IR1- all posters Final of final
IR1- all posters Final of final
Crisis Modifier and Emergency Market Interventions Planning and Pre-positioning To protect livestock as the main pastoralist and agro-pastoralist asset and protect gains in productivity of livestock industry Strengthen Government Capacity (Public Animal Health Services) to Enable Livestock Pro-Poor Private Sector Growth CRISIS MODIFIER Interventions increase access to feed and fodder during drought to protect milk production (MILK MATTERS) To improve the capacity of public veterinarian services in Fafan, Liben and Guji zones to conduct regular vaccination, PRIME supported vaccination for 1,762,374 sheep, goats and cattle against various infectious diseases including: PPR, Small Pox, Lumpy Skin Disease and Black Leg. To protect the development gains in increased milk productivity in the face of drought, PRIME conducted four feed and fodder voucher interventions in: Zone 3 of Afar; Siti and Liben zones of Somali ;and Borena zone of Oromia. These activities directly contributed to the sustainable prevention against diseases of livestock owned by 80,191 households in the PRIME target areas. The activities were conducted in collaboration with national and local feed and fodder producers, wholesalers and retailers. The nutritional needs of 32,785 milk producing animals, owned by 24,683 drought affected households were addressed. Fodder Intervention in Afar Veterinarian product voucher scheme in collaboration with local Private Veterinarian Pharmacies To increase affected households access to parasite control products for livestock, through community animal health workers and private veterinarian pharmacists’ networks. This activity is expected to strengthen the sustainable local demand and market for quality veterinarian products. Eleven eligible and licensed private veterinarians from the region are involved in a voucher intervention that is expected to benefit 6,000 affected households in five most affected woredas of Siti Zone and improve the resistance of 140,000 heads of livestock to infections. This activity will continue through January 2016, with possible extension depending of need. Commercial destocking in Siti zone in collaboration with local livestock trading enterprises To increase livestock offtake from the markets located in the drought-affected areas in the Siti Zone of Somali Regional State, this activity is implemented in collaboration with eligible and licensed local livestock trading enterprises from Eastern Ethiopia. 14,000 small ruminants valued at $440,000 (farm gate) will be procured with the entire system benefiting from a destocking subsidy aiming to offset the transaction costs and stimulate the market system. This activity will continue through January 2016. Destocked animals ear notching for traceability Vaccination of sheep and goats in Kebribaya Vaccination of sheep and goats in Libe Livestock trader Omar Ahmed purchasing animals on the Dembel market in Siti Zone The objective of the interventions is to preserve milk production for nutritional outcome In implementing this activity, PRIME is partnering with animal health workers and private veterinarians to strengthen their networks. Strengthening of the Dairy Value Chains for Improved Income and Nutritional Outcomes Objectives Dairy market system assessments through value chain analysis and Emergency Market Mapping and Analysis to identify development challenges, opportunities and actors in all PRIME operational areas. • To increase the competitiveness of the commercial dairy value chain following the demand for milk on local markets. • Increase overall milk production and households income for the milk producing communities. • Improve supply of milk for improved nutritional outcomes. Number of Full-time Employees 69 Publishing competitive calls for proposals for private and cooperative milk collection and trade enterprises expansion in targeted areas. The call contained eligibility, cost sharing and selection criteria and description of selection process. Over 25 already existing and startup enterprises applied to the call. Reviewing and selecting best expansion proposals in a transparent process involving local pastoral development authorities, site verifications etc. Eight cost-shared business expansion grants signed with a total value of $128,000 leveraging $190,000 by the applicant enterprises. (40% cost-share by PRIME for fixed and one-off costs of expansion). Number of Households Milk Purchased From (Direct Suppliers Representing Producer Networks) 808 24 Before expansion 5 milk collection sites 284 After expansion 11 milk collection sites Liters of Milk Purchased Monthly 165,380 Before expansion 5 milk collection sites After expansion 11 milk collection sites Monthly Sales Value (USD) of Milk and Milk Products 14,010 96,300 5,386 Before expansion 5 milk collection sites After Expansion 11 milk collection sites Before expansion 5 milk collection sites After expansion 11 