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the Scanned PDF - Mineralogical Society of America
THn AUERICAN MIxERALocIST JOURNAL OF THE MINERALOGICAL Vol. 51 ZELLERITE SOCIETY OF AMERICA NOVEMBER-DECEMBEIT, 1966 AND NIETAZELLERITE, CARBONATESI Nos. 11 and 12 NEW URANYL R. G. Cor-nuaN,D. R. Ross aNl R. Mnvnowrrz, Geological Survey, Menlo Park, Cali.f.;Washington, D. CtI . S. Agsrnecr 'I'he mineral zellerite, named after Howard D . Zeller, occurs at the Lucky Mc uranium mine, Fremont County, Wyoming, as pin cushion clumps of needlelike orthorhombic crystals on oxidized uranium ore and is intimately associated with gypsum and secondary iron oxides. The recalculated analysis gives CaO 10 3, UO3 53'9, COr 16.9, HrO+ (110') 12.3,irj'2o- (110') 6.6 after SiOz*insoluble 0.5, R:Or 1.0, KeO 0.2, NarO 0.4 were sub'fhis tractedtas impurities. This gives a ratio of CaO: UOr: COgHTOof 1.00: 1.03: 2 09: 5.81' formula yields CaUO:(COs): the content, regarding the rvater and other considerations ratio .5HrO for the fully hydrated mineral On partial dehydration, a probable metacalcium uranyl dicarbonate of formula CaUOr(CO:):'3HuO, metazellerite, is produced. Single-crystal rc-raystudies of both hydrated and dehydrated material yield: (1) zellerite, ortlorhombic, probabl" spacegroup Pmn2ror Pmnm, a 11 220,b 19.252,c4.933 A, cell cont€nts 4[CaUO:(CO3):.sH:O], cell volume 1065.4 Aa; (2) metazellerite, orthorhombic, space group Pbn2r or Pbnm, a9.718, b 18.226, c 4'965 A, cell contents 4[CaUOz(COr): 3HrOl, cell volume 879'5 A3. The fully hydrated mineral is lemon yellow with a duil luster and no cleavage. Measured specific gravity is 3.25; calculated 3.24 gm/cm}. The optical properties are: a 1.536, pleochroism: Z:c, dispersion weak vlrl P 1.559, 7 1.697, biaxial (*), 2V:30-40', z:light yellow, If :colorless, X:colorless. The mineral has a weak patchy green fluorescence under Iong and short ultraviolet light. It forms as an oxidation product of uraninitecoffinite in the weathering zone) where Pco, is greater than that in the atmosphere and pH is greater than 7. INrnooucrrou studies on the uranium minerals making up the oresfrom the Gas Hills deposit in Wyoming have revealed a complex suite of secondaryminerals in the oxidized zone. In July 1955, Howard D. Zeller, U. S. Geological Survey, discoveredan unknown yellow, fibrous uranium mineral in the oxidized zorre of the Lucky llc mine. Preliminary tr-ray studies by Daphne R. Ross indicated that the mineral has a structure distinct and different from previously describedsecondaryuranium minerals. Chemical analysis confirmed that it is a uranyl carbonate of distinct composi1 Publication authorized by the Director, U' S. Geological Survey. t567 1568 R. G. COLEMAN, D. R. ROSS,lN' R. X,TEYROIYITZ tion. The mineral, a calcium uranyl carbonate, CaUOz(CO)r.5HrO, is named zellerite alter Zeller. N{uch of the preliminary geologic investigation on these uranium depositscarried out by him were instrumental in the iater successfulexploration and mining operationsof this important urairium district (LeIler,1957;ZeIIeret a|,.,1956).The nameszelleriteand metazelleritehave been approved by the New Mineral Names Committee, IIIA. OccunnnNcB Zc|Ierit-eis found as incrustartionson arkosic country rock; it forms during slrrfaceoxida,tionof the uranium ore. The unoxidized ore in the Luckr' \Ic mine is a fine-grainedmixture of uraninite, coffinite,and iron