Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
C u r r i c u l u m V i ta e Christian A. Eberhart 130, Christopher Road Saskatoon, SK S7J 3R9 Canada Phone: (306) 374–0209 E-mail: German Citizen Permanent Resident in Canada 1. Academic Career 2012–present Adjunct Professor at Horizon College and Seminary in Saskatoon (SK, Canada) 2010–2013 Professor of New Testament Studies at the Lutheran Theological Seminary Saskatoon (SK, Canada) Courses taught at the Lutheran Theological Seminary Saskatoon and in the Saskatoon Theological Union (STU): BL 101/BL 102 Biblical Hebrew I & II BL 105/BL 106 Greek I & II BL 150 Biblical Introduction BL 158 New Testament Introduction BL 270 The Gospel according to Luke BL 272 Exegesis of Galatians BL 274 Synoptic Gospels BL 275 Exegesis of Romans BL 279 Exegesis of Revelation BL 328/378 Atonement, Sacrifice, Christology BL 350 Biblical Theology SL 115 Hermeneutics (co-taught with Dr. Eddie Kwok) Biblical Introduction and Biblical Competency course in online/distance learning format The Life and Writings of the Apostle Paul (intensive course for the Dr. William Winter School of Theology) 2008–present Adjunct Professor at the Department of Religion and Culture of the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon (SK, Canada) C.V. Dr. Christian A. Eberhart Page 2 _______________________________________________________________________________________ 2007 2004–2010 2001–2004 Tenure granted at the Lutheran Theological Seminary Saskatoon (SK, Canada) Associate Professor of New Testament Studies at the Lutheran Theological Seminary Saskatoon (SK, Canada) Postdoctoral Fellow at an interdisciplinary research group of the German Research Society (Graduiertenkolleg der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft), working on the subject “The Bible – Its Development and Its Impact” (Die Bibel – ihre Entstehung und ihre Wirkung) at the University of Tübingen, Germany (chair: Dr. Bernd Janowski) 2. Education 2011 2000 1994 1990–91 1989 1987–90 Habilitation (second doctoral degree) in New Testament at the University of Mainz, Germany; thesis: Kultmetaphorik und Christologie: Traditionsgeschichtliche Studien zu kultisch-christologischen Metaphern im Neuen Testament (Cultic Metaphors and Christology: Studies in Tradition History on Cultic-Christological Metaphors in the New Testament; 422 pages); under the supervision of Dr. Ruben Zimmermann; published in 2013 in the series Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, vol. 306 Doctor of Theology at the University of Heidelberg, Germany; thesis: Studien zur Bedeutung der Opfer im Alten Testament: Die Signifikanz von Blutund Verbrennungsriten im kultischen Rahmen (Studies on the Meaning of Sacrifices in the Old Testament: The Significance of Blood and Burning Rites in a Cultic Setting) under the supervision of Dr. Rolf Rendtorff, Grade: “Magna cum laude;” published in 2002 in the series Wissenschaftliche Monographien zum Alten und Neuen Testament (Academic Monographs on the Old and New Testament) vol. 94 Master of Theological Studies (M.T.S.) at Harvard University, Divinity School Religious Studies at the University of Marburg, Germany Zwischenprüfung (equivalent to B.A.), University of Heidelberg, Germany Religious Studies at the University of Heidelberg, Germany, and at the Hochschule für Jüdische Studien (Academy for Jewish Studies) in Heidelberg, Germany 3. Professional Service: 3.1. Disciplinary 2009–present Member of the “Faith Order and Doctrine” Committee of the National Church Council of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) 2009–2010 Chair of the Graduate Studies Council of the Saskatoon Theological Union (STU) 2007–2013 Editor of Consensus: A Canadian Lutheran Journal of Theology 2007–present Founder and chair of the “Sacrifice, Cult, and Atonement” Annual Conference Unit of the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) 2005–2013 Founder and chair of the “Graduate Seminar” of the Saskatoon Theological Union C.V. Dr. Christian A. Eberhart Page 3 _______________________________________________________________________________________ 3.2. Institutional 2009–2010 2005–2008 Secretary of the Faculty at the Lutheran Theological Seminary Saskatoon (SK, Canada) Director of the Cross-Cultural/Globalization Program at the Lutheran Theological Seminary Saskatoon 4. Professional Associations 2013 2004–present 2002–present 2001–present 2001–present Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas (SNTS) Canadian Society of Biblical Studies (CSBS) European Association of Biblical Studies (EABS) Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) Rhein-Main-Exegetentreff (Exegetical Conference in the Area of Rhein and Main, Germany) 5. Grants, Scholarships, Fellowships 2013 2011 2010–2012 2008–2009 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005–2006 2001–2004 1995–1998 1993 1992–1993 Research fellowship for studies at the École Biblique et Archéologique Française, Jerusalem Research fellowship by the Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland (Protestant Church in Germany) Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Bridge Grant Christian Faith and Life Grant by the Louisville Institute, KY ( Learning and Development Grant by Canadian Lutheran World Relief for the Cross-Cultural/Globalisation Program at Lutheran Theological Seminary Saskatoon Learning and Development Grant by Canadian Lutheran World Relief for the Cross-Cultural/Globalisation Program at Lutheran Theological Seminary Saskatoon Learning and Development Grant by Canadian Lutheran World Relief for the Cross-Cultural/Globalisation Program at Lutheran Theological Seminary Saskatoon Travel grant by the Canadian Society of Biblical Studies Lilly Theological Research Grant by the Association of Theological Schools, Pittsburgh, PA Fellowship at the Graduiertenkolleg Die Bibel – ihre Entstehung und ihre Wirkung at the University of Tübingen, Germany (chair: Dr. Bernd Janowski) Fellowship by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung for a Doctoral project Travel grant in connection with the Harvard Divinity School seminar “Archaeology and the World of the New Testament,” taught by Dr. Helmut Koester and Dr. David Mitten, for an exploration tour of archaeological sites in Greece and Turkey (April – June 1993) The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung grants an exceptional extension of the additional scholarship for studies at Harvard Divinity School because of excellent performance C.V. Dr. Christian A. Eberhart Page 4 _______________________________________________________________________________________ 1991–1992 1989–1994 The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung grants an additional scholarship for one year of studies at Harvard Divinity School, Boston, MA Fellowship of the foundation Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Bonn, Germany 6. Publications: 6.1. Books What a Difference a Meal Makes: The Last Supper in the Bible and in the Christian Church (140 pages), book project funded through a Christian Faith and Life Grant by the Louisville Institute; status: German, French, and English versions: complete; will be published by Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen. Kultmetaphorik und Christologie: Opfer- und Sühneterminologie im Neuen Testament (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament vol. 306), Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2013 (328 + 14 pages). Ritual and Metaphor: Sacrifice in the Bible (Resources for Biblical Study 68), edited by Christian A. Eberhart, Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2011 (175 + 16 pages).1 The Sacrifice of Jesus: Understanding Atonement Biblically (Facets), Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2011 (170 + 10 pages).2 Studien zur Bedeutung der Opfer im Alten Testament: Die Signifikanz von Blut- und Verbrennungsriten im kultischen Rahmen (Wissenschaftliche Monographien zum Alten und Neuen Testament 94), Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 2002 (462 + 18 pages).3 6.2. Book Projects Bible Compendium in Cross-Cultural Perspective, with Donald Schweitzer e.a.: provides an ongoing exegesis of biblical books with interdisciplinary and cross-cultural focus; main authors will be asked to invite others from diverse cultural and ethnical backgrounds to 1 See the following book reviews: by JOHN DUNNILL, in: Review of Biblical Literature 07/2012 (“high quality of the individual essays”; “a persuasive and valuable contribution to the field”); by GREG CAREY, in: Review of Biblical Literature 07/2012 (“Scholars who specialize in sacrifice will find this volume an excellent source with which to engage the most recent work on the topic, including the research of emerging scholars. Uniformly well written, these essays will also interest nonspecialists who desire a sense of sacrificial language in both ancient Judaism and early Christianity”). 