August 2011 - the Schwaben Club!
August 2011 - the Schwaben Club!
For the Kitchener Schwaben Club & Community August 2011 WICHTIGE DATEN 2011 August 7 August 27 Schwaben Hall Film Nachmittag - Das Große Glück 3rd Annual Schnitzengiggle Band – The Golden Keys September 3-4 Tag der Donauschwaben (Mansfield, OH) September 10 Kirchweih Main Hall Band – The Golden Keys September 11 Film Nachmittag - Das Beste aus dem Musikantenstadl October 7-15 Oktoberfest All Halls Bands – The Golden Keys & Schwaben 12 October 28 KISS Tribute Show: The Destroyers October 29 Halloween Dance Schwaben Hall Schwaben Hall Band – The Barefoot Boogie Band November 19 Frauen Gründungsfest Main Hall Band – The Golden Keys December 11 Christmas Luncheon Main Hall Various Groups December 14 German Christmas Show Main Hall Raphael & Susanna, Zillertaler Edelweiß Trio Yasmine-Melanie, Der Blonde Hans December 31 New Year’s Eve Ball Main Hall Band – The Golden Keys NOTICE At the September Member’s Meeting, there will be a vote held on whether the Sick Benefit Association should donate the money to buy a portable Defibrillator. Any members wanting to be part of the vote so their voice can be heard are asked to be present at the meeting. We’re just trying to look out for the safety and health of our members. IMPRESSUM Für die Inhalte der aktuellen Druckausgabe: Anschrift der Redaktion Schwaben Club 1668 King Street East Kitchener, Ontario, Canada N2G 2P1 Telefon 519-742-7979 Hauptredakteur Peter Speckner Graphische Gestaltung Catherine Thompson Please forward all newsletter submissions to: Berichterstatterin Wera Dennis Telephone (519) 894-6695 or Praesidentenbericht Ist fuer Sie das Wetter heiss genug? Rekordverdaechtige Temperaturen belasten die Rasenanlagen sowie Blumengaerten und unser leibliches Wohl. Ich hoffe, Sie haben alle Wege gefunden, um kuehl zu bleiben. Vergessen Sie nicht, der Klub hat eine Klimaanlage, so wenn Sie der Hitze entweichen wollen, bitte, in den Klub kommen, Karten spielen, mit der Kellnerin Marlene unterhalten oder einfach fernsehen. Am 23. Juli hatten wir wieder einmal einen Grossreinemachen-Tag. Das grosse Gebaeude und Grundstuck verlangen vieles an Unterhalt; leider kommen immer dieselben Leute heraus, um Hilfe zu leisten. Am Samstag kamen nur vier Personen zur freiwilligen Arbeit aus. Vielleicht koennen Sie wegen altersbedingten Schwaeche keine allzugrosse Hilfe leisten. Dann 2 rufen Sie Ihre Kinder oder Enkelkinder an, und ermutigen sie, auszuhelfen. Wir sind fuer jede Unterstuetzung dankbar. Am 21. Juli besuchte ich das alljaehrliche Picnic der Deutsch-Kanadischen-GedaechtnisGesellschaft. Trotz brutzelnden Temperaturen waren die Anwesenden zahlreich. Vielleicht wissen Sie nicht, aber jedes Jahr wird eine Tanzgruppe unter den verschiedenen Vereinen ausgewaehlt, um die Kriegsgraeber im Woodland-Friedhof zu hegen und pflegen. Auch unsere Schwabentaenzer haben schon ihren Dienst geleistet. Unsere Filmnachmittage bringen weiterhin Gelder rein, um wuenschenswerte Einkaeufe fuer den Klub zu ermoeglichen. Neuerdings haben wir einen Laptop fuer den Buero erstanden, was sehr zur Mobilitaet beitraegt, wenn ein Computer ausserhalb des Bueros benoetigt wird. Zum Beispiel bei unseren Vorstandssitzungen koennen wir die verschiedenen Berichte am Bildschirm lesen und viel Papier fuer Kopien sparen (den Waeldern zu liebe!) In naechster Zukunft wird fuer den Klub eine neue Web-Seite geschaffen. Heutzutage wird die Internet als die vorrangige Info-Quelle angesehen. Hochzeiten werden so gebucht, sowie Tagungen und andere Veranstaltungen. Um im Markt konkurrenzfaehig zu bleiben, muessen wir Webseiten haben, die handhabbar sind, inhaltsmaessig aktuell sind, und fuer die Klientel interessant sind. Die Webseiten sollten auch unsere Mitglieder informieren, sowie die Klubgruppen und Veranstaltungen der breiten Oeffentlichkeit , die Freundlichkeit, Energie und