- Department of Simulation and Graphics
- Department of Simulation and Graphics
Noname manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) Visual Data Exploration for Hydrological Analysis Karsten Rink · Thomas Kalbacher · Olaf Kolditz Environmental Earth Sciences, 65(5), pp 1395–1403 http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12665-011-1230-6 Abstract Hydrological research projects for integrated water resources management such as the IWAS initiative often accumulate large amounts of heterogeneous data from different sources. Given the number of partners taking part in such projects, surveying and accessing the available data sets as well as searching for a defined subset becomes increasingly difficult. We propose an integrated approach for a system combining visual data management and numerical simulation which allows to survey and select data sets based on keywords such as a region of interest or given indicators. An adequate 3D visualisation of such subsets helps to convey information and significantly supports the assessment of relations between different types of data. Furthermore, the interface between the visual data management system and finite element codes allows for the straightforward integration of information into the numerical simulation process and the subsequent visualisation of simulation results in a geographical context. We demonstrate typical workflows for integration and processing within the system based on data from the IWAS model region in Saudi Arabia and the TERENO Bode Observatory in the Harz Mountains in Germany. Additionally, we present examples for data import and export based on established standard file formats. Keywords Data exploration · 3D visualisation · Hydrological processes · IWAS · TERENO · OpenGeoSys Karsten Rink, E-mail: karsten.rink@ufz.de Thomas Kalbacher, E-mail: thomas.kalbacher@ufz.de Olaf Kolditz, E-mail: olaf.kolditz@ufz.de Deparment of Environmental Informatics, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Leipzig, Germany 1 Introduction The IWAS project – the International Water Alliance Saxony – is aiming at integrated water resources research in different hydro-climate sensitive regions [27]. These well-selected model regions include the Ukraine [5,8,11,40,47,55]; the Middle East, with focus on Saudi Arabia [42] and Oman [19, 48]; Brazil [35, 58] and Mongolia [20, 59]. Cross-cutting activities are focussing on integrated modelling [25], socio-economic aspects [21, 46, 51] as well as capacity building [32]. Joint research projects such as the IWAS initiative often accumulate huge amounts of heterogeneous data from very different sources. This information might be as diverse as raster data from digital terrain models, land use, etc.; time series data such as temperature, precipitation or ground water gauges and of course also documents from state offices, scientific reports or surveys. Large scale projects are often handled by cooperating research facilities, universities and other project partners. Therefore, it is mandatory to establish a wellstructured and easy-to-use data management system for storage of collected as well as provided data. Lacking such a system will make it unfeasible for any party to get an overview of the available data. Given that such a system exists, other important issues can be addressed such as the assessment of data quality, completeness, the need for pre- or postprocessing, etc. Either of these may be performed manually or by defining adequate algorithms. Scientific visualisation of the data for visual inspection by experts is an easy way for evaluating the information prior and after error correction or signal processing algorithms have been applied to the data sets. There exists a large number of possibilities for processing and subsequent visualisation of geoscientific data, most notably various types of geographic information systems (GIS). These have been employed for many research activities dealing with integrated water resource management (IWRM). GIS-based tools have been adopted to combine hydrological problems with related issues from different areas such as land use [34], climate research [7, 9] and ecology [2] as well as addressing economical questions [13, 33]. Unfortunately, many GIS just offer a 2D view of the selected data or provide only limited possibilities for 3D object generation such as ArcScene or the ArcGIS 3D Analyst extension [1]. However, the resulting objects do not represent a domain discretisation but rather (a set of) 3D surfaces and are therefore not adequate for a subsequent FEM simulation. The creation and handling of complex 3D subsurface data is not straightforward and further pre-processing and adjustments are often required. Most of the graphical user environments for performing groundwater simulations and data management, e.g. Feflow [12], GMS [17] or Hydro GeoAnalyst [22], use a conceptual modelling approach to create and manage numerical models using the GIS based objects. A number of commercial geoscientific CAD tools such as Petrel [41], Rockworks [44], Earth Vision [10] or GOCAD [18] are often used in the mining or petroleum industry and allow for 3D modelling and visualisation of geological data. Frequently, if the geometric modeling of subsurface systems becomes more complicated, CAD or GIS tools provide unstructured meshes. However, these meshes often have an insufficient element quality for