sulfidesfiliing intergranular areasin arkose.The coarseand porous nature of the host rock allows rapid moist-nir oxidation of these primary uranium minerals :rnd sulfides.In the early stagesof oxidation, black primary ore commonly contains fine seamsof green liebigite ICar(UOr) (C()3)3'10FIzO]intergrown with gypsum. Ilimming this dark ore is a rusty brolvn zone where the oxidartionhas effectedthe breakdown of all the primarl- nranium minerals and someof the iron sulfides.Zelleriteis most commonlv present in this zone where it is associatedwith gypsum, limonite and partialiy altered iron sulfides.It forms extremelyfine fibers that aggregateinto pincushion clumps (Fig. 1). Schoepite [UOz(OH), .HzO], meta-antunite I C a ( U O z ) r ( P O D z . 2 .65. 5 H r O ] , u r a n o p h a n e I C a (LTOz)zSLOr'6HrO], and uraniferousopal are presentin the more intensely oxidizedzonescontiguousto the zellerite. A secondoccurrenceof zelleritein Wyoming from the Pat No. 8 mine, Powder River Basin, Wyo., was brought to the attention of the senior author by William Sharp (ln Sharp and Gibbons, 1964),1J.S. Geological Surve1.,and a third occurrence in New X,Iexicohas been confirmed by Granger (1963). These occurrencesare similar to that at the Lucky N{c mine in that the zellerite forms as small veins and clumps in oxidized zonessurrounding the unoxidizedore. Pnoponrrrs Physical. Zellerite crystals are so fine that indivudual crystal faces could not be discerned.The habit of these crystals was always found to be fibrous and hairlike, aggregatinginto pincushion clumps (Fig. 1). The mineral is quite soft, with a hardnesssimilar to gypsum. Cleavagewas not observed; however, the aggregatedclumps always fracture in the d i r e c ti o n o f e l o n g aito n . The measuredspecificgravity of the mineral is 3.25*0.01 as determined by suspensionin a mixture of bromoform and methylene iodide. NEilT LlRANYL CARBONATES 1569 The variation in density noted among the individual specimenswas attributed to differencesin state of hydration. Zellerite is a light lemon yellow and on dehydration assumesa chalky yellow color. fn long and short wave ultra-violet light, zelleriteshows a weak patchy green fluorescence;however, as compared with other uranium carbonates,particularly liebigite, it is practically nonfluorescent. opticat,.In ordinary white transmitted light, zelleriteis transparent and light yellow. Individual crystals seld.omexceed2 mm in length and 5p in Frc. 1. Zellerite showing crystalline habit. The pin-cushion clumps are implanted on gypsum. N4.5. width. variations in indices were noted and could be related to the changesin the hydration state of the mineral. Indices ol the lower hydrate were not measuredbecausesuitablecrystalscould not be obtained. The optical constants of zellerite given in Table 1 are consideredto characrcri)e the fully hydrated zellerite. Using the Gladstone-Dalelaw (Jaffe, 1956), the averageindex calculated for zellerite comparesfavorably with the average measured index. Chemistry. The one-gram sample used for analysis was carefully purified by centrifuging in organic heavy liquids' The final concentrate was con- 1 57 0 R. G, COLEMAN, D. R ROSS /N' R. MEYROI,I.ITZ sideredto be at least 98 per cent pure; the remaining 2 per cent includes minor amounts of clay, quartz and limonite. The metastability of zellerite meansthat even though the final separatewas pure, somemetazellerite was present and no precautions were taken to control the humidity. Spectrographic analysis and r-rav studies of the concentrate confirm the optical estimate of sample purity. Proceduresof the chemical analysis are described briefly. The original t^""rt."