Spring 2012 - Burrator Parish Council


Spring 2012 - Burrator Parish Council
Spring 2012
Photo: Bridget Cole
A sure sign that spring has arrived, daffodils
and hungry lambs!
Burrator Beacon
Jenny Sharp
Welcome to the Spring edition of the Beacon. As I always seem to comment on the
weather in my editorial, April is living up to its predictions with plenty of showers
although it can be raining heavily with hail down here in Meavy yet a few hundred yards
up the road in Dousland it can be glorious sunshine.
Looking at the ‘Dates for your Diary’ page, it is good to see so many events coming up
over the next few months all over the Parish. Sheepstor has a Villages in Action evening
and their Open Gardens, Walkhampton has a Quiz Night, their Diamond Jubilee
Celebrations, a Cream Tea and the Cottage Garden Show and Meavy has a Quiz Night, a
Talk, a Walk, a Coach Trip and Meavy Oak Fair as well as their Diamond Jubilee
Weekend. The local societies have a variety of talks and outings which sound very
interesting, new members are always welcome.
If you can set your dates for events early so they can be publicised well in advance it
would help avoid clashes – there is a Battle of the Quizzes on 11th May and 18th May has
three events going on!
New Editor Required
I have been editing the Burrator Beacon since Spring 2007 and this is my 18th edition.
Now that my daughter has started at secondary school, I have increased my hours at work
and am finding that I am no longer able to give the time when it is needed to bring out the
Beacon on time, hence the lateness of this edition. I have therefore decided that it is time
to hand over the reins to someone new. The Parish Council will therefore be looking for
someone to take over as Editor, hopefully from the Autumn 2012 Edition if not sooner.
Applications for the post will need to be made to the Clerk of the Council; her details are
on the back page.
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Burrator Beacon
Clerk’s Report
Lucie Luke – Clerk to the Council
In January, we co-opted Mrs Pauline Fisk onto the Parish Council for the ward of Meavy
Village. This was then followed by co-option of Mr Frank Thomas for Meavy-Dousland
The Parish Council therefore now has 14 members with two vacancies remaining for the
Walkhampton - Dousland Ward. Applying for co=option is very easy, just drop me a line
by post or email outlining a brief resume.
The Parish Property is due for a much needed overhaul and we have instructed a local
contractor to re-varnish benches, repair Walkhampton Bus Shelter and repairs to various
notice boards throughout the Parish. This work is expected to be completed by end of
April 2012.
The Parish Council have also instructed a Tree Surgeon to lower and tidy the tree line
around Walkhampton Green and after input from local Residents, have now taken on extra
works to coppice the hedge is that it will grow back from the ground and then can be
maintained at whatever height is required. This will look a little sparse for a while, while
the re-growth occurs from ground level.
Councillors are now working on re-drafting the Parish Plan having received
comprehensive feedback from members of the public (from the draft Plan published in last
edition of Beacon).
Introducing a new member of the Parish Council
Frank Thomas has recently joined Burrator Parish Council as a member for MeavyDousland. Frank is married to Sue and they have lived in Dousland for 12 years. They
have a grown up family of two daughters and a son who all live within the Plymouth area.
His professional background is 38 years in the Royal Navy as a logistics specialist officer
where he served on a variety of surface ships and nuclear submarines. His leisure pursuits
include playing golf at Yelverton Golf Club, walking and exploring on Dartmoor and,
under the strict supervision of his wife, DIY and gardening at home. Recently retired from
the Navy, Frank is looking forward to getting more involved in local activities and trying
to help represent the community as a member of the Parish Council team.
15 Church View, Walkhampton, Nr Yelverton, PL20 6JS
Keith Bowen 01822 855451 or 07547 421704
Burrator Beacon
Lambing Live at Greenwell Farm
Arnold, Bridget, Mat and Neil Cole
No sooner had the advert been placed in the last Burrator Beacon then our phone started to
ring to book places. In the end we had to extend to nearly 2 weeks to accommodate scouts,
cubs, youth training groups, disabled young adults, as well as schools and pre schools and
that was in the day. The general public came along with their families in the early evening
and as last year we had a waiting list of disappointed folk.
To be able to share our everyday life of the lambing season bringing new life into the
world is very rewarding for us as farmers, and has an important educational role to inform
how modern day commercial farming works. Ultimately farmers produce the food on our
plates and manage the countryside around us.
We would like to thank fellow Dartmoor farmers and Dartmoor National Park staff for
their help and the young and old that visited and left with a beaming smile of enjoyment
which makes it all worthwhile.
Active Villages Events in Meavy Parish Hall.
Table Tennis sessions on Monday evenings (except 3rd Monday) 6.00 pm – 7:00pm for
children aged 10 -14; 7.00pm - 9.00pm for adults. Please call 855909 for information.
Also, coming soon, Pilates and Short Mat Bowls.
The Royal Oak Inn
The Perfect Dartmoor Hideaway
For Drinking & Dining
Meavy, Yelverton, Devon
Phone: (01822) 852944
Email: sjearp@aol.com
Web: www.royaloakinn.org.uk
If character is want you want from your visit then you could find no better place!
15th-century Dartmoor inn with exposed beams and original slate flooring.
