Anti-Aging Medicine Specialization - 6-day Seminar
Anti-Aging Medicine Specialization - 6-day Seminar
EMAA2007ProgrammeFinal-OK.qxd 21/08/07 12:50 Page 1 EMAA2007ProgrammeFinal-OK.qxd 21/08/07 12:51 Page 3 Invitation to attend the EMAA 2007 Dear Colleague, For the third year, the EMAA - European Masters in Aesthetic and Anti-Aging Medicine truly defines the meeting of reference, where physicians will obtain the answers they seek, thanks to the important innovations, the diversity and quality of the topics presented by European and International Experts. This progressive multidisciplinary meeting is designed to bring new Aesthetic procedures and Anti-aging medicine (preventive and Longevity Medicine) together in a very PRACTICAL interactive format that will provide an unparalleled weekend educational experience. It includes hottest new treatments, advanced sessions, live demonstrations workshops, run by a world class faculty of opinion leaders in plastic surgery, cosmetic dermatology and anti-aging medicine. Another feature of the EMAA resides in the fact that specialists in aesthetics will be introduced to Anti-aging medicine and that Anti-aging doctors will gain from the knowledge in Aesthetics. Our concern is to ensure that both domains could combine their respective knowledge for the global aging management. During the coffee and lunch breaks offered on site, you will be able to stroll through a large exhibition of the top 150 International Aesthetic and Anti-aging companies. More than ever, the Palais des Congrès of Paris, two steps away from the Champs Elysées, will be the ideal place for the EMAA 2007. We look forward to your participation and to welcoming you to Paris! Cher confrère, Pour cette troisième année, les Masters Européens en Médecine Esthétique et Médecine Anti-Âge (EMAA), se posent réellement comme le congrès de référence où les praticiens obtiennent les réponses à leurs attentes grâce aux nombreuses innovations, la diversité et la qualité des sujets présentés par des Experts Européens et Internationaux. Ce congrès multidisciplinaire a pour dessein de réunir les nouvelles procédures esthétiques et anti-âge (Médecine de Prévention et Longévité) ensemble dans un format très interactif et PRATIQUE qui fournira une expérience éducative incomparable. Cela comprend les derniers traitements, des sessions avancées, des ateliers de démonstration « LIVE » présentés par des orateurs Internationaux de référence en chirurgie plastique, dermatologie cosmétique et médecine Anti-âge. Un autre angle spécifique de l’EMAA est d’apporter au praticien esthétique les bases opérationnelles de médecine anti-âge, et les bases de l’esthétique au médecin antiâge, pour qu’ils puissent, l’un et l’autre, inclure un complément à leur pratique, dans le souci constant d’une prise en charge globale du vieillissement. Une exposition où seront présentes plus de 150 sociétés spécialisées dans ces domaines se tiendra dans une atmosphère agréable et conviviale, où de délicieux déjeuners et pauses vous seront offerts pour votre plaisir et votre détente. Le Palais des Congrès de Paris, à deux pas des Champs Elysées au coeur de Paris, est un endroit exceptionnel pour accueillir une manifestation de l’envergure de l’EMAA. Nous souhaitons avoir le plaisir de vous accueillir à l’EMAA 2007 ! International Accreditation: 12 CME CREDITS The EMAA is accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) to provide the following CME activity for medical specialists. The EACCME is an institution of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS). Please check the website for any further information: EMAA is designated for up to 12 CME credits. In Europe, this accreditation concerns all the specialists, who should turn to their national authorities in order to validate the CME points in their home European countries. In America, EACCME credits are recognized by the American Medical Association towards the Physician’s Recognition Award (PRA).To convert EACCME credit to AMA PRA category 1 credit, contact the AMA through their website : At the end of the conference, you will receive your Certificate of Attendance (Diploma). Keep it as this is the first step to accreditation! AAMS PRACTICAL 16 HOURS Organization Euromedicom 29 bld de la République 92250 La Garenne-Colombes / France Tel : +33 (0) 1 56 83 78 00 Fax : +33 (0) 1 56 83 78 05 Venue Register on line WOSAAM World Society of Anti-Aging Medicine Palais des Congrès de Paris 2, place de la Porte Maillot 75017 Paris / France EUROSCIA European Organization for Scientific Anti-Aging Medicine Members of following societies can get the benefit from the "Member" rate to registrate. If your society is not listed, you can nevertheless benefit from this rate by sending a certification. Les membres des sociétés ci-après bénéficient du tarif "Membre" pour leur inscription. Si votre société n'est pas listée, vous pouvez quand même bénéficier de ce tarif en envoyant un certificat. European Organisation for Scientific Anti-Aging Medicine • European Academy of Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine • World Society for Anti-Aging Medicine • American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine • American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine • American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery • American Academy of Dermatology • American Board of Anti-Aging Medicine • Ana Aslan International Academy of Aging • Argentine Academy of Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine • Asia Pacific Academy of Anti Aging Medicine • Asian Academy of Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine • Asian Academy of Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine • Asociación de Medicina Anti-aging y Estética Argentina • Asociacion Mexicana de Medicina Antienvejecimiento y Longevidad • Association for the Development of Orthomolecular Nutrition • Association Tunisienne de Médecine Esthétique et de Cosmétologie • Associazone Medici Italiani Anti-Aging • AustralAsian Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine • Acupuncteurs Associés • Belgian Society of Anti-Ageing Medicine • Brazilian Society of Anti-Aging • Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery • British Anti-Ageing Medical Association • British Longevity Society • British Society of Anti-Ageing Medicine • Catalan and Balears Society in Anti-aging Medicine • Chinese Society of Cosmetic Surgery and Anti-Aging Medicine • College de Recherche International en Chirurgie Esthétique • Croatian Academy of Anti-Aging & Aesthetic Medicine • Czech Corrective Dermatovenerology and Cosmetology Society • Czech Dermatovenerology Society • Czech Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • Dermatological Society of Mauritius • Dutch Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • Egyptian Society Plastic Surgeons • European Academy of Cosmetic Surgery • European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology • European Academy of Quality of Life and Longevity Medicine • European Society for Laser Aesthetic Surgery • European Society for Laser Dermatology • European Society of Aesthetic Surgery • European Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • European Society