-"*"-:,M Zellerite Crystal system Space Group b c Celi volume Cell contents (Ideal formula) Density (calc. for ideal formula) Specific gravity measured Biaxial negative d colorless B colorless 7 light yellow Orientation Dispersion n average (measured) a calculated2 Orthorhombic Pmn2t or Pmnm (probable) Powder datar Single crystal 11.220+0.01s1 41.14A 1 9 . 2 5 2 + 0 1 6A 1 9 . 1A 5 4 933t0.0164 4.s4A 1 0 6 5 . 4 + 2A. 3 4[CaUOz(COs)2.5HzO] 3.24, Metazellerite Orthorhombic Pbn2r or Pbnm Powder datal Single crystal 9.718+0.0A 0 5 9 . 7 5L 1 8 . 2 2 6 + 0 . 0A 0 9 1 8 . 2A 4 . 9 6 5 + 0 . 0 0 4 4+ S r A 8 7 e . s + 0 .A7 4[CaUOz(COr)z'3HzO] 3.414 3.25+0.01 2V:30-40" 1.536+.005 + .005 1. 5 5 9 1 697+.005 Z:C tt) r 1.597 1 595 2V? Z:C ? 1.626 1 Data derived from least-squares refinement oI r ray powder data listed in Table 3 using the method of Evans et al. (1963\ . 2 Calculated using the Gladstone-Dale law (Jatre, 1956). sample was air dried to a constant weight at 110'+soc. The resulting loss in weight is reported as minus water. However, part of this minus water is thor,rghtto be essentialto the mineral in order that there be 20 moleculesof HzO per unit cell. A modified microcombustion train of the type made for the determinationof carbon and hydrogenin organiccompounds was used to determine HzO+ and COz. For this, a 20-mg sample was decomposedby ignition at 900"C in a stream of oxygen. The Rror was determinedby differenceafter the total Rzor*uros had been determined gravimetrically using carbon dioxide-free NHaOH and r57| NEW URANYL CARBONATES methyl red as the indicator. UOg was determined spectrophotometrically by the ammonium thiocyanate procedure in acetone-watermedium after solutionof the RsOaresiduein (1*1) HNOg. CaO was determined as the sulfate after it was separatedfrom an 85 f per cent ethyl alcohol solution. Qualitative spectrographicanalysis of the CaSOaprecipitate showedthat the only major constituent was calcium; there were no minor constituents. KzO and NarO were determined by flame photometry. The filtrate from the CaO determination was transferred to a platinum evaporating dish, and taken to dryness, then ignited. The remaining salts were disTLlr,e 2. Cneurcnr- ANervsrs ol Znr-lrnrte Analyst, Robert Meyrowitz CaO UOa COz HgO+ SiOz*inso1. RzOs KrO Na2O Total HrO(-) 1 0 .8 56.6 1 3. 0 0.5 1.0 0.2 0.4 100.2 6.9 10.3 5 3. 9 16.9 12.3 .1836 .1884 .3840 .6833 1. 0 0 1. 0 3 209 3.72 6.6 .3833 2.09 100.0 1. 2. 3. 4. Weight percent of the oxides determined on sample air dried to 110'C. Recalculation of analyses to 100/6 without SiO2, RzOa,KzO, NazO and insolubles. Molecular proportions. Molecular ratios. solved in (1*1) HCI and transferred to a volumetric flask and diluted to volume. Aliquots of this solution were used for the KrO and NasO determinations, comparing them to standard potassium and sodium solutions. Twenty-five milligrams were usedfor the HrO(-), SiOz*insoluble RsOa, CaO, UO3, KzO, and NazO determinations. The recalculated analysis of zellerite (Table 2) producesa formula that is distinct from the uranyl carbonatespreviously described.Assumingthat part of the HzO- combined with H2O+ characterizesfully hydrated