Programme Page 1.jpg - live international otolaryngology network


Programme Page 1.jpg - live international otolaryngology network
Honorary Guest Faculty
Douglas 0. Baekou&. Director of the
Center lot Hearing and Sl<ull Baso S..rgety
at the Swedish Medical Ceruer In Seattkt.
His researoh lnterests lndude heaOOg pre·
servation with cochlear Implants and O$$&olnt&9fal&d dovioes. He was voted -rop
Ocelots" In Seanle MeUopoi tan Maga.tlne
and has, been named ono of the Best
Doctors in America within his specialty.
Thomas Somero M O PHD Adjunct Head
ENT Oepanmenl and Skull Base S..rgery,
European lnsdMe fO< Otolaryngology,
Antwerp (Belgium), Professor In Neurotology
at the Catholic Unlve<slty ol Louvaln (UCL)
In Brussels (Belgium),
Franco Trab alzinl Ptol&.$t>Or, Directot of
Otology and Skull Base Surgery Depart·
moot at the University Hospital of Siooa
(Italy). He is a founding member and past
president of the Eur~an Academy of
Otology Neurolology (EAONO).
International Permanent Faculty
Oavld Bowdlor, FRCS Is a Consultant ENT
Sutgeon at Unlvet$ity HospltaJ Lewisham,
London·UK with a specl&J interest In otoSogy,
In particular ctvonlc ear disease and middle
ear re<;Onstruction. He is an avthotity on
technoSogies W'l mldcle ear surgery
especially the ocoendosoope, laser and
faclai """'" monitoring. He has published
extoslvely in lhls ar-ea. Or Bowdler Is on the
Faculty of lhe since its Inception.
Chris Aldren, FRCS WOC'kS in W1ndtoi'·UK.
He has a large otological praaicG panicu·
larly in primary and revision stapes surg&ry
and ossiculoplasry. He tuns a highly rated
Advanced Middle Ear Surgety Coul'$$
evG('f y&.ar in May at WeXham Park
HO$pital. He lo&crurM and operate$ intema·
tionally. H& is a Board member of LION and
the British SOCiety of Otology. He is on the
Facutry ot the COurs.e tinee 16 years..
~----~ Oswaldo Yerclo Mondon~::. Cruz, MO
Sndy Selamen Oa Costa. Professor ENT
Department Federal University of Pono
Allegre-Btazil. He is the President ot the
Brazilian SOCiety of Otolaryngology. Or Oa
Costa is a member of several intemational
ENT societies and has pubUshed
numerous articles in international joumaJs.
He is on the Faculty of the COlKSe since
PhO, ProfesSO< ENT Department, Otology·
Neuro<ology dlviolon, Federal Vnlver~ty
of Sao Paulo-Srazll. Coordinatol' of the
Otology Center of lhe Hospital Sirfo·
libanose. Ho hM a spocial Interest In
chotosteatoma. nourotoSogy and skull base
prOO&dures and has publishOO numerous
artioles ln these fields. Ho Is on the Faculty
of the Course sinco 9 yeats.
. - - - - - - - . Manohar B:lnce, MO PhD, Professor,
Head Division OtOlaryngology, Oalh0u$ie
Unlvertity, HaJifax, Canada. Oirectot,
Ear & sense LabS. Specialized in OtOlogy
N&utoJotology and Skull Base Surgety.
He has aou-appointments as Professor
of N&ur0$Urg&ry, the SchoOl ol Communi·
cation Oi$0t'ders., and of lhe Depanment
of Biomedical Engineering. He is on the
Faculty ot the COurse tinee 3 yeat$.
L -..L-.J
John Oates, FRCS work$ in Bunon on
Trent UK where he loa.ds a busy ototogy
tertiary referral service for otosclerosis.
and os-sicular reconstruction. Ho is an
invited speaker internationally. He is the
Pr$$ident Elect of UON. He is on the
Boord o1 the British Sodety ol Otology, and
sits on the ExecU1ive of EUFOS. He is on
the Facufty of the Otology Course since
its inception
Wllko Grolman, MO PhD. Ptofe$$0r and
Chairman, Oepl of Otolaryngology University
Me<:lical Center U11'8<:ht·Netherlands. Ho heads
the University's ttaining program in ENT. and
i.s Vioe Pr$$ident and O!rectot of Research and
Education. His primary olinical intete~s are
stapes surgecy andl coohlear implantaUon,
and has pubi$hed many pubbtions in these
lioelds. Of Grofma.n is President of UON.He is
on the Facvlty of the Course sinoe 9 yew$.
