To, The Deputy Engineer, MIDC, Ranjangaon, Tal


To, The Deputy Engineer, MIDC, Ranjangaon, Tal
Phone -: (020) 25811S2 7 / 2SS < iSS<-.
•: (020) 2531170-1 / 2S~'> : 0?9
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3ra Floor "Jog CantePvne - Murnbat Road
Pune --111 003.
Data : X£> Ig / f /
The Deputy Engineer,
MIDC, Ranjangaon,
Tal-Shirur, Dist - Pune.
,Siib: Interim Directions under section 33 A of the Water (P & CP) Act, 1974 & 31 A
of the Air (P& CP) Act, 1981 & Hazardous Waste (MH& TM) Rules, 2008.
Ref: 1) Proposed directions issued by this office dated 01 /01 /2011.
2) Personal hearing extended at Regional office, Pune on 28/03/2011.
WHEREAS, undersigned has extended persona! hearing on 28/03/2011 as regards to
the proposed directions issued on 01/01/2011 towards the non-compliances of consent
conditions and complaints from nearby area.
AND WHEREAS, in exercise of the powers conferred upon me u/s 33 A Water(P & C
P) Act, 1974 and u/s 31A of the Air (P & C P) Act, 1981 and as per the delegated powers to
the undersigned by the Board, I, the Regional Officer of the Board at Pune hereby direct you
1) To upgrade the existing CETP in the form of secondary and tertiary treatment facility
so as to achieve the consented norms with in a period of one year. Also the upgradation proposal in this regards shall be submitted to this office by 30/04/2011,
2) To dispose of the accumulated ETP Sludge (H.W.) at CHWTSDF Ranjangaon by
3) To provide trained and qualified personals for operation and maintenance of the
existing CETP with immediate effect.
4) To provide adequate land commensurate with the treated effluent generation quantity
for rts disposal so as to avoid any type of discharge in to the nearby nala.
5) To provide compound wall to CETP and pump houses along with lock and key
arrangement to avoid mishap in future and same shall be completed by June 2011.
6) Towards the timely completion of above, an undertaking on. Rs 1GQ/- stamp paper
shall be submitted to this office within week.
in case you fail to comply with above directions, the Board will have no option but to
issue appropriate direction as deem fit under the provision of various Environmental
enactments, which may please noted.
For and on behalf of
Maharashtra Pollution Control Board
(P. K. Mirashe)
Regional Officer, Pune
Copy submitted for favour of information to>
1. The Member Secretary, MPCB, Mumbai
2. The Sr.Law Offier, WPCB, Mumbai
, Copy to: The Sub Regional Officer, MPCB, Pune II
He is directed to keep vigii and report accordingly.
Tel: 24010437/24020781/24014701
Pax: 24023516/24024068/24044531
Website: http;//mpcb.qov.»n
E-mail: enquiry<S)
Kalpataru Point, 2nd, 3rt & 4th Floor
Opp. Cine Planet Cinema,
Near Sion Circle, Sion (E)
Mumbai- 400 022.
NO.MPCB/JD(WPC)/B- .£3%^
Ranjangoan CETP
Directions u/s 33A of the Water (Prevention & Control of
Pollution) Act, 1974 and u/s 31A of the Air (Prevention &
Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 r.w. the Hazardous Waste
(Management, Handling & Transboundary Movement)
Rules, 2008.
1. Orders passed by Hon'ble High Court of Judicature at
Mumbai in the Public Interest Litigation No. 17/2011
from time to time.
2. Directions issued by the Incharge Joint Director(WPC),
MPCB dtd.03/03/2012 onwards.
We refer to the orders passed by the Hon'ble High Court of Judicature at
Mumbai in the Public Interest Litigation No. 17/2011 filed by Nicholas Almedia v/s
State of Maharashtra and Ors. from time to time, as well as the Guidelines issued by
the CPCB from time to time, followed by the directions issued by the Incharge Joint
Director(WPC), MPCB dtd.03/03/2012 & from time to time, with regard to the making
available the important information in respect of various CETPs on their website for
the information of all the concerned including the Regulatory Authorities.
