exhibitions AMEC 2014 2 nd AESTHETIC & Anti-Aging Medicine European Congress Aesthetic Dermatology and Surgery, Preventive and Anti-Aging Medicine 24 - 25 october 2014 Paris, Palais des congrès AMEC 2014 - The European Event for “Global Anti-Aging Management” FINAL PROGRAM Compete for the best clinical case and win an Anti-Aging & Beauty Trophy HAND & ARM REJUVENATION FRIDAY 24 OCTOBER INTERNATIONAL HAIR SURGERY MASTER COURSE FRIDAY 24 OCTOBER EUROPEAN PLASTIC AND AESTHETIC SURGERY RENDEZ-VOUS SATURDAY 25 OCTOBER 12 CME CREDITS AMEC 2014 the business crossroad of the anti-aging industry traduction - translation Scientific committee / comité scientifique 2 SCIENTIFIC DIRECTORS Sabine ZENKER Dermatologist Munich, Germany Ali PIRAYESH Plastic Surgeon Amsterdam, The Netherlands Inès VERNER Dermatologist Kiriat Ono, Israel Claude Dalle Anti-Aging Physician Paris, France 2nd AESTHETIC & Anti-aging Medicine European Congress, AMEC 2014 “THE” START-OF-THE-SEASON EUROPEAN CONGRESS! Following to the success of the 1st Anti-aging Medicine European Congress launched last year in Paris, Euromedicom and Informa Exhibitions are now pleased to welcome you to the 2nd edition, AMEC 2014. Being developed to meet the need at a European scale for a larger global Aesthetic & Anti-Aging event at the start of new season, the congress has been founded on a multispecialty approach for aesthetic practice and a multidisciplinary one for Preventive and Anti-Aging Medicine. Under the scientific supervision of the World Society of Interdisciplinary Anti-aging Medicine (WOSIAM) and its sister association, Multispecialty European Society for Aesthetic and Anti-aging Medicine (MESAAM), the AMEC 2014 scientific program is moreover the result of the close collaboration with different active medical partner associations from Russia, Northern Europe and South East Asia Highly Practical and Clinically Relevant Content in Global Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Management for All Levels of Expertise! Marked with its superb content developed by the knowledgeable Directors and Committee, the AMEC 2014 gathers together selected acclaimed and enthusiastic speakers with high experience. The scientific program is emphasized on a highly PRACTICAL content and adapted to physicians of all levels of expertise. Several interactive live demonstration sessions will address clinically relevant essentials. The physicians who begin their aesthetic and anti-aging practice will benefit from the sessions that provide rapid and necessary background to embark. The experienced physicians will take advantage of advanced information and experts’ knowledge to benchmark and excel their performance. The participants can directly and assuredly apply this updated and acquired information to their daily clinical practice. THE 2nd ANTI-AGING & BEAUTY TROPHY Considering its high value added to this continually evolving discipline, Euromedicom organizes the 2nd Anti-aging & Beauty Trophy awarding the Industry. The Trophy will be conferred to the companies for their best & innovative products and technologies of the year. With an effort to promote and encourage high-standard practices, we will be nominating physicians for their “Best Clinical Cases”. You are cordially invited to participate in the Trophy award ceremony on Friday, October 24th at 6.30PM (AMEC exhibition area). AESTHETICS FROM HEAD TO TOES! Several sessions are organized to complete the AMEC program: - The 2nd ADVANCED AESTHETIC SURGERY “RENDEZ-VOUS” live demo from operating room (Clinique Alphand, Paris) - The 4th IHSMC - International Hair Surgery Master Course - The 7th iClass Hand 2014 (Int. master Class with Live demos on Aesthetic Surgery & Skin rejuvenation of the Hand) INDUSTRY BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CROSSROADS Over 130 leading companies are waiting for you to discover their latest products and technologies. We are confident that this congress will be an excellent forum for state-of-the-art information and your visit to the AMEC 2014 will prove worthwhile and rewarding. Welcome to the 2nd AMEC! L’INCONTOURNABLE CONGRÈS EUROPÉEN DE LA RENTRÉE ! LE 2ème CONGRES EUROPÉEN EN ESTHETIQUE ET MÉDECINE ANTI-ÂGE, AMEC 2014 Suite au succès de la première édition du congrès Européen de Médecine Anti-âge, Euromedicom & Informa sont heureux de vous accueillir au 2ème AMEC 2014 à Paris. L’AMEC a été créé afin de répondre au niveau européen à la demande d’un événement Esthétique et Anti-âge de grande dimension dès la rentrée. Il se base sur une approche multispécialistede l’esthétique médicale et chirurgicale et une approche pluridisciplinaire de la médecine préventive et anti-âge. Sous le contrôle scientifique de la WOSIAM (World Society ofInterdisciplinary Anti-aging Medicine) et de sa nouvelle association soeur, la MESAAM (Multispecialty European Society for Aesthetic and Anti-aging Medicine), l’AMEC 2014 est en outre le résultat d’une étroite collaboration entre différentes associations scientifiques partenaires provenant de Russie, Europe du Nord et Asie du Sud Est. Un contenu à la fois très pratique et cliniquement pertinent dans la prise en charge globale du vieillissement à tous les niveaux d’expertise ! L’AMEC se démarque par un contenu d’un niveau scientifique élevé, élaboré par ses directeurs et comité d’experts. D’un point de vue didactique, le programme scientifique de l’AMEC se concentre sur un contenu très CONCRET avec des séances de démonstrations interactives en direct. Les différents intervenants triés sur le volet communiqueront avec enthousiasme leur savoir-faire et les résultats de leurs recherches. Les Médecins les plus expérimentés pourront profiter des dernières tendances et connaissances d’experts afin de comparer et améliorer leur pratique.Les participants peuvent directement et assurément appliquer cette information dans leur pratique quotidienne. LE 2ème ANTI-AGING & BEAUTY TROPHY Compte tenu de la constante évolution et de la forte valeur ajoutée du domaine de l’esthétique et de l’Anti-âge, Euromedicom est heureux d’organiser la 2ème édition des « Anti-Aging & Beauty Trophy ». Des trophées seront décernés aux sociétés pour récompenser les marques et les produits les plus innovants. C’est aussi l’occasion de reconnaître et de récompenser les médecins pour leur meilleurs cas cliniques (procédures médicales, chirurgicales et Anti-âge) toujours dans le but d’encourager et promouvoir les praticiens de haut niveau. Vous êtes cordialement invité à participer à la cérémonie de remise des prix le vendredi 24 octobre à 18h30 (dans le hall de l’exposition). L’ESTHÉTIQUE DE LA TÊTE AUX PIEDS ! Le programme de l’AMEC est associé à plusieurs sessions : - Le deuxième « RENDEZ-VOUS » DE CHIRURGIE ESTHÉTIQUE AVANCÉE avec chirurgie en direct (transmisssion de la Clinique Alphand, Paris) - Le 4e IHSMC - International Hair Surgery Master Course - Cours de chirurgie capillaire - Le 7e iClass Hand 2014 (master classe internationale avec démonstrations en direct de rajeunissement cutané de la main) LE CARREFOUR DE L’INUSTRIE POUR LES PROFESSIONNELS DE L’ANTI-ÂGE Plus de 130 grandes entreprises exposantes vous attendent pour vous faire découvrir leurs derniers produits et technologies et répondre à vos questions. Nous sommes certains que ce congrès sera pour vous un forum incontournable et que votre visite de l’AMEC 2014 sera fructueuse. Bienvenue au 2ème congrès AMEC ! INTERNATIONAL ACCREDITATION: 12 CME CREDITS The ‘2nd AMEC 2014’ is accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) to provide the following CME activity for medical specialists. The EACCME is an institution of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS), The ‘2nd AMEC 2014’ is designated for a maximum of (or ‘for up to’) 12 hours of European external CME credits. Each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the educational activity. Through an agreement between the European Union of Medical Specialists and the American Medical Association, physicians may convert EACCME credits to an equivalent number of AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Information on the process to convert EACCME credit to AMA credit can be found at Live educational activities, occurring outside of Canada, recognized by the UEMS-EACCME for ECMEC credits are deemed to be Accredited Group Learning Activities (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. Scientific committee / comité scientifique Anti-Aging and Preventive Medicine Scientific Board Claude Chauchard Anti-Aging Physician Paris, France Hong Kong, China Cem EKMEKCIOGLU Christophe de Jaeger Assoc. Prof. Physiology Prof. Physiology Vienna, Austria Paris, France Cristina Maggioni Prof. Gynecology Milan, Italy Ascanio Polimeni Neuro-Endocrinologist Milan, Italy Aesthetic Dermatology and Surgery Scientific Board Peter C. Konturek Prof. Internal Med & Gastroenterology Saalfeld, Germany Octavio Viera Anti-Aging Physician Las Palmas, Spain Christian Dumontier Prof. Plastic Surgery Nice, France Chytra ANAND Dermatologist Bangalore, India Natalia MANTUROVA Plastic Surgeon Russia iClass Hand 2014 Vincent CASOLI Prof. Plastic Surgery & Anatomy Bordeaux, France 3 Wolfgang Philipp-Dormston Dermatologist Cologne, Germany Raj ACQUILLA Dermatologist London, UK Doris DAY Dermatologist New York, USA European Plastic & Aesthetic Surgery Rendez-Vous Matthieu Beustes-Stefanelli Plastic & Hand Surgeon Biarritz, France Eric PLOT Plastic Surgeon Paris, France Dario BERTOSSI Plastic Surgeon Verona, Italy Sylvie POIGNONEC Plastic Surgeon Paris, France Antoine PARASKEVAS Plastic surgeon Paris, France Klaus HOFFMANN Dermatologist Bochum, Germany Jean-Marc Chardonneau Phlebolologist Nantes, France Ihsmc Scientific Director Pierre Bouhanna Dermatologist, Hair Surgeon Paris, France AMEC SPEAKERS ACCRADO Ciro Plastic Surgeon Pozzuoli, Italy ACQUILLA Raj Dermatologist Cheshire, UK AGARWAL Madhuri Dermatologist Mumbai, India AIDAN PatrickORL Surgeon Paris, France AL-NAGASH MagdalynaDermatologist Kharkov, Ukraine ALLAERT François-André Prof. Public Health Dijon, France AMAR Jean-AlbertDermatologist Paris, France AMGAR Gilbert Aesthetic Physician Maisons-Laffitte, France Ammar OussamaEntrepreneur Consultant Paris, France ANAND ChytraDermatologistBangalore, India AVERINA VladlenaDermatologist Kiev, Ukraine BAKKAR KhalidResearch Scientist Paris, France BEILIN GhislaineAesthetic Physician Paris, France BENHAMOU Albert-ClaudeAesthetic Physician Paris, France BERNE FredrikAesthetic SurgeonSavedalen, Sweden BERNING Angelika Psychoanalyst/PsychotherapistHannover, Germany BERTOSSI Dario Plastic SurgeonVerona, Italy BESINS Thierry Plastic SurgeonNice, France BESSASSI Mohamed PsychiatristCaen, France BEUSTES-STEFANELLI MatthieuPlastic Surgeon Biarritz, France BEZOT Jean-FrançoisAnti-aging Physician Paris, France BOUHANNA Eric Plastic Surgeon Paris, France BOUHANNA PierreDermatologist, Hair Surgeon Paris, France BOUREZANE Yazid Dermatologist Besançon, France BRAMBILLA Massimiliano Plastic Surgeon Milan, Italy CABECA AnnaIntegrative Medicine SpecialistJacksonville, USA CAKIR Ruhi Ozone Therapist Istanbul, Turkey CAPT Marcel Anti-Aging Physician Lausanne, Switzerland CASADIO SophieAesthetic Physician Marseille, France CASOLI Vincent Plastic SurgeonBordeaux, France CAVALLINI Maurizio Plastic Surgeon Milan, Italy CAVELIER-BALLOY BénédicteDermatologist Paris, France CHANTREY Jonquille Plastic SurgeonAlderley Edge, UK CHARDONNEAU Jean-MarcPhlebologistNantes, France CHAUCHARD Claude Anti-aging Physician Paris, France / Hong Kong, China CLAUDE Olivier Plastic Surgeon Paris, France CODNER Mark Plastic SurgeonAtlanta, USA CUELLAR Eduardo Serna Plastic SurgeonSantander, Spain CURTAY Jean-PaulSpecialist in Nutrition Therapy Paris, France D’ALESSIO Patrizia Biologist-Biochemist Paris, France DALLE ClaudeAnti-aging Physician Paris, France DAY DorisDermatologistNew York, USA DE JAEGER Christophe Prof. Physiology Paris, France DEGRAVE Marie Hélène MicrobiologistLille, France DELMAR Henry Plastic SurgeonCap d’Antibes, France DEMENEIX Barbara Prof. Molecular Physiology Paris, France & Endrocrinology DEPREZ PhilippeAesthetic PractitionerEmpuriabrava, Spain DIERICKX Christine C.DermatologistBoom, Belgium DONICI DorinaGynecologist Moscow, Russia DUBOIS DidierAesthetic PhysicianAngers, France DUMONTIER Christian Prof. Plastic Surgery Paris, France DUSKOVA Michaela Endocrinologist Prague, Czech Republic EKMEKCIOGLU CemAssoc. Prof. PhysiologyVienna, Austria EVE LindaAesthetic PhysicianBournemouth, Dorset, UK FANTOZZI Fabio Plastic SurgeonRome, Italy FITOUSSI CamilleDermatologist Paris, France FOLDES Pierre Plastic SurgeonSt-Germain en Laye, France FRIEDMAN Nimrod Plastic Surgeon Tel Aviv, Israel FRITZ KlausDermatologistLandau, Germany FUNDARO Salvatore Plastic Surgeon Modena, Italy GALADARI HassanDermatologistDubai, UAE GALATOIRE OlivierOculoplastic Surgeon Paris, France GANSS ChristophSurgeonHeidelberg, Germany GAUCHER CatherineDermatologist Paris, France GIAUSSERAN Fabien Aesthetic Physician Lille, France GOBIN Jean-PierreAngiologistLyon, France GODIC AleksandarDermatologistCambridge, UK GOLDIE KateDermatologistLondon, UK GOLTSOVA ElenaDermatologist Tuymen, Russia GOREN Andy Prof. DermatologyCranbury, USA GOUT UlianaAesthetic PhysicianLondon, UK GUTOP EkaterinaDermatologist Yaroslavl, Russia HADDAD RichardAnti-aging Physician Paris, France HAEDERSDAL Merete Prof. DermatologyCopenhaken, Denmark HILL Martin-PhillipGynecologist Malvern, Australia HOPPING Steven B. Plastic Surgeon Washington, USA HUMPHREY ShannonDermatologistVancouver, Canada HUTH JoëlleENT & Aesthetic Face Surgeon Perigueux, France IONITA LaviniaAnti-aging Physician Paris, France JANOVSKA JanaDermatologistRiga, Latvia KANE Michael Plastic SurgeonNew York, USA KATSAMBAS AndreasDermatologistAthens, Greece KENDZIOR Phillip Marketing Specialist Frankfurt am Main, Germany KLEHR Nikolaus W. Anti-aging Physician Munich, Germany KLEINE-GUNK Bernd Prof. Gynecology, GSAAM President Fürth, Germany KOLLIAS Peter General Manager, Industry Amsterdam, Netherlands KONTUREK Peter C. Prof. Internal Med & GastroenterologySaalfeld, Germany KRAUSE MarioAnti-aging PhysicianHannover, Germany KWON Han Jin Dermatologist & Surgeon Seoul, South Korea LAFARGE-CLAOUÉ BéatricePlastic Surgeon Paris, France LEBEDEVA SvetlanaDermatologistSt. Petersburg, Russia LEBRE ElyaneAnti-aging Top Chef Paris, France LESHUNOV EvgeniiDermatologist Moscow, Russia LIPKO-GODLEWSKA SylwiaDermatologist Krakow, Poland LIPP StefanAesthetic PhysicianDusseldorf, Germany LLORCA Vincenta Aesthetic Physician Villajoyosa, Spain LOBUZNOV AndreyAnti-Aging PhysicianSankt-Petersburg, Russia LOPEZ Juan Carlos Aesthetic Practitioner Sao Paulo, Brazil LOTTI TorelloDermatologistFlorence, Italy MAGGIONI Cristina Prof. Gynecology Milan, Italy MANTZOURANI TheodoraAnti-aging PhysicianLondon, UK MARINI Leonardo Prof. Dermatology Trieste, italy MAROTTA Francesco Prof. Internal Med & Gastroenterology Milan, Italy McNAMARA MichaelRadiologist Monte-Carlo, Monaco MENSAH PascalImmuno-PhysicianNîme, France MESTRE Jean-René Prof. NutritionChadrac, France MICHEELS Patrick Aesthetic Physician Geneva, Switzerland ALOISANTONI Vincenzo Scientist Rome, Italy Brauer Jeremy A. DermatologistNew York, USA BURK Keith Aesthetic Practitioner Toronto, Canada CASTIGLIONI Mauro Pharmacist Milan, Italy DALLE Claude Anti Aging Physician Paris, France DONICI DorinaAnti Aging PhysicianGeneva, Swiss DUBOIS DidierAesthetic PractitionerAngers, France IGNACIUK Andrzej Aesthetic Practitioner Warsaw, Poland LEWIS Jane Clinic Managing director St. Albans, UK LLORCA Vicenta Aesthetic Practitioner Villajoyosa, Spain MATLIN SteveLife Length’s CEO Madrid, Spain POIGNONEC Sylvie Plastic Surgeon Paris, France MILLERET René Vascular Surgeon Pézenas, France MIMOUN SylvainGynecologist Paris, France MORRISSON Colin M. Plastic SurgeonDublin, Ireland NARANJO PabloAesthetic Physician Madrid, Spain NATAF RobertBiologist & Biochemist Paris, France O’CONNOR Daryl Prof. PsychologyLeeds, UK PAASCH Uwe Prof. Dermatology Leipzig, Germany PARASKEVAS Antoine Plastic Surgeon Paris, France PATEL TapanAesthetic PhysicianLondon, UK PELLA Daniel Prof. Cardiology Kosice, Slovak Republic PHILIPP-DORMSTON WolfgangDermatologistCologne, Germany PHILIPPON ValérieAesthetic Physician Paris, France PIOLATTO Thierry Jurnalist Paris, France PIOVANO Luca Plastic SurgeonRome, Italy PIRAYESH Ali Plastic SurgeonAmsterdam, Netherlands PLOT Eric Plastic Surgeon Paris, France POIGNONEC SylvieCervico-Facial Surgeon Paris, France POLIMENI AscanioNeuro-Endocrinologist Milan, Italy RANNEVA EugeniyaDermatologistEmpuriabrava, Spain REDKA-SWOBODA WolfgangSurgeon Munich, Germany ROBIN Jean-MarcSpecialist in Nutrition Tanger, Morocco RUSSO Paola RosalbaSurgeon Modena, Italy SAFA Marva Dermatologist Neuchatel, Switzerland SAROMYTSKAYA AlenaDermatologistVolgograd, Russia SCAPAGNINI GiovanniClinical BiochemistCatania, Italy SHAROVA AlisaDermatologist Moscow, Russia SINHA RobinDir. Sales & Marketing Sophia Antipolis, France SINNA Raphael Plastic SurgeonAmiens, France STABILE Marco Plastic SurgeonCremona, Italy STIJAK Lazar Assistant Prof. Medicine Belgrade, Serbia SULAMANIDZE George Plastic Surgeon Tbilisi, Georgia TOTCHIEV George Prof. Gynecology Moscow, Russia TREACY PatrickAesthetic PhysicianDublin, Ireland TRELLES Mario Plastic SurgeonCambrils, Spain UNGER RobinHair SurgeonNew York, USA VAN DER LEI Berend Plastic Surgeon Beetsterzwaag, Netherlands VAN DER LUGT Claudia Aesthetic Physician Meijel, Netherlands VANOORBEEK Jo Plastic SurgeonSchoten, Belgium VERNER InèsDermatologist Kiriat Ono, Israel VIERA OctavioAnti-aging Physician, PediatristLas Palmas, Spain VINCIGUERRA ManlioInternal Medicine PhysicianLondon, UK VINSKI Deby Susanti PadaAnti-aging Physician Jakarta, Indonesia VORONINA TamaraBiologist-BiochemistLondon, UK WANITPHAKDEEDECHA Dermatologist Bangkok, Thailand Rungsima WEISS Xanya CEO Ion Genius Honolulu, USA WIERNSPERGER Nicolas Prof. Emeritus Pathophysiology Lyon, France WILLIAMS Stefanie Dermatologist London, UK YATES William Dermatologist Vernon Hills, USA YOON Jung-Hyun SurgeonSeoul, South Korea YUTSKOVSKAYA YanaDermatologist Moscow, Russia ZABNENKOVA OlgaDermatologist Moscow, Russia ZENKER SabineDermatologist Munich, Germany WORKSHOPS SPEAKERS PREIBISZ Lukasz Dermatologist Warsaw, Poland SHAY Jerry Anti Aging Dallas, USA YUTSKOVSKAYA Yana Prof Dermatology Moscow, Russia YOON Jung-Hyun Neurologist Surgeon Seoul, South-Korea ZENKER SabineDermatologist Munich, Germany ZERBINATI NicolaDermatologist Pavia, Italy Schedule-at-a-glance 4 friday 24 october / vendredi 24 octobre ROOM MAILLOT ROOM 241 ROOM 251 ROOM 242 B ROOM 252 A AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY & SURGERY ANTI-AGING & PREVENTIVE MEDICINE AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY SPONSORED SYMPOSIA REGISTRATION OPENING: THURSDAY 23 OCTOBER - 16:00-18:00 FRIDAY 24 OCTOBER: 07:00 - REGISTRATION & BADGING 8:30 10:30 session 1 session 9 NON SURGICAL REJUVENATION OF THE FOREHEAD and upper face iClass Hand 2014 RAJEUNISSEMENT NON CHIRURGICAL DU FRONT et du haut du visage LIVE DEMO WOMEN WANT BEAUTIFUL HANDS AND ARMS LES FEMMES VEULENT DE JOLIES MAINS ET DE JOLIS BRAS LIVE DEMO session 38 session 17 Cutting-edge information for longevity session 33 THE NOSE: Final frontier for nonsurgical rejuvenation LE NEZ : Etape ultime du rajeunissement non chirurgical Informations de pointe pour LA longévité Combined treatments for face and body session 18 Traitements combinés pour le visage et le corps Symposium 6 Symposium 1 Symposium 7 Symposium 2 Symposium 8 Symposium 3 Symposium 9 Symposium 4 Symposium 10 Symposium 5 Symposium 11 Sport & exercise: BENEFICIAL OR HARMFUL? Sport et exercice : bénéfique ou nocif ? 