John Osbome, FRCS COnsultant ENT
surgeon •• Glan Clwyd hospital, Nonh Wales
UK. Or OSbome d&vek>ped the coc:ntear
implant programme at Glan Clwyd hospital
which was the ti~ in Wales to carry ovt this
surgery. He introduced multi-disciplinary
paediatric hearing assessment dinie to help
children wilh sensori·noural deafness or
educational probSems. He is on the Fae~y
of the Ototogy Course sinee its inoepUon.
Noli Sporllng, MD Director ol Otology,
Depanment oC Otolaryngology, SUNY
Oownstate Medical College, 8rooktyn, NY·
USA. Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical
Society and selected by • Best Ooelors In
America•. Or Sperling ls an Invited lecturer
In many meetings and ls a aU1hof or eo·
author of numerous articles and books'
chapters In the fle)d of Otology. Ho Is on
the Facutry of lhe Course since 16 yea1s.
Wllllam Moretz Jr. Ci nical Professor at the
Medical College of Georgia. Augu::sta·USA.
Or. Mor6t:Z has designed mote than 60
ventilation tube.&, mkl'dle ear prostheses &
instruments .. He oontinu&Sto wodt in the
research and development ot microsurgical
technique.& and instrumentation in otology
Thomas Lonarz, M.O.• PhO, Prof~SOf &nod
Chairnl.lUl, ENT Dept. Medical University
HMnover·Germany. Membership in national
and international societies ol ENT tuld skull
bMe surgeey. His Department run$ the world's
l&rgest coehlear implant Pf091'atnme with more
thlln 5500 patient$ imp4nted since 19&4.
Other fields of ci nicat interest $18 skull base
sur~ry and bft~ins•em and midbc'ain ifi"C)lants..
-==:i;i~~, He is on the F~;~eulty of the Course since 8 years.
Over 25 years experiooce ~forming mor&
than 9,000 ear operations. He is on the
Faculty of the Coul'$& sine& 8 years.
Ouano Mol, Otologl$1, ur;on Hospital, Alberton,
South Africa. Or Mol ls in Alber1on since
2003 tuld al$0 sees patients a1 The Johannesburg
Cochlear Implant Centre . ~ has really foous.sed his
expertbo in the f~ekS of Otology and Nasal Recon.s·
truc:tive Surgery. He is invotvod as, one of the
surgeons assisting in the '"Hoar lot Life'" Cochlear
l~l:ant Program lor needy chidren &nd adult$.
Ho is on the Faculty ol the Course since 7 years
Ashlm Dcs.:al, MO
Or. A. 8 . A. Oesai ENT Clinic and Research
Center, Bombay (India) Is internationally
acknowledged as authOrities In the field of
ENT and Is Invited as guest '&Ctuter at
International and national conferences. Or
Desalls spedaiztl<l ln Mdaural tympanoo
mastoid surgery, cartilage ossk:u10t>laSly &
posteriot eanaJ reconstruction. He is on the
FOOJtty of the Course since 9 years.
Resident Faculty (Causse Ear Clinic)
- ,,- -.., Thlbaud Oumon, ;oined the Causse Ear
Clinic OtolOgy Group in 2000.
Or Oumon has a special interest in
implantable hearing aid and Chronic otitis
Robert VIncent, joined the Causse Ear
Cllnk:OiologyGroup ln 1991 .
Or V~nt has a special interest In
otoscterosls surgery and congenital
FranQOis CACES. joined the Causse
Ear Cinic Otology Group in 2014.
Or CaOOs has a special intet"est in
chronic otitis surgery and
Renaud Pialoux. joined the Cau$$0 Ear
Clinic Otology Group in 1999.