zellerite, the calculated formula is CaUOz(CO3)r'sHrO.Variation in the measured physical constants indicates different hydration states of zellerite. If we assumethat H2O- as determined is easily lost, then a lower would becomestable at higher hydrate metazelleriteCaUOr(COr)2.3H2O 1572 R. G. COLEMAN, D. R. ROSS.4N' R. MEYROWITZ temperatures or lower humidities. N{etazellerite was not available in amounts sufficient to obtain precisephysical measurementsrelated to the changes accompanying hydration-dehydration, but as is demonstrated by the r-ray results,the structural changeon dehydration is distinct and can be characterized. X-ray crystallography.The r-ray powder pattern made of the fresh ,,zellerite sample" showed only the fully hydrated phase, zellerite,to be present (Table 3). Powder patterns made subsequently,after the sample had been exposed to the laboratory atmosphere for several weeks, invariably showedthe dehydrated phase,metazellerite,to be present with r-ray powder pattern (Table 3) showed almost total conversion of zellerite to metazellerite. Several needlelike crystals from the "zellerite sample', were examined with the Buerger r-ray precessioncamera. Invariably a strong singlecrystal pattern of the dehydrated metazellerite phase would appear in parallel orientation with the weaker single-crystal pattern of the fully hydrated zellerite phase. zellerite is apparently unstable with respect to metazellerite under the conditions of the r-ray experiment, although it may persistmetastably with metazelleritefor long periodsof time. Buerger precessionphotographs, exposedfor 100 hours with molybdenum zirconium-filtered r-radiation, were made of the \kl, Ikl, h\l, hlt and,h2l reciprocal lattice nets. These photographsshow both phasesto be orthorhombic with the following unit-cell data: zellerite,a, b 19.15,c 4.9a A, probablediffraction symbol P mn* ;metazellerite,a 9.76,b 18.2,c 4.9a ft, diffraction symbol Pbn*. Owing to the weaknessof the r-ray pattern, the diffraction symbol of zellerite cannot be positively assigned. fn order to verify the unit-cell parameters obtained from the rather poor single-crystal patterns and also to obtain more accurate values for theseparameters,the r-ray powder data of both phaseswas subjectedto Ieast-squares refinement(Evans et a|,.,1963)using the single-crystaldata as the starting parameters.The final parametersas obtained from the Ieast-squaresanalysis are given in Table 1 along with the other pertinenl crystallographic and optical data. The dehydration of zellerite to metazellerite involves a decreasein cell volume of 186 43. This volume changestronglv suggestsa loss of 8 or 10 HzO molecules.The spacegroup requiresthat there be an even number of atoms of each type in the unit cell. Therefore zellerite CaUOr(COa)z ' 5HzO, with Z:4 probably has two more HrO moleculesper unit formula than metazellerite,CaUOr(COr)2.3H2O,with Z:4 if it is assumedthere is a lossof 8HzO molecules.Should we presumea 10HzOlosson dehydration, the formula would have to be written CaE(UOz)+(COr)s.20HrO, with TanrB 3. X-R.rv DmlnncrroN Pownrr Dlra ron Zstr;Enlrn Zellerite Calculatedl dhkL hht 010 110 o20 120 030 200 130 2ro 220 040 011 101 140 111 02r 230 t2l 031 050 131 310 240 150 211 320 221 041 330 060 231 250 160 051 301 340 311 241 151 321 400 260 410 070 33r 420 061 350 170 25t 161 430 270 oo2 ot2 360 261 440 1 9. 