10:30-11:00 Coffee Break session 19 session 2 11:00 13:00 FACIAL AESTHETICS: Back to basics / Begin from the very beginning Esthétique du visage : Retour aux bases / Commencer au tout début session 10 iClass Hand 2014 WOMEN WANT BEAUTIFUL HANDS AND ARMS LES FEMMES VEULENT DE JOLIES MAINS ET DE JOLIS BRAS NEW TRENDS IN ANTI-AGING 2014 Nouvelles tendances anti-âge 2014 session 20 STRESS MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES Stratégies de gestion du stress 13:00-14:00 Lunch offered on site session 21 session 3 14:00 16:00 REBUILDING THE MIDFACE WITH COMBINED TREATMENTS RAJEUNISSEMENT médiofaciale par traitements combinés HEALTHY AGING session 11 Vieillir en bonne santé 4th International Hair Surgery Master Course session 22 STEM CELLS NEWS LIVE DEMO Du nouveau sur les cellules souches 10:30-11:00 Coffee Break session 23 Lifespan management session 4 16:30 18:30 REBUILDING THE LOWER FACE AND THE NECK WITH COMBINED TREATMENTS RAJEUNISSEMENT du bas du visage et du cou par traitements combinés LIVE DEMO Améliorer la durée de vie session 12 4th International Hair Surgery Master Course session 24 Gut, microbiote for health Intestin, microbiote pour la santé session 34 SEM & SOCIAL MEDIA: Driving your business through eMedia SEM et médias sociaux : Développer votre cabinet grâce à l’eMedia 18:30 2nd ANTI-AGING & BEAUTY TROPHY CEREMONY Symposium 12 Schedule-at-a-glance 5 saturday 25 october / samedi 25 octobre ROOM MAILLOT ROOM 241 ROOM 251 ROOM 242 B ROOM 252 A AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY ANTI-AGING & PREVENTIVE MEDICINE AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY EUROPEAN PLASTIC & AESTHETIC SURGERY RENDEZ-VOUS session 35 EUROPEAN PLASTIC AND AESTHETIC SURGERY RENDEZ-VOUS 07:00 REGISTRATION & BADGING session 25 session 13 session 5 8:30 10:30 NEUROMODULATORS AND MORE PLUS SUR LES NEUROMODULATEURS session 39 WOCPM Session WHAT’S NEW IN LASERS & ENERGY BASED DEVICES? Quelles sont les nouveautés dans les lasers et les dispositifs à base d’énergie ? World Council of Preventive, Regenerative & Anti-aging Medicine Session WOCPM - Conseil Mondial de la Médecine Régénérative et Anti-âge WOMEN WANT BEAUTIFUL LEGS (cellulite, veins) session 26 LES FEMMES VEULENT DE JOLIES JAMBES LONGEVITY FOOD: Real prevention Nourriture de longévité, réelle prévention Upper eyelid refinnement: Alignment / Muscle / Fat conservation Raffinement au niveau de la paupière supérieure : le tracé / le muscle / la conservation de la graisse Live Surgery from operating room 10:30-11:00 Coffee Break session 27 session 40 New devices in anti aging Bionic man & robotics session 6 11:00 13:00 HOW TO DEAL WITH COMPLICATIONS? COMMENT GERER LES COMPLICATIONS ? session 14 TRENDS session WHAT’S NEW? Session TENDANCES Quelles sont les nouveautés ? Symposium 13 Nouveaux dispositifs anti-âge L’homme bionique et la robotique EUROPEAN PLASTIC AND AESTHETIC SURGERY RENDEZ-VOUS Lower eyelid: Procedures that we can deliver transconjunctivally session 28 METABOLISM LINKED TO CANCER Le métabolisme lié au cancer Symposium 14 Paupière inférieure : Tout ce qu’on peut faire par voie transconjonctivale Live Surgery from operating room 13:00-14:00 Lunch offered on site session 7 14:00 16:00 THREADS: MYTHS AND REALITY FILS TENSEURS : MYTHES ET RéALITé Live demo from operating room session 29 session 15 MARKETING SESSION How to move your practice to the next step? SESSION MARKETING Comment faire progresser votre cabinet ? Sexuality & sex hormones session 41 Symposium 15 Sexualité et hormones sexuelles session 30 NUTRITION & EPIGENETICS EUROPEAN PLASTIC AND AESTHETIC SURGERY RENDEZ-VOUS Canthopexy Canthoplasty Symposium 16 Nutrition et épigénétique Canthopexie Canthoplastie 10:30-11:00 Coffee Break session 8 16:30 18:30 FROM ANATOMY TO PRACTICAL TRAINING IN FACIAL INJECTIONS Injections faciales : De l’anatomie à la pratique Live demo from operating room session 16 AESTHETIC GYNECOLOGY Gynécologie esthétique session 31 session 36 PRACTICAL SKIN & HAIR ANTI-AGING COMBINED TREATMENTS FOR HYPERPIGMENTATION Traitements de la peau ET DES CHEVEUX en pratique anti-âge TRAITEMENTS COMBINéS DE L’HYPERPIGMENTATION session 37 session 32 CONTRIBUTING LECTURES IN ANTI-AGING MEDICINE END OF AMEC 2014 BREAKING THE CYCLE: Combined treatments for acne and scars BRISER LE CERCLE : Traitements combinés de l’acné et des cicatrices session 42 EUROPEAN PLASTIC AND AESTHETIC SURGERY RENDEZ-VOUS Eyelids and peri-orbital rejuvenation Combined techniques Paupières et rajeunissement périorbitaire Techniques composites 6 ROOM MAILLOT • AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY friday 24 october / vendredi 24 octobre SESSION 1 • 8:30 - 10:30 SESSION 3 • 14:00 - 16:00 NON SURGICAL REJUVENATION OF THE FOREHEAD and the upper face RAJEUNISSEMENT NON CHIRURGICAL DU FRONT et du haut du visage Rebuilding the midface with combined treatments RAJEUNISSEMENT médiofaciale par traitements combinés CHAIR: Wolfgang REDKA-SWOBODA, Ali PIRAYESH, Hassan GALADARI •Why is it vital to include the forehead and upper face in non surgical rejuvenation to achieve true facial harmony Pourquoi il est crucial d’inclure le front et le haut du visage dans le rajeunissement non chirurgical afin d’obtenir une véritable harmonie du visage Hassan GALADARI, UAE •What is the ideal eyebrow? / Comment est le sourcil idéal ? Thierry BESINS, France •Fractional RF treatments for facial rejuvenation: Comparison of different approaches with emphasis on the upper face La radiofréquence fractionnelle pour le rajeunissement du haut du visage : comparaison de différentes approches Nimrod FRIEDMAN, Israel •Simultaneous clinical and cadaver videos to illustrate strategies Vidéos simultanées de dissection de cadavres pour illustrer les stratégies Ali PIRAYESH, Netherlands •Live demo / Démonstration d’injections en direct - The aesthetic approach to non-surgical brow lift L’approche esthétique du lifting frontal non chirurgical Salvatore FUNDARO, Italy - Forehead and temples / Le front et les tempes Tapan PATEL, UK SESSION 2 • 11:00 - 13:00 FACIAL AESTHETICS: BACK TO BASICS / BEGIN FROM THE VERY BEGINNING / Esthétique du visage : Retour aux bases / Commencer au tout début CHAIR: Thierry BESINS, Chytra ANAND, Patrick TREACY •Facial analysis: Asian Analyse faciale : le type asiatique Rungsima WANITPHAKDEEDECHA, Thailand •Facial analysis: Caucasian / Analyse faciale : le type caucasien Henry DELMAR, France •Facial grid for fillers and BoNT injections / Grille faciale pour les produits de comblement et les injections de toxine botulique Dario BERTOSSI, Italy •Different fillers: How to choose? When and where? When to go deep or superficial? Hold your syringe right. How do you know which plane you are in? Différents produits de comblement : Comment choisir ? Quand et où ? Quand aller en profondeur ou rester en surface ? Tenez votre seringue correctement. Comment savez-vous dans quel plan vous êtes ? Sylwia LIPKO-GODLEWSKA, Poland •Facial rejuvenation with fillers: Demonstration of right and wrong techniques (3D movies) Rajeunissement facial avec produits de comblement : les bonnes et les mauvaises techniques Nimrod FRIEDMAN, Israel •Potential high risk sites and what to do about them? Zones à risque potentiel élevé et ce qu’il faut faire et ne pas faire Chytra ANAND, India •When something goes wrong: What you must know and do to keep yourself legally protected? Quand quelque chose se passe mal : ce que vous devez savoir et faire pour rester protégé légalement Wolfgang REDKA-SWOBODA, Germany CHAIR: Wolfgang REDKA-SWOBODA, Nimrod FRIEDMAN, Salvatore FUNDARO •Beauty around the eye / La beauté autour de l’œil Berend VAN DER LEI, Netherlands •Combined treatment with lasers/light, fillers, and toxins produces ‘‘aesthetic synergy’’ Le traitement combiné avec lasers/lumières, produits de comblement et toxine botulique produit une « synergie esthétique » Patrick TREACY, Ireland •One approach to beauty: Anatomical landmarks of the face and why it’s suitable to use the zygomatic approach for a full face treatment / Une approche de la beauté : repères anatomiques du visage. Pourquoi est-il possible d’utiliser l’approche zygomatique pour un traitement du visage complet ? Wolfgang REDKA-SWOBODA, Germany •Combination of fillers and BoNT in the periocular area Association de produits de comblement et de toxine botulique dans la zone périoculaire Marva SAFA, Switzerland •The treatment of mid face with fillers: the role of fat compartments Traitement médiofacial avec produits de comblement : le rôle des compartiments graisseux Salvatore FUNDARO, Italy •Simultaneous clinical and cadaver videos to illustrate strategies Vidéos simultanées de dissection de cadavres pour illustrer les stratégies Ali PIRAYESH, Netherlands •Live demo / Démonstration d’injections en direct - Our Cooking Recipe Midface / Notre recette médiofaciale Sabine ZENKER, Germany - Kate GOLDIE, UK - Tear trough / Vallée des larmes Colin MORRISON, Ireland - Berend VAN DER LEI, Netherlands SESSION 4 • 16:30 - 18:30 Rebuilding the LOWER FACE AND THE NECK WITH COMBINED TREATMENTS / RAJEUNISSEMENT du bas du visage et du cou par traitements combinés CHAIR: Tapan PATEL, Yana YUTSKOVSKAYA, Jonquille CHANTREY •Simultaneous clinical and cadaver videos to illustrate strategies Vidéos simultanées de dissection de cadavres pour illustrer les stratégies Ali PIRAYESH, Netherlands •Live demo / Démonstration d’injections en direct : - BoNT and mandibular line / Toxine botulique et ligne mandibulaire Jo VANOORBEEK,Belgium - Fillers and mandibular line / Produits de comblement et ligne mandibulaire - Uliana GOUT, UK - Contouring the chin and jawline using combination therapy Dessiner le menton et la ligne de mâchoire en utilisant la thérapie combinée - Raj ACQUILLA, UK - Upper lip with blanching technique / Lèvre supérieure et blanching technique - Patrick MICHEELS, Switzerland •How to create appealing lips. Balance of combination: Fillers, plasmagel, BoNT in complex therapy of mature patients Comment créer des lèvres attirantes. Equilibre entre les produits de comblement, le plasmagel et la toxine botulique dans le traitement complexe des patientes matures Olga ZABNENKOVA, Russia •Combined treatment for neck rejuvenation Traitements combinés pour le rajeunissement du cou Yana YUTSKOVSKAYA, Russia •Neck rejuvenation & its importance for facial contouring: Do’s and don’ts / Le rajeunissement du cou et son importance pour le rajeunissement facial : à faire et à ne pas faire Jonquille CHANTREY, UK •Submental laser lipolysis with 1470 nm Diode laser and radial optical fibre / Lipolyse sous-mentonnière au laser à diode 1470 nm et fibre optique radiale Mario TRELLES, Spain ROOM MAILLOT • AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY saturday 25 october / samedi 25 octobre SESSION 5 • 8:30 - 10:30 SESSION 7 • 14:00 - 16:00 NEUROMODULATORS AND MORE PLUS SUR LES NEUROMODULATEURS THREADS : MYTHS AND REALITY FILS TENSEURS : MYTHES ET RéALITé CHAIR: Thierry BESINS, Raj ACQUILLA, Doris DAY •A complete and precise examination: The key for a predictable and most possible perfect result Un examen complet et précis : la clé pour un résultat prévisible et le plus parfait possible Thierry BESINS, France •Classification techniques of BoNT injection. The multifocal insertion technique / Classification des techniques d’injection de toxine. Technique d’insertion multifocale Alena SAROMYTSKAYA, Russia •The patient’s age and BoNT type A injections - is there a connection? Age du patient et injections de BoNT-A – Y a-t-il un lien ? Elena GOLTSOVA, Russia •Balancing toxin with fillers and prolonging their longevity Equilibrage des effets de la toxine avec des produits de comblement et prolongement de sa longévité Fredrik BERNE, Sweden •Injection techniques of botulinum toxin type A based on the location of motor zone of the mimic muscles of upper third of the face / Techniques d’injection de BoNT-A basées sur l’emplacement de la zone motrice des muscles d’expression du tiers supérieur du visage Salvatore FUNDARO, Italy •An update on the most recent studies on BoNT/A Mise à jour des études les plus récentes sur la BoNT-A Doris DAY, USA •New toxins, new data Nouvelles toxines, nouvelles données Michael KANE, USA •BoNT for axillary hyperhidrosis: A safe and effective procedure Toxine botulique pour l’hyperhidrose axillaire : une procédure sûre et efficace Wolfgang PHILIPP-DORMSTON, Germany SESSION 6 • 11:00 - 13:00 HOW TO DEAL WITH COMPLICATIONS? COMMENT GERER LES COMPLICATIONS ? CHAIR: Ali PIRAYESH, Inès VERNER, Mario TRELLES •Filler side effects and risk management Effets secondaires des produits de comblement et gestion du risque Patrick TREACY, Ireland •Treatment of major fillers complications Traitement des complications majeures des produits de comblement Ali PIRAYESH, Netherlands •Systematic review on safety of BoNT A in aesthetic treatments Examen méthodique des règles d’utilisation de la toxine botulique dans les traitements esthétiques Maurizio CAVALLINI, Italy •Lasers and EBD / Lasers et dispositifs à base d’énergie Klaus FRITZ, Germany •Peels / Peelings chimiques Uliana GOUT, UK •Threads / Fils tenseurs Henry DELMAR, France •Herpes and aesthetic treatments L’herpès et les traitements esthétiques Eugeniya RANNEVA, Spain CHAIR: Uliana GOUT, Ali PIRAYESH, Marco STABILE •Thread rejuvenation - myths and reality Rajeunissement avec des fils – mythes et réalité Magdalyna AL-NAGASH, Ukraine •Basic theory of nonbarbed absorbable suture network tightening and lifting Les bases théoriques des fils résorbables non crantés Jung-Hyun YOON, Korea •How to combine threads and thermolifting Comment combiner les fils et le thermolifting Svetlana LEBEDEVA, Russia •Comparison of different threads (Live demo from operating room) Comparaison des différents fils (Démonstration en direct du bloc opératoire) Henry DELMAR, France - Rosalba RUSSO, Italy George SULAMANIDZE, Georgia - Vicenta LLORCA, Spain Han-Jin KWON, Korea SESSION 8 • 16:30 - 18:30 From anatomy to practical training in facial injections Injections faciales : De l’anatomie à la pratique CHAIR: Henry DELMAR, Wolfgang PHILIPP-DORMSTON Dario BERTOSSI Live demo / Démonstration d’injections en direct •Central forehead & Temporal region Front central & région temporale Fredrik BERNE, Sweden •Tear trough / Vallée des larmes Hassan GALADARI, UAE •Peri orbital rejuvenation by HA injections Rajeunissement périorbitaire par injections d’acide hyaluronique Sylvie Poignonec, France •Cheeks / Joues Sylwia LIPKO-GODLEWSKA, Poland •Jawline and chin / Mâchoire et menton Marco STABILE, Italy •Prejowl sulcus / Pli d’amertume Antoine PARASKEVAS, France •Lips / Lèvres Sabine ZENKER, Germany •Simultaneous lip enhancement and softening of the nasolabial folds Embellissement simultané des lèvres avec adoucissement des sillons naso-géniens Ali PIRAYESH, Netherlands 7 ROOM 241 • AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY & SURGERY 8 friday 24 october / vendredi 24 octobre SESSION 9 • 8:30 - 10:30 SESSION 11 • 14:00 - 16:00 WOMEN WANT BEAUTIFUL HANDS AND ARMS LES FEMMES VEULENT DE JOLIES MAINS ET DE JOLIS BRAS (iClass Hand 2014) 4th International Hair Surgery Master Course CHAIR: Christian DUMONTIER, Vincent CASOLI, Matthieu BEUSTES-STEFANELLI •Hand rejuvenation with combined non invasive procedures Rajeunissement des mains par techniques combinées non-invasives Yana YUTKOVSKAYA, Russia Kate GOLDIE, UK Sabine ZENKER, Germany Doris DAY, USA •Multilayer hand rejuvenation Rajeunissement multicouche des mains Leonardo MARINI, Italy •Hand rejuvenation with fat grafting Rajeunissement des mains par greffe de graisse Fabio FANTOZZI, Italy •Arm anthropometry, aesthetics & surgical procedures Anthropométrie du bras, procédures esthétiques et chirurgicales Fabio FANTOZZI, Italy •Arm rejuvenation with combined non invasive procedures Rajeunissement du bras avec des procédures non invasives Vlada AVERINA, Ukraine - Ghislaine BEILIN, France SESSION 10 • 11:00 - 13:00 WOMEN WANT BEAUTIFUL HANDS AND ARMS LES FEMMES VEULENT DE JOLIES MAINS ET DE JOLIS BRAS (iClass Hand 2014) CHAIR: Christian DUMONTIER, Vincent CASOLI, Matthieu BEUSTES-STEFANELLI Sabine ZENKER, Germany - Yana YUTKOVSKAYA, Russia Leonardo MARINI, Italy - Kate GOLDIE, UK Vlada AVERINA, Ukraine - Ghislaine BEILIN, France Christian DUMONTIER, France - Doris DAY, USA •Live demo / Démonstration en direct - Loco-regional blocks of the hand Blocs locorégionaux de la main - Christian DUMONTIER, France - Moistening of hands by a cannula together with a peeling of TSA of 15% / Humidification des mains par une canule avec un peeling de TSA de 15% - Yana YUTKOVSKAYA, Russia - Hand filler injection with needle (multipuncture technique) Injection de complément pour main par aiguilles (technique multipiqûre) - Vlada AVERINA, Ukraine - Hand filler injection with canula (retrograde) Injection de complément pour main avec canule (rétrograde) Ghislaine BEILIN, France - Hand filler injection with canula (anterograde) Injection de complément pour main avec canule (antérograde) Ghislaine BEILIN, France - Hand CaHA injection: My technique / Injection de CaHA dans la main : ma technique - Sabine ZENKER, Germany - Hand CaHA injection with canula / Injection de CaHA dans la main avec canule - Kate GOLDIE, UK - Hand radiofrequency / Radiofréquence et main Ghislaine BEILIN, France - Multilayer photo-chemical hand rejuvenation with lasers, IPL & peel Photo peeling de pointe: Rajeunissement photo-chimique et multicouche des mains - Leonardo MARINI, Italy - Hand needling / Needling - Vlada AVERINA, Ukraine - Arm CaHA injection / Injection de CaHA dans le bras Kate GOLDIE, UK - Arm radiofrequency / Radiofréquence et bras Ghislaine BEILIN, France CHAIR: Pierre BOUHANNA •The human hair follicle in vitro / Le follicule du cheveu humain in vitro Khalid BAKKAR, France •Trichoscopy for hair loss diagnosis La trichoscopie pour le diagnostic des chutes de cheveux Yazid BOUREZANE, France •Digital phototrichogram for the follow-up of evolutive alopecia Le phototrichogramme digital pour la surveillance de l’évolution des alopécies - Gilbert AMGAR, France •Scalp histology evaluation / Evaluation histologique du cuir chevelu Bénédicte CAVELIER-BALLOY, France •Management of hair disorders in Afro-American patients Gestion de problèmes capillaires chez les patients afro-américains Camille FITOUSSI, France •Specific hair transplantation for Afro-American alopecia Transplantation capillaire spécifique pour les alopécies afro-américaines Pierre BOUHANNA, France •Guidelines for medical treatments for male androgenetic alopecia Guidelines pour les traitements médicaux des alopécies androgénétques masculines - Andy GOREN, USA •Guidelines for medical treatments for female androgenetic alopecia / Guidelines pour les traitements médicaux des alopécies androgénétiques féminines Patrick Treacy, Ireland (TBC) •Hair transplantation for female androgenetic alopecia – Methods and indications / Transplantation capillaire des alopécies androgénétiques féminines - Méthodes et indications Robin UNGER, USA •Hair transplantation for male androgenetic alopecia – Methods and indications / Transplantation capillaire des alopécies androgénétiques masculines Méthodes et indications Pierre BOUHANNA, France SESSION 12 • 16:30 - 18:30 4 International Hair Surgery Master Course th CHAIR: Pierre BOUHANNA •Automatic follicular unit extraction (FUE) / Extraction automatique des unités folliculaires (FUE) versus