Dec 2015 - United States Power Squadrons


Dec 2015 - United States Power Squadrons
The Bearing
March 2014
Anna Maria Island Sail & Power Squadron
The Bearing
Come for the Boating Education…
Stay for the FriendsSM
Janet Razze, AP
Monthly Newsletter
5 Dec—Holiday / Anniversary Party
No Brunch Bunch in December—Cooker Exchange
Boater's Blessing
May there always be water under your boat,
May she always be seaworthy, ever afloat,
May the bilge pump be certain to work night and
May the compass and charts always show the safe
May you find gentle harbor as every day ends,
May you lower your anchor amidst peace and good
May your always have work for your hands to do.
May your pockets hold always a coin or two.
11 December—Annual COOKIE EXCHANGE at Commander Janet’s House.
Bring a guest or two! RSVP to
15 December—Rental Prep Work Party 0900
NO C&R in December.
7 January 2016—General Mtg. “Under the Sea”
Cdr. Fun Activity. No guest speaker.
12 January—Rental Prep Work Party 0900
16 January—C&R to Swordfish Grille Host: Carol
Mae 608-692-9985
May the sun shine bright on your windowpane.
28 January—Basket Assembly Day—0900 until finished.
May the rainbow be certain to follow each rain.
4 February—General Mtg. Host– OPEN
May the hand of a friend always be near you.
5 February—Fashion Show Work Day at Cdr.
Janet’s house
May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.
May your days be many and your troubles be few.
8 February—Model fitting at Irene’s Resortwear
sign up for times with Janet
May all God’s blessings descend upon you.
9 February—Rental Prep Work Party 0900
May peace be within you, may your heart be strong.
10 February—Fashion Show Evening Set Up
May you find what you’re seeking whenever you
11 February—Fashion Show
Wishing everyone a wonderful holiday season and
Happy New Year!
13 & 14 February—Cortez Fish Festival—Booth
Volunteers needed.
20 February—C&R to Riverhouse Reef & Grille
Host Patti & Bob Fraser
3 March—Change of Watch (COW) Host-Open
The Bearing
December 2015
Anna Maria Island Sail & Power Squadron D-22
A Unit of the United States Power Squadrons®
1200 71st Street NW, Bradenton, Florida 23209 941-792-0394
2015 Bridge
Cdr. Janet Razze, AP
Executive Officer
Lt/C Danny Wood , S
Admin Officer
Lt/C Jim Charney, P
Education Officer
Lt/C Ron Sidlowski, AP
P/C Cliff Root, SN
Lt/C Cheryl Matheson, P
Exec Comm-at-Large 1st Lt Larry Wilhelm
Asst Commander
Asst Exec Officer
2015 VSC Stickers Now Available!
To schedule your complimentary VSC,
please contact any of the examiners
listed below
AMISPS Vessel Safety Check Team
Will Wichers, SN
Janet Razze, AP
Gary Razze, AP
Asst Admin Officer Lt/C Cheryl Matheson, S
Asst Treasurer
1st Lt Gary Razze, AP
Asst Secretary
1st Lt Irene Estler
Membership Chair
Membership Involvement Committee: Open
Nominating Committee:
Auditing Committee:
Bob Fraser, S
Tony Rizzotti, S
Safe Boating Starts with a Vessel Safety Check!
December 2015 ~ Issue 10 The Bearing
1st Lt Larry Wilhelm, Editor 941-383-3485
Note—This issue was done by Cdr Janet Razze, AP
The Bearing is published 10 times annually. Members are encouraged to submit articles for publication.
Deadline for submission is the 10th of the preceding month. Send articles, comments, and suggestions to the
editor, Larry Wilhelm — email:
AMISPS Website —
Regular Meeting Dates:
General Meeting - Usually the 1st Thursday of the month at 1830. Pot Luck meal begins at
1800. Meeting begins at 1900.
Executive Bridge — Usually meets on last Thursday of the month at 1830. Members are welcome to attend.
Advertise in The Bearing:
We can list “classified advertisements” for our members in good standing. Advertise your boat for sale, boating or fishing equipment, or other items you want to sell or give away for free. List your name, contact information (phone or email) and a brief description of the item(s). Each ad is limited to 200 characters. We ask for
a $10 donation by check written out to AMISPS. We can also do local businesses ads. Ads should be the size
of a business card and be sent to us electronically. Donation for a one-month ad is $20 per issue or $100 for ten
issues. We will reserve the right to refuse business ads not appropriate, etc. Monthly deadlines are on the 10th
of each month. The Bearing is not published in July or August. Ads are not secured unless payment is received
by the 10th of the month. Checks to be written out to AMISPS.