the numerical analysis via finite element or volume methods. Furthermore, the element sizes often do not correspond with the numerical requirements. This poses a problem for the analysis of hydrogeological processes, for instance if fracture or fault structures have to be taken into account. Additional discretisation strategies have to be prepared to provide high resolution meshes along fracture intersections with appropriate quality as shown in [24] and [36] for the numerical modelling of transport processes in fracture networks with matrix diffusion. More detailed information about the integration of CAD tools into the work flow for numerical analysis can be found e.g. in [4], [23] and [24]. Integrated hydrosystem analysis, e.g. for catchment hydrology, relies on the geometric coupling of surface and subsurface compartments. Similar to the fracture network modelling mentioned above, the interfaces between adjacent compartments require an adequate geometric and numerical representation. Corresponding concepts have been presented recently by [3, 29, 30, 39, 52, 53]. For the coupling of surface and subsurface domains, data frequently has to be interpolated on different meshes, such as the combination of unstructured triangulations for groundwater models and rastered quadrilaterals for mesoscale hydrological models. Coupling codes from different disciplines, e.g. subsurface hydrogeology and surface hydrology is much more complex than simple geometric coupling of varying triangulations. It is also related to coupling of different concepts, e.g. calculation of deterministic and stochastic quantities as in mesoscale hydrological modelling [45]. As a result of high resolution measurement technologies (i.e. airborne remote sensing) and the advances in computational power (e.g. high-performance-computation on super computers), more and more complex numerical models can be constructed. This increasing model complexity requires the development of adequate methods for data visualisation, in particular the use of 3D stereoscopic projection. As an example, [65] presented a workflow for scientific visualisation of process uncertainty in geothermal reservoirs. We propose an integrated approach that allows integration and exploration of geological, hydrological and geographic information as well as the simulation of complex hydrological processes, e.g. the analysis of groundwater dynamics, recharge pattern and abstraction from well fields. An overview of the functionality of our system is described in section 2, its application based on case studies from an IWAS model region as well as an TERENO observatory is demonstrated in section 3. The most important findings and technical developments are summarised in section 4. 2 Visual Data Management We employ a framework called the OpenGeoSys Data Explorer for the detailed visualisation of geoscientific data in 3D space (see figure 1. The Data Explorer is part of the interdisciplinary software project OpenGeoSys (OGS) originally developed for the simulation of THMC processes within fractured-porous media [60]. In contrast to most of the software mentioned in section 1, OGS is available free of charge for scientific use. Furthermore, our software is platform independent and has been tested on various Linux- and Windows-based operating systems as well as on Mac-OS. Geo-referenced data loaded into OGS will be arranged in 3D space. This is also done for 2D data such as maps or other data without actual height information. The z-dimension of any data set can be adjusted or scaled once it has been loaded. Environmental Earth Sciences, 65(5), pp 1395–1403, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12665-011-1230-6 Fig. 1: User Interface of OpenGeoSys Data Explorer showing the integration of a typical data set for hydrological modeling. A raster file and the boundary of the model region have been imported into the software along with boreholes and a precipitation event. Also shown are detailed views of a time series curve and a borehole stratigraphy. Fig. 2: Interfaces for data-input (top row), data-output (bottom row) and native OpenGeoSys files. Native files are currently in the process of being converted to XML to ensure easy validation of files and conversion to other file formats. Furthermore, OGS has a number of interfaces to other simulation software also emplyed in the hydrological research projects IWAS and TERENO. Environmental Earth Sciences, 65(5), pp 1395–1403, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12665-011-1230-6 The assembly of data in this way allows for full visual inspection and exploration in three dimensions. This makes an assessment of the existing data possible and will support the user in estimating data quality and finding inconsistencies between data sets. Quite a number of artefacts can be easily detected in an user controlled 3D space by simple visual inspection, for examples see figure 3. In the absence of ground truth data this is often a necessary process and important for making decisions for a given case studies. Our programme also offers an optional stereo mode for this process if a stereo-capable monitor is used. The software supports standard file formats such as GeoTiff, ESRI ASCII and popular image formats for raster data as well as ESRI shape files for vector data. In addition a number of hydrological and geological software formats can be imported as well. Files