now based in the United States, allowing him u Page 29 January 9-15, 2015 Page 29 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS 6 Tips for Improving Your 'Lines of Gratification' Wesley So ... From page 28 'The Michael Jordan of Lung Surgery' Lists Principles that Reliably Yield Success some rest in the hectic nineround tournament in which two rounds were played each day. Draws It was the second draw for the top-seeded So. In the seventh round, he also drew with Chinese GM Xiangzhi Bu after a marathon 89 moves. So was so dominating his closest pursuers, which included Bu, and Becerra only had 6.5 points. The victory capped a successful 2014 for the 21year-old So, who won in three other prestigious tournaments, including the Millionaire Chess Open in the nearby Planet Hotel & Casino, in which the $100,000 first prize was the richest in chess history. He ended the year with a live rating of 2770.7, good for No. 10 best in the world. Nouri keeps winning Eight-year-old Alekhine Nouri, meanwhile, continued his winning ways, emerging champion in the blitz competition in the Under 1900 section. In the tournament that lasted until early morning in FIDE Master Alekhine Nouri. FACEBOOK Las Vegas and playing against opponents more than half his age Nouri scored nine wins against one loss to pocket the top prize of $400. He won $ 818 more by finishing tied for third to ninth places in the regular Under 1900 tournament to which he jumped after starting his stint in the Under 1700 Section. He started with a little over 1600 FIDE rating but was listed with 1800 after he joined the Under 1900 Section in which he won five straight and drew the final round. As we enter 2015, Dr. Robert J. Cerfolio, a world-renowned cardiothoracic surgeon, says it's never too early to think about selfimprovement this year. “Habitual procrastination can really hurt you in the long run because waiting to take care of something that's obviously important to you health, money, family matters weighs on your subconscious,” says Dr. Cerfolio, known as “the Michael Jordan of lung surgery.” Understanding one's personal “line of gratification” is the foundation for sticking to self-improvement goals, he says. “There are many kinds of lines of gratification,” he says. “For some, they're the number of zeroes in their bank statement; for others, the curves of their muscles after they leave the gym. It's good and healthy to look back on your hard work and admire what you have accomplished before moving on to the next task.” Dr. Cerfolio, author of “Super Performing at Work and at Home: The Athleticism of Surgery and Life,” shares tips on how to make those lines of gratification more impressive. Be an early riser. The main reason operating rooms hum into action at 7 a.m. is tied to human physiology; the bodies of patients are better able to handle the stress of surgery at that time. “People are generally better off getting work done early in the day when we're better prepared for stress EXPRESS SUDOKU HOW TO PLAY: Place a number from 1 to 9 in each empty cell so that each row, each column and each 3x3 block contains all the numbers from 1 to 9 Solution to Issue 01 Sudoku Solution to Issue 01 Crossword and performance,” he says. “And getting a job done early frees you up later in the day.” Love what you do. Why wouldn't yo u wa n t t o t a ke o w n e r s h i p , responsibility and pride in what you do for a living? When you treat a job as only a means to a paycheck, you are missing the point. If your job isn't the one you'd really love to have, don't make it worse with a negative attitude. Instead, make it your own. Make it a point of personal integrity and principle to challenge yourself to achieve something every day. After all, 40 hours a week is a long time to stay anywhere. Ask yourself: Did I really try my best? “I tried my best” is a common refrain from those who haven't reached their goals. An honest response you can ask yourself is, “Am I sure?” This question is not about being overly critical. It's simply about realizing that, if you had practiced or studied an extra 10 minutes each day, you would've been that much closer to your goals. Set specific, measurable goals. Results define goals. Every individual should have clear goals that are objective and measurable. Goals such as “to be happy,” “to do well at work” or “to get along” are too nebulous. To be successful, you have to be able to define your goals by measurable results. Find the high ground. In anything you do, aspire to live up to the noblest, highest aspect of your job. Certain jobs such as police work, firefighting, teaching or working in health care are service oriented, so it's easier to feel good about your contributions. Look for the contributions you're making in your job and take pride in what you're doing to make the world a little better. Be the go-to guy or girl. This takes time, practice and the confidence necessary to want the ball in a critical situation. Being the go-to guy or girl means being willing to take responsibility and risk failing. A go-to person is also willing to speak up about problems or changes necessary in a business or organization, and suggest solutions. About Robert J. Cerfolio, MD, MBA Robert J. Cerfolio, MD, MBA, is the James H. Estes Family Endowed Chair of Lung Cancer Research and Full Professor Chief of Thoracic Surgery at t h e U n ive r s i t y o f A l a b a m a i n Birmingham. He received his medical degree from the University of Rochester School of Medicine, surgical training at the Mayo Clinic and at Cornell-Sloan Kettering hospital, and has been in practice for more than 26 years. The author of “Super Performing at Work and at Home,” Cerfolio, who was a First Team Academic All-American baseball player in college, is a worldrenowned chest surgeon and recognized as one