today`s speaker: mike gresham, president, makani nui associates
today`s speaker: mike gresham, president, makani nui associates
Rotary Club of Kahului ~ the best looking club in D5K! Volume 08-06, Issue 4 August 28, 2006 Chartered on September 6, 1955 President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .William B. Boyd Governor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jim Varner Assistant Governor. . . . . . . . . . . . . Gladys Baisa CLUB OFFICERS President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lisa Rodrigues President Elect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Randol Leach Vice President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Colin Hanlon Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jocelyn Bouchard Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Byron Warner Past President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paul Felix DIRECTORS Club Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rita Barreras Vocational Service . . . . . . . . . . . . .Leslie Mullens Community Service . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pam Tumpap International Service . . . . . . . . . .Lynn Rasmussen New Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Trisha Edgar Membership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brian Rose Rotary Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sandy Baz Speakers/PR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dianne Rockett Maui High School Maui Community College Mondays, 12:00 Noon The Dunes at Maui Lani 1333 Maui Lani Parkway Kahului D Celebrating 50 Years of Service! TODAY’S SPEAKER: MIKE GRESHAM, PRESIDENT, MAKANI NUI ASSOCIATES T h e Kaheawa W i n d P o w e r project is a commercial scale renewable energy project. It includes the development, design, engineering, construction, and operations of a 30 MW renewable wind energy facility. Now in full operation, the project will p r o v i d e approximately 9% on average of the electricity supply for Maui. The Project is located above McGregor Point in the West Maui mountains, in an area locally referred to as Kaheawa Pastures. It consists of 20 wind turbines arranged in a single r o w , a n op e r a t i o n s & maintenance building, a communications system, an electrical substation, and an interconnection to Maui Electric Company’s transmission lines. In the planning stages since 1996, Kaheawa Wind Power has undergone extensive review over the subsequent years and has a state approved Final Environmental Impact Statement in place. The development and operations plans calls for extensive protection of the fauna and flora, and the inclusion of a Habitat Conservation Plan, the first ever for a wind energy project in the United States! Mr. Gresham manages all activities and interests of Makani Nui and other Maui based projects. He was the Founder, President and CEO of NextWeb, Inc. a California based Wireless Internet Service Provider. PROMOTE ROTARY AT YOUR PLACE OF BUSINESS Display your customized poster at work to passively promote Rotary. (See last page of this newsletter.) It’s a great way to encourage people to ask about Rotary. They will then have a better understanding of what it’s all about and hopefully encourage them to join. Let’s increase membership and increase the wonderful work we do right here on Maui and around the world. Email to receive your FREE customized copy via email today! INSIDE THIS ISSUE: “At Your Service” is published by: Lisa Ann Rodrigues Phone: 808.281.2904 eMail: Mahalo / Trees / Fighting Words!!! 2 TRF Thought / Rotaract / Habitat Project 5 Rotary Readers / Dictionaries / Lou Tice 3 Calendar / Quote / TRF Envelope 6 Laulima Vocational Service Award 4 About Us / Attendance 7 The Rotary Club of Kahului MAUI FARM BUREAU SAYS MAHALO KAHULUI ROTARY the farmers and ranchers whose income depend on growing the bounty while providing the stewardship of the lands. On behalf of Warren Watanabe, president, Maui County Farm Bureau, thank you for the opportunity to share information on agriculture in Maui County to the members and guests at the Kahului Rotary Club meeting on Monday, August 21, 2006. The following are several ways to show your support for agriculture in Maui County. Join the Maui County Farm Bureau. MCFB offers many benefits to its members and acts as the voice of Maui agriculture by lobbying county, state and federal branches of government to support agricultural legislation. For more information on how to become a "friend of agriculture", visit the website at .Purchase Grown on Maui products. When you buy Grown on Maui products you support and preserve Maui's agricultural heritage and .Ask for Grown on Maui products at your local grocer. Invest in your community and buy locally Grown on Maui food products. Let retailers know you want to purchase Grown on Maui. .Ask for Grown on Maui products at your local restaurant. Many of Maui's chefs incorporate Grown on