Mediadaten 2016 - Recycling International
Mediadaten 2016 - Recycling International
Mediadaten 2016 April 2015, No.3 Preisliste Nr. 19, gültig ab 1. Januar 2016 March 2015, No.2 August 2015, ear The footw recycling challenge ing robot Will the sort take over? : Boyan Game changers Ellen Yan, Slat, Cheung others McArthur and ing impact The evergrow ictions of export restr ELV Innovating the plastics loop Scrap metals in India: High hopes, big barriers Sustainability rebel Gunter Pauli: ‘Imagine better’ Tough times for Europe’s e-scrap recyclers Rising car sales boost PGM reclamation Plastics processing expansion at Coolrec Captains of May 2015, No.4 Special The Gulf Region Highlights from ISRI’s Convention & Expo in Vancouver Illegal exports challenge Europe’s vehicle recyclers Who will feed Germany’s hungry paper mills? Tyre recycling in Europe: the case of the ‘missing’ arisings No.6 copp It’s timeertsaoy: adjust the sails /ŚƌdŽƌnjƵĚĞŶ ZĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐŵćƌŬƚĞŶ der Welt Raising scra China’s ‘newp ratios normal’? Ship owners on South Asiaturn screw Professor Ern ‘Leaving a st Worrell: recycling legacy’ Making the of ELV min best out erals ZĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐ/ŶƚĞƌŶĂƟŽŶĂůŝƐƚĞŝŶhŶƚĞƌŶĞŚŵĞŶ der ,h^^ͲhŶƚĞƌŶĞŚŵĞŶƐͲ'ƌƵƉƉĞ͕ DƺŶĐŚĞŶĞƵƚƐĐŚůĂŶĚ 2016 Liebe Media-Entscheider, Recycling International – viel mehr als nur eine Zeitschrift! hŵĚŝĞĚƌŝŶŐĞŶĚƐƚĞŶdŚĞŵĞŶĚĞƐdĂŐĞƐnjƵďĞůĞƵĐŚƚĞŶ͕ďĞŚćůƚĚĂƐ ĞƌĨĂŚƌĞŶĞdĞĂŵǀŽŶZĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐ/ŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂůĂƵĐŚǁĞŝƚĞƌŚŝŶĚŝĞ ŶĞƵĞƐƚĞŶŶƚǁŝĐŬůƵŶŐĞŶƵŶĚdƌĞŶĚƐŝŵůŝĐŬ͕ĚŝĞĨƺƌZĞĐLJĐůĞƌĂƵĨĚĞƌ ŐĂŶnjĞŶtĞůƚǀŽŶĞĚĞƵƚƵŶŐƐŝŶĚ͘ůƐDƵůƚŝŵĞĚŝĂͲDĂƌŬĞŵĂĐŚĞŶǁŝƌ /ŶĨŽƌŵĂƚŝŽŶĞŶĂƵƐĨŝŶĚŝŐ͕ĚŝĞŚĞƵƚĞ͕ŵŽƌŐĞŶƵŶĚŝŶƵŬƵŶĨƚĂƵĨŬůćƌĞŶ ƵŶĚŝŶƐƉŝƌŝĞƌĞŶ͘ Martijn Reintjes ŚĞĨƌĞĚĂŬƚĞƵƌ Recycling /ŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂů Fachinhalte ZĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐ/ŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂůŝƐƚƐĞŝƚŵĞŚƌĂůƐϭϳ:ĂŚƌĞŶĞŝŶĞŚƂĐŚƐƚ njƵǀĞƌůćƐƐŝŐĞƵŶĚƵŶǀĞƌnjŝĐŚƚďĂƌĞ/ŶĨŽƌŵĂƚŝŽŶƐƋƵĞůůĞĨƺƌĚŝĞ ZĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐŝŶĚƵƐƚƌŝĞĂƵĨĚĞƌŐĂŶnjĞŶtĞůƚ͘tŝƌǀĞƌďŝŶĚĞŶĨĂĐŚůŝĐŚĞ ŝŶďůŝĐŬĞ͕ŐƌƺŶĚůŝĐŚĞŶĂůLJƐĞƵŶĚƉĞƌƐƂŶůŝĐŚĞƐŶŐĂŐĞŵĞŶƚŵŝƚĞŝŶĞƌ ŐůŽďĂůĞŶWĞƌƐƉĞŬƚŝǀĞ͕ƵŵĚŝĞ&ĂĐŚůĞƵƚĞŝŶĚĞƌƌĂŶĐŚĞĚĂďĞŝnjƵ 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ĂƐϭϵϵϴŐĞŐƌƺŶĚĞƚĞDĂŐĂnjŝŶZĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐ/ŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂů ŝƐƚĚĞƌĨƺŚƌĞŶĚĞŶďŝĞƚĞƌǀŽŶ/ŶĨŽƌŵĂƚŝŽŶĞŶƌƵŶĚƵŵƐZĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐƵŶĚ ĞŝŶƵŶǀĞƌnjŝĐŚƚďĂƌĞƐ&ĂĐŚŵĂŐĂnjŝŶĨƺƌĚŝĞŐůŽďĂůĞZĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐŝŶĚƵƐƚƌŝĞ͘ ŝĞWƵďůŝŬĂƚŝŽŶŝƐƚćƵƘĞƌƐƚnjŝĞůŐĞƌŝĐŚƚĞƚƵŶĚĞƌƌĞŝĐŚƚĚĂĚƵƌĐŚŚŽĐŚ ƋƵĂůŝĨŝnjŝĞƌƚĞƵŶĚĂŶƐƉƌƵĐŚƐǀŽůůĞŶƚƐĐŚĞŝĚĞƌǁŝĞŝŐĞŶƚƺŵĞƌ͕DĂŶĂŐĞƌ ƵŶĚĂŶĚĞƌĞ&ĂĐŚŬƌćĨƚĞ͘ Zielgruppe:ZĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐƵŶƚĞƌŶĞŚŵĞŶͬͲnjĞŶƚƌĞŶ͕ŶůĂŐĞŶďĂƵĞƌ͕ 'ĞǁĞƌďĞƚƌĞŝďĞŶĚĞ͕DĂŬůĞƌ͕,ćŶĚůĞƌ͕^ĐŚƌŽƚƚƉƌŽĚƵnjĞŶƚĞŶ͕ ^ĐŚƌŽƚƚǀĞƌǁĞƌƚĞƌ͕^ĐŚƌŽƚƚĞƌnjĞƵŐĞƌ͕&ŽƌƐĐŚƵŶŐƐŝŶƐƚŝƚƵƚĞƵŶĚ ZĞŐŝĞƌƵŶŐƐďĞŚƂƌĚĞŶŝŵĞƌĞŝĐŚZĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐ ͻ Umfangs-Analyse: Format der Zeitschrift: ^ĞƉƚ͘ϮϬϭϰʹƵŐ͘ϮϬϭϱсϭϬƵƐŐĂďĞŶ ϮϭϬdžϮϵϳŵŵ͕/Eϰ Gesamtumfang: Redaktioneller Teil: Anzeigenteil: ϲϵϮ^ĞŝƚĞŶс ϭϬϬ͕Ϭй ϰϰϳ^ĞŝƚĞŶс ϲϰ͕Ϭй Ϯϰϱ^ĞŝƚĞŶс ϯϲ͕Ϭй davon: ǀĞƌůĂŐƐĞŝŐĞŶĞŶnjĞŝŐĞŶ Beilagen: Ϯϯ^ĞŝƚĞŶ ϳ ͻ /ŶŚĂůƚƐĂŶĂůLJƐĞĚĞƐZĞĚĂŬƟŽŶƐƚĞŝůƐ͗ϰϰϳ^ĞŝƚĞŶ Seiten % EĂĐŚƌŝĐŚƚĞŶ ϳϴ ϭϳ͘ϰϱ ŝƐĞŶŵĞƚĂůůнEͲDĞƚĂůů 99 ϮϮ͘ϭϱ sĞƌƐĐŚŝĞĚĞŶĞƐ 61 ϭϯ͘ϲϱ /ŶƚĞƌǀŝĞǁ ϯϴ ϴ͘ϱϬ &ĂĐŚŵĞƐƐĞŶ ϯϱ ϳ͘ϴϯ ͻ Herausgeber: DĂŶĨƌĞĚĞĐŬ dĞĐŚŶŽůŽŐŝĞ Ϯϱ ϱ͘ϱϵ ͻ Verlagshaus:ZĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐ/ŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂůs Verlagsleitung: DĂŶĨƌĞĚĞĐŬ Telefon: нϯϭϮϲϯϭϮϬͲϵϵϰ Telefax: нϯϭϮϲϯϭϮϬͲϲϯϬ Internet: ǁǁǁ͘ƌĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐŝŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂů͘ĐŽŵ ĚĞůƐƚĂŚů 26 ϱ͘ϴϮ <ƵŶƐƚƐƚŽĨĨͬZĞŝĨĞŶ 19 ϰ͘Ϯϱ ƵƚŽŵŽďŝů 12 Ϯ͘ϲϴ ůĞŬƚƌŽŶŝŬƐĐŚƌŽƚƚ 11 Ϯ͘ϰϲ ͻ Erscheinungsweise:ϭϬdžƉƌŽ:ĂŚƌ ;:ĂŶͬ&ĞďƵŶĚ:ƵŶͬ:ƵůŝƐŝŶĚŽƉƉĞůŶƵŵŵĞƌŶͿ ͻ Jahrgang: ϭϴ ͻ Web-Adresse (URL):ǁǁǁ͘ƌĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐŝŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂů͘ĐŽŵ ͻ Mitgliedschaften:^s͕/Z͕DZ͕/^Z/͕DZ͕DZ&͕^DZE ͻ Redaktion: Martijn Reintjes ŵĂƌƚŝũŶΛƌĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐŝŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂů͘ĐŽŵ;ǀĞƌĂŶƚǁŽƌƚůŝĐŚͿ ͻ V ertrieb: :ƵĚŝƚŚtĂŶũĂůĂ ũƵĚŝƚŚΛƌĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐŝŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂů͘ĐŽŵ;ǀĞƌĂŶƚǁŽƌƚůŝĐŚͿ ͻ V erwaltung:,ĞůŐĂ&ƌĞƐĞŶ ŚĞůŐĂΛƌĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐŝŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂů͘ĐŽŵ;ǀĞƌĂŶƚǁŽƌƚůŝĐŚͿ ͻ B ezugspreis: :ĂŚƌĞƐĂďŽŶŶĞŵĞŶƚΦϭϰϵ͕Ͳ;ĞdžŬů͘Dǁ^ƚ͘Ϳ ŝŶnjĞůǀĞƌŬĂƵĨƐƉƌĞŝƐΦϭϰ͕Ͳ ͻ /^^EͲEƵŵŵĞƌϭϯϴϳͲϴϳϬϬ Redaktionelle Inhalte 9 2.01 WĂƉŝĞƌ dĞdžƚŝůŝĞŶ Ϯϰ 10 ϱ͘ϯϳ Ϯ͘Ϯϰ 'ĞƐĂŵƚ ϰϰϳ 100.00 'ĞƐĞƚnjŐĞďƵŶŐ Inhaltsverzeichnis dŝƚĞůƉŽƌƚƌćƚ Ϯʹϯ ƵĨůĂŐĞŶͲƵŶĚsĞƌďƌĞŝƚƵŶŐƐĂŶĂůLJƐĞ ϰ 'ƌƂƘĞŶƵŶĚWƌĞŝƐĞ ϱ <ůĞŝŶĂŶnjĞŝŐĞŶ ϲ ŝŶŬĂƵĨƐĨƺŚƌĞƌ ϳ ŶnjĞŝŐĞŶƐĐŚůƵƐƐƵŶĚ 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Januar 2016 2/1 Doppelseite 1/1 Seite 1/2 Seite hoch 1/2 Seite quer 1/3 Seite hoch ϯϵϰdžϮϳϬŵŵ ϰϮϬdžϮϵϳŵŵ Φϳ͘ϵϵϬ͕Ͳ ϭϴϱdžϮϳϬŵŵ ϮϭϬdžϮϵϳŵŵ Φϯ͘ϵϵϱ͕Ͳ ϵϬdžϮϳϬŵŵ ϭϬϭdžϮϵϳŵŵ ΦϮ͘ϲϱϬ͕Ͳ ϭϴϱdžϭϮϴŵŵ ϮϭϬdžϭϰϰŵŵ ΦϮ͘ϲϱϬ͕Ͳ ϱϴdžϮϳϬŵŵ ϲϵdžϮϵϳŵŵ ΦϮ͘Ϯϰϱ͕Ͳ 1/3 Seite quer 1/4 Seite norm 1/4 Seite quer 1/8 Seite norm 1/8 Seite quer 1/16 Seite quer ϭϴϱdžϴϱŵŵ ϮϭϬdžϭϬϭŵŵ ΦϮ͘Ϯϰϱ͕Ͳ ϵϬdžϭϮϴŵŵ ǀĞƌĨƺŐďĂƌĂƵĨŶĨƌĂŐĞ Φϭ͘ϲϳϱ͕Ͳ ϭϴϱdžϲϮŵŵ ϮϭϬdžϳϴŵŵ Φϭ͘ϲϳϱ͕Ͳ ϵϬdžϲϮŵŵ ʹ Φϭ͘Ϭϵϱ͕Ͳ ϭϴϱdžϯϬŵŵ ʹ Φϭ͘Ϭϵϱ͕Ͳ ϵϬdžϯϬŵŵ ʹ Φϲϵϱ͕Ͳ ůůĞWƌĞŝƐĞǀĞƌƐƚĞŚĞŶƐŝĐŚnjnjŐů͘Dǁ^ƚ͘&ŽƌŵĂƚĞ͗ƌĞŝƚĞdž,ƂŚĞΎƉůƵƐϯŵŵĞƐĐŚŶŝƚƚĂŶĂůůĞŶ,ĞĨƚĂƵƘĞŶŬĂŶƚĞŶ ϰരͬരϱ Kleinanzeigen 2016 ƌŐćŶnjƵŶŐnjƵƌWƌĞŝƐůŝƐƚĞEƌ͘ϭϵ͕ gültig ab 1. Januar 2016 Kleinanzeigenpreise /ŵ<ůĞŝŶĂŶnjĞŝŐĞŶďĞƌĞŝĐŚŬƂŶŶĞŶ^ŝĞ/ŚƌĞŶnjĞŝŐĞŶǁŝĞ^ƚĞůůĞŶĂŶŐĞďŽƚĞƵŶĚͲŐĞƐƵĐŚĞ͕<ćƵĨĞ͕ sĞƌŬćƵĨĞƵŶĚsĞƌƐĐŚŝĞĚĞŶĞƐƐĐŚĂůƚĞŶ͘ 1/16 Seite Farbig Format ϭരdž ϯരdž ϱരdž ϳരdž ϭϬരdž ϭϱരdž ϮϬരdž 1/4 Seite ϵϬdžϭϮϴŵŵ ϭϴϱdžϲϮŵŵ Φϵϴϱ͕Ͳ Φϵϱϱ͕Ͳ Φϵϯϱ͕Ͳ Φϵϭϱ͕Ͳ Φϴϴϱ͕Ͳ Φϳϴϱ͕Ͳ Φϳϯϱ͕Ͳ 1/8 Seite ϵϬdžϲϮŵŵ ϭϴϱdžϯϬŵŵ Φϰϵϱ͕Ͳ ΦϰϴϬ͕Ͳ ΦϰϳϬ͕Ͳ ΦϰϲϬ͕Ͳ Φϰϰϱ͕Ͳ Φϯϵϱ͕Ͳ ΦϯϳϬ͕Ͳ 1/16 Seite ϵϬdžϯϬŵŵ ΦϮϱϱ͕Ͳ ΦϮϰϱ͕Ͳ ΦϮϰϬ͕Ͳ ΦϮϯϱ͕Ͳ ΦϮϮϱ͕Ͳ ΦϮϬϱ͕Ͳ Φϭϵϱ͕Ͳ ƵƘĞƌŐĞǁƂŚŶůŝĐŚĞŶnjĞŝŐĞŶĨŽƌŵĂƚĞĂƵĨŶĨƌĂŐĞ͘ 'ĞƌŶĞƺďĞƌŶĞŚŵĞŶǁŝƌĂƵĨtƵŶƐĐŚĂƵĐŚĚŝĞ'ĞƐƚĂůƚƵŶŐ/ŚƌĞƌŶnjĞŝŐĞ;ƵĨƉƌĞŝƐ͗Φϲϱ͕ͲͿ͘ <ĞŝŶŐĞŶƚƵƌƌĂďĂƚƚ͘ ůůĞŽďĞŶŐĞŶĂŶŶƚĞŶWƌĞŝƐĞǀĞƌƐƚĞŚĞŶƐŝĐŚnjnjŐů͘Dǁ^ƚ͘ 1/8 Seite 1/4 Seite norm P Einkaufsführer 2016 EINKAUFSFÜHRER PRINT & ONLINE DĞůĚĞŶ^ŝĞƐŝĐŚĨƺƌĚĞŶŝŶŬĂƵĨƐĨƺŚƌĞƌǀŽŶZĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐ/ŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂůĂŶƵŶĚ ƉƌŽĨŝƚŝĞƌĞŶ^ŝĞĚŽƉƉĞůƚ͘/ŚƌĞŝŶƚƌćŐĞǁĞƌĚĞŶŝŶũĞĚĞƌƵƐŐĂďĞǀŽŶZĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐ /ŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂůĂďŐĞĚƌƵĐŬƚ;ϭϬŵĂůŝŵ:ĂŚƌͿƵŶĚŝŶƵŶƐĞƌĞŵKŶůŝŶĞͲ&ƺŚƌĞƌĂůƐ ŬŽŵďŝŶŝĞƌƚĞƐWĂŬĞƚǀĞƌƂĨĨĞŶƚůŝĐŚƚ͘ƵƌĐŚĚŝĞƐĞ<ŽŵďŝŶĂƚŝŽŶƉƌćƐĞŶƚŝĞƌĞŶ^ŝĞ /ŚƌhŶƚĞƌŶĞŚŵĞŶǁĞůƚǁĞŝƚ͊ Ihr Unternehmen ist das Ziel der Käufer. Lassen Sie sich von Ihren Kunden finden! ͻ/ŚƌĞ&ŝƌŵĞŶĚĂƚĞŶǁĞƌĚĞŶƵŶƚĞƌĚĞŶmďĞƌƐĐŚƌŝĨƚĞŶ/ŚƌĞƌtĂŚůĂƵĨŐĞĨƺŚƌƚ͘ ĂƌƺďĞƌŚŝŶĂƵƐďŝĞƚĞŶǁŝƌ/ŚŶĞŶŵĂƘŐĞƐĐŚŶĞŝĚĞƌƚĞmďĞƌƐĐŚƌŝĨƚĞŶĨƺƌ/Śƌ hŶƚĞƌŶĞŚŵĞŶ͘ ƌŐćŶnjƵŶŐnjƵƌWƌĞŝƐůŝƐƚĞEƌ͘ϭϵ͕ gültig ab 1. Januar 2016 PREMIUM ΦϮ͘ϬϬϬ͕Ͳ ĨƺƌϭϬƵƐŐĂďĞŶ RECYCLING INTERNATIONAL BUYERS GUIDE Analyzers, handheld Oxford Instruments Cable Strippers Bronneberg recycling machines & services Branchweg 3 NL-5705 DR Helmond The Netherlands +31 492 591 900 +31 492 543 045 2 Radcliff Road Tewksbury, MA 01876 USA +1 978-670-7460 +1 978-670-7430 pai.inside.sales@ Zimmer Katalysatoren Recycling GmbH Alleestrasse 8 50354 Hürth Germany +49 22 33/80 80-10 +49 22 33/80 80-199 201 East Shady Grove Road Grand Prairie, TX 75050 USA +1 972 790 7800 +1 972 790 8733 Baler, Ferrous Harris/IPS Balers ͻ^ĐŚůŝĞƘĞŶ^ŝĞĂƵĐŚ/Śƌ&ŝƌŵĞŶůŽŐŽĞŝŶ͕Ƶŵ/ŚƌĞŶŝŶƚƌĂŐĂƵĨnjƵǁĞƌƚĞŶ͘ 315 W 12th Avenue Cordele, GA 31015 USA +1 229-273-2500 Sierra Intl. Machinery PO Box 1340 Bakersfield, CA 93302 USA +1 800 343 8503 +1 661 327 7073 Vezzani Piazza Nevi 1 15076 Ovada (AL) Italy +39 0143823069 ZDAS, a.s. Strojirenska 6 PO Box 145 59171 Zdar nad Sazavou Czech Republic +420 566 642 124 +420 566 642 850 Mobile, Shears ANDRITZ MewA GmbH Gültlinger Strasse 3 75391 Gechingen Germany +49 7056 9250 +49 7056 925 119 www.danieli-centro-recycling. com Can Crushers/Densifiers Aerosolv PO Box 65 6800 AB Arnhem The Netherlands +31 26 383 0156 +31 26 383 01 62 Catalytic Converter Recyclers BASF Metals Recycling Limited Forest Vale Road Cinderford Gloucestershire GL14 2PH United Kingdom +44 1594 821 314 +44 1594 826 013 Mühlweg 10 63743 Aschaffenburg Germany +49 6028 12 09-0 +49 6028 12 09-20 G.P.S. Processing Solutions Via Cosmé Tura 29 44121 Ferrara Italy +39 0532 1640048 Shredder Mobile ZB Group COGELME S.a.s. Lefort SA S.S. per Genova / Via Postumia 15057 Tortona (AL) Italy +39 0131 861880 +39 0131866337 Rue Tahon, 1A 6041 Gosselies Belgium +32 7135 1609 Crushers for grinding glass bottles, other glass containers and flat glass. Ideal also for destruction of glass containers with the liquid inside. Europe’s first choice among installations. Granulating Equipment MTB Quartier de la Gare 38460 Trept France +33 474 928 768 +33 474 929 346 Magnets, Eddy Currents S.S. per Genova / Via Postumia 15057 Tortona (AL) Italy +39 0131 861880 +39 0131866337 Machines for high-precision separation and recovery of stainless steel, non-ferrous and ferrous metals. Long-lasting durability. Zamabilde s/n - APDO, 40 20100 Errenteria - Gipuzkoa Basque Country (Spain) +34 943 515 500 +34 943 515 562 Software Services Recy Systems AG ZDAS, a.s. Strojirenska 6 PO Box 145 59171 Zdar nad Sazavou Czech Republic +420 566 642 124 +420 566 642 850 Weihenstephaner Strasse 1 85716 Unterschleissheim Germany +49 (0) 89 327 15 40 +49 (0) 89 327 15 44 4 Tire Recycling Equipment Noise Protection ILGmbH Eco Green Equipment Forstweg 7 52382 Niederzier Germany +49 24 28 94 33 0 +49 (0) 24 28 94 33 33 425 North 400 West Building 3 A North Salt Lake, UT 84054 USA +1 801 505 6841 +1 801 438 6340 sales@ecogreenequipment. com www.converter-recycling.basf. com Duesmann & Hensel Recycling GmbH Via Cesare Battisti, 77 21020 Daverio (VA) Italy +39 0332 947242 +39 0332 948245 Glass Crushers Nethermoor Works Otley Road, Guiseley Leeds LS20 8BT United Kingdom +44 1943 875 104 +44 1943 870 961 C&G Group Henschelplatz, 1 34127 Kassel Germany +49 561/801-5816 germany@danieli-henschel. com Wrights Recycling Machinery Ltd Baler, Ferrous FUSSZEILE ΦϯϱϬ͕Ͳ ƉƌŽƵƐŐĂďĞ Sciencepark Eindhoven 5502 5692 EL Son The Netherlands +31 40 2678840 Danieli Centro Recycling COGELME S.a.s. &ƺƌǁĞŝƚĞƌĞ/ŶĨŽƌŵĂƚŝŽŶĞŶŬŽŶƚĂŬƚŝĞƌĞŶ^ŝĞďŝƚƚĞ:ƵĚŝƚŚtĂŶũĂůĂ͘ dĞůĞĨŽŶ͗нϯϭ;ϬͿϮϲϳϰϭϬϮϬϬ ͲDĂŝů͗ ũƵĚŝƚŚΛƌĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐŝŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂů͘ĐŽŵ Shears, Guillotine Bakker Magnetics bv E-Scrap Autoflatteners /Crushers Granutech-Saturn Systems ͻ^ŝĞŚĂďĞŶĚŝĞtĂŚůnjǁŝƐĐŚĞŶĚĞŶŝŶƚƌĂŐƐǀĂƌŝĂŶƚĞŶBASIC und PREMIUM. PREMIUM PLUS /ŶĨŽƌŵĂƚŝŽŶƐnjĞŝůĞŶͲ ƉƌĞŝƐĂƵĨŶĨƌĂŐĞ Hausener Str. 101 86874 Zaisertshofen Germany +49 - 8268 - 9090-20 +49 - 8268 - 9090-90 Thermo Scientific Portable Analytical Instruments ͻĞƌŝŶŬĂƵĨƐĨƺŚƌĞƌ;WƌŝŶƚΘKŶůŝŶĞͿ͕ĚŝĞͣ'ĞůďĞŶ^ĞŝƚĞŶ͞ǀŽŶZĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐ /ŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂůƵŶĚĚŝĞĚŝŐŝƚĂůĞ^ƵĐŚŵĂƐĐŚŝŶĞĂƵĨƵŶƐĞƌĞƌtĞďƐŝƚĞ͕ŝƐƚĚĂƐ ƉĞƌĨĞŬƚĞtĞƌŬnjĞƵŐ͕ƵŵĨƺƌ/ŚƌhŶƚĞƌŶĞŚŵĞŶnjƵǁĞƌďĞŶ͘ Magnets, Related Equipment Briquetters RUF GmbH & Co. KG Tubney Woods Abbingdon Oxfordshire OX13 5QX United Kingdom +44 1865 3932 00 +44 14865 393333 BASIC Φϭ͘ϴϱϬ͕Ͳ ĨƺƌϭϬƵƐŐĂďĞŶ P Refrigerator Recycling Equipment www.ecogreenequipment. com ANDRITZ MewA GmbH Gültlinger Strasse 3 75391 Gechingen Germany +49 7056 9250 +49 7056 925 119 “We are always ready to purchase prime & secondary steel- new and used!” ϲരͬരϳ Anzeigenschluss und Themenplan 2016 Ausgabe 1 Erscheinungstermin Anlieferungstermin ϰ͘&ĞďƌƵĂƌ Sonderbeiträge Präsentiert bei ϰ͘:ĂŶƵĂƌ ͻ/ŵ&ŽŬƵƐ͗ůƵŵŝŶŝƵŵ ͻŝĞǁĞůƚďĞƐƚĞŶ^ĐŚƵůƵŶŐƐƉƌŽũĞŬƚĞŝŵĞƌĞŝĐŚ Recycling ͻ&ůƵŐnjĞƵŐƌĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐ͗tĂƐnjĞŝĐŚŶĞƚƐŝĐŚEĞƵĞƐĂď͍ ͻAnnual Meeting Bureau Middle East Recycling ƵďĂŝ;sͿ͕ϭϵ͘രʹരϮϬ͘&ĞďƌƵĂƌ ͻZh^Dd DŽƐŬĂƵ;ZƵƐƐůĂŶĚͿ͕Ϯϵ͘&ĞďƌƵĂƌരʹരϭ͘Dćƌnj ͻ^ĞŶƐŽƌͲĂƐĞĚ^ŽƌƚŝŶŐΘŽŶƚƌŽůϮϬϭϲ ĂĐŚĞŶ;ĞƵƚƐĐŚůĂŶĚͿ͕Ϯϯ͘രʹരϮϰ͘&ĞďƌƵĂƌ ϭϱ͘Dćƌnj ϵ͘&ĞďƌƵĂƌ ͻDŝŶŝ^ƉĞĐŝĂů͗ ŝĞďƐƚĂŚůĂďǁĞŚƌʹ^ŝĐŚĞƌŚĞŝƚŝŵ^ĐŚƌŽƚƚŚĂŶĚĞů ͻ/ŵ&ŽŬƵƐ͗WůĂƚŝŶŐƌƵƉƉĞŶŵĞƚĂůůĞ;W'DͿ ͻ>ĂŐĞďĞƌŝĐŚƚůĞŬƚƌŽŶŝŬƌĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐ ͻ/ŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂůƵƚŽŵŽďŝůĞZĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐŽŶŐƌĞƐƐ ĞƌůŝŶ;ĞƵƚƐĐŚůĂŶĚͿ͕ϭϲ͘രʹരϭϴ͘Dćƌnj ͻdZ;dLJƌĞZĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐŽŶĨĞƌĞŶĐĞͿ ƌƺƐƐĞů;ĞůŐŝĞŶͿ͕ϭϲ͘രʹരϭϴ͘Dćƌnj ͻ/^Z/ŽŶǀĞŶƚŝŽŶ >ĂƐsĞŐĂƐ;h^Ϳ͕ϯ͘രʹരϳ͘Ɖƌŝů ͻ^ĂǀĞƚŚĞWůĂŶĞƚ ^ŽĨŝĂ;ƵůŐĂƌŝĞŶͿ͕ϱ͘രʹരϳ͘Ɖƌŝů ϭϰ͘Ɖƌŝů ϭϳ͘Dćƌnj ͻ>ćŶĚĞƌďĞƌŝĐŚƚ͗DĞƚĂůůƐĐŚƌŽƚƚŝŶZƵƐƐůĂŶĚ ͻŝĞŶĞƵĞƐƚĞŶdƌĞŶĚƐŝŵƵƚŽƌĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐ ͻŝĞ,ĞƌĂƵƐĨŽƌĚĞƌƵŶŐĞŶŝŵZĞŝĨĞŶƌĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐĨƺƌƵƌŽƉĂ ͻCircular Materials Conference 'ƂƚĞďŽƌŐ ;^ĐŚǁĞĚĞŶͿ͕ϭϭ͘രʹരϭϮ͘DĂŝ 19. Mai ϭϰ͘Ɖƌŝů ͻ>ĂŐĞďĞƌŝĐŚƚh^͗/^Z/ŽŶĨĞƌĞŶĐĞΘdžƉŽ ͻŝĞƵƐǁŝƌŬƵŶŐĞŶǀŽŶZĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐĂƵĨĂŶĚĞƌĞ ƌĂŶĐŚĞŶ͗ĂƵŐĞǁĞƌďĞ͕^LJƐƚĞŵŐĂƐƚƌŽŶŽŵŝĞ͕ ĞǁŝƌƚƵŶŐ ͻDĂĚĞŝŶ'ĞƌŵĂŶLJ͗tĂƐǀĞƌůĞŝŚƚZĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐĂŶůĂŐĞŶΘ ͲƚĞĐŚŶŽůŽŐŝĞĂƵƐĞƵƚƐĐŚůĂŶĚĚĞŶZƵĨďĞƐƚĞƌ YƵĂůŝƚćƚ͍ ͻBIR Convention ĞƌůŝŶ;ĞƵƚƐĐŚůĂŶĚͿ͕ ϯϬ͘DĂŝരʹരϭ͘:ƵŶŝ ͻIFAT ĞƌůŝŶ;ĞƵƚƐĐŚůĂŶĚͿ͕ ϯϬ͘DĂŝരʹരϯ͘:ƵŶŝ ͻKupferkonferenz Juni Januar/ Februar 2 März 3 April 4 Mai 5 Juni/Juli ϯϬ͘:ƵŶŝ 26. Mai ͻ,ƂŚĞƉƵŶŬƚĞǀŽŵ/ZͲtĞůƚŬŽŶŐƌĞƐƐnjƵZĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐͲ ĨƌĂŐĞŶŝŶĞƌůŝŶ ͻĂƐĞƐƚĞǀŽŶĚĞƌ/&dϮϬϭϲ ͻ>ĂŐĞďĞƌŝĐŚƚWĂƉŝĞƌƌĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐ A Euro 2016 France Kroatien 1. ___________ 2. ___________ Mexiko Kamerun 3. ___________ 4. ___________ Team I Di 17.06. 21:00 Team II Brasilien Kroatien Mexiko Kamerun Brasilien Mexiko Mi 18.06. 23:00 Kamerun Kroatien Mo 23.06. 22:00 Kamerun Brasilien Kroatien Mexiko B Final table Brasilien Kick-off Do 12.06. 22:00 Fr 13.06. 18:00 Mo 23.06. 22:00 Spanien Niederlande Score : : : : Tip 1 Tip 2 Tip 3 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 1. ___________ 2. ___________ Australien 3. ___________ 4. ___________ Kick-off Team I Team II Fr 13.06. 21:00 Spanien Niederlande : : : : Fr 13.06. 