Or Pifloux has a $peQal intere~ in
chronic otitis Wld otosderosis
Welcome and Registration I Accueil et inscriptions
08: 10
Live Surgery: sessions 1A, 1B I Chirurgie en direct sessions 1A, 18
Cholesteatoma: canal wall up & down technique I Cholesteatome: technique
fermee et technique ouverte
Surgeons I Chirurgiens: Thibaud Dumon, Francois Caces
Moderators I Moderateurs: David Bowdler, Benoit Gratacap
Technical considerations: chronic ear surgery I neurotology
Considerations techniques: chirurgie de l'otite chronique I neurotologie
Otoendoscopy in CSOM I Endoscopie en chirurgie de l'otite chronique: David Bowdler
Cholesteatoma: what have we learned in the last 20 years I Choresleatome:
qu'avons-nous appris en 20 ans: Sady Selamen Da Costa
11: 20
Ossicular Reconstruction. Malleus relocation, silastic banding & malleus
replacement prosthesis (MAP) 1 Ossiculoplastie. Reposition du marteau, anneau
silastic & protMse marteau (MRP)
Robert Vincent
Live Surgery: sessions 21 Chirurgie en direct sessions 2
Vibrant Soundbridge (VSB) implantation I
Implant d'oreille moyenne Vibrant Soundbridge (V$8)
Surgeons I Chirurgiens: Thibaud Dumon
Moderators I Moderateurs: David Bowdler, Duane Mol
Lunch (Grand floor) I Lunch (Rez-de·chaussee)
Cholesteatoma in children I Cholesteatome de /'enfant
Franco Trabalzini
SniHing and patulous eustachian tube I Reniflement et Mance tubaire
Manohar Bance
lmplantable hearing devices: current status I
Protheses implantables: etat actuel
Thibaud Dumon
The Grand Inquisition: ossicular reconstruction I
Grande Inquisition: ossiculoplastie
Grand Inquisitor I Grand lnquisiteur: Chris Aldren, David Bowdler
Panel: Douglas Backous, Manohar Bance, Sady Da Costa, Benoit Gratacap,
Thomas Somers, Franco Trabalzini , Francois Caces.
Stapes surgery: otosclerosis & congenital malformations. Rules & hints I
Chirurgie stapedienne: otospongiose & malformations congenitales.
Regles et conselts.
John Oates, Wilko Grolman, Robert Vincent
Adjoum I Fin du programme scientifique
Free shuttle bus service from the Clinic to Beziers downtown I SeNice de navette gratuite
vers le centre de vi/le de B9ziers
Welcome reception & dinner I Reception de bienvenue et dtner
Chateau de la Tour, Montady
Free shuttle bus service from Beziers Downtown at 19:30 or Causse Clinic at 19:45/
Service de navette gratuite depuis le centre de ville de 8eziers 19h30 ou depuis la
Clinique a 19h45
Live Surgery
Chirurgie en direct
Session 1B : F. CACES
OR /Bloc 5
w ~ ~ ~-·-·-·-·
~ ~ ~ ~
Left ear: Tympanoplasty for CSOM with cholesteatoma.
Canal wall down technique. Orei/lc gauche: Tympanoptastie
Right ear: Tympanoplasty for CSOM with cholesteatoma.
Canal wall up technique. Orei/le droile: Tympana·
en technique ouverte pour chotesteatome.
plastie en technique fermee pour cholesteatome.
Clinical: 36 y.old male. Previous left tympanoplasty 1994.
for CSOM with cholesteatoma. Progressive hearing loss
with otorrhoea. Otoscopy: unstable left canal wall down
mastoidectomy; scarred tympanic membrane
Clinique: Homme de 36 ans. Tympanoplastie gauche
Clinical: 39 y.old female. Left failed tympanoplasty tor
CSOM with cholesteatoma (other surgeon) in 2008.
Bilateral progressive hearing loss. Recent history of posi·
tional vertigo. Otosoopy: left fibrous tympanic membrane.
Right cholesteatoma.
en 1994 pour cholesteatome. Surdite progressive avec
otorrMe. Otoscopie: Cavite ouverte instable; tympan
Clinique: Femme de 39 ans. Cholesteatome gauche
opere en 2008 (autre chirurgien). Surdite progressive
bilaterafe. Recents episodes de vertiges postionnels.
Otoscopie: tympan gauche epaissi et fibreux; cholesteatomedroit.
. ------1
Pure tone audiometry I audiometrie tonate
~_. us
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Right ear J Oroilftt drolto
CT-Scan I Scanner
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Pure tone audiometry I audlometrle tonale
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Right ear I Orolllo droito
CT-Scan I Scanner
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Left ear I OreJffo gaucho
Page 6
Right ear: Vibrant Soundbridge (VSB) middle ear
implantation. Oreille droite: Implant d'oreille moyenne
Vibant Scundbridge (VSB)
Clinical: 76 y. old female. Personal history of cleft palate
and bilateral chronic otitis media. 6 previous failed tympanoplasties. Bilateral stable residual hearing loss.