FUE manuelle Eric BOUHANNA, France •Robotic technology and its impact on hair transplantation: the ARTAS robotic system and ARTAS Hair Studio Technologie robotique et son impact sur la transplantation de cheveux : systéme robotique ARTAS et ARTAS Hair Studio William Yates, USA •Beard and mustache transplantation Transplantation de la barbe et de la moustache Pierre BOUHANNA, France •Eyebrows transplantation / Transplantation des sourcils Eric BOUHANNA, France •How to prevent complications in hair restoration / Comment prévenir les complications dans la transplantation capillaire Robin UNGER, USA •Mathematical aspect and optical illusion in hair transplantation Aspect mathématique et illusion optique dans les greffes capillaires Jean-Albert AMAR, France •Surgical procedures for cicatricial alopecia restoration Procédés chirurgicaux pour la reconstruction des alopécies cicatricielles Robin UNGER, USA •Hair micrografts in reconstructive surgery Les microgreffes de cheveux en chirurgie réparatrice Eduardo Serna Cuéllar, Spain •Growth stimulation with platelet rich plasma (PRP) Stimulation de la croissance capillaire avec le PRP Gilbert AMGAR, France •Hair stimulation with LED / Stimulation des cheveux avec le LED Ghislaine BEILIN, France •Scalp and body hair dermopigmentation Dermopigmentation du cuir chevelu et des zones pileuses Sophie CASADIO, France ROOM 241 • AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY saturday 25 october / samedi 25 octobre SESSION 13 • 8:30 - 10:30 SESSION 15 • 14:00 - 16:00 What’s New in Lasers & Energy Based Devices? Quelles sont les nouveautés dans les lasers et les dispositifs à base d’énergie ? MARKETING SESSION How to move your practice to the next step? SESSION MARKETING Comment faire progresser votre cabinet ? CHAIR: Torello LOTTI, Leonardo MARINI, Merete HAEDERSDAL •New lasers in dermato-cosmetology Nouveaux lasers en dermato-cosmétologie Torello LOTTI, Italy •What’s new in pigment specific lasers & light based devices? Quelles sont les nouveautés dans les lasers et les lumières spécifiques aux pigments ? Leonardo MARINI, Italy •What’s new in fractional ablative lasers? Quelles sont les nouveautés dans le resurfaçage fractionnel ablatif ? Uwe PAASCH, Germany •What’s new in RF and HIFU devices? Quelles sont les nouveautés dans les dispositifs de radiofréquence et de HIFU ? Klaus FRITZ, Germany •What’s new in tattoo removal? / Quoi de neuf dans le détatouage ? Christine DIERICKX, Belgium •What’s new in non-laser energy based devices? / Quelles sont les nouveautés dans les dispositifs à énergie hors laser ? Inès VERNER, Israel •What’s new in stretch marks? Quelles sont les nouveautés dans les vergetures ? Mario TRELLES, Spain •Rosacea treatment with laser / Traitement au laser de la rosacée Catherine GAUCHER, France •Non-invasive body contouring - Cryolipolysis Remodelage corporel non-invasif : cryolipolise Rungsima WANITPHAKDEEDECHA, Thailand SESSION 14 • 11:00 - 13:00 TRENDS session – WHAT’S NEW? Session TENDANCES – Quelles sont les nouveautés ? CHAIR: Madhuri AGARWAL, Chytra ANAND, Doris DAY •Back to the roots: Microneedling! Retour aux sources : le microneedling ! Juan Carlos LOPEZ, Spain •Injection devices (BoNT & Fillers) Les appareisl d’injection (BoNT et produits de comblement) Sabine ZENKER, Germany •Chemical lipolysis: REFINE-2: a multicenter, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled pivotal phase 3 trial with ATX-101, an injectable drug for submental contouring Lipolyse chimique : REFINE-2, essai multicentrique de phase III avec ATX-101 Shannon HUMPHREY, Canada •Rejuvenation in peri-auricular area: visible result in invisible zone Rajeunissement de la zone péri-auriculaire Alice SHAROVA, Russia •3D-modeling with PRP and microporation Remodelage 3D avec PRP et microporation Claudia VAN DER LUGT, Netherlands •Drug delivery with fractional laser – What’s new and perspectives Administration de médicament avec laser fractionnel Nouveautés et perspectives Merete HAEDERSDAL, Denmark CHAIR: Chytra ANAND, Madhuri AGARWAL, Sabine ZENKER •Starting your own practice, the building blocks... Where not to stumble? Démarrer votre propre cabinet, les niveaux de développement... Où ne pas trébucher ? Chytra ANAND, India •Entrepreneur`s guide for building multiple successful aesthetic dermatology stores practice Le guide de l’entrepreneur pour créer un cabinet de dermatologie esthétique à succès Madhuri AGARWAL, India •How to increase productivity of your clinic staff Comment augmenter la productivité de votre personnel Kerry WOOTTON, Switzerland •Are you looking for a consultation tool to improve communication with your patients? Vous recherchez un outil de consultation pour améliorer la communication auprès de vos patients ? Robin SINHA, France Peter KOLLIAS, USA - Daniel Markov, Germany SESSION 16 • 16:30 - 18:30 Aesthetic gynecology Gynécologie esthétique Under the aegis of the Society of Gender Medicine CHAIR: Yana YUTSKOVSKAYA, Pierre FOLDES, Evgenii LESHUNOV Matthieu BEUSTES-STEFANELLI •Vulvo-vaginal anatomy / Anatomie vulvo-vaginale Matthieu BEUSTES-STEFANELLI, France •Aesthetic reconstruction of Female Genital Mutilations (FGM) Reconstruction esthétique des mutilations génitales féminines Pierre FOLDES, France •Aesthetic reconstruction of perineo-vulvo-vaginal defects Reconstruction esthétique des pertes de substance périnéovulvo-vaginales Raphael SINNA, France •Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) & Oxytocin for feminine sexuality improvement Traitement Hormonal Substitutif (THS) & Ocytocine pour améliorer la sexualité féminine Andrey LOBUZNOV, Russia •Topical & general treatments for vaginal trophicity improvement Traitements topiques et généraux pour améliorer la trophicité vaginale Claude DALLE, France •Laser & PRP for vulvo-vaginal rejuvenation Laser et PRP pour rajeunissement vulvo-vaginal Evgenii LESHUNOV, Russia •Hyaluronic acid & botulinum toxin injections in uro-gynecology Injections d’acide hyaluronique et de toxine botulinique en uro-gynécologie Yana YUTSKOVSKAYA, Russia •Fat grafting for vulvo-vaginal rejuvenation Greffe graisseuse pour rajeunissement vulvo-vaginal Massimiliano BRAMBILLA, Italy •Vaginal narrowing with barbed threads Rétrécissement vaginal avec fils crantés Ciro ACCARDO, Italy •Female genital cosmetic surgery Chirurgie esthétique génitale féminine George TOTCHIEV, Russia 9 10 ROOM 251 • ANTI-AGING & PREVENTIVE MEDICINE friday 24 october / vendredi 24 octobre SESSION 17 • 8:30 - 9:30 SESSION 21 • 14:00 - 15:00 Cutting-edge therapies for longevity Therapies de pointe pour LA longévité HEALTHY AGING / Vieillir en bonne santé CHAIR: Daniel PELLA, Christophe DE JAEGER •Statins for longevity. To whom, how, when and why? Re-assessment needed? Statines pour la longévité. À qui, comment, quand et pourquoi ? Réévaluation nécessaire ? Daniel PELLA, Slovak Republic •Inhibition of mTOR in human: Longevity perspectives L’inhinbition de mTOR chez l’homme : les perspectives de longévité Christophe DE JAEGER, France •The body’s own aqua-system provides the starting point and principles for a study of cold water therapy as a rejuvenative tool Etudes de rajeunissement par hydrothérapie en fonction du cycle de l’eau dans le corps humain Tamara VORONINA, UK SESSION 18 • 9:30 - 10:30 Sport & exercise: BENEFICIAL or HARMFUL? Sport et exercice : bénéfique ou nocif ? CHAIR: Alexander GODIC •Antioxydant supplements for the elite athlete: good or bad? Compléments antioxydants chez le sportif de haut niveau : un bien ou un mal ? Robert NATAF, France •Sport for everyone? Anytime? Can we manage it? Activités sportives pour tout le monde? A n’importe quel moment ? Pouvons-nous le gérer ? - Robert NATAF, France •Biology of sports health. Harmonisation of the triangle physical/ metabolic/emotional / Biologie du sport. Equilibre du triangle physique/métabolique/émotionnel Jean-François BEZOT, France •Prevention of skeletal muscle aging & oxytocin Oxytocin et la prévention du vieillissement de muscle squelettique Alexander Godic, UK SESSION 19 • 11:00 - 12:00 NEW TRENDS IN ANTi-AGING 2014 Nouvelles tendances anti-âge 2014 CHAIR: Ascanio POLIMENI, Francesco MAROTTA •Beyond BMI index: unhealthy obesity and aging, two sides of the same coin / Au-delà de l’indice IMC : obésité malsaine et vieillissement, deux faces d’une même pièce Ascanio POLIMENI, Italy •Gut ecology and brain function: State of art and investigation tools in practice / Écologie intestinale et fonctions cérébrales : état de la technique et outils d’analyse en pratique Francesco MAROTTA, Italy •Polyphenols and healthy aging: New studies Polyphénols et vieillissement en bonne santé : nouvelles études Giovanni SCAPAGNINI, Italy •Redox modulator protection in fertile women undergoing iron supplementation / Protection modulatrice d’oxydoréduction chez les femmes fertiles recevant une supplémentation en fer Anna CABECA, USA SESSION 22 • 15:00 - 16:00 STEM CELLS: NEWS Du nouveau sur les cellules souches CHAIR: Dorina DONICI, Claude DALLE •Which stem cells are not harmful? Quelles cellules souches ne sont pas nocives? Dorina DONICI, Russia •Autogenic pluripotent skin derived master stem cells (aPS) for personalized medicine: Harvesting, in vitro culture, multiplication and their therapeutic value Cellules souches pluripotentes autogéniques (aPS) maîtresses dérivées de la peau pour une médecine personnalisée : récolte, culture in vitro, multiplication et leur valeur thérapeutique Nikolaus W. KLEHR, Germany •Best indications of stem cells in anti aging Cellules souches et leur indications anti-age les plus appropriées Stefan LIPP, Germany SESSION 23 • 16:30 - 17:30 Lifespan management / AMéliorer la durée de vie CHAIR: Bernd KLEINE-GUNK, Claude DALLE •Rethinking the role of hGH - Is it still an anti-aging hormone? Repenser le rôle de l’hGH – est-ce encore une hormone anti-âge ? Bernd KLEINE-GUNK, Germany •Does real risks of testosterone HRT exist? Existe-t-il vraiment des risques pour le THS à la testostérone? Claude DALLE, France •DHEA: A neuro active steroid ? / DHEA : un stéroïde neuroactif ? Michaela DUSKOVA, Czech Republic •Pediatric factors that influence or predispose to neurodegenerative disease in adult age / Facteurs pédiatriques qui influencent ou prédisposent à la maladie neurodégénérative à l’âge adulte Octavio VIera, Spain CHAIR: Bernd KLEINE-GUNK, George TOTCHIEV •Are anti-aging & gerontology compatible? La médecine anti-âge et la gérontologie sont-elles compatibles ? Dorina DONICI, Russia •Radical life extension - Will aging become a treatable disease? Allongement radical de la vie – le vieillissement deviendra-t-il une maladie curable ? Bernd KLEINE-GUNK, Germany •Thyroid hormone signaling and adult neurogenesis in mammals Signalisation des hormones de la thyroïde et neurogenèse adulte chez les mammifères Barbara DEMENEIX, France SESSION 20 • 12:00 - 13:00 SESSION 24 • 17:30 - 18:30 STRESS MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES Stratégies de gestion du stress Gut, microbiote for health Intestin, microbiote pour la santé CHAIR: Mario KRAUSE, Cristina MAGGIONI •Stress related disorders – Diagnosis and therapy / Maladies liées au stress : Diagnostique et traitement - Mario KRAUSE, Germany •Male & female stress differences / Différence du stress chez l’homme et chez la femme - Cristina MAGGIONI, Italy •Treating stress by EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) / Soigner le stress par EMDR (désensibilisation des mouvements oculaires et retraitement) Angelika BERNING, Germany •Clinical approach in burn out patients / Approche clinique chez les patients touchés par le syndrome burn-out Speaker TBA CHAIR: Claude DALLE, Richard HADDAD •Recent data on microbiote Données récentes sur le microbiote Richard HADDAD, France •What’s micro-immuno-therapy? A new method to reinforce immunity Qu’est-ce que la micro-immunothérapie ? une nouvelle méthode pour renforcer l’immunité Mohamed BESSASSI, France •Actions of new fibers on microbiote Action de nouvelles fibres sur le microbiote Marie-Hélène DEGRAVE, France ROOM 251 • ANTI-AGING & PREVENTIVE MEDICINE 11 saturday 25 october / samedi 25 octobre SESSION 25 • 8:30 - 9:30 SESSION 29 • 14:00 - 15:00 WOCPM Session - World Council of Preventive, Regenerative & Anti-aging Medicine / Session WOCPM Conseil Mondial de la Médecine Régénérative et Anti-âge Sexuality & sex hormones Sexualité et hormones sexuelles CHAIR: Deby VINSKI •The menopause, long-term HRT and genomics / La ménopause, la thérapie hormonale à long terme et la génomique Martin-Phillip HILL, Australia •Ozone therapy / Thérapie à l’ozone Ruhi CAKIR, Turkey •The best men vitality program Le meilleur programme pour favoriser la vitalité chez l’homme Deby VINSKI, Indonesia • SIGNING CEREMONY WOCPM Consensus/Declaration for preventive regenerative & anti-aging medicine: signing on behalf of 70 countries. President WOCPM and country representatives, witnessed by President of WOSIAM and President of Euromedicom Consensus/déclaration WOCPM de médecine préventive, régénérative at anti-âge : signature du Président du WOCPM et des représentants des états membres, en présence du Président de la WOSIAM et du Président d’Euromedicom SESSION 26 • 9:30 - 10:30 LONGEVITY FOOD: Real prevention Nourriture de longévité, réelle prévention CHAIR: Nicolas WIERNSPERGER, Jean-René MESTRE •Micro immunotherapy ; a new way to health Micro immunothérapie; une nouvelle façon de la santé Pascal MENSAH, France •The true anti-aging cooking by a top chef La vraie cuisine anti-âge par un top chef Elyane LEBRE, France •Food, metabolic syndrome & aging; eating to slow aging, without MS, respecting biological rythm / Nourriture, syndrome métabolique et vieillissement : manger pour ralentir le vieillissement, sans MS, en respectant le rythme biologique Jean-René MESTRE, France •Food, epigenetic factors & cardio-metabolic syndrome Alimentation, facteurs épigénétiques et syndrome cardio-metabolique Nicolas WIERNSPERGER, France SESSION 27 • 11:00 - 12:00 New devices in anti aging - Bionic man & robotics Nouveaux dispositifs anti-âge L’homme bionique et la robotique CHAIR: Oussama Ammar, Patrick AIDAN •Bionic man: A reality? / L’homme bionique : Une réalité ? Oussama Ammar, France •Robotic transaxillary thyroid surgery / Chirurgie robotique thyroïdienne par voie transaxillaire - Patrick AIDAN, France •Self quantified technologies: New devices 2014 Technologies auto-diagnostiquantes : Nouveaux dispositifs 2014 Jean-Marc ROBIN, Morocco SESSION 28 • 12:00 - 13:00 METABOLISM LINKED TO CANCER Le métabolisme lié au cancer CHAIR: Manlio VINCIGUERRA, Theodora MANTZOURANI •Fasting: anti-cancer applications Le jeûne : les applications anti-cancer - Manlio VINCIGUERRA, UK •Metabolomics and systems’ biology in testosterone replacement therapy / Métabolome et biologie systémique dans la thérapie de remplacement de la testostérone Theodora MANTZOURANI, UK •Cancer prevention ; last update / La prévention du cancer ; dernière mise à jour - Jean-Paul CURTAY, France •Could half of breast cancers be prevented? La moitié des cancers du sein pourraient-ils être évités ? Claude DALLE, France CHAIR: Daryl O’CONNOR, Sylvain MIMOUN •Vaginal dryness: How aesthetic medicine can refrain serious gynecological diseases? / Sècheresse vaginale : comment la médecine esthétique peut aider les maladies gynécologiques graves Sylvain MIMOUN, France •The relationships between sex hormones and sexual function in middle-aged and older European men Les relations entre les hormones sexuelles et la fonction sexuelle chez les hommes européens d’âge moyen ou plus âgés Daryl O’CONNOR, UK •The influence of sex hormones on anterior cruciate ligament rupture: female study / L’influence des hormones sexuelles sur la rupture du ligament croisé antérieur : étude sur les femmes Lazar STIJAK, Serbia SESSION 30 • 15:00 - 16:00 NUTRITION AND EPIGENETICS / Nutrition et épigénétique CHAIR: Cem EKMEKCIOGLU, Claude CHAUCHARD •Impact on skin health & beauty, metabolism & obesity Impact sur la santé et la beauté de la peau, le métabolisme et l’obésité Jana JANOVSKA, Latvia •Too much dietary salt and its health consequences Trop grande restriction sodée et ses conséquences sur la santé Cem EKMEKCIOGLU, Austria •Effect of chronodisruption on liver and cardiometabolic system Effet de la chronodisruption sur le foie et le système cardio-métabolique Peter C. KONTUREK, Germany SESSION 31 • 16:30 - 17:30 Practical skin & hair anti aging Traitements de la peau et des cheveux en pratique anti-âge CHAIR: Tomasso IANNITTI, Claude CHAUCHARD •How to stop androgenetic hair loss and even stimulate regrowth in both men and women while keeping well balanced levels of hormones and full sexual vitality / Comment arrêter la calvitie androgénétique et même stimuler la repousse chez les hommes et les femmes tout en maintenant l’équilibre des niveaux hormonaux et la pleine vitalité sexuelle Claude CHAUCHARD, France/China •Corticosteroid transdermal delivery to target swelling, edema and inflammation following facial rejuvenation procedures Injection transdermique de corticostéroïdes pour cibler la tuméfaction, les œdèmes et l’inflammation, suite aux traitements de rajeunissement facial Speaker TBA •Skin aging: Can the process be reversed? Vieillissement de la peau: Est-il possible de reverser ce processus ? Lavinia IONITA, France SESSION 32 • 17:30 - 18:30 CONTRIBUTING LECTURES in ANTI-AGING MEDICINE CHAIR: Patrizia D’ALESSIO •NFS – Neuro frequency, the next generation of radio frequency. Make youth without the trauma - Xanya WEISS, USA •Autologous stem cells: A reality for health Christoph GANSS, Germany •Measurement of oxidative stress – Marcel CAPT, Switzerland •Stress, inflammation, methylation: Why we fall in Patrizia D’ALESSIO, France •Clinical use of non invasive medical light therapy in preventive medicine and anti-aging – Michael T. McNAMARA, Monaco 12 ROOM 242 B • AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY friday 24 october / vendredi 24 octobre SESSION 33 • 8:30 - 10:30 SESSION 34 • 17:30 - 18:30 Combined treatments for face and body Traitements combinés pour le visage et le corps SEM & Social Media: Driving your business through eMedia SEM & médias sociaux Développer votre cabinet grâce à l’eMedia CHAIR: Christine DIERICKX, Uliana GOUT, Marva SAFA •How to combine cosmeceuticals with energy based treatments Comment combiner cosmetique et traitements à base d’énergie Stefanie WILLIAMS, UK •Chemical peels and BoNT synergies Synergie peeling chimique et BoNT Uliana GOUT, UK •Microneedling and LED / Microneedling et LED Fabien GIAUSSERAN, France •The association of peeling and microneedling L’association « peeling / microneedling » Philippe DEPREZ, Spain •Sirtuins and the holy grail of anti-aging Sirtuines et le Saint Graal de l’anti-vieillissement Torello LOTTI, Italy •The role of lasers on skin rejuvenation Le rôle des lasers dans le rajeunissement de la peau Christine DIERICKX, Belgium •Collagen induction therapy / Traitement inducteur du collagène Luca PIOVANO, Italy •Combining fillers and RF for great results in facial rejuvenation Combiner les produits de comblement et RF pour des meilleurs résultats dans le rajeunissement du visage Inès Verner, Israel This session will include performance marketing, website optimization, patient loyalty and so on / Cette session portera sur le marketing de la performance, l’optimisation des sites internet, la fidélité des patients, etc. CHAIR: Phillip KENDZIOR •Attract patients to your website: Why is it a good idea to invest into Google Marketing? Attirer les patients sur votre site : pourquoi investir