Winter 2009 -


Winter 2009 -
Winter 2009
a founding member of
Volunteer Aaron Jackson from University Preparatory
Academy Middle School helps another young person
by packing nutritious after-school snacks for children
who don’t get enough to eat at home.
Demand for Food on the Rise
Annual Report Inside
Gleaners tracks inventory and watches economic trends to forecast
changes in demand for food and to prepare for future challenges,
like the need to get more nutritious snacks to hungry children.
Smart Providers
of Food
2–3 Forecasting Trends
Gleaners thanks all
of you – our Hunger Heroes
– who donated food, money
or time to make the holidays
better days for our hungry
4Responding to Calls
for Help
5Listening to the
6Researching Local
Food Drives
8–9 Partner Profiles
10 Fund-raising Events
11 President’s Letter
Calendar of Events
12 Make a Difference
13 Board of Directors
What We Do
How We Do It
Collect 27.3 million pounds of food
a year, either donated from major
food processors, retail chains and
volunteer food drives or purchased
at deep discounts to meet the dietary
requirements of those served.
Cultivate outstanding relationships
with companies in the food processing
industry, including the Detroit Produce
Terminal, and others.
Distribute food for 404,000 meals
every week to 455 partner agencies in six
southeastern Michigan counties. Partner
agencies include shelters, soup kitchens,
food pantries and senior citizen centers
that provide prepared meals or pantry
supplies directly to hungry people.
Feed and educate more than
33,800 children a year through programs
such as Kids Café, KidSnack, BackPack
Program, Operation Frontline, Summer
Feeding Program and Kids Helping
Kids. These programs provide hot meals
to children in after-school programs,
snacks to children in disadvantaged
neighborhoods, and volunteer
opportunities for young people to
learn about philanthropy.
Inform the community and raise
awareness about the causes of hunger,
the people making a difference in
fighting hunger, and the issues that still
remain in feeding our hungry neighbors.
Cover photo: Lisa Martin
Gleaners Harvest Winter 2009
Use an efficient, technologically
advanced system to collect, store and
distribute food, with very little waste,
through five strategically located
distribution centers in Livingston,
Macomb, Oakland and Wayne counties.
Engage a professional staff and
17,000 dedicated volunteers to advance
Gleaners’ mission of curing hunger.
Provide the best service possible to our
partner agencies. Gleaners delivers over
half of its food – more than 15 million
pounds – to partner agencies for free.
The other half is distributed through
a shared maintenance program where
partner contributions of 10¢ per pound
of food offset the costs of transporting,
handling and purchasing food.
Smart Providers of Food
and Nourishment
Information Guides Gleaners’ Mission
From left to right: Russ Kittleson, Michael Acheson, Ned Greenberg, DeWayne Wells, Carmen Mattia, Vince Dow and Gerry Brisson are just some of the volunteers
and staff that seek and use information to make educated decisions at Gleaners.
ll of the people involved with the food bank – from
volunteers and staff members to vendors, partner
agencies and donors – care about the plight of our
hungry neighbors.
And information helps us find appropriate avenues
of service for those who desire to volunteer or donate,
which, in turn, allows us to improve the quality of life
in southeast Michigan.
And in troubled times like these, the demand for
emergency food soars. To meet the needs of our hungry
neighbors, Gleaners strives to do as much as possible
with every donated dollar or pound of food. With that
in mind, Gleaners constantly seeks out information
that helps us do our job smarter and better.
In this issue of Harvest, we’ll show you how we use data
and information to make proactive decisions about the
525,500 pounds of food that enter and exit the food
bank’s doors each week. It’s no accident that in only
two years our distribution has grown from 21 to 27
million pounds of food, while 95 cents of every dollar
raised goes to food and our food programs.
Information helps us pinpoint underserved neighborhoods to direct more food to needy households.
Information helps us respond to socio-economic
fluctuations like job loss or gas price hikes.
Thank you for your help and interest in our critical
work to feed our hungry neighbors.
Forecasting Trends
Mobilizing to Solve
forecasting Trends
hortly after the 87-day American Axle
strike ended, Brother Jerry Smith of
the Capuchin Soup Kitchen, a Gleaners’
partner agency, received a $2,400 check
and note from an American Axle employee.
During the prolonged strike, she used the
soup kitchen’s emergency food to feed her
family. “She said she was very grateful for the
assistance we had provided and wanted to
share with us some of her financial resources
so that we could, in turn, help others,” says
Brother Jerry. “It was very gratifying.”
According to Brother Jerry, from March 28
to May 29, 2008, the Capuchin Soup Kitchen
provided emergency or supplemental food
packages to 1,260 families affected by the
American Axle strike. That equals 75,600
pounds of emergency food for just one labor
crisis. Imagine the impact on demand
as our entire economy struggles.
Years of experience have shown us that
prolonged labor stoppages, large-scale
layoffs or other similar events will result in
significantly greater demand for emergency
food. The staff at Gleaners constantly monitors
the news and economic reports to anticipate
this demand, and to ensure that our partner
agencies have food for those who need it,
when they need it.
Watching Trends
Gleaners also works with other organizations
that track data to prepare our communities for
future challenges. The Food Bank Council of
Michigan, Feeding America (formerly America’s
Second Harvest), United Way’s 2-1-1 emergency
help line, and the U.S. Conference of Mayors
watch movement in unemployment, food
Gleaners Harvest Winter 2009
Hannah Katz and Brad Simtob harvest okra as part of the Yad Ezra volunteer day
at a DTE Energy Garden.
Prolonged labor stoppages, large-scale
layoffs or other similar events will
result in significantly greater
demand for emergency food.
insecurity, homelessness and other social and economic
factors to help agencies provide services based on current
and emerging needs.
At the state level, for example, the Food Bank Council
of Michigan gathered data that showed more than 12
percent of Michigan citizens cannot afford to feed their
families. As a result, Gleaners worked with its network
of more than 450 partner agencies to distribute a record
27 million pounds of food in 2008.
Monitoring Inventory
Last summer, our inventory reached critically low
levels due to increased demand. While we collected
400,000 pounds more food than the year prior, we also
distributed one million more pounds, nearly emptying
shelves at all five distribution centers.
The result: Gleaners put together a plan to secure
more food. Gleaners is receiving an increase in USDA
allocations. We’ve also obtained more unsold product
from local grocers and retailers as well as national
manufacturers. All this brought our inventory back
in line, just in time for the big holiday season where
we experienced a 30 percent increase in demand –
and met it.
Demand for Food for Kids
Unfortunately, one of the biggest trends in emergency
food distribution is the alarming number of children
who are hungry. We have seen steady increases in
demand from schools and families for both our after-
Gleaners’ staff members keep a close eye on inventory, which is
especially important during high-demand, recessionary times.
school healthy snack program and our food-forthe-weekend backpack program.
Starting with only four schools in 1999 and
about 100 children, our after-school snack
program has grown to serve 60 schools and
14,000 kids from low-income households. And,
our food-for-the-weekend backpack program has
quadrupled since it was launched just one year
ago. Both trends show a clear need for more
food to nourish young bodies and minds.
forecasting Trends
The staff at Gleaners constantly
monitors the news and economic
reports to anticipate demand, and to
ensure that our partner agencies have
food for those who need it, when
they need it.
These are some examples of how Gleaners
monitors trends to anticipate the need for
emergency food. As our regional economy
experiences the most severe fluctuations of
the decade, Gleaners will continue to respond
smartly to both foreseen and unexpected
demand – nourishing communities while
feeding hungry people.
Research shows more than 12
percent of Michigan citizens cannot
afford to feed their families.
DeWayne Wells, Michael Acheson, Vince Dow, Pat Berwanger, Ned
Greenberg and Carmen Mattia review community maps highlighting
neighborhoods with greatest numbers of impoverished households.
f you needed food today and had no money
to buy it, what would you do? A smart answer
would be, “call 2-1-1.” Last year, 12,444 foodrelated requests came in through 2-1-1, the regional
help line operated by United Way for Southeastern
Michigan. These requests came from parents short
on formula or baby food, families looking for
emergency food or food stamps, seniors needing a
home-delivered meal, and others seeking a hot meal
as their incomes dwindled and they could no longer
make ends meet.
Responding to Calls
for Help – Addressing
Gaps in Service
According to Bill Sullivan, 2-1-1 director, the high
volume of calls for food indicates a larger problem.
“The numbers we see demonstrate a bigger issue
about our regional economy and the direction the
region is going,” says Sullivan. “Instead of people
getting breaks and things getting better, it’s
getting worse.”
As food issues continue to emerge among families
severely affected by the regional economy, Gleaners
and 2-1-1 are working to bring together food sources
for needy people.
Leaders in Fighting Hunger
While Gleaners uses data from 2-1-1 to address
gaps in services and identify evolving needs for
emergency food, United Way also counts on Gleaners
for leadership and expertise. We recently compiled
reports for a large, collaborative food security study
in Livingston County that involved the United Way
and other organizations. “We learn from Gleaners on
a continuous basis and want to continue to learn
and support their efforts in whatever way we can,”
says Sullivan. “Gleaners plays a strong role
in fulfilling a basic community need.”
As 2-1-1 assistance calls are expected to reach
320,000 by the end of 2008 – nearly double the calls
from the previous year – United Way and Gleaners
will continue to address food-related community
needs and seek collaborative, progressive solutions.
Gleaners uses United Way’s 2-1-1 referral data,
along with our own GIS (Geographic Information
System) mapping, to advocate for emergency food
services at the county, state and national level and
to get food to where it’s needed most.
“United Way and 2-1-1 with Gleaners is an example
of the work we can do together to address food
shortages in our region,” says Sullivan. “Gleaners
takes an incredible lead role in food assistance –
looking at what the data is, what the problem is.”
Finding Regional Solutions
Sullivan says that 2-1-1 has allowed United Way
to think regionally – not from within the human
service silos that agencies used to operate. In fact,
last year Gleaners and 2-1-1 took a proactive stance
when emergency food requests skyrocketed. They
announced 2-1-1 could also be called by people
wanting to donate food and those calls would be
dispatched to Gleaners.
