Media Kit - Avani Media
Media Kit - Avani Media
RATE CARD2016 TITLE PORTRAIT CONTENTS: c’t Digitale Fotografie is one of the most widely circulated bimonthly photo magazines in Germany and focuses on detailed workshops on all aspects of photography. Night photography, nude photography and portrait shooting are examples of how readers improve their photographic skills. Articles about image editing with Photoshop, Lightroom, Gimp and other programs explain step-by-step how to get the perfect image. The output medium such as online albums, photo books, paper or canvas plays a decisive role as well. Reliable tests of cameras and lenses carried out in in-house measurement and testing laboratories help readers to choose the right equipment for their needs. Editorial staff does not randomly test all equipment placed on the market, but presents a selection of the most important new releases and allocates them to the market supply. Almost every issue contains reports of photo accessories including flashes, tripods, studio equipment, photo bags and backpacks. c’t Digitale Fotografie is aimed at both amateur photo enthusiasts who wish to take good pictures instead of just snapshots and professional photographers who wish to get comprehensive information and draw inspiration from a variety of topics. c‘t PORTFOLIO cc.0513.001 10.10.13 11:27 Seite 1 Security 2013 Treiberarchitektur Wayland erklärt Optimus einrichten ct.2415.001.qxp 23.10.15 11:26 Seite 1 JavaScript-Frameworks 3D-Modelle im Browser Websites für Mobilgeräte Hausverbot für Trolle c 24/2015 magazin für computer technik 24 Cloud statt Webspace Autoradios mit Touchscreen CarPlay nachrüsten iPad-Tastaturen Mobilfunk-Datentarife Illustrationsprogramme Steuererklärung mit dem Mac Was iPhone-Doktoren draufhaben Mac-Dateien, Cloud, E-Mail und Chats vor Schnüfflern schützen Verschlüsseln Sie! h Heise Von der Idee zum Blockbuster Für Browser, PC, Mobil c Programmieren Just for Fun Bildschirmschoner Panoramabilder Fotokunst Genetische Algorithmen Intrinsics statt Assembler Tests und alle wichtigen Themen für Smartphone und Tablet Fit mit JavaScript Die Schnäppchen-Lügen • Internet-Zugang ausreizen • Fit am PC 2014 h Heise Test: Langzeit-Support • Rolling Release Werbetricks durchschauen • Den wirklich besten Preis finden Das zweite Windows 10 15-Zoll-Notebooks mit SSD Mini-PC für Gamer Sony Z5 und Z5 Compact 3D-Grafikpower für Linuxer WPS-Sicherheitslücke in Routern Der Jeep-Hack im Detail So funktionieren Beacons Kinder: Pong coden DMX-Lichtsteuerung mit Arduino Tipps & Hardware für mehr Ergonomie Möbel, Mäuse, Tastaturen Besserer Ping • Mehr VoIP-Qualität • Ruckelfrei streamen Internet-Zugang ausreizen Mit den richtigen Apps kann es sogar den Rechner ersetzen Yosemite-Probleme beheben Mac mini 2014 upgraden 3D-Modelle mit Sketchup Pages-Workshop • Visual Studio Express h Heise Multitalent iPad • Qt Creator • Alle Listings auf DVD Der Praxis-Guide h Heise So meistern Sie jede Alltagssituation DVD für jeden Geschmack Spiele entwickeln h Heise Apple Watch Was Apps können Heft 1/2015 Weg mit den Google-Apps und Play Store Ausführliche Anleitung zum Nachmachen Kaufberatung Grafikkarten Die Schnäppchen-Lügen 10 LinuxeProgrammieren Schluss mit veralteten Android-Versionen Mit Rooting zu neuen Funktionen h Heise Aktion: 99 € (statt 209 €) für AlphaEOS cc.0314.001 08.08.14 10:53 Seite 1 Profi-Ecke Android ohne Google 01 Intelligente Heizungssteuerung hes ung: Smartwatc Test & Berat 4 192169 408905 Heft 1 Februar–März 2015 CentOS Ubuntu Elementary OS Antergos openSUSE Debian Linux Mint Web-Visitenkarte anlegen Manjaro Vereinsauftritt in einem Tag Typo3: Einstieg ins CMS Eigenes Internet-Forum Grafik-Know-how Profiwissen Wann die Reparatur lohnt Display selbst austauschen Vernetzung zu Hause Februar – März Multitalent iPad • Verschlüsseln Sie! • Yosemite-Probleme beheben • Carplay nachrüsten • iPhone-Doktoren • Mobilfunktarife Server-Sicherheit • Linux mit Langzeit-Support 2015 c Android Beratung und Tests mit Apps oder Cloud-Diensten Raspberry Pi als Schaltzentrale Systemunabhängige Standards h Heise c Android Kauf-Apps auf mehreren Geräten Alle Daten und Apps aufs neue Android mi.0115.001.ohne.Foto 27.01.15 15:54 Seite 1Steuerung Title portrait c‘t Portfolio APIs für mobileausprobieren: Webapps c Webdesign c Security h Heise 2015 c wissen • Smart Home Tipps und Tricks Smartphone kaputt? Energie sparen mit IT-Technik 14 Komplett-Systeme im Test Apple HomeKit und Android@Home Das Apple-Magazin von c booten und Video-Tutorial Crash-Kurse KDE Plasma 5 Server bei Amazon, Blog mit Dropbox Btrfs in der Praxis Mehr Spaß mit Smartphones unddie Tablets 31. 