Modeling Peat Thermal Regime of an Ombrotrophic
Modeling Peat Thermal Regime of an Ombrotrophic
Wetland Soils Modeling Peat Thermal Regime of an Ombrotrophic Peatland with Hummock–Hollow Microtopography Dimitre D. Dimitrov* Canadian Forest Service Northern Forestry Centre 5320-122nd Street Edmonton, AB, Canada T6H3S5 Robert F. Grant Dep. of Renewable Resources Univ. of Alberta Edmonton, AB, Canada T6G 2H1 Peter M. Lafleur Geography Dep. Trent Univ. Peterborough, ON, Canada K9J 7B8 Elyn R. Humphreys Dep. of Geography and Environ. Studies Carleton Univ. Ottawa, ON, Canada, K1S 5B6 The theory of conductive heat transfer cannot explain different attenuations of the daily amplitude of peat temperatures (TS) in hummocks (detectable below the 20-cm depth) and hollows (disappearing above the 10cm depth). Large readily drained macropores in the upper fibric peat determine a large air permeability and hence may enhance heat transfer by air convection in porous media, driven by temperature gradients between hummock sides and interiors. In this study, the ecosys model was used to simulate a peat thermal regime at Mer Bleue peatland, Ontario, Canada. It was hypothesized that adding the air-convective heat transfer to conductive plus water-convective heat transfers would improve simulations of TS. The results for TS, ground heat fluxes, G, and sensible heat fluxes, H, modeled with and without air-convective heat transfer were tested with continuous hourly measurements from 2000 to 2004 using thermocouples, heat flux plates, and eddy covariance. Simulated air-convective heat transfer caused an average increase in G and a corresponding decrease in H of ?20 W m−2 from the simulated conductive plus water-convective heat transfer. Hastened soil warming in hummocks resulted in better agreement between measured and simulated hummock TS values with (RMSD of 2.23°C) than without air-convective heat (RMSD of 2.54°C). Enhanced hummock TS caused an indirect increase in hollow TS in the model with (RMSD of 1.68°C) compared to without air-convective heat (RMSD of 1.82°C). Our results suggest that air convection is probably an important mechanism of heat transfer in peat hummocks and should be included in peatland biogeochemical models. Abbreviations: DOY, day of the year; EC, eddy covariance; ER, ecosystem respiration; MAE, mean absolute error. S oil temperature, Ts, is an important environmental control on soil respiration and thus on ecosystem respiration (ER) in mineral soils (Reichstein et al., 2003) and peatlands (Lafleur et al., 2005b; Bubier et al., 2003a, 2003b; Scanlon and Moore, 2000; Silvola et al. 1996a, 1996b). The Ts is known to control rates of biological processes that drive soil respiration, such as hydrolysis and redox reactions (Grant, 2004; Brock and Madigan, 1991). The TS also affects physical processes that control soil respiration, such as gaseous and aqueous diffusion, and solubilization (Grant, 2001), thus affecting O2 supply for redox reactions (Clymo, 1983). Therefore, the ability to predict temporal and spatial patterns in TS is an important concern for biogeochemical models. Yet little consideration has been given to this issue for peatland environments, where many models use soil heat transfer parameterizations developed for mineral soils, with little regard for the unique characteristics of peat properties at depth, variations of water table, and peatland surface microtopography. Heat transfer in soil has long been considered to occur mainly by conductive heat flow, combined with some vapor-convective and water-convective heat flows (Côté and Konrad, 2005; Grant, 2001; Farouki, 1982; de Vries, 1963; Mickley, 1951). However, the classical theory of conductive heat transfer and storage in soil, which describes attenuation of diurnal TS variation and delay of maxima and minima with depth (Campbell, 1977; Monteith, 1973), has not always worked properly Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 74:1406–1425 Published online 9 Apr. 2010 doi:10.2136/sssaj2009.0288 Received 5 Aug 2009. *Corresponding author ( © Soil Science Society of America, 677 S. Segoe Rd., Madison WI 53711 USA All rights reserved. No part of this periodical may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Permission for printing and for reprinting the material contained herein has been obtained by the publisher. 1406 SSSAJ: Volume 74: Number 4 • July–August 2010 for peat. According to this theory, the damping depth of the diurnal TS amplitude (the depth at which the diurnal TS amplitude is reduced to e−1 = 0.37 of its surface magnitude) should be about 5 cm in peat (Clymo, 1983; Campbell, 1977). Therefore, below the 15-cm depth TS in peat should be approaching the average daily temperature at the surface and the diurnal TS amplitude should disappear. Although this may be true for some peatlands (Clymo, 1983) and especially for hollows, it is definitely not so in hummocks. Measurements show that diurnal TS fluctuations are clearly and consistently detectable at 1, 5, 10, and 20 cm below the hummock surface at Mer Bleue bog, and only disappear well below the 20-cm depth (Lafleur et al., 2005b). Kellner (2001) also measured higher diurnal TS amplitudes at corresponding depths in hummocks than in hollows in a mire in central Sweden. These large TS amplitudes at depth may be due to air–convective heat transfer in peat. Unlike mineral soils, where low airfilled porosities (Kutilek and Nielsen, 1994) cause low permeability to air (Ingham and Pop, 2002), the large and well-drained macropore fractions of fibric peat (Dimitrov, 2009; Schwärzel et al., 2002; Silins and Rothwell, 1998; Baird, 1997) cause greater air-filled porosity and hence permeability to air (Dullien, 1979). The latter may cause internal air circulation and air-convective heat transfer in fibric peat as in other porous media (Ingham and Pop, 2002; Nield and Bejan, 1992) that supplements the conductive heat transfer. Detailed process-based modeling, complementing measurements of TS and heat fluxes can help in studying the thermal regime in peat. However, we are not aware of any successful attempts so far to model TS at depth in field peat profiles by applying the classical theory of conductive heat transfer. Kellner (2001) attempted to model peat TS at depth, but even though his model adequately described TS in hollows, there was a poor agreement between modeled and measured TS in hummocks. A possible reason for the poor simulation in the hummock environments is that the large porosity within the fibric peat allowed for air-convective heating. Objectives and Hypotheses Air-convective heat transfer can be generated in hummocky microtopography by temperature gradients within hummocks which, combined with high air permeability of fibric peat (Dullien, 1979), should cause air density gradients and hence air movement (Ingham and Pop, 2002). This movement should hasten heat transfer in hummocks and thereby increase diurnal amplitudes in hummock TS at depth. The main objective of this study was to investigate whether TS at various depths under peat hummocks and hollows, as well as ground heat flux G and sensible heat flux H at the peat surface, can be better simulated by adding the air-convective heat transfer to conductive and vapor- and water-convective heat transfers than by conductive and vapor- and water-convective heat transfers alone. No air-convective heat transfer is hypothesized in hollows, due to their concave shape and shallow fibric peat that limits air convection (Ingham and Pop, 2002; Nield and Bejan, SSSAJ: Volume 74: Number 4 • July–August 2010 1992). However, lateral conduction of air-convective heat in hummocks is hypothesized to hasten the heat transfer in adjacent hollows too. The modeling hypothesis is that air-convective heat transfer in hummocks can be simulated by enhancing the soil thermal conductivity term (de Vries, 1963) by a heat convection term, resulting from natural heating-from-the-side air convection in porous media (Bejan and Tien, 1978), as described in Fig. 1. This hypothesis was implemented by adding a module with the formulae for heating-from-the-side air convection in porous media (Nield and Bejan, 1992) to algorithms for conductive heat transfer in the source code of the ecosys model (Grant, 2001). The alternative hypothesis is that modeling heat transfer in peat does not require an air-convective component (Fig. 1). MODEL DEVELOPMENT Ecosys is a detailed process-based three-dimensional model that couples soil hydrology and heat transfer to biologically driven C and