Gleaners Harvest Winter 2009
Compassionate and understanding 2-1-1 operators at United Way for
Southeastern Michigan connect those in need with local resources.
Listening to Community Voices
Bringing Food to Those in Need
With these stakeholders – including Gleaners’
volunteers, staff, partner agencies and donors –
we began the process of molding a five-year
strategic plan for the food bank.
With help from Alexander Resources, a strategic
planning firm, Gleaners met with various groups
to discuss the importance of distributing food
where and when it’s most needed and providing
a better variety of nutritional food. In response to
the community’s greatest concerns around hunger,
Gleaners’ strategic plan was created.
Food for the Underserved
One outcome of the discussions was to find ways
to improve distribution to underserved regions
and populations. “In the focus groups, people really
wanted to know that Gleaners was getting food to
the highest pockets of poverty in our region,” says
Joanne Alexander of Alexander Resources.
As just one example of taking action, Gleaners
and Fish & Loaves, a Downriver consortium of 31
churches, built and opened a client choice pantry
in Taylor, a community where only one-tenth of the
needed meals are available to feed hungry residents.
In its first three months of operation, Fish & Loaves
Community Food Pantry helped 1,063 households
with 176,000 pounds of food.
J.D. Power & Associates made a return visit to the garden when
Yad Ezra volunteers came to harvest.
Improving Nutritional Balance
The 2005 groups also identified the nutritional
quality and variety of food as a priority. “We can get
lots of canned corn,” says Alexander. “But canned
corn only goes so far in providing a balanced diet.”
Community Voices
magine the valuable discourse that took place
when 122 people passionate about curing hunger
gathered in 2005 to discuss how Gleaners could
better serve people in need. At the table were folks
like Captain Derek Rose of the Salvation Army,
Capuchin Brothers from Capuchin Soup Kitchen,
and social welfare scholar Dr. David Moxley of
Wayne State University – people who know the
plight of hungry people inside and out.
As a result, Gleaners is more aggressively pursuing
food, like fresh produce, that becomes available
from Feeding America, a national hunger-relief
organization. We are also becoming more involved
in mobilizing communities to address hunger issues
through projects like the DTE Energy Gardens,
which grew 5,304 pounds of produce for Gleaners
to distribute to hungry people last summer.
Our children’s programs have also been more
selective with food and drinks provided through
our KidSnack after-school feeding program for
students from low-income households. Today, we
are doing more targeted purchasing to make sure
the snacks are as healthy as possible.
These are just a few examples of how Gleaners has
turned community input into strategy and strategy
into action to improve how we get nutritional food
to our hungry neighbors.
Researching Local Hunger
Increasing Our Impact
i n c r e a s i n g i m pa c t
lene attended the end-of-summer picnic at a
church in her blighted east side neighborhood
to pick up free school supplies for her children.
She also came looking for something to eat. Facing
empty cupboards at home, Ilene was hungry. When
a caring church member who runs the parish pantry
asked why Ilene had hidden three hotdogs in her
pocket, she explained that with no food left at
home, the hotdogs would, thankfully, be the
family’s dinner.
Understanding people like Ilene and how often she
is hungry or worried about feeding her children is
vital to Gleaners’ mission. Ilene’s predicament is
also a big reason why Gleaners is playing an
increasingly prominent role in addressing the
systemic issues of hunger.
To learn as much as we can about those we serve,
Gleaners participates in Feeding America’s
“Hunger in America” study that profiles the
incidence and nature of hunger and food
insecurity in the United States.
Hunger in Southeast Michigan
Through this study, conducted every four years,
Gleaners learns more about the people that come
to our partner food pantries and soup kitchens
needing emergency food. These demographic
snapshots capture information about frequency
of emergency food use, health and health insurance,
food stamp usage, employment status, living
conditions, and other vital information that can
help us better serve people in need.
Most importantly, the study helps us better
understand how well Gleaners and our partner
agencies are meeting the basic food needs of
our community. We can then use the localized
“Hunger in America” data to provide more targeted
educational programming and food assistance to
those in need.
Gleaners Harvest Winter 2009
Responsive Programs
For example, we learned from the most recent
study that older adults with fixed incomes who
live in senior housing often lack access to fresh,
nutritious food. So, Gleaners developed a program
with Presbyterian Villages of Michigan and the
Luella Hannan Memorial Foundation to provide
25 senior residents at PVM in Detroit’s Brush
Park neighborhood with pre-made lunches twice a
week. From this successful pilot, we then expanded
the program to serve 80 seniors a week at three
additional PVM locations. With continued success,
this program can further expand to meet the needs
of more hungry seniors.
The “Hunger in America” study also helps Gleaners
understand the needs of our 455 partner agencies,
many of which are small-scale pantries with no paid
staff and no technology except for a telephone. Our
“Glinkos” service center was installed at the Detroit
Distribution Center to provide our partner agencies
with computer stations, copiers, Internet access,
office space, and other administrative tools – even
assistance in creating agency Web sites.
The data from “Hunger in America,” therefore,
helps Gleaners start successful new feeding
programs, provide resources to communities in
need and give more to our partners so that they,
in turn, can serve more hungry children, families
and seniors.
Annual Report
J U NE 3 0 , 2 0 0 8
1 • Annual Report 2008
Financial Summary
Cash Donations
Purchased Food Reimbursement
Agency Shared Maintenance
United Way
Donated Food
Investment Income
1.5% Agency Shared Maintenance
4.3% Grants
.9% United Way
2% Other
73% Donated Food
11.6% Cash Donations
6.7% Purchased Food Reimbursement
.9% Management
3.9% Fund Raising
Distributed Food
Program Services
Fund Raising
13.6% Program Services
81.6% Distributed Food
Excess Revenue Over Expenses $481,383
Meals Distributed
Meals per day
Meals per week
Meals per month
Efficiency 95% for Feeding Hungry Neighbors
Annual Report 2008 • 2
Message from the Board Chair
hank you for your efforts to feed our hungry neighbors,
especially during this last year of economic hardship
for southeast Michigan. Working poor families were
especially hard hit as breadwinners took pay cuts or lost their
jobs. As a result, one in five Michigan children lived in poverty
last year. Many folks turned to food pantries, soup kitchens,
and warming shelters to feed their families. Yet, with your
help, we’ve met the growing needs and challenges and kept
our shelves stocked.
Collecting and distributing food is still at the core of our
mission. You may not realize, however, that Gleaners plays
a prominent role in addressing the systemic issues of hunger.
Under the leadership of past president Augie Fernandes
and new president DeWayne Wells, Gleaners is involved
with a number of projects and collaborations pertaining to
neighborhood revitalization, job training, empowering hungry
neighbors, community gardening, and economic growth and
Through one of the most difficult years for everyone in
southeast Michigan, Gleaners’ work has intensified and the
quality of our operations has excelled. Our financial position
is solid. We continue to use our strategic plan as a framework
for growth and improvement in all areas of operations and
fundraising. And, our board and volunteers are involved and
compassionate in their work.
As the proud board chair of Gleaners, one of the most vital
resources for struggling children, families and individuals, I
thank all of you – partner agencies, volunteers and donors –
for your support and engagement.
Pat Berwanger
Board Chair
President’s Table
n honor of the women and men who make significant
contributions to feed our hungry neighbors, Gleaners
hosts an annual President’s Table dinner.
Individuals, corporations, and foundations at the President’s
Table support our critical work in several ways. Some give
significantly of their time and expertise. Others, of their
dollars. Still others, of their inventory. But no matter how
they give, President’s Table donors have one trait in common:
a deep and heartfelt belief in Gleaners’ mission.
Individuals and organizations that are part of the President’s
Table have made major contributions through Gleaners
Community Food Bank to feed their hungry neighbors. They
take the challenge of curing hunger seriously and have backed
their convictions with concrete actions, such as donating large
amounts of product, making major monetary gifts or bequests,
or volunteering hundreds of hours of time.
This year, we’ve added our planned giving donors to the
President’s Table. These donors have made gifts to our
endowment such as stock, cash, life insurance, land or other
assets – or included Gleaners as a substantial part of their
estates, trusts and wills. Our President’s Table planned givers
are “leaving a legacy” for Gleaners.
No matter how they
This year’s President’s
give, President’s Table
Table Dinner was held
on November 6, 2008,
donors have one trait
at our headquarters and
in common: a deep
distribution center in
and heartfelt belief in
Detroit and was prepared
Gleaners’ mission.
and served by our partner,
the Capuchin Soup Kitchen, using food similar to the foods
we distribute to our partner agencies. Not surprisingly, it
was delicious! For information on how to join the President’s
Table, please contact Gerry Brisson, 1-866-GLEANER, ext. 246
3 • Annual Report 2008
President’s Table
Donors July 1, 2007 –
June 30, 2008
Presidents of
W. DeWayne Wells, current
Agostinho A. Fernandes Jr., 2002-2008
Richard A. Loewenstein, 1998-2002
Gene Gonya, 1977-1998
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Acheson
Mr. Ed Bahoura
Mr. Donald G. Barr Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Beam
Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Berry
Pat and Joe Berwanger
Dr. Fredric Bonine
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Brisson
Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Clausnitzer
Mr. and Mrs. Agostinho A. Fernandes Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Genovese
Mr. and Mrs. Ned W. Greenberg
Albert and Judy Herzog
Mrs. Lauraine A. Hoensheid
Mr. and Mrs. Joel E. Jacob
Mr. and Mrs. Keith B. Mayer
Bob McGowan
Mrs. Miriam Mondry
Ms. Vivian Pickard
Mr. and Mrs. Norman H. Rosenfeld
Mr. and Mrs. Iain M. Scott
Mr. Bernie Smilovitz
Wayne and Joan Webber
W. DeWayne Wells
Corporations &
Mandell L. and Madeleine H. Berman
The Bottle Crew
Birmingham Bloomfield Chamber of
Bordine Nursery Ltd.