23:00 Chile Australien : : : : Australien Niederlande : : Mi 18.06. 18:00 Round of 16 AF1 Sa 28.06. 18:00 AF2 Sa 28.06. 22:00 AF3 So 29.06. 18:00 AF4 So 29.06. 22:00 Score : : : : Zweiter A : : : : : : : Zweiter F : : : : Zweiter H : : : : Zweiter E : : : : Sieger H Zweiter G : : : : Sieger E : : Tip 3 Zweiter D Sieger F AF8 Di 01.07. 22:00 Sieger G Zweiter C : Tip 2 Zweiter B Sieger C Sieger B Sieger D : Tip 1 Sieger A AF7 Di 01.07. 18:00 AF5 Mo 30.06. 18:00 AF6 Mo 30.06. 22:00 : Final table Chile Score Tip 1 Tip 2 Tip 3 Quarter-finals VF1 Fr 04.07. 18:00 VF2 Fr 04.07. 22:00 Sieger AF1 Sieger AF5 Score Tip 1 Tip 2 Tip 3 : : : : Sieger AF2 Sieger AF6 : : : : D Costa Rica 1. ___________ 2. ___________ England Italien 3. ___________ 4. ___________ Team I Sa 14.06. 23:00 Do 19.06. 21:00 Uruguay England Uruguay Fr 20.06. 18:00 Italien Di 24.06. 18:00 Italien Di 24.06. 18:00 Costa Rica E Final table Uruguay Kick-off Sa 14.06. 21:00 Schweiz Frankreich Kick-off Team I Team II Costa Rica Italien England Costa Rica Uruguay England Score : : : : : : Tip 1 : : : : : : Tip 2 : : : : : : Tip 3 : : : : : : Final table Ecuador 1. ___________ 2. ___________ Honduras 3. ___________ 4. ___________ Team II Score Tip 1 Tip 2 Tip 3 So 15.06. 18:00 Schweiz Ecuador : : : : So 15.06. 21:00 Frankreich Honduras : : : : : : Schweiz Frankreich : : : : Mi 18.06. 21:00 Spanien Chile : : : : VF3 Sa 05.07. 18:00 Sieger AF7 Sieger AF8 : : : : Fr 20.06. 00:00 Honduras Ecuador : : : : Mo 23.06. 18:00 Australien Spanien : : : : VF4 Sa 05.07. 22:00 Sieger AF3 Sieger AF4 : : : : Mi 25.06. 21:00 Honduras Schweiz : : : : Mo 23.06. 18:00 Niederlande C Kolumbien Elfenbeinküste Kick-off Team I Sa 14.06. 18:00 Kolumbien Sa 14.06. 03:00 Elfenbeinküste Chile : : : : Final table Griechenland 1. ___________ 2. ___________ Japan 3. ___________ 4. ___________ Team II Score Tip 1 Tip 2 Tip 3 Griechenland : : : : Japan : : : : Do 19.06. 18:00 Kolumbien Elfenbeinküste : : : : Do 19.06. 00:00 Japan Griechenland : : : : Di 24.06. 21:00 Japan Kolumbien Di 24.06. 22:00 Griechenland Elfenbeinküste Fr 20.06. 21:00 : : : : : : : : Mi 25.06. 22:00 Semi-finals HF1 Di 08.07. 22:00 Sieger VF1 HF2 Mi 09.07. 22:00 Sieger VF4 Score Sieger VF2 : Sieger VF3 Tip 1 : Tip 2 : Tip 3 : : : : : Score Tip 1 Tip 2 Tip 3 F Sa 12.07. 22:00 Verlierer HF1 Verlierer HF2 Sieger HF1 Sieger HF2 Final So 13.07. 21:00 : : : : Score Tip 1 Tip 2 Tip 3 : : : : Europaweiter Terminplan ĞŝůĂŐĞŝŶEƌ͘ϰ Ecuador Argentinien Iran Kick-off So 15.06. 00:00 Match for 3rd place Iran Sa 21.06. 18:00 Argentinien Sa 21.06. 23:00 Frankreich : : : : Final table BosnienHerzegowina 1. ___________ 2. ___________ Nigeria Team I Argentinien Mo 16.06. 21:00 Team II Bosnien-H. Nigeria Iran 3. ___________ 4. ___________ Score : : : Tip 1 : : : Tip 2 : : : Tip 3 : : : Nigeria Bosnien-H. : : : : Mi 25.06. 18:00 Nigeria Argentinien : : : : Mi 25.06. 18:00 Bosnien-H. Iran : : : : 6 ϭϴ͘ƵŐƵƐƚ ϭϰ͘:Ƶůŝ ϭϱ͘^ĞƉƚĞŵďĞƌ ϭϭ͘ƵŐƵƐƚ August 7 September 8 9 ͻRWM Exhibition ŝƌŵŝŶŐŚĂŵ;h<Ϳ͕^ĞƉƚĞŵďĞƌ ͻE-Scrap Conference EĞǁKƌůĞĂŶƐ;h^Ϳ͕ϮϬ͘രʹരϮϮ͘^ĞƉƚĞŵďĞƌ ͻZĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐ/ŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂůƐdŽƉϭϬϬ͗ ŝĞŝŶƐƉŝƌŝĞƌĞŶĚƐƚĞŶWƌŽũĞŬƚĞ ƵŶĚWĞƌƐƂŶůŝĐŚŬĞŝƚĞŶŝŵĞƌĞŝĐŚZĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐ ͻInt. Battery Recycling Conference ^ĞƉƚĞŵďĞƌ ͻBIR Convention ŵƐƚĞƌĚĂŵ;EŝĞĚĞƌůĂŶĚĞͿ͕Ϯϰ͘രʹരϮϱ͘KŬƚŽďĞƌ ͻEuropean Paper Recycling Conference KŬƚŽďĞƌ ͻEcomondo ZŝŵŝŶŝ;/ƚĂůŝĞŶͿ͕EŽǀĞŵďĞƌ ͻWRF 2016 ;ƐŝĞŶͿ͕EŽǀĞŵďĞƌ ϮϬ͘KŬƚŽďĞƌ ϭϱ͘^ĞƉƚĞŵďĞƌ ͻ,ƂŚĞƉƵŶŬƚĞǀŽŶĚĞƌ&ĂĐŚŵĞƐƐĞZtDŝŶ 'ƌŽƘďƌŝƚĂŶŶŝĞŶ ͻEĞƵĞƐƚĞŶƚǁŝĐŬůƵŶŐĞŶďĞŝŵĂƚƚĞƌŝĞƌĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐ ͻ'ƌƵƘĂƵƐ,ŽůůĂŶĚ͗ĞŝŶŬůĞŝŶĞƐ>ĂŶĚŐĂŶnjŐƌŽƘŝŵ Recycling ϮϬ͘KŬƚŽďĞƌ ϭϱ͘^ĞƉƚĞŵďĞƌ Recycling Technology 2016/17 ϭϳ͘EŽǀĞŵďĞƌ ϭϯ͘KŬƚŽďĞƌ Oktober Sonderausgabe ͻ>ĂŐĞďĞƌŝĐŚƚ^ĐŚŝĨĨƐƌĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐ ͻ<ƵƉĨĞƌƌĞŐŝĞƌƚĚŝĞtĞůƚ ͻDĞƚĂůůƌĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐŝŶŚŝŶĂŶĂĐŚϮϬϮϱ November ͻ,ƂŚĞƉƵŶŬƚĞǀŽŵ/ZͲtĞůƚŬŽŶŐƌĞƐƐnjƵZĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐĨƌĂŐĞŶ ŝŶŵƐƚĞƌĚĂŵ ͻ^ƉĞĐŝĂů͗ŝĞtĞůƚĚĞƌ>ŽŐŝƐƚŝŬ ͻPollutec >LJŽŶ;&ƌĂŶŬƌĞŝĐŚͿ͕ Ϯϵ͘EŽǀĞŵďĞƌʹϮ͘ĞnjĞŵďĞƌ JANUARY FEBRUARY 1 Mi 2 Do 3 Mo 4 Sa ϵ͘EŽǀĞŵďĞƌ Dezember ͻϮϬϭϳƵŶĚĚĂŶĂĐŚ͙ZĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐ/ŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂůƐǁĞůƚǁĞŝƚĞ ƌĂŶĐŚĞŶƵŵĨƌĂŐĞ ͻ>ćŶĚĞƌďĞƌŝĐŚƚ͗ĚŝĞdƺƌŬĞŝ͕ĚĞƌŐƌƂƘƚĞ^ƚĂŚůƐĐŚƌŽƚƚͲ ŝŵƉŽƌƚĞƵƌĚĞƌtĞůƚ 7 Fr 8 Sa 9 So MAY 4 columns 155 x 155 mm ITB ITB ITB ITB 19 Mi 19 Mi 19 Sa 19 Mo 4 20 Do 20 Do 20 So Ostersonntag 20 Di 14 Fr Valentinstag 14 Fr 15 Sa 117 MMoo 21 Di 21 Fr 22 Mi 24 Mo 25 Di 5 Heft 1/2 21 Fr 21 Mo Ostermontag 22 Sa 24 Mo 17 Do 13 17 22 Do 23 Fr 24 Do 26 Mo 27 Di 28 Fr 28 Mo 28 Fr 29 Sa 30 Do 30 So Beginn der Sommerzeit 31 Fr 31 Mo 14 18 28 Mi 1 Mo OCTOBER 14 Mo 25 29 14 Do 15 Di 15 Fr Mariä Himmelfahrt 16 Mi 16 Sa 17 Do 177 So 18 Fr 18 Mo 19 Do Fronleichnam 19 Sa 19 Di 20 Fr 20 So 20 Mi 21 Sa 21 Mo 30 22 Di 26 24 Di 21 Do 25 Do 26 Sa 26 Di 26 Fr 27 So 27 Mi 27 Sa 28 Sa 29 Di 29 Do Christi Himmelfahrt 29 So 30 Fr 30 Mo 28 Mo 29 Di 27 30 Mi 31 Do 31 RDA-Workshop RDA-Workshop RDA-Workshop 28 Do 28 So 29 Fr 29 Mo 30 Sa 30 Di 31 S0 IAA Nutzfahrzeuge 40 IAA Nutzfahrzeuge IAA Nutzfahrzeuge 28 Di ͻ/ŶƚĞƌǀŝĞǁƐͻhŶƚĞƌŶĞŚŵĞŶƐƉƌŽĨŝůĞͻŶďŝĞƚĞƌƉƌŽĨŝůĞͻDĂƌŬƚďĞƌŝĐŚƚĞͻŬƚƵĞůůĞƐͻWƌŽĚƵŬƚŶĞƵŝŐŬĞŝƚĞŶ ƵƌĞĂĐŚƚƵŶŐ͗ZĞĚĂŬƚŝŽŶĞůůĞŶĚĞƌƵŶŐĞŶĂƵƐĂŬƚƵĞůůĞŵŶůĂƐƐǀŽƌďĞŚĂůƚĞŶ͘ ZĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐ/ŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂůǁŝƌĚĂƵĨǀŝĞůĞŶǁĞŝƚĞƌĞŶsĞƌĂŶƐƚĂůƚƵŶŐĞŶƉƌćƐĞŶƚŝĞƌƚ͘sŝĞůĞĚĞƌdĞƌŵŝŶĞĨƺƌϮϬϭϲƐƚĞŚĞŶŶŽĐŚŶŝĐŚƚŐĞŶĂƵĨĞƐƚ͘ ϴരͬരϵ 14 So 3. Advent 15 Mo 24 Mo 25 Di 21 So 4. Advent 22 Mo 24 Mi Heiligabend 25 Do 1. Weihnachtstag 26 Fr 2. Weihnachtstag 27 Sa 28 Fr 52 23 Di 48 26 Mi 27 Do 28 So 29 Mi 29 Sa 29 Mo 30 So 1. Advent 30 Di 31 Fr Reformationstag 51 17 Mi 18 Do 19 Fr 20 Sa 22 Sa 44 50 Heft 12 16 Di 47 30 Do Your gateway to the global recycling industry! ͻIERC (Electronics Recycling) ^ĂůnjďƵƌŐ;PƐƚĞƌƌĞŝĐŚͿ͕:ĂŶƵĂƌϮϬϭϳ Heft 11 20 Do 23 So 24 Fr 25 Sa 26 So Ende der Sommerzeit 27 Mo 17 Mo 19 Mi Buß- und Bettag 21 Fr 22 Mi 23 Do IAA Nutzfahrzeuge IAA Nutzfahrzeuge IAA Nutzfahrzeuge 8 Mo 9 Di 13 Sa 18 Di 43 21 Di 39 24 Mi 35 26 Do 27 Fr 7 So 2. Advent 12 FFrr 155 Sa 19 So 49 4 Do 5 Fr 6 Sa Nikolaus Nikolaus 111 Do 1166 So Heft 10 18 Sa 23 Di 24 So 25 Mo 177 Fr 10 Mi 11 Di 12 Mii 13 Do 14 Fr 1 Mi 15 20 Mo 3 Mi 46 7 Fr 8 Sa 16 Do Heft 9 21 So 22 Mo 23 Sa Heft 6/7 25 Fr 119 Fr 20 Sa 22 Fr 23 Mi 24 Do 25 Mi 338 17 Mi 118 Do DECEMBER 1 Mo 2 Di 45 4 Di 6 Do 9 So 4 42 14 Di 14 So 155 MMo 1166 DDi 34 Heft 8 1 Sa 10 Mo 11 Sa 12 So 13 Mo 2 So 5 Mi 8 Mi 9 Do 10 Fr Allerheiligen 3 Mo 41 7 Di 37 9 Di 11 Do 12 Fr 16 Mo NOVEMBER IAA Nutzfahrzeuge IAA Nutzfahrzeuge 4 Sa 5 So 6 Mo 7 So 8 Mo 1 Mi 2 Do 3 Fr Tag der Dt. Einheit 4 Do 5 Fr 6 Sa 10 Mi Zusätzlich bietet Recycling International regelmäßig ... 36 2 Di 3 Mi 33 13 Sa 30 Mi 31 Sa 11 Mo 12 Di 22 So 22 SEPTEMBER 32 7 Do 8 Fr 9 Sa 10 So 13 Mi 23 Mo 24 Sa 26 Sa 27 So 4 Mo 5 Di 6 Mi 28 11 Fr 12 Sa 17 Di 25 So 26 Mi 27 Do 7 Mo 8 Di 9 Mi 10 Do 13 So 18 Mi 21 Mi 22 Di 23 Mi 26 Mi 27 Do AUGUST 1 Fr 2 Sa 3 So 4 Fr 5 Sa 6 So + 155 x 305 mm 13 Fr 14 Sa 21 JULY 1 Di 2 Mi 3 Do 24 1122 Do 15 So Heft 5 17 Sa 18 So 25 Fr 25 Di 14 Mi 16 FFr 2017 2016 23 7 Sa 8 So 9 Mo Pfingstmontag 11 Mi M 2200 15 Doo Heft 4 18 Fr Karfreitag 23 So 9 16 16 Mii 12 118 Di 23 So 24 Fr 25 Sa 26 So 17 Mo 14 Moo 115 Di 116 So 22 Sa 23 Do Heft 3 15 Sa 8 18 Di 5 Do 6 Fr Pfingstsonntag 10 Di 11 So Muttertag 122 MMo 16 Soo 4 Mi 19 7 Mi 8 Do 9 Fr 10 Sa 11 Fr 13 Di 17 Fr 2 Mo 3 Di 4 So 5 Mo 6 Di 15 8 Di 9 Mi 10 Do 12 Sa 18 Sa 1 So 3 Sa 5 Sa 6 So 7 Mo JUNE 1 Do 2 Fr 3 Do 4 Fr ITB 11 13 So 19 So 28 Di 5 Mi 6 Do 11 Di 12 Mi 13 Do 14 Di 29 Mi 4 Di Fastnacht Aschermittwoch Tag der Arbeit 2 Mi 10 Rosenmontag 7 Fr 8 Sa 9 So 11 Di 12 Mi 13 Do 15 Mi 27 Mo 10 Mo 6 Do 10 Mo 3 16 Do 20 Mo 3 Mo 7 5 Mi 2 7 Di 8 Mi 9 Do 1 Di 2 So 6 4 Di 5 So 11 Sa APRIL 1 Sa 2 So 3 Fr 6 Mo MARCH 1 Sa Neujahr Hl. Drei Könige 10 Fr 12 So ϭϰ͘ĞnjĞŵďĞƌ 2 columns 155 x 75 mm Exclusive 800 x 155 mm 13 Mo Wandkalender ĞŝůĂŐĞŝŶEƌ͘ϵ 10 1 column 2 columns 75 x 75 mm 75 x 155 mm 31 Mi Silvester 1 Anzeigenpreise und Anforderungen 'ƺůƚŝŐĂďϭ͘:ĂŶƵĂƌϮϬϭϲ 2016 ͻ A uflage: ƌƵĐŬĂƵĨůĂŐĞ͗ ϳ͘ϬϬϬ dĂƚƐćĐŚůŝĐŚǀĞƌďƌĞŝƚĞƚĞdžĞŵƉůĂƌĞŝŵ:ĂŚƌĞƐĚƵƌĐŚƐĐŚŶŝƚƚ͗ ƵŶŐĞĨćŚƌϳϬ͘ϬϬϬ ͻ Z eitschriftenformat: ϮϭϬŵŵďƌĞŝƚdžϮϵϳŵŵŚŽĐŚ͕/Eϰ Satzspiegel: ϭϴϱŵŵďƌĞŝƚdžϮϳϬŵŵŚŽĐŚ ͻ Druck- und Bindeverfahren, Druckunterlagen: /ŶŚĂůƚ͗ZŽůůĞŶŽĨĨƐĞƚ;ƵƌŽƐŬĂůĂͿ͕hŵƐĐŚůĂŐ͗ŽŐĞŶŽĨĨƐĞƚ;ƵƌŽƐŬĂůĂͿ <ůĂŵŵĞƌŚĞĨƚƵŶŐ Digitale Anzeigen – Druckunterlagen Datenformat: ŝƚƚĞůŝĞĨĞƌŶ^ŝĞ/ŚƌĞƌƵĐŬƵŶƚĞƌůĂŐĞŶĂůƐW&ͲĂƚĞŝ ;ŵĂdžŝŵĂůƉĚĨϭ͘ϯͿ͘tŝƌĞŵƉĨĞŚůĞŶĚŝĞŝŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂůĞEŽƌŵW&ͬyͲϭĂ͘ Farbraum: ĞƌƌƵĐŬĞƌĨŽůŐƚŶĂĐŚĚĞƌƵƌŽƐŬĂůĂŝŵ WƌŽnjĞƐƐƐƚĂŶĚĂƌĚKĨĨƐĞƚĚƌƵĐŬŵŝƚĚĞŶ'ƌƵŶĚĨĂƌďĞŶLJĂŶ͕DĂŐĞŶƚĂ͕ 'ĞůďƵŶĚ^ĐŚǁĂƌnj͘^ŽŶĚĞƌĨĂƌďĞŶƐŝŶĚŶƵƌŶĂĐŚďƐƉƌĂĐŚĞŵƂŐůŝĐŚƵŶĚ ǁĞƌĚĞŶĂŶƐŽŶƐƚĞŶŝŶƵŶƐĞƌĞƌƌƵĐŬǀŽƌƐƚƵĨĞŝŶϰĐƵŵŐĞǁĂŶĚĞůƚ͘ Profil:/^KĐŽĂƚĞĚͺǀϮ͘ŝĐĐ ĂƐWƌŽĨŝůŬĂŶŶƵŶƚĞƌǁǁǁ͘ĞĐŝ͘ŽƌŐŚĞƌƵŶƚĞƌŐĞůĂĚĞŶǁĞƌĚĞŶ Proof: ŝŶĞǀĞƌďŝŶĚůŝĐŚĞ&ĂƌďǁŝĞĚĞƌŐĂďĞŝŵƌƵĐŬŬĂŶŶŶƵƌŵŝƚĞŝŶĞŵ WƌŽŽĨŵŝƚhŐƌĂͬ&ŽŐƌĂͲDĞĚŝĞŶŬĞŝůŐĞǁćŚƌůĞŝƐƚĞƚǁĞƌĚĞŶ͘ ŝŶĨĂƌďŝŐĞƌƵƐĚƌƵĐŬŬĂŶŶůĞĚŝŐůŝĐŚnjƵƌ<ŽŶƚƌŽůůĞĚŝĞŶĞŶ͘ Datenträger = Digitale Dateien: ͲZKDͬs ĂƚĞŶƺďĞƌƚƌĂŐƵŶŐďŝƐϱDƉĞƌͲDĂŝůĂŶ ũƵĚŝƚŚΛƌĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐŝŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂů͕ĂŶƐŽŶƐƚĞŶƉĞƌ&dWĂƵĨŶĨƌĂŐĞ͘ 'ĞƐƚĂůƚƵŶŐǀŽŶŶnjĞŝŐĞŶĂƵĨŶĨƌĂŐĞ;njƵŵ^ĞůďƐƚŬŽƐƚĞŶƉƌĞŝƐͿ ͻ Anzeigenschluss: ƐŝĞŚĞŶnjĞŝŐĞŶƐĐŚůƵƐƐƵŶĚdŚĞŵĞŶƉůĂŶĂƵĨĚĞŶ^ĞŝƚĞŶϴͬϵ Erscheinungsweise: ϭϬŵĂůŝŵ:ĂŚƌ ͻ Verlag: ZĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐ/ŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂůs ZĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐ/ŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂů sůĂŵŽǀĞŶϯϰ͕ϲϴϮϲdEƌŶŚĞŵ͕dŚĞEĞƚŚĞƌůĂŶĚƐ WKŽdžϮϬϵϴ͕ϲϴϬϮƌŶŚĞŵ͕dŚĞEĞƚŚĞƌůĂŶĚƐ ǁǁǁ͘ƌĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐŝŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂů͘ĐŽŵ :ƵĚŝƚŚtĂŶũĂůĂ dĞůĞĨŽŶ͗нϯϭ;ϬͿϮϲϯϭϮϬϵϵϰ dĞůĞĨĂdž͗нϯϭ;ϬͿϮϲϯϭϮϬϲϯϬ ͲDĂŝů͗ ũƵĚŝƚŚΛƌĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐŝŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂů͘ĐŽŵ ,ĂƵƐĂŶƐĐŚƌŝĨƚ͗ WŽƐƚĂŶƐĐŚƌŝĨƚ͗ /ŶƚĞƌŶĞƚ͗ ŶnjĞŝŐĞŶĚŝƐƉŽ͗ ͻ Zahlungsbedingungen: ĂŚůƵŶŐϭϰdĂŐĞŶĂĐŚZĞĐŚŶƵŶŐƐĚĂƚƵŵ͘ ϭtŽĐŚĞǀŽƌŶnjĞŝŐĞŶƐĐŚůƵƐƐǁĞƌĚĞŶŬĞŝŶĞ^ƚŽƌŶŝĞƌƵŶŐĞŶŵĞŚƌĂŬnjĞƉƚŝĞƌƚ͘ Ğŝ^ƚŽƌŶŝĞƌƵŶŐĞŶŶĂĐŚŶnjĞŝŐĞŶƐĐŚůƵƐƐǁĞƌĚĞŶϭϬϬй^ƚŽƌŶŽŐĞďƺŚƌǀŽŵ 'ĞƐĂŵƚƉƌĞŝƐĨćůůŝŐ͘ Bankverbindung: EͲDZK /E͗E>ϳϲEϬϱϮϯϰϱϭϮϱϯ/͗EE>Ϯ ͻ Anzeigenformate und Preise (in Euro): ůůĞWƌĞŝƐĞǀĞƌƐƚĞŚĞŶƐŝĐŚnjnjŐů͘Dǁ^ƚ͘ Format ,ŽĐŚ 2/1 ŽƉƉĞůƐĞŝƚĞ 4c ƌĞŝƚ ϯϵϰdžϮϳϬ Φϳ.990,- 1/1 ^ĞŝƚĞ ϭϴϱdžϮϳϬ 1/2 ^ĞŝƚĞ ϵϬdžϮϳϬ ϭϴϱdžϭϮϴ ΥϮ͘ϲϱϬ,- 1/3 ^ĞŝƚĞ ϱϴdžϮϳϬ ϭϴϱdžϴϱ ΥϮ͘ϰϰϱ,- 1/4 ^ĞŝƚĞ ϵϬdžϭϮϴ;EŽƌŵͿ ϭϴϱdžϲϮ Υϭ͘ϲϳϱ,- Υϯ.ϵϵϱ͕Ͳ 1/8 ^ĞŝƚĞ ϵϬdžϲϮ;EŽƌŵͿ ϭϴϱdžϯϬ Υϭ͘Ϭϵϱ,- 1/16 ^ĞŝƚĞ ʹ ϵϬdžϯϬ Υϲϵϱ,- tĞŝƚĞƌĞ&ŽƌŵĂƚĞĂƵĨŶĨƌĂŐĞ͘ϮϱйZĂďĂƩĂƵĨ^ĐŚǁĂƌnjͲtĞŝƘͲŶnjĞŝŐĞŶ͘ ^ĂƚnjƐƉŝĞŐĞůƌĞŝƚĞdž,ƂŚĞ;ŝŶŵŵͿ͘ ͻ Aufgeklebte Werbemittel (Postkarten, CD/DVDs, Booklets) mechanisch eingeklebt: <ůĞďĞŐĞďƺŚƌďŝƐϮϱŐ͗ ΦϮϱϬ͕ͲƉƌŽƚĂƵƐĞŶĚdžĞŵƉůĂƌĞ <ůĞďĞŐĞďƺŚƌĨƺƌϮϲďŝƐϱϬŐ͗ Φϯϳϱ͕ͲƉƌŽƚĂƵƐĞŶĚdžĞŵƉůĂƌĞ ;<ůĞďĞŐĞďƺŚƌŶŝĐŚƚƌĂďĂƚƚŝĞƌďĂƌͿ ĞŶƂƚŝŐƚĞ>ŝĞĨĞƌŵĞŶŐĞ͗ ϳ͘ϬϬϬdžĞŵƉůĂƌĞ ,ƂŚĞƌĞ'ĞǁŝĐŚƚĞƵŶĚĂŶĚĞƌĞtĞƌďĞĨŽƌŵĞŶĂƵĨŶĨƌĂŐĞ ƵĨŐĞŬůĞďƚĞtĞƌďƵŶŐŶƵƌŝŶsĞƌďŝŶĚƵŶŐŵŝƚĞŝŶĞƌdƌćŐĞƌĂŶnjĞŝŐĞ͘ ͻ Zuschläge: sŽƌnjƵŐƐƉůĂƚnjŝĞƌƵŶŐ͗ Ϯϱй hŵƐĐŚůĂŐƐĞŝƚĞŶ;ϰĐͿ Ϯ͘^ĞŝƚĞ͗ ϯ͘^ĞŝƚĞ͗ ϰ͘^ĞŝƚĞ͗ ϭϱй ϭϬй ϮϬй ŶƐĐŚŶŝƚƚ Ϯϱй ŽƉƉĞůƐĞŝƚĞ ϭϱйƵĨƐĐŚůĂŐǀŽŵ'ƌƵŶĚƉƌĞŝƐĨƺƌϮ^ĞŝƚĞŶ ͻ Sonderwerbeformen: WƌĞŝƐĞƵŶĚƵƐĐŚůćŐĞĨƺƌ^ŽŶĚĞƌǁĞƌďĞĨŽƌŵĞŶĂƵĨŶĨƌĂŐĞ ͻ ZĂďĂƩĞ͗ĞŝďŶĂŚŵĞŝŶŶĞƌŚĂůďǀŽŶϭϮDŽŶĂƚĞŶ Malstaffel ϯŶnjĞŝŐĞŶ ϯй Mengenstaffel Ϯ^ĞŝƚĞŶ ϱй 6 ŶnjĞŝŐĞŶ ϱй ϰ^ĞŝƚĞŶ ϭϬй ϴŶnjĞŝŐĞŶ ϴй 6 ^ĞŝƚĞŶ ϭϱй 10 ŶnjĞŝŐĞŶ ϭϬй ϴ^ĞŝƚĞŶ ϮϬй 10 ^ĞŝƚĞŶ Ϯϱй ͻ VersandadresseĨƺƌĞŝůĂŐĞŶ͕ĞŝŶŐĞŬůĞďƚĞƐDĂƚĞƌŝĂůƵƐǁ͗͘ sZ/ͳZh<'ŵď, :ŽƐĞƉŚͲŽůůŝŶŐĞƌͲŽŐĞŶϱ ϴϬϴϬϳDƺŶĐŚĞŶ͕ĞƵƚƐĐŚůĂŶĚ dĞůĞĨŽŶ͗нϰϵ;ϬͿϴϵͬϯϮϯϵϭͲϰϭϯ >ŝĞĨĞƌǀĞƌŵĞƌŬ͗&ƺƌZĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐ/ŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂůƵƐŐĂďĞEƌ͘dždžͬϮϬϭϲ >ŝĞĨĞƌƚĞƌŵŝŶ͗ŝƐƐƉćƚĞƐƚĞŶƐϭϬdĂŐĞŶĂĐŚŶnjĞŝŐĞŶƐĐŚůƵƐƐ ͻ Einhefter: WƌĞŝƐĂƵĨŶĨƌĂŐĞ͘ ͻ Beilagen: ŶŝĐŚƚƌĂďĂƚƚŝĞƌďĂƌ >ŽƐĞĞŝŶŐĞůĞŐƚ͕ŵĂdžŝŵĂůĞ'ƌƂƘĞϮϬϱdžϮϴϱŵŵ WƌĞŝƐĞďŝƐϮϱŐ'ĞƐĂŵƚŐĞǁŝĐŚƚ͗ ΦϱϬϬ͕ͲƉƌŽƚĂƵƐĞŶĚ^ƚƺĐŬ ĂďϮϲŐďŝƐϱϬŐ'ĞƐĂŵƚŐĞǁŝĐŚƚ͗ ΦϲϬϬ͕ͲƉƌŽƚĂƵƐĞŶĚ^ƚƺĐŬ dĞŝůďĞŝůĂŐĞŶ;ŶĂĐŚ>ĂŶĚŵƂŐůŝĐŚͿ ĞŶƂƚŝŐƚĞ>ŝĞĨĞƌŵĞŶŐĞ͗ ϳ͘ϬϬϬdžĞŵƉůĂƌĞ sŽƌƵĨƚƌĂŐƐĂŶŶĂŚŵĞƵŶĚͲďĞƐƚćƚŝŐƵŶŐĚĞƌƵĐŚƵŶŐŝƐƚĚŝĞsŽƌůĂŐĞĞŝŶĞƐ ǀĞƌďŝŶĚůŝĐŚĞŶDƵƐƚĞƌƐ͕ŶŽƚĨĂůůƐĞŝŶĞƐůŝŶĚŵƵƐƚĞƌƐŵŝƚ'ƌƂƘĞŶͲƵŶĚ 'ĞǁŝĐŚƚƐĂŶŐĂďĞ͕ĞƌĨŽƌĚĞƌůŝĐŚ͘ ϭϬരͬരϭϭ 2016 Online-Werbung Effektive digitale Medien ZĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐ/ŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂůďŝĞƚĞƚƐŽǁŽŚůŝŶŐĞĚƌƵĐŬƚĞƌ&ŽƌŵĂůƐĂƵĐŚŽŶůŝŶĞĚŝĞ/ŶĨŽƌͲ ŵĂƚŝŽŶĞŶ͕ĚŝĞZĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐͲ&ĂĐŚŬƌćĨƚĞďĞŶƂƚŝŐĞŶ͕ƵŵŝŚƌĞhŶƚĞƌŶĞŚŵĞŶŝŶĚĞƌƐŝĐŚ ƐƚćŶĚŝŐǀĞƌćŶĚĞƌŶĚĞŶtĞůƚǀŽŶŚĞƵƚĞďĞƐƐĞƌnjƵĨƺŚƌĞŶ͘ InternetwerbungĂƵĨƌĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐŝŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂů͘ĐŽŵůĞŶŬƚĞƐƵĐŚĞƌĂƵĨ/ŚƌĞtĞďƐŝƚĞ͘ DŝƚĚƵƌĐŚƐĐŚŶŝƚƚůŝĐŚƺďĞƌϭϱ͘ϱϬϬĞƐƵĐŚĞƌŶ͕ƺďĞƌϵ͘ϰϬϬŝŶnjĞůďĞƐƵĐŚĞƌŶƵŶĚ ϯϲ͘ϭϯϬŐĞĨŝůƚĞƌƚĞŶ^ĞŝƚĞŶĂƵĨƌƵĨĞŶƉƌŽDŽŶĂƚǁŝƌĚ/ŚƌĞtĞƌďĞĂŶnjĞŝŐĞĂƵĨĚĞƌ tĞďƐŝƚĞǀŽŶZĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐ/ŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂůǀŽŶĚĞŶ>ĞƵƚĞŶŐĞƐĞŚĞŶ͕ĚŝĞĂŵǁŝĐŚƚŝŐƐƚĞŶ sind. Mit unserer Magazin- App;ƐŝĞŚĞ^ĞŝƚĞϭϰͿŬƂŶŶĞŶ^ŝĞZĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐ/ŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂů ƺďĞƌĂůůĂƵĨĚĞƌtĞůƚĂƵĨ/ŚƌĞŶŵŽďŝůĞŶŶĚŐĞƌćƚĞŶůĞƐĞŶ͘^ćŵƚůŝĐŚĞtĞƌďĞĂŶnjĞŝͲ ŐĞŶĂƵƐĚĞƌŐĞĚƌƵĐŬƚĞŶƵƐŐĂďĞƐŝŶĚĂƵĐŚŝŶĚĞƌĚŝŐŝƚĂůĞŶƵƐŐĂďĞĞŶƚŚĂůƚĞŶ͘tŝƌ ďŝĞƚĞŶ/ŚŶĞŶDƂŐůŝĐŚŬĞŝƚĞŶnjƵƌƌŐćŶnjƵŶŐ/ŚƌĞƌŶnjĞŝŐĞŵŝƚtĞƌďĞůŝŶŬ͕sŝĚĞŽ͕ ƵĚŝŽƵŶĚŝůĚĞƌŐĂůĞƌŝĞ͘ hŶƐĞƌŬŽƐƚĞŶůŽƐĞƌNewsletter ;ƐŝĞŚĞ^ĞŝƚĞϭϱͿůĂŶĚĞƚũĞĚĞŶ&ƌĞŝƚĂŐĚŝƌĞŬƚŝŵWŽƐƚͲ ĨĂĐŚǀŽŶdĂƵƐĞŶĚĞŶŶƚƐĐŚĞŝĚĞƌŶĂƵĨĚĞƌŐĂŶnjĞŶtĞůƚ͕ƐŽďĞŬŽŵŵƚ/ŚƌĞŶnjĞŝŐĞ ŐĂƌĂŶƚŝĞƌƚĚŝĞƵĨŵĞƌŬƐĂŵŬĞŝƚ͕ĚŝĞƐŝĞǀĞƌĚŝĞŶƚ͘ Preise für Online-Werbung ƌĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐŝŶƚĞƌŶĂƟŽŶĂů͘ĐŽŵ Internetwerbung auf lenkt Besucher auf Ihre Website. DŝƚĚƵƌĐŚƐĐŚŶŝƚƚůŝĐŚƺďĞƌϭϱ͘ϱϬϬĞƐƵĐŚĞƌŶ͕ƺďĞƌϵ͘ϰϬϬŝŶnjĞůͲ ďĞƐƵĐŚĞƌŶƵŶĚϯϲ͘ϭϯϬŐĞĨŝůƚĞƌƚĞŶ^ĞŝƚĞŶĂƵĨƌƵĨĞŶƉƌŽDŽŶĂƚǁŝƌĚ/ŚƌĞ tĞƌďĞĂŶnjĞŝŐĞĂƵĨĚĞƌtĞďƐŝƚĞǀŽŶZĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐ/ŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂůǀŽŶĚĞŶ >ĞƵƚĞŶŐĞƐĞŚĞŶ͕ĚŝĞĞŶƚƐĐŚĞŝĚĞŶĚƐŝŶĚ͘ Werbeform Format (BxH) Platzierung** TKP* Billboard Ad ϳϳϬʹϴϱϬdž ϮϱϬWŝdžĞů 'ĞƐĂŵƚĞ,W ΦϭϬϱ͕Ͳ Wallpaper ϳϮϴdžϵϬн ϭϲϬdžϲϬϬWŝdžĞů 'ĞƐĂŵƚĞ,W ΦϭϬϬ͕Ͳ Querbanner ϳϮϴdžϵϬWŝdžĞů 'ĞƐĂŵƚĞ,W ŽďĞŶ ΦϱϬ͕Ͳ Skyscraper ϭϲϬdžϲϬϬWŝdžĞů 'ĞƐĂŵƚĞ,W ƌĞĐŚƚĞͬůŝŶŬĞ Leiste ΦϱϬ͕Ͳ ΎdĂƵƐĞŶĚͲ<ŽŶƚĂŬƚĞͲWƌĞŝƐ ͻ Web-Adresse (URL):ǁǁǁ͘ƌĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐŝŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂů͘ĐŽŵ ͻ Kurzbeschreibung: dĂŐĞƐĂŬƚƵĞůůĞEĂĐŚƌŝĐŚƚĞŶ͘ZĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐŝŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂů͘ĐŽŵďĞƌŝĐŚƚĞƚƺďĞƌ ĚŝĞŶĞƵĞƐƚĞŶŶƚǁŝĐŬůƵŶŐĞŶŝŶĚĞŶŐůŽďĂůĞŶZĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐŝŶĚƵƐƚƌŝĞŶ͕ĚĂnjƵ ŐĞŚƂƌĞŶ͗hŶƚĞƌŶĞŚŵĞŶƐŶĂĐŚƌŝĐŚƚĞŶ͕WƌŽĚƵŬƚŶĞƵŝŐŬĞŝƚĞŶ͕dĞĐŚŶŽůŽŐŝĞͲ ƚƌĞŶĚƐ͕'ĞƐĞƚnjŐĞďƵŶŐƵŶĚ&ŽƌƐĐŚƵŶŐ͘ƵƘĞƌĚĞŵĞŶƚŚćůƚĚŝĞtĞďƐŝƚĞ ĞŝŶĞƵŵĨĂƐƐĞŶĚĞĂƚĞŶďĂŶŬǀŽŶǀĞƌƂĨĨĞŶƚůŝĐŚƚĞŶƌƚŝŬĞůŶ͕ĞŝŶĞŶ<ĂůĞŶͲ ĚĞƌĨƺƌ<ŽŶĨĞƌĞŶnjĞŶΘ&ĂĐŚŵĞƐƐĞŶƐŽǁŝĞ&ŽƚŽŐĂůĞƌŝĞŶ͘ ͻ Zielgruppe: ZĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐƵŶƚĞƌŶĞŚŵĞŶͬͲnjĞŶƚƌĞŶ͕ŶůĂŐĞŶďĂƵĞƌ͕'ĞǁĞƌďĞƚƌĞŝďĞŶĚĞ͕ DĂŬůĞƌ͕,ćŶĚůĞƌ͕^ĐŚƌŽƚƚƉƌŽĚƵnjĞŶƚĞŶͬͲǀĞƌǁĞƌƚĞƌͬͲĞƌnjĞƵŐĞƌ͕&ŽƌƐĐŚƵŶŐƐͲ ŝŶƐƚŝƚƵƚĞƵŶĚZĞŐŝĞƌƵŶŐƐďĞŚƂƌĚĞŶŝŵĞƌĞŝĐŚZĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐ͘ ͻ Verlag: ZĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐ/ŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂůs WKŽdžϮϬϵϴ ϲϴϬϮƌŶŚĞŵ dŚĞEĞƚŚĞƌůĂŶĚƐ ͻ Ansprechpartner: :ƵĚŝƚŚtĂŶũĂůĂ dĞůĞĨŽŶ͗нϯϭ;ϬͿϮϲϳϰϭϬϮϬϬ E-Maiů͗ũƵĚŝƚŚΛƌĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐŝŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂů͘ĐŽŵ ͻ Zugriffskontrolle: 'ŽŽŐůĞŶĂůLJƚŝĐƐ ͻ D atenanlieferung: ƌĞŝtĞƌŬƚĂŐĞǀŽƌ^ĐŚĂůƚƵŶŐĂŶ ũƵĚŝƚŚΛƌĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐŝŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂů͘ĐŽŵ tŝƌďĞǀŽƌnjƵŐĞŶ'/&͕ĂŶŝŵŝĞƌƚĞƐ'/&͕:W'͕^t&ͲĂƚĞŝĞŶ;ŵĂdž͘ϭϬϬ<Ϳ ͻ Externer AdServer-Einsatz: ,h^^ͲsZ>'͗ZĞǀŝǀĞ Skyscraper ½ ϭϲϬdžϯϬϬWŝdžĞů 'ĞƐĂŵƚĞ,W͕ ƌĞĐŚƚĞͬůŝŶŬĞ Leiste ΦϯϬ͕Ͳ Square Banner ϮϱϬdžϮϱϬWŝdžĞů 'ĞƐĂŵƚĞ,W͕ ƌĞĐŚƚĞ>ĞŝƐƚĞ ΦϰϬ͕Ͳ Full Banner ϰϲϴdžϲϬWŝdžĞů 'ĞƐĂŵƚĞ,W͕ /ŶŚĂůƚ Φϰϱ,- Half Banner ϮϯϰdžϵϬWŝdžĞů 'ĞƐĂŵƚĞ,W͕ ƌĞĐŚƚĞ>ĞŝƐƚĞ ΦϮϱ,- Individuelles Banner ϮϯϰdžϭϮϬWŝdžĞů 'ĞƐĂŵƚĞ,W ΦϮϱ,- ůůĞWƌĞŝƐĞnjnjŐů͘Dǁ^ƚ͘ tŝƌďŝĞƚĞŶǀĞƌƐĐŚŝĞĚĞŶĞĂŶŶĞƌŐƌƂƘĞŶĨƺƌĨůĞdžŝďůĞĞŝƚƌćƵŵĞĂŶ͘ ŶŐĞďŽƚĞĨƺƌǁĞŝƚĞƌĞtĞƌďĞĨŽƌŵĞŶĞƌŚĂůƚĞŶ^ŝĞĂƵĨŶĨƌĂŐĞ͘'ĞƌŶĞŚĞůĨĞŶǁŝƌ/ŚŶĞŶďĞŝĚĞƌ ƵƐǁĂŚůĚĞƌĨƺƌ^ŝĞĂŵďĞƐƚĞŶŐĞĞŝŐŶĞƚĞŶtĞƌďĞĨŽƌŵƵŶĚƺďĞƌŶĞŚŵĞŶĂƵĨtƵŶƐĐŚĂƵĐŚĚŝĞ 'ĞƐƚĂůƚƵŶŐ/ŚƌĞƐĂŶŶĞƌƐ͘ ΎΎĂŶŶĞƌŝŵŽŶƚĞŶƚŽĚĞƌĚĞƌƌĞĐŚƚĞŶ>ĞŝƐƚĞǁĞƌĚĞŶŝŶĚĞƌ'ĂůĞƌŝĞĂŶƐŝĐŚƚƵŶƚĞƌŚĂůďŽĚĞƌ ŶĞďĞŶĚĞŵŝůĚĚĂƌŐĞƐƚĞůůƚ͘ ϭϮരͬരϭϯ 2016 Magazin-App ZĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐ/ŶƚĞƌŶĂƟŽŶĂů bietet Ihnen eine noch bessere Reichweite über unsere Magazin-App! N E W S Pressure on India to clean up its e-scrap act New data suggest that India’s e-scrap market will expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 26.22% over the period from 2014 to 2019. And the global e-scrap management market will advance at a CAGR of 14.6% over roughly the same period, estimates research firm TechNavio. The severe lack of effective e-scrap disposal mechanisms is ‘significantly’ hin- dering India’s market development, while instances of hazardous toxins seeping into the ground and into waterways could lead to the filing of public-interest litigation and thus a further obstruction of market growth, TechNavio warns. India continues to ‘loosely discard’ its unwanted electrical and electronic devices. Identified as a ‘key e-waste exporting and dumping nation’, it is facing rapid growth in technology together with more affordable IT options. The need is more pressing than ever to prevent the ‘forthcoming threat’ of increased hazards, the TechNavio report states. TechNavio recognises several companies as vital players in the Indian market, including SIMS Recycling Solutions, Attero Recycling, Ecoreco and Earth Sense Recycle. ZĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐ/ŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂůŝƐƚĚŝŐŝƚĂůĂůƐDĂŐĂnjŝŶͲƉƉĨƺƌŝWĂĚ͕ŶĚƌŽŝĚdĂďůĞƚƵŶĚ^ŵĂƌƚƉŚŽŶĞƐ ǀĞƌĨƺŐďĂƌ͘ĞƚƚĞŶ^ŝĞĞŝŶĞsŝĚĞŽͲŽĚĞƌƵĚŝŽĚĂƚĞŝŝŶ/ŚƌĞŶnjĞŝŐĞĞŝŶƵŶĚĨƺŚƌĞŶ^ŝĞĚĞŶ >ĞƐĞƌŶ/ŚƌWƌŽĚƵŬƚǀŽƌ͘ƵĐŚĂŬƚŝǀĞtĞƌďĞůŝŶŬƐŬƂŶŶĞŶ>ĞƐĞƌĚŝƌĞŬƚnjƵ/ŚƌĞƌtĞďƐŝƚĞĨƺŚƌĞŶ͘ ͻ ŶnjĞŝŐĞŶĞƌƐĐŚĞŝŶĞŶĞdžĂŬƚŐĞŶĂƵƐŽǁŝĞŝŶĚĞƌƌƵĐŬĂƵƐŐĂďĞ ͻ ŝĞhZ>ĚĞƌŶnjĞŝŐĞŝƐƚĂŶĞƌŬĂŶŶƚƵŶĚǁŝƌĚĚƵƌĐŚĞŝŶĞŶƌŽǁƐĞƌŝŶĚĞƌƉƉĂŶŐĞnjĞŝŐƚ ͻ /ŶƚĞŐƌŝĞƌƚĞsŝĚĞŽͲ͕ƵĚŝŽͲƵŶĚŝůĚĞƌŐĂůĞƌŝĞ ASEAN countries face issues with rising ELV generation Surveys show a total end-of-life vehicle (ELV) generation of 422 000 units in Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam and Myanmar during the course of 2013, according to a report entitled ‘Automotive Recycling in 6 ASEAN Countries’ from Tokyo’s Yano Research Institute. The think-tank forecasts that ELV generation across these countries will rise to 983 000 units in 2020 on the basis of long average service lives and increasing new vehicle sales. At present, the total number of vehicles in operation in these countries is approximately 50 million. Environmental concerns are becoming more of an issue because adequate processes and infrastructure for the proper recycling of ELVs are not in place in ASEAN countries. Also, an increase in ELVs is expected to boost generation of strategic metals such as rare earths, thus rendering resource collection an ever more important undertaking. In the field of ELV recycling, there is a wide gap between the performances of developed and developing countries. At the recent International Roundtable for Automotive Recyclers held in Japan, there was a shared recognition of the need for Japan and other developed nations to take the initiative in building basic recycling structures in developing countries. Also at the gathering, Japanese recyclers identified the possibility of business expansion in South East Asian markets. ƌŬƵŶĚĞŶ^ŝĞǀĞƌƐĐŚŝĞĚĞŶĞDƂŐůŝĐŚŬĞŝƚĞŶĨƺƌ/ŚƌĞŽƚƐĐŚĂĨƚ͘EƵƚnjĞŶ^ŝĞĚŝĞDƂŐůŝĐŚŬĞŝƚ͕ĞŝŶ ĞŶŐĂŐŝĞƌƚĞƐŝĞůƉƵďůŝŬƵŵnjƵĞƌƌĞŝĐŚĞŶ͕ĚĂƐďĞƌĞŝƚŝƐƚ͕njƵŝŶǀĞƐƚŝĞƌĞŶ͊ advertisement ^ćŵƚůŝĐŚĞtĞƌďĞĂŶnjĞŝŐĞŶĂƵƐĚĞƌWƌŝŶƚͲƵƐŐĂďĞƐŝŶĚĂƵĐŚŝŶƵŶƐĞƌĞƌĚŝŐŝƚĂůĞŶƵƐŐĂďĞ ĞŶƚŚĂůƚĞŶ͘ Preise für die Magazin-App Werbeform P O L L U T E C Paris may be the capital of France and the go-to place for many of the finer things in life, but fellow French city Lyon certainly earns its status as a pulsating metropolis during the annual Festival of Don’t sink with the ship Lights. The bright neon display along streets and rivers was not the only sign that the city can escape the shadow of the capital: the Pollutec trade show provided an entrepreneurial glow of its own by once again attracting delegates from the world over. L yon counts as France’s second most populous city after Paris and is home to over 2 million citizens. The city’s must-see event, La Fête des Lumières, dates back to 1889 and this year’s edition featured 70 impressive light installations of every conceivable variety, including a flock of flying Kio fish, mysterious images projected on to buildings and the traffic tunnel depicting ‘dream worlds’. The candles of yesteryear have long been replaced by light bulbs and intricate technology. The event is said to draw millions of people from both within and outside Europe to enjoy what is described as an ‘open-air laboratory for creative talent’. Similarly, more than 2300 exhibitors displayed their talents to the 60 000 visitors who converged on Lyon in early December for the 26th edition of the Pollutec environmental trade show where it was announced that domestic ‘green’ sales totalled roughly Euro 70 billion in 2012. Forrec Bright shades of azure blue and hot pink were instantly visible at the heart of the crowded Pollutec hall. Not the colours you often come across when surveying recycling solutions but, then again, ‘the look is a fantasy’, explained Pierangelo Tondelli, sales manager of Italian equipment manufacturer Forrec. 24 January/February 2015 Link zur Website des Werbekunden By Kirstin Linnenkoper New technology lights up dark December in Lyon He had flown to Lyon to present the company’s patent-pending FR Multi Crusher series, designed to be installed as a primary machine in plants treating municipal solid waste, bulky waste like e-scrap and industrial waste, as well as ‘all types of packaged and unpackaged materials’. The main advantages of the new series are said to include a sieving cutting table that defines the output size of the material, which is separate from the machine frame. Also, the machines boast double motors with hydraulic transmission, while the counter blades are made of wearproof Hardox 400 or 500 steel. These blades are installed over a rigid, light frame to be easily re-welded and removed from the cutting chamber. ‘They can be replaced in less than one hour,’ Tondelli stated. An optional feature is automatic release in case the machine encounters ‘unshreddable’ material. Another patent-pending detail is that the counter blades use both cutting profiles and thus double the blades’ lifespan. Furthermore, there is a built-in modem for rapid diagnostics. All of which leads Tondelli to conclude that the success of the FR Multi Crusher series will be based on more than just its fancy colour scheme alone. ZenRobotics After a low-key period, it has become clear that ZenRobotics is back - and with a bang. ‘Our second generation sorter is quicker, stronger and more accurate,’ revealed technology expert Maciej Borkowski, who is also head of sales at the Finnish company. ‘The improved precision is because it can think for itself thanks to the further-refined ZenRobotics brain.’ This new and intuitive software allows the ‘It is a lot more busy compared to last year, but an increase in traffic does not automatically mean business is better,’ commented Frédéric Malin, ceo at French recycling machinery company Copex. ‘There are many businessmen walking around here, partly because they have nothing to do. I know people are smiling and saying how confident they are, but ask yourself “Is it real or is it a façade?”’ These might appear to be sceptical words - but sometimes strong medicine is called for, Malin reasoned. The scrap market has been up and down recently, requiring a constant analysis of the best possible strategy. ‘Machines are now on the market for 15% less than five years ago,’ he said. ‘This means we somehow have to make up for that. Copex was able to stay out of the chaos by creating new machines - for refuse-derived fuel - and abandoning the blind focus on scrap. We will keep exploring how to find the right balance in this difficult market.’ Similarly, the market in France has changed significantly in recent years, with Copex claiming to be ‘the last one standing among recycling equipment manufacturers that are 100% French’. Having alluded to the trend towards business acquisitions both in Europe and abroad, he added: ‘Don’t get me wrong, I am against protectionism. It’s just that I do believe strongly in investing in the French economy as a French business. I don’t think we should be outsourcing operations to Taiwan or other regions that are cheaper.’ At the same time, he admitted that it was unrealistic for French manufacturers to market their solutions as ‘made in France’ technology. ‘Sure, this model works well for Germany because this is a country known for its innovative applications,’ Malin explained. ‘France, however, is famous for its fashion, wine and fine food. The government desperately tried to push this type of domestic branding some years ago, but without result.’ He continued: ‘In order to achieve success, we have to take responsibility.’ This also goes for the government, although Malin accused officials of continuing to hide behind the excuse: ‘It was decided on in Brussels.’ Then again, he argued, politicians rarely have any insight into the recycling industry. ‘They keep appointing the wrong people, who don’t understand how this market works or what drives it,’ he said. Despite all the ‘red flags’, he concluded: ‘We must not give up. We must stay and fight. All the while we must remember the Titanic. After all, the people danced at the ball before the ship sank, didn’t they? It doesn’t pay to look the other way, to be weak.’ system to identify any material programmed by the recycler. It can make smart decisions and ‘see past the surface’. Borkowski explained: ‘The sorter is basically comprised of different layers of technology that all work together to piece together the information. It sees the top of this item is made from coated plastic, but the inside is wood or paper, for example.’ As a result, the robotic sorter ‘isn’t fooled so easily’ as other modern-day solutions that are more throughput-based instead of quality-based, he suggested. In fact, the ZenRobotics sorter boasts an output purity rate of 95%. Also, the robotic arm can lift up to 20 kg in weight at one go. ‘The robot can learn, just like humans can,’ Borkowski said. ‘You just have to tell it what to do and after a short training run it can remember what tasks to perform; not only that, but also that there are more versions of one material still classified as that material.’ Errors occur only when dropping material back on to the belt by accident because the object in question has an odd shape or because other objects are ‘unexpectedly’ fixed to it. Borkowski became involved in the ZenRobotics journey at an early stage and actually designed the robotic arm from scratch. Having improved it again and again, his work is now carried on by an in-house team of engineers January/February 2015 25 ŶnjĞŝŐĞŵŝƚ sŝĚĞŽͲŽĚĞƌ ƵĚŝŽŝŶŚĂůƚ Platzierung ʹ Format/Größe Max. Datenvolumen Preis pro Ausgabe ʹ ʹ Φ 100,- Bildergalerie ;ŵĂdž͘ϯŝůĚĞƌͿ ŝŶŶnjĞŝŐĞ eingebunden ũƉŐͲĂƚĞŝ͕ŵĂdž͘ ϭϬϮϰരпരϭϬϮϰWŝdžĞů ϮϬϬʹϯϬϬ< ;ƉƌŽŝůĚͿ ΦϮϱϬ͕Ͳ Bildergalerie ŝŶŶnjĞŝŐĞ eingebunden ũƉŐͲĂƚĞŝ͕ŵĂdž͘ ϭϬϮϰരпരϭϬϮϰWŝdžĞů ϭϬD ΦϱϬϬ͕Ͳ Video ŝŶŶnjĞŝŐĞ eingebunden ŵƉϰͲĂƚĞŝ ϯϬD ΦϱϬϬ͕Ͳ Audio ŝŶŶnjĞŝŐĞ eingebunden ŵƉϯͲĂƚĞŝ ϱD Φ200,- ůůĞWƌĞŝƐĞǀĞƌƐƚĞŚĞŶƐŝĐŚnjnjŐů͘Dǁ^ƚ͘ 2016 Newsletter O ZĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐ/ŶƚĞƌŶĂƟŽŶĂůEĞǁƐůĞƩĞƌ ĞƌǁƂĐŚĞŶƚůŝĐŚĞEĞǁƐůĞƚƚĞƌǀŽŶZĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐ/ŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂůďĞƌŝĐŚƚĞƚƺďĞƌĚŝĞŶĞƵĞƐƚĞŶ ŶƚǁŝĐŬůƵŶŐĞŶƵŶĚdƌĞŶĚƐŝŵZĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐƌƵŶĚƵŵĚĞŶ'ůŽďƵƐ͘ƌďŝĞƚĞƚĚŝĞǁŝĐŚƚŝŐƐƚĞŶ/ŶĨŽƌͲ ŵĂƚŝŽŶĞŶƺďĞƌƌĂŶĐŚĞŶͲ͕DĂƌŬƚƵŶĚWƌŽĚƵŬƚŶĞƵŝŐŬĞŝƚĞŶƵŶĚŝŶĨŽƌŵŝĞƌƚďŽŶŶĞŶƚĞŶƺďĞƌ <ŽŶĨĞƌĞŶnjĞŶ͕&ĂĐŚŵĞƐƐĞŶƐŽǁŝĞĨƺŚƌĞŶĚĞhŶƚĞƌŶĞŚŵĞŶƵŶĚWĞƌƐƂŶůŝĐŚŬĞŝƚĞŶĚĞƌƌĂŶĐŚĞ͘ ͻ F akten & Zahlen: ĞƌEĞǁƐůĞƚƚĞƌďŝĞƚĞƚ/ŚŶĞŶĚŝĞDƂŐůŝĐŚŬĞŝƚ͕ĞŝŶĞŚŽĐŚ ƋƵĂůŝĨŝnjŝĞƌƚĞ>ĞƐĞƌƐĐŚĂĨƚĂŶnjƵƐƉƌĞĐŚĞŶ͘ Erscheinungsweise: ũĞĚĞŶ&ƌĞŝƚĂŐŵŽƌŐĞŶ͕ϱϮDĂůŝŵ:ĂŚƌ. ͻ Zielgruppe: ŶƚƐĐŚĞŝĚĞƌƵŶĚhŶƚĞƌŶĞŚŵĞŶƐůĞŶŬĞƌ͕hŶƚĞƌŶĞŚŵĞƌ͕ DĂŶĂŐĞƌ͕tŝƐƐĞŶƐĐŚĂĨƚůĞƌ͕>ŝĞĨĞƌĂŶƚĞŶ͘ ͻ Ansprechpartner: :ƵĚŝƚŚtĂŶũĂůĂ͕dĞůĞĨŽŶ͗нϯϭ;ϬͿϮϲϳϰϭϬϮϬϬ E-Maiů͗ũƵĚŝƚŚΛƌĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐŝŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂů͘ĐŽŵ ͻ Zugriffskontrolle: KƉƚŝǀŽΠďƌŽĂĚŵĂŝů ͻ Datenanlieferung: DŝŶĚĞƐƚĞŶƐϯdĂŐĞǀŽƌsĞƌƂĨĨĞŶƚůŝĐŚƵŶŐƉĞƌͲDĂŝůĂŶ͗ ũƵĚŝƚŚΛƌĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐŝŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂů͘ĐŽŵŶƵƌŝŶ͘'/&ΎŽĚĞƌ͘:W'͘ ŶŝŵĂƚŝŽŶĞŶŵƺƐƐĞŶĂŶŐĞŚĂůƚĞŶǁĞƌĚĞŶŬƂŶŶĞŶ;ŬĞŝŶĞŵŝƚůĂƵĨĞŶĚĞŶŶŝŵĂƚŝŽŶĞŶͿ͘ ΎsŽŶĂŶŝŵŝĞƌƚĞŶ'/&Ͳ&ŽƌŵĂƚĞŶǁŝƌĚŶƵƌĚĞƌĞƌƐƚĞ&ƌĂŵĞŐĞnjĞŝŐƚ͘ ͻ Werbeform und Preis:;ůůĞWƌĞŝƐĞǀĞƌƐƚĞŚĞŶƐŝĐŚnjnjŐů͘Dǁ^ƚ͘Ϳ Preis pro Versendung Banner Format Full Banner ϰϲϴdžϲϬWŝdžĞů ΦϭϱϬ͕Ͳ Text Banner XL DĂdž͘ϲϮϬdžϭϳϬWŝdžĞů͘DĂdž͘ϱϬϬĞŝĐŚĞŶŝŶŬů͘ ďƐƚĂŶĚ͕,ĞĂĚĞƌƵŶĚWĂLJͲŽĨĨ͘ŝůĚϭϬϬdžϱϬ ŽĚĞƌϵϬdžϵϬ͘ũƉĞŐ͖ƐĐŚůŝĞƘƚĞŝŶĞŶhZ>Ͳ>ŝŶŬ ein. 