energy fluxes of ecosystems (Grant, 2001). The model can represent complex microtopography of alternating hummocks and hollows, and can solve for G, H, and TS in hummocks and hollows on an hourly time scale. Rationale of the theory and partial differential equations that govern conductive, and vapor- and water-convective heat transfers in the original ecosys, and newly added air-convective enhancement of the conductive heat transfer in hummocks, are given below. Numerical solutions of these differential equations and other model equations that describe the soil heat transfer in ecosys are given in Appendix 1, their parameter values in Appendix 2. Rationale of Modeling Soil Heat Transfer Net radiation, Rn (MJ m−2 h−1), reaching the terrestrial surface is redistributed among sensible heat flux, H (MJ m−2 h−1), latent heat flux, LE (MJ m−2 h−1), between the ground surface and the atmosphere, and ground heat flux at terrestrial surface (soil, surface residue, or snowpack), GTS (MJ m−2 h−1) (Grant et al., 1990). For simplicity and relevance to the objectives of this research only the equations that govern GTS in the soil are considered here; as the equations governing GTS through snowpack and surface residue are similar and comply with the same principles (Grant, 1992). The GTS is cumulative and calculated from the ground heat fluxes between adjacent model cells GMC (MJ m−2 h−1). With upper boundary conditions of current weather at soil surface and lower boundary conditions of constant TS at the 10-m depth that is equal to the average annual TS at soil surface, and on the assumption for homogeneity of each model cell, the following general set of partial differential equations describes ∂E/∂t and TS of each model cell: GMC G V W TS x G V V [1] TS y c WTS Lv W c WTS k [2] TS z S x CV x S y CV y S z CV z [3] [4] 1407 E t TS t G MC x G MC y G MC z Lf E t cS [5] [6] The term G (MJ m−2 h−1) is that part of GMC that is transferred through the soil by conduction. The term V (MJ m−2 h−1) is that part of GMC that is transferred as vapor-convective heat with vapor fluxes in soil. The term W (MJ m−2 h−1) is that part of GMC that is transferred as water-convective heat with water fluxes in soil. The term E (MJ m−3) is the energy storage in the model cell. The other quantities in this set of equations are the soil thermal conductivity, λ (MJ h−1 m-1 oC−1); time, t (h); distances, x (m), y (m), and z (m) in the x, y, and z directions, respectively; vapor concentration, CV (g m−3); vapor diffusivity, σV (m2 h−1); specific heat capacity of water, cW (MJ kg-1 oC−1); latent heat of vaporization, Lv (MJ m−3); hydraulic conductivity, kθ (m2 MPa−1 h−1); soil water potential, ψS (MPa); latent heat of freezing and thawing, Lf (MJ m−3); and soil volumetric heat capacity, cS (MJ m-3 oC−1). Thus, heat fluxes in ecosys are tightly coupled to precipitation, overland flow, subsurface drainage, and evapotranspiration. To account for the effect of internal air circulation on enhancing G and TS through enhancing λ (Ingham and Pop, 2002) in highly macroporous and well-drained hummocks, Eq. [2] was modified as G Nu TS x TS y TS z [7] where Nu (dimensionless) is the Nusselt number, that is, the ratio between heat transfer with convection and without (Nield and Bejan, 1992), which depends on peat air-filled porosities and fiber diameters (Dullien, 1979). In the case of no convective effects on heat transfer, Nu = 1; in the case of heat convection, Nu > 1. Integration of Eq. [1–7] is generally difficult because they involve more than one variable (time and space) and are tightly coupled to other Fig. 1. Graphical schemes of the convection hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis. 1408 SSSAJ: Volume 74: Number 4 • July–August 2010 simulated quantities, for example, precipitation, overland flow, subsurface drainage, and evapotranspiration. However, these differential equations were solved in ecosys numerically, by explicit finite difference approximations at an hourly time step (Grant, 2001, 1992; Grant et al., 1990), as described below. Conductive and Vapor- and Water-Convective Heat Transfers in Soil The conductive heat flux G between each two adjacent model cells, in the x, y, z directions is calculated from thermal conductances λ′ (MJ h−1 m–2 oC−1) and temperature differences (K) (Eq. [A1.1a, A1.1b, A1.1c] in Appendix 1). The λ′ in the x, y, z directions are calculated as geometric means of the thermal conductivities λ in each two adjacent model cells (Eq. [A1.2a, A1.2b, A1.2c] in Appendix 1), and are additionally enhanced by a wind-driven effect UW of heat diffusivity through soil surface boundary layers. The UW depends on wind speed (m h−1) at the surface, and exponentially attenuates with soil depth, d (m) (Eq. [A1.2d] in Appendix 1). Soil depth d is accumulated from summing the thicknesses of all the soil layers l (Eq. [A1.2e] in Appendix 1). The λ is calculated for each model cell by de Vries (1963), assuming water as the continuous medium in which the granules of other materials, such as air, ice, organic and mineral soil particles, sand, and rocks are located. Equation [A1.3] in Appendix 1 describes λ (MJ h−1 m-1 oC−1) as a function of the thermal conductivities λwtr, λair, λice, λorg , λmin, λsnd, λrck (MJ h−1 m−2 oC−1) of each of the above materials, weighted by their volumetric fractions (m3 m−3) fwtr, fair, fice, forg , fmin, fsnd, frck (de Vries, 1963). The material-specific quantities κwtr, κair, κice, κorg , κmin, κsnd, κrck (dimensionless) in Eq. [A1.3] are the ratios between the average temperature gradients in the granules of each material and the average temperature gradient in the medium (de Vries, 1963); κwtr = 1 and the rest are given in Appendix 1. The vapor-convective heat flux, V, between two adjacent model cells in soil, in the x, y, and z directions, is calculated from vapor flux QV (m h−1), soil temperature TS (°C) of the originating cell, cW and Lv (Eq. [A1.4a, A1.4b, A1.4c] in Appendix 1). The QV between two adjacent model cells in soil, in the x, y, and z directions, is calculated from vapor conductances σV′ (m h−1) and CV (Eq. [A1.5a, A1.5b, A1.5c] in Appendix 1). The σ’ V in the x, y, and z directions are calculated from lx, ly, lz (Eq. [A1.6a, A1.6b, A1.6c] in Appendix 1). The σV is calculated from the diffusivity of water vapor in open air at 0°C σV,o (m2 h−1), air-filled soil porosity εa (m3 m−3), total soil porosity εt (m3 m−3), and TS (°K) (Eq. [A1.7] in Appendix 1). The CV is calculated from TS (°C) of the originating cell and ambient vapor pressure e (kPa) (Eq. [A1.8] in Appendix 1). The latter is calculated from saturation vapor pressure e’sat (kPa) at a given soil temperature, molecular mass of water MW (g mol−1), soil matric and osmotic potentials (ψm + ψo) (kPa), TS (°C) of the originating cell, and gas constant R ( J mol−1 m−3) (Eq. [A1.9] in Appendix 1). The e’sat is calculated from saturation vapor pressure at 0°C esat and TS (Eq. [A1.10] in Appendix 1). The water-convective heat flux W between two adjacent model cells in soil, in the x, y, and z directions, is calculated from the soil matrix water flux QW,x (m h−1), QW,y (m h−1), and QW,z (m h−1), soil macropore water flux QM,z (m h−1), precipitation QP,z (m h−1), and snowmelt Qsn,z (m h−1), and cW and TS (°C) (Eq. [A1.11a, A1.11b, SSSAJ: Volume 74: Number 4 • July–August 2010 A1.11c, A1.12, A1.13, A1.14, A1.15] in Appendix 1). Soil water fluxes are calculated from hydraulic conductances and water potential differences; equations described in detail in Grant (2001). Also, ecosys calculates for the latent heat of freezing and thawing, which controls the timing of spring warming and autumn cooling of the soil in the model (Grant, 2001). Change in energy storage of a given model cell, ΔE (MJ m−3), during a time step, Δt (Eq. [A1.16] in Appendix 1), is calculated from balancing incoming and outgoing G, V and W to and from that cell (Eq. [A1.17, A1.18, A1.19] in Appendix 1), and the incoming and outgoing heat flux through the model boundaries, B (MJ h−1 m−2), (Eq. [A1.20] in Appendix 1) (Grant, 2001; Grant, 1992). Soil temperature of that cell at the beginning of the next time step, TS,Δt (°C), is calculated from TS (°C) at the beginning of the current time step, Δt, and soil temperature change, ΔTS (°C), during the current Δt (Eq. [A1.21] in Appendix 1). The ΔTS is calculated from ΔE divided by soil volumetric heat capacity cS (MJ m-3 oC−1) (Eq. [A1.22] in Appendix 1). The cS is calculated (Eq. [A1.23a, A1.23b] in Appendix 1) by material-specific heat capacities (Appendix 