of the busiest and best thoracic surgeons in the world. EXPRESS CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. Sharpens 6. Norse god 10. Wacky 14. Precise 15. Not a single one 16. Small island 17. Acts as an agent 19. Resorts 20. Results 21. Mesh 22. Flippant 23. Pry 25. Sources of ore 26. A song for 2 30. Anagram of "Rioted" 32. Beguile 35. Impulses 39. Cling 40. Hit the sack 41. Welcome mat 43. Aerial 44. Ethical motive 46. Doe 47. Eagerness 50. Part of the large intestine 53. Speaker's platform 54. Estimated time of arrival 55. Wreck 60. Fog 61. Variation 63. Ancient Peruvian 64. Margarine 65. Days of the month 66. A covered garden walk 67. No more than 68. Sleighs DOWN 1. Not there 18. South southeast 2. Beasts of burden 24. Animal doctor 3. Short sleeps 25. Sacred song 4. Beige 26. Deceased 5. Metal 27. Annul 6. In song, the loneliest 28. Reflected sound number 29. Thermoregulator 7. Put clothing on 31. Ripped 8. Temporary 33. Knight's "suit" 9. Where a bird lives 34. Close 10. Demoralized 36. A climbing plant 11. Type of poplar tree 37. Sea eagle 12. Emergency signal 38. Char 13. Exams 42. Feeling 43. American Sign Language 45. Layabout 47. Blend 48. Drizzly 49. Platters 51. Lyric poem 52. Geeks 54. Anagram of "Dome" 56. Genuine 57. Initial wager 58. Frozen 59. Not more 62. Enemy January 9-15, 2015 Page 30 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS Rentals u Help Wanted u Jobs u Personal u Services Experienced Driver Required Experienced driver required. Prefer person who is also a handy man & care taker for elderly. We place: Nannies-Housekeepers-Companions NATIONWIDE PLACEMENTS Live in Live Out Full Time Part Time MANDATORY SCREENINGS TOP SALARIES Complete your online application today! 610-664-5233 JOBS Available A facility in Northeast New Jersey is looking for the following Live-in personnel: Cook and Laundry person Caregiver Call: 973-222-0085 LICENSED NAIL TECHNICIAN WANTED Nail Spa in Clifton, NJ is looking for a licensed nail technician. GOOD SALARY For Information, call 313-289-0034 313-970-9130 Great Neck/Manhasset area. Full time & on call. Elderly couple & family business require a friendly, kind, helpful & good hearted person for a long term position & to go grow with the family. Must be able to work as a team with other staff, be professional & no egos please. Please e mail your resume to: MED-TECH WANTED Wanted Med-Tech with experience. Part time (10 am to 6 pm) CP Medical Lab 33 Bowery Street New York, NY 10002 Please call 917-578-4260 Fax Resume’ to 212-625-9338 Or email to Fil-Am ... From page 9 “I'm very committed to it and I'm very passionate about the mission of what SFPD is trying to do. At this point, I'm just trying to do my best to live up to it and exceed it.” If there's one thing that Kovitprakornkul is worried about, it's that she would not want to cause her mother any anxiety. Her grandfather is an army veteran who received quite a few honors. “My mom said, 'As long as what you're doing and what you're standing up for is the right thing, you know I can live with it.' So when she gave me the OK, that's when I went full force and I was like, OK I'm going to do this. This is what I want to do and I'm glad you guys support me.” During the training, the staff put so much emphasis on officer safety. “But as long as you're doing what you're supposed to be doing, at the end of the day, you should come home to your family. So I feel a lot better about it.” Evelyn Galang, Kovitprakornkul's The Filipino Express is only $40 (52 copies) for one year. That’s only 77 cents per copy and mailed right to your home ! For details, call us at 201-434-1114 or send an email to mother who hails from Pampanga, is a nurse working at St. Luke's Hospital. Happy and proud of her daughter, she said, “Kung mamamatay, mamamatay ka [if you die, you'd be doing it] at least for the country.” The family moved to America in 1991 through a petition by Galang's father. Galang and her husband have three children. Tasawan is their middle child. Parker: Go for it Parker, the other Fil-Am in the 241st recruit class, is 33 years old, married and has two kids. Born and raised in Iloilo before moving to America when he was 15 years old, Parker has a B.A. in kinesiology from San Francisco State University and a master's in sports management from the University of San Francisco. He joined the police force “for opportunity and acquired passion.” “I always wanted to talk to people, help them. That was my objective. I saw the connection between sports and interacting with people and I thought, this is a great job,” Parker said. Formerly an athletic coach at Skyline College, he considers it worthwhile to protect and serve the city, akin to a duty. Apart from the classroom lectures and tests in the academy, the new SFPD officers were given stress simulation exercises and defensive tactics training to prepare them for the high-risk job. Every phase of the training was difficult. “But for me, it was trying to get out of my shell, trying to get out of my comfort zone,” Parker said. “The stuff we've done all throughout the training was tough and finding myself in doing those things, those are the things that I would cherish and appreciate. I learned something about myself that I never thought I would do and what I can handle or can't handle. I probably added strengths and weaknesses along the way.” While joining the force is tough emotionally and physically, Parker encourages anyone with the same passion to go for it. “If you really want this job and you're determined, I would say go for it and your family will support you. So get a right mindset to go for it.” January 9-15, 2015 Page 31 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS January 9-15, 2015 Page 32 THE FILIPINO EXPRESS
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