Vokabelnliste der Filmterminologie


Vokabelnliste der Filmterminologie
* Nota bene: Wörter mit einem Sternchen sind besonders relevant
action (f) Aktion *
Action! Action!, Bitte!
action movie (m) Aktionfilm *
lights, camera, action! Licht! Kamera! Belichtung!/Action!
actor, performer (m) Schauspieler (-), r Darsteller (-)
film actor, movie actor (m) Filmschauspieler (-) *
actors, cast e Darsteller (pl.), (f) Besetzung
cast and crew Stab und Besetzung (“crew & cast”)
actress, film actress (f) Schauspielerin (-nen), (f) Filmschauspielerin
ADR ADR (Automatic Dialogue Replacement, “looping”)
anamorphic (adj.) anamorphotisch (wide-screen lens)
aperture, f-stop; (light) shade, visor e Blende *
The German word Blende can have several meanings in English, depending on the context. It refers to the
visor on lights, the aperture of a camera lens, or the fade-in or fade-out of a scene (die Auf-, Abblende)
animation, animated film (m) Trickfilm (-e)*
arc light (n) Bogenlicht (-er)
art direction (in credits) Ausstattung
art director, set designer r Filmarchitekt
See Academy Awards - Categories
artificial light(ing) (n) Kunstlicht *
natural light(ing) (n) Tageslicht *
aspect ratio (n) Seitenverhältnis (image ratio: 1:1.33 - 4:3, 16:9, etc.)
framing (m) Kasch (-s) - round (vignette), square, horiz., vert.
backlighting s Gegenlicht *
backstage, behind the scenes hinter den Kulissen
Bambi (m) Bambi = German entertainment award (since 1948)
Also see: "Golden Bear"
das goldene Reh: The Bambi "golden deer" statuette was originally ceramic; gilded bronze since 1958 (see
Film Awards for more). Over the years, the "Bambi" prize has gone to many German and international film,
TV and music personalities, including Tom Hanks, Bill Clinton (for his charity work), and Elton John.
Sponsored by the Hubert Burda media concern, the annual Bambi award ceremony is held in various German
cities in November or December.
WEB > www.bambi.de (in German)
bar (black), stripe (m) Balken (-)
Berlin Film Festival e Berlinale (see below)
Berlinale e Berlinale: The Berlin International Film Festival is held each year in February.
Also see "Golden Bear" below and Film Festivals for more.
best boy (m) Best Boy (assists the gaffer, the chief lighting electrician)
book (script) (n) Buch, (n) Drehbuch *
box office (f) Kinokasse
cameo appearance r Cameo-Auftritt
camera e Kamera
behind the camera
hinter der Kamera
cast (f) Besetzung, e Darsteller (pl.)
cast and crew Stab und Besetzung (“crew & cast”)
casting (n) Casting
catering (n) Catering, e Verpflegung
censor (m) Zensor
censorship (f) Zensur
cinema, movie theater (n) Kino (-s), (n) Lichtspieltheater (-)
cinematographer, camera man (m) Kameramann
cinematography (die) Kamera (in credits)
clapper, clapboard, clapperboard, slate (film) e Synchronklappe, e Klappe (-n)
close-up (shot) (f) Großaufnahme (-n) *
extreme close-up (f) Detailaufnahme (-n) *
medium close-up (f) Nahaufnahme (-n) *
color temperature e Farbtemperatur (-en)
color timer (m) Farbtechniker
comedy (f) Komödie (-n) *
composer (film music) (m) Komponist
The best-known German film music composer today is Hans Zimmer. (German-Hollywood Connection)
continuity (script, film) e Überwachung von Details im Film, r Anschluss *
credits (film) (m) Abspann *
in the credits im Abspann
credits (opening) (m) Vorspann *
credits (closing) (m) Nachspann *
SAMPLE CREDITS (English-German)
Star Wars: Attack of the Clones (2002)
Krieg der Sterne: Angriff der Klonkrieger
Produced by Rick McCallum,
George Lucas
Produzenten: Rick McCallum,
George Lucas
Screenplay by George Lucas
Drehbuch: George Lucas
Directed by George Lucas
Regie: George Lucas
Editor: Ben Burtt
Schnitt: Ben Burtt
Music: John Williams
Musik: John Williams
Director of Photography: David Tattersall
Kamera: David Tattersall
Sound Editor: Ben Burtt
Ton: Ben Burtt
Costume Designer: Trisha Biggar
Kostüme: Trisha Biggar
Set Design: Peter Walpole
Ausstattung: Peter Walpole
crew (film) (m) Stab
cast and crew Stab und Besetzung (“crew & cast”)
cross cut/cutting (m) Kreuzschnitt
cut v. cutten, schneiden (film editing) *
In German a film editor is der Cutter (m.) or die Cutterin (f.)
