Booklet for Catholic High Schools
Booklet for Catholic High Schools
2014–2015 Parent & Student Guide Choosing a Catholic High School in Brooklyn and Queens Catholic Schools Where Faith & Education Meet Admission to any of the 17 Catholic High Schools in the Diocese of Brooklyn (encompassing both Brooklyn and Queens) is determined by the results of the TEST for Admission into Catholic High Schools (TACHS). This exam will be administered at all Catholic high schools throughout the Diocese on Saturday, November 8, 2014. The fee for the exam is $52.00. Applications are available from your elementary school, religious education program, or by going to the TACHS Information Web site: Open House Dates Students, parents and teachers are invited to visit the High Schools in the Diocese of Brooklyn to view the facilities and to evaluate the programs offered. This can be done by attending the various Open Houses which most of the schools schedule prior to the Test for Admission into Catholic High Schools. Administrators and faculty members are available during each Open House to answer and questions which this brochure may not have addressed. If any school does not have an Open House schedule or if you are unable to visit a school on the date of its Open House, you are invited to contact the school and set up an appointment to visit the school. TACHS 2014–2015 Calendar DATE TIME SCHOOL 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Cathedral Sun. 5th 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Christ the King Thurs. 9th 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. St. Saviour Sat. 11th 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. McClancy Thurs. 16th 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Nazareth Sat. 18th 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. 12:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. St. Agnes St. Edmund St. Francis St. John’s Sun. 19th 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Holy Cross Molloy Mary Louis Xaverian Thurs. 23rd 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Bishop Kearney Sat. 25th 12:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Fontbonne Sun. 26th Tues. 28th 12:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. - 4:00p.m. Tour at 7:00 p.m. St. Saviour Bishop Loughlin Bishop Kearney St. Edmund Thurs. 30th 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. St. Joseph Sat. 1st 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Cathedral Wed. 5th 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Nazareth 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. St. Agnes Bishop Kearney St. Joseph 5:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Bishop Loughlin September 2014 Sat. 20th Wednesday, May 21, 2014 TACHS informational website updated with 2014-2015 information: Monday, August 25, 2014 Registration materials arrive in Catholic elementary and high schools, as well as select private and public elementary schools. Registration available via Internet at and telephone at 1-866-61TACHS (1-866-618-2247). TACHS Applicant Record form available via the Internet to Catholic elementary school administrators once a student has completed registration. Wednesday, October 8, 2014 Deadline for paper registration. Paper registration forms and fees must be received at the TACHS Exam Office by this date. Friday, October 10, 2014 Deadline for submitting request and supporting documentation to Diocese for extended testing time accommodation. Monday, October 20, 2014 Deadline for Internet and telephone registration. Monday/Tuesday, October 27-28, 2014 General Admit Cards distributed Monday, November 3, 2014Call 1-866-61TACHS (1-866-618-2247) if Admit Cards are not yet received. Saturday, November 8, 2014 TACHS Administration Tuesday, December 9, 2014 Last day to complete TACHS Applicant Records via the Internet for Catholic elementary schools. Students in schools (other than Catholic schools) must mail paper TACHS Applicant Records to their three high school choices, arriving by December 10, 2014. Wednesday, December 17, 2014 TACHS results to arrive at high schools. Wednesday, January 14, 2015 Release of admission notices by high schools. February 2015 Response cards back to high schools – high school notification letters will include information relative to the date on which a student should return his/her acceptance letter to the high school of their choice. October 2014 November 2014 January 2015 Thurs. 22nd February 2015 Thurs. 26th Map of Brooklyn & Queens Archbishop Molloy High School 83-53 Manton Street • Briarwood, NY 11435 • (718) 441-2100 • President: Mr. Richard Karsten Principal: Brother Thomas Schady, F.M.S. Contact: Ms. Leslie Poole Petit, Ed.D.,, ext. 155 Enrollment: 1,560 young men and women Tuition ’14–’15: $8,080 Fees: $400 registration; $500 technology Dress Code: Uniform Choices Considered: First choice given preference, all choices considered Scholarships: Scholarship Exam on Saturday, November 22, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. TACHS Code #: 012 Open House: Sunday, October 19, 2014 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Archbishop Molloy High School, a Catholic Marist school that offers a challenging academic program rooted in Gospel value, has been recognized by U.S. News & World Report® as an Outstanding American High School and was named an Exemplary Secondary School by the U.S. Department of Education. 100% of our graduates attend college. In the most recent graduating class, 389 students won almost $45 million in college scholarships. Admission is competitive and is based primarily on grades and standardized test scores earned in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades and the Test for Admission into Catholic High Schools (TACHS). The curriculum includes a full range of Regents-level courses and an extensive program of Advanced Placement courses which allow students to earn college credit while in high school. More than 80% of our students are involved in after-school activities, including interscholastic sports, service programs, publications, language clubs, band, chorus, drama, art club, science olympiad team, science research program and religious activities. Legend Brooklyn Schools The Molloy 2014 Scholarship Exam will be open to all qualified students. To be considered, students are to submit a copy of the 7th grade final report card and an application approved by the principal, 7th grade teacher, or guidance counselor. Qualified applicants should be well-rounded students in the top quarter of their class with a 7th grade minimum overall average of 93% in the core subjects: ELA (English, grammar and reading), math, science, and social studies. Eligible applicants will be emailed a Scholarship Exam admission letter within three weeks of applying. Each year we offer full and partial scholarships valued at over $1.2 million. Visit our website at Queens Schools 2. Bishop Kearney 13. St. Edmund Prep 1. Archbishop Molloy 10. Msgr. McClancy 3. Bishop Loughlin 16. St. Joseph 4. Cathedral Prep 12. St. Agnes 5. Cristo Rey 17. St. Saviour 6. Christ the King 14. St. Francis Prep 7. Fontbonne Hall 18. Xaverian 8. Holy Cross 15. St. John’s Prep 11. Nazareth Molloy’s well-maintained and fully equipped facilities include a state-of the art library, research center, computer lab, four science labs, chapel, theater and two gymnasiums. The six-acre campus includes an all-weather outdoor track and baseball field. Molloy has created a comprehensive program for integrating iPad® technology in the learning environment. Each classroom is outfitted with Smartboards and Apple T.V. 9. The Mary Louis Academy 7 Bishop Kearney High School 2202 60th Street • Brooklyn, NY 11204-2599 • (718) 236-6363 • Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School 357 Clermont Avenue • Brooklyn, NY 11238-1048 • (718) 857-2700, ext. 2246 • President: Dr. Margaret Minson President: Brother Dennis J. Cronin, F.S.C. Principal: Mrs. Elizabeth Guglielmo Principal: Mr. Edward A. Bolan Contact: Ms. Alexandra Feder, Director of Admissions, ext. 261, Contact: Mr. Edwin Gonzalez,, ext. 2246 Enrollment: 450 young women Enrollment: 750 young men and women Tuition ’14–’15: $9,200 Tuition ’14–’15: $8,400 