acid/bile reflux, GERD, heartburn
acid/bile reflux, GERD, heartburn
In addition, GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) is associated with a significant oncological complication, the so-called Barrett’s oesophagus, a pre-cancerous have very unpleasant and serious side effects. ße Dominikanerbastei g Stubenrin r. tra Bibers NG Please feel free to make an appointment for an in-depth consultation about diagnostic possibilities and therapies for your complaints to alleviate your symptoms. AS llam Museum f. Angew. Kunst Pla Zo er- ere eg tz Vo rd Lu tss Bib tra ers ße tra ße SE U3 U g LANDSTRASSE WIEN MITTE Stadtpark Haus mit Herz Schloss Freyenthurn | Mannswörtherstr. 59-61 Stiege 21 | 1. Stock | 2320 Mannswörth Telefon +43-1-706 86 00 E58 Os uto bah n MANNSWÖRTHER STR. SCHWECHAT Rö m er st r. r. rther St wö Manns MANNSWÖRTH A4 E58 Ost- Auto bah S1 n Rö m E58 HA S1 INB UR GE RB UN DE SST e-Mail: Web: Ordination by appointment only. R. Man nsw er A4 ße and therapy. SE U hnellstra significant number of patients require adequate diagnosis arl- ing-Sc Außenr tumour type in Western countries. In other words, a Dr. -K medical findings, but also on your individual symptoms, on personal preferences. ße STEPHANSPLATZ t-A your response to treatment, therapy success and on your tra UR Wiener caused by reflux increases at a faster rate than any other U U In the end, the type of therapy depends not only on the condition and the strongest risk factor for oesophageal adenocarcinoma. The incidence of oesophageal cancer St. Stephan ers latz Dan ubia str. treated acid reflux. Attention: a long-term therapy with acid blockers may ck NB str. disease) suffer from inadequately diagnosed or insufficiently its symptoms adequately and sufficiently. Bä ubia diagnosed with COPD (chronically obstructive pulmonary between stomach and oesophagus, to treat reflux and SE Dan manifestations (outside the oesophagus). Many patients therapy to a surgical reconstruction of the valve RO ck Julius-Raab-P rin Therapy ranges from banal lifestyle changes to drug ge Pos tga sse swallowing act) Lu U1 Videocinematography (= video-supported x-ray of various symptoms, which seriously decrease the patients’ in particular the lung, as a result of extra-oesophageal Ro and potency of reflux that occurs in a 24-hour period) Therapy: acid reflux can also cause severe damage to other organs, kt te Impedance measurement (= measuring the frequency common symptom is agonizing heartburn. Apart from quality of life depending on the severity of the condition, ar en gastrointestinal tract with different manifestations. The most rM ub Acid reflux is the most common disease of the upper he Urania U4 Franz-Josefs-Kai Ho St General information: SCHWEDENPLATZ U U by endoscope under twilight sedation = completely painless) st Gastroscopy (= examination of oesophagus and stomach m The most common disease of the upper gastrointestinal tract is frequently not diagnosed correctly and not treated adequately. Acid reflux diagnosis is based on three different methods Praxis am Stubenring Rosenbursenstrasse 8/7/3 | 1010 Vienna Mobile +43-676-402 01 22 ur Diagnosis: nt acid/bile reflux, GERD, heartburn st r. örth er Str . acid/bile reflux, GERD, heartburn DR. THOMAS WINKLER Facharzt für Chirurgie Facharzt für Viszeralchirurgie Gefäßchirurgie Leiter der Refluxambulanz Privatklinik Döbling