Brighton Commerce Bank
Brighton NC Machine Corp.
Chaldean American Chamber
of Commerce
Charter One Foundation
The Chrysler Foundation
Community Foundation for Southeast
Cornerstone Presbyterian Church,
Detroit Chapter of the International
Order of the Kings Daughters and Sons
DTE Energy
Epoch Restaurant Group
Executive Financial Planning Inc.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Feeding America
First Presbyterian Church of Brighton
Food Bank Council of Michigan
Ford Motor Company Fund
Ford Purchasing Group
General Motors Foundation
Greater Media
The Holley Foundation
Huntington National Bank
The Kresge Foundation
The Kroger Co.
Livingston County Association
of Realtors
Livingston Sunrise Rotary
Oliver Dewey Marcks Foundation
MASCO Corporation Foundation
The Ruby McCoy Foundation
McGregor Fund
Medical Alternatives Press Inc.
Michigan State University Extension
National City Bank
Omron Foundation Inc.
Operation Can Do/Big Boy
Pet Supplies Plus, Brighton and Howell
Philip Morris International Inc.
Pinckney Auto Wash
Pinckney Community Schools
The Elizabeth, Allan & Warren Shelden
The Skillman Foundation
Sodexo Foundation Inc.
U.S. Department of Agriculture
United Way for Southeastern Michigan
Variety Children’s Charity
Wal Mart Stores Inc.
Wellness House of Michigan
Matilda R. Wilson Fund
The Young Foundation
Legacy Donors
Michael & Adele Acheson
Community Foundation for
Southeast Michigan
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Gonya
Jack Krasula
Dana Locniskar & Christine Beck
Eugene & Lois Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Rosenfeld
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Slotkin
Mary Stange
Wayne & Joan Webber
Donna & Walt Young
Food Donors
AMJ Distributing
Andrew Brothers
Ansara Restaurant Group
Archway Marketing Services
Artic Cold Storage
Aunt Mid Produce
Better Made
Big Boy Food Group
Blue Line Distributing
Buffo’s Enterprises
Butcher Boy Meat
Capital Sales Co.
Caramagno Foods
Costco, Bloomfield
Costco, Brighton
Country Fresh
Dairy Fresh
Food Bank Council of Michigan
Frito Lay, Southgate
Frito Lay, Sterling Heights
Kar Nut Products
Kroger, Brighton
Kroger, Novi
Lipari Foods
Mastronardi Produce
Michigan Dairy
National Association of Letter Carriers
Branch 1
Oliver Farms
Pepperidge Farm Outlet
Pepsi Cola, Howell
Pepsi Cola, Pontiac
Pierino Frozen Foods
Piquette Market
Ram Produce
Rite Aid Corp.
Rocky Produce
Royal Banana
Sam’s Club, Auburn Hills
Sam’s Club, Novi
Sam’s Club, Roseville
Sam’s Club, Southgate
Sam’s Club, Utica
Sara Lee Corp.
Save-A-Lot Food Store, Pontiac and
Madison Heights
Seaholm High School
Serra Brothers
Spartan Stores Inc.
St. Patrick’s Catholic Church
Standard Distributing
Tyson Foods Inc.
Value Wholesale
Whole Foods, Rochester Hills
Annual Report 2008 • 4
Partner Agencies
livingston contributing
American Red Cross, Howell
The Connection, Howell
Family Impact Center, Fowlerville
First Presbyterian Church of Brighton,
Good Shepherd Mission, Stockbridge
Head Start, Howell
Heather Oaks, Brighton
Howell Assembly of God, Howell
LACASA, Howell
Livingston County Senior Nutrition,
Love Inc., Howell
Oakland Livingston Human Service
Agency, OLHSA, Howell
Salvation Army, Howell
Shared Harvest, Howell
St. Joseph Catholic Church, Howell
St. Mary’s Parish, Pinckney
Brighton Lions Club, Brighton
Genesis House, Fowlerville
Lakeshore Apartments, Howell
Livingston Catholic Social Services,
St. Vincent de Paul, Howell
Family Youth Interventions,
Mt. Clemens
Holy Innocents Catholic Church,
Lord of the Harvest Christian
Fellowship, Warren
Macomb County Head Start, Clinton
Macomb Food Program, Clinton
New Life Food Pantry, Roseville
Pathway to Freedom, Mt. Clemens
Ray of Hope Day Center, Mt. Clemens
Sacred Heart Conference, Roseville
Salvation Army, Mt. Clemens
Salvation Army, Warren
St. Margaret of Scotland Catholic
Church, St. Clair Shores
St. Mark Catholic Church, Warren
St. Mary Queen of Creation, New
St. Paul of Tarsus Church, Clinton Twp.
St. Peter Lutheran Food Pantry, Macomb
Tried Stone Baptist Church, Clinton Twp.
Vietnam Veterans of America, Roseville
Warren Community Food Pantry,
Zion Temple COGIC, Romeo
Monroe County Opportunity Program,
CRNC - Lenawee, Tecumseh
God’s Works!, Monroe
Marion Place, Monroe
Monroe Outreach Ministries, Monroe
Salvation Army, Monroe
Salvation Army Harbor Light, Monroe
Auburn Hills Christian Center,
Auburn Hills
Baldwin Center, Pontiac
Bound Together Kids Café, Pontiac
C.P.I./Community Programs Inc.,
Calvary Temple, Royal Oak
Camp Wathana, Holly
Catholic Social Services of Oakland
Centro Latino, Pontiac
Children’s Village, Pontiac
Christ Temple Apostolic Church,
Oak Park
Christian Outreach, Pontiac
Church of the Holy Spirit, Highland
Closet of Hope United Methodist
Church, Southfield
Collaborative Solutions, Waterford
Columbia Ave Baptist Church, Pontiac
Comfort Zone, Novi
Common Ground Sanctuary, Royal Oak
Community Sharing, Highland
Completion House, Pontiac
Crossroads for Youth, Oxford
Davisburg Rotary, Davisburg
Door of Faith, Pontiac
Easter Seals – Michigan
Eastside Church of Christ, Pontiac
Eastwood Clinic, Royal Oak
Elite Alternatives, Auburn Hills
FAIR, Pontiac
Family Mental Health, Pontiac
F.I.R.S.T. Program/United Way, Pontiac
First Baptist Church of Ferndale
First Baptist Church of Holly
First United Methodist of Royal Oak
First United Methodist Church, Pontiac
Five Points Community Church,
Auburn Hills
Forgotten Harvest, Southfield
Franklin Road Church of Christ, Pontiac
God’s Helping Hands, Rochester Hills
Good Samaritan Lutheran Church,
Haven, Pontiac
Helen AFC Home, Pontiac
Hispanic Outreach Services, Pontiac
Hope Network S.E., Pontiac
Hospitality House, Walled Lake
Integrated Living Inc., Rochester
Johnson Memorial, Pontiac
Kid’s Kloset, Clarkston
Ladies of Charity, Bloomfield Hills
Lakecrest Baptist Church, Waterford
Lakeville Manor, Lake Orion
Lighthouse, Clarkston
Lighthouse, Pontiac
Living Alternatives, Davisburg
Living Water Adventist Congregation,
Lourdes Nursing Home, Waterford
Macomb North Oakland Drop-In Center,
Mecca House Corporation, Pontiac
Neighbor for Neighbor, Davisburg
Neighborhood Residential, Rochester
New Bethel Missionary Baptist Church,
Newman AME, Pontiac
North Oakland Residential, Oxford
Oakland Livingston Human Service
Agency, OLHSA, Pontiac
Oakland Church of Christ, Southfield
Older Persons’ Commission, Rochester
Open Arms Food Pantry, Pontiac
Open Door Outreach Center, Waterford
Open Hands Food Pantry, Royal Oak
Orchards Children Services, Southfield
Our Daily Bread at Hickory Ridge
Community Church, Milford
Oxbow Lake Baptist Church, White Lake
Oxford/Orion FISH, Lake Orion
Phoenix Residential Services, Pontiac
Progressive Lifestyles Inc., Oakland
Progressive Residential Services, Troy
Promise Village: Home for Children,
5 • Annual Report 2008
Providence Missionary Baptist Church,
Quality AFC Homes, Pontiac
Residential Alternatives, Highland
Right Road Community Development,
The River, Holly
Robert Matchan Center, Pontiac
Safe Harbor Community Service,
Salvation Army Camp Echo, Leonard
Salvation Army Disaster Relief,
Salvation Army, Farmington Hills
Salvation Army, Pontiac
Salvation Army, Royal Oak
Samaritan Group Homes, Southfield
South Oakland Shelter, Royal Oak
Southfield Goodfellows, Southfield
Spaulding for Children, Southfield
St. Alexander Food Pantry,
Farmington Hills
St. Anne Parish, Ortonville
St. Dennis Catholic Church, Royal Oak
St. Elizabeth Briarbank Home,
Bloomfield Hills
St. Francis Family Center, Southfield
St. Joseph Church, Pontiac
St. Michael Parish Franciscan Poverty
Program, Southfield
St. Michael Parish, Pontiac
St. Rita Parish, Holly
St. Stephen Baptist Church, Pontiac
Synod Residential Services, Waterford
Ten Mile Free Will Baptist Church,
Madison Heights
Tribute to the Lord Ministries, Oxford
Visions Clubhouse, Pontiac
Waterford Baptist Cathedral, White Lake
Waterford Senior Center, Waterford
Word of Faith International Christian
Center, Southfield
YMCA Camping Services, Holly
Yad Ezra, Berkley
Zion Community Enrichment Center,
Zion Lutheran Food Pantry, Ferndale
A Better Life, Detroit
Acclaim Community Outreach Services,
All Saints Parish, Detroit
Alternatives for Girls, Detroit
Ark of Deliverance, Detroit
Bethel Baptist Church of Southgate,
Bethel Deliverance Tabernacle, Detroit
Blithsome Hillcrest Home, Detroit
Boys Hope Girls Hope, Detroit
Bread of Life Food Pantry, Melvindale
C&W Community Outreach, Detroit