dans le marketing Google est une bonne idée Phillip KENDZIOR, Germany •Social media for physicians/M.D.s: What is hot, what not Réseaux sociaux pour les médecins : Ce qui est bon, ce qui ne l’est pas Daniel HOFFMANN, Germany •Zestetik: How to enhance the number of rendez-vous Zestetik: Comment augmenter le nombre de rendez-vous? Thierry PIOLATTO, France saturday 25 october / samedi 25 octobre SESSION 35 • 8:30 - 10:30 SESSION 36 • 16:30 - 17:30 WOMEN WANT BEAUTIFUL LEGS LES FEMMES VEULENT DE JOLIES JAMBES COMBINED TREATMENTS FOR HYPERPIGMENTATION TRAITEMENTS COMBINéS DE L’HYPERPIGMENTATION CHAIR: Andreas KATSAMBAS, Mario TRELLES •Overview of cosmeceutical actives and procedures that target melanin directly or indirectly / Revue des actifs cosméceutiques et procédures qui ciblent directement ou indirectement la mélanine Sabine ZENKER, Germany •Intense clarity peel: an Indian experience Peeling clareté intense : experience indienne Madhuri AGARWAL, India •Treatment for bleaching of the skin Traitement du blanchiment de la peau - Ekaterina GUTOP, Russia •Melasma treatments – Overview of various treatment modalities and what’s new / Traitements du mélasma - Nouveautés Andreas KATSAMBAS, Greece CHAIR: Jean-Marc CHARDONNEAU •The aesthetic market for the lower limb: A good way to improve your practice / Le marché esthétique des membres inférieurs : une bonne manière de développer votre cabinet François-André ALLAERT, France •How to differentiate and to treat the various types of big legs? Comment différencier et traiter les différents types de grosses jambes ? - Jean-Marc CHARDONNEAU, France •Can we handle varicose veins with steam? Peut-on traiter des varicosités avec de la vapeur ? René MILLERET, France •Spider veins, a major demand of aesthetic treatment: what to do? Les varicosités, une demande majeure en traitement esthétique : Que faire ? - Jean-Marc CHARDONNEAU, France •Women’s legs: a great asset of seduction. How to explain this fascination? / Les jambes des femmes : un superbe atout de séduction. Comment expliquer cette fascination ? Albert-Claude BENHAMOU, France •Live demo / Démonstration - Microsclerotherapy of spider veins: a useful tool Microsclérothérapie des varicosités : un outil utile Jean-Marc CHARDONNEAU, France - Echosclerotherapy of varicose veins with micro foam Echosclérothérapie des varicosités avec micro-mousse Jean-Pierre GOBIN, France - Mesotherapy and cellulite / Mésothérapie et cellulite Didier DUBOIS, France •Combining mesotherapy and LED : Efficient strech marks treatment L’association mésothérapie et LED : un traitement efficace des vergetures Valérie PHILIPPON, France SESSION 37 • 17:30 - 18:30 BREAKING THE CYCLE: COMBINED TREATMENTS FOR ACNE AND SCARS / BRISER LE CERCLE : TRAITEMENTS COMBINES DE L’ACNE ET DES CICATRICES CHAIR: Torello LOTTI, Merete HAEDERSDAL •Facial acne in females / Acné du visage chez les femmes Andreas KATSAMBAS, Greece •Retrospective study (over 600 cases): Acne treatment by blue light and RF / Etude rétrospective (plus de 600 cas) : Traitement de l’acné par lumière bleue et RF - Catherine GAUCHER, France •Fractional lasers for burn scars – a new paradigm / Laser fractionnel pour les cicatrices de brûlure – un nouveau paradigme Merete HAEDERSDAL, Denmark •Transepidermization of cosmeceuticals with RF and ultrasound for scar treatment / Transepidermisation des cosméceutiques avec traitement RF et ultrasons pour les cicatrices Mario TRELLES, Spain •Combining Medical Needling and Cross TCA for best outcomes in acne scarring / Combiner needling médical et TCA Cross pour les meilleurs résultats dans le traitement des cicatrices acnéiques - Stefanie WILLIAMS, UK ROOM 252 A • AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY 13 friday 24 october / vendredi 24 octobre SESSION 38 • 8:30 - 9:30 THE NOSE: FINAL FRONTIER FOR NONSURGICAL REJUVENATION / LE NEZ : ETAPE ULTIME DU RAJEUNISSEMENT NON CHIRURGICAL CHAIR: Dario BERTOSSI, Ekatarina GUTOP •What is the ideal nose and why is it vital to include the nose in nonsurgical rejuvenation to achieve true facial harmony - Indian & Asian Quel est le nez idéal et pourquoi est-il si important dans l’obtention d’une véritable harmonie du visage – Type indien et asiatique Chytra ANAND, India •What is the ideal nose and why is it vital to include the nose in nonsurgical rejuvenation to achieve true facial harmony - Caucasian and African Quel est le nez idéal et pourquoi est-il si important dans l’obtention d’une véritable harmonie du visage - Type caucasien et africain Joelle HUTH, France •Live demo / Démonstration en direct - Medical rhinoplasty: The nose grid / Rhinoplastie médicale : la grille du nez - Dario BERTOSSI, Italy - Injection Rhinomodulation - an 8 point technique using BTX-A & HA Rhinomodulation par injection – une technique en 8 points utilisant BoNT-A et acide hyaluronique - Raj ACQUILLA, UK ROOM 252 A • PLASTIC & AESTHETIC SURGERY saturday 25 october / samedi 25 octobre EUROPEAN PLASTIC AND AESTHETIC SURGERY RENDEZ-VOUS 2014 SCIENTIFIC DIRECTORS: éric plot - sylvie poignonec Keynote Speakers LIVE SURGERY CHIRURGIE EN DIRECT Mark CODNER Plastic Surgeon Atlanta, USA Berend VAN DER LEI Plastic Surgeon Beetsterzwaag, The Netherlands Olivier GALATOIRE Oculoplastic Surgeon Paris, France Olivier CLAUDE Plastic Surgeon Paris, France Béatrice LAFARGE-CLAOUé Plastic Surgeon Paris, France Eric PLOT Plastic Surgeon Paris, France Sylvie POIGNONEC Plastic Surgeon Paris, France Steven HOPPING Plastic Surgeon Washington DC, USA Joëlle HUTH Dermatologist Périgueux, France The very first private hospital of aesthetic medicine and plastic surgery of France, the Clinic Alphand was established in Paris in 1950 by Dr Charles Claoué, French pioneer in the field of the plastic surgery. Situated in the 16th district of Paris, the Clinic Alphand is co managed by two descendants of the founder today. Toute première clinique de médecine esthétique et de chirurgie esthétique de France, la Clinique esthétique Alphand a été fondée à Paris dès 1950 par le Dr Charles Claoué, pionnier français dans le domaine de la chirurgie esthétique. Située dans le 16ème arrondissement de Paris, la Clinique esthétique Alphand est aujourd’hui co dirigée par deux descendants du fondateur. LIVE SURGERY CHIRURGIE EN DIRECT Detailed program next page Programme détaillé page suivante ROOM 252 A • PLASTIC & AESTHETIC SURGERY 14 saturday 25 october / samedi 25 octobre EUROPEAN PLASTIC AND AESTHETIC SURGERY RENDEZ-VOUS 2014 SCIENTIFIC DIRECTORS: éric plot - sylvie poignonec FOCUS ON EYES AND PERI ORBITAL ZONE: REJUVENATION AND BEAUTIFICATION RéGION ORBITAIRE ET PéRIORBITAIRE : Rajeunissement et embellissement SESSION 39 • 8:30 - 10:30 Upper eyelid refinement: The drawing / Orbicularis muscle management / Brow lift by blepharoplasty approach raffinement au niveau de la paupière supérieure : Le tracé, le muscle orbiculaire, lifting du sourcil Chair: Eric Plot, Sylvie Poignonec •Introduction of the course: Aesthetic indications of the blepharoplasties Evolution of the ideas / Introduction : Indications opératoires des blépharoplasties esthétiques en 2014 Evolution des idées •Live surgery 1 - Upper eyelid procedure with filling of the eyebrows with fat or filler Blépharoplastie supérieure et comblement du sourcil (greffe de graisse et produits de comblement) - Berend Van Der Lei, The Netherlands •Live surgery 2 - Brow lift by blepharoplasty approach / Ascension du sourcil par voie de blépharoplastie Steven Hopping, USA SESSION 40 • 11:00 - 13:00 Lower eyelid: Management of skin resection / Tear trough correction / Midface lift by transconjonctival approach Paupière inférieure : résection cutanée, correction de la vallée des larmes, lifting centro facial par voie endoconjonctivale Chair: Steven HOPPING, Olivier CLAUDE •Live surgery 3 - Transcutaneous lower blepharoplasty with routine lateral canthal support Paupières inférieures par voie cutanée avec canthopexie de sécurité - Mark Codner, USA •Live surgery 4 - Transconjunctival deep plane midface lift / Lifting centro facial par voie endoconjonctivale Sylvie Poignonec & Eric Plot, France SESSION 41 • 14:00 - 16:00 TheorETICAL session: Upper blepharoplasty and brow lift: Live demo comments Session théorique : Blépharoplastie supérieure et lifting du sourcil Chair: Mark Codner, Eric Plot •Radiofrequency for periorbital wrinkles. An alternative for BoNT therapy / Radiofréquence periorbitaire : une alternative au traitement à la toxine botulique - Joelle Huth, France •Upper Blepharoplasty and Management of orbiculari muscle Blépharoplastie supérieure et gestion du muscle orbiculaire - Eric Plot, France •Upper blepharoplasty: Dogmas and controversies / Blépharoplastie superieure : dogmes et controverses Berend Van Der Lei, The Netherlands •Blepharoplasty & brow lift: My technique / Blépharoplastie & lifting du sourcil : ma technique Steven Hopping, USA •Blepharoplasty & brow lift: My technique / Blépharoplastie & lifting du sourcil : ma technique Mark Codner, USA •Fat grafting of the upper eyelid / Greffe de graisse de la paupière supérieure - Sylvie Poignonec, France SESSION 42 • 16:30 - 18:30 TheorETICAL session: Lower blepharoplasty / Tear trough correction Midface lift by palpebral approach: Live demo comments Session théorique : Blépharoplastie inférieure, correction de la vallée des larmes, lifting centro facial par voie palpébrale Chair: Berend Van Der Lei, Sylvie Poignonec •Rejuvenation of the lower eyelid: my technique Rajeunissement de la paupière inférieure : Ma technique - Béatrice Lafarge-Claoué, France •Tear trough deformity: review of anatomy and treatment option / Déformation de la vallée des larmes : Anatomie et les options de traitement - Mark Codner, USA •Fat grafting of the tear trough / Greffe de graisse de la vallée des larmes - Olivier Claude, France •The transconjunctival SOOF pad lift blepharoplasty / Lifting malaire et ascension de la graisse profonde sous orbitaire par voie endoconjonctivale - Sylvie Poignonec, France •Eyelid and peri-orbital rejuvenation including midface-lift and forehead lift / Rajeunissement de la paupière et de la zone péri-orbitaire par le lifting centro facial et frontal - Berend Van Der Lei, The Netherlands •Complication and side effects of lower blepharoplasty: Treatment / Complications et effets secondaires de la blépharoplastie inférieure : leurs traitements - Olivier Galatoire, France LIVE SURGERY FROM OPERATING ROOM CHIRURGIE EN DIRECT DU BLOC OPératoire (Clinique Alphand, Paris) LIST OF INDUSTRY SPONSORED SYMPOSIA 15 15 friday 24 october / vendredi 24 octobre ROOM 242 B 11h00-12h00 - SYMPOSIUM 1 MERZ AESTHETICS •Presentation of the consensus on IncoBT dosage Diluted Radiesse as a new skin tightening technique: Science and live injection demonstration Présentation du consensus du dosage IncoBT Nouvelle technique de remise en tension de la peau avec du Radiesse dilué : démonstration en direct Yana YUTSKOVSKAYA, Russia 12h00-13h00 - SYMPOSIUM 2 GMV •PLEXR: easy non surgical blepharoplasty in medical clinic PLEXR : la blépharoplastie facile non chirurgicale au cabinet médical Didier DUBOIS, France 14h00-15h00 - SYMPOSIUM 3 PROLLENIUM •Advanced facial contouring and shaping with Revanesse Contour Redessinez les contours et les formes du visage avec Revanesse Contour Keith Burk, Canada 15h00-16h00 - SYMPOSIUM 4 TEOXANE •Teosyal Pen: The smartest extension of your hand Teosyal Pen : l’extension parfaite pour votre main Hassan Galadari, UAE 16h30-17h30 - SYMPOSIUM 5 JAPAN BIO PRODUCTS •A new step: JBP biostimulation, placenta extracts and combined polydioxanone threads Nouvelle étape: JBP biostimulation, des extraits placentaires et les fils combinés de polydioxanone Vicenta LLORCA, Spain ROOM 252 A 11h00-12h00 - SYMPOSIUM 7 LIFE LENGH •Telomere measurement: A clinical biomarker for assessing aging and age-related diseases Mesure des télomères : un biomarqueur clinique d’évaluation du vieillissement et des maladies liées à l’âge Steve Matlin, Spain • Jerry Shay, USA 12h00-13h00 - SYMPOSIUM 8 SOLTA MEDICAL •Photopneumatic technology in combination with profusion therapy for the treatment of acne Thechnologie photopneumatic associée avec la thérapie profusion pour le traitement de l’acné Jane Lewis, UK 14h00-15h00 - SYMPOSIUM 9 A SWISS GROUP •Stem cell et PDO threads LUXEFACE&LUXEBODY thread rejuvenation. Ozein Peel-new bioregenerative concept Rajeunissement avec cellule souche et fils tenseurs PDO LUXEFACE&LUXEBODY. Nouveau concept de biorégénération Ozein Peel Jung-Hyun YOON, South-Korea • Dorina DONICI, Switzerland 15h00-16h00 - SYMPOSIUM 10 CROMA AESTHETICS •Combination of PDO threads with Princess HA-based fillers Association de fils tenseurs PDO avec l’injectable à base d’AH Princess Lukasz PREIBISZ, Poland 16h30-17h30 - SYMPOSIUM 11 NACRIDERM •A major anti aging innovation: Reverse the glycation reaction, the challenge of AGE BREAKER molecules Innovation majeure anti âge : Inverser la réaction de glycation, le défi des molécules AGE BREAKER Claude DALLE, France 16 16 LIST OF INDUSTRY SPONSORED SYMPOSIA saturday 25 october / samedi 25 octobre ROOM 242 B 11h00-12h00 - SYMPOSIUM 13 TEOXANE •Teosyal Pen: The smartest extension of your hand Teosyal Pen : l’extension parfaite pour votre main Antoine PARASKEVAS, France - Stefan LIPP, Germany 12h00-13h00 - SYMPOSIUM 14 PROLLENIUM •Beyond PRP: The next step in Platelet Rich Plasma with Revanesse Au-delà du PRP : la prochaine étape du Platelet Rich Plasma avec Revanesse Keith Burk, Canada 14h00-15h00 - SYMPOSIUM 15 CYNOSURE •Presenting PicoSure Focus - the world’s first and only picosecond laser for aesthetic treatments Picosure Focus - Le seul et unique laser picoseconde dans le monde pour les traitements esthétiques Jeremy A. Brauer, USA 15h00-16h00 - SYMPOSIUM 16 ITP SA •Neauvia Organic fillers - Holistic approach of the aesthetic treatment Injectable Bio Neauvia - approche holistique du traitement esthétique Nicola ZERBINATI, Italy • Mauro CASTIGLIONI, Italy Andrzej IGNACIUK, Poland • Vincenzo ALOISANTONI, Italy SPONSORS PREMIER SPONSOR PLATINUM SPONSOR GOLD SPONSOR SILVER SPONSOR Simultaneous translation / Traduction simultanée Room Maillot Room 241 Room 251 Room 242 B Room 252 A French Canal 1 Canal 1 Canal 1 Canal 1 Canal 1 English Channel 2 Channel 2 Channel 2 Channel 2 Channel 2 Russian Channel 3 No translation No translation No translation No translation 17 17 Translation headphones are available in front of the Room Maillot Des casques de traduction sont à votre disposition devant la salle Maillot A document (passport, ID card, credit card) will be required for each headphone. A numbered tag will be given to you with the headphones. You will get your ID back when returning the headphones / Une pièce d’identité vous sera demandée pour chaque casque en échange d’un ticket numéroté. Elle vous sera rendue quand vous rapporterez votre casque. Please bring back your headphones each evening (batteries must be recharged) Merci de rendre votre casque chaque soir (batterie à recharger) WARNING! if you lose the headphones, you will be asked for 250 Euros ATTENTION ! CASQUE PERDU = 250 Euros R E C OR DI NG POLI C Y All recording (photographic, video and audio) of the sessions, master classes during the AMEC 2014 is strictly prohibited. FRIDAY 24 OCTOBER 2014 - 6.3 0 pm PA RIS - PA L A IS DES CONGRÈS I NI V E AU 2 H A L L M A IL LOT BEILIN Ghislaine , • Expert in aesthetic medicine, laser and anti-aging - based in Paris, France • Scientific committee of I CLASS HAND. • Vice-President of the FSMEA - Fédération Syndicale des Médecines Esthétiques et Anti-Age. • Vice-President of the SAAAM Swiss Academy of Anti-aging Medicine. • Consultant in high technologies for pharmaceutical and aesthetic industries. • Author of the book "The light that rejuvenates your face" - Editions Anagram. SPEAKERS ACCARDO Ciro , is Plastic Surgeon in Tprre del Greco, Italy. He is BENHAMOU Albert-Claude , ACQUILLA Raj BERNE Fredrik, Fredrik Berne MD Specialist in Surgery and Breast AGARWAL Madhuri, Dr. Madhuri Agarwal ,MD (Skin&VD),DDV is a dermatologist . In 2004,she has founded a private practice in dermatology and aesthetic medicine in Mumbai,India. She has extensive experience in dermal fillers,antiaging & pigmentation.She has many publications to her credit & has contributed as invited faculty and panelist . She has been associated with scientific societies: IADVL,CSI,ISD,EADV. Her medical interests are : aesthetic dermatology and non invasive facial contouring. BERNING Angelika , doctor for psychotherapeutic medicine, psychoanalyse and psychotherapy, founded a private practice 1993 in Hannover, Germany. Working with EMDR ( Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing ) since 2002 ( depressions, anxieties, burn out, PTSD etc. ) She is member of EMDRIA Germany e.V., national EMDR Association and EMDR Europe Association accredited practitioner. AIDAN Patrick, MD, is ORL Surgeon in Paris, France. BERTOSSI Dario , Associate Professor in the Department of Surgery of the University of Verona and is an internationally acclaimed Facial Plastic Surgeon known for his innovative surgical techniques and is an international speaker on advanced Maxillo Facial surgery techniques. Prof. Bertossi has been a visiting professor at many university centers in the USA, Europe and South America. He is actively involved in research and teaching other Maxillo Facial surgeons in the University of Verona. AL NAGASH Magdalyna , Aesthetic medicine specialist, maxillofacial surgeon. Head Doctor at NUCU Cosmetic Laser and Cosmetology Centre, Kharkiv, Ukraine. BESINS Thierry, is surgeon at the St George Clinic in Nice, France. ALLAERT François - André , Professor of Public Health and CEO CenBiotech/CEN Nutriment in Dijon, France. BESSASSI Mohamed AMAR JeanAlbert, jean-Albert AMAR est dermatologue et attaché à l'hôpital St Louis à Paris depuis 1984. Il pratique la greffe de cheveux depuis 1991 et l'auteur de nombreux articles et conférences sur ce sujet, il participe en tant qu’enseignant au DU de pathologie chirurgicale du cuir chevelu à Paris BEUSTES-STEFANELLI Matthieu , is a French Plastic Surgeon, fellow of the European Board of Plastic Surgery (EBOPRAS) and the French College of Plastic Surgery (CFCPRE), currently working in Biarritz, France. His main interests are hand surgery, ear surgery, reconstructive surgery & anatomy. He's founder member of iClass Anatomy (International Courses with Live demonstrations & Anatomy dissections inSkin rejuvenation & aesthetic Surgery) & iClass Hand (Group on Hand Aesthetics). AMGAR Gilbert , BEZOT Jean Francois , Jean-François BEZOT PharmD is a Clinical Pathologist ..Since 1988 he has a private Practice for Anti Aging Biology and Omics in Paris ,Geneva,London and Brussels. At present he is Expert BIOPREDIX for Cerba European Lab in U.E. AMMAR Oussama , Oussama has always been an Entrepreneur — he got his first taste of the startup world when he was 12 years old and launched one of the first web agencies in France. He spent a few years working on it with multiple spin-offs and independents platforms. Angel Investor for over 2 years with 21+ active deals, Oussama is trying to scale this by founding TheFamily, an accelerator for early-stage startups that supports them from [0] to [1] through education & unfair advantages. BOUHANNA Eric , a member of the Italian Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, S.I.M.E. Italian Society of Aesthetical Medicine, S.I.O. Italian Society of Oxygen Ozone Therapy, A.I.F. Italian Association Phytotherapy and Phytopharmacology, S.I.E.S. Italian Society of Medicine and