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2013 Cat. #324 Page 1 Page 6 y r) ke n S Ta Off A s PLU nus ove % ok Bo e c 15 o Bo Year insid Tw d of see En unt ( sco Di Crown House Publishing WINTER Page 3 New Releases in: ■ Psychotherapy & Counseling ■ ■ Page 7 Couples/Sex Therapy ■ ■ Personal Growth & Self-Help ■ ■ Page 42 Page 2 NLP & Neurosemantics ■ ■ ■ Hypnotherapy ■ ■ Business Psychology ■ Parenting & Education ■ Page 5 Toll-Free 877.925.1213 Page 28 Page 8 Page 30 Page 27 Page 9 TITLE % on any* two items PLUS Special Offer: Save 15 order through our website before Dec. 31, 2012 and get an extra discount automatically automatically!! CROWN HOUSE PUBLISHING WINTER 2013 CATALOG #324 Dear Reader: That’s right. We are offering you two discounts when you order through our website, You will get our 15% discount* automatically when you order two or more items, and in addition there are special additional discounts exclusive to our website (sorry, no phone orders) on almost every item in this catalog, but only available until December 31, 2012. We have some remarkable new titles to offer you including Generative Trance (p. 1), the long awaited book from Stephen Gilligan, Harry the Hypno-potamus Imagination Cards (p.2), The Art of Hypnotic Regression Therapy (p.4), Roadmap to Resilience (p.6), the most comprehensive guide to creating resilience among trauma victims both military and civilian, Innovations in NLP and The NLP Cookbook (p.7), new editions of Beliefs: A Guide to Health and Well-Being and The Magic of NLP Demystified (p. 8), the forthcoming title, Laughology, the Science of Laughter (p.9), plus a new series of CDs from Marty Klein, PhD, the well-known sex therapist (pp. 30–31), as well as our series of Home Study Programs (pp. 37–38) and much more. *Journal subscriptions excluded. SUBJECT CATEGORIES See last page for complete Title Index Business Psychology/Training . . . . . . 9, 42–43 Children & Adolescents . . . 10–11, 28, 38, 40 Couples & Sex Therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . 30–31 Home Study Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . 37–39 Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy & Metaphors . . 1–5, 11–20, 22, 24–26 , 28, 32 Life Coaching & Business Coaching . . 42–43 Milton H. Erickson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15–16 NLP/Neurolinguistics . 7–8, 22-23, 28, 34–36 Parents & Educators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26, 36 Personal Growth & Self-Help . . . . 27–29, 33 Psychotherapy & Counseling . . . . . . . 1, 6, 9, 14, 21, 27, 40, 41 Sport Psychology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Trauma, Stress, Anxiety, Pain . . 6, 10, 17, 25–26, 37–38, 41 Business Psychology/Training . . . . . . 9, 42–43 ORDERING INFORMATION (See inside back cover for complete order form) 15% Refer to Catalog #324 and save 15% when ordering two or more titles. Special website–only discounts expire 12/31/12. ■ Visit our website for more information and to order online: ■ Call our toll-free number (877) 925-1213 or order by fax to (802) 864-7626. ■ By mail, send to: Crown House Publishing, P.O. Box 2223, Williston, VT 05495, USA. Payment by U.S. check, money order, or by VISA, Mastercard, or American Express. ■ When ordering, please refer to the Book Number (Bk#) and give author/title/price for confirmation. ■ Institutions must use official purchase order submitted by fax or mail. ■ Examination Copies: Teaching professionals interested in considering an item for classroom use must submit a request on departmental letterhead. Send fax to (203) 778-9100. ■ Booksellers/Wholesalers: Call or write for complete discount. (t) after price designates trade discount; (p) after price designates professional discount; (x) designates text discount. ■ Outside the U.S., Canada, and Mexico: Contact Crown House Publishing Ltd. Website: E-mail: ■ Order at and save even more (through 12/31/12) NEW RELEASES / HYPNOSIS Generative Trance: Third Generation Trance Work Stephen Gilligan CROWN HOUSE PUBLISHING COMING OFF PRESS! This book describes an entirely new way of conducting hypnotherapeutic interventions by using the author’s “generative trance” concept. In the traditional view, trance is thought to be an artifact of hypnotic suggestion developed by the hypnotherapist. It assumes that the subject is more or less passive, being controlled by the hypnotherapist. Being controlled by another person is part of the problem, not the solution. Milton Erickson created the second generation of trance work. He approached the unconscious as having creative wisdom and each person as extraordinarily unique.Thus, rather than trying to program the unconscious with new instructions, Erickson saw trance as an experiential learning state where a person’s own creative unconscious could generate healing and transformation. At the same time Erickson, for the most part, carried the same low opinion of the conscious mind. Thus, Ericksonian hypnosis looks to bypass the conscious mind with indirect suggestions and dissociation, and de-potentiate it with confusion techniques. Stephen Gilligan’s third generation of trance work sees this negative attitude toward the conscious mind as unnecessary and ultimately unhelpful. Creative action requires a skillful conscious mind to realize the potential of the unconscious mind. The conscious mind is needed to set and maintain intention, to sense and evaluate multiple pathways of possibility, to properly name and represent experience, and to organize actions in a sequential and linear way. “Gilligan’s Generative Trance marks a major advance in helping us resourcefully relate to all that clients and therapists bring to a session. I enthusiastically recommend it to both your conscious and unconscious mind!”—Bradford & Hillary Keeney, PhD, co-authors of Circular Therapeutics: Giving Therapy a Healing Heart “Steve Gilligan is the closest I've ever experienced to being with Erickson since his death in 1980. He delivers a tour-de-force of the latest thinking of third-generation hypnosis in a charming and organized way. I continue to learn from Gilligan and look forward to returning to this book again and again to gain even deeper insights.”—Bill O'Hanlon, author of Taproots, An Uncommon Casebook “This book is about using trance to learn how to love and access the wisdom of your deeper mind so that new awareness and choice can emerge. Whether you read this exceptional book for your personal development or you facilitate others in theirs, you will discover that it leads to a kind of sacred sight, after which your world will never look quite the same again.”—Penny Tompkins and James Lawley, authors of Metaphors in Mind Hardcover 260 Pages | ISBN: 9781845907815 | Bk# 7815 | $39.95 (p) December 2012 ALSO AVAILABLE The Hero’s Journey A Voyage of Self-Discovery Stephen Gilligan and Robert Dilts This book is about how to discover your calling and how to embark on the path of learning and transformation that will reconnect you with your spirit, change negative beliefs and habits, heal emotional wounds and physical symptoms, deepen intimacy, and improve self-image and self-love. The book takes the form of a transcript of a four-day workshop conducted by Stephen Gilligan and Robert Dilts. Hardcover 280 pages | ISBN: 9781845902865 | Bk# 2865 | $34.95 (p) Call Toll-free 877-925-1213 • Mention Catalog #324 and SAVE 15% off any two items 1 CROWN HOUSE PUBLISHING NEW RELEASE / HYPNOSIS Harry the Hypno-potamus Imagination Cards Just Publis hed Linda Thomson, PhD First there was Harry the Hypno-potamus, Volume 1. Three years later came Harry the Hypno-potamus, Volume 2. Now we bring you Harry the Hypnopotamus Imagination Cards to add to your collection. It’s easy to get children to participate in their own therapy, whether for psychological, emotional, educational, or medical reasons with this exciting and fun deck of cards. This deck features many of the animals found in any local zoo. But it is a lot more than just animal pictures. Each card has a unique self-regulation skill for children that includes breathing techniques, muscle relaxation techniques, mental imagery, or ego-strengthening — all of which are designed to be non-threatening to a child. They can be effectively used by clinicians, teachers, parents, or children and can play by themselves. By following the instructions on each card, children will learn to self-regulate. You can make up your own games with this full deck or use any of the following specially designed card games: n n n n Hide the Hippo. The person left holding the Hippo is the winner. Remember to Remember. This is a memory card game to find and match animals. Hippo Pass. The winner is the person who is the first to have all animal pairs in his hand. Go Fish in the Zoo. The winner is the one to match the most pairs of animals. Can be used alone or in conjunction with Harry the Hypno-potamus books (below). 53-Card Deck | ISBN: 9781845908508 Bk#8508 | $29.95 (p) Harry the Hypno-potamus: Metaphorical Tales for the Treatment of Children, Volume 1 Harry the Hypno-potamus: More Metaphorical Tales for Children, Volume 2 Linda Thomson, PhD This “must-have” two-volume best-selling set of metaphorical stories for children addresses a variety of psychological, medical, and behavioral problems facing children. All of the full-color illustrated stories (32 in volume 1, 35 in volume 2) feature animals in a zoo that rely on the guidance and support of Dr. Dan, the zoo’s vet, to help master such problems as: n n n n n Phobias and anxiety attacks n Sleep disorders Pain management n ADHD Bullying n Depression Habits and habit control n Death and dying Asthma & other serious medical disorders Some of the therapeutic interventions are very problem specific while others are more general and can be used for a variety of conditions. Each volume includes extensive introductory clinical material that explains how to use the stories with your young clients. “The ‘Harry Potter’ of the hypnosis world. Now, when parents ask clinicians how we can help their children, Linda Thomson has provided the answer — we teach them to hypnopotamize!”—Julie H. Linden, PhD, Past-president, American Society of Clinical Hypnosis Volume 1: Paperback 176 pages Full-color | ISBN: 9781845907266 | Bk#7266 | $45.95 (p) Volume 2: Hardcover 192 pages Full-color | ISBN: 9781845901172 | Bk#1172 | $49.95 (p) 2 Order at and save even more (through 12/31/12) NEW RELEASE / HYPNOSIS CROWN HOUSE PUBLISHING The Art of Hypnotic Regression Therapy: A Clinical Guide Roy Hunter, MS and Bruce Eimer, PhD Hypnotic Regression Therapy, or HRT, is a type of hypnotherapy in which, following the induction of a good trance state, specialized suggestions are given to guide the client in reviewing and emotionally reframing earlier experiences that have either caused or contributed to the client’s current symptoms. HRT is considered one of the most valuable hypnotherapy techniques available today, yet it remains controversial, partly due to inadequate training of psychotherapists and hypnotherapists, which has contributed to numerous cases of false memory syndrome. In spite of the controversies, hypnotherapists successfully use regression therapy to discover the core causes of a number of problems to help clients release their emotional attachments to those causes. For example, people with a former fear of flying can now fly comfortably. This volume removes the fear of the dangers of mishandled hypnotic regression by presenting an organized client centered approach.You will learn when and how to effectively use HRT to help clients discover and release the causes of their problems and symptoms. The authors emphasize the importance of avoiding inappropriate leading, and how to explain the risk of false memories to clients. Five phases of HRT are explored: preparation, regression techniques to discover the cause(s), abreactions and release, subconscious relearning, and concluding the session. There is also a chapter discussing the controversial topic of past life regressions, with potential explanations and ethical considerations. The authors also include case histories to illustrate the value of their client centered approach to HRT. Additional background information is included that forms a foundation for client centered hypnotherapy, with specific objectives to accomplish that increase the likelihood of lasting results. The book also discusses how HRT fits in with other appropriate forms of psychological therapy, and why regression is a valuable tool for helping clients realize lasting results in overcoming psychological and psychosomatic symptoms after other techniques have failed. “As a hypnoanalyst for many years, I can vouch for the fact that this wonderful book contains every bit of information needed to use regression therapy successfully. Scripts, techniques, ‘how-to’ examples, and case studies, along with a defined structure for the therapy, make this the ideal read for the newcomer to regression work, as well as having much of worth to those more experienced. Authors Roy Hunter and Bruce Eimer are experienced and accomplished professional therapists — and it shows.”—Terence Watts, MCGI, Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine “The authors’ concise exposition on HRT offers the novice and experienced practitioner insight, theory, and method.The frequently misunderstood and misrepresented modality is reestablished in an easy read as a valid and meaningful therapeutic intervention. All clinicians using hypnosis are encouraged to read this work whether as an aide to manage unanticipated spontaneous regressions or as a ready reference for intentionally planned therapy.”—Dr. Gabor Filo DDS, DABHD About the Authors: Roy Hunter, Ms, Cht, teaches professional hypnosis and advanced tech- niques for professionals and teaches self-hypnosis to groups and clients for personal or professional motivation. He was specially selected to carry on the work of the late Charles Tebbetts. He was awarded a PhD from Alpha University and California University with a major in clinical hypnotherapy. Bruce Eimer, PhD, ABPP, is a licensed clinical psychologist in private practice in the Philadelphia area with over 26 years experience using hypnosis as a tool in treating emotional and medical conditions. He is a Fellow of the ASCH and board certified in cognitive–behavioral therapy with the American Board of Professional Psychology. Paperback 288 pages | ISBN: 9781845908515 | Bk #8515 | $34.95 (p) See next page for other publications by these authors. Call Toll-free 877-925-1213 • Mention Catalog #324 and SAVE 15% off any two items 3 CROWN HOUSE PUBLISHING BEST SELLERS / HYPNOSIS Publications by Roy Hunter Mastering the Power of Self-Hypnosis: A Practical Guide to Self Empowerment, 2nd Edition Demonstrates the powers of self-hypnosis and explains why no other non-evasive method can motivate and help you erase any ingrained negative ‘programming’ that is affecting your life and holding you back from achieving what you want to achieve. With this handbook, you will learn innovative empowerment exercises that teach relaxation techniques, stress management, how to overcome insomnia, and more. The free CD includes two stress management programs. Paperback with CD 310 pages | ISBN: 9781845904654 | Bk#4654 | $34.95 (p) The Art of Hypnotherapy: Mastering Client-Centered Techniques, 4th Edition This classic text is a comprehensive guide to the practice of client-centered hypnotherapy. Since it is the person who is undergoing hypnosis who is the one with the power to change his or her behavior, the hypnotherapist only acts as the facilitator, tailoring the hypnosis session to the client’s needs. New features in this edition include sections on anger, impotence, stuttering, and tinnitus, and more. Paperback 386 Pages | ISBN: 9781845904401 | Bk# 4401 | $34.95 (p) The Art of Hypnosis: Mastering Basic Techniques, 3rd Edition Roy Hunter has based this book on the work of Charles Tebbetts’s hypnosis training, Mastering Basic Techniques. Easy to understand, even for the novice, the book starts with the fundamentals of hypnosis, introduces the reader to the many facets of hypnotic technique, and also provides in-depth and practical information on achieving maximum results in a hypnotic session. Paperback 240 pages | ISBN:9781845904395 | Bk#4395 | $29.95 (p) Hypnosis for Inner Conflict Resolution: Introducing Parts Therapy Describes an elegant approach to reconciling the conflicting “parts” of a client’s personality. Closely allied to ego state therapy, parts therapy uses hypnosis to identify conflicting parts that are damaging the well-being of clients. These parts are then directed to negotiate with each other through the therapist to bring about a resolution. Hardcover 206 pages | ISBN: 9781904424604 | Bk#4600 | $44.95 (p) Publication by Bruce Eimer Hypnotize Yourself Out of Pain Now! A straightforward, compassionate, and user-friendly guide for anyone who seeks pain relief. Covers: How to use self-hypnosis to relieve pain; how to interrupt the body’s pain loop; how to choose the best method for a particular problem and person; how to enlist a variety of tools to empower the healing process; and how to tap into one’s own innate ability to control pain. A complimentary CD contains guided imagery and relaxation exercises, therapeutic touch and energy healing techniques, stress control strategies, and more. Paperback 256 pages | ISBN: 9781845900878 | Bk# 0878 | $26.95 (t) 4 Order at and save even more (through 12/31/12) NEW RELEASE / HYPNOSIS Rapid Hypnotic Inductions: Demonstrations & Applications CROWN HOUSE PUBLISHING Just Publis hed Gabor Filo This DVD demonstrates rapid and instantaneous inductions that creative, insightful clinicians can easily adapt for use in their clinical settings. Hypnosis has been considered time intensive, but it doesn’t have to be. These actual demonstrations by Dr. Filo include some that are verbal, some non-verbal, and some that are physical inductions. Careful observation will reveal that each induction contains the basics of all professional hypnotic interactions — rapport, focusing, deepening, re-alerting and debriefing and since these inductions are ultimately for clinical use, appropriate generic suggestions are also demonstrated. In addition, a real world application is demonstrated with a patient who is dental-phobic showing the replacement of a filling without any local anesthetic. Also includes a 16-page learning guide explaining the background and history of each demonstration. “Dr. Filo is a master wordsmith demonstrating effective and rapid hypnotic inductions and verbal suggestions along with the utilization of separate and simultaneous nonverbal techniques. This program is mandatory viewing for all professional disciplines utilizing hypnosis.”