2), weighted by volumetric fractions (m3 m−3) of water and ice in soil matrix fWμ and fIμ, and in soil macropores fWM and fIM, and by volumetric fractions (m3 m−3) of organic, mineral, sand, and rock particles forg , fmin, fsnd, and frck. Air-Convective Heat Transfer in Peat as Porous Media The case of “Shallow Layer” regime of Heating-from-the-Side natural convection of a fluid in a porous medium (Nield and Bejan, 1992; Bejan, 1984) was projected over hummocks of highly macroporous fibric peat, given the order of the ratio between hummock heights Hhmk (m) above neighboring hollow surface and hummock diameters, L (m). Bejan and Tien (1978) and Walker and Homsy (1978) described the shallow-layer convection by horizontal fluid counterflow (in this case air counterflow) through a large porous space, referred as the “core”, with vertical fluid (air) movement only through thin end layers next to the inner and outer sides (Fig. 1). Temperature gradients between hummock sides and interiors drive the horizontal Heating-from-the-Side air convection in hummocks (Fig. 1). This convection can cause heat transfer rates that are considerably greater than the heat transfer rate of conduction alone (Nield and Bejan, 1992). The condition of impermeable upper and lower walls usually holds during daytime hours, or whenever peat stays warmest on hummock surfaces and coolest at the bottom of the fibric layer. Vertical end walls (hummock sides) are assumed to be permeable, following Bejan and Tien (1978). The basic equations from Bejan and Tien (1978) and Nield and Bejan (1992) were used to calculate for each model cell the overall heat transfer coefficient h (MJ h−1 m-1 oC−1), which equals λ enhanced by Nu (Eq. [A2.1a, A2.1b] in Appendix 1). The Nu is calculated from Rayleigh number Ra and an axial temperature gradient constant, C1 (Eq. [A2.2a, A2.2b] in Appendix 1), calculated from hummock effective height, H*hmk (m), horizontal depth of convection from hummock side to interior, L* (m), and Ra (Eq. [A2.3a, A2.3b] in Appendix 1). The H*hmk is calculated at every time step Δt as a cumulative thickness of all the top hummock layers q with air-filled porosities εa (m3 m−3) greater than water-filled porosities εw (m3 m−3) (Eq. [A2.4] in Appendix 2); H*hmk is always less than or equal to the distance between the average 1409 Fig. 2. Complex microtopography at Mer Bleue bog with alternating hummocks and hollows. hummock surface and the average hollow surface, Hhmk (m). The L* is calculated from H*hmk and Ra (Eq. [A2.5] in Appendix 1) and is always equal to or less than the maximum possible horizontal depth of air convection, L (m). The Rayleigh number, Ra, is dimensionless and associated with the heat transfer within the porous media (Ingham and Pop, 2002). When Ra is less than a critical value Racr (Appendix 2), the heat transfer is in the form of conduction alone (Nu = 1) and when Ra > Racr, the heat transfer is by convection (Nu > 1) in addition to conduction (Pestov, 2000). The Ra is calculated from earth acceleration, g (m s−2), thermal expansion coefficient of air, βair (°C−1), kinematic viscosity of air, υair (m2 s−1), thermal diffusivity of peat, αp (m2 s−1), permeability of peat to air, kp, (m2), temperature at hummock side, Tout (°C), and temperature inside hummock, Tin (°C), and H*hmk (Eq. [A2.6] in Appendix 1). It is assumed that the simulated Tout of the lateral hummock sides (Fig. 1) equals the temperature at the horizontal hummock surface, although hummock sides have different solar angles. The Tin is calculated as average from the temperatures of all the hummock layers, from the surface to depth H*hmk, with air-filled porosities greater than water-filled porosities at a given time step Δt (Eq. [A2.7] in Appendix 1). Thus, although a simplification, the above way to estimate Tout and Tin is a convenient one to calculate the difference Tout–Tin, which drives the Heating-fromthe-Side air convection. Permeability of a porous medium is independent of the nature of the fluid flowing through it, but rather depends on the geometry of the medium (Kutilek and Nielsen, 1994; Nield and Bejan, 1992; Dullien, 1979). For the purposes of this research, peat and the water content in peat matrix are considered as the porous medium, and air as the fluid flowing through. The permeability of peat to air kp is calculated for fibrous beds as stable structures of extremely high porosities, up to 0.99 on a volumetric basis (Dullien, 1979). The kp is calculated from the average diameter of fibers, Df (μm), average air-filled porosity ε’a (m3 m−3) of all the top hummock layers q with εa > εw, multiplied by π and the constants c’ and c” (Eq. [A2.8] in Appendix 1). The ε’a is calculated at every time step Δt as a weighted average from εa and layer thickness Lz (m) of the top portion of each layer of the hummock with εa > εw (Eq. [A2.9] in Appendix 1), where εa is the air-filled porosity and εw is the water-filled porosity of a given layer. Penetration of the Heating-from-the-Side air convection inside hummocks depends on the temperature difference, through Ra. Thus, at 1410 Fig. 3. A three-dimensional transect from the ecosys model representing the specific surface microtopography at Mer Bleue bog and depth intervals of fibric, hemic, and sapric peat; GC is grid cell. Modeled heat, gases, water, and solutes were allowed to freely exchange between adjacent grid cells or through the transect boundaries in the north–south direction following the main slope of the terrain, given that the east–west slope was negligible. Fig. 4. Cross-section in the north–south direction of the simulated peat profile at Mer Bleue bog; N is the number of soil layers in the ecosys model, starting from the hummock surface; SLTk (cm) and SLTw (cm) are the soil layer depths in ecosys from the hummock and hollow surfaces, respectively; ρb (Mg m−3) is the bulk density of peat with macropores for Layers 1 to 10 (measured by Blodau and Moore, 2002) and Layers 11 to 15 (taken from Frolking et al., 2002, 2001); εt (m3 m−3) is the soil layer total porosity, calculated from the corresponding ρb; MF (m3 m−3) is the peat volumetric macropore fraction (determined by Dimitrov, 2009). Wavy lines depict the range in water table variation, e.g., from ?23 to ?70 cm below the hummock surface for the period 1998 to 2004. SSSAJ: Volume 74: Number 4 • July–August 2010 any time step Δt, there may be a central region inside hummock mounds where air-convective heat wouldn’t have penetrated and heat conduction would act alone. Therefore, the effective heat transfer coefficient h* is calculated (Eq. [A2.10] in Appendix 1) for the hummock periphery, subject to heat conduction and convection (h term in Eq. [A2.10]), and the hummock interior subject to heat conduction alone (λ term in Eq. [A2.10]). Finally, h* is substituted for λ in further calculations of heat and soil temperatures within the same time step, thus incorporating the effect of possible air convection in the overall heat transfer mechanism of ecosys. Simulated air-convective heat transfer ceases when cooling of the near-surface peat causes the warmest temperature to “move” vertically and laterally into the hummock mounds. This movement splits the core zone and minimizes the air-convective heat transfer that depends directly on the height of the porous core zone (Nield and Bejan, 1992). Furthermore, given time delays in developing large convective buoyant cells able to cause vertical air instability and buoyant convection (Rappoldt et al., 2003), it is assumed that there is no air convection whenever the warmest peat is inside the hummock mounds, as during nighttime. Whenever the warmest temperature “moves” below the hummock mounds during prolonged periods of cooling in fall and winter, cooler temperatures at peat surface may eventually induce vertical instability of air density and onsetting of buoyant convection (Ingham and Pop, 2002; Nield and Bejan, 1992). However, the latter can be shown to increase h roughly by one third to one half of the h increased by Heating-from-the-Side air convection, with small Ra values as is the case of the “Shallow Layer” regime (Bejan and Tien, 1978). Thus, the effect of air-convective heat transfer on cooling in the fall and winter is expected to be much smaller than that on warming in spring and summer. Furthermore, the insulation properties of snow may minimize the difference between the temperatures at hummock surface and interior, such that Ra becomes close to or less than Racr and no air-convective effects occur. Therefore in the