of Cosmetic and Aesthetic Dermatology • French Society of Aesthetic Surgery • French Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • German Hormone Society • German Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • Gerontological Society of the Russian Academy of Sciences • Gestalt Institut • Greek Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine • Hellenic Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine • Hellenic Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • Hong-Kong College of Anti-Aging Medicine • HUEM • Indonesian Anti-Aging Society • Indonesian Society for Anti-Aging Physician • Institut Européen du Viellissement • International Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine • International Academy of Longevity Medicine • International Association of Anti-Aging Medicine • International Association of Anti-Aging Medicine of Ukraine • International Hormone Society • International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery • Iranian Academy of Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine • Italian society of Longevity Medicine • Japan Anti-Aging Medical Association • Japan Society of Clinical Aesthetic Anti-aging Medicine • Japanese Society for AestheticoMedical Technology • Kazakhstani Society of Mesotherapists • Korean Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine • Korean Anti-Aging Medical Association • Latin American SPA Associety • Malaysian Menopause Society • Melbourne Collagen Fundation & Anti-Aging Society • Middle East Academy for Medicine of Ageing • Morocco Society of Plastic Reconstructive & Esthetic Surgery • National Academy of Sports Medicine • National Bulgarian Society for Aesthetic Surgery and Aesthetic Medicine • Neurological Research Institute • Pacific Academy of Aesthetic Specialists • Peruvian Society of Anti-Aging and Longevity Medicine • Philippine Association of Primary Skin Health Physicians • Polish Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine • Polish Society for Aesthetic Dermatology • Polish Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • Romanian Association of Anti-Aging Medicine • Romanian National Institute of Gerontology and Geriatry, Ana Aslan • Russian Academy of Scientific and Longevity Medicine • Russian Association of Laser Medicine Specialists • Sociedad Argentina de Medicina Anti Aging • Sociedad de Medicine Antievejenimiento y Longevidad de Gran Canaria • Sociedad Española de Medicina Antienvejecimiento y Longevidad • Sociedad Española de Medicina y Cirugía Cosmética • Sociedad Italiana de Cirurgia Estetica • Sociedad Venezolana de Anti-Envejecimiento y Longevidad • Sociedade Brasileira de Antienvelhecimento • Société Française de Chirurgie Esthétique • Societé Française de Médecine et Physiologie du Vieillissement • Société Internationale de Mesotherapie • Society Brazilan of Plastic Surgery • Society for Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine Malaysia • Society for Preventive Gerontology and Geriatrics • South African Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine • South American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery • Spanish Gran Canarian Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • Swiss Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine • Turkish Academy of Longevity Medicine • Turkish Society of Anti-Aging Medicine • Turkish Society of Cosmetology Lecturers • Union Internacional de Medicina y Cirurgia del Rejuvenecimiento • World Anti-Aging Academy of Medicine • World Anti-Aging Medical Association EMAA2007ProgrammeFinal-OK.qxd 21/08/07 12:51 Page 5 Scientific Committee Anti-Aging Medicine Etienne E. Beaulieu, Prof - Paris, France Claude Dalle, MD - Paris, France Thierry Hertoghe, MD - Brussels, Belgium Ronald Virag, MD - Paris, France Aesthetic Surgery Antoine Paraskevas, MD - Paris, France Fabio Ingallina, MD - Gela, Italy Traduction simultanée en Français dans toutes les salles English simultaneaous translation in all rooms Aesthetic Dermatology Koenraad de Boulle, MD - Aalst, Belgium Phillip Levy, MD - Geneva, Switzerland Mario Trelles, MD - Cambrils, Spain Traducción simultánea en Español en todas las salas excepto en las salas de talleres (241 y 242 AB) Faculty Members t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t Sylvie Abraham Vincent Auchane Ada de Almeida Pierre André Edoardo Austoni Daniel C. Baker Ghislaine Beilin Fahd Benslimane Thierry Besins Peter Bjerring Koenraad de Boulle Patrick Bouic Dominique Carly Marie-Hélène Colson Emmanuel Claoué Béatrice Cuzin Claude Dalle Marc Divaris Marc Frémont Marco Gallucci Françoise George Ilaria Ghersetich Hugues Giffon Aubrey de Grey Véronique Hastert Thérèse Hertoghe Thierry Hertoghe Philippe Humbert Fabio Ingallina Plastic Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Dermatologist Dermatologist Urologist Plastic Surgeon Aesthetic Medicine Plastic Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Dermatologist Dermatologist Immunologist Gynecologist Sexologist Plastic Surgeon Sexologist Anti-Aging Medicine Plastic Surgeon Biochemist Plastic Surgeon Mesotherapist Dermatologist Plastic Surgeon Biogerontologist Anti-Aging Medicine Endocrinologist Anti-Aging Medicine Dermatologist Plastic Surgeon Paris France Lyon France Sao Paulo Brazil Paris France Milano Italy New York USA Paris France Casablanca Morocco Paris France Vejle Denmark Aalst Belgium Johannesburg S.Africa Fleurus France Marseille France Paris France Lyon France Paris France Paris France Zellik Belgium Pisa Italy Bordeaux France Firenze Italy Lyon France Cambridge UK Paris France Zellik Belgium Brussels Belgium Besançon France Gela Italy t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t Christophe de Jaeger Andreas Katsambas Marios Kyriazis Jo Lambert Hansjoerg Lammers Phillip Levy Sohail Mansoor Kenny de Meirleir Jean Monro Serge Mordon Sylvain Ordureau Antoine Paraskevas Ivo Pitanguy Ascanio Polimeni Hervé Raspaldo Christophe Raygot Vera Stejskal Luiza Spiru Christine Tobback Luiz Sergio Toledo Godfrey Town Mario Trelles Matteo Tutino Tom van Eijk Helga van den Elzen Claudia van der Lugt Eric van Guyse Ronald Virag Imre Zs-Nagy Geriatrist,Anti-Aging Dermatologist Geriatrist, Biologist Dermatologist Anti-Aging Medicine Dermatologist Dermatologist Physiologist Anti-Aging Medicine Biophysicist Radiologist Plastic Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Neuroendocrinologist Plastic Surgeon Dentist Immunologist Anti-Aging Medicine Anti-Aging Medicine Plastic Surgeon Dermatologist Plastic Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Plastic Surgeon Aesthetic Medicine Aesthetic Medicine Anti-Aging Medicine Surgeon, Sexologist Geriatrist Paris France Athens Greece London UK Gent Belgium Wulfrath Germany Geneva Switzerland London UK Brussels Belgium Herts UK Lille France Paris France Paris France Rio de Janeiro Brazil Milano Italy Cannes France Paris France Danderyd Sweden Bucharest Roumania Brussels Belgium Sao Paulo Brazil Swansee UK Cambrils Spain Palermo Italy Amsterdam NL Zwammerdam NL Meijel Netherlands Zaventem Belgium Paris France Debrecen Hungary Workshops / Ateliers t Ciro Accardo Plastic Surgeon Lakhdar Belhaouari Plastic Surgeon t Serge Bernstein Aesthetic Medicine t Frédéric Braccini