2 See, for example, the book review by JAMES F. MCGRATH, in: Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 67/1 (2013), p. 91 (“… This book provides a wonderful overview of biblical data relevant to Christian soteriology. It will serve the needs of NT and HB scholars, Christian theologians, and pastors and church groups interested in serious discussion, providing both a broad survey of key information as well as a distinctive and persuasive perspective that many will find extremely valuable”). 3 See the following book reviews: by CHRISTOPHER T. BEGG in: Old Testament Abstracts 26 (2003), p. 175 (Number 720); by HENNING GRAF REVENTLOW in: Theologische Literaturzeitung 128/6 (2003), pp. 591-593 (“…exemplary work…”, “…a reference book in its field…”, “…an important contribution to the discussion,…”); by JEAN MARCEL VINCENT in: Etudes Théologiques et Religieuses 2004/1, pp.93-94 (“…impressive because of its length and especially because of the quality of its exegetical analyses and the refinement of its theological evaluations”); by HANNA LISS in: Trumah: Zeitschrift der Hochschule für Jüdische Studien Heidelberg 14 (2004), pp. 199-201 (“The large merit of this study consists in its double revision of the prevailing interpretation of sacrifice”); by WINFRIED THIEL in: Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 100/1 (2005), col.s 72-75 (“This study is impressive. The author surveys the large quantity of material in a competent fashion and interprets it with sovereignty and exegetical expertise”); by CORINNA KÖRTING in: Theologische Rundschau 71 (2006), pp. 37980. C.V. Dr. Christian A. Eberhart Page 5 _______________________________________________________________________________________ contribute and/or dialogue (e.g., in a section dedicated to this project at the SBL Annual Conference or the Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas). Sühne, with Martin Vahrenhorst, for the series Topics of Biblical Theology (ed. by Reinhard Feldmeier/Hermann Spieckermann), Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck (under contract, approx. 450 pages, to be completed by 2015). 6.3. Journal Articles (peer-reviewed) “Erwägungen zu Kommunikationssituationen und -strategien im Frühen Christentum: Zur Funktion von ‘Insider-Informationen’ in Evangelientexten des Neuen Testaments” (in preparation). “Perspectives on the ‘New Perspective on Paul’” (in preparation). “‘The Lamb of God that Takes Away the Sin of the World:’ Atonement in the New Testament,” in: Touchstone 2013 (forthcoming). “Did Paul See the Saving Significance of Jesus’ Death as Resulting from Divine Violence? Dialogical Reflections on Romans 3:25” (with Don Schweitzer), in: Consensus 34/1 (2012), pp. 1–20 ( “Opfer und Kult in kulturanthropologischer Perspektive,” in: Verkündigung und Forschung 56/2 (2011), pp. 4–16. “Talking with the Other(s): Towards Interfaith Understanding” (with Fletcher R. DuBois), in: Consensus 30/2 (2005), pp. 79–92. “Biblical Perspectives on Other Faiths,” in: The Audenshaw Papers 210 (2005), pp. 1–4. “The ‘Passion’ of Gibson: Evaluating a Recent Interpretation of Christ’s Suffering and Death in Light of the New Testament,” in: Consensus 30/1 (2005), pp. 37–74. “A Neglected Feature of Sacrifice in the Hebrew Bible: Remarks on the Burning Rite on the Altar,” in: Harvard Theological Review 97/4 (2004), pp. 485–93. “Beobachtungen zum Verbrennungsritus bei Schlachtopfer und Gemeinschafts-Schlachtopfer,” in: Biblica 83 (2002), pp. 88–96. 6.4. Essays and Chapters in Books “Beobachtungen zu Opfer, Kult und Sühne in der Septuaginta,” in: Martin Karrer/Wolfgang Kraus (eds.), Die Septuaginta – Text, Wirkung, Rezeption. 4. Internationale Fachtagung veranstaltet von Septuaginta Deutsch (LXX.D), Wuppertal 19.–22.7.2012 (unter Mitarbeit von Martin Meiser; WUNT), Tübingen (forthcoming). “Das Opfer als Gabe: Perspektiven des Alten Testaments,” in: Martin Ebner e.a. (eds.), Jahrbuch für Biblische Theologie, vol. 27: Geben und Nehmen, Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 2012, 93–120. “Auch Frauen sind Wunder wert (Die Heilung der blutflüssigen Frau und die Auferweckung der Tochter eines Synagogenvorstehers), Mt 9,18–26 (EpAp 5,4–7; EvNik 7),” in: Ruben Zimmermann (ed.), Kompendium der frühchristlichen Wundererzählungen vol. 1, Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 2013, pp. 416–25. “Introduction: Sacrifice in the Bible,” in: Christian A. Eberhart (ed.), Ritual and Metaphor: Sacrifice in the Bible (Resources for Biblical Study 68), Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2011, pp. xv–xvii. “Sacrifice? Holy Smokes! Reflections on Cult