model, air-convective heat transfer occurs only when Tout–Tin > 0, that is, mainly during daytime, and in spring and summer, and no air-convective heat transfer occurs when Tout–Tin < 0, that is, mainly during nighttime, and in fall and winter. However, even when Tout–Tin < 0, the overall heat transfer in the model is indirectly affected by the air-convection through the temperature gradients in previously warmed peat. SITE DESCRIPTION AND KEY SITE CHARACTERISTICS Mer Bleue bog is a large, ombrotrophic bog, located about 15 km east of Ottawa in the Ottawa Valley, Ontario, Canada with surface area of approximately 2800 ha. The groundcover is mainly Sphagnum mosses and overstory vegetation is dominated by a low shrub canopy (20–30 cm height), with sparse sedges and herbaceous plants and some discontinuous patches of coniferous trees (Lafleur et al. 2005a, Frolking et al. 2002, Moore et al. 2002). The bog surface has expressed hummock-hollow microtopography, dominated by hummocks with an average diameter of 1 m that comprise about 70% of the surface, and an average relief between hummocks and hollows of 25 cm (Lafleur et al., 2005a, 2005b) (Fig. 2). Mer Bleue is a dry peatland with a water table varying between ~20 and ~70 cm below the hummock surface (Lafleur et al. 2005a, 2005b). Peat SSSAJ: Volume 74: Number 4 • July–August 2010 depth increases from 2 to 6 m, from the periphery toward the center and is on average 4 to 5 m. Based on peat texture and Von Post degree of humification, fibric peat occupies the top 0 to 35 cm, then hemic peat at 35 to 45 cm, and sapric peat at >45 cm in hummocks, and respectively at 0 to 10 cm, 10 to 20 cm, and >20 cm in hollows (Lafleur et al. 2005b; S. Admiral, personal communication, 2005) Macroporosity of fibric peat is estimated to be 0.8 m3 m−3 (Dimitrov, 2009). METHODS The ecosys model was run with and without air-convective heat transfer to test the hypotheses above by comparing simulated vs. measured TS at various depths, G, H, LE, and Rn. Field Measurements of Model Drivers, Soil Temperature, and Energy Fluxes To drive ecosys, half-hour continuous measurements were provided during the period 1998 through 2004 for incoming short-wave radiation RSW (W m−2), air temperature at 2 m above canopy Ta (°C), relative humidity at 2 m above canopy RH (%), wind speed at 2 m above canopy U (m s−1), and precipitation P (mm Δt−1), where Δt is the model time step (Lafleur et al., 2005a, 2005b, 2003). Gap-filling for RSW, Ta, RH, W, and P and corrections of winter precipitation at Mer Bleue from an Environment Canada weather station at Macdonald-Cartier Ottawa Airport (~15 km away) are described in detail in Dimitrov (2009). Screening and gap-filling procedures for energy fluxes were done by Priestley–Taylor relationship or energy budget adjusted to lack typical energy closure, and are quite similar to those described in detail in Lafleur et al. (2005a) and Admiral and Lafleur (2007). Continuous in situ measurements of TS with thermocouples (copper constantan) at the 5-, 10-, 20-, 40-cm depths in hummocks and at the 5- and 10-cm depths in hollows, G with heat flux plates, Rn with a net radiometer, and H, LE via the eddy covariance method have been made at Mer Bleue since 1998 (Lafleur et al. 2005a, 2005b, 2003, 2001). Model Experiment The hummocky microtopography of Mer Bleue bog (Fig. 2) was represented by a simple three-dimensional model transect of six grid cells, consisting of three hummocks and three hollows, with their proportions and depth intervals as described above (Fig. 3). Each hummock grid cell was subdivided into 15 soil layers starting from hummock surface and each hollow grid cell was subdivided into 11 soil layers starting from hollow surface (Fig. 4). Each soil layer was parameterized with a macropore fraction determined for Mer Bleue and a bulk density value either measured for Mer Bleue or taken from the literature, as explained on Fig. 4. Low bulk densities determined extremely high total porosities in peat layers (Fig. 4) and high air-filled porosities in well-drained hummock mounds that resulted in high permeability to air. Thus, the entire peat profile in ecosys consisted of 78 model cells, that is, 3 × 15 in hummocks + 3 × 11 in hollows. Each model cell was allowed to freely exchange soil, heat, gasses, water, and solutes with its adjacent subcells or through the transect boundaries in north-south direction following the main slope of the terrain (Fig. 3), given that the east-west slope was negligible. The first and second, and the fifth and sixth grid cells were considered as boundary grid cells so that simulated 1411 TS, G, and H of the third and fourth grid cells, used in comparisons with measured data for hummocks and hollows respectively, were not directly affected by assumptions of heat movement through the transect boundaries (Fig. 3). To test the hypothesis with air-convective heat, the modified ecosys was run with the module accounting for enhanced heat transfer in hummocks (Eq. [A2.1–2.10] in Appendix 1). To test the hypothesis without air-convective heat, the original ecosys was run without Eq. [A2.1–A2.10]. Both modified and original model versions were run for 106 yr, starting with a planting year, in which the model was initialized with the biological properties of bush and moss, and spun up by repeating 15 times the 7-yr weather period of 1998 through 2004 available at the time of writing. Equilibrium during the model spin up was attained after 60 to 70 yr, when simulated C sequestration in the soil humic pool became stable over time ( Ju et al., 2006). Model Test and Statistics The ability of the two model versions to simulate short-term diurnal variation in TS, G, and H with and without air-convective heat transfer was first tested for a dry period in early July (Day of the Year [DOY] 181–187) 2002 during which warming was followed by cooling, and for a wet period in mid-September (DOY 259–266) 2004 during which cooling was followed by warming. The ability of the two model versions to simulate seasonal increase of TS during spring and decrease during fall was then tested in the warm year 2002 and the cool year 2004. Finally, the ability of ecosys with air-convective heat transfer to simulate rapid reduction of TS at depth under conditions not favoring air-convection in hummocks was tested following an extreme rainfall in September 2004. Discrepancies between model output and measurements for the two model runs were evaluated by the root mean square deviations (RMSDs) and mean absolute errors (MAEs) and relative discrepancies by Willmott’s index of agreement between measurements and model output (Willmott, 1982, 1981; Davies, 1981; Powell, 1980; Willmott and Wicks, 1980). To evaluate goodness of fit and predictive power for the two model runs, coefficients of determination, slopes and intercepts were obtained from linear regressions between modeled and measured values. RESULTS Diurnal Heat Transfer in Peat The dry period DOY 181 through DOY 187 in 2002 was characterized by low water contents (θ) in the fibric peat matrix above the water table, compared with the wet period DOY 259 to DOY 266 in 2004. The water table for both periods was ~30 cm below the hummock surface, thus confining air-convective heat transfer to the upper 25 cm in hummocks. In the comparisons of modeled and measured G, H, and TS, positive and negative values for H represent downward (toward the ecosystem) and upward (toward the atmosphere) fluxes respectively, while those for G represent cooling and heating respectively (Fig. 5 and 6). Diurnal Heat Transfer without Air-Convective Heat Ecosys simulated thermal conductivities λ (Eq. [A1.3] in Appendix 1) for Mer Bleue bog that corresponded well 1412 to experimentally determined values between 0.000144 and 0.00018 MJ h−1 m-1 oC reported by Côté and Konrad (2005) for peat with average total porosity of ~0.96 m3 m−3. However simulated λ caused G (Eq. [A1.1a, A1.1b, A1.1c] in Appendix 1), and hence |ΔG| (Eq. [A1.17] in Appendix 1), to be underestimated (Fig. 5b and 6b), so that TS and its diurnal variation in the modeled hummocks were smaller than those measured at 10 cm (Fig. 5e and 6e), and 20 cm (Fig. 5f and 6f ). A smaller G in the model delayed both warming and cooling with respect to measurements (Fig. 5e). Diurnal Heat Transfer with Air-Convective Heat In the model, hummock side-interior temperature differences Tout– Tin and the large air-filled porosity εa of fibric peat (Eq. [A2.9] in Appendix 1) caused Ra to exceed Racr (Eq. [A2.6, A2.7, A2.8] in Appendix 