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PDF - Southwest Research Institute
Winter 2009
Southwest Research Institute®
San Antonio, Texas
Winter 2009 • Volume 30, No. 3
Director of Communications
Craig Witherow
Joe Fohn
Assistant Editor
Deborah Deffenbaugh
Winter 2009
Contributing Editors
Tracey Whelan, Maria Martinez
Editorial Assistant
Kasey Chenault
Scott Funk
Larry Walther
Andrew Blanchard
Gloria Ibarra
Technology Today (ISSN 1528-431X) is published three times
each year and distributed free of charge. The publication
discusses some of the more than 1,000 research and development projects under way at Southwest Research Institute. The
materials in Technology Today may be used for educational and
informational purposes by the public and the media. Credit to
Southwest Research Institute should be given. This
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© 2009 Southwest Research Institute. All rights reserved.
Technology Today, Southwest Research Institute and SwRI are
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About the Institute
Since its founding in 1947, Southwest Research Institute (SwRI)
has contributed to the advancement of science and technology
by working with clients in industry and government. Per­forming
research for the benefit of humankind is a long-held
tradition. The Institute comprises 12 divisions engaged in
contract research spanning a wide range of technologies.
Southwest Research Institute on the Internet:
Southwest Research Institute ®
San Antonio, Texas
About the cover
This fluxon simulation of a small piece of the Sun’s
atmosphere is a part of solar physics research performed
at Southwest Research Institute’s Planetary Science
Directorate, located in Boulder, Colo.
2 Fifteen Years Strong
SwRI’s Planetary Science Directorate has built a
worldwide reputation on investigating mysteries
across time and space, from the death of the
dinosaurs to a close-up look at Pluto.
10 Listening for Danger Signals
An SwRI-developed system helps warfighters
detect and locate the distinctive radio signature
of a fired weapon.
14 Food for Thought
SwRI chemists detect foreign materials, allergens
and residues in food samples.
18 SwRI-developed Coatings Technology
Earns 2009 R&D 100 Award
Technical Staff Activities….21
Recent Features….29
Fifteen Years Strong
SwRI’s Planetary
Science Directorate
has built a worldwide
reputation on
investigating mysteries
across time and space,
from the death of the
dinosaurs to a close-up
look at Pluto
In 1994, Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) opened an
office in Boulder, Colo., aimed at establishing a planetary astronomy research group in this scientifically fertile region at the base
of the Rocky Mountains. At that time, the office comprised two
scientists and a part-time administrative assistant. By its 15th
­anniversary in 2009, the staff had grown to more than 65 employees who study nearly every aspect of the solar system and related
­astronomical topics, lead and participate in space missions, develop instrumentation and conduct laboratory studies.
The Planetary Science Directorate has since established
itself as a world-recognized center of planetary research. It hosts
a steady stream of international visiting scientists and engineers,
and organizes workshops and meetings with focused scientific and
space exploration topics. This article highlights a sample of the
diverse areas of research that evolved into large programs including
moon and small body dynamics, the outer solar system, Mars, solar
physics and space operations.
Technology Today • Winter 2009
Moon and
Small Body
pace scientists
at Boulder perform research
spanning the evolution of
small bodies, such as asteroids, comets,
mete­oroids and dust, to the formation
of the planets and satellites like the
Moon. The ultimate goal is to explore
how and when the planet formed, why it
has water and other conditions suitable
for life, and whether it is possible that
other Earth-like planets exist elsewhere.
In essence, the exploration of how the
solar system came to be is also a way to
understand our place in the universe.
A particular topic of interest to both
scientists and the public is the meteorite
impact believed to have wiped out the
The impact believed to have caused mass extinctions on Earth 65 million years ago —
including the dinosaurs — has been traced to the breakup of the parent of the family of
objects associated with the asteroid Baptistina. This 170-kilometer-wide asteroid broke
apart 160 million years ago and its fragments later showered the inner solar system.
dinosaurs and other life 65 million years
ago. SwRI space researchers traced this
impact back to a large breakup event
in the main asteroid belt, a region of
small bodies between Mars and Jupiter.
Approx­imately 160 million years ago, the
170-kilometer-wide asteroid Baptistina
was disrupted when it was struck by another large asteroid. This created a cluster
of asteroids with similar orbits (known
as the Baptistina family) that gradually
spread to a nearby “superhighway” where
they could escape the main asteroid
belt and be delivered to orbits that cross
Earth’s path. The addition of so many new
fragments to the inner solar system created an asteroid “shower” that matches
up very well with the impact record on
Technology Today • Winter 2009
between the planets and the comet disk
caused the planets to slowly migrate
in space. Computer simulations indicate that, after hundreds of millions of
years, Jupiter and Saturn reached orbits
where their mutual gravitational kicks
became quite pronounced. This triggered an instability that led to a violent
reorganization of the outer solar system.
Uranus and Neptune were pushed into
the comet disk, scattering its members
throughout the solar system. Some of
these scattered objects then struck, or
“bombarded,” the planets and moons of
the inner solar system.
This model, while radical, is compelling because it can explain many
fundamental characteristics of the solar
system, from the unusual orbits of the
giant planets to the formation of several
individual asteroid and comet populations. It also explains why the Moon experienced a barrage of impactors nearly
4 billion years ago. Thus the Moon, and
its entire impact history, can be viewed
as a “Rosetta Stone” for deciphering the
histories of the planets.
Art by Don Davis
both Earth and the Moon over the
past 120 million years or so.
Close to the peak of this shower,
a 10-km asteroid struck Earth and
created the 180-km Chicxulub crater
on Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula. Telltale clues from dynamical models,
sediment samples and a meteorite
from this time period give a 90
percent probability that the object
forming the Chicxulub crater was a
refugee from the Baptistina family.
This work demonstrated that the
collisional and dynamical evolution
of the main asteroid belt may have
significant implications for understanding the geological and biological history of Earth.
NASA awarded SwRI the Center for Lunar Origin and Evolution
(CLOE), one of the first centers of
the new Lunar Science Institute. The
Moon is a unique extraterrestrial
laboratory, because it is the only object that is both relatively accessible
and still bears evidence from practically every period of solar system
history. CLOE will investigate
several lasting mysteries that
were uncovered during the
historic Apollo program.