Otoscopy: bilateral central perforation
Clinique: Femme de 76 ans avec division palatine et
otite chronique bilaterale. 6 precMentes tympanoplasties
sans resultat. Surdite bilaterale sequel/a ire stable.
Otoscopie: Perforation tympanique centrale bilaterale.
Pure tone audiometry I Audiometrie tonsle
.. ----·-
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Right ear I Orililf& droite
-- -
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Left ear I Ol'$flltJ g4uche
Page 7
08: 15
Welcome I Accueil
Live Surgery: session 3A & 38 I Chirurgie en direct sessions 3A & 3B
Otosclerosis primary surgery I Otospongiose primaire
Surgeons I Chirurgiens: Renaud Pialoux, Robert Vincent
Moderators I Moderateurs: Jon Osborne, John Oates, Wilko Grolman
Technical considerations: Ossicular reconstruction & Stapes Surgery I
Considerations techniques: Ossiculoplastie & chirurgie stapedienne
Otosclerosis: from the lab to the clinical set I Otospongiose: du laboratoire
au bloc operatoire: Sady Da Costa- Ossiculoplasty, why bother? I Ossiculoplasties,
quoi bon ?: Chris Aldren- Biomechanics in ossicular reconstruction I Biomecanique
des ossiculoplasties : Manohar Bance
Live Surgery: session 4A & 48 I Chirurgie en direct sessions 4A & 48
Otosclerosis revision surgery and revision ossiculoplasty for malleus ankylosis I
Reprise chirurgicale pour otospongiose et reprise d'ossiculoplastie pour ankylose
du marteau
Surgeons I Chirurgiens: Renaud Pialoux, Robert Vincent
Moderators I Moderateurs: Chris Aldren, John Oates, Wilko Grolman
Middle ear mechanics I Mecanique de l'oreille moyenne
Manohar Bance
12: 15
Lunch (Grand floor) I Lunch (Rez-de-chaussee)
Hearing reconstruction of the modified radical mastoidectomy: Ossiculoplasty or
osseointegration I Reconstruction de /'audition dans les cavites d'evidement:
Ossiculoplasties ou osteointegration.
Douglas Backous
Obliteration technique in cholesteatoma surgery: why and how? I Techniques
d'obliteration en chirurgie du cholesteatome: pourquoi et comment ?
Thomas Somers
In the footsteps of captain Bligh I Dans les pas du capitaine Bligh
Jonathan Osborne
16: 15
The Grand Inquisition in stapes surgery I
Grande Inquisition en chirurgie stapedienne
Grand Inquisitor I Grand lnquisiteur: Sady Selamen Da Costa, Duane Mol
Panel: Chris Aldren, Manohar Bance, Douglas Backous, Wilko Grolman, John Oates,
Thomas Somers,
17: 15
Adjourn I Fin du programme scientifique
Free shuttle bus service from the Clinic to Beziers downtown I Service de navette gratuite
vers le centre de ville de Beziers
Gala dinner I Diner de gala
Registration is required for the gala dinner as sitting is limited I
Inscription obligatoire pour le diner de gala car nombre de places limite
(Dressing code: casual I Habillement: decontracte)
Domaine Le Clos de Maussanne I Domaine du Clos de Maussanne
Free shuttle bus service from the Clinic at 19:15 or from Beziers downtown at at 19:30 I
Service de navette gratuite de puis la Clinique a 19h 15 ou de puis le centre de ville de
Beziers a a 19h30
XVII'" International Otology Course I XVII'"" Cours International d'Otologie
~ ~ w ~ ~ ® ~ ®
Left ear: Otosclerosis primary surgery. Stapedotomy
with vein graft interposition. Transcanal approach.
Stapedotomy wilh the Skeeter·Oto·Tool & without laser.
Left ear: Otosclerosis primary surgery. Stapedotomy
with vein graft interposition. Transcanal approach. CO.
laser with the Omniguide fiber & Osseostap microdrill.
Oreille gouche: Otospongiose primaire. Stap6dotomie
avec interposition veineuse sans laser et avec Skeeter·
Oto· Toot. Abord trans-canalaire.
Oreille gauche: Otospongiose primaire. Stapedotomie
avec interposition veineuse. Abord trans-canalaire. Laser
C02 avec fibre Omniguide et microfraise Osseostap.