Maui products in their menus. Enjoy the freshest food available and buy local. Let restaurateurs know you want to support Grown on Maui products. Show your support of Agriculture in Maui County. As a resident, business or as the organization of Kahului Rotary, you can help agriculture in Maui County by learning more about ag-related issues and, if possible, show your support of agriculture by expressing your support through public testimony, letter writing and everyday actions - buying local. Encourage your family and friends to consider Grown on Maui and why buying local matters in Maui County. The Maui County Farm Bureau (MCFB) is a grassroots organization of farm and ranch families, allied agricultural industries, and other organizations joined together in a common goal of supporting agriculture in Maui County. Please feel free to share this information with your membership base. Thanks again for the opportunity. Thanks and aloha, Tehane Wurdeman Ka`uhane Communications, Inc. P.O. Box 791318 Pa`ia, HI 96779 Tel: (808) 295-6206 Fax: (808) 533-1037 Email: ROTARY CHRISTMAS TREES - LIGHT UP SOMEONE’S HOLIDAY The card read: Dear Neighbors, Thank you for thinking of our family and giving us the beautiful Christmas Tree. Money has been a little tight the past few years and we haven't been able to have a tree at home. When we got the Rotary coupon the kids were so excited we picked it up on Friday afternoon and our son insisted that we decorate it that very night. All through the holidays we turned on the lights in the morning and kept them on until the kids went to bed. We all enjoyed the tree but especially our son. He's five now so he may have been too young to remember when we did have a tree in the past. God bless you for making our Christmas so special this year. submitted by: Joan Martin Sell your trees or buy your trees and light up someone else's life by giving it away. **** Speaking of selling trees … Annalena Zanolini is on a roll. She has already sold 5 Nobles and 6 Douglas Firs and she hasn’t received her tickets yet! The Rotary Christmas tree tickets are now for sale. You GO GIRL! THE MAUI CLUB ISSUES FIGHTING WORDS !!! ... It all started out with an idea … Tom Caltrider, President of the Maui Club suggested a Rotary Foundation Fundraiser involving skeet shooting at the Hali’imaile range. Sounded like fun to me so I emailed him back and casually said, “Personally I like the idea because I like to shoot and when I was in the P.D. I usually shot better than most guys.” And this is what he said! … “OKAY, you're on. I'll bet you a $50 donation to the Page 2 Foundation that I do better than you. In fact, I bet our club's team can do better than your club's team.” ??!!!!!??!?!!!!! *Gasp!!* So how’s that you guys?!? Are we going to take that? I think NOT! The details are not worked out yet but the gist of it is each person would shoot 50 times and would pay $1 for each missed target. The winner (or winners) of the event would have the total pot donated in his/her name to the Rotary Foundation. Awards would be given for best and worst shooters. I just need an idea of how many members would be interested in participating, so if you are, let me know and we can plan on making the Maui Club eat their words! “At Your Service” The Rotary Club of Kahului WANTED! ROTARY BIG READERS Make a BIG difference…Be a Rotary BIG Reader! The Rotary Club of Kahului has partnered with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Maui on a new program called “Big Readers” - a fun new reading program. The brain-child of the Memphis Rotary Club and brought to Kahului by Rotarian Gayle Long, the volunteer meets once a week for 4 consecutive weeks at Lihikai Elementary School and reads to an interested class that is excited you are there ! All it takes is reading a book (already selected) for 20-30 minutes to a class of children that love seeing a new face. The teacher stays in the room and can assist you, as well as continue her other class work. Call fellow Rotarian Deidre Tegarden at 242-9754 or to get started. You fill out an application and BBBS will run the proper background checks that allow for school access. With that, BBBS can offer scheduling options or give you ideas on which Submitted by Deidre Tegarden grade(s) you may choose or help with any other concerns. The teachers and children are thrilled that our Rotary is interested in them. Showing them you care is a big start to mentoring our keiki. Join fellow Rotarians Eleri Agsalog, Jocelyn Bouchard, Randy Echito, Trisha Edgar and Leslie Mullens. Together we can change the future of Maui, one child (one book, chapter, page) at a time! HAWAII ROTARY DICTIONARY PROJECT Dictionary \Dic"tion*a*ry\, n.; A book containing the words and a language, arranged alphabetically, with explanations of their meanings: a vocabulary: a wordbook. dictionary, a signed plaque signed and presented by the District Governor and the satisfaction of promoting literacy