Concordia Nachrichten 2016-04 for web
Concordia Nachrichten 2016-04 for web
Nr. 542 April 2016 87 1 Nachrichten 142 JAHRE 142 YEARS 3 - 2015 ISSN 0384-952X Concordia Club, 429 Ottawa St. S., Kitchener, Ontario, Canada N2M 3P6 / Tel. (519) 745-5617, Fax 745-5141 Internet: or for e-mail: 9. April - 18:30 Uhr Bockbierfest Krönung der Miss Concordia 2016 1. Mai - Halle 19:00 Uhr Frühlingskonzert der Chöre Andreas mit CONCORDIA IM APRIL / MAI 2016 Klub Vorschau/Club Events Concordia in April 2nd 2nd 9th 9th 16th 23rd 23rd 24th 30th Schenke DJ Novak Weinstube Spring Trachten Sale Schenke Edelweiss Duo Main Hall Bockbierfest 6:30p.m. Schenke DJ Novak Schenke TC Alpine Echos Farm Home on the Range Clean up Farm General Farm Clean up Schenke DJ Novak Concordia in May 1st Main Hall Choir Spring Concert 7:00p.rn. 3rd Office Members Oktoberfest Ticket Sale 7:00p.m. 7th Club Spring Clean Up 8:00a.m. 7th Schenke Black Forest Band 8th Main Hall Mother's Day Buffet 12:00-2:00p.m. and 5:00-7:00p.m. 14th Schenke DJ Novak 14th Main Hall Fruehlingsfest 8:00p.rn. 21st Schenke Edelweiss Duo 23rd Victoria Day - CLUB CLOSED 28th Schenke DJ Novak Office Telephone Extensions & Info Line Front Office Membership Banquet Inquiries Manager Payroll Accounting 101 101 101 102 103 104 Group Events SUNDAY Halle MONDAY Halle Jaegerstube 1.00–5.00 Ballroom Dancing 7.00–8.30 8.30–10.00 6.00–7.00 7.00–8.00 TUESDAY Halle 6.00–8.00 Jaegerstube 8.00–10.00 Schenke 7.30–10.00 WEDNESDAY Halle 6.00–10.00 Jaegerstube 3.00–5.30 Jaegerstube 7.00 pm Jaegerstube 7.30–10.00 Weinstube 19.00 Weinstube 7.00 pm THURSDAY Halle 6.00–8.00 8.00–10.00 Jaegerstube 7.00–1.00 Eisstock 7.00–10.00 Schenke 9.00 FRIDAY Victoria Bowl 6.30 Jaegerstube 8.00 Gemischter Chor Männerchor Kinderchor Jugendchor Kinder & Junior Garde Narrenzunft Skat-Gruppe Enzian Group Senioren Gruppe (1st Wed. of month) Ladies Group (1. Wednesday of month) Horticultural Group (2nd Wed. of month) Tennisgruppe (Jeden 2. Mittwoch im Monat) Tennisgruppe (2nd Wed. of month) Senioren Garde Table Tennis Group Schach/Chess Eisstock-Gruppe Fussball/Soccer Bowlers “Treffpunkt” (2nd Friday of month) Reservations 105 General Inquiries 105 Ticket Sales 105 Portier/Doorman 106 You can call the extensions or announcements by using any touch tone telephone. 2 Bericht des Präsidenten Ich hoffe, jeder hatte ein frohes Osterfest mit Familie und Freunden. Ein herzliches Dankeschön an alle Mitglieder, für die Unterstützung bei der Wahl als Präsident. Auch ein Danke an alle, die bei der Jahresversammlung sich an der Diskussion beteiligten und eine Entscheidung betreff der Farm getroffen haben. Das Resultat der Präsidentenwahl hat mir gezeigt, dass ich in der Vergangenheit, mit 3 dem Vorstand, gute Arbeit zum Wohle des Klub geleistet habe. Ich versuche, dass auch in Zukunft in jeder Beziehung alles zum Wohle des Klubs und der Mitglieder getan wird. Willkommen, Andrew Saur in den Vorstand, so auch Martin Patzold. Gratulation zu Mike Brasch, Alex Thoene, Rolf Malthaner, Helmut Kruschat und Michelle Zimmer, die wieder in den Vorstand gewählt wurden. Danke an Marcus Kallweit und Ronny Horvath, die für 2 Jahre im Vorstand tätig waren. Es ist wichtig, eine gute Zusammenarbeit des Vorstandes mit dem Personal des Klubs zu haben. Danke an Euch! 50 Jahre Oktoberfest, sowie 150 Jahre Bestehen des Concordia Klubs, sind die nächsten Planungen woran wir zu arbeiten haben. Bitte besuchen Sie folgende Veranstaltungen: 9. April: Bockbierfest der Frauengruppe mit Vorstellung der Miss Concordia 2016 23. April: Reinigung Home on the Range 24. April: Reinigung des Farmgeländes 1. Mai: Frühlingskonzert der Concordia Chöre 3. Mai: Verkauf - Oktoberfest Eintrittskarten 7. Mai: Klubgelände