lake magog 2016 - MRC de Memphrémagog
lake magog 2016 - MRC de Memphrémagog
LAKE MAGOG 2016 BOATING SAFETY PATROL & BOAT RAMPS Memphremagog MRC Sherbrooke police department Memphremagog regional police It is the boater’s responsibility to know the by-laws governing water safety on the bodies of water they are visiting. VSHERB-01-BrochureNautique2016-EN-V2.indd 1 16-04-29 16:30 GENERAL INFORMATION This brochure provides an overview of the relevant legislation. For the purpose of interpreting and applying the regulations, the official version shall prevail. Refer to the website (in French only): • The Memphremagog MRC’s boating safety patrollers are referred to as enforcement officers for the purposes of pleasure craft regulations (Canada Shipping Act, 2001), and are authorized by Quebec’s Director of Criminal and Penal Prosecutions to issue tickets with regard to the following federal regulations: • Vessel Operation Restriction Regulations • Small Vessel Regulations • Competency of Operators of Pleasure Craft Regulations LAW ENFORCEMENT ON THE WATER The owner or person in charge of a pleasure craft, and any person on board, shall give an enforcement officer or inspector all reasonable assistance, and FURNISH any documents and information they may need to enforce regulations. You should also be aware that some boating offences can result in fines to both the operator of the boat and its owner. VSHERB-01-BrochureNautique2016-EN-V2.indd 2 16-04-29 16:30 Legend Buoys 1 Park and beach, avenue du Parc VSHERB-01-BrochureNautique2016-EN-V2.indd 3 2 boat club 16-04-29 16:30 BOAT RAMPS The Ville de Sherbrooke provides two public boat ramps for city residents, one at Parc Rodrigue and the other at Parc de la Plage-Municipale. Below you’ll find information on how to access these two sites. HOW TO OBTAIN A PASS Forms for the following passes are available online, at (in French only): Annual pass to use the boat ramps at Parc de la Plage-Municipale and Parc Rodrigue Seasonal parking pass for Parc de la Plage-Municipale Pass for boat dealers Passes may be paid for by credit card and will be sent to the address indicated on the form. Boat ramp passes must be affixed to the boat, in accordance with the instructions provided. The parking pass must be hung from the vehicles, rear-view mirror. Day passes for the boat ramp and parking lot at Parc de la Plage-Municipale can be purchased onsite and paid for by credit or debit cards. Cash and cheques are not accepted. PARC RODRIGUE For Ville de Sherbrooke residents, an annual fee of $30 per boat is required for a pass, which must be affixed to the boat, and a confidential access code to open the lock on the boat ramp’s barricade in Parc Rodrigue. Payment must be made to the Ville de Sherbrooke’s Finance Department by filling out the annual pass request form. The access code will be changed each year and will be sent out with the annual pass. The access code will be changed each year and will be sent out with the annual pass. PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE ARE NO PARKING SPACES FOR VEHICLES WITH TRAILERS NEAR PARC RODRIGUE. VSHERB-01-BrochureNautique2016-EN-V2.indd 4 16-04-29 16:30 parc de la plage-Municipale an annual or day pass is required to use the boat ramp and parking lot at parc de la plage-Municipale, which can accommodate vehicles with trailers as well as vehicles with non-motorized watercraft. residenTs non-residenTs • $10 per day, per boat • $30 per day, per boat (day pass) boat raMp (day pass) • $30 per year, per boat (annual pass) parkIng for a vehICle wIth a traIler or non-MotorIZed waterCraft • $10 per day • $30 per season, with no • $15 per day guarantee of a parking space • $250 (annual pass), for CoMMerCIal pass (boat dealers) access to the parking lot and boat ramp Fees applicable from june 1 through labour day Monday, from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. If the parC de la plage-MunICIpale’s parkIng lot Is full, we enCourage you to go to Marras street (approXIMately 800 M away), whICh has 30 or so addItIonal parkIng spaCes where you Can park for free. STREET PARkING please note that vehicles with trailers are no longer permitted to park on the streets surrounding parc rodrigue and parc de la plage-Municipale. this change has been made to promote road safety and the flow of traffic. the streets on which parking has now been banned are: • rodrigue • Joseph-pariseau • Côté • perras • ringuette • roderic • du parc a MiniMuM Fine oF $75 (pluS appliCable FeeS) May be iSSued to thoSe who Fail to CoMply with thiS new by-law. VSHERB-01-BrochureNautique2016-EN-V2.indd 5 16-04-29 16:30 CANADA SHIPPING ACT, 2001 Below you’ll find a brief list of offences and fines (not including administrative fees) Operating power-driven or electrically propelled vessel