The greatest care is taken to present a mouth-watering choice of
traditional dishes with a modern twist. Only the best quality
and, where possible, locally produced ingredients are used.
For the best drinking on Dartmoor join us in the bar next to the
open log fire. We are renowned for the well-kept quality of our
real ales, but if tradition is what you are after, then you must try
our scrumpy cider. There is also a comprehensive wine list
Burrator Beacon
Walkhampton Memorial Hall, Chairman’s report 2011
Peter Shapcott - Chairman 2011
THE HALL COMMITTEE has as usual put time and much effort into keeping our hall
running and where able improving it. Our treasurer, Len March is retiring this year and I
would like to thank him for all he has done. He has watched over our finances with the
attention to detail that has kept us on the straight and narrow financial path. Pam Kitchen
is also retiring as a trustee this year. She has been a driving force in the area of fundraising
and she will be missed on the committee.
Paul Edge has secured grant funding for the insulation of the hall which as you can see is
well under way. The paper work and time involved in obtaining grants is considerable. I
would like to thank him for all his work. We have refinished the floor of the hall and when
the insulation and decorating is complete the final coats will be applied.
REGULAR USERS have again this year been the backbone of our users. The Play- Group
is still a daily user in term time with the Beavers and Souts using the hall on a weekly
basis. Short mat bowls and the art group along with the Forum mean the hall is made use
of by all age groups. Michael D’Oyly keeps all the bookings in order as he has done for
several years. This is a backroom job which almost goes unnoticed by many but is noted
and appreciated by the committee.
The Coffee Shop and market are still a mainstay of our week and I would like to take this
opportunity to give a vote of thanks to all the people who help. The market has again made
a major contribution to the hall finances. The regular help and the traders are the engine
of the coffee shop without which it would not happen. We have increased the prices this
year which will allow an increase in the reimbursement for cake making. There is of
course one group I have not mentioned and that is the customers without whom it would
all be pointless.
ANNUAL EVENTS such as the Jumble Sale and Fun Day have again be features in our
year. The Fun day this year had a damp theme. However good spirits kept the day afloat
almost literally. The Arts and Crafts has this year continued to raise funds for capital
projects. The sub-committee put work in throughout the year to make this event a success
and I would like to thank them all.
The year ahead will be an exciting one. This is not a statement often used in this report.
The coming year is however an exception. George Eggings has left a bequest to the hall in
excess of £20,000. This is a considerable amount of money. The committee is determined
to use this bequest for a major capital project to benefit the village for years to come. I am
sure that the new committee would value any input or ideas anyone may have. I would like
to put on record that the committee and I are sure the village very much appreciate
George’s kindness.
There are many important everyday tasks which arise on a day-to-day basis which are
taken care of by different members of the committee so I conclude with a vote of thanks to
the entire committee for all their work.
Burrator Beacon
Meavy Garden Society
Martin Burt – MGS Treasurer and Publicity
Matt Bishop, Head Gardener of the Garden House, was most impressed with his visit to
Judge the Society’s Spring Fun Show. Despite the winter frosts, members had raided their
gardens to provide a splendid array of 97 entries comprising Camellias and Pieris well as
Daffodils, Narcissi and Hellebores, as either cut flowers or growing in bowls. Household
plants included a magnificent Orchid submitted by Pauline Hamilton-Leggett, which Matt
awarded Best-in-Show. The best flower arrangement was that of Society Chairman,
Brenda Burt, as were the “large cut Daffodils”.
For “bulbs growing in a pot” Michael Ashton won the classes for Daffodils over 12 inches
and the Tulips, Penney Hodgson the miniature daffodils and Joice Reith the “any other
bulbs or corms”. The “foliage house plant”, “any succulent or cactus” and “cut camellias”
classes all went to Stephen Pine. The remaining “cut flowers or shrubs” classes went to
Kirsty Winter for large Narcissi; R Roper for the miniatures; Joice again for Hellebores,
and Pru Cooper for “any other flowering shrub”.
While Matt struggled with his task, some forty members and visitors enjoyed struggling
with a competition on Latin plant names by Stephen Pine and one requiring memory of
childhood nursery rhymes from Brenda.
Forthcoming meetings and events (7:30 Meavy Parish Hall unless stated otherwise) are:
9th May Wednesday Dr Smart’s Marwood Hill, Barnstaple, All-day Coach visit
16th May Wednesday 6-00 pm “Clover Park” Yelverton, Members’ Social evening
20th May Sunday Plants Sale, “Summercourt”, Woodlands, Dousland
21st May Composting Hints & Tips on Recycling, Tim Ellis, Ellis Nurseries, Polyphant
18th June Making the Most of a Small Garden, Sue Fisher of Weir Quay
16th July
Restoring the Walled Garden of Maristow House, Jenny Tunley-Price
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Burrator Beacon
Walkhampton Cottage Garden Society
Peter Shapcott - Show Secretary
Well it’s that time of year again. Plans for the Garden Show are in hand and people from
Princetown to Cadover to Buckland are planning their exhibits for the show. Not just veg
and flowers, of course but craft items and home brew are all being planned and prepared.