Reinigung 8. Mai: Muttertag - Büfett 14. Mai: Frühlingstanz - Treffpunkt Ich hoffe, Sie alle zu sehen und wünsche einen schönen Frühling! Ihr Klubpräsident, Rob. Kerr President’s Report I hope that everyone has enjoyed a safe and happy Easter holiday and spent some well deserved time with their loved ones. A heartfelt thank you goes out to all the membership for electing me to a third term to serve as your president. The love and support that you show to Janice and I reinforces our passion to represent such a great group of people. I must also thank you for enduring such a long annual general meeting, we needed to get items settled and the discussions that surrounded them were necessary so that all the members in attendance could make the best, most educated decision on such an important matter (the farm). In looking at the results of the vote for the presidency the membership has given me a sign that the work that the board and myself have done over the past year and the plans that we have for the next year are going in the direction that is favourable to them. I promise that we will make all decisions with the best interest of the club in mind and that everything will be done in a transparent nature so that the members can see our progression at any stage of the year. YOUR COMFORT IN RETIREMENT 483 and 507 OTTAWA STREET SOUTH, KITCHENER, ONTARIO Mailing Address: 483 Ottawa Street S., Kitchener, Ontario N2M 5H1 Tel. (519) 745-1200 • email: Attraktive 1-SchlafzimmerWohnungen in gewohnter heimischer Atmosphäre Call the office for information 4 I would like to welcome Andrew Sauer to the board. Your bubbly personality and strong work ethic will be a welcomed by our board. I would also like to welcome Martin Patzold back to the board after a one year absence. My congratulations also goes out to Michael Brasch, Alex Thoene, Rolf Malthaner, Helmut Kruschat and Michelle Zimmer who will join me again to lead this club for another year. Thank you to Marcus Kallweit and Ronny Horvath for your years of service on the board of directors and we wish you well in your future endeavours. Your voices of reason always helped us make the right decisions. Thank you to Ruth, Martina and Andreas for their continued focus on the day to day operations of the Concordia club. The continued growth of our business would also not be possible without the support of all the staff (whether they are in the foreground or back- 5 ground). Thank you for helping us exceed our customers expectations and keep them returning to our facility. We will be looking at the 50th anniversary of Oktoberfest here at the club as well as preparing for our 150th anniversary as a club. These are only a few of the endeavours that we will be starting this year and would solicit any help from the membership to plan these events. Some of the upcoming events that I hope to see you at are: - Bockbierfest and the crowning of Miss Concordia on April 9th - Home on the range clean-up at the farm on April 23rd - Farm clean-up on April 24th - The choir spring concert on May 1 in the main hall - Members Oktoberfest ticket sale on May 3rd - Annual club clean-up on May 7th - Mother’s day buffet May 8th - Fruehlingsfest on May 14th Hoping that some beautiful spring weather will grace us soon, Your president, Rob Kerr From the Manager’s Desk Bockbierfest Bockbierfest is a sure sign that Spring is just around the comer. The date is Saturday, April 9th. Tickets are now available in the club office for $30.00 each. We will be sure to have the traditional bockbier on tap as well as a great dinner and dancing to follow. This is the evening that we will also be crowning our new Miss Concordia 2016 so please come out and show your