RÖMER+ RÖMER Torsten Römer, German 1968 Nina - Exhibit-e


RÖMER+ RÖMER Torsten Römer, German 1968 Nina - Exhibit-e
Torsten Römer, German 1968
Nina Römer born as Nina Tangian, Russian 1978
Work together as an artist couple on their projects and artwork, 1998
Solo Exhibitions (selection)
Party-Löwe, Freight & Volume Gallery, New York / USA
Alles für Alle, Richard Haizmann Museum, Niebüll / Germany
Sambódromo, Galerie Michael Schultz, Berlin / Germany
Face to Face, Zhan Zhou International Center of Contemporary Art, Peking /
Retrobunt, Galerie Peithner-Lichtenfels, Vienna / Austria
Meer der Freundschaft, Galerie Michael Schultz, Seoul / Korea
Pride in Brighton, Galerie Michael Schultz, Berlin / Germany
Otaku, Galerie Supper, Karlsruhe / Germany
Meer der Versöhnung, Galerie Kampl, Munich / Germany
Reisende, Galerie von Braunbehrens Munich / Germany
50 Ansichten des Berges Fuji - vom Zug aus betrachtet, presentation of the
monographie and the collector's edition (Prestel Verlag), Galerie schultz
contemporary, Berlin / Germany
O tu mir das nicht an, Kunsthalle Rostock, Rostock / Germany
Fighting for freedom, Gwangju Art Museum, Gwangju / Korea
Die Flut, Galerie Michael Schultz, Berlin / Germany
Vor dem Auftritt, cas, Salzburg / Österreich
Casablanca Cocacola, Kunsthalle Dresden / Germany
Second Life in Peking, Galerie Kampl, Munich / Germany
Terrorist No 1, Heidelberger Kunstverein, Heidelberg / Germany
Based on a true story, Today Art Museum, Beijing / China
Based on a true story, Michael Schultz Gallery, Seoul / Korea
Barfuss kommt ihr hier nicht rein, Galerie Michael Schultz, Berlin / Germany
Sense of Life, Gallery Hyundai, Seoul / Korea
1Woche = 1 Arbeit, Heidelberger Kunstverein, Heidelberg / Germany
Café–Bistro–Hauptstadt, Galerie Michael Schultz, Berlin / Germany
Donde, Church Street Gallery of contemporary Art, Orlando, Florida / USA
Unendlich gerechte andauernde Freiheit, Goethe Institut, Moscow / Russia
Grenzenlose Gerechtigkeit, Galerie Barakk, Hungarian Cultural Institute, Berlin /
Infinite Justice, Gallery Arka, Vladivostok / Russia
Enduring freedom, Galerie Südost Zentrum, Berlin / Germany
Electronic Cash (with Performance), Galerie PIN, Bielefeld / Germany
Shan Shui. Berg und Wasser, Gruppe 10.000, Berlin and Kunstbunker, Bielefeld
/ Germany
Orbis Magnus. Das Unendliche und die Kugel, Galerie Pozzo Pozozza, Berlin /
Graphic House, in the context of Cologne in Liverpool, Liverpool / England
Frei sind die Gedanken, Galerie Selma Kingir, Essen / Germany
Biennale of Contemporary Art, D-O ARK Underground, Konjic, BosniaHerzegovina
Emergency Biennale in Chechenya – a suitcase from Paris to Grosny, Palais de
Tokyo, Paris / France; Grosny / Chechenya
Further stops of the Emergency Biennale: Matrix Art Projects, Brussels /
Belgium; Eurac-European Academy of Bolzano / Italy; Isola Art center, Milano /
Italien; Neatliekama Biennale, Riga/ Latvia; Tallin Art Hall, Tallin /
Estonia; Vancouver International Centre for Contemporary Asian Art, Vancouver
/ Canada; Plataforma, San Pedro Museo de Arte, Puebla / Mexico; Istanbul
Biennale / Turkey; World Social Forum & CCA Playspace Gallery, San Francisco
/ U.S.A.; Galeria Arsenal, Bialystok / Poland
The good and the bad, Liverpool Biennial, Liverpool / England
Big Torino, Torino Biennale, Turin / Italy