and knowledge to children in Hawaii. HUGE Mahalo to: Bank of Hawaii “Dictionary 100 Club” A recognition program for individual Hawaii Rotarians to provide 100 dictionaries to 100 third grade elementary students. Individual Rotarian or business who contributes a donation of $150.00 or more (100% Tax Deductible) will become a member of the Dictionary 100 Club. They will be making a commitment to purchase 100 dictionaries for Hawaii third grade students. In return they will receive their very own Ben Bridge Jewelers Joel Rand, CIMA® Peake & Levoy for becoming members of the Dictionary 100 Club and helping us to support our keiki - our future, with this gift of knowledge. Knowledge is Power. “FAMILY AND SELF-ESTEEM” The family is the main place where we develop our self-esteem. It can also be a place where self-esteem withers. Virginia Satir was a family therapist who influenced and touched people all over the world. She was a pioneer in the study of selfesteem, and had this to say about families: "Feelings of worth flourish in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open, and rules are flexible - the kind of atmosphere that is found in a nurturing family." But if you grew up in a family where one or Volume 08-06, Issue 4 both parents were abusive, where there were unresolved mental health problems, or where alcohol or drugs were an issue, you know that family life can be very different from this description. In fact, it can be downright damaging. Now it's time for you to take on a parenting role, and maybe you're wondering if you can break the cycle. Or maybe you've been a parent for a while and realize you could be doing a better job of it. Whatever your situation, you'll benefit from taking an honest look at your strengths and limitations. by Lou Tice You see, when you acknowledge and accept the past, reach out for new understanding (as you're doing now), and then decide you'd like to raise your kids in a better way, you are breaking the cycle. And you are building your own self-esteem - the first step in helping your own kids do well. Lou Tice The Pacific Institute Page 3 The Rotary Club of Kahului 2 0 0 6 L A U L I M A V O C AT I O N A L S E RV I C E A WA R D Do you know an unsung hero who trains Maui’s next generation of tradesmen and women? Nominations are open for our first annual Laulima Vocational Service Award. This award recognizes an individual for exceptional service to vocational training in our community. Whether through direct vocational training, like culinary arts instruction, or as one who facilitates and manages a training program, contributions in this area are critical to our community’s future. We created this award to inspire vocational leadership and recognize and reward achievers in the community. Nominees must be non-Rotarians working or volunteering for a vocational training program or organization on Maui. They demonstrate exemplary leadership and embody high ethical standards in business. Ideal by Leslie Mullens. Vocational Services candidates make an outstanding contribution to vocational training, job placement, and career development, making a difference in the lives of Maui’s young adults. The deadline for nominations is Friday, September 15. We’ll present the award on Monday, October 30. Nomination forms and a full award description can be found on our website and attached to this newsletter. Please contact Leslie Mullens with any questions at 875-7536 or Nominee Information – tell us about who you are nominating Name: Organization: Street Address: City/State/Zip: Phone number: Email: Nominating Rotarian Contact Information – tell us how to reach you Your Name: Phone Number: Email Address: Nomination Explanation – please use the space provided to tell us about your nominee (use additional paper if needed) Page 4 “At Your Service” The Rotary Club of Kahului THE ROTARY FOUNDATION WEEKLY THOUGHT This week’s Rotary Foundation Thought is provided as a reminder to all of us that the Foundation is the primary way in which we are involved in the fourth Avenue of Service: International Service. The Rotary Foundation was started with a gift of $26.50 from the Rotary Club of Kansas City in 1917 — the leftover profit from the international convention that year. Earlier that same year, Rotary’s sixth president, Arch C. Klumph, suggested the creation of just such a fund. The very first grant made by The Rotary Foundation was to the International Society for Crippled Children. The idea of international service has grown. Just in the last 20 years, Rotary has contributed over US$600 million to the polio eradication effort. Thanks to everyone in the club who has supported this program. In the words of professional volunteer, Charlotte Lunsford: “We won’t always know whose lives we touched and made better for our having cared, because actions can sometimes have unforeseen ramifications. What’s important is that you do care and act.” Create Awareness. Take Action. Make