milk collection sites Expansion implementation with additional technical assistance from PRIME as needed Four new milk collection sites were established with improved capacity to purchase and partially process milk (SEE MAP BELOW) Additional follow-up activities to improve the linkages between milk producing communities and collection centers: •Trainings for improved milk quality; •Linkage workshops with suppliers and buyers; •Business management trainings Strengthening of Sustainable Private Service Provision Network to Improve Animal Health Services Objectives • Increase pastoralists access to quality veterinarian products and services; • To improve productivity of livestock by reducing loss due to poor disease management and parasites Assessment of the veterinarian products and services market system through value chain analysis and Emergency Market Mapping and Analysis to identify development challenges, opportunities and actors Publishing competitive call for proposals for private veterinarian pharmacies expansion in targeted underserved areas. The call included eligibility, cost sharing and selection criteria and description of selection process Over 50 licensed local Private Veterinary Pharmacies applied to the call. Reviewing and selecting best expansion proposals in a transparent process involving local animal health authorities, site verification etc. 24 Cost Shared-Reimbursable Business Expansion Grants signed with a total value of $142,000 leveraging $334,000 by the applicant enterprises. (30% cost share by PRIME for fixed expansion costs) Number of Full-time Employees Implementation of the expansions with additional technical assistance from PRIME as needed. 27 new veterinarian pharmacies opened by the recipient enterprises in underserved pastoral and agro-pastoral areas (SEE MAP BELOW) Number of Households Served 160,530 127 78,652 54 Before Expansion 24 Veterinarian Pharmacies Additional follow up activities to improve the linkages between animal health product suppliers, private veterinarians, and Community Animal Health Workers (CAHWs) •Trainings for CAHWs; •Linkage workshops with suppliers; •Presentations of new quality products; •Market assessments After Expansion 51 Veterinarian Pharmacies Number of CAHWs Collaborating with the Private Veterinarians 1,440 Before Expansion 24 Veterinarian Pharmacies After Expansion 51 Veterinarian Pharmacies Monthly Sales Value (USD) of Veterinarian Products 52,921 848 28,606 Before Expansion 24 Veterinarian Pharmacies After Expansion 51 Veterinarian Pharmacies Before Expansion 24 Veterinarian Pharmacies After Expansion 51 Veterinarian Pharmacies Strengthening Capacity of Local Livestock Trading Enterprises to Improve Trade of Live Animals Objectives • To increase the capacity of local livestock trading enterprises to apply improved livestock trade business models; • To increase access to stable livestock market for pastoral and agro pastoral households; • To improve market infrastructure Assessment of livestock market system through value chain analysis and Emergency Market Mapping and Analysis to identify development challenges, opportunities and actors in the livestock market system. Number of Full-time Employees Publishing competitive call for proposals for livestock trading enterprises to solicit interest for business model improvement. The call included eligibility, cost sharing and selection criteria and description of selection process. Over 25 licensed local livestock trading enterprises applied to the call. Reviewing and selecting best expansion proposals in a transparent process involving local authorities, site verification, environmental review, etc. 12 Cost Shared Business Expansion Grants signed valued at $179,000 leveraging $380,000 by the applicant enterprises. (32% cost share by PRIME for fixed expansion costs) Number of Shoats Traded Quarterly 6,000 127 3,000 24 Before Expansion Using Anticipated After Traditional Livestock Expansion 11 Feedlots / Trading Model Fattening Farms Before Expansion Using Anticipated After Traditional Livestock Expansion 11 Feedlots / Trading Model Fattening Farms Number of Cattle Traded Quarterly Quarterly Value (USD) of Livestock Traded 1,440 1,190,048 848 374,048 Before Expansion Using Anticipated After Traditional Livestock Expansion 11 Feedlots / Trading Model Fattening Farms Before Expansion Using Anticipated After Traditional Livestock Expansion 11 Feedlots / Trading Model Fattening Farms Implementation of the expansions through 2015 with additional technical assistance from PRIME as needed. 12 new feedlots and/ or fattening farms and livestock holding grounds are in construction areas (SEE MAP BELOW). Additional follow up activities aiming to improve the knowledge of operators in feedlot management, linkages with suppliers of animals, feed and fodder. •Trainings for operators; •Study tours; •Linkage with suppliers; •Linkage with buyers; •Market assessments
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