Fees: New Admission Fee $300; $400 Activities/Materials Annual Fee (includes new books) Fees: $640 (includes $495 registration fee) Dress Code: Uniform Dress Code: Uniforms as specified Choices Considered: All Choices Considered: All, preference to first and second Scholarships: Full and partial based on TACHS, 6th, 7th and 8th grade marks; first and second choice applicants are considered Scholarships: Full, half, and partial based on TACHS results, records from 7th and 8th grades, and participation in the Loughlin Scholar Search Day TACHS Code #: 002 TACHS Code #: 003 Open House: Thursday, October 23, 2014 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. — presentation at 7:30 Open Houses: Sunday, October 26, 2014 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Sunday, October 26, 2014 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. — presentation at 2:30 Thursday, February 26, 2015 5:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Thursday, January 22, 2015 BK Information Night at 7:00 p.m. Bishop Kearney High School is a Catholic college preparatory school for young women, sponsored by the Sisters of St. Joseph. Our Mission emphasizes a quality education rooted in Gospel values, imbued with Catholic tradition. Kearney’s tradition of excellence that offers the resources for personal enrichment in intellectual, social, spiritual, cultural and athletic pursuits. We endeavor to educate a new generation of women leaders, capable of shaping the future with vision, charity, understanding and concern for all humanity, in a safe and moral environment. ACADEMICS • Seventy one percent of Bishop Kearney graduates earned academic scholarships valued at over 22 million dollars and were accepted into such schools as Harvard, Yale, Villanova, Cornell, Princeton, Columbia, Cooper Union, Barnard, Vassar and McAuley Honors programs within the CUNY system. 100% of Bishop Kearney’s graduates attended college. • Full range of Honors and Regents level courses offered • Middle States Accredited • Advanced Placement courses taught by highly qualified Kearney teachers, obtaining results above the National Standard in Calculus, English, American History, Psychology and Art • Support program offered to meet the ability level of all students • Medaille Program enables students with a documented IEP to succeed in the regular classroom. • Elective program offered in art, Catholic Studies, English, language, math, music and social studies EXTRACURICULAR ACTIVITIES We encourage our students to pursue individual talents and leadership talents and leadership skills through extracurricular, athletic and service activities. We are proud of our: • WBKS – Kearney’s own fully equipped television studio featuring a daily broadcast to each classroom produced and anchored by students. • Sports Teams: 2014 Brooklyn/Queens Diocesan DII Varsity and JV basketball team; Brooklyn/Queens Diocesan Cross Country and Outdoor track championship teams; Brooklyn/Queens Diocesan “B” Division Champs Swim team; golf, tennis, cheerleading, boosters, softball, soccer, and volleyball. Two of our varsity basketball players were also picked to be “all star” players for the CHSAA vs. PSAL, Best in the City Mayors Cup 2014. • Diverse offering of clubs and service activities, which include Bishop Kearney’s award winning forensic team, which every year advances to the State and National championships. SUMMER PROGRAMS • Summer school • Basketball and Volleyball camps The wisdom and achievements of a dedicated faculty and the youthful spirit of our student body integrate learning and vitality, so that each student realizes her full potential with respect, confidence, insight and courage to live an inspired life. • Five years of math achieved in 4 years by qualified students Visit us at • Six years of a language achieved in 4 years by qualified students Bishop Kearney High School—educating women who shape the future. • Travel Study Program to Europe—available for academic credit Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School is a Catholic, Lasallian, coeducational, college preparatory high school founded in 1851. Directed by the De La Salle Christian Brothers, it is located in Brooklyn’s historic Fort Greene/Clinton Hill and easily accessible by public transportation. De La Salle Christian Brothers, and a dedicated lay faculty staff the school. The school building includes a brand new, state of the art music studio and performing arts center, modern Biology, Physics and Chemistry labs, Library with automated circulation system and research computers, three Computer Labs, Internet access, school web-site, e-mail, Chapel, Guidance Offices, 36 classrooms and administrative offices, professional Dance Studio, and an 1,100 seat Auditorium. Our athletic facilities include a gymnasium, newly-renovated weight-training facility, handball courts, outdoor track, locker rooms for young men and women and outdoor space for softball, volleyball, flag and touch football. Bishop Loughlin’s academic program is a combination of required and elective courses designed to prepare students for college, develop their special talents, and help them reach full potential. A full spectrum of academic courses, including advanced placement and honors courses is offered. Over 97% of our students go on to college. Students must meet all New York State curricular standards and testing requirements in order to receive a diploma. In addition, Loughlin students must pass all courses in order to graduate. Bishop Loughlin’s House System of Student Governance is a unique program that automatically includes every student in the school, as soon as they enter Loughlin. The entire student body, along with the majority of the staff, is sectioned into 8 houses named after significant people in the history of the school and the Catholic Church. Throughout the entire year, these houses engage in friendly competition, often to benefit worthy charities. Many other purposeful fun-filled events are generated through the House System. Bishop Loughlin offers a full range of extra-curricular activities for young men and women in athletic and cultural areas. The Performing Arts Program counts some 300 members in three bands, choir, five dance groups and drama. Over 95% of the band members learned to play instruments at Bishop Loughlin. A financial aid program, based on proven economic need, is also available to the parents of our students. Respect, care for others, motivation to learn, religious faith and lively school spirit characterize Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School (TACHS Code # 003.) Visit our website at Contact us to arrange a private tour or visit. Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School — Educating Leaders Since 1851 • College credit can be earned through our Bridge Program in English, history, language, math and science in conjunction with St. Joseph’s College and St. John’s University. • Medical Science and Professions Program offers exploration of medical careers. 