your annual gift today! ROTARACT MAUI COMMUNITY COLLEGE RECRUITS NEW MEMBERS Executive Board President Laycie-Ann Tobosa Vice President Kahea Naeole Treasurer Becky Albiar Secretary Tezrah Rivera As the Fall 2006 semester started, hundreds of students flocked the campus. In order to support and encourage the students at Maui Community College, the Associated Students of Maui Community College Governance Council organized a series of Welcome Back Week events, one of which was All Clubs Day. This event was held on Thursday, August 24, 2006 from 10:00 am to 2 pm outside of the Maui Culinary Academy building. Not only were students offered free Subway sandwiches, cookies, chips and apples, but students were also given the opportunity to get more information on the various campus organizations and to join on the spot if they chose to. The entire executive board and Rotaractor Janelle Torricer volunteered their time to share their experiences with Rotaract so far with other students. Assistant District Governor of the Maui Coast Clubs Cynthia Clark and former President of the Rotary Club of KiheiWailea Mark Harbison were also present at the Rotaract table to speak with HABITAT FOR HUMANITY PROJECT Aloha Maui Rotarian, Habitat for Humanity has invited our club to help them with one of their building projects. This fits many of our members' desires to do more community service work projects instead of just giving money. This should be a lot of fun and result in a great deal of satisfaction. I hope you will join me at this project which will be Saturday, September 9 beginning at 9 am. The project is in Waiehu and the driving instructions are below: Our member, Patricia Ward, is leading this effort for us, and she reports that the house is being built for a single mom with 2 kids. I Volume 08-06, Issue 4 encourage you to join us. Please confirm your a t t e n d a n c e t o P a t r i c i a Wa r d a t or 264-8014. We would like to have as many of our members and their family and friends as possible. Thanks. Yours in Rotary, Tom Caltrider The Rotary Club of Maui DRIVING DIRECTIONS – WAIEHU KOU 3 Turn right onto Waiehu Beach Road from Kahului Beach Road. Continue on Waiehu Beach Road thru Pakukalo and Waiehu by Laycie-Ann Tobosa students. Rotaractors were graced with the visit of District Governor Jim Varner and his wife Nancy, Carolyn Foster of the Rotary Club of Maui, Assistant District Governor of the Maui Valley Clubs Gladys Baisa and former President of the Rotary Club of Maui Mickey Damerell. Rotaractors talked to dozens of students about the benefits of joining the international organization and were able to successfully recruit 9 new members and obtained information of 12 interested students. Rotaractors also used this opportunity to promote their new international service project "Pennies for Polio." Members received $36 just in this first week of school. That's 60 vaccinations! Rotaractors of Maui Community College are looking forward to a very successful year! You could also share our myspace webpage which is rotaractclubofmcc - I have already received interest from 9 additional students, one of which is not an MCC student, but is still able to join our club. Submitted by Tom Caltrider, President, Maui Club Terrace, this road will end at a stop sign. Take a right turn onto Kahekili Highway. Approximately 1 mile on Kahekili, you will see the entrance to Waiehu Kou III. Take the last entrance at Ho’ola Hou Street. Turn right in the subdivision and take the 1st left on to Kaulana Na Pua Circle. Less then ¼ mile on the right side, you will see the home site of Earl and Lani Maielua. Look for our Habitat Banner. Driving on just around the corner – you come to a cul-de-sac – at Ulu Loa Place – the last site on your right is the home site of Melanie Pali. Street parking only please. Ed Freeman is our project manager. Please report to him. Page 5 The Rotary Club of Kahului UPCOMING EVENTS TED’S TIE August 28th - Christmas Tree Tickets Pre-Sale September 4th - DARK No Meeting September 11th - Anniversary Party September 15th - Laulima Vocational Service Award Nominations due September 18th - Interact Board Installation September 25th - Rick Carroll, Author, of the “Hawaii’s Spooky Stories” series and “IZ, Voice of the People” October - Vocational Services Month November - Rotary Foundation Month December 11th - Kahului Rotary’s 1st Annual Golf Tournament In honor of our emergency service organizations QUOTE OF THE WEEK TRF ENVELOPE “Never worry about numbers. Help one person at a time, and always start with the person nearest you.” Congratulations Randol Leach! ~ Mother Teresa His envelope was pulled last week and his contribution to the Rotary Foundation toward his Paul Harris Fellow was matched by the club up to $40! August / September 2006 Birthday 8.28.06 9.4.06 Greeter Chuck Gray Brian Rose DARK Cashier Tommye Jones Agnes Groff NO MEETING Pledge Robin Wagstaff Inspirational Moment Rotary