A key project deals with the
intense debate concerning the
nature of the lunar impact record
in the relatively short interval
from 4 to 3.8 billion years ago,
commonly referred to as the “Late
Heavy Bombardment,” or LHB. This
phase in lunar history was dominated
by large impact events — the remnant
lava-filled basins that now shape the
dark-colored “man in the moon”
design on the lunar surface. Research
by staff members suggests the LHB
reveals the last and perhaps key phase
of planet formation when the solar
system may have rearranged itself.
In this model, the giant planets —
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune —
formed in a much more compact configuration than they have today. Just
outside their orbits loomed a massive
disk of comets. Gravitational interactions
These frames simulate the first 1.2 billion years
of solar system history. The orbits of the four
giant planets are shown as colored ellipses.
The green dots show small comet-like objects.
Changes in the orbits of the giant planets cause
the smaller objects to scatter widely, some of
which strike the inner planets and moons in a
“late heavy bombardment.”
The New Horizons spacecraft captured this image of Jupiter’s moons Io
(right) and Europa as it passed the giant gas planet in 2007. Three plumes
from active volcanoes are visible on Io.
Outer Solar
wRI space science is
active beyond the asteroid belt, in the realm of the
giant planets and beyond. The New
Horizons mission to Pluto was conceived
at SwRI-Boulder and launched toward
Pluto in January 2006. The spacecraft is
now well beyond the orbit of Saturn, and
will fly past Pluto and its moons Charon,
Nix and Hydra (the last two co-discovered
by Boulder staff) in July 2015, greatly
improving our understanding of these
worlds and icy dwarf planets in general.
New Horizons made its first discoveries in early 2007, when it flew past
Jupiter at a range of 2 million km and
used the giant planet’s gravity to speed
the journey to Pluto. The spacecraft’s
images of Jupiter itself revealed new
details of its complex storm systems,
including unprecedented near-infrared
time-lapse views of ammonia-rich
thunderstorms being torn apart by the
planet’s intense winds. New Horizons
obtained some of the best-ever images
of Jupiter’s faint ring system, discovering a series of mysterious clumps of ring
material. Images of its volcanic moon Io
documented an enormous eruption from
the volcano Tvashtar, obtaining movies
of its 350-km-high plume. These close-up
observations were supplemented using
the Hubble Space Telescope and
ground-based telescopes. The peculiar
lumpy atmosphere of Io
and charged particles
that escape Io and fill the
Jovian magnetosphere
are subjects of additional
ground-based and spacecraft investigations.
Even as it awaits the
New Horizons flyby,
Pluto is under regular
scrutiny from Earth.
Pluto’s atmosphere was discovered in
1988 by means of stellar occultation, in
which a planetary body passes between
the observer and a background star. A
subsequent pair of occultations in 2002
revealed, surprisingly, that the atmospheric pressure had doubled despite Pluto’s
increasing distance from the Sun. To
further study these changes, the Boulder
staff formed an occultation group in 2002,
with members who have since traveled
the world — wherever a star happens to
cast Pluto’s shadow on the Earth —
to record five subsequent Pluto
occultations using a combination of
local observatories and portable telescopes. These data are detailing changes in the structure, dynamics and shape
of Pluto’s atmosphere, paving the way
for New Horizons’ 2015 close-up view.
Somewhat closer to home, NASA’s
Cassini spacecraft has been orbiting
the ringed planet Saturn since 2004,
providing unprecedented information
about the planet and its moons. Staff
members have been involved both in
planning Cassini’s observations and
in understanding many facets of the
data. In July 2005, Cassini’s Composite
Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) revealed
enormous amounts of thermal radiation
from tectonic fractures at the south pole
of Saturn’s small moon Enceladus —
one of a series of observations by multiple Cassini instruments that revealed
Enceladus to be only the third world in
the solar system, after Earth and Jupiter’s
Io, known to be currently volcanically
active. The high heat flux and geological
Saturn’s narrow F ring and broad A ring were
photographed by the Cassini spacecraft soon
after Saturn’s August 2009 equinox. Shadows
are cast onto the rings by thick clumps within
or at the edges of empty gaps in the A ring.
Technology Today • Winter 2009
activity near the moon’s south
pole is driven by tidal flexing of
Enceladus due to its eccentric
orbit around Saturn. Follow-on
theoretical work suggests that
Enceladus has an ocean beneath
its ice shell. Energy created by
tidally driven raising and lowering of the ice shell by tens of
meters each day is transported
to the surface by solid-state convection, which provides a natural
explanation for the intense heat,
volcanism and deformation.
Most exotic of all Saturn’s
moons is Titan. By far the largest moon, wrapped in a smoggy
atmosphere almost five times as
dense as Earth’s, Titan also
exhibits many of the same
weather phenomena as Earth.
The air is mostly nitrogen, similar to Earth’s atmosphere, but the
predominant volatile compound
is methane, not water. Titan
conditions permit methane to
condense as both ice and liquid,
so methane likely participates in
a cycle similar to Earth’s
hydrological cycle. Atmospheric
simulations indicate that a critical level of methane is required
to initiate convective clouds. The relatively clear region where the
Huygens probe landed in 2005 was far below this threshold. These
clouds, which appear to be similar to terrestrial thunderstorms,
can also produce centimeters to hundreds of centimeters of precipitation in only a few hours — sufficient to carve the river-like
channel features observed across much of Titan’s surface.
Like Earth, Saturn has seasons. During the first five years of
Cassini’s mission, Saturn’s southern hemisphere experienced summer. In August 2009, the Sun crossed to the northern hemisphere
and briefly illuminated Saturn’s rings edge-on. During this event,
which occurs just once every 15 years, the rings and moons cast
The active “tiger stripe” fractures at the south pole of
Enceladus glow with internal heat in this composite, falsecolor image from the Saturn-orbiting Cassini spacecraft.
shadows on each other. Most parts of the rings are only
about 10 meters thick, due to the energy lost during collisions between ring particles. However, observations of the
rings planned by SwRI Cassini scientists and colleagues
during this year’s “equinox” have shown that some parts of
the rings are not meters, but several kilometers, thick.