The Bearing
March 20142015
Administrative Officer
Lt/C Jim Charney, P
Short article this month. Party
planning has been the focus
throughout November.
What Party? The Christmas
Party. We are well on our way to completing all
arrangements. With only four members of the
Committee we were limited in our options. The
best solution was to use the IMG club facilities. I
think you'll all be delighted with the venue. IMG
is having three parties
at the same time so
there will be a lot of
people, and a lot of
cars. IMG has agreed
to move us to the
Board Room and has
thrown in a delightful
desert. The big feature of the Party will
be the gift exchange.
Remember to bring
your gift. One less
than $15 dollars, or something in good condition
and of value from around the house that you no
longer need. I stumbled onto a neat gift that
should start a lot of “stealing.” And, wrap your
gift in the best paper possible to win the Best
Wrapped Prize. If you are handy at picture taking
please volunteer to take pictures at the Party. Pictures are an important way of sharing with our
members and others interested in the Squadron.
Since most “Snow
Birds” have returned
I'm hopeful that we'll
be able to do more
than just keep the
Squadron Building
clean for the next
renter. I'll be posting needs and scheduling work parties. Over the
next coupe of weeks. I'll be buying supplies for
member. The Squadron
is not limited to power
and sail boats. The manual defines boats as anything that floats. When
you invite don't push or
pressure. Have them join
us for the camaraderie. We're great people and we
connect well with people. Lets just be good people
to be around. Members have great stories to tell
about their experiences. Guests like stories and are
awed by what you have done. Remember, as Lou
Holts says to younger people, “I was your age once
but you have never been mine.” You have much to
share and younger people do want to hear.
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and
a happy celebration of the things and events you
celebrate this time of the year.
Make sure you frequently visit our Face Book
Page and “LIKE” the page, comments and photos! New photos and updated information are
posted on a regular basis. Just search Anna
Maria Island Sail and Power Squadron.
Be sure to visit the our AMISPS website at:
To navigate to the page you want, simply click
on the porthole under the heading you want like:
The portholes look like this.
(They even have jumping dolphins! Cool!)
Also see USPS District 22 website at:
The Bearing
December 2015
The Bearing
December 2015
The Bearing
Education Officer
Lt/C Ron Sidlowski, AP
It's great to be back in Florida
and it was nice to see so many of
you at the November General
Meeting. I am happy to report
that the final ABC class for 2015 finished in November. We graduated eight students, most of
whom became members. Two were already members. There are still two seminars remaining for
2015, completing the year's education schedule.
The 2016 schedule has been released and is up on
our website.
Coffee Review:
Those of you who were at the last General Meeting know that the topic of the speaker was member
benefits. One of the new benefits that can be ordered through the national web site under
“member benefits” is Solude gourmet coffee. I am
covering Solude coffee in my article this month
because I won a free bag of coffee at the meeting
and a review
was a condition
of my win. If
you enjoy gourmet coffee, this
is a deal for
you. It will also
help the squadron at the same
time. When you
purchase Solude
coffee, there is a
10% discount
for you immediately as a member. A donation of 20% of your
purchase will come back to the squadron monthly.
A good deal for both of us! When you take advantage of this benefit, you do need to start out on the
national members home page and select “member
benefits”. Find the offering for Solude coffee and
get our squadron registered so that we get our appropriate 20% monthly donation. I visited the site
to learn more about the coffee I won (morning
blend) and get familiar with the Solude website.
December 2015
On the site I found that their prices were competitive
with other premium coffee manufacturers before the
10% and the selection was good. Now a review on
the coffee I won. Lorrie and I brewed a mug this
morning and both of us agreed that the “morning
blend” was not the one for us. We enjoy a cup of
strong aromatic coffee, but noted a slight “burnt” flavor. For regular coffee we will probably try their Colombian Supremo which we think would better suited
to us. Since I prefer decaf, I would probably try the
Italian Roast Decaf. What I did not find on the site
was a large selection of flavored decaf coffees. I drink
regular decaf in the mornings but enjoy a good cup of
flavored decaf after dinner. If they would come up
with something to rival my current favorite, which is
Berres Brothers Hylander Grog, they could make a lot
of money from my orders. Enough about coffee.
Back to education!
Seamanship / Advanced Classes –My monthly reminder. One of our continuing goals for the Squadron is to raise more of our overall membership up to
the rank of S. The next Seamanship class will be
scheduled for next March. I encourage all of our
members, if you have not already done so, to sign up
for the next Seamanship class. Classroom training at
least through the level of Seamanship gives one the
knowledge and confidence to enjoy your boat outings
even more. Also, if you are interested in other advanced classes such as Piloting, be sure and let me
know so we can add other advanced classes into the
2016 schedule.