10. 2015 Tools für Shell Test: Mail-Clients Produktfälschungen, Ladenhüter, Billig-Schrott … Spiele entwickeln, Fit mit JavaScript, FlexiblerIntrinsics und günstiger als Massenhosting Werkzeugkoffer für Datensicherheit, Ihr Recht bei Behörden, Container mit Docker Google aus dem Weg gehen, verräterische Apps finden Praxisratgeber für intelligentes Wohnen IT-Haustechnik sinnvoll einsetzen Website-Editoren für Einsteiger Von DVD& Profis Android SmartWerkzeuge Homegegen die Datensammelwut Vollversionen Praxis: AppArmor • Nagios • Logwatch cc.0115.001 15.01.15 11:14 Seite 1 wissen Linux Server sichern Doppel- Forensik mit DEFT und DART Banking mit c’t Bankix LiveDVD Passwort-Strategie und -Tipps Trojaner-Tricks erkennen Cloud-Daten verschlüsseln Datenverkehr durchleuchten 1 Jahr ESET Mobile Security Router-Risiko zu HauseVirenschutz im Griff Vollversion gratis Test Kinderschutz-Tools e 9,90 Einführung in Node.js, Mobile Developer’s Guide Linux auf Ihrem PC Schweiz CHF 17,50 • Österreich, Benelux, Italien, Spanien e 10,90 Webdesign 100e E-Books cc.0415.001 11.08.15 14:15 Seite 1 c’t Linux 2015 Selbst aktiv werden mit startklarer Live-DVD Spurensuche hb.0414.001.neu2 20.11.14 11:43 Seite 1 g in Hostin Cloud- -Gutsche Aktion: 1 Jahr Eset NOD32 Virenschutz Vollversion gratis c Security 2014 cc.0414.001 22.10.14 12:02 Seite 1 Windows-Tipps • Schnelle WLAN-Router im Test • QoS im Router Grundkurs • Bibliotheken • Apps für Windows 8 PUBLICATION SCHEDULE 2016 Issue 02/16 Issue 03/16 Issue 04/16 Issue 05/16 Issue 06/16 Issue 01/17 On sale February 22, 2016 On sale April 25, 2016 On sale June 27, 2016 On sale August 22, 2016 On sale October 24, 2016 On sale December 19, 2016 Space close January 25 , 2016 Space close March 29, 2016 Space close May 30, 2016 Space close July 25, 2016 Space close September 26, 2016 Space close November 21, 2016 Material due January 28, 2016 Material due April 01, 2016 Material due June 02, 2016 Material due July 28, 2016 Material due September 29, 2016 Material due November 24, 2016 Furthermore: c‘t Digitale Fotografie special: „Bildgestaltung“ On sale March 21, 2016 Space close February 22, 2016 Material due February 25, 2016 PUBLISHER Publisher: Christian Heise Ansgar Heise Christian Persson Managing Director: Ansgar Heise Dr. Alfons Schräder Verlagsleiter: Dr. Alfons Schräder Copy price: 9.90 € Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Jürgen Rink Year: 15th year of publication 2016 Subscription: Annual subscription (6 issues) in Germany incl. postage: 50.40 € Price list: No. 15, valid from January 01, 2016 Publication: every two months Circulation: Total circulation: 35,208 copies Total paid circulation: 35,096 copies Paid subscription: 12,129 copies (IVW III/2015) Publication schedule Publisher Editor’s Adress: Heise Medien GmbH & Co. KG Karl-Wiechert-Allee 10 30625 Hanover Germany RATES AND SIZES 2/1 Page a) Type area: b) Bleed: 1/1 Page 390 × 260 420 × 297* a) b) b/w: 6,850 € | 4c: 9,550 € 2/3 Page a) b) 185 × 171 210 × 195* 3/4 Page 185 × 260 210 × 297* b/w: 3,425 € | 4c: 4,775 € 1/2 Page 122 × 260 130 × 297* b/w: 2,360 € | 4c: 3,255 € a) b) a) b) 185 × 128 210 × 152* 185 × 190 210 × 216* 137 × 260 146 × 297* b/w: 2,640 € | 4c: 3,680 € 1/3 Page 88 × 260 103 × 297* b/w: 1,800 € | 4c: 2,475 € a) b) 185 × 84 210 × 107* 58 × 260 71 × 297* b/w: 1,240 € | 4c: 1,650 € 1/4 Page a) b) 90 × 128 103 × 152* 185 × 62 210 × 80* b/w: 950 € | 4c: 1,300 € Sales discount 1/4 Page Cover Page a) b) 43 × 260 53 × 297* 4C only! b/w: 950 € | 4c: 1,300 € U2 and U4: 5,990 € | U3: 5,250 € Trim allowance 2 ads 5 % Trim Size / Bleed / copy format 4 ads 10 % Type Area 6 ads 15 % Trim size: 210 mm × 297 mm Type area: 185 mm × 260 mm All sizes: width × height in mm * Trim