der Spass, die unseren Klub kennzeichnet, befoerdern. Der Vorstand freut sich ueber dieses Vorhaben und ich freue mich auf das Endergebnis im Herbst 2011. Wir setzen uns immer noch mit den Donauschwaben in Brasilien in Bezug auf derer 60. Jahresfeier in Entre Rios in Verbindung. Geplant ist eine 10taegige Reise, inklusive 4 Tage Festlichkeiten sowie einige spannende Tagestouren, darunter eine Zugreise durch die Berge, Abstecher zu den verschiedenen deutschen Siedlungen, sowie andere Sehenswuerdigkeiten wie die grosse Wasserfaelle (mit unseren Niagarafaellen vergleichbar) zu erleben. Naehere Einzelheiten sollten bis Anfang August erhaeltlich sein. Interessanterweise werden Kinder in Entre Rios in Deutsch unterrichtet. Bei uns werden die Erhaltung des Deutschtums und die Foerderung der deutschen Sprache durch die Arbeitsgemeinschaft der deutschen Kulturvereinen in Gang gesetzt. Geldbeitraegen von den Klubs fliessen in die Kasse der Arbeitsgemeinschaft, die wiederum finanzielle Unterstuetzung weiter an die deutsche Sprachschule leitet. Andere Gelder unterstuetzen den Bitzer-Preis, den an ausgezeichnete Studenten der Wilfrid Laurier Universitaet verliehen wird. Anfang Juli hat die Arbeitsgemeinschaft wieder eine grosse Spende zur Unterstuetzung der deutschen Sprachschule gestiftet. Das waere es fuer heute! Kuehl bleiben und geniesse, was vom kurzen Sommer noch uebrigbleibt! President’s Report Hot enough for you? These record breaking temperatures have certainly put a strain on our lawns, flower gardens and our well being. I hope all of you have found ways to stay cool. Don’t forget the club is air conditioned so if you need a break from the heat come on in, play some cards, visit with Marlene, or catch a game on the tube. We had another clean up day on Saturday, July 23rd. We have a large building and grounds to maintain but unfortunately it is always the same folks coming out to lend a hand. This Saturday we only had four people helping out. If you feel you are no longer able to do any physical labour then give your children or grandchildren a call and encourage them to help on our cleanup days. We appreciate all the help we can get. On July 21st I attended the annual Remembrance Society picnic. Despite the sizzling temperatures we still had a good turnout. You may not be aware but each year a dance group from one of the clubs is selected to assist with the maintenance of the gravesites. Our Schwaben dancers have taken on this task in the past Our movie night fund raising efforts continue to provide us with the means to make some purchases for the club. We recently purchased a laptop for the office, which provides us with the benefits of mobile computing. For example, we can now take the laptop to our board meetings and eliminate the need to print off many pages of reports for our board members. Instead we can now project the reports on a screen and help to save some trees. We are also moving forward with a new modern web site for our club. The internet is the primary research tool used by our clientele when locating venues for meetings, conferences and weddings. To compete we must ensure our web site is easy to use, dynamic in its visual appeal and contain information our clientele wants that is easily accessible and relevant. Our site will also provide information our members need and promote our club’s groups and events in a way that conveys the friendliness, energy and fun that is the hallmark of our club. The board is very excited about this initiative and I’m looking forward to seeing the end result early in the fall of 2011. We have continued to communicate with our fellow Donauschwaben club in Brazil with regards to their 60th anniversary celebration in Entre Rios. We are anticipating it to be a 10 day trip with a 4 day festival and a number of exciting side trips. A train ride through the mountains, visits to other German