Terminology for Understanding Sacrifice in the Hebrew Bible,” in: Christian A. Eberhart (ed.), Ritual and Metaphor: Sacrifice in the C.V. Dr. Christian A. Eberhart Page 6 _______________________________________________________________________________________ Bible (Resources for Biblical Study 68), Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2011, pp. 17–32. “Conclusion,” in: Christian A. Eberhart (ed.), Ritual and Metaphor: Sacrifice in the Bible (Resources for Biblical Study 68), Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2011, pp. 153– 156. “Brief Reflections on Homosexuality in Romans,” in: Augustana Previews May 2011, p. 9. “Reading Between the Lines: Paul’s Letter to the Romans Shows How Scribes May Have Helped Frame and Deliver New Testament Texts,” in: Canada Lutheran June 2010, p. 8. “Abrahams Opfer und menschlicher Konflikt,” in: Bernhard Greiner, Bernd Janowski, Hermann Lichtenberger (eds.), Opfere deinen Sohn! Das ‘Isaak-Opfer’ in Judentum, Christentum und Islam, Tübingen: Francke Verlag, 2007, pp. 294–97. “Wenn der Widder Isaak opfert,” in: Bernhard Greiner, Bernd Janowski, Hermann Lichtenberger (eds.), Opfere deinen Sohn! Das ‘Isaak-Opfer’ in Judentum, Christentum und Islam, Tübingen: Francke Verlag, 2007, pp. 309–11. “Social Justice,” internet document for the National Church office of the ELCIC ( “The Term ‘Sacrifice’ and the Problem of Theological Abstraction: A Study of the Reception History of Genesis 22:1–19,” in: Christine Helmer (ed.), The Multivalence of Biblical Texts and Theological Meanings (Symposium Series 37), Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2006, pp. 47–66. “Abrahams Opfer (Genesis 22,1–19) im Neuen Testament: Ein Beispiel innerbiblischer Rezeptionsgeschichte,” in: R.G. Czapla, U. Rembold (eds.), Gotteswort und Menschenrede: Die Bibel im Dialog mit Wissenschaften, Künsten und Medien: Vorträge der interdisziplinären Ringvorlesung des Tübinger Graduiertenkollegs “Die Bibel – ihre Entstehung und ihre Wirkung” 2003–2004 (Jahrbuch für Internationale Germanistik, Reihe A, Band 73), Bern: Peter Lang, 2006, pp. 19–42. “Characteristics of Sacrificial Metaphors in Hebrews,” in: Gabriella Gelardini (ed.), Hebrews: Contemporary Methods – New Insights (Biblical Interpretation Series), Leiden / Boston: Brill, 2005, pp. 37–64. “Die Prüfung Abrahams – oder: Wo aber ist das Opfer im Neuen Testament? Exegese von 1. Mose 22 aus christlicher Sicht,” in: Ulrich Dehn (ed.), Wo aber ist das Opferlamm? Opfer und Opferkritik in den drei abrahamitischen Religionen (EZW-Texte 168), Berlin, 2003, pp. 28–49. 6.5. Articles in Lexica, Bible Editions, etc. Commentaries for the Center for Biblical Preaching at Luther Seminary, Saint Paul, MN (online at: Philemon 1:1-21, Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost, 1 Timothy 1:12-17, Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost, 1 Timothy 6:6-19, Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost. Articles for the Dictionary of the Bible and Western Culture, Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2012: “Altar,” pp. 14–15, “Atonement,” pp. 36–37, “Blood,” p. 62, “Burning Bush,” pp. 73–74, C.V. Dr. Christian A. Eberhart Page 7 _______________________________________________________________________________________ “Eli,” pp. 130–31, “Fire,” pp. 162–63, “Fish, Fisher, Fishing,” p. 164, “Junia,” pp. 272–73, “Lord’s Supper,” pp. 304–5, “Offering,” pp. 379–80, “Phoebe,” pp. 402–3, “Ritual Purity,” p. 447, “Sacrifice,” p. 456. Articles for Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception (EBR), Berlin / New York: Walter DeGruyter, 2009ff: “Atonement. I. Hebrew Bible/Old Testament,” EBR vol. 3 (2011), pp. 24–32, “Atonement. II. New Testament,” EBR vol. 3 (2011), pp. 32–42, “Blood. I. Ancient Near East and Hebrew Bible/Old Testament,” EBR vol. 4 (2012), pp. 201–12, “Expiation. New Testament,” EBR (forthcoming). Articles for Wissenschaftliches Bibellexikon im Internet (WiBiLex), Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft ( “Blutschande / Inzest,” “Bußriten,” “Qorban,” “Schlachtung / Schächtung,” “Sühne: Altes Testament,” “Fett: Altes Testament,” “Opfer: Neues Testament.” For the Lutheran Study Bible, Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 2009: Introduction and Study Notes on “The First Epistle to Timothy,” pp. 1952–58; Introduction and Study Notes on “The Second Epistle to Timothy,” pp. 1959–64. Articles for Herders Neues Bibellexikon, Freiburg/Basel/Wien: Verlag Herder, 2008: “Blutschande,” pp. 106–7, “Feuer,” p. 207, “Feuerofen,” p. 207, “Feuersäule,” pp. 207–8, “Feuerzungen,” p. 208, “Handauflegung,” p. 289, “INRI,” p. 333, “Pfingsten,” pp. 586–87, “Pfingsterzählung / Pfingstbericht / Pfingstwunder,” p. 587, “Rein / unrein / Reinheit,” pp. 628–29, “Tempelquelle ,” pp. 736–37, “Versöhnungstag,” p. 779, C.V. Dr. Christian A. Eberhart Page 8 _______________________________________________________________________________________ “Waschbecken,” pp. 792–93, “Waschen / Waschung,” p. 793. 