Space Science and Engineering
Research at the Planetary Science Directorate complements
and extends the significant space research program long operated
at SwRI’s headquarters in San Antonio. The Space Science and Engineering Division comprises more than 370 employees in Boulder
and San Antonio focused on spacecraft instrument development, as
well as observational and theoretical space and planetary science.
SwRI currently serves as the principal investigator institution
for NASA’s Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) Small Explorer
mission and the New Horizons and Juno New Frontiers missions.
In addition, SwRI leads the science investigation for NASA’s fourspacecraft Magnetospheric Multiscale mission.
Staff members in Boulder and San Antonio routinely share
their expertise with the national and international media and
have appeared in television documentaries. Researchers also
have published books and articles and provided expert opinion
before the U.S. Congress on such issues as asteroid impact
hazards to Earth.
Funding from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the National Science Foundation, SwRI’s internal research program and other sources supports this array of space
research activities through competitively selected proposals.
Research results are published in a variety of professional,
peer-reviewed journals.
Technology Today • Winter 2009
Towering dust storms over 15 km in height
bear down on one of the proposed Mars
Science Laboratory (MSL) landing sites,
Mawrth Valles, as simulated by the Mars
Regional Atmospheric Modeling System
(MRAMS). The atmospheric information
provided by the model is being used to
establish the safety of proposed MSL
landing sites and to guide descent and
landing operations.
tudies of Mars span the planet’s atmosphere, surface and interior, both past
and present. Atmospheric modeling
of Mars is important both for basic science and for weather
forecasts critical to the successful landing and operation of
spacecraft on the Martian surface. Following recent successes with predictions for the landings of the Mars Exploration
Rover and Phoenix spacecraft, SwRI scientists are providing
similar forecasts for the Mars Science Laboratory, a large
rover scheduled to land in 2012. MSL uses a new landing
system that hovers above the surface and lowers the rover
on a cable. The system is sensitive to density perturbations
and winds, for which observations are lacking or completely
absent but which can be assessed with models that already
have an excellent track record of accurate predictions.
Atmospheric modeling is illuminating the physics of
Mars’ famous dust storms. Large storms may generate electrical fields strong enough to trigger lightning, but even
dust devils may produce electric fields strong enough to
dissociate carbon dioxide and produce superoxides. These
oxidizing molecules could be produced in high enough
concentration to sterilize the surface of Mars and to rapidly
destroy methane. This may help constrain whether methane is produced by biological or geochemical processes.
The thermal infrared spectra of geological materials
are measured in two laboratories, where SwRI scientists are
helping to develop spectral libraries of phases important
to the interpretation of remote-sensing data of planetary
surfaces, such as the mapping of igneous, aqueous, and
weathering-derived phases on Mars and small bodies. For
example, through global-scale mapping of the igneous mineral olivine, the team inferred a broader evolution of magma
compositions over time on Mars than had been previously
recognized. Laboratory simulations of water-rock interactions on Mars track the evolution of the near-surface environment and suggest that magnesium sulfate salts are dominant under acidic conditions that likely are representative of
early Mars. Such salts were found
by NASA’s Mars Exploration Rover
Opportunity. Alkaline conditions,
thought to have prevailed through
most of Mars’ history, produce mostly
calcium sulfates in the laboratory.
Scientists also are working to
understand the effects of small particle sizes and vacuum environments on infrared spectra, which will aid in the identification and
numerical abundance modeling of phases on airless bodies with
powdery surfaces, such as asteroids and the Moon.
Below the microwave band, electromagnetic energy penetrates into the interiors of rocky and icy bodies. Signals from
the Shallow Radar (SHARAD) instrument onboard NASA’s Mars
Reconnaissance Orbiter were able to penetrate a 3-km-thick stack
of layers in the planet’s north polar region. Staff analysis of those
signals revealed a cyclical pattern of strongly reflective, layered
materials, interleaved with zones of lower reflectivity. These patterns track models of Martian climate cycles for the past four
million years and constrain the age, composition and atmospheric
precipitation of the ice-rich layers.
The Laser Desorption
Resonance Ionization
Mass Spectrometery
(LDRIMS) laboratory
seeks to develop
a compact
instrument for field
measurement of rock
ages on Earth and
other rocky planets
and moons.
Technology Today • Winter 2009
Courtesy NASA/JPL
Below even radar frequencies lies a vast underworld of
the electromagnetic spectrum
where energy is transported
by diffusion instead of as
waves. Because this energy can
penetrate solid rock to depths
of hundreds of kilometers,
it is useful for probing the
structure, temperature and
composition of the interiors of
solid planets and moons. Staff
members are extending the
limits of terrestrial geophysics and performing laboratory
measurements to enable this
next advance in planetary subsurface exploration. Byproducts of this work include new
knowledge of the structural
chemistry of ice, soil-ice electrical interactions, and attribution of broadband dispersion
and loss in surface-penetrating
radar — both on Earth and on
Mars — to thin films of
adsorbed water.
In contrast to the relatively
small quantities of water concentrated in the polar caps and
dispersed in the crust today, it has long been thought that
large quantities of discharged groundwater must have shaped
the early Martian surface. Adapting terrestrial hydrogeological models to Mars, SwRI scientists found that the discharged
groundwater was most likely supplied by recharge on the
nearby Tharsis rise, but that such connections were regional,
and not global, in scale. Large lakes were intermediate reservoirs for groundwater discharge. These interactions represent
a true hydrologic cycle on early Mars.
This artist’s rendition of the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
landing on Mars in 2012 illustrates the new “Sky Crane” system.
SwRI’s Radiation Assessment Detector (RAD) is onboard.
Determining the age of a rocky surface is one of the pivotal
measurements that can be made in planetary geology, yet this
has been done only for samples returned by astronauts from
the Moon. SwRI has a major effort under way to develop a portable Laser Desorption Resonance Ionization Mass Spectrometer (LDRIMS), a backpack-size instrument that can determine
rock ages from a robotic lander or a rover. LDRIMS uses the
classic method of measuring the radioactive decay of rubidium and strontium.
The current benchtop prototype can
measure standards with 10 parts per million net strontium to ±0.5 percent, and
one-part-per-10-billion sensitivity, in less
than one minute. Models of the error
in the age measurement, assuming the
composition of meteorites known to
have come from Mars, show that dates
accurate to 50 million years are possible
in a few hours.