support! Spring Clean Up The first Saturday in May is our annual club clean up - Saturday, May 7th at 8:00a.m. It is always wonderful to see how many members come out and help us get the grounds looking great after a long winter. We look forward to seeing everyone with rakes and shovels in hand! Chef Andreas will be preparing a hearty lunch for all the hard workers so come out and join us. Oktoberfest Tickets Our annual members sale of Oktoberfest tickets will be on TUESDAY, MAY 3rd STARTING AT 7:00 P.M. WE WILL BE HANDING OUT WAITING NUMBERS AT 6:00 P.M. so that everyone can come in and enjoy a nice meal and drink while waiting for their number to be called. Members Sale • a maximum of 10 tickets per Friday and/or Saturday per membership (family membership = 1 membership) • no maximum ticket restriction on other Oktoberfest event days • only adults of legal drinking age (19 years of age) or older are admitted to Oktoberfest (except for Saturday matinee and Family Days - Sunday & Monday) • acceptable payment methods: cash, visa, mastercard, debit or cheque • online “e ticket” sale only, commencing Wednesday, May 11th at 10:00 a.m. Access through our website or via • a maximum of 6 tickets per Friday and 6 tickets per Saturday per purchaser, no refunds on ticket orders • no maximum ticket restriction on other Oktoberfest event days • only adults of legal drinking age (19 years of age) or older are admitted to Oktoberfest (except Saturday matinee and Family Days - Sunday & Monday) • there will be an additional processing fee charged on each ticket • tickets will be emailed immediately as PDF attachments and will be scanned at the door the day of the event for validity 6 • acceptable on line payment methods: visa & mastercard Concordia Club reserves the right to fulfill or decline orders on line, should the purchaser have already obtained tickets via the membership sale. Online purchase depends also on the capacity of the online server. Bavarian Strongman Challenge We will be hosting the Bavarian Strongman Challenge in the tent for the first time this year! In the past this event had been held outside at Kitchener City Hall but due to King Street construction and challenges with the weather, the organizers approached us with the hope of moving the event indoors. I believe this is a great opportunity for us to open the tent for an afternoon of Oktoberfest celebrations! The tent will be open on Saturday, October 8th from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00p.m. with all the great food, beer and entertainment that we have every other day of the festival but will include the added bonus of the Strongman Competition. Tickets will be sold at $5.00 per person with free admission for children under the age of 12. These tickets will be available for purchase in the club office as well as on our online ticket system. Ticket pricing for 2016: 1st Friday, October 7th 6pm-1am $28.00 1st Saturday, October 8th 11am-4pm $ 5.00 (children under the age of 12 are admitted free) 1st Saturday, October 8th 6pm-1am $24.00 Sunday, October 9th noon-6pm $11. 00 (members & children 16 & under are admitted free) 7 Monday, October 10th 11am-6pm $11.00 (members & children 16 & under are admitted free) Tuesday, October 11th 6pm-11 pm Free admission with donation to the food bank (Schenke Restaurant only) Wednesday, October 12th, 7pm-1am $15.00 Thursday, October 13th, 6pm-12am $20.00 Friday, October 14th, 6pm-1am $24.00 Saturday, October 15th, 6pm-1am $28.00 ticket price includes all applicable tax (13% HST) Corporate Tickets Corporate requests will be handled on a case to case basis if tickets are available. Fruehlingsfest Mark Saturday, May 141h on your calendar for Fruehlingsfest 