Being one of the Common Waste Management Authority, it becomes
necessary on your part to have a proper website, giving details of the establishment
of your society, various permissions obtained from the Statutory Authorities, the
information in respect of the Members of CETP with the categorization of the
industries (Green, Orange & Red) as well as SSI, MSI & LSI, the inlet & outlet
designed capacity of CETP with reference to various parameters, the details of CETP
units, disposal arrangement, the point of discharge duly authorized by the Competent
Authority like NIO, first Consent to Establish and renewal granted from time to time
with a copy of last Consent to Operate, proposals for improvement / expansion /
modification of the ETP and disposal arrangements and standards laid down under
the provisions of the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986 with the monitoring
You are, therefore, directed to establish appropriate website, giving all the
details, so as to bring more information in respect of your common facility to the
notice of all concerned within 30 days time and to communicate the website details to
the MPCB, so as to establish proper link of your website on the website of the MPCB.
You shall furnish an irrevocable bank guarantee of Rs.2.5 Lakhs, ensuring the
compliance of these directions within stipulated time, which shall be valid for a period
C:\Documents and Settings\devale\My Documents\doc\AFFIDAVITES\Nicolas Almeda\MIDC-CETP Issues\Directions.doc
of one year to be submitted within 7 days time from the date of receipt of these
You are also directed to send your official e.mail/s for further
correspondence, in future.
Copy submitted to: Hon'ble Chairman, MPCB, Mumbai - for favour of information pi.
Copy to: Sr.Law Officer(P&L Divn.)/Asstt.Secretary(Tech.)/Chief Accounts Officer/
Joint Director(AIR)/ Principal Scientific
Officer/Joint Director(WPC)/Joint
Director(PAMS)/Regional Officer(HQ), MPCB, Mumbai - for information and
necessary follow up action.
C:\Documents and Settings\devale\My Documents\doc\AFFIDAVITES\Nicobs AImeda\MIDC-CETP Issues\Directions.doc
Tel : 2402 0781 / 2401 0437
E-mail :
NO.MPCB/l/c JD(WPC)/ •}_ Q_ 03
Kalpataru Point,
2nd , 3rd & 4th floor.
Opp. Cineplanet,
Near Sion Circle, Sion (E)
Mumbai - 400 022.
Date :
Ranjangoan CETP,
MIDC Rajangaon,
Tal- Shirul, Dist- Pune
Sub : Directions u/s 33A of the Water (Prevention & Control of
Pollution) Act, 1974.
Ref: 1) This office communication dtd.3/3/2012 through the
l/c Joint Director (WPC), MPCB.
2) Latest Report on Monitoring done by the Regional
Office and / or Sub-Regional Office submitted to the
WHEREAS, you have been granted Conditional Consent to operate
your CETP subject to certain terms & conditions mentioned therein. AND
WHEREAS, it is obligatory on your part to maintain & operate the CETP to the
capacity of effluent generated from the cluster of industries, which are
Members of CETP in the said area.
AND WHEREAS, on the basis of record of your case, the reports of the
officers of the Board and after making necessary inquiry, it has been observed
that your CETP is inadequate to collect & treat pre-treated effluent from the
Members of the CETP. It is also observed that you are not monitoring the
quality of pre-treated effluent being sent to your CETP and thereby, you are
discharging sub-standard effluent into the nearby area at the disposal point
and thereby causing serious pollution in the surrounding area.
AND WHEREAS, as per the Revised Guidelines for Centrally
Sponsored Scheme of Common Effluent Treatment Plants published by the
Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt. of India on 15/3/2012, the
responsibility of the Member Industries has been defined in clear-cut terms as
The Member of CEPT shall carry the required primary treatment in
case, having the effluent generation less than 25 M3/per day to
meet the inlet parameters of CETP and other large scale and
medium scale industries should treat their effluent to the inlet
standards prescribed for the CETP.
The Members shall monitor specified quality parameters and flow
rate of the effluent on daily basis and submit the monitoring data to
the CETP Operator on regular basis.
AND WHEREAS, the role of the CETP Operator has also been defined
in the said Guidelines as under:
CETP shall be managed professionally.
SPCB will be entitled in case of repeated violation, to bring in new
professional management.
The CETP Operator shall be responsible for compliance of inlet
quality and flow from the contributing industries and shall provide
status of non-complying units to the SPCB for taking further
necessary action.
The CEPT Operator shall carry the required treatment to meet final
effluent quality standards for CETP and shall be responsible for
operation and maintenance.