6.6. Book Reviews Review of: Christina Eschner, Gestorben und hingegeben “für” die Sünder: Die griechische Konzeption des Unheil abwendenden Sterbens und deren paulinische Aufnahme für die Deutung des Todes Jesu Christi, Band 1: Auslegungen der paulinischen Formulierungen. Band 2: Darstellung und Auswertung des griechischen Quellenbefundes (WMANT 122; Neukirchener: Neukirchen-Vluyn, 2010), to be published in: Early Christianity (forthcoming). Review of: Richard Bauckham/Daniel R. Driver/Trevor A. Hart/Nathan MacDonald (eds.), The Epistle to the Hebrews and Christian Theology (Grand Rapids/Cambridge, U.K.: Eerdmans, 2009), to be published in: Touchstone (forthcoming). Review of: Yitzhaq Feder, Blood Expiation in Hittite and Biblical Ritual: Origins, Context, and Meaning (Writings from the Ancient World Supplement Series 2), Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2011, in: Biblica 94/3 (2013), pp. 473–6. Review of: Kathryn McClymond, Beyond Sacred Violence: A Comparative Study of Sacrifice (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins, 2008), electronically published in: Journal of Hebrew Scriptures on 02/17/2010 ( Review of: Martin Modéus, Sacrifice and Symbol: Biblical Šĕlāmîm in a Ritual Perspective (Coniectanea Biblica. Old Testament Series, 52; Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International 2005), in: Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 104 (2009), pp. 669–72. Review of: William K. Gilders, Blood Ritual in the Hebrew Bible: Meaning and Power (Baltimore, London: Johns Hopkins, 2004), in: Toronto Journal of Theology 22/1 (2007), pp. 205–6. Review of: Roy E. Gane, Cult and Character: Purification Offerings, Day of Atonement, and Theodicy (Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 2005), in: Journal of Biblical Literature 125 (2006), pp. 573–76; electronically published in: Review of Biblical Literature on 07/01/2006 ( Review of: Stephen Finlan, Problems with Atonement: The Origins of, and Controversy about, the Atonement Doctrine (Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2005), in: Review of Biblical Literature, electronically published on 6/11/2006 ( Review of: Peter J. Tomson, Presumed Guilty: How the Jews Were Blamed for the Death of Jesus (translated by Janet Dyk; Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2005), in: Consensus 31/1 (2006), pp. 169–72. Review of: John Drane, Introducing the Bible (with CD-ROM; Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2005), in: Consensus 31/1 (2006), pp. 167–69. Review of: Tatha Wiley, Paul and the Gentile Women: Reframing Galatians (New York: Continuum, 2005), in: Touchstone 24/2 (2006), pp. 64–66. 7. Further Academic Work: 7.1. Presentations (selected) Le Sacrifice et l’Eucharistie, at the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, on 04/04/2013. C.V. Dr. Christian A. Eberhart Page 9 _______________________________________________________________________________________ Response to the joint session ‘One Sacrificial Body: Yom Kippur and Space in Hebrews,’ at the Annual SBL Conference in Chicago, IL, on 11/18/2012 ( Beobachtungen zu Opfer, Kult und Sühne in der Septuaginta, presentation at the conference Die Septuaginta – Text, Rezeption, Wirkung, at the Kirchliche Hochschule Wuppertal, Germany, 07/19–22/2012. Opfer und Abendmahl, presentation at the University of Erfurt, Germany, on 07/10/2012. Round Table discussion on radio: La langue et la foi, for Radio Canada, broadcast “Point du jour,” on 04/12/2012. Radio interview Les coutumes de Noël dans des autres pays, for Radio Canada, broadcast “Point du jour,” on 12/23/2011. Response to Kathryn McClymond, Space and Sacrifice in Leviticus: Implications for Sacrificial Theory, at the joint session ‘Simultaneous Cults: The Intersection of Sacred Space, Time, and Practice,’ at the Annual SBL Conference in San Francisco, CA, on 11/20/2011. Erwägungen zu Kommunikationssituationen und -strategien im Frühen Christentum: Zur Funktion von ‘Insider-Informationen’ in Evangelientexten des Neuen Testaments, presentation