2016! Treffpunkt is busy planning for another great evening of fun for everyone so please get your tickets early and come out and have some fun! Mother’s Day It may seem that Mother’s Day is far away but this is the time to make your plans to ensure your reservation is made! We always fill up so quickly. Mother’s Day is on Sunday, May 8th and we will have two seatings again - noon to 2:00p.m. and 5:00p.m. to 7:00p.m. Chef Andreas and his team do a fantastic job of creating a fabulous buffet for all to enjoy. Give us a call soon. With best regards, RuthRajna, Manager 8 9 Campers Hello Campers! Let me begin with thanking all campers in attendance at our clubs Annual Meeting. Concordia’s largest group helping to achieve a majority vote, in result keeping the farm. Well done… We cannot forget however the commitment and dedication necessary to proceed. A new outlook in every category of camping has been achieved from activities, to food, to the overall appearance of the farm. Let’s all make a difference one leaf at a time at FARM CLEAN UP April 24. A day of participation from all campers is appreciated. Lunch will be provided to all volunteers. Efforts from your campers group and the helping hands of all campers will make this season gratifying for all. Get your team signed up for our Coed Soccer tournament and opening picnic June 4th or dust off those cleats and show us what you got! Individual players are welcome. Wishing everyone a safe and memorable season!! LETS GET CAMPING! President Andrew Saur 10 Skat-Gruppe Hallo Freunde Fruehling ist fast hier und wir werden am 12ten und 19ten April um unseren Tony Dissler Pokal spielen. Unsere Gruppe wird sich am 10ten April zu ihrem traditionellen Oster Brunch treffen. Im Namen der Skatgruppe moechte ich unseren neuen Vorstand begruessen und wuensche viel Glueck und Erfolg in diesem Jahr. Die Skat Gruppe trifft sich jeden Dienstag um 7:15 Uhr in der Schenke. Kommt doch einfach mal vorbei oder kontaktiert mich wenn ihr Interesse habt unserer lustigen Runde beizutreten. Gut Blatt Marcus Kallweit Schriftfuehrer SKAT GROUP Dear Friends Spring is almost here and we will play our Tony Dissler Pokal on April 12th &19th. Our group will enjoy their traditional Easter Brunch on April 10th. On behalf of the Skat group we welcome our new board of directors and wish you all the best for the coming year. The Skat Group plays every Tuesday starting 7:15 in the Schenke. Stop by or contact me if you are interested to join our fun group Gut Blatt Marcus Kallweit Secretary 11 Ladies Group Winter should be over by now I hope. Spring is here and soon our flowers will start to sprout. The rain will come and the grass will grow green. I hope my predictions come true! Our April meeting will be once again the first Wednesday of the month, April 6 in the Weinstube at 7 pm. Saturday, April 9 we will once again have our Bockbierfest combined with the introduction to our new Miss Concordia 2016. Come and enjoy a good German meal along with a smooth Bockbier to compliment your meal. The Enzian Schuhplatter, will perform for us and don’t forget to dance with the music of the Twin City Alpine Echo. Just go to the office or call in to get your tickets as you won’t want to miss this great evening of entertainment. At our picnic on June 22, we will discuss what kind of outing or trips we will have this year, so make sure ladies that you all attend. It is always a great picnic. Until next month be safe, but have fun. Elisabeth Rowsell May 1 Choirs Spring Concert Hall, 7 pm Eis Stock-Group On January 24, 2016 we had our Year End Lunch at the Schenke and afterwards we had the election which voted the old board members back: President: VP: Treasurer: Wolfgang Meindl Milutin Zaric Kata Zaric 3 Members from the Concordia Club, Kata and Milutin Zaric and Ronny Horvath participated at the Icestock World Championship in Ritten / Italy from the 23rd to the 28th of March. Our National Ladies and Mens Team participated in the B-division (B=Amateur Division, A= Pro Division) and it is with great pleasure to announce that our ladies Team with Jenn, Steffi, Kim (Barrie Club), Natasha (Kingston Club) and our Kata (Concordia Club) won the Bronze Medal in the Team Competition. Congratulations for this big success!!! The Men need more training, they made second last Place at their Group. We would like to thank the Concordia Club for their financial support of our members. On April 16. – 17. we will have the Canadian Championship in Gananoque, where the Concordia Club Team will participate and has to defend their championship from last year. We thank all our supporters and sponsors and remain with a loud STOCK HEIL Wolfgang 12 Outdoor Group Greetings from the Home on the Range! Thanks to everyone who attended our annual Winter Karneval held on March 6th. Although the weather gods felt a “Spring Fling” was more in order, a good time was had by all! Next up on our calendar of events is the spring cleanup of the Home on the Range, which is scheduled for 9am on Saturday 13 April 23rd. Lunch and refreshments will be provided to everyone in attendance, we hope to see everyone there!! Radio Herz, German Broadcast Inc. 63 Hoffman St., Kitchener, Ont. N3M 3M8 Radio Herz können Sie folgendermaßen hören: Übers Internet für $7.00/Mo. unter Abonnieren erhältlich. Über Bell-TV, auf Kanal 986 als Abonnent erhältlich und über NexTV, Deutsches Internet TV auf Kanal 1252 als Abonnent erhältlich Tel: 1-866-365-6724 Join us at our annual Spring Trachten Sale at the Concordia Club Weinstube. Saturday, April 2 from 10 – 4 Check out the latest Dirndls, Lederhosen, Trachten shirts, blouses, jewellery, and jackets. Stock up on socks. Try on a new Trachten vest or jacket! Great selection of clearance items at great prices! For more information, contact Neil Hoffman @ 519-578-9348 or see our online store: 15 Treffpunkt Our winter getaway to Collingwood included plans for some outdoor fun but unfortunately the rain put a damper on those activities. We did however have a fantastic time and some of our activities included a winery tour and hike of the vineyards at Georgian Hills Winery, a brewery tour, playing games, relaxation at the Scandinave Spa and an all around wonderful time with great friends! Thank you Sandra for organizing this great trip and to all who went for your contributions of food and good company! We are running full steam ahead for our upcoming Fruhlingsfest on May 14th in the main hall. Please save the date and come out for a fun evening of music, food, dancing, a silent auction, and more! Some of our group members came out for Maskenball and shared photos of their fantastic costumes! Looks like it was a lot of fun! Plans for a mystery tour in April are being organized by Diane and Andrew Hatchwell. We look forward to whatever they have in store for us! Finally, if you can, please support the Canadian Blood Services. Our Partners for Life number is CONC010846. Till next time, Andrea Schilha 16 Bocce Gruppe Seniorengruppe Am 27. April treffen wir uns um 18:30 Uhr nicht in der Jaegerstube, sondern in der Weindstube. Wegen dem Schneesturm am 1. März fiel das Treffen unserer Gruppe am 2. März aus. Wir treffen uns am 6. April um 14:30 Uhr wieder in der Jägerstube. Bis dahin gruesst Euch Heidi. BOCCE GROUP On April 27. At 6:30 pm we will meet in the Weinstube, not in the Jagerstube. Till then Heidi Geburtstage im April: Heinz Kreitzer