Cervico Facial Surgeon t Philippe Deprez Aesthetic Medicine t Anna Maria Forenza Dermatologist t Laurent Halimi Plastic Surgeon t Vladimir Khomchenko Physicist t Said Hilton Aesthetic Medicine t Larisa Koleskinova Dermatologist t Hansjoerg Lammers Anti-Aging Medicine t Olivier Lefevre Aesthetic Medicine t Gustavo Leibaschoff Aesthetic Medicine t Ioannis Lyras Plastic Surgeon t Raman Malhotra Oculo Plastic Surgeon t Naples Toulouse Paris Nice Gerona Roma Paris Minsk Dusseldorf Yekaterinburg Wulfrath Paris Buenos Aires Athens London Italy France France France Spain Italy France Belorussia Germany Russia Germany France Argentina Greece UK t Jules Marthan Rania Meddahi t Marcel Metanomski t Patrick Micheels t Jacques Otto t Christine Peuchant t Erik Richter t Anders Strand t Michel Tordjman t Fulvio Vannini t Dimitry Verhoturzev t Danny Vleggaar t Greg Wahl t Jung Ho Woo t Lynette Young t Aesthetic Medicine Aesthetic Medicine Aesthetic Medicine Aesthetic Medicine Aesthetic Medicine Aesthetic Medicine Industry Dermatologist Aesthetic Medicine Aesthetic Medicine Dermatologist Aesthetic Medicine Dermatologist Plastic Surgeon Aesthetic Medicine Vauvert France Paris France Paris France Geneva Switzerland London UK Le Bouscat France Butchen Netherlands Uppsala Sweden Paris France Naples Italy Yekaterinburg Russia Den Haag Netherlands Berlin Germany Seoul South Korea London UK Free Communications / Communications Libres t Roger E. Amar Jean-Pierre Amsellem t Clelia Barini t Jose Curiel-Valdes t Claudine Hadida t Tran Huu Hanh t Christian Malbrel t Thierry Maréchal t Rhesa May Martinez t Luigi Mazzi t Plastic Surgeon Aesthetic Medicine Dermatologist Oncologist Aesthetic Medicine Anti-Aging Medicine Ophtalmologist Aesthetic Medicine Aesthetic Medicine Dermatologist Marbella Spain Pessac France Bologne Italy Mexico Mexico Paris France Ho Chi Minh Vietnam Reims France Paris France Pasig Philippines Verona Italy t Dimitri Mihaylov Anne Moga t Sarah Noble t Michel Pascal t Coralie Phillips t Peter Raus t Donna Roach t Elvan Sarac t Shim In Soo t Surgeon Aesthetic Medicine Spa Director Dermatologist Science Graduate Ophtalmologist Science Graduate Aesthetic Medicine Dermatologist Den Haag Paris Guildford Paris London Mol London Istanbul Seoul Netherlands France UK France UK Belgium UK Turkey South Korea EMAA2007ProgrammeFinal-OK.qxd 21/08/07 14:11 Page 16 EMAA PRECOURSES (See detailed program in the brochures enclosed) ANTI-AGING MEDICINE SPECIAL 1-DAY PRACTICAL COURSE Part ot the IHS and AAMS 6-day training program THURSDAY OCTOBER 11, 2007 IHS - I NTERNATIONAL H ORMONE S PECIALTY - Degree in Hormones Therapies AAMS - ANTI-AGING MEDICINE SPECIALISATION - 2-Year Post University Course Location: Palais des Congrès de Paris REVIEW HORMONE COURSE (with on stage live consultation) 8.30 - 10.30 am • Basic lab tests Thierry Hertoghe (Belgium) • Cortisol Thierry Hertoghe (Belgium) 10.30 - 10.50 am Break 10.50 - 12.40 pm • Testosteorne therapy in men: the basics Mario Krause (Germany) • Female hormones Thierry Hertoghe (Belgium) 12.40 - 2.00 pm Lunch 2.00 - 3.50 pm • Growth Hormone Claude Dalle (France) • Pregnenolone Ascanio Polimeni (Italy) • DHEA 3.50 - 4.10 pm Break 4.10 - 6.00 pm • Thyroid all the basics and which treatment is best Benoit Claeys (Belgium) AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY EXPERT TO EXPERT the most complete training ever proposed! AESTHETIC ADVANCED COURSE & HANDS-ON PRACTICE ON CADAVER 5TH and 6TH of October 2007 Scientific director: Dr Patrick Trevidic (Plastic Surgeon - Paris, France) Location: Friday October 5th PARIS Medicine Faculty - Rue des Saints Pères - 75006 Paris Saturday October 6th Hospital Sainte Anne - Centre Raymond Garcin 2 bis Rue d'Alésia - 75014 Paris E2E is a unique course combining for the first time: Theory Live demonstrations Practice on cadaver The possibility to treat one of your own patient with a team of experts l c E2E will focus on existing techniques and will bring you new ones l E2E will provide you with one training l E2E Online will be available to all participants allowing them to ask questions on line to a team of Experts (clinical cases, debates, information, news...) l LIMITED SEATS - REGISTER PROMPTLY M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N O N W W W. E U RO M E D I C O M . C O M EMAA2007ProgrammeFinal-OK.qxd 21/08/07 13:21 Page 7 English simultaneous translation Traducción simultánea en Español Traduction simultanée en Français SCHEDULE AT-A-GLANCE - EMAA 2007 BLUE AUDITORIUM AMPHI BLEU ROOM MAILLOT SALLE MAILLOT ROOM 242 AB ROOM 241 FRIDAY 12 1.00 pm Registration opening - Badges pick up 2.00 - 4.00 pm DERMAL FILLERS FROM A TO Z WORKSHOP Brain aging WORKSHOP 2 - EUROMI ABC WORKSHOP of hormone therapy LIFE EXTENSION 4.00 - 4.30 pm 4.30 - 6.30 pm WORKSHOP 1 - LINLINE FRANCE BREAK - VISIT THE EXHIBITORS BOTULINUM TOXIN FROM A TO Z WORKSHOP 3 - FILORGA WORKSHOP 4 AESTHETIC DERMAL WORKSHOP 5 - REGEN LAB WORKSHOP 6 LCA PHARMACEUTICAL SEXOLOGY 7.30 am Registration opening - Badges pick up 8.30 - 10.30 am WHAT COSMETOLOGY CAN DO FOR THE SKIN? SATURDAY 13 10.30 - 11.00 am 11.00 - 1.00 pm LASERS EVOLUTION IN COSMETIC DERMATOLOGY WORKSHOP 9 - Q-MED WORKSHOP 10 - ANTEIS INTERNAL MEDICINE WORKSHOP 11 - TEOXANE WORKSHOP 12 - EVOLENCE WORKSHOP 13 - ANTEIS WORKSHOP 14 - PROCYTECH DERMATOLOGY LUNCH OFFERED ON SITE AESTHETIC SURGERY FOR MEN 4.00 - 4.30 pm 4.30 - 6.30 pm WORKSHOP 8 AA-MEDICAL SYSTEMS BREAK - VISIT THE EXHIBITORS 1.00 - 2.00 pm 2.00 - 4.00 pm WORKSHOP 7 - PROMOITALIA Life extension WORKSHOP WORKSHOP 15 - ALLERGAN WORKSHOP 16 - EVOLENCE Chronic fatigue syndrome WORKSHOP WORKSHOP 17 - ALLERGAN WORKSHOP 18 - DERMACEUTIC BREAK - VISIT THE EXHIBITORS INNOVATIONS IN PLASTIC SURGERY HOT TOPICS 6.30 - 7.30 pm WORKSHOP Progesterone therapy in men WORKSHOP 19 - TEOXANE WORKSHOP Managment of the aging immune WORKSHOP 21 - PROMOITALIA system with nutritionnal supplements WORKSHOP 20 - Q-MED WORKSHOP 22 - ATLEAN MEET TOGETHER COCKTAIL OFFERED ON SITE SUNDAY 14 8.00 am Registration opening - Badges pick up 9.00 - 11.00 am BOTULINUM TOXIN Live Demonstrations 11.00 - 11.30 am 11.30 - 1.30 pm WORKSHOP 23 - LIPOTOMIE Female orgasm WORKSHOP WORKSHOP 24 - SKIN LIFE ABC of depollution WORKSHOP WORKSHOP Nutrients that may make you feel better and delay aging BREAK - VISIT THE EXHIBITORS SURGERY OF THE BODY CONTOUR AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY AND SURGERY PLATINUM Male sex potency WORKSHOP WORKSHOP Stem cell therapy working with umbilical cord WORKSHOP Taking out dental amalgams ANTI-AGING MEDICINE GOLD SPONSORS FREE COMMUNICATIONS IN AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY & SURGERY AESTHETIC WORKSHOPS FREE COMMUNICATIONS IN ANTI-AGING MEDICINE ANTI-AGING WORKSHOPS PLATINUM EMAA2007ProgrammeFinal-OK.qxd 21/08/07 13:30 Page 8 FRIDAY OCTOBER 12 / VENDREDI 12 OCTOBRE AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY & SURGERY ANTI-AGING MEDICINE BLUE AUDITORIUM / AMPHI BLEU ROOM / SALLE MAILLOT 2.00 pm 2.00 pm DERMAL FILLERS FROM A TO Z PRODUITS DE COMBLEMENT DE A A Z CHAIRMEN: PHILLIP LEVY, PIERRE ANDRÉ F R I DAY O C TO B E R 1 2 / V E N D R E D I 1 2 O C TO B R E t What’s new in the fillers market: Overview of the clinical studies Quoi de neuf sur le