Remember: “We must
free ourselves of the
hope that the sea will
ever rest. We must
learn to sail in high
winds.” - Aristotle
Onassis, Shipping
Enjoy your morning
cup of Solude.
The Bearing
December 2015
The Bearing
December 2015
Executive Officer
Lt/Cdr Danny Wood, S
I wish everyone a wonderful Christmas season and
Happy New Year!
We are working to secure a better location for our
booth at the Cortez Fish Festival this year. We are
also looking to bring more visitors to our booth
using some imaginative methods. Please consider
volunteering to work at the booth on either Saturday or Sunday. You can sign up for as much time
as you want. Please remember to wear your
AMISPS nametag so that you can get in for free
(as long as you are working the booth).
If you do not have an AMISPS name tag yet,
please contact our treasurer, Cliff Root to order
one so that it arrives before the festival in February.
As many of you know, I have been the Executive
Officer for three consecutive years now. I will be
stepping down as the Executive Officer this coming year. I will continue to assist the squadron
with our rental events. This will help the next Executive Officer by freeing up more time to examine new exciting and innovative events in the future.
If you would like to assist the incoming Bridge
starting March 2016, please contact Jim Charney
and/or Cheryl Matheson to explore how you can
Lt/C Danny Wood, S
Tarpon can supplement their gill breathing by breaching the surface and gulping air to extract oxygen with four rows
of lung-like tissue inside their swim
The Bearing
December 2015
The Sailor’s Christmas Poem
From Marine Barracks 8th & I Washington D.C.
Written in 1986 ~ Lance Corporal James M. Schmidt
The Sailor’s Christmas
Twas the night before Christmas, the ship was out steaming,
Sailors stood watch while others were dreaming.
They lived in a crowd with racks tight and small,
In a 80-man berthing, cramped one and all.
I had come down the stack with presents to give,
And to see inside just who might perhaps live.
I looked all about, a strange sight did I see,
No tinsel, no presents, not even a tree.
No stockings were hung, shined boots close at hand,
On the bulkhead hung pictures of a far distant land.
They had medals and badges and awards of all kind,
And a sober thought came into my mind.
For this place was different, so dark and so dreary,
I had found the house of a Sailor, once I saw clearly.
A Sailor lay sleeping, silent and alone,
Curled up in a rack and dreaming of home.
The face was so gentle, the room squared away,
This was the United States Sailor today.
There was the hero I saw on TV,
Defending our country so we could be free.
I realized the families that I would visit this night,
Owed their lives to these Sailors lay willing to fight.
Soon round the world, the children would play,
And grownups would celebrate on Christmas Day.
They all enjoyed freedom each day of the year,
Because of the Sailor, like the one lying here.
The Bearing
December 2015
I dropped to my knees and started to cry.
The Sailor awakened and I heard a calm voice,
“Santa, don’t cry, this life is my choice.”
“Defending the seas all days of the year,
So others may live and be free with no fear.”
I thought for a moment, what a difficult road,
To live a life guided by honor and code.
After all it’s Christmas Eve and the ship’s underway!
But freedom isn’t free and it’s sailors who pay.
The Sailor says to our country “be free and sleep tight,
No harm will come, not on my watch and not on this night.”
The Sailor rolled over and drifted to sleep,
I couldn’t control it, I continued to weep.
I kept watch for hours, so silent, so still,
I watched as the Sailor shivered from the night’s cold chill.
I didn’t want to leave on that cold dark night,
This guardian of honor so willing to fight.
The Sailor rolled over and with a voice strong and sure,
Commanded, “Carry on Santa, It’s Christmas, and All is Secure!”
We wish all of our brave troops and their families
a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
The Bearing
December 2015
VESSEL SIMULATOR—Article by Will Wichers, SN
Sarasota Sail & Power Squadron Lt/C Gary Wells, AP and P/C Bill Boos, AP led this seminar
at the District 22 Fall Conference. It was very informal but enlightening. The simulator consisted of three monitors set before the student to operate the steering wheel. The middle monitor showed the bow and the water scene in front of the boat. The starboard and port monitors
showed the scenery. The boat is a 20 foot with a center console and a Mercury outboard engine. On the instrument panel it has a RPM meter and a speed meter. It also shows wind speed
direction, compass heading, speed both of current and wind. All these instruments can be varied. There are all types of navigational aids that one can approach and pass by. There is also a
stop watch for timing the operation of the vessel. The system can be up for night time operation, with the necessary lights on. One can do various maneuvers as docking, undocking, properly passing the vessel ahead of you. There are also realistic sounds as the horn, engine, waves,
etc. It reminds me of an aircraft simulator. The simulator can be used with the following
courses—ABC, Seamanship and Piloting. The cost of this unit is very expensive and is manufactured at an industrial level of excellence.