Aesthetical Surgery. , Dr Raj Acquilla graduated from Manchester University Medical School in 1999 and has 11 years experience in Cosmetic Dermatology having performed over 20,000 procedures. He is member of the British College of Aesthetic Medicine, UK Ambassador & Global KOL for Allergan Facial Aesthetics. He has lectured extensively in Europe, South Africa, Japan, India, Australia and the USA. In 2012 he was given the prestigious title of Speaker of the Year at the UK Aesthetic Awards. MD, is specialist in Nutrition and Anti-Aging Morphological medicine in Maisons Laffitte. He used to be consultant for different medical companies and associations. Dr Amgar is President of the French Society of Self Regenerin. He is author of a great number of publications in autologus revitalization. is Vascular Surgeon at the Pitié Salpêtrière University hospital in Paris, France. Professor Benhamou holds also a teaching position at the Pierre et Marie Curie University in Paris. surgery specializing in aesthetic surgery since 2004. Founder and co-owner of Klinik34 one of the first clinics in the world specializing and evolving Minimal Invasive Plastic Surgery. He has been invited as faculty to many aesthetic surgical meetings such as ISAPS, Euromedicom, IMCAS, MIPS. He is part of multiple advisory boards both European, Asian and international. Member of Swedish Association for Breast Surgery He is specialised in plastic recontructive and aesthetic surgery as well as in maxillo-facial surgery. He is Founder President of the SOFCEP (French Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons). Member of ASAPS, ASAPS, and SOFCPRE (French Society of plastic and reconstructive surgery) Scientific director of the Mondial AMWC of Monaco , College Degree first year of Natural Sciences in Tunis 1970 Studies of medicine at the University of Caen in France from 1971 to 1979 Former internal medicine doctor in psychiatric hospitals and specialist in psychiatry in 1979. competence in general medicine and child psychiatry. Exercises in Caen in liberal cabinet since 1980 Orientations biological psychiatry, genetique , antiage medicine and psychoanalysis. work on serotonin and neuromediators in melancholy and autism . is Plastic Surgeon, hair restoration specialist (Paris, France), Member of college and society of plastic Surgery. He has particularly developed the new hair transplants procedures, follicular unit extraction and eyebrows transplantation in France ANAND Chytra , BOUHANNA Pierre , Exclusive hair dermatologist surgeon, since 1997 Dr. Bouhanna is the course director of the University Diploma of scalp pathology and surgery in Paris (university Paris VI), course director of the international hair surgery master course (IHSMC) for the Paris AMEC congress, member and teacher in the training comitee of the IHRSS and expert for the French ministry of health. He has published 11 books and more than 130 articles in French and foreign languages. AVERINA Vladlena, Vladlena Averina, MD, is certified specialist in dermatovenereology & aesthetic medicine since 1998, from Kiev Medical University (Ukraine). Works at Kiev State Hospital “Feofania”. Has extensive experience with different ﬕllers, BoNT-A, PRP, mesotherapy, peelings. She writes over 20 scientific articles for aesthetic dermatology journals. She is EADV member. Dr. Averina is trainer for some international companies operating at the field of aesthetic medicine. BOUREZANE Yazid , MD is dermatologist. In 2002, he founded a private pactice for dermatology and aesthetic dermatology in Besançon (France). Dr Bourezane has extensive experience with trichoscopy (dermoscopy of hair) and laser therapy. He is member of french dermatology society and the European Academy of dermatology. His medical interests are dermatology, aesthetic dermatology and hair diseases. Scientific research: Rosacea, aesthetic dermatology and hair dermoscopy. With a Dermatology Masters from London and Fellowship from USA is experienced in treating various skin types. After practicing in London she returned to India in 2006 and set up Kosmoderma Clinics and currently owns 6 clinics and 1 MediSpa. She is a member of EADV & Fellow of AAD. Her special interests are Injectables & Lasers. She is considered a leading Aesthetic dermatologist and opinion former in India and voted as India's Most Respected Cosmetic Dermatologist 2013. BAKKAR Khalid, is Research Scientist in Paris, France. 18 BRAMBILLA Massimiliano , is Board certified Plastic Surgeon. Since 1997 is Senior Surgeon of the Division of Plastic and Breast Surgery of the IRCCS Policlinico-Mangiagalli Hospital in Milan, Italy. Field of interest: breast oncoplastic surgery, genital surgery , staminal cell regenerative medicine and eyelid oncoplastic surgery. He is a very active aesthetic surgeon with special interest in breast , face rejuvination and genital surgery. CABECA Anna , Dr. Anna Cabeca is an Emory University trained board certified Gynecologist and Obstetrician, as well as board certified in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine, an expert in Functional Medicine, and an expert in women’s health and hormone therapy. She is the co-creator of the Sexy Younger You telesummit and the creator of the highly acclaimed virtual transformational programs: and DAY Doris , CAKIR Ruhi , Ruhi Cakir, MD, PhD, MsC, Pediatric and Family Medicine Specialist, Anti-Aging Master Degree. Founder and CEO of Mediozon Clinics, Turkey. Has experience in Complementary Medicine and Anti-Aging, Ozone Therapy, Colon Hydrotherapy, Wound Healing, Skin Revunation are main fields of interest and private practise. Member of several organizations including WOSÃ�°AM, ISCO3, IMEOF etc. DE JAEGER Christophe , Christophe de JAEGER is one of the founder of anti aging medicine in Europe. He started his career as a geriatrician and he is actually professor of medical physiology and a specialist of evaluation and management of ageing in Paris, France. He is the author of many articles and several books on aging management. He is an international speaker and his works focuses principally on physiological age and management. He is the head of the Health and Longevity Department. CAPT Marcel , one of the first ortho-molecular specialist in Switzerland is studying ,since over 10 years, the stress oxidative effects on several different pathologies. His main purpose is to detect early enough the anti-oxidant deficit to fight against the damages due to ageing and to excessive sport, He runs his own Anti-Aging Center and is coaching several elite sportsmen. As a Member of the Swiss Journalist Association , he published several articles in the scientific press DEGRAVE Marie Hélène, is Microbiologist in Lille, France. CASADIO Sophie , Marseille (FRANCE). MD since 1989 in restorative dermography for the mammary areola after breast cancer and scars,8000 reconstructions.Has also introduced the restorative consultation for the mammary areola in clinics.Specialized in face’s dermography for damaged areas from accidents or illnesses and in head&hairy areas’ micropigmentation:skin pathologies, eyelids,eyebrows,beard and rebuilding areas of transplanted donor hair.Lecturing at the University Diploma DELMAR Henry, Henry Delmar MD, is Plastic Surgeon. In 1993, he CASOLI Vincent , is currently Professor - Dpt. of Plastic reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, CHU Bordeau, France. He works in Dpt. of Plastic SSurgery and Burns at the FX. Michelet Hospital in Bordeaux. Pr Casoli is specialized in plastic and reconstructive surgery and especially in Hand Surgery and Plastic and reconstructive surgery of lower limbs trauma and cancer efects, and in cosmetic surgery. DEMENEIX Barbara , Professor and Head of Dept., expert on thyroid function, aging and neural stem cell function as well as on endocrine disruption and brain development. Coordinated CRESCENDO ( on Nuclear Receptors in Development and Aging and now SWITCHBOX ( EU Collaborative Project on health in old age through homeostasis. 2014 CNRS Innovation Medal 2011 Mentorship Award from the journal ‘Nature’ 2014 ‘Officer’ of the French Legion d’Honneur CAVALLINI Maurizio , Maurizio Cavallini , MD is plastic surgeon and microsurgeon. Assistant and then acting chief in ICP and IRCCS Galeazzi Hospital in Milan, actually is chief of the Unit of Dermato Surgery in CDI Hospital in Milan.Fellow of many national and International society , actually is Vicepresident OF ASSECE ( European Association of Aesthetic Surgery since 2008 ) and ordinary fellow of SICPRE ( Italian Society of plastic surgery ) and AICPE ( Italian Association of Aethetic Surgery) DEPREZ Philippe, Doctor in medicine and surgery; UCL, Belgique. Professor of aesthetic medicine in several countries; Member and honour member of several scientific societies. Medical director and owner of Clinica Hera, Empuriabrava, Spain. Medical director of Skin Rebirth sl and Aesthetic Dermal sl. Dr Deprez has extensive experience in chemical peelings, mesotherapy and many other aesthetic techniques. Other strong points are scientific research, redaction and communication. CAVELIER-BALLOY Bénédicte , MD Dermatologist and Pathologist,works since 1987 in a private practice lab for Dermatopathology ; consultant for dermatopathology in Hospital St Louis (Paris) . Collaboration with Centre Sabouraud(scalp diseases).Member of French society of Dermatology , French society of Pathology , International society of Dermatology . Medical interests and scientific publications: dermatopathology,scalp and mucous membrane diseases . DIERICKX Christine C. , CHANTREY Jonquille , Dr Chantrey is an accomplished and well-respected surgeon with over 10 years' experience in Facial Aesthetics and minimally-invasive Cosmetic Surgery. She has worked as National Aesthetics Director and Lead Surgeon for 2 major Harley Street-based UK Cosmetic Surgery companies and now has a successful practice in Cheshire. Dr Chantrey regularly presents at Cosmetic Medicine & Plastic Surgery conferences throughout the world and is well known in the UK for her media presence. DONICI Dorina , CHARDONNEAU Jean-Marc , is Phlebologist and Aesthetic Physician in Nantes, France. Dr Chardonneau is scientific director of the International Congress on Aesthetics of Legs (CIMEMI) DUBOIS Didier , CHAUCHARD Claude , obtained his doctorate in Endocrinology, Biology and Sports Medicine from the University of Montpelier, France. Chairman of the Asia Pacific Academy of Anti-Aging medicine, and former Assistant Professor at the University of Montpellier (1974-1979), he is one of the world’s top Specialists in preventive medicine for aging. Over one million copies of his thirteen books on ageing process have been sold. DUMONTIER Christian , is head of the Plastic and Hand department - hopital St Roch, Nice, France. He is member of the French Societies of Hand surgery, Orthopedic and Arthroscopy. He is an international member of the American society for Surgery of the Hand CURTAY Jean-Paul, Introduced nutritherapy in France and taught its techniques to over 6000 physicians in 20 countries in Europe, the Middle East, Asia, North, Central and South America and Polynesia. Authored many books: La Nutrithérapie, bases scientifiques, pratique médicale, Okinawa, un programme global pour mieux vivre, (Okinawa, a global plan to live better), Le Parcours Okinawa (telecoaching). Member of the New York Academy of Sciences. Web site : DUSKOVA Michaela , MD, PhD is endocrinologist. Since 2002, she works in Institute of Endocrinology in Prague, CZ. Dr.Dušková has long been interested in the subject of steroid hormones. She is Member of European Society of Endocrinology and Czech Society of Endocrinology. Her medical interests are reproductive endocrinology and preventive medicine. Scientific research: physiology of neuroactive steroids, steroidogenesis during pregnancy and the role of neurosteroids in tobacco addiction. D'ALESSIO Patrizia , MD PhD, Pr Dr Patrizia d’Alessio is hematologist and cell biologist. Founder of AISA Therapeutics. Expert in inflammation and the biological mechanisms reversing senescence by the use of fitted bio-products. Website: EKMEKCIOGLU Cem , Medical practitioner, specialist for physiology and nutritional medicine. Since 2013 affiliated to the Institute of Environmental Health, Med. Univ. Vienna. Assoc. Prof. for Physiology in 2001. More than 80 scientific papers. Author of books, f.ex. 50 things you should know about aging, 50 things you should know about nutrition or The untouched man- Why we need more (pleasant) physical contact (2011) DALLE Claude , President of WOSIAM, International Speaker in Anti-Aging Medicine, President of the French Society of Anti-Aging Medicine. Editor-in-chief of Prime (International Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Medical Publication), Vice-President of the French Society of PRP (plasma rich platelets), Director of the Scientific Comittee of Doxton Company. FANTOZZI Fabio , Doris Day, MD, is a board certified dermatologist who specializes in laser and aesthetic dermatology in New York City. Her private practice includes national and international celebrities. She is clinical associate professor of dermatology at the New York University Medical Center where she was presented with the award for Dedication and Excellence in the Teaching of Dermatology. She has published many papers in dermatology and regularly participates in clinical trials. founded a private practice for aesthetic surgery and medicine in Cap d'Antibes. In 2009, he was President of the French Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons. In 2011, he founded an antiAging center : the "Clinique Science & Beauté". Dr Delmar has an extensive experience in facial rejuvenation, breast surgery & fillers. Member of the main plastic surgery society, he is the author of hundreds of publications & communications. Director of the Boom Laser Clinic in Belgium; was Consulting Staff at the University Hospital of Ghent, Belgium; Visiting Scientist in Dermatology at Massachusetts General Hospital/Wellman Labs, Boston. Her research interests include laser surgery, optical diagnostics, and photodynamic therapy. Dr. Dorina Donici is a anti-aging practitioner, gynecologist and plastic surgeon. She funded in 2007 Russian Society of interdisciplinary Anti-Age Medicine (RUSIAM) and a private clinic in Moscow "EXPERT CLINICS". Dr. Dorina has 15 years extensive experience in bio-reparative&anti-age medicine, gynecology, face and body rejuvenation. In 2012 she founded A SWISS GROUP AG international corporation for developing the bio-reparative technology in anti-age and aesthetic medicine Dr. Didier Dubois, MD, is french President of the AMME NO. He is an accredited international trainer MEDICALCERT in Aesthetic medicine. He is invited in various countries as Monaco, Switzerland, Spain, Iran, Morocco, Algeria or Uzbekistan to give conferences. He is also fully registered with the British General Medical Council, and in Riga (Latvia). He has been an Expert for the Court for 18 years. He is especially experienced with suspension threads for face lift. Education: Doctor of Medicine - "La Sapienza" University, Rome General Surgery Residency - "La Sapienza" University, Rome Plastic Surgery Residency - Carlos Chagas University (Prof. Pitanguy), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Affiliations: Board Certified Plastic Surgeon,Brazilian Society Plastic Surgeons President of ACEIP (European Association of Plastic Surgery) 19 FITOUSSI Camille , Dr Camille Fitoussi is a dermatologist, working as private practitionner in a popular district in Paris. Member of the 'Société française de Dermatologie', President of the thematic groups ' Peaux Ethniques' and member of the group 'Peau Noire' of the SFD. Bibliography: Dermatologie sur peau noire en France métropolitaine (Flammarion 2003) Peau noire,un guide pour toute la famille (Josette Lyon éd.2006) Taches et peau noire :les vraies solutions (Josette Lyon éd. 2009) GOLTSOVA Elena , FOLDES Pierre , MD, Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France. in GOREN Andy , Prof. Andy Goren, MD serves as a Professor of Dermatology at Universita' degli Studi di Roma "G.Marconi". He was the first to develop a commercial genetic test for predicting androgenetic alopecia, the first to discover epigenetic markers predicting anti-androgen therapy response in female androgenetic alopecia, and the first to commercialize an acne vulgaris antibiotic response test based on P. Acnes bacterial genomics. FRIEDMAN Nimrod, Board certified plastic surgeon and a member of IPRAS, ISPS & ISAPS. Dr. Friedman's main fields of interest are: Aesthetic and Reconstructive Breast Surgery, Facial Rejuvenation and Body Contouring, both through surgeries, minimally invasive and non-invasive techniques. His private clinic is based in Tel Aviv, Israel. Dr. Nimrod Friedman is a consultant and KOL for several international companies and a frequent lecturer at meetings and workshops around the world. GOUT Uliana , Dr Uliana Gout is a Cosmetic Physician and founder FRITZ Klaus , Director of dermatology and laser center Landau /Germany Associate Univ.