Who - Where


Who - Where
Who - Where - What
Aufgabe 1
Where? =
Beantworte die Fragen.
(a) Who's your English teacher?
(b) Who's your Maths teacher?
(c) Where are you from?
(d) Where is London?
(e) What's "falsch" in English?
(f) What's "lesson" in German?
Aufgabe 2
Formuliere zu den Antworten die passenden Fragen. Verwende die Fragewörter:
"who", "what" oder "where"
Bsp.: Becky and Sarah are in the classroom.
Where are Becky and Sarah?
The dog is in the garden. _______________________________________________
My teacher's name is Mrs Dane. __________________________________________
There are books on the desk. _____________________________________________
A snake is in the bag. ___________________________________________________
Robert is Becky's friend. _________________________________________________
My name is Charly. ______________________________________________________
Aufgabe 3
- "where" oder "who"? -
In dieser Aufgabe sollst du noch einmal den Umgang mit den Fragewörten
"Where...?" (= "Wo...?") und "Who...?" (= "Wer...?") üben. Setze das richtige
Fragewort an die richtige Stelle
(kleiner Tipp: Lies dir auch die Antwort durch, dann wird es einfacher !)
Bsp.: Robert: Where is your pencil case ?
David: My pencil case is on the desk.
1.: Robert: __________ are Becky and Sarah ?
David: They're in the classroom.
2.: David: __________ is the new boy ?
Robert: I'm the new boy.
3.: Becky: __________ is your teacher ?
Sarah: Mrs. Dane is my teacher.
4.: Becky: __________ is Sarah ?
David: I'm not sure, she isn't here.
5.: David: __________ is your ball, Robert ?
Robert: My ball is in my bag.
6.: Mrs. Dane: __________ is from London ?
Robert: I'm from London, Mrs. Dane !