Newsletter 25 January 2015 - Holy Apostles Catholic Church


Newsletter 25 January 2015 - Holy Apostles Catholic Church
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time—Year B
25 January 2015
On Winchester Street, Pimlico, London
Dear Friends,
So many of you are, every month over and above what you give to the parish, contributing to Growing in Faith. This is
extremely generous of you. Here below is an update on how it is going as far as our parish is concerned. The top broken
circle shows what has been contributed to date since summer 2013. The broken circle below shows what is pledged over
the period of 5
I really want to
thank those of you
who are making
this happen for
being so generous
in pledging in the
first place and
then for being so
faithful to what
you said you
would do. This is
going to make a
huge difference in
the parish and
beyond. Thank
you so much.
Yours devotedly,
Canon Pat
Parish Priest
This parish is part of Westminster Roman Catholic Diocese Trustee, Charity No. 233699
Contact Details:
Priests House
Holy Apostles Presbytery
47 Cumberland Street,
Pimlico, London SW1V 4LY
Tel 020 7834 6965
Parish Priest
Canon Pat Browne
Mobile: 07988 441691
Parish Sister
Sr Louise Callan DC
Mobile: 07786 743810
Parish Pastoral
JudyAnn Masters
Mobile: 0794 4490072
Priest in Residence
Fr Augusto Zampini Davies
Deacon in Residence
David Lucuy
Mobile: 07419 772947
Hall Manager
Jan Bidaud
Mobile: 07717 5666 05
Parish Pastoral Council
with our
priest to
represent and
develop our parish community.
Members are either elected,
representatives of parish organisations or appointed by the parish priest. Commitment: Six
meetings a year for approximately 90 minutes and often an additional project. Contact: Fr Pat
Browne 020 7834 6965 or Elisabetta Bertone (Chair) 07855
014 729
On Being Called
By Fr Munachi E. Ezeogu, cssp
One of the unforgettable figures of the 20th century was Princess Diana…Within her short life
she won the hearts of the whole world. In today’s gospel we see the would-be apostles,
Simon and Andrew, called to make a radical decision about the rest of their lives. They are
fishermen. They are busy with their trade, casting nets, but we do not hear that they caught
any fish. Probably on this particular day they too, like Diana, were going through a state of
depression and near-despair. It is in this state of mind that they hear the word of God
addressed to them by Jesus: “Follow me and I will make you fishers of souls” (Mark 1:17).
They leave their nets at once and follow Jesus.
There comes a time in the life of every child of God when God invites us to follow Him more
closely and to participate in His mission. This might require a change of career or at least a
transformation of our present careers into a means of service. No matter the career path we
have chosen to follow, …we have a basic decision to make: to pursue it solely as a means of
livelihood and personal enhancement or to use it as a means of service to God and humanity.
..on a much higher level as we move from being self-centred to being God-centred, from
being self-seeking to seeking the glory of God and the benefit of humankind.
God’s call to follow and serve Him
often takes us to places we would
never have dreamt of going. Diana’s
call took her to mine fields and to AIDS
hospitals. Jonah’s call in the first
reading took him to Nineveh. For the
Jew of the 1st century BC, Nineveh
represented the seat of godlessness,
immorality and corruption. Nineveh
was the capital of the Assyrian empire that had conquered and colonized the kingdom of
Judah, looted and destroyed the Temple, and carried the notables of the people into exile. It
was a big metropolitan city where the social and economic law of the survival of the fittest
reigned supreme. Materialism expressing itself in all forms of immorality, corruption and
crime was the order of the day in Nineveh. For pious Jews like Jonah, Nineveh was the
godforsaken city, the highway to perdition where evil reigned without any hope of change.
For them Nineveh was a hopeless case, peopled by lost souls without the slightest hope of
regaining God’s favour. No wonder Jonah objected to being sent there. As far as he was
concerned the mission to Nineveh was nothing but an exercise in futility. The big surprise in
the story is that as soon as the “godforsaken” people of Nineveh heard the word of God, they
receive it with eagerness, repent with sincerity, and regain God’s mercy and forgiveness.
Even today God seeks men and women to send on the mission to Nineveh. Where is our
Nineveh today? Our Nineveh today is found in the back-streets and alleys of our cities
festering with prostitution, drug and crime. It is found in the ivory tower of the corporate
establishment where the destinies of half of the world are decided without any attention to
their interests and welfare. Jonah was not sent to the people of Israel who were believers
already, neither are we called to cater for the interest of good churchgoers alone. God invites
us to bring the Good News to unimaginable places and “impossible” situations. The good
news for us is that these “hopeless” cases are not too hopeless after all…
For the full Reflection go to Light a Candle at
sundayb03.htm Sourced on 20 January 2015.
Page 3
Collections Last Sunday the collection came to Total £1127.70 Envelopes £414.85 Loose
Plate £712.85 The week before it was Total £1148.23. The second collection for Pax Christi
last weekend came to £520. The Standing Orders and Direct Debits for December came to
£6,689.50 Many thanks
Please pray for Desmond O’Callaghan age 47 of De Quincey House Churchill Gardens ,
whose funeral Mass will be on Tuesday 27th January at 10.00am and Carmelo De Cesare of
Glastonbury House. Funeral details later and Xaviere Desira age 89 of Belgrave Rd whose
funeral will be on Wed 4th February at 10.00am. MAY THEY REST IN PEACE
St Vincent de Paul Society is meeting Monday 26 Jan. at 6:30pm in St Magdalene’s Room
in the Hall. Please join us, especially if you are waiting for you DBS to finish.