-Professor University "Carol Davila"(Ro),Lecturer and Consultant at the university Osnabrueck (D) Vice President German Academy of Dermatology, Past President European society of laser dermatology, EADV chair – committee , Organiser of various national and international congresses (www.5 cc.) international presentations , publications and author in textbooks GUTOP Ekaterina, MD is a dermatologist and certified specialist in laser and aesthetic medicine. Dr Gutop has a lot of experience with dermal fillers and botulinum toxin since 1998.In 2002 she founded a private practice in Yaroslavl (RF).She is a member of YSOD, OSAM. Her medical interests are aesthetic and laser medicine, health management and informatics, educational programms in cosmetology. FUNDARO Salvatore , Salvatore Piero Fundarò is an aesthetic surgeon practicing in Bologna and Modena Italy. He is Founder and President of Research Center for Injectable Safety (R.C.I.S) and Founder and Treasurer of Associazione Italiana Trattamento Estetico Botulino (A.I.T.E.B.) and Vice-President of Società Italiana Medicina e Chirurgia Estetica (S.I.E.S). HADDAD Richard, MD, is Anti-Aging Physician in Paris, France. GALADARI Hassan , An American board certified graduate of the Boston University/Tufts University dermatology program, Dr. Galadari completed a dermatologic surgery and laser fellowship in the University of California-San Francisco. He currently works as an Assistant Professor of Dermatology in the UAE University. His major area of expertise is soft tissue augmentation, having written numerous book chapters and scientific articles, in addition to lecturing and running workshops internationally. HAEDERSDAL Merete , Merete Haedersdal, MD, PhD, DMSc, is GANSS Christoph , Is within an exclusive circle of international experts on stem cell research, developing ground-breaking technologies that offer customers an exclusive opportunity to utilize personal stem cells for regenerative and anti-aging purposes. Dr Ganss is a committed physician and entrepreneur from Heidelberg, Germany. Dr Ganss did his medical training at the prestigious University of Heidelberg and has acquired knowledge in the field of heart, thorax, vascular and trauma surgery. HILL Martin, Dr Martin Hill is an antiaging physician from Melbourne Australia. He was amongst the first graduation class of the DIU Master of Science in Preventive ad Regenerative Medicine, 2013. He also was a graduate of the first class of the Mastership in Anti-aging Medical Therapeutics, (EURISCIA, WOSAM), Dr Thierry Hertoghe. He is board certified by the American Academy of Anti-aging Medicine (A4M), and a member of the International Hormone Society. GARREL Catherine , HOFFMANN Daniel , France. is Urologist and Surgeon is Oxydative Stress Specialist in Grenoble, GAUCHER Catherine, is Dermatologist in Paris, France. MD,Phd, Dermatologist. Medical director and founder of clinic aesthetic and laser medicine "NEO-Clinic" (Tyumen, Russia) since 2005. Since 2002 she works in the Department of Dermatology, head of postgraduate course of specialists in aesthetic medicine in Tyumen Academy of Medicine. Trainer and expert in fillers and botulinum toxin. Chief cosmetologist of Tyumen reg. Her practical and scientific interests are: injectables rejuvenation, new technologies, lasers, stem cells. of a private practice- London Aesthetic Medicine Services Ltd. She serves as Principal Trainer in one of Europe largest Aesthetic Medicine Schools teaching a variety of non-surgical treatment modalities. Dr Gout is a chairperson of the International Peeling Society. Dr Gout regularly presents at international congresses, as well as being involved in a number of research programmes & publications. consultant in dermatology and clinical professor at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. She is Visiting Scientist at the Wellman Center for Photomedicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School focusing on “Laser-Assisted Drug delivery” in collaboration with Dr. R. Rox Anderson and his team. Her major research areas include laser-assisted drug delivery, PDT, and treatment of skin cancer with light-based devices. Daniel Hoffmann, Director Social Media & Mobile at the Germany-based digital marketing agency Cocomore AG. He is responsible for the strategic and conceptual work of numerous campaigns and applications for international clients such as Nestlé, Procter & Gamble, Merz Aesthetics and the OTTO Group. As funder and author of the Social Media marketing blog he is writing about brand building in Social Media, Social CRM and Social Commerce on a regular basis. HUMPHREY Shannon, Dr. Shannon Humphrey is at the forefront is Phlebologist and Anti-Aging Physician in Lyon, France. He is past president of the French Society of Phlebology. Dr JP Gobin is member of the following scientific societies: French Society of Phlebology, Canadian Society of Phlebology, French Association of Anti-Aging Physicians (AFME). He is a lecturer at the University of Medecine Paris VI. of innovation in cosmetic dermatology. Her active cosmetic dermatology practice in Vancouver, British Columbia, is centered on the principle of using world-leading dermatological technologies and products to deliver effective, natural-looking results for patients. As the Director of Continuing Medical Education and Associate Clinical Professor in the Department of Dermatology and Skin Science at the University of British Columbia, Dr. Humphrey teaches in the undergraduate, post-graduate and CME dermatology programs and also established an acne and , MD, isclinic. ENT Surgeon and Aesthetic Face SurgeonDr. in HUTH rosacea Joelle subspecialty In addition to treating patients, Perigueux, Humphrey France. is an active clinical trialist, serving as the principal investigator for numerous pivotal cosmetic clinical trials. Dr. Humphrey is a regular voice in local and national media and is an active committee member with the American Academy of Dermatology, the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, the Women's Dermatologic Society, and the Canadian Dermatology Association. A recognized expert in the use of soft tissue fillers and neuromodulators in particular, Dr. Humphrey is a frequent speaker and oft-published author on these topics with a , ispersonal an anti passion aging practitioner andnatural-looking an addiction IONITA Lavinia continued focus on her for achieving specialist at Humphrey American Hospital Paris, France.ofInternational in results. Dr. receivedofher Bachelor Science andspeaker MD with the field of anti aging and addictions , her research interests are focused distinction from Dalhousie University, completed her dermatology on molecular involvedofin British preventive & regenerative residency at events the University Columbia and is amedicine. fellow of Her the practice in ParisofisPhysicians based on personalized medicine andand tabacology. Royal College and Surgeons of Canada a Diplomate of the American Board of Dermatology. GODIC Aleksandar , Aleksandar Godic, MD, PhD is a dermatovenereologist. In 2005/2006 he spent a year as a postdoc research fellow in dermatopathology at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF), USA. Dr Godic is an editor of the Acta Dermatovenerologica Alpina, Pannonica et Adriatica. He is currently employed at the Department of Dermatology, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, UK. His research interests are dermatopathology, inflammatory skin diseases, and genodermatoses. JANOVSKA Jana , GOLDIE Kate , KANE Michael A. C. , Is a Plastic Surgeon in private practice in New York, USA. He is board-certified by the American Board of Surgery and the American Board of Plastic Surgery. He is a member of many professional organizations including the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), the American Society of Laser Medicine and Surgery, the New York County Medical Society, the Medical Society of the State of New York, and the international Society of Hair Restoration Surgery. GIAUSSERAN Fabien , Dr. Fabien Giausseran is an Aesthetic and Anti-Ageing Doctor, Advanced Laser Practitioner and founder of Centre Laser Liberté. As a specialist in facial rejuvenation, he develops non-invasive techniques combining the best products to achieve global aesthetic improvement with natural-looking results. He is a member of the editorial committee of the Journal of Medicine and Morphological Anti-Aging, a member of the National Union SNMMAA, Member of the SOFMMAA and the WOSIAM. GOBIN Jean-Pierre , Dr Kate Goldie is the medical director of European Medical Aesthetics Ltd, one of Europe's largest Aesthetic training companies. Dr Goldie is also the Medical Director of the Advanced Rejuvenation Clinics, with a private practice in Harley Street, London and Glasgow, Scotland. She regularly lectures throughout Europe and has taught medical aesthetics in over 22 countries and is renowned for her clear teaching style. 20 Jana Janovska MD, dermatologist and antiageing specialist. Her PhD research is about skin photoageing in patients with metabolic syndrome. She has several international patents and develops anti- ageing compositions as well as creams for peroral and topical usage. Had practice in Austria, Paris, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy and Germany. She is a lecturer at University. Her professional interests are: skin immune system, endocrinology, photo ageing and metabolic syndrome. KATSAMBAS Andreas , Andreas Katsambas MD is Professor of , Medical LLORCA PEREZ Vicenta Maria Doctor.Alicante-Spain. Master Family Health, Aesthetic Medicine, Antiaging Medicine and Nutrition. Medical Director Antiaging Unit Levante Hospitals. Medical Societies: SEME, SEMAL, IMV, FIMAL; FIEEL President to Institute European Longetiviy Study Fondation. Medical Speaker at international courses and congress Researches activity: Trainer and Scientific Consultant JBP KENDZIOR Philipp , Philipp Kendzior is the Head of eMedia & Communications of MERZ AESTHETICS. He has a long record in building digital systems like Online Shops and CRM platform for various companies but as well managing their online marketing campaigns. In his position at MERZ AESTHETICS he is responsible for the Global Digital Strategy and the integration of all related channels. LOBUZNOV Andrey, Practices since 1986. Cearing for patients of KLEHR Nikolaus W. , N.W. Klehr, MD is a Dermatologist and Director of the Institute of Immunology and Cell Biology Dr. Klehr in Munich, Germany. His working Group specialized in the field of regenerative therapies and immuno therapies in cancer diseases. First describing of Tumor stem cells in 1980. Establishing basal Membrane cells being pluripotent autogenic stem cells derived from epidermal tissue. Member of several medical associations, e.g. German Medical Association for autogenic Therapies LOPEZ Juan Carlos , Graded to surgery and gynecology surgery (resident) Graded to ultrasound - Brazilian Society for Ultrasound in Medicine Master in Aesthetic Medicine - Universitat de les Illes Balears – Spain Principal Member of SEQLA - Sociedad Española de Láser Médico Quirúrgico KLEINE GUNK Bernd, Prof. Dr. med. Bernd Kleine-Gunk is Head of Department of Gynecology, Schön Clinic, Nürnberg/Fürth. He is practicing gynecological Endocrinology as well as nutritional medicine. Since 2009 he is President of the German Society of Anti-Aging Medicine (GSAAM), Editor in Chief of the Medical Journal "Gynecology and Obstetrics", author of more than 150 scientific publications and publisher of the first German medical textbook on Anti-Aging Medicine. LOTTI Torello , KOLLIAS Peter, Peter Kollias is an Imaging Consultant for Canfield Scientific Europe. Peter started in a technical consulting position at Canfield developing applications for single camera 3D systems, and the use of high-resolution 2D imaging systems for dermatology and clinical research. With over 10 years of varied imaging experience and application in the research and medical fields, Peter continues to pursue the application of 3D imaging in the research and medical fields. MAGGIONI Cristina, is an obstetrics and gynecology and works at the University of Milan, Italy. She has also a master in clinical psychology and a PhD at the EHSS in Paris. She worked at the Chronobiology Laboratories, Minneapolis, USA, with Prof. Halberg. She focus her researches on melatonin, fetal growth, pregnancy endocrinology, premature delivery and stress. Rhythms desynchonization is the more promising field to explore the connection between body and mind. KONTUREK Peter C., Prof. Dr. med. AGAF - Professor of Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology at the University Erlangen, Germany. Director of the Dept. of Internal Medicine at the Thuringia Clinic Saalfeld. Fellow of the American Association of Gastroenterology. His clinical interest is related to the therapy of stress-related GI diseases. The main research activity is focused on the role of brain-gut axis in the pathogenesis of GI-disorders. More than 240 original peer-reviewed publications. MANTZOURANI Theodora, Dr Theodora Mantzourani BSc, MD, MRCGP, MSc, DipNutMed is a London based GP specializing in Bioidentical Hormones, Functional and Preventative Medicine.She has an interest in personalized chronic disease management and most of her patients are complex cases with "unexplained" symptoms from all over the world. Member of IFM and fellow of A4M, she has had postgraduate training in Endocrinology at Queen Mary, University of London and Nutritional Medicine at University of Surrey KRAUSE Mario , International expert in holistic preventive and anti aging medicine, based in Hannover, Germany. Specialization in general medicine, environmental medicine and homeopathy. He is Founder of the German Center of Personalized Prevention and Optimization (DZIP) and Founder of the WORLD MEDICAL SPA ASSOCIATION. He is also Scientific Director Medical SPA of the World Society of Anti Aging Medicine WOSAAM and Vice President International Hormone Society (Section Europe) HIS. MARINI Leonardo , Medical Director of The Skin Doctors’ Center - KWON Han Jin, MD, is Aesthetic Physician in Seoul, South Korea. MARKOV Daniel , Daniel Markov is International Sales Manager at LEBEDEVA Svetlana , MD. is Dermatologist, Cosmetologist, Physiotherapist, sertified specialist in laser and injection techniques. Since 1999 has practice in aesthetic medicine. Head of the department Cosmetological Equipment Sankt- Petersburg Institute of Beauty (SPIK). Lector at the Sankt- Petersburg Medical University, Department of Dermatology and Cosmetology. Speaker and trainer in the field of injection techniques. Medical advisor and trainer for Allergan. MAROTTA Francesco LEBRE Elyane , Elyane Lèbre is consultant and foodtrainer in Nutrition and Anti-Aging, based in Paris. Member of the French Anti-Aging Association she is specialized in the most advanced tactics of nutrition in the prevention of age. She conducts gourmet workshops and trains chefs in optimal nutriments and recipes. She gives personal detox sessions for depollution and balanced diets. She is the author of " La Diétetique Anti-Âge" , " Les algues, comment les cuisiner" et "Le Cru se rebiffe MCNAMARA Michael , LESHUNOV Evgenii , Having graduated from Vladivostok State Medical University, Dr. Leshunov has been working at the Russian Federal Biomedical Agency. Is a recipient of prestigious grand of the Bortnik Foundation of Russia. Specialises in aesthetic gynecology and sexual disfunctions, as well as micro-invasive methods of diagnostics and treatment of urological and andrological conditions. MENSAH Pascal, is GP and Immuno-Physician in Nîmes, France. LIPKO GODLEWSKA Sylwia , Sylwia Lipko-Godlewska MD, PhD is specialist in Dermatology and Aesthetic Dermatology. She completed her doctorate thesis at the Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland. She has extensive experience in fillers, botulin toxin and chemical peels. She is Member of: Society of Polish Dermatologist, Society of Polish Aesthetic Dermatologist. She is author of 22 publications and over 40 congress presentation. She is dermatological consultant for several cosmetic companies. MESTRE Jean-René , LIPP Stefan, Stefan Lipp, Aesthetic Practionier studied Medicine and MICHEELS Patrick , is a General Practitioner strongly focusing on aesthetic medicine with his offices based in Geneva. MD degree from the Univ. Catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium, post- doctoral training on injectable fillers at the Univ. Paris V and on laser at the Univ. of Poitiers. Member of the Belgian Society of Medicine Aesthetic, Swiss Society of Mesotherapy (Vice-President), Swiss Society of Medicine Aesthetic and National Trade Union of the Aesthetic Doctors – France. Dermatology and Venereology of the University of Athens in Greece. Previous appointments include: Secretary General and President of the EADV, Board member and Committee Chair of the ILDS. In 2012 he became an ADA International Fellow and in 2013 was elected International Observer to the AAD Board. He has published over 300 manuscripts in international medical journals and has co-edited two books. all ages he believes in real help is not a medicine fighting with diseases but dealing with the reasons of possible diseases to make them impossible. His focus is: Hormones’ Restorative Therapy (HRT), body composition management, aggressive prevention. In 2003 he was appointed on Adjunct position as Clinical Assistant Professor, Family Med.Dep, University of Iowa USA. Now working in Clinic “EMC” Moscow, Russia as a Family Doctor. Prof. Dr., MD, MD (Hon) President * World Health Academy,2012 – President * Intern.l Hair Society (1994-1995) President -Eu* Intern.l Academy of Cosmetic Derm.(1998–1999) President * Eu Soc.Cosmetic Aesthetic Derm. (2003–2004). President * Intern.l Soc.Derm. (ISD) 2009-2010. President * SIDeMaST 2009-2010. Full Professor Chair of Dermatology (Florence University, Italy) 2011 - Full Professor Chair of Dermatology (Rome “G.Marconi” University, Italy) Trieste (Italy), former President of ESLD and ESCAD, presently Chairman of the EADV Task Force for Laser Dermatology, is specialized in Dermatology and Venereology as well as General Surgery. He has been working in the area of Dermatologic Surgery and Aesthetic Dermatology for more than 25 years. After his medical degree at the University of Trieste Medical School, he trained in USA, Germany, France, Australia and New Zealand. FotoFinder Systems GmbH. , Co-founder of ReGenera group for innovative model of preventive medicine. Res. prof., Dept. Human Nutrition & Food Science, Texas University, USA. Advisory Board, Research Council, Life Sci. Cnt, Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan. Gastroenterology at Univ of Chicago & Univ of CapeTown. Molecular biol. at Welcome Labs. London & GoodGene Lab. Korea. Received many international prizes, including a Genomic Pioneer Award. Has published 135 papers & 430 communications. Dr. Michael T. McNamara, MD is a MRI and preventive medicine and cardiac pioneer radiologist. In 1986 he founded Europe’s first MRI center in Monaco. In 2003 he founded Monaco LifeCheck Center. He has published extensively; team doctor for 1992 “Dream Team” USA Olympic basketball team; official doctor for the Prince Albert II of Monaco North Pole Expedition in 2006; medical consultant for the AS Monaco Football Club; is currently global Medical Opinion Leader for BIOPTRON AG. Nutrition expert, Pharm.D. In charge of Nutraceutic Course (University Diploma) at the faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy - University of Dijon, France. Consultant. Leader of the nutritional chronobiology research program "Time-Nutrition" (created with Pr Jean-Robert Rapin). Dentistry in Frankfurt,Ph.D in Gastroenterology. Dr.Lipp shifted his focus in his own clinic towards facial aesthetics in 2004,in 2008 founded a group of aesthetic centers in 4 cities, since 2011 focussed on autologous cell therapy mainly dendritic cells and stem cells.Dr.Lipp is a worldwide lecturer for Dermal Fillers and BTX. He is a Member of Deutsche Gesellschaft für ästhetische Medizin,and Medical Director of IMC. 21 MILLERET René, PIRAYESH Ali , MD, FCC (plast) Consultant Plastic, Reconstructive MIMOUN Sylvian , is Gynecologist, Andrologist, Psychiatrist and Psychosomatician. Director of Andrology Center - Cochin hospital in Paris. He is in charge of university program in psychosomatic gynecology - Faculty of Medicine Lariboisière-Saint Louis in Paris. Dr Mimoun is President of the French Society of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology. POIGNONEC Sylvie , is Plastic Surgeon recognized and qualified by Order of French Medical Doctor and by the high authority of health. She is an active member of French Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Society (SOFCPRE),and also member of Head and Neck Aesthetic and Reconstructive Society. She is specialized in facial surgery for rejuvenation, aesthetic and plastic surgery She is also holder of the European board (EPOBRAS). MORRISON Colin, POLIMENI Ascanio NATAF Robert , is Biologist and Biochemist, specialty in nutrition and oxydatif stress. In charge of Private Medical Biology laboratory in Paris. RANNEVA Eugeniya , Doctor in medicine, dermatologist, specialist in rehabilitative and reconstructive aesthetic medicine, PhD, Russia, Spain. International certified trainer for fillers and botulinim toxin injections,peelings. Founder of the first public training course “New method — mesotherapy” ,“Homeomesotherapy in aesthetic medicine”. Scientific coordinator of educational project “International Plastic-Aesthetic Residence”. Medical adviser Aesthetic Dermal SL., project “ RRS-inject”. O’CONNOR Daryl , Daryl O'Connor is Professor of Psychology at the University of Leeds, UK and was Deputy Director of the Institute of Psychological Sciences