Foreign Rights Catalogue


Foreign Rights Catalogue
Hoffmann und Campe
Foreign Rights Catalogue
Autumn 2015
Hoffmann und Campe Verlag GmbH
Harvestehuder Weg 42 | 20149 Hamburg
Nadja Kossack | Rights Director
phone +49-40-44188-266
fax +49-40-44188-319
Siegfried Lenz, The Fishing Contest
Siegfried Lenz, An Exchange of Gifts. Christmas
and Winter Stories
Andrea Maria Schenkel, Love Unlasting
Kat Kaufmann, Superposition
Gerhard Henschel, Novel of an Artist
Petra Reski, The Faces of the Dead
Stephanie Bart, Goodbye Bismarck
Matthias Politycki, The Crazy Glitter in your Eyes
Matthias Politycki, Egyptian Plagues.
Mountains and Deserts of Sinai. 13 Poems
Thomas Askan Vierich, Deadly Delicacies
Theresa Bäuerlein / Shai Tubali, Think like Einstein
Hubert Seipel, Putin
Kerstin Schweighöfer, Living One Hundred Years
Volker Skierka, Armin Mueller-Stahl
Helmut Schmidt, Then I Would Have Become Port Director
Sabine Brenner-Wilczek (Ed.), Yes, Womenfolk are
Anna König / Holger Wenzl, Chomp. One year, one couple,
one pot
About Atlantik Verlag
Katharina Mahrenholtz / Dawn Parisi, Whodunit!
Nikolas Heidelbach, Rosel von Melaten
In spring 2014 Hoffmann und
Campe has launched the new
imprint called Atlantik. Atlantik
focuses on well-told novels, popular
non-fiction, great anthologies and
beautiful gift books.
The Atlantik list features such
acclaimed authors as Agatha Christie,
José Saramago, Paul Theroux, Grégoire Delacourt, Natalio Grueso and
Romain Puértolas.
About Hoffmann und
Campe Verlag
Hoffmann und Campe | Atlantik | Autumn 2015
Foreign Rights
in 1781, is a publishing house with a
long tradition and today one of Germany’s largest and most successful
general publishers with a portfolio that
embraces the works of famous authors
and young writing talents. Since 1951,
all works by the eminent narrative writer
Siegfried Lenz have been published by
We control translation rights for all the
titles listed in this catalogue.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if
you have any questions or would like to
receive reading copies.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes,
Nadja Kossack
Rights Director
Hoffmann und Campe Verlag GmbH
Nadja Kossack | Rights Director
phone +49-40-44188-266
fax +49-40-44188-319
Hoffmann und Campe | Autumn 2015
Homage to nature,
life, fish, the sea …
and love.
Initial Print Run 50.000
›A reoccurring highlight during the
Baltic Sea Week was always the fishing
contest. Then the small town of Thorshafen
made the effort to appear festive; many
of the houses were decorated with flags,
the two coffee houses moved their
counters closer to the lake and some of
the small boats boasted a new lick of
paint. Fishing contest: For many of us it
was an opportunity to test and prove our
luck and ability.‹
❚ Siegfried Lenz’ s last and never before
published story
It is a very special day in the small town of Thorshafen on
the Baltic Sea: The annual fishing contest is taking place at
the lake just behind the dike. It is only per chance that the
narrator takes part and meets Anja. Fishing together brings
one together, but also tires you out. A spot hidden by reeds
invites to rest until suddenly the fishing rod tightens. Which
fish has taken the bait, maybe a pike or even a catfish, the
master of the lake? At the end of the day, all inhabitants of
Thorshafen celebrate together: Nature, life, fish, the sea and of
course love. Though we shall not disclose how the teacher Mrs
Laura managed to get appointed Fish Queen.
Short Story
Siegfried Lenz
The Fishing Contest
October 2015
40 pages, Hardback
€ 18.00
ISBN 978-3-455-40548-4
German title:
Das Wettangeln
© Ludolf Dahmen
With this last story, Siegfried Lenz has made a wonderful gift
to his readers from beyond the grave.
who was born in 1955 in Lahnstein am Rhein and
grew up in Braubach. He studied German and
History of Art in Cologne and Berlin. He now lives
with his wife and two children in Cologne. He is
considered one of the most renowned, as well as
unconventional artists and illustrators in Germany.
Hoffmann und Campe Verlag GmbH
Nadja Kossack | Rights Director
phone +49-40-44188-266
fax +49-40-44188-319
Hoffmann und Campe | Autumn 2015
Christmas with
Siegfried Lenz
For the first time collected in one volume
›A lot has happened at Christmas in Masuria‹, is the beginning
of Das Wunder von Striegeldorf, the probably most popular
Christmas story by Siegfried Lenz, where two prison inmates
decide to break out; after all, who wants to spend Christmas
behind bars? Yet, after a not-too-holy night, they try to return
to their cell and things turn out to be a little difficult.