settlements, and viewing a spectacular waterfall that rivals our Niagara Falls, are some of the activities being planned. We are targeting to have information available by early August. It was interesting to learn that the children’s schooling in Entre Rios is conducted in German. In our local community our German clubs support the teaching of German through the Arbeitgenmeinschaft. Our clubs contribute monies to this organization, which in turn provide financial support to our local German language school and provide funds to the Bitzer Award at Wilfrid Laurier University. Once again, in July, the Arbeitgenmeinschaft has donated these funds to support and promote the teaching of the German language. That’s all for now. Stay cool and enjoy what remains of our all too short summer. George Kraehling Jr. President Manager’s Report “What’s Going On” As Manager of the Schwaben Club I find it is a constant balancing act walking along a tight rope, keeping ever so mindful that this is first of all and foremost your social club, but also knowing that it is the business side that keeps the doors open. Both are extremely important to the Club and it can be very difficult to blend the two aspects of the Club together. Pleasing and serving members and customers alike can be a challenge. I try to generate as much revenue as possible while trying to keep the expenses down. I make many decisions every day, on your behalf, and I don’t take this responsibility lightly and let me assure you that I make these decisions for the benefit and betterment of the Club. Major decision, of course, I take to the Board of Directors. I know that some of my decisions may not always make some people happy but sometimes you need to do what’s best for the club as a whole and not necessarily for any one individual. As a Club we have been through a period of time were the economy was slow and major repairs need to be done, but I think we came through it fairly well. This year is looking promising; a good one. Come out and support as many events as you can and have a great time as well. Exciting times are ahead for the Schwaben Club and I promise to do my best to ensure that the Club grows stronger and stronger every single day and look forward to doing my part to honor the history and enhance the future. Don Egley Manager mit Nick Lang Traditional Schwaben Club Style Sunday, August 21, 2011 2:00 pm Schwaben Hall – Schwaben Club $10 3 Geburtstage für August Allen Mitgliedern des Kitchener Schwabenklubs, die im Monat August Geburtstag feiern Herzlichen Glückwunsch und das Beste im neuen Lebensjahr. Name 4 Mohr-Urschel, Irma Neidert, Betty Grau, Mary Wettlaufer, Larry Bekiroski, Dule Oswald, Michael Birl, Julia Druar, Kerry Milla, George Piller, George Grau, Franz Schaadt, Hans Thompson, Sheri Joseph, Anna Betke, Theodor Pottkamper, Christopher Specht, Konrad Offak, Josef Falkenberg, Bernhard Horvath, Robert Doerner, John Hoffmann, Neil Resch, Adam Speckner, Andrea Koenig, Anna Flint, Rosie Offak, Maria Schuster, John Kauck, Frank Thompson, Christopher Obert, Elizabeth Hoffman, Dieter Tuerr, Paul Lipp, Anton Schleicher, Philip Speckner, Richard Markowiak, Stanley Geburtstag 01 02 02 02 04 05 05 05 06 07 07 09 09 13 14 15 16 16 17 18 21 22 23 23 23 24 24 25 26 27 29 29 30 30 30 30 31 Frauengruppe I hope everyone is staying cool! It certainly has been a hot summer. We will think of these days in January and wish we could have them back! Now that it is August we are looking ahead to the fall events at the club. I will be going to Mansfield this year to experience the Tag der Donauschwaben for the first time. The Frauengruppe hosts our first event of the year, Kirchweih, September 10. It is always a very enjoyable evening! How are those rosemary plants growing? Keep watering them so we have lots of strausses. Our first meeting will be Sept 7 and I hope to see you all there. Enjoy