The photographic classes this year are: - Animals and birds, Clouds and Celebration.
The Show is on August 25th Bank Holiday Saturday so keep an eye open for the schedules.
If you would like to help with the show or sponsor us in some way please contact me on
01822 855140.
Coach trip to Exeter
Thursday 12th July
Pick up from Horrabridge, Yelverton, and then Dousland at 9.15am
Leaving Exeter at 4.30pm
£9 per person.
To book your seat on the coach please contact Sarah Gordon 01822 854298
Organised by St Peter’s Church Meavy
11th – 15th July
Exeter Cathedral is holding the
To mark the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee
And to raise funds for the cathedral organ
Admission to Festival is £9 if booked in advance
P. J. Shields
Tavistock 614664
Terry Leythorne
Dousland Fuels
For all coal and smokeless fuel requirements
Telephone 01822 890357
Burrator Beacon
Could you be a Dartmoor Conservation Volunteer?
Fiona Senior – Dartmoor Preservation Association
If you have a few hours to spare during the week or at weekends why not join the
Dartmoor Preservation Associations friendly volunteer groups working to keep Dartmoor
special? You can learn more about the Moor, meet new people and even keep fit at the
same time!
This summer we have two main activities. Our award winning Cairn Survey and Repair
team will be out surveying a number of the summit cairns on Dartmoor and then repairing
them as necessary. This work has been vital in removing many of these Scheduled Ancient
Monuments from English Heritage’s At Risk register. If this sounds interesting why not
give us call and try it out.
We will also be out clearing bracken from around archaeological sites at a number of
locations on the moor. This is a project for anyone - no special skills needed – just being
willing to have a go! We are off the moor now until June because of the bird-nesting
season, our conservation dates for June and July are below, there are more dates in August
and September – details in the next edition.
Thu 14 Jun
Cairn Survey & Repair - Rippon Tor
Sun 17 Jun
Scrub Clearance at Hawns
Wed 20 Jun
Bracken clearing at Sharpitor & Leeden
Sat 23 Jun
Bracken Clearing on the Plymouth Leat
Thu 28 Jun
Bracken Clearing on the Plymouth Leat
Sat 30 Jun
Cairn Survey & Repair - Corndon Down
Sun 01 Jul
Date Reserved for Conservation Work
Tue 17 Jul
Bracken Clearing at Grimspound
Tue 17 Jul
Bracken Clearing at Roborough Down
Thu 26 Jul
Cairn Survey & Repair - Black Hill
Sat 28 July
Cairn Survey & Repair - Black Hill (2nd Visit)
For details of where to meet, what to bring and any other questions you may have please
call Fiona on 01822 890646 or email on info@dartmoorpreservation.com
Professional friendly dog grooming service.
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All breeds/cross breeds welcome.
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Burrator Beacon
Walkhampton Archive Trust
Sue Andrew
Following the article in the last edition of the Burrator Beacon, we held a first meeting of
the Walkhampton Archive Trust (WAT). We decided that the aims of the trust should be:
 To assemble, collate and preserve an archive of the heritage of Walkhampton in all
 To stimulate public interest in, and care for, the beauty, history and character of
 To promote good community relations and social contact by encouraging interest in
the objectives and activities of WAT.
 To pursue these ends by all possible means including speaker evenings, exhibitions,
book production, films, and activities.
Membership is open to all who are interested, with an annual subscription set at a nominal
£2.00 so that we can establish a fund in order to pursue these aims. We would be very
pleased to hear from anyone who would like to join us, or who would be happy to share
their memories, or photographs, of the village with us. Please contact Sue Andrew on
01822 853008 or email: walkhampton.archive@hotmail.co.uk
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Burrator Beacon
Yelverton & District Local History Society
Nigel Rendle
The first quarter of talks were all attended by large audiences as excellent speakers led the
way on a variety of topics.
January saw the return of Derek Gore, this time on the subject of the Roman South West.
Derek related how in AD43, the Romans had invaded Britain & through many successful
battles, gradually spread westwards, building roads linking camps & forts. Significant
trade routes were set up by them between Britain & Europe, exchanging our minerals such
as gold, silver tin & copper, for imports of wine, olive oil & garum. Much of the Samian
pottery used to bring in imports has been found in various excavations since. There was
obviously quite an impact of the Romans on the local population, which at first was hostile
though later involved lots of peaceful trading. The recent unearthing of a Roman fort at
Calstock shows there is still a lot to discover about our early invaders.
February was again a popular talk by Simon Dell on Historical Murders, many of them
local. One involved a crime on "Murder Mile" between Horrabridge & Walkhampton, the
keen eye of the local constable turning what at first seemed an unfortunate accident into a
murder scene & subsequent conviction. Simon went on to tell about various other crimes,
three of which, though several years apart, seemed to be linked by a Swiss watch & a
black & white spotted tie! One of the other cases involved a man who was transported to
Australia for his crime, but then brought back 42 years later, having been proved innocent.