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Negative economic values, strict regulations on landfilling and increasing incineration gate fees are forcing the recycling sector to take action. In three separate articles, experts describe the impact of revised EU recycling targets on the automotive value chain as they relate specifically to these three material streams. This final feature in the series (the first two appeared in this year’s March and April issues of Recycling International) assesses the real end-of-pipe of shredded vehicles, namely the mineral fraction. Making the best out of ELV minerals T he mineral fraction from end-of-life vehicles (ELVs) - also termed the ‘sand fraction’ or ‘glass fraction’ - is typically composed of glass particles, sand, stones and other dirt. Given that ELVs are not spotlessly clean when delivered to dismantling and recycling facilities, generation of these materials is substantial in weight terms. While fibres are more voluminous than weighty, minerals represent a dense by-product which should either be consigned to proper disposal or recycled under current European laws. Unlike with metals and plastics, there is no real market driver for ELV mineral separation and application; in fact, this is conducted only in countries or regions where landfill tariffs are high. And unlike with ELV fibres, minerals have a high density and lower transportation costs per tonne, thus allowing application in regions further afield. Around 2-3 million tons of shredder light fraction (SLF) is generated every year at shredder sites around Europe and the mineral fractions are sieved into different sizes. Depending on the design of the post-shredder process, the mineral content accounts for up to 30% of SLF by weight. Current outlets, such as for salt mine backfilling, are classified under many national regulations in Europe as ‘useful applications’ (the same category as energy recovery) rather than as material recycling. Recycling of the minerals would add between three and five percentage points to the overall ELV recycling rate. Post-shredder arrangements vary between shredders but, in all instances, it is not economically attractive to upgrade minerals for a clean recycling purpose under regulation-free market conditions. unwanted along the entire recycling chain: a strong negative value owing to hazardous characteristics; and more rapid machinery wear owing to the hardness and brittleness of the material. As with other light fractions of shredder residue, proper ELV depollution results in lower concentrations of hazardous substances, such as the heavy metals lead, mercury, cadmium and chromium VI as well mineral oil and polychlorinated biphenyls. Furthermore, segregated treatment of ELVs and other scrap is useful. An essential problem is that mineral fractions, owing to their hazardous characteristics, are low on the list of materials that final processing companies are prepared to accept. These fractions are also subject to many regulatory changes and interpretations which often make outlets temporary in nature. Analysis of light mineral fractions. operational cost entailed by removing the window glass. The following are outlets for this glass: mineral wool; bottle glass; grinding products; glass beads; side rails; and foam glass. Despite these high-quality applications, values of recycled glass are low and volumes are small when generated at a car dismantling site. In addition, potential energy savings from glass are small when compared to other materials: for example, recycling 1 kg of glass will result in the same amount of energy saved as recycling 180 g of newspapers, 150 g of steel or 12 g of aluminium. Steady progress sified as material recycling. Both are imperatives if the costs of a post-shredder recycling operation are to be balanced. In practice, innovation is only an option where landfill taxes and tariffs start at Euro 150 per tonne or in cases of strict recycling targets. - A mineral fraction processed in a cement kiln ends up in the cement product while off-gas treatment takes care of the hazardous substances. The result is an inert material which can be used directly in, for example, construction applications. However, this is a rather expensive process and the material is not always popular with treatment companies. - In a high-temperature melting process, all organic content is burned off while the minerals are melted into a basalt stream, thereby providing energy. All hazardous elements become part of the crystalline structure, thus preventing leaching. It offers a durable solution which is the subject of further studies at ARN in the Netherlands. - Biological treatment coupled with immobilisation may have a substantial future impact. Bacteria ‘eat’ the oil and, via the immobilisation route, heavy metals are neutralised. The final product can be used as a sub-layer in road construction. ϰϮϬdžϭϬϭŵŵΎΦϯ͘ϵϵϱ͕Ͳ ϰϮϬdžϭϰϰŵŵΎΦϰ͘ϵϵϱ͕Ͳ Unwanted characteristics High-temperature melting opens up opportunities for almost all kinds of highly-polluted waste and the residual streams of various industries, leaving no pollution. It results in clean slag and renewable energy. 38 August 2015 Minerals represent the real ‘dead end’ for ELVs and possess all those characteristics that are Unjustifiable cost Removal of window glass prior to shredding the ELV hulk results in a less voluminous sand fraction. Car dismantlers may receive better prices from shredders for ‘glass-free’ hulks and could sell this material back into the glass market. However, the day-to-day reality in Europe is that dismantling stations cannot justify the Post-shredding technology factories have been making steady progress towards reducing the impact of glass contamination by updating their processes and improving individual items of machinery. Separating minerals out of the SLF stream typically involves various sieving steps, magnetic separation, zigzag classifiers and air tables. Special arrangements should be made to prevent wear on machinery and pipelines resulting from the material’s abrasive characteristics. Innovation can be applied to various areas, such as improving mechanical processes and developing cost-effective outlets which are clas- A number of prominent automotive shredder residue processors in Europe are targeting outlets for mineral fractions. The UK’s Axion Polymers is producing two mineral streams at its Manchester base: a larger-sized stream of up to 50 mm used as an aggregate for road construction; and a fine mineral fraction of less than 8 mm which is deployed mainly as a trench-filling medium. ‘It’s a very heavy stream,’ says managing director Keith Freegard. ‘You don’t have to be a financial genius to understand that keeping this out of landfill saves money.’ Axion’s strategy is to take out even the smallest fractions of metals from the minerals while also looking to upgrade applications for the final fractions. ‘For next year,’ he adds, ‘the R&D strategy is to find real products for our minerals - finding a direct finished product which may, for example, benefit from a small amount of iron oxide instead of seeing that as a problem.’ R&D into treatment and applications is also an issue of high importance for Metran, located at Kematen an der Ybbs in Austria. This subsidiary of the Müller-Guttenbrunn Group is experiencing increasing disposal tariffs while landfilling material without pretreatment is completely banned. ‘Today, the mineral fraction is applied as a sanitary landfill cover but we don’t know how long this will still be possible and the rules for using the mineral fraction as a product are extremely complex and restrictive,’ says Metran’s managing director Gunther Panowitz. ‘We are open to any innovation on this topic as we expect that the mineral fraction will become an even more important challenge in the future, with major differences between the EU member states.’ * A feature on Axion will appear in the September issue of Recycling International. R E C Y C L I N G By Kirstin Linnenkoper A fresh crop of recyc ling initiatives Plastics have long been an integral part of agricultural practice, a recycling culture into the farming culture’. gest container management programmes in Europe, and has trained some 250 000 farmers, 1000 distributors and 300 industrial organisations,’ the ECPA points out. Germany’s PAMIRA programme has achieved ‘strong collection rates’ in the country over the past two decades. A total of 2665 tonnes of empty containers were collected at 319 collection points in 2013 - representing a 1.6% increase over the previous year, according to the ECPA. N The recycling efforts in this niche market are just getting started in various other European covering a wide array of applications from films, nets, yarns and irrigation system components to packaging for pesticides and fertilisers. In recognition of the important role played by plastics in this sector, members of the European Crop Protection Association have adopted a ‘discovery to recovery’ approach in their bid to ‘integrate ‘Great interest’ ew countries supporting agricultural plastics recycling are added to the list nearly every year. But the European Crop Protection Association (ECPA) points out that its Container Management Project dates back 20 years and represents an ‘ongoing success’. The project was launched in 1994 and is now operational in 31 countries; 11 of these have nationwide and industry-run collection and disposal schemes for agricultural containers while nine others have launched pilot projects. ‘The majority of recovered containers are recycled into practical products like drainage pipes, fence posts and traffic cones,’ notes the ECPA. Olympic-size success The initiative was successful in collecting 15 000 tonnes of empty pesticide containers for recycling in 2012 - a volume sufficient to fill 51 Olympic-size swimming pools, according to the ECPA. Adoption of the sustainability route prevented plastics from taking up an estimated 125 000 cubic metres of landfill space while also saving 28 million litres of petrol that would have been needed in the manufacture of new packaging, which in itself is the equivalent of taking 5000 cars off the road. France, Italy, Spain, Germany, the UK, Portugal, Poland and Turkey are said to account for the majority of this packaging placed on the market. The ECPA has put the total at 34 000 tonnes of containers produced every year in Europe. Although the quantity of container waste is quite significant, government statistics suggest this makes up only a small proportion - approximately 4% - of all the plastic and packaging waste arising on European farms. Dedicated companies Germany and France have supported the Container Management Project since 1995 and are thus the countries with the longest-running recycling initiatives for this type of plastic. ‘Both countries have become so successful that dedicated companies have been established solely for the purpose of collection and recycling empty pesticide containers,’ the ECPA remarks. Also, France has set up collection points for this specific waste stream in each county. Recycling firm Adivalor - a joint venture involving farmers, retailers and manufacturers - was created in 2001 and today collects 77% of all pesticide containers, with more than 90% of the plastic amassed through its programme going for recycling. ‘Adivalor is one of the big- countries: in 2013, for instance, pilot projects were launched in Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, Turkey and Russia. The Greek scheme is initially sourcing containers from 14 points in the country and will recycle the material at a facility on 800 000 acres of land. ‘Great interest’ was also generated in Bulgaria in 2013 when a scheme was established in the city of Dobrich to collect 4 tonnes of empty pesticide containers from more than 40 large farms; ultimately, the project organisers managed to gather 25% more material than intended that year. According to the ECPA, the project is now being expanded to all farms in the same region prior to being ‘gradually extended’ to the rest of the country. Meanwhile, a Russian pilot scheme launched in Voronezh Oblast two years ago succeeded in collecting and recycling 75 tonnes of empty containers. Overall, 16 000 tonnes of plastic containers was collected through the schemes in all countries, and the plastics are now being used to create new electrical conduits, corrugated tubes and electric boxes. Ultimately, the vision for 2020 is to establish ‘fully-fledged’ container management programmes in all European countries and to achieve a recovery rate of 75% by that same year. As ECPA director general JeanCharles Bocquet declares: ‘Plastic waste is an environmental issue that ϮϲϯdžϭϲϬŵŵΎ Φϰ͘ϰϵϬ͕Ͳ Triple-rinsing The association has highlighted that the practice of ‘triple-rinsing’ containers removes on average more than 99.99% of the pesticides inside. It has therefore advised the European Commission to take action on two counts, namely: to make container rinsing a legal requirement; and to ensure a non-hazardous waste classification for decontaminated crop protection plastic containers in all EU member states. Currently, agricultural containers are exempt from hazardous waste requirements as long as emptied vessels are triple-rinsed and pesticide A drone flies over Baden Airpark and films recycling machinery in action. Claimed to be the biggest open-air recycling trade show in Europe, Some 34 000 tonnes of plastic agricultural containers are produced in Europe every year. residues are disposed of onsite. The ECPA has underlined that this will not be an issue for the bulk of the volume in this niche in any case given that up to 97% of containers by weight are clean and safe enough to merit a non-hazardous classification. and some say worldwide, Recycling Aktiv has become the ultimate live demonstration stage. The biennial event is not only for recyclers and machinery manufacturers but also for those involved in drone technology, as Recycling International learned. E xhibitors and visitors at this year’s Recycling Aktiv trade show encountered something they had probably never seen before at a recycling event as a helicopter drone flew over the open-air show floor near the German city of Baden-Baden. Was Big Brother watching the masses? Not really. The drone’s video camera recorded an aerial view of the live demonstrations of metal and wood shredding machinery. ‘It is the first time drone technology has been used at a recycling trade show,’ claimed André Brockschmidt, managing director of the video production company. This approach provides ‘spectacular views’ of the recycling machinery in action and offers ‘a different angle’, he said. ‘You can truly look into the mouth of the shredder and see how a car wreck is eaten up.’ Shooting videos from the air at Recycling Aktiv was ‘quite a complex job’, Brockschmidt told Recycling International, because the event took place near a commercial airport, Baden Airpark. ‘Safety first, we have to ask the air control tower for permission every time we want our drone to take off,’ he pointed out. From initial design concept through to production and disposal, the European Crop Protection Association (ECPA) is working ‘every step of the way’ to ensure pesticide containers are fully recyclable. At the same time, the organisation is actively promoting and/or collaborating with a range of national schemes to encourage farmers to recycle used containers. A primary goal of the association is, in effect, to keep plastics out of landfill. The association describes partnerships as an ‘essential’ factor in the future success of recycling projects for agricultural plastics. Ideally, these should link stakeholders representing farming communities together with governments and local authorities. Peter Beyeler of IUT Beyeler (left) and Edgar Root, area sales manager of scrap shear manufacturer C&G Group. Panorama-Anzeigen WĂŶŽƌĂŵĂͲŶnjĞŝŐĞŶůĂƵĨĞŶƺďĞƌĚĞŶ ^ĂƚnjƐƉŝĞŐĞůǀŽŶnjǁĞŝ^ĞŝƚĞŶŝŶŬůƵƐŝǀĞ ĚĞƐDŝƚƚĞůƐƚĞŐƐ͘/ŶƵŶƚĞƌƐĐŚŝĞĚůŝĐŚĞƌ ,ƂŚĞƵŶĚƌĞŝƚĞ͕ŵĂdžŝŵĂůϮͬϭ^ĞŝƚĞŶ͘ 39 36 August 2015 August 2015 37 Tunnel-Anzeigen dƵŶŶĞůͲŶnjĞŝŐĞŶǁĞƌĚĞŶƺďĞƌĚĞŶ ^ĂƚnjƐƉŝĞŐĞůǀŽŶnjǁĞŝ^ĞŝƚĞŶ͕ŝŶŬůƵƐŝǀĞ ĚĞƐDŝƚƚĞůƐƚĞŐƐ͕ƉůĂƚnjŝĞƌƚ͘ZĞĐŚƚƐƵŶĚ ůŝŶŬƐďůĞŝďƚŵŝŶĚĞƐƚĞŶƐĞŝŶĞ^ƉĂůƚĞĨƌĞŝ ĨƺƌƌĞĚĂŬƚŝŽŶĞůůĞŶ/ŶŚĂůƚ͘ Cable producers becoming cable recyclers Recycling systems specialist Guidetti of Italy showcased its latest in cable stripping technology at the Baden Airpark. And the company’s sales manager Alvaro Mucci highlighted a major trend in the market: electronic cable manufacturers are focusing increasingly on processing their own cable scrap from the cable production process rather than handing the material over to third parties. ‘We have seen this development worldwide, even in countries you would perhaps not immediately expect, such as Saudi Arabia,’ he said. Over the past 12 months, Guidetti has seen sales growth in Japan as well as in several emerging markets, including Mexico. Loads of scrap First held in 2007, the Recycling Aktiv open-air show has become the ultimate demonstration stage for both recyclers and machinery manufacturers. This is exactly what the German organiser of this biennial event, Geoplan GmbH, was targeting with its ‘moving instead of standing still’ two-in-one show concept, combining the worlds of recycling and civil engineering. To make a success out of a live demonstration event like Recycling Aktiv, you obviously need loads of scrap. Altogether, a record volume of almost 8000 tonnes of scrap - including several truckloads of car bodies, paper, plastics and wood - had been delivered to the site, processed and then removed again. In addition, 7 kilometres of electric cable had been laid out Up close with the ECPA About the author Allard Verburg is business development manager at ARN Recycling. This post-shredding technology plant in the Netherlands is one of the world’s most advanced facilities for handling automotive shredder residue. August 2015 C H I N A by Martijn Reintjes A pop-up scrap yard In jeopardy However, operation of these schemes has become ‘jeopardised’ in recent years through several countries - such as Croatia, Finland and Portugal - labelling decontaminated plastic containers as hazardous waste. ‘The additional licensing and logistics requirements resulting from a hazardous waste classification would significantly increase costs and reduce the number of suitable collection sites,’ the ECPA says. As a result, some schemes would struggle to remain economic given this scenario. Furthermore, research has revealed that even the very strict limit of 0.1% required for a non-hazardous classification for packaging previously containing T+ (very toxic) substances can be met through proper decontamination, according to the association. In addition, schemes have already developed and implemented ‘a number of effective methods’ to avoid potential risks associated with the collection of container waste. A K T I V Eye-in-the-sky ‘a first’ at recycling trade show concerns us all. Recycling should be everybody’s responsibility - whether you run a household, have a restaurant or work for a big business.’ 28 August 2015 Preparing a drone for take-off. Watching machinery in action. Recycling as live entertainment. around the fairground to make it all work. Over its three-day run, the trade show recorded 12 470 visitors - an increase of more than 20% over the 2013 edition. ‘We had quietly hoped for an increase in the already-good figures, but this impressive growth surprised even us,’ commented head organiser Friedhelm Rese of Geoplan. ‘A great platform’ A total of 216 exhibitors and 267 brands were represented at the exhibition - numbers similar to those for the previous edition. While some exhibitors were present at the trade fair mainly for the high proportion of visitors from Germah l l d l countries such as Switzerland, Italy, the UK, Poland and Hungary, but also from countries as far away as Russia, Libya and Israel. ‘This is a great platform to meet customers,’ confirmed Christina Elter, sales representative at Hammel Recycling Technik. And Louis Broekhuizen of Netherlands-based shear and grapple manufacturer Rotar, which had a large and prominent presence at the fair for the first time, added: ‘I am positively surprised about the event.’ Dramatic impact A combination of promising sales prospects and tropical weather conditions brightened the outlook for some exhibitors; on the first day of the trade show, temperatures at the Baden Airpark reached 35 degC. However, the summer heat and sunshine could not erase the more general sense of pessimism among recyclers from Europe, and especially from Germany, as became clear during the show’s opening ceremony. The growing number of German municipalities claiming first rights on recyclables from households is continuing to have a dramatic impact on commercial recyclers, according to the German federal association for secondary raw materials and waste management (bvse). Over the past two years, German scrap collectors and recyclers have seen their volumes decrease rapidly as a result, lamented bvse’s managing director Eric Rehbock. No helping hand According to recycling legislation introduced two years ago in Germany, municipalities have first option on collecting and recycling household recyclables. Law-makers use the argument that revenues are required for funding the whole disposal system, but commercial collectors sometimes fail to prove legal reclamation. The situation is endangering the survival of h d d f ll d d d ϲϵdžϮϵϳŵŵΎн ϭϰϬdžϭϬϭŵŵΎ Φϯ͘ϱϬϬ͕Ͳ L-Anzeigen ĞƌďƌĞŝƚůĂƵĨĞŶĚĞͣ^ƚƌĞŝĨĞŶƚĞŝů͞ĚĞƌ ŶnjĞŝŐĞƐƚĞŚƚŝŵŵĞƌĂŵ&ƵƘĚĞƌ^ĞŝƚĞ͕ ĚĞƌŶĂĐŚŽďĞŶůĂƵĨĞŶĚĞdĞŝůŝŵŵĞƌŝŶĚĞŶ ƵƘĞŶƐƉĂůƚĞŶ͘ M E T A L S C H I N A By Adam Minter Raising scrap ratios could be China’s ‘ new normal’ Zhu Jimin: 88.3 million tonnes of ferrous was used to produce steel in 2014. China’s once-booming economy has slowed, and the metals business economy experienced a 7.4% growth rate - its lowest in 24 years, Top car consumer according to data presented by the China Iron & Steel Association to the 8th China International Metal Recycling Conference held recently at the Shangri-La Hotel in Qingdao. A 30 August 2015 most of those who attended this year’s programme were surely aware, many if not most of those goals will have to wait for China’s steel and ferrous scrap industries to emerge from their most dire circumstances since the global financial crisis in the late 2000s. Devastating result For those accustomed to China’s breakneck growth, the slowdown might produce whiplash. Between 1996 and 2014, China went from producing 100 million tonnes of steel per year to 822 million tonnes, predicated on faith and evidence that overcapacity would soon be fulfilled capacity and that the cycle could repeat. But steel’s growth equation has changed in China. According to Zhu Jimin, executive vice chairman of CISA, crude steel production declined 1.7% year on year in the first quarter of 2015 to 200.1 million tonnes. Unfortunately, that decline in production wasn’t fast enough or sufficient to arrest falling prices. According Wang Fengjie: ‘Using scrap poses no advantages over hot metal.’ ally excluded). He believes that domestic resources are sufficient to push up the ratio by 1.5 percentage points annually for the next decade, reaching 20% by 2020 and 30% by 2025, although he conceded the more distant goal was ‘not easy’. Those figures, he added, are based on the assumption that China’s annual steel production will remain around 800 million tonnes and increased imports will be required, despite China’s growing scrap reservoir. is getting dragged down with it. In 2014, the world’s second-largest mong those sectors worst hit by the skid in China’s economic growth has been steel, with production increasing by just 0.9% in 2014 for its smallest gain in 33 years. Yet far from being downbeat, the conference - attended by 250 mostly Chinese delegates - revealed a cautious optimism that China’s slow-growth, sustainable ‘new normal’, as the country’s president Xi Jinping has described it, would produce a healthier and more vibrant steel recycling sector. The event was organised by the Metallurgical Council of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) and hosted by the powerful, government-run China Iron & Steel Association (CISA) and the China Association of Metalscrap Utilization (CAMU). Thus, presentations amplified long-standing government priorities, including the improvement of China’s abysmally low ferrous scrap ratio, promotion of resource self-sufficiency, and a long-standing goal of pushing into the manufacture of value-added products. But as M E T A L S to Zhu, China’s steel pricing index hit its lowest level in February since March 2002. The result has been devastating: January and February profits for CISA members were down 7.56% year on year, with 52.48% of members sustaining losses. ‘Using scrap poses no advantages over hot metal.’ The ferrous scrap experience hasn’t been much better. According to data presented by Liang Zhijun, director of the energy saving and environmental protection division at China’s ministry of commerce (MOFCOM), the ferrous scrap price average dropped from RMB 2400 per tonne during the first quarter of 2014 to RMB 2050 during the fourth quarter - an overall decline of 14.6%. According to several speakers, raising the scrap ratio will require a bigger contribution from China’s car recycling industry. According to Long Shaohai, chairman of the China Resource Recycling Association (CRRA), China has been the world’s top car consumer for half a decade, purchasing 23.97 million vehicles in 2014 to raise the number of passenger vehicles in the country to 154.5 million. Many of those vehicles are entering the recycling stream. Long’s data showed that there were 597 licensed car recyclers in China at the end of 2014, up 3.65% year on year. Together they recycled 1.534 million vehicles in 2014 for an increase of 88.1% over 2013, although Long suggested the actual number could be closer to 2.2 million. However, the figure represents less than half of the 4.81 million vehicles that were ‘de-registered’ in 2014 - meaning, according to Long, ‘approximately 50% of the vehicles scrapped in China went back to market illegally’. of operating profits’; second, there’s very little demand or use of used car parts in the Chinese marketplace, depriving recyclers of an important revenue source that’s available - and coveted - by recyclers in other countries; and finally, the industry is subject to 17% VAT, ‘far higher than what recycling enterprises pay in other countries’. As a result, ‘there are underground dismantling markets across China’ that place vehicles and parts back on the road both domestically and in other countries despite the fact that the vehicles have been de-registered. Long offered several policy suggestions, including that the government encourage and establish regulations surrounding the re-marketing of used parts. In 2013, he noted, China’s State Council issued a notice requiring the development of such rules and industry. It included a requirement that, by 2015, China should have the capacity to re-manufacture 800 000 engines as well as other parts for passenger vehicles and for the agricultural, mining and engineering industry. Long didn’t indicate how close China has come to fulfilling these goals - which, in itself, is a telling oversight. ‘Rogue operators’ From the perspective of the speakers, the biggest problem faced by the ferrous industry is unregulated competition from small and medium-sized steel plants that are privately owned or owned by local governments. The reasons are several, including the ability and willingness of these smaller operators to flaunt China’s VAT rules (ferrous scrap transactions are subject to 17% VAT), giving them a significant price advantage over more law-abiding CISA members when purchasing scrap. Meanwhile, their smaller size and local ownership - often in concert with local governments - mean they don’t obey expensive environmental regulations. The result, as described by NDRC’s Zhang, is that WƌĞŝƐĂƵĨ ŶĨƌĂŐĞ͘ Underground dismantling markets Long cited three issues that might be interfering with the ‘orderly’ operation of the car recycling sector: first, the downturn in steel scrap prices has hurt the car recycling business which ‘depends on the sale of ferrous scrap for 90% Liang Zhijun: ferrous scrap prices dropped by 14.6% during the course of 2014. Zhang Deyun: in China, resource recycling has always been high on a list of strategic industries. ‘scrap goes to these rogue operators and the regulated operators can’t get enough’. Specifically, they can’t get enough at the price they want to pay. ‘The traditional development model will no longer work.’ This is nothing new. For as long as China’s steel markets have been expanding, the nation’s largest mills have complained about the unfair advantages enjoyed by their smaller counterparts. At scrap conferences dating back to the mid-2000s at least, Chinese regulators have promised to do something about the problem mills - and yet the problem appears to grow. At first glance, there’s little reason to believe that new efforts to rein in the small-time competition will be any different. Fast growth is out But in two very important respects it is quite different. First, the slowdown in Chinese growth provides regulators with a largely unprecedented opportunity to crack down on mills without causing additional, perceptible damage to the economy. And second, and perhaps most important, Xi Jinping’s government is the most powerful Chinese government in decades, and it has shown a capacity to push - if not succeed - at economic reform across other parts of the economy. Under his leadership, fast growth is out; sustainable growth the ‘new normal’ - is in. As CISA’s Zhu put it during his speech: ‘The traditional, long-standing development model, whereby steel mills expand their production capacity and then compete on low prices, will no longer work under the “new normal”.’ A moment later, Zhu continued with his description of what the steel industry should look like under Xi’s ‘new normal’, saying ‘it’s the trend that companies must be proactive about mitigating their excess capacity, control their production, and refocus on quality and differentiated competition in the future’. It’s not just a trend, however. It’s a direct order from the top, as NDRC’s Zhang made clear in his speech. ‘Parents like well-behaved children,’ he noted. ‘So we’ll do our best to help compliant companies.’ August 2015 33 Flexform-Anzeigen ŶnjĞŝŐĞŵŝƚĨůĞdžŝďůĞŵ&ŽƌŵĂƚ;ƐƚĞƌŶĨƂƌŵŝŐ͕ ŬƌĞŝƐĨƂƌŵŝŐ͕ďůƵŵĞŶĨƂƌŵŝŐ͕ĂďĞƌĂƵĐŚDƵůƚŝͲ ĐŬĞŶĨŽƌŵĂƚĞͬŶnjĞŝŐĞŶ͕ĚŝĞŵĞŚƌĂůƐǀŝĞƌ ĐŬĞŶĂƵĨǁĞŝƐĞŶ͖ĚƌĞŝĞĐŬŝŐĞŶnjĞŝŐĞŶ͕ĚŝĞ ŶŝĐŚƚǁĂĂŐĞƌĞĐŚƚƉůĂƚnjŝĞƌƚǁĞƌĚĞŶ͕ƵƐǁ͘Ϳ͘ ůůĞWƌĞŝƐĞǀĞƌƐƚĞŚĞŶƐŝĐŚnjnjŐů͘Dǁ^ƚ͘'ƌƂƘĞŶ͗ƌĞŝƚĞdž,ƂŚĞΎƉůƵƐϯŵŵĞƐĐŚŶŝƚƚĂŶĂůůĞŶ,ĞĨƚĂƵƘĞŶŬĂŶƚĞŶŝƚƚĞŬŽŶƚĂŬƚŝĞƌĞŶ^ŝĞ:ƵĚŝƚŚtĂŶũĂůĂ͕dĞůĞĨŽŶ͗нϯϭϮϲϳϰϭϬϮϬϬ Wandkalender 2017 Fußball-Europameisterschaft 2016 Wandkalender 2017 1 Feld 2 Felder 75 x 75 mm 75 x 155 mm Fußball-Europameisterschaft Spielplan 2016 2 Felder 155 x 75 mm 4 Felder 155 x 155 mm ϭ&ĞůĚ Exklusiv 800 x 155 mm JANUARY FEBRUARY 1 Mi MARCH 1 Sa Neujahr 2 Do 2 So 3 Mo 4 Sa 4 Di 5 So 5 Mi 5 Mi Aschermittwoch 6 Do 6 Do 6 Mo 2 Hl. Drei Könige APRIL 6 3 Mo 10 Rosenmontag 4 Di Fastnacht 7 Di 7 Fr 7 Fr 8 Mi 8 Sa 8 Sa 9 Do 9 So 9 So MAY 1 Di 1 Sa 2 So 3 Fr ITB ITB ITB ITB ITB 2 Fr 3 Do 3 Sa 4 Fr 4 So 5 Sa 5 Mo 6 So 7 Mo JUNE 1 Do 1 So Tag der Arbeit 2 Mi 2 Mo 4 Mi 6 Di 5 Do 6 Fr 7 Mi 7 Sa 8 Di 8 Do 8 So Pfingstsonntag 9 Mi 9 Fr 15 9 Mo Pfingstmontag 10 Fr 10 Mo 10 Do 10 Sa 10 Di 11 Sa 11 Di 11 Di 11 Fr 11 So Muttertag 11 Mi M 12 So 12 Mi 12 Mi 12 Sa 122 MMo 13 Mo 3 13 Do 14 Di 14 Fr Valentinstag 15 Mi 15 Sa 16 Do 16 Soo 17 Fr 117 MMoo 18 Sa 18 Di 19 So 7 4 14 Fr 21 Fr 22 Sa 23 Do 23 So 24 Fr 24 Mo 25 Sa 25 Di 26 So 27 Mo 5 28 Di 13 So Heft 3 12 13 25 Di 1 Sa 2 So 4 Do 5 Mi 5 Fr 6 Mi 6 Sa 6 So 7 Do 7 So 8 Di 7 Mo 8 Fr 8 Mo 9 Mi 9 Sa 9 Di 28 10 Do 10 So 11 Fr 11 Mo 12 Sa 12 Di 13 Mi 29 15 Fr Mariä Himmelfahrt 16 Mi 16 Sa 17 Do 177 So 18 Fr 18 Mo 19 Sa 19 Di 20 So 30 22 Di 8 Mo 9 Do 9 So 9 Di 10 Mo 11 Di 111 Do 12 Fr 12 So 12 Mii 12 FFrr 13 Mo 177 Fr 119 Fr 20 Mi 20 Sa 21 So 22 Fr 22 Mo Heft 9 21 Fr 22 Sa 23 Do 23 So 24 Fr 24 Mo 25 Fr 25 So 25 Mi 25 Fr 25 Sa 25 Di 26 Sa 28 Mo 26 Do 26 Sa 27 Di 26 Mo 27 Fr 27 So 28 Mi 28 Sa 28 Mo 29 Di 29 Do Christi Himmelfahrt 29 So 30 Mi 30 Fr 30 Mo 18 22 29 Di 30 Mi 27 31 Sa 31 Do 25 Mo 31 RDA-Workshop RDA-Workshop RDA-Workshop 35 25 Do 26 Di 26 Fr 27 Mi 27 Sa 28 Do 28 So 29 Fr 29 Mo 30 Sa 30 Di 31 S0 IAA Nutzfahrzeuge IAA Nutzfahrzeuge IAA Nutzfahrzeuge IAA Nutzfahrzeuge 40 IAA Nutzfahrzeuge IAA Nutzfahrzeuge 26 So Ende der Sommerzeit Anzeigenschluss: Druckauflage: Format: Werbemöglichkeiten: Round of 16 Tip 1 Tip 2 Tip 3 Costa Rica England Italien : Sieger C Zweiter D : : : : Team I Team II Score Tip 1 Tip 2 Tip 3 : AF2 Sa 28.06. 22:00 Kick-off : Sa 14.06. 21:00 Uruguay Costa Rica : : : : : : : AF3 So 29.06. 18:00 Sieger B Zweiter A : : : : Sa 14.06. 23:00 England Italien : : : Di 17.06. 21:00 Brasilien Mexiko : : : : AF4 So 29.06. 22:00 Sieger D Zweiter C : : : : Do 19.06. 21:00 Uruguay England : : : : Mi 18.06. 23:00 Kamerun Kroatien : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Costa Rica Brasilien Zweiter F Italien Kamerun Sieger E Fr 20.06. 18:00 Mo 23.06. 22:00 AF5 Mo 30.06. 18:00 : : : : : : : : : : : Uruguay : Zweiter H Italien Kroatien Sieger G Di 24.06. 18:00 Mo 23.06. 22:00 AF6 Mo 30.06. 22:00 Di 24.06. 18:00 Costa Rica : : : : Mexiko Tip 1 Tip 2 Tip 3 Chile 1. ___________ 2. ___________ Niederlande Australien 3. ___________ 4. ___________ Kick-off Team I Spanien Fr 13.06. 23:00 Team II Niederlande Chile Australien Australien Niederlande Sieger F Zweiter E : : : : AF8 Di 01.07. 22:00 Sieger H Zweiter G : : : : Score : : Tip 1 Tip 2 : : : : Tip 3 : : Quarter-finals Score Tip 1 Tip 2 Tip 3 VF1 Fr 04.07. 18:00 Sieger AF1 Sieger AF2 : : : : VF2 Fr 04.07. 22:00 Sieger AF5 Sieger AF6 : : : : Ecuador 1. ___________ 2. ___________ Honduras 3. ___________ 4. ___________ Kick-off Team I : : : : : : : : : Frankreich : : : : Sieger AF7 Sieger AF8 : : : : Fr 20.06. 00:00 VF4 Sa 05.07. 22:00 Sieger AF3 Sieger AF4 : : : : Mi 25.06. 21:00 Honduras 25 Do 1. Weihnachtstag Mo 23.06. 18:00 Niederlande Chile : : : : Mi 25.06. 22:00 Ecuador 29 Mi 29 Sa 30 Do 30 So 1. Advent 29 Mo C 1 30 Di 31 Mi Silvester Kolumbien Elfenbeinküste Griechenland 1. ___________ 2. ___________ Japan 3. ___________ 4. ___________ Kick-off Team I Team II Score Tip 1 Tip 2 Tip 3 Sa 14.06. 18:00 Kolumbien Griechenland : : : : Japan : : : : Sa 14.06. 03:00 Elfenbeinküste Do 19.06. 18:00 Kolumbien Elfenbeinküste : : : : Do 19.06. 00:00 Japan Griechenland : : : : Di 24.06. 21:00 Japan Kolumbien : : : : : : : : HF1 Di 08.07. 22:00 Sieger VF1 Sieger VF2 : : : : HF2 Mi 09.07. 22:00 Sieger VF4 Sieger VF3 : : : : Match for 3 place rd Sa 12.07. 22:00 Wir sichern Ihre Mobilität 24 Stunden am Tag! ϭ&ĞůĚ Ϯ&ĞůĚĞƌ Erscheinungstermin: Anzeigenschluss: Druckauflage: Format: Werbemöglichkeiten: Verlierer HF1 Verlierer HF2 Sieger HF1 Sieger HF2 Final So 13.07. 21:00 (UVDW]IDKU]HXJVWHOOXQJ6FKQHOOH9HUIJEDUNHLW Tip 3 Score Tip 1 Tip 2 Tip 3 : : : : Score Tip 1 Tip 2 Tip 3 : : : : : : : : Schweiz VF3 Sa 05.07. 18:00 : Tip 2 Tip 3 : : : Ecuador : : Tip 1 Tip 2 : : Frankreich : Score Tip 1 : Honduras Schweiz Honduras Fr 20.06. 21:00 : : Semi-finals Score Schweiz Frankreich : : : Final table Team II Ecuador So 15.06. 18:00 So 15.06. 21:00 : Chile 28 So Final table Schweiz Spanien 26 Fr 2. Weihnachtstag : England : Frankreich Spanien 27 Sa : E Australien 28 Fr Mi 18.06. 18:00 AF7 Di 01.07. 18:00 Final table Spanien Mo 23.06. 18:00 26 Mi 1. ___________ 2. ___________ 3. ___________ 4. ___________ : : : Score Mi 18.06. 21:00 52 Final table : : Kamerun F : Final table Argentinien BosnienHerzegowina 1. ___________ 2. ___________ Iran Nigeria Kick-off Team I So 15.06. 00:00 Argentinien Mo 16.06. 21:00 Iran Team II Bosnien-H. Nigeria 3. ___________ 4. ___________ Score : : : Tip 1 : : : Tip 2 : : : Tip 3 : : Sa 21.06. 18:00 Argentinien Iran Sa 21.06. 23:00 Nigeria Bosnien-H. : : : : Mi 25.06. 18:00 Nigeria Argentinien : : : : : Mi 25.06. 18:00 Bosnien-H. Iran : : : : DĂŝϮϬϭϲ;ĞŝůĂŐĞŝŶZĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐ/ŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂůEƌ͘ϰͿ ϭϰ͘ƉƌŝůϮϬϭϲ ϴ͘ϬϬϬdžĞŵƉůĂƌĞ ϱϲϬdžϰϬϬŵŵ ϳϱdžϳϱŵŵ Φരϰϳϱ͕Ͳ ϭ&ĞůĚ ϭϮϯdžϲϬŵŵ Φ ϭ͘Ϭϵϱ͕Ͳ Ϯ&ĞůĚĞƌ ϳϱdžϭϱϱŵŵ Φരϳϵϱ͕Ͳ Ϯ&ĞůĚĞƌ ϮϱϯdžϲϬŵŵ Φϭ͘ϵϵϱ,- ϭϱϱdžϳϱŵŵ Φരϳϵϱ,- džŬůƵƐŝǀ ϱϭϱdžϲϬŵŵ Φϯ͘ϵϵϱ͕Ͳ ϰ&ĞůĚĞƌ ϭϱϱdžϭϱϱŵŵ Φരϭ͘ϲϵϱ͕Ͳ Uruguay : Kroatien Mexiko ϭ&ĞůĚ ůůĞŽďĞŶŐĞŶĂŶŶƚĞŶWƌĞŝƐĞǀĞƌƐƚĞŚĞŶƐŝĐŚnjnjŐů͘ Dǁ^ƚ͘ D Zweiter B Team I Brasilien Team II AF1 Sa 28.06. 18:00 Score Sieger A Kick-off Do 12.06. 22:00 Di 24.06. 22:00 Griechenland Elfenbeinküste ŽǀĞŵďĞƌϮϬϭϲ E ;ĞŝůĂŐĞŝŶZĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐ /ŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂůEƌ͘ϵͿ ϭϯ͘KŬƚŽďĞƌϮϬϭϲ ϳ͘ϬϬϬdžĞŵƉůĂƌĞ ϴϮϬdžϱϴϬŵŵ 1. ___________ 2. ___________ 3. ___________ 4. ___________ 23 Di Your gateway to the global recycling industry! Erscheinungstermin: Final table 24 Mi Heiligabend 22 Mo 31 Fr Reformationstag Kamerun Fr 13.06. 21:00 20 Sa 27 Do 44 Kroatien Mexiko Fr 13.06. 18:00 B 21 So 4. Advent 48 28 Di 27 Mo 51 17 Mi 19 Fr 20 Do 22 Mi 23 Di 24 Mi Brasilien 14 So 3. Advent 18 Do 19 Mi Buß- und Bettag 43 21 Di 23 Sa Heft 12 16 Di 47 18 Di 19 So 20 Mo 39 17 Mo 10 Mi 15 Mo 1166 So Heft 10 50 13 Sa Heft 11 155 Sa 16 Do 18 Sa 46 13 Do 14 Fr 1 Mi 15 17 Mi 118 Do 21 Do 4 42 14 Di 338 1166 DDi 24 So Heft 6/7 7 So 2. Advent 10 Fr 23 Mi 26 6 Sa Nikolaus Nikolaus 7 Fr 8 Sa 11 Sa 14 So Heft 8 6 Do 7 Di 8 Mi 11 Do 155 Mo M 34 41 A 3 Mi 10 Mi 13 Sa 14 Do 15 Di 21 Mo 33 6 Mo 37 49 2 Di 3 Mo 4 Di 45 Euro 2016 France DECEMBER 1 Mo Allerheiligen 4 Sa 5 So 24 Do 27 So 14 22 So NOVEMBER IAA Nutzfahrzeuge IAA Nutzfahrzeuge 3 Fr Tag der Dt. Einheit 23 Mo 28 Fr 30 So Beginn der Sommerzeit 20 Fr 21 Sa OCTOBER 1 Mi 2 Do 4 Do 3 Mi 24 Di 26 Mi 29 Sa 19 Do Fronleichnam 22 Do 36 2 Di 32 23 Fr 27 Do 31 Mo 21 20 Di 21 Mi 1 Mo 5 Fr 14 Mo 25 SEPTEMBER 4 Mo 5 Di 24 Sa 28 Fr 30 Do 17 Di 18 Mi 3 So 4 Fr 5 Sa 23 Mi 26 Mi 31 Fr 16 Mo AUGUST 1 Fr 2 Sa 3 Do 13 So 14 Sa 15 So Heft 5 17 Sa JULY 1 Di 2 Mi 24 Do 27 Do 29 Mi 17 22 Di 23 So 24 Mo + 155 x 305 mm 1122 Do 18 So 19 Mo 20 So Ostersonntag 21 Mo Ostermontag 21 Fr 22 Sa 9 16 FFr 24 2017 2016 13 Fr 14 Mi 15 Doo Heft 4 19 Sa 19 Mi 20 Do Heft 1/2 17 Do 18 Fr Karfreitag 118 Di 2200 13 Di 16 16 Mii 116 So 17 Mo 14 Moo 115 Di 15 Sa 20 Do 22 Mi 11 13 Do 8 19 Mi 20 Mo 21 Di 10 Mo 23 3 Di 19 ůůĞŽďĞŶŐĞŶĂŶŶƚĞŶWƌĞŝƐĞnjnjŐů͘Dǁ^ƚ͘ ϰ&ĞůĚĞƌ ϭϲരͬരϭϳ 2016 Recycling Technology Recycling Technology – die jährliche Publikation von Recycling International 2016 Powered by Recycling International Top scientists share innovations and insights t Ultimately, will everything get recycled? t Stripping precious and base metals from e-waste t Quantifying the resource savings delivered by recycling t An alternative approach to rare earth elements Inhalt &ŽƌƐĐŚĞƌƵŶĚtŝƐƐĞŶƐĐŚĂĨƚůĞƌǀŽŶdĞĐŚŶŝƐĐŚĞŶ hŶŝǀĞƌƐŝƚćƚĞŶƵŶĚ/ŶƐƚŝƚƵƚĞŶĨƺƌ&ŽƌƐĐŚƵŶŐƵŶĚ ŶƚǁŝĐŬůƵŶŐƌƵŶĚƵŵĚŝĞtĞůƚǀĞƌĨĂƐƐĞŶ ŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƚŝǀĞƌƚŝŬĞůƺďĞƌĚŝĞŶĞƵĞƐƚĞŶ ZĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐƚĞĐŚŶŽůŽŐŝĞŶ͘ĂƌƺďĞƌŚŝŶĂƵƐŝŶ ZĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐ/ŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂů͗ŶǁĞŶĚĞƌďĞŝƚƌćŐĞǀŽŶ hŶƚĞƌŶĞŚŵĞŶ͕ĚŝĞĞŝŐĞŶĞZĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐƚĞĐŚŶŽůŽŐŝĞŶ ĞŶƚǁŝĐŬĞůŶ͖ƌƚŝŬĞůƺďĞƌdĞĐŚŶŽůŽŐŝĞŶĞƵŝŐŬĞŝƚĞŶ ǀŽŶZĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐ/ŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂůĂƵƐĚĞƌZƵďƌŝŬͣ/ŵ >ĂďŽƌ͞ƵŶĚĂŶĚĞƌĞƌĞůĞǀĂŶƚĞǁŝƐƐĞŶƐĐŚĂĨƚůŝĐŚĞ ƌƚŝŬĞů͖ZĞĨĞƌĞŶnjƚĞŝůŵŝƚ'ůŽƐƐĂƌŶƺƚnjůŝĐŚĞƌĞŐƌŝĨĨĞ ƵŶĚĞĨŝŶŝƚŝŽŶĞŶ͖sĞƌnjĞŝĐŚŶŝƐĚĞƌdĞĐŚŶŝƐĐŚĞŶ hŶŝǀĞƌƐŝƚćƚĞŶƵŶĚ/ŶƐƚŝƚƵƚĞĨƺƌ&ŽƌƐĐŚƵŶŐƵŶĚ ŶƚǁŝĐŬůƵŶŐ͕ĚŝĞŝŶĚĞŶĞƌĞŝĐŚĞŶZĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐƵŶĚ ďĨĂůůďĞŚĂŶĚůƵŶŐĨŽƌƐĐŚĞŶ͘ Erscheinungstermin Herbst 2016 Format /Eϰ;ϮϭϬdžϮϵϳŵŵͿ Auflage ϵ͘ϬϬϬʹϭϬ͘ϬϬϬdžĞŵƉůĂƌĞ 1/1-seitigetĞƌďĞĂŶnjĞŝŐĞϮϭϬdžϮϵϳŵŵ Φϯ͘ϵϵϱ,- Zielbranchen ůůĞZĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐďƌĂŶĐŚĞŶĞŝŶƐĐŚůŝĞƘůŝĐŚŝƐĞŶͲƵŶĚ EͲDĞƚĂůůĞ͕EŝĐŬĞůƵŶĚĚĞůƐƚĂŚů͕ůĞŬƚƌŽŶŝŬͲ ƐĐŚƌŽƚƚ͕WĂƉŝĞƌ͕<ƵŶƐƚƐƚŽĨĨĞƵŶĚZĞŝĨĞŶ͘ 1/2-seitigetĞƌďĞĂŶnjĞŝŐĞ ϵϬdžϮϳϬͬϭϴϱdžϭϮϴŵŵ ΦϮ͘ϳϱϬ,- 1/3-seitigetĞƌďĞĂŶnjĞŝŐĞ ϱϴdžϮϳϬͬϭϴϱdžϴϱŵŵ ΦϮ͘ϭϱϬ,- Angestrebte Verbreitung 'ůŽďĂůĞsĞƌďƌĞŝƚƵŶŐƵŶƚĞƌ>ĞƐĞƌŶǀŽŶZĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐ /ŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂů͖ƉƌćƐĞŶƚĂƵĨǀŝĞůĞŶ<ŽŶŐƌĞƐƐĞŶƵŶĚ &ĂĐŚŵĞƐƐĞŶ͖dĞĐŚŶŝƐĐŚĞhŶŝǀĞƌƐŝƚćƚĞŶƵŶĚ /ŶƐƚŝƚƵƚĞĨƺƌ&Θ͖ƌĞůĞǀĂŶƚĞhŶƚĞƌŶĞŚŵĞŶŝŶĚĞŶ ƌĂŶĐŚĞŶ^ƚĂŚůƵŶĚEͲDĞƚĂůůĞƐŽǁŝĞ'ŝĞƘĞƌĞŝĞŶ͖ ŶƚƐŽƌŐƵŶŐƐƵŶƚĞƌŶĞŚŵĞŶƵŶĚĂƵƐŐĞǁćŚůƚĞ ŶƚƐĐŚĞŝĚĞƌ͘ 1/4-seitigetĞƌďĞĂŶnjĞŝŐĞ ϵϬdžϭϮϴͬϭϴϱdžϲϮŵŵ Φϭ͘ϱϳϱ,- Anzeigenpreise 2-seitiger AnwenderbeitragΎ ;ŝŶŬů͘ЪͲƐĞŝƚŝŐĞƐhŶƚĞƌŶĞŚŵĞŶƐƉƌŽĨŝůнͲWĂƉĞƌͿ Φϰ͘ϮϱϬ,- 1-seitiger AnwenderbeitragΎ ;ŝŶŬů͘ЪͲƐĞŝƚŝŐĞƐhŶƚĞƌŶĞŚŵĞŶƐƉƌŽĨŝůнͲWĂƉĞƌͿ ΦϮ͘ϳϱϬ,- Umschlag Φϱ͘ϮϬϬ,- hŵƐĐŚůĂŐͲůƚĂƌĨĂůnj WƌĞŝƐĂƵĨŶĨƌĂŐĞ ϭͬϮͲƐĞŝƚŝŐŐĞƚĞŝůƚĞƌhŵƐĐŚůĂŐ,ŽĐŚĨŽƌŵĂƚ WƌĞŝƐĂƵĨŶĨƌĂŐĞ ΎůůĞŶǁĞŶĚĞƌďĞŝƚƌćŐĞǁĞƌĚĞŶϭϮDŽŶĂƚĞůĂŶŐĂƵĐŚĂƵĨĚĞƌ tĞďƐŝƚĞǀŽŶZĞĐLJĐůŝŶŐ/ŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂůǀĞƌƂĨĨĞŶƚůŝĐŚƚ͘ ůůĞWƌĞŝƐĞǀĞƌƐƚĞŚĞŶƐŝĐŚnjnjŐů͘Dǁ^ƚ͘tĞŝƚĞƌĞ&ŽƌŵĂƚĞĂƵĨ ŶĨƌĂŐĞ͘ രϭϴ ůůŐĞŵĞŝŶĞ'ĞƐĐŚćŌƐďĞĚŝŶŐƵŶŐĞŶ;'ͿĨƺƌŶnjĞŝŐĞŶ͕&ƌĞŵĚďĞŝůĂŐĞŶƵŶĚKŶůŝŶĞͲtĞƌďƵŶŐ ഩϭ͘ ͣŶnjĞŝŐĞŶĂƵĨƚƌĂŐ͞im Sinn der nachfolgenden Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen ist der Vertrag über die Veröffentlichung von Anzeigen und Fremdbeilagen in einer Druckschrift sowie über Online-Werbung zum Zweck der Verbreitung. Ein Abschluss erfolgt unter Beachtung der gemäß Preisliste zu gewährenden Rabatte. Rechtsverbindliche Anzeigenaufträge kommen erst durch schriftliche Bestätigung des Auftrags zustande. ഩϮ͘ ďƌƵĨ͗Anzeigen und Fremdbeilagen sind im Zweifel zur Veröffentlichung innerhalb eines Jahres nach Vertragsabschluss abzurufen. Ist im Rahmen eines Abschlusses das Recht zum Abruf einzelner Anzeigen eingeräumt, so ist der Auftrag innerhalb eines Jahres seit Erscheinen der ersten Anzeige abzuwickeln, sofern die erste Anzeige innerhalb der in Satz 1 genannten Frist abgerufen und veröffentlicht wird. ഩϯ͘ ĞŝďƐĐŚůƺƐƐĞŶŝƐƚĚĞƌƵĨƚƌĂŐŐĞďĞƌďĞƌĞĐŚƚŝŐƚ͕ŝŶŶĞƌŚĂůďĚĞƌǀĞƌĞŝŶďĂƌƚĞŶďnjǁ͘ĚĞƌŝŶŝĨĨĞƌരϮŐĞŶĂŶŶƚĞŶ&ƌŝƐƚĂƵĐŚƺďĞƌĚŝĞŝŵƵĨƚƌĂŐŐĞŶĂŶŶƚĞŶnjĞŝŐĞŶŵĞŶŐĞ hinaus weitere Anzeigen zu den vertraglich vereinbarten Konditionen bzw. nach Preisliste abzurufen. ഩϰ͘ KŶůŝŶĞͲtĞƌďƵŶŐ ;Ě͘രŚ͘ ,ŽŵĞƉĂŐĞ͕ EĞǁƐůĞƚƚĞƌ ĞƚĐ͘Ϳ ďĞƐƚŝŵŵƚ ƐŝĐŚ ŶĂĐŚ ĚĞŵ ŐĞďƵĐŚƚĞŶ ĞŝƚƌĂƵŵ͘ Ğƌ ƵĨƚƌĂŐŐĞďĞƌ ŚĂƚ ǁćŚƌĞŶĚ ĚĞƌ ŐĞƐĂŵƚĞŶ >ĂƵĨnjĞŝƚ ĚĞƐ Vertrages die Webseiten bzw. Dokumente, auf die von der Online-Werbung verlinkt werden soll, aufrecht zu