8 9 Christ the King High School Cathedral Preparatory School and Seminary 56-25 92nd Street • Elmhurst, NY 11373 • (718) 592-6800 • 68-02 Metropolitan Avenue • Middle Village, NY 11379 • (718) 366-7400 Ext. 240 • Rector-President: Reverend Joseph G. Fonti, STL Principal: Mr. Peter J. Mannarino President: Mr. Michael W. Michel Principal: Mr. Richie Diaz, M.A., M.S. Ed. Contact: Mr. Steven R. Giusto, assistant principal/admissions; Contact: Reverend Joseph G. Fonti, STL, Enrollment: 800 young men and women Enrollment: 160 young Catholic men Tuition ’14–’15: $7,975 (Book and Family Participation Program fees included) Tuition ’14–’15: $7,800 Fees: $420 Registration (non-refundable) Fees: $500 Registration Fee + $300 Graduation Fee Dress Code: Dress pants; white collared dress shirt; tie; dress jacket or school sweater; dress shoes Choices Considered: All,*students must be a baptized and confirmed Catholic to attend Cathedral Preparatory School and Seminary Dress Code: School uniform and school shoes Choices Considered: First and second only; 6th, 7th and 8th grade report cards and 2 letters of recommendation submitted by December 19, 2014 Scholarships: Full, half and partial scholarships based on TACHS scores, 6th, 7th and 8th grade report cards and interview TACHS Code #: 014 Open House: Sunday, October 5, 2014 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Presentations every 45 minutes beginning 10:00 a.m. Scholarships: Full, Half and Partial Scholarships based on academics, interviews, recommendations and community service TACHS Code: 013 Open House: Saturday, September 20, 2014 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Saturday, November 1, 2014 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Cathedral Preparatory School and Seminary is a Roman Catholic, college preparatory educational community under the auspices of the Diocese of Brooklyn. As a high school, Cathedral forms the mind in ways of academic excellence through a personalized, superior education where growth in maturity and grace are encouraged and fostered. Through a program of individualized instruction and support, students are challenged to achieve academic greatness. As a seminary, Cathedral affirms the uniqueness and dignity of an individual vocation, specifically providing an environment for a young man to discern a vocation to the diocesan priesthood, while forming all students to become strong and dedicated leaders in the Church and the world by the development of heroic virtue and belief. “For 100 years, Cathedral has stayed faithful to its mission: to form the mind in the ways of academic excellence and the heart and soul in the ways of heroic virtue and belief.” – Bishop Nicholas Di Marzio, D.D., PH.D., Bishop of Brooklyn FORMING MEN FOR GREATNESS IN THE WAYS OF... STRONG CATHOLIC IDENTITY • Our priority is forming men to know and love Jesus. • Daily Mass and weekly Eucharistic Benediction are at the core of the school’s schedule. • Our students are taught about all vocations, including priesthood and marriage — all are formed to be Christian leaders. PERSONALIZED EDUCATION • Cathedral Prep is a small high school offering a highly personalized, one-on-one education. • A selective admission process yields approximately 40-50 new students per year. 10 • Greatness is expected from every student. • Course offerings include a full battery of Advanced Placement classes including World History, US History, and English Literature. • Through a partnership with St. John’s University, students have the opportunity to graduate with up to 21 college credits. • One third of students receive scholarships and tuition assistance. EXTRACURRICULAR & INTERSCHOLASTIC OPPORTUNITIES • Through physical activity and healthy competition, students grow stronger in mind and body while developing the qualities of leadership and sportsmanship. Christ the King High School is a private, co-educational Catholic High School with a 4-year college preparatory curriculum. The school is accredited by The Board of Regents of New York State and the Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. • Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced Performing Arts Program Our mission is to create an atmosphere in which all members of the faculty, staff and student body can attain a high level of achievement based upon recognition of their unique abilities and their relationship with God. Our student body is challenged to grow academically, spiritually, socially and physically to meet the demands of a changing world. Through the collaborative efforts of the Christ the King Community, we empower our students to become independent thinkers and moral leaders. Academic Offerings: • Our interscholastic program includes: Baseball, Basketball, Bowling, Cross Country, Forensics (Speech and Debate), and Soccer. Faith Formation: FRIENDSHIPS FOR LIFE • One of Cathedral’s greatest strengths is a spirit of unrivaled fraternity and acceptance among the students. • Campus Minister • Every student belongs to a fraternity led by a faculty mentor who provides the foundation for student support, competition, and brotherhood. • Liturgies and Penance Services SUCCESSFUL ALUMNI • Cathedral Prep has a 100% graduation and college acceptance rate with students going on to enroll at West Point, Harvard, University of Pennsylvania, NYU, St. John’s University, and dozens of other top notch universities. • Every academic year, our small graduating classes consistently earn at least 1.5 million dollars in scholarship offers. • Our teachers create an intimate learning atmosphere in which they adapt to the various learning styles of students. • Alumni have a strong presence at Cathedral; the entire administration and about one third of the faculty are graduates. We have a century of tradition that is being passed on from teacher to student! ACADEMIC RIGOR • At Cathedral Prep, exceptional students are challenged to meet their full potentials. “Cathedral Preparatory School and Seminary... A century of forming men for greatness.” • Four year Religious Studies Program • Chaplain • Community Service Program Special Features: • Counseling Center — Counselors ensure that all varsity athletes meet the requirements of the NCAA clearing house in order to play college sports; PLAN (practice ACT), PSAT and Student/Parent College Interviews, College Application Processing; PDHP (Program for the Development of the Human Potential) counselor • State of the Art Fitness Center • Hugh P. Kirwan Performing Arts Center • WCTK TV — Broadcasting Studio • 4 State of the Art Computer Labs • HomeLogic™ — a web-based parent information system for Report Cards, Progress Reports, Attendance • State of the Art Dance Studio • Smartboards in very classroom • Brand new Computers — Windows 7 with Office 2010 • Honors Program • Visual and Performing Arts Program including Band, Ceramics, Chorus, Dance, Drawing & Painting, Theater Arts • Advanced Placement Courses in Biology, Calculus, English, European History, Government and Politics, U.S. History and World History • Affiliation with St. John’s University High School Extension Program – Students can earn up to 16 transferable college credits from St. John’s • Advanced Research — Affiliation with St. Joseph’s College — Students can earn up to 6 transferable credits from St. Joseph’s based on their scientific research. • Three Foreign Languages: American Sign Language, Italian and Spanish • Microsoft/IT Academy Program • Students can obtain professional Microsoft Certifications while working in both hardware and software environments Extra-curricular Activities: • Nationally renowned sports program including Baseball, Basketball, Bowling, Cheerleading, Football, Golf, Handball, Soccer, Softball, Step, Swimming, Tennis, Track, Volleyball • Over 20 clubs and activities including Art (Ceramics), Book, Broadcasting, Chess, Drum Corps, Journalism, Marching Band, Math, National Honor Society (NHS), Newspaper, Prevention Leadership, Robotics, Rosary, Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD), Speech and Debate, Theatre Arts, Video-Yearbook, Yearbook 11 Fontbonne Hall Academy 9901 Shore Road • Brooklyn, NY 11209 • (718) 748-2244 • Holy Cross High School 26-20 Francis Lewis Blvd. • Flushing, NY 11358 • (718) 886-7250, ext. 525 • President: Father Walter E. Jenkins, C.S.C., Ed.D. Principal: Ms. Mary Ann Spicijaric Director of Admissions: Veronica Prager, Vice President: Mr. Joseph Giannuzzi Enrollment: 485 young women Principal: Mr. Edward Burns Tuition ’14-’15: $8,900 Contact: Mr. Joseph Giannuzzi, Director of Admissions Fees: One-time $300 registration; athletic fee for participants Enrollment: 900 young men Dress Code: Uniform Tuition ’14–’15: $8,700 Choices Considered: 1st preferred, all choices considered Fees: $375 registration fee Scholarships: Based on TACHS exam scores, academic records and standardized test scores Dress Code: Uniform dress pants, uniform dress shoes, a white dress shirt and a tie. Uniform golf shirt replaces shirt and tie in warm weather months. TACHS code #: 005 Choices Considered: Holy Cross considers students from all three choices Open House: Saturday, October 25, 2014 12:30-3:30 p.m. but gives strong preference to first choice applicants. Scholarships: Holy Cross awards full and partial scholarships based on the following criteria: outstanding performance on the TACHS; excellent 7th and 8th grade report cards; and two letters of recommendation. TACHS Code #: 015 Open House: Sunday, October 19, 2014 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Fontbonne Hall Academy is a college preparatory school for young women inspired by the philosophy and charism of the Sisters of Saint Joseph. Fontbonne offers a superior educational program to form and empower young women with confidence and compassion. Academic: • A variety of activities that include academic, literary, outreach. leadership and cultural experiences Special Features: • Beautiful campus like setting • Mother Saint John Fontbonne Scholars Program • Faculty advisory groups with an average of 20 students that support academic and personal growth during all four years • Honors, AP and/ or college level courses in every discipline including AP World History for incoming 9th grade • A comprehensive 1:1 four year guidance program utilizing the NAVIANCE college information program • Specialized academic programs, including Science Research • 1:1 Chromebook program utilizing Google Apps for Education • Collaborative Programs with St. Francis College and NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering • Small class size averaging 18:1 • A wide variety of electives. Visit our curriculum page at www. for a complete view of our offerings. Faith Formation: • Active campus ministry • A four- year retreat program • A four- year service program for each student Extra-Curricular: • Fontbonne has a successful varsity and junior varsity basketball, volleyball, soccer, softball, swimming, track, tennis, golf and cheerleading programs. • Clubs which include, drama, student publications, Broadway Bonnies, Culture Club and Respect club • National Honor Society • Student Activities Council 12 • Speech and Debate Team • Private bus service available for an additional fee from Queens and Rockaway Fontbonne Hall Academy’s competitive academic program results in 100% of students being accepted to college. College acceptances include Cornell University, Boston College, Penn State, New York University, Catholic University of America and other high-ranking schools. Acceptance into 9th grade is based on the Test for Admission into Catholic High Schools (TACHS), 6th, 7th and 8th grade applicant records from feeder school and standardized test scores. Academic scholarships and numerous scholar incentive awards are offered to incoming 9th graders based on performance on the TACHS exam and applicant records. For additional information, please contact our admissions office at 718-748-6109, or visit our website Holy Cross High School, the first Catholic high school for boys in Queens, is committed to providing academic programs that meet student needs within the context of an atmosphere rooted in Gospel values. A multi-talented professional staff, dedicated to contributing to a personalized experience, focuses on the academic, physical, emotional and spiritual well being of each student in a safe and secure environment. Sponsored by the Congregation of Holy Cross (founders of Notre Dame University), Holy Cross High School offers a full college-preparatory curriculum including a challenging Honors Program. Supplemental classes in math and language arts are also available to freshmen in need of classroom support. The school’s nationally recognized Service Learning Program encourages students to develop skills of leadership, responsibility and compassion through service to the community. The Religious Education Program supplements classroom instruction by providing school and class liturgies, retreat programs, as well as opportunities for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. A Holy Cross education does not end when the school day ends. A wide offering of co-curricular activities and clubs are available for student involvement and enrichment. SPECIAL PROGRAMS Father Moreau Honors Program: Provides academically gifted students with a challenging course of study designed to maximize their academic potential. Saint Brother Andre Enrichment Program: Designed to help select students with the transition from grade school into high school. Additional course work in Math and English supplement the New York State Regents curriculum. Science Research Program: In conjunction with the State University of New York, this rigorous program is designed for students interested in advanced study in the sciences. Sophomore Honors Seminar: An interdisciplinary program offered to academically gifted sophomores in addition to their regular course of study. This seminar offers students a unique opportunity to explore topics to a degree not possible in a regular classroom setting. Advanced Placement Courses: Biology, Calculus, English, European History, French, Government and Politics, Physics, Spanish, Studio Art, and US History, and World History Courses for College Credit: Biology, Calculus, English, European History, Italian, French, Spanish, Studio Art, and US History. Television Studio: Holy Cross Television is an interactive program which exposes students to all aspects of TV production. Our TV studio and post-production facilities are available to all Holy Cross students as an elective course and/or as a co-curricular activity. Athletics: Baseball, basketball, bowling, cross country, football, golf, ice hockey, soccer, tennis, track (indoor and outdoor), and volleyball. Students applying to Holy Cross must submit their final 7th and first 8th grade report cards (or Diocesan 9th grade applicant form) by December 12th. Please visit our website at Email: 13 Msgr. McClancy Memorial High School 71-06 31st Avenue • East Elmhurst, New York 11370 • (718) 898-3800, ext. 11 • Nazareth Regional High School 475 East 57th St. (Avenue D) • Brooklyn, NY 11203 • (718) 763-1100 • President: Brother Joseph Rocco, sc, Ed.D Principal: Mrs. Providencia Quiles Principal: Mr. James V. Castrataro Contact: Mrs. Monique Fisher, Admissions/Dean of Students, ext. 224, Contact: Mr. Nicholas Melito, Director of Admissions Enrollment: 280 young men and women Enrollment: 650 young men and women Tuition ’14–’15: $7,750 Tuition ’14–’15: $8,700 Fees: $560 Fees: One-time $350 registration Dress Code: Uniform Dress Code: School uniform Choices Considered: All Choices Considered: First preferred, second and third considered Scholarships: Full, half and partial scholarships based on TACHS scores, 7th and 8th grade report cards (first choice only) TACHS Code #: 017 Scholarships: Full, half, and partial scholarships awarded based on TACHS results, Naz Cares Scholarship and financial aid grants. Preference is given to first and second choice applicants. TACHS Code #: 006 Open Houses: Thursday, October 16, 2014 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Open House: Saturday, October 11, 2014 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Msgr. McClancy Memorial High School, guided by the educational tradition of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart, provides a quality education for young men and women from diverse academic, social, cultural, economic and religious backgrounds, fully interweaving gospel values and Catholic teachings with the core curriculum. Our school offers students a disciplined and nurturing environment for their personal and professional development by promoting responsibility, respecting individual potential and encouraging their growth in scholarship, leadership and outreach. It is a school community in which each student is known, valued, treasured and taught in partnership with the family to meet the challenges of life in our rapidly changing world. ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE • College Preparatory Program • College Credit Program (up to 36 credits) • AP Program • Honors Program • Latest Technology 16 Wednesday, November 5, 2014 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. • Computer centers • Music Program • Average class size: 25 students per class • 100% of graduates to higher education • Over $7.5 million in College Scholarship and Grants last year. Nazareth Regional High School is a Catholic, co-ed, college preparatory high school sponsored by the Xaverian Brothers. Nazareth is nationally recognized for its outstanding and innovative programs that are created to meet the needs of students of all abilities. Our dedicated faculty provides outstanding educational opportunities in a warm and supportive environment. SOLID RELIGIOUS FORMATION AND VALUES Nazareth has a 98% graduation rate and 96% of our graduates go on to college. Our Pre-Med and Pre-Law programs provide students with real life experiences in medicine and law through exciting courses, internships with SUNY Downstate, and law and government academics. Art and design classes, as well as drama and acting courses are available to all interested students. An honors program and Advanced Placement courses provide challenging and demanding coursework for students who qualify. Students can earn up to one year of College credits in our College Advantage program by the time they graduate through our affliation with St. John’s University. • Four year Religion Program • Full time Campus Ministry • Regular celebration of Liturgy • Service Programs and Retreat Programs EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES • 16 Interscholastic sports comprising 38 Teams • 35 Clubs and Activities • National Honor Society • Student Council “The school that makes a difference” Conducted by the Brothers of the Sacred Heart Academic support is available throughout the year through after school tutoring, mentoring programs, regents preparation and our student staffed Writing Center, which is a conduit for student empowerment and collaborative learning based on the university model. Guidance, personal, and group counseling are part of each student’s program. 24 hour access to school information, grades, and school work is available at no cost to families. A full range of extra-curricular activities, clubs, and sports teams provide opportunities for our students to develop skills, friendships, and have fun. Our teams include basketball, baseball, softball, volleyball, track, football, step and cheerleading. Activities include chorus, drama, Caribbean Student Association, Junior Statesmen of America, Speech Team, dance, service clubs, trips and special events and many others. High expectations, a safe and nurturing environment, and a spirit of Christian fellowship are all part of the Nazareth experience. Nazareth makes a sincere effort to assist students with our scholarship and grant programs – in making a Catholic high school education truly affordable. Nazareth Regional High School — Where Bright Futures Begin! 17 St. Edmund Preparatory High School St. Agnes Academic High School 13-20 124th Street • College Point, NY 11356 • phone (718) 353-6276 • fax (718) 353-6068 • 2474 Ocean Avenue • Brooklyn, NY 11229 • (718) 743-6100 • Principal: Mrs. Susan Nicoletti Principal: Mr. John P. Lorenzetti Contact: Ms. Kim Daly, Assistant Principal Contact: Deacon Ronald Rizzuto, Director of Admissions Enrollment: 350 young women Enrollment: 750 young men and women Tuition ’14–’15: $8,350 (all books and fees included) Tuition ’14–’15: $8,975 Fees: $400, one-time registration fee Fees: No additional fees Dress Code: Uniform Dress Code: Uniform Choices Considered: All, prefer first and second Choices Considered: First and second with some consideration for top third choice Scholarships: St. Agnes Scholarship Exam on Thursday, November 6, 2014 – 4:00 p.m. Scholarships: Academic scholarships are based on the results of a separate exam given at St. Edmund Prep and an interview. Applications for the test will be online by early September. TACHS Code #: 018 TACHS Code #: 008 Open Houses: Saturday, October 18, 2014 10:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Open Houses: Saturday, October 18, 2014 – Tours 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Thursday, January 22, 2015 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, October 28, 2014 – Tour at 7:00 p.m. St. Agnes is a culturally diverse, college preparatory high school for young women founded in 1908 by the Sisters of St. Dominic that develops a strong foundation for lifelong learning. Building upon each student’s faith and challenging her full academic potential, our mission is to graduate women who are open to growth, intellectually competent, socially aware, morally discerning and committed to being women of integrity and truth. SPIRITUAL The Religious Studies program at St. Agnes instills an understanding of being Catholic/Christian and fosters the student’s personal relationship with God and one another. • 4 year religious studies program focusing on all aspects of social justice • Outstanding Christian Service program • Retreat program at each grade level • School wide liturgies throughout the year ACADEMIC • Three state of the art science labs • Programs of study are carefully structured to meet girl’s individual scholastic needs. • Students work with full time Guidance Counselors for academic support, college information and preparation and personal assistance • On-site college admission interviews • Advanced placement courses • College credit offered through St. John’s University • Science Research Program for advanced science studies in affiliation with the State University at Albany 18 • Honors classes available in all subject areas • SAT Prep integrated into the curriculum for all students • Physical Education Program includes the opportunity for students to enjoy classes in our state of the art dance studio • Hands on access to the latest technology including SMART boards, laptops and online databases • Ed-line program allowing parents access to student grades throughout the school year • Excellent fine arts program • State of the art science labs • National Honor Society and Departmental Honor Societies • Recognition of students through the St. John’s Women in Math and Science program • 100% College Acceptance Rate • Average class size of 24 SPORTS & EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Our sports program is open to all and because of our small size; “chances of making the team” are good! With over 30 clubs & activities at St. Agnes, there is something for everyone! St. Agnes is affiliated with New York Hospital of Queens for student internships. St. Edmund Preparatory High School is a Roman Catholic college preparatory school for young men and women. Our mission is to instill the Gospel values in our students so as to empower them to become confident, self-disciplined, active participants in society. We educate according to the needs of each student and challenge each of them to achieve academic excellence through practical learning experiences. ACADEMICS • We are an International Baccalaureate World School offering an International Diploma. • AP classes offered in all departments • College classes offered via affiliation with St. John’s University • International World Scholars Honors Program offered to qualified freshman • Class of 2013 offered more than $15 million in college scholarships with 99% of graduates attending college. • An addition to the main building houses a library and media center, a band room, an art studio, a weight training room, a dance studio and the Eagles Nest (school t-shirts, pj bottoms, etc.) • Three state-of-the-art science labs • Travel Study Program (Past experiences in Ireland, Spain, France, Italy and Greece) • Exchange Programs with schools in England, Australia and China SPIRITUAL • Full-time Campus Minister • Part-time Chaplain • The Emmaus Retreat Program offers the opportunity for spiritual renewal for our Juniors and Seniors. • Frequent community liturgies and prayer services • Opportunities to receive the sacraments throughout the year • Christian Service program EXTRACURRICULAR AND ATHLETIC • More than 30 clubs and activities • A rich and varied sports program for both boys and girls; 24 teams in 15 sports • Award-winning student publications including a newspaper, yearbook and literary magazine • More than 2/3 of the student body participates in at least one extracurricular activity Every day is “buddy day” at St. Agnes! Please feel free to call the school at any time – to arrange an individual visit or to get more information about St. Agnes. Find Yourself…Be Yourself… Become a St. Agnes Student! 