March saw our AGM & raffle, accompanied by the Gerry Woodcock talk on the Sale of
the Century. Gerry enthralled us, without the use of any visual aids, with his recounting of
how the Duke of Bedford sold Tavistock in 1911, after the town had been in the hands of
the family for almost 400 years - the end of an era. The town was in deep decline at the
time with the copper mining & agriculture industries in depression, resulting in a loss of
the town's political influence. Along with the introduction of the Peoples' Budget which
greatly increased death duties, the Duke decided to sell great swathes of land & property in
the town. A huge sale was held over 11 days raising over 500 thousand pounds.
A full programme is now in place for the rest of the year, with indoor events held on the
3rd Tuesday of the month, 7.30 start at Meavy Village Hall - all welcome. The May talk is
Tues 15th
"Myths & Legends of Dartmoor" - a talk by Tom Soby.
June to September we have outdoor events:
Tues 19th June:
Milton Combe - a village walk with Richard White, meet in Pub car
park 7pm
Tues 17th July:
Exploring Historic Lydford - A guided walk with Dr. Tom Greeves,
meet Castle Inn car park 7pm
Tues 21st Aug:
Tavistock - an historical Town walk with Alex Mettler, meet outside
Town museum in Bedford Square 7pm
Details of all the events & a fuller summary of the above & previous talks can be found on
our website www.yelvertonhistory.org.uk
Burrator Beacon
West Dartmoor Federation: Lady Modiford’s and Meavy Schools
Gavin Hamilton - Executive Headteacher.
Hello everybody, another busy month has gone by at the West Dartmoor Federation of
Lady Modiford’s and Meavy schools. The children from both school took part in the area
cross country which was won by Meavy. Congratulations to all who took part. The
winners will be proudly wearing their medals. Many of you may have seen the lovely
write up in the Tavistock Times of the concert which took place recently in Tavistock to
raise money for local cancer charities. It was a lovely evening and we were very proud of
the pupils from Meavy who took part.
At Lady Modifords, there was a ‘cookathon’ which all the children enjoyed and once
again promoted our healthy eating.. KS2 at Lady Modiford’s enjoyed a great trip to the
aquarium. Now it’s the turn of the younger children. Some of the Meavy children are also
going and it is lovely to see that our federation has enabled children and staff to work
together. There are many other events planned for the children to meet and work together
which is very exciting.
The staff have also taken up several opportunities to meet up and work together. We have
done some joint training and planning which has benefitted the children of both schools
and more is planned. This is one of the strengths of a federation of schools. There have
been a few changes along these lines and, although change can be a little challenging at
times, education itself is all about change as our young charges mature and learn they
change. These are exciting times for us all and we would enjoy having the community
involved so please feel welcome to attend our events, services and so on. It would be great
to see you.
The Friends of St Peter’s Church
Friday 18th May
7.30pm in St Peter’s Church, Meavy
“The Portrayal of St Peter through Art”
An Illustrated talk by Geri Parlby
Admission £5 to include coffee and biscuits
Tickets available from
Douglas Henderson 01822 855383 or Sarah Gordon 01822 854298
All Types of Carpets & Vinyls Supplied and Fitted
The Complete Home Carpet Selection Service
Kingsmead, Burrator Road, Dousland, PL20 6LU
Tel. 01822 853569 07884 253419
Burrator Beacon
Lady Modiford Trust
Tim Emerson
Do you need help in achieving your ambition? If you live or have grown up in the Civil
Parishes of Burrator, Buckland Monachorum or Horrabridge, (that is in Walkhampton,
Dousland, Meavy, Sheepstor, Yelverton, Horrabridge, Crapstone or Buckland
Monachorum) and are between the ages of 16 and 25, you can apply to the Trust for a oneoff grant to help you with your educational training needs. The Trust can make a limited
number of awards at the discretion of the trustees, to qualifying applicants who can
demonstrate that a grant would help their own efforts to achieve their ambitions.
For application details please apply to nigelahoskin@aol.com or the Trust c/o Mr. N.
Hoskin, Fieldside, Dousland, Yelverton, PL20 6NN(01822 853004)
Completed applications to be returned by June 8th, 2012 for consideration at the Trust’s
next meeting.
WERF St Marry,s Walkhampton
Mavis and Mike invite you to a
Cream Tea
in their garden on Sunday 24th June at 3 pm
£4.00 per person
23, Merrivale View Road, Dousland
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Burrator Beacon
C. S. Retirement Fellowship
Mike Fitzpatrick Acting Secretary of the CSRF - Tamar/Tavy Group
The Tavistock Group of the Retirement Fellowship has recently relocated to The Burrator
Inn, Dousland and is open to retired men and women who live or have worked in the
surrounding area. The main aims of the Retirement Fellowship are to help relieve isolation
through friendship. Our motto being “Caring, Sharing and Supporting”. We try to write to
all members each month to keep everyone up to date on our activities and encourage an
active social programme.
The Group meets for lunch on the second Thursday of each month throughout the year. On
alternate months we invite a Guest Speaker to address the meeting on a variety of
interesting subjects, each usually complimented by a photographic slide-show. Between
May and October we also enjoy a day trip by coach to places of interest.
Forthcoming Events include:-.
Thursday April 12th Steve Beech will be talking about the ‘Woodlands Trust’.
Monday 16th April: the annual Inter-group Quiz at Trethorne Leisure Centre.