for the Protestant Faculty of Theology at the University of Mainz, Germany, on 10/26/2011. Versöhnung und Sühne, Kult und Opfer in der Bibel, presentation for the Sozietät Dogmatik at the Catholic Faculty of Theology at the University of Mainz, Germany, on 06/28/2011. Women in Scripture, three keynote presentations for the “Scripturefest” at Queen’s House Retreat & Renewal Centre, Saskatoon, SK, on 01/22/2011 (including a feedback and discussion panel with invited guests). A New Perspective on Judgment and Grace, Congregational Bible study at Mount Olive Lutheran Church, Surrey, BC, on 03/07/2010. Jesus: A Political Understanding of His Mission and Death, at Mount Olive Lutheran Church, Surrey, BC, on 03/06/2010. What is the Meaning of the Eucharist? at Mount Olive Lutheran Church, Surrey, BC, on 03/05/2010. Television interview La chute du mur de Berlin: les événements et les conséquences, for Radio Canada, Regional News, on 11/09/2009. Radio interview 20ème anniversaire de la chute du mur de Berlin, for Radio Canada, broadcast “Point du jour,” on 11/09/2009 ( Sacrifice? Holy Smokes! Implications of Hebrew and Greek Terminology (Qorban, Minhah, Zebah, Thusia) for a Definition of Sacrifice in the Hebrew Bible, at the Annual SBL Conference in Boston, MA, on 11/24/2008. To Atone or Not to Atone: The Meaning of KPR in the Hebrew Bible and Atonement Concepts in 2 Corinthians, at the Annual SBL Conference in Boston, MA, on 11/24/2008 (will be published). Paul’s Epistle to the Romans: Living By Grace, CLA Course for the Saskatchewan Synod, at Lutheran Theological Seminary Saskatoon, SK, on 10/24–25/2008. Hermeneutics: What is the Bible? How do we Read and Understand the Bible? to the Congregational Council of Christ Lutheran Church, Chilliwack, BC, on 10/04/2008. Celebrating Salvation: What is the Power of the Eucharist/Last Supper? for the Congregational Council of Christ Lutheran Church, Chilliwack, BC, on 10/04/2008. Who was Jesus? Why Did Jesus Die? to the Congregational Council of Christ Lutheran Church, Chilliwack, BC, on 10/03/2008. C.V. Dr. Christian A. Eberhart Page 10 _______________________________________________________________________________________ Understanding Biblical Atonement Images: On the Power of Life, at Waterloo Lutheran Seminary, Kitchener, ON, on 09/30/2008. Factors of the Development of Human Freedom and Equality in Western Societies, at the Conference “Societies in Transition – Adjusting to Changing Global Environments” at Stanford University, Stanford, CA, on 06/26–29/2008. Amazing Grace, Retreat of Augustana Lutheran Church and Saskatoon Native Ministries at Camp Kinasao, Christopher Lake, SK on 06/07/2008. In Mission for Others: A People Called, two keynote presentations at the Convention of the Synod of British Columbia in Kelowna, BC, on 04/18–19/2008. Perspectives on the “New Perspective on Paul,” at the Graduate Seminar of the Saskatoon Theological Union, on 04/10/2008, in cooperation with Dr. Don Schweitzer, Dr. Bill Richards, and Dr. David Jobling. Why a Passion about the Passion Reveals your Passion? Presentation with David Goa at Augustana College in Camrose, AB, on 03/17/2008. Celebrating Salvation: What is the Power of the Eucharist/Last Supper? at Augustana College in Camrose, AB, on 03/17/2008. Who was Jesus? Was the Crucifixion Necessary? at Augustana College in Camrose, AB, on 03/17/2008. Biblical Manuscripts: Our Bible in the Beginning, at Trinity Lutheran Church, Edmonton, AB, on 11/24/2007. Aufbruch und Erneuerung: Biblische Impulse zu einem zentralen Thema christlicher Identität (Starting and Renewing: Biblical Impulses on a Central Theme of Christian Identity), at the 10th Convention of the DELKINA in San Francisco, CA on 10/17–22/2007. Atonement: New Perspectives on a Central Concept of Christian Faith, at “A Retreat of Our Own” (lay people’s retreat) in Canmore, AB on 09/28–30/2007. What is the Bible? How do We Read and Understand the Bible? at All Saints Lutheran Church, Kelowna, BC, on 08/27/2007. Sacrifice and Atonement: Understanding Central Topics of Our Christian Faith, Pastor’s Conference at Emmanuella House of Prayer, Winfield, BC, on 08/27/2007. The Mission of Jesus for Others, Pastor’s Conference at Emmanuella House of Prayer, Winfield, BC, on 08/26/2007. Joy and Sacrifice in the Hebrew Bible, at the CSBS Conference at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, SK, on 05/29/2007. Understanding and Interpreting the Bible, Educational Evening at Trinity Lutheran Church, Edmonton, AB, on 03/23/2007. Joy