—Ashley A. Goodman, DDS, DABHD “For too long professionals have believed that hypnosis is a time consuming process, and as a result, they were reluctant to use this technique in an office setting. Dr. Filo’s demonstrations will change all of that.This training program is an excellent introduction to using both instant and rapid inductions in a professional practice. Each induction can be learned quickly by watching the video. You will learn a variety of inductions useful in many professional environments, such as a dental, medical, psychological, or professional hypnotist’s office. “—Cal Banyan, MA, BCH, DNGH, board certified hypnotherapist About the Author: Gabor Filo, DDS, ABHD is a graduate of the University of Toronto, and is a Diplomate of the American Board of Hypnosis in Dentistry. His professional career includes private practice and hospital dentistry, with an emphasis on the non-pharmacological treatment of dental anxiety and phobia. He lectures nationally and internationally on hypnosis and laser dentistry. Full-Color DVD – 61 minutes | ISBN: 9781845908461 | Bk#8461 | $49.95 (p) ALSO AVAILABLE The Deep Trance Training Manual Igor Ledochowski This work presents core theoretical principles from all the major hypnotic perspectives as well as practical exercises designed to improve technique, which support the development of elegant, individual style and language, and the mastery of powerful approaches. “A refreshing read, expertly presented, for both the novice and seasoned professional practitioner.This is an essential book if one is truly interested in utilizing hypnosis in one’s treatment. Each principle is spelled out clearly and the exercises and examples go a long way towards instilling solid foundations.”—George Philips, director of training, International College of Eclectic Therapies Paperback 128 pages | ISBN: 9781899836970 | Bk#6977 | $39.95 (p) Call Toll-free 877-925-1213 • Mention Catalog #324 and SAVE 15% off any two items 5 NEW RELEASE CROWN HOUSE PUBLISHING Roadmap to Resilience A Guide for Military, Trauma Victims and their Families Donald Meichenbaum, PhD For the returning veteran or anyone who has experienced a traumatic event, returning to normal living can be a challenge. Be that as it may, even after events such as natural disasters, accidents, or one of intentional human design (e.g. combat, a terrorist attack, a sexual assault, etc.), approximately 70 to 80 percent of individuals who are impacted adjust successfully. These individuals demonstrate resilience, and in some instances, even posttraumatic growth. However, approximately 20 to 30 percent will evidence lingering clinical disorders and adjustment problems, such as PTSD, anxiety, depressive, and substance abuse disorders that can result in suicidal acts, aggressive behavior, and divorce. In Roadmap to Resilience, Dr. Meichenbaum discusses the differences between adults (both military and civilians) who evidence resilience and those who have persistent difficulties adjusting following traumatic experiences. This practical, user-friendly guide provides specific “how to” ways to bolster resilience in six specific areas including Physical, Interpersonal, Emotional, Cognitive, Behavioral, and Spiritual. It includes over 100 ways to develop individual and family resilience-bolstering action plans. In addition, it includes numerous narrative examples of successful coping from resilient individuals, self-improvement activities (such as “hinge” questions that open the door to possibilities), and a comprehensive resource guide designed to help the reader locate the exact information they need to address their situation and to help them become more resilient in each of the six domains discussed. This guidebook highlights ways that returning service members can successfully reintegrate into civilian life and how other trauma victims can cope with loss. It will be of great assistance to help individuals and their families reintegrate and cope with the lingering effects of trauma. Clinicians will find it an invaluable resource for translating evidence-based interventions into specific guidelines for their clients. “Don Meichenbaum's Roadmap to Resilience should be on the desk of every clinician, in the backpack of every soldier, and in the hands of every leader.”—Bret Moore, PsyD, Asst. Professior of Clinical Psychiatry, Univ. of Texas, Health Science Center “This is a really amazing piece of work. Dr. Meichenbaum is a master of this field, both in terms of knowing the concepts and research, and making them accessible. I would recommend this book to all clinicians who work with trauma survivors in order to help them see the various approaches they can take in treatment, and consider homework assignments they can suggest to their clients.”—Richard Tedeschi, PhD, Professor of Psychology, University of North Carolina, Charlotte Paperback 224 pages | ISBN: 9780969884026 | Bk#4026 | $35.00 (p) ALSO AVAILABLE Treatment of Individuals with Anger Control Problems and Aggressive Behaviors Donald Meichenbaum This handbook provides a life-span assessment and treatment approach for individuals who have problems controlling their anger and are prone to engage in aggressive behaviors. It provides practical treatment steps and procedures on how to implement cognitive–behavioral stress–inoculation procedures. Also includes 25 tables of “How to” Procedural Steps, Patient Handouts, Guidelines on How to Improve Generalization, an Appendix of How to Talk an Aggressive Individual into a Social Problem Solver, and more. Paperback 446 pages | ISBN: 9780969884019 | Bk#401X | $60.00 (p) 6 Order at and save even more (through 12/31/12) NEW RELEASES / NLP CROWN HOUSE PUBLISHING Innovations in NLP for Challenging Times L. Michael Hall and Shelle Rose Charvet, editors This long awaited collection brings together some of the most recent innovations and applications of the traditional NLP model. Each chapter describes a new model or application and contains step by step instructions (or case study) on how and when to apply it. For NLP practitioners it provides an outstanding collection of new tools and ideas to take their practice forward. Contributors include (but are not limited to): n Shelle Rose Charvet – Decoding Language and Behavior to Improve Communication n L. Michael Hall – Meta States: Modelling Self-Reflexive Consciousness n Charles Faulkner – Revealing the Methods of Outstanding Traders and Investors n Robert Dilts – Success Factor Modelling: The Secrets of Entrepreneurial Leadership n Ian McDermott – NLP Coaching: How to Develop a Coaching Mindset n John McWhirter – Behavioural Remodelling: Advancing NLP’s Linguistic Model n Nick Kemp – Improvisation and Humour in Therapy and Coaching n Bob Bodenhamer – What Triggers Stuttering?: A Model for Achieving Fluency n Martin Roberts – A New Model for Managing Change in Business The book also includes chapters on some of the most innovative IT projects and communities where developments and advances continue to be made, including the Clean Language community and the NLP Research and Recognition Project. More than anything, this book represents a collaboration of some of the best innovators in the field of NLP to push the boundaries of the traditional NLP model and create some solutions for the problems created by the increasingly troubled world in which we live. Paperback 384 Pages | ISBN: 9781845907341 | Bk# 7341 | $35.00 (p) The NLP Cookbook: 50 Life Enhancing NLP Techniques for Coaches, Therapists and Trainers Fran Burgess This volume uses the metaphor of cooking to describe the process of bringing together the best ingredients in NLP, and then selecting them carefully in order to produce some extraordinary life-altering results. The techniques are grouped into sections depending on their purpose with many focusing on how to shift state and targeting specific states such as acceptance and anxiety. Others are designed to seek to develop behaviors and skills that deal with goals, relationships, and the process of change. Each is prefaced by background information as to its source. All the ingredients are included — timings, materials, and all that is needed to create a definitive life changing event. “This innovative book includes 50 simple but powerful strategies that can really enrich your life in a variety of areas.These ‘recipes’ show off some of the best that NLP has to offer.Well written, creative, and pragmatic, this is a valuable resource for both newcoming and NLP experts alike.”—Robert Dilts, developer, author, trainer and consultant in NLP About the Author: Fran Burgess has studied NLP for over 20 years and has trained with most of the major UK and U.S. trainers and developers in the Far East, the United States, and Europe. Paperback 160 pages, color | ISBN: 9781845907334 | Bk#7334 | $31.95 (p) Call Toll-free 877-925-1213 • Mention Catalog #324 and SAVE 15% off any two items 7 CROWN HOUSE PUBLISHING NEW RELEASES / NLP Beliefs: Pathways to Health and Well-Being, 2nd Edition Robert Dilts, Tim Hallbom, and Suzi Smith BELIEFS are the foundation of everyone’s personal outcomes. This long-awaited second edition of Beliefs: Pathways to Health & Well-Being includes new and updated material and offers leading edge technologies that rapidly and effectively identify and remodel limiting beliefs. It teaches you powerful processes for change and demonstrates how to identify and change beliefs by utilizing scripts from work undertaken with individuals in workshops. These processes include re-imprinting, conflict integration, belief/reality strategies, visualization, and criteria identification. You will learn the latest methods to change beliefs that support unhealthy habits such as smoking, overeating, and drug use; change the thinking processes that create phobias and unreasonable fears; retrain your immune system to eliminate allergies and deal optimally with cancer, AIDS, and other diseases; and learn strategies to transform “unhealthy” beliefs into lifelong constructs of wellness. Paperback 240 pages | ISBN: 9781845908027 | Bk# 8027 | $27.95 (p) Magic of NLP Demystified, Second Edition Byron Lewis This is a book for those wishing a first introduction to the concepts and applications of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). With new and updated material, this is the second edition of the best-selling work that has long been regarded as one of the best beginner books on NLP and, in particular, its Language of Communication model. It introduces the reader to a remarkable new approach to the study of human communications and therapeutic change. Managers, sales people, consultants, therapists, parents educators — anyone interested in or involved with influential communications and personal change — will benefit from reading this book, which is written in an informal and entertaining style. Paperback 176 pages | ISBN: 9781845908034 | Bk# 8034 | $27.95 (p) ALSO AVAILABLE – TWO RELATED DVD PROGRAMS Journey Into the Structure of Beliefs Robert Dilts and Tim Hallbom This interview was filmed in 2009 and contains much information on how to identify and change beliefs through NLP. Here is your opportunity to learn all about the deeper structure of core limiting beliefs, how they are formed, and how they influence your ability to create reality. Experience Tim and Robert sharing some incredible stories about the power of your beliefs and how they can influence every area of your life including health, relationships, business, and money. DVD 90 min. | ISBN: 9781906973476 | Bk#3476 | $29.95 (p) Early Days of NLP Robert Dilts and Tim Hallbom This fast-paced DVD is a “must have” for any serious student of NLP as it provides a great insight into the early history of NLP from two people who were there. So take a bit of a “time-machine” trip and go back to when it all began. DVD 75 min. | ISBN: 9781906973469 | Bk#3469 | $27.95 (p)| $29.95 (p) 8 Order at and save even more (through 12/31/12) NEW PUBLICATIONS CROWN HOUSE PUBLISHING Laughology: The Science of Laughter Stephanie Davies A practical guide to using laughter and humor as a thinking skill to make you feel better and enable you to communicate more effectively. The Laughology model gives each individual a ‘toolbox’ of methods and models they can use to help them think and act positively.This book explains simple techniques that will improve the reader’s ability to gain a more positive perspective in difficult situations and increase his or her happiness through adopting the techniques from the Laughology model. Topics that are covered in the book include: n n n n n What is laughter? n What is humor? Your inner child — the natural comedian n The psychological connection Appropriate humor and laughter n The SMILE strategy How to find and sustain your giggle What makes us laugh and how to find your humor trigger About the Author: Stephanie Davies is recognized as one of the UK’s leading voices in the psychology of laughter and humor. She has over 10 years experience of developing interventions that have been applied in a wide variety of settings dealing with complex public and mental health issues and building teams in high profile organizations. Paperback 256 pages | ISBN: 9781845907921 | Bk# 7921 | $21.95 (p) December 2012 The Customer is Bothering Me, the Client is Bothering Me, the Patient is Bothering Me! New Shelle Rose Charvet This program is designed for coaches, trainers, healthcare professionals, sales, and marketing professionals as well as anyone who wants to improve their customers’ experience. Based on the author’s new book, The Customer is Bothering Me!, this workshop was created for anyone who works with clients, patients, or customers. This program will allow you to track and manage your customer/client/patient’s motivation shifts and will help you decide the best customer philosophy for your practice or organization. About the Author: Shelle Rose Charvet is president of Success Strategies, is perhaps best known around the world for her groundbreaking book Words That Change Minds: Mastering the Language of Influence.” 