Dir. PD Ao. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Wolfgang Neubauer


Dir. PD Ao. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Wolfgang Neubauer
Dir. PD Ao. Univ.‐Prof. Mag. Dr. Wolfgang Neubauer Address: Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Archaeological Prospection and Virtual Archaeology Hohe Warte 38 A‐1190 Wien Phone: E‐mail: Homepage: +43 664 60277 40304 Wolfgang.Neubauer@archpro.lbg.ac.at archpro.lbg.ac.at vias‐geo.univie.ac.at th
Date/Place of Birth: September 14 1963, Altstätten/CH Nationality: Austria Civil Status: married, 4 children EDUCATION University of Vienna: 2008 Habilitation, Prehistoric Archaeology: Interdisciplinary Field Archaeology 2000 Dr. Phil., Prehistoric Archaeology: Magnetic Prospecting in Archaeology 1993 Mag. Phil., Prehistoric Archaeology, Archaeometry and Mathematics 1984‐1993 Studies of Prehistory, Archaeometry and Mathematics Vienna University of Technology Studies of Mathematics and Computer Science 1985‐1993 2003 Training “3D Laser Scanning”, Riegl LMS 1993 Qualification “Systemadministrator for SUN OS” 1991 Training Ground Penetrating Radar, GSSI Inc., University of Patras 1991 Training “Interpretation of Aerial Photos”, Leica, Switzerland 1969‐1982 Primary, Secondary and High School in Altstätten & Heerbrugg, Switzerland EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Research: 2010‐present Director of the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Archaeological Prospection and Virtual Archaeology 1994‐present Researcher at VIAS‐Vienna Institute for Archaeological Science (VB1a/hb), University of Vienna 2007‐2008 Research Assistant at the Institute for Computer Graphics and Algorithms, Vienna University of Technology 2007 Visiting researcher: Xian – Qianling, China & Bermuda Maritime Museum 2006 Guest Professor, University of Applied Science, Mainz 2002 Guest Professor, Institute for Ancient History, University of Innsbruck 2002 Visiting researcher: Nara, Japan & Bermuda Maritime Museum 1996‐2004 Researcher at Austrian Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics, Dept. of Geophysics, Archeo Prospections® Team 1994‐1995 Research Assistant at the Institute for Prehistory and Early Medieval History, University of Vienna: “Set‐up of a Magnetic Prospection System for Archaeology” Teaching: 2011‐present Speaker of the PhD College for Archaeological Prospection 2009‐present Professor at VIAS‐Vienna Institute for Archaeological Science, University of Vienna 1995‐2008 Senior Lecturer, Institute for Pre‐ and Protohistory, University of Vienna: “GIS‐applications in archaeology, geophysical prospection in theory and practice, statistics, archaeological stratigraphy in theory and practice, geodesy for archaeologists, digital documentation of excavations” 2003, 2006 Lecturer at the Fachhochschule Mainz for GIS in Archaeology 2002 Visiting Professor, Institute of Ancient History, University of Innsbruck 1998‐1999 Lecturer at the Institute for Pre‐ and Protohistory, University of Innsbruck: “Geophysical Prospection” Others: 2008 Curator of the Exhibition “Blick in die Tiefe”, Flavia Solva, Styria 2003‐2005 Curator of the County Exhibition of Lower Austria 2005 at Heldenberg Journalist for culture and science, Switzerland 1980‐1984 RELATED ACTIVITIES AND EXPERIENCE 2010‐2017 Director of Archaeological Landscape Prospection Projects in Vestfold (N), Birka (S), Uppåkra (S), Stonehenge (UK), Carnuntum(A), Flavia Solva (A), Stubersheim (D), Kilianstädten (D), Kreuttal (A) 2013 Organisation of the international conference on Archaeological Prospection 2013 2008‐2012 Project coordinator, “AstroSim – Simulation of astronomical aspects of Middle Neolithic circular ditch systems” 2008 – 2012 Editor of the Journal “ViaVIAS” 2008 Organisation of the international conference “35 years Harris Matrix” 2007‐2008 Project coordinator, European Researchers´ Night project “CelticNight” 2004 Project coordinator “Scanning of the Great Pyramid” 2002‐present Field‐director of over 30 national and international 3D laser‐scan surveys 1985‐present Field‐director of over 200 national and international archaeological‐geophysical surveys applying magnetometry, GPR, resistivity mapping and magnetic susceptibility surveys 1983‐present Director of 9 short & long‐term archaeological excavations in Austria and Switzerland 1994‐present Presentations on international conferences (17 invited papers, 45 papers, 41 posters) mainly on archaeological prospection and excavation methods 1990‐present Author of over 200 publications mainly on archaeological prospection and excavation methods 2002‐present Associate Editor of the Journal “Archaeological Prospection” 1992‐2008 Project coordinator: The Schwarzenbach Project (www.celtovation.at) 2003‐2005 Project coordinator: „Himmelskult der Steinzeit? ‐ Sozio‐kulturelle und archäo‐astronomische Untersuchung der Kreisgrabenanlagen in Niederösterreich“ 2003‐2004 Project coordinator: „Virtual Modeling of Circular Ditch Systems“ 2002‐2004 Scientific coordinator and field director: „Systematic Prospection of Neolithic Circular Ditch Systems in Austria“ 2001 Organisation of the international conference on Archaeological Prospection 2001 Relevant Skills: Project management, coordination of research teams, interdisciplinary communication, public relations, fund raising, scientific event organisation, communication of science to the public, motivation of young researchers, scientific networking, IT software specification Awards: Austrian Champion in European Research 2008 Memberships: International Society for Archaeological Prospection (ISAP), Gesellschaft für Naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie, Archäologie Schweiz, Österr. Gesellschaft für Ur‐ und Frühgeschichte, Österr. Gesellschaft für Mittelalterarchäologie SELECTED PUBLICATIONS Neubauer, W., Gugl, C., Scholz, M., Verhoeven, G., Trinks, I., Löcker, K. et al. (in Press): The discovery of the school of gladiators at Carnuntum, Austria. In: Antiquity. Neubauer, Wolfgang; Trinks, Immo; Salisbury, Roderick B.; Einwögerer, Christina (Hg.) (2013): Archaeological Prospection. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection. Wien, Austria, May 29th ‐ June 2nd 2013. Wien: Verl. der Österr. Akad. d. Wiss. Gaffney C, Gaffney V, Neubauer W, Baldwin E, Chapman H, Garwood P, Moulden H, Sparrow T, Bates R, Löcker K, Hinterleitner A, Trinks I, Nau E, Zitz T, Floery S, Verhoeven G, Doneus M. 2012. The Stonehenge Hidden Landscapes Project. Archaeological Prospection 19: 147‐155. Neubauer W, Doneus M, Trinks I. 2012. Advancing the Documentation of Buried Archaeological Landscapes. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences XXXIX‐B5: 547‐552. Zotti G, Neubauer W. 2012. A Virtual Reconstruction Approach for Archaeoastronomical Research. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia ‐ Virtual Systems in the Information Society, IEEE, Milano 2012, Guidi G, Addison AC (eds); 33–40. Verhoeven G, Doneus M, Briese C, Neubauer W, Doneus N, Trinks I, Hinterleitner A, Pregesbauer M. 2012. Latest developments in remote sensing of Roman urban and rural sites in Austria. In Proceedings of the RAC 2012 ‐ The Roman Archaeology Conference 10, Frankfurt 2012. Zotti G, Neubauer W. 2011. Astronomical Aspects of Kreisgrabenanlagen (Neolithic Circular Ditch Systems) ‐ An Interdisciplinary Approach. In Archaeoastronomy and Ethnoastronomy: Building Bridges between Cultures, Proceedings of 2