between 2006 and 2011. He is the joint Editor-in-Chief of the journal Psychology & Health and his research focuses on examining the behavioural effects of testosterone in healthy and ageing men (collaborating with the European Male Ageing Study group), in particular on, sexual behaviour, mood, aggression and cognitive function. REDKA-SWOBODA Wolfgang, Dr. Redka-Swoboda is medical PAASCH Uwe , Prof. Paasch received his academic training at the University of Leipzig. Since 2001 he serves as senior physician at the Department of Dermatology there and visiting professor at the Cleveland Clinic USA and Bispebjerg University Hospital Copenhagen. He oversees the activities of the andrology, dermatopathology as well as laser and aesthetics units. He published >200 scientific papers in the field of lasers applications, cell biology and in immunohistochemistry methods. ROBIN Jean Marc, is Specialist in Nutrition - Tanger, Morocco. PARASKEVAS Antoine , is Plastic surgeon in Paris, France. He RUSSO Paola Rosalba , • Degree in Medicine and Surgery at Bologna University. • Specialization in General Surgery at Modena University • Diploma at the International School of Aesthetic Medicine in Rome • Director -Medical Section of Valet Post Graduate Training school • Lecturer at the Post-graduate Training School in Bologna • Member of “SIES” Scientific Committee ( Vice President ) • Scientific Consultant for Silhouette Soft in Barcelona & Aesthetic Surgeon. Dr Pirayesh enjoyed plastic surgery training and positions in Belgium, Brasil and England . Dr. Pirayesh currently works at his state of the art private clinic and surgery centre in Amsterdam. His research focus is burns and he is the co-inventor of Glyaderm artificial dermis. His specialist interests include: Aesthetic surgery of the face and breast, body contouring, Lasers and injectables. , M.D., Ph D, is Board Certified in Broncopneumology, Chronobiology, Neuro-endocrinology. He is Medical Director of Anti-Aging Center of Rome and Milan, Member of Scientific Committee of W.O.S.I.A.M. (World Society of Interdisciplinary Anti-Aging Medicine, Co-director of “Forever Venus Project” and of “Regenera Research Group” (Italian Medical Association of Successful Aging, Regenerative, Predictive Medicine). is in private practice PATEL Tapan , is Aesthetic Physician. He has over 14 years of clinical experience and has been performing aesthetic treatments for over ten years. Recently, he was listed in Tatler's Top 30 Anti-Ageing Experts! He is a member of The Royal College of Physicians, The British College of Aesthetic Medicine, The American Society of Laser Medicine and Surgery, The Independent Doctors Forum and The British Medical Association director for TEOXANE Germany. The surgeon specialises in aesthetic risk management and complications with dermal fillers. In cooperation with the Paracelsus Medical University Salzburg he gives lectures and live dissection courses in special anatomy of the face combined with injection techniques and risk management. He performs workshops in filler treatment worldwide and became a well known speaker on international platforms. SAFA DIANA Marva Switzerland. , is Aesthetic Physician in Neuchatel, PELLA Daniel , Daniel Pella, MD, PhD is Professor of Cardiology and Head of the 1st Dept. of Medicine at L. Pasteur University Hospital and Medical Faculty PJ Safarik University in Kosice, Slovakia. Vice-Dean for International Relations, President of the International College of Nutrition, Executive Director of the International College of Cardiology, President of the Slovak Association of Atherosclerosis, Member of Steering Committee of several international clinical trials. SAROMYTSKAYA Alena, Saromytskaya Alena, the owner of the PHILIPP-DORMSTON Wolfgang , Director of Cologne Dermatology (HAUTZENTRUM KOELN) Head of Department Dermatology and Aesthetic Medicine KLINIK LINKS VOM RHEIN SCAPAGNINI Giovanni, MD PhD is Associate Professor, Clinical PHILIPPON Valérie , MD, is an aesthetic Physician graduate in2012 of the DIU MEDECIN MORPHOLOGIC ANTIAGEING-University ROCKFELLER LYON I and DIU INJECTION AND TECHNIQUE OF FILLING -University PARIS DESCARTES .She has been working as marketing manager in international pharmaceutical industry for several years .In 2010 she reoriented her professional activities, divided in medical anti - ageing practice and consultant in marketing and training for companies dedicated to aesthetics ,nutrition product and services . SERNA Eduardo , Eduardo Serna, MD, PhD is European Board Certified Plastic Surgeon. Since 2000, he juggles his public work as Clinical Professor of Plastic Surgery in Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital and his private practice as Medical Director of his Clinic for Aesthetic Surgery and Hair Transplant in Santander, Spain. Dr. Serna has extensive experience in Breast Surgery, Craniofacial Reconstruction, Fat Grafting, Adult Stem Cells Therapy and Hair Transplants. SECPRE, FILACP, IPRAS PIOLATTO Thierry , Thierry Piolatto, CEO Anti Age Magazine participate at the managment of Zestetik, a website that allows patients to find a specialist in aesthetic medicine, see their real-time availability, and instantly book an appointment. Thierry Piolatto has experience in new technology, media contents and fund raising. SHAROVA Alisa , MD, PhD, is dermatologist. At the present time she is a Associate Professor and Head of cosmetology postgraduate course of the Department of reconstructive and plastic surgery, cosmetology and cells technology in Pirogov’s Moscow Medical University. She is an author of more than 100 publications in endocrinology and dermatology. Her medical interests are dermal fillers, volumetric correction of face, use of botulinum toxin, threadlifting, dermatoendocrinology. PIOVANO Luca , He earned a degree as Plastic Surgery Specialist at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, graduated 70/70 cum laude. He participated at many theorical-practical courses focused on reconstructive and aesthetic plastic surgery. Still today he updates his knowlegde on this specific category of Aesthetics Surgery. He attended some of the most prestigious centres for Plastic Surgery. He is a member of many Scientific Societies SINHA Robin 22 plastic surgery clinic «Assol», the centre of aesthetic medicine and beauty cosmetology «Professional», the lecturer of the Volgograd Medical School. Specialty: dermatologist, cosmetician, specialist in injection and laser beam technologies, have a wide practice since 1999. Scientific research: laser cosmethology, fractional photothermolysis, biorevitalisation by intradermal administration of hyaluronic acid, scar treatment. Biochemistry, Department of Health Science, Faculty of Medicine, University of Molise, Campobasso, Italy. Currently he hold an academic position as Associate Professor in Clinical Biochemistry, with the University of Molise, Campobasso, Italy. He has a also visiting professorship with the Institute of Human Virology, University of Maryland. He is author of 70 indexed scientific papers and several book chapters. , Robin Sinha, Ph.D. Head of Global Corporate Development at QuantifiCare. Dr. Sinha has been working in the imaging field for over a decade including in brain MRI and digital skin imaging systems for aesthetics, dermatology, oncology and skin infection evaluations. He received his scientific training in genetics at the University of California, Davis and interests include neurology. SINNA Raphael , Professor Raphael SINNA, MD, PhD, is currently the Head of department of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery at Amiens University Hospital (France). VINCIGUERRA Manlio , STABILE Marco, Marco Stabile MD is Plastic Surgeon. He is Titular VINSKI Deby Susanti Pada , is President of the WOCPM World STIJAK Lazar , Lazar Stijak, PhD is anatomist and orthopedic surgeon. He graduated at School of Medicine in 2003 (GRP 9.46/10.00). In 2012 he set doctoral dissertation titled �Study of the external and internal factors significant for injury of the ACL of the knee joint amongst athletes”. His scientific area is anterior cruciate ligament of the knee joint and factors whose lead in rupture of this ligament. In last six years, he publicated 9 papers in journals from JCR list as first author. VORONINA Tamara , SULAMANIDZE George , A specialist in aesthetic surgery and aesthetic medicine. A member of SPRAS, GeoPRAS, is an honorary member of Japanese Liposuction Society. Is honorary member of a French Society of Aesthetic Surgery. Member of ASDS. Member of Aesthetic Medicine Society of Russia. Member of International Confederation for Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (IPRAS). In 2008 awarded Gold Scalpel in nomination Plastic Surgeon of The Year of Russia. WANITPHAKDEEDECHA Rungsima , TOTCHIEV George , MD. Is Professor of chair of obstetrics and gynecology with a course of perinathology Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia. He is Member of the f the following scientific societies: Aesthetic Gynecology World Association, RUSIAM Russian Society of Anti-Aging Medicine. His medical interests are: women's health in the perimenopausal period, plastic surgery in gynecology, the use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in gynecological practice. Scientific research: aesthetic gynecology, treatment of genital prolapse, predicting the onset of menopause TREACY Patrick , Dr. Patrick Treacy FRSM, FRSA is chairman of the Irish Association of Cosmetic Doctors. Irish Representative of the British Association of Cosmetic Doctors. European Medical Advisor to Network Lipolysis. Editorial Board of 'Prime International' and 'Aesthetic Medicine'. He is a renowned international guest speaker and features regularly on international television and radio programmes He practices cosmetic medicine in his clinics in Dublin, Cork, London and the Middle East. WEISS Xanya , Manlio Vinciguerra, PhD, is a Principal Investigator at the University College London (UK), and at IRCCS Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza (Italy). Dr. Vinciguerra has 14 years of research experience on growth factor signaling, epigenetics and aging. He previously worked at the University of Geneva (Switzerland), and at the EMBL (Germany). He authored about 100 publications between research papers, reviews, editorials and book chapters, receiving ~1500 citations. Member of the following scientific societies: S.I.C.P.R.E.,A.I.C.P.E., Soc.F.C.P.R.E., E.A.S.A.P.S., I.S.A.P.S., I.P.R.A.S. Dr Stabile has extensive experience in Body countouring and lipofilling. Currently today is Chief of Plastic Surgery Unit, Hospital of Piacenza, Italy. Teaching activity: Professor in Faculty of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery University of Parma, Italy, course: «Breast Malformation» Council of Preventive Regenerative and Anti-aging Medicine based in Paris with 50 countries as member . She is a pioneer of anti-aging medicine in Indonesia and has also accumulated 19 years experience in aesthetic medicine. Being the first Indonesian graduate from Dresden DIU and AAMS, she is referred to as Queen of anti-aging Indonesia. She is the owner of the Perfect Beauty Aesthetics & Anti-Aging Centre. a member of the Association of Natural Medicine (UK), orthodox and complementary practitioner in diabetes, obesity and aging. She began her career as an endocrinologist. She has been practicing privately in London for last two decades. She published articles on diabetes, anti-aging mechanisms and Intermittent Hypoxia Training. Her work has been a subject of about 160 articles in the UK press Associate Professor Dr. Rungsima Wanitphakdeedecha is a faculty in Dermatosurgery Unit, Department of Dermatology, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University since 2003 She has lectured nationally and internationally on the topics of dermatologic surgery, laser, and cosmetic procedures. She has published many book chapters and manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals. PhD, has doctorates in Neurophysiology from City University, London, & Clinical Psy from New York University. She is the Director of Research of Ion Genius in USA & Ion Magnum LTD in UK. Her research includes Cellular Regeneration, Ion Channels, Signaling Pathways, Protein Communications and Hormonal Regulation as related to Anti-Aging and Rejuvenation. She worked with the co-inventor of the Pacemaker on the motor neuron signaling technology for Fat Burning & Body Sculpting. WIERNSPERGER Nicolas , Head of Microcirculation Research Unit in Cerebral Vascular Diseases at Sandoz (Novartis) ; Senior Investigator for International Pharmacology Research at Lipha ( Merck KgA) , Head of Diabetes Microvascular Research Unit at INSA Lyon ( Lyon University) . Dr Wiernsperger published close to 120 articles, several reviews on invitation as well as 2 books as Editor. His interest is mainly in metabolic diseases and cardiovascular (microcirculation) physiology and pharmacology. TRELLES Mario , MD, PhD, Plastic-Aesthetic Surgeon. Author of 3 books on laser application in medicine and surgery and over 400 manuscripts. Honorary Pdt of the European Society For Laser Aesthetic Surgery (ESLAS), Pdt of the Spanish Society for Laser in Medicine and Surgery (SELMQ), and Pdt of the European Laser Association (ELA) , member of the many other International Societies and Editorial Board member of various high impact factor Journals. WILLIAMS Stefanie , is a Dermatologist with special interest in Aesthetic Dermatology. She is Medical Director of European Dermatology London (, which has been named as one of the UK's ‘Best Aesthetic Clinics’. She lectures at a London University and has published more than 100 scientific articles, book chapters & abstracts. She frequently speaks at international conferences and is regularly quoted in the press. Stefanie is married with three young children. UNGER Robin , Dr Robin Unger, MD is a specialist in hair loss and hair restoration surgery in New York City. She creates an individual treatment plan for each patient and her surgical results reflects her artistic and technical skills. Dr. Unger is an Assistant Professor in the Dept of Dermatology at Mt. Sinai Hospital, a member of the ISHRS since 2002, and is a diplomate and Director for the ABHRS. She has been in practice with her father and mentor, Dr. Walter Unger, since 2001. WOOTTON Kerry, is Head of Human Resources - Asia Pacific and VAN DER LEI Berend , Professor for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery at Universty Medical Center Groningen, Plastic Surgeon at Bergman Clinic Heerenveen. Experienced (more than 15 years) allround aesthetic plastic surgeon with special interest and experience in facial problems. YATES William , Before Dr. Yates was a dedicated hair transplant surgeon, he administered the American Board of Surgeons surgery exam to General Surgeons in the United States. He is now a board examiner for the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery. Dr. Yates is a world expert and teaches surgeons to perform the latest technique FUE hair transplant surgery. He has obtained the Gold Seal of Excellence from Restoration Robotics to perform ARTAS Robotic Hair Transplant Surgery. VAN DER LUGT Claudia , Aesthetic Physician in Meijel, The Netherlands. She is founder and medical director of the exclusive Alizonne Clinic in the Netherlands and an internationally renowned medical specialist in the treatment of overweight patients have developed it over several years, with astounding success YOON Jung-Hyun , Graduated from Yonsei University Head Academic Director of The Korean Association for Dermatology and Trichology Head Academic Director of The Korean Aesthetic Surgery and Laser Society Vice-President of The Korean College of Cosmetics Surgery Professor of The Korean College of Cosmetic Surgery Lutronic Key Doctor & Speaker FineMEC Key Doctor & Speaker Meditronics Key Doctor & Speaker Representative Director of Yonsei Fam’s Dermatology, Obesity, and Aesthetics Network VANOORBEEK Jo , Dr. Jo Vanooorbeek is currently head of the department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, GZA St. Augustinus Hospital, Wilrijk- Antwerp and consultant aesthetic surgery in the DaVinci Clinic Beerse, Belgium. He is a board certified general surgeon and a board certified plastic surgeon. He performs all types of aesthetic and reconstructive surgery and non-invasive cosmetic medicine. YUTSKOVSKAYA Yana , VERNER Ines , MD is Dermatologist in private practice in Tel Aviv, Israel. She is immediate past President of the Israel Society for Dermatologic Surgery and is on the board of ESCAD. She is author of several book chapters in the field of Aesthetic Medicine & Dermatology and lectures worldwide. ZABNENKOVA Olga , VIERA Octavio , ZENKER Sabine Head Of Human Resources, Markets (Europe, Middle East, Africa, Asia, Australia & Latin America) at Galderma S.A. - based in Lausanne, Switzerland. Yutskovskaya Yana, MD, professor, head of department of dermatology and venereology and cosmetology of Pacific State Medical University of Health Ministry of Russia, director of network cosmetology clinics (Vladivostok, Moscow). Actively participates in training of cosmetologists, speaker at national and international conferences, symposia, congresses, as well as an organizer of scientific and practical activities in the Far East Federal District and in Russian Federation. Dermatologist, professor, vice-president of Aesthetic Medicine Society, chief of the cosmetology department of private clinic in Moscow. Author of 120 scientific articles devoted to the actual items of aesthetic medicine. Professional interests – fillers, BoNT, photo- and fraction laser rejuvenation, PRP-technology, mesothread therapy. Local country mentor and consultant of filler and botulinotoxin injections practicing paediatrician with subspecialities in Neonatology an General Pediatric. Hi has a number of qualification in the field of prediption, prevention, restoration and optimizacion all of functions and systems that promote wellbeing while maximising efficiency and longevity 23 , "Dr Sabine Zenker is a board certified Dermatologist and Dermatologic Surgeon and founder of the DrZenkerDermatology Clinic Munich, Germany. Dr Zenker is revered as one of the most recognized and experienced specialists for cutting-edge concepts in Aesthetic Dermatology on the international scale. In dedicating herself to clinical work, research and education, she continuously follows her one and only goal: to serve the patients at best." CODNER Mark , Mark Codner, MD is a Plastic and Oculoplastic Surgeon in Atlanta for 20 years. Dr. Codner is co-author with Dr McCord of Periorbital Surgery and over 150 publications. He has extensive experience with surgical rejuvenation of the forehead, eyelids and midface. Dr Codner is a member of ASAPS where he has been on the Board and served as Visiting Professor. He is also on the Board of the SESPRS and is Chairman of the Atlanta Oculoplastic and Breast Symposia. WORKSHOP SPEAKERS ALOISANTONI Vincenzo REGENERA RESEARCH GROUP GALATOIRE Olivier, is Oculo-surgeon in Paris, France. , DR VINCENZO ALOISANTONI, BRAUER Jeremy Alexander , HOPPING Steven B. , is the Medical Director of The Center for Cosmetic Surgery in Washingon, DC and Clinical Professor of Surgery at George Washington University. He served as the President of The American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery from January 2008 to January 2009 and is past president of the