Note from your Commander—this is an exciting new tool now available to the squadrons. It is
used at boat shows to draw people to booths, it is used as a teaching tool for the America’s
Boating Course, Seamanship and Piloting. It really does simulate how to operate a boat safely.
It is a great tool for our younger people to use since they love video and computer games so
much. Sarasota was fortunate enough to purchase one this year. This is something for us to
think about in the future. Unfortunately, it is a very expensive purchase. Any one want to volunteer to search and apply for a grant?
The Bearing
December 2015
Our focus is to celebrate our squadron with others this year. We ask each member to bring a guest
to our C&Rs, meetings and other events. Reach out to your neighbors and friends, especially those
interested in boating and invite them to come with you to our various events. Help celebrate what
we do with the members of our local community. We hope to increase our membership by simply
sharing the great things we do throughout the year. Please join us in our REACH ONE, BRING
You are invited!
Friday, 11 December 2015 to a COOKIE
We will be exchanging at Commander Janet Razze’s home at 1000 at
7803 Alhambra Drive. Requirement—Make a lot of just one or two
of your favorite cookies and bring an additional large container to put
in your exchanged cookies. We will exchange cookies and enjoy
coffee and tea!
In general—you will bring about the same amount of cookies home
that you brought to the exchange—minus the ones you eat! So the
more you bring, the more you can take home. The sharing of recipes is also encouraged.
Weight watching? No problem, just bring them home, arrange on holiday plates with a ribbon and
then use them for gifts for your mail and paper carriers, neighbors, carolers, trash collectors, etc.
The people who service our neighborhood were thrilled to get them last year! You can also freeze
them to save for guests throughout the holidays!
You MUST RVSP to Janet at or 941-761-1860. Non-members are encouraged to
participate. REACH ONE—BRING ONE!
The Bearing
March 2014
Anna Maria Island Sail & Power Squadron
A Non-Profit Organization
Promoting Safe Boating and Boating Education
Proudly Presents
A Delightful Luncheon, Marvelous Raffle of Baskets
Fabulous Fashion Show
Sponsored by Irene’s Resort Wear
Thursday, February 11, 2016
Doors Open at 11am to Preview Prize Tables
Program & Raffle Begins at 12 noon.
Bradenton Yacht Club
4307 Snead Island Road
Palmetto, Florida
Come join us for a terrific luncheon and raffling of great baskets and items. Fashions are sponsored by Irene’s Resort
Wear, Holmes Beach, Florida. Please note that ticket sales are limited! Beware, we sold out last year weeks prior to the
event! First come, first served. Cost is $34 per ticket. No tickets can be purchased after February 1, 2014. You must
purchase a luncheon ticket to enter the event. No tickets will be sold at the door. Return your completed form and check
for $34 made out to AMISPS. Send to Janet Razze, 7803 Alhambra Drive, Bradenton, Florida, 34209 as soon as possible
to reserve your seat. For more information contact or 941-761-1860. Please print your email address
clearly on the ticket form. Your confirmed ticket purchase will be verified by email only. If we can’t read it, we can’t
confirm it! Please watch for it. Also, use a separate form for each ticket purchased so we can work with the chef on your
AMISPS Fund Raising Luncheon, Raffle & Fashion Show – Bradenton Yacht Club – Thursday, February 11, 2015
(Please use a separate form for each ticket purchased! Return lower portion only!)
Name: _________________________________________________ Best Contact Phone: _______________________
Address: _______________________________________________ Guest of AMISPS Member: ___________________
Email for confirmation (PRINT clearly): _________________________________________________
If you want a full table of 10, then ALL 10 forms MUST be fully completed and submitted together at the same time with
FULL payment. For large groups of more than 10 we will attempt to put your tables near each other. For groups of less
than 10, we will try our best to put you at a table with someone else you know. Please indicate others you would enjoy
sharing a table with if possible _____________________________________
Check your choice of entrée:
______ Chicken Piccata - Chicken Breast with Lemon Caper Butter
______ Beef Tips - with Gravy over Pasta
______ Grilled Salmon - Topped with a Grilled Pineapple & Mango Salsa
______ Grilled Vegetable Napoleon – Grilled Veggies, Portobello, and Feta w/ Roasted Pepper Coulis and Chive Aioli
Check your choice of dessert:
_____ Chocolate Madness Cake - Layers of Moist Chocolate Cake & Chocolate Ganache, with Fudge Bites
_____ Strawberry Shortcake – Fresh Strawberries on shortcake with Fresh Whipped Cream
Note: All entrees include salad, rolls, coffee or tea. All entrees come with green beans. CASH BAR will be available.