the 9th "Oxford" International Symposium on Archaeoastronomy (IAU Symposium 278), Lima, Ruggles CLN (ed.). Cambridge University Press; 1743‐9213. Doneus M, Verhoeven G, Fera M, Briese Ch, Kucera M, Neubauer W. 2011. From deposit to point cloud – A study of low‐
cost computer vision approaches for the straight forward documentation of archaeological excavations. In Proceedings of the 13th International CIPA Symposium Prague 2011, Geoinformatics CTU FCE; 81‐88. Doneus M, Neubauer W, Verhoeven G, Briese C. 2011. Advancing Archaeological Airborne Remote Sensing. Core Concepts of the LBI‐ArchPro Initiative. In Archaeological Prospection. 9th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection, Izmir‐Turkey, Drahor MG, Berge MA. Archaeology and Art Publications: Istanbul; 12‐15. Ch'ng E, Chapman H, Gaffney V, Murgatroyd P, Gaffney C, Neubauer W. 2011. From Sites to Landscapes: How Computing Technology Is Shaping Archaeological Practice. Computer 44/7: 40‐46. Melichar P, Neubauer W (eds). 2010. Mittelneolithische Kreisgrabenanlagen in Niederösterreich. Geophysikalisch‐
archäologische Prospektion – ein interdisziplinäres Forschungsprojekt. Mitteilungen der prähistorischen Kommission 71. Lobisser WFA, Kucera M, Neubauer W. 2010. 11 Years of the Celtic Festival in Schwarzenbach / Lower Austria and the EU‐
Project Researchers´Night 2007. In liveARCH – Living history in archaeological open air museums, Schöbel G (ed.). Unteruhldingen; 50‐58. G. Zotti, W. Neubauer, P. Schneidhofer, R. Totschnig. Simulation of astronomical aspects of Middle Neolithic circular ditch systems. Archeo Sciences, revue d´archéométrie, Suppl. 33, 2009, 379‐382. Erich Nau, Wolfgang Neubauer, Hans Reschreiter. 3D laser scanner documentation of prehistoric tunnels at Hallstatt‐
Grünerwerk. In: Anreiter P. et al., Mining in European History. Innsbruck 2009, 88. Michael Doneus, Wolfgang Neubauer. GIS‐based documentation of stratigraphic excavations using terrestrial laser scanners. In: Anreiter P. et al., Mining in European History. Innsbruck 2009, 90. A. Hinterleitner, S. Seren, K. Löcker, W. Neubauer, E. Bayirli. Data Processing and Image Enhancement of GPR surveys of Roman villas in Austria. Archeo Sciences, revue d´archéométrie, Suppl. 33, 2009, 299‐302. Christoph Traxler, Wolfgang Neubauer. The Harris Matrix Composer ‐ A New Tool to Manage Archaeological Stratigraphy. In: Digital Heritage, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia ‐ Cyprus, 13‐20, 2008. Wolfgang Neubauer, Michael Doneus. Digital recording of stratigraphic archaeological excavations using terrestrial 3D laser scanners. ViaVIAS 02, 2008, 45‐52. Wolfgang Neubauer. From Practice to Theory – Expanding the stratigraphic recording into real 3D. ViaVIAS 02, 2008, 31‐36. Michael Doneus, Wolfgang Neubauer. Aerial Archaeology and airborne laser scanning at the Iron Age hillfort Schwarzenbach‐Burg. ViaVIAS 02, 2008, 53 – 59. Wolfgang Neubauer, Nikolaus Studnicka. The Scanning of the Pyramids Project. ViaVIAS 01, 2007, 4‐13. Wolfgang Neubauer, Laser Scanning and Archaeology – Standard Tool for 3D Documentation of Excavations. GIM international – The global magazine for Geomatics. Vol. 21, issue 10, 2007, 14‐17. Doneus, M. & Neubauer, W., Laser scanners for 3D documentation of stratigraphic excavations. In: Baltsavias et al. (eds) Recording, Modeling and Visualization of Cultural Heritage, Taylor & Francis, London, 2005, 193‐203. W. Neubauer, M. Doneus, N. Studnicka , J. Riegl. Combined High Resolution Laser Scanning and Photogrammetrical Documentation of the Pyramids at Giza. In: Dequal S. (Ed.) Proceedings of the XXth International Symposium CIPA, Torino 2005. The International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. XXXVI‐