allowance: head 4 mm, gutter 4 mm, face 3 mm, foot 3 mm Minimum size 1/4 page Other sizes and special colors on request. All prices without tax. Rates and Sizes CIRCULATION ANALYSIS 40,006 Chip Foto Video 15,376 Audio Video Foto Bild 39,630 8,790 AD PRICES c’t Digitale Fotografie 4,550 € Photographie 6,500 € Fototest 6,990 € FotoHits c’t Digitale Fotografie 35,096 12,129 31,435 FotoHits 8,694 31,213 ColorFoto 9,200 € ColorFoto 10,950 € foto Magazin 10,950 € Chip Foto Video 11,000 € Audio Video Foto Bild 11,100 € Ad prices: Rate cards 2015 and Web; 1/1 page 4c, full format editional part 10,352 CPT 26,549 foto Magazin 6,753 20,984 Photographie Fototest 10,439 20,368 832 Paid circulation Subscriptions Source: IVW III/2015 c’t Digitale Fotografie 129.64 € Chip Foto Video 274.96 € Audio Video Foto Bild 280.09 € FotoHits 292.67 € Photographie 309.76 € Fototest 343.19 € ColorFoto 350.82 € foto Magazin 412.44 € Price apply to 1,000 copies TECHNICAL DETAILS PRINTING PROCESS Insides: Web Offset (CMYK) Cover: Sheetfed Offset (CMYK) Size: Trimmed size: 210 × 297 mm Bleed: 3 mm head, 3 mm foot, 3mm face, 4 mm gutter Cutting marks must be included. ARTWORK Types:Printing documents (data) fonts: Please note that all fonts have to be supplied. If fonts are missing replacement fonts will have to be used, these could eventually change the appearance and the layout of the ad. Other details:The minimum line width is 0.2 mm. Images with very thin structures and Copy-Dot files could cause a moiré and have to be avoided. Recommended file formats: Preferably non-separated PDFs (PDF/X-4). Distiller settings can be downloaded from support at Types must be encapsulate and the CMYK colour mode has to be used. Please avoid to pass on so-called ‘open’ files. This may cause version and system-related errors for which no liability can be accepted. In case you do send such files the following programmes are supported. Mac programmes: QuarkXPress, Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator PC programmes: Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator File names: A clear file name has to be chosen indicating ”publication”, ”issue number”, ”ad vertisers name”, ”ad size”, ”printing pro cess” e.g. „DigiFoto1401Microsoft_1x2h_Offset“. Data carriers: CD or DVD Resolution: Screen: min 300 dpi; Line: min 800 dpi Colour The inside proofs have to be made according to the 4 colour management mode (CMYK) based on the standards „PSOcoated_v3.icc“ for inside proof:PS1 Offset. The respective profiles can be downloaded from Colour (CMYK) based on the standards „PSOcoated_v3.icc“ for PS1 management Offset. The respective profiles can be downloaded from cover proof The proofs for the insides and the cover must be made from your supplied files. Only if the proofs are made according to the correct parameters, your advertisement can be printed within the usual tolerances of the process. In case of any queries on colour adjustments or ICC profiles, please do contact the Colour Management department. Phone +49 9092/999-247. TECHNICAL HANDLING Files/Proofs to be sent to: appl druck GmbH Abteilung Repro Senefelderstraße 3-11 86650 Wemding Obligatory printouts or colour space adjusted proofs with reference to the contact person and phone number. On the delivery address for copy materials (files/proofs) it is very important to indicate clearly the deIpartment: ”Abteilung Repro”. We cannot accept any complaints if incorrect data is supplied. Queries on file supply: Phone:09092/999-247 Fax: 09092/999-39010 FTP-Server: Adress: user: user_56 password: eCzk3a Please announce every FTP-Transfer per e-mail in advance: Circulation Technical details AD SPECIALS: LOOSE INSERTS, BOUND INSERTS, TIP-ONS Loose inserts: Printed material loosely inserted into the magazine. These inserts can be added to the entire circulation, the subscribed circulation or to the circulation. Loose inserts, enclosures and leporellos should be closed at the side facing the gutter. Maximum size: 195 mm wide × 280 mm high Minimum size: 95 mm wide × 148 mm high Paperquality: minimum weight 135 g/sqm Samples: 2 - 32 sheets, weight 60 - 170 g/sqm Additional quantity required: 1% (3% for minimum quantity) 5 copies on placement of order Rates: 78 € per 1000 up to 25 g Additional quantity: Extra charge for split circulation/partial coverage: 10 % For loose inserts, samples etc. with a thickness of more than 2,5 mm additional postal charge must be paid. It will be invoice separately. We have the right to cancel complex mechanical splittings. 