Clinical: 65 y.old male. Progressive bilateral hearing
loss since few years. Family history negative. No tinnitus
nor dizziness. Otoscopy: normal. Tuning fort<: Weber test
lateralized towards the left ear
Clinique: Homme de 65 ans. Surdite progressive
bilaterate sans acouphime ni vertige. Pas d'antec6dents
familiaux de surdite. Otoscopie: norma/e. Diapason: test
de Weber lateralise vers l'oreille gauche
Pure tone audiometry I Audiometrie tona/e
~ ., IH
-- ----- _,••• .• -
Clinical: 54 y. old female. Progressive bilateral hearing
loss more severe on the left ear. No tinnitus nor dizziness.
Family history of otosclerosis. Otoscopy normal.
Tuning forte Weber test lateralized towards the left ear.
CT-Scan: bilateral otosclerotic foci
Clinique: Femme de 54 ans. Surdite bilaterale depuis
plus importante gauche, sans acouphi!ne ni vertige.
Antecedents familiaux d'otospongiose. Otoscopie
norma/e. Diapason: Weber lat(ualise vers l'oreille
gauche. Scanner : foyers d'otospongiose bilateraux
Pure tone audiometry I Audio.metrie tonale
Right ear I Oreille droite
•• r-
Left ear I Orellle gaucho
•• r
,__ _ _ .!/'
- "-i-::;:p-' q :
Right ear I Orollto drolto
Left ear I Orolflo gauche
Right ear: Otosclerosis revision surgery. Stapedotomy
with vein graft interposition. Transcanal approach.
Oreille droite: Reprise chirurgicale pour otospongiose.
Stap8dotomie avec interposition veineuse. Abord transcanalaire.
Clinical: 43 y.old male. Previous right stapedotomy in
2003 (same surgeon). There was a partially eroded incus
and ossiculoplasty was performed with a bucket-type
talion prosthesis. Good initial result over 18 months.
Recurrent right hearing loss since few months. Otoscopy:
normal.Tuning fork: Weber lateralised towards the right
Cllnique: Homme de 43 ans. Otospongiose droite
operee en 2003 (meme chirurgien) avec bon resultat
initial. Ossiculoplastie par protMse bucket compte tenu
de /'existence d'une lyse partielle de l'enclume. Bon
resulat initial. Surdite droite r{icidivante depuis 2 mois.
Otoscopie: norma/e. Acoumetrie au diapason: Weber
lateralise sur l'oreille droite.
- --..
Pure tone audiometry I Audiometrie tonale
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Right ear I Orellle drolto
Left ear I Orollte geudto
Right ear: Revision tympanoplasty for malleus ankylosis.
Transcanal approach. Malleus-to-footplate assembly.
Oreille droite: Reprise d'ossiculoplastie pour ankylose
du marteau. ProtMse totale marteau-platine
Clinical: 74 y.old female. tst right tympanoplasty in 1999
(same surgeon) for epitympanic malleus ankylosis.
OssicuiOplasty w~h PORP. Good initial result followed by
progressive recurrent right hearing loss over time. Right
revision in 2008 (same surgeon). Middle ear exploration
revealed a dislocated prosthesis and ossiculoplasty was
performed with a 5.50 mm lenght TORP using a combined
technique of malleus relocation and sitastic banding
(malleus-to-footplate assembly). Good initial result over 2
years follOwed by recurrent mixed hearing loss. A second
right revision was attempted in 2013 (same surgeon). The
prosthesis was short and a 6.00mm lenght malleus piston
was inserted. There was a good initial result but the patient
suffered from vertigo with positive fistula sign. The patient
was reoperated and a perilymph fistula was identified. The
piston was removed and the oval window was covered by
a vein graft. No ossiculoptasty was attemped. Otoscopy:
closed and stable left TM. Right ear normal. Clinique:
Femme de 74 ans. Oreille droite operee en 1999 (meme
chirurgien) pour ankylose du marteau avec ossiculoplastie
par PORP Bon resultat initial stable plusieurs annees,
suivie de la reapparitin d'une surdite droite progressive.