Ushi Missfeldt Marianne Weyer 8. April 25. April 26. April Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu eurem Geburtstag wünschen euch - die Senioren. Geburtstagsspruch Concordia Soccer Group It’s been a while since I needed to put an article into the bulletin. It’s early March and the temperatures are well above normal. As I look out my front window I can see more grass than snow. This can only mean one thing. Spring is in the air and the Concordia soccer team are wiping the dust off their outdoor soccer shoes in anticipation of the upcoming season. As a coach I really love this time of the year. The players are excited. You get to see the guys again and best of all we are still unbeaten. I will be in touch in the next bulletin with a copy of the schedule for our 2016 season. Gerard Contact: Mike Doersam, 519-622-7777 | 1-800-294-0656 | 1425 Bishop St., Cambridge 17 Lustige Abendgesellschaften Machen traurige Morgen. Zitat von Martin Luther Bis bald, tschüs Rotrud Schaar Welcome to. . . The Schenke Open 6 days a week CONCORDIA DAILY FEATURES TUESDAY through FRIDAY THURSDAY EVENING: WEEKLY LUNCHEON SPECIALS CHEF’S NIGHT SPECIAL or SOUP & SANDWICH COMBO 2 Wiener Schnitzel Dinners with Potatoes and Vegetables only $18.99 FRIDAY EVENING: TUESDAYS: BUY ONE, GET ONE FOR 1/2 PRICE purchase one entree and get the second of equal or lesser value at half price!! IT’S THE FRIDAY EVENING BUFFET all your favorites, Salads, Schnitzel, Desserts and so much more only $17.95 WEDNESDAY: SATURDAY EVENING: BAVARIAN BUFFET Lunch: $12.95 Dinner: $15.95 DINE & DANCE Live Entertainment All prices plus applicable taxes as of November 2015 Gratuity not included Regular Menu & reasonable prices SUNDAY: BRUNCH $19.99 Reservations are recommended 18 Wichtige Veranstaltungen Important Events APRIL / MAY 2016 April 9 April 23 April 24 May 1 May 3 Bockbierfest and Miss Concordia 6:30 pm Home on the Range Clean-up Farm General Farm Clean-up Farm Choirs Spring Concert Hall, 7 pm Oktoberfest Ticket Sale Doors open 6:00 - Ticket Sales 7:00 pm May 7 May 8 Spring Clean-up Concordia Club, 8 am Mothers Day Buffet 12:00-2:00 and 5:00-7:00 pm May 14 Fruehlingsfest Hall, 8 pm May 23 Victoria Day - Club closed Bitte reservieren Sie ihren Tisch und besorgen Sie die Eintrittskarten zu den Veranstaltungen rechtzeitig. 19 Tischtennis Gruppe Wie bereits im letzten Mitteilungsblatt zu lesen war, fuehren wir auch dieses Jahr kein Tournament durch. Daher laufen die Trainingsabende etwas ruhiger ab und fuer mich gibt es nicht viel zu berichten. Am 28. April werden wir eine Gruppenversammlung zur Klaerung offener Fragen bezueglich des kommenden Oktoberfestes und einer Bustour anstelle des Picknicks durchfuehren. Bitte merkt euch diesen Termin vor. Als weitere Programmvorschau bleibt mir nur der Hinweis auf das Bockbierfest der Frauengruppe am 09. April. Beginn ist 18:30 Uhr. Das Bockbierfest ist ein klares Anzeichen, dass der Winter wohl hinter uns liegt. Den Termin fuer die Reinigung des Klubgebaeudes Anfang Mai werde ich im naechsten Bericht noch bekanntgeben. Those of you that read the bulletin from cover to cover will find a listing a number of upcoming Club events in the April Preview. The Bockbierfest is clear indication that the winter months will soon be behind us. Please note that the annual clean-up of the Club grounds will take place at the beginning of May. Our Annual General Meeting is now behind us and the results are by now common knowledge. We wish the newly elected Club Executive all the best for the 2016/17 season. ...And lastly, I hope every one of you had a nice Easter holiday. Until next time, Eckhard Michalski Die Jahreshauptversammlung mit den Vorstandswahlen liegt hinter