5 copies on placement of order Bind-ins: Printed materials fixed to the magazine. Bind-ins of more than 2. pages must be folded. Please note following trim allowance: head 4 mm, gutter 4 mm, foot and face 3 mm. Maximum size: : 210 mm wide × 297 mm high Minimum size: DIN A5, 140 mm wide × 140 mm high Gatefolds: Paperquality: 1 sheet minimum weight 150 g/sqm Samples: 206 mm wide × 297 mm high 2% Rates: 2 pages 52 € per 1000 4 pages 95 € per 1000 more than 4 pages on demand Extra charge for split circulation/partial coverage: 10% Tip-ons:Postcards as example Only in connection with a master advertisement covering the entire circulation, minimum size 1/1 page. Split/partial coverage: subscribed and/or for sale circulation Maximum size: DIN A5, 180 mm wide × 250 mm high Minimum size: 60 mm wide × 80 mm high Paperquality: Stick allowance:3 mm on all sides, 5-10 mm in height Fixation on 25 mm away from face/gutter gutter side: 15 mm away from head/foot 1 sheet minimum weight 150 g/sqm Samples: Additional quantity wrequireds: 5 copies on placement of order 2% Rates: Postcards/direct response postcards 41 € per 1000 We have the right to cancel complex mechanical splittings. Rates for sticker-specials like booklets or CD-ROMs on request. Please contact us formore information. For matters with a thickness of more than 2,5 mm additional postal charge must be paid. It will be invoiced separately Ship Ad Specials to: for all Loose inserts, Bound inserts, Tip-ons echter druck GmbH c’t Digitale Fotografie Delpstr. 15 97084 Würzburg Loose inserts, bound inserts, and tip-ons must be suitable for mechanized processing and be packed in the exactly appropriate way – in handy packs stacked loosely on pallets. Shipping cartons for all ad specials must be labeled as follows: - ct‘ Issue and title - From - Number of inserts in carton/ Number of pallets Calculation Quantity: Contact us for print order quantities of the current issue (print/ for sale/ subscription) Notes:1. Please inform us of the weight of loose inserts/bound inserts/tip-ons when placing your order. 2. We must receive samples of the finalised version in advance. 3. Contents and design must be approved by the publisher before going to press. 4. If any processing problems arise, production of the magazine issue has priority.. 5. The printing works cannot be kept responsible for inspection of quality or quantity of Ad Specials received. Loose inserts, Bound inserts, Tip-ons MAGAZINE APP CHARACTERISTICS The digital Digitale Fotografie magazine as HTML5 app for iOS and Android combines the well-known diversity and the editorial know-how of the printed issue with the innovative and interactive options of tablets. TARGET GROUP Access to the tablet edition is part of the Plus subscriptions of c‘t Digital Photography. The magazine targets photo enthusiasts amateurs who want to photograph instead of just taking pictures. Professional photographers get comprehensive in-depth information and inspiration from a variety of topics. FORMATS AND POSTIONS Opening Page Prominent position directly following the cover Basic price: € 3,000 Fullscreen Embedded in the editorial content Scroll-Down feature for max. 3 more pages Basic price: € 2,000 All rates are eligible for discount and agency commission frequency. Interactive elements and multimedia elements can be included at no extra charge according to the technical standards. Opening Page Fullscreen heise Foto Taking pictures has never been easier than today. Thanks to the digital revolution, one of our most important communication media has become instantly available, easier to use and cheaper. heise Foto reports in detail on all topics of digital photography: technological trends, current cameras, lenses, accessories, photographic art, important photograpers and image editing. We perform tests on cameras, lenses and accessories such as flash units, memory cards, tripods, imaging devices and photo printers in our in-house photo lab according to the latest ISO standards FACTS User traffic – September 2015 6.214.310 Page Impressions (Source: IVW) Range AGOF digital facts 2015-07 (if ) • heise Foto: 205.000 UU Target group • Professionals and/or advanced users • Ambitious amateurs using their camera for work and in their free time • Amateur photographers who want to take better pictures • Very active media users, particularly ambitious Internet users • High-earning early adopters CPMs Leaderboard (728×90) Skyscraper (max. 160×600) Medium Rectangle (300×250) 22,- € 22,- € 40,- € Wallpaper (728×90 + 160×600) Half Page Ad (300×600) Billboard (max. 970×250) 55,- € 50,- € 50,- € Magazine app heise Foto Standard terms for advertisements (status: October 2015) 1. „Advertisement order“ in the meaning of the following standard terms means the contract between the publishing house and the client concerning the publication of one or several advertisements or other advertising material (generally referred to below as „advertisements“) of advertisers or other parties placing advertisements (generally referred to below as „advertisers“) in the magazine entitled „c‘t Digitale Fotografie“ for the purpose of circulation 2. An „account“ means a contract for the publication of one or several advertisements taking account of the discounts to be granted to the advertiser according to the price list, the publications in question being made at the call of the client. Discounts shall not be granted for companies whose object consists in placing advertisement orders for various advertisers in order to claim a joint discount. If the right to call individual advertisements has been granted under an account, the order must be executed within one year of the publication of the first advertisement in as far as nothing to the contrary has been agreed. 3. If individual or several calls under an account are not complied with due to circumstances which are not the fault of the publishing house, the client, without prejudice to any further legal obligations, must reimburse the publishing house for the difference between the discount granted and the discount which corresponds to actual publication. If nothing to the contrary has been agreed, the client shall have a retrospective claim to the discount which corresponds to the actual publication of his advertisements in one year 4. In calculating the quantities published millimetre lines of text matter shall be converted into advertisement millimetres according to the price. 5. Text matter advertisements (Textteil-Anzeigen) are advertisements with at least three sides that border on text matter and not on other advertisements. Advertisements which are not identifiable as advertisements due to their design shall be clearly marked as such by the publishing house, using the word „advertisement“ 6. The publishing house reserves the right to reject advertisements - including individual calls under an account if -their contents are unlawful or in breach of official orders or -their contents have been objected to by the German Advertising Board (Deutscher Werberat) in complaint proceedings or -their publication is unacceptable to the publishing house due to their contents, their design, their origin or their technical form -thy are advertisements which contain the advertising of third parties or advertising for third parties. Orders for other advertising material shall only be binding on the publishing house after the submission of the sample and its approval. Advertisements which contain the advertising of third parties or advertising for third parties (association advertising) shall require the prior written acceptance of the publishing house in each individual case. This shall entitle the publishing house to charge a mark-up for association advertising. The client shall be notified immediately if an advertisement or other advertising material is rejected 7. The client shall bear the sole responsibility for the punctual delivery and unobjectionable quality of suitable printing material or other advertising material. When delivering digital