cut (to) überblenden (zu) (scene change) *
cut v. abbrechen (stop the camera)
Cut! Schnitt! or Aus! (said by film director)
cutting, editing (m) Schnitt (film editing, see credits above)
cut (out) herausschneiden (by censor, director)
This scene was cut by the censor.
Diese Szene hat die Zensur herausgeschnitten.
cut adj. gekürzt (shortened), zensiert (censored)
That's the cut version of his film.
Das ist die gekürzte/zensierte Fassung seines Films.
day for night amerikanische Nacht
deep focus breite Schärfentiefe (objects near and far are in focus)
depth of field (f) Schärfentiefe
dialect coach (m) Dialekt-Trainer
digital (adj.) digital
director (m) Regisseur, (f) Regisseurin *
directed by Regie (in credits)
director of photography r Kameramann
(in credits) Kamera
direct sound, original sound r O-Ton, die O-Töne (pl.)
dissolve (n.) (f) Überblendung
dissolve (v.) überblenden
Also see “fade” below
documentary film (m) Dokumentarfilm (-e) *
dolly (m) Kamerawagen, r Dolly
double (m) Double (body-double, stunt-double, etc.; often pronounced DOO-bel)
dub (v.) synchronisieren *
dubbed (adj.) synchronisiert
dubbing (n.) e (Nach)Synchronisation, e Synchronarbeit *
Refers both to foreign-language dubbing and to the normal ADR dubbing done for various scenes. In
Germany and Austria all non-German feature films are dubbed into German, while in Switzerland it is more
common to use subtitles with the original language sound.
edit (n.) (f) Montage
editor, editing (m) Schnitt
editor (in credits) Schnitt
editor (film) (m) /(f) Cutter(in), r/(f) Filmcutter(in) *
effect (n.) der Effekt *
effects die Effekte (pl.) *
effects (special), FX die special effects (pl.), Spezialeffekte (pl.) *
end, the (das) Ende *
executive producer (m) Produzent *
exterior shot (f) Außenaufnahme (-n) *
extra(s) (m) Komparse (-n), (m) Statist (-en) *
(n.) (f) Ausblende *
(v.) ausblenden, blenden *
in aufblenden *
out abblenden *
fade-out (f) Abblende *
fade over weich überblenden *
fade to black e Schwarzblende *
film, movie (m) Film (-e) *
film, shoot (v.) filmen, (einen Film) drehen *
film festival (n) Filmfest (-e)
filmmaker (m) /(f) Filmschaffende (-n)
film ratings board FSK ("Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle" in German)
film stock, unexposed film (m) Rohfilm
flashback (f) Rückblende (-n) *
floodlight, spotlight (m) Scheinwerfer *
focal length (lens) (f) Brennweite
foley ein Gerät für Toneffekte (named for sound man Jack Foley)
foley artist (m) Tontechniker, (m) Ton-Cutter
frame (film, video) s Einzelbild, s Bild (-er), (m) Frame
frames per second Bilder pro Sekunde
framing r Kasch (-s) - round (vignette), square, horiz., vert.