2 5 969 963 731 642 5 610 5.570 5.386 4 847 4.813 4 778 4 515 4 .423 4.396 4 390 4.224 4.088 3 911 3 850 3 693 3.671 3 653 3 642 3.638 3 486 3.457 3.445 3.293 3.23r 3 209 3 208 3 085 3.035 2.980 2.953 2.945 935 930 847 805 Metazellerite Observed, ,thkt I 966 7 33* 5 591 5.405x 4.848* 4 407 4 2404 3 651 3 463+ 3 232* 2.947 2 851* 2.718 2.687 2.5324 2.468 2.433* 2.425 2.423 Calculatedr thkt hkt o20 I 113 110 120 130 200 2to 040 101 02l 111 220 140 r2l 230 131 150 2t1 041 240 221 310 141 320 060 231 250 160 330 8.57.5 6 648 5 152 4.859 4 695 4 557 4.422 4.360 4 297 4 288 4 1.26 3 978 3 795 3 575 3.413 3.411 Observed2 dht 9.10* I 100 100 241 301 31t 340 321 061 260 170 25r r61 o02 33r 400 350 410 022 tt2 420 34r 122 270 261 080 430 t7l 3 323 3 245 3.189 3 173 3 052 3.038 3 015 2.916 2.899 2.858 2 813 2.762 2.713 2 683 2 640 2.600 2 59t 2.576 2 515 2 51+ 2.504 2.483 2 477 2 430 2.421 2 408 2.395 2.384 2 348 2 331 2 326 2.295 2.286 2.278 2 256 2.244 180 360 202 2.2s7 2.218 2.216 2 211 151 / 6.) 2 716 2 750 2 703 2 693 2 690 2 683 2 67r 2 670 2 616 2 570 2 534 2.46e1 2 466J 2.446 aNo Mrr,nzrllrnttE 5 140* 4 868* 4.695* 4 552* 4.4124 2 13 36 18 18 4 296 36 3 978* 3.794* 3 579* 18 50 6 3411 2 3 330* 13 3.173* 18 3.033+ 9 2.91-(* 2 2 858* 2 8t2* 2 763x 4 2 2 2 6874 2.639* 6 1 2.580* 2 2.508* 6 2 478* 18 2.415 2 -344* 2.294* 2.257* 2.2t9 Tl^nrn 3-(Continud.) Zelleite Calculatedr dhht hkt 411 080 07l tt2 o22 421 351 180 171 t22 o32 431 450 202 132 212 510 370 280 271 222 o42 520 361 441 081 142 090 232 181 530 460 190 052 451 312 501 152 540 511 380 371 281 322 2 419 2.406 2.402 2.390 2.389 2.364 2 357 2 353 2.349 2.337 2.302 2.279 2.267 2.258 2 255 2 242 2.229 2.216\ a ol1f 208 198 195 2.185 2.184 2 r75 2 163 2.154 2.139 2 130 2.124 2 1,18 2 1r2 2 101 2.O77 2.060 2.O47 2 041 2 043 2 042 2.O34 2 031 2 024 2 021 2 018 2 0r3 Metazellerite Observed2 dhil I Calculatedl dhkt hkt 212 o42 351 411 222 440 2 359 2 263 2.214 2 173* 2 138t 1L) 421 271 232 081 280 431 370 181 361 450 152 2.t95 2 .1 8 0 1 2 167 2 149 2.144 2 .r 2 7 2.r22 2.083\ 2.o78J 2 071 2 063 2 054 2 029 r nr<l 2.o241 2 022 2.008 Observed2 dhkt I 2.178 2 147* 2.080 2.O25 18 1. 9 8 193 1. 9 0 1. 8 7 1. 8 4 r.82 1.78 t.73 1.71 168 1.67 r.62 160 |.57 1.56_ I 3 1 9 2 2 6 o 1 6 2 2.103x 2.057* 2.O23 194 1. 8 6 1. 8 4 182 179 1.73 1 7l 164 r d-spacings were calculated from the unit-cell parameters listed in Table 1. These parametere were obtained from a least squares refinement of the observed d-spacingsmarked with an-asterisk in the table above. 2 Zellerite from Lucky Mc mine, Wyo CuKa radiation, Ni filter (X:1.5418 A) Cameradiameter:114.59 mm. Lower limit 2a measurable: approximately 8' (11.0 A). Intensities measured with a calibrated intensity strip. NEW URANYL CARBONATES l.) /.) Z : l , I o r z e l l e r i t ea n d C a a ( U O r ) (nC O r ) r . 1 0 H r O ,w i t h Z : 1 , f o r m e t a z e l Ierite. The chemical analysiswould suggestthat an averageof 20 HzO moleculesper cell is correct for zellerite and observedchangein volume would indicate that I2H2O moleculesper unit cell for metazellerite is correct. To test the validity of the formula for zellerite,CaUOz(COa)z.5HzO, we have a calculateddensity of 3.242 g/cmt, which comparesfavorably with the measuredspecificgravity of 3.25+0.01. The calculatedaverage refractive index (Jaffe, 1956) of zellerite,using the ideal formula and calculated density from the r-ray data, is 1.595, and the average of the measured values on the analyzed