uns. Das Ergebnis ist uns allen bekannt. Wir wuenschen dem Hauptvorstand fuer das Jahr 2016/17 alles Gute und ein sicheres Gespuer fuer die richtigen Entscheidungen. Zum Abschluss hoffe ich, dass ihr alle ein schoenes Osterfest verlebt habt. TABLE TENNIS GROUP As already mentioned in our last bulletin there is no table tennis tournament this year. Therefore there is hardly anything to report. On April 28, 2016 we will have our „Special Meeting“ to discuss important questions regarding changes to the Oktoberfest „gungame“ and the bus tour instead of our annual picnic at the Farm. 20 Old or New Residential - Commercial Industrial PLUMBING AND HEATING Serving Southern Ontario Water Softeners Water Purifiers Water Heaters Heating & Air Conditioning We now do COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION 1-38 McBrine Place, Kitchener ON N2R 1G8 Phone 519-748-4588 - Fax 519-748-4584 Email: Concordia Kegler Well it is hard to believe that another bowling season is coming to an end this month. Time sure flies by when you are having fun. We had a “Valentine Fun Night” with prizes on February 12th. We bowled with our opposite hand, tried granny bowling and then bowled with a partner. Music was provided by Peter Uebel. Thank you so very much for putting a great collection of songs together for us, Peter. It is always greatly appreciated. As I write this report, our playoffs have yet to take place. I will share the results next time. Our bowlers’ year end trip is taking place on Sunday, July 31st. We will be visiting The Cheese Boutique followed by brunch at The Hot House and finishing the day with the Cirque du Soleil performance, Luzia. It should be a great day in Toronto. Closing Banquet – May 6th (Main Hall – 5:30p.m.) *Please Note: This is a Friday! Finally, best wishes go out to our bowlers who are celebrating a birthday this month: April 9. Heidi Nowak 13. Nicole Bergen 19. Nick Zeis 21. Linda Klein 21. Günther Stoye 25. Karola Leuschner 25. Uschi Missfeldt 27. Ursula Uebel 30. Stefan Domiczi Until next time, Monica Kauck At this point, the bowlers would like to extend our condolences to Anne Schmidt who lost her beloved husband, Rudi, on February 22nd. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and the family at this most difficult time. Upcoming Events: Last Day of Bowling – April 29th April Birthday Babies 22 You gotta be kidding. #5100 - "May the force be with us." How is this going to work? ...Not sure. #5107 Hello pins! #5109 - "You gotta be kidding." OK. Let's try this. #5111 - "Hello pins!" #5125 - "How is this going to work? ...Not sure." #5126 - "OK. Let's try this." May the force be with us." 23 GRÜSSE AN DIE HEIMAT Frühlingskonzert der Concordia Chöre SONNTAG, 1. MAI 2016, 19:00 UHR Concordia Club, Main Hall, 429 Ottawa St. S. Kitchener, Tel. 519-745-5617 Concordia Männerchor / Male Choir • Gemischter Chor / Mixed Choir • Director: Martin Anderle • Accompanist: Marisa Strban Kinderchor / Children’s Choir • Director: Angelika Werner • Accompanist: Ulrike Ryzebol Hello to Germany Concordia Choirs Spring Concert SUNDAY, MAY 1st 2016, 7:00 PM Concordia Club, Main Hall, 429 Ottawa St. S. Kitchener, Tel. 519-745-5617 Freiwillige Spenden zur Unterstützung der Chöre. Donations for the support of the Choirs are accepted. THIS YEAR’S CORPORATE SPONSORS: KITCHENER-WESTMOUNT ROTARY CLUB - DR. EGON BEILER, COSMETIC AND FAMILY DENTISTRY LORNE E. WALTERS - HEFFNER MOTORS - ACCU-TEMP COOLING & HEATING - HERITAGE PARK PHARMACY GROSS-KLEIN INVESTMENTS LIMITED - MR. HELMUT OBERLAENDER - GEORGE AND GERTI RENDAS HENRY WALSER FUNERAL HOME LTD. - WALTERS, GUBLER LAW OF CE - MATTHIAS MULLER - GOLIGER'S TRAVEL PLUS Concordia Chöre We have danced and sung at