1) and therefore Nu to exceed 1 (Eq. [A2.2a, A2.2b, A2.3.a, A2.3b, A2.5] in Appendix 1) in hummock mounds. These Ra and Nu resulted in enhancement of peat thermal conductivity, λ (through h* in Eq. [A2.10] in Appendix 1), by 5 to 15 times compared with measured values as noted above. The enhanced λs resulted in enhanced thermal conductances λ’ (Eq. [A1.2a, A1.2b, A1.2c] in Appendix 1), which caused greater G (Eq. [A1.1a, A1.1b, A1.1c] in Appendix 1) and hence greater |ΔG| (Eq. [A1.17] in Appendix 1), bringing them closer to measured values in both the 2002 and 2004 periods (Fig. 5b and 6b). Sharp negative peaks in modeled G on DOY 260 and 264, 2004 (Fig. 6b) were caused by incoming water-convective heat with some light rainfalls, while the heat flux plates detect conductive heat only (Kellner 2001). An increase in G of ~ 20 W m−2 modeled with air-convective heat transfer (Fig. 5b and 6b) caused a corresponding decrease in H (Fig. 5c and 6c), compared with G and H modeled without air-convective heat transfer. Larger modeled vs. measured H in both years could be partially attributed to an average energy balance closure (EBC) of 90% in eddy covariance (EC) measurements at Mer Bleue bog (Lafleur et al., 2005a, 2003). Slightly lower EBC of 93% during DOY 180 to 187 in 2002 could help in explaining slightly higher discrepancies between measured and simulated H and G for this period, compared with those for DOY 259 to 266 in 2004 (Fig. 5b, 5c, 6b, and 6c) with EBC of 97%. The larger |ΔG| modeled with air-convective heat transfer caused larger changes in energy storage ΔE (Eq. [A1.16] in Appendix 1) and hence larger ΔTS in each model cell (Eq. [A1.22] in Appendix 1). These larger ΔTS resulted in hummock TS (Eq. [A1.21] in Appendix 1) and in time courses of warming and cooling at the 5-, 10-, and 20-cm depths that were closer to measured values in both years (Fig. 5d, 5e, 5f, 6d, 6e, and 6f ). The improved simulation of warming and cooling with air-convective heat transfer was attributed in the model to more rapid changes of Tout than Tin (Eq. [A2.7] in Appendix 1) when calculating Ra. A more rapid decrease of Tout than Tin with cooling during DOY 184 to 186 in 2002 caused a decline in negative G (Fig. 5b) and hence a decrease of simulated TS SSSAJ: Volume 74: Number 4 • July–August 2010 SSSAJ: Volume 74: Number 4 • July–August 2010 1413 Fig. 5. Short-term dynamics of (a) hourly air temperature, (b) ground heat flux, and (c) sensible heat flux modeled with and without air-convective heat transfer; hourly simulated and measured (thermocouple) soil temperatures at the (d) 5- and (e) 10-cm depths in hummocks, showing how diurnal amplitudes in soil temperatures increase when air-convective heat transfer is included. Fig. 5 continued. Short-term dynamics of the (f) 20-, and (g) 40-cm depths in hummocks, showing how diurnal amplitudes in soil temperatures increase when air-convective heat transfer is included; and hourly simulated and measured (thermocouple) soil temperatures at (h) 5 and (i) 10 cm in hollows, showing increasing temperatures with air-convective heat transfer in adjacent hummocks, Mer Bleue bog, 2002; DOY is Day of the Year. 1414 and its diurnal variation (Fig. 5d, 5e, and 5f ). Conversely, a more rapid increase of Tout than Tin with warming during DOY 264 to 266 in 2004 caused a rise in negative G (Fig. 6b) and hence an increase of simulated TS and its diurnal variation (Fig. 6d, 6e, and 6f ). Larger modeled G and TS in the hummock mounds drove greater vertical and lateral G below the hummock mounds (Eq. [A1.1a, A1.1b] in Appendix 1) that increased TS modeled at 40 cm under hummocks (Fig. 5g and 6g), and at 5 and 10 cm under hollows (Fig. 5h, 5i, 6h, and 6i), bringing them closer to measured values. Seasonal Heat Transfer in Peat Interannual performance of ecosys with and without airconvective heat transfer was compared during the periods of pronounced spring warming in 2002 (DOY 120–180) and fall cooling in 2004 (DOY 260–320) at the 10- and 20-cm depths in hummocks (Fig. 7 and 8). Lower simulated G by the run without air-convective heat transfer (Fig. 5b and 6b) caused underestimation of the rise in TS during the spring of 2002 at both depths (Fig. 7). Underestimated TS in spring of 2004 resulted in lower gradients between TS at adjacent soil model cells (Eq. [A1.1] in Appendix 1) and in underestimated decline in TS during the fall in 2004 (Fig. 8). Seasonal rises and declines in TS were better simulated with air-convective heat transfer in the spring (Fig. 7), due to the cumulative enhancement of G, and in the fall (Fig. 8), due to higher TS gradients between previously warmed soil model cells in hummock interior and already SSSAJ: Volume 74: Number 4 • July–August 2010 SSSAJ: Volume 74: Number 4 • July–August 2010 1415 Fig. 6. Short-term dynamics of (a) hourly air temperature, (b) ground heat flux, and (c) sensible heat flux; hourly simulated and measured (thermocouple) soil temperatures at (d) 5- and (e) 10-cm depths in hummocks, , showing how diurnal amplitudes in soil temperatures increase when air-convective heat transfer is included; DOY, is Day of the Year. Fig. 6. Continued. Short-term dynamics of hourly simulated and measured (thermocouple) soil temperatures at (f) 20- and (g) 40-cm depths in hummocks, , showing how diurnal amplitudes in soil temperatures increase when air-convective heat transfer is included;and at (h) 5 cm and (i) 10 cm in hollows, showing soil temperatures increasing with air-convective heat transfer in adjacent hummocks, Mer Bleue bog, 2004; DOY is Day of the Year. 1416 cooled soil model cells close to hummock surface. Heat Transfer in Peat under Conditions not Favoring Air Convection Day of year 249 to 256 in 2004 were selected to demonstrate how TS was affected by a temporary cessation of airconvective heat transfer in the model during a heavy rainfall event on DOY 253. During this period G was driven within the saturated peat matrix by conduction plus water-convection alone as the air-convective heat transfer in well-drained macropores of the hummock mounds (Dimitrov, 2009) was minimized with small Tout – Tin. This difference remained <4°C as the Tout, assumed to be equal to the hummock surface temperature, dropped faster than the Tin (Eq. [A2.7] in Appendix 1). Thus, Ra < Racr (Eq. [A2.6]) and Nu = 1 (Eq. [A2.1a] in Appendix 1), which caused h* = λ (Eq. [A2.10] in Appendix 1) so that G was only conductive plus water-convective, causing low simulated TS at 5-, 10-, and 20-cm depths in hummocks on DOY 253. The TS modeled without air convection corresponded well with the measured values on that day (Fig. 9). As soon as Tout – Tin rose on the next day, h* rose above λ so that air convection enhanced G, causing the run with air-convective heat to increase diurnal variation of TS, following that in the thermocouple measurements. The run without air-convective heat transfer increased diurnal variation in TS inadequately (Fig. 9). Improved agreement between measured and simulated TS and G with and without airconvective heat transfer under decreasing Tout − Tin was also apparent during DOY 262 to 264, 2004 (Fig. 6e, 6f, and 6g). SSSAJ: Volume 74: Number 4 • July–August 2010 Agreement between Modeled and Measured Soil Temperature, Ground Heat Flux, Sensible Heat Flux, Latent Heat Flux, and Net Radiation With and Without Air-Convective Heat Transfer Linear regressions between measured TS, G, H, LE, and Rn and those simulated with and without air-convective heat transfer during the period 2000 to 2004 at Mer Bleue, were highly significant (p < 0.0001) (Table 1). The coefficients of determination (R2) indicated good predictive power for both model runs. However, declining slopes and rising intercepts for TS simulated without air-convective heat transfer at the 5-, 10-, and 20cm depths in hummocks clearly indicated a progressive decline in simulated TS from the thermocouple measurements with increasing depth (Table 1). That decline was also reflected in simulated G patterns without air-convective heat transfer (Fig. 5b and 6b). Regression slopes close to unity and intercepts around 1°C for the simulated TS indicated improved model performance with air-convective heat transfer (Table 1). Willmott’s index of agreement d indicated small relative discrepancy Fig. 7. Daily-averaged soil temperatures measured (dots) vs. modeled with (solid line) and without between modeled and measured (dashed line) air-convective heating during spring warming at the (a) 10- and (b) 20-cm depths in TS for both runs (Willmott, 1982, hummocks