material is 1.597+0.005. The close agreement between the measured and calculated values for density and refractive index substantiates the proposed formula for zellerite. Dehydration of zellerite probably involves loss of 8 or 10HrO molecules,but verification of the metazellerite formula awaits further optical and specific gravity measurementson this lower hydrate. Relationshipto otherwranyl carbonates.Zellerite is the only known natural representative of the uranyl dicarbonates having the general formula M'+(UOz)(COs)z'nHzO.Bayleyite, swartziLe,liebigite, the more comTrnr,u4. Coup.tnrsoN ol Cer-cruueNnMecNnsruuUnexvr.CansoxA,rns Zellente Liebigiter Bayleyite, Swartzirel ^*:Po'l::L Ca(Uocrcoa)zcar(Uoz)(cor)rMg:1U^o)r1Coa)r',1';ii.',';;;]-caMs(Uo,),':;;H;,' .Suzo .10Hro .18Hro (coa)s.12Hro a P 1.536 light yellorv | 559 colorless .y | 597 colorless Color Opticsign 2V Density Flourescence Lemon yellow (+) 30-40. 3 2510 01 Week, patchy green Long and sbort wave Fibrous Habit Crystal system Spacegroup a b c p 1 497 colorless 1 455 pinkish? 1.502 colorless 1.465 colorless 1 502 pale greenish yellow 1 .539pale greenish yellow Sisl<ingreen (+) 40" 2 4t Brrght green 1 .490 pale yellow 1 500 pale yellow Yellow (-) 30. 2 os Weak, color uncertain Long and short wave Prismatic acicular Monoclinic Ph/a 2 6 . 6 . 5A 15.31 6.53 93'04' 1 . 508 colorless 1 5l yellow 1 .525 colorless 1 . 54 yellow pale green (+) ? 2.57 Cream yellow Short wave Green (-) 40. 2.3 Bright yellowisb gfeen Short wave prismatic prismatic Long and short wave Prismatic Orthorhombic Orthorhombic Pnn2t or PNnm Bboz^ 1 1 . 2 2 o| t 1 6 . 7 1A l9 252 17 55 4 933 13 79 - t Data from Frondell (1958). acicular Monoclinic 3 2 . 6i \ 23.8 9 45 90. Monoclinic p2t/n or p2t 11.t2L 14 72 6-i4 s9"26' 1576 R. G. COLEMAI{, '. R. ROSSAND R. MEYROII.ITZ monly reported uranyl tricarbonates,have the ratio of 1:3 for (UO): (COr) (Table 4) . Rutherfordine, the anhydrous uranvl carbonate, UOzCOr,could be consideredthe end member of the uranyl carbonatesif we considera seriesas shown in Fig. 2. The low-temperaturechemicalrelationshipsin the U-O:-HrO-COrslstem have been exploredadequately(Hostetler and Garrels,1962; Garrels and Christ, 1959)so that the natural occurrenceof uranyl carbonatescan be explained.All of theseauthors have pointed out that both uranyl tri- Liebigile lOHZo Co2(uO2)-(CO3)3' Co(uO2XCO3)2'5H20 Z e ll e r i t e +2 UO S c h o e piie U O 2 ( O H ) 32' HO 92 Frc. 2. Ternary diagram showing some mineral phases in the system Ca2+-CO32--UO'2* given in molecular per cent. carbonate [UOr(CO3)s]4-and uranyl dicarbonate [UOz(COr)z'2Hrg1zcomplexesmay form in waters with pcor) 10-3 atmospheresand total ionic activity in excessof 10-6.As one would suspect,the activities of the uranyl carbonate complexesare very sensitive to variations in pco, and pH of the containing solutions. The Eh-pco, diagrams constructed by Hostetler and Garrels (1962,p. 144-148)illustrate the stability fields of the uranyl carbonatecomplexesin responseto changing conditions.A1though these diagrams are representativeof conditions at 25oC and 1 atmosphere, the environment of oxidation of the Lucky X'Ic uranium ore is so close to the depicted conditions that the natural occurrenceof the uranyl carbonates can be related to the diagrams. Rutherfordine oc- NEI\/ URANYL CARBONATES t577 cupies a narrow field of stability with solutions whose pH is about 6, under oxidizing