the rest of your summer! Susan Cook Frauengruppe Secretary SINESS HERE R BU ADVERTISE YOU in our Schwaben Club Nachrichten. Everyone welcome. Contact: email or call the office (519) 742-7979 Landestreffen der Donauschwaben September 2-4, 2011 Mansfield, Ohio, USA Event Website The Schwaben Club’s 1st Annual Golf Tournament On a gorgeous Saturday afternoon a group of 20 golf lovers descended on the beautiful River Edge Golf Course in Kitchener to support a new event for our club. It was a good course for both beginners, of which there were a few, as well as seasoned players. We played the 9 hole par 35 course two times around and met at the clubhouse afterward for drinks and to hand out prizes. Everyone had a wonderful time whacking the ball (with varying degrees of success) and we survived the heat with the help of the bar cart. Some of the more memorable highlights of the day included one person wading through the water with his ball retriever, a number of people looking for their balls in the bushes, and a club head traveling farther than the ball. We would like to thank all the people that donated prizes for this years tourney. Thanks for your support! Here are some of the awards that were handed out: Best team score: Kerry Druar and friends (more like ringers) Longest men’s drive: Michael Kahnke Longest ladies drive: Stefanie Nuxoll Men’s closest to the pin: Kerry Druar Ladies closest to the pin: Lena Herold Best second round over first round team score: Kirk Hanke, Colin Andrechek, Tye Zinger & Glenn Herold We look forward to making next year’s event even bigger and better. Lena & Glenn Herold Tanzwettbewerb.html Entrance Cost: 1-Day ticket - $10 2-Day ticket - $15 Bus Cost: $50 for members (round trip) $75 for non-members (round trip) Hotel Cost: Comfort Inn Splash Harbor Belleville, Ohio $110 per room (2 queen beds-32 rms) $118 per room (1 king bed-1 rm) Quality Inn Bellville Belleville, Ohio $93 per room (2 queen beds-1 rm) $124 per room (2 queen beds family suite-1 rm) Bus is scheduled to leave from the Schwaben Club on Friday, September 2 at approx. 5pm. It will leave Mansfield, OH sometime Monday morning (September 5). It is a 6-7 hr. drive – one way. IMPORTANT: All rooms must be booked by the people staying in them, with their own credit cards, by July 1, 2011. After this date, they will be released, and group rate pricing can no longer be guaranteed. All attendees MUST email/register with Peter Speckner, Cultural Director, so he can maintain a Master List of all people going: pspeckner@ or leave note in his office folder. 5 Schwaben Dancers in Brantford at International Villages Performance 6 6 Golf Tournament 7 Hallo Schwabenclubianer, Musikantinnen und Musikanten, wir von Schwaben 12 sind eine Gruppe aus Musikern des schwäbischen Raumes. Wir haben uns zusammengefunden, um im Herbst 2010 erstmals auf einem der größten Oktoberfeste (außerhalb Münchens) in Kitchener in Kanada zu spielen. Nach großem Erfolg wurden wir auch für 2011, in einer etwas anderen Formation, wieder engagiert. Wir spielen alle in verschiedenen Bands für Blasmusik, Big-Band oder Unterhaltungsmusik und sind seit Jahren immer wieder national und international tätig. Reisen nach Italien, Schweiz, Österreich oder ins nahe "Ausland wie Preußetanien :-)" und als Höhepunkt auch nach Südafrika oder Kanada zum Oktoberfest ist schon sehr interessant. Somit hoffen wir nach dem tollen Erlebnis in 2010 auch dieses Jahr wieder mit unserer Musik alle Mitglieder und Gäste des Schwabenclubs zu begeistern. Mit Musikalischem Gruß aus Bayern/Schwaben "Oktoberfest is wunderbar................." Manfred und Franz SEPTEMBER FILM NACHMITTAG Kindergruppe and Jugendgruppe Things are pretty quiet right now during our summer break. I’m sure the children are getting excited for our upcoming trip to Mansfield, OH and Oktoberfest 2011! In July, we came together for a Summer Social BBQ. It was nice to see everyone again and visit. Thank you to everyone that contributed and helped with our evening. We look forward to seeing everyone at the Schwaben Dancers Schnitzengiggle and in the fall at Kirchweih! 