over maximum speed specified $200 Lake Magog Ruisseau Noir Maximum 10 km/h Maximum 70 km/h other areas of the lake Maximum 10 km/h Maximum 10 km/h Maximum 55 km/h within 100 m of shore MAGOG RIVER Maximum 25 km/h Ville de Magog andSherbrooke area Sainte-Catherine-de-Hatley areas within 1 km of the lake more than 1 km from the lake Underage operation of a pleasure craft $100 Allowing a person under the required age to operate a pleasure craft $250 Failing to have proof of competency on board $250 Failing to have the required pleasure craft licence on board $250 Operating a vessel with safety equipment that is not in good working order or not readily accessible and available for immediate use $200 Operating a pleasure craft without a personal flotation device (PFD) or lifejacket of appropriate size for each person on board (plus $100 for each additional PFD or lifejacket missing). $200 Operating a vessel to tow a person on water or in air without seating space on board for every person being towed $250 Operating a vessel to tow a person on water or in air without a person on board other than the operator keeping watch on every person being towed $250 BUOYS Moving a control buoy is prohibited. Buoys indicate a speed limit or restriction. VSHERB-01-BrochureNautique2016-EN-V2.indd 6 16-04-29 16:30 MUNICIPAL BY-LAW INFRACTIONS Parking restrictions for vehicles with trailers or non-motorized watercraft Any person who parks their vehicle in a space reserved for vehicles with a trailer or with non-motorized watercraft and fails to comply with the instructions issued verbally by a municipal employee carrying out their duties, or who fails to comply with the parking lot’s signage, has committed an infraction and shall be liable to the minimum fine specified in the by-law. Lock combination All persons having obtained a confidential number enabling them to open the lock for the boat ramp barrier at Parc de la rue Rodrigue are prohibited from sharing this number with any persons other than those in possession of a boat equipped with a pass. Any infractions shall be liable to a minimum fine of $50, not including administrative fees. Noise by-law The police departments of Memphremagog and Sherbrooke would like to inform boat users that there are noise by-laws throughout the territory they serve. These by-laws are intended to ensure a peaceful environment for the entire population. We ask for the cooperation of all lake users to ensure tranquility on the lakes, especially when boats are anchored in a bay. Persons found contravening noise by-laws will be fined. Impaired driving Sun, wind, and water are all factors that significantly enhance the effects of alcohol aboard a boat. Under the Criminal Code, a person operating a boat has committed an offence: • If the person’s ability to operate a boat is impaired by alcohol or a drug • If the person has consumed alcohol in such a quantity that the concentration in the person’s blood exceeds 80 mg of alcohol in 100 ml of blood Sherbrooke’s fire department recommends that you have a portable extinguisher (at least 2 lb ABC class) on board. VSHERB-01-BrochureNautique2016-EN-V2.indd 7 16-04-29 16:30 Prevention AQUATIC INVASIVE SPECIES Aquatic invasive species are those that have been introduced, accidentally or intentionally, into Quebec’s lakes and waterways. These species affect the environment, particularly an ecosystem’s biodiversity. These species: • Pose a threat to sport fishing as they replace indigenous species, such as trout (ex.: tench and Asian carp) • Take over lakes and hinder boat traffic (ex.: Eurasian watermilfoil) • Obstruct pipes (ex.: zebra mussels) Here are some simple tricks to help prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species between bodies of water: 1. Inspect 2. 3. the hull, propellers, submerged portion of the towing equipment, and ropes. Remove, and throw away in a garbage bin mud, aquatic plants, debris, and living organisms before leaving the body of water. Empty the water from the hold, live wells, buckets and coolers, etc. 4. At home, let the boat dry for at least 5 days to kill micro-organisms. For more information, go to: especes/envahissantes/methodes-prevention-controle.jsp (in French only) Inspired by Don’t cross-contaminate our lakes, by the Agence de bassin versant des 7. REFERENCES Ambulance - Fire department 9-1-1 Patrol - Memphremagog MRC 819-620-6884 Memphremagog regional police 819-843-3334 Sherbrooke police department 819-821-5555 Environment (cyanobacteria/blue-green algae) 1-866-694-5454 Association pour la préservation du lac Magog Ville de Sherbrooke 819-564-7444 Ville de Magog 819-843-7106 Sainte-Catherine-de-Hatley 819-843-1935 VSHERB-01-BrochureNautique2016-EN-V2.indd 8 16-04-29 16:30
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