This cross-section of the north polar cap of
Mars (a) produced by ice-penetrating radar
shows internal layering, likely due to layers of
dust and ice (b). Composite images of many
spacecraft passes allow a map of ice thickness
to be developed (c–e).
Technology Today • Winter 2009
Magnetic field lines entwine and tangle in this fluxon simulation of a
small (30,000 miles square) piece of the Sun’s atmosphere.
magnetic features, the
team demonstrated
that the solar magnetic
field is dominated by
dynamo action on
scales no larger than
100 miles. The computer vision software
is currently being
deployed as part of
the data pipeline for
NASA’s Solar Dynamics
Observatory. In addition to relating
magnetic activity to features in the solar coPhysics
urrent work in solar
rona, it will be used to identify new
physics focuses on underemerging flux regions on the Sun
standing how the Sun proand predict space weather in real time.
duces its magnetic field, and how ongoMagnetic field lines in the electriing changes in the surface magnetic field
cally conductive plasma of the Sun can
give rise to space weather and related
become stretched, twisted and tangled.
effects throughout the solar system.
When field lines suddenly snap and reStaff members have developed comconnect, plasma can be hurled out as a
puter vision software to identify and track
solar flare or a larger coronal mass ejechundreds of thousands of magnetic feation (CME). The new “fluxon” simulation
tures on the surface of the Sun simultane- of the solar magnetic field treats field
ously, determining their motion and hislines directly as physical objects, rather
tory as they interact with one another. In
than as a distributed field in space, as
this way, the nature of the Sun’s complex
has been the traditional approach. The
magnetic dynamo can be probed.
high fidelity at a hundred-fold increase
By statistically analyzing the history of
in computation speed has been remarkable. This enabled scientists to identify a
new type of instability that causes magnetic explosions without reconnecting
field lines.
Understanding dynamics and magnetic field evolution on the Sun requires
new instruments that can extract information from the solar spectrum quickly
and at high spatial resolution. The Planetary Science Directorate has a strong
solar instrument development program.
Two prototype instruments — SHAZAM
and RAISE — take quite different
approaches to measuring the solar spectrum. RAISE is an ultraviolet imaging
spectrograph that is undergoing final
testing before launch in the spring of
2010. It will collect several spectra per
Magnetic loops and structures are
visible in this ultraviolet image of the
second, accumulating some 27,000 in
Sun’s corona.
all, during a single six-minute suborbital
rocket flight. SHAZAM is a high-speed
Doppler magnetograph that uses a new
Technology Today • Winter 2009
Courtesy SOHO/EIT
measurement technique — spectral
stereoscopy — to measure the smallest magnetic features on the Sun using
subtle polarization effects in sunlight.
SHAZAM will ultimately be deployed on
the world’s largest solar telescope, the
4-meter Advanced Technology Solar
Telescope under construction on the
Hawaiian island of Maui.
The solar group will continue to
study solar roots of space weather phenomena, predicting and tracking CMEs
from spacecraft and ground-based radiotelescopes. Further spectral imager and
flight-instrument development is facilitated by a new heliostat lab. The RAISE
sounding rocket has provided a gateway
into major instrument projects, including
the new SPICE UV imaging spectrograph
that has been selected to fly to the inner
solar system on board the European Solar
Orbiter mission in 2017.
The SHAZAM instrument was recently deployed
at the National Solar Observatory facility near
Alamogordo, N.M. The telescope is more than
300 feet tall, with two-thirds of it underground.
Europa rises past
the limb of Jupiter
as seen by the
New Horizons
The Lyman Alpha Mapping Project (LAMP) instrument is
currently operating on the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter
to produce maps of the Moon’s surface, water absorption
features and tenuous atmosphere.
Courtesy NASA
omplementing the innovative
research at SwRI-Boulder is the
Science Operations Center, which
supports a growing number of robotic missions. The SOC
performs three main tasks: designing the commands that
control the capture of images and data by spacecraft,
automated processing of data returned to Earth and
archiving data for generations to come.
The most active and prominent current mission is the
New Horizons mission. Now past Saturn’s orbit on its way
to Pluto, the spacecraft is entering hibernation, but planning
activity is still going strong. The
SOC acts partly as an interface
between the science team
(where specific mission
observations are carefully
selected) and the Mission
Operations Center at the
Johns Hopkins University
Applied Physics Laboratory
in Laurel, Md., which sends
commands to the spacecraft. While New Horizons
peacefully drifts toward the
outer reaches of our solar
system, the SOC’s uplink
sequencing team is developing commands for the
complex maneuvers that
will take place during the
Pluto encounter in 2015.
The fastest spacecraft ever
launched, New Horizons lifts
off from Cape Canaveral Jan.
19, 2006, on its nineyear journey to Pluto.
Three UV spectrometers on active missions are supported
at the SOC. The ALICE instruments onboard New Horizons and
Rosetta will examine the surfaces and tenuous atmospheres of
Pluto and the comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko, respectively.
The LAMP instrument, currently orbiting the Moon on the Lunar
Reconnaissance Orbiter, seeks to peer into permanent shadows
near the poles and identify frosts. The SOC also performs data
processing for the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter’s SHARAD instrument, and its scientists and engineers are designing data pipelines
for RAISE and SHAZAM. Science operations for MSL’s Radiation
Assessment Detector will be executed at the SOC. The growing
experience base makes the SOC a valuable resource for future
spaceflight projects. v
For more information about the Planetary Science Directorate and its
programs, contact (303) 546-9670 or boulder@swri.org.
Technology Today • Winter 2009
Listening for
Danger Signals
An SwRI-developed system helps
warfighters detect and locate the
distinctive radio signature of a
fired weapon
By Thomas C. Untermeyer
ince the days of the slingshot
and the arrow, military officials
responsible for the safety of
warfighters in the field have
sought new ways to detect incoming
weapons, and trace their origin, as soon
as possible after their firing or launching.