generated by the Aquaveo Groundwater Modeling System (GMS), the seismic simulation software Petrel, the geological modelling software GOCAD and the scientific open source data format netCDF [37] can also be handled. For a complete overview of supported file formats see figure 2. The native file formats of our software are largely compliant to the XML specification. While taking into account existing standards such as the GML-standard by the Open Geospatial Consortium [16] or Google’s KML [28], the file format used by OGS is much more compact since it is basically reduced to geometrical information (i.e. points, lines, surfaces and a small subset of additional information). Furthermore, it includes information needed for the simulation of processes such as boundary conditions (and their properties) or material properties, which are not covered in the standards mentioned above. This way, we keep all the advantages of the XML specification such as the easy validation of files, extensibility, and mapping to other standards via XSLT, etc. while using a file format specific to our needs. Furthermore, OGS employs a database interface that supports all established systems. As a standard for data concerning the IWAS and TERENO project database (see section 3) the DublinCore Metadata Standard [62] is used. For the support of the wide spectrum of file formats a number of software libraries have been integrated into OpenGeoSys, all of which also comply to the requirements of platform independence and free distribution. Examples are shapelib [49] or libgeotiff [14] for the import of geoscientific data or the application framework Qt [43] for composition of the user interface as well as 2d visualisation. Likewise we employ the Visualisa- tion Toolkit (VTK) [57] for 3D visualisation. This allows for the use of a wide range of graphic- and signal processing-filters as well as the straightforward definition of new functionality for illustration of the characteristics of geoscientific data or the simulation of processes. We implemented a number of visualisation filters that enhance certain aspects of data sets or provide an adequate visualisation of the region of interest for a given problem. Examples are the mapping of a 3D mesh based on a given raster data set, the selection of a user-specified aquifer or geological formation in a subsurface model or the enhancement of stream lines or parameter maps for a specified simulation. Since VTK is employed for the rendering of data, an interface for the import and export of VTK datasets has also been integrated into the software. This allows for a visualisation of OGS-projects in other graphic programmes and–vice versa–the import of data or visualisation results created by other software for a direct comparison. In our framework this process is further assisted by techniques such as crossfading of datasets or assigning specific colours to given objects. Furthermore, it is possible to export rendered data to popular graphic formats VRML and OpenSG. The latter enables the user to visualise the data in virtual reality environments, such as the one installed at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research. As the Data Explorer is now part of the original OGS programme, any data that has been imported can subsequently also be processed by the aforementioned simulation methods as both modules of the software access the same data structures. This way, OGS constitutes the combination of an advanced simulation tool for a wide range of applications with a user interface for the management of project data from files as well as databases and the subsequent 3D visualisation of geoscientific data and simulation results. 3 Examples In this section we will illustrate the process of data visualisation with OGS. We will first explain the construction of a typical model based on the IWAS model region in the Middle East and then briefly show the application for the TERENO Bode Observatory to demonstrate the portability of the concept to an arbitrary model region. In this case study, the IWAS Middle East model region covers large parts of the Arabian Peninsula (2.2 mio km2 ) and is located mainly in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Sultanate of Oman. The main objective here is the development of a sustainable manage- Environmental Earth Sciences, 65(5), pp 1395–1403, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12665-011-1230-6 Fig. 3: Examples for inconsistencies within the data. The left figure depicts two superelevated meshes of the same region. Mesh A (yellow) and Mesh B (red) have roughly the same elevations but variations are easily visible and may have effects on a subsequent simulation. The figure on the right shows a surface mesh and a number of boreholes visualised as coloured tubes whose length is based on the borehole’s depth. It can be easily seen that the coordinates of one borehole include an incorrect z-coordinate resulting in a positioning of the borehole head above ground. ment scheme for the limited groundwater resources [26]. A model for the simulation of the groundwater recharge and -discharge based on precipitation, groundwater extraction through wells and other parameters therefore needs to cover the whole model region but requires a different level of detail for certain parts of this area. While large regions are covered by uninhabited dessert, locations with significant