the President's Ball, so now its time to celebrate spring. Over the land is April Over my heart a rose Over the high green mountain The sound of music goes Say love do you hear me? Hear my sonnets ring? Over the high green mountain Love do you hear me sing? Robert Louis Stevenson Yes it has arrived in all it's beauty and splendour. What could signal the beginning of spring more than a wonderful concert. To all member's of the Concordia Club, their families and friend's please accept this as our personal invitation to attend our annual SPRING CONCERT Sunday May 1st at 7pm. We have been working hard all winter and look forward to performing for you. Our MALE CHOIR has received an invitation from Harfentone to participate in their Maifest which will be held May 14th in Toronto. When someone we knew becomes a memory, that memory becomes a treasure. It is with sadness we report the passing of a former member of the Concordia Choir, Mr. Alfred Chopka, on February 22, 2016. Alfred joined the choir in l993 and sang in both the Male and Mixed Choirs until 2011. He was 94 years 25 of age at his passing. We extend to his family and friends our deepest sympathy. Our thoughts and prayers remain with Joe Harde as he continues to recover from a fall. We miss you Joe and hope that you will be well enough to join us in the near future. Herbert Weisner is also away for medical reasons. Please know Herb we are all thinking of you and hope that you too will soon return. That tenor section is missing you both. DATES TO REMEMBER Saturday April 9th, Bockbierfest and the crowning of Miss Concordia Sunday May 1st Spring Concert, Mixed, Male, Youth and Children's Choir's participating Until next time, keep a song in your heart. Beverley Barristers & Solicitors, Notaries Public Suite 604, 30 Duke Street, W. Kitchener, Ontario N2H 3W5 Tel: 578-8010 Fax: 578-9395 e-mail: M.M.President’s Walters, Q.C. (1921-1997) Report Adolf Gubler, M.A., LL.B. Areas of Practice Include: Powers of Attorney Wills and Trusts Estate Planning and Administration Real Estate and Mortgages Corporate Law Business and Commercial Law Weekend and Evening Appointments Available English and German Spoken Concordia Club Board of Directors 2015/2016 President: 1st Vice President: 2nd Vice President: Rob Kerr Michael Brasch Alex Thoene 1st Secretary: 2nd Secretary: Sarah Fretz Elaine Keller 1st Treasurer: 2nd Treasurer: Ali Nowak Mike Matich Directors: Peter Bergen Helmut Kruschat Michelle Zimmer Rolf Malthaner Andrew Saur Martin Patzold Manager Committee Members Arbeitsgemeinschaft Entertainment Sarah Fretz Michelle Zimmer Alexandria Thoene Farm Committee Mike Matich Peter Bergen Andrew Saur Finance Committee Ali Nowak Mike Matich Rob Kerr Peter Bergen Float Committee Mike Brasch Ruth Rajna German Culture Sarah Fretz Rob Kerr Mike Brasch Honorary Member Martin Patzold Sarah Fretz Rob Kerr Long Range Planning Ali Nowak Mike Matich Andrew Saur Rob Kerr Membership Michelle Zimmer Miss Concordia Alexandria Thoene Nominations and Bylaws Karl Braun Rob Kerr Mike Brasch Alexandria Thoene Oktoberfest Chair Rolf Malthaner Oktoberfest Inc. Ali Nowak Rolf Malthaner Andrew Saur Sales and Marketing Mike Matich Rolf Malthaner Andrew Saur Security Rob Kerr Alexandria Thoene Archives Alexandria Thoene Martin Patzold Bulletin Elaine Keller Martin Patzold Christkindlmarket Peter Bergen Elaine Keller Mike Matich Michelle Zimmer Club Buildings Mike Brasch Andrew Saur (Helmut Kruschat) Club Historian Leo Tukums Club Ombudsman Harald Schwegel Club Rental Properties Helmut Kruschat Andrew Saur (Mike Brasch) Concordia Seniorenhaus Rob Kerr Mike Brasch Mike Matich Economic Affairs Ali Novak Rob Kerr Mike Matich Employee Liaison Ali Nowak 27