On the modern battlefield, systems based on optical, infrared (IR)
and acoustic technologies have been
developed to detect the firing of a variety of weapons. However, each of
those technologies has limitations to its
operational performance. Optical and
IR detection methods do not work well
during obscured environmental conditions such as fog, rain, clouds, smoke or
dust. Acoustic systems, meanwhile, are
hampered by limited range and relatively slow response time.
Thomas C. Untermeyer is a senior program manager in
the Communications and Embedded Systems Department
within SwRI’s Automation and Data Systems Division. He
has extensive experience in systems engineering, program
development and technical management. His expertise is
in defining, designing and developing electronic products
and systems.
Technology Today • Winter 2009
A high-speed camera catches the bullet as it
exits the barrel of a handgun at right while test
equipment captures the radio frequency (RF)
signal emitted by the weapon’s discharge.
Since the 1950s, the open literature
has reported the possible generation of
distinctive radio frequency (RF) emissions associated with the launching of a
variety of weapons. Passive RF detection
of weapon launches could provide a
benefit over optical, IR and acoustic systems by providing fast detection through
obscured environments over extended
ranges. Consequently, in 2003 a team
of engineers from Southwest Research
Institute (SwRI) carried out an internally
funded research program to investigate
the generation of RF signals during the
firing of small arms. Electrical engineers
worked with ballistics engineers and
technicians to equip SwRI’s enclosed
range for small-arms ballistic testing with
the necessary RF test equipment and
high-speed video cameras to collect RF
and video data during the firing of multiple pistols and rifles. The SwRI team
then presented its findings to various
government organizations to determine
further interest.
Based on these findings, the U.S.
Army Space and Missile Defense
Command (USASMDC) established
and funded the All Weather RF
Launch Detection (AWRFLD) program starting in 2005 under the
direction of a commercial client, which subsequently issued
task orders to SwRI to develop
and deploy sensors to measure
RF emissions generated by firing small arms, rocket-propelled
grenade (RPG) launchers, mortars,
artillery and rockets.
In the ensuing four years, the multidisciplinary makeup of SwRI allowed
the engineering team to add expertise
in chemical engineering, microwave
engineering and microwave component
fabrication. Chemical engineers used
their laboratory equipment to analyze
gun- powder and weapon propellants for
use in model development. Microwave
engineers designed custom circuits that
allowed miniaturization and cost reduction of the passive RF sensor prototypes.
The Institute’s unique microwave fabrication facilities allowed the custom assembly of microwave components using
wire and ribbon bonding techniques.
The project team has supported data collection trips to Redstone Arsenal, White
Sands Missile Range, Fort Sill and Yuma
Proving Ground. During these trips, the
team designed the test setups, acquired
the necessary sensors and test equipment, transported them to and from the
military ranges, set up and operated the
data collection system during military
exercises and then documented its findings. Field test sensors developed by the
AWRFLD team have demonstrated the
feasibility of building a deployable passive RF sensing system to detect weapon
launch events on the battlefield.
RF sensor design
The SwRI team began the AWRFLD
program by investigating the RF signals
generated during the firing of small
arms at the SwRI ballistics facility in
San Antonio to establish accurate test
procedures and to better understand
the associated RF phenomenology. The
Institute’s high-speed video camera was
able to pinpoint the timing of captured
RF signals and verify they were caused
by firing the weapon. RF signal data and
video were collected from a variety of
pistols and rifles such as the .357-caliber
handgun and the Russian-made Kalazhnikov AK-47 rifle.
Procedures and techniques developed during small-arms testing allowed SwRI engineers to move on
to collecting RF data during the
launch of larger ordnance. The
team used a variety of standard
and custom-designed sensors to
An array of sensors of different
sizes and configurations captures
RF signals from a wide range of
frequencies and caused by the firing of
different sizes of weapons.
Technology Today • Winter 2009
Distinctive RF signatures
enable sensor arrays to
distinguish among a number
of weapons whose discharge
may be detected. Note the
difference between the signal
emitted by an artillery piece
(shown in green) and a rocket
launched at Yuma Proving
Ground (shown in brown).
collect data over frequencies ranging from
30 MHz to 100 GHz. These sensors included various commercial and custom antennas for the lower frequencies along with
commercial and custom radiometers for
the higher frequencies. SwRI consistently
and reliably detected RF energy during the
launching of RPGs, mortars, artillery and
rockets while using the custom-designed
radiometers centered on frequencies of
10 GHz, 35 GHz and 94 GHz. After collecting data with individual radiometers, the
AWRFLD team decided to develop a 35
GHz scalable proof-of-concept radiometer
array, called the Multi-Antenna Radiometer Sensor (MARS) prototype. Unlike previously developed sensors, an array of
radiometers would allow a determination
of target bearing. The MARS prototype
used 45 radiometers that populated an
array of 5 rows by 9 columns. The MARS
prototype included a dish antenna that
focused the RF energy toward the array
as well as both visible and IR cameras.
The project team used computer-aided
design software tools and rapid prototyping machines available at SwRI to
develop a metal-coated plastic horn array
face for MARS that would simplify assembly and reduce its overall cost. Developing the individual radiometer designs
required the use of microwave modeling
software and computer-aided design
software. The SwRI team also developed
custom user interface software that provided a composite display of captured
visible and IR video along with a graphical representation of the captured RF
data taken during weapon launches.
Future developments may include
the detection of weapon launches using
platforms based on the ground, in the air
Technology Today • Winter 2009
or in space. Space-based sensors in particular could provide detailed launch locations and discrimination of tactical and
strategic rockets in obscured conditions.
Achieving this objective will require
demonstrating the ability to produce
RF focal plane arrays that are very compact and lightweight and that use lower
power. Likewise, data processors capable
of handling data from a large array of
sensors are required, along with software
algorithms for processing the data.
Measured emissions
Many events other than weapon
launches cause the generation of RF
signals, and these can contribute to
confusion when interpreting RF signals.
The project team took great care in
developing the proper test setups and
The MARS prototype sensor array (left) contains 45 individual radiometers, each
collecting RF emissions data for a discrete frequency range. A side view of an
individual radiometer from the array is shown below
procedures to make sure
that any RF energy they
detected actually resulted
from the firing or launching of weapons rather than
from some coincidental
signal from another source.