19 St. Francis Preparatory School 6100 Francis Lewis Blvd. • Fresh Meadows, NY 11365-2840 • (718) 423-8810 • St. John’s Preparatory School 21-21 Crescent Street • Astoria, NY 11105 • (718) 721-7200 • President: Brother Leonard Conway, O.S.F. Principal: Mr. William A. Higgins Principal: Mr. Patrick McLaughlin Contact: Ms. Veronica Loehle Contacts: Ms. Lisa Schaefer-Heuer, Director of Admissions; Enrollment: 750 young men and women Mr. Abelardo Leston, Assistant Director of Admissions Tuition ’14–’15: $8,550 Enrollment: 2,700 young men and women Fees: $350 registration fee Tuition ’14–’15: $8,000 Dress Code: Uniform Fees: One-time registration fee of $350; one-time assurance fee: $500; Payment Plans and Financial Assistance are available Choices Considered: All, first and second given preference Scholarships: Full and partial based on Competitive Scholarship Exam – November 15, 2014 Dress Code: Uniform Choices Considered: 1st preferred; 2nd and 3rd considered Scholarships: Prep must be 1st choice TACHS Code #: 020 Open House: Saturday, October 18, 2014 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. TACHS Code #: 019 Open House: Saturday, October 18, 2014 12:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. St. Francis Prep is a Catholic, college preparatory school in the Franciscan tradition. We value the unique contribution each person makes to the school community. Our curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular programs enable our students to develop and nurture their spiritual, intellectual, physical, and social gifts: The Four Golden Links. Together we create an environment filled with academic success, respect, integrity, and joy. SPIRITUAL • The spirit of Franciscanism manifests peace, love, and respect for the individual, the community, and the environment as proclaimed by Jesus in the Gospels. • Our 12 Religion courses meet the psychological, cognitive, moral, and spiritual needs of students. • Our Campus Ministry team includes the Brooklyn-Queens Diocese’s only full-time high school chaplain, three dedicated lay people, and a Franciscan Mission Coordinator. • We offer a comprehensive retreat program and dozens of opportunities to participate in community service, including soup kitchens, Midnight Runs, and programs for children with special needs and underprivileged children. 20 INTELLECTUAL • Our curriculum is a strong, innovative, college preparatory core curriculum balanced with the opportunity to pursue the student’s areas of interest and talent on a sophisticated level. • The passing grade is 75%, creating a healthy incentive for students to work hard and always do their best. • We offer 16 Advanced Placement courses and over 30 courses through our college credit program. • Our extensive elective program includes every subject, including Art, Business, Computer Science, and Music. • In September 2014, we begin our one-to-one iPad Program. All 9thgraders will receive an iPad; iPads will be integrated into classroom instruction. • We do not track students. We have honors classes in all major subjects. Students enroll in honors and A.P. courses based on qualification and interest. • Class of 2014 was awarded over $98 million in college scholarships with 99.6% of graduates attending college. • Parents and students use Power School, a web-based information system for communication, including report cards, progress reports, assignments, and attendance. PHYSICAL • Our new Fitness Training Center is one of the largest in New York State and has the latest fitness technology. • We have an extensive interscholastic program with more than 180 city championships. • Our 20 varied Physical Education courses help our students lead a balanced, healthful life. • Our curriculum guides students to respect and care for themselves, others, and the planet as gifts of the Creator. SOCIAL • Ten full-time guidance counselors provide academic, career, college, and personal counseling. • Through curriculum, clubs, and service, students recognize themselves as members of and contributors to the world community. • There are more than 80 after-school clubs and activities, including 15 ethnic and culture clubs. Through our well-balanced and integrated program, students prepare well for college and life beyond college. Our students have been recognized for their excellence and achievements in all academic areas. U.S. News and World Report® recognized St. Francis Prep as an “Outstanding American High School.” “That they may have life more abundantly” is the motto of St. John’s Preparatory School. The motto comes from the Gospel of John and refers to the reason Christ came into the world - so that people could live life to the fullest. It is this goal of helping young men and women develop their full potential that St. John’s Prep is dedicated. UNIQUE BACCALAUREATE PROGRAM St. John’s Prep has a unique academic affiliation with St. John’s University. The Baccalaureate Program is a special program that allows qualified students at the Prep to complete their senior year of high school at the University. For eligible students this is a great saving of time and money. The School was founded by the Vincentian Fathers in Brooklyn in 1870. It is currently located in the residential community of Astoria, Queens. The school building features large and well equipped science laboratories, state-of-the-art computer labs, wireless capability, smart boards, a well stocked library, a band room, art room, a magnificent auditorium, beautiful chapel, spacious guidance center, a large gymnasium, a fully-equipped weight room, an outdoor track, and its own retreat center. SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT The spiritual needs of the Prep’s students are fostered by teaching the values, concepts, and practices of the Catholic faith. The values, concepts and practices are conveyed not just through religion classes but through an extensive retreat program and Christian service opportunities. ACADEMIC DEVELOPMENT St. John’s Prep seeks to fulfill its Mission by providing a vigorous academic education that prepares students for the challenges they will meet in the 21st Century. Advanced Placement courses are offered in all subject areas. Students in the Honor Program take supplementary courses in Latin and Art History. To ensure all students at the Prep are successful, courses are offered on different levels of difficulty; placement in the appropriate level is done on a subject by subject basis. SOCIAL AND PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT The Prep develops the social, cultural, emotional and physical development through extensive extracurricular and co-curricular offerings. Athletic teams are fielded in baseball, basketball, soccer, softball, tennis, track and volleyball, and weight lifting. Performance groups consist of modern dance, African dance, Spanish dance, jazz-rock band, drama, gospel choir, and mixed chorus. The diverse cultural background of the students is celebrated through culture clubs, festivals and opportunities to travel abroad. *For further information contact the Admissions Office at 718-721-7200, ext. 699 or visit our website at ADMISSIONS CRITERIA • T.A.C.H.S. Admissions exam • Students must submit their 9th year application (6th, 7th, and 8th grade marks) by mid-December. • Students are evaluated through TACHS scores, school grades, state exams, and attendance and conduct records. • Get a first-hand look at St. Francis Prep. Schedule a “Buddy Day” to experience what it is like to be a member of the Prep family. Apply via our website to shadow a 9th-grade student. For further information, contact our Office of Admissions or visit our website. Where STRENGTH, FAITH, AND POSSIBILITIES are inspired daily. 