C.O.T.S., Detroit
Calvery Presbyterian Church, Detroit
Capuchin Soup Kitchen, Detroit
CareFirst, Detroit
Caring Community Center, Detroit
Carter Metropolitan CME, Detroit
Cass Community Social Services, Detroit
Cathedral Community Services, Detroit
Catholic Church of the Madonna, Detroit
Central Detroit Christian CDC, Detroit
Central United Methodist Church,
Children’s Resource Center, New Boston
Childrens Village International, Detroit
Christ Cathederal Baptist Church, Detroit
Christ Church of Redford, Redford
Christ Temple Apostolic Church,
Christ United Methodist Church, Detroit
Christ the King Lutheran Church,
Church of God Baldwin, Detroit
Church of God Mountain Assembly,
Church of the Messiah, Detroit
Churches Intervention CIEM, Detroit
Citizens Alternative Residential Services
Inc., Inkster
City of Taylor – Community Connection
City of Westland
City Shelter/Tireman Home Center,
City View Missionary Baptist Church,
Communities in Schools, Detroit
Community Food Depot, Detroit
Community Link Outreach Youth
Ministry, Detroit
Community Services CDC, Detroit
Conant Gardens, Detroit
Conventional Missionary Baptist
Church, Detroit
Corpus Christi Parish, Detroit
Covenant House of Michigan, Detroit
Crossroads of Michigan, Detroit
Damon Homes, Detroit
Delray United Action Council, Detroit
Department of Human Services, Detroit
Detroit East Mental Health, Detroit
Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries,
Detroit World Outreach, Redford
Dexter Avenue Baptist Church, Detroit
Ecorse Ecumenical Food Pantry, Ecorse
Ecorse/River Rouge Food Pantry, Ecorse
Ecorse Seventh Day Adventist Church,
Effective Alternative Community,
Evangel Ministries, Detroit
Exodus Food Pantry, Detroit
Faith Christian Center, Taylor
Faith Lutheran Church (SEV), Detroit
Fairfield Residential Care Inc., Detroit
First Assembly of God, Dearborn
First Baptist World Changes, Detroit
First Step, Plymouth
Fish & Loaves, Taylor
Flowers Community Services Inc.,
Focus: HOPE, Detroit
Fort Street Presbyterian Church, Detroit
Forte Manor, Detroit
Franklin Wright Settlement, Detroit
Freedom House, Detroit
Friends of Detroit, Detroit
Friends of Parkside, Detroit
Full Gospel Church, Detroit
GRAB Community Outreach, Detroit
Gaius Co-Op Emmanuel House, Detroit
Genesis New Beginning, Detroit
Gibraltar Food Pantry, Gibraltar
Grace Temple COGIC, Detroit
Greater Love Tabernacle Church, Detroit
Greater Northwest COGIC, Detroit
Greater Southern M.B.C., Detroit
Halford, Detroit
Harper Ave. COGIC, Detroit
Hartford Agape Hunger, Detroit
Harvest House, Hamtramck
Harvest Lighthouse, Ecorse
Heartline, Detroit
Help’s on the Way, Dearborn Heights
Holy Redeemer Food Pantry, Detroit
Hope Community Church, Detroit
Annual Report 2008 • 6
House of Worship, Detroit
I Am My Brother’s Keeper Ministry,
Immanuel Lutheran Church, Detroit
In the Trenches, Detroit
Iroquois Ave. Christ Lutheran Church,
Jesus Anointed Ministry/Love Action,
Jewish Vocational Services/Career
Initiative Center, Detroit
Jordan Missionary Baptist Church,
Judgment Morning Ministries, Taylor
Kimberly’s Helping Hands, Detroit
Latino Family Service HIV/AIDS, Detroit
Life Line, Detroit
Lighthouse Home Missions, Westland
Linwood Church of Christ, Detroit
Little Friends, Detroit
Lomax Temple, Detroit
Love Joy Church of God, Detroit
Lutheran City Ministries Inc., Detroit
Madison Community Resource Center,
Mariners Inn, Detroit
Mercy Maryhaven Senior Apartments,
Mercy-Stapleton Center, Detroit
Metropolitan Baptist Church, Detroit
Metropolitan United Methodist Church,
Michigan Veterans Foundation, Detroit
Military Presbyterian Church, Detroit
Most Holy Trinity Catholic Church,
My Father’s Business, Detroit
NEGC-Motor City ClubHouse, Detroit
Nativity Pantry, Detroit
New Bethel Baptist Church, Detroit
Newbirth Community Development,
New Community Missionary Baptist
Church, Detroit
New Covenant of Peace Church, Detroit
New Day Multi Purpose Center, Detroit
New Fellowship Church, Detroit
New Hope Tabernacle, Detroit
New Hope United Methodist Church,
New Life Home, Detroit
New Light Baptist Church, Detroit
New Light Nursing Home, Detroit
New Resurrection Faith Ministries,
Norman’s Home, Detroit
North Central CMHC/APC, Detroit
Oakwood SDA Pantry, Taylor
Off the Streets-Virginia Park, Detroit
Open Door Ministries, Canton
Operation Refuge, Detroit
Pentecostal Temple Baptist Church,
People’s Community Church, Detroit
Perfecting Community Care Center,
Positive Images, Detroit
Prayer House, Detroit
Pure Word Missionary Baptist Church,
Puritan St. Church of Christ, Detroit
Quality Behavior Health Inc., Detroit
Redford Interfaith Relief, Redford
Restoration House, Detroit
Restoration Towers, Detroit
Resurrection Ministries, Detroit
Resurrection United Methodist Church,
Revival Tabernacle, Highland Park
Rgrps, Inc., Wayne
Rita Ethington Deliverance Ministry,
Riverview Church of God, Wyandotte
Ruth Ellis Center, Highland Park
Safe Center Inc., Detroit
St. Aloysius Community, Detroit
St. Charles Outreach, Detroit
St. Christine Church, Detroit
St. Cyprian Catholic Church, Riverview
St. Dominic Outreach Center, Detroit
St. Dunston Parish, Garden City
St. Gregory Christian Service, Detroit
St. John Community Center, Detroit
St. Jude Emergency Food Pantry,
St. Luke’s Food Program, Detroit
St. Patrick Parish, Detroit
St. Paul Community Outreach, Detroit
St. Paul United Methodist Church,
St. Peter Claver, Detroit
St. Philip Lutheran Church, Trenton
SS Augustine & Monica Parish, Detroit
Sacred Heart Church, Detroit
Salvation Army Brightmoor, Detroit
Salvation Army, Dearborn Heights
Salvation Army Denby, Detroit
Salvation Army Fort St., Detroit
Salvation Army Grandale, Detroit
Salvation Army Harbor Light, Detroit
Salvation Army Harding, Detroit
Salvation Army, Plymouth
Salvation Army, Romulus
Salvation Army Temple Corps, Detroit
Salvation Army, Westland
Salvation Army, Wyandotte
Samaritan Community Center, Detroit
Scott Memorial United Methodist
Church, Detroit
Services for Older Citizens, Grosse
Shar House, Detroit
Sharon Seventh Day Adventist, Inkster
Shiloh Deliverance Church, Detroit
Silver Star Baptist Church, Detroit
Spirit of Hope, Detroit
Sobriety House, Detroit
Southwestern Church of God, Detroit
Sow a Seed Ministries, Detroit
Spanish Pentecostal Church, Detroit
Starfish Family Services, Inkster
Straight Gate International Church,
Sunnybrook, Detroit
T.C. Simmons Visiting Ministries,
Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church,
Tree of Life Christian, Detroit
Tried Stone Baptist Church, Detroit
Trinity Community Presbyterian
Church, Detroit
True Love Evangelistic Ministries,
Truman High School, Taylor
Twelfth St. Missionary Baptist Church,
United Generational Council, Detroit
United Sisters of Charity, Detroit
United Victory Outreach, Detroit
Veterans Outreach Center, Wayne
Victory Outreach, Detroit
Walk in the Spirit (WITS), Detroit
West Mound United Methodist Church,
Willow Grove Missionary Baptist
Church, Detroit
Woods Care, Wayne
Worshippers & Warriors, Allen Park
YWCA Interim House, Detroit
7 • Annual Report 2008
Major Donors of
$1,000 or more
ABC Group
Ace Bakery Limited
The Action Benefits Co.
Adobe Systems Inc.
The Aidmatrix Foundation
Aisin World Corporation of
Albert Kahn Associates Inc.
Alexander Resources
Consulting LLC
Aline Underhill Orten
American Chemical
Technologies Inc.
American Electrical
Contractor Inc.
American International
Group Inc.
Antiochian Orthodox
Christian Archdiocese
The Arrowhead Foundation
ArvinMeritor Inc.
Asahi Kasei Plastics North
America Inc.
The Association for Corporate
Growth Inc.
Assumption Greek Orthodox
AT&T Foundation (Employee
Giving/United Way)
Autodesk Inc.
Autoliv ASP Inc.
Bank of America
Bentley Motors Inc.
Mandell L. and Madeleine H.
Berman Foundation
Birmingham Bloomfield
Chamber of Commerce
Birmingham Unitarian
Blackwell Ford Inc.
Leland F. Blatt Family
Bloomberg L.P.
Blue Care Network
Blue Cross Blue Shield of
Blue Cross Blue Shield of
Michigan Foundation
The Bottle Crew
Bordine Nursery Ltd.
Brass Aluminum Forging
Enterprises LLC
Brighton Commerce Bank
Brighton NC Machine Corp.
Brighton Senior Men’s Club
The Brown Family
Foundation Ltd.
Butzel Long
Capital Waste Inc.
Castaing Family Foundation
Chaldean American Chamber
of Commerce
Chaldean American Ladies
of Charity
Charity Motors Inc.
Charter One Foundation
Christ Church Cranbrook
Christ The Redeemer Church
Chrysler Financial Marketing
The Chrysler Foundation
The Chubb Corp.