High-speed video coupled
with high-bandwidth test
equipment and post-event
data analysis provided the
essential tools to pinpoint
the origin of the detected
signals. Also, advances in
component technology
allowed SwRI to design
and develop the receivers
required for sensing previously undetectable signals.
After extensive testing, the project
team theorized that the RF signals generated during the firing of pistols and rifles
result mainly from the triboelectric effect
of charged dissimilar metals making and
breaking contact. On the other hand,
larger weapons generate most of their RF
energy in the form of black-body radiation, at lower-than-IR and visible frequencies, emanating from their fireball during
launch. The project team consistently
detected RF emissions at appreciable
distances during the launch of the larger
By design, the MARS prototype collected RF emissions data from 45 individual radiometers along with IR and visible
images at the same time. This capability
allowed the MARS prototype to detect the
RF emissions from the simultaneous
launching of RPGs, mortars and artillery
located within its field of view. It also
allowed the MARS prototype to detect
the RF emissions from rockets as they
crossed its field of view and allowed
it to determine their line of bearing.
Normalized RF signals received during
the firing of various weapons proved
unique to the weapon type, and therefore could allow detection and discrimination of specific weapon types.
Predicted capabilities
The AWRFLD team collected video
and RF data during the firing of small
arms at SwRI and the launching of RPGs
at Redstone Arsenal, rockets at White
Sands Missile Range, artillery and rockets at Fort Sill, and mortars and rockets
at Yuma Proving Ground. During this
testing, the AWRFLD team collected
RF data from listening stations located
more than a kilometer from the launch
sites. Using this data, the AWRFLD team
calculated and graphed the maximum
projected detection ranges of RPGs,
mortars, artillery and rockets for different antenna beamwidths and for
selected integration times. The data for
creating this projected capability came
from field test measurements before
any signal processing had occurred. Increasing the integration time, or
increasing the collecting antenna size,
could potentially increase the detection
Technology Today • Winter 2009
The previous collection of data using
passive RF sensors during the launching
of various weapons at military ranges indicates that a passive deployable weapon
launch detection system using similar
technology would allow the consistent
detection of weapon launches from adequate stand-off distances. RF detection
of these events could provide a benefit
over acoustic and optical systems by
providing detection through obscured
environments. The multidisciplinary
technical team at SwRI is continuing to
work with its commercial client and the
USASMDC toward eventually developing
and fielding deployable passive detection systems that can potentially save
warfighters’ lives. v
The USASMDC has authorized Distribution
Statement A: 9372 (approved for public release,
distribution unliimited) for this article.
Food for Thought
SwRI chemists detect
foreign materials,
allergens and residues
in food samples
By Lorraine G. Scheller
n recent years the news media have
reported a number of food product
recalls after consumption of these
products resulted in illnesses and in
some cases, deaths. The most publicized
recalls were those attributed to bacterial
contamination, such as E. coli in spinach
and peppers and salmonella in peanuts
and peanut butter. Other large recalls
have involved chemical contaminants,
most notably melamine, normally used
in the manufacture of plastics. This compound was added to pet food and dairy
products to make them appear higher in
protein. Recalls have also been prompted
by the presence of undeclared ingredients or allergens, banned dyes and pesticides, or higher than permitted levels
of pesticide residues. Collectively, these
recalls have resulted in heightened consumer concern over the safety of our food
supply. This has prompted food suppliers
to spend millions of dollars testing their
products to assure consumers that the
products are safe.
Southwest Research Institute (SwRI)
chemists and scientists have provided
many services to clients in food quality
and safety, ranging across the food industry spectrum from the farm to the fork.
They include farmers, distributors, manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers. Most
projects are initiated to solve a specific
concern. Examples have included evaluating flavor components through the determination of volatile organics; determining
Technology Today • Winter 2009
The SwRI lab uses solid-phase
extraction techniques
that allow for sample
extraction and
interferent cleanup in
fewer steps and with
shorter turnaround
many compounds have
been banned
and newer pesticides put into
use. The SwRI team
has adapted its analyses in response to these
changes and maintains a same-day
turnaround for samples received at the
lab. This constraint has pushed the lab to
improve upon standard sample preparation and evaluation techniques.
ethylene exposure of
produce stored under
a variety of conditions;
analyzing volatile organic compounds to predict
shelf life of milk and
cereal products; kinetic
studies to determine the
effectiveness of bags in
protecting produce from
the effect of ethylene
gas; determining the
source of food contamination from the storage
environment; investigating suspected intentional and unintentional
food contamination;
evaluating the effectiveness of common household washing and food
preparation methods
in reducing the levels
of pesticide residues in
produce; monitoring levels of potentially harmful
compounds created in
the production of food
products; and determining the content of vitamins and other nutrients
in foods.
Food can be a single
commodity such as fruits and vegetables,
or it can be very complex as are most
processed foods. This presents many
challenges to those who perform chemical analyses. Keys to the success of these
analyses include sophisticated sample
preparation and analytical techniques
that aim to reduce interferences caused
by natural and artificial colors, sugars,
starches and preservatives. Due to the
shelf life constraints of most foods, these
analyses must be performed in a short
period. Turnaround of data to the client
typically ranges from a few hours to a few
days from the time samples are received
in the lab.
Over the past 20 years, food chemists
and scientists at SwRI have analyzed more
than 40,000 produce samples for approximately 150 pesticide residues. During that
time, the food chemistry laboratory has
had to stay abreast of changes in regulations and tolerances for specific compounds and commodities. Additionally,
Lorraine G. Scheller is
manager of the Analytical
and Environmental Chemistry
Department of SwRI’s Chemistry
and Chemical Engineering
Division. She has extensive
experience in the extraction
and analysis of environmental
and biological samples and
has conducted studies under
U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, Food and Drug
Administration and Good
Laboratory Practice guidelines
for more than 15 years. She
is responsible for groups that
perform organic analyses
using high performance liquid
chromatography, capillary
electrophoresis, gel permeation
chromatography and gas
New techniques
The SwRI lab has implemented
dispersive solid-phase extraction techniques, which allow for sample extraction
and interferent cleanup in fewer steps,
using less solvent, to analyze samples
more quickly while reducing laboratory
costs and waste. Other improvements
in food chemical analyses have included
Technology Today • Winter 2009
implementation of mass
spectroscopy (MS) to the
detection of targeted compounds.