and Sacrifice in the Hebrew Bible, at the Graduate Seminar of the Saskatoon Theological Union, on 03/15/2007. The Bread We Break, The Cup We Bless: Scriptural Perspectives on the Lord’s Table, Keynote presentation for the “Scripturefest” at Queen’s House Retreat & Renewal Centre, Saskatoon, SK, on 01/27/2007 (including a feedback and discussion panel with invited guests). Jesus Calls Us: In Mission for Others, three keynote presentations at the Convention of the Synod of Alberta in Red Deer, AB, on 06/08–11/2006. The Cult Term ִא ֶשּׁה: Remarks on its Meaning, Importance, and Disappearance, at the CSBS Conference at York University, ON, on 05/28/2006. The Mystery of Atonement: Why Did Jesus Have to Die? at Augustana Lutheran Church, Saskatoon, SK, on 04/13/2006. C.V. Dr. Christian A. Eberhart Page 11 _______________________________________________________________________________________ The Mystery of Atonement: Why Did Jesus Have to Die? at Trinity Lutheran Church Estevan, SK, on 03/25/2006. The Cult Term ִא ֶשּׁה: Remarks on its Meaning, Importance, and Disappearance, at the Graduate Seminar of the Saskatoon Theological Union, on 03/17/2006. The Cult Term ִא ֶשּׁה: Remarks on its Meaning, Importance, and Disappearance, at the Annual SBL Conference in Philadelphia, PA, on 11/22/2005. The Bible: Is it Real, is it True? at the Study Conference of the Synod of Alberta and the Northern Territories in Edmonton, AB, on 10/14–15/2005. The Gospel According to Mark, three presentations at the Saskatchewan Clergy and Professional Leaders’ Conference at Manitou Springs Hotel, Watrous, SK, on 09/27– 29/2005. The Gospel According to Mark, three presentations at the Manitoba Rostered Ministers and Professional Leaders Study Conference at Luther Village, ON, on 09/19–22/2005. Joy and Sacrifice in the Hebrew Bible, at the Annual Conference of the European Association of Biblical Studies in Dresden, Germany, 08/07–10/2005. Keynote speaker on Mission (together with Kelly Fryer) and on Atonement in the New Testament (including a panel discussion) at the Bishop’s Study Conference at Charis Camp, Rosedale, BC, on 04/24–27/2005. Why Did Jesus Die on the Cross for Us? at Zion Lutheran Church, Saskatoon, SK, on 04/10/2005. What about the Passion of the Christ? at Augustana Lutheran Church, Saskatoon, SK, on 03/23/2005. The Passion of the Christ According to the New Testament, at St. John’s Cathedral, Saskatoon, SK, on 03/22/2005. The Passion of the Christ According to the New Testament: Why Did Jesus Die on the Cross? Public Lecture for the University of Saskatchewan Christian Chaplaincies on 03/07/2005. “Did Jesus Have to Die on the Cross for Us?” The Mystery of Atonement, Keynote presentation for the “Scripturefest” at Queen’s House Retreat & Renewal Centre, Saskatoon, SK, on 01/15/2005 (including a feedback and discussion panel with invited guests). A Neglected Feature of Sacrifice in the Hebrew Bible: Remarks on the Burning Rite on the Altar, at the Annual SBL Conference in Atlanta, GA, on 11/25/2003. The Adaptation of Abraham’s Sacrifice in the New Testament, at the International SBL Conference in Cambridge, UK, on 07/23/2003 (published in 2006). The Hattat (Sin Offering or Purification Offering) as Part of a Complementary Elimination Ritual, at the International SBL Conference in Cambridge, UK, on 07/21/2003. Characteristics of Sacrificial Metaphors in Hebrews, at the International SBL Conference in Cambridge, UK, on 07/21/2003 (published in 2005). Biblical Perspectives on Other Faiths, at Queen’s Ecumenical Foundation in Birmingham, UK, on 06/05/2003 (published in 2005). Eigenarten der Opfermetaphorik im Hebräerbrief, at the “Neutestamentliche Sozietät” (New Testament Doctoral/Postdoctoral Colloquium) of the University of Heidelberg, Germany, on 05/09/2003. Neue Erwägungen zum Begriff des Opfers, at the Humboldt Universität of Berlin, Germany, on 05/07/2003. C.V. Dr. Christian A. Eberhart Page 12 _______________________________________________________________________________________ The Joseph Narrative: Reconciliation, Divination, and Management, at California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, USA, on 02/05/2003. Die Aqedat Jitzchak im Neuen Testament, at a workshop of the Graduiertenkolleg “Die Bibel – ihre Entstehung und ihre Wirkung” at the University of Tübingen, Germany, on 10/25/2002. Die ( ַח ָטּאתSündopfer) als komplementärer Teil eines Eliminationsrituals, at the “Alttestamentliche Sozietät” (Old Testament Doctoral/Postdoctoral Colloquium) of the University