5/C34/1, 2005, 470‐475226‐231. Doneus M., Neubauer W., 3D laser scanners on archaeological excavations. In: Dequal S.: (Ed.) Proceedings of the XXth International Symposium CIPA, Torino 2005. The International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. XXXVI‐5/C34/1, 2005, 226‐231. Neubauer Wolfgang. GIS in Archaeology – The Interface between Prospection and Excavation. Archaeological Prospection 11, 2004, 159‐166. Groh, S., Neubauer, W. (2003). Einsatz eines terrestrischen 3D‐Laserscanners in Ephesos. Jahreshefte des ÖAI in Wien, Bd. 72, 2003, 111‐122. Neubauer W, Eder‐Hinterleitner A, Seren S, Melichar P. 2002. Georadar in the Roman Civil Town Carnuntum / Austria: An approach on archaeological interpretation of GPR data. Archaeological Prospection 9: 135‐156. Groh S, Neubauer W, Seren S, Eder‐Hinterleitner A, Löcker K. 2002. Geophysikalische Messungen im nordöstlichen Stadtteil von Flavia Solva: Interpretation und archäologisch‐historische Auswertung. Sonderschriften des ÖAI 71: 79‐132. Neubauer W. 2002. Archaeological Prospection – A Special Application in eCulture. In Viewdet 2002, Vienna International Working Conference – eLearning and eCulture, Riedling E (ed.); 203‐214. Neubauer W, Eder‐Hinterleitner A, Melichar P, Steiner R. 2001. Improvements in high resolution archaeological magnetometry. Prospezioni Archeologiche 11: 113‐134. Eder‐Hinterleitner A, Neubauer W. 2001. Reconstructing neolithic ditches by magnetic modelling. Prospezioni Archeologiche 11: 45‐63. Doneus M, Eder‐Hinterleitner A, Neubauer W. 2001. Archaeological Prospection 4th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection, Vienna, Doneus M, Eder‐Hinterleitner A, Neubauer W (eds). Austrian Academy of Sciences: Vienna; 11‐33. Neubauer W. 2001. Images of the Invisible ‐ Prospection methods for the documentation of threatened archaeological sites. Naturwissenschaften 88: 13‐24. Neubauer W. 2001. Magnetische Prospektion in der Archäologie. Mitteilungen der Prähistorischen Kommission 44, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften: Wien Neubauer W, Eder‐Hinterleitner A, Seren S, Melichar P, Doneus M. 2000. Kombinierte archäologische Prospektion am Beispiel der römischen Zivilstadt Carnuntum. Carnuntum Jahrbuch 2000: 27‐52. Neubauer W, Eder‐Hinterleitner A, Seren S, Doneus M, Melichar P. 1998‐1999. Kombination archäologisch‐
geophysikalischer Prospektionsmethoden am Beispiel der römischen Zivilstadt Carnuntum. Archaeologia Austriaca 82‐83: 1‐
26. Neubauer W, Eder‐Hinterleitner A. 1997. 3D interpretation of postprocessed archaeological magnetic prospection data. Archaeological Prospection 4: 191‐205. Neubauer W, Eder‐Hinterleitner A. 1997. Resistivity and magnetics of the roman town Carnuntum / Austria: An example of combined Interpretation of prospection data. Archaeological Prospection 4: 179‐189. Doneus M, Eder‐Hinterleitner A, Neubauer W. 1997. Combination of geomagnetics and low altitude aerial photogrammetry in archaeology. International Archives of Photogrammetry and remote sensing 32(Part 5C1B): 84‐89. Neubauer W, Melichar P, Eder‐Hinterleitner A. 1996. Collection, visualization and simulation of magnetic prospection data. Analecta praehistorica Leidensia 28: 121‐129. Eder‐Hinterleitner A, Neubauer W, Melichar P. 1996. Reconstruction of archaeological structures using magnetic prospection. Analecta praehistorica Leidensia 28: 131‐137. Eder‐Hinterleitner A, Neubauer W, Melichar P. 1996. Restoring magnetic anomalies. Archaeological Prospection 3: 185‐
197. Neubauer W. 1995 Flums‐Gräpplang. Eine spätbronzezeitliche Siedlung in der Schweiz. Bd. 1 Rebberg Ost, Grabungen 1967‐
1982, Buchs. Neubauer W. 1990. Geophysikalische Prospektion in der Archäologie. Mitteilungen der anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien 120: 1‐60. 4