Have you a child for Baptism? There is a meeting for Parents in the Priests’ House at
7.30pm on Wednesday 28th January. If you hope to attend please call 079 5832 0567 to let
us know.
Union of Catholic Mothers are meeting on Wednesday 28th, from 7.30pm in the St Paul's
Room. All mums at all stages of motherhood are invited!
Ashley Wass, Maxim Rysanov in Beethoven, and the Mozart Requiem for Paul Goggins
MP Memorial Concert at St John’s Smith Square Friday, 30 January, 2015 - 19:30 Ashley
Wass performs Beethoven’s 4th Piano Concerto with the Southbank Sinfonia, conducted by
Maxim Rysanov; and the Mozart Requiem with fine soloists. All in memory of Paul Goggins
in aid of the Cardinal Hume Centre. Book seats at
Vocation Discernment Group for adults (18-30’s) meets on Friday 30 January, 7-9pm in the
Hinsley Room next to Westminster Cathedral. St Graca Almeida and Sr Natalia Gomes,
Comboni Sisters on “Being Missionary Disciples today” For more info contact Fr Richard at
Day with Mary at Holy Apostles – Saturday 14th February 10.00am till 5.30pm
A “Come and See” weekend with a difference for men (aged 18+) who are discerning a calling to the priesthood will take place at Allen Hall seminary in Chelsea for 24 hours from the
evening of Friday 20th February. To reserve one of only 12 places, please contact Fr Richard
asap at
Beginning Experience. There is a healing weekend for people who find themselves single
again following divorce, separation or the death of a partner from 20th to 22nd March
2015 at the Emmaus Centre, West Wickham, Kent. For more information please ring Freda
on 01322-401243 or Sandra on 01293-783965.
Are you getting married this year in the Catholic Church? We run a Pre-Marriage course in
April. It is 3x2 hour sessions in our parish hall from 7.00pm to 9.00pm. The dates are Mondays 20th and 27th of April and Thursday 30th April. The cost is £30 per couple. For a booking
form contact
Turkana Dinner Dance A date will be announced soon!
Watch Mass
From the Webcam!
Go to our website:
www.holyapostles and press
blue LIVE for LIVE
broadcast section
PPC Elections
Sign up
sheet is in
the porch
for all potential
candidates who
want to join our
Parish Pastoral
Council. There are
6 elected members
on the PPC. Share
your enthusiasm
and vision for our
Parish—be a candidate for the PPC!
Starts again TODAY.
in St Paul’s Room.
We will be starting
new and exciting
projects. Both boys
and girls over the
age of 8 yrs are
invited to join us!
No Problem!
Donate them to Holy
Apostles &
they can be
used as
raffle prizes!
Drop them
off at Priests
through the Bible. A basic bible study programme for everyone interested: Parish Readers, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Adult Faith
Formation & Small Communities Leaders & Members,
Catechists, Volunteers & all parishioners
Where: Vaughan House, 46 Francis St , SW1P
1QN. When: 7pm-8.30pm.Facilitators: Brian Purfield
and Ausra Karaliute. Well known Bible scholars are
invited to talk on particular themes. No prior
knowledge is required to attend the programme. Sessions are presented in lecture style with some elements of discussion, Q&A and some optional activities
during the sessions, on-line and at home.
Tues 17th Feb
Sat 14th Mar
(location TBC)
RETREAT with Brian Purfield
Professional Dressmaker
Alterations, Repairs
Restyling, Copying,
Fitting, Cushions,
handbags & more!
Communion Dresses
All sessions will be recorded and available on the diocesan website at a later date. Please register to attend or
call 020 7931 6078. Suggested donation £3 per session.
Free Dementia
Sessions to be
held monthly at
Holy Apostles Church hall in St Magdalene’s
Room 7pm on 9 February. Contact Fred Mairet
for more details. 07810 655450.
Little Angels
Staffire Rescue
Charity is an animal
charity that will be
collecting milk tops,
used postage stamps
and old mobile
Look for container in the Porch
Cardinal’s Mass of Thanksgiving for the Sacrament
of Matrimony
Westminster Cathedral, Saturday 23rd May 2015 at 3pm. The
Cardinal will be inviting to this Mass all couples in the Diocese
who are celebrating their 10th, 25th, 30th, 40th, 50th and 60th (and
every year over 60) wedding anniversary of Catholic marriage in
2015. If you are celebrating an anniversary, please give Father
Pat the following details: husband and wife’s names, wedding
date, full postal address and email (or telephone number, if no
email). And he will arrange for you to receive an invitation.
Smart Loving UK runs weekend marriage enrichment
seminars that aim to revive, affirm and celebrate marriag-
There will be a concert on
Friday 30th January,
7.30pm at St John's Smith
Square in aid of the Cardi-
nal Hume Centre. The concert will be in memory of
Paul Goggins MP, former Chairman of the Centre,
who died in January 2014. All money raised will go straight to
the Cardinal Hume Centre. Ashley Wass will perform Beethoven's 4th piano concerto with the London Sinfonia, conducted
by Maxim Rysanov. The Schola Cantorum of the Cardinal
Vaughan Memorial School will perform Mozart's Requiem.
Tickets are available from St John's Smith Square: 020 7222
1602 £15
es. For Catholic couples at every stage of their married
life, the weekend is a chance to rediscover the joy of being man and wife in love, drawing on the wisdom of authentic Catholic teaching on the Theology of the Body. The
next Smart Loving weekend, which includes an optional
overnight stay, will take place on the 7th-8th March at Lati-
Rosie Bok
mer Place, Chesham, Herts. For more information and to
register please contact the marriage and
family life office on 020 7931 6064 or