21 St. Saviour High School St. Joseph High School 588 Sixth Street • Brooklyn, NY 11215 • (718) 768-4406 • 80 Willoughby Street • Brooklyn, NY 11201-5265 • (718) 624-3618 • Principal: Sister Joan Gallagher, C.S.J. Principal: Sister Valeria Belanger, S.S.N.D. Admissions: Sister Rosemarie Baglivio, CSJ, Contact: Mrs. Margaret Bernstein, A.P., ext. 11 or Enrollment: 300 young women Enrollment: 225 young women Tuition ’14–’15: $5,900 Tuition ’14–’15: $9,500 Fees: $300 registration and technology fee Fees: $300 one-time registration Dress Code: Uniform Dress Code: Uniform Choices Considered: All Choices Considered: All Scholarships: Based on TACHS, academic average and personal performance Scholarships: Full and partial scholarships awarded to first and second choice applicants based on TACHS scores & academic performance TACHS Code #: 009 TACHS Code #: 010 Open House: Thursday, October 30, 2014 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Open Houses: Thursday, October 9, 2014 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Thursday, January 22, 2015 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Sunday, October 26, 2014 12:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. or call 718.624.3618 to schedule a school visit Established in 1904, St. Joseph High School is a sponsored ministry of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Brentwood, NY. In keeping with the Gospel values and the Charism of the Sisters of St. Joseph, the faculty and staff in partnership with the students and parents/ guardians strive to create and nurture a love of learning in a Christian community. An education at SJHS encourages students to question, to challenge, to recognize and develop her gifts so that she is able to make a profound impact on the world. • Fine Arts Program • Smack Mellon Art Internships • SAT Prep Program • STEP (Science Technology Entry Program) at Baruch, NYU and Pratt • Clubs and Activities: CSJ Leaders, Student Council, Speech Team, Choir, Culture Club, City Explorers Club, Dance, Drama, Glamour Gals, Newspaper, JV Basketball & Softball, STEP Team, and more! Since 1917, Saint Saviour has embraced the vision of its founders, the School Sisters of Notre Dame: the pursuit of academic excellence and service within an inclusive, diverse community. Success Academic • 65% of the senior class are enrolled in college-level courses • Individualized honors program • Recent college acceptances include: Barnard, Carnegie Mellon, Columbia, Cooper Union, Cornell, Dartmouth, Georgetown, Harvard, Macaulay Honors, NYU, U. Penn, U. St. Andrews (Scotland) • Average class size – 16 • Multiple Advanced Placement courses offered in each discipline • 100% of graduates attend college. 75% of the graduates from Class of 2013 earned merit scholarships • Concurrent enrollment in college courses through St. John’s University Social • Arthur Ashe Institute • Minimum 5-year foreign language study: Latin, French, Spanish; college-credit available in each language • Wide range of clubs and activities • Offer a strong educational program that provides for diverse learners and their individual achievement SUMMER OPPORTUNITIES: • Summer Readiness Program for incoming Grade 9 class • Fine arts program with advanced study options in music and studio art • Motivate students to be responsible for their actions, rise above peer pressure and be true to themselves • National Youth Leadership Forum AT SJHS WE COOPERATE TO: • Create a climate characterized by high expectations • Foster academic excellence, recognition and mutual respect RESULT: Over 95% of St. Joseph High School students go to college upon graduation. Many students receive scholarships and attend fine colleges and universities including: Barnard, Brown, Carnegie Mellon, Fordham, Hofstra, Howard, Notre Dame, Johnson & Wales, Marymount Manhattan, Mount St. Vincent, Pace, Penn State, Polytechnic Institute of NYU, St. Francis, St. John’s, St. Joseph’s, Seton Hall, Syracuse and Vassar. AT SJHS WE OFFER: • Retreat Program that is central to our mission • Student Internship Program • Junior Stateswomen Summer School SCHOLARSHIP, TUITION INCENTIVES AND FINANCIAL GRANT IN AID: • Scholarships are based on TACHS, academic average and personal performance • High Speed Wifi access with BYOD program, Google Apps for Ed, Windows and MAC based Computer lab, Programming, Robotics,… • Two qualified counselors provide students through their four years of academic, personal, and college guidance. Spiritual • Active Campus Ministry • Honor Roll status is rewarded by tuition reduction • 4-year religious studies and retreat program • Renting of building space provides tuition subsidy for ALL families • Community service supported and encouraged St. Joseph High School... nuturing dreams, creating futures since 1904! • Competitive Varsity and JV sports program • Faculty chaperoned international travel Admissions Criteria • TACHS Exam • Submit student’s applicant record by mid-December Saint Saviour— where Liberal Arts, Science, Technology and Fine Arts come together, where we educate the mind, the heart, and the spirit of young women, where you will find your voice, your confidence, your future. Call 718-768-4406 ext. 10 to experience a Buddy Day or to arrange a visit. • State-of-the-art science and computer labs 22 23 Xaverian High School The Mary Louis Academy 176-21 Wexford Terrace • Jamaica Estates, NY 11432-2926 • (718) 297-2120 • 7100 Shore Road • Brooklyn, NY 11209 • (718) 836-7100 • President: Mr. Robert Alesi Principal: Sister Kathleen McKinney, C.S.J. Contact: Sister Filippa Luciano, C.S.J., Assistant Principal Principal: Dcn. Kevin McCormack Enrollment: 850 young women Enrollment: 900 young men Tuition ’14–’15: $8,200 Tuition: $12,670 Fees: $450 registration and technology; $450 annual fee (includes books) Fees: $200 registration Dress Code: Uniforms Dress Code: Modified school uniform Choices Considered: First choice given preference, all choices considered Scholarships: Must take scholarship exam and complete the application for admission Scholarships: Full and Partial Scholarships: Application due by Monday, November 3, 2014 Examination, Wednesday, November 19, 2014, 3:30 p.m. CSJ Scholar Incentive Awards (service) based on TACHS, first or second choice with application due December 15, 2014; applications available at Choices Considered: All, prefer 1st and 2nd TACH Code #: 011 Open House: Sunday, October 19, 2014 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. TACHS Code: # 016 Open House: Sunday, October 19, 2014 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Sponsored by the Sisters of St. Joseph, TMLA is a college preparatory high school dedicated to preparing young women as future leaders for our world. We embrace our unique position as a single gender school to help our students appreciate their womanhood and to develop their gifts in an atmosphere which fosters excellence, confidence and respect. SPIRITUAL • Religious Studies curriculum with 4 Year Formation Program • Liturgy and prayer services in school chapel • Campus Minister and Priest Chaplain • Service oriented Homerooms channel dedication of students to the needs of others ACADEMIC • A challenging curriculum tailored to individual strengths and interests • 100% College acceptance rate, including top tier schools such as MIT, Johns Hopkins, Yale, Barnard, Columbia, Georgetown, Brown, Villanova, Fordham, Rensselaer, and Boston College • Advanced Placement courses in every academic discipline starting in 9th grade • College Advantage Program with St. John’s University allows students to earn college credit in a wide variety of courses • Individualized Honors Program on all grade levels in all course areas • Student-Teacher ratio 13:1 • Average class size 25 24 • Full-time College Counselor, SAT Prep course at nominal fee, program of Ivy and elite college visits • Support and direction of the same Guidance Counselor for 4 years • Robotics and Forensic Science Program • Fine Arts Program with major concentration in Art and Music • Multi-award winning program in French, Italian, Latin and Spanish. School sponsored, faculty chaperoned international and domestic trips • Technology includes SmartBoards, computers, Ipads, Nooks, and BYOT (Bring Your Own Technology), 40 online research databases that can be accessed in school and at home EXTRA CURRICULAR • The largest girls’ athletic program in NYC with championship winning teams and intramurals; Cheerleading and Dance teams • Over 50 clubs and extracurricular activities and events Founded in 1957, Xaverian is a Xaverian Brothers Sponsored School which fosters an environment of Christian values and promotes the development of intellectual curiosity and service to others. Xaverian offers a strong liberal arts core program, complemented by the opportunity to enter a Pre-Professional Pathway of study. There is a wide array of Advanced Placement and college credit courses through St. John’s University and Syracuse