Habitat Unit


Habitat Unit
Associated Researcher
Lukas Born
Zentralinstitut Campus El Gouna
Department of Urban Development
Room FH 502
Fraunhoferstrasse 33-36,10587 Berlin
T +49 –30 –314 –75 720
F +49 –30 –314 –75 716
Curriculum Vitae
Born and raised in Berlin, Lukas Born studied urban and regional
planning at TU Berlin. Now, he is the coordinator of the Urban
Development Master’s Programme at TU Berlin’s El Gouna campus.
Working in this satellite campus of TU Berlin in Egypt, he is affiliated
with the research activities of the Habitat Unit in Egypt.
He worked for more than five years in the field of neighborhood
management for an urban development agency in Berlin-Wedding
(L.I.S.T. GmbH) with an emphasis on participation, traffic reduction
schemes, art and creative industries. This was followed by project
management tasks for various European and national programmes on
employment, vocational training and conservation. In this context, he
initiated the Project Baerwaldbad at the municipal bathhouse in BerlinKreuzberg with Zukunftsbau GmbH. Under his direction this project
later received Europe’s most prestigious award for heritage protection,
the European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Award
in the field of vocational training and education (Grand Prix, 2010).
Together with colleagues from L.I.S.T., he is co-author of the Handbook
on Participation for the Senate Department for Urban Development,
Berlin. Parallel to this, he freelanced as an academic mentor for the
research project on ‘Urban Regeneration of Hidden World Heritage in
L'viv’ for TU’s Urban Management program.
After many years of practical work, he returned to TU Berlin as a
researcher. He joined the support team for BMBF’s research program
on future megacities that was focusing on sustainable urban
development in nine emerging megacities around the world. He acted
as editor of the future megacities book series, published by JOVIS
Verlag in 2013/2014.
In summer 2014, he joined the team of TU Berlin’s El Gouna campus as
programme coordinator of the Department of Urban Development and
as a research assistant.
Diploma in Urban and Regional Planning (Dipl.-Ing),TU Berlin, Institute
for Urban and Regional Planning (ISR)
(Thesis)Die indische Stadt zwischen Tradition, Wandel und Zerstörung dargestellt am Beispiel der Stadt Jamnagar
(Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Peter Herrle, Dr. Zahir).
Employment History
Since 2014
Programme Coordinator
Department for Urban Development,TU Berlin/ Campus El Gouna
Scientific Assistant
Technische Universität Berlin,Programme support for BMBF’s research
programme Future Megacities and editor ofBook Series:Future
Megacities (Jovis Verlag)
Assistant for the Management Director(part time)
L.I.S.T. GmbH for Urban Regeneration,Co-Author ofHandbook on
Participation for Berlin’s Senate for Urban Development;Feasibility
studies and project acquisition
Project Leader
Baerwaldbad-Project by Zukunftsbau GmbH for Vocational
Training,Conservation of the historic Baerwaldbad (Public Bathhouse)
in the context of vocational training and cultural education;project
management / finance acquisition / external affairs (events/ public
relations/ website/ contacts to administration)
Project Leader
L.I.S.T. GmbH for Urban Regeneration,Project development in the
framework of Urban Development and Employment in a transnational
partnership with Warsaw (PL) and Enschede (NL)
Neighbourhood Manager
L.I.S.T. GmbH for Urban Regeneration,Berlin-Wedding (Soldiner Straße)
-Traffic calming/ Neighborhood Budgeting/ Initiative and support for
neighborhood and cultural associations (Kolonie Wedding, Christiania)
Research Projects
DEVEPER: Development Priorities in Informal Areas: Planning,
Realization and Local Perceptions
Consultant. In cooperation with Ain Shams University Cairo, Prof.
Mohamed Salheen; Funded by BMBF and German Egyptian Research
Betreiberkonzept Baerwaldbad i.R. des ExWoSt-Forschungsprogramms
Sportstätten und Stadtentwicklung / Projekt,
Project Leader.L.I.S.T. im Auftrag des Bezirksamtes FriedrichshainKreuzberg .
Teaching Activities
WS 2013/2014
Seminar: Urban Planning and Analysis, Urban Management Program,
TU Berlin
SS 2011
Study project:Urban Regeneration in L’viv.Urban ManagementProgram,
TU Berlin, in Cooperation with GIZ (With Carsten Zehner)
(2014) Young Research Forum - Research Papers for Future Megacities
on Governance, Water, Planning, and Mobility, Berlin: Jovis Verlag.
Book contributions
with Elke Pahl-Weber, Bernd Kochendörfer, Carsten Zehner, Ulrike
Assmann, eds. of the six volume book series (2013-2014)Future
Megacities, (1) Energy and Sun, (2) Space, Planning, and Design, (3)
Local Action, (4) Capacity Development (5) Mobility and Transportation,
(6) Young Research Forum, each 224-256 pages, Berlin: Jovis Verlag.
Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung von Berlin (2011)Handbuch zur
Partizipation, Berlin, 340 pages.
with Carsten Zehner, Lenka Vojtová (2011) Off the Beaten Track: Urban
Regeneration of Hidden World Heritage in L’viv, Berlin 2011 (Urban
Management Program, TU Berlin in Co-operation with GIZ and Lviv City
Other articles and publications
with Katja Niggemeier (2006) Kulturwirtschaftliche Zentren zwischen
kreativem Unternehmertum, zweitem Arbeitsmarkt und
Stadtteilentwicklung. ExperimentCity, berlin:selbsorganisiert! Kulturen
der nachhaltigen Stadtentwicklung, Wohnprojekte + Kreativzentren,
Wirtschaft + Freiraum, S. 34-36.
(2005) Kolonie Wedding - Leerstand als Potential (Online)
Projektdatenbank des Programms Soziale Stadt.
(2001) Altstadtbewahrung in Indien am Beispiel Jamnagars.
Planungsrundschau, Ausgabe 2.
(2001) Zwei Jahre Berliner Quartiersmanagement. Eine kritische
Auseinandersetzung auch mit der Kritik. Jahrbuch Stadterneuerung.
(2000)Preservation of the Walled City of Jamnagar. Indian Architect and
Builder, Bombay.
(1999) Feeling the Crunch – Project 3 – Kalavad Gate, Jamnagar. Indian
Architect and Builder, pp. 140-141, Bombay.
(1999) Restaurierungsvorhaben in der Altstadt von Kairo am Beispiel
des Bayt el Suhaymi. Berliner Beiträge zur Archäometrie, Band 16, S.
91-100, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz.
with ChristophWoiwode (1999) Stadt- und Regionalplanung in
Entwicklungsländern als selbstbestimmter Studienschwerpunkt.
TRIALOG 62, S. 36-38.
Conference Proceedings
(2011) The Baerwaldbad, Conservation of a Public Bath House through
Vocational Training,The Best in Heritage, Dubrovnik.
Invited Lectures
(2010/2011) Urban Regeneration in Berlin – The case of
Berlin-Wedding,West Asia North Africa Cooperation Unit (WANACU),
TU Berlin
Grants, Awards, and Fellowships
Grand Prix of the EU for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Award in the
category 'education, training and awareness-raising' for Project
Baerwaldbad (Project initiative, project design and implementation)
Excellence Club ‘Best in Heritage’, Dubrovnik for Project Baerwaldbad
Other Projects
Kolonie Wedding
Christiania e.V.
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