water withdrawal, e.g. agricultural centres or well fields, are of special interest (figure 4a). All the necessary data for this case study has been kindly provided by the Ministry of Water and Electricity (MoWE) of the Kingdom of Saudi-Arabia and the Gesellschaft für Technische ZusammenarbeitInternational Services (GTZ-IS). A common starting point for a new project is the acquisition of a digital elevation model (DEM) and a boundary for the region of interest (ROI). Thanks to the comprehensive exploration of our planet with satellites, high-quality DEMs are available from various sources at no charge [56]. The definition of ROIs on the other hand can be accomplished either with standard GIS software or by defining a boundary manually. Given these two components, a surface mesh of the ROI can be created (see figure 4b). It should be kept in mind that this mesh might later be needed for numerical simulations of such processes as overland flow or groundwater recharge and should therefore not contain distorted triangles. Obviously, it is possible to create a triangle-mesh from the DEM by regarding each pixel of the raster as a square which can be divided into two right-angled triangles. However, at this scale a mesh this fine is unnecessarily complex and will only slow down loading times, visualisation and the simulation process. However, the fast and reliable construction of 3D finite element meshes in a non-trivial problem and generation of such meshes has been a topic in mathematics and computer graphics for the past twenty years [50]. Therefore, we are incorporating the open source software Gmsh [15], a generator for 2d or 3d finite element meshes, for this task. Additional information can be incorporated into the mesh in the form of either point data such as observation stations or boreholes; or polylines such as fault systems or rivers. Given a surface mesh, supplemental data can be mapped onto it in the form of either textures (e.g. land use data) or scalar data (such as parameter maps for precipitation, etc.). One of the focus points of the IWAS initiative is the simulation of certain hydrogeological processes. Therefore it is necessary to add information for the construction of a hydrogeological model (figure 5). If DEMs of aquifers in the region of interest are available these might be created in much the same way as the surface mesh. Alternatively, a model may also be interpolated based on borehole data. In the first case, the surface mesh can be expanded into 3D by adding a given numbers of layers where neighbouring layers are connected by prism- or tetrahedra-elements. Each layer can then be mapped based on a given DEM raster file [63]. The second case cannot be handled by OGS itself and we of- Environmental Earth Sciences, 65(5), pp 1395–1403, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12665-011-1230-6 Fig. 4: Visualisation of GIS data imported into the OGS Data Explorer. The digital elevation model of the Arabian Peninsula, country borders (red) and the model region (white) are depicted in the left figure. Further information for hydrogeological modeling is provided by well fields (green) and agricultural centres (blue). Based on the model domain, a surface mesh has been created and mapped using a DEM of the region (figure 4b). For better visibility, colour-coded elevation information has been mapped onto the surface. (Data source: MoWE/GTZ-IS) Fig. 5: Visualisation of a hydrogeological model. The left figure shows boreholes and wells providing stratigraphic information. Based on this information and additional digital layers map a hydrogeological model including aquifers and aquicludes has been constructed. (Data source: MoWE/GTZ-IS) ten incorporate programs such as the Aquaveo Groundwater Modeling System (GMS) for this task. For simulation purposes (see figure 6 for an example) it is now possible to define boundary conditions, source terms, etc. on existing geometric objects such as points (e.g. well positions), lines (e.g. boundaries, rivers) or surfaces (e.g. the ocean floor or faults). Note that additional information such as borehole data, geographic information and much more can also be added at any point for either visual reference or inclusion in the model. For more information on simulation with OpenGeoSys the interested reader is referred to [24,29, 38, 61]. The OGS Data Explorer has been successfully applied for an initial simulation of groundwater recharge and -discharge in the IWAS Middle East region and is of practical importance for stake holders in Saudi Arabia. GTZ-IS is now employing the software to complete the data basis for regional water resources management purposes. Environmental Earth Sciences, 65(5), pp 1395–1403, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12665-011-1230-6 Fig. 6: Demonstration of the visualisation of distributed parameter fields, in this case annual precipitation in the Arabian Peninsula. Different parameters can be assigned to the length and colour of the tubes. The right figure shows the calculated hydraulic head distribution in the model area (coloured isosurfaces) as well as the corresponding streamlines (red lines). Fig. 7: Data integration for the Bode catchment as part of the TERENO project. A semitransparent view of the underlying model has been superimposed on the DEM (left). For hydrological analysis a number of objects needed as boundary conditions for a subsequent