printing material the client must deliver proper printer‘s copies for advertisements in good time before the closing date for printing material, particularly as far as the format or the technical specifications of the publishing house are concerned. The publishing house‘s costs for any alterations to the printer‘s copies which the client desires or is responsible for must be borne by the client. The quality of the advertisements or other advertising material shall be that which is usual for the titles in which the advertisements appear, as set out in the price list and in the acknowledgement of the order, within the framework of the possibilities provided by the printing material. 8. Printing material shall only be returned to the client on special request. The obligation to keep printing material shall end three months after the first circulation of the advertisement. 9. If the publication of the advertisement is not in line with the quality or the performance which is the contractual obligation, the client shall have a claim to a reduction in price or an unobjectionable substitute advertisement or to substitute publication of the other advertising material, but only to the extent that the purpose of the advertisement or the other advertising material has been hampered. The publishing house shall have the right to refuse to publish a substitute advertisement or to make substitute publication if t his requires an effort which is grossly disproportionate to the interests of the client or this would only be possible for the publishing house by incurring disproportionate costs, taking account of the nature of the obligation and equitable principles. I f the publishing house allows a reasonable time limit granted for the substitute advertisement or the publication of the other advertising material to lapse or if the substitute advertisement/substitute publication once again fails to meet the required standards, the client shall be entitled to a reduction in price or to cancel the order. It shall not be possible to cancel the order in the case of only slight defects in the advertisement or in the publication of the other advertising material. Complaints concerning hidden defects must be made within one year as from the commencement of the statutory period of limitation. The publishing house shall be liable for all damage regardless of whether this results from a breach of a contract or a tort according to the following provisions: in the case of gross negligence liability in commercial dealings shall be limited to compensation for the typical, foreseeable damage. This limitation does not apply in as far as the damage has been caused by the legal representatives or the executive staff of the publishing house. In the case of ordinary negligence the publishing house shall only be liable if a fundamental contractual obligation has been breached. In such cases liability shall be limited to the typical, foreseeable damage. I n the case of claims under the Product Liability Law and in the case of injury to life, physical injury or injury to health the publishing house shall be liable as prescribed by law. Complaints must be made within four weeks of the receipt of the invoice and the voucher, except in the case of hidden defects. A ll claims against the publishing house for breach of contract shall be come statute-barred in one year as from the commencement of the statutory period of limitation, in as far as such a breach is not due to an intentional act. 10. Proofs shall only be supplied on express request. The client shall bear the responsibility for the accuracy of the returned proofs. The publishing house shall take account of all corrections of errors that it is notified of by the closing date for printing material or within a time limit to be agreed between the parties. 11. If there are no particular rules regarding size, the basis for calculation shall be the usual and actual height of the advertisement, depending on the type of advertisement. 12. If there are no particular rules regarding size, the basis for calculation shall be the usual and actual height of the advertisement, depending on the type of advertisement. 