Typical screening methods formerly utilized gas chromatography (GC) coupled
with electron capture detection (ECD),
nitrogen phosphorus detection (NPD),
flame photometric detection (FPD), flame
ionization detection (FID) or liquid chromatography (LC) coupled with ultraviolet detection (UV) and/or fluorescence
detection. A positive detection by either
GC or LC required confirmation using a
dissimilar technique to positively report
a finding. The use of GC/MS or LC tandem MS (LC/MS/MS) provides detection,
identification and confirmation of the
compound in a single run. This allows for
acrylamide was actually being produced
during the cooking process through a
chemical reaction, known as the Maillard
reaction, which occurs when foods are
browned. Essentially, the reaction takes
place when an amino acid and a reducing
sugar are exposed to high temperatures.
Acrylamide was being formed through a
reaction between the amino acid asparagine, which is naturally present in many
starchy foods, and glucose or fructose as
the reducing sugar.
Food manufacturers concerned with
the levels of acrylamide in their products contracted the SwRI food laboratory chemists to monitor the levels of
acrylamide in their products, along with
the levels of the amino acids and sugars
that combine to produce it. The lab, in
turn, streamlined its standard sample
preparation techniques to provide faster
throughput to accommodate the simultaneous demands of greater volume and
shorter turnaround times. The lab incorporated extraction and cleanup procedures that require fewer steps. The result
was a “cleaner” sample extract, which
aids in identifying the compound and
also reduces the time needed for analytical instrument maintenance. Once processed, the samples are analyzed using
GC/MS or LC/MS/MS techniques. The lab
today processes from several hundred to
several thousand samples per week, and
it reports analysis data to clients within
days of receiving the sample.
Chemical analysis of food
samples begins with the use of
household blenders to reduce
foods to fine particles whose
chemical components can be
extracted for quick and consistent
screening and analysis.
more timely reporting of data to
The chemical analytical labs
have also responded to emerging food
issues, such as the discovery of a potential cancer-causing compound, acrylamide, in baked and fried foods. In 2002, a
group of Swedish scientists unexpectedly
detected acrylamide in many baked, fried
and roasted foods. This was alarming
because acrylamide is a suspected carcinogen, and the levels that the scientists
found in these foods far exceeded limits
set for public drinking water supplies.
Interestingly, the scientists noted that
Ensuring safety of globally
sourced foods
Some common food preparation practices
can result in conversion of the naturally
occurring amino acid asparagine into
acrylamide, a potential cancer-causing
compound, when heated to high temperatures
in the presence of certain sugars.
acrylamide was rarely seen in boiled or
raw foods.
Food regulatory agencies worldwide searched for the cause of this
phenomenon. It was later shown that
Technology Today • Winter 2009
Imported foods
continue to be a concern
as the U.S. food supply
becomes more global. In
2007, the media reported
widely on pet food products that sickened thousands of cats and dogs.
It was determined that
wheat gluten imported
from China had been adulterated with
the industrial chemical melamine, which
standard testing methods can misinterpret to indicate artificially high protein
content. The next year, in 2008, hundreds
of Chinese infants were sickened when
melamine was added to infant formula
in that country. In response to concerns
over the safety of imported foods, the
SwRI food chemists were contracted to
test a wide range of imported products
for melamine and cyromazine, a com-
Small samples can be
screened rapidly and
in high numbers using
new mass spectroscopy
processes to detect
targeted compounds.
pound which is a metabolite of melamine. The SwRI
team developed several analytical methods for these
compounds, including a simple screening run using LC for samples that were
not expected to contain the target compounds. Meanwhile, GC/MS and LC/MS/
MS analyses were run on products with a
tentative positive detection using LC, as
well as products about which not much
was known, to provide a simultaneous
identification and confirmation. One or
both of the chemicals were found in several products, but at relatively low levels.
The levels detected did not indicate an
intentional adulteration of the product.
Products and packaging
The SwRI labs have also responded
to requests to investigate packaging and
shipping conditions and their effects on
food products during transport. Plastics
are typically manufactured with flameretardant additives. One new type of
high-density polyethylene plastic shipping pallet is manufactured using the additive Deca, a type of brominated flame
retardant. The SwRI chemists performed
experiments to investigate whether a
specific Deca component, brominated
diphenyl ether (BDE) congeners, can
migrate from the plastic pallet onto the
shrink-wrap of the packages loaded onto
In response to food-safety concerns, SwRI
chemists developed analytical methods to screen
food samples for the industrial chemical melamine
and for cyromazine, a metabolite of melamine.
it. Results demonstrated that BDE congeners could leach from the plastic pallet
to the shrink-wrap beneath the product
The food chemistry laboratories at
SwRI are staying abreast of other food
safety issues as they arise. Recent concerns involve the presence of bisphenol
A in plastic bottles, phthalates in plastic
food storage and packaging, banned colors in imported products, undeclared allergens in products and counterfeit products. The SwRI team remains dedicated
to providing accurate and timely analyses
tailored to fit clients’ specific needs.
Although there is much concern over
the presence of chemical contaminants
in a variety of foods, it must be noted
that recent advances in technology allow analytical chemists to detect these
compounds at ultra-low levels, typically
at the parts-per-trillion level. However, at
what levels these compounds cause harm
to the human body is not always known.
Therefore, the responsibility of setting
limits for these compounds in food falls
Technology Today • Winter 2009
to the government agencies that oversee
the food industry. v
Questions about this article? Contact
Scheller at (210)-522-2182 or
Sundlof, Stephen F. “Foodborne illness outbreak
associated with salmonella.” hhs.gov. 11 Feb. 2009.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 29
June 2009. http://www.hhs.gov/asl/testify/2009/02/
Stadler, Richard H., Imre Blank, Natalia Vargas,
Fabien Robert, Jorg Hau, Phillippe A. Guy, MarieClaude Robert, and Sonja Riediker. “Food chemistry:
Acrylamide from Maillard reaction products.” Nature
419 (2002): 449-450. Nature. 3 Oct. 2002. 13 Jan.
2009. http://www:nature.com/nature/journal/v419/
Raloff, Janet. “Pesticide may seed American infant
formulas with melamine.” ScienceNews 3 June 2009.