marché des comblements: revue des études cliniques PIERRE ANDRÉ t Complications with fillers: How to determine the culprit and what to do? Les complications des produits de comblement : comment trouver le coupable et que faire ? KOENRAAD DE BOULLE t Regulation of medical devices with an aesthetic purpose Règlementation des dispositifs médicaux à finalité esthétique FRENCH HEALTH PRODUCTS AGENCY AGENCE FRANÇAISE DE SÉCURITÉ SANITAIRE DES PRODUITS DE SANTÉ t 3-D facial rejuvenation Rajeunissement facial en 3D HERVÉ RASPALDO t Tear trough and beyond using a stabilized non-animal hyaluronic acid Utilisation d’un acide hyaluronique pour la vallée des larmes et au-delà TOM VAN EIJK t Injectable fillers and limitations Les produits de comblement injectables et leurs limites HELGA VAN DEN ELZEN LIFE EXTENSION / ALLONGEMENT DE LA VIE EXTENDING THE BORDERS OF THE HUMAN LIFESPAN ETENDRE LES LIMITES DE L’ESPÉRANCE DE VIE HUMAINE CHAIRMEN: AUBREY DE GREY - MARIOS KYRIAZIS t Can we extend the human life span beyond 1000 years? Pouvons-nous allonger l’espérence de vie au-delà de 1000 ans ? AUBREY DE GREY t Life extension experiments with rodents Expériences sur l’allongement de la vie avec des rongeurs IMRE ZS-NAGY t Life extension experiments with primates Expériences sur l’allongement de la vie avec des primates MARIOS KYRIAZIS t Why do women live longer? Pourquoi les femmes vivent-elles plus longtemps ? CLAUDE DALLE t How longer can hormone treatments prolong the human lifespan? De combien de temps les traitements hormonaux peuvent-ils prolonger l’espérance de vie ? ASCANIO POLIMENI t Psychological attitudes that may make us centenarians:The scientific data Les attitudes psychologiques qui peuvent faire de nous des centenaires : les données scientifiques THIERRY HERTOGHE 4.00 - 4.30 pm Coffee break / Meet the Exhibitors - Pause / Visite de l’exposition 4.30 pm 4.30 pm BOTULINUM TOXIN FROM A TO Z LA TOXINE BOTULIQUE DE A A Z CHAIRMEN: KOENRAAD DE SEXOLOGY / SEXOLOGIE CHAIRMEN: RONALD VIRAG, EDOARDO AUSTONI BOULLE, HERVÉ RASPALDO t Purely anatomy and its contribution to injection points in the upper face L’intérêt de l’anatomie pour les injections du haut du visage HERVÉ RASPALDO t Evidence based approach with Botulinum Toxin:What does really work? Les preuves de la Toxine Botulique : qu’est-ce qui marche vraiment ? KOENRAAD DE BOULLE t Combinations of Botulinum Toxin and other facial cosmetic procedures Combiner la Toxine Botulique avec d’autres traitements esthétiques PHILLIP LEVY t From hyperhidrosis to science: Different characteristics for different products De l’hyperhidrose à la science : les différentes caractéristiques des différents produits ADA DE ALMEIDA t The health and survival importance of orgasm L’importance de l’orgasme sur la santé et la longévité RONALD VIRAG t Can we increase the size of the penis? Pouvons-nous augmenter la taille du penis ? EDOARDO AUSTONI t Potential therapies that may reverse Lapeyronie disease? Les possibles traitements de la maladie de Lapeyronie BÉATRICE CUZIN t Adverse effects of pesticides on male and female fertility Les effets néfastes des pesticides sur la fertilité féminine et masculine JEAN MONRO t Functional foods and various ways to boost orgasm Les aliments fonctionnels et differents moyens pour stimuler l’orgasme VÉRONIQUE HASTERT t Growth hormone and DHEA effects on male potency Effets de l’hormone de croissance et de la DHEA sur la puissance sexuelle masculine CLAUDE DALLE t Erectile dysfunction: Link to cardiovascular diseases Dysfonctionnement érectile : les relations avec les maladies cardiovasculaires SYLVAIN ORDUREAU, RONALD VIRAG 6.30 pm End of the 1st day - Fin du 1er jour EMAA2007ProgrammeFinal-OK.qxd 21/08/07 13:30 Page 9 FRIDAY OCTOBER 12 / VENDREDI 12 OCTOBRE AESTHETIC WORKSHOPS ANTI-AGING WORKSHOPS ROOM / SALLE 242 AB ROOM / SALLE 241 2.00 pm 2.00 pm WORKSHOP 1 proposed by LINLINE FRANCE HOLISTIC APPROACH OF BRAIN AGING APPROCHE HOLISTIQUE DU VIEILLISSEMENT CÉRÉBRAL PHOTODESTRUCTION OF TATOO DYE DARK SKIN LASER HAIR REMOVAL PHOTODESTRUCTION DES TATOUAGES COLORÉS EPILATION AU LASER DES PEAUX MATES LUIZA SPIRU VLADIMIR KHOMCHENKO LARISA KOLESKINOVA - DIMITRY VERHOTURZEV 3.00 pm WORKSHOP 2 proposed by EUROMI ABC WORKSHOP ABC WORKSHOP OF HORMONE THERAPY DES TRAITEMENTS HORMONAUX ERIC VAN MESOTHERAPY: A NEW CONCEPT! MÉSOTHÉRAPIE : UN NOUVEAU CONCEPT ! GUYSE JACQUES OTTO 4.00 - 4.30 pm Coffee break / Meet the Exhibitors - Pause / Visite de l’exposition AESTHETIC WORKSHOPS AESTHETIC WORKSHOPS 4.30 pm WORKSHOP 3 proposed by FILORGA LABORATORIES WORKSHOP 4 proposed by AESTHETIC DERMAL ANTI-AGING CORRECTIVE DERMATOLOGY REPARISTIM®: REPAIRS, STIMULATES AND REFILLS REPARISTIM® : RÉPARE, STIMULE ET REMPLIT WRINKLES FILLING AND SKIN REPAIRING ISOGEL 2 AND NCTF 135 CE (NEW) PHILIPPE DEPREZ DERMATOLOGIE CORRECTRICE ANTI-AGE COMBLEMENT DES RIDES ET RÉPARATION TISSULAIRE ISOGEL 2 ET NCTF 135 CE (NOUVEAU) FRÉDÉRIC BRACCINI - MICHEL TORDJMAN 5.30 pm WORKSHOP 5 proposed by REGEN LAB WORKSHOP 6 proposed by LCA PHARMACEUTICAL NEW HYALUDERM REVITALIZE®: ANTI-AGING TREATMENT FOR THE SKIN USING MICRO-INJECTIONS, MADE OF NATURAL HYALURONIC ACID, PRODUCED INJECTION TECHNIQUE BASED ON PATIENT CELLS BIOSTIMULATION FOR AUGMENTATION AND REGENERATION WITH REGENACR PROCESS (AUTOLOGOUS CELL REJUVENATION) NOUVELLE TECHNIQUE D’INJECTION BASÉE SUR LA BIO-STIMULATION DES CELLULES DU PATIENT POUR L’AUGMENTATION ET LA RÉGÉNÉRATION AVEC LE PROCÉDÉ REGENACR (AUTOLOGOUS CELL REJUVENATION) LAURENT HALIMI BY GENETIC ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY HYALUDERM REVITALIZE®: TRAITEMENT ANTI-ÂGE DE LA PEAU PAR MICRO-INJECTIONS, COMPOSÉ D’ACIDE HYALURONIQUE NATUREL, ISSU DU GÉNIE GÉNÉTIQUE 6.30 pm End of the 1st day - Fin du 1er jour CHRISTINE PEUCHANT F R I DAY O C TO B E R 1 2 / V E N D R E D I 1 2 O C TO B R E 3.00 pm EMAA2007ProgrammeFinal-OK.qxd 21/08/07 13:30 Page 10 SATURDAY OCTOBER 13 / SAMEDI 13 OCTOBRE AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY & SURGERY ANTI-AGING MEDICINE BLUE AUDITORIUM / AMPHI BLEU ROOM / SALLE MAILLOT 8.30 am 8.30 am WHAT COSMETOLOGY CAN DO FOR THE SKIN? QUE PEUT FAIRE LA COSMÉTOLOGIE POUR LA PEAU ? CHAIRMEN: KOENRAAD DE BOULLE, ANDREAS KATSAMBAS t Why and how does the skin age? Pourquoi et comment la peau vieillit-elle ? CHAIRMEN: KENNY PHILIPPE HUMBERT t Compounds in cosmetics:What does work, why and how? Les ingrédients en cosmétique : qu’est-ce qui marche, pourquoi et comment ? JO LAMBERT SATURDAY OCTOBER 13 / SAMEDI 13 OCTOBRE INTERNAL MEDICINE / MEDECINE INTERNE CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME: THE END OF THE TUNNEL? SYNDROME DE FATIGUE CHRONIQUE : LA FIN DU TUNNEL ? t Overview of peels: Which peel for which indications? How to deal with the complications? Revue des peelings : quels peeling pour quelles indications ? Comment gérer les complications ? ADA DE ALMEIDA t Practical approach to hyperpigmentation Comment traiter l’hyperpigmentation en pratique ? ANDREAS KATSAMBAS t Treatment of pathological and unaesthetic scars by mesotherapy Traitement des cicatrices pathologiques et inesthétiques par mésothérapie FRANÇOISE GEORGE DE MEIRLEIR, ERIC VAN GUYSE t Laboratory tests for investigation of chronic fatigue Tests de laboratoires pour explorer la