2 DVD set, 3 hours | ISBN: 9781845907372 | Bk#7372 | $39.95 (p) BOOK PROPOSALS Crown House Publishing is looking for proposals for both lay and professional audiences in all areas of the behavioral sciences that we cover. If you have a manuscript or book idea, please go to our website,, and click on submissions for further information. Call Toll-free 877-925-1213 • Mention Catalog #324 and SAVE 15% off any two items 9 CROWN HOUSE PUBLISHING PSYCHOTHERAPY / PAIN CONTROL A Child in Pain: What Health Professionals Can Do to Help Leora Kuttner, PhD This book comprehensively examines children’s fears and anxieties that accompany their need for pain relief, and gives the professional the communication skills and words that can help calm fears. Part I explores the scientific understanding of pain as a part of a child’s development; Part II explores pain treatments, their efficacies, and how to combine them for the most therapeutic impact; and Part III uses this understanding to translate into clinical practice in three major arenas of pediatric health care and the general practice setting: the physician’s office, the dentist’s office, and in the hospital. Without doubt, this volume will become a standard on pediatric pain management for years to come. Paperback 414 Pages | ISBN: 9781845904364 | Bk#4364 | $49.95 (p) TWO VIDEOS BY LEORA KUTTER ALSO AVAILABLE No Fears, No Tears No Fears, No Tears: I3 Years Later In the mid-1980s, Dr. Kuttner spearheaded a pioneering pain management project for children with cancer. In this video, No Fears, No Tears, eight courageous children with cancer, ages three to 12, demonstrate ways in which the natural abilities of the mind can be enlisted to help ease physical pain. With the support of parents and caregivers, they show how hypnosis, imagery, distraction and visualization methods, and breathing techniques make the disease itself, as well as the long series of painful tests and treatments, bearable. In this follow-up film, Dr. Kuttner revisits seven of the same children 13 years later to explore the long-term impact of having learned as a child how to deal with fear and pain.These now young adults vividly recollect their painful childhood experiences, and describe how learning to master the pain has affected their lives. Their stories dramatically challenge prevailing myths about childhood pain proving that children can learn to actively help themselves through even the most taxing medical treatment. DVD 30 minutes | ISBN: 9781935810001 Bk#0001| $49.95 (p) DVD 47 minutes | ISBN: 9781935810018 Bk#0018 | $59.95 (p) 2-DVD Combined Boxed Set | ISBN 9781935810025 | Bk#0025| $99.95 (p) Patient Sedation without Medication: Rapid rapport and quick hypnotic techniques Elvira Lang, MD and Eleanor Laser, PhD This book explains how to help patients use simple self-hypnotic techniques to ease their stress and pain during invasive medical tests and other challenging healthcare encounters. This book provides detailed and complete explanations on how to successfully guide patients in the use of these techniques. Paperback 228 pages | ISBN: 9781426920257 | Bk#0257 | $24.95 (x) Dialogues with Pain: Internal Body Conversations that Resolve Suffering Jeanne Taylor Hernandez, PhD Dr. Hernandez explains the psychological aspects of pain and the value of internal body conversations — that is, understanding the pain signals that your body generates. How do you turn off the switch that causes suffering and turn on the switch that starts a healthier, more comfortable life? These and other questions are answered in this well organized book. Also includes a CD that contains self-relaxation exercises to reduce your chronic pain.. Paperback w/CD, 196 pages | ISBN: 9781935810032 | Bk#0032 | $24.95 (p) 10 Order at and save even more (through 12/31/12) HYPNOTHERAPY / CHILDREN CROWN HOUSE PUBLISHING Scripts & Strategies in Hypnotherapy with Children Lynda Hudson This book provides a step-by-step approach to incorporating hypnotherapeutic scripts and strategies for working with a wide spectrum of challenges faced by young people ages 6 to 16. As the author points out, “Children are accustomed to using their imagination — they live in it on a daily basis.” This volume will help children (and parents) cope with issues such as low selfesteem, behavior problems, exam stress, bedwetting, soiling, fear of the dark, bullying, weak organizational or study skills, and much more. Solution-focused and reality tested, this collection of inductions, accompanied by illuminating explanations, will empower any treatment plan. Hardcover 256 pages | ISBN 9781845901394 | Bk#1394 | $49.95 (p) Therapeutic Hypnosis with Children and Adolescents Edited by William Wester, II, EdD and Laurence Sugarman, MD In Part 1, the broad framework of hypnosis is presented. The concepts, developmental considerations, approaches to induction, hypnotic ability, hypnosis with families, and ethical considerations are thoroughly reviewed. Parts 2 and 3 focus on key psychological and medical applications of hypnosis. The medical section describes the integration of hypnosis from acute care settings to the operating room. Hardcover 510 pages | ISBN: 9781845900373 | Bk#0375 | $59.95 (p) Hypnosis in Pediatric Practice Imaginative Medicine in Action DVD AVAILABLE Laurence Sugarman, MD The use of hypnosis can comfort children and adolescents during procedures, injections, and examinations, and help them to manage stress and cope with chronic disease. It includes eight actual sessions with children ranging from ages seven to sixteen and shows the benefits of hypnotic techniques for both the child and the family. Included is a 32-page learning guide, which includes complete clinical summaries of all of the cases as well as key discussion points. DVD 70 minutes | ISBN: 9781845900366 | Bk#0367 | $49.95 (p) The Little Book of Big Stuff About the Brain The true story of your amazing brain Andrew Curran This delightfully illustrated book is designed to give anyone a working knowledge of the human brain. What it is, how it works, what it looks like, where it came from — it’s all here in this light-hearted and easy-to-read book. Don’t be fooled by the title — this is truly a comprehensive explanation of how and why the brain works, but put together so that anyone from 16 to 60 can understand. Hardcover 206 pages | ISBN: 9781845900854 | Bk# 0854 | $16.95 (p) Call Toll-free 877-925-1213 • Mention Catalog #324 and SAVE 15% off any two items 11 CROWN HOUSE PUBLISHING HYPNOSIS / HYPNOTHERAPY 101 Things I Wish I’d Known When I Started Using Hypnosis BestSeller! Dabney Ewin For over 30 years, Dabney Ewin has been teaching medical hypnosis at Tulane University. During all that time, he has worked with hundreds of patients and has taught hundreds of students, but the one thing that stands out during this illustrious career is that he has never stopped learning something new. This succinct volume is a testament to all the ideas that Dr. Ewin wished he had known about when he first started practicing hypnosis. The words, phrases, examples, and illustrations presented here are designed to give any beginning or experienced student a foundation about the working of hypnosis, or for that matter, any medical practitioner — a foundation that Dr. Ewin took more than 30 years to construct. Read this book one page at a time from the beginning, or simply browse through randomly — either way, this book will prove to be a blessing to anyone who is lucky enough to have it in his or her library. “This wise little book by the sparkling brilliance of Dabney Ewin is a guilty pleasure that belongs on the bookshelf of all beginners in therapeutic hypnosis.”—Ernest Rossi, PhD, author of A Dialogue with Our Genes Hardcover 144 pages | ISBN: 9781845902919 | Bk#2919 | $24.95 (p) Thinking Therapeutically: Hypnotic Skills and Strategies Explored Tom Barber and Sandra Westland Therapists are often presented with numerous theories, approaches and techniques that they have been told will be helpful for their clients, but without any specific guidance as to whether one theory will work for one client and one will not. This book provides an opportunity to see these ideas in action and gives some essential critique as to what did and what did not work in the sessions described. Paperback 256 pages | ISBN: 9781845906771 | Bk#6771 | $36.95 (p) SPECIAL OFFER: Two Years for the Price of One Contemporary Hypnosis & Integrative Therapy Contemporary Hypnosis is the official publication of the British Society of Clinical and Academic Hypnosis, published on a quarterly basis. The intent of this journal is to provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of theory, research, and professional practices in the field of hypnosis, with the general aim of furthering scientific understanding of hypnosis and promoting informed and responsible use of hypnotic procedures. ~ Annual Subscription Rates ~ in U.S. / Canada / Mexico / Latin America (published quarterly) Subscribe for 2013 and get all 4 printed issues from 2012 absolutely free! $82.50 Individual Subscription (online only) Bk#0711 $112.50 Individual Subscription (paper only) Bk#5290 $127.50 Individual Subscription (online and paper) Bk#CH21 $375.00 Institutional Subscription (online and paper) Bk#CH22 (Rest of world — please contact for subscription rates) ISSN: 0960-5290 (paper version) 12 ISSN: 1557-0711 (online version) Order at and save even more (through 12/31/12) HYPNOSIS / HYPNOTHERAPY CROWN HOUSE PUBLISHING More Scripts & Strategies in Hypnotherapy Lynda Hudson This long-awaited second volume contains a collection of brand new hypnosis scripts. Expanding on the best-selling Scripts & Strategies in Hypnotherapy, this comprehensive volume covers over 100 new scripts including: n n n n n Anxiety Pain control Sexual problems Managing dyslexia and much, much more. n n n n IBS Phobias Breaking habits Depression n n n n Panic attacks Preparation/recovery Public speaking Incontinence Hardcover 296 Pages | ISBN: 9781845903916 | Bk#3916 | $51.95 (p) Scripts and Strategies in Hypnotherapy The Complete Works Roger P. Allen Now in its sixth printing! With almost 100 individual scripts and strategies that can be used by hypnotherapists of all levels of expertise, this volume will help build a successful framework for any therapy session. The rich selection of scripts covers: n n n n Loss and bereavement Weight loss Building confidence and self-esteem Fear and pain management n n n n Amnesia and recovering memory Smoking cessation Sexual issues & problems Performance improvement n and much more. Hardcover 348 pages | ISBN: 9781904424215 | Bk#421X | $49.95 (p) See also Scripts & Strategies in Hypnotherapy with Children, page 11. Wordweaving, Volume I: The Science of Suggestion A Comprehensive Guide to Creating Hypnotic Language Trevor Silvester Wordweaving presents a radical new approach to the use of hypnotic suggestion. For years hypnotherapists have used scripts that are aimed at a particular problem, like smoking or weight loss, rather than focusing on the client who smokes or has weight issues.This book will free you from the constraints of scripts and enable you to use your creative skill to weave suggestive words to empower your clients. Paperback 194 pages | ISBN: 978-0954366407 | Bk#6407 | $28.95 (p) The Question is the Answer (Worldweaving, Vol. II) Trevor Silvester In Volume II: The Question is the Answer, Trevor Silvester shows you how to ask the questions that provide you with the information you need to create hypnotic language patterns specifically for each client, and guide them to finding their own answers to life’s problems. Using three simple questions, you can uncover the pattern of a client’s issue, and also create their evidence for recovery. Paperback 228 Pages | ISBN: 978-0954366414 | Bk#6414 | $28.95 (p) Call Toll-free 877-925-1213 • Mention Catalog #324 and SAVE 15% off any two items 13 CROWN HOUSE PUBLISHING HYPNOSIS / HYPNOTHERAPY Subliminal Therapy: Using the Mind to Heal Edwin Yager, PhD Subliminal therapy is a technique that utilizes hypnotic phenomena for therapeutic purpose without requiring a formal trance induction. This volume includes establishing identifiable communication with the unconscious domain, uncovering influences that are causing current problems, and resolving those influences. The causes of psychogenic problems are usually not consciously recognized; only the resultant symptom — the disability – is apparent. Subliminal Therapy provides a practical, efficient, and logical way to identify the cause, as well as a practical, efficient, and logical way to resolve its influence. The technique has proved especially effective in the treatment of anxiety and the effects of early abuse such as sexual dysfunction, unresolved anger, and psychogenic medical problems. Paperback 260 pages | ISBN: 9781845907280 | Bk#7280 | $34.95(p) ALSO AVAILABLE BY EDWIN YAGER Foundations of Clinical Hypnosis From Theory to Practice Edwin Yager, PhD Dr.Yager has put together a volume covering everything there is to know about translating hypnosis theory into practice. Part I is a discussion of what hypnosis is (and isn’t). Part II covers clinical considerations, the roles it can play in psychotherapy, and some potential dangers and risks that may arise. Part III looks at the principles of trance induction, focusing on the use of subliminal therapy. And Part IV is devoted to applications and provides a wide view of the power and possibilities of hypnosis as a treatment option. Hardcover 272 pages | ISBN: 9781845901226 | Bk#1226 | $39.95 (p) Learning Solutions in Hypnosis Robert McNeilly Completely re-mastered, this five-hour program offers demonstrations based on the work of Milton H. Erickson, MD. Each session explores the use of hypnosis with a solution oriented emphasis. These sessions cover: Lifting Depression, Hypnosis in Relationships, Healing Trauma, Healing Sexual Abuse, Weight Management, Hypnosis with Kids. 6-DVD set, 5 hours | ISBN: 9781935810063 | Bk# 0063 | $49.95 (p) Learning Solutions in Counseling Robert McNeilly Completely re-mastered, this three-hour set offers a series of demonstrations based on the use of solution-oriented counseling where the focus is on future outcomes. Each session begins with an introduction and background information by the author and has been taped live. These demonstrations cover: Resolving Depression, Resolving a Fear of Heights, Overcoming Anxiety, Resolving Trauma. 4-DVD Set, 3 hours | ISBN: 9781935810070 | Bk#0070 | $39.95 (p) 14 Order at and save even more (through 12/31/12) HYPNOTHERAPY / MILTON ERICKSON Milton H. Erickson, MD: An American Healer Betty Alice Erickson, MS and Bradford Keeney, PhD This biography of Erickson highlights his work that endures through the practice of thousands of Ericksonian psychologists and the transformative treatment of thousands of patients. Also included is a DVD with a never-before-seen film of a therapy demonstration by Milton Erickson. Paperback with DVD 360 pages | ISBN: 9780918172556 | Bk#2551 | $29.95 (p) Milton Erickson: Explorer in Hypnosis and Therapy Jay Haley and Madeleine Richeport-Haley This documentary offers an intimate and far-reaching portrait of this remarkable man’s life and work, and features abundant footage of interviews and therapeutic sessions, many of which have never been previously released. DVD 60-minutes | ISBN: 9781845900236 | Bk#0235 | $49.95 (p) Hope & Resiliency: Understanding the Psychotherapeutic Strategies of Milton H. Erickson Dan Short, PhD, Betty Alice Erickson, MS, and Roxanna Erickson Klein, RN, PhD This volume examines Erickson’s clinical strategies and systematically organizes them for better understanding. Each principle is broken down into several techniques that share a common function. Hardcover 288 pages | ISBN: 9781904424932 | Bk#4937 | $44.95 (p) The Wisdom of Milton H. Erickson The Complete Volume Ronald A. Havens This outstanding piece of research extracts the core wisdom of Erickson’s life-long work. . Part One on Human Behavior and Part Two on Psychotherapy present his methods and lessons. Part Three, Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy, presents a clear account of how Dr. Erickson conceived of hypnosis and its essential role in the process of therapy. Hardcover 410 pages | ISBN: 9781904424963 | Bk#4961 | $51.95 (p) BOOK PROPOSALS Crown House Publishing is looking for proposals for both lay and professional audiences in all areas of the behavioral sciences that we cover. If you have a manuscript or book idea, please go to our website,, and click on submissions for further information. Call Toll-free 877-925-1213 • Mention Catalog #324 and SAVE 15% off any two items 15 HYPNOTHERAPY / MILTON ERICKSON Ericksonian Approaches A Comprehensive Manual, Second Edition Rubin Battino, MS & Thomas L. South, PhD This manual is a practical resource that assumes no previous knowledge of the field. It includes the history of hypnosis, myths and misconceptions, traditional vs. non-traditional inductions, basic and advanced inductions, language forms, utilization of ideodynamic responses, hypnotherapy without trance, basic and advanced metaphor, ethics and the law, and much more. Hardcover 622 pages | ISBN: 9781904424918 | Bk#4918 | $69.95 (p) Ericksonian Approaches: Exercises and Demonstrations This CD demonstrates both correct and incorrect deliveries of trance induction, multiple embedded metaphors, and floating hand inductions. 