University. Xaverian students are also exposed to real world application of knowledge through an Internship Program. Xaverian prepares students for success in the global economy by offering the highly acclaimed STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) curriculum through a partnership with Project Lead the Way. Our unique educational approach is bolstered by the use of the iPad, an invaluable tool which is issued to each student for his 4-year tenure at Xaverian. With countless extra-curricular opportunities and the award-winning MAX (Music at Xaverian) Program, Xaverian students are given all the resources they need to develop impressive resumes for their collegiate pursuits. Xaverian’s Class of 2014 earned $23,279,608 in college scholarships. Our graduates consistently earn acceptance to top colleges and universities including: Princeton University, Duke University, University of Pennsylvania, CUNY-Macaulay Honors College, Boston College, Johns Hopkins University, New York University, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, University of Notre Dame, Lehigh University, College of the Holy Cross, the United States Naval Academy, the United States Military Academy, and the United States Coast Guard Academy. Students applying to Xaverian have the opportunity to apply for academic scholarships, music scholarships, memorial scholarships and grants for sons of NYPD/FDNY, financial aid, and a Catholic educator’s grant. Xaverian is easily accessible by train (N,R) and bus (B4, B9, B64, S53, S79). Private bus service is available for students traveling from Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, and parts of Brooklyn. • Performing Arts Program offers membership in Glee Club and Orchestra as well as academic courses in Theatre Arts DISCOVER FOR YOURSELF Arrange a visit—call for an appointment for a ”buddy day”— during the months of September and October when you will shadow a student, go to her classes, meet our talented faculty and friendly students in a welcoming atmosphere. Please call 718-2972120 ext. 154 or email to arrange a visit. Visit us via our website Discover the TMLA Difference 25 Cristo Rey Brooklyn High School 710 East 37th Street Brooklyn, NY 11203 Tel (718) 455-3555 President: Mr. William P. Henson Why Choose a Catholic School? Contact: Admissions Office, Enrollment: 240 young men and women Tuition ’14–’15 $2,000 Fees: $150 Registration (which is applied to the total tuition) Dress Code: Business/Professional Attire Scholarships: ALL students earn approximately half of the cost of their education through a unique work study program; additional aid based on financial need MISSION Cristo Rey Brooklyn is a Catholic high school that educates young people of limited economic means to become men and women of faith, purpose and service. By offering a rigorous curriculum, a unique work study experience and the support of an inclusive school community, we prepare our students to succeed in college and beyond with the values essential to a fulfilling life. Cristo Rey Brooklyn is one of 26 college prep high schools in the nationally recognized Cristo Rey Network. Corporate Work Study Program: The work study program enables students to earn 50% or more of the cost of their education by working at leading corporations and non-profit organizations. Students are employed one day per week in entry-level positions and acquire important —job-related skills, gain exposure to potential career options, develop a strong work ethic and build self-confidence. College Preparatory Program Our rigorous college prep curriculum is designed with the expectation that all students will enroll, and succeed, in college. • Comprehensive College Guidance: • individualized support • college tours & workshops • scholarship & financial aid assistance • summer enrichment & immersion programs • College & University Partners, national and local, including St. Francis College, St. John’s University & New York University • ACT Prep • Summer Training Institute for new students • Academic enrichment • Computer & office skills • Business etiquette training • Average class size: 24 Corporate Work Study Program: The work study program enables students to earn 50% or more of the cost of their education by working at leading corporations and non-profit organizations. Students are employed one day per week in entry-level positions and acquire important —job-related skills, gain exposure to potential career options, develop a strong work ethic and build self-confidence. Admissions Requirements • Students must be 14 years old by September 1, 2014 • The student’s family must have a low to modest income • The TACHS exam is not required for admission • Admissions applications are available at or by calling (718) 455-3555 Applications are reviewed for eligibility. Students who qualify are invited to interview. As parents, you want the best for your children. It is because you wish them success in all of life’s challenges that Catholic schools are the right choice. Catholic schools provide an educational program based on religious beliefs and values, enabling your children to grow in their understanding of themselves, their relationship with God and their relationship with others. Catholic schools promote the education of young people to their full potential; their teachers respect and encourage real learning experiences. Your children acquire knowledge and develop the skills necessary for success in higher educational pursuits and a wide range of careers. and to experience the sense of accomplishment stemming from individual achievement and responsibility. Take this opportunity to learn about Catholic Schools in Brooklyn and Queens. Whichever school you choose, you can be assured that your child will receive a strong academic education in an environment structured to have a lasting value. Catholic Schools: • Build character • Foster community service • Encourage involvement • Develop real-world skills • Shape leaders Catholic schools offer a community environment in which your children can discuss and live out the values upon which their education is based. They are encouraged to contribute to society and to assume leadership roles in shaping public attitudes and programs. • Reward achievement In Catholic schools, young people learn to question, to establish confidence in their own good choices in life • Empower each student • Reinforce values • Allow for spiritual growth • Embrace differences • Raise standards • Celebrate school spirit Catholic schools admit students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. They do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of their educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs and athletic and other school-administered programs. To the extent required by Title IX, they do not discriminate against any applicant, employee or student because of sex. 26 This brochure was compiled and distributed by the Catholic High School Principals’ Association of the Diocese of Brooklyn. You Have Options. You Have a Choice. Come to the Catholic High School Fair: Monday, September 22, 6 p.m.– 8 p.m. St. Francis College 180 Remsen Street, Brooklyn Between Court St. and Clinton St. Wednesday, September 24, 6 p.m.– 8 p.m. St. John’s University Alumni Hall 8000 Utopia Pkwy., Queens Between Union Tpke. and Grand Central Pkwy Check the TACHS Web site at for the dates of these two High School Fairs. Information for the Test for Admission into Catholic High Schools and our 18 outstanding Catholic high schools will be available. n Religious Values n Discipline for Personal Growth n Caring Environment n Demonstrated Academic Success and Excellence In Brooklyn In Queens Bishop Kearney High School Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School Cristo Rey Brooklyn High School Fontbonne Hall Academy Nazareth Regional High School St. Edmund Preparatory High School St. Joseph High School St. Saviour High School Xaverian High School Archbishop Molloy High School Cathedral Prep Seminary Christ the King Regional High School Holy Cross High School The Mary Louis Academy Monsignor McClancy Memorial High School St. Agnes Academic High School St. Francis Preparatory High School St. John’s Preparatory High School