© Ingrid von Kruse
In additional winter stories, Siegfried Lenz tells of the risks of
being Father Christmas, of stolen warmth and a miraculous
exchange of gifts in the bitter cold and poverty after the war.
But Lenz also tells of pleasures and dangers of frozen Masurian
lakes, of sleigh rides, of ice yachting and ice fishing. And the
reader finds out what to do in Bollerup, when you notice that
the wood supplies have disappeared, not because the stove has
been heated too much, but because a wood thief is wrecking
was born in 1926 in the East Prussian town of Lyck
and died in 2014 in Hamburg. He is considered
one of the most important and most read writers
of post-war literature. He has published all his
novels, stories, essays and plays with Hoffmann und
Campe since 1951. He had his first big success
with his Masurian stories So zärtlich war Suleyken,
which turned to world success in 1968 with the
novel Deutschstunde. His novella Schweigeminute,
published in 2008, brought him fulminant press and public success in
old age. He was awarded numerous important prizes for his books,
amongst others, the Goethe Prize of Frankfurt am Main, the Peace Prize
of the German Book Trade and the Lew-Kopelew-Prize for Peace and
Human Rights in 2009. A complete edition of his works is currently being
prepared by Hoffmann und Campe.
Siegfried Lenz
An Exchange of Gifts.
Christmas and Winter Stories
October 2015
120 pages, Hardback
€ 15.00
ISBN 978-3-455-40539-2
German title: Eine Art Bescherung.
Weihnachts- und Wintergeschichten
Hoffmann und Campe Verlag GmbH
Nadja Kossack | Rights Director
phone +49-40-44188-266
fax +49-40-44188-319
Hoffmann und Campe | Autumn 2015
This is Andrea Maria
Schenkel’s first novel
that is not a crime
novel, but it’s just as
With this great work of fiction about a
marriage whose foundation has proven to
be a deception, Andrea Maria Schenkel
takes the reader on a journey through time,
from Munich in the 1930s via Shanghai
during the Second World War, right up to
Brooklyn in the second half of the 20th
Literary Fiction
Andrea Maria Schenkel
Love Unlasting
March 2016
256 pages, Hardback
Persecution, existential fear and new beginnings in foreign
countries – these are the experiences that the young Jew
Carl Schwarz makes in 1950 in Brooklyn when he meets the
German girl Emmi, who like him comes from Bavaria. Emmi
left Germany after the war – and like him, she wants to start
a new life. For both of them, the past is a foreign country that
they don’t wish to revisit.
€ 20.00
ISBN 978-3-455-40382-4
German title:
Als die Liebe endlich war
But then Carl discovers a truth that puts their love to the test …
© Tanja Kernweiss
With Emmi, Carl finds the homeland that he left behind aged
eleven, as well as life-long love and security. They both don’t
talk about the past; the memories of that which was are just
too painful. But decades later a friend asks Carl to go through
the letters and documents of her late husband, a holocaust
survivor. Carl reluctantly begins the task – and in documents
from the concentration camp in Dachau finds references to
Emmi’s past. The foundation of concealment and half-truths
on which their lives are built crumbles…
born in 1962, lives in Regensburg. In 2006, her
debut novel Tannöd was published and made a
strong impact. The novel was awarded The German
Crime Prize, the Friedrich-Glauser Prize and the
Corinne in 2007, and with the Martin Beck Award
for the best international crime novel in 2008. The
book has sold over 1 million copies, was translated
into twenty languages and made into a film. Her
second book Kalteis (2007) also received the German Crime Prize. More
recently she published Finsterau (2012) and Täuscher (2013).
Selected Backlist:
Finsterau (2012)
Sold to: UK (Quercus Books), France
(Actes Sud) and Hungary (Tarandus)
Bunker (2009)
Sold to: UK (Quercus Books), Finland
(Gummerus), France (Actes-Sud), the
Netherlands (Uitgeverij Signature) and
Sweden (Ersatz Förlag)
Hoffmann und Campe Verlag GmbH
Nadja Kossack | Rights Director
phone +49-40-44188-266
fax +49-40-44188-319
Hoffmann und Campe | Autumn 2015
›We are the extra in this
country. We are the ones
that other people talk
about. We will never fit
in here. And where we
come from, we no longer
fit in.‹
Kat Kaufmann’s fresh, yet hard and poetic
language stirs you up. She dissects the
foundations of society in a world in which the
ownerless dog becomes an aggressive wolf,
searching for its pack.
The novel of an entire generation. The generation of the
supposedly arrived. A restless and helpless generation, which
gives each other support in being different. Support, which in
fact isn’t there.
© Alexey Kiselev
Superposition is the story of the 26-year-old pianist, Izy Lewin.
She lurches through Berlin, copes with the director Marc,
humiliating hotel gigs and other crappy things. The great
dying will begin with babushka Ella and then Izy will be all
alone in the world. Homeless. Her best friend Timur could
be home. Like a dog and a wolf howling at the moon, with
a bottle of Nastoy, listening to old jazz records, arm in arm
under the table or at dawn in the park: Wherever Timur is,
there is tundra and steppe, it tastes and smells of home. A
home that does not belong to her, one that she is only allowed
to borrow.
Literary Fiction
Kat Kaufmann
August 2015
224 pages, Hardback
€ 20.00
ISBN 978-3-455-40337-4
German title:
born 1981 in Leningrad, works as a freelance artist,
composer, writer and photographer in Berlin.
Hoffmann und Campe Verlag GmbH
Nadja Kossack | Rights Director
phone +49-40-44188-266
fax +49-40-44188-319
Hoffmann und Campe | Autumn 2015
›A journey through
time of Proustian
dimensions [...]
simply brilliant.‹ NDR
Between bioenergetics, Tantra and Tetra
Pak – the sixth volume in the Martin
Schlosser chronicles.
It’s the mid-eighties and the German Studies student Martin
Schlosser does not really have an aim in life. When he is
not pondering about Chernobyl, the historian discussion or
the Barschel affair, he participates in spiritual sessions and
practices the art of life.
© Jochen Quast
Because his new girlfriend Andrea is studying in Aachen,
Martin Schlosser decides to shift his studies from Berlin to
Cologne. He moves into a chaotic flat share and is presented
with constant new challenges by Andrea: She drags him to
bioenergetics seminars and Tantra courses and makes him
realise that a classical relationship with her is impossible. In
the following years he travels to Madrid, Paris and Nartum,
has to move several times and is the cause of irritation in his
hometown of Meppen. In between odd jobs for Tetra Pak,
Uniroyal and Edeka and philosophising about houseflies,
Turkish folklore and monogamy, he one day suddenly realises
what he wants to be: a writer.
Literary Fiction
Gerhard Henschel
Novel of an Artist
August 2015
576 pages, Hardback
€ 25.00
ISBN 978-3-455-40498-2
German title:
born in 1962, is a freelance author in Berlin. His
epistolary novel Die Liebenden (2002, now newly
available with Atlantik) delighted the critics, as
did the adventures of its narrator Martin Schlosser:
Kindheitsroman (2004), Jugendroman (2009),
Liebesroman (2010), Abenteuerroman (2012) und
Bildungsroman (2014). Künstlerroman is the sixth
part of his chronicles, which are based upon the
life of Martin Schlosser. Henschel is also the author of numerous works of
non-fiction. In 2012, he was awarded the Hannelore-Greve-Literature Prize
and in 2013, the Nicolas-Born-Prize.
Hoffmann und Campe Verlag GmbH
Nadja Kossack | Rights Director
phone +49-40-44188-266
fax +49-40-44188-319
Hoffmann und Campe | Autumn 2015
Serena Vitale
continues to fight
against the Mafia
A deadly trace… from Palermo to
❚ ›For each scene in her novel, Petra Reski
can provide you with three instances from
reality that are even more hair-raising.‹
Die Zeit
The Mafia boss Alessio Lombardo has been on the run for
decades. When Serena Vitale is entrusted with the case, the
enquiries start to get moving. In a gripping and shockingly
realistic manner, Petra Reski narrates of the Mafia and the
corrupt politicians who have infiltrated pan-European politics
and secret services.
© Paul Schirnhofer
While Serena Vitale chases the phantom of the fugitive Mafia
boss, one of the leads to Germany becomes ever hotter: Not
only does she come across Lombardo’s accomplices and a
glamorous mistress, but also upon the story of her own father,
who came to Dortmund as a migrant worker – and of whom
she suddenly does not know whether he was really on the right
side. And when a detained Mafioso hangs himself in his cell,
Serena Vitale tries to solve the circumstances pertaining to his
suicide and comes into mortal danger …
was born in the Ruhr area and lives in Venice. She
has been writing about Italy since 1989 – for Die
Zeit, Geo, Merian, Focus and Brigitte – and time
and again about the phenomenon of the Mafia. She
made a film about Mafia women and has received
numerous awards for her reports and books. Most
recently as ‘Reporter of the Year’ in Germany. In
Italy she was awarded the ‘Premio Civitas’ and the
Amalfi Coast Media Award for her anti-Mafia commitment. Petra Reski
has published several novels and works of non-fiction, most recently
with Hoffmann und Campe: Von Kamen nach Corleone. Die Mafia in
Deutschland (2010) and Palermo Connection (2014).
Crime Fiction
Petra Reski
The Faces of the Dead
September 2015
256 pages, Hardback
€ 20.00
ISBN 978-3-455-40472-2
German title: Die Gesichter der Toten
Selected Backlist:
Palermo Connection
Sold to: Poland (Olimp)
Von Kamen nach
Corleone (2010)
Sold to: Italy (Edizioni
Ambiente Srl.), the
Netherlands (Dutch Media
Hoffmann und Campe Verlag GmbH
Nadja Kossack | Rights Director
phone +49-40-44188-266
fax +49-40-44188-319
Atlantik | Autumn 2015
Stephanie Bart’s
debut – a picaresque
novel about the
transience of art.
Prize winner of the RheingauLiteraturpreis 2014!
❚ ›A language that is unprecedented in its
clearness and intensity.‹
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
3. October 1990. Germany is celebrating reunification. In
Hamburg, the mask of the chancellor of the hour, Helmut
Kohl, is put over the gigantic Bismarck monument that towers
over the Landungsbrücken. Helmut Kohl’s pate looms above
the trees. ›Bismarck Kohlised‹, the Morgenpost headline says.
And for days, the authorities, firemen and specialists fruitlessly
attempt to pull Kohl from his pedestal.
Using this true story as a base, Stephanie Bart spins a clever
comedy around the friends Jens Dikupp and Ulrich Held, who
are planning this unique art campaign.
Press reviews to Deutscher Meister:
›A superb novel.‹
Literary Fiction
Stephanie Bart
Goodbye Bismarck
October 2015
224 pages, Paperback
€ 12.99
ISBN 978-3-455-65059-4
German title:
Goodbye Bismarck
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
›A fast-paced, deeply tragic and at the same
time wonderfully funny book.‹
Die Welt
›A noticeable talent.‹
© DEFF Westermann
Süddeutsche Zeitung
born in 1965 in Esslingen am Neckar, studied
ethnology and political sciences at the University of
Hamburg. She has been living in Berlin since 2001.
In 2011 & 2012 she received a grant from the
German Literary Fund.
Hoffmann und Campe Verlag GmbH
Nadja Kossack | Rights Director
phone +49-40-44188-266
fax +49-40-44188-319
Hoffmann und Campe | Autumn 2015
›Stay seated and watch.
You will miss most of it
Mathias Politycki’s poems tell of ›Bohemian winds‹, of the
›consolation of things‹ and of the ›soundtrack of spring‹. The
author has called together the permanent bar stool fixtures
and the constant grouches for his new volume of poems; those
who oppose melancholia with silence are featured with love
declarations of various kinds; but also the ›Grim Reaper and
other cohorts‹ with their dark verses: A whole collection of
curios from the lyrical staff celebrates its last judgement in free
verses, in ballades, sonnets, songs or haikus.
© Mathias Bothor / photoselection
who has successfully been publishing books for more
than thirty years, is a poet by nature and has never
made a secret of it. Apart from various special and
private editions, he is now publishing his sixth and
so far most extensive poetry collection. Hoffmann
und Campe have, amongst others, brought out
his poetry collections Ratschlag zum Verzehr der
Seidenraupe, Die Sekunden danach, London für
Helden and Jenseits von Wurst und Käse.
Matthias Politycki
The Crazy Glitter in your Eyes
111 Poems
October 2015
140 pages, Paperback
World rights in the languages of the
European Union (not including English),
as well as Turkish, are held by Hoffmann
und Campe.
€ 18.00
ISBN 978-3-455-40506-4
German title: Dies irre Geglitzer
in deinem Blick. 111 Gedichte
Selected Backlist:
Samarkand Samarkand (2013)
Sold to: France (Actes Sud)
Jenseits von Wurst und Käse (2013)
Sold to: Ireland (Coiscéim) and Italy
(Estrofes & Versos)
Jenseitsnovelle (2009)
Sold to: France (Actes Sud), Italy
(CartaCanta), Portugal (Estrofes &
Versos), UK (Peirene Press)
Hoffmann und Campe Verlag GmbH
Nadja Kossack | Rights Director
phone +49-40-44188-266
fax +49-40-44188-319
Hoffmann und Campe | Autumn 2015
›Matthias Politycki
writes simply beautiful
poems.‹ Radio Bremen
A hopeless lover, weighed down by at least seven plagues of
melancholia. All is nothing and nothing is all to him in those
days of burning sun and merciless Old Testament nights.
The cycle of poems, Ägyptische Plagen, resulted from Matthias
Politycki’s wanderings on the Sinai Peninsula. Congenially
illustrated by Carl-Walter Kottnik, the cycle of 13 poems now
appears in a particularly beautiful edition.
© Mathias Bothor / photoselection
who has successfully been publishing books for more
than thirty years, is a poet by nature and has never
made a secret of it. Apart from various special and
private editions, he is now publishing his sixth and
so far most extensive poetry collection. Hoffmann
und Campe have, amongst others, brought out
his poetry collections Ratschlag zum Verzehr der
Seidenraupe, Die Sekunden danach, London für
Helden and Jenseits von Wurst und Käse.
Matthias Politycki
Egyptian Plagues. Mountains and
Deserts of Sinai. 13 Poems
48 pages, Paperback
born in 1947, lives in Hamburg. The illustrations were created in April/
Mai 2013.
€ 15.00
ISBN 978-3-455-40510-1
German title: Ägyptische Plagen.
Gebirg und Wüste Sinai. 13 Gedichte
World rights in the languages of the
European Union (not including English),
as well as Turkish, are held by Hoffmann
und Campe.
Illustrations by Carl-Walter Kottnik
Selected Backlist:
Samarkand Samarkand (2013)
Sold to: France (Actes Sud)
Jenseits von Wurst und Käse (2013)
Sold to: Ireland (Coiscéim) and Italy
(Estrofes & Versos)
Jenseitsnovelle (2009)
Sold to: France (Actes Sud), Italy
(CartaCanta), Portugal (Estrofes &
Versos), UK (Peirene Press)
Hoffmann und Campe Verlag GmbH
Nadja Kossack | Rights Director
phone +49-40-44188-266
fax +49-40-44188-319
Atlantik | Autumn 2015
›An expert of
language, and artist
when it comes to
plot and characters.‹
Stefan Slupetzky
›As former restaurant critic of the Berlin
lifestyle magazine Zitty, Thomas Askan
Vierich knows all about the connection
between greed, food envy, cooking vanity
and other consuming passions. His debut is
a ‘culinary novel’ which cunningly and
confidently plays with the all too human
excesses of an often-inhospitable
gastronomy.‹ Die Welt
© Sven Gilmore Photography
The opening of a gourmet temple in Berlin: The much
feared gastro pope Heinrich Pompl falls face forward into his
dessert – fatally poisoned. A catastrophe for the restaurant.
Commissioner Stubenrauch, stylish bon vivant by trade, takes
on the case. He is aided by Pompl’s successor, the journalist
Alfred Brinkmann, who during the course of the investigations
learns a great deal about love, food and true friendship …
Thomas Askan Vierich
Deadly Delicacies
February 2016
256 pages, Paperback
€ 12.99
ISBN 978-3-455-65069-3
German title:
Tödliche Delikatessen
lived in Berlin for a long time and now resides in
Vienna since 2002. His publications include the
crime-grotesque Praterglück (with Berndt Anwander),
the crime novels Blutgasse and Donaublues, as
well as Aroma. Die Kunst des Würzens (with Th. A.
Hoffmann und Campe Verlag GmbH
Nadja Kossack | Rights Director
phone +49-40-44188-266
fax +49-40-44188-319
Hoffmann und Campe | Autumn 2015
›Imagination is
more important
than knowledge, for
knowledge is limited
while imagination
embraces the entire
world.‹ Albert Einstein
What happens if we take a helicopterview of things, or if we stop thinking in
terms of ›either/or‹?
In this popular science non-fiction book, the authors present
the strategies which have enabled great philosophers, scientists
and thinkers to put forward theories, gain insight and find
legitimacy, and so decisively influence and change our world.
Theresa Bäuerlein / Shai Tubali
Think like Einstein
Crossing Germany Without Any Money
September 2015
224 pages, Hardback
© Regina Tokarczyk
It’s about what the reader can learn and apply in everyday
life. It’s about how we can acquire specific mental capabilities,
strategies and techniques which can fundamentally change
how we see the world and ourselves. The list of ›geniuses‹
includes Albert Einstein, Socrates, Friedrich Nietzsche,
Hannah Arendt, Sigmund Freud, Buddha, Leonardo da Vinci,
and Charles Darwin.
was born in 1980 and has worked for the
last ten years as journalist and author for
various media, including Neon, Süddeutsche
Zeitung, Nido, fluter, Zeit Online and
Brigitte. She has published two novels (with
Fischer) and two non-fiction works (with
Heyne). Her first novel was Das war der gute
Teil des Tages (That Was the Good Bit of the Day) and this was brought to the
big screen in January 2014 as Hannas Reise (Hannah’s Journey).
€ 20.00
ISBN 978-3-455-50366-1
German title:
Denken wie Einstein
Sold to:
Korea (Megabooks)
and Turkey (Büyükada
was born in 1976, and is author and philosopher, as well as lecturer in
Philosophy, Psychology and Spirituality. He has written fourteen books in
Hebrew, including bestsellers in Israel, and his first book, The Body Language
(Keter, 1996) has received an award from the Israeli Ministry of Education.
Three of his books have been published in Germany: Chakren (Neue Erde
Verlag, 2013), Die spirituelle Revolution (AMRA Verlag, 2015) and White
Light (Kamphausen, 2013). In the USA he has already had published The
Seven Wisdoms of Life (Msi Press, 2013), A Guide to Bliss (Msi Press, 2015),
Indestructible You (John Hunt, 2015) and The Journey to Inner Power (John
Hunt, 2015).
Hoffmann und Campe Verlag GmbH
Nadja Kossack | Rights Director
phone +49-40-44188-266
fax +49-40-44188-319
Hoffmann und Campe | Autumn 2015
›Hubert Seipel has
access to Putin like
no other Western
journalist.‹ Der Spiegel
Initial Print Run 50.000
›My book is an attempt to approach
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin’s world.
No more, no less. I first met the Russian
president in January 2010. At the time, he
was absolving an intermediate stop as
Prime Minister. It was the start of a row of
long interviews and regular meetings with
Vladimir Putin, which we carried out in
Moscow, Sochi, St. Petersburg, and
Vladivostok or on foreign travels.‹
How did Vladimir Putin go from being a KGB officer in the
GDR to becoming the most powerful figure of the new Russia,
which constantly moves further away from Western concepts?
Hubert Seipel was the only Western journalist who managed to
accompany Putin during the last five years. Without demonising,
but with a critical distance, he paints the most differentiated
portrait of the power seeker Putin, that exists today.
Hubert Seipel
October 2015
368 pages, Hardback
€ 22.00
ISBN 978-3-455-50303-6
German title:
© Ulla Brauer
Putin, son of a factory worker, lawyer and former KGB officer,
borrowing from Russian history, has formed his new Russia, which
shows itself unimpressed by Western sanctions. For the West, he
is the embodiment of the bad; in Russia, he is more popular than
ever. Hubert Seipel’s book is the story of a mutual alienation and
disappointment. It allows deep insights into the motives and ideas
of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.
was born in 1950 in Alzenau-Wasserlos. He initially
worked as an editor and foreign correspondent for
Stern and Spiegel, before he moved to television at
the beginning of the 1990s, specialising in complex
economic and political matters. In 2012, the ARD
broadcast Seipel’s documentary Ich, Putin – ein
Portrait. At the beginning of 2014, he held the
first worldwide television interview with Edward
Snowden. In November 2014, he interviewed Putin on his position in the
Ukraine conflict for the ARD. Twice his films received the German Television
Prize, the Helmut-Schmidt Journalist Prize and the Adolf-Grimme-Prize.
Hoffmann und Campe Verlag GmbH
Nadja Kossack | Rights Director
phone +49-40-44188-266
fax +49-40-44188-319
Hoffmann und Campe | Autumn 2015
What the wisdom of
teaches us about life,
luck and love.
This book is about hundred-year-olds
who don’t climb out of windows and
disappear, but instead allow us to
participate from their hundred-year-old
When we think of hundred-year-olds, then the usually so
feared age becomes mystical. They captivate us. For when, if
not then, does a person know what life is all about?
© Peter de Krom
Those who are a hundred years old today have experienced
the First World War as children and were already grown up
when the Reichstag burnt down. They know what everyday
life looked like before the invention of television, antibiotics or
ballpoint pens. They were already pensioners when computers
became known everywhere and Germany celebrated
reunification. Whoever has lived through such an immense
change in values, has an incredible treasure of experiences and
can calmly pass on his insights. In wonderful encounters and
touching interviews with 12 hundred-year-olds – from farmer
to artist, from priest to politician – Kerstin Schweighöfer
discovers quite a few secrets and often surprising answers to
the big questions in life: What makes for a good friendship,
relationship or marriage? How can deep love become the love
of your life? How to deal with pain or loss? Which values
count over time?
Kerstin Schweighöfer
Living One Hundred Years
November 2015
320 pages, Hardback
€ 20.00
ISBN 978-3-455-50375-3
German title:
100 Jahre leben
born in 1960, studied Romance Studies, Politics and
Art History in Munich and Lyon and then attended
the Henri-Nannen School of Journalism in Hamburg.
Since 1990 she has been living as a freelance
author and foreign correspondent in Holland,
and primarily works for ARDHörfunkanstalten, the
Deutschlandfunk, the news magazine Focus and the
art magazine Art.
Hoffmann und Campe Verlag GmbH
Nadja Kossack | Rights Director
phone +49-40-44188-266
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Hoffmann und Campe | Autumn 2015
Biography of an
exceptional Artist
›The winner of the GDR State Prize for his
film work, Mueller-Stahl became persona
non grata with the communist regime in
1977, due to his activism in protesting
government suppression of performing
artists.‹ The New York Times
❚ ›German actor Armin Mueller-Stahl has
had careers – and success – in three
different countries under three very different
systems.‹ The Hollywood Reporter
With his numerous awards and Oscar nomination, Armin
Müller-Stahl is considered one of the most popular actors in
Germany with high international standing. Yet his talents go
much further: As a trained concert violinist, he is a profound
music connoisseur, and as a painter and writer both critics and
readers revere him. Volker Skiera paints an attentive portrait
of the exceptional artist, with whom he holds a long-standing
© Bernd Ebsen
Born in 1930 in the former East Prussian town of Tilsit,
Armin Mueller-Stahl grew up in the GDR and built up a
career as a theatre and film actor. Due to the absence of job
offers because of his political stance, he was able to repeat his
career ascent as an actor in the Federal Republic in 1980. By
reading in his Stasi file after reunification, he discovered that
his best friend has betrayed him. He then started a new life in
Hollywood and became internationally known through films
such as Night on Earth.
born in 1952, is a journalist and publisher. He
initially worked as a correspondent for the news
agency Reuters in Munich, Bonn and Berlin; from
1979, he worked as a correspondent for the
Süddeutsche Zeitung in Berlin, Northern Germany,
Northern Europe and Latin America. Up until
1997, he was chief editor of the culture and travel
magazine Merian. In 1981, he was awarded the
Egon-Erwin-Kisch Journalist Prize. Armin Mueller-Stahl and Volker Skierka
have known each other since 1978.
Volker Skierka
Armin Mueller-Stahl
October 2015
256 pages, Hardback
€ 20.00
ISBN 978-3-455-50389-0
German title:
Armin Mueller-Stahl
Hoffmann und Campe Verlag GmbH
Nadja Kossack | Rights Director
phone +49-40-44188-266
fax +49-40-44188-319
Hoffmann und Campe | Autumn 2015
›Helmut Schmidt has
his eye on the world, but
Hamburg in his heart.‹
Olaf Scholz,
Mayor of Hamburg
›Us folks from Hamburg like to show off
the fact that we are from Hamburg. I also
like doing it. At any rate, I don’t mind it
when other people call me a Prussian citizen
of Hamburg.‹ Helmut Schmidt
❚ With a current interview with Hamburg’s
Mayor Olaf Scholz
There is a special bond between the Hanseatic city and its
probably most famous honorary citizen, which this volume
illustrates in all its facets with a retrospect in text and
photography, spanning the last six decades. At the same time,
Helmut Schmidt looks to the future in an extensive interview
with the Mayor Olaf Scholz.
Helmut Schmidt began his political career in Hamburg. As
a senator, he proved himself in crisis management during the
flood disaster in 1962 and recommended himself for higher
duties. In his time as chancellor, he brought world politics to
Hamburg and always followed the fortunes of his city with
passionate commitment and well-meaning criticism. ›But I
love her wistfully, for she sleeps, my beauty‹, Helmut Schmidt
wrote in 1962 about his hometown in an anonymously
published letter to friends in Hamburg. ›She is vain with her
virtues, without really applying them; She savours the moment
and seems to consider tomorrow to be self-evident – she suns
herself somewhat too smugly and lets things slide.‹
Helmut Schmidt
Then I Would Have Become Port Director
September 2015
224 pages, Hardback
€ 20.00
ISBN 978-3-455-50351-7
German title:
Dann wäre ich Hafendirektor geworden
was born in 1918 in Hamburg and was Chancellor between 1974 and
1982. Following his departure from active politics, in 1983 he joined the
ZEIT, whose associate editor he remains to this day. Alongside his articles
for the ZEIT, he also published numerous books. Hoffmann und Campe
most recently published: Einmischungen. Ausgewählte Zeitartikel von
1983 bis heute (2010), Zug um Zug (with Peer Steinbrück, 2011) and
Mein Europa (2013).
Hoffmann und Campe Verlag GmbH
Nadja Kossack | Rights Director
phone +49-40-44188-266
fax +49-40-44188-319
Hoffmann und Campe | Autumn 2015
Patronesses, enviers,
beloved creatures.
Heinrich Heine and the women
›Yes, womenfolk are dangerous! But I must add the remark
that the beautiful ones are not as dangerous as those who
possess more mental than physical charms.‹
Throughout his life, Heinrich Heine had a complex and
glamorous relationship to the women who surrounded him.
Yet how did they influence his work?
Sabine Brenner-Wilczek highlights the impulse-givers
in the life of this author – among whom are his mother,
Betty, to whom he dedicated his famous Nachtgedanken,
his cousin Amalie, in whom he was unhappily in love and
whose rejection gave him ›tooth ache of the heart‹, as well
as his future wife Augustine Crescence Mirat, from humble
origins, who he renames Mathilde before their marriage. A
biographical portrait that places the private man Heine into
the spotlight.
Sabine Brenner-Wilczek (Ed.)
Yes, Womenfolk are Dangerous
October 2015
128 pages, Hardback
was born in 1976, and completed her doctorate at
the Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf, following
her studies of German and Media Sciences. She
has been director of the Heinrich-Heine-Institute in
Düsseldorf since 2009.
€ 16.00
ISBN 978-3-455-40553-8
German title:
Ja, die Weiber sind gefährlich!
Hoffmann und Campe Verlag GmbH
Nadja Kossack | Rights Director
phone +49-40-44188-266
fax +49-40-44188-319
Atlantik | Autumn 2015
Let’s talk about
pressure cookers!
A year in 100 recipes
From the authors of the food blog:
© Anna König
© Markus Gaertner
Moving in together as a couple for the first time is hard
enough. Then add cooking together! For if things start to
go wrong in the relationship, what’s going to happen in the
kitchen? Anna König and Holger Wenzl recount on living
and cooking together, on relationship crises and kitchen
chaos. Hangover breakfast on New Year, birthday cakes and
reconciliation dinners, right up to the Christmas menu – one
year in 100 recipes, served with many amusing anecdotes
about all the things that can happen when she cooks and he
clears up after her.
born in 1980, is a freelance actress. She studied at
the Zurich College of Arts and then had numerous
engagements in theatre, roles in film and television
and as narrator of various audio books. After living
in Zurich, Hamburg and Berlin, she now lives in
born in 1977, is a digital artist. He studied Media
Technology and Animation, and worked for
Framestore in London. Amongst others, he was
a co-winner of an Oscar in 2014 for the visual
effects in Gravity. Following Stuttgart, Sydney and
Copenhagen, he now lives in London.