conditions, and with a total dissolveduranium activity in excessof 10 a. When the partial pressureof COzis near that of the atmosphere(10 t.r atmospheres),both schoepite(UOz(OH)z'HzO)and rutherfordine (UOrCO3),are stabletogether (Garrels,1957).Schoepitebecomes unstable with an increaseof pco, in accordancewith the reaction UOr(OH)r.HrO f COz+ UOsCOs + 2H2O; should the increaseof pco, be accompaniedby increasein pH, the uranyl dicarbonate complex becomes stable and those solutions containing enoughCa2+will precipitatezelleriteon evaporation.By further increasing the pH at the same activities, the uranl,l tricarbonate complex becomesstable instead of the dicarbonate,and solutions of this composition on evaporationwould precipitate liebigite. As stated earlier, Iiebigite forms as veins and incrustations in the primary dark ore during the early stagesof oxidation at the Lucky Mc mine and before the breakdown of pyrite. Once the pH of the oxidizing surface is Ioweredby the pyrite alteration,zelleriteis precipitatedfrom thesesolutions rather than liebigite. In those areas removed from primary ore where COzhas been depleted,schoepiteforms in associationwith uranyl silicates. Zellerite therefore must occupy a field of stability intermediate between rutherfordine and liebigite in the zone of weathering. AcxuowrnocMENTS We would like to thank HowardD. Zeller for bringing samplesof this mineral to us for study and for his many helpful suggestionsregarding its occurrence.Malcolm Ross was instrumental in finalizing the interpretation of the *-ray data and Charles Christ provided many helpful suggestions that improved the manuscript. Terry Clark carried out many of the laboratory measurementson the physical properties. RntnnnNcns (1963) The least squares reEvars, H. T., Jn., D. E. Arpr.eueN aro D. S. HaNowlmrn finement of crystal unit cells with powder diffraction data by an automatic computer indexing method. Am. Crgstal Assoc Program Ann. Meet.,1963,pp.42-43 [abs.E-10]. Fnononr, C. (1958) Systematic mineralogy of uranium and thorium. U. S. Geol'.Surtey BulI.1O64, l-4OO. Gennnrs, R. M. (1957) Some free-energyvalues from geologic relations. Am. Mineral'.42, 780-79r. - AND C. L. Cnnrsr (1959) Behavior of uranium minerals during oxidation. U. S. Geol. Swtey ProJ. Paper 320, pt. 6, 81 89. GneNcnn, H. G. (1963) Mineralogy. In, "Geology and technology of the Grants uranium region." New Meni,coBw. Mi,nes Mineral ResourcesMem.15,2l-37. Hostutmn, P. B. ,wn R. M. Geaanr-s (1962) Transportation and precipitation of ura- 1578 R, G. COLEMAN, '. R. ROSS AND R. MEYRO\AITZ nium and vanadium at low temperatures with special reference to sandstone-t)?e uranium deposits. Econ. Geol. 57, 137-L67. Jmm, H. W. (1S56) Application of the rule of Gladstone and Dale to minerals. Am. Mi,ne r a l , . 4 L , 7 5 77 7 7 . Sumr, W. N. .tNo A. B. GreeoNs (1964) Geology and uranium deposits of the southern part of the Powder River Basin, Wyoming. U. S. Geol Suney Bul,l,. 1147-D, 1-60. Znt:,ar., H. D. (1957) The Gas Hills uranium district and some probable controls for ore deposition. Wyoming Geol,.Assoe. Guidebooh, 12th Ann. Fielil ConJ., Sept. 1957, pp. 156-160. -, P. E. Sorsrnn nNo lI. J. HvorN (1956) Preliminary geologic map of the Gas Hills uranium district, Fremont and Natrona Counties, Wyoming. U, S. Geol. Suney Mine.ral,.Inr. Map. MF-83 March 10, 1966; acceptedf or publi.cati.on,March 28, 1966. Manuscript receit:ed,,