fatigue chronique MARC FREMONT t Infectious organisms in relationship to chronic fatigue Organismes infectiux en relation avec la fatigue chronique KENNY DE MEIRLEIR t Nutritional aspects of the chronic fatigue syndrome Aspects nutritionnels du syndrome de fatigue chronique CHRISTINE TOBBACK t Removal of mercury dental amalgam improves quality of life Retrait des amalgames dentaires au mercure : impact sur la qualité de vie VERA STEJSKAl t Adult growth hormone treatment: An essential tool in chronic exhaustion? / Traitement par l’hormone de croissance chez l’adulte : un outil essentiel contre la fatigue chronique ERIC VAN GUYSE t Cortisol and aldosterone deficiencies, the missing links in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome? / Déficiences en cortisol et en aldostérone, les liens manquants dans le traitement du syndrome de fatigue chronique ? THÉRÈSE HERTOGHE 10.30 - 11.00 am Coffee Break / Meet the Exhibitors - Pause / Visite de l’exposition 11.00 am 11.00 am LASERS EVOLUTION IN COSMETIC DERMATOLOGY L’ÉVOLUTIONDES LASERS EN DERMATOLOGIE ESTHÉTIQUE CHAIRMEN: MARIO TRELLES, ILARIA GHERSETICH t Checking IPL systems parameters: Are they valid ? Les paramètres des systèmes IPL sont-ils valides ? GODFREY TOWN t Current state of Photo Dynamic Therapy (PDT) in cosmetic dermatology: Alone or combined? Comparison with other non-ablative treatments / Photothérapie dynamique (PTD) en dermatologie esthétique : seule ou accompagnée ? Comparaison à d’autres traitements non ablatifs. PETER BJERRING t The treatment of residual acne scars with infrared light Traitement des cicatrices résiduelles d’acné par lumière infrarouge. IIARIA GHERSETICH t Are we going back to ablative resurfacing? Fractional coagulation or fractional ablative techniques? Revenons-nous au traitement ablatif ? Coagulation fractionnelle ou techniques fractionnelles ablatives ? SERGE MORDON t Er:YAG laser and its current place in cosmetic dermatology La place actuelle du laser Er:YAG en dermatologie esthétique. PIERRE ANDRÉ t What to expect from facial rejuvenation using radiofrequency? Que peut-on attendre du rajeunissement facial par radiofréquence ? MARIO A.TRELLES t Cellulite treatment : New trends Traitement de la cellulite : les dernières tendances CLAUDIA VAN t The lastest on fractional technology Les nouveautés en technologie fractionnée DER DERMATOLOGY / DERMATOLOGIE CHAIRMAN: SOHAIL MANSOOR, CHRISROPHE DE JAEGER t Reversing skin aging with hormone therapies: A review of the literature Inversement du processus de vieillissement de la peau avec les thérapies hormonales : revue de la littérature SOHAIL MANSOOR t Dry skin: Associating hormone replacement to vitamin treatments to cure dry skin Peau sèche : associer les hormones aux vitamines pour traiter les peaux sèches MATTEO TUTINO t Male pattern baldness: Mortality statistics Le modèle masculin chauve : les statistiques de mortalité CHRISTOPHE DE JAEGER t How to optimize the immune defences of the skin with nutritional supplements Comment optimiser les défenses immunitaires de la peau avec les compléments nutritionnels PATRICK BOUIC t New prospects in female and male pattern baldness Nouvelles recherches sur la calvitie féminine et masculine DOMINIQUE CARLY LUGT GHISLAINE BEILIN 1.00 - 2.00 pm LUNCH OFFERED ON SITE / DÉJEUNER OFFERT SUR PLACE EMAA2007ProgrammeFinal-OK.qxd 21/08/07 13:30 Page 11 SATURDAY OCTOBER 13 / SAMEDI 13 OCTOBRE AESTHETIC WORKSHOPS AESTHETIC WORKSHOPS ROOM / SALLE 242 AB ROOM / SALLE 241 8.30 am WORKSHOP 7 proposed by PROMOITALIA WORKSHOP 8 proposed by AA-MEDICAL SYSTEMS INNOVATIVE APPROACHES FOR ANTIAGING MEDICINE: PROSLIMELT™: EXTERNAL LYPOLISIS KEMIPEROXY™ THERAPY: ACTIVE COCKTAIL VEHICULATED BY A GAS FIBROLOGY: INTRADERMAL FIBROBLAST STIMULATION & FIBROLIFTING APPROCHES INNOVANTES POUR LA MÉDECINE ANTI-ÂGE LYPOLISE EXTERNE AVEC PROSLIMELT™ KEMIPEROXY™ THERAPY : UN COCKTAIL ACTIF VEHICULÉ PAR UN GAZ FIBROLOGIE : STIMULATION INTRADERMALE DES FIBROBLASTES ET FIBROLIFTING FULVIO VANNINI - ANNA MARIA FORENZA TIPS AND TRICKS FOR OPTIMUM RESULTS IN THE TREATMENT OF CELLULITIS TRUCS ET ASTUCES POUR OPTIMSER LES RÉSULTATS DANS LE TRAITEMENT DE LA CELLULITE GUSTAVO LEIBASCHOFF WORKSHOP 9 proposed by Q-MED WORKSHOP 10 proposed by ANTEIS RESTYLANE MASTER CLASS - ADVANCED TECHNIQUES TEAR-THROUGH INDICATION USING RESTYLANE PERLANE™ RESTYLANE MASTER CLASS - TECHNIQUES AVANCÉES LES INDICATIONS DE RESTYLANE PERLANE™ POUR LA VALLÉE DES LARMES RAMAN MALHOTRA ESTHÉLIS®: FILLING LIKE NO OTHER JOIN THE GENUINE “SURFACE” REVOLUTION. ESTHÉLIS® : COMBLEMENT INÉGALABLE REJOIGNEZ UNE AUTHENTIQUE RÉVOLUTION DE « SURFACE » IOANNIS LYRAS 10.30 - 11.00 am Coffee Break / Meet the Exhibitors - Pause / Visite de l’exposition 11.00 am WORKSHOP 11 proposed by TEOXANE WORKSHOP 12 proposed by EVOLENCE FACE REMODELLING USING TEOSYAL® RANGE REMODELAGE FACIAL AVEC LA GAMME TEOSYAL® EXTENDING TRUE BEAUTY WITH EVOLENCE® LA BEAUTÉ RÉVÉLÉE GRÂCE À EVOLENCE® RANIA MEDDAHI SAID HILTON 12.00 am WORKSHOP 13 proposed by ANTEIS MESOLIS : A ® UNIQUE FORMULA FOR FACIAL AND BODY SKIN REJUVENATION THROUGH REHYDRATION. MESOLIS® : WORKSHOP 14 proposed by ActiveCosmethics / PROCYTECH NEW NUTRIACTIVE RANGE: BOOST THE VALUE OF YOUR AESTHETIC UNE FORMULE UNIQUE POUR LE RAJEUNISSEMENT DE LA PEAU PRACTICE NOUVELLE DU CORPS ET DU VISAGE PATRICK MICHEELS GAMME NUTRIACTIVE : VALORISER VOTRE PRATIQUE ESTHÉTIQUE SPEAKER TO 1.00 - 2.00 pm LUNCH OFFERED ON SITE / DÉJEUNER OFFERT SUR PLACE BE ANNOUNCED SATURDAY OCTOBER 13 / SAMEDI 13 OCTOBRE 9.30 am EMAA2007ProgrammeFinal-OK.qxd 21/08/07 13:30 Page 12 SATURDAY OCTOBER 13 / SAMEDI 13 OCTOBRE AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY & SURGERY ANTI-AGING WORKSHOPS BLUE AUDITORIUM / AMPHI BLEU ROOM / SALLE MAILLOT 2.00 pm 2.00 pm AESTHETIC SURGERY FOR MEN CHIRURGIE ESTHÉTIQUE POUR LES HOMMES LIFE EXTENSION WORKSHOP ALLONGEMENT DE LA DURÉE DE VIE AUBREY CHAIRMEN: ANTOINE PARASKEVAS,THIERRY BESINS DE GREY t Treatment of male alopecia Traitement de l’alopécie masculine MARC DIVARIS SATURDAY OCTOBER 13 / SAMEDI 13 OCTOBRE t Facelift: Are men different? Lifting du visage : les hommes sont-ils différents ? DANIEL C. BAKER t Mid facelift: Indications and limitations Lifting de la partie médiane du visage : indications et limites THIERRY BESINS t Enhancement of the genitalia Augmentation des organes génitaux 3.00 pm CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME: THE MANAGEMENT SYNDROME DE FATIGUE CHRONIQUE : LA PRISE EN CHARGE KENNY DE MEIRLEIR SYLVIE ABRAHAM t Liposuction and body contouring in men Liposuccion et chirurgie du corps chez l’homme LUIZ SERGIO TOLEDO t Rhinoplasty and chin advancement Rhinoplastie et avancement du menton EMMANUEL CLAOUÉ 4.00 - 4.30 pm Coffee break / Meet the Exhibitors - Pause / Visite de l’exposition 4.30 pm 4.30 pm INNOVATIONS IN PLASTIC SURGERY - HOT TOPICS INNOVATIONS EN CHIRURGIE PLASTIQUE - POINTS FORTS PROGESTERONE THERAPY IN MEN TRAITEMENT PAR PROGESTERONE CHEZ L’HOMME THIERRY HERTOGHE CHAIRMEN: FABIO INGALLINA, IVO PITANGUY t Future directions in plastic surgery Les directions futures en chirurgie esthétique t Lunch time mini facelift / Mini-lift express IVO PITANGUY 5.30 pm MARCO GALLUCCI t Local anaesthesia in aesthetic surgery: No limit ? Anesthésie locale en