of Heidelberg, Germany, on 10/23/2002. Exegese von 1. Mose 22 aus christlicher Sicht, at the conference: “Wo aber ist das Opferlamm? Opfer und Opferkritik in den abrahamitischen Religionen” at the Evangelische Akademie in Berlin, Germany, on 10/19/2002. The Love of Christ and the Sacrifice for God as a Pleasing Odor: Metaphors in Ephesians 5:2 as Key for Understanding Sacrifice in the Hebrew Bible, at the International SBL Conference in Berlin, Germany, on 07/22/2002. Christologische Metaphern und ihr alttestamentlicher Hintergrund, at the Graduiertenkolleg “Die Bibel – ihre Entstehung und ihre Wirkung” at the University of Tübingen, Germany, on 01/29/2002. Die Bedeutung der Verbrennung auf dem Brandopferaltar für die kultischen Opfer im Alten Testament, at the “Alttestamentliche Sozietät” (Old Testament Doctoral/Postdoctoral Colloquium) of the University of Heidelberg, Germany, on 11/15/2000. Die Liebe Christi und das Opfer für Gott zum Wohlgeruch, at the “Neutestamentliche Sozietät” (New Testament Doctoral/Postdoctoral Colloquium) of the University of Heidelberg, Germany, on 01/29/1999. 7.2. Further Teaching, Chairing, Organizing, Administration (selected) At the Lutheran Theological Seminary Saskatoon (SK) and in the Saskatoon Theological Union: Supervision of independent Reading Courses Class units for the STM program at the Lutheran Theological Seminary Saskatoon Class units for PL 135 Spiritual Formation (taught by Dr. Eddie Kwok and Gertrude Buck) Class units for Learning Cycle 4 “Who am I in Pastoral Ministry?” at St. Andrew’s College (taught by Dr. Christine Mitchell) Launching and managing the Seminary on the Road program (2006–2010). Administrative Responsibilities at the Lutheran Theological Seminary Saskatoon (SK), in the Saskatoon Theological Union, and the University of Saskatchewan: Member of Faculty Council of the University of Saskatchewan Member of the Doctor of Ministry (D.Min) Committee Chair of the STM Program Assessment Committee Director of Cross-Cultural/Globalization Program (organization, preparation, and leading of a cross-cultural study tour to Perú in 01/2007) Chair of the Graduate Studies Council of the Saskatoon Theological Union (STU) Secretary of the Faculty at the Lutheran Theological Seminary Saskatoon Member and Secretary of various Rank Committees Member of Academic Guidance Committee Member of the Alberta and Manitoba Examination Committees of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) Member of Honorary Degree Committee C.V. Dr. Christian A. Eberhart Page 13 _______________________________________________________________________________________ Member of Retreat Committee of the Saskatoon Theological Union Faculty advisor to approx. 12 students per year Advisor for and reader of graduate and doctoral theses Chair of thesis defenses Participation in preparation of ATS Accreditation Review Assessment of internships on site Faculty representative to several LTS Board of Governors meetings At the Faculty of Protestant Theology at the University of Mainz, Germany: Class units for the lecture course “Das Evangelium nach Johannes” and the seminar “Theologie des Neuen Testament” (taught by Dr. Ruben Zimmermann), 06– 07/2011. Launching and chairing the SBL Annual Conference Program Unit “Sacrifice, Cult, and Atonement” (since 10/2007). Launching, managing, and chairing the Graduate Seminar of the Saskatoon Theological Union (since 2005). Contracted by the German Bible Society (Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft in Stuttgart, Germany) for the completion of the advanced Bible computer program “Stuttgarter Elektronische Studienbibel”/“Stuttgart Electronic Study Bible” (SESB), developed for biblical scholars, 2003–2004. 8. Languages: 8.1. Modern Languages German (mother tongue), English, French (very good: seven years of residence in France), Ivrith (Modern Hebrew), Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Lakota/Sioux (beginning level), Anishinabemowin/Oji-Cree (beginning level) 8.2. Classical Languages “Graecum” (Classical Greek), “Hebraicum” (Classical Hebrew), “Großes Latinum” (advanced Latin examination), Biblical Aramaic 9. Further Areas of Interest 1991–93 Studies of composition at Harvard University, Department of Music (Boston, MA) 1984–present Music: performance and composition (religious and secular); since 1992 performance of my works e.g. at Harvard University (Boston, MA), at the Opera of Toulon (France), by the Saratov-Orchestra (Russia), and by several choirs in France and Germany.