Also used as a verb ("to frame"): "Manche kaschen einfach das Bild mit schwarzen Balken ab oder
strecken das Bild im Sucher, aufgenommen wird ganz normal mit schwarzen Balken..."
gaffer (m) Chef-Elektriker (chief lighting electrician), (m) Oberbeleuchter
gaffer (m) Chef-Elektriker
Golden Bear (m) Goldene Bär - name of the German "Oscar" given out at the Berlinale
grip (m) Grip (-s) - collective term for workers on film set (Bühne)
hairstylist (f) Friseurin (-nen), r Friseur (-e)
happy ending (n) Happyend *
interior shot (f) Innenaufnahme (-n) *
intertitles (f) Zwischentitel (pl.)
jump cut (m) Jumpcut, (f) Sprungblende
key grip (m) Hauptgrip, (m) Keygrip
lead/leading role (f) Hauptrolle (-n) *
supporting role (f) Nebenrolle (-n) *
lens (camera) (n) Objektiv (-e)
lighting (f) Beleuchtung *
location (m) Drehort (-e) *
on location vor Ort, außerhalb des Studios
on the set am Set, im Studio
location manager, unit manager (m) Aufnahmeleiter (-)
location scout (m) Motivsucher, (m) Location Scout
long shot, wide shot (f) Totale, (f) Totalaufnahme *
majors (pl.) die großen Filmstudios (MGM/UA, 20th Century Fox, Sony Pictures, Warner Bros., Paramount
Pictures, Universal, Disney)
makeup (f) Maske, s Makeup *
makeup artist (m) Maskenbildner
microphone (n) Mikrofon
mix v. mischen (sound)
mixer (m) Mixer (sound technician)
model maker (m) Modellbauer (-)
morphing das Morphen/Morphing, Morph-Effekte (pl.)
Morphen: Durch Überblenden einer geometrischen Struktur oder eines Bildes kann man Gegestände oder
Gesichter verwandeln oder "morphen".
MOS “mit out sound” (film term attributed to German actor/director Erich von Stroheim's version of
"without sound" for a scene shot without sound)
motion picture (m) Film (-e), (m) Streifen (-) *
movie, motion picture (m) Film, (m) Streifen
movie star (m) Filmstar (-s) *
movie theater, cinema s Kino (-s), s Lichtspieltheater (-) *
music (f) Musik *
musical director (in credits) Musik
music editor (in credits) (m) Musik-Schnitt
narration (m) Kommentar *
offscreen narration der Off-Kommentar
NC-17 frei ab 17 (movie rating)
negative (film) (n) Negativ (-e)
off, off-camera, offscreen, offstage s Off, nicht im Bild *
offscreen narration der Off-Kommentar
offscreen voice eine Stimme aus dem Off
original sound, direct sound (m) O-Ton or die O-Töne (pl.)
This term also refers to the original-language version of a film, as opposed to the dubbed, foreign-language
version. (Also see "dubbing")
ADR (automatic dialogue replacement, looping) ADR, e ADR-Synchronisation
sound dub/dubbing e Synchronisation
original sound with subtitles OmU or O.m.U. (Original mit Untertiteln)
Other similar German terms: OF (Originalfassung, original version) and O.m.engl.U. (Originalfassung mit
englischen Untertiteln, original version with English subtitles)
pan (n.) (m) Schwenk *
pan (v.) schwenken *
pan (criticize) harte Kritik üben an (acc.)
performer, actor (m) Darsteller (-), e Darstellerin (-nen) *
period film (m) Ausstattungsfilm, r Kostümfilm
PG-13 frei ab 13
plot (f) Handlung, e Story *
producer (m) Produzent (-e)
line producer r Line Producer (assistant to head producer)
production manager, unit manager r Produktionsleiter
premiere (f) Premiere, e Uraufführung
print (cinema) (f) Kopie (-n)
projector (m) Projektor
R-rating frei ab 16
Die FSK ("Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle") rating board rates all films and videos released in Germany.