chirurgie esthétique : pas de limites ? VINCENT AUCHANE t Facelift and blepharoplasty: My philosophy Lifting du visage et blépharoplastie : ma philosophie HUGUES GIFFON MANAGMENT OF THE AGING IMMUNE SYSTEM WITH NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS PRISE EN CHARGE DU SYSTÈME IMMUNITAIRE VIEILLISSANT AVEC LES COMPLÉMENTS ALIMENTAIRES t Adjunctive techniques to really improve our results in aesthetic procedures Techniques additionnelles pour une réelle amélioration de nos résultats dans les procédures esthétiques ANDREAS KATSAMBAS t Face transplantation Transplantation de visage ANTOINE PARASKEVAS t The SEE Index: A new tool to evaluate and treat the inferior third of the face / L’Index SEE : un nouvel outil pour évaluer et traiter le tiers inférieur du visage CHRISTOPHE RAYGOT 6.30 pm End of the 2nd day - Fin du 2e jour PATRICK BOUIC EMAA2007ProgrammeFinal-OK.qxd 21/08/07 13:30 Page 13 SATURDAY OCTOBER 13 / SAMEDI 13 OCTOBRE AESTHETIC WORKSHOPS AESTHETIC WORKSHOPS ROOM / SALLE 242 AB ROOM / SALLE 241 2.00 pm WORKSHOP 15 proposed by ALLERGAN WORKSHOP 16 proposed by EVOLENCE ALLERGAN ACADEMY: THREE DIMENSIONAL FACIAL AESTHETICS” (PART1) ALLERGAN ACADEMIE : ESTHÉTIQUE DU VISAGE EN TROIS DIMENSIONS (PART1) GREG WAHL - LYNETTE YONG LAKHDAR BELHAOUARI - PHILLIP LEVY EVOLENCE®: TECHNIQUES FOR OPTIMAL ENHANCEMENT EVOLENCE® : TECHNIQUES POUR UN EMBELLISSEMENT OPTIMAL SAID HILTON - CEDRIC KRON 3.00 pm WORKSHOP 18 proposed by DERMACEUTIC ALLERGAN ACADEMY: THREE DIMENSIONAL FACIAL AESTHETICS” (PART2) ALLERGAN ACADEMIE : ESTHÉTIQUE DU VISAGE EN TROIS DIMENSIONS (PART2) GREG WAHL - LYNETTE YONG LAKHDAR BELHAOUARI - PHILLIP LEVY WRINKLES, SPOTS AND ACNE SKINS TREATED WITH THE FULL RANGE OF DERMACEUTIC CHEMICAL PEELS. TRAITEMENT DES RIDES, RIDULES, TACHES PIGMENTAIRES ET DES PEAUX GRASSES AVEC UNE GAMME CIBLÉE DE PEELINGS JULES MARTHAN - MARCEL METANOMSKI OLIVIER LEFEVRE 4.00 - 4.30 pm Coffee break / Meet the Exhibitors - Pause / Visite de l’exposition 4.30 pm WORKSHOP 19 proposed by TEOXANE WORKSHOP 20 proposed by Q-MED HOW TO TREAT VOLUMES WITH TEOSYAL ULTRA DEEP CONCEPTION DES VOLUMES AVEC TEOSYAL ULTRA DEEP JULES MARTHAN RESTYLANE LIPP. MASTER CLASS - ADVANCED TECHNIQUES RESTYLANE LIPP. MASTER CLASS - TECHNIQUES AVANCÉES ANDERS STRAND 5.30 pm WORKSHOP 22 proposed by ATLEAN WORKSHOP 21 proposed by PROMOITALIA TISSUE CLINICAL RENEWAL ATLEAN® REVITALIZATION: UNIQUE METHOD FOR AN AUTOLOGUS REVITALIZATION AT HIGH CONCENTRATION FACE LIFTING: NEW, ABSORBABLE, READY-TO-USE MEDICAL DEVICE FOR THREAD LIFTING AND TISSUE FIXATION BY ANCHORING BREAST (ANCORAGETM) LIFTING: NATURAL REPOSITIONING THANKS TO A UNIQUE THREAD DESIGN AND METHOD REVITALISATION (BREAST UP ) : MÉTHODE : LIVE INTERACTIVE DEMONSTRATION. L’INDUCTION TISSULAIRE FACIAL: ATLEAN® SÉCURISÉE DANS LE TRAITEMENT DU VIEILLISSEMENT DÉMONSTRATION INTERACTIVE. TM DES TISSUS ON FACIAL AGING WITH A SAFETY STIMULATORY FILLER UNIQUE DE REVITALISATION DANNY VLEGGAAR AUTOLOGUE À HAUTE CONCENTRATION LIFTING FACIAL : NOUVEAU FIL D’ANCRAGE, RÉSORBABLE, PRÊT À L’EMPLOI ANCORAGE™ LIFTING DE SEIN : REPOSITIONNEMENT NATUREL GRÂCE AU FIL BREAST UP™ CIRO ACCARDO 6.30 pm End of the 2nd day - Fin du 2e jour 6.30 - 7.30 pm “Meet Together” Cocktail offered on site - Cocktail de Rencontre offert sur place Meet Together Cocktail with the Speakers, Delegates and Exhibitors Cocktail de Rencontre avec les Orateurs, les Participants et les Exposants The Scientific Committee and EuroMediCom are pleased to welcome you to this friendly cocktail offered on site. Le Comité Scientifique et EuroMediCom sont heureux de vous convier à cet amical cocktail offert sur place. SATURDAY OCTOBER 13 / SAMEDI 13 OCTOBRE WORKSHOP 17 proposed by ALLERGAN EMAA2007ProgrammeFinal-OK.qxd 21/08/07 13:30 Page 14 SUNDAY OCTOBER 14 / DIMANCHE 14 OCTOBRE SUNDAY OCTOBER 14 / DIMANCHE 14 AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY & SURGERY ANTI-AGING WORKSHOPS BLUE AUDITORIUM / AMPHI BLEU ROOM / SALLE MAILLOT 9.00 am 9.00 am BOTULINUM TOXIN / TOXINE BOTULIQUE LIVE DEMONSTRATIONS / DÉMONSTRATIONS EN DIRECT ADA MALE SEX POTENCY POTENTIEL SEXUEL MASCULIN RONALD VIRAG DE ALMEIDA KOENRAAD DE BOULLE PHILLIP LEVY HERVÉ RASPALDO 10.00 am FEMALE ORGASM AND SEXUALITY ORGASME FÉMININ ET SEXUALITÉ MARIE-HÉLÈNE COLSON 11.00 - 11.30 am Coffee Break / Meet the Exhibitors - Pause / Visite de l’exposition 11.30 am 11.30 am SURGERY OF THE BODY CONTOUR CHIRURGIE DE LA SILHOUETTE STEM CELL THERAPY: WORKING WITH UMBILICAL CORD CELLS CELLULES SOUCHES :TRAVAILLER AVEC LES CELLULES DU CORDON CHAIRMEN: ANTOINE PARASKEVAS, FABIO INGALLINA OMBILICAL t Body and buttock remodeling using liposculpture Remodelage du corps et des fesses par liposculpture FAHD BENSLIMMANE t What’s new in mammary implants Quoi de neuf dans les implants mammaires ? FABIO INGALLINA t Full versus limited abdominoplasty:Which approach for which patient ? Abdominoplastie totale ou limitée : quelle approche pour quel patient ? LUIZ SERGIO TOLEDO t Arm rejuvenation Rajeunissement des bras ANTOINE PARASKEVAS SPEAKER TO BE ANNOUNCED 11.30 am TAKING OUT DENTAL AMALGAMS RETRAIT DES AMALGAMES DENTAIRES HANSJOERG LAMMERS 1.30 pm End of the EMAA 2007 Fin de l’EMAA 2007 EMAA2007ProgrammeFinal-OK.qxd 21/08/07 13:30 Page 15 SUNDAY OCTOBER 14 / DIMANCHE 14 OCTOBRE AESTHETIC WORKSHOPS ANTI-AGING WORKSHOPS ROOM / SALLE 242 AB ROOM / SALLE 241 9.00 am 9.00 am WORKSHOP 23 LIPOTOMY: THE MEDICAL ALTERNATIVE TO LIPOSUCTION LA LIPOTOMIE : L’ALTERNATIVE MÉDICALE À LA LIPOSUCCION SERGE BERNSTEIN ABC OF DEPOLLUTION WORKSHOP L’ABC SUR LA DÉPOLLUTION 10.00 am JEAN MONRO 10.00 am WORKSHOP 24 proposed by SKIN LIFE ADVANCED CONTOUR THREAD: J.J. MIRACLE LIFT TECHNOLOGIE AVANCÉE DE FILS DE SUSPENSION : J.J. MIRACLE LIFT JUNG HO WOO NATURAL ANTI-AGING SOLUTIONS SOLUTIONS NATURELLES POUR L’ANTI-AGE ERIK RICHTER 11.00 - 11.30 am Coffee Break / Meet the Exhibitors - Pause / Visite de l’exposition ANTI-AGING MEDICINE 11.30 am 11.30 am FREE COMMUNICATIONS IN AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY AND SURGERY COMMUNNICATIONS LIBRES EN DERMATOLOGIE ET CHIRURGIE ESTHÉTIQUES CHAIRMEN: SOHAIL MANSOOR, PIERRE ANDRÉ t The use of mesenchymal stem cells in facial rejuvenation: A ten years experience ROGER E. AMAR t Cervico facial lipoplasty: Difficult cases t Facial remodeling: A new approach JEAN-PIERRE AMSELLEM t Proslimelt external lypolisis: A follow up t Laser lipolysis CLAUDINE HADIDA ANNA MARIA FORENZA THIERRY MARECHAL t Skin tightening using a Pulsed Infrared Light-Source among Asians RHESA MAY MARTINEZ t Full face photorejuvenation using synchronous IPL laser and conducted bipolar radiofrequency energy LUIGI MAZZI t Resurfacing versus fractional: Research for a middle way but not for a middle efficiency MICHEL PASCAL t Pyun's Deep Skin Rejuvenation (PDSR) with Timepeel SHIM IN SOO t Monopolar RF and biostimulation with a cluster of amino acids: A new approach to increase their effectiveness CLELIA BARINI FREE COMMUNICATIONS IN ANTI AGING MEDICINE COMMUNICATIONS LIBRES MÉDECINE EN ANTI-AGE CHAIRMAN:THIERRY HERTOGHE, CLAUDE DALLE t Another approach of the anti-aging medicine: Role of the cellular balance ANNE MOGA - THIERRY MARÉCHAL t Theories of aging t Early cognition impairment: A holistic approach DIMITRI MIHAYLOV