Reprise operatoire droite en 2008 (~me chirurgien)
montrant une bascule de la prothese; ossiculoplastie par
protMse totale de 5,5mm (TORP) avec reposition du marteau et anneau silastic. Bon resultat stable pendant 2 ans
suivi de la reapparition d'une surdite droite. Une seconde
reprise chirurgicale est ettectuee en 2013 (~me chirurgien) objectivant une protMse trop courte. Ossiculoplastie
par piston-malleus de 6mm de long. Bon resultat audiometrique mais le patient presentant des manifestations
vertigineuses avec signe de la fistule une 3eme reprise
est ettectuee en 2013 avec mise en evidence d'une
fistule perilymphatique. Depose de la protMse, sans
reconstruction et couverture de la fistule par gretton
veineux. Otoscopie norma/e.
Pure tone audiometry I Audiomelrie lonale
Right ear I Oreifle droito
Left ear I Orsil/e gaucM
Page 10
08: 15
Welcome I Accueil
live Surgery: session 5A & 58 I Chirurgie en direct sessions 5A & 58
Ossiculoplasty. Malleus relocation & silastic banding technique • Malleus
Replacement Prosthesis (MAP) and PONTO implantation I
Ossicu/optastie. Reposition du marteau et anneau silastic • Prothese Marteau
(MRP) et Implant PONTO
Surgeons I Chirurgiens: Thibaud Oumon, Robert Vincent
Moderators 1 Moderateurs: Wilko Grolman, Chris Aldren
Interventions into the inner ear • Current status of hearing preservation. Cochlear
implantation and beyond 1 Chirurgie de f'oreiffe interne • Etat actuet de fa preservation
de /'audition. Implant: cochleaire et au-deta: Thomas Lenarz
The challenges of middle ear surgery in a Third World: Africa 1 Les delis de la chirurgie
otofogique du Tiers-monde, f'Afrique: Ouane Mol
Adjourn I Fin du programme scientifique Lunch (ground floor) I Lunch (rez-de-chau~e)
live Surgery: session 5C & 50 I Chirurgie en direct sessions 5C & 50
Ossiculoplasty • Malleus relocation & silastic banding technique and 8AHA Connect
bone anchored HA implantation I Ossicutoptastie • Reposition du marteau et anneau
sifastic et implant BAHA Connect
Surgeons 1 Chirurgiens: Renaud Pialoux, Thibaud Oumon
Moderators I Moderateurs: John Oates, Oswaldo Laercio Cruz
P3gc •r
live Surgery
Chirurgie en direct
Live Surgery
SA: R. Vincent
OR 1Bioc6
lt!i \a! \&1 Ill> li,J le/ \&1 ~
Right ear: Tympanoplasty revision. Ossiculoplasty with
HA-Titanium total prosthesis (TO RP). Oreille droite:
Tympanoplastie. Ossiculoplaslie par prothese totale
HA-Tilane (TORP)
Clinical: 82 y. old female. Long-term histol)' of repealed
otitis since childhood. Bilateral tympanoplasty for CSOM
with cholesteatoma during childhood. Bilateral stable
residual hearing loss. Failed bone conduction hearing aid.
Otoscopy: bilaterallateralized TM
Clinical: 29 y.old female.Long term histol)' of repeated
otitis. 3 previous right failed typanoplasties (1998, 2000,
2001) with good initial result (other surgeon) followed by
progressive recurrent right hearing loss. No otorrhoea.
Otoscopy: right ear normal with correct position of the
prosthesis' head.
Cllnlque: Femme de 29 ans. Antecedents omiques.
3 precedentes tympanoplasties bilaterates en 1998, 2000
et 2001 (autre chirurgien) avec bon resuttat initial suivi
d'Une degradation progressive de /'audition. Pas
d'otorrhlie. Otoscopie : tympan normal droite avec
position priori correcte de la tete de la prothese.
__- -----.
Pure tone audiometry I ...,
Audiometrie tonsle
OR /Bloc 5
~ ~ \a! \&1 ~ li,J ~ \&1
Left ear: PONTO bone anchored hearing aid implantation
Oreille gauche: limp/ant ancrage osseux PONTO
Chirurgie en direct
Session 58 : T. Oumon
n mE':
Clinique: Femme de 82 ans. Long passe d'otite chronique
Antecedents de tympanoplastie bilaterare pour chotesteatome. Surdite sequeltaire residuette stable. Echec d'appareiltage par voie osseuse. Otoscopie: lateralisation
de grelfe bilaterate
Pure tone audiometry I Audiometrie tonsls
I 11 I I I ••
Left ear I Orttillt~ gaucho
Right ear I Oreille droite
Right ear I Oro/1/(J drollo
Left ear I
Or6iJ~ gaucho
Page 12
1Live Surgery
Chirurgie en direct
Session 5C : Renaud Pialoux
Right ear: Revision tympanoplasty with ossiculoplasty.