Moment 4 Way Test Gift 9.11.06 Paul Felix 9.18.06 Dianne Rockett Deidre Tegarden Gayle Long Tony Levoy Leslie Mullens Jocelyn Bouchard Trisha Edgar Byron Warner Lynn Rasmussen David Hoffman Tony Levoy Jud Cunningham Randy Echito Sally Iwamoto Tony Levoy Paul Felix Stacey Sills LABOR DAY Lynn Rasmussen Leslie Mullens Steven Wetter Stephanie Weisel Garner Ivey Randy Echito Brian Rose 9/4 9/9 9/11 9/12 9/24 9/27 9/28 Wedding Anniversary Anthony Levoy 8/30 Club Anniversary Dick Drayson 9/01/70 If you are unable to fulfill your duties, please arrange for your replacement so it’s “Fair to all Concerned”. Mahalo! Volume 08-06, Issue 4 Page 6 Rotary is a worldwide organization of business and professional leaders that provides humanitarian service, encourages high ethical standards in all vocations, and helps build goodwill and peace in the world. Approximately 1.2 million Rotarians belong to more than 31,000 Rotary clubs located in 166 countries. The main objective of Rotary is service — in the community, in the workplace, and throughout the world. Rotarians develop community service projects that address many of today's most critical issues, such as children at risk, poverty and hunger, the environment, illiteracy, and violence. They also support programs for youth, educational opportunities and international exchanges for students, teachers, and other professionals, and vocational and career development. The Rotary motto is Service Above Self. The Rotary Club of Kahului is the second oldest club on Maui and the fourth largest club in Hawaii's District 5000. the 4-Way Test 1st Is it the TRUTH? 2nd Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3rd Will it BUILD GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? 4th AUGUST SEPTEMBER is Membership Month is New Generations Month August is Membership and Extension Month, an opportunity to introduce a friend or business colleague to Rotary. When a young person is introduced to Rotary it plants a seed of volunteerism and cultural awareness. SO YOU’RE IN THE KNOW ... (2) attend at least 30 percent of this club's regular meetings in each half of the year. In accordance with the club’s If a member fails to attend as constitution, a member must: required, the member's (1) attend or make up at least 60 membership shall be subject to percent of club regular meetings in termination unless the board each half of the year; consents to such non-attendance for good cause. (b) Consecutive Absences. Unless otherwise excused by the board for good and sufficient reason or pursuant to article 8, sections 3 or 4, each member who fails to attend or make up four consecutive regular meetings shall be informed Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? ...and here at the Kahului Club … Is it FUN? by the board that the member's nonattendance may be considered a request to terminate membership in this club. Thereafter, the board, by a majority vote, may terminate the member's membership. MEETING MAKE-UP - TURN IN YOUR ATTENDANCE SLIPS TO SECRETARY BOUCHARD If you cannot attend a club meeting, there are many ways you can still receive attendance credit. According to Art. VIII, Section 1 of the Club Constitution, these include: • Attending a meeting of another club • Attending a meeting of a Rotaract or Interact club or Rotary Community Corps • Attending certain district or RI meetings • • Participating in a club-sponsored event Attending a club board or service committee meeting with authorization of the club board Rotary Club of Kahului Join us for lunch at the Dunes, Mondays at Noon Visit us on the web at: Celebrating over 50 years of Service Above Self NEED A MAKE-UP MEETING? Visit these other outstanding Maui clubs! Rotary Club of Lahaina Sunrise Tuesdays @ 7:00 am Pioneer Inn Rotary Club of Kihei-Wailea Wednesdays @ 12:00 pm Diamond Resort Rotary Club of Kihei Sunrise Wednesdays @ 6:45 am Five Palms at Mana Kai Maui Rotary Club of Maui Thursdays @ 12:00 pm MCC Class Act Paina Bldg. Rotary Club of Wailuku Thursdays @ 7:00 am Maui Tropical Plantation Rotary Club of Lahaina Thursdays @ 12:00 pm Royal Lahaina Resort Rotary Club Maui UpCountry Fridays @ 7:30 am Kamehameha Schools Pukalani Ask Me About Randol Leach is proud to be a member of The Rotary Club of Kahului Rotary is a worldwide organization of 1.2 million business professional leaders with over 100 years of history, providing humanitarian and community service through 32,000+ local clubs in 168 countries. If you would like to help people in our community and share the fellowship of this amazing group of global volunteers, please ask me for more information or visit THE FOUR WAY TEST Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build good will and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned? ‘Oia ‘i’ o I keia o’lelo Kupono ia ka kau Kukulu lokomaika’i A me pilialoha maika’i a’e Pono ia ka kou The Rotary Club of Kahului meets every Monday at 12 noon at the Dunes at Maui Lani.