Cosmetic Surgery Foundation. His areas of specialty include minimal incision facial cosmetic surgery,rhinoplasy, hair restoration and body liposuction and sculpting BURK Keith, has practiced Primary Care and Aesthetic medicine for LAFARGE CLAOUE Béatrice , Belongs to a family of cosmetic surgeons (Charles and Bernard CLAOUE). Cervico facial surgeon since 1978. Medical Dir. of Clinic Alphand Paris since 2000. Since 2005, visiting surgeon at Al Rustom’s Skin&Care Clinic Dubai City. Former President of the French Society of aesthetic surgery (SFCE), Honorary Fellow of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery (AACS), Board Member of World Academy of Cosmetic Surgery (WAOCS), Member of the French Soc. of Aesthetic Medecine CASTIGLIONI Mauro , PLOT Eric , Plastic surgeon in Paris, France. He is a member of the French Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (SOFCPRE) and ISAPS ( International Society of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery). He is also expert member of the «Expert-2-Expert» group. His areas of expertise include surgery and aesthetic medicine (ﬕlling products, breast implants, facelifts ...). In addition, he serves as expert to Osyris company for development of laser lipolysis. is a dermatologist in New York, New York. He received his medical degree from Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and has been in practice for 7 years. over 25 years. He is considered one of Canada’s leading cosmetic physicians, practicing at the Beechwood Cosmetic and Laser Clinic, in Waterloo, ON. Dr Burk is a Canadian Authority (KOL) on PRP regenerative Medicine. He lectures and trains physician on behalf of several injectable companies, across Canada and internationally. Keith is also a co-founder of and product developer for Avaria Health and Beauty Corp.. is a Head of R&D of LEM (Laboratory Ecoceutic Magistral). From 1996 member of SIFAP (Italian Society Preparer Pharmacists) and from 2005 Council Member of Professional Association of Pharmacists of Milan and Lodi. From 1992-1994 President of AGIFAR (Association Young Pharmacists), in years 1999-2005 Secretary of Professional Association of Pharmacists of Milan and Lodi. Speaker at many Italian and international congresses (Moscow, Barcelona, Rome, Warsaw, Geneva). IGNACIUK Andrzej , Trainer and lecturer in aesthetic medicine course in Univ. of Balearic Islands in Mallorca and training workshops organized by Rome Chamber of Physicians, Academy of Cosmetics and Health Care and PSME PTL in Warsaw. He served as vice president of Union Internationale de Medicine Estethique. Currently serves as President of Polish Society of Aesthetic and Anti-Aging Medicine (PTMEiAA PTL) and vice president of PTL Board. LEWIS Jane , Jane Lewis has 32 years experience in management and business development which is supported by 35 years’ accumulated knowledge of nursing . She is the Managing Director and owner of The Skin Shop and Clinic She also work for SOLTA MEDICAL as Director of Clinical Training EMEA Prior to this she was the Development Director at “Sk:n Clinics” it was during this time she introduced Isolaz into the company and has worked successfully with isolaz for 8 years MATLIN Stephen J. , Stephen Matlin is Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Matlin co-founded Life Length in 2010 and has led the Company’s development as the world’s leading provider of telomere testing services, operating throughout most of Western Europe and North America and providing services to three client areas: for physicians/patients, for academic studies and for corporate clients as an R&D tool. Mr. Matlin graduated from Dartmouth College and obtained his MBA from Harvard Business School. PREIBISZ Lukasz , Lukasz Preibisz, MD is a Dermatologist. Since 2004 his private practice for dermatology and aestetic medicine is focused on antiaging of skin using different pesronalized techniques: dermal fillers, threads, botox, laser therapy and others. He is a member of Polish and European Society of Dermatology and Venerology, Intrernational Teledermatological Society and Polish and International Society of Telemedicine. Main interests are: antiaging and high frequency skin ultrasound. SHAY Jerry, is Anti-Aging Physician in Dallas, USA. ZERBINATI Nicola, Since 2000 -is a Full Professor of Dermatology and Venereology at the University of Insubria, Varese (Italy). After having been a Dermatology Consultant at “Macchi” Hospital Varese in 2007-2009, he is now a dermatologist in his own private practices “CMP”. Scientific Coordinator and Professor at the International Union of Lipoplasty; Scientific Coordinator of the IACG. European Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery RENDEZ-VOUS CLAUDE Olivier , qualified in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. He is specialized in silhouette and face surgery for which he has attended a complementary training in the United States as Assistant of Professor Yaremchuk in Harvard, Boston. He is member of the French Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (SOF.CPRE) and of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS). 24 & informa exhibitions SAVE THE DATES! 1st AMWC LA Anti-aging Medicine World Congress - Latin America November 27-28-29, 2014 Medellín • Colombia InterContinental Medellín 13th AMWC Anti-aging Medicine World Congress March 26-27-28, 2015 Monte Carlo • Monaco Grimaldi Forum 2nd ICAD BRAZIL International Congress of Aesthetic Dermatology and Healthy Aging Medicine June 25-26-27, 2015 Sao Paulo • Brazil Frei Caneca Convention Center 3rd AMWC EE Anti-aging Medicine World Congress - Eastern Europe September 18-19-20, 2015 Moscow • Russia 25 More information: 26 Exhibiting Companies location Emplacement des Sociétés Exposantes The Scientific Committee and the Organizers wish to warmly thank the following sponsors of the Conference Exhibiting Companies & Booth numbers AA MEDICAL SYSTEMS..................................................................F11 MAS....................................................................................................D24 A SWISS GROUP.............................................................................C19 MASTELLI SRL.................................................................................. E26 ACTIVE DEVELOPPEMENT IDOCTEUR........................................ E14 MD SKIN SOLUTIONS.................................................................... E10 AESTHETIC DERMAL SL.................................................................D29 MEDIATHE CO, LTD.........................................................................D26 ALFA MEDICAL................................................................................B17 MEDICAMAT....................................................................................C25 ALTA CARE LABORATOIRES..........................................................D17 MEDITHEQUE...................................................................................A22 APTOS PRO. LTD..............................................................................B31 MEDTECH..........................................................................................B28 ASCLEPION LASER TECHNOLOGIE GMBH...............................A21 MERZ AESTHETICS......................................................................... E17 ASPECT SKINCARE INTERNATIONAL.........................................C16 MESALYSE / INEX ......................................................................... G13 BIOPTRON......................................................................................... E27 MESOESTETIC SL.............................................................................C23 BTL AESTHETIC................................................................................D10 MILLACTIVE......................................................................................C14 CANFIELD SCIENTIFIC EUROPE BV............................................ C11 MINERVA RESEARCH LABS.........................................................A23 CAP ACTUEL..................................................................................... E25 MULTIESTHETIQUE.FR...................................................................B22 CEBELIA / NOVELSKIN................................................................... E15 NACRIDERM.................................................................................... G14 CESAM.............................................................................................. G15 NANOLUX.........................................................................................B15 CROMA-PHARMA GMBH............................................................. E22 NEEDLE CONCEPT........................................................................... E12 CYNOSURE, INC..............................................................................D19 NEU SKIN INTERNATIONAL LIMITED.........................................A14 DEKA.................................................................................................. E21 OREON LIFE SCIENCE....................................................................C13 DERMAPEN WORLD - EQUIPMED.............................................D27 PANTEC BIOSOLUTIONS AG......................................................... D11 DERMEO............................................................................................A15 PHYSIOQUANTA..............................................................................C21 DERMICA INTERNATIONAL LTD..................................................C24 PRIME JOURNAL.............................................................................B14 FOTO FINDER SYSTEMS GMBH...................................................C18 PROLLENIUM MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIE INC............................ E16 G5 CELLUTEC...................................................................................B20 PROMOITALIA..................................................................................B27 GERMAN-FRENCH SOCIETY FOR THYMUS THERAPY...........A20 QUANTIFICARE SA..........................................................................B29 GMV SRL...........................................................................................A12 RECEPTURA APOTHEKE.................................................................C10 H&O EQUIPMENTS.........................................................................C12 REGEN LAB....................................................................................... E19 HYAMED SA LABORATORIES.......................................................B16 RESTORATION ROBOTICS.............................................................B26 HYUNDAE MEDITECH CO LTD.....................................................A16 SBS MED INFINITY COSMETICS SAS.........................................D18 IBSA FARMACEUTICI ITALIA SRL................................................D22 SCIENTIFIC AESTHETICS LIMITED...............................................B18 ION GENIUS INC............................................................................. F12 SILHOUET-TONE EUROPE SA.......................................................C20 ISMART..............................................................................................A19 SINCLAIR PHARMA FRANCE..................................................... D16 ITP SA................................................................................................. E23 SOFT MEDICAL AESTHETICS........................................................D28 JAPAN BIO PRODUCTS CO., LTD.................................................D25 SOLTA MEDICAL..............................................................................C22 KARMA SANTE................................................................................C15 SURFACE...........................................................................................B30 LAB DOM AVMM SUISSE (ASIA) INC........................................A10 TEOXANE LABORATORIES............................................................. E28 LABORATOIRE MENE & MOY...................................................... E18 TSK LABORATORY........................................................................... F13 LABORATOIRE REVITACARE......................................................... F10 WON TECH CO LTD........................................................................B19 LABORATOIRES FILORGA..............................................................D30 WOSIAM.......................................................................................... G16 LABORATOIRES REUNIS................................................................D23 YAL ART SRL..................................................................................... F14 LABORATOIRES VIVACY................................................................D14 YURIA-PHARM LTD........................................................................G11 LIFE LENGTH....................................................................................A17 ZELTIQ................................................................................................B23 LINLINE MEDICAL SYSTEMS FRANCE....................................... E24 ZESTETIK.......................................................................................... G12 LUMINERA DERM...........................................................................D12 27 28 29 SKINCARE REVOLUTION DEVELOPED WITH RHA (Resilient Hyaluronic Acid) ® INJECTABLE TECHNOLOGY DAILY REGIMEN TO ACCOMPANY AESTHETIC PROCEDURES *the syringe shown in the picture is a Medical Device Class 3 manufactured by TEOXANE Laboratories and is not included in the skincare range. 30 AMEC 2014 BOOTH D19 The Leader Leads Again The World’s First Picosecond Laser for Aesthetic Treatments PicoSure is already known for its proven track record removing pigmented lesions and tattoos. Now, PicoSure Focus for skin rejuvenation, acne scars and wrinkles provides dramatic results without the typical downtime and discomfort. AMEC 2014 BOOTH D19 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25TH 14:00 - 15:00 ROOM 242B “REVOLUTIONARY PICOSECOND LASER TECHNOLOGY” Join Dr. Jeremy Brauer as he presents his experience and clinical results using the world’s first picosecond aesthetic laser. Register at © 2014 Cynosure, Inc. All rights reserved. Cynosure and Picosure are registered trademarks and Focus is a trademark of Cynosure, Inc. 31 See the premiere of Neauvia Cosmeceuticals Visit us on E23 booth and join the presentation “Neauvia Organic fillers – holistic approach of the aesthetic treatment” Presentation: Saturday, 3:00 -4:00, Room 242 B, Symposium 16 E IN MAD L Y ITA eauvia Organic Line offers a range of unique tissue fillers which stimulates collagen production, improves moisture level, firmness and elasticity of the skin. Neauvia Organic products distinguish themselves with safety, effectiveness, durability and natural effects thanks to the most purified form of hyaluronic acid, the usage of the +48 722 008 002 newest and the most safe cross linker (PEG polymer) and innovative form with addition of calcium hydroxyapatite stimulating collagen production. Now Neauvia offers more holistic approach to aesthetic medicine introducing professional cosmeceuticals. Join the pre-and post- treatment products to the therapy and have even better results! Brand new Related P ubli c ations Aesthetic Dermatology Editors: M. Lapidoth, S. Halachmi Vol. 2 Laser Treatment of Vascular Lesions Editors: S. Bard, D.J. Goldberg Today, nearly 60 years after the invention of the first medical laser, multiple laser and light systems exist and are applied in various medical specialties such as dermatology, ophthalmology, and urology. This volume – the first in the series Aesthetic Dermatology – focuses on the laser treatment of cutaneous lesions with a vascular target. Each chapter describes a particular laser or light modality and its specific application to a variety of both vascular and nonvascular lesions. Renowned specialists in laser medicine have contributed their expertise, incorporating current evidence-based literature and their own personal treatment recommendations, as well as pearls and perils. The purpose of this book is to explore the options and parameters available to treat cutaneous lesions traditionally responsive to vascular laser therapy and to expand the application to further lesion treatments. Readers who wish to broaden their knowledge and further hone their skills in treating cutaneous vascular lesions with lasers will find this publication a valuable and comprehensive review. Radiofrequency in Cosmetic Dermatology Editors M. Lapidoth S. Halachmi ing Com o so n Aesthetic Dermatology, Vol. 2 Radiofrequency in Cosmetic Dermatology Will be published December 2014 List price: CHF 112.00/EUR 93.00/USD 132.00 Prepublication price: CHF 78.00/EUR 65.00/USD 92.00 ISBN 978–3–318–02316–9 Further information will be available soon on: Advances in Oto-Rhino-Laryngology Editor: G. Randolph Vol. 75 Microtia and Atresia Combined Approach by Plastic and Otologic Surgery Editors K. Kaga H. Asato 30 % unt disco Fields of Interest: Dermatology, Surgery, Laser, Plastic Surgery, Phlebology Advances in Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Vol. 75 Microtia and Atresia – Combined Approach by Plastic and Otologic Surgery Content s Aesthetic Dermatology Editor: D.J. Goldberg Vol. 1 • Foreword: Goldberg, D.J. • Preface: Bard, S. • Laser History, Physics, and Safety: Bard, S. • Argon, Krypton, and Copper Lasers: Styperek, A.R. • Pulsed Dye Laser: Waibel, J.S. • Potassium-Titanyl-Phosphate (KTP) Laser: Green, J.B.; Serowka, K.; Laser Treatment of Vascular Lesions Editors D.J. Goldberg S. Bard Current Problems in Dermatology Editors: P. Itin, G. Jemec Vol. 42 Basics in Dermatological Laser Applications Saedi, N.; Kaufman, J. • Alexandrite and Diode Lasers: Nouri, K.; Savas, J.A.; Ledon, J.; Franca, K.; Chacon, A.; Nouri, K. • Nd:YAG Laser: Kaufman, J. • Intense Pulsed Light: Chen, A.F.; Weiss, E. • Complications of Vascular Laser Treatment: Grunebaum, L.D.; Bartlett, K. Author Index/Subject Index KI14431_AAMEC Editors: Kaga K. (Tokyo); Asato H. (Tochigi) VIII + 142 p., 95 fig., 67 in color, 8 tab., 2014 Special offer: CHF 139.00/EUR 116.00/USD 134.00 List price: CHF 198.00/EUR 165.00/USD 233.00 (hard cover) ISBN 978–3–318–02385–5 Editors Aesthetic Dermatology, Vol. 1 I. Bogdan Allemann D.J. Goldberg Editors: Bard S. (New York, N.Y.); Goldberg D.J. (New York, N.Y.) approx. VIII + 142 p., 44 fig. in color, 8 tab., 2014 CHF 112.00/EUR 93.00/USD 132.00 (hard cover) Prices subject to change EUR price for Germany, USD price for USA and Latin America only ISBN 978–3–318–02312–1 kindly supported by Aerolase 30 % unt disco Laser Treatment of Vascular Lesions Current Problems in Dermatology, Vol. 42 Basics in Dermatological Laser Applications Please send your order to S. Karger AG, P.O Box CH–4009 Basel (Switzerland) Tel. + 41 61 306 11 11 Fax + 41 61 306 12 34 Editors: Bogdan Allemann I. (Zurich); Goldberg D.J. (New York, N.Y.) VIII + 200 p., 56 fig., 53 in color, 19 tab., 2011 Special offer: CHF 202.00/EUR 168.00/USD 238.00 List price: CHF 289.00/EUR 241.00/USD 340.00 (hard cover) ISBN 978–3–8055–9788–3 Prices subject to change: EUR price for Germany, USD price for USA and Latin America only 33
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