Group exhibitions (selection)
Kik One, Kino International, Berlin
auf den Punkt gekommen, Galerie Supper, Baden-Baden / Germany
Sein oder Nichtsein: Das zeitgenössische Portrait, munich modern, Munich /
Pophits & Alptraum - Artspace RheinMain, Offenbach / Germany
Bosporus Brake, BAP Galleri, Istanbul / Turkey
Neoexpressionism / Contemporary Art, Zhan Zhou International Center of
Contemporary Art, Peking / China
Little bit of history deleting, Galerie Peithner-Lichtenfels, Vienna / Austria
Russisches Berlin, im Rahmen des Festivals "Wihte Nights", Central Exhibition
Hall, Perm / Russia
B Linien, Gallery NLB, Skopje / Macedonia
PUNKT-SYSTEME - Vom Pointillismus zum Pixel, Wilhelm-Hack-Museum,
Ludwigshafen am Rhein / Germany
Megacool 4.0 - Jugend und Kunst, Künstlerhaus Wien, Vienna / Austria
International Lucas-Cranach-Prize 2011, Cranach-Stiftung, Lutherstadt
Wittenberg / Germany
Hypothese zur Entstehung, Galerie Beck & Eggeling, Duesseldorf / Germany
Collective Video Bohai@Luminale Frankfurt, Akademie für interdisziplinäre
Prozesse, Offenbach / Germany
Transformationen, Galerie Kampl, München / Germany
Fragments of Indian Summer, Galerie schultz contemporary, Berlin / Gemany
International Lucas-Cranach-Prize 2011, Kronach / Germany
Monte Verità, Kunstverein Familie Montez, Frankfurt a. M. / Germany
Biennale of Contemporary Art, D-O ARK Underground, Konjic, BosniaHerzegovina
Shadows of the Bright, Berlinartprojects - Showroom, Berlin / Germany
Silly Gooses Live in The Dark, UF6 Projects, Berlin / Germany
inter-cool 3.0, HMKV - Hartware MedienKunstVerein, within the bounds of
European Culture Capital Ruhr 2010, Dortmund / Germany
Pieces of my puzzle, Kunsthalle Rostock, Rostock / Germany
Gemeinsam in Bewegung - Zeitgenössische Kunst aus Deutschland und China,
Wuhan Art Museum, Wuhan / China
Foxtrott Saxonia, Kunsthalle Dresden / Germany
30 gegen 3 000 000. Skulptur und Malerei aus Berlin, Kulturforum Schloß Holte
Stukenbrock, Schloß Holte Stukenbrock / Germany
Autumn Leaves, Kunsthalle Koidl, Berlin / Germany
Close-up, Por Amor À Arte Galeria, Porto / Portugal
Experiment after, Michael Schultz Gallery, Seoul / Korea
hirschwegeinundzwanzig, Kunstverein Coburg, Alte Darre, Coburg / Germany
Galerie Kampl, Munich / Germany
Auf dem Weg ins Licht. Sammlung de Knecht, Kunsthalle Rostock, Rostock /
Eroticism 21c, Art Sonje Centre, Seoul / Korea
Salzmond, Kunstraum Klosterkirche, Traunstein / Germany
Figure and Space New Postions II, Vonderbank Artgalleries, Berlin / Germany
dick aufgetragen, Galerie Helmut Leger, Munich / Germany
M°A°I°S VI - The free will, bunker underneath the ARENA, Berlin / Germany
Everything is allright, Museum Bochum, Bochum / Germany
Der Mythos küsst den Alltag, Galerie Michael Schultz, Berlin / Germany
HA KYPOPT! Russische Kunst heute, Kunsthalle Baden-Baden, Baden-Baden /
Women´s city, Armenian Center for Contemporary Experimental Art - ACCEA,
Eriwan / Armenia
Paradise, International Forum of Art Initiatives, New Manege, Moscow / Russia
Not in the sky and not on the earth, Museum of Contemporary Art Skopje, Skopje
/ Macedonia
Adam & Eva Blind Date Installation, 1. Berliner Kunstsalon, ARENA, Berlin /
Paradies im Bunker, Kunstbunker Tumulka, Munich / Germany
Recession 2003 $99 show, Cynthia Broan Gallery, New York / U.S.A.