erhalten. Vorbehaltlich entgegenstehender IndividualǀĞƌĞŝŶďĂƌƵŶŐĞŶƐŝŶĚĚŝĞǀŽŵĂŶŶĞƌƐLJƐƚĞŵĚĞƐsĞƌůĂŐƐŐĞŶĂŶŶƚĞŶtĞƌƚĞďĞŝĚĞŶsŝƐŝƚƐƵŶĚWĂŐĞ/ŵƉƌĞƐƐŝŽŶƐŵĂƘŐĞďůŝĐŚ͘ ഩϱ͘ ďůĞŚŶƵŶŐǀŽŶƵĨƚƌćŐĞŶ͗Der Verlag ist berechtigt, Anzeigenaufträge – auch einzelne Abrufe im Rahmen eines Gesamtauftrages – nach sachgemäßem Ermessen abzulehnen. Dies gilt insbesondere, wenn deren Inhalt gegen Gesetze oder behördliche Bestimmungen verstößt, vom deutschen Werberat in einem BeschwerdeǀĞƌĨĂŚƌĞŶďĞĂŶƐƚĂŶĚĞƚǁƵƌĚĞŽĚĞƌĚĞƌĞŶsĞƌƂĨĨĞŶƚůŝĐŚƵŶŐĨƺƌĚĞŶsĞƌůĂŐǁĞŐĞŶĚĞƐ/ŶŚĂůƚƐ͕ĚĞƌ,ĞƌŬƵŶĨƚŽĚĞƌĚĞƌƚĞĐŚŶŝƐĐŚĞŶ&ŽƌŵƵŶnjƵŵƵƚďĂƌŝƐƚŽĚĞƌĞŝůĂŐĞŶ ĚƵƌĐŚ&ŽƌŵĂƚŽĚĞƌƵĨŵĂĐŚƵŶŐďĞŝŵ>ĞƐĞƌĚĞŶŝŶĚƌƵĐŬĞŝŶĞƐĞƐƚĂŶĚƚĞŝůƐĚĞƌĞŝƚƵŶŐ͕ĚĞƌĞŝƚƐĐŚƌŝĨƚŽĚĞƌĚĞƐǀĞƌůĂŐƐĞŝŐĞŶĞŶKŶůŝŶĞͲŶŐĞďŽƚƐĞƌǁĞĐŬĞŶŽĚĞƌ Fremdanzeigen enthalten. Die Ablehnung eines Auftrages wird dem Auftraggeber unverzüglich nach Kenntniserlangung des betreffenden Inhalts mitgeteilt. OnlinetĞƌďĞĨŽƌŵĞŶ͕ĚŝĞŝŵtŝĚĞƌƐƉƌƵĐŚnjƵĚŝĞƐĞŶĞƐƚŝŵŵƵŶŐĞŶƐƚĞŚĞŶ͕ŬƂŶŶĞŶĂƵĐŚŶĂĐŚƚƌćŐůŝĐŚĂƵƐĚĞŵKŶůŝŶĞͲŶŐĞďŽƚĞŶƚĨĞƌŶƚǁĞƌĚĞŶ͘ ഩϲ͘ ŶnjĞŝŐĞŶƐĐŚůƵƐƐ͗Die in den Preislisten angegebenen Anzeigenschlüsse sind für den Verlag unverbindlich. Dem Verlag steht es frei, Anzeigenschlusstermine kurzfrisƚŝŐ͕ĚĞŵWƌŽĚƵŬƚŝŽŶƐĂďůĂƵĨĞŶƚƐƉƌĞĐŚĞŶĚ͕ĂŶnjƵƉĂƐƐĞŶ͘ ഩϳ͘ Das ^ƚŽƌŶŽǀŽŶďĞƌĞŝƚƐŐĞďƵĐŚƚĞŶƵĨƚƌćŐĞŶĚƵƌĐŚĚĞŶƵĨƚƌĂŐŐĞďĞƌŝƐƚďŝƐϭϰരdĂŐĞǀŽƌŶnjĞŝŐĞŶƐĐŚůƵƐƐ;WƌŝŶƚͿďnjǁ͘ĞŐŝŶŶĚĞƌ<ĂŵƉĂŐŶĞ;KŶůŝŶĞͿŵƂŐůŝĐŚ͘ĂŶĂĐŚ ĨĂůůĞŶ^ƚŽƌŶŽŐĞďƺŚƌĞŶŝŶ,ƂŚĞǀŽŶϱϬйĚĞƐƌƵƚƚŽƉƌĞŝƐĞƐĂŶ͘<ƺŶĚŝŐƵŶŐĞŶƵŶĚZƺĐŬƚƌŝƚƚĞ͕ĚŝĞŶĂĐŚĚĞŵŶnjĞŝŐĞŶƐĐŚůƵƐƐďnjǁ͘ĚĞŵĞŐŝŶŶĚĞƌ<ĂŵƉĂŐŶĞĞŝŶŐĞŚĞŶ͕ ǁĞƌĚĞŶĨƌƺŚĞƐƚĞŶƐĨƺƌĚŝĞŶćĐŚƐƚĞWƌŝŶƚͲƵƐŐĂďĞďnjǁ͘KŶůŝŶĞͲ<ĂŵƉĂŐŶĞǁŝƌŬƐĂŵ͘ůůĞƌĚŝŶŐƐŬƂŶŶĞŶŶnjĞŝŐĞŶĂƵĨƚƌćŐĞŶĂĐŚŶnjĞŝŐĞŶƐĐŚůƵƐƐďnjǁ͘ĚĞŵĞŐŝŶŶĚĞƌ <ĂŵƉĂŐŶĞŐƌƵŶĚƐćƚnjůŝĐŚŶƵƌĂƵƐǁŝĐŚƚŝŐĞŵ'ƌƵŶĚŐĞŬƺŶĚŝŐƚǁĞƌĚĞŶ͘ŝĞ<ƺŶĚŝŐƵŶŐŵƵƐƐƐĐŚƌŝĨƚůŝĐŚĞƌĨŽůŐĞŶ͘dĞůĞĨĂdžƵŶĚͲDĂŝůŐĞŶƺŐĞŶ͘ ഩϴ͘ WůĂƚnjŝĞƌƵŶŐǀŽŶŶnjĞŝŐĞŶ͗ŶnjĞŝŐĞŶǁĞƌĚĞŶŝŶďĞƐƚŝŵŵƚĞŶEƵŵŵĞƌŶ͕ƵƐŐĂďĞŶŽĚĞƌĂŶďĞƐƚŝŵŵƚĞŶ^ƚĞůůĞŶĚĞƌƌƵĐŬƐĐŚƌŝĨƚŽĚĞƌĚĞŶKŶůŝŶĞͲDĞĚŝĞŶǀĞƌƂĨĨĞŶƚůŝĐŚƚ͕ǁĞŶŶĚŝĞƐďĞŝĚĞƌƵĨƚƌĂŐƐĞƌƚĞŝůƵŶŐƐĐŚƌŝĨƚůŝĐŚ͕ĂƵĐŚƉĞƌdĞůĞĨĂdžƵŶĚͲDĂŝůǀĞƌĞŝŶďĂƌƚƵŶĚǀŽŵsĞƌůĂŐďĞƐƚćƚŝŐƚǁŝƌĚ͘ZƵďƌŝŬĂŶnjĞŝŐĞŶǁĞƌĚĞŶŐƌƵŶĚƐćƚnjůŝĐŚŶƵƌ in der jeweiligen Rubrik veröffentlicht. Sofern keine eindeutigen Platzierungsvorgaben gemacht werden, kann der Verlag die Platzierung frei bestimmen. ഩϵ͘ ,ĂĨƚƵŶŐĨƺƌĚŝĞ/ŶŚĂůƚĞĚĞƌŶnjĞŝŐĞ͗Der Auftraggeber trägt allein die Verantwortung für den Inhalt und die rechtliche Zulässigkeit der Anzeige und/oder der OnlinetĞƌďĞĨŽƌŵƐŽǁŝĞŚŝŶƐŝĐŚƚůŝĐŚĚĞƌŚŝĞƌĨƺƌnjƵƌsĞƌĨƺŐƵŶŐŐĞƐƚĞůůƚĞŶDĂƚĞƌŝĂůŝĞŶ͘ƌƐƚĞůůƚĚĞŶsĞƌůĂŐǀŽŶĂůůĞŶŶƐƉƌƺĐŚĞŶƌŝƚƚĞƌĨƌĞŝ͕ĚŝĞŝŶĚŝĞƐĞŵƵƐĂŵŵĞŶŚĂŶŐ ĞƚǁĂŐĞůƚĞŶĚŐĞŵĂĐŚƚǁĞƌĚĞŶ;ŝŶŬůƵƐŝǀĞĚĞƌ<ŽƐƚĞŶnjƵƌŶŽƚǁĞŶĚŝŐĞŶZĞĐŚƚƐǀĞƌƚĞŝĚŝŐƵŶŐͿ͕ĂƵĐŚǁĞŶŶĚĞƌƵĨƚƌĂŐƐƚŽƌŶŝĞƌƚƐĞŝŶƐŽůůƚĞ͘ĞƌsĞƌůĂŐŝƐƚŶŝĐŚƚǀĞƌƉĨůŝĐŚƚĞƚ͕ƵĨƚƌćŐĞƵŶĚŶnjĞŝŐĞŶĚĂƌĂƵĨŚŝŶnjƵƉƌƺĨĞŶ͕ŽďĚƵƌĐŚƐŝĞZĞĐŚƚĞƌŝƚƚĞƌďĞĞŝŶƚƌćĐŚƚŝŐƚǁĞƌĚĞŶ͘ƵƌĐŚƌƚĞŝůƵŶŐĞŝŶĞƐŶnjĞŝŐĞŶĂƵĨƚƌĂŐĞƐǀĞƌƉĨůŝĐŚƚĞƚƐŝĐŚĚĞƌ /ŶƐĞƌĞŶƚ͕ĚŝĞ<ŽƐƚĞŶĚĞƌsĞƌƂĨĨĞŶƚůŝĐŚƵŶŐĞŝŶĞƌ'ĞŐĞŶĚĂƌƐƚĞůůƵŶŐ͕ĚŝĞƐŝĐŚĂƵĨƚĂƚƐćĐŚůŝĐŚĞĞŚĂƵƉƚƵŶŐĞŶĚĞƌǀĞƌƂĨĨĞŶƚůŝĐŚƚĞŶŶnjĞŝŐĞďĞnjŝĞŚƚ͕njƵƚƌĂŐĞŶ͕ƵŶĚnjǁĂƌ ŶĂĐŚDĂƘŐĂďĞĚĞƐũĞǁĞŝůƐŐƺůƚŝŐĞŶŶnjĞŝŐĞŶƚĂƌŝĨƐ͘ƌƐĐŚĞŝŶĞŶŶŝĐŚƚƌĞĐŚƚnjĞŝƚŝŐƐŝƐƚŝĞƌƚĞŶnjĞŝŐĞŶ͕ƐŽƐƚĞŚĞŶĂƵĐŚĚĞŵƵĨƚƌĂŐŐĞďĞƌĚĂƌĂƵƐŬĞŝŶĞŶƐƉƌƺĐŚĞŐĞŐĞŶ den Verlag zu. ϭϬ͘ ƌƵĐŬƵŶƚĞƌůĂŐĞŶ͗&ƺƌĚŝĞƌĞĐŚƚnjĞŝƚŝŐĞƵŶĚĞŝŶǁĂŶĚĨƌĞŝĞ>ŝĞĨĞƌƵŶŐĚĞƐŶnjĞŝŐĞŶƚĞdžƚĞƐŝŶƌƵĐŬƵŶƚĞƌůĂŐĞŶ͕ĞŝůĂŐĞŶƐŽǁŝĞŝŶĚĞƌKŶůŝŶĞͲtĞƌďƵŶŐŝƐƚĚĞƌƵĨƚƌĂŐͲ ŐĞďĞƌǀĞƌĂŶƚǁŽƌƚůŝĐŚ͘ŝĞ^ĐŚůƵƐƐƚĞƌŵŝŶĞĨƺƌƌƵĐŬƵŶƚĞƌůĂŐĞŶƐŝŶĚĚĞƌũĞǁĞŝůŝŐĞŶŶnjĞŝŐĞŶƉƌĞŝƐůŝƐƚĞĚĞƐsĞƌůĂŐĞƐnjƵĞŶƚŶĞŚŵĞŶ͘ 'ĞĨĂŚƌƺďĞƌŐĂŶŐ ist mit Eingang der Unterlagen beim Verlag oder der Online-Werbeformen. Die Übersendung von mehr als zwei Farbvorlagen, die nicht terminŐĞƌĞĐŚƚĞ>ŝĞĨĞƌƵŶŐĚĞƌƌƵĐŬƵŶƚĞƌůĂŐĞŶƵŶĚĚĞƌtƵŶƐĐŚŶĂĐŚĞŝŶĞƌǀŽŶĚĞƌsŽƌůĂŐĞĂďǁĞŝĐŚĞŶĚĞŶƌƵĐŬǁŝĞĚĞƌŐĂďĞŬƂŶŶĞŶƵƐǁŝƌŬƵŶŐĞŶĂƵĨWůĂƚnjŝĞƌƵŶŐƵŶĚ ƌƵĐŬƋƵĂůŝƚćƚǀĞƌƵƌƐĂĐŚĞŶƵŶĚƐĐŚůŝĞƘĞŶƐƉćƚĞƌĞZĞŬůĂŵĂƚŝŽŶĞŶĂƵƐ͘ Soweit möglich, wird der Verlag jedoch für erkennbar ungeeignete oder beschädigte Druckunterlagen unverzüglich Ersatz anfordern. ZƺĐŬƐĞŶĚƵŶŐ͗Druckunterlagen werden nur auf besondere Aufforderung an den Auftraggeber zurückgesandt. Die Pflicht zur Aufbewahrung endet sechs Wochen nach der Veröffentlichung der Anzeige. An den Verlag übermittelte Datenträger mit Druckvorlagen gehen in das Eigentum des Verlages über. Sie werden nur auf ĂƵƐĚƌƺĐŬůŝĐŚĞŶtƵŶƐĐŚƵŶĚŐĞŐĞŶĞŝŶĞsĞƌƐĂŶĚŐĞďƺŚƌǀŽŶϱ͕ϬϬരΦĂŶĚĞŶƵĨƚƌĂŐŐĞďĞƌĂƵĨĚĞƐƐĞŶZŝƐŝŬŽnjƵƌƺĐŬŐĞƐĞŶĚĞƚ͘ ďĚƌƵĐŬŚƂŚĞǀŽŶŶnjĞŝŐĞŶ͗Sind keine besonderen Größenvorschriften vereinbart oder vorgegeben, wird die Anzeige mit der für eine solche Anzeige üblichen ,ƂŚĞĂďŐĞĚƌƵĐŬƚƵŶĚďĞƌĞĐŚŶĞƚ͘tĞŝĐŚƚďĞŝĞŝŶĞƌĨĞƌƚŝŐĂŶŐĞůŝĞĨĞƌƚĞŶƌƵĐŬƵŶƚĞƌůĂŐĞĚŝĞďĚƌƵĐŬŚƂŚĞǀŽŶĚĞƌďĞƐƚĞůůƚĞŶďĚƌƵĐŬŚƂŚĞŝŵƵĨƚƌĂŐĂď͕ŐŝůƚĚĂƐDĂƘ ĚĞƌŝŶďĚƌƵĐŬŐĞďƌĂĐŚƚĞŶŶnjĞŝŐĞŶŚƂŚĞ͘ŶŐĞĨĂŶŐĞŶĞDŝůůŝŵĞƚĞƌǁĞƌĚĞŶĚĂďĞŝĂƵĨǀŽůůĞDŝůůŝŵĞƚĞƌŶĂĐŚŽďĞŶŐĞƌƵŶĚĞƚ͘ WƌŽďĞĂďnjƺŐĞ werden nur auf ausdrücklichen Wunsch geliefert. Der Verlag berücksichtigt alle Fehlerkorrekturen, die ihm innerhalb der bei der Übersendung des Probeabzuges gesetzten Frist mitgeteilt werden. Sendet der Auftraggeber den ihm rechtzeitig übermittelten Probeabzug nicht innerhalb der gesetzten Frist zurück, so gilt die Genehmigung zum Druck als erteilt. Der Auftraggeber trägt die Verantwortung für die Richtigkeit der zurückgesandten Probeabzüge. Werden ƌƵĐŬǀŽƌůĂŐĞŶŽĚĞƌKŶůŝŶĞͲtĞƌďƵŶŐĚŝŐŝƚĂů;nj͘ര͘ŝƐŬĞƚƚĞ͕ͲZKDͿŽĚĞƌĚƵƌĐŚ&ĞƌŶƺďĞƌƚƌĂŐƵŶŐ;nj͘ര͘/^E͕ͲDĂŝůͿƉĂƉŝĞƌůŽƐĂŶĚĞŶsĞƌůĂŐƺďĞƌŵŝƚƚĞůƚ͕ gelten zusätzlich die folgenden Bestimmungen: ĂƚĞŝĨŽƌŵĂƚ͗Bei digitaler Übermittlung von mehreren zusammengehörenden Dateien hat der Auftraggeber dafür Sorge zu tragen, dass diese Dateien innerhalb ĞŝŶĞƐŐĞŵĞŝŶƐĂŵĞŶsĞƌnjĞŝĐŚŶŝƐƐĞƐ;KƌĚŶĞƌͿŐĞƐĞŶĚĞƚďnjǁ͘ŐĞƐƉĞŝĐŚĞƌƚǁĞƌĚĞŶ͘ŶnjĞŝŐĞŶǀŽƌůĂŐĞŶƐŽůůƚĞŶŶƵƌŵŝƚŐĞƐĐŚůŽƐƐĞŶĞŶĂƚĞŝĞŶĚŝŐŝƚĂůƺďĞƌƚƌĂŐĞŶǁĞƌĚĞŶ͕ ĚŝĞĚĞƌsĞƌůĂŐŝŶŚĂůƚůŝĐŚŶŝĐŚƚćŶĚĞƌŶŬĂŶŶ͘ĞƌsĞƌůĂŐŬĂŶŶŽĨĨĞŶĞĂƚĞŝĞŶ;nj͘ര͘ƵŶƚĞƌŽƌĞůƌĂǁ͕YƵĂƌŬyWƌĞƐƐ͕&ƌĞĞŚĂŶĚŐĞƐƉĞŝĐŚĞƌƚĞĂƚĞŝĞŶͿĂďůĞŚŶĞŶ͘Ğƌ sĞƌůĂŐŚĂĨƚĞƚŶŝĐŚƚďĞŝĨĞŚůĞƌŚĂĨƚĞƌsĞƌƂĨĨĞŶƚůŝĐŚƵŶŐǀŽŶŶnjĞŝŐĞŶ;WƌŝŶƚͿ͕ĚŝĞŵŝƚŽĨĨĞŶĞŶĂƚĞŝĞŶƺďĞƌŵŝƚƚĞůƚǁĞƌĚĞŶ͘ KŶůŝŶĞͲtĞƌďƵŶŐĚĂƌĨŶĂĐŚďƐƉƌĂĐŚĞŵŝƚĚĞŵsĞƌůĂŐŶƵƌŝŶŐĞĞŝŐŶĞƚĞŶĂƚĞŝĨŽƌŵĂƚĞŶĂŶŐĞůŝĞĨĞƌƚǁĞƌĚĞŶ͘ŝĞsŽƌŐĂďĞŶĚĞƐsĞƌůĂŐƐƐŝŶĚnjƵďĞĂĐŚƚĞŶ͘ĞƌsĞƌůĂŐ haftet nicht für fehlerhaft angelieferte Dateien. &ĂƌďĂŶnjĞŝŐĞŶ͗Bei digital übermittelten Druckvorlagen für Farbanzeigen ist vom Auftraggeber ein Farb-Proof mitzuliefern. Digital erstellte Prüfdrucke müssen zur <ŽŶƚƌŽůůĞĚĞƌ&ĂƌďǀĞƌďŝŶĚůŝĐŚŬĞŝƚĚĞŶ&K'Zͬh'ZͲDĞĚŝĞŶŬĞŝůŝŶĚĞƌĂŬƚƵĞůůĞŶsĞƌƐŝŽŶĞŶƚŚĂůƚĞŶ͘ŶĚƌƵĐŬĞŵƺƐƐĞŶĞŝŶĞŶŽĨĨŝnjŝĞůůĞŶƌƵĐŬŬŽŶƚƌŽůůƐƚƌĞŝĨĞŶĂƵĨǁĞŝƐĞŶ͘KŚŶĞ&ĂƌďͲWƌŽŽĨĚĞƐƵĨƚƌĂŐŐĞďĞƌƐƐŝŶĚ&ĂƌďĂďǁĞŝĐŚƵŶŐĞŶƵŶǀĞƌŵĞŝĚďĂƌ͘ŝĞƐĞŬƂŶŶĞŶŬĞŝŶĞƌƐĂƚnjĂŶƐƉƌƺĐŚĞĚĞƐƵĨƚƌĂŐŐĞďĞƌƐĂƵƐůƂƐĞŶ͘/ŶũĞĚĞŵ&ĂůůŝƐƚ ĞŝŶƵƐĚƌƵĐŬƉĞƌ&ĂdžĂŶĚĞŶsĞƌůĂŐnjƵƐĞŶĚĞŶ͕ƵŵĚŝĞƐĂĐŚůŝĐŚĞZŝĐŚƚŝŐŬĞŝƚƺďĞƌƉƌƺĨĞŶnjƵŬƂŶŶĞŶ͘ŝŶ<ŽƌƌĞŬƚƵƌĨĂdžŵƵƐƐǀŽŵƵĨƚƌĂŐŐĞďĞƌĂƵƐĚƌƺĐŬůŝĐŚĂŶŐĞĨŽƌĚĞƌƚ ǁĞƌĚĞŶ͘EƵƌďĞŝƌŝĐŚƚŝŐĞƌ&ĂƌďĂŶƉĂƐƐƵŶŐŝƐƚĞŝŶĞĨĂƌďůŝĐŚƌŝĐŚƚŝŐĞhŵƐĞƚnjƵŶŐŝŶƺďůŝĐŚĞŶdŽůĞƌĂŶnjĞŶŐĞǁćŚƌůĞŝƐƚĞƚ͘ ŽŵƉƵƚĞƌǀŝƌĞŶ͗ĞƌƵĨƚƌĂŐŐĞďĞƌŚĂĨƚĞƚĚĂĨƺƌ͕ĚĂƐƐĚŝĞƺďĞƌŵŝƚƚĞůƚĞŶďnjǁ͘ŐĞƐƉĞŝĐŚĞƌƚĞŶĂƚĞŝĞŶĨƌĞŝǀŽŶŽŵƉƵƚĞƌǀŝƌĞŶƐŝŶĚ͘ĞƌsĞƌůĂŐŝƐƚďĞƌĞĐŚƚŝŐƚ͕ĂƚĞŝĞŶ ŵŝƚŽŵƉƵƚĞƌǀŝƌĞŶnjƵůƂƐĐŚĞŶ͕ŽŚŶĞĚĂƐƐĚĞŵƵĨƚƌĂŐŐĞďĞƌŚŝĞƌĂƵƐŶƐƉƌƺĐŚĞĞŶƚƐƚƺŶĚĞŶ͘ĞƌsĞƌůĂŐďĞŚćůƚƐŝĐŚnjƵĚĞŵǀŽƌ͕ĚĞŶƵĨƚƌĂŐŐĞďĞƌĂƵĨ^ĐŚĂĚĞŶĞƌƐĂƚnj ŝŶŶƐƉƌƵĐŚnjƵŶĞŚŵĞŶ͕ǁĞŶŶĚƵƌĐŚƐŽůĐŚĞĚƵƌĐŚĚĞŶƵĨƚƌĂŐŐĞďĞƌŝŶĨŝůƚƌŝĞƌƚĞŶŽŵƉƵƚĞƌǀŝƌĞŶĚĞŵsĞƌůĂŐ^ĐŚĂĚĞŶĞŶƚƐƚĂŶĚĞŶŝƐƚ͘ ϭϭ͘ ŶnjĞŝŐĞŶďĞůĞŐ͗ĞƌsĞƌůĂŐůŝĞĨĞƌƚŵŝƚĚĞƌZĞĐŚŶƵŶŐĂƵĨtƵŶƐĐŚĞŝŶĞŶŶnjĞŝŐĞŶďĞůĞŐŝŶ<ŽƉŝĞ͘:ĞŶĂĐŚƌƚƵŶĚhŵĨĂŶŐĚĞƐŶnjĞŝŐĞŶĂƵĨƚƌĂŐĞƐǁĞƌĚĞŶŶnjĞŝŐĞŶĂƵƐschnitte, Belegseiten oder vollständige Belegnummern geliefert. Kann ein Beleg nicht mehr beschafft werden, so tritt an seine Stelle eine rechtsverbindliche Bescheinigung des Verlages über die Veröffentlichung und Verbreitung der Anzeige. ϭϮ͘ ŚŝĨĨƌĞĂŶnjĞŝŐĞŶ͗Die Eingänge auf Ziffernanzeigen werden vier Wochen zur Abholung aufbewahrt bzw. dem Auftraggeber auf dem normalen Postweg weitergeleitet, ĂƵĐŚǁĞŶŶĞƐƐŝĐŚƵŵŝŶƐĐŚƌĞŝďĞƐĞŶĚƵŶŐĞŶƵŶĚŝůďƌŝĞĨĞŚĂŶĚĞůƚ͘tĞƌƚǀŽůůĞhŶƚĞƌůĂŐĞŶƐĞŶĚĞƚĚĞƌsĞƌůĂŐnjƵƌƺĐŬ͕ŽŚŶĞĚĂnjƵǀĞƌƉĨůŝĐŚƚĞƚnjƵƐĞŝŶ͘ŶƐŽŶƐƚĞŶ werden nicht abgeholte Zuschriften vernichtet. Der Verlag behält sich im Interesse und zum Schutz des Auftraggebers das Recht vor, die eingehenden Angebote zur ƵƐƐĐŚĂůƚƵŶŐǀŽŶDŝƐƐďƌĂƵĐŚĚĞƐŝĨĨĞƌŶĚŝĞŶƐƚĞƐnjƵWƌƺĨnjǁĞĐŬĞŶnjƵƂĨĨŶĞŶ͘ĞƌƵĨƚƌĂŐŐĞďĞƌŬĂŶŶĚĞŶsĞƌůĂŐďĞƌĞĐŚƚŝŐĞŶ͕ƵƐĐŚƌŝĨƚĞŶĂƵĨŝĨĨĞƌŶĂŶnjĞŝŐĞŶnjƵ öffnen. ϭϯ͘ ƌƌĞĐŚŶƵŶŐďŶĂŚŵĞŵĞŶŐĞ͗ĞŝĚĞƌƌƌĞĐŚŶƵŶŐĚĞƌďŶĂŚŵĞŵĞŶŐĞŶǁĞƌĚĞŶdĞdžƚͲDŝůůŝŵĞƚĞƌnjĞŝůĞŶĚĞŵWƌĞŝƐĞŶƚƐƉƌĞĐŚĞŶĚŝŶŶnjĞŝŐĞŶͲDŝůůŝŵĞƚĞƌƵŵŐĞƌĞĐŚŶĞƚ͘ ϭϰ͘ Zusätzliche ^ĂƚnjŬŽƐƚĞŶ͗Kosten für die Anfertigung bestellter Druckunterlagen sowie für vom Auftraggeber gewünschte oder zu vertretende erhebliche Änderungen ƵƌƐƉƌƺŶŐůŝĐŚ ǀĞƌĞŝŶďĂƌƚĞƌ ƵƐĨƺŚƌƵŶŐĞŶ ŚĂƚ ĚĞƌ ƵĨƚƌĂŐŐĞďĞƌ njƵ ƚƌĂŐĞŶ͘ 'ůĞŝĐŚĞƐ Őŝůƚ Ĩƺƌ ǀŽŵ ƵĨƚƌĂŐŐĞďĞƌ ŐĞůŝĞĨĞƌƚĞ ƌƵĐŬǀŽƌůĂŐĞŶ͕ ĚĞƌĞŶ ĞŚĂŶĚůƵŶŐ ŽĚĞƌ nachträgliche Änderung zusätzliche Kosten verursachen. ϭϱ͘ EĂĐŚůćƐƐĞ͗tŝƌĚĞŝŶƵĨƚƌĂŐĂƵƐhŵƐƚćŶĚĞŶŶŝĐŚƚĞƌĨƺůůƚ͕ĚŝĞĚĞƌsĞƌůĂŐŶŝĐŚƚnjƵǀĞƌƚƌĞƚĞŶŚĂƚ͕ƐŽŚĂƚĚĞƌƵĨƚƌĂŐŐĞďĞƌ͕ƵŶďĞƐĐŚĂĚĞƚĞƚǁĂŝŐĞƌǁĞŝƚĞƌĞƌZĞĐŚƚƐƉĨůŝĐŚƚĞŶ͕ĚĞŶhŶƚĞƌƐĐŚŝĞĚnjǁŝƐĐŚĞŶĚĞŵŐĞǁćŚƌƚĞŶƵŶĚĚĞŵĚĞƌƚĂƚƐćĐŚůŝĐŚĞŶďŶĂŚŵĞĞŶƚƐƉƌĞĐŚĞŶĚĞŶEĂĐŚůĂƐƐĚĞŵsĞƌůĂŐnjƵĞƌƐƚĂƚƚĞŶ͘ŝĞƌƐƚĂƚƚƵŶŐĞŶƚĨćůůƚ͕ ǁĞŶŶĚŝĞEŝĐŚƚĞƌĨƺůůƵŶŐĂƵĨŚƂŚĞƌĞƌ'ĞǁĂůƚŝŵZŝƐŝŬŽďĞƌĞŝĐŚĚĞƐsĞƌůĂŐĞƐďĞƌƵŚƚ͘ ϭϲ͘ WƌĞŝƐćŶĚĞƌƵŶŐĞŶ͗ĞŝŶĚĞƌƵŶŐĚĞƌŶnjĞŝŐĞŶƉƌĞŝƐĞƚƌĞƚĞŶĚŝĞŶĞƵĞŶĞĚŝŶŐƵŶŐĞŶĂƵĐŚĨƺƌůĂƵĨĞŶĚĞƵĨƚƌćŐĞʹƐŽĨĞƌŶŬĞŝŶĞĂŶĚĞƌƐůĂƵƚĞŶĚĞ͕ƐĐŚƌŝĨƚůŝĐŚĞsĞƌĞŝŶͲ ďĂƌƵŶŐŐĞƚƌŽĨĨĞŶǁƵƌĚĞʹŵŝƚĚĞŵŝŶĨƺŚƌƵŶŐƐƚĞƌŵŝŶĚĞƐŶĞƵĞŶdĂƌŝĨƐŝŶ<ƌĂĨƚ͘ ϭϳ͘ ďǁĞŝĐŚĞŶĚĞWƌĞŝƐĞ͗Für Anzeigen in Verlagsbeilagen und redaktionell gestaltete Anzeigen, Anzeigen in Sonderveröffentlichungen und Kollektiven sowie für die Onlinewerbung und für Anzeigen, welche nach Anzeigenschluss verkauft werden, kann der Verlag von der Preisliste abweichende Preise festlegen. ϭϴ͘ ƵĨůĂŐĞŶŵŝŶĚĞƌƵŶŐ͗ƵƐĞŝŶĞƌƵĨůĂŐĞŶŵŝŶĚĞƌƵŶŐŬĂŶŶďĞŝĞŝŶĞŵďƐĐŚůƵƐƐƺďĞƌŵĞŚƌĞƌĞŶnjĞŝŐĞŶĞŝŶŶƐƉƌƵĐŚĂƵĨWƌĞŝƐŵŝŶĚĞƌƵŶŐŚĞƌŐĞůĞŝƚĞƚǁĞƌĚĞŶ͕ǁĞŶŶ ĚŝĞŝŶĚĞƌWƌĞŝƐůŝƐƚĞŐĂƌĂŶƚŝĞƌƚĞǀĞƌŬĂƵĨƚĞƵĨůĂŐĞŝŵ'ĞƐĂŵƚĚƵƌĐŚƐĐŚŶŝƚƚĚĞƐǀĞƌŐĂŶŐĞŶĞŶ/ŶƐĞƌƚŝŽŶƐũĂŚƌĞƐůĂƵƚ/stͲDĞůĚƵŶŐĞŶƵŵϯϬരйƵŶƚĞƌƐĐŚƌŝƚƚĞŶǁŝƌĚ͘ĂƌƺďĞƌŚŝŶĂƵƐƐŝŶĚďĞŝďƐĐŚůƺƐƐĞŶWƌĞŝƐŵŝŶĚĞƌƵŶŐƐͲƵŶĚ^ĐŚĂĚĞŶĞƌƐĂƚnjĂŶƐƉƌƺĐŚĞĂƵƐŐĞƐĐŚůŽƐƐĞŶ͕ǁĞŶŶĚĞƌsĞƌůĂŐĚĞŵƵĨƚƌĂŐŐĞďĞƌǀŽŶĚĞŵďƐŝŶŬĞŶĚĞƌƵĨůĂŐĞ ƐŽƌĞĐŚƚnjĞŝƚŝŐ<ĞŶŶƚŶŝƐŐĞŐĞďĞŶŚĂƚ͕ĚĂƐƐĚŝĞƐĞƌǀŽƌƌƐĐŚĞŝŶĞŶĚĞƌŶnjĞŝŐĞǀŽŵsĞƌƚƌĂŐnjƵƌƺĐŬƚƌĞƚĞŶŬŽŶŶƚĞ͘ŶĚĞƌƵŶŐĞŶĚĞƐ,ĞĨƚƵŵĨĂŶŐƐďĞŚćůƚƐŝĐŚĚĞƌsĞƌůĂŐ ǀŽƌ͕ŽŚŶĞĚĂƐƐŚŝĞƌĂƵƐĚĞƌƵĨƚƌĂŐŐĞďĞƌŶƐƉƌƺĐŚĞŚĞƌůĞŝƚĞŶŬĂŶŶ͘ ϭϵ͘ ZĞĐŚŶƵŶŐĞŶƐŝŶĚŝŶŶĞƌŚĂůďǀŽŶϭϰരdĂŐĞŶŶĂĐŚZĞĐŚŶƵŶŐƐůĞŐƵŶŐnjƵďĞnjĂŚůĞŶ͕ƐŽĨĞƌŶŶŝĐŚƚŝŵĞŝŶnjĞůŶĞŶ&ĂůůĞŝŶĞĂŶĚĞƌĞĂŚůƵŶŐƐĨƌŝƐƚŽĚĞƌsŽƌĂƵƐnjĂŚůƵŶŐǀĞƌĞŝŶďĂƌƚ ŝƐƚ͘ĞƌsĞƌůĂŐŝƐƚďĞƌĞĐŚƚŝŐƚ͕ĨĞŚůĞƌŚĂĨƚĞZĞĐŚŶƵŶŐĞŶŝŶŶĞƌŚĂůďǀŽŶƐĞĐŚƐDŽŶĂƚĞŶŶĂĐŚZĞĐŚŶƵŶŐƐƐƚĞůůƵŶŐnjƵŬŽƌƌŝŐŝĞƌĞŶ͘ ϮϬ͘ Bei ĂŚůƵŶŐƐǀĞƌnjƵŐŽĚĞƌ^ƚƵŶĚƵŶŐǁĞƌĚĞŶĚŝĞŐĞƐĞƚnjůŝĐŚĞŶŝŶƐĞŶ͕ŝŵŬĂƵĨŵćŶŶŝƐĐŚĞŶ'ĞƐĐŚćĨƚƐǀĞƌŬĞŚƌŝŶ,ƂŚĞǀŽŶϵരരWƌŽnjĞŶƚƉƵŶŬƚĞŶƺďĞƌĚĞŵĂƐŝƐnjŝŶƐƐĂƚnjĚĞƌ ƵƌŽƉćŝƐĐŚĞŶĞŶƚƌĂůďĂŶŬĂď&ćůůŝŐŬĞŝƚĚĞƐZĞĐŚŶƵŶŐƐďĞƚƌĂŐĞƐ͕ƐŽǁŝĞĞŝŶĞƌsĞƌnjƵŐƐƐĐŚĂĚĞŶƐƉĂƵƐĐŚĂůĞŝŶ,ƂŚĞǀŽŶϰϬ͕ϬϬരΦďĞƌĞĐŚŶĞƚ͕ĚŝĞĂƵĨĞŝŶĞŶŐĞƐĐŚƵůĚĞƚĞŶ ^ĐŚĂĚĞŶƐĞƌƐĂƚnjĂŶnjƵƌĞĐŚŶĞŶŝƐƚ͕ƐŽǁĞŝƚĚĞƌ^ĐŚĂĚĞŶŶĂĐŚǁĞŝƐůŝĐŚŚƂŚĞƌŝƐƚ;nj͘ര͘ǁĞŐĞŶ<ŽƐƚĞŶĚĞƌZĞĐŚƚƐǀĞƌĨŽůŐƵŶŐͿ͘ŝĞWĂƵƐĐŚĂůĞĨćůůƚĂƵĐŚďĞŝǀĞƌƐƉćƚĞƚĞŶ ďƐĐŚůĂŐƐͲŽĚĞƌZĂƚĞŶnjĂŚůƵŶŐĞŶĂŶ͘;ΑϮϴϴ'Ŷ͘ര&͘ͿŝĞƐŐŝůƚĨƺƌŶnjĞŝŐĞŶƐĐŚĂůƚƵŶŐĞŶ͕ĚŝĞŶĂĐŚĚĞŵϮϴ͘രϳ͘രϮϬϭϰĞŶƚƐƚĂŶĚĞŶƐŝŶĚ͕ĂƵƐŐĞŶŽŵŵĞŶƐŝŶĚǀŽƌŚĞƌďĞŐƌƺŶĚĞƚĞĂƵĞƌƐĐŚƵůĚǀĞƌŚćůƚŶŝƐƐĞ͕ƐŽĨĞƌŶĚŝĞ'ĞŐĞŶůĞŝƐƚƵŶŐŶĂĐŚĚĞŵϯϬ͘രϲ͘രϮϬϭϲĞƌďƌĂĐŚƚǁŝƌĚ;ƌƚ͘ϮϮϵΑϯϰŶ͘ര&͘''ͿĂŚůƵŶŐƐĨƌŝƐƚĞŶďĞƚƌĂŐĞŶŝŵŬĂƵĨŵćŶŶŝƐĐŚĞŶ'ĞƐĐŚćĨƚƐǀĞƌŬĞŚƌůćŶŐƐƚĞŶƐϲϬരdĂŐĞ͕ĞƐƐĞŝĚĞŶŶ͕ĚĂƌƺďĞƌŚŝŶĂƵƐŐĞŚĞŶĚĞĂŚůƵŶŐƐĨƌŝƐƚĞŶƐŝŶĚĨƺƌĚĞŶ'ůćƵďŝŐĞƌŶŝĐŚƚŐƌŽďƵŶďŝůůŝŐ͘/ƐƚĚĞƌƵĨƚƌĂŐŐĞďĞƌ sĞƌďƌĂƵĐŚĞƌůŝĞŐƚĚĞƌŝŶƐƐĂƚnjŝŵsĞƌnjƵŐƐĨĂůůďĞŝϱരWƌŽnjĞŶƚƉƵŶŬƚĞŶƺďĞƌĚĞŵũĞǁĞŝůŝŐĞŶĂƐŝƐnjŝŶƐƐĂƚnj͘ŝĞƐŐŝůƚĂƵĐŚŝŵ&ĂůůĚĞƌ^ƚƵŶĚƵŶŐ͘ŝĞ'ĞůƚĞŶĚŵĂĐŚƵŶŐĞŝŶĞƐ ǁĞŝƚĞƌĞŶsĞƌnjƵŐƐƐĐŚĂĚĞŶƐďĞŚćůƚƐŝĐŚĚĞƌsĞƌůĂŐŐĞŐĞŶƺďĞƌhŶƚĞƌŶĞŚŵĞƌŶƵŶĚsĞƌďƌĂƵĐŚĞƌŶǀŽƌ͘ĞŶsĞƌƚƌĂŐƐƉĂƌƚŶĞƌŶďůĞŝďƚĞƐũĞĚŽĐŚǀŽƌďĞŚĂůƚĞŶ͕ŝŵĞŝŶnjĞůŶĞŶ einen niedrigeren oder einen höheren Schaden nachzuweisen. Der Verlag kann bei Zahlungsverzug von Unternehmern und Verbrauchern die weitere Ausführung des laufenden Auftrages bis zur Bezahlung zurückstellen und für die restlichen Anzeigen Vorauszahlung verlangen. Bei Vorliegen begründeter Zweifel an der ZahůƵŶŐƐĨćŚŝŐŬĞŝƚĚĞƐƵĨƚƌĂŐŐĞďĞƌƐŝƐƚĚĞƌsĞƌůĂŐďĞƌĞĐŚƚŝŐƚ͕ĂƵĐŚǁćŚƌĞŶĚĚĞƌ>ĂƵĨnjĞŝƚĞŝŶĞƐŶnjĞŝŐĞŶĂďƐĐŚůƵƐƐĞƐĚĂƐƌƐĐŚĞŝŶĞŶǁĞŝƚĞƌĞƌŶnjĞŝŐĞŶŽŚŶĞZƺĐŬƐŝĐŚƚ ĂƵĨĞŝŶƵƌƐƉƌƺŶŐůŝĐŚǀĞƌĞŝŶďĂƌƚĞƐĂŚůƵŶŐƐnjŝĞůǀŽŶĚĞƌsŽƌĂƵƐnjĂŚůƵŶŐĚĞƐĞƚƌĂŐĞƐƵŶĚǀŽŶĚĞŵƵƐŐůĞŝĐŚŽĨĨĞŶƐƚĞŚĞŶĚĞƌZĞĐŚŶƵŶŐƐďĞƚƌćŐĞĂďŚćŶŐŝŐnjƵŵĂĐŚĞŶ͘ Ϯϭ͘ 'ĞǁćŚƌůĞŝƐƚƵŶŐ͗ĞŝĨĞŚůĞƌŚĂĨƚĞŵďĚƌƵĐŬĞŝŶĞƌŶnjĞŝŐĞƚƌŽƚnjƌĞĐŚƚnjĞŝƚŝŐĞƌ>ŝĞĨĞƌƵŶŐĞŝŶǁĂŶĚĨƌĞŝĞƌƌƵĐŬƵŶƚĞƌůĂŐĞŶƵŶĚƌĞĐŚƚnjĞŝƚŝŐĞƌZĞŬůĂŵĂƚŝŽŶŬĂŶŶĚĞƌƵĨƚƌĂŐŐĞďĞƌĚĞŶďĚƌƵĐŬĞŝŶĞƌĞŝŶǁĂŶĚĨƌĞŝĞŶƌƐĂƚnjĂŶnjĞŝŐĞ;EĂĐŚĞƌĨƺůůƵŶŐͿŽĚĞƌDŝŶĚĞƌƵŶŐĚĞƐŶnjĞŝŐĞŶƉƌĞŝƐĞƐŝŶĚĞŵƵƐŵĂƘ͕ŝŶĚĞŵĚĞƌǁĞĐŬĚĞƌŶnjĞŝŐĞ beeinträchtigt ist, verlangen. ^ŝŶĚĞƚǁĂŝŐĞDćŶŐĞůďĞŝĚĞŶƌƵĐŬƵŶƚĞƌůĂŐĞŶŶŝĐŚƚƐŽĨŽƌƚĞƌŬĞŶŶďĂƌ͕ƐŽŶĚĞƌŶǁĞƌĚĞŶĚŝĞƐĞůďĞŶĞƌƐƚďĞŝĚĞƌWƌŽĚƵŬƚŝŽŶĚĞƵƚůŝĐŚ͕ƐŽŚĂƚĚĞƌƵĨƚƌĂŐŐĞďĞƌďĞŝƵŶŐĞŶƺŐĞŶĚĞŵďĚƌƵĐŬŬĞŝŶĞ'ĞǁćŚƌůĞŝƐƚƵŶŐƐĂŶƐƉƌƺĐŚĞ͘ĂƐŐůĞŝĐŚĞŐŝůƚďĞŝ&ĞŚůĞƌŶŝŶǁŝĞĚĞƌŚŽůƚĞƌƐĐŚĞŝŶĞŶĚĞŶŶnjĞŝŐĞŶ͕ǁĞŶŶĚĞƌƵĨƚƌĂŐŐĞďĞƌŶŝĐŚƚǀŽƌƌƵĐŬͲ ůĞŐƵŶŐĚĞƌŶćĐŚƐƚĨŽůŐĞŶĚĞŶŶnjĞŝŐĞĂƵĨĚĞŶ&ĞŚůĞƌŚŝŶǁĞŝƐƚ͘ĞƌsĞƌůĂŐŝƐƚŶŝĐŚƚǀĞƌƉĨůŝĐŚƚĞƚ͕ĚŝĞƌƵĐŬƵŶƚĞƌůĂŐĞŶĂƵĨsŽůůƐƚćŶĚŝŐŬĞŝƚƵŶĚZŝĐŚƚŝŐŬĞŝƚnjƵƺďĞƌƉƌƺĨĞŶ͘ Die Gewährleistung bei KŶůŝŶĞͲtĞƌďƵŶŐŝƐƚĂƵĨƐŽůĐŚĞ&ĞŚůĞƌŝŶĚĞƌtŝĞĚĞƌŐĂďĞĚĞƌKŶůŝŶĞͲtĞƌďĞĨŽƌŵďĞƐĐŚƌćŶŬƚ͕ĚŝĞŝŶĚĞƌŝŶĨůƵƐƐƐƉŚćƌĞĚĞƐsĞƌůĂŐƐ͕Ě͘രŚ͘ŝŶƐďĞƐŽŶĚĞƌĞĂƵĨĚĞŵ^ĞƌǀĞƌĚĞƐsĞƌůĂŐƐĞŶƚƐƚĞŚĞŶďnjǁ͘ďĞŐƌƺŶĚĞƚƐŝŶĚ͘ŝĞ'ĞǁćŚƌůĞŝƐƚƵŶŐŐŝůƚĨĞƌŶĞƌŶŝĐŚƚĨƺƌƵŶǁĞƐĞŶƚůŝĐŚĞ&ĞŚůĞƌ͕nj͘ര͘ĚĂŶŶ͕ǁĞŶŶĚŝĞĞĞŝŶƚƌćĐŚƚŝŐƵŶŐďĞŝĚĞƌtŝĞĚĞƌŐĂďĞĚĞƌKŶůŝŶĞͲtĞƌďĞĨŽƌŵĚĞƌĞŶǁĞĐŬŶŝĐŚƚǁĞƐĞŶƚůŝĐŚďĞĞŝŶƚƌćĐŚƚŝŐƚ͘ĞŵƵĨƚƌĂŐŐĞďĞƌŝƐƚďĞŬĂŶŶƚ͕ĚĂƐƐĞƐŶĂĐŚĚĞŵ^ƚĂŶĚĚĞƌdĞĐŚŶŝŬ nicht möglich ist, jederzeit eine gänzlich fehlerfreie Wiedergabe der Online-Werbeform zu ermöglichen. Bei einem Ausfall des Servers über einen erheblichen ZeitƌĂƵŵ;ŵĞŚƌĂůƐϭϬരйĚĞƌŐĞďƵĐŚƚĞŶĞŝƚͿĞŝŶĞƌnjĞŝƚŐĞďƵŶĚĞŶĞŶ&ĞƐƚďƵĐŚƵŶŐ͕ǁŝƌĚĚĞƌsĞƌůĂŐǀĞƌƐƵĐŚĞŶ͕ĚĞŶƵƐĨĂůůĂŶDĞĚŝĂůĞŝƐƚƵŶŐŶĂĐŚnjƵůŝĞĨĞƌŶŽĚĞƌĚŝĞĞŝƚ ĚĞƌ/ŶƐĞƌƚŝŽŶnjƵǀĞƌůćŶŐĞƌŶ͕ƐŽĨĞƌŶĚŝĞƐĚĞŶ/ŶƚĞƌĞƐƐĞŶĚĞƐƵĨƚƌĂŐŐĞďĞƌƐŶŝĐŚƚnjƵǁŝĚĞƌůćƵĨƚ͘/ŵ&ĂůůĞĚĞƐ^ĐŚĞŝƚĞƌŶƐĞŝŶĞƌEĂĐŚůŝĞĨĞƌƵŶŐŝŶŶĞƌŚĂůďĚĞƌƵƌƐƉƌƺŶŐůŝĐŚ ŐĞďƵĐŚƚĞŶ/ŶƐĞƌƚŝŽŶďnjǁ͘ŶĂĐŚsĞƌůćŶŐĞƌƵŶŐĚĞƐ/ŶƐĞƌƚŝŽŶƐnjĞŝƚƌĂƵŵĞƐ͕ĞŶƚĨćůůƚĚŝĞĂŚůƵŶŐƐƉĨůŝĐŚƚĚĞƐƵĨƚƌĂŐŐĞďĞƌƐĨƺƌĚŝĞŝŶĚĞŵĞŝƚƌĂƵŵŶŝĐŚƚƌĞĂůŝƐŝĞƌƚĞŶďnjǁ͘ ĚƵƌĐŚƐĐŚŶŝƚƚůŝĐŚŶŝĐŚƚĂŶŐĞĨĂůůĞŶĞŶDĞĚŝĂůĞŝƐƚƵŶŐĞŶ͘tĞŝƚĞƌĞŶƐƉƌƺĐŚĞƐŝŶĚĂƵƐŐĞƐĐŚůŽƐƐĞŶ͘/ŵmďƌŝŐĞŶůŝĞŐƚĞŝŶ&ĞŚůĞƌŶŝĐŚƚǀŽƌďĞŝĞŝŶĞŶƵƐĨĂůůĚĞƐǀŽŵsĞƌůĂŐ ŐĞŶƵƚnjƚĞŶ^ĞƌǀĞƌƐ͕ĚĞƌŶŝĐŚƚůćŶŐĞƌĂůƐϮϰരര^ƚƵŶĚĞŶ;ĨŽƌƚůĂƵĨĞŶĚŽĚĞƌĂĚĚŝĞƌƚͿŝŶŶĞƌŚĂůďǀŽŶϯϬരdĂŐĞŶŶĂĐŚĞŐŝŶŶĚĞƌǀĞƌƚƌĂŐůŝĐŚǀĞƌĞŝŶďĂƌƚĞŶ^ĐŚĂůƚƵŶŐĂŶĚĂƵĞƌƚ͘ ĞĂĐŚƚĞƚĚĞƌƵĨƚƌĂŐŐĞďĞƌĚŝĞƐĞ'ĞƐĐŚćĨƚƐďĞĚŝŶŐƵŶŐĞŶŽĚĞƌĚŝĞŵƉĨĞŚůƵŶŐĞŶĚĞƐsĞƌůĂŐĞƐnjƵƌƌƐƚĞůůƵŶŐƵŶĚmďĞƌŵŝƚƚůƵŶŐǀŽŶĚŝŐŝƚĂůĞŶƌƵĐŬƵŶƚĞƌůĂŐĞŶƵŶĚ KŶůŝŶĞͲtĞƌďƵŶŐŶŝĐŚƚ͕ƐŽƐƚĞŚĞŶŝŚŵŬĞŝŶĞŶƐƉƌƺĐŚĞǁĞŐĞŶĨĞŚůĞƌŚĂĨƚĞƌŶnjĞŝŐĞŶǀĞƌƂĨĨĞŶƚůŝĐŚƵŶŐnjƵ͘ ĞƌsĞƌůĂŐŐĞǁćŚƌůĞŝƐƚĞƚĚŝĞĚƌƵĐŬƚĞĐŚŶŝƐĐŚnjĞŝƚďĞĚŝŶŐƚďĞƐƚŵƂŐůŝĐŚĞtŝĞĚĞƌŐĂďĞĚĞƌŶnjĞŝŐĞŝŵZĂŚŵĞŶĚĞƌĚƵƌĐŚĚŝĞƌƵĐŬǀŽƌůĂŐĞŶŐĞŐĞďĞŶĞŶDƂŐůŝĐŚŬĞŝƚĞŶ͘ ZĞŬůĂŵĂƚŝŽŶĞŶŽĨĨĞŶƐŝĐŚƚůŝĐŚĞƌDćŶŐĞůŵƺƐƐĞŶǀŽŵƵĨƚƌĂŐŐĞďĞƌƐƉćƚĞƐƚĞŶƐŝŶŶĞƌŚĂůďǀŽŶǀŝĞƌtŽĐŚĞŶŶĂĐŚsĞƌƂĨĨĞŶƚůŝĐŚƵŶŐƐĐŚƌŝĨƚůŝĐŚŐĞůƚĞŶĚŐĞŵĂĐŚƚǁĞƌĚĞŶ͘^ćŵƚůŝĐŚĞ'ĞǁćŚƌůĞŝƐƚƵŶŐƐĂŶƐƉƌƺĐŚĞǀĞƌũćŚƌĞŶŵŝƚďůĂƵĨĚĞƐϯϭ͘രരĞnjĞŵďĞƌĚĞƐĂƵĨĚŝĞsĞƌƂĨĨĞŶƚůŝĐŚƵŶŐĚĞƌĞŶƚƐƉƌĞĐŚĞŶĚĞŶŶnjĞŝŐĞŽĚĞƌĞŝůĂŐĞĨŽůŐĞŶĚĞŶ Jahres. ϮϮ͘ĂͿ Zur ,ĂĨƚƵŶŐ͕ŐůĞŝĐŚĂƵƐǁĞůĐŚĞŵZĞĐŚƚƐŐƌƵŶĚĞŝŶƐĐŚůŝĞƘůŝĐŚƵŶĞƌůĂƵďƚĞƌ,ĂŶĚůƵŶŐĞŶ͕ŝƐƚĚĞƌsĞƌůĂŐŶƵƌǀĞƌƉĨůŝĐŚƚĞƚ͕ƐŽǁĞŝƚ^ĐŚćĚĞŶ ;ϭͿĚƵƌĐŚƐĐŚƵůĚŚĂĨƚĞsĞƌůĞƚnjƵŶŐĞŝŶĞƌǀĞƌƚƌĂŐƐǁĞƐĞŶƚůŝĐŚĞŶWĨůŝĐŚƚ;<ĂƌĚŝŶĂůƉĨůŝĐŚƚͿĚƵƌĐŚĚĞŶsĞƌůĂŐŝŶĞŝŶĞĚĂƐƌƌĞŝĐŚĞŶĚĞƐsĞƌƚƌĂŐƐnjǁĞĐŬƐŐĞĨćŚƌĚĞŶĚĞŶtĞŝƐĞ verursacht werden oder ;ϮͿĂƵĨŐƌŽďĞ&ĂŚƌůćƐƐŝŐŬĞŝƚŽĚĞƌsŽƌƐĂƚnjǀŽŶĚĞŵsĞƌůĂŐnjƵƌƺĐŬnjƵĨƺŚƌĞŶƐŝŶĚ͘ ϮϮ͘ďͿ,ĂĨƚĞƚĚĞƌsĞƌůĂŐŐĞŵćƘŝĨĨĞƌĂͿ;ϭͿĨƺƌĚŝĞsĞƌůĞƚnjƵŶŐĞŝŶĞƌǀĞƌƚƌĂŐƐǁĞƐĞŶƚůŝĐŚĞŶWĨůŝĐŚƚ͕ŽŚŶĞĚĂƐƐŝŚŵŐƌŽďĞ&ĂŚƌůćƐƐŝŐŬĞŝƚŽĚĞƌsŽƌƐĂƚnjnjƵƌ>ĂƐƚĨĂůůĞŶ͕ŝƐƚĚŝĞ ,ĂĨƚƵŶŐǀŽŶĚĞŵsĞƌƚƌĂŐĂƵĨĚŝĞǀĞƌĞŝŶďĂƌƚĞŶŶnjĞŝŐĞŶƉƌĞŝƐĞďĞƐĐŚƌćŶŬƚ͘ ϮϮ͘ĐͿ,ĂĨƚĞƚĚĞƌsĞƌůĂŐŐĞŵćƘŝĨĨĞƌĂͿ;ϭͿŽĚĞƌ;ϮͿĨƺƌŐƌŽďĞ&ĂŚƌůćƐƐŝŐŬĞŝƚŽĚĞƌsŽƌƐĂƚnjǀŽŶDŝƚĂƌďĞŝƚĞƌŶ͕ĚŝĞŶŝĐŚƚKƌŐĂŶĞŽĚĞƌůĞŝƚĞŶĚĞŶŐĞƐƚĞůůƚĞĚĞƐsĞƌůĂŐƐƐŝŶĚ͕ŝƐƚ ĚŝĞ,ĂĨƚƵŶŐĚĞƐsĞƌůĂŐƐĞďĞŶĨĂůůƐĂƵĨĚŝĞǀĞƌĞŝŶďĂƌƚĞŶŶnjĞŝŐĞŶƉƌĞŝƐĞďĞŐƌĞŶnjƚ͘ ϮϮ͘ĚͿ&ƺƌŵŝƚƚĞůďĂƌĞ^ĐŚćĚĞŶ͕DĂŶŐĞůĨŽůŐĞƐĐŚćĚĞŶ͕ĞŶƚŐĂŶŐĞŶĞŶ'ĞǁŝŶŶƵŶĚƌƐĂƚnjǀĞƌŐĞďůŝĐŚĞƌƵĨǁĞŶĚƵŶŐĞŶŚĂĨƚĞƚĚĞƌsĞƌůĂŐŶŝĐŚƚ͕ƐŽĨĞƌŶĚŝĞƐĞŶŝĐŚƚĂƵĨsŽƌƐĂƚnj oder grobe Fahrlässigkeit von Organen oder leitenden Angestellten des Verlags zurückzuführen sind. ϮϮ͘ĞͿŶƐŽŶƐƚĞŶŝƐƚũĞĚĞ,ĂĨƚƵŶŐĚĞƐsĞƌůĂŐĞƐĂƵĨƐŽůĐŚĞƚLJƉŝƐĐŚĞŶ^ĐŚćĚĞŶďĞƐĐŚƌćŶŬƚ͕ŵŝƚĚĞƌĞŶŝŶƚƌŝƚƚĚĞƌsĞƌůĂŐŶĂĐŚĚĞŶŝŚŵďĞŝsĞƌƚƌĂŐƐĂďƐĐŚůƵƐƐďĞŬĂŶŶƚĞŶ Umständen vernünftigerweise rechnen konnte. ϮϮ͘ĨͿĞƌƵƐƐĐŚůƵƐƐŽĚĞƌĚŝĞĞŐƌĞŶnjƵŶŐǀŽŶŶƐƉƌƺĐŚĞŶŐĞŵ͘ĚĞŶǀŽƌƐƚĞŚĞŶĚĞŶŝĨĨĞƌŶĂͿďŝƐĞͿƐĐŚůŝĞƘƚŶƐƉƌƺĐŚĞŐĞŐĞŶDŝƚĂƌďĞŝƚĞƌƵŶĚĞĂƵĨƚƌĂŐƚĞĚĞƐsĞƌůĂŐƐĞŝŶ͘ ϮϮ͘ŐͿŝŶĞ,ĂĨƚƵŶŐĚĞƐsĞƌůĂŐĞƐǁĞŐĞŶWĞƌƐŽŶĞŶƐĐŚćĚĞŶ͕&ĞŚůĞŶƐnjƵŐĞƐŝĐŚĞƌƚĞƌŝŐĞŶƐĐŚĂĨƚĞŶŽĚĞƌŶĂĐŚĚĞŵWƌŽĚƵŬƚŚĂĨƚƵŶŐƐŐĞƐĞƚnjďůĞŝďƚƵŶďĞƌƺŚƌƚ͘ ϮϮ͘ŚͿ<ĞŝŶĞŶƐƉƌƺĐŚĞĚĞƐƵĨƚƌĂŐŐĞďĞƌƐďĞƐƚĞŚĞŶĨƺƌĚĞŶ&Ăůů͕ĚĂƐƐĚŝĞEŝĐŚƚǀĞƌĨƺŐďĂƌŬĞŝƚĂƵĨƌďĞŝƚĞŶŽĚĞƌtĂƌƚƵŶŐƐĂƵĨŐĂďĞŶďĞƌƵŚƚ͕ĚŝĞůĞĚŝŐůŝĐŚŝŵ/ŶƚĞƌĞƐƐĞĚĞƐ Auftraggebers erfolgen. ϮϮ͘ŝͿĞƌsĞƌůĂŐƺďĞƌŶŝŵŵƚŬĞŝŶĞ,ĂĨƚƵŶŐĨƺƌ&ĞŚůĞƌĂƵƐƚĞůĞĨŽŶŝƐĐŚĞŶŽĚĞƌĨĞƌŶƐĐŚƌŝĨƚůŝĐŚĞŶmďĞƌŵŝƚƚůƵŶŐĞŶũĞĚĞƌƌƚ͘ŝŶĞ,ĂĨƚƵŶŐǁŝƌĚĂƵĐŚŶŝĐŚƚƺďĞƌŶŽŵŵĞŶ͕ǁĞŶŶ ƐŝĐŚDćŶŐĞůĂŶĚĞƌsŽƌůĂŐĞĞƌƐƚďĞŝĚĞƌZĞƉƌŽĚƵŬƚŝŽŶŽĚĞƌďĞŝŵƌƵĐŬnjĞŝŐĞŶ͘ĞƌƵĨƚƌĂŐŐĞďĞƌŚĂƚĚĂŶŶďĞŝƵŶŐĞŶƺŐĞŶĚĞŵďĚƌƵĐŬŬĞŝŶĞŶƐƉƌƺĐŚĞ͘ŝĞĞǀĞŶƚƵĞůůĞŶƚƐƚĞŚĞŶĚĞŶDĞŚƌŬŽƐƚĞŶnj͘ര͘njƵƌEĂĐŚďĞƐƐĞƌƵŶŐĚĞƌƌƵĐŬƵŶƚĞƌůĂŐĞŶŽĚĞƌĨƺƌDĂƐĐŚŝŶĞŶƐƚŝůůƐƚĂŶĚŵƺƐƐĞŶǁĞŝƚĞƌďĞƌĞĐŚŶĞƚǁĞƌĚĞŶ͘ ϮϮ͘ũͿ &ćůůĞŚƂŚĞƌĞƌ'ĞǁĂůƚǁŝĞnj͘ര͘ƌďĞŝƚƐŬĂŵƉĨŵĂƘŶĂŚŵĞŶ͕ĞƐĐŚůĂŐŶĂŚŵĞ͕ĂůůŐĞŵĞŝŶĞƌZŽŚƐƚŽĨĨͲŽĚĞƌŶĞƌŐŝĞǀĞƌŬŶĂƉƉƵŶŐŽĚĞƌĞƚƌŝĞďƐƐƚƂƌƵŶŐĞŶĞŶƚďŝŶĚĞŶĚĞŶ sĞƌůĂŐǀŽŶĚĞƌsĞƌƉĨůŝĐŚƚƵŶŐĂƵĨƌĨƺůůƵŶŐǀŽŶƵĨƚƌćŐĞŶƵŶĚ>ĞŝƐƚƵŶŐǀŽŶ^ĐŚĂĚĞŶĞƌƐĂƚnj͘<ĂŶŶĚĞƌsĞƌůĂŐĚĞŶŶŽĐŚĚŝĞƵĨƚƌćŐĞŵŝƚϴϬരйĚĞƌǀĞƌŬĂƵĨƚĞŶƵĨůĂŐĞ ĞƌĨƺůůĞŶ͕ƐŽŚĂƚĚĞƌsĞƌůĂŐŶƐƉƌƵĐŚĂƵĨǀŽůůĞĞnjĂŚůƵŶŐĚĞƌǀĞƌƂĨĨĞŶƚůŝĐŚƚĞŶŶnjĞŝŐĞŶ͘'ĞƌŝŶŐĞƌĞ>ĞŝƐƚƵŶŐĞŶƐŝŶĚŶĂĐŚĚĞŵdĂƵƐĞŶĚĞƌͲ^ĞŝƚĞŶƉƌĞŝƐŐĞŵćƘĚĞƌŝŵ dĂƌŝĨŐĞŶĂŶŶƚĞŶǀĞƌŬĂƵĨƚĞŶƵĨůĂŐĞnjƵďĞnjĂŚůĞŶ͘ Ϯϯ͘ ƌĨƺůůƵŶŐƐŽƌƚ und 'ĞƌŝĐŚƚƐƐƚĂŶĚ ist der Sitz des Verlags, soweit hierüber eine Vereinbarung gesetzlich zulässig ist. Auf den Vertrag findet deutsches Recht Anwendung. ƵƐćƚnjůŝĐŚĞ'ĞƐĐŚćŌƐďĞĚŝŶŐƵŶŐĞŶĚĞƐsĞƌůĂŐƐ Die allgemeinen und unsere zusätzlichen Geschäftsbedingungen, die Auftragsbestätigung und die jeweils gültige Preisliste sind für jeden Auftrag maßgebend. Abweichende Geschäftsbedingungen werden erst gültig durch schriftliche Bestätigung des Verlags. Die tĞƌďƵŶŐƐŵŝƚƚůĞƌ und tĞƌďĞĂŐĞŶƚƵƌĞŶƐŝŶĚǀĞƌƉĨůŝĐŚƚĞƚ͕ƐŝĐŚŝŶŝŚƌĞŶŶŐĞďŽƚĞŶ͕sĞƌƚƌćŐĞŶƵŶĚďƌĞĐŚŶƵŶŐĞŶŵŝƚĚĞŶtĞƌďƵŶŐƐƚƌĞŝďĞŶĚĞŶĂŶĚŝĞWƌĞŝƐůŝƐƚĞ ĚĞƐsĞƌůĂŐƐnjƵŚĂůƚĞŶ͘ŝĞǀŽŵsĞƌůĂŐŐĞǁćŚƌƚĞDŝƚƚůƵŶŐƐǀĞƌŐƺƚƵŶŐĚĂƌĨĂŶĚŝĞƵĨƚƌĂŐŐĞďĞƌǁĞĚĞƌŐĂŶnjŶŽĐŚƚĞŝůǁĞŝƐĞǁĞŝƚĞƌŐĞŐĞďĞŶǁĞƌĚĞŶ͘ ĐͿ ĞŝƵĨƚƌĂŐŐĞďĞƌŶͬtĞƌďĞĂŐĞŶƚƵƌĞŶ͕ĚŝĞnjƵŵĞƌƐƚĞŶDĂůŵŝƚĚĞŵsĞƌůĂŐŝŶ'ĞƐĐŚćĨƚƐǀĞƌďŝŶĚƵŶŐƚƌĞƚĞŶ͕ŬĂŶŶsŽƌĂƵƐŬĂƐƐĞ bis zum Anzeigenschlusstermin verlangt werden. ĚͿ Ğƌ ƵĨƚƌĂŐŐĞďĞƌ ƺďĞƌƚƌćŐƚ ĚĞŵ sĞƌůĂŐ ƐćŵƚůŝĐŚĞ Ĩƺƌ ĚŝĞ EƵƚnjƵŶŐ ĚĞƌ tĞƌďƵŶŐ ŝŶ WƌŝŶƚͲ ƵŶĚ KŶůŝŶĞͲDĞĚŝĞŶ ĂůůĞƌ ƌƚ ;ŝŶŬůƵƐŝǀĞ /ŶƚĞƌŶĞƚͿ ĞƌĨŽƌĚĞƌůŝĐŚĞŶ ƵƌŚĞďĞƌƌĞĐŚƚůŝĐŚĞŶEƵƚnjƵŶŐƐͲƵŶĚƐŽŶƐƚŝŐĞŶZĞĐŚƚĞ͕ŝŶƐďĞƐŽŶĚĞƌĞnjƵƌsĞƌǀŝĞůĨćůƚŝŐƵŶŐ͕sĞƌďƌĞŝƚƵŶŐ͕mďĞƌƚƌĂŐƵŶŐ͕^ĞŶĚƵŶŐ͕ŶƚŶĂŚŵĞĂƵƐĞŝŶĞƌĂƚĞŶďĂŶŬƵŶĚ Abruf, und zwar zeitlich, inhaltlich und örtlich unbegrenzt in dem für die Durchführung der Aufträge notwendigen Umfang. ĂͿ ďͿ ǁǁǁ͘ŚƵƐƐͲŵĞĚŝĂƐĂůĞƐ͘ĚĞͬĂŐď Fach-Publikationen der HUSS-Verlagsgruppe München · Berlin · Arnheim Arnheim Recycling International BV PO Box 2098, 6802 CB Arnheim Niederlande Tel. +31 (0)26 3120-994 Fax +31 (0)26 3120-630 Jan. / Feb. 2015 27. Jahrgang EXTRA Neues Logistikzentrum 10 von Norma Disruptive Change in der Logistik Märkte & Trends LogiMAT 2015: Aktuelle Trends der Messe S. 12 INTERVIEW 52 Hartmut Deiwick, Aponeo Klimacheck Seite 32 Optimale Rundumbelüftung Seite 42 Hand in Hand mit Kollege Roboter B 11694 D 0LHWHDOOLQFOXVLYH 8/9 ZZZPDQUHQWDOHX Aug. / Sept. 2015 Nr. 12 · 26.6.2015 · 25. Jhg. · HUSS-VERLAG GmbH · 0 89/3 23 91-0 · Das unabhängige Magazin für den Taxi- und Mietwagen-Unternehmer Test & Technik Verteiler-Lkw im Test: Der neue Volvo FL S. 45 Praxiswissen Zollabwicklung: Fünf Tipps vom Experten 18 Mehr Umschlag, weniger Fehler · Werkstattporträt S. 56 Zu Besuch bei Anton Graf in Herten Achsvermessung 10 Mit der „Axis4000“ am Stadtbus Nfz-Teilehandel 30 Große Marktübersicht über 38 gedruckte Kataloge Im Fokus: Hebeanlagen 25 Maha-Experten im Interview -416 · D-80912 München · Die ersten Ergebnisse Auf der IAA 2014: Die neun warten auf den Startschuss zur zweiten Auflage von Europas größten Lkw-Praxistest Taxi des Jahres 2015 Leise Taxis kamen an TAXI-MARKT Ein Sonderteil von Gebrauchte Taxis Bargeldloses Bezahlen Leihtaxis Rollstuhltaxis Software-Trends Taxi-Zubehör Abrechnungs-Dienstleister Versicherungen Plus Sonderteil Taxi-Markt 14 Gewerbepolitik Leipziger Zentrale macht Dienstleistungstrainings 36 Taxis & Mietwagen Der neue VW Touran bietet mehr Platz 10 en eit ers hl res nd Wa Jah So r s “ zu de 15 xi 20 „Ta Auflage: 18.000 HANDEL WƌŝŶƚƌƵŶ͗ϭϱരϬϬϬ Eindrucksvolle Architektur 1 HUSS-VERLAG GmbH · 80912 München · Einzelpreis 7,– Euro Februar 2015 Auflage: 36.000 Luxemburg Seite 16 Auflage: 8.000 Mercedes-Benz Citaro G Überzeugend Wirtschaftlich ISSN 2195-2604 Industrie 4.0 Reiseabwicklung leicht gemacht 84292 PROFI Werkstatt Die Zeitschrift für den Nutzfahrzeug-Aftermarkt Neues Distributionslager Software-Systeme 1/2 Foto: HUSS-VERLAG Europas größter Praxisvergleichstest für Zugmaschinen ist seit gut sechs Monaten in der zweiten Runde. Neun Lkw von sieben Herstellern in der Klasse 440 bis 460 PS stehen im direkten Vergleich. Nach 80.000 Kilometern nun die erste Bestandsaufnahme Es ist wieder so weit: Die Neuauflage von hat die Einfahrphase nach 80.000 Kilometern hinter sich. Neun Lkw aus sieben Marken laufen bei der Spedition Reinert Logis- tics im direkten Vergleich als Kühlzüge im immer gleichen Einsatz. Zwei der Marken sind bei ja stets als Doppelbelegung vertreten. In der ersten Staffel mit den Trucks der 420-PS-Klasse wählten wir den Vergleich „Mercedes-Benz Actros“ Euro V gegen Euro VI und zwei Versionen von Scania, die eine mit reiner Abgasrückführung (AGR) gegen die Version Foto: Elvis AG Baustofftransporte Die Speditionskooperation Elvis gründet eine neue Gruppe. Gestartet wird mit der neuen Sparte an elf Standorten mit acht Partnern Die Speditionskooperation Elvis steigt in den Bereich der Baustofftransporte ein. Acht Baustoffspediteure an elf Standorten bringen 500 Lkw ein. Lieferungen zwischen 48 bis 72 Stunden werden garantiert. Die Beförderung erfolgt mit Kranfahrzeugen. Die neue Sparte der Elvis AG will dabei die Infrastruktur und die Erfahrungswerte des vorhandenen Netzwerkes nutzen. Der Transportablauf mit konventionellen Lkw sei zunächst identisch mit dem des Teilladungsnetzwerks, heißt es in einer Mitteilung der Kooperation. Erst im Nachlauf erfolge die Zustellung der Ware an den Endkunden mittels spezieller Kranfahrzeuge. Ziel sei es, die Baustoffgruppe im Markt zu etablieren und das Angebot kontinuierlich auszubauen. Vorläufiges Ranking Nach sechs Monaten oder 80.000 Kilometern lassen sich diese Fragen freilich noch nicht abschließend beantworten. Ein erstes Ranking abersteht bereits – nämlich auf Seite 10. Abermals mischt der Actros 1845 ganz vorne mit – rein nach den getankten Dieselmengen bewertet. Nach W-Faktor, der auch die Geschwindigkeit und die Ausladung berücksichtigt, hat der „Volvo FH 460“ die Nase derzeit vorn. SCR und/oder AGR Wir beobachten aber auch den Adblue-Verbrauch genau und hier bestätigt sich jetzt schon, was wir aus unseren Einzeltests ableiten können: Die sogenannten SCR-only-Motoren, die ganz ohne Abgasrückführung auskommen (zum Beispiel „Iveco Stralis“) oder nur mit ungekühlter AGR arbeiten (zum Beispiel „Renault T“ und „Volvo FH“) verbrauchen doppelt so viel AdBlue wie die Kollegen mit AGR. Und – Überraschung – sind dabei nicht zwingend sparsamer im Dieselverbrauch. Da bei der zweiten Staffel die Fahrer über den ganzen Testzeitraum auf „ihrem“ Fahrzeug bleiben, wird der Einfluss des Fahrers auf die Gesamt-Performance sehr groß. Die Formel „Wer gut schult, der gut fährt“ wird auch bei 2.0 immer wichtiger. IN DIESER AUSGABE Vorbild Lkw-Fahrer Wettbewerb „Vorfahrt für Vorbilder“ startet auf dem Truck-Grand-Prix 6 Transport Test Der „Volvo FH 540 DC Globetrotter“ mit Doppelkupplung 11-12 Telematik und Software Aktuelle Trends und Praxislösungen für die Transportbranche 17-19 Pole.Position. Ersatzteil-Service. Europaweit. Transport, 26.06.2015 (rod) „Auch im Baustoffbereich bestellen immer mehr Menschen ihre Produkte im Internet anstatt die Ware im Baumarkt vor Ort zu kaufen“, sagt Mathias Volk, Division Manager Full Load bei Elvis. Mit der Baustoffgruppe habe man nun die Voraussetzungen für effiziente, flächendeckende Transporte in diesem Bereich geschaffen. Die Anforderungen der Kunden und das Serviceangebot des Baustoffmarktes seien bislang nicht kompatibel gewesen. Volk: „Mit unserem Leistungsangebot schließen wir nun eine Bedarfslücke, wie konkrete Anfragen seitens der Baustoffindustrie bestätigen.“ Furioser Einstand Beim vierten Lauf zur FIA Truck Racing Championship 2015 im französischen Nogaro gelang Steffi Halm ein überaus beachtliches Debüt als zweiter Truck im Team von Reinert Racing. Die Truckrennfahrerin fuhr in allen vier Wertungsrennen in die Punkte und erreichte im letzten Rennen des Wochenendes sogar den vierten Platz, und zwar hinter Teamchef René Reinert, der mit dem dritten Rang das Siegertreppchen besteigen durfte und in den anderen Rennen jeweils einen Platz vor Halm lag. Diese schaffte an dem heißen Wochenende insgesamt 23 Punkte. Wir dürfen gespannt auf den Start der Race-by-Race-Fahrerin auf dem Truck-Grand-Prix am Nürburgring sein. Ein Interview mit Steffi Halm sowie Informationen über den von ihr gefahrenen Renntruck finden Sie in dieser Ausgabe der Zeitung Transport auf den Seiten 8 und 9. Die Saison ist seit dem Nogaro-Wochenende wieder ein klein wenig spannender geworden. Der ungarische EMTitelverteidiger und in der aktuellen Saison deutlich führende Norbert Kiss schaffte es diesmal nur zweimal, allerdings als Erster, aufs Podest und konnte damit seinen Vorsprung mit 262 Punkten in der Gesamtwertung vor dem Tschechen Adam Lacko (204) und Jochen Hahn (195) zwar noch einmal leicht ausbauen, aber die Verfolger bleiben ihm auf den Fersen. Transport, 26.06.2015 (tbu) In Nogaro ging Steffi Halm mit der Nummer 44 an den Start Weitere Belebung erwartet Nutzfahrzeugmarkt Der VDIK geht davon aus, dass der Nutzfahrzeugmarkt 2015 schneller wächst als erwartet und in Deutschland die historische Höchstmarke von 330.000 Einheiten erreichen wird Nach intensiver Diskussion der Situation der Fahrzeugmärkte 2015 hat der Verband der Internationalen Kraftfahrzeughersteller (VDIK) anlässlich seiner Mitgliederversammlung die für das Jahr 2015 abgegebenen Jahresprognosen an die bislang positive Entwicklung angepasst. Mit rund 320.000 Neuzulassungen schloss der Nutzfahrzeugmarkt 2014 auf einem relativ hohen Niveau. Angesichts der vor einem halben Jahr absehbaren vergleichsweise günstigen Rahmenbedingungen – Rückgang des Ölpreises – prognostizierte der VDIK damals einen stabilen Markt. Jetzt geht VDIK-Präsident Lange davon aus, dass sich der Markt sogar noch besser entwickeln wird: „Die tatsächliche wirtschaftliche Entwicklung verlief bislang deutlich positiver als erwartet, der Nutzfahrzeugmarkt in Deutschland erreicht in den ersten fünf Monaten ein Plus von sieben Prozent. Wir erwarten jetzt ein Marktvolumen von 330.000 Einheiten; ein Volumen in der Nähe historischer Höchstwerte!“ Transport, 26.06.2015 (ha) Transport, 26.06.2015 (tbu) Mein unabhängiger Vermieter! Zugmaschinen & Trailer. Marken nach Wahl! Auch Tank- und Silofahrzeuge. Truck & Trailer Vermietung Nutzfahrzeughandel Truck-Wash 3 Österreich Der Logistikbeauftragte des Verkehrsministeriums im Interview Anzeige Truck Racing Steffi Halm konnte bei ihrem Debüt im Team von Reinert Racing beim EM-Wochenende im französischen Nogaro in allen vier Rennen Punkte holen Verbund erweitert Portfolio Elvis will mit dem neuen Engagement eine Bedarfslücke füllen mit SCR-Abgasbehandlung.Die aktuellen Doppelbelegungen von 2.0 heißen abermals Actros gegen Actros und DAF gegen DAF. Beide Hersteller können im gleichen Leistungssegment jeweils einen knapp 13 Liter großen und einen knapp elf Liter großen Sechszylinder anbieten. Das Duell heißt also diesmal: „groß gegen klein“. Hintergrund sind die Bemühungen der Motorentwickler zum Thema Downsizing: Kann ein deutlich kleinerer und rund 150 Kilogramm leichterer Motor die gleiche Fahrleistung wie der „klassische“ Sechszylinder über zwölf Liter Hubraum erbringen? Das ist die eine Frage. Die zweite lautet: Ist der kleinere Motor am Ende sogar sparsamer als sein hubraumstärkerer Kollege? 3761 B 7720 F Foto: HUSS-VERLAG HUSS-VERLAG GmbH · 80912 München Das Praxismagazin für Nfz-Fuhrpark und Lagerlogistik DAS DEUTSCHE LOGISTIKMAGA ZIN Freecall: 0800/01 000 10 ∙ Auflage: 22.000 5 Mai 2015 37. Jahrgang ISSN 0173-6213 · HUSS-VERLAG GmbH, 80912 München 8, Euro DPAG PVSt Entgelt bezahlt . HUSS-VERLAG GmbH · 80912 München · 7,– Euro B 3178 E App inkl. für Abonnenten der Printausgabe 58263 Auflage: 7.500 4 B 6410 t Stripping precious and base metals from e-waste t An alternative approach to rare earth elements MAGAZIN HUSSVERLAG GmbH 80912 München Strategie t Touristik t Technik 2015 planer Top scientists share innovations and insights t Ultimately, will everything get recycled? t Quantifying the resource savings delivered by recycling Auflage: 9.000 Auflage: 7.000 International München HUSS-VERLAG GmbH Joseph-Dollinger-Bogen 5 80807 München Phone +49 (0)89 32391-0 Fax +49 (0)89 32391-416 2016 Powered by Recycling Auflage: 11.000 Auflage: 11.000 Auflage: 8.000 Auflage: 21.000 Auflage: 20.000 Auflage: 20.000 Print run: 35.000 Auflage: 13.200 Auflage: 14.000 Auflage: 11.000 Auflage: 12.000 Auflage: 6.500 Auflage: 40.000 HUSS-MEDIEN GmbH Am Friedrichshain 22 10407 Berlin Tel. +49 (0)30 42151-0 Fax +49 (0)30 42151-273 Auflage: 12.000 Berlin Auflage = Druckauflage (Verlagsangaben) Besuchen Sie uns auf