at Mer Bleue bog in 2002; DOY is Day of the Year. 1981; Willmott and Wicks, 1980). However, the RMSDs and MAEs inLower Tout − Tin brought performance of the run with airdicated that discrepancy between measured and simulated TS was convective heat closer to that of the run without during coolsmaller with air-convective heat transfer than without (Table 1). er years 2004 (Fig. 6) and 2000 (data not shown). However, Statistics for Rn, LE, H, and G for the run without aircompared with simulated TS and G without air-convective convective heat are not given here, as they did not differ much heat transfer, higher Tout – Tin brought simulated TS and G from those for the run with air-convective heat subject to the with air-convective heat transfer much closer to those measame weather (Table 1). Statistics for G should be treated with sured during warm years 2002 (Fig. 5) and 2001 (data not caution, given the limited area that heat flux plates represent on shown). In addition, the energy storage ΔE (Eq. [A1.16] in a microtopographical scale, their inability to capture convective Appendix 1) in the model during the wetter years 2004 and heat with incoming rain water, and that they were reported to 2000 was more influenced by vapor- and water-convective give less accurate G values in peat soils (Kellner, 2001; Halliwell heat fluxes ΔV and ΔW (Eq. [A1.18, A1.19] in Appendix 1), and Rouse, 1987). Yet, the slope and intercept for G simulated than was ΔE during the drier years 2002 and 2001. Increased with air-convective heat (Table 1) indicated less discrepancy importance of ΔV and ΔW during periods of precipitation with measurements, compared with those for G simulated withpartially compensated for the missing air-convective heat in out (respectively, slope = 0.41 and intercept = −2.85 W m−2, the original ecosys and explained its relatively better fit to not given in Table 1). In addition, lower simulated than meameasurements during the wetter than during the drier years. sured G (Fig. 6a and 6b) is consistant with higher simulated than SSSAJ: Volume 74: Number 4 • July–August 2010 1417 measured H (Table 1) for the run with air-convective heat. We recognize that the general inability of the model with air-convective heat to reproduce the extremes in diurnal temperature cycles in the dry year 2002 (Fig. 5d and 5e) might be due to improper parameterization. Due to peat vertical stratigraphy (Frolking et al. 2001) possible gradients of peat fiber diameters (Levesque et al., 1980) and air-filled macroprorsities (Silins and Rothwell, 1998) with depth might have determined vertical gradients in air permeability of fibric peat in the field. Therefore, simulated hummock TS with average air permeability kp might need to be further corrected, so that those near the surface (at ?5 cm) with higher kp should further increase and those at depth (at ~ 20 cm) with lower kp should further decrease (Poulikakos and Bejan, 1983; McKibbin and Tyvand, 1982). This possible underestimation of the simulated TS at near-surface, together with some nighttime air-convective heat enhancement that was not simulated at this stage, might explain pronounced nighttime underestimation of the hummock TS at the 5-cm depth (Fig. 6a and 9a). Still, the Heating-from-the-Side air-convective heat transfer appears to be a key mechanism of the peat thermal regime, captured reasonably well by Eq. [A2.1–A2.10] in Appendix 1 in the modified ecosys. Fig. 8. Daily-averaged soil temperatures measured (dots) vs. modeled with (solid line) and without (dashed line) air-convective heating during autumn cooling at the (a) 10- and (b) 20-cm depths in hummocks at Mer Bleue bog in 2004; DOY is Day of the Year. DISCUSSION We have shown that a complex model such as ecosys can simulate soil thermal regime in a peatland ecosystem at the scale of the local microtopography. The highly macroporous, well-drained, and aerated fibric peat in hummock mounds required simulation of air convective heat transfer, in addition to the conductive plus water- and vapor-convective transfers, to achieve this result and to give improved results over the model without air-convective heat transfer. In addition to improved simulation of the dynamics and diurnal amplitudes of TS at depth in hummocks and hollows, the air-convective heat transfer mechanism also improved simulation of G and H bog energy balance components. 1418 Air-Convective vs. Alternative Heat Transfer in Peat Alternative heat transfer mechanisms could be hypothesized to act complementary to the ground heat conduction. The most probable mechanisms are (i) heat transfer enhancement within near-surface peat with air moved by wind-induced pressure drops, and (ii) lateral conductive ground heat flux through hummock sides (Kellner, 2001). Ecosys already incorporates formulae to calculate the effects on heat transfer from wind-driven pressure drops in surface residue layer (Grant, 2004; Grant et al., 2004; Tanner and Shen, 1990). However, the model has not been programmed to account for such effects deeper in soil profiles, as the original code was designed for mineral soils with low air permeabilities, where air convection is not an issue. Yet, at present this mechanism cannot be supported as a significant source of heat transfer in near-surface peat for the following reasons. First, it is controversial how SSSAJ: Volume 74: Number 4 • July–August 2010 between hummock surfaces and hollow surfaces, determined such a zero plane displacement height that was not significantly different from zero at both hummock and hollow surfaces. However, in contrast to hummocks, the hollows maintain much more rapid temperature attenuation in depth, although they both are subject to the same winds at the same time, and that the same large and well-drained macropore fraction occur within the top 10 cm of the hollow peat (Dimitrov, 2009; Lafleur et al., 2005b). Third, the strong winds required to induce pressure drops do not blow continuously to maintain the enhanced heat transfer that seems to occur within hummocks at Mer Bleue. Moreover, the air-convective heat enhancement of G in the model and high TS at depth occur even at low wind speed (figures not given here). Yet, it is possible that the wind-driven heat enhancement may act complementary to hypothesized air-convective heat enhancement, whenever strong winds blow over the bog surface. Such conditions may help to explain partially some peaks in diurnal TS that were not captured by the modified ecosys. Kellner (2001) attributed failure to model TS in hummocks to omitting significant conductive heat through the hummock sides, thus also recognizing that the local microtopography should be considered in modeling the complex heat transfer in peat. However, this Fig. 9. Hourly soil temperature at (a) 5-, (b) 10-, and (c) 20-cm depths in a hummock at Mer Bleue bog, lateral conduction alone was insuf2004, showing attenuation of the air-convective heat transfer with attenuating temperature differences ficient to explain the diurnal variabetween the peat surface and the interior on Days of the Year (DOY) 253 to 254 when a massive rainfall tion of TS below hummock surface of 125 mm occurred. at Mer Bleue bog. During the cool strong such possible pressure drops would be within the surface and rainy DOY 253 in 2004, the peat, and whether they could affect the air in hummocks up to Tout– Tin was insufficient to drive the air-convective heat in ~40 cm below surface. This is the depth to which diurnal variahummock mounds and conductive plus water-convective G oction in TS is still detectable by in situ thermocouples, and greater curred in hummocks and hollows. If the horizontal component than that expected from conduction alone. Second, it is still dubiof G really mattered, the horizontal and vertical G at hummocks ous how the rigid, shrubby hummock-hollow bog surface would should result in hummock TS with prominently larger diurnal affect such potential pressure drops in depth. Kellner (2001) variation compared to those in hollows determined by vertical analyzed wind profiles of Swedish mires and found that low and G only. However, the thermocouple TS at the 5-, 10-, and 20sparse vegetation canopy and insufficient differences in elevation cm depths in hummocks and hollows converged within ~1.5°C SSSAJ: Volume 74: Number 4 • July–August 2010 1419 difference on DOY 253 (Fig. 10). So, the lateral conductive plus water- and vapor-convective G could not explain properly the overall hummock G and TS. Limitations to the Hypothetical Air-Convective Heat Transfer