The Bearing
December 2015
Hosts needed in bold!
To volunteer to host a general meeting contact Jim Charney. If you can host a Cruise & Rendezvous contact Lynda
No General Meeting in December – Holiday Party instead.
5 December 2015 at 1800 – Holiday/ Anniversary Party at
No C&R in December 2015
15 December 2015 – Tuesday – 0900 – Rental Prep Morning
7 January 2016 General Meeting at AMISPS Squadron Building –
HOST – Cdr Janet Razze. Theme is “Under the Sea” No Guest Speaker – Cdr’s FUN Activity
12 January 2016 – Tuesday – Rental Prep Morning
16 January 2016 – C&R to Swordfish Grille 4628 119th St West Cortez 941-798-2935
RSVP to Host: Carol Mae 608-692-9985
28 Basket Assembly Day – Thursday – 0900 until finished
4 February 2016 – General Meeting at AMISPS Squadron Building HOST: OPEN
5 February 2016 – Friday – Fashion Show Work Day at Cdr. Janet’s
8 February 2016 – Monday – Model fitting at Irene’s Resortwear
9 February 2016 – Rental Prep Morning
10 February 2016 – Wednesday – Evening Set Up for Fashion Show
11 February 2016 – Thursday – Fashion Show Fundraiser Event at Bradenton Yacht Club
The Bearing
December 2015
13 & 14 February 2016– Sat & Sun – Cortez Fish Festival – Volunteers to work the
booth. Saturday & Sunday
20 February 2016 – C&R to Riverhouse Reef & Grill, 955 Riverside Dr., Palmetto 729
0616. HOST- Pat & Bob Fraser
3 March 2016 – Thursday - General Meeting and Change of
Watch (COW) at AMISPS Squadron Building unless the host
wants to organize a different location. HOST - OPEN
8 March 2016 – Tuesday – Rental Prep Morning
19 March 2016 – Saturday – C&R to Pier 22 1200 1st Avenue, Bradenton 748-8087 Host:
Barry & Lori Fenstermacher 941-567-5765
7 April 2016 – Thursday – General Meeting HOST:OPEN
5 April 2016 – Tuesday – Rental Prep Morning
16 April 2016 – Saturday – C&R to Riviera Dunes 941-981-5339 Dock Master Craig 941981-5339 RSVP to Hosts: Cliff & Bev Root 383-1269
SAFE BOATING WEEK – Dates TBD in either April or
May 2016. Coverage at Kingfish Boat Ramp to assist
Vessel Safety Check Examiners
5 May 2016 – Thursday – General Meeting – suggest a
boating location with time change and not the squadron building. Therefore will require an RSVP to reserve tables. HOSTS - OPEN
10 May 2016 – Tuesday – Rental Prep Morning
21 May 2016 – Saturday – C&R to the Old Salty Dog, 1601 Ken Thompson Pkwy,
Sarasota 388-4311 HOST - OPEN
2 June 2016 – Thursday – General Meeting – suggest a boating location with time
change and not the squadron building. Therefore will require an RSVP to reserve
tables. HOST - OPEN
18 June 2016 – Saturday – C&R to Mar Vista 383-2391 HOST – OPEN
No General Meeting in July – any business held at C&R
The Bearing
December 2015
No General Meeting in July—any business held at C&R
16 July 2016 – Saturday C&R to Seafood Shack. HOSTS:
Betty Zimmerman and Marie Gartley
No General Meeting in August—any business held at C&R
20 August 2016 – Saturday – C&R to Tide Tables HOSTS: Bob and Pat Laney
1 September 2016 – Thursday – General Meeting – suggest a boating location with
time change and not the squadron building. Therefore will require an RSVP to reserve tables. HOST - OPEN
17 September 2016 – Saturday – C&R to Tarpon Point 801 Riverside Drive, Bradenton 756-8700 HOST - OPEN
6 October 2016 – Thursday – General meeting at squadron building. HOST - OPEN
15 October 2016 – Saturday C&R to Bearded Clam
2600 HOST - OPEN
7150 Tamiami, Sarasota 355-
3 November 2016 – Thursday – General Meeting HOST - OPEN
19 November 2016 – Saturday – C&R to Riverside Café 729-4402
Host: Claudette