Monday April 23rd: we will be celebrating St George’s Day with a splendid Lunch,
traditionally, the venue is always kept secret but transport has been arranged.
Thursday 17th May: a day trip to Taunton and a Brewery is being arranged, full details
will be available nearer the date ring Mike on 890799.
On Thursday 14th June: our guest speaker is Tom Savery who will giving his
‘Reminiscences of a Solicitor’.
We meet at 12.30pm on the second Thursday of each month in the Restaurant of the
Burrator Inn, Dousland. If you are retired, do come along. You will be assured of a warm
Walkhampton Quiz night
in support of Walkhampton Pre-school
Friday 11th May
Walkhampton Memorial Hall
Doors open 7.30pm for 8.00pm start
£3 entry per person
Bring your own snacks and drinks
At half time there will be an optional round
of Irish Bingo (£1 entry) and a raffle
Burrator Beacon
Dartmoor National Park Design Guide
Phil Markham, Head of Forward Planning, Dartmoor National Park Authority
A new guide has been produced by the National Park Authority to help provide advice to
those seeking to carry out development in Dartmoor National Park. Encouraging a high
standard of design in new development is essential in protecting the special qualities of
Dartmoor and the newly published Dartmoor National Park Design Guide is now
The guide has been produced in partnership with Dartmoor National Park Authority by
architects and planning consultants, Stride Treglown. The initial section of the document
seeks to raise an appreciation of Dartmoor itself and what makes the area special.
Subsequent sections provide advice on building design to help meet the challenges of
climate change and design guidance on the most common types of development proposal.
The final section offers ideas on best practice in the design and detailing of individual
building elements such as doors and windows.
The main purpose of the document is to provide advice for those seeking planning
permission from the National Park Authority for their development proposals and it will
be useful for applicant and their agents and architects. The design principles contained in
the guide will also be factor in the Authority’s consideration of planning applications.
However, it is also hoped that the guide will also influence those who are carrying out
smaller changes to their buildings that do not require planning permission by providing
them with ideas and inspiration and encourage a greater interest in the built
environment from all those who live and work in the national park and those who visit it.
The Authority is keen to see the guide reach as wide an audience as possible and it can be
viewed and freely downloaded from the National Park Authority’s web site at
www.dartmoor.gov.uk/designguide A limited number of paper copies are available for
purchase from the National Park Authority at a cost of £5 plus postage and packing, while
CD’s can be obtained from the Authority free of charge. Reference copies are available at
public libraries in and around the National Park as well as at the National Park Authority
headquarters at Parke, Bovey Tracey.
FOR MORE INFO PLEASE VISIT www.dartmoor-rural-services.co.uk
TEL MATT - O7508 043 703 (EVENINGS- 01822 890 509)
Burrator Beacon
Village Halls
Please support our local village halls for your meetings, parties and activities. All the halls
have disabled access and they vary in size and facilities so one of them will suit your
requirements. All the Halls are run by willing volunteers who strive to keep them in good
repair providing vital facilities for our communities.
Meavy Parish Hall
Val Smith
Sheepstor Village Hall
Trevor Rookes
Walkhampton Memorial Hall
Michael D’Oyly
They will be able to advise you on availability, hire charges and terms & conditions of
Drake’s Leat
Stephen Erp – Royal Oak Inn, Meavy
On 24th April 1590, Sir Francis Drake (yes him!) saw the completion of the Plymouth
Leat - a twenty-seven mile long water channel drawn off the River Meavy on Dartmoor,
bringing a fresh water supply into the city of Plymouth. When the water flowed for the
very first time he raced alongside the leat on his horse, accompanied by a fanfare of
trumpets. Some legends say that he drew the water from the moors through magical
incantation and spellcraft, and that a spring spontaneously arose and the flow of water
formed a stream that followed him as he rode to Plymouth.
In addition to the official ‘Fyshinge Feaste’ which has been commemorated since the 18th
Century, the Royal Oak Inn is holding its own commemoration this coming May Eve,
which conveniently falls on Sunday 29th April, with the aim to fund- raise for modern
charities dedicated to providing clean water sources in famine and drought-struck parts of
the world.
The plan is to do a walk along the leat in the afternoon and arrive at The Royal Oak Inn in
the evening. To reinact the traditional ceremony of passing around a goblet of leat water
(we will probably use Buxton or something instead, just to be on the safe side!), followed
by a goblet of wine, declaring "May the descendants of him who gave us water never want
for wine!". A trout supper will be on offer, along with poetry, song and general merriment.
Meavy Parish Hall
Quiz Night
Friday 11th May 7:30pm
Bar and Refreshments available
£2.50 per person in teams of 4
or come on night to make up a team
To reserve a table - 855909
Burrator Beacon
Babes in the Burrator Wood
Rosemary Whitehouse
Meavy Amateur dramatics - known locally and fondly as MAD proudly presented their
latest pantomime 'Babes in the Burrator Woods' to a packed Parish hall each evening from
Wednesday 8th February through to two performances on Saturday 11th February.