8 2011-2012 Start Up Date Thursday, August 25, 2011 at 6:30pm Lisa Schaadt SEPTEMBER 11, 2011 SCHWABEN CLUB KELLER DOORS OPEN 2:00 PM FILM BEGINS 2:30 PM Admission $4.00 Coffee & Cake Available Kindergruppe/Jugendgruppe President Your Schwaben Club in the 21st Century Club Cleanup Day On July 23rd, we held another Club Clean Up day. Before it became too hot outside, Steve Pelley and I worked on some weeding and spreading mulch on the one garden by Weber St. Phil Neidert was busy inside continuing to strip wallpaper in the downstairs card room. George Kraehling installed new dimmer switches in our upstairs main hall as we had been encountering some problems with old ones. Thank you very much to those who were able to come out. Monica Anstett Vice-President presented by the Schwaben Club & Transylvania Club Wednesday December 14, 2011 Doors Open 5:30 pm Dinner 6:30 pm Show 8:00 pm Members - $39.95 + tax Member of either Schwaben or Transylvania Club Non-Members - $44.95 + tax August 7, 2011 Schwaben Club Keller Doors Open 2:00 pm Film Begin 2:30 pm $4.00 Admission Coffee & Cake Available 9 Schein, Eva 10 Passed away peacefully at home, with her family by her side, on Sunday morning, July 3, 2011. Born on October 10, 1935, Eva spent her early years in Langenau, Germany and married her love, Adam Schein (predeceased). Eva was the beloved mother of Erika Cawthra (Wayne), Robert (Heather), Karl Heinz (Elizabeth) and Rita Lohnes (Randy); Treasured Oma of Mathias (Merin), Kylene (Jeremy), Stephanie, Spencer, Angel, Carter and David and Adored Great-Oma of Gage and Gryphon Messmer, Margaret Passed away on July 13, 2011 at St. Mary’s Hospital, at the age of 90 years. Predeceased by her husband John Messmer. Beloved mother of Eva Adams and her husband Randy. Dear grandmother (Oma) of Tracy Wright and her husband David and Kimberly Adams. Great- grandmother of Hannah and Ethan Wright. Predeceased by her sister Christina Wagner Schleicher, Philipp Passed away peacefully at home with his loving family by his side, on Monday, July 25, 2011, in his 81st year. Beloved husband of 61 years to Regina (nee Kratz) Schleicher. Loving father of Rose Beilke and her husband Werner and Heidi Cowen and her husband Don Haennel. Cherished Otta of Monica Watson (Paul), Erika Cowen (Steve Stein), Mark Beilke (Linda) and Shawn Cowen (Ashley); Great-Otta of Quinn and Carter Beilke and Lee Watson. Dear brother of Dorothy Kratz (Peter), Henry Schleicher (Loni) and Jakob Schleicher (Rosie). Oktoberfest Setup & Club Clean-Up Day Sunday September 25, 2011 9:00 a.m. SCHWABEN CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE DIRNDLS FOR SALE: beige size 16 or 44 euro size $50.00 or best offer. Child’s dirndl blue for 3 year old child $ 30.00 or best offer. ph: 519- 748-2144 To add an item please contact the Schwaben Club at 519-742-7979. or send an email to Transylvania Club DATES TO REMEMBER 2011 17. August Seniorentreffen – Seniors’ Luncheon – Alpine Club - 11:30 Uhr 11. September Youth Dance Group practices start – 18:30 Uhr 21. September Seniorentreffen – Seniors’ Luncheon - Alpine - 11:30 Uhr 01. Oktober Charity Golf Tournament for Anselma House – Dundee Country Club 01. Oktober Pre-Oktoberfest Event – Polka for a Purpose – 18:00 Uhr 07. bis 15. Oktober Oktoberfest 19. Oktober Seniorentreffen – Seniors’ Luncheon - Alpine - 11:30 Uhr 05. November Trachtenball – Aylmer Saxonia Club – 20:00 Uhr 12. November Schlachtfest – 18:30 Uhr 13. November Volkstrauertag – Remembrance Service – 14:30 Uhr 16. November Seniorentreffen – Seniors’ Luncheon – Alpine - 11:30 Uhr 11 12 Schwaben Club 1668 King Street East Kitchener, Ontario, Canada N2G 2P1