LUIZA SPIRU t Insights into the impact of hypothyroidism and consequences of a chronic fatigue syndrome CORALIE PHILLIPS - DONNA ROACH t Sports medecine: Prevention of stress fractures and osteoporotic fractures TRAN HUU HANH t The art and science of Spa success & spas around the world SARAH NOBLE t Transplantation of labial salivary glands in cases of severe eye dryness PETER RAUS t MDA measure in urine in a population in Mexico JOSE CURIEL-VALDES t A new approach in preventive medicine : Diet according to IgG specific food intolerance tests/review ELVAN SARAC t AERG et dégénérescence maculaire liée à l'âge CHRISTIAN MALBREL 1.30 pm End of the EMAA 2007 - Fin de l’EMAA 2007 Save the date! - Retenez la date ! EMAA 2008 4th European Congress in Aesthetic Dermatology and Surgery Anti-Aging Medicine October 17-19, 2008 Palais des Congrès de Paris SUNDAY OCTOBER 14 / DIMANCHE 14 AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY & SURGERY EMAA2007ProgrammeFinal-OK.qxd 21/08/07 13:05 Page 19 GENERAL INFORMATION t CONGRESS LOCATION Palais des Congrès de Paris 2, place de la Porte Maillot, 75017 Paris - For more than 30 years, the Palais des Congrès de Paris has largely contributed to make the city the world capital of the international congresses. It is located at the Porte Maillot, at a few minutes walking distance of the "Gold Triangle": Champs Elysées, Place de l’Etoile, rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré... More than ever, the Palais des Congrès de Paris is the ideal place of meetings of scale: international congresses, medical conferences... t AIR TRANSPORTATION IDENTIFIER CODE: 02029AF - Valid for travel from October 7th to October 19th, 2007 Discounts are applied to a wide range of airfares, in all classes of travel (Espace Première [First], Espace Affaires [Business] and Tempo [Coach]) on all flights of the Air France worldwide network. To acces the preferential fares granted for this event, use this link: or the website of this event This present document of the event serves to justify the application of the preferential airfare. Keep it with you as you may be asked for it at any point of your journey. To locate your nearest Air France sales point, consult: t TRAIN A discount rate of 20 to 25% of the basic fare, valid for all services under SNCF pricing system, in 1st or economic class corresponding to the standard level 1 fare charged on TGV services and the fare applicable to other train services, exclusive of any reservation charges or supplements.The voucher ticket has a two-week validity and shall include at least one day of the congress within this two-week period. Ask the Congress Organization for vouchers. t LANGUAGES SIMULTANEOUS TRANSLATION English / Spanish / French Official languages: English and French Simultaneous translation in French, English, Spanish in all rooms. French and English only in rooms 241 and 242 B. t HOTELS A number of rooms close to Palais des Congrès has been booked especially for the EMAA delegates at negociated prices through our partner Conferencia Travel. BE CAREFUL: This year we would like to inform you that the Congress is held during the same dates that the semi finals in Paris of the RUGBY WORLD CUP 2007 organized in France.The number of rooms is extemely limited. It is imperative to book your room as soon as possible, by sending the hotel form to EuroMediCom. Beyond this date, booking will depend on availability. On-line reservation is available at Informations hotels :Tél : +33 (0)1 45 55 85 30 – E-mail : For any change or cancellation, contact Conferencia Travel (special rates available through Conferencia Travel) Booking cannot be processed without total prepayment All prices are breakfast and taxes included CONCORDE LA FAYETTE **** Metro - Distance to Congress Porte Maillot on site LE MERIDIEN ETOILE **** Porte Maillot 81 boulevard Gouvion Saint Cyr 75017 PARIS In front BEST WESTERN PREMIER OPERA RICHEPANSE **** Concorde 14, rue du Chevalier Saint George 75001 PARIS 15 min. by metro SOFITEL PARIS PORTE DE SEVRES **** Balard 8-12, rue Louis Armand 75015 PARIS 20 min. by tram T3 + RER C VILLA OPERA DROUOT **** Grands Boulevards 2, rue Geoffroy Marie 75009 PARIS 25 min. by metro NEUILLY PARK*** Les Sablons 23, rue Madeleine Michelis 92200 NEUILLY 7 min walk HARVEY *** Porte Maillot 7 bis, rue du Débarcadère 75017 PARIS 3 min walk Mac MAHON *** Charles de Gaulle Etoile 3, avenue Mac Mahon 75017 PARIS 5 min by metro ETOILE PEREIRE *** Pereire 146 boulevard Pereire 75017 PARIS 5 min by metro COMFORT MEDIAN PALAIS DES CONGRES *** Porte de Clichy 6-8 boulevard Douaumont 75017 PARIS 6 min by RER C PALMA *** Porte Maillot /Argentine 46 rue Brunel 75017 PARIS 5 min walk AMBASSADE ** Boissière 79, rue Lauriston 75116 PARIS 10 min. by metro Single 350 euros Double / Twin 2 beds 360 euros Double 1 large bed 360 euros 265 euros 275 euros 275 euros 280 euros 280 euros 320 euros 250 euros 265 euros 265 euros 240 euros 268 euros 268 euros 159 euros 170 euros 170 euros 159 euros 170 euros 170 euros 155 euros 165 euros 165 euros 150 euros 175 euros 175 euros 147euros 155 euros 155 euros 130 euros 140 euros 140 euros 95 euros 110 euros 110 euros Place du Général Koenig 75017 PARIS t REGISTRATION To register to the EMAA 2007, complete the enclosed registration form and return it with the payment to Euromedicom.. On line registration, with secured payment by credit card is available at: On site registration will be available each day of the congress. The delegate registration fee includes: - A badge, a congress bag, a conference book, all the congress documents and a diploma as a certificate of attendance to the scientific program. - Admission to all the conference rooms (aesthetic and anti-aging workshops included), exhibit area, coffee breaks and lunch, welcome cocktail. The accompanying person fee includes : Badge for admission to the exhibit areas, coffee breaks and lunch, welcome cocktail. EMAA2007-EncartCentral1Coul.qxd 22/08/07 12:12 Page 1 EMAA 2007, Paris October 12-14, 2007 Registration form - Fiche d’inscription Family Name / Nom First Name / Prénom Specialty / Spécialité Address / Adresse Zip code / Code postal City / Ville Country / Pays Phone / Tél. Fax E-mail Please type in capital letters En lettres capitales SVP REGISTRATION FEES / Droits d’inscription n Delegate / Congressiste n } q q q q q 14/10 q 3 days / 3 jours X 12/10 X 13/10 X q 12/10 q q q 13/10 q q 14/10 Please tick the day(s) 2 days / 2 jours q 12/10 q q q 13/10 q q 14/10 Cochez le(s) jour(s) 1 day / 1 jour n Member of Scientific Society (certificate requested) Membre d’une Société Scientifique (attestation à joindre obligatoirement) q q q q 14/10 q 3 days / 3 jours X 12/10 q X 13/10 X n Delegate already registered toAAMS / IHS seminars or Pre-Course Congressiste déjà inscrit aux séminaires AAMS / IHS ou au Pré-Cours q q q q 14/10 q 3 days / 3 jours X 12/10 q X 13/10 X n Etudiant, Infirmière, 3 days / 3 jours 2 days / 2 jours 1 day / 1 jour Kiné, Assistante (attestation à joindre obligatoirement) q q q q 14/10 q X 12/10 q X 13/10 X q 12/10 q q 13/10 q q q 14/10 Please tick the day(s) Cochez le(s) jour(s) q 12/10 q q 13/10 q q q 14/10 } AAMS q 400 € q q 340 € q q 170 € q q 450 € q q 380 € q q 190 € q q 350 € q q 400 € q q 