Church of Today–West
Church World Service Inc.
Cisco Systems Foundation
Citigroup Foundation
Clarenceville School District
Clarion Corporation of
Clark Hill PLC
Coldwell Banker
Colony Town Club
Comerica Foundation
Comerica Inc.
Community Foundation for
Southeast Michigan
ConAgra Foods Foundation
Conestoga-Rovers &
Associates Inc.
Continental Automotive
Cornerstone Presbyterian
Cranbrook Schools
Crestmark Bank
Crittenton Hospital Medical
Center Foundation
Datanational Corp.
DeRoy Testamentary
Design Fabrications Inc.
Design Research Engineering
Detroit Chapter of the
International Order
of the Kings Daughters
and Sons
Charitable Contribution
Detroit Industrial School
Detroit Lions Charities
Detroit Medical Center
The Detroit News
Dickinson Wright PLLC
Doeren Mayhew Certified
Public Accountants
Down River Association of
DTE Energy
DTE Energy Foundation
Eastover Elementary School
Edw. C. Levy Co.
Edwards Glass Co.
Epoch Restaurant Group
Excelda Manufacturing
Executive Financial Planning
Fannie Kraft Foundation
Feeding America
Ronda & Ron Ferber
FH Martin Constructors
First Presbyterian Church
of Brighton
First Presbyterian Church
of Farmington
First Presbyterian Church
of Northville
First United Methodist
Church, Birmingham
First United Methodist
Church, Brighton
The Fisher Foundation
Food Bank Council of
Food Bank of Eastern
Raymond & Rita Foos Family
Charitable Foundation
Benson & Edith Ford Fund
Edsel B. Ford II Fund
Ford Motor Co.
Ford Motor Company Fund
Ford Purchasing Group
Fraza Forklifts
Fritz Enterprises Inc.
Fujitsu Microelectronics
America Inc.
Fusiontech Inc.
Galasso & Associates,
C.P.A., P.L.C.
Galeana’s Van Dyke
Dodge Inc.
Garden Fresh Salsa Inc.
The Gates Corp.
General Motors Acceptance
General Motors Foundation
Generation IV
Charitable Trust
Engineers Inc.
Gleaners Community
Food Bank
Glenn Computer Corp.
Greater Brighton Area
Chamber of Commerce
Greater Media
Grosse Pointe Memorial
Guardian Industries Corp.
H&R Block
The Hanover Insurance
Group Foundation Inc.
Hartland United Methodist
Health Alliance Plan
Henry Ford Health System
The Clarence and Jack
Himmel Foundation
James and Lynelle Holden
The Holley Foundation
Hope Lutheran Church
Hudson-Webber Foundation
Huntington National Bank
Huron Valley Steel Corp.
Ilitch Holdings Inc.
Infectious Disease Center P.C.
ITC Holdings Corp.
J.P. Sales Company Inc.
JCT Power Solutions – Battery
Jenkins & Company P.C.
JML Contracting & Sales Inc.
Kensington Ophthalmology
Kitch, Drutchas, Wagner &
Knights of Columbus Council
Knox Charitable Foundation
Kostal of America Inc.
The Kresge Foundation
Annual Report 2008 • 8
The Kroger Co.
The Kroger Foundation
L&M Machining &
LC Real Estate L.L.C.
Lear Corp.
Livingston Christian Schools
Livingston County
Association of Realtors
Livingston County
United Way
Livingston Police Combat
Livingston Sunrise
Rotary Club
Long Meadow PTA
The Lyon Foundation Inc.
Lyon Manufacturing Inc.
M. Jacob & Sons
Magna International Inc.
Mandell L. and Madeleine H.
Berman Foundation
Maple Appliance Service Inc.
Oliver Dewey Marcks
Mark/Lis Family Fund
Market Measurement
Mascari Sales &
Marketing LLC
MASCO Corporation
The Marshall Mathers
The Ruby McCoy Foundation
The June & Cecil McDole
McDowell & Associates
McGregor Fund
Meadowbrook Insurance
Medical Alternatives
Press Inc.
Metro Detroit CFMA
Metroline Inc.
Michael Flora & Assoc. Inc.
Roy G. Michell Charitable
Foundation and Trust
Michigan Council of Korean
Michigan State University
Mill Steel Co.
Mitsubishi Electric
Automotive America Inc.
MJ Capitol Consulting LLC
Molex – Cardell Automotive
Carl and Irene Morath
Foundation Inc.
Motor City Consumers
Co-Operative Inc.
Charles Stewart Mott
Mt. Clemens Rotary Club
National City Bank
National Multiple Services
North Farmington High
Novelis Corp.
NTA Graphics South Inc.
Oakland County Association
of Assessing Officers
Oakland County Circuit and
Probate Court
Olga’s Kitchen Inc.
Omron Automotive
Electronics Inc.
Omron Foundation Inc.
Operation Can Do/Big Boy
Orchard Lake Community
Church Presbyterian
Our Credit Union
The Pampered Chef Ltd.
Panera Bread Foundation
Charles A. Parcells
Park West Gallery
Parker Engineering &
Design LLC
Peoples State Bank
Peoples TRUST Credit Union
The Karen & Drew Peslar
Pet Supplies Plus, Brighton
& Howell
Pet Supplies Plus USA Inc.
The Pewabic Society Inc.
Pfizer Foundation
Philip Morris International
Pinckney Auto Wash
Pinckney Chrysler Dodge
Pinckney Community
Piston Group
Michael & Peggy Pitt
Charitable Annuity Trust
Plymouth Community
United Way
Ralph L. & Winifred E. Polk
Pomeroy Investment Corp.
Presbyterian Church of Utica
Presbyterian Women of
Jefferson Avenue
Prince of Glory Lutheran
Prince of Peace Church
Progressive Moulded
PVS Chemicals Inc.
R.L. Polk & Co.
RCO Engineering Inc.
Reb Construction
Services Inc.
Regal Recycling
Rho-Mar Agency Inc.
The River Community
Harold and Carolyn Robison
Rochester Community
School District
Rock Financial
Rotary Club of Brighton
Royal Oak Recycling
Ryder Truck System
Sam’s Club
Seiter Family Chiropractic
Sews–DTC Inc.
Share Our Strength
Sharpe Micro Electronics
Sheets Trucking
The Elizabeth, Allan and
Warren Shelden Fund
Shepherd of the Lakes
Siemens Communications
Singer Realty Co.
The Skillman Foundation
Sodexo Foundation Inc.
Sodexo Inc.
Sodexo School Services
Southfield Area Chamber
of Commerce
Spaulding & Associates Inc.
Special Events Rental Inc.
Sphere Marketing
St. Andrew Catholic Church
St. Andrew Kim Korean
Catholic Church
St. Andrew’s Society of
St. Daniel Catholic
St. John Health System
St. John’s Episcopal Church
St. Mary’s Administration
St. Mary’s Church
St. Michael Parish
St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox
Star Crane & Hoist – Metro
State of Michigan
Stout Risius Ross Inc.
Strategic Staffing
Solutions Inc.
The Randy and Michelle
Stuck Family Foundation
Summit Polymers Inc.
Talhin Sales Corp.
Tamer Foundation
Taste of NFL
The Taylor Rotary
Foundation DAF
TCF Bank
The Theuerkorn Foundation
The Thomas Foundation
Thrill Hill Productions Inc.
Todd’s Services/Auto Rain
Toledo Molding & Die Inc.
Tosa Foundation
Tram Inc.
Trott & Trott P.C.
Troy Chamber of Commerce
Trustinus Inc.
TRW Vehicle Safety
Systems Inc.
The Tuktawa Foundation
Tweddle Litho Co.
UAW-GM Center for Human
UBS Financial Services Inc.
UBS Foundation
Unilock Michigan Inc
Unique Fabricating Inc.
United Methodist Women
United Way for Southeastern
United Way Special
Distribution Account
Unwired Technology LLC
Valeo Climate Control
Valeo Inc.
Variety Children’s Charities
Verizon Wireless
9 • Annual Report 2008
VMC Technologies Inc.
Volkswagen of America Inc.
Wayne & Joan Webber
Webster Elementary School
Weingartz Supply Co.
Wellness House of Michigan
Wesco Distribution
Samuel L. Westerman
Wilkinson Foundation
William L. Rand Co. Inc.
Matilda R. Wilson Fund
Wolverine Four Wheelers
Woods Construction Inc.
Woods Financial LLC
Financial Group
World Heritage Foundation
WSP Investments LLC
Yazaki North America Inc.
The Young Foundation
Individual Donors
Michael and Adele Acheson
Ms. Harriette Ald
Mrs. Barbara A. Allen
Mr. Jacob Allen
Mr. James P. Allor
Ms. Mona Alonzo
Mr. and Mrs. John D.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A.
Ms. Amber Arellano
Mr. and Mrs. James E.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Baber Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. William R. Back
Mr. Ed Bahoura
Mr. Chris Baiardi
Ms. Karen J. Baker
Garo Bakerjian
Mr. Donald G. Barr Jr.
Dr. Evelyn R. Barrack
Ms. Kay Bauslaugh
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Bazzy
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Beam
Mr. Tim Bearden
Mr. and Mrs. John Beattie
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Beck
Ms. Cristie J. Becker
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Beechler
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M.
Ms. Priscilla M. Bennett
Dr. and Mrs. Jay Bernstein
Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Berry
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Berthel
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L.
Pat and Joe Berwanger
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bietler
Mr. Lawrence R. Black
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas D.
Mr. John D. Blanchard and
Ms. Virginia Lati
Mr. John A. Blatt
Mr. Curtis Blessing and
Ms. Amanda Van Dusen
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Bohn
Dr. Fredric Bonine
Mr. and Mrs. Barton W. Bracy
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Broderick
Mr. Dean Brody
Mrs. Milena Brown
Mr. Thomas I. Brown
Mr. Ralph Bryant Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Ms. Rose A. Burke
Ms. Alice M. Burnham
Ms. Rheta Rhae Busacca
Ms. Charlene A. Cach
Mr. Tim Cairns
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Capaldi
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Francois
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin R.
Dr. Carlo Ciaramitaro
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey K. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Jack R.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D.
Michael Coleman
Mr. Dennis Colling
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L.
Mr. and Mrs. William W.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Cornell
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P.
Ms. Angela Craig
Mr. Loren Crandell
Mr. John L. Crider
Mr. Robert J. Crompton
Mr. and Mrs. James J.
Crowe Jr.
Mr. John Cummings
Mr. Richard H. Cummings
Mr. David C. Cunningham
Mr. Robert M. Currie
R.M. Dairymple
Dave Dale
Ms. Barbara Darga
Ms. Karen W. Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Roy I. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Dominick L.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Mr. Albert D. DeGrazia
Mr. Leo Del Bel
Mrs. Margaret C. Demmer
Ms. Agnes S. Dempster
Ms. Bonnie Deppert
Mr. and Mrs. Fred M.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L.
Ms. Donna Dibert
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy S.
Mr. Orazio A. Direzze
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Doa
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent G. Dow
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L.
Ms. Sarah M. Earley
Ms. Janice L. Easton
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F.
Ebenhoeh Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Eckstein
Ms. Rosalie A. Eppert
Mr. Robert J. Erwin
Ms. Carole Faleris
Ms. Doris M. Fell
Ms. Patti Fenech
Mr. and Mrs. Agostinho A.
Fernandes Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ferrell
Mr. Jason L. Firek
Mrs. Max M. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Fisher
Mrs. Delores Flakes
Ms. Shirley M. Flanagan
Mr. Daniel G. Fredenall and
Ms. Martha A. Foley
Ms. Elizabeth A. Foley
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Ford
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Ford
Mrs. William Clay Ford
Mr. and Mrs. Steve J. Frank
Ms. Aretha Franklin
Mr. Howard P. Freers
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore R.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Furlo
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Gaggini
Mr. W. Kent Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D.
Mr. Joseph Gaus and
Ms. Cynthia Bauer
Mr. and Mrs. Danny J. Gaylor
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Genovese
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Ms. Mychelle L. Gibson
Ms. Mary Jane Gilbert
Ms. Julia Goatley
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce T.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Gonya
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Gotch
Mr. and Mrs. Terry C.
Mr. Fred Grandchamp and
Ms. Robbie McBride
Mr. and Mrs. Ned W.
Ms. Mary P. Greer
Ms. Diana M. Greig
Mrs. Marie J. Gundle
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R.
Dr. Anne M. Guyot and
Dr. Randy Shoemaker
Dr. and Mrs. Mark H.
Dr. Stanley Halprin
Ms. Therese L. Hammerle
Garrie V. Hankins
Ms. Anita Harnadek
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Harris
Mr. Edward Harris
Mrs. Teresa L. Hartle
Annual Report 2008 • 10
Ms. Joyce M. Haslam
Mr. and Mrs. Ed J. Havlena Jr.
Ms. Patricia A. Heftler
Mr. Albert G. Heller
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Mr. and Mrs. Albert P.
Herzog III
Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. High
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hodo
Mrs. Lauraine A. Hoensheid
Mr. Joel Hoffman and
Ms. Shelley Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Derek K.
Mr. and Mrs. David
Ms. Michele C. Holcomb
Dr. Jean M. Holland
Ms. Joy Hopkins
Ms. Eileen T. Hudock
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Hudson
Mrs. Irma E. Hulle
Ms. Michelle M. Ivey
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ivinson
Mr. William S. Jack
Ms. Sandra A. Jackson
Mr. Martin S. Jacob
Mr. and Mrs. Joel E. Jacob
Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick C. Janz
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Jenkins
Mr. Keith Johnson Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jan R. Johnson
Mr. Brian Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C.
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Jolliffe
Mr. Michael A. Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Jerrold R.
Mr. Paul Juneau and
Dr. Dianne Camp
W.R. Kadell
Mr. Steven R. Kalt and
Mr. Robert D. Heeren
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Kapolnek
Mr. John Kastler
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart R. Kayne
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Keck
Mr. and Mrs. David Kee
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Keller
Mr. James F. Keller
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M.
Dr. Thomas M. Kellogg
Ms. Ellen Kennedy
Ms. Amy L. Kessler
Mr. Samir Khan
Mr. Richard Kincaid
Mr. and Mrs. David L. King
Mr. and Mrs. David W. King
Ms. Ida King
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Kirk
Mr. and Mrs. James
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E.
Dr. and Mrs. James
Jim J. Kohn
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J.
Mr. William Koss
Mr. Bernard A. Kraft
Jack Krasula
Ms. Janet A. Krompart
Mr. Eric Krupp and
Ms. Diane Casalou
Ms. Elizabeth Kuiava
Ms. Christine Kujawa
Mr. Dennis Kutzen
Mr. Richard C. Kuziora
Mr. Nick J. Labedz
Mr. Steven J. Landry
Mr. Terry K. Lanzen
Mr. Richard K. LaRiviere
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Layne
Ms. Lynn LeAnnais
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Leduc
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Lentz
Ms. Elizabeth Lerchen
Mr. Jack Lintol
Mr. and Mrs. Hannan Lis
Deena and Stuart Lockman
Dana Locniskar and
Christine Beck
Ms. Bridgett Lomax
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F.
Mr. and Mrs. John J. LoVasco
Ms. Diana Lowe
Mr. Thomas J. Lucas
Mr. John Lucci
Ms. Elizabeth Lurie
Ms. Dale B. Lurie
Mr. Robert S. Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Manfred Mack
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Mackle
Ms. Margaret A. MacTavish
Ms. Janet L. Magdowski
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Maher
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Mailloux
Ms. Anna M. Majeski
Mr. James Mallak Jr.
Mr. Robert J. Manilla
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis J. Mann
Mr. Anthony Marasco
Mr. Kenneth E. Marblestone
Mr. David H. Mardigian
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Martin
Mr. Arthur Martin
Mr. Michael J. Martz
Mr. and Mrs. Keith B. Mayer
Ms. Ruth Ellen Mayhall
Mr. Daniel J. McBride
Mr. Cameron E. McCormick
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W.
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark McGowan
Ms. Carmen J. McGrae
Mr. James R. McGuire
Ms. Mary McMahon
Ms. Gail McSeveny
Mr. and Mrs. G.A. Metz
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Meyers
Ms. Deborah A. Miesel
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R.
Mr. Ronald Miles and
Mrs. Lynn Shattock-Miles
Ms. Alice Miles and
Mr. Ed Scritchfield
Eugene and Lois Miller
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Miller
Ms. Deborah L. Mohney
Mr. and Mrs. Hamid R.
Mr. Anthony Mona
Mrs. Miriam Mondry
Ms. M. Denise Moran
Ms. Carol Morton and Mr.
David Robinson
Mr. Richard G. Mosteller
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J.
Ms. Denise Murray
Mr. Stephen Nagy
Macauley Nash
Mr. Charles Neff
Mr. Scott K. Niblock
Mr. and Mrs. Francis
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L.
Ms. Marja Norris
Mr. Michael R. Nowak
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Oberpeul
Mr. Russell G. Oltman
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Ortiz
Ms. Lucille A. Padgett
Mr. Gus Panos
Ms. Lisa Payne
Mr. Gerald R. Pearsall
Ms. Mary Kay Pearson
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Pendell
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie J. People
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Pesci
Ms. Nancy Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith R.
Ms. Jean A. Peyrat
Ms. Vivian Pickard
Ms. Mary S. Pickett
Ms. Gayatri Pinnamaneni
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Popovic
Mr. Charles E. Price
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A.
Ms. Ann M. Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E.
Mr. Craig Riggs and
Ms. Aunna Lippert
Mr. and Mrs. Robert I.
Ms. Barbara Sue Ritchie
Mr. and Mrs. James C.
Mr. Bradley Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Ms. Suzanne M. Rodriguez
Ms. Nancy J. Roggers
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rohr
Mr. Patrick Rooney
Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Mr. Rocky R. Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross
Mr. Paul Roubal
Mr. Robert D. Rowan
Ms. Rose Rowe
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Ruby
Mr. and Mrs. Jere C. Rush
Mr. Joseph I. Rush
Mr. Jack Russo
11 • Annual Report 2008
20and Mrs. Julius Russu
Ms. Mary M. Ryan
Mr. Gary E. Ryti
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Sabina
Ms. Wendy J. Sample
Ms. Donna M. Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sanke
Mr. and Mrs. Donald H.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A.
Ms. Nancy M. Schlichting
Mr. Frank P. Schneemann
Ms. Angelica V. Schonberger
Mr. Jerome L. Schostak
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert E.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J.
Mr. and Mrs. Iain M. Scott
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Scott
Mr. Frank M. Seidl
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R.
Mr. Carl Selz and Ms. Linda
Mr. Richard A. Shapack
Ms. Judith Shutz
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis M. Silver
Ms. Patricia M. Simko
Mr. Michael J. Simpson
Mr. Terry G. Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Singer
Mr. and Mrs. William Sirois
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Slotkin
Mr. Bernie Smilovitz
Mr. Eric Smith
Mr. Jerry L. Sobota
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Solway
Mr. and Mrs. Julius J. Sonkiss
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick E.
Jason And Lynda Stanecki
Mary Stange
Mr. Ronald Stanow
Mr. and Mrs. Scott K. Stern
Ms. Margo A. Steyer
Mr. Mark A. Stolarski
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Stoner
Mr. and Mrs. Donald G.
Mr. Eric W. Stroh
Mrs. Kim Suchara
Mr. Walter P. Sulak
Ms. Patricia M. Surd
Mr. and Mrs. David Sutton
Ms. Susan Synowiec
Mr. and Mrs. John I.
Mr. James Tamm and
Ms. Kimberley Harrison
Ms. Stephanie Tanner
Mr. and Mrs. A. Alfred
Ms. Barbara A. Taylor
Mr. William Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Derrick Teal
Mr. Mark B. Tepen
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Thomas
Mr. Mike Toloff
Mr. Gary P. Tomchick
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M.
Mr. James H. Trask
Ms. Nicola J. Travis
Mr. Richard Turigliatto
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence S.
Ms. Katherine Van Hoy
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Van
Ms. Joy VanBuhler
Mr. and Mrs. Dave R.
Mr. Thomas Vida
Mr. and Mrs. James Vlasic
Ms. Susan H. Wabeke
Mr. S. Chase Wakefield
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M.
Mr. and Mrs. Gail L. Warden
Ms. Ann Kirk Warren
Ms. Carrie Weaver
Ms. Barbara M. Webb
Wayne and Joan Webber
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas S.
Mr. James D. Weil
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Welch
W. DeWayne Wells
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Wells
Mr. John V. Welsh
Mr. and Mrs. Stan E. Wencley
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J.
Wendt Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William G.
Ms. Carol Whalen-Blaylock
Mr. James M. Williams
Ms. Elizabeth C. Williams
Ms. Sally J. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff K. Wilson
Mr. Ronald E. Wilson
Shaun Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Brian R.
Ms. Heather Windell
Mr. and Mrs. Martin W.
Mr. Leslie Wise
Ms. L. Darlene Wolford
Mr. John H. Wolford
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A.
Wolking Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wood
Mr. Donald Woodward
Mr. Stephen Wyatt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wyatt
Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Yaple
Donna and Walt Young
Mr. Victor Zanelli
Mr. Ronald Zaremba
Paul, Colleen, Brian and
Jaime Ziegler Family
Mr. and Mrs. David J.
Gleaners Distribution Centers:
Annual Report
Nourishing Communites By Feeding Hungry People
Gleaners Community Food Bank of
Southeastern Michigan
2131 Beaufait St. | Detroit, MI 48207-3410
Phone 313-923-3535 or 1-866-GLEANER
Fax 313-923-2247 | |
Gleaners Harvest Winter 2008
Gleaners Detroit Headquarters & Distribution Center
2131 Beaufait St., Detroit
Gleaners Livingston County Distribution Center
5924 Sterling Dr., Howell
Gleaners Oakland County Distribution Center
120 E. Columbia Ave., Pontiac
Gleaners Taylor Distribution Center
25698 Northline Rd., Taylor
Gleaners Joan & Wayne Webber Distribution Center
24162 Mound Rd., Warren
Food Fight to Tackle
Childhood Hunger
leaners doesn’t recommend fighting, unless it’s part of
the Food Fight to Tackle Childhood Hunger. This event, held
each year during the last two weeks of July, pits businesses
against one another to see who can collect the most donations to
help feed hungry children during the summer, when school is out
and kids are without free and reduced-fee school meals.
More than 75 businesses and municipal groups
joined this year’s Food Fight, collecting 10,279
pounds of food and raising more than $24,000 –
resulting in the equivalent of 81,000 meals for
kids and their families.
(left to right) Gleaners president DeWayne Wells, Karla Tucker
from J.D. Power & Associates, Sam Kafoury, Claire Kafoury, and
Jane Lee from J.D. Power & Associates celebrate Food Fight victories.
Gleaners thanks participating organizations for their support
and congratulates the winners of each category.
2008 Food Fight Winners
1000+ Employees:
Robert Bosch LLC
100+ Employees:
Plexus Online
250+ Employees:
J.D. Power &
Under 100
The Ayco Co.
Oakland Press Food Drive
or five years, The Oakland Press has been reaching out to residents to engage them in the fight against hunger.
This fall’s Oakland Press Food Drive involved more than 70 Oakland County organizations – civic centers, town
halls, libraries and credit unions and others – in collecting food donations. Gleaners thanks The Oakland Press
and food drive sponsors T&C Federal and Oakland County credit unions for a successful event that both gathered
food and raised awareness about issues of hunger in Southeastern Michigan.
A Bird in Hand is Worth …18 Holes
Golfers donate turkeys for hungry Livingston neighbors
olfers donated Thanksgiving turkeys in exchange for a
round of golf at one of six courses on November 23 as
part of Birdie Day, an annual campaign to help every
Livingston family have a happy and healthful holiday.
Gleaners distributed the donated turkeys to its partner
agencies, such as the Salvation Army and Oakland Livingston
Human Service Agency, as well as soup kitchens, food pantries
and other nonprofit organizations that help families in need.
A crowd also gathered at the Majestic Golf Course to watch the
Birdie Day Golf Ball Drop. For $25 each, participants purchased
raffle “balls” that were then
dropped onto the practice range
from a helicopter hovering at 300
feet. Three lucky winners, whose balls were closest to the pin,
took home $1,000 prizes.
Gleaners thanks sponsor Brighton Commerce
Bank and this year’s participating golf courses:
The Majestic (Hartland), Timber Trace (Pinckney),
Whispering Pines (Pinckney), The Jackal (Brighton),
Hartland Glen (Hartland) and Mystic Creek (Milford).
Partner Profiles
ith the help of more than 450 partner
agencies, Gleaners is able to distribute the
equivalent of 404,000 meals every week to
people in need. We are continuing our series about
our partner agencies in this issue of Harvest, profiling
the good work of two area churches that run pantries
that give food to our hungry neighbors.
St. Mark Outreach Center, Warren
At St. Mark Outreach Center in Warren, it’s not
uncommon to see families wheeling out a shopping
cart full of wholesome food to their car, chocked full
of staples like peanut butter, jelly, tuna, cereal, bread
and frozen meat. And for many of these families,
they’ll make this food stretch a month with careful
menu planning and rationing.
According to outreach coordinator Denise Amenta, if
it weren’t for the food distributed through St. Mark,
these families would have to choose between buying
food and putting gas in their car or paying rent.
St. Mark Outreach Center serves more than 525
individuals, families and seniors a month through
three different emergency food programs, with about
one-third of its food coming from Gleaners. “We get
such wonderful food in such large quantities for such
a terrific price at Gleaners,” says Amenta.
The center is able to distribute ground beef, ground
turkey, lunch meat, chicken and frozen stews because
of the “deals” she gets through Gleaners. “We’re
three minutes from Gleaners’ Warren warehouse.
Because of the proximity, we can run over and get
fresh produce when it becomes available and easily
purchase freezer items.” Gleaners five distribution
centers allow partner agencies, like St. Mark, to
readily access perishable food, getting food out to
those who need it more efficiently.
St. Mark Outreach Center is a hub of activity, with
one ton of food being moved in and out each month
with the help of 100 volunteers. The center also has a
clothing closet; resource and referral center; holiday
programs; and other emergency support services, like
bill-paying assistance, through its participation in the
Good Samaritan Coalition.
The most destitute population coming to
St. Mark for food are those living on SSI, says
Amenta with compassion. “These are people
that get only $450 each month and their rent is
$375. They have no transportation, no extras,”
says Amenta. “They are holding on by a thread
and living way under standard. We’re subsidizing
their lives – it’s not just food.”
Volunteers Lois Rowell and
Tom Sulkey stock shelves at
St. Mark Outreach Center.
Gleaners Harvest Winter 2009
WITS Food Pantry, Detroit
Pastor Leon Shipman Sr. of Walk in the Spirit
(WITS) knows all too well the great need for food
in our community. Shipman used to drive a truck
for Gleaners and deliver food to partner agencies.
we would not be able to do this particular job, or
help the community we are able to help.” Gleaners
also donated a cooler, helped the pantry obtain a
freezer, and helped WITS acquire tires and a new
starter for its Dodge Ram that Shipman uses to
pick up food and get it back to the pantry to feed
those in need.
“As a Gleaners truck driver, I became really aware
of people who were really hungry. People would
be waiting for the truck to arrive. I hadn’t realized
how desperate people were right in our city,” says
Shipman. “It made me feel good that I was helping
my fellow man.”
Shipman took his compassion to another level
when he began providing food to low-income,
single parents on a small scale in 1998 when
he opened WITS Food Pantry at his church.
Eventually, the pantry reached out to seniors
when Shipman realized that they often were
choosing between buying medication or food.
“More recently, we’ve come in contact with people
who have jobs, but they struggle with supermarket
costs, increasing gas prices, debt, and other bills,”
says Shipman of the mix of people the pantry
serves today. “Sometimes both parents are working,
and they’re still struggling.” WITS also serves a
number of homeless people and laid-off individuals
trying to support their families. The pantry is open
four days a week from 10:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.
“Our basic mission is to meet the need of every
hungry individual we come in contact with,” says
Shipman. WITS provides about seven families a
week with emergency food boxes, 40 families a
month with a box of pantry staples, and dozens
of others who wander in from the streets with
emergency food.
According to Shipman, 85 percent of the pantry’s
food comes from Gleaners. “Without Gleaners
Pastor Leon Shipman Sr.
checks inventory in the freezer
at WITS Food Pantry in Detroit.
Most of WITS’ clients are from surrounding
eastside neighborhoods that are extremely
impoverished. These neighborhoods are filled with
rental homes, with lots of people on fixed incomes
or using Michigan Department of Human Services
support, says Shipman. Drugs impact the quality
of life and most families are living below or near
poverty level. “We ride around and pass out flyers
that we’re giving away turkeys, hams, or whatever
we’re doing, and encourage people to come.”
“Much of the time, it’s a one-time thing,” says
Shipman of the clients that come for food. “Others
come monthly. They look forward to it. They need
it.” Still others, notes Shipman, come back to
volunteer their time, serving those who stand in
the same place they once stood.
Detroit Duck Derby and Fall Benefit
espite “fowl” weather that prevented the duck race,
the second annual Detroit Duck Derby still proved
to be a success for Gleaners, raising over $50,000
to help feed our hungry neighbors. The Duck Derby
was to be part of the 15th annual Fall Harvest Family
Event on Belle Isle, but Mother Nature had other plans,
sending buckets of rain to flood our picnic site. Winning
raffle entries were drawn, however, and Gleaners
congratulates all the winners and thanks everyone who
helped make this year’s fund raiser a success. We extend
a special thanks to our presenting sponsor, The Chrysler
Foundation, for once again supporting our Fall Benefit.
Iron Chef Competition
ore than 400 attendees of the
Iron Chef Competition to
benefit Gleaners’ Livingston
County Distribution Center were
treated to an intense and lively battle
last August when Chef Jody Brunori
of the French Laundry in Fenton
narrowly defended her title against
challenger Chef Steven Grostick of
Five Lakes Grill in Milford.
The real winners, however,
were our hungry neighbors in
Livingston County. The event
raised $70,000, enough funds
to fill more than three semitruck loads of food for Gleaners’
Shared Harvest Pantry.
Top Image: Crowds cheer at the annual Iron Chef
Bottom Image: Chef Steven Grostick (foreground)
and Chef Jody Brunori (background) prepare
competitive dishes at the Iron Chef Competition.
Gleaners Harvest Winter 2009
Bordine Nursery in Brighton hosted
this year’s competition, which
featured a strolling buffet presented
by local restaurants, as well as a
silent auction of goods and services
from local businesses. Our panel
of judges included Buzz Elliot of
WHMI 93.5FM; Rich Perlberg,
general manager and executive
editor, Livingston County Daily Press
& Argus; Kate Lawson, food writer,
Detroit News; Chef
Kevin M. Enright,
chair of the
Culinary Studies
Institute, Oakland
College; and
Mara Jaffe.
Livingston County
resident Jack Berry, Pet Supplies Plus
and Pinckney Auto Wash sponsored
the event, along with many other
individuals and businesses.
“We are grateful to Jack Berry
for again taking a leadership role
in helping Gleaners secure the
resources necessary to cure hunger
in Livingston County,” says Gleaners
President DeWayne Wells.
Gleaners’ Livingston County
Distribution Center also extends
special thanks to all of the attendees,
our chefs and judges, DJ Kenny
Privett of Scottie Alexander
Entertainment, emcees Steve
Garagiola and Neal Rubin, and
Bordine Nursery.
Letter from our President
s the holiday season –
and Gleaners busiest time
of year – came to a close
last month, I couldn’t help but
reflect on how fortunate I am
to have resources that many of
our neighbors don’t have.
In truth, my resources are
countless compared to so many
with so little. I have an education and was given
encouragement and opportunity to use it. I have a
reliable car that allows me to drive to work each day
without worries about breaking down or missing a
bus. I have good health and good health insurance
and am never faced with choices between paying
medical bills or paying
my mortgage.
And, most importantly, I have ample, nutritious food
on my table every night of the week – a basic need
that is easily satisfied because of all the resources
with which I am blessed.
Yet in Michigan, 12 percent of our neighbors
cannot afford to feed their families. Child poverty
hovers close to 20 percent, and Michigan’s median
household income continues to decline. And as
more folks lose jobs, they are turning to the food
pantries, soup kitchens and shelters that Gleaners
supplies for their most basic need: food. In fact, we
saw an unprecedented surge in demand for food
over the holidays.
Thanks to you, Gleaners was able to meet that
demand, and we will continue to keep pantries
stocked and food on our hungry neighbors’ tables.
As we start off the new year, please join me in being
appreciative of the resources we so often take for
granted – and in continuing to care about the plight
of those with much less.
Calendar of Events
Gleaners Harvest Winter 2009
February 21
Pewabic Pottery
Empty Bowls Event
Historic Pewabic Pottery hosts this annual fund
raiser for Gleaners at its beautiful Detroit location,
10125 E. Jefferson, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Come enjoy
a bowl of hot soup and purchase unique ceramic
bowls crafted by local students and artists. Event
contact: Julie Ptasznik at 866-GLEANER ext. 245
March 11
Women’s Power Breakfast
This annual fund raiser celebrates the power of
women to make great things happen in their lives and
communities. Participants include prominent female
leaders such as judges, politicians, professionals,
business owners, corporate executives, journalists,
broadcasters, key volunteers and members of the
most influential boards in our area. Event contact:
Suzette Hohendorf at 866-GLEANER ext. 243 or
March 12
Pinckney Community
Schools’ Empty Bowls
Now in its 15th year, the event features handmade
ceramic bowls from local students and a variety
of soups from area restaurants. It will be held at
Pinckney Community High School, 10255 DexterPinckney Road, from 5-8 p.m., with all proceeds going
to the food bank. Event contact: Suzette Hohendorf at
866-GLEANER ext. 243 or
W. DeWayne Wells
can make a
Send a check:
Each $1 donation helps
Gleaners feed one hungry
person for one day.
Every hour you volunteer
helps keep our costs low.
Call in a credit card or installment gift:
Lisa Walker, 1-866-GLEANER, ext. 241
Donate online:
Transfer stock:
Ask your broker to contact
Tom Murphy, 1-866-GLEANER, ext. 233
If your company can contribute:
Julie Ptasznik, 1-866-GLEANER, ext. 245, or
Gleaners Community Food Bank of Southeastern Michigan
2131 Beaufait, Detroit, MI 48207-3410
You can help with food packing, mailing or at
one of our special events. Individuals, families
and groups are welcome. Contact one of
Gleaners’ volunteer coordinators to arrange to
volunteer at one of our five distribution centers:
Detroit, Warren and Taylor:
Alma Perez, 1-866-GLEANER, ext. 239
Ask your employer for a matching gift:
Tell your employer you donated to Gleaners and request a
matching gift. If your company does not have a matching gift
program, ask about starting one.
Sarah Shannon, 1-866-GLEANER, ext. 403
Provide a Memorial or Tribute Gift for a
Special Occasion:
Michelle Ounanian, 1-866-GLEANER, ext. 335
Bridgett Lomax, 1-866-GLEANER, ext. 249, or
Leave a Legacy:
Gerry Brisson, 1-866-GLEANER, ext. 246, or
Special Events:
Deborah Dillard, 1-866-GLEANER, ext. 260
Please remember:
Your donation is 100% tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Gleaners Community Food Bank of Southeastern Michigan is a 501(c)(3)
organization. Individuals, married couples and businesses may claim 50% of their cash donations to Gleaners on their Michigan Income Tax
Return as a tax credit for contributions to homeless shelters and food banks. Individuals may claim 50% of gifts up to $200; married couples
filing jointly may claim 50% of gifts up to $400; and businesses may claim 50% of gifts up to $10,000. Please consult your tax advisor before
making a claim.
Gleaners Harvest Winter 2009
by feeding
Gleaners Community Food Bank
of Southeastern Michigan
2131 Beaufait St.
Detroit, MI 48207-3410
313-923-3535 or 1-866-GLEANER
313-923-2247 Fax •
Gleaners Distribution Centers:
Gleaners Detroit Headquarters &
Distribution Center
2131 Beaufait St., Detroit
Gleaners Livingston County Distribution Center
5924 Sterling Dr., Howell
Gleaners Oakland County Distribution Center
120 E. Columbia Ave., Pontiac
Gleaners Taylor Distribution Center
25698 Northline Rd., Taylor
Gleaners Joan & Wayne Webber Distribution Center
24162 Mound Rd., Warren
Gleaners is proud to be a
founding member of:
The Food
Council of
And a member of:
The United Way
The Better
Board of Directors
Gene Gonya,
Ken Marblestone
Charter One Bank
Bob McGowan
Community Leader
Pat Berwanger, Chair
Community Leader
Ed Bahoura,
Senior Vice Chair
Save-A-Lot Stores
Keith B. Mayer,
Vice Chair
Giffels-Webster Engineers
Vivian R. Pickard,
Vice Chair
General Motors Corp.
Vince Dow,
DTE Energy
Erica Peresman
Community Leader
Nancy A. Rosso
Livingston County
United Way
Brother Jerry Smith
Capuchin Soup Kitchen
Dave R. VanderPloeg
Huntington National Bank
V. James Viola
Community Leader
Bill Winkler,
Wayne State University
School of Medicine
Claudette Wardell-Cameron
Wayne State University
Developmental Disabilities
W. DeWayne Wells,
Gleaners Community
Food Bank
Walter R. Young
Community Leader
Sharon A. Banks
Charles Graham
Ned Greenberg
Curtis Hertel
Jim Jenkins
Steve Lawson
Lisa Lis
Richard A. Loewenstein
Lois Miller
Roy Nesler
Charles Oliver
Sandy Radtke-Gerkin
Lorenzo Rivera
Dulcie Rosenfeld
Neal Rubin
Edith Scott
Denise Starr
Kevin Stephens
Michael H. Acheson
Interlaken, LLC
Velva S. Clark
Max Broock, Inc.
Dick Dills
Community Leader
Mural at the Gleaners Detroit Distribution Center.
Alice A. Miles
R.L. Polk & Co.
Michelle L. Gaggini
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan
Catherine Genovese
Candy Cane CHRISTmas
Tree Farm
Virginia Hill
Comerica Bank
Vicky Howell, Esq.
Gerald J. Israel
Russ Kittleson
Judith F. Layne
Dickinson Wright PLLC
Ruth Stephens-Collins
Pat Weber
James Williams
Howard Zoller, Esq.
Endowment Donors Leave
Legacy of Compassion
Gleaners Community Food Bank thanks our
inaugural Legacy Society Donors for making
significant contributions to the Gleaners
Endowment Fund.
These gifts are helping to secure Gleaners’ future by
creating a permanent source of funding for our mission
to nourish communities by feeding hungry people.
Michael & Adele Acheson
Community Foundation for
Southeast Michigan
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Gonya
Jack Krasula
Dana Locniskar and
Christine Beck
Eugene & Lois Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Norman
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Slotkin
Mary Stange
Wayne & Joan Webber
Donna & Walt Young
To learn more about Gleaners’ Legacy Society, visit
A special thanks to
Gleaners’ Hunger Heroes
campaign sponsors:
We are grateful to you and to all our Hunger
Heroes for helping us feed our hungry
neighbors this holiday season and beyond!