60-minute CD | ISBN: 9781845900298 | Bk#0294 | $21.95 (p) The Art of Therapeutic Communication The Collected Works of Kay Thompson Edited by Saralee Kane, MSW and Karen Olness, MD Here are some of Kay Thompson’s most comprehensive discussions on the use of hypnosis in medical and dental settings, representing some of the best material available for the practicing clinician on the use of hypnosis in pain management and pain control. Included are numerous case studies and clinical vignettes. Also includes a 60-minute CD of her important lectures and teachings. Hardcover w/CD 610 pages | ISBN: 9781904424284 | Bk#4287 | $69.95 (p) Understanding Advanced Hypnotic Language Patterns: A Comprehensive Guide John Burton, EdD This volume enhances our understanding of the structure and therapeutic applications of hypnotic language. It shows how the therapist can construct hypnotic language patterns that go right to the client’s issues, invoking positive change. Includes many case examples. Hardcover 240 pages | ISBN: 9781845900328 | Bk#0328 | $51.95 (p) Hypnotic Language: Its Structure and Use John Burton & Bob Bodenhamer A resource which clearly defines the divide between the conscious and unconscious minds, and those language paths that link the two. It provides a wealth of hypnotic trance scripts and contains innovative and original ways to induce cognitive change. Paperback 300 pages | ISBN: 9781845902858 | Bk#2858 | $32.95 (p) 16 Order at and save even more (through 12/31/12) HYPNOTHERAPY / HYPNOSIS CROWN HOUSE PUBLISHING Advances in Hypnosis for Medicine, Dentistry and Pain Prevention/Management Donald C. Brown, MD, Editor This volume explores the applications of hypnosis in medicine, dentistry, and pain prevention and management. The contributors demonstrate specific ways in which hypnosis can be used alone or in concert with other approaches to facilitate the various phases of prevention, intervention, and follow-up in medicine and dentistry. “Dr. Brown has compiled the clinical and scholarly wisdom of the most prominent clinicians and academicians in the field.This book will be a desktop reference for me for many years to come.”—Bruce Eimer, PhD, coauthor of Pain Management Psychotherapy Paperback 256 pages | ISBN: 9781845901202 | Bk#1202 | $43.95 (p) Hypnosis for Smoking Cessation An NLP and Hypnotherapy Practitioner’s Manual David Botsford The author has put together a book of unusual depth to encompass what he has found to be the essential tools for helping people break the cycle of addiction by using Ericksonian hypnotherapy and NLP strategies in combination with stress management. The companion CD contains client transcripts and reproducible handouts. Paperback with CD 248 pages | ISBN: 9781845900748 | Bk#0748 | $47.95 (p) The Weight, Hypnotherapy and You Program An NLP and Hypnotherapy Practitioner’s Manual Judith Pearson, PhD The book explains how to screen clients, create office forms, and deal with ethical, safety, and marketing considerations. The book tells how to motivate recalcitrant clients and how to market the program and how to build a referral network. A bonus CD contains a reproducible client workbook so that the material can be used again with different clients. Paperback with CD 316 pages | ISBN: 9781845900311 | Bk#0316 | $47.95 (p) Healing Scripts Using Hypnosis to Treat Trauma and Stress Marlene E. Hunter, MD This important volume harnesses the power of hypnotherapy to help trauma victims and those suffering from acute stress disorders. The hypnotic interventions contained herein are designed to treat the source of the pain and anguish of trauma and so offer the promise of enduring relief to clients who suffer the longstanding, often debilitating, problems associated with it. Some of the highlighted topics include: Pain — in all of its forms: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, featuring sections on denial, hypervigilance and hyperarousal; acute stress; sleep disorders; and dissociative disorders, including ego strengthening and integration. Hardcover 184 pages | ISBN: 9781845900724 | Bk#0724 | $41.95 (p) Call Toll-free 877-925-1213 • Mention Catalog #324 and SAVE 15% off any two items 17 CROWN HOUSE PUBLISHING HYPNOTHERAPY Self Hypnosis for Cosmic Consciousness Achieving Altered States, Mystical Experiences, and Spiritual Enlightenment Ronald A. Havens, PhD This book explores the hypnotic pathways that can lead to an alternate experiential world of inner peace and happiness. Paperback 268 pages | ISBN: 9781904424543 | Bk#4543 | $33.95 (p) The Hypnotic Use of Waking Dreams Exploring Near Death Experiences without the Flatlines Paul Schenk, PsyD People who undergo near death experiences often have profound and life-changing experiences.Provides a practical approach to understanding the kinds of mystical experiences that occur with hypnotically facilitated dream-like imagery. Paperback 158 pages | ISBN: 9781845900304 | Bk#0308 | $31.95 (p) Hypnosis: A Comprehensive Guide Tad James MS, PhD with Lorraine Flores & Jack Schober This book discusses three radically different types of hypnosis: Direct Authoritarian approaches, Indirect Permissive approaches, and techniques that place responsibility for hypnosis on the client. An invaluable resource for all trainers and therapists. Hardcover 240 pages | ISBN: 9781899836451 | Bk#6454 | $39.95 (p) Hypnosis and Counselling in the Treatment of Cancer and Other Chronic Illness David Frank & Bernard Mooney, PhD This book presents arguments for the incorporation of hypnosis into treatment of cancer and other life-threatening illnesses. The authors present a clear and convincing perspective that lends further credence to the interconnectedness of mind and body. Paperback 160 pages | ISBN: 9781845900809 | BK#0809 | $34.95 (p) The Fertile Body Method: A Practitioner’s Manual The applications of hypnosis in mind-body approaches to fertility Sjanie Hugo The Fertile Body Method is a complete guide to working with fertility and related issues using hypnosis and other mind-body approaches. The many practical resources provided are also made available on the CD, which contains scripts, questionnaires, self help tools, diagrams, charts, and leaflets for your clients. Paperback with CD 392 pages | ISBN: 9781845900960 | Bk#0960 | $54.95 (p) 18 Order at and save even more (through 12/31/12) HYPNOSIS / HYPNOTHERAPY CROWN HOUSE PUBLISHING Hypnotically Enhanced Treatment for Addictions: Alcohol Abuse, Drug Abuse, Gambling,Weight Control, and Smoking Cessation Joseph Tramontana This book offers new strategies, techniques, and scripts for treating addictions in an outpatient population. The five key addictions addressed are: alcohol abuse and dependency, drug abuse and addiction, gambling compulsions/obsessions and addiction, tobacco addiction (including cigars, pipes, and chew), and food addiction/compulsions. Many of the techniques and strategies incorporate a variety of therapeutic modalities, including cognitive-behavioral techniques, reframing and other NLP techniques, systematic desensitization, covert sensitization, 12–step programs, guided imagery and meditation, and more “A truly practitioner–oriented book, the author takes you through a personal journey of treating addictions using hypnosis, integrating cognitive–behavioral, psychodynamic, and NLP approaches. Beginners and advanced practitioners alike will find the book ‘user friendly’ with plenty of metaphors, stories, scripts, and techniques.”—V. K. Kumar, PhD, professor, West Chester University of Pennsylvania. Paperback 160 pages | ISBN: 9780982357361 | Bk#7361 | $27.95 (p) Become the Dream The Transforming Power of Hypnotic Dreamwork, 2nd Edition Randal Churchill In this expanded and updated edition, the author introduces a revolutionary combination of therapies that brings Gestalt dreamwork together with hypnosis. This is a powerful and practical teaching tool for hypnotherapists, psychotherapists, counselors, Gestalt therapists, and dreamworkers. Hardcover 312 Pages | ISBN: 9780965621830 | Bk#1830 | $44.95 (p) Regression Hypnotherapy Transcripts of Transformation, Volume 1 Randal Churchill In this highly readable and responsible guide for beginning and experienced hypnotherapists and clinicians, theory is combined with actual transcripts, bringing the reader an inside look at a wide range of sessions in which the author demonstrates the remarkable potential of regression hypnotherapy. Hardcover 432 pages | ISBN:9780965621816 | Bk#1812 | $59.95 (p) Catharsis in Regression Hypnotherapy Transcripts of Transformation, Volume II Randal Churchill This volume explores issues and examples of working through exceptionally strong expressions of emotion. This volume combines theory with a generous series of transcripts of actual sessions, giving the reader a close-up view of a wide variety of issues and situations that demonstrate the remarkable potential of this work. Hardcover 448 pages | ISBN 9780965621823 | Bk#1823 | $59.95 (p) Call Toll-free 877-925-1213 • Mention Catalog #324 and SAVE 15% off any two items 19 CROWN HOUSE PUBLISHING HYPNOSIS / NLP BY STEPHEN R. LANKTON, MSW Tools of Intention: Strategies that Inspire Change This volume covers protocols of “self-image thinking” and “emanated image” interventions as well as three approaches to self hypnosis. Paperback 104 pages | ISBN: 9780982328804 | Bk#8804 | $16.95 (p) Tools of Intention: Strategies that Inspire Change, CD This audio CD covers the exercises discussed in the book. The author discusses the steps needed to retrieve and use personal resource experiences such as feelings, thoughts, or attitudes in practically any area of life. CD 45 minutes | ISBN: 9780982328811 | Bk#8811 | $16.95 (p) The Answer Within A Clinical Framework of Ericksonian Hypnotherapy Stephen R Lankton, MSW, and Carol Hicks Lankton, MA This text illuminates the genius of Milton H. Erickson and demonstrates how the principles that anchored his creativity can be incorporated into an effective therapeutic approach. Paperback 392 pages | ISBN: 9781845901219 | Bk#1219 | $49.95 (p) Enchantment and Intervention in Family Therapy Using Metaphor in Family Therapy Stephen R Lankton, MSW, and Carol Hicks Lankton, MA This book brings to life a uniquely thoughtful and practical synthesis to allow for the effective use of an Ericksonian approach that includes hypnosis, suggestion, paradox, and metaphor. Paperback 288 pages | ISBN: 9781845900830 | Bk#0830 | $32.95 (p) Practical Magic: A Translation of Basic Neuro-Linguistic Programming into Clinical Psychotherapy Stephen R Lankton, MSW A basic primer for understanding NLP. From the Foreword: “Constitutes an important part of my integration of several contemporary psychotherapies with the orientation taught me by Milton H. Erickson and the modeling practices used by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in their work.” Paperback 264 pages | ISBN: 9781904424116 | Bk#4112 | $31.95 (p) Techniques of Hypnotic Induction George Gafner Thsi book is about the induction and how to use them effectively in clinical practice. This book will guide both the beginning and experienced clinician in this most important stage of the hypnotic process. Paperback 150 pages | ISBN: 9781845902926 | Bk#2926 | $24.95 (p) 20 Order at and save even more (through 12/31/12) PSYCHOTHERAPY / HYPNOTHERAPY CROWN HOUSE PUBLISHING Expectation: The Very Brief Therapy Book Rubin Battino, MS It is the author’s contention that creating an environment where the client expects to change is the foundation of doing effective very brief therapy. The expectation that each session will be the last creates an impetus toward change that is vital in the therapeutic process. Each chapter offers specific approaches to support the possibility of very brief— and very effective — therapy. See also pages 23 and 29 for Rubin Battino’s other popular titles. Hardcover 208 pages | ISBN: 9781845900281 | Bk#0286 | $34.95 (p) Guided Imagery Psychotherapy and Healing through the Mind-Body Connection Rubin Battino, MS This book focuses on a healing technique that fully exploits the connection between mind and body. It also extends its analysis to other techniques, including psychotherapy-based methods and alternative therapies, and encourages a multimodal approach to healing. Paperback 394 pages | ISBN: 9781845900380 | Bk#0380 | $34.95 (p) C O M PA N I O N A U D I OTA P E Guided Imagery and Other Approaches to Healing This companion two-tape set contains guided imagery scripts. 113-minute program | ISBN: 9781899836598 | Bk#6594 | $21.95 (p) Ego State Therapy Gordon Emmerson, PhD What lies in the dark unconscious expanse of the psyche? What internal dynamic produces depression, panic attacks, and addiction? How can learning what is inside bring back the love and wonder of childhood? This innovative book presents the theory and practice of working with ego states, helping to understand them, recognize, and use them. Paperback 232 pages | ISBN: 9781845900793 | Bk#4007 | $31.95 (p) Eye Movement Integration Therapy The Comprehensive Clinical Guide Danie Beaulieu, PhD Eye Movement Integration Therapy (EMI) offers new hope to those who endure the often debilitating aftereffects of psychological trauma, from anxiety to depression, from sexual dysfunction to PTSD.This book presents the background and theoretical bases as well as detailed instructions for its clinical application. Hardcover 400 pages | ISBN: 9781904424154 | Bk#4155 | $69.95 (p) Call Toll-free 877-925-1213 • Mention Catalog #324 and SAVE 15% off any two items 21 CROWN HOUSE PUBLISHING HYPNOSIS / NLP Ericksonian Hypnosis Cards Jamie Smart Inspired by the great hypnotic language product called “Zebu cards,” this set of Ericksonian language cards is an invaluable tool for those wishing to learn the verbal magic of Milton H. Erickson, MD. Includes 52 casino-quality game cards with the patterns you will learn, examples of how to use them, and commentary about how and why these work. “At last, a replacement for Zebu! Jamie Smart has updated and improved the original idea and produced a pack that is quite simply the most elegant, enjoyable, and efficient way of teaching and learning language patterns.”—Changes Magazine 52-Card Pack | ISBN: 9781905045013 | Bk#5018 | $32.95 (p) Ericksonian Hypnosis Cards Unpacked, CD This CD will explain (unpack) for you the wisdom presented on the very successful Ericksonian Hypnosis Cards (Zebu Cards). It outlines all of the 52 powerful Hypnotic Language Patterns and demonstrates how to say them for maximum effect. CD 60 minutes | ISBN: 9781905045198 | Bk#5198 | $39.95 (p) The Hypnotic Language Masterclass CD Set This is an extremely comprehensive hypnosis Master class on the use of hypnotic language. In this program, you will hear Jamie working with a group of training delegates in a one day hypnotic language master class. 4-CD set | ISBN: 9781905045181 | Bk#5181 | $139.95 (p) The Secrets of Hypnosis CD Set Listening to these six CDs, you’re going to discover: How hypnosis works, 10 rapid inductions, the three barriers, the language of trance, nested loops and stacking realities, embedded commands, your most powerful hypnosis tool, utilization, conversational techniques, conscious/unconscious dissociation, self hypnosis, Ericksonian techniques, pattern interrupts, hypnotic metaphors, and more. 6-CD set | ISBN: 9781905045136 | Bk#5136 | $189.95 (p) NLP Coaching Cards Language patterns form the basis of NLP.The Meta-Model works on the following principle: People don’t experience reality directly, but rather through the maps of reality they create in their minds. This deck of 52 cards combines the Meta-Model questions with some of the most powerful coaching strategies that exist today. Each card contains an NLP pattern and commentary about how and why these work. 52-Card Deck | ISBN: 9781905045082 | Bk#5085 | $31.95 (p) NLP Coaching Cards Unpacked, CD This CD explains (or unpacks) the use of all 52 coaching questions from the highly successful NLP Coaching Cards (see above). CD 60 minutes | ISBN: 9781905045211 | Bk#5211 | $36.95 (p) NLP Belief Buster Cards This new card deck from Jamie Smart contains 52 language patterns and 52 belief-changing questions, and is an ideal way to learn “Sleight of Mouth” NLP patterns. The resulting patterns are presented in these cards alongside other valuable language structures for shifting beliefs conversationally. 52 Card Deck | ISBN: 9781905045204 | Bk#5204 | $36.95 (p) 22 Order at and save even more (through 12/31/12) HYPNOSIS / NLP CROWN HOUSE PUBLISHING Belief Busting with NLP Unpacked, CD When Jamie Smart “unpacks” a deck of cards, he is giving you a card by card analysis of the best way to use each phrase in the 52-card deck. This CD enhances the impact of the NLP Belief Buster Cards (page 40) as all of the language patterns and beliefchanging questions are explained in detail. It will allow you to learn the language patterns quickly and easily. CD 60 minutes | ISBN: 9781905045235 | Bk#5235 | $45.95 (p) NLP Techniques Masterclass CD Set This 8-CD set covers key NLP techniques and goes into them in great detail so that you can understand them and develop real confidence using them.The techniques covered include: The Fast Phobia Cure, The Meta Mirror, Change Personal History, The Allergy Cure, and Future Pacing. Also included are many ‘insider secrets’ for using NLP in ways that seem almost magical. 