300 € q q 350 € q No registration will be validated without certificate or proof Aucune inscription attestation q 300 ne qd’une € sera validée sans l’envoi 350 € Accompagnant(e) (accès à l’exposition seulement + workshops esthétiques) q q q q 14/10 q 3 days / 3 jours X 12/10 q X 13/10 X q 12/10 q q q 13/10 q q 14/10 Please tick the day(s) 2 days / 2 jours q 12/10 q q q 13/10 q q 14/10 Cochez le(s) jour(s) 1 day / 1 jour n AAMS - Anti-Aging Medicine Specialization - 6-day Seminar q q q q q q q 6 days / 6 jours X 6/10 q X 7/10 q X 8/10 q X 9/10 q X 10/10 q X 11/10 q 6/10 q q q 7/10 q q 8/10 q q 9/10 q q 10/10 q q 11/10 Day rate / Prix/jour q SFMPL or on-site / sur place No registration will be validated without certificate or proof Aucune inscription ne sera validée sans l’envoi d’une attestation n Accompanying Person (access to exhibit only + aesthetic workshops) n } n 30 Sept. 2007 30 Sept. 2007 n n Student, Nurse, Physiotherapist, Assistant (certificate requested) n Late registration after / après Early registration before / avant Include access to all sessions, workshops and commercial exhibit, coffee breaks, lunches and cocktails offered on site, a certificate of attendance, the conference book, a congress bag and all documentation. q q 240 € q q 120 € q q q 280 € q q 140 € q q 250 € q q 230 € q q 120 € q q 300 € q q 280 € q q 140 € q q 1790 € q q 1890 € q q 330 € / day x ... day(s) = .......... € q Tick the day(s) and multiply by the day rate / Cochez le(s) jour(s) et multipliez par le tarif jour n Samedi 13 octobre : Vème Journée de la Santé et de la Longévité n q 150 € q Société Française de Médecine et de Physiologie de la Longévité (SFMPL) q 180 € q n 2 YEARS FREE MEMBERSHIP WOSAAM (World Society of Anti-Aging Medicine) and IHS (International Hormone Society) INCLUDED n q I don’t want the WOSAAM membership q q q I don’t want the IHS membership If you decline this offer, please tick the corresponding box(es): More information at and PAYMENT / Paiement des droits d’inscription Please find enclosed the total payment of / Veuillez trouvez, ci-joint, mon règlement total de : Total : .......................... € q Bank check in € to Euromedicom / Chèque en € à l’ordre d’Euromedicom q q Bank transfer in € to Euromedicom / Virement bancaire en € en faveur d’Euromedicom q * In case of payment by bank transfer, please add 15 € to the total fees (bank charges) / En cas de paiement par virement bancaire, merci d’ajouter 15 € au montant total (frais bancaires) Paying bank: HSBC - HERVET ASNIERES Address: 74 avenue de la Marne - F-92600 Asnières Account holder: Euromedicom sarl * Bank code: 30368 Branch code: 00084 Account number: 008416G0001 Key digits: 61 IBAN : FR 92 3036 8000 8400 8416 G000 161 BIC - SWIFT : BHVTFRPP The payment transfer form should clearly state the name(s) of the delegate(s) and the reference “EMAA 2007” Précisez le nom du ou des congressiste(s) et la référence «EMAA 2007» sur les documents bancaires q Credit card / Carte de crédit : q q q Visa q Eurocard/Mastercard q q American Express q Card number / N° de carte : cccc cccc cccc cccc Expiry date / Date d’expiration cc cc q Diners Club q Card holder’s name / Nom du porteur : ________________________________________________ 3 digits code / Cryptogramme : CANCELLATION POLICY / ANNULATION • Before 30 September 2007: refund -10% / Remboursement -10 % • Between 30 Sept. 2007 and 10 October 2007: refund -30% / Remboursement -30 % • After 10 October 2007 : no refund / pas de remboursement ccc Signature : q I would like to receive .... train reduction coupons / Je souhaite recevoir ... coupons de réduction SNCF q q I would like to receive an official letter of invitation (Visa formalities) / Je souhaite recevoir une lettre officielle d’invitation pour l’obtention de Visa q Please fill 1 FORM PER PERSON and send to / Compléter 1 BULLETIN PAR PERSONNE et le renvoyer à : EuroMediCom - 29 boulevard de la République - 92250 La Garenne-Colombes - France Tel : +33 (0)1 56 837 800 - Fax : +33 (0)1 56 837 805 - Email : Registration on line with secured credit card payment / Inscription en ligne avec paiement sécurisé EMAA2007-EncartCentral1Coul.qxd 21/08/07 15:38 Page 2 EMAA 2007, Paris October 12-14, 2007 Hotel Reservation Form - Fiche de réservation Hôtelière To make your choice, please see hotels list in the General Information or Pour choisir votre hôtel, reportez-vous à la liste dans les Informations Générales ou RETURN THIS FORM (or a copy) / RENVOYER CETTE FICHE (ou une copie) FAX : +33 (0)1 56 83 78 05 or by mail / ou par courrier EuroMediCom - 29 bld de la République - 92250 La Garenne-Colombes - France Hotels information: Tel: +33 (0)1 45 55 85 30 - email: - Family Name / Nom First Name / Prénom Address / Adresse Zip Code / Code postal City / Ville Country / Pays Phone / Tél. Fax Email HOTEL SELECTION / SELECTION DE L’HOTEL : 1st Choice ..................................................... RESERVATION Family name - 1st name 2nd Choice ..................................................... Nb of room(s) Type of room r r r single single single r r r double double double r r r 3rd Choice ....................................................... Arrival Departure twin ___/___/___ ___/___/___ twin ___/___/___ ___/___/___ twin ___/___/___ ___/___/___ Reservation conditions through Conferencia Travel: Booking cannot be processed without total prepayment Conditions de réservation par Conferencia Travel : Aucune réservation ne sera traitée sans prépaiement total r Bank check of the total amount in Euros, enclosed, payable to Conferencia Travel (Residents in France) Chèque bancaire en Euros, du montant total de ma réservation, à l’ordre de Conferencia Travel (résidents en France) r Credit Card / Carte de Crédit : Credit Card number / N° de carte : q Visa q Eurocard/Mastercard q American Express c ccc cccc cccc cccc Cardholder’s name / Nom du porteur : ______________________________________________________ Expiry date / Date d’expiration : c c cc (month/year) 3 digits code / Cryptogramme : r Bank transfer on request (+15€ fees) / Virement bancaire sur demande (+15 €) Cancellation policy / Conditions d’annulation - ccc Signature : If you cancel more than 15 days prior to the arrival, you will only be charged a 30€ fee. If you cancel between 15 days (included) and the date of arrival, one night will be charged. If you reduce your stay or the number of rooms before your arrival, a 30€ fee will be charged. No refund will be made for no-shows or early check-out date. For any change or cancellation, contact Conferencia Travel These special rates are only available through Conferencia Travel - Une annulation faite à plus de 15 jours de votre arrivée entraînera une pénalité de 30€. - Une annulation faite entre 15 jours (inclus) et la date de votre arrivée entraînera une pénalité égale au montant d’une nuit. - Une réduction de la durée de séjour ou du nombre de chambres faite avant votre arrivée entraînera des frais de 30€. - Aucun remboursement n’est possible en cas de no-show (non présentation à l’hôtel) ou de départ anticipé. Pour toute modification ou annulation, contacter Conferencia Travel Les tarifs ne sont valables qu’en passant par Conferencia Travel
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