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View a more detailed PDF of this event here.
Spiritualität in der Pflege
Spirituality in Nursing
das Gute tun doing good
8. Internationaler
8th International
Nursing Congress
16. – 18. Mai 2014
16th–18th May 2014
Doing good . . .
Wherever we give healing, have thoughts that are carried
by hope and take active steps we do something towards
overcoming the growing mechanization and the trends towards anonymity that prevail in today’s world. As nurses
we can make a difference.
With mindfulness, a lively interest in others and expertise
we can conquer egotism and absent-mindedness.
Focusing on what is good in nursing leads to warm-heartedness but also to warranted anger at the degrading
conditions in hospitals and the lack of appreciation nurses
experience in our health system.
This year the Nursing Congress at the Goetheanum will explore the spiritual roots of nursing with the theme “Spirituality in Nursing … Doing what is good!”
What is good? What is true? If everyone wants what is
good, why do so many bad things happen? Can political
action be spiritual? Can nursing heal a sick health system
or are nurses doomed to play the role of victims or even
accomplices in a system that takes its cue from financial
This congress wants to inspire hope without trying to distract from the fact that many things are just not right. It
wants to show what we can each make a difference.
You can download the programme from the Medical Section
website or apply for one by email.
Friday 16 May 9 a.m. – 12 noon Meeting of members of the School of Spiritual
Science at the Goetheanum
A separate invitation will be sent out
Programme - Friday 16 May
3 p.m.
Eröffnung | Opening
Welcome - Introduction
Birgitt Bahlmann (Kongressmoderation), Gesundheits- und Krankenpflegerin, Lehrerin für Pflegeberufe, Expertin IFAP
Vortrag | Lecture
Doing good in everyday nursing
What is good? The good action is not always the
obvious one. How can we find guidance towards
goodness in our everyday work?
Ursa Neuhaus, lic. phil., dipl.; nurse, IFAN specialist;
Zentrum Schönberg, dementia and palliative care,
Administrator of the Swiss Association for Nursing Science
4.15 p.m. Pause | Break
5 p.m.
Work Groups, 1st session
6.30 p.m. Abendpause | Evening break
8 p.m.
Vorführung | Performance
The Simple Fool and friends – with Dawn Nilo
Miming, clowning, music and dance
in the language of the heart
9.30 p.m. Gute Nacht | Good night !
Programme - Saturday 17 May
8.30 a.m. Meditativer Tagesbeginn | Meditative start of the day
25 min.
At the “Red Window”, west entrance
of Main Auditorium
with painter Esther Gerster / Thorwald Thiersch
Mantra-Meditation – with Ursa Neuhaus
Eurythmy – with Mirjam Tradowsky
Voice/speech – with Franziska von Nell
9 a.m.
3 Kurzreferate | 3 Short talks
Dying at home. Setting up a palliative care
network in Germany (Herdecke/ Wetter and Hagen),
Marly Joosten, IFAN Specialist, Founder of the department
for case management, Olibanum coordinator
Leadership and equality – the social structure of a
hospital. Equality-based, cross-departmental, interdisciplinary cooperation in management teams
Maria Jung, nursing officer,
Community Hospital Havelhöhe, Berlin, DE
Nursing and therapy applications in the FriedrichHusemann-Klinik: The Soul Exercises. A way
towards competent decision-making in nursing
Klaus Adams, IFAN specialist, see work groups
10.30 a.m.
Pause | Break
11 a.m.
Vortrag | Lecture
Why does one feel the need to help and where does
the power of love come from? – Reflections on the Verse for Nurses given by Rudolf Steiner
Rolf Heine, see work groups
12.30 p.m.
Mittagspause | Lunch break
3.30 p.m.
Work Groups, 2nd session
4.15 p.m.
Pause | Break
5 p.m.
Work Groups, 3rd session
6.30 p.m.
Abendpause | Evening break
No programme
Programme - Sunday 18 May
8.30 a.m.
25 min.
Meditativer Tagesbeginn | Meditative start of the day
. . . see the previous day‘s meditative start of the day
9 a.m.
3 Kurzreferate | 3 Short talks
Organizational development: Setting up a department for development in nursing “Anthroposophic
Nursing Specialist” at the Ita Wegman Clinic
Isabella Herr, nursing officer, Ita Wegman Clinic
A Centre for Integrative Medicine in a
community hospital – opportunity and challenge
Monika Layer, Centre for Integrative Medicine,
Kantonsspital St. Gallen
Country Reports from USA, New Zealand, Britain,
10.30 a.m.
Pause | Break
11 a.m.
Vortrag | Lecture
Rudolf Steiner’s Warmth Meditation
and its significance in nursing
Dr. Michaela Glöckler, Leiterin der Medizinischen Sektion
am Goetheanum, Kinderärztin
12.30 p.m.
Ende | End
Good bye! Have a safe journey!
The lectures will be simultaneously interpreted into English
4. Die Wärme als Gestaltungselement der Pflege
Deutsch Der Wärmeorganismus ist ein genaues Abbild der
English Ich-Tätigkeit im Leib. Wir betrachten körperliche, seeli-
sche und geistige Wärmephänomene und Rhythmen und
üben, sie zu beschreiben und aufzuzeichnen.
Warmth as a formative element in nursing
The warmth organism reflects the activity of the ‘I’ in the
body. We will observe the phenomena and rhythms of
warmth in body, soul and spirit and practise describing
and recording them.
Rolf Heine , nurse, IFAN specialist, deputy nursing officer at the Filderklinik (DE), coordinator of Anthroposophic
6. Körperliche – seelische – und geistige Wärme
Dutch Wie können die Sinne und die Tugenden als Werkzeuge
Deutsch dienen, um die dreifache Wärme anzubieten – anzure-
gen – zu unterstützen? Sowohl für den Patienten als auch
den Pflegenden – in der Pflege allgemein, wie auch
spezifisch in der Öldispersionsbadetherapie.
Warmth in body, soul and spirit
How can the senses and virtues be instruments for offering, stimulating and supporting warmth, for the patients
and the nurses? In nursing in general and oil dispersion
bath therapy in particular.
Tiny Reinink-Paes, nurse, balneotherapist. Lecturer of the
Association of Oil Dispersion Bath Therapy, at the Therapeutikum in Maastricht, Holland
Carola Firl, nurse at the Mother and Child Sanatorium
9. Wie kommen wir zur Geistesgegenwart
Deutsch und Präsenz im Handeln.
English In dieser Arbeitsgruppe arbeiten wir daran, wie Acht-
samkeit, Rhythmus, Zeit und die eigene innere Haltung
Einfluss haben auf die Pflegearbeit. Bernard Lievegoed
spricht über das situative Handeln – um das Gute zu tun.
Seine Inspirationen fließen ein und werden vertieft.
How do we bring presence of mind and awareness to our actions?
We will look at the effect that mindfulness, rhythm, time
and our own inner attitude have on our nursing. Bernard
Lievegoed spoke of ‘situative actions’ for doing what is
good. In the nursing profession this always happens between people, in the given situation. In this group we will
work with the quality criteria, using our own case studies.
We will use and deepen his inspirations.
Sonja van Hees, nursing specialist (BIG and IFAN). Master
of Advanced Nursing Practice in training,
nursing teacher, trainer for Rhythmical embrocation, works
in a psychiatric addiction clinic.