Anna König / Holger Wenzl
Chomp. One year, one couple, one pot
January 2016
224 pages, Paperback
€ 14.99
ISBN 978-3-455-37820-7
German title:
Mampf. Ein Jahr, ein Paar, ein Topf
Hoffmann und Campe Verlag GmbH
Nadja Kossack | Rights Director
phone +49-40-44188-266
fax +49-40-44188-319
Hoffmann und Campe | Autumn 2015
Sherlock Holmes,
Montalbano and JeanBaptiste Adamsberg
in pursuit
Following the success of Literature!,
Shakespeare! and Theatre!
In Katharina Mahrenholtz’s and Dawn Parisi’s new book,
suspense is guaranteed! Within the successful Literature!- series,
this time it is all about crime, thriller and spy novels – and
from Edgar Allan Poe to Sebastian Fitzek – they are all there.
Which crime fan doesn’t want to know what the murder in
the yellow room is all about, which authors contributed to the
Swedish crime novel boom and why Miss Marple only has one
helper on television? There is a lot more to be discovered in
the world of Holmes and Wallander. In an original, ironic and
inventive way, Mahrenholtz/Parisi present numerous facets of
the most popular genre of literature.
© Katja Nitsche
studied Applied Cultural Studies in Lüneburg.
She has been working as an editor at NDR
Info since 1997. Her main focus is culture,
in particular literature. As a radio journalist
is used to narrating things in concise form,
while still transmitting exciting concepts. She
lives in Hamburg with her family.
grew up in England and Italy and studied at the College for Applied
Arts in Hamburg, the city where she was born. Following a three-year
sojourn in Paris, she moved back near the river Elbe, where she works as
a designer in her studio Freudenhammer. She enjoys combining humour
with knowledge in her books.
Illustrated Fiction
Katharina Mahrenholtz / Dawn Parisi
October 2015
80 pages, Hardback
€ 15.00
ISBN 978-3-455-40550-7
German title:
Selected Backlist:
Literature! (2012)
Sold to: Korea (Totobook),
Russia (Azbooka-Atticus),
Turkey (Final Publishing),
Taiwan (Yuan-Liou
Publishing) and Spain
(Editora EDAF)
Hoffmann und Campe Verlag GmbH
Nadja Kossack | Rights Director
phone +49-40-44188-266
fax +49-40-44188-319
Atlantik | Autumn 2015
A ghostly love story
›[…] the most splendid picture book
is only as good as its story. But if a story
is told with such calm and scarcity, as
Heidelbach’s stories are, a huge imagination
room remains – not only for the artist, which
is identical in this case with the author, but
also for the reader.‹
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Terrible things happen in the big city. Three children are killed
and each time somebody claims to have seen a girl in a white
dress and a red tie floating above the site of the tragedy. For a
while people continue to puzzle over the girl, but then it gets
forgotten. Only Georg continues to think of the small white
figure and searches for her – in the graveyard of Melaten.
© Ludolf Dahmen
An unfathomable, touching fairy tale – narrated and illustrated
by the unique Nikolaus Heidelbach.
born in 1955 in Lahnstein am Rhein, grew up in
Braubach. He studied German and History of Art in
Cologne and Berlin. Today he lives in Cologne with
his wife and two children. He is considered one of
the most renowned, but also most unconventional
illustrators in Germany.
Illustrated Fiction
Nikolaus Heidelbach
Rosel von Melaten
Illustrated novel
September 2015
60 pages, Hardback
€ 17.00
ISBN 978-3-455-37024-9
German title:
Rosel von Melaten
Hoffmann und Campe Verlag GmbH
Nadja Kossack | Rights Director
phone +49-40-44188-266
fax +49-40-44188-319
Hoffmann und Campe | Atlantik | Autumn 2015
Our Agents
Hercules Business & Culture
Hongjun Cai |
Croatia, Hungary
Andrew Nurnberg Associates Budapest
Judit Hermann |
Kerstin Behre |
Iris Literary Agency
Catherine Fragou |
Daniela Micura Literary Services
Daniela Micura |
Meike Marx Literary Agency
Meike Marx |
The Netherlands
Internationaal Literatuur Bureau
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Simona Kessler |
agentur literatur hebel & bindermann
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Spain, Portugal, Latin America
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We also work with several agents in
Korea, Russia and Turkey
on non-exclusive or title-exclusive basis.
Hoffmann und Campe Verlag
Nadja Kossack | Rights Director
phone +49-40-44188-266
fax +49-40-44188-319