Taking Pictures, Berliner Kunstprojekt, Berlin / Germany
Reconaissance Art, International Forum of Art Initiatives, New Manege, Moscow /
M°A°I°S V - Paradise, Bunker unter dem Alexanderplatz, Berlin
International Festival of new technologies in contemporary art - honoring St.
Petersburg´ Tricentennial: 1703 - 2003, Saint Petersburg´s Center of Visual Arts,
St. Petersburg / Russia
Blumen aus Niemandsland, Galerie im Abgeordnetenhaus, Berlin / Germany
Präsentation Paradiesprojekt, Goethe Institut, Prague / Czech Republic
Global Fusion 2002, Kunstraum Palais Porcia, Vienna / Austria
Big Torino 2002 - Big Social game 2nd International Bienial of young Art Biennale Internazionale Arte Giovanni, Turin / Italy
18 x 24, Goldberg-Institut, Berlin / Germany
Sex in the city, Galerie PIN, Bielefeld / Germany
Nacht#Berlin, Galerie DiDa, Galerientag, Graz / Austria
Il Sonno, Galerie Granma, Rome / Italy
International Congress for Performance and Visual Art, Gallery SOTODO,
Schloß Bröllin, Fahrenwalde
Installation at the Karneval der Kulturen, Berlin / Germany
International Flag-Art-Festival, Seoul / Korea
Motherland/Fatherland, International Forum of Art Initiatives, New Manege,
Moscow / Russia
M°A°I°S IV - The good and the bad, Liverpool Biennial, LBK building, Liverpool /
(T)...error - International Congress for Performance and Visual Art, Paris / France
Lust und lustig (with Performance), Galerie Sandmann, Berlin / Germany
M°A°I°S II - The death, Bunker underneath Blochplatz, Gesundbrunnen, Berlin /
Erleuchtung durch Kunst, Galerie Kunstgewinn, Cologne / Germany
Fragile, Galerie Seidel, Cologne / Germany
International Congress for Performance and Visual Art, Centre of Contemporary
Art, Sacramento / U.S.A.
M°A°I°S I, Hochbunker Köln, Cologne / Germany
BUG, Galerie Parel, Amsterdam / Netherlands
Inculture, opera house, Cologne / Germany
International Congress for Performance and Visual Art, Berlin / Germany
Postmodern, Galerie Selma Kingir, Essen / Germany
Neu bei Noack, Galerie Noack, Mönchengladbach / Germany
Prizes and Scholarships
Sonderpreis Internationaler Lucas-Cranach-Preis der Stadt Kronach 2011
Travel grant, Kunstverein Duesseldorf (Torsten Roemer)
Curatorial projects
Monte Verità, curated together with Deniz Alt, Kunstverein Familie Montez,
Frankfurt am Main / Germany
M°A°I°S VI - The free will, bunker underneath arena, Berlin / Germany
HA KYPOPT / Russian Art today, Kunsthalle Baden-Baden, curated together with
Georgy Nikich, supported by the national culture fond, Germany
M°A°I°S V - Paradise, bunker underneath Alexanderplatz, Berlin / Germany
M°A°I°S IV - The good and the bad, Liverpool Biennial 2002, Liverpool / Great
M°A°I°S III - Eins zu Eins, Haus am Lützowplatz, Berlin / Germany
M°A°I°S II - The death, bunker underneath Blochplatz, Berlin / Germany
M°A°I°S I, Hochbunker, Cologne / Germany
Museum and Public Collections
Collection Arie de Knecht, Amsterdam / Netherlands
Collection Sperling, Mainburg / Germany
Collection Brown, den Haag / Netherlands
Collection Munoz Garcia, Madrid / Spain
Collection Hana Bank, Seoul / South-Korea
Collection Knuth, Munich / Germany
Collection Sacha Steiner, Monaco
Collection Landesbank Baden-Württemberg / Germany
Römer + Römer: Sambódromo, publihed by Galerie Michael Schultz, Berlin,
Infinity: Neo-expressionism / Contemporary Art, published by Zhan Zhou Center
of Contemporary Art, Beijing, China
B Linien, Galerie NLB, Skopje, Macedonia
PUNKT-SYSTEME - Vom Pointillismus zum Pixel, Wilhelm-Hack-Museum,
Ludwigshafen am Rhein, published by Kehrer Verlag
Megacool 4.0 - Jugend und Kunst, Hrsg. Künstlerhaus Wien, Birgit Richard.,
published by Kerber Verlag
Internationaler Lucas-Cranach-Preis 2011, published by Regionale
Kunstförderung Kronach e.V.
Römer + Römer: Pride in Brighton, publihed by Galerie Michael Schultz, Berlin,
Römer + Römer: Reisende, published by Galerie von Braunbehrens, Munich,
Transformationen, published by Galerie Kampl, Munich, 2011
Römer + Römer: Meer der Freundschaft, published by Prestel, Munich, London,
New York, 2011
Römer + Römer: Fighting for freedom, published by Gwangju Museum of Art,
Gwangju, Korea, 2010
Römer + Römer: Die Flut, published by Galerie Michael Schultz, Berlin, 2010
Römer + Römer: Second life in Peking, published by Galerie Kampl, München,
Römer + Römer: Based on a true story, published by Today Art Museum, Beijing,
Römer + Römer: Barfuss kommt Ihr hier nicht rein, published by Galerie Michael
Schultz, Berlin, 2008
Close-up, published by Por Amor A Arte Galeria, Porto, 2008
Auf dem Weg ins Licht, published by Arie de Knecht / Galerie Michael Schultz,
Berlin, 2007
Eroticism 21c, published by Artsonje Center, Seoul, 2007
Römer + Römer: Sense of life, published by Gallery Hyundai, Seoul, 2007
Römer + Römer: Café Bistro Hauptstadt, published by Galerie Michael Schultz,
Berlin, 2006
HA KYPOPT! Russische Kunst Heute, published by Mathias Winzen und Georgy
Nikitsch, Wienand Verlag, 2004
Paradise, published by Moscow committee for Culture & International Forum of
Art initiatives, Moscow, 2004
1. Berliner Kunstsalon, published by Edmund Piper, 2004
Not in the sky & not on the earth, published by. Museum of Contemporary Art,
Skopje, 2004
Reconnaissance Art, published by Moscow committee for Culture & International
Forum of Art initiatives, Moscow, 2003
Blumen aus Niemandsland, published by the Präsident des Abgeordnetenhauses
Berlin, Berlin, 2003
International festival of new technologies in contemporary art, published by SaintPetersburg´s Center of Visual Arts, St. Petersburg, 2003
Motherland/Fatherland, published by Moscow committee for Culture &
International Forum of Art initiatives, Moscow, 2002
Global Fusion 2002, published by Claudia Maria Luenig & Maggie McCormick,
Vienna, 2002
International Flag-Art-Festival, published by. Department of Worldcup Cultural
Affairs, Seoul Metropolitan Government, Seoul, 2002
5. International Congress for Performance and Visual Artt, published by Gallery
SOTODO und Schloß Bröllin, Berlin, 2000
Römer + Römer Publications
Exhibition catalogue M°A°I°S VI - The free will, published by Torsten und Nina
Römer in the Hans Schiler Verlag, 96 pages, ISBN 3899300696 - ISBN-13
Exhibition catalogue M°A°I°S V - Paradise, Berlin Alexanderplatz, published by
Torsten und Nina Römer, 276 pages, ISBN 3-00-013874-9
Exhibition catalogue M°A°I°S IV - The good and the bad, Liverpool Biennial,,
published by Torsten und Nina Römer, 76 pages, ISBN 3-00-011075-5
Exhibition catalogue M°A°I°S II - The Death, published by Torsten und Nina
Römer, 104 pages
Films and Videos
Das Paradiesprojekt, 70 min. Documentary movie, together with the director Lilia
Deutsch-Russische Knutschperformance, 10 min. Documentary movie
Infinite Justice, 3 min. Documentary movie