13. In the case of late payment or deferment the usual bank interest and the costs of collection shall be charged. In the case of late payment the publishing house may halt the further execution of the current order until payment has been made and demand advance payment for the remaining advertisements. If there are justified doubts about the client‘s solvency, the publishing house shall be entitled to make the publication of further advertisements dependent on the advance payment of the sum in question by the closing date for advertisements and on open invoices being settled, even during the term of an advertisement account and without giving consideration to the time that had originally been agreed for payment. 14. On request the publishing house shall issue a voucher copy. Depending on the type and the scope of the advertisement order, excerpts from advertisements, tear sheets or complete voucher copies shall be supplied. If a voucher copy can no longer be obtained, it shall be replaced by a legally binding certificate from the publishing house regarding the publication and circulation of the advertisement 15.The place of performance is Hanover. I In business dealings with businesspeople, legal entities under public law or special funds under public law the place of jurisdiction for legal action shall be Hanover. If the claims of the publishing house are not asserted through dunning proceedings the place of jurisdiction for non-businesspeople shall be where they have their place of residence I f the client‘s place of residence or place of usual abode is not known at the time that legal action is taken, even in the case of non-businesspeople, or if the client has moved his place of residence or place of usual abode out of the area where the law applies, the place of jurisdiction shall be the place where the publishing house has its principal place of business. 16. In their offers, contracts and settlements with the advertisers the advertising agents and advertising agencies shall be obliged to keep to the publishing house‘s price list. 17. Price changes for advertisement orders that have been placed shall be effective for companies if they have been announced by the publishing house at least one month before the publication of the advertisement or of the other advertising material. In the case of a price increase the client shall have the right to cancel the order. The right to cancel the order must be exercised within 14 days in written form after the receipt of the notification concerning the price increase. 18. If a joint discount is claimed for companies that belong to a corporate group, written evidence shall be required of the advertiser‘s group status. Companies that belong to a corporate group in the meaning of this clause are companies where at least 50 percent of the shares are held by another company in the group. I n the case of incorporated companies the group status must be proved in the form of confirmation from an auditor or by submitting the most recent company report. In the case of partnerships it must be proved by submitting a certificate of registration. T his evidence must be provided before the group discount can be claimed. Evidence that is submitted later cannot be recognised retrospectively. In all cases group discounts shall require express written confirmation from the publishing house. Group discounts shall only be granted for as long as a company belongs to a group. Immediate notice must be given if a company ceases to belong to the group. The group discount shall also end when the company ceases to belong to the group 19. The client guarantees that he has all rights which are necessary in order to place the advertisement. The client shall bear sole responsibility for the contents and the legality of the copy and images provided for the advertisement and of the advertising material supplied. Within the framework of the advertisement order the client shall indemnify the publishing house against all claims of third parties that may arise due to a breach of the law. Furthermore the publishing house shall be indemnified against the costs of the necessary legal defence. The client must support the publishing house