'Babes in the Burrator Woods' was another hilarious and imaginative script co-written by
Sam Regan de Bere and Liz Tompkins, following the huge success last year of their
version of Jack and the Beanstalk. The large and willing cast are amazed how these
talented young women find time to create such innovative scripts whilst busy with their
day jobs. Sam Regan de Bere also went on to direct the pantomime. "This year we had a
cast of thousands, which was a challenge directorially speaking but great fun for all those
concerned" said Sam. "This was testament to the important role the village panto plays in
our community's life, the benefits of laughter and jollity during long, cold winter nights
and Meavy's capacity to entice foreigners from the far flung, mystical lands of Plymouth,
Tavistock and Princetown! The central morality tale this year, (for all pantomimes must
have one) was discovering the folly of allowing prejudice and discrimination to fester and
stifle the spirits of an otherwise soulful community. In our panto as in real life, nothing is
quite as it seems and those who judge others unjustly pay the price!"
The storyline was set in medieval Meavy where the simple village folk are fearful of
nearby Burrator Forest and the big bad wolf (Simon Stones) that lurks within, especially
when the local livestock starts to disappear. Around this time the Bishop of Exeter
(Richard Ayres) visits the village as part of a piety tour to preach fire and brimstone, also
to squash any colour from the lives of the good people. The villagers are already trying to
adhere to the moral standards set down by the Abbess (Janet Penrose), Abbot (Graham
Goddard) and their Scribe (Sonia Wright) but with the Meavy youngsters being naturally
cheeky and the ladies unable to resist the lure of Stephen's Speakeasy with its dodgy
moonshine, trouble is afoot.
To name but a few - we also met Hansel (Tom Isherwood) and his widowed mother
Clementia, the Dame (David Hodges) who lost her husband, the bearded lady (Gary
Holden) at Walkhampton Saturday market. Also sweet unflappable Gretel (Alice Neal),
Bob (Helen Neal) the wandering minstrel, Narigorm the witch (Esme Wills) a gang of
woodland animals, including the grooving Owl (Nigel Courtier) and a whole bunch of
dancing trees.......!
There was fantastic support from the wardrobe department fronted by Lis Mawhinney and
outstanding sets designed and painted by Princetown artist John Stones, who also kindly
donated a painting of The Royal Oak as one of the two main raffle prizes. The other being
a Wine Tasting for 10 people donated by Charles Steevenson Wine Merchant of
Tavistock. Janet Penrose the Producer said "We had a wonderful response from the
public, within two weeks of making the tickets available half were sold - by the following
weekend every show was filled to capacity. We then invited people to the full dress
rehearsal, as many people were still asking for seats. We were fortunate to have The Royal
Oak at Meavy and Yelverton Stores as our booking offices!"
Burrator Beacon
Walkhampton Skittles with Quiz Evening
Friday 18th May
Walkhampton Memorial Hall
£2.50 entrance
to include skittles, quiz sheet and a pasty.
There will also be a bar.
All proceeds to Walkhampton’s Jubilee Celebrations.
For further information please contact Bunty Baxter on 853197
Play Bowls this summer at
Yelverton Bowling Club.
Located on Meavy Lane in Yelverton, one of the Clubs objectives is to encourage
potential members to come along and try bowling for themselves by having a
free introduction period of three weeks including loan of equipment before
joining what is an inexpensive and thoroughly enjoyable way to keep fit, meet
people, socialise and enjoy an outdoor activity in beautiful surroundings.
The new season has just started and new members of all ages are most
welcome, whether experienced or not. Coaching is provided as required and
this ranges from basic coaching for new comers to bowling up to national levels
standard. Club nights are on Thursday night starting at 6pm
Contact details are:
Bob Clarke
Heather Glassbrook
01822 853493
01822 854560
Burrator Beacon
Villages in Action – Meavy
A 'Villages in Action' top quality professional artist - MATT HARVEY, a nationally
acclaimed comic poet entertained a full house at Meavy Parish Hall at the beginning of
March with an evening of poetry and words. Audience participation was encouraged and
during the interval everyone was asked to write a line on the audience chosen topic of ‘Old
People’. The individual lines were then very cleverly put together to produce the
Old People
There was an old man from St Giles who suffered terrible piles.
It gets better!
Old folks are not just for Christmas.
I don’t believe it!
Old people are a mystery that time has solved.
Stop whispering!
Garrulous Geezers.
As my y-fronts get baggy, my stomach gets saggy
Old people, cold people, very very slow people.
“Vieux grincheux” sounds better than “grumpy old people”
Eyes ready for sleeping, bodily openings steadily seeping
Old people – what to do with them now that I am one of them
Am I over the hill? Time for a pill? Write a will? Had my fill?
Forgetting what I came in for... but on his fourth 21st he strides over the moor
With a bus pass we can even travel to Totnes – for free
Fish nets and basque – who needs a bus pass?
Women of a certain age don’t know how to queue
My hands are now my mother’s hands.
Liver spots and laughter lines
Out every night spending the kids’ inheritance.
What is a soft drink?
Put out to grass? That’s a farce!
Appropriate impropriety
We’re the old, bold, sold the gold.
I’ve got a motorised zimmer frame, it’s lifted up my mood and now I can speed round
CoOp getting all my food.
Seasoned gardeners.
I can remember back to when I was old.