simulation are depicted as well, such as the river network within the catchment, precipitation- (yellow) and ground water stations (light blue) and a subsurface model of the catchment of the river Selke, a branch of the Bode river. On the right hand side is a close-up of the Selke catchment which covers an area of 468 km2 . Precipitation gauging stations (red) and the over 5.000 boreholes (pink) in the region have been superimposed on the data along with a mapping of accumulated precipitation per km2 . To demonstrate the general application of the framework for hydrological problems, another example for data integration in a different model region and at a much smaller scale is presented: The Bode catchment in central Germany (figure 7a) is one of the hydrological observatories for the TERENO project [6, 30, 64]. The catchment has an area of 3100 km2 with the Bode river itself at a length of 169 km (see figure 7a). The catch- ment of the Selke (figure 7b), a branch of the Bode river, is of special interest for the project because of its gradient in land use between the agriculture in the lowlands in the northeast of the catchment and the forests in the low mountain ranges in the southwest. The region has been intensively equipped with hydrologic instrumentation. There exists also a huge number of boreholes because of the former use of this region for the mining Environmental Earth Sciences, 65(5), pp 1395–1403, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12665-011-1230-6 Fig. 8: 3D view of the Bode catchment including the boreholes in the Selke catchment (left). Again, all data has been superelevated for better visibility. The right figure shows additional land use information mapped onto the DEM. Furthermore, the subsurface model of the Selke catchment is visualised beneath the surface mesh. (Data source boreholes: Landesbohrdatenbank Sachsen-Anhalt; Land use data: CORINE Land Cover 2000) industry (see figure 8a). Based on the stratigraphic information from these boreholes a hydrogeological model of the Selke catchment has been interpolated (figure 8b) and is used as the basis for a subsequent simulation of groundwater discharge and recharge with boundary conditions and source terms derived from the information gained from the instrumentation in the area. As the project is still in the beginning stage, little or no data as been acquired so far by the sensor network so far and the simulation is currently still limited to a proof of concept. Once data from a large number of heterogeneous sources is recorded it will be challenging to visualise the multitude of available data in a manner that still allows experts to understand the illustrated information and draw conclusions based on the visualisation. Relevant data sets can be static as well as time-dependent, discrete or dense measurements, and are available in differing spacial and temporal resolutions. The same challenge exists for the simulation of (coupled) processes since as much of the relevant data as possible should be integrated. detection of inaccuracies within data or inconsistencies across data sets. The additional integration of data structures and viewers for 2D data such as time series from data loggers or stratigraphic profiles of boreholes is supporting the process of model validation, i.e. visual comparison of measured data and simulated results. For this purpose, tools for automatic parameter estimation [54] will be integrated into the framework. The visual data management framework has been applied to various case studies in different regions of the world, showing the transferability of the methodology independent of the specific scale of consideration (that is, several million km2 for the Middle East to less than 500 km2 for the Selke catchment). The presented methodology is providing valuable tools for the straightforward development process of numerical simulation models from geoscientific data. A generally applicable continuous workflow has been developed for the construction of high quality finite element meshes for accurate numerical simulations which are at the same time addressing the geometric complexity for real world applications. 4 Concluding Remarks We presented an integrating approach for visual data management for the analysis and simulation of hydrological processes in real world applications. The visual framework has interfaces to standardised databases as well as established file formats and allows for the exploration of geoscientific data in 3D space. This way an easy to use tool is provided for data validation, i.e. the Acknowledgements This work was supported by funding from the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) in the framework of the project “IWAS - International Water Research Alliance Saxony” (grant 02WM1027) and by TERENO (Terrestrial Environmental Observatories). We would like to thank the Ministry of Water and Electricity (MoWE) of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Gesellschaft für technische ZusammenarbeitInternational Services (GTZ-IS)/Dornier Consulting for the data of the IWAS Middle East model region. The IWAS Middle East Environmental Earth Sciences, 65(5), pp 1395–1403, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12665-011-1230-6 groundwater case study is a result of the research collaboration between MoWE, GIZ, TU Darmstadt and UFZ. 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