8-CD set | ISBN: 9781905045280 | Bk#5280 | $189.95 (p) Better Coaching Skills with NLP This 5-CD program contains everything you need to know about perfecting your coaching skills. In addition, it includes real-life examples for using NLP Coaching Cards and Ericksonian Hypnosis Cards in action. It’s all here, every technique and tool that Jamie Smart has used to become one of the best coaches anywhere. 5-CD set | ISBN: 9781905045174 | Bk#5174 | $199.95 (p) Irresistible Influence Cards The use of language is one of your most powerful persuasion tools and the influence it generates is your most valuable skill. Using these cards, you will discover just how quickly you can improve your skills. Influence is a master skill, and it’s at the heart of all successful communication, whether you’re selling an idea to your friends, or a six-figure deal to a blue-chip company. 52-Card Deck | ISBN: 9781905045020 | Bk#5026 | $34.95 (p) The Language of Influence, CD This 4-CD program will help you to take your persuasion and influence skills to a new level. You will come away with genuine skills to use in your communication. 4-CD set | ISBN: 9781905045150 | Bk#5150 | $139.95 (p) Metaphorically Speaking By listening to these CDs you will improve your existing language skills with an elegant, covert delivery system that will enable you to guide your audience effortlessly into flexible problem-solving. You will learn to create an instantly receptive state in your clients and put people at ease with your confident, able communication skills. 3-CD set | ISBN: 9781905045105 | Bk#5105 | $109.95 (p) Instant Wealth Cards People think you need money to make money, but what you really need is to think and act like a wealthy person. Each time you play with these cards, you’ll effortlessly absorb more of the beliefs, attitudes, and actions of the wealthy. 52-Card Deck | ISBN: 9781905045129 | Bk#5026 | $33.95 (p) Instant Happiness Cards Now available at a new ‘happier’ price, this deck of 52 easy-to-understand ideas can help bring happiness into every area of your life — your health, relationships, finances, work, and even your spiritual life. The more you play and understand the cards, the happier you will be! 52-Card Deck | ISBN: 9781905045099 | Bk#5026 | $14.95 (p) Call Toll-free 877-925-1213 • Mention Catalog #324 and SAVE 15% off any two items 23 CROWN HOUSE PUBLISHING HYPNOSIS / SPORT PSYCHOLOGY Sports Hypnosis in Practice: Scripts, Strategies and Case Examples Joseph Tramontana, PhD This book offers new strategies and scripts for hypnotherapists, sports counselors, and sports psychologists working with athletes to help them achieve their peak performance. A major focus of the book is that the therapist does not necessarily need to be familiar with the sport or activity to serve as a “mental coach” to the athlete. The goal is to help them to relax, concentrate, and focus so that they fulfill their maximum potential. They learn how not to let the mental side of their game trip up the physical side, but rather to enhance it. Also includes a number of case studies from a variety of sports where the author has worked successfully with athletes and a section on marketing your practice and getting referrals.. In the case studies, the author notes how surprised he was to learn that many clients have a vivid memory of the techniques he taught them Paperback 200 pages | ISBN: 9781845906795 | Bk#6795 | $33.95 (p) Winning the Mind Game Using Hypnosis in Sport Psychology John H. Edgette, PsyD & Tim Rowan, MSW This volume contains a wide range of advanced hypnotic interventions that allow the therapeutic techniques to be adopted and used with athletes.This is an excellent resource for anyone currently using hypnotherapy in their clinical practice and who wishes to expand into sport psychology. Paperback 174 pages | ISBN: 9781904424024 | Bk#4023 | $31.95 (p) Sporting Excellence Optimising Sports Performance Using NLP Ted Garratt This volume provides a thorough program of training that comprehensively covers physical preparation, and introduces a fresh approach to mental readiness. Paperback 208 pages | ISBN: 9781899836260 | Bk#6268 | $28.95 (p) Golf: Lower Your Score with Mental Training Tom Saunders, MD Offers the avid golfer scientifically tested ways to perform better at golf. It explains a quick and effective method for producing great flows of golf, exploring peak performance feelings, and avoiding pitfalls and negative thinking.The free CD includes many innovative performance builders. Paperback with CD 224 pages | ISBN: 9781904424536 | Bk#4538 | $27.95 (t) 24 Order at and save even more (through 12/31/12) PSYCHOTHERAPY / SELF-HYPNOSIS CROWN HOUSE PUBLISHING Treating Stress and Anxiety A Practitioner’s Guide to Evidence-Based Approaches Lillian Nejad, PhD, and Katerina Volny, BSc This volume presents a myriad of evidence-based techniques to help adults reduce stress and anxiety. The workbook format reflects the applications’ perspective, and the companion CD puts reproducible handouts and worksheets for clients at the clinician’s fingertips. Paperback with CD-Rom 200 pages | ISBN: 9781845900779 | Bk#0779 | $49.95 (p) Relaxation Techniques Reduce Stress and Anxiety and Enhance Well-being Lillian Nejad, PhD, and Katerina Volny, BSc This is a resource that may be experienced alone or in conjunction with psychotherapy, and when practiced regularly the exercises can help the listener to overcome stress and anxiety and pave the way for a healthier, more joyful lifestyle. Exercises include: Abdominal breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, beach visualization, forest visualization, coping induction, walking relaxation, and brief relaxation. CD 70 minutes | ISBN: 9781845900786 | Bk#0786 | $14.95 (p) Stress Free Surgery A Self Relaxation Program to Help You Prepare for and Recover from Surgery Linda Thomson, PhD This CD program has everything patients need in order to prepare for — and then recover from — surgical procedures. Research offers clear evidence that patients who are psychologically prepared for surgery experience vastly improved outcomes. Self-relaxation, when used in addition to anesthesia, can decrease anxiety and pain, as well as hasten healing. 2-CD Set | ISBN: 9781845900731 | Bk#0731 | $24.95 (t) The Ultimate Power Nap for Rapid Rest and Renewal Carol Ginandes, PhD This is an easy-to-use program, which teaches the listener how to take brief, effortless but deeply restorative naps and also how to awaken on time feeling alert and replenished. The “power napping” approach presented here can be beneficial for everyone but may be of particular benefit to those who are, not getting enough restorative sleep at night, jet lagged from traveling between time zones, fatigued from driving long distances, and more. 2-CD Set | 45 minutes | ISBN:9780982357378 | Bk#7378 | $24.95 (t) MP3 Download now available. Now you can listen on your iPod or MP3 player over and over again. Go to our website to download this program automatically. MP3 Download | ISBN: 9780982357385 | Bk#7385 | $14.95 (x) Call Toll-free 877-925-1213 • Mention Catalog #324 and SAVE 15% off any two items 25 CROWN HOUSE PUBLISHING SELF-HYPNOSIS / RELAXATION CD PROGRAMS for relaxation and learning A selection of CDs designed to help you relax in specific situations and a variety of settings. Discover Your Learning Genius Judith Pearson, PhD & Oscar Rodriquez Based on NLP and Ericksonian hypnosis, this program utilizes stories, analogies, metaphors, and guided imagery to involve the listener in a hypnotic process that stimulates imagination and intuitive learning. It is designed to enhance learning skills such as concentration, retention, problem-solving, and test-taking. Dual induction deepens trance, increases suggestibility, and intensifies the effects of hypnosis for a unique experience. This CD is ideal for adults, high school, and college students wishing to improve their knowledge retention. CD 30 minutes | ISBN: 9781607025443 Bk#5443 | $24.95 (p) Music for Hypnosis Nick Kemp This instrumental CD from Nick Kemp is designed to be used as a backdrop for deep trance hypnosis, and is also an excellent CD for deep relaxation. It contains six tracks including new sonically improved and remixed versions of “Ascending” and “Moving Ahead.” CD 35 min. | ISBN: 9780955110467 | Bk#0467 | $31.95 (p) Deep Trance Music Nick Kemp Deep Trance Music is an instrumental program that provides deeply hypnotic musical soundscapes for deep relaxation, enhanced well being, altered state progressions, and deep hypnosis. CD 45 min. | ISBN: 9780954599355 | Bk#9357 | $29.95 (p) Sleeping Soundly Enhancing Your Ability to Sleep Well Using Hypnosis Michael Yapko, PhD Many different medical and emotional factors can cause or exacerbate sleep difficulties, but one of the most common is the “spinning around and around” of anxiety-producing thoughts, a stressful pattern called “rumination.” On this CD, the specially structured hypnosis session can help reduce rumination, help you fall asleep more easily, and help restore healthy sleep patterns. CD Approx. 35 min. | ISBN: 9780965667241 | Bk#7243 | $21.95 (x) Managing Pain with Clinical Hypnosis Michael Yapko, PhD This CD program provides two clinical hypnosis sessions designed to help reduce the suffering associated with painful conditions. In these two separate but related clinical sessions, the listener is guided through the experience of hypnosis and taught the basic skills for effective hypnotic pain relief. CD Approx. 1 hour | ISBN: 9780965667234 | Bk#7235 | $21.95 (x) 26 Order at and save even more (through 12/31/12) PERSONAL GROWTH / SELF-HELP CROWN HOUSE PUBLISHING Kick the Drink . . . Easily! Jason Vale Jason Vale takes an honest and hard hitting look at people’s conceptions of our most widely consumed drug. This book is much more than a simple eye opener, it will change the way you see alcohol forever, show you how to stop drinking, and help you enjoy your life so much more than you do now without having to drink alcohol. Paperback 308 pages | ISBN: 9781845903909 | Bk#3909 | $18.95 (t) Clean Language: Revealing Metaphors and Opening Minds Wendy Sullivan and Judy Rees Clean Language was first developed in the 1980s by psychotherapist David Grove. The approach he devised was based on a new type of questioning (and listening) that was rooted in honoring the client’s language rather than paraphrasing it.There are just a dozen key ‘clean’ questions, and when combined with the words offered by the person being questioned, they become part of a flexible, multipurpose toolkit. It’s as natural as “clean” language. Paperback 240 pages | ISBN: 9781845901257 | Bk#1257 | $34.95 (p) Metaphors in Mind Transformation through Symbolic Modelling James Lawley and Penny Tompkins Metaphors in Mind describes how to give individuals an opportunity to discover how their symbolic perceptions are organized, what needs to happen for these to change, and how they can develop as a result. Based on David Grove’s use of Clean Language, this book covers the theory of metaphor, self-organizing systems and symbolic modelling. Paperback 336 pages | ISBN: 9780953875108 | Bk#5105 | $37.95 (p) A Strange and Strong Sensation Symbolic Modelling, Change with Metaphor Penny Tompkins and James Lawley Companion DVD Available This training video contains a complete sympbolic modelling session with onscreen annotations. Shows you how Clean Language can be effectively used with a client. DVD 108 minutes | ISBN: 9780953875122 | Bk#5121 | $49.95 (p) Healing Language: A guide for physicians, dentists, nurses, psychologists, social workers, and counselors Rubin Battino, MS Words can harm or charm, hurt or heal. This is a book about the conscious use of words for healing, for helping others to feel good about themselves, and to provide hope to those who are troubled. It is designed to help you refine your use of language and remove negative words and phrases and replace them with only positive ones. In essence, the use of healing language is all about changing the perspective of the listener, reframing it from negative to positive, from despair to hope. Paperback 226 pages | ISBN: 9780578075341 | Bk#5341 | $19.95 (x) Call Toll-free 877-925-1213 • Mention Catalog #324 and SAVE 15% off any two items 27 CROWN HOUSE PUBLISHING PERSONAL GROWTH / SELF-HELP Why Do I Keep Doing This!!? End Bad Habits, Negativity and Stress with Self-Hypnosis and NLP Just Publis hed Judith E. Pearson, PhD Through the use of an easy, self-help method, even the most frustrated individuals are able to overcome their worst habits. So what is it that prevents people from doing what they sincerely want to do? It boils down to the fact that people simply aren’t skilled enough in managing their minds. When you try to break a habit, your brain sends out signals of alarm and discomfort. Using selfhypnosis and NLP, you can overcome this by relaxing and quieting the mind’s chatter, which will help you to ultimately access the qualities and strengths that you already possess. The concepts and mechanisms of hypnosis and the principles of NLP make for an effective approach to mastering self-hypnosis. Part I covers basic information about hypnosis and NLP and you will learn easy methods for going into a relaxation state (trance), visualizing results, giving yourself suggestions, and coming out of a trance. The CD that comes with the book features a self-hypnosis trance training that guides you through various methods of trance induction. Part II includes 16 self-hypnosis applications to end bad habits and addictions such as smoking, overeating, insomnia, procrastination, emotional difficulties, sleep problems, pain management, and much more. Paperback w/CD 286 pages | ISBN: 9781845907327 | Bk#7327 | $27.95(t) I Have a Voice: How to Stop Stuttering Bob G. Bodenhamer, DMin In this ground-breaking volume, the author details a completely new approach to treating this debilitating condition. It explains both the structure of stuttering and blocking and provides the cognitive tools for gaining more fluency. From identifying the origins of stuttering, through teaching how to think differently in working with stress, the author provides a unique approach to achieving more fluency. Paperback 208 pages | ISBN: 9781845907273 | Bk#7273 | $29.95 (p) Bi-Polar Girl: An Irreverent Look at Bipolar Disorder Gabrielle Blackman-Sheppard Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness, is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels and the ability to carry out dayto-day tasks. Symptoms of bipolar disorder are severe but Bipolar Disorder can be treated and people with this illness can lead full and productive lives. Paperback 176 pages | ISBN: 9781845904463 | Bk#4463 | $24.95 (t) The Miracle Question: Answer It and Change Your Life Linda Metcalf, PhD How would a miracle change your life? The Miracle Question is a step-by-step approach for people who feel “stuck” and overwhelmed by their lives. By understanding how our day-to-day problems have eroded our confidence, we can rediscover our innate abilities and use them to create solutions and rekindle growth. Paperback 162 pages | ISBN: 9781845900403 | Bk#0403 | $19.95 (t) 28 Order at and save even more (through 12/31/12) PERSONAL GROWTH / SELF-HELP CROWN HOUSE PUBLISHING Water off a Duck’s Back: How to deal with frustrating situations, awkward, exasperating or manipulative people, and keep smiling Jon Lavelle This book will show you how to keep your head while others all around you are losing theirs. Jon Lavelle’s recipe for a calmer, more fulfilled, and rewarding life is just what is needed in our hectic and pressured world. You can only go away after reading this with a smile on your face, and a spring in your step. Paperback 306 pages | ISBN: 9780955956409 | Bk#6409 | $27.95 (p) Get Off the Sofa A prescription for a healthier life Andrew Curran This volume explores how each body part functions, how to look after it, and how to wreck it.The author’s advice on how to look after your body is surprisingly simple. The facts about what will happen if we continue to wreck our health are horrifying. This is a book about getting healthy and staying healthy for life! Paperback 146 pages | ISBN:9781845904456 | Bk#4456 | $21.95 (t) Improve Your Eyesight Naturally: See Results Quickly Leo Angart This is an updated edition of this widely popular book based on the author’s “Vision Training” workshops held around the world, which details strategies designed to improve your eyesight by literally exercising your ability to see. The author’s approach is very specific and targets each degree of vision problem. He explains how you can tone your eye muscles, release tension, and build up energy in order to regain your natural eyesight. Paperback 240 pages | ISBN: 9781845908010 | Bk#8010 | $27.95 (p) 101 Days to Make a Change: Daily strategies to move from knowing to being Roy Leighton, Emma Kilbey and Kristina Bill This program will give you rigorous tools in order to truly understand what makes you who you are, so you can plan for your best future, both personally and professionally. You’ll be led by clear and practical steps to uncover your drives and motivation and identify your attitude to learning and change. Armed with these valuable insights your confidence will increase and your stress levels will be reduced while you develop new skills and start achieving firm goals. Hardcover 160 pages | ISBN: 9781845906788 | Bk#6788 | $18.95 (p) The Funky Fresh Juice Book Jason Vale Juice Master to the stars and number one best-selling author Jason Vale has squeezed over 101 funky ‘n’ fresh juice and smoothie recipes into this latest book. There’s something for everyone from Gym Bunnies to a Kids Corner, as well as a Dr. Juice section covering various health conditions and giving specific juices and smoothies for high blood pressure, asthma, hay fever, psoriasis, arthritis, diabetes, digestion, and much, much more. Hardcover 272 pages | ISBN: 9780954766412 | Bk#6412 | $39.95 (t) Call Toll-free 877-925-1213 • Mention Catalog #324 and SAVE 15% off any two items 29 CROWN HOUSE PUBLISHING COUPLES / SEX THERAPY Working with Couples: Successful Approaches to Challenging Cases Marty Klein, PhD Working with couples can be a rich experience, but it often includes repetitive battling with clients; their complaints that you favor one of them; the sense of being watched and judged; and, ultimately, unnecessary treatment failures. Now in this fourhour program, Marty Klein, PhD, identifies and challenges some of therapists’ most common beliefs that impede clinical effectiveness. You will learn the inaccurate assumptions behind many clinical models, how to use the experience of being triangulated by your clients, and tools to make couples therapy more robust. 