Wibbly, wobbly, jigally, jogally, that’s what the young think of us oldies.
What you see will happen to you!
There’s no fool like an old fool.
John Boylett Electrical Services
The Smithy, Meavy, Yelverton. PL20 6PJ. Tel: 01822 853456 / 07748 513469
Domestic Electrical Installations - Rewiring - New Builds - Smoke Alarms
Consumer Units - Lighting - Electric Showers - New and Replacement sockets
All work tested, certificated and guaranteed
Very Competitive Rates Friendly local service
Part ‘P’ Elecsa Approved Contractor
Burrator Beacon
Villages in Action –Sheepstor (but performing in Meavy)
There is a second chance to see Matt Harvey on Friday 18th May again at Meavy Parish
Hall (NOTE CHANGE OF VENUE). This time he will be teaming up with up-andcoming Canadian performer Tanya Davis. Tanya Davis is a poet, a storyteller, a musician
and a singer-songwriter and she fuses these elements together in a refreshing matrimony of
language and sound, side-stepping genre and captivating audiences in the process. With
the release of her third album, Clocks and Hearts Keep Going, in November 2010, she
affirms her well-earned place in the ranks of thoughtful and hard-working Canadian
Artists. This album, like those before it, features strongly Tanya's unique and vulnerable
style, full of poignant lyrics, catchy melodies, and expressive, if unconventional,
arrangements. Since bursting onto the Halifax music scene in 2006 with her debut, Make a
List, Tanya has garnered praise from industry, audienceand peers, as well as multiple
award nominations, including one for her sophomore release, Gorgeous Morning, for the
2009 ECMA Female Recording of the Year. She is a 2 time winner in the CBC National
Poetry Face-off as well as the Canadian Winner of the 2008 Mountain Stage NewSong
Details and tickets are available from Patrick Drennan on 853186
Books Needed
The Friends of St Peter’s Church will be running the bookstall at Meavy Oak Fair on
Saturday 16th June. If you have any books you would like to donate please contact
Douglas Henderson on 01822 855383
New Builds, Extensions & Loft Conversions
Renovations, Maintenance & Repair
Driveways & Patios
Barn Conversions
Small to Large Estates
15 Years Local Experience in Small, Medium and Major Contracts
Local Builders With A Reputation For Quality & Reliability
01822 610509
Unit 1
01822 618919
Wilminstone Ind. Estate
Mobile: 07771 803613
Burrator Beacon
Burrator Horseshoe Run
The Burrator Horseshoe Run is part of the Meavy Oak Fair and is a 7 mile moorland run
from Meavy and out over Dartmoor, via Burrator Reservoir, Sheepstor Dam, Sheepstor
Summit (369m), Guttor Tor Summit (357m), Ringmoor Down and Meavy River Ford.
grid ref. SX540672 on your OS map. The Run will be limited to a maximum of 200
competitors, Race Organiser is Nigel Jenkins (ZIPPY DH3) and there is a souvenir printed
T shirt to all runners. Enter by submitting the Entry Form with entry fee. (You can
download Entry Form from http://www.meavy.org.uk/bh.htm). Entry fee is £10.00,
deadline for entry is Saturday 9th June. Entries are accepted on the day but no guarantee of
T shirts for entries after 9th June. Minimum age limit for this event is 14 years.
Meavy Oak Fair
Saturday 16th June 2pm
Hog Roast
Cakes and Produce
Craft Stalls
Cream Teas
Coconut Shy
Fun for all!
Family Dog Show
Ice Creams
Bouncy Castle
For details about trade stalls, advertising or with offers of help
please contact Jenny on 853652
Fun Family Dog Show
At Meavy Oak Fair Sat 16th June
Fair starts 2pm –
dog show starts 3:15pm
Entries to be made on
the day before 2:45pm
Provisional classes
Best rescued/ re-homed dog
Best Puppy (3 – 12 months)
Best Veteran
Most Obedient
Most Appealing Eyes
Entry fee of £1.00
per dog, per class.
Rosettes for 1st – 3rd
in each class.
Handsomest Dog
Prettiest Bitch
Best Condition
Waggiest Tail
Best Child Handler (4 – 7)
Best Child Handler (8 – 11)
Dog the judge would most like to take home
Dog Show will be preceded at 2:35pm by a Flyball Demonstration, £1 a go for
you and your dog to have a go. Followed by a Heelwork to Music Display.
Dog Show sponsored by Drake’s Vets and Ron’s Pets Supplies
Burrator Beacon
Tokens and Vouchers for Schools
The major supermarkets regularly give away vouchers for schools and Nestle Cereals have
‘boxtops for books. Please say yes to the supermarket vouchers, and save them for your
local school, either Walkhampton or Meavy. Pop them along to the school or give them to
someone who has a child at the school. They really do help in obtaining equipment for the
Sheepstor Open Gardens
9th – 10th June
11am – 5pm
10 gardens open
Plant sales
Lunches and Teas
Entry at Village Hall
Parking available in village and at Yellowmead
– follow the signs
Darren Balkwill
Bringing high quality improvement to your home or business
Painting & Decorating
Plumbing & Tiling
Bathroom Fitting
General Carpentry
Property Maintenance
Gratton View
Burrator Road
PL20 6NE
Discount for over 60’s
01822 853035 07884 418997
Burrator Beacon
Diamond Jubilee Weekend
Devon Real Ale and Cider Festival
Friday 1st June - Film in the Parish Hall
Saturday 2nd - BBQ followed by a barn dance in the Parish hall.
Sunday 3rd - Live Jazz
Monday 4th - hog roast and cream teas on the Village Green as part
of the Big Jubilee Lunch, with live music in the evening.
Diamond Jubilee Weekend
Sunday 3 June – Street Party, Games, Entertainment, Cricket Match
Monday 4th June – Lighting of Jubilee Beacon and service of
thanksgiving – St Mary’s Church.
Further Details: Peter Shapcott 855140
Relax in your own home or in a therapy room in Hoo Meavy with a Swedish Massage from
an ITEC qualified therapist. LADIES ONLY.
Prices from £15 for 30 minutes. Gift Vouchers available.
Joanna Wallis ITEC Dip CThA
07989 300079
Burrator Beacon
Dates for your Calendar
Dartmoor Border Morris, Meavy, 8pm
Meavy Garden Society Outing
Walkhampton Quiz Night
Meavy Quiz Night
History Society meeting, Meavy, 7:30pm
Burrator Parish Council Annual Parish Meeting, 7pm Meavy
VIA Matt Harvey and Tanya Davis, Meavy, 7:30pm
Illustrated Talk, St Peter’s Meavy, 7:30pm
Skittles and Quiz, Walkhampton, 8pm
Meavy Garden Society Plant Sale
Meavy Garden Society Talk, 7:30pm
1st – 4th
3rd – 4th
9th – 10th
Meavy Diamond Jubilee Weekend
Walkhampton Jubilee Celebrations
Sheepstor Open Gardens
Meavy Oak Fair, 2pm
Meavy Garden Society Talk, 7:30pm
History Society Walk
Cream Tea, Walkhampton
See page 22
See page 22
See page 21
See page 20
See page 6
See page 10
See page 12
Exeter Coach trip
Meavy Garden Society Talk, 7:30pm
History Society Walk
See page 7
See page 6
See page 10
See page 6
See page 13
See page 15
See page 10
See page 19
See page 11
See page 17
See page 6
See page 6
Meavy Garden Society Summer Show
David Winter 853779
Walk and Cream Tea, Meavy, 2:30pm
Sarah Gordon 854298
History Society Walk
See page 10
Walkhampton Cottage Garden Show
See page 7
30 – 2 Sept Walkhampton Art and Craft Exhibition and Sale – more details next edition
To have your event included in future issues please send details (date, time location,
contact name and phone number) to the Editor as soon as you have decided on the date.
This will ensure maximum publicity and avoid clashes with other events.
Parish Council Meetings
Full Council Meetings are usually held at 7:30pm on the last Thursday of the month (but
not always!), the dates of the next few meetings are:
31st May 2012
28th June 2012
19th July 2012
Walkhampton Memorial Hall
Walkhampton Memorial Hall
Meavy Parish Hall
The Planning, Finance and Royal Oak Inn Committees meet on other dates throughout the
year – please contact the Clerk: theclerk@burrator.gov.uk for more details.
Burrator Beacon
List of Members and Telephone Numbers (Area Code 01822)
Meavy Village
Walkhampton Village
Mrs Bridget Cole
Mr Bill Andrew
Mr Mark Harding
Mr Chas Symes
Mrs Pauline Fisk
Mr David Wright
Meavy Dousland
Walkhampton Dousland
Mrs Carol Cowell
Mr Phil Cater
Dr John Howells (Chair)
Mr Neil Morrison
Mrs Jackie Moorhead
2 vacancies
Mr Frank Thomas
Mr Tim MacDonald (ViceChair)
Mr Keith Scrivener
Clerk to Council
Mrs Lucie Luke
The Apartment, The Old
Bedford Foundry, Lakeside
Tavistock, PL19 0AZ
Email: theclerk@burrator.gov.uk
West Devon Borough Councillor for Burrator Ward: Diana Moyse
Published and issued quarterly, free of charge by Burrator Parish Council. The next
edition will be published end of June, copy deadline 6th June. Copy to be sent to the
Editor, Jenny Sharp, 8 Marchants Way, Meavy, PL20 6PW, email:
jennysharp@meavy.org.uk, tel: 853652
If you require this publication in large text please contact
the editor: Jenny Sharp on 853652
Burrator Parish Council is a body which complies with the Freedom of Information Act
2000. Contact the Clerk, Mrs. Lucie Luke for specific details about parish business.
Advertising: Local events are publicised free of charge. Businesses and clubs and
societies (which have membership fees) can advertise in the Beacon and should contact
the Editor for advertising rates.
Burrator Web Site: The Burrator Parish Website is http://burrator.gov.uk/ You can find
details of meetings plus other information.
The opinions expressed in the Burrator Beacon are not necessarily those held by Burrator
Parish Council. Every effort is made to ensure that information in these pages is accurate.
However, the Council cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions. Including
information does not imply recommendation and any subsequent contact is made at
readers' own risk.