The air-convective effect modeled here would decrease if fibric peat thickness became shallower than the hummock heights and hemic or sapric peat partially occupied hummock mounds above the hollow surfaces. There are two main reasons for such a decrease. First, the high water retention in hemic and sapric peat, and their high water-filled porosities would result in lower air-filled porosities and insufficient permeabilities to air kp (Eq. [A2.8] in Appendix 1) resulting in Ra < Racr (Eq. [A2.6] in Appendix 1), so that air circulation would not commence. Second, decreasing height of the fibric peat would result in lower Ra (Eq. [A2.6] in Appendix 1) and lower Nu (Eq. [A2.2a, A2.2b] in Appendix 1), and even though there still might be some air convection in shallower fibric peat, it would be less intensive. Therefore, it is not only the hummocky microtopography and Table 1. Statistics for regressions of simulated on measured (thermocouples) hourly soil temperatures at 5, 10, 20, and 40 cm in hummocks and at 5 and 10 cm in hollows for Mer Bleue bog for 2000 to 2004. Statistic Value Soil temperatures, run without air-convective heat transfer 5 cm, hummock (n† = 43,299) Slope b‡ 0.93 (P < 0.0001) Intercept a‡, °C −1.10 (P < 0.0001) R2 0.91 (P < 0.0001) Willmott’s index of agreement, d 0.98 RMSD§, °C 2.80 Mean Absolute Error (MAE)§, °C 2.27 10 cm, hummock (n = 43,316) Slope b 0.81 (P < 0.0001) Intercept a, °C −0.31 (P < 0.0001) R2 0.90 (P < 0.0001) Willmott’s d 0.98 RMSD, °C 2.71 MAE, °C 2.29 20 cm, hummock (n = 43,279) Slope b 0.76 (P < 0.0001) Intercept a, °C 0.26 (P < 0.0001) R2 0.91 (P < 0.0001) Willmott’s d 0.98 RMSD, °C 2.25 MAE, °C 2.04 40 cm, hummock (n = 43,201) Slope b 0.69 (P < 0.0001) Intercept a, °C 1.02 (P < 0.0001) R2 0.92 (P < 0.0001) Willmott’s d 0.99 RMSD, °C 1.54 MAE, °C 1.79 5 cm, hollow (n = 40,724) Slope b 1.03 (P < 0.0001) Intercept a, °C −1.04 (P < 0.0001) R2 0.87 (P < 0.0001) Willmott’s d 0.97 RMSD, °C 2.43 MAE, °C 1.86 10 cm, hollow (n = 40,701) Slope b Intercept a, °C R2 Willmott’s d RMSD, °C MAE, °C 1420 0.83 (P < 0.0001) 0.22 (P < 0.0001) 0.91 (P < 0.0001) 0.98 1.67 1.53 Statistic Value Soil temperatures, run with air-convective heat transfer 5 cm, hummock (n = 43,210) Slope b 0.98 (P < 0.0001) Intercept a, °C −0.59 (P < 0.0001) R2 0.91 (P < 0.0001) Willmott’s d 0.98 RMSD, °C 2.80 MAE, °C 2.00 10 cm, hummock (n = 43,002) Slope b 0.99 (P < 0.0001) Intercept a, °C 0.66 (P < 0.0001) R2 0.93 (P < 0.0001) Willmott’s d 0.98 RMSD, °C 2.37 MAE, °C 1.74 20 cm, hummock (n = 42,450) Slope b 1.02 (P < 0.0001) Intercept a, °C 1.19 (P < 0.0001) R2 0.94 (P < 0.0001) Willmott’s d 0.98 RMSD, °C 1.80 MAE, °C 1.65 40 cm, hummock (n = 43,201) Slope b 0.89 (P < 0.0001) Intercept a, °C 2.03 (P < 0.0001) R2 0.96 (P < 0.0001) Willmott’s d 0.99 RMSD, °C 1.07 MAE, °C 1.37 5 cm, hollow (n = 37,786) Slope b 1.08 (P < 0.0001) Intercept a, °C −0.70 (P < 0.0001) R2 0.86 (P < 0.0001) Willmott’s d 0.96 RMSD, °C 2.24 MAE, °C 1.99 10 cm, hollow (n = 37,979) Slope b 0.90 (P < 0.0001) Intercept a, °C 1.11 (P < 0.0001) R2 0.92 (P < 0.0001) Willmott’s d 0.99 RMSD, °C 1.54 MAE, °C 1.04 SSSAJ: Volume 74: Number 4 • July–August 2010 Table 1 continued. Statistics for regressions of simulated on measured (thermocouples) hourly soil temperatures simulated on eddy-covariance (EC)-measured hourly ground heat flux, sensible heat flux, latent heat flux, and net radiation for Mer Bleue bog for 2000 to 2004. Statistic Value Surface energy fluxes, run with air-convective heat transfer Ground heat flux (n = 16,631) Slope b 0.47 (P < 0.0001) Intercept a, W m−2 −0.87 (P < 0.0001) R2 0.22 (P < 0.0001) Willmott’s d 0.80 RMSD, W m−2 13.47 MAE, W m−2 11.79 Sensible heat flux (n = 23,126) Slope b 1.24 (P < 0.0001) Intercept a, W m−2 −10.48 (P < 0.0001) R2 0.71 (P < 0.0001) Willmott’s d 0.87 RMSD, W m−2 39.40 MAE, W m−2 44.68 Latent heat flux (n = 16,631) Slope b 0.98 (P < 0.0001) Intercept a, W m−2 −3.85 (P < 0.0001) R2 0.81 (P < 0.0001) Willmott’s d 0.95 RMSD, W m−2 34.87 MAE, W m−2 25.24 Net radiation (n = 22,204) Slope b 0.95 (P < 0.0001) Intercept a, W m−2 15.78 (P < 0.0001) R2 0.94 (P < 0.0001) Willmott’s d 0.98 RMSD, W m−2 44.19 MAE, W m−2 32.86 † n, number of hourly values in regressions. ‡ y = a + bx, where y is the modeled flux and x is the EC-derived flux. § y = a + bx, where y is the EC-derived flux and x is the modeled flux. the large kp caused by large macroporosity, but also the thickness of the fibric peat that would determine the air-convective effect on heat transfer in peat. Thus, if the air-convective heat transfer is to be tested geographically to find whether it would occur in other peatlands, one would need to know the magnitude of fibric peat thickness, in addition to the average hummock height above the hollow surface. Evaluating the Impacts of Uncertainty in Modeled Soil Temperature Accurate simulation of peat thermal regime is important for simulation of other peatland processes such as C exchange and ER, which depend on TS (Grant, 2004; Bubier et al., 2003a, 2003b; Reichstein et al., 2003). To evaluate the accuracy with which peat thermal regime is simulated at Mer Bleue, we estimated the effect on ER of uncertainty in modeled TS from a regression of EC-measured CO2 effluxes on TS by Lafleur et al. (2005b). Uncertainty in TS (RMSD at the 5-, 10-, 20-cm depths in hummocks and at the 5- and 10-cm depths in hollows from Table 1) modeled with air-convective heat transfer caused uncertainty in ER that varied between 0.49 and 0.68 μmol m−2 s−1. This was less than the random error for EC-measured ER of 0.74 μmol m−2 s−1 estimated by Richardson et al. (2006). Uncertainty in TS modeled without air-convective heat transfer caused uncertainty in ER > 0.74 μmol m−2 s−1. Although a simple test, this exercise suggests that the introduction of air-convective heat transfer is likely to have a significant influence on improving the accuracy of other simulated processes. CONCLUSIONS Although a simplification at this stage, findings of this study suggest that the air-convective heat transfer in hummock mounds, driven by the temperature gradients between hummock sides and interior, is an important mechanism that improves the simulation of peat thermal regime. This mechanism complements heat transfer by conduction plus vapor- and water-convection in peat, and could explain the differences in attenuating patterns of daily soil temperatures in hummocks and hollows. Because it is dependent on bog microtopography and fibric peat thickness and macroporosity, the air-convective enhancement of the conductive ground heat might vary among different peatlands. At present, air-convective heat transfer in hummocks is hypothesized and has not been demonstrated in the field experimentally. The potential sigFig. 10. Hourly measured (thermocouple) soil temperatures at 5-, 10-, and 20-cm depths in hummocks nificance of this mechanism, however, and hollows at Mer Bleue bog, 2004, showing convergence of the soil temperatures at various depths for improving peat thermal simulain both hummocks and hollows with a drop in air temperature on Days of the Year (DOY) 253 to 254. SSSAJ: Volume 74: Number 4 • July–August 2010 1421 tions and the other ecosystem processes that rely on accurate soil temperture estimation warrants a call for such experiments. With current technology, it may not be possible to directly measure air convection within hummocks, but careful instrumentation of the three-dimensional thermal regime within peatland hummocks may indirectly support the hypothesis. In addition, it may be possible to conduct simulations with ecosys for peatlands exhibiting sufficiently different microtopographic structure where the importance of the air-convection mechanism would probably vary. In any case, we believe that this mechanism represents an improvement in our understanding of peatland thermal processes and their modeling. APPENDIX 1:Soil Heat Transfer Equations Soil heat transfer equations of the existing ecosys code: conductive ground heat flux, vapor-convective heat flux, water-convective heat flux, energy storage, and soil temperatures. V, y V ,z ′ ′ V ,x , y ,z l x , y ,z V , x , y 1, z V ,x , y ,z l x , y ,z V ,x , y,z V ,x , y,z 1 l x , y ,z V ,x , y ,z 1 [A1.6c] V ,x , y ,z 1 1.75 TSx , y , z 2 a 2/3 t V ,x , y ,z [A1.6b] l x , y 1, z V , x , y 1, z V ,o 0.002173 e x , y ,z TSx , y , z C V ,x , y ,z e x , y , z esat ′exp M m [A1.8] [A1.9] o RTS 1 TS esat ′ esat exp 5360 0.003661 Ground heat flux *[ [ ′ 7s[ , \ , ] 7S[ 1, \ , ] [A1.1a] 1, ] [A1.1b] *\ ′ 7S[ , \ \ 7s[ , \ , ] *] ′ ] 7S[ , \ , ] 7S[ , \ , ] 1 [ 28 W ′ O[ , \ , ] G O[ , \ , ] [ 1, \ , ] O[ 1, \ , ] [, \, ] [A1.2a] [, \,] [, \, ] 1, ] 100 0.01YW exp [, \,] [, \,] 1 O[ , \ , ] [, \,] 1 [A1.2b] [ , \ 1, ] O[ , \ [ , \ 1, ] 28 W ′ 8W [, \, ] [ 1, \ , ] 28 W ′ \ ] O[ , \ , ] [A1.1c] [A1.2c] 1 [A1.2d] O f wtr x , y ,z wtr [A1.2e] f air c air f wtr air f ice c ice f air c air f org c org ice f ice c ice f min c min org f org c org f min c min min f snd c snd f snd c snd snd f rck c rck f rck c rck rck [A1.3] Vapor-convective heat flux Vx c WTSx , y , z Lv Q V , x Vy c WTSx , y , z Lv Q V , y [A1.4b] Vz Q V ,x Q V, y Q V ,z ′ V ,x 1422 c WTSx , y , z Lv Q V , z ′ C Vx , y , z C Vx V ,x V, y [A1.4c] 1, y , z ′ C Vx , y , z C Vx , y 1, z V ,z ′ C Vx , y , z C Vx , y , z V ,x , y ,z l x , y ,z V , x 1, y , z 1, y , z [A1.5a] [A1.5b] 1 V , x 1, y , z lx W x c WTSx , y , z Q W , x [A1.11a] W y c WTSx , y , z Q W , y [A1.11b] Wm, z c WTSx , y , z Q W , z [A1.11c] WM, z c WTSx , y , z Q M, z [A1.12] WP, z c WTair Q P, z [A1.13] Wsn, z c WTsn Q sn, z [A1.14] Wz Wm, z WM, z WP, z Wsn, z [A1.15] Energy Storage G x , y ,z E x , y ,z [A1.5c] [A1.6a] Vx , y ,z Wx , y ,z Bx , y , z l x , y ,z G x , y ,z x , y ,z G in cell G out cell Vx , y ,z x , y ,z Vin cell Vout cell Wx , y ,z Bx , y , z [A1.4a] [A1.10] Water-convective heat flux [, \,] G [A1.7] 273.15 Win x , y ,z Bin x , y ,z cell cell Wout Bout Lf [A1.16] [A1.17] [A1.18] [A1.19] cell [A1.20] cell Soil Temperature TSx , y , z , TSx , y , z t TSx,y ,z [A1.21] E x , y ,z [A1.22] c Sx , y ,z c Sx , y , z c Mx , y , z f I, c Mx , y , z TSx , y , z c I I f org c M,org f rck c M,rck f W, c W W f W ,M c W W f I,M I c I f min c M,min f snd c M,snd [A1.23a] [A1.23b] Soil heat transfer equations of the newly developed module in ecosys code: air-convective effect on thermal conductivity V ,x , y,z SSSAJ: Volume 74: Number 4 • July–August 2010 hx , y , z x , y,z hx , y , z Nu , Nu 1, no convection: Ra Ra cr [A2.1a] x , y ,z , Nu 1, convection: Ra Ra cr [A2.1.b] Ra 2C13 120 Nu C1 4.39 0.71Ra 0.5 Ra 0.5 Nu * L* H hmk C1 [A2.2a] [A2.2b] 2 * L* H hmk Df esat Lf Lv M R Racr p air 0.5 Ra 15 [A2.3a] Ra 30 air ice C1 4.39 Ra 0.5 [A2.3b] min org if Eq. [2.5] is substituted into Eq. [2.3a] rck * H hmk * H i , 0 H hmk H hmk ; q: i 1, q a w [A2.4] snd air L* 0.158 H *Ra g Ra p air [A2.5] kp Tout Tin H * [A2.6] Ti q Df a ′ln c ′′ 1 4c′ 1 ′ a i 1, q a a ′ wtr [A2.8] ′ V,o air APPENDIX 3 l z ,i a ,i l z ,i L* Nu L snd 2 [A2.9] where q is the deepest soil layers where εa > εw hx , y , z * min rck [A2.7] where q is the deepest soil layers where εa > εw kp ice org air i 1, q Tin 0.5 average fiber diameter in fibric peat, 75 μm (Levesque et al., 1980) saturation vapor pressure at 0oC, 0.6108 kPa (de Vries, 1963) latent heat of freezing, 3.33 MJ m−3 (de Vries, 1963) latent heat of vaporization, 2460 MJ m−3 (de Vries, 1963) molecular mass of water, 18 g mol−1 (Campbell, 1977) gas constant, 8.3145 J mol−1 m−3 (Campbell, 1977) critical Rayleigh number for side-to-side natural air convection, 66.2 (Kwok and Chen, 1987) dry and wet peat thermal diffusivity, 1.0 × 10−7 m2 s−1, (Campbell, 1977) thermal expansion coefficient of air at 20oC, 0.00343 oC−1 (Nield and Bejan, 1992) ratio between the average temperature gradients of air and water, 1.609 (de Vries, 1963) ratio between the average temperature gradients of ice and water, 0.611 (de Vries, 1963) ratio between the average temperature gradients of mineral soil particles and water, 0.514 (de Vries, 1963) ratio between the average temperature gradients of organic particles and water, 1.253 (de Vries, 1963) thermal conductivity coefficient of rock, 0.259 (de Vries, 1963) thermal conductivity coefficient of sand, 0.259 (de Vries, 1963) thermal conductivity of air, 9.050 × 10−5 MJ h−1 m−1 oC-1 (de Vries, 1963) thermal conductivity of ice, 7.844 × 10−3 MJ h−1 m−1 oC−1 } (de Vries,1963) thermal conductivity of mineral soil particles, 1.056 × 10−2 MJ h−1 m−1 oC−1 (de Vries, 1963) thermal conductivity of organic soil particles, 9.050 × 10−4 MJ h−1 m−1 oC−1 (de Vries, 1963) thermal conductivity of rock, 3.076 × 10−2 MJ h−1 m-1 oC−1 (de Vries, 1963) thermal conductivity of sand, 3.076 × 10−2 MJ h−1 m−1 oC−1 (de Vries, 1963) thermal conductivity of water, 2.067 × 10−3 MJ h−1 m−1 oC−1 (de Vries, 1963) vapor diffusivity in open air at 0oC, 0.077 m2 h−1 (Millington and Quirk, 1960) kinematic viscosity of air at 20oC, 15.11 × 10−6 m2 s−1 (Nield and Bejan, 1992) x , y ,z L L* L x , y ,z [A2.10] h* substitutes λ (Eq. [A1.2a–A1.2c]) for further heat and soil T calculations within the same time step Δt. Appendix 2: General Heat Transfer and Soil Physics Parameters c′ c″ cI cM,min fibrous beds permeability function parameter, 6.1 (Dullien, 1979) fibrous beds permeability function parameter, 0.64 (Dullien, 1979) specific heat capacity of ice, 1.927 MJ kg−1 oC−1 (de Vries, 1963) volumetric heat capacity of soil mineral particles, 2.385 MJ m−3 oC−1 (Campbell, 1977) cM,org volumetric heat capacity of soil organic particles, 2.496 MJ m−3 oC−1 (Campbell, 1977) cM,rck volumetric heat capacity of rock, 2.128 MJ m−3 oC−1 (Campbell, 1977) cM,snd volumetric heat capacity of sand, 2.128 MJ m−3 oC−1 (Campbell,1977) cW specific heat capacity of water, 4.187 MJ kg−1 oC−1 (de Vries, 1963) SSSAJ: Volume 74: Number 4 • July–August 2010 Definitions of Variables and Parameters bulk density of peat with macropores (Mg m−3) soil volumetric heat capacity (MJ m−3 oC−1) vapor concentration (g m−3) ρb cS CV cW d Df e E ΔE specific heat capacity of water (MJ kg−1 oC−1) soil depth (m) average diameter of peat fibers (μm) ambient vapor pressure (kPa) energy storage in the soil (MJ m−3) change in energy storage of a given model cell (MJ m−3) esat′ fIμ fmin forg frck fsnd fWM fWμ g G GMC GTS saturation vapor pressure (kPa) at a given soil temperature volumetric fraction of ice in the soil matrix (m3 m−3) volumetric fraction of mineral particles in the soil matrix (m3 m−3) volumetric fraction of organic particles in the soil matrix (m3 m−3) volumetric fraction of rock particles in the soil matrix (m3 m−3) volumetric fraction of sand particles in the soil matrix (m3 m−3) volumetric fraction of water in soil macropores (m3 m−3) volumetric fraction of water in the soil matrix (m3 m−3) gravity (cm s−2) conductive ground heat flux (MJ m−2 h−1) ground heat flux between adjacent model cells (MJ m−2 h−1) ground heat flux at the terrestrial surface (MJ m−2 h−1) 1423 h H Hhmk h* H*hmk kp kθ L L* LE Lf Lv lx ly lz Nu QV QW Ra Rn SLTk SLTw t Δt T″ T0–1 Ta Tin Tl Tout TS TS,Δt UW V W x y z αp εa εa′ εt εw ηw λ λ′ σV σV′ ψS overall heat transfer rate sensible heat flux (MJ m−2 h−1) hummock height (m) effective heat transfer coefficient hummock effective height (m) permeability of peat to air (m2) unsaturated hydraulic conductivity (m2 MPa−1 h−1) hummock diameter (m) horizontal depth of air convection from hummock side to interior (m) latent heat flux (MJ m−2 h−1) latent heat of freezing and thawing (MJ m−3) latent heat of vaporization (MJ m−3) model cell size, horizontal length (m) model cell size, horizontal length (m) model cell size, vertical thickness (m) Nusselt number vapor flux (m h−1) subsurface water flux through the soil (matrix) (m3 m−2 h−1) Rayleigh number net radiation (MJ m−2 h−1) soil layer depth from the hummock surface (cm) soil layer depth from the hollow surface (cm) time (h) time step (e.g., 30 min, 1 h, 1 d, etc.) warmest temperature inside the peat profile at night (°C) temperature of the horizontal hummock surface layer (0–1 cm) (°C) atmospheric temperature (°C) temperature inside hummock (°C) temperature at each soil layer l (°C, K) temperature at hummock side (°C) soil temperature (°C, K) soil temperature of a model cell at the beginning of the next time step (K) wind-driven effect of heat diffusivity through the soil surface vapor-convective heat flux in the soil (MJ m−2 h−1) water-convective heat flux in the soil (MJ m−2 h−1) distance in the x direction (m) distance in the y direction (m) distance in the z direction (m) thermal diffusivity of peat (m2 s−1) air-filled soil porosity (m3 m−3) average air-filled porosity (m3 m−3) total soil porosity (m3 m−3) water-filled porosity (m3 m−3) dynamic viscosity of water (g cm−1 s−1) thermal conductivity (MJ h−1 m−1 °C−1) thermal conductance (MJ h−1 m−2 °C−1) vapor diffusivity (m2 h−1) vapor conductance (m h−1) soil water potential (MPa) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Funding was provided by Fluxnet Canada Research Network (FCRN). 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