The CEPT Operator shall monitor specified quality outlet
parameters and flow rate on daily basis and to submit the
monitoring data to the SPCB on regular basis. It shall monitor online
at outlet of CETP and IT based linkage shall be provided by the
Operator to SPCB, so as to display it on the website of SPCB.
AND WHEREAS, the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board has taken
review of all 22 CETPs and it has been observed that you are one of the
CETP in the category of 'Highly Exceeding the Prescribed Standards', where
it has been observed that the following parameters are exceeding as per
monitoring done by the officials of the Board and reproduced in comparison
with the Consent / EPA Standards :
EPA Standards
5.5 to 9
250 mg/l.
Average Standards as
per Actual Monitoring for
the Month of March,
195 mg/l.
516 mg/l.
235 mg/l.
Thereby, you are causing serious pollution at the point of discharge. It
has been observed that your existing treatment & disposal arrangements are
inadequate to treat the effluent collected from the Member industries to the
prescribed standards and therefore, upgradation / improvement in operation &
maintenance is required to be done in a time bound manner, so as to achieve
the standards prescribed in the Consent/EPA Standards.
AND WHEREAS, it has been observed that you are not operating &
maintaining CETP properly, you are also not monitoring the operation of
CETPs as well as the effluent being sent by the Members of the CETP,
having poor vigilance, improper recordings of the violations being carried out
by the CETP Members and non-reporting of such type of violations to the
MPCB. You are also not even giving proper primary treatment to the effluent
collected from the Members (Neutralization, coagulation of chemicals at
primary treatment level).
AND WHEREAS, the Incharge Joint Director (Water Pollution Control),
MPCB has issued necessary directions to you to submit concrete Action
Taken Report in respect of making improvement/upgradation of CETPs with
enhancement of the capacity and to comply with a number of conditions
imposed stipulated in the letter dtd.3/3/2012.
AND WHEREAS, you have not submitted the fullfledged information in
respect of compliance of those conditions. You are, therefore, hereby directed
comply with the following conditions :
You shall not accept the effluent of high COD streams from the
industries beyond consented limits or otherwise permitted for time
being. You shall strictly observe lock & key provision to ensure
that, the CETP is not getting overloads resulting into nonperformance or sub-standard performance. You shall also not
collect the penal charges from industries discharging high COD
beyond tolerance limit of CETP discharge. You shall install online
flow meter, pH meter & TOC analyzer at inlet and outlet with data
logger and real time display.
You shall submit a concrete proposal for making improvement /
upgradation in your CETP with enhancement of capacity if any, so
as to achieve the outlet parameters of CETP alongwith bar chart
within 15 days from the date of receipt of these directions.
You shall discontinue receiving pre-treated effluents from the
concerned individual industrial unit after giving prior notice to stop
all manufacturing activities, when, the CETP finds that the effluents
being sent by an individual industrial unit into the CETP inlet will not
be in a position to treat it for the purpose of meeting with the CETP
outlet norms because of an individual industrial unit into the CETP
inlet are carrying such high pollution load.
You shall ensure that any industrial unit in the MIDC, which is
Member of CETP having its own effluent treatment plant shall not
carry on any manufacturing activity whenever its effluent treatment
plant is not functioning for any reason whatsoever, whether for
maintenance, repairs or otherwise.
You shall call upon your Members to stop manufacturing activities,
whenever CETP is not functioning for any reason whatsoever.
You shall ensure that you and the concerned MIDC as well as the
concerned large scale and medium scale units shall make
necessary arrangements for providing sumps for storing effluents
being received from the individual industry for the purpose of
treatment in the CETP.
You shall ensure that every industrial unit having its own ETP shall
have a separate electric meter for its effluent treatment plant
You shall furnish an irrevocable bank guarantee of Rs.10 Lakhs
ensuring the compliance of the above directions/consent conditions,
which shall be valid for a period of one year, to be submitted within
15 days time to the respective Regional Officer, MPCB.
In case, you fail to comply with the above directions, the Board will
have no option than to initiate appropriate legal action against you including
forfeiture of bank guarantee, which may please be noted.
(Milind Mhaiskar)
Member Secretary
Copy to: Sr.Law Officer(P&L Divn.)/l/c Joint Director(WPC), MPCB, Mumbai for information and necessary follow up.
Copy to: Regional Officer, MPCB, Pune/Sub-Regional Officer, MPCB, Pune- for information and necessary follow up action.