according to equitable principles, supplying it with information and documents for its legal defence against third parties. T he client shall assign to the publishing house all the necessary copyright protecting use and performance and all other rights needed for the use of the advertising in all types of print and online media, including the Internet, particularly the right of duplication, circulation, transmission, broadcasting, the right to grant access to the public, the right of removal from a database and the right of call, to the extent that is necessary for the execution of the order in terms of time and contents. In all cases these rights shall be assigned without any local restriction. 20. In the event of interruptions to operations or in cases of force majeure, illegal strikes, illegal confiscation, traffic disturbances, general shortages of raw material or energy and similar - both on the premises of the publishing house and on the premises of third parties whose services the publishing house makes use of in order to perform its obligations, the publishing house shall have a claim to full payment for the advertisements published if the publishing house has put the publication into circulation at 80 % of the average circulation sold during the last four quarters or at another guaranteed circulation. In the case of a lower circulation the invoice amount shall be reduced by the same ratio as that between the circulation sold or guaranteed and the circulation actually achieved. Supplement the rules for the digital transmission of printing material in the previous standard terms. Additional terms of business refering to the digital transmission of copy originals a) D igital copy originals are those supplied in paperless form either directly via data-carriers (e.g. CD-ROMs) or indirectly via data transmission (e.g. ISDN). b) U nsatisfactory printed results (e.g. missing text, incorrect screen linage) which are the consequence of a departure by the customer from the publisher’s recommendations for the preparation of printed matter (see information sheet entitled ”Technical Details“) shall not justify any claim to a reduction in charges. c) B ei Übermittlung von mehreren zusammengehörenden Dateien hat der Kunde dafür Sorge zu tragen, dass diese Dateien innerhalb eines gemeinsamen Verzeichnisses (Ordner) gesendet bzw. gespeichert werden. d) D igitally delivered copy originals for color advertisements can only be processed correctly if a proof color print on paper is supplied. Without a color proof, color deviations are inevitable and will not justify any claim to reduced charges. A printout must be sent to the print works by fax in every case so that physical accuracy can be verified. The customer must expressly request a faxed proof. Only if the colour adjustment is right, a correct realization in regard of the colours will be guaranteed within the usual tolerances. e) Copy originals supplied to the publisher on diskettes will only be returned to the customer at his special request. f) Prior to the delivery of digital copy originals, the customer undertakes to ensure that the data supplied is free of any computer viruses. Should the publisher discover computer viruses in a data-file supplied to him, the file will be immediately deleted, there being no right on the customer’s part to claim compensation. The publisher shall also reserve the right to claim compensation from the customer in respect of any loss or damage to the publisher arising from computer viruses infiltrated by the customer 21. If the advertisement order also or only refers to the offline readable mobile and tablet PC applications (APP) based on the magazine, special conditions which can be viewed at also apply in addition to these general business terms. Standard terms Publishinghouse Advertising Sales Office CONTACT Verlagsbüro ID GmbH & Co. KG Jathostr. 10a 30916 Isernhagen, Germany Phone: +49 (0)511/616595-0 Fax.: +49 (0)511/616595-55 E-Mail: Internet: Irmgard Ditgens (Ltg.) -0, Ines Walter -25, Susanne Sinß -35 Heise Medien GmbH & Co. KG Coordination Simon Tiebel Phone: +49 (0)511/53 52-890 E-Mail: Disposition Maik Fricke Phone: +49 (0)511/5352-165 E-Mail: