President`s Daily Diary, November 4, 1966
President`s Daily Diary, November 4, 1966
Date NOV. 4, 1966 White House, p^ FRIDAY Acttvity (inctude visited by) ture Expendi(Jode Usher's Office, The Mansion. Talked with Agent Hallon of SS Breakfast in bedroom. Commissioner Nick Johnson Jake Jacobsen, Bill Moyers and Marvin Watson in and out Robert Kintner Judge James Watson - NYC Col. James Cross Liz Carpenter Joe Califano - talked at 8:55am __ Commissioner Willard Deason - did not talk -Deason spoke with Jake Jacobsen who wa to give the President message. The President to East Room for PRESS CONFERENCE___ live TV. The President and Mrs. Johnson to 2d floor of the Mansion from East Room Secy Robert McNamara Secy Dean Rusk. Walt Rostow 2d Floor, Mansion ^ NOV. 4, 1966 White House p ^ FRIDA Y Activity (inctud e visited by ) To Yellow Oval Room for presentation of credentials by ^/ Amb. of Pakistan, Agha Hilaly (/^ and Amb. of Democratic Republic of the Congo, Cyrille Adoula j Amb. James Symington Cong Hale Boggs - New Orleans , L a ^ To Oval Office ^ Date NOVEMBER 4, 1966 White House Day Friday Activity (inctude visited by) Bill Moyers (pl) gaog^Xdlas To Fish Room for meeting w/ Task Force — 7: ** ystx To Oval Office BM (pl) " Leonard Marks (returning his call) Bill Moyers (pl) The Vice President (b.1) Marianne Means Riordan Bill Moyers (pl) ^ P Novembe White House p ^ FRIDA Activtty (inc!ud e visited by ) tur l) Bill ^ Moyers r 4, 196 6 Y . Expendie Code (pl) ^ __________ Bill Moyers in FLOWERS SENT to Ambassador Joseph P. Kennedy in Ne w England Baptist Hospital, Boston, Mass with card: Thinking of you with Warmest best wishes, The President and Mrs. Johnson . To South Grds for boarding Helicopter w/ flight to Andrew s AFB Aboard AF # 1 fmAndrew s AFB for Texas * calls and secret service checked n,,, November 4, 1966 The"White House ^ Activhy (Hictude visited by) ture Friday ExpendiCode The President ^ walked to the South Grounds with Marvin Watson. Here a pool of photographers were waiting for the President. The President took the three dogs-Blanco, J. Edgar, and Freckles up the steps to the right of the diplomatic entrance and posed for pictures with them. He chatted with the photographers and such staff members as were there--Bob Fleming, Hal Pachios. The President then walked to the waiting helicopter with Marvin Watson, shaking hands with Marvin telling him goodbye. On the top step of the helicopter, the President paused to turn around and wave to the photograp for a final picture. The President boarded the helicopter, joining Mrs. Johnson, Lynda, and mary s in the front cabin. He asked Mr. and Mrs. Simon McHugh to come up to this part of the chopper. Also on board were: Dr. Voss Paul Glynn Jake Jacobsen Marie Fehmer Secret Service As the President sat down, mary s gave him a copy of his press conference of the mornin which he immediately gave to Lynda saying that she might learn something from it. Helicopter off to Andrews Air iboo Force Base During the flight the President discussed his morning's press conference, asking if Vicky and Simon had seen it and what they thought about it. He told mary s that this morning he was down to 212 pounds—within a week he would be under 200 pounds! The President asked mary s if the pictures of the longhorns was going with us, also if the picture of the President and Luci taken at the Ranch in September was going along. When ms answered in the affirmative, the President was pleased. He_asked if anyone ha seen the good black & white photograph taken of him at Cam Rahn Bay? During :£kxiiKg th e choppe r fligh t th e Presiden t notice d a smal l grey cas e tha t mary s had in her lap . Whe n he discovered i t was a Son g tv , h e kidde d he r abou t th e siz e an d aske d i f tha t wa s al l sh e had a t he r apartmenNovembe r 4 , 196 6 THE WHIT E HOUS E Dat e PRESIDENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON DAILY DIARY The The President began his day at (Place) T-_ 1 : In Ou j« ^ ] _ -p . _____ Telephone f f or* t 1 I imf Entry m tL oL and Friday Fvr_<>nrii txpenditure Activity (include visited by) slightly p 26000 0 ^ The helicopter landed a t Andrew s th e Presiden t wen t immediately to A F On e ————— — whic h wa s waitin g and t o th e stateroom . ——-___ — windy. I• 39p , A I 1 Mrs h. Day DC The weather was clear cris ___________ White House_ ________ F One 2600 0 o ff fo r Randolp h Ai r Forc e Base , Sa n Antoni o Texas • In the stateroom wit h th e Presiden t durin g take—of f wer e _________ . Johnso n Durin g take-of f th e Presiden t wa s readin g a Lynda Bird newspaper, _________ _ Mr. & Mrs. . - • _________ Marie _ _ Simon McHugh Fehmer , . ________ _ Mary Slater . •^^ d 1 Presiden t ordered drink s fo r Vick y an d Simo n an d lunc h a ;42t The melon I j Johnso and diet rootbeer --for himself _ __________ The President read a report of the latest poll and discussed it with Lynda, Mrs n and the other s i n th e stateroom . He remarked tha t hi s popularit y ha d risen to 68-77% support of his Vietnam policy = i1 1:45 7p balls bow l o f chil i __——— — .. j . . . _ _________ mf gave the President a report to read a folde r o f report s fro m th e situatio n room , carrie d fro m — s offic e i n Washington) i( | hi i i l:49p , member 1 j ___^ _ George Christian on radio phone j Th e Presiden t tol d hi m tha t fo r th e pgx K press G C could sa y tha t i n th e las t 2 4 hours th e President ha d talke d personall y t o Mansfield , Dirksen , McCormack , an d G Ford, an d Hale Bogg s t o repor t tv telephone o n his trip . H e also tol d Georg e abou t wha t h e had told the m (an d the Congressiona l lette r sen t to member s o f Congress r e hi s trip ) - - H e told G C that he expecte d t o hav e som e peopl e down—Cabine t s lik e Gardner and McNamara. He said that he planned t o stay bus y a t the ranc h wit h well-organized _ days. _ fmTE HOUSE Date EWT LYNDON B. JOHNSON MAKY Novembe resident began his day at (Place) The T _ Telephone Tine ^ ^ . Lo in Out 3:07p 3* —, White House Day ^ ^ Expendi. Activity LD C°^^ Friday r 4, 1966 ' (inctude visited by) ture Jake Jacobsen in bedroom. Reported on the progress of a purchase the President ———— had requested on the way back from Anchorage to WAshington, The President told Mr. Jacobsen to talk to J. C. Kellam and have him have his best soundman at the Ranch by 11:00am Saturday to stand by for McNamara. 1 Op The President appeared very thoughtful, lying back while the, chief was working on him and mary s was rubbing oilin his hands. The President discussed the Texas Senate race with Jake, asking howit was looking and what was being done. 3:20p . 3:2Sp Nap On board The President , called Jake to the door of the bedroom to give him some more instructions — AF One 26000 from Andrews AF Base to Randolph AF Base. , ,/ Lynda Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Simon McHugh The PreSident 1 Mrs. Johnson Miss Mary Slater ^ Miss Marie Fehmer — Lt. Col. Harold R. Patterson A1C Michael Geisinger (Photog) Robert Recco Dr. Marlyn w. Voss Lt. Cdr. F. W. Hobbs Sgt. Robert Duffy Sgt. Chief Stuart Baltimore— HM1 Don Nauser Sgt. Paul Glynn Sgt. Marshall Gaddis 1C1 Richard Ellison (whca) A1C James Z. Cooper (whoa) Sp5 Herbert S. Currier, Jr. (whca) CT2 Thomas R. Rees(whca) Prc. William F. Garwood, Jr., (whca) Pfc. Richard L. McClain(whca) Prc. WilliAm E. Seltzer (whca.) Beverly Cole (whca) Mary Hoffer (whca) — Bernice Simonik (whca) Lt. Thomas Atkins (movie man) David B. Grant (usss) Mr. William J Kiernan (usss) Mr. John E. Pforr(usss) Mr. Gene Wofford(usss) Mr. James M. Hardin (usss) Mr. Clinton J. Hill (usss) Mr. Jerry Terry (usss) —— Mr. Stephen Garmon (usss) Mr. Jerry D. Kivett (Usss) Mr. James M. Howard (usss) Mrsrx^^r Mr. Richard Keiser Mr. Richard Johnsen Mr. Robert Melchiori, Mr. Philip Strother, Mr. Charles Rochne "lj Mr. Chalfant Mr. Kenneth Giannoules <^^ Mr.PaulThompson Mr. William Geasa Mr. Jerry McKinney :R\\i Mrs.Lee Gregg Mr. Jake Jacobsen Mrs. George Christian Maacy Nickerson V MiE House rh,K- November 4. 1966 MT LYMDOW B. JOHMSOM tARY eskdent began his day at (Place) The -T-- Telephone Tune ^ j . hi Out ^. ^ ExpendtActivity Lo LD (inc!ude visited by) turf Gaddis in bedroom to awaken the President prior to landing. 3:4pp AF 3:45p The Weathsr: sunny, windy, 70 decrees ._ Prior 3t52p The One 26000 landed at Randolph Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas ? President deplaned and went to the crowd at the fence. The President had on his ranc to boarding the jet star, the President talked briefly with Tom Johnson. President boarded the jet star joining: Mrs. Johnson Lynda Bird Johnson . ^/ Mr. & Mrs. Simon McHugh Dr. Marlyn W. Voss Jake Jacobsen Marie Fehmer Mary Slater Ken Gaddis * Service j ' Secret i }! _Friday <^<**<' 3:32p Ken 4:00p i }1 4:04p I White House Day * As the President boarded the plane, he spoke briefly with Dr. Voss concerning arrangement operation. i his * I Col. Cross had trouble getting the airplane started due to the strong wind, and the plane ha } be moved to another position out ofthe wind. The Preside nt kidded that Col Cross must be le I how to fly the plane. !' The jet star off for the ranch from Randolph t ^ t George Christian, in suite at the Tropicana in San Antonio During the flight the housing arrangements for staff and guests were discussed. ) : 4:12p j ' rh e jet star landed at the ranch. Prior to leaving the plane, the President asked for his j which he put on. Date The White House __ ___ Activity (inctude visited by) November 4, 1966 p^ Friday . E: Off jet star. Arrive Ranch House by golf cart with Mrs.Johnson, Mr. &Mrs. McHugh, Lynda Bird — marie fehmer--The President asked her to find out where Lynda had gone and tell her that he waiting for her, Departed house by car with Mrs.Johnson and Lynda — George Christian (radio phone), suite in Tropicana in SanAntonio At Malechek Ranch house —, Earl Deathe, Austin (radio phone) The President discussed the progress on the sale of a boat gates, a car, and other such business. —^—^ ^—— At north end of the runway Reagan Ranch Melvin Winters (radio phone) The President asked The Winters to come up and ride and see deer and have dinner with him. T.C. Kellam (radio phone) Return to main ranch house Date November 4, 1966 The White House Activity (inc)ude visited by) ^^ Friday E J. C. Kellam, in Austin (radio phone) The President asked for adiet rootbeer mf--The 5M3x Winters were at the house and wanting instructions—the President save direct reach his location. Dale Malechek—Asking about the location of deer To office--Showed picture of President and Luci to Mrs. Johnsonand Luci.The President then talked with Jake Jacobsen as he read ticker. . The President read some of the telegrams that had been sent welcoming him back to the countr . and congratulating him on the trip. He xsnsHr that the labor peopleshouldl certainly be thanked The President told JJ tocall George Einx Christian and tell him to get a correction on UPI 156 it was untrue. To living room with Mrs. Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Winters, Mr. & Mrs. Pat Nugent R Governor John Connally, Austin - Dale Meeks (radio phone patch) Date November The White House p^ 4,1966 Friday Activity (inc)ude visited by) fur Expe (JtM DINNER With : Mrs.Johnson, Lynda, Luci, Pat Joe Batson (Lynda's date) Vicky and Simon McHugh Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Winters , Johnson City, Texas Mr. & Mrs. Earl Deathe , Austin, Texas Mr. &Mrs. Roy Butler, Austin, Texas J. C. Kellam , Austin, Texas Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Stubbs , Johnson City, Texas Jake Jacobsen, Marie Fehmer, Mary S&ax Slater During dinner the President talked about Pago Pago and the educational television there. He w relaxed and enjoying being among his freinds. Toward the end of dinner, the President gave Luci a sapphire and diamond pin he had brough her from Thailand. To office with Lynda, Luci, Mrs. Johnson, Joe Batson, Jake Jacobsen, Earl and Weeze Deathe to look at rings for Lynda, Luci, and Mss. Johnson to choose from. J. C. Kellam joined the group in the office as did mf and mary S-J.C. K. stood by the Pres as the President read the tickers at his desk. President returned to the office and worked part of his desk with Jake and mf Watched news on television Went for axBo walk with Lynda, Joe Batson, Jake, mf, and mary s to Cousin Oreole Bailey's. The President complimented her on her new furnishings and gave her a medallion of theAsi The walk seemed to relax the President and he was in good spirits, kidding everyone. The wa was approximately one mile in all. Dat^November 4, 1966 The White House Friday Day Activity (inciude visited by) Returned to office reading tickers at Jake Jacobsen's desk, making comments on several items Lynda and Toe told the President goodnight. The President said to talk to Mrs. Johnson and get everything moved out of the office that she would allow, for it was too crowded. The President dictated a note to Senator Fulbright to mf. . The President said goodnight, saying I'm not going to tell you again; get to bed. The President came on the intercom system asking either mary s or mf to come rub his hands. Mary S. went in and Lynda soon joined, one rubbing each hand __