4-CD program, 4 hours | ISBN: 9780970452689 Bk#2689 | $39.95 (p) Power, Anger, Trust, & Communication Marty Klein, PhD This five-hour program will help you deal with clients who are passive–aggressive, break agreements, or withhold sex. Dr. Klein will show you how to work more effectively with couples who refuse to compromise, partners who lie or keep secrets, and relationships that lack the good will needed for negotiations and self-soothing. In addition, you will learn when ‘better communication’ can make things worse. 5-CD program, 5 hours | ISBN: 9780970452610 Bk#2610 | $39.95 (p) Love, Sex, & Intimacy: Working More Effectively with Individuals and Couples Marty Klein, PhD Everyone has opinions about love, sex, and relationships — and this poses a special challenge for therapists.What do we know about love, intimacy, and sex, and the relationship between them? How can we help clients overcome the destructive myths that the media continually throws at them? How can therapists recognize and minimize these influences on our work? Dr. Klein discusses the various beliefs that therapists have and presents creative ways of thinking about decision making, so the clinician can better help clients change. 2-CD program, 2 hours | ISBN: 9780970452665 Bk#2665 | $19.95 (p) Diagnosis & Treatment of Sexual Issues Marty Klein, PhD Therapists face clients with sexual problems almost daily. Issues such as affairs, low desire, unreliable orgasms, sexual side effects of drugs, and guilt about childhood experience and erotic experiences all add to marital and couple conflict. Whether through sexual desire conflicts, chronic dissatisfaction, or affairs, sexual issues are part of every therapist’s practice. This five-hour program offers a compelling, positive model of sexuality that challenges clients’ self-disempowerment and sees society’s negative attitude toward sex as a source of psycho–sexual pathology, and confronts ways in which psychotherapy and medicine misunderstand or even demonize sexuality. 5-CD program, 5 hours | ISBN: 9780970452603 Bk#2603 | $39.95 (p) About the Author: Marty Klein, PhD, has been a licensed marriage & family therapist and cer- tified sex therapist for 31 years. His aim for his entire career has been toward a single set of goals: telling the truth about sexuality, helping people feel sexually adequate and powerful, and supporting the healthy sexual expression and exploration of women and men. He has authored over 100 articles and six books. These audio programs have been selected as some of his best lectures. 30 Order at and save even more (through 12/31/12) COUPLES / SEX THERAPY CROWN HOUSE PUBLISHING Male Sexuality: From Virginity to Viagra Marty Klein, PhD Working with men present unique challenges, and opportunities. This CD program provides plenty of material to help you work effectively with male sexuality issues. In this fast-paced, humor laden seminar, the author articulates and then addresses the common issues every therapist faces in male sexuality including: How does sexuality change as men age?; When is an erection problem but a problem?; Sexual side effects of prescription drugs; Myths men (and therapists) believe about sex; Masturbation and pornography; and much more. Also covers today’s common erection drugs and reactions to them. 2-CD program, 2 hours | ISBN: 9780970452641 | Bk#2641 | $19.95 (p) Existential Issues in Psychotherapy & Couples Counseling Marty Klein, PhD This CD program discusses the major existential issues that face all clients: isolation; powerlessness; responsibility; death, and the desire for meaning. It will help you see the issues behind clients’ issues; the ways clients defend themselves from facing difficult trusts; why couples insist on keeping past hurts alive; how and why therapists often collude with client resistance, and how to challenge clients more deeply. 2-CD program, 3 hours | ISBN: 9780970452658 | Bk#2658 | $19.95 (p) Intakes & First Sessions: Doing a First Hour So There’s a Second hour Marty Klein, PhD In therapy the main goal in the first client session…is to have a second session! Early sessions are about figuring out what information we need to gather in order to understand the client. Depending on what answers we get, we can generate more questions and create a tentative treatment plan at the same time. But, we must provide the reflection, challenges, and relationship the client or couple seems to need while at the same time, not scaring them away. This practical seminar will help you create that elusive “therapeutic alliance” every clinician wants so much. 4-CD program, 4 hours | ISBN: 9780970452696 | Bk#2696 | $39.95 (p) Sex & Love at Midlife It’s Better than Ever Bernie Zilbergeld, PhD and George Zilbergeld, PhD Replete with stories and anecdotes that present a variety of tools and techniques to help us all develop the kind of openness we desire, Dr. Zilbergeld honestly tell us why age is no barrier to a better and more rewarding sex life.Meticulously researched, based on 145 interviews with men and women, ages 45 to 87, Dr. Zilbergeld presents evidence that a good number of men and women are having great sex in both their long- and short-term relationships. Don’t just complain about your love life, get started today to make it better than ever! Paperback 322 Pages | ISBN: 9780982357392 | Bk#7392 | $16.95 (t) Call Toll-free 877-925-1213 • Mention Catalog #324 and SAVE 15% off any two items 31 METAPHORS CROWN HOUSE PUBLISHING The Magic of Metaphor 77 Stories for Teachers, Trainers & Thinkers Nick Owen Presents a collection of powerful stories that supply a wealth of advice and information on the art of metaphor-creating and storytelling. Paperback 256 pages | ISBN: 9781899836703 | Bk#6705 | $34.95 (p) The Magic of Metaphor Audiobook Stories for Teachers, Trainers & Thinkers Nick Owen This CD set presents a collection of over 40 stories designed to engage, inspire, and transform the listener. All promote positive feelings, encouraging confidence, direction, and vision. 2 CD set: 2 hours | ISBN: 9781845904050 | Bk#4050 | $37.95 (p) More Magic of Metaphor Stories for Leaders, Influencers and Motivators Nick Owen This companion volume explores the power of storytelling with a particular emphasis on leadership in the very broadest sense of the word. The 60 stories in this volume offer inspiration, inner knowledge, and wisdom as their themes. A “must have” companion volume to The Magic of Metaphor. Paperback 368 pages | ISBN: 9781904424413 | Bk#4414 | $31.95 (p) Magic of Modern Metaphor: Walking with the Stars David Hodgson A wonderful collection of stories for teachers, trainers, parents, and thinkers who share ancient wisdom through stories told in a modern relationship between grandson and grandfather. These warm, funny, and inspiring stories can be read individually, one at a time, or as a whole book by both children and adults. Paperback 208 Pages | ISBN: 9781845903947 | Bk#3947 | $34.95 (p) Metaphoria: Metaphor and Guided Imagery for Psychotherapy and Healing Rubin Battino This guide presents a systematic analysis of the effectiveness of it, and examines the structure of a metaphor — from its essential elements to its optional components; the delivery of a metaphor from communication skills to the art of effective storytelling; and what makes metaphor work, with examples of poor and good usage. Paperback 376 pages | ISBN: 9781904424925 | Bk#4929 | $44.95 (p) The Power of Metaphor Story Telling & Guided Journeys for Teachers, Trainers & Therapists Michael Berman & David Brown This book combines the power of metaphor and the dynamics of storytelling and promotes a deep understanding of the uses of metaphor in therapy. Packed with original stories and visualizations, this is a must-buy resource for teachers, trainers, and therapists. Paperback 216 pages | ISBN: 9781899836437 | Bk#6438 | $26.95 (p) 32 Order at and save even more (through 12/31/12) PERSONAL GROWTH CROWN HOUSE PUBLISHING CD PROGRAMS BY BILL O’HANLON Bill O’Hanlon, MS, is a licensed mental health professional, certified professional counselor, and a licensed marriage and family therapist. He is one of the developers of solution-oriented therapy, and the founder of possibility and inclusive therapies. He has given over two thousand seminars or workshops around the world. Meetings with a Remarkable Man Personal Tales of Milton H. Erickson From his very first encounter with Milton Erickson to his apprenticeship as his gardener, Bill O’Hanlon’s narrative is both personal and informative. He explains how Dr. Erickson’s life story impacted significantly on how he practiced his therapy and how he had the uncanny knack of knowing, in advance, exactly what a person was looking for. Listening to these tales will both delight and educate you. CD 50 minutes | ISBN: 9780982357309 | BK#7309 | $17.50 (p) Let Your Soul Be Your Pilot Finding Your Direction in Life Feeling sick, lost, or off course? This audio program, which is filled with engaging stories and clear guidelines, will help you reconnect with your soul’s passion and energy and help you navigate your way through the chaos of the world. You will learn to recognize and use the four soul signals that can tell you what to do and where to go, and that, in the end, will lead you to the life you are meant to lead. CD 45 minutes | ISBN: 9780982357316 | BK#7316 | $17.50 (p) Calm Beneath the Waves Help relieve panic, anxiety and desperation We all get stuck in a rut sometimes. If you are looking for relief from panic, anxiety, hopelessness, or desperation, this audio program will help you find immediate and long-term relief and comfort, and even provide you with new possibilities for how to handle these feelings. CD 40 minutes | ISBN: 9780982357323 | BK#7323 | $17.50 (p) Beside Yourself with Comfort Hypnotic Help for Chronic or Acute Pain Relief Sometimes life can be a pain in the neck, but if you suffer from acute chronic physical pain it can make your life even more miserable. This relaxation program can help by providing immediate relief. CD 30 minutes | ISBN: 9780982357330 | BK#7330 | $17.50 (p) Keep Your Feet Moving Favorite Teaching and Healing Tales This collection of stories includes some of Bill’s favorite teaching and healing stores gleaned from his hundreds of lectures presented worldwide. Through the use of humor and emotional engagement to validate his lessons, he gets you to laugh, and, more importantly, to change your attitude in a most effortless way. CD 45 minutes | ISBN: 9780982357347 | BK#7347 | $17.50 (p) Moving On Two Healing Trances for Resolving Sexual Abuse Issues This audio program is designed for sexual abuse survivors. It is empowering and permissive and is designed to help listeners reclaim their lives and to move on to a more vibrant future. The approach is solution-oriented and involves focusing on the future. CD 1 hour | ISBN: 9780982357354 | BK#7354 | $17.50 (p) Call Toll-free 877-925-1213 • Mention Catalog #324 and SAVE 15% off any two items 33 CROWN HOUSE PUBLISHING NLP / NEUROLINGUISTICS Systemic Coaching: Coaching the Whole Person with Meta-Coaching Just Publis hed Michael Hall Systemic Coaching enables a professional coach to discover what it means to think and work systemically. It describes how to use the Matrix Model as a systems model and to “follow a client’s energy through his or her system.” In this work, you’ll learn the key variables in the human mind–body–emotion system, and how to distinguish the causes from symptoms, how to recognize the information–in/energy–out loops, and much more. Paperback 290 pages | ISBN: 9781890001421 | BK# 1421 | $34.95 (p) Meta States: Mastering the Higher Levels of Your Mind Michael Hall This new edition of Meta-States takes you on a journey to the theoretical background, understandings, and constructions of the Meta-States model. The aim is to fully locate Meta-States in the field of the cognitive–behavioral sciences as it establishes the emergent field of Neuro-Semantics. The Meta-States Model opened up a new dimension to NLP and launched the field of Neuro-Semantics. It is likely that this work will open up an entirely new domain in NLP and offer a new synthesis between NLP and General Semantics. Paperback 402 pages | ISBN: 9781890001414 | Bk#1414 | $34.95 (p) The User’s Manual for The Brain, Volume I The Complete Manual for Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner Certification Bob G Bodenhamer, DMin & L Michael Hall, PhD The comprehensive NLP practitioner course manual contains the very latest in neuro-linguistic programming, particularly with regard to the Meta-States Model and the Meta-Model of Language. For everyone embarking on practitioner training, this book is your essential companion. Hardcover 424 pages | ISBN: 9781899836321 | Bk#6322 | $59.95 (p) The User’s Manual for The Brain, Volume II Mastering Systemic NLP Bob G Bodenhamer, DMin & L Michael Hall, PhD Following Volume I, this is the most comprehensive manual published to date covering the NLP master practitioner course. The authors introduce some of the newer advancements in the field and invite you to go beyond the practitioner level and on to the master’s level where you will not only understand NLP, but you will be able to develop the depth of NLP. Packed with case studies, seminar demonstrations, discussions, and trances, this volume will enable practitioners to develop an attitude and spirit that allows them to apply the NLP model powerfully. Hardcover | 480 pages | ISBN: 9781899836888 | Bk#6888 | $59.95 (p) The User’s Manual for the Brain (PowerPoint® Overheads CD) This set of PowerPoint® overheads is designed as a teaching tool that summarizes Volume 1 of The User’s Manual for the Brain. Has over 200 pages of slides, making this an ideal resource for NLP trainers using this volume as the basis for their training. Dual format CD PC/Macintosh | ISBN: 9781899836512 | Bk#6519 | $139.95 (p) 34 Order at and save even more (through 12/31/12) NLP / NEUROLINGUISTICS CROWN HOUSE PUBLISHING CROWN HOUSE PUBLISHING The Really Good Fun Cartoon Book of NLP A simple and graphic(al) explanation of the toolbox that is NLP Philip Miller The Really Good Fun Cartoon Book of NLP seeks to cut through all the complexity by using simple language along with amusing illustrations to get across the principles and concepts of NLP. It shows how people can think about using these concepts in their everyday lives to identify and reach their goals. “A terrific book for anyone curious to find out what ‘NLP’ is all about. The text is easy to read and the anecdotes and cartoons are a great way to reinforce the learning.”