Oreilte droite: Reprise de tympanoptastie avec ossicutcptas·
Right ear: Left ear: BAHA Connect bone anchored
hearing aid implantation Oreilte gsuche: Implant
ncrage osseux BAHA Connect
Clinical: 66 y.old female. Long term history of repeated
otitis. Previous type 1 right tympanoplasty (other surgeon)
in 1988. Left type 1 tympanoplasty (other surgeon) in
1989. Failed right revision tympanoplasty in 2005 (other
surgeon) without hearing improvement. Bilateral residual
hearing loss without otorrhoea. Otoscopy: right ear
normal; left ear, anterior stable TM perforation.
Clinique: Femme de 66 ans avec antectidents d'otite
chronique bilaterale. Tympanoplastie droite (type 1) en
1988 (autre chirurgien). Tympanoplastie gauche (type 1)
en 1989 (autre chirurgien). Echecde reprise de tympanoptastie droite en 2005 (autre chirurgien) avec surdite
residue/le. Otoscopie : oreille droite norma/e. Perforation
tympanique gauche anteneure
Clinical: 53 y.old female. Long term history of bilateral
repeated otitis since childhood. Two previous left
tympanoplasty for CSOM with cholesteatoma (1986 and
2011 ). Left stable residual hearing loss, dizziness.
Otoscopy: right ear normal. left ear: stable canal wall
down mastoidectomy, scarred tympanic membrane
Pure tone audiometry I Audiometrie tonste
Pure tone audiometry I Audiometrie tonsle
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Right ear I Oreilfe drone
Left ear I Orellle gauche
with incus erosion.
Clinique: Femme de 53 ans. Antecedent d'otite
chronique depuis l'enfance. Deux prectidentes tympano·
plasties gauches pour cholesteatome (1986 et 2011).
Surdite gauche residue/le et stable, avec vertiges.
Otoscopie: oreille droite norma/e. Oreille gauche: cavite
ouverte stable avec tympan atrophique et lyse de
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Right ear I Orsille droite
Left ear I Orellle gauche
Page 13
Free internet access I Acces internet gratuit
Free internet access is available during the course. The 2 terminals are located
at the ground floor of the clinic (F) I Acces interne! gratuit pendant le cours avec
2 bornes internet au rez-de-chaussee (F)
Certificate of attendance- CME Credit I Certificat de presence- FMC
The 17th International Otology Course has been accredited by the European
Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) and is designed
for up to 15 CME credits. Certificate of attendance and CME forms will be available
at the registration desk of the course (F: ground floor) I Le 176me Cours International
d'Otologie a ete accredite par le Conseil Europeen d'Accreditation pour la FMC
(EACCME) pour une valeur de 15 points. Les certificats de presence
et de FMC sont
aretirer au bureau des inscriptions (F: rez-de-chaussee)
Recording of the Course I Enregistrement du Cours:
The 17th International Otology Course will soon be available in the
e-library of the LION at: and in the LION
YouTube channel :
Le 17M,. Cours d'Otologie sera rapidement disponible sur la e-library
du site internet du LION ainsi que sur la chaine
You Tube du LION (Live International Otolaryngology Network)
Lunch, exhibits I Lunch, stands
Exhibits are located at the ground floor (F) and the otology department (D) I Les stands
sont situes au rez de chaussee (F) et au niveau du department d'otologie (D). Lunch
takes olace in front of the Clinic buildino Ill I Lunch en face de la Cliniaue fLJ
Ground floor I Re: de chatJssk
F: F'r«<ldHt!DMD~(r~ / s--~~
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2nd floor I 2eme etage
I st floor I I er &age
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D: ~ D<1*tJDml l ~,._..,~~-
!>: P.~~tlftii'S room 1c~ M pat'lmtl
Page ' 4
Special thanks to the sponsors
of the 17th International Otology Course
Remerciements aux sponsors
du 17eme Cours International d'Otologie
~ amplifon
Oonnez du son.\ la vie
) )~P$t0THtSI$US
The Organizing Committee of the 17'" International Otology Course
wishes to thank Roger and An ne Authie for their great contribution
18th International
Otology Course
18eme Cours International
Causse Ear Clinic
Clinique Causse
June 23 - 25, 2016
23-25 Juin 2016