reverse angle/shot (m) Achsensprung
rough cut (m) Rohschnitt
running time (f) Laufzeit
rushes (pl.) kurze Filmmuster
scene (f) Szene (-n) *
scene change r Kulissenwechsel *
scenery, sets Kulissen (pl.)
backdrop, piece of scenery (f) Kulisse
screen (movie) (f) Leinwand *
screen (TV) (m) Bildschirm *
screen (v.) einen Film zeigen
screening (n.) (f) Vorführung
screenplay, script s Drehbuch (-bücher)
screenwriter (m) Drehbuchautor (-en)
score (film) (f) Filmmusik *
set (film) (m) Set, (f) Bühne *
on the set am Set, bei den Dreharbeiten
set design (f) Ausstattung
set designer (m) Ausstatter, (m) Bühnenbildner
set in... (a place) spielt in...
the film is set in Berlin der Film spielt in Berlin
setting (m) Drehort (location)
setting Raum und Zeit der Handlung (place & time period) *
shade, visor (light); aperture, f-stop (f) Blende
The German word Blende can have several meanings in English, depending on the context. It refers to the
visor on lights, the aperature of a camera lens, or the fade-in or fade-out of a scene (die Auf-, Abblende)
shot, take (f) Aufnahme, (f) Einstellung *
silent film/movie (m) Stummfilm *
slate, clapper, clapboard (film) (f) Synchronklappe, (f) Klappe (-n)
slow motion (f) Zeitlupe
speeded up im Zeitraffer
sound (m) Ton *
sound effect r Geräuscheffekt *
sound engineer r/(f) Toningenieur(in)
soundtrack (m) Soundtrack
special effects, FX die Special Effects (pl.), Spezialeffekte (pl.)
split-screen (framing) r Kasch (-s) *
Note: The term Kasch can refer to a vignetted frame, a split-screen frame (shooting twice with alternate
sides of the frame covered), or the type of framing (wide-screen horizontal, square, round vignette, vertical,
etc.) for various scenes.
spotlight, floodlight (m) Scheinwerfer
subtitles e Untertitel (pl.) *
stand-in (m) Lichtdouble
star, movie star (m) Filmstar (-s)
still photographer (m) Standfotograf
still photo(s) (n) Standfoto (e Standfotos)
studio s Studio (-s), das Atelier
stunt man (men) (m) Stuntmann (-männer)
stunt woman (women) (f) Stuntfrau (-en)
stunt coordinator/supervisor Stunt-Koordination (in credits)
stunts die Stunts (pl.)
supporting role e Nebenrolle (-n)
leading role e Hauptrolle (-n)
take, shot (film) (f) Take, (f) Einstellung (-en)
telephoto lens s Tele-Objektiv, s Tele
wide-angle lens s Weitwinkelobjektiv, s Weitwinkel
tilt (v.) neigen
title r Titel (-) *
time lapse photography e Zeitrafferphotographie
speeded up im Zeitraffer
tracking (shot) (f) Kamerafahrt
UFA (f) Ufa (pron. OOH-fa, historical German film studio)
unit manager (m) Aufnahmeleiter (on-location filming manager)
vignette (framing) (m) Kasch (-s) - round, square, horiz., vert. framing
See the "split-screen" entry for more on Kasch.
visual effects visuelle Effekte *
walk-on part/role (f) Statistenrolle (-n)
She only had a walk-on part.
Sie war nur eine Statistin/Komparsin.
wardrobe Kostüme (pl.) *
wide angle lens (n) Weitwinkelobjektiv (-e)
widescreen (f) Breitwand (-wände)
wide shot, long shot (film) e Weitaufnahme (-n), (f) Totalaufnahme (-n)
wipe (n.) (f) Schiebeblende
X-rated, NC-17 freigegeben ab 17
zoom lens (f) Gummilinse, s Zoomobjektiv
zoom shot (n) Zoom, (f) Zoomaufnahme