—Romilla Ready, co-author of Neurolinguistic Programming for Dummies® Paperback 158 pages illustrated | ISBN: 9781845901158 | Bk#1158 | $18.95 (t) Mindworks An Introduction to NLP: The secrets of your mind revealed Anné Linden Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques have shown themselves to be effective and enduring. Based on the idea that the mind is a sort of computer, NLP assumes that our language (verbal and body) is the programming that allows us to change our thoughts and to influence others. Mindworks introduces the concepts and applications of NLP, describing how to reprogram thoughts, gain control over fears, and fulfill all of those dreams that have been dormant for too long. Paperback 288 pages | ISBN: 9781845900861 | Bk#0861 | $27.95 (t) The Sourcebook of Magic: A Comprehensive Guide to the Technology of NLP, 2nd Edition L. Michael Hall, PhD Rediscover the basic 77 NLP patterns for transformational magic. This edition streamlines the patterns so that they are even more succinct and offers new insights about how the patterns work, that is, the cognitive-behavioral mechanisms that make the neuro-linguistic and neurosemantic approach so powerful. Paperback 410 pages | ISBN: 9781904424253 | Bk#4252 | $31.95 (t) Understanding NLP: Principles and Practice, 2nd Edition Peter Young This revised edition unites the many strands of NLP. By using an elegant paradigm, which the author calls the “Six Perceptual Positions” model, this book opens a doorway into a more imaginative and coherent way of understanding and using NLP. It provides numerous examples of the paradigm in practice, and traces back many NLP concepts to their origins. Paperback 360 pages | ISBN: 9781904424109 | Bk#4104 | $31.95 (p) Patterns for Renewing the Mind Christian Communicating & Counseling Using NLP Bobby G. Bodenhamer, DMin and L. Michael Hall, PhD This volume offers pastors, counselors, Christian coaches, and consultants effective tools for renewing the mind, transforming personality, and increasing persuasiveness. Viewing NLP as just a set of tools, the authors offer a way of using the valuable facets of NLP. Paperback 244 pages | ISBN: 9781890001308 | Bk#1308 | $37.95 (p) Call Toll-free 877-925-1213 • Mention Catalog #324 and SAVE 15% off any two items 35 CROWN HOUSE PUBLISHING NLP FOR PARENTS & EDUCATORS Happy Kids Happy You: Using NLP to bring out the best in ourselves and the children we care for Sue Beever Happy Kids Happy You has a unique approach to parenting, giving parents practical NLP-based methods to enable them to develop their own solutions to challenging situations.There is no “right answer,” only what works for you and your family.This book gives parents methods they can own — a toolkit of methods flexible enough to cover all situations. It focuses equally on the needs of the parent as well as the child and explains to parents how NLP-based practices make a profound and beneficial impact on family life. Paperback 256 pages | ISBN: 9781845901288 | Bk#1288 | $24.95 (p) NLP for Teachers How to be a highly effective teacher Richard Churches and Roger Terry NLP for Teachers covers a wide range of practical tools that will enhance your interpersonal effectiveness and classroom delivery. Neurolinguistic programming (NLP) is an established set of principles for teaching learning and personal development. This book explores the core principles of NLP and how they can be applied in an educational setting. All Grades | 200 pages, Paperback | ISBN 9781845900632 | Bk#0632 | $36.95 (p) The NLP Toolkit Activities and Strategies for Teachers, Trainers and Leaders Roger Terry and Richard Churches The NLP Toolkit, designed for grades 1-12, is packed with easy to use tools, activities, and techniques for use in the classroom and other educational settings. It provides a comprehensive package that shows how the use of NLP techniques can improve all aspects of learning and teaching for you and your students.This volume will give you practical ‘how to’ ideas to develop your own ways of working with children to develop their emotional and social skills. Paperback 296 pages | ISBN: 9781845901387 | Bk#1387 | $45.95 (p) Making Your Words Work: Using NLP to Improve Communication, Learning & Behaviour Terry Mahony Provides a robust rationale for the causes of anxiety and dysfunctional behavior, which is especially relevant in situations where students are a potentially disruptive influence. The skills and behavior management strategies in this book will promote learning, improve relationships with students, and result in a happier, more productive classroom. Paperback 216 pages | ISBN: 9781845900410 | Bk#0410 | $27.95 (p) Mind Lines: Lines for Changing Minds L. Michael Hall, PhD This bestselling book introduces you to the magic of language, to the magic of persuasion, and to the magic of changing and transforming beliefs. We use language to create and set the meaning frames that control our thoughts.To change, we need new lines and we need new frames Paperback 356 pages | ISBN: 9781890001155 | Bk#1155 | $36.95 (p) 36 Order at and save even more (through 12/31/12) HOME STUDY PROGRAMS CROWN HOUSE PUBLISHING These programs, recorded at a live workshop, are produced by the Institute for the Advancement of Human Behavior (IAHB), which has been approved to offer CE/CME for various agencies. For a complete list of agencies that accept the programs, go to or call (650) 851-8411. Each program includes a CD with all handouts, tests, and instructions in PDF format. Earn up to 13 credits Feeling Good Now: New Rapid Recovery Techniques for Depression and Low Self-Esteem with David Burns, MD (13 CE/CME credits) In this program, Dr. Burns describes four powerful models for treating depression and increasing self-esteem: the Motivational Model, the Cognitive Model, the Behavioral Model, and the Interpersonal Model, and illustrates how to bring these models to life for patients suffering from mood disorders, including bipolar disorder. The skillful integration of these four approaches often results in extremely rapid recovery. In fact, many patients who used to require months of intensive therapy can now be helped in just a handful of sessions, and will often respond in a single session. CD version | ISBN: 9780984069408 | Bk#9408 | $149.00 (x) “Scared Stiff!” Fast, Effective Treatment for Anxiety Disorders with David Burns, MD (13 CE/CME credits) Dr. Burns describes three powerful models for the treatment of anxiety disorders: The Cognitive Model, the Behavioral Model, and the Hidden Emotion Model. He emphasizes that the purpose of therapy is to “fail as fast as you can” with individual techniques, so you can find the most effective technique for each patient as quickly as possible. He shows how to create a warm, vibrant, collaborative relationship and develop a systematic, individualized treatment plan that targets each person’s needs. CD Version | ISBN: 9780975515969 | Bk#5969 | $149.00 (x) “. . . And It’s All Your Fault!” How to Overcome Anger and Interpersonal Conflict with David Burns, MD (13 CE/CME credits) Cognitive Interpersonal Therapy (CIT) is a new treatment developed by Dr. Burns to help patients deal with anger, resolve conflicts, and develop more satisfying relationships.You will learn this basic, flexible approach which can be used to treat patients with a wide variety of relationship conflicts. You will also learn strategies for dealing with angry patients who blame others and resist change, as well as paradoxical methods to boost motivation and empower the patient. CD Version | ISBN: 9780975515976 | Bk#5977 | $149.00 (x) Reconsidering Trauma: Treatment Advances, Relational Issues and Mindfulness in Integrated Trauma Therapy with John Briere, PhD (12 CE/CME credits) This workshop provides cutting-edge, directly applicable, information on the integration of cognitive-behavioral, attachment/relational, and biological approaches to trauma. Presented here is new material that formally integrates Buddhist philosophy and empirically-based mindfulness with effective treatment. Also included is new information on interview-based assessment, cross-cultural issues, psychosis, stress reduction training, clinical “counter-activation,” and the neurobiology and psychopharmacology of trauma. CD Version | ISBN: 9780976466871 | Bk#6871 | $149.00 (x) Call Toll-free 877-925-1213 • Mention Catalog #324 and SAVE 15% off any two items 37 CROWN HOUSE PUBLISHING HOME STUDY PROGRAMS Stop Walking on Eggshells Therapy with Reactive, Explosive, Indulged and Other Difficult Adolescents with Janet Edgette, PsyD (6 CE/CME credits) Here’s how to work with teenagers who may have little interest in discussing their “problems” and how to hold them accountable for their actions without fracturing the therapeutic relationship. Also covers working collaboratively with parents, teachers, and other third parties. CD Version | ISBN: 9780976466802 | Bk#6805 | $79.00 (x) When Push Comes to Shove Advances in the Treatment of Domestic Violence with David Wexler, PhD (7 CE/CME credits) Using case examples, Dr. Wexler demonstrates how to recognize the potential for violence, assist victims to reveal violent patterns, intervene when violence occurs, and employ prevention strategies. Meets the Domestic Violence requirement for California psychologists, MFTs, counselors, and social workers. CD Version | ISBN: 9780975515983 | Bk#5985 | $89.00 (x) Comprehensive Treatment of Children and Adolescents with Bipolar Disorder with Kiki Chang, MD (6 CE/CME credits) This workshop considers recent advances in the diagnosis and treatment of bipolar disorders in children and adolescents. Discusses how to make a proper diagnosis, medication options, and products currently available or in development. The program focuses on concrete psychotherapeutic and educational interventions, and treatment of co-morbid conditions. CD Version | ISBN: 9780976466864 | Bk#6864 | $79.00 (x) Titan’s Fire: Integrated Care and Empowerment for Adults in the Bipolar Spectrum with Michael Freeman, PhD (7 CE/CME credits) This results-oriented program provides access to state-of-the-art treatment for people in the bipolar spectrum. Psychopharmacology, cognitive and behavioral therapy, life management, and wellness skills updates are presented. CD Version | ISBN: 9780976466840 | Bk#6840 | $89.00 (x) Relationships in Conflict: New Perspectives & Innovations with David Wexler, PhD (12 CE/CME credits) This program reviews current theories and research about the roots of conflict and the motivations that lead people to behave destructively or abusively toward people close to them. Focuses on the primacy of personal narrative to help people understand, cope and develope strategies. CD Version | ISBN: 9780975515952 | Bk#5950 | $129.00 (x) 38 Order at and save even more (through 12/31/12) HOME STUDY PROGRAMS CROWN HOUSE PUBLISHING Treating Complex Psychological Trauma: PTSD, Borderline Personality and Beyond with John Briere, PhD (12 CE/CME credits) Research indicates that trauma-related disturbance can be complex symptomatically, involving a variety of symptoms and difficulties beyond PTSD. Dr. Briere presents a non-pathologizing, developmentally informed therapy that integrates cognitive-behavioral and psychodynamic perspectives. CD Version | ISBN: 9780976466833 | Bk#683X | $149.00 (x) Overcoming Toxic Shame and the Fear of Being Judged: The Story of Melanie David Burns, MD David Burns, noted author, psychiatrist, and lecturer, now introduces a new form of therapy with an innovative, high definition, multimedia training package for mental health professionals called T.E.A.M. Therapy. T.E.A.M. Therapy stands for Testing, Empathy, Agenda Setting, and Methods. It is a basic, flexible, and individualized approach to understanding and treating human suffering. The goals include extremely rapid recovery as well as effective relapse prevention training. In many cases, the treatment can be completed far more quickly than would be possible using more conventional forms of therapy. Along with the video program, Dr. Burns has also created a companion workbook that includes commentary on the video and step-by-step exercises. About the Author: David B. Burns, MD, has been a pioneer in the development of cognitive behavioral therapy, a drug-free treatment for depression and anxiety that has become the most widely used and extensively researched form of psychotherapy in history. He has won numerous research, teaching, and media awards, and is best known for his successful self-help books, including Feeling Good and The Feeling Good Handbook, which have sold more than five million copies worldwide. 2-hour DVD w/98 page book | ISBN: 9780615482385 Bk#2385 | $195.00 (p) (6 CE/CME credits available upon purchase) Contemporary Treatment of Adult Male Sex Offenders Mark S. Carich and Martin C. Calder This book identifies the key components of sex offender treatment, exploring the key elements of each component while making practical suggestions on how to approach each of them. The contents includes: an introduction to sex offender treatment; assessment considerations; groupwork; relapse prevention approaches; aftercare and risk assessment and more. Approaches covered include: rational emotive therapy, enhancing victim empathy, arousal control via behavioral interventions, identifying and stopping the sexual assault cycle, and improving social skills. Paperback 232 pages | ISBN: 9781935810049 | Bk#0049 | $39.95 (p) Call Toll-free 877-925-1213 • Mention Catalog #324 and SAVE 15% off any two items 39 PSYCHOTHERAPY Ordeal Therapy: Unusual Ways to Change Behavior Jay Haley In this classic book noted therapist Jay Haley explains how and why the use of ordeals work in therapy. He provides an account of the theoretical basis of ordeal therapy, showing how it builds on the work of Milton H. Erickson. The detailed and extensive case histories cover a wide variety of clients, problems, and therapeutic difficulties including psychosomatic symptoms, uncontrollable and violent children, separation and divorce, anxiety, incontinence, sexual frustration, alcoholism, speech blocks, and depression. Paperback 224 pages | ISBN: 9781935810056 | Bk#0056 | $36.95 (p) CLASSICS FROM JAY HALEY The Power Tactics of Jesus Christ Jay Haley In the controversial title article, Jay Haley proposes an original interpretation of the Bible analyzing Jesus’s actions as a man trying to build a mass movement to topple a power structure. Other essays discuss what it takes to be schizophrenic, the art and technique required to have an awful marriage, and how to be an awful therapist. Paperback 164 pages | ISBN: 9781845900212 | Bk#0219 | $25.95 (p) Strategies of Psychotherapy Jay Haley This seminal volume deals with the strategies of both psychotherapists and clients as they maneuver around each other in the process of treatment. How a therapist induces a client to change is described within a framework of interpersonal theory and directive family therapy. Paperback 204 pages | ISBN: 9781845900229 | Bk#0227 | $31.95 (p) Advanced Skills and Interventions in Therapeutic Counselling Gordon Emmerson, PhD This volume provides the reader with the knowledge to understand a client’s personality, and reviews the fundamentals of the counseling process, from setting up of the counseling room to interacting with the client to advanced active listening skills. Paperback 240 pages | ISBN: 9781845900175 | Bk#0170 | $44.95 (p) Psychotherapy with Adolescents and Their Families Essential Treatment Strategies Muriel Prince Warren, DSW, ACSW This book covers all of the major diagnostic categories of DSM-IV, effectively translating the traditional psychiatric approach to mental disorders into behavioral terms readily understood by managed care case managers. Forms are provided for monitoring payments, authorizations, and report deadlines. Paperback 448 pages | ISBN: 9781904424628 | Bk#4627 | $59.95 (p) 40 Order at and save even more (through 12/31/12) PSYCHOTHERAPY CROWN HOUSE PUBLISHING Boundaries in Human Relationships How to be Separate and Connected Anné Linden This book focuses on the essential aspect of boundaries so often ignored in discussions — boundaries in which people are connected and separate simultaneously. This volume describes how boundaries can be transformed from obstacles to resources when it comes to relationships — whether intimate, professional, casual, or familial. Paperback 200 pages | ISBN: 978184590072 | Bk#0762 | $29.95 (p) Their Finest Hour Master Therapists Share Their Greatest Success Stories Jeffrey Kottler and Jon Carlson This volume contains the wit and wisdom of some of the most adept and successful therapists in the field. Against the backdrop of what they consider their most professionally rewarding cases, they talk about what has defined their outstanding contributions to the field. Paperback | 382 pages | ISBN: 9781845900885 | Bk#0885 | $31.95 (p) Focusing on Feeling Good A Skill-Building Self-Management Program for Overcoming Depression, CD Michael Yapko, PhD This series teaches you how to create feelings of comfort while building a positive and clear frame of mind. Each segment targets a different symptom of depression, providing methods for overcoming depression and creating a new and healthy lifestyle. 