American German Business Club Bonn e


American German Business Club Bonn e
American German Business Club Bonn e.V.
Martin-Luther-King-Strasse 15 D-53175 Bonn
Email: bonn@agbc de
International Forum for Business, Science and Technology
cordially invites you to attend
“Trade Relation between Germany and USA”
by guest speaker
Lora Baker, Consul Commercial Affairs
US Consulate General Düsseldorf
on THURSDAY, 18 April 2013 from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM
Maritim Hotel Bonn
Godesberger Allee, 53175 Bonn
Salon Liszt (ground floor behind the restaurant)
Snack Buffet
Tartelette mit Tomatenconfit und sautierten Fleischstreifen
Auswahl von bunt belegten Fingersandwiches
Cocktail von Eismeershrimps in leichtem Joghurtdressing
Auswahl von Blatt- und Rohkostsalaten mit verschiedenen Dressings
Ofenfrisches aus der Backstube mit Butter
Auswahl von verschiedenen Wraps mit Sauerrahmdip
Asiatischer Dim Sum – Mix auf Sprossengemüse
mit fruchtigem Dip
Mit braunem Rohrzucker geflammte Creme Brûlée
1 glass wine / beer or 2 soft drinks à 0,2L/0,25L
Please e-mail, mail or fax your reservation to the AGBC Bonn e.V. Administrative Office:
American German Business Club Bonn e.V., Am Beckmannplatz 4, 53340 Meckenheim, Tel.: 02225-7034991
Fax: 02225-7034999; the fee is € 23.00 per person for non AGBC Bonn members
and € 19.50 per person for AGBC Bonn members - payable to bank account 20011763 - Sparkasse Köln/Bonn
BLZ 370 501 98 - by April 11, 2013. Reservations without payment are invalid.
I will attend the meeting .……..I will bring .……. guest(s)
Guests' Names ………………………………..
Total reservation requested for .............person/s
---------------------------------------------PLEASE PRINT NAME CLEARLY
Lora A. Baker
Principal Commercial Officer
Düsseldorf, Germany
Lora Baker is a career diplomat and currently serves as the Principal Commercial Officer at the U.S.
Consulate General in Düsseldorf, Germany. She is responsible for managing Commercial Service programs
in western Germany and defending the commercial interests of US companies operating in the region.
Prior to her current assignment in Düsseldorf, MS Baker was the Principal Commercial Officer in Guadalajara,
Mexico and worked extensively on trade promotion programs, resulting in one of the highest performing offices
in the region. She also served as the Commercial Attaché in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Her portfolio of
responsibilities included overseeing the post in Uruguay and the management of Argentina’s financial and
budget activities, supervision of the market research team, and program manager for key industry sectors.
She also managed several high-profile advocacy cases and received the Director General’s Innovation Award
for creating a highly successful trade promotion program for the Western Hemisphere.
MS Baker also served as an International Trade Specialist based in the Silicon Valley. She provided
international business counselling and advocacy to U.S. firms, and was consistently among the highest
producers of export successes in the region. She also participated in several TDY assignments. In this
capacity, Lora served as the Acting Senior Commercial Officer and Commercial Liaison to the European Bank
for Reconstruction and Development in London. She also served as the Principal Commercial Officer at the
U.S. Consulate in Guadalajara, and managed trade event programs in Hamburg and Seoul.
Prior to joining the Commercial Service, MS Baker was a financial consultant to Williams-Sonoma and Visa
International in San Francisco. She also worked extensively in both West Africa and Latin America, in the
areas of international finance and export marketing. She has designed and implemented international trade
courses for women entrepreneurs and worked with refugee camps in Ghana to implement micro finance
programs to assist Liberian Refugees. In addition, MS Baker has created partnerships and pioneered
international trade programs with the U.S. Agency for International Development, the American Embassy in
Accra, UNHCR and Women’s World Banking. MS Baker was also very active in working with women’s
groups, and created a profitable magazine that was devoted to micro-finance.
MS Baker is a Magna Cum Laude graduate of Thunderbird, the American Graduate School of International
Management, where she earned an MBA. She also participated in advanced trade courses in Spain and Latin
America. She holds a bachelor’s degree in International Marketing from Kent State University, where she
graduated with honors. She is fluent in Spanish and German, and conversational in Croatian and Twi; and
currently resides in Düsseldorf with her husband and two sons.
Please note that parking in the garage under the Hotel Maritim is only € 3.00 for attendees
of AGBC events. There is also a parking lot outside of the hotel
Thursday, 16 May 2013 at 6:30 at Hotel Maritim
Talk by Chris Mahler – Program Manager Heavy Transport Helicopter – Eurocopter
“Helicopters – spearhead of globalization”