Newsletter October english version
Newsletter October english version
Foto: Michael Dahms INTERDENOMINATIONAL PILGRIMAGE FOR CLIMATE JUSTICE As a group of the KHG, we would like to walk along one part of the pilgrims’ way: from Cologne via Bonn to Andernach. If you are interested in climate justice and you like walking, join us! Further information on the pilgrims’ way and the program of the pilgrimage are available on When? From 29 October with a visit of a power station in Inden or from 31 October to 1 November Costs? Getting there and going back by train; voluntary donation to the parishes which provide meals and accommodation Info and contact: und Foto: Deliah Djinou The University of Applied Science already started their winter semester. At the RWTH the preparations for the upcoming semester have started, too - not only for foreign students. The students are coming back to Aachen! The khg is looking forward to the start of the semester. We prepared some great events for all freshers and for those of higher semesters. Everybody is most welcome to see what our initiatives and groups are about. If you want to taste what the khg is about you are invited to get a free lunch at our first event, Kost:Probe. It takes place in Wednesday 22 October, 11.30 am to 2 pm, in the Chico Mendes Newsletter Oktober 2015 AKT U E L L E T E R M IN E > Mi 21.10 11:30 Uhr 19:30Uhr > Fr 23.10 > So 25.10 > Mi 28.10 19:30 Uhr 19:00 Uhr 19:00 Uhr 20:00 Uhr > So 31.10 14:00 Uhr > > > > > > > KOST:PROBE im Chico Mendes GLAUBEN+LEBEN ein Gesprächskreis JUBILÄUMSKONZERT Les Voix de L‘Harmonie SEMESTERERÖFFNUNGSGOTTESDIENST anschl. Imbiss und Informationen Saal der KHG, Pontstr. 74-76 BENEFIZKONZERT für Malawi in der Citykirche „WAS HEILT?“ - Vortrag mit Rainer Lezius im Inetrnationalen Freundeskreis KLEIDERTAUSCH im Chico Mendes R EG E LM ÄSSI G E TE R MI NE Spirituelle Angebote Registration under So - 19 Uhr Hochschulgottesdienst in der Citykirche, Großkölnstrasse - Predigten auf JANNIVERSARY CONCERT - CAMEROONIAN CHOIR LES VOIX DE L‘HARMONIE Mo - 20.15 Uhr (14tägig) Taizé-Gebet im Raum der Stille Di - 7.00 Uhr Frühschicht im Raum der Stille Due to the 15th Anniversary „Singing with passion!“ We present you folk songs from Africa and gospel songs on 23 October 7 pm in the big hall of the khg, Pontstr. 74-76. Free entrance! We collect donations for the khg-Hilfsfond. So donations are very welcome! Katholische Mi - 7.00 Uhr Taizé-Morgengebet im Raum der Stille Mi Unterbrechung-Mittendrin auf Chöre Sound’n’Soul Tempel Singers Chor der KHG einKlang Aachen Hot Springs Les voix de l‘harmonie Mo 20.00 Uhr im Saal der KHG Di 18 Uhr im Saal der KHG Di 19.45 Uhr bis 22 Uhr im Saal der KHG Mi 20-22 Uhr im Saal der KHG Do 19.00 – 20.30 Uhr im Saal der KHG So 14:30 - 16:30 Uhr im Saal der KHG Hochschulgemeinde Aachen Foto: Michael Dahms BENEFIZ-KONZERT MALAWI The residence hall Hermannstraße invites you to a special charity concert. It takes place on Wednesday, 28 October 2015 6 pm to 8 pm, Citykirche St. Nikolaus. In the concert you can hear the big band of a school in Würselen (Gymnasium Würselen), the choir „stimmtso“ and a string quartet. In addition, you can listen to short stories by the jazz band „Jazzhoppoeten“. Donations go to a project supporting orphans by Misioneras de Maria Mediadora in Malawi. One girl living in the residence hall which organizes the concert could witness their amazing work in Malawi for one year. You can come as you like: You can stay for the whole evening or just for one act. The entrance is free, we are happy about every donation! Donations are collected during the concert. EXCHANGE YOUR OLD CLOTHES FOR SOMEONE ELSE‘S CLOTHES The group OpenGlobe Aachen and khg held a clothes exchange party on Saturday, 31 October, 2 pm to 5 pm in the Chico Mendes (Pontstraße 76, Aachen). Participants of the event are invited to bring their old clothes which they don‘t need anymore and exchange them for the clothes of other participants. During the event, OpenGlobe Aachen talks about working conditions in the textile industry and the impact of the textile industry for humans and their environment. G RU P P E N - I N I T I AT I V E N - E I N R I C H T U N G E N Aachen Hot Springs AK Arbeitende Bevölkerung Asyldialoge Aachen KHG spotlight auftACt Chico Mendes Cusanus-Gruppe Dances from Home Einklang Frühschicht Internationaler Freundeskreis Glauben + Leben KHG-Chor KMKI Kolping-Studierende-Gruppe Lektoren und Kommunionhelfer Les Voix de L‘harmonie Liturgiewerkstatt RoKoKo-Hausaufgabenhilfe Sound ‚n‘ Soul Taize-Gebet Taize-Morgengebet Our first event is a documentary theater in cooperation with Bühne für Menschenrechte (stage for human rights) and KHG. The event takes place on 16 November 2015. We intend to plan further projects. We are open to your suggestions and ideas! You want to become part of our group? Write us an email or call us!, (+4915164580735) Öffnungszeiten Mo Di + Mi Do + Fr 13:30 10:00 13:30 10:00 - 16:30 12:30 16:30 12:30 Asyldialog (Dialogue concerning Asylum) Aachen is a student initiative. The aim is to get attention to the situation of refugees in Aachen. The idea is to start an open dialogue. Uhr und Uhr Uhr Kontakt Katholische Hochschulgemeinde Pontstrasse 74-76 52062 Aachen Fon: +49-241-4 70 00 Fax: +49-241-4 70 01 43 E-Mail: Homepage: Facebook: KHG Aachen Chico Mendes Kneipe der KHG Pontstrasse 74-76 52062 Aachen Mo.-Fr. ab 09.00 Uhr Sa. ab 18.00 Uhr Küche: 18.00 - 22.00 Uhr Hrsg.: Katholische Hochschulgemeinde Aachen - Redaktion: Guido Schürenberg