4-CD Program 4 hours | ISBN: 9780965667227 | Bk#7227 | $49.95 (x) From Trauma to Transformation Muriel Prince Warren, DSW Therapists need to expand their toolboxes to deal with all of the different variations of trauma and their effects on the individual. This book takes one long step toward providing a new way of dealing with the devastating emotional residue of a traumatic event. It focuses on the innovative application of hypnotherapy to help many trauma victims regain their normal life and move forward again. Paperback 296 pages | ISBN: 9781904424901 | Bk#4902 | $49.95 (p) Understanding Dissociative Disorders A Guide for Family Physicians and Health Care Professionals Marlene E. Hunter, MD This volume offers realistic, practical answers to questions about this not easily explained condition. This volume discusses what you can do and what you cannot, where and how to ask for outside help, and how to talk to your patient. Paperback 208 pages | ISBN: 978-1845900502 | Bk#0502 | $31.95 (p) Call Toll-free 877-925-1213 • Mention Catalog #324 and SAVE 15% off any two items 41 BUSINESS PSYCHOLOGY CROWN HOUSE PUBLISHING How to Coach a Woman: A practitioner’s manual Lynette Allen & Meg Reid Lynette Allen and Meg Reid, between them, have more than 20 years experience in coaching women from every walk of life, on just about every topic you can imagine. In addition, they have been successfully training coaches as well and have poured all of their knowledge about coaching into this book. Discover their secrets, tips, techniques, exercises, and tools. Dispel the myths of coaching, understand the ethics and responsibility of taking on this vital role, and find refreshingly different ways to connect with your female employees or clients. Also includes a CD-ROM of practical coaching resources. Paperback w/CD-ROM 256 pages |ISBN: 9781845906764 | Bk#6764 | $44.95 (p) Provocative Coaching: Making Things Better by Making Them Worse New Jaap Hollander Provocative Coaching is a unique new cocktail of humor, warmth, and psychological provocation. This is a book about challenging people in order to help them. It explains in detail how to do “Provocative Coaching” and the psychological mechanisms through which the provocative style works. It may seem like quite an unusual way of behaving for a professional coach or therapist, however humor is an important aspect. Frank Farrelly, the founding father of Provocative Therapy, says about the author, “I am very much impressed with Jaap’s book. Most people do get the confrontational aspect of provocative therapy but Jaap is one of the few who also understands how important humor is. It is like listening to a master violinist at work, playing the instrument with great skill and intelligence.” Paperback 240 pages | ISBN: 9781845908577 | Bk#8577 | $32.95 (p) January 2013 Butterflies and Sweaty Palms: How to Speak and Present with Confidence Judy Apps Based on the theories and techniques of NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming), this book introduces you to groundbreaking solutions to any kind of performance anxiety, and it will carry you through even the most daunting public speaking experience. Even if you have suffered intolerably from performance nerves in the past, this book will enable you to perform with passion and determination and wow your audience. The author inspires and encourages you with her descriptions and anecdotes. There are exercises that you can easily do at home that are interesting and fun to do. They are diverse so that issues are tackled in a variety of different ways. You can do the exercises either alone or with other people. The book is brief and easy to read, the techniques highly practical, and the methods simple yet profound. Paperback 144 pages | ISBN: 9781845907365 | Bk#7365 | $29.95 (p) Voice of Influence How to get people to love to listen to you Judy Apps We know that “body language” is a most important part of communication but the way people speak — their voice is just as important in communicating effectively. Every sound we make gives information about how we feel and, if understood properly, this information can be quite useful to enabling one to become a more skillful listener and to communicate with much greater impact. Paperback 232 pages | ISBN: 9781845902889 | Bk#2889 | $33.95 (p) 42 Order at and save even more (through 12/31/12) COACHING / BUSINESS CROWN HOUSE PUBLISHING Life Coaching: A Manual for Helping Professionals David Ellis For therapists, counselors, and other helping professionals who are looking to add life coaching techniques to their portfolio of skills, Dave Ellis has produced a stepby-step practical guide to turning helping skills into a profitable life coaching business. Many of the qualities that therapists possess, and the techniques they use, naturally lend themselves to a life coaching approach. Because Ellis advocates a more directive approach than most authors of life coaching books, this book will naturally appeal to therapists and counselors used to conducting therapeutic interventions. Paperback 236 pages | ISBN: 9781904424949 | Bk#4945 | $29.95 (p) The Life Coaching Handbook Everything You Need to be an Effective Life Coach Curly Martin The Life Coaching Handbook is the essential guide for life coaches and a key sourcebook for NLP practitioners, human resources managers, training professionals, counselors, and the curious. Curly Martin is a professional life coach, author, trainer, and internationally qualified NLP master practitioner coaching for more than 20 years, whose clients include celebrities, CEOs, directors, and doctors. Paperback 224 pages | ISBN: 9781899836710 | Bk#6713 | $29.95 (t) ALSO AVAILABLE The Life Coaching Handbook, 2-CD set This 2-CD set covers everything you need to be an effective life coach and how to set up your private practice, and includes numerous sample coaching scripts. 2-CDs 2 hours | ISBN: 9781904424697 | Bk#4694 | $39.95 (p) The Business Coaching Handbook Everything You Need To Be Your Own Business Coach Curly Martin This book is designed to help entrepreneurs who have gotten their business up and running, or who have been in operation for a few years and now want to take the business to the next level. Paperback 248 pages | ISBN: 9781845900601 | Bk#0601 | $33.95 (p) The Five Minute Coach: Coaching others to high performance in as little as five minutes Lynne Cooper and Mariette Castellino Designed for leaders, managers, and supervisors in any setting, This is a groundbreaking approach to coaching on the job. It creates significant performance improvements, while improving job satisfaction for manager and team member alike. Professional coaches have also adopted The Five-Minute Coach in their work. Paperback 200 pages | ISBN: 9781845908003 | Bk# 8003 | $21.95 (p) Call Toll-free 877-925-1213 • Mention Catalog #324 and SAVE 15% off any two items 43 INDEX CROWN HOUSE PUBLISHING NOTE: All books are listed alphabetically by title. 101 Days to Make a Change .....................29 101 Things I Wish I'd Known When I Started Using Hypnosis ........................12 A Child in Pain ............................................10 A Strange & Strong Sensation, DVD ......27 Advanced Skills & Interventions in Therapeutic Counseling .......................40 Advances in Hypnosis for Medicine, Dentistry & Pain Prev. & Mngt. ...........17 And It's All Your Fault (Home Study) .....37 Answer Within ............................................20 Art of Hypnosis .............................................4 Art of Hypnotherapy ...................................4 Art of Hypnotic Regression Therapy.........3 Art of Therapeutic Communication .......16 Become the Dream ....................................19 Belief Busting with NLP Unpacked (CD) ......................................23 Beliefs: Pathways to Health & Well-Being ..................................................8 Beside Yourself with Comfort (CD) ......33 Better Coaching Skills with NLP (CD) .23 Bi-Polar Girl .................................................28 Boundaries in Human Relationships ......41 Business Coaching Handbook .................43 Butterflies & Sweaty Palms .......................42 Calm Beneath the Waves (CD) ...............33 Catharsis in Regression Hypnotherapy .19 Clean Language ...........................................27 Comp. Treat, of Children & Adol. w/Bipolar Disorders (Home Study) ..38 Contemp. Treatment of Adult Male Sex Offenders .........................................39 Contemporary Hypnosis (Journal) .........12 Customer is Bothering Me (DVD) ...........9 Deep Trance Music (CD) ..........................26 Deep Trance Training Manual .....................5 Diagnosis & Treatment of Sexual Issues (CD) ..........................................................30 Dialogues with Pain ....................................10 Discover Your Learning Genius (CD) ....26 Hero's Journey ...............................................1 Hope & Resiliency ......................................15 How to Coach a Woman .........................42 Hypnosis & Counselling in the Treatment of Cancer .................................................18 Hypnosis for Smoking Cessation ............17 Hypnosis in Pediatric Practice (DVD) ...11 Hypnosis: A Comprehensive Guide ........18 Hypnotic Language .....................................16 Hypnotic Language Masterclass (CD) ...22 Hypnotic Use of Waking Dreams ...........18 Hypnotically Enhanced Treatment for Addictions ................................................19 Hypnotize Yourself Out of Pain Now! .....4 I Have a Voice ..............................................28 Improve Your Eyesight Naturally .............29 Innovations in NLP for Challenging Times ....................................7 Instant Happiness Cards ...........................23 Instant Wealth Cards .................................23 Intakes & First Sessions (CD) ..................31 Irresistible Influence Cards .......................23 Journey Into the Structure of Beliefs (DVD) .........................................................8 Keep Your Feet Moving (CD) ..................33 Kick the Drink…Easily! .............................27 Language of Influence (CD) .....................23 Laughology ......................................................9 Learning Solutions in Counseling (DVD) .................................14 Learning Solutions in Hypnosis (DVD) .14 Let Your Soul Be Your Pilot (CD) ...........33 Life Coaching ...............................................43 Life Coaching Handbook & CD ..............43 Little Book of Big Stuff About the Brain .....................................11 Love, Sex & Intimacy (CD) .......................30 Generative Trance .........................................1 Get Off the Sofa .........................................29 Golf: Lower Your Score .............................24 Guided Imagery ...........................................21 Magic of Metaphor .....................................32 Magic of Metaphor Audiobook (CD) ....32 Magic of Modern Metaphor .....................32 Magic of NLP Demystified ..........................8 Making Your Words Work .........................36 Male Sexuality (CD) ...................................31 Managing Pain with Clinical Hypnosis (CD) ..........................................................26 Mastering the Power of Self Hypnosis ....4 Meeting with a Remarkable Man (CD) .33 Meta States ...................................................34 Metaphoria ...................................................32 Metaphorically Speaking (CD) .................23 Metaphors in Mind .....................................27 Milton Erickson: An American Healer (w/DVD) ..................................................15 Milton Erickson: Explorer in Hypnosis (DVD) .......................................................15 Mind Lines ....................................................36 Mindworks ....................................................35 Miracle Question ........................................28 More Magic of Metaphor ..........................32 More Scripts & Strategies in Hypnotherapy .........................................13 Moving On (CD) .........................................33 Music for Hypnosis (CD) .........................26 Happy Kids, Happy You ..............................36 Harry the Hypno-potamus Imagination Cards ...........................................................2 Harry the Hypno-potamus, V. 1 & Vol. 2 ..2 Healing Language ........................................27 Healing Scripts .............................................17 NLP Belief Buster Cards ...........................22 NLP Coaching Cards and CD .................22 NLP Cookbook .............................................7 NLP for Teachers ........................................36 NLP Techniques Masterclass (CD) .........23 NLP Toolkit ...................................................36 Early Days of NLP (DVD) ...........................8 Ego State Therapy .......................................21 Enchantment & Intervention in Family Therapy ....................................................20 Ericksonian Approaches ............................16 Ericksonian Hypnosis Cards and CD ....22 Existential Issues in Psychotherapy & Couples Counseling (CD) ...................31 Expectation ..................................................21 Eye Movement Integration Therapy .......21 Feeling Good Now (Home Study) .........37 Fertile Body Method ..................................18 Five Minute Coach .....................................43 Focusing on Feeling Good (CD) .............41 Foundations of Clinical Hypnosis ...........14 From Trauma to Transformation .............41 Funky Fresh Juice Book .............................29 44 No Fears, No Tears (DVD) .......................10 Ordeal Therapy ...........................................40 Overcoming Toxic Shame (Home Study) .........................................39 Patient Sedation without Medication ....10 Patterns for Renewing the Mind .............35 Power of Metaphor ....................................32 Power Tactics of Jesus Christ ...................40 Power, Anger, Trust & Communication (CD) ..........................................................30 Practical Magic .............................................20 Psychotherapy with Adol. & Their Families .....................................................................40 Question is the Answer ............................13 Rapid Hypnotic Inductions (DVD) ............5 Really Good Fun Cartoon Book of NLP ......................................................35 Reconsidering Trauma (Home Study) ....37 Regression Hypnotherapy ........................19 Relationships in Conflict (Home Study) 38 Relaxation Techniques (CD) .....................25 Roadmap to Resilience ................................6 Scared Stiff! (Home Study) .......................37 Scripts & Strategies in Hypnotherapy ....13 Scripts & Strategies in Hypnotherapy with Children ...................................................11 Secrets of Hypnosis (CD) ........................22 Self Hypnosis for Cosmic Consciousness ........................................18 Sex & Love at Midlife .................................31 Sleeping Soundly (CD) ..............................26 Sourcebook of Magic .................................35 Sporting Excellence ....................................24 Sports Hypnosis in Practice .....................24 Stop Walking on Eggshells (Home Study) .........................................38 Strategies of Psychotherapy .....................40 Stress Free Surgery (CD) .........................25 Subliminal Therapy ......................................14 Systemic Coaching ......................................34 Techniques of Hypnotic Induction ..........20 Their Finest Hour .......................................41 Therapeutic Hypnosis with Children & Adolescents .......................11 Thinking Therapeutically ............................12 Titan's Fire (Home Study) ........................38 Tools of Intention .......................................20 Treating Complex Psych. 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most seemingly intractable problems can be ameliorated.”—Jeffrey K. Zeig, PhD Director,The Milton H. Erickson Foundation