Society for Science and the Public. 29 June 2009
SwRI-developed Coatings Technology
Earns 2009 R&D 100 Award
new method developed
at Southwest Research
Institute (SwRI) for
depositing super-hard,
ultra-thick coatings on components received a 2009 R&D 100
Award. R&D Magazine selected
SwRI’s Plasma Enhanced Magnetron Sputter (PEMS) technology
as one of the 100 most significant
technological achievements of
the past year. The award was
presented in a November 12 ceremony at Orlando, Fla.
Components such as jet engine
turbine blades and helicopter rotor
blades operate under harsh conditions,
and the surfaces of these objects are
often subject to severe solid particle or
liquid droplet erosion. To protect these
components from erosion, abrasion and
wear, a surface coating is needed that
demonstrates both high hardness and
“Most commercially available coatings are fairly hard, but not tough,” said
Dr. Ronghua Wei, an Institute scientist
in SwRI’s Mechanical Engineering Division and principal developer of the PEMS
technology. “The SwRI-developed superhard, ultra-thick nanocomposite coating
produced using our PEMS technology
provides both, and has shown superior
resistance in comparison to many commercial coatings.”
SwRI’s PEMS technology is an advanced variation of the physical vapor
deposition process by which coatings
can be deposited on the surface of various components. The PEMS process introduces a global plasma, which allows
a thorough cleaning of a component’s
surface to remove oxide and surface con-
taminants before the coating is applied,
thus ensuring that the coating tightly adheres to the surface. During the process,
this global plasma enhances the ion bombardment of the coating. As a result, very
dense and very hard coatings can
be achieved.
Also, because a high ion flux is
used, no external heaters are required,
a distinct advantage over conventional
methods. The high processing temperatures required for other methods often
degrade the fatigue strength of the component’s material.
“Although the PEMS technology can
be used to deposit single-phase nitride
coatings, the more important advantage
of this technology is that nitride-based
nanocomposite coatings also can be deposited,” Wei added. “These coatings can
be twice as tough as single-phase coatings, which is important for high erosion
resistance. The nanocomposite coatings
produced by the PEMS technology have
shown extraordinary performance in field
While designed initially for improving the surface properties of aero-engine
components, land-based turbine blades
Technology Today • Winter 2009
On stage at the R&D 100 awards ceremony
in Orlando, Fla., are (from left) Manager Dr.
Kent Coulter, Principal Technician Chris
Rincon, Principal Technician Edward Langa,
Institute Scientist Dr. Ron Wei, Senior
Technician Robert Castillo and Institute
Engineer Dr. Sastry Cheruvu, all of the
Mechanical Engineering Division.
and helicopter rotor blades and leading
edges, the PEMS technology can be applied to a variety of components. These
include oil and gas production valves and
pumps; military weaponry components
used in sandy or dusty environments;
heavy-duty machinery engine parts and
food processing components; as well as
gear cutters, drill bits, lathe tools and end
mills, among others.
In all, SwRI has won 34 R&D 100
Awards since 1971. v
Questions about this article? Contact
Wei at (210) 522-5204 or ronghua.wei@
swri.org; Cheruvu at (210) 522-2492 or sastry.cheruvu@swri.org; or Coulter at (210)
522-3196 or kent.coulter@swri.org.
Cassini closes in on the centuries-old
mystery of Saturn’s moon Iapetus
Extensive analyses and modeling of
Cassini imaging and heat-mapping data
have confirmed and extended previous
ideas that migrating ice, triggered by
infalling reddish dust that darkens and
warms the surface, may explain the mysterious two-toned “yin-yang” appearance
of Saturn’s moon Iapetus. The results,
published online Dec. 10 in a pair of
papers in the journal Science, provide
what may be the most plausible explanation to date for the moon’s bizarre
appearance, which has puzzled astronomers for more than 300 years.
Shortly after he discovered Iapetus in
1671, the French-Italian astronomer Giovanni Domenico Cassini noticed that the
surface is much darker on its leading side,
the side that faces forward in its orbit
around Saturn, than on the opposite trailing hemisphere.
One of the papers, led by Tilmann
Denk of the Freie Universität in Berlin
describes findings made by Cassini’s
Imaging Science Subsystem (ISS) cameras during the spacecraft’s close flyby
of Iapetus on Sept. 10, 2007, and on
previous encounters. “ISS images show
that both the bright and dark materials
on Iapetus’ leading side are redder than
similar material on the trailing side,” said
Denk, suggesting that the leading side is
colored (and slightly darkened) by reddish dust that Iapetus has swept up in
its orbit around Saturn. This observation
provides new confirmation of an old idea,
that Iapetus’ leading side has been darkened somewhat by infalling dark dust
from an external source, perhaps from
one or more of Saturn’s outer moons.
However, the ISS images show that this
infalling dust cannot be the sole cause of
the extreme global brightness dichotomy.
Close-up ISS images provide a clue,
showing evidence for thermal segregation, in which water ice has migrated
locally from sunward-facing and therefore warmer areas, to nearby polewardfacing and therefore colder areas, darkening and warming the former and brightening and cooling the latter.
The other paper, by John Spencer of
SwRI’s office in Boulder, Colo., and Denk,
adds runaway global migration of water ice
into the picture to explain the global appearance of Iapetus. Their model synthesizes
ISS results with thermal observations from
Brief notes about the
world of science and
technology at Southwest
Research Institute
Cassini’s Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) and computer models. CIRS
observations in 2005 and 2007 found that
the dark regions reach temperatures high
enough (129 degrees Kelvin or -227 degrees F) to evaporate many meters of ice
over billions of years. Spencer and Denk
propose that the infalling dust darkens
the leading side of Iapetus, which therefore absorbs more sunlight and heats up
enough to trigger evaporation of the ice
near the equator. The evaporating ice
re-condenses on the colder and brighter
poles and on the trailing hemisphere. The
loss of ice leaves dark material behind,
causing further darkening, warming,
and ice evaporation on the leading side
and near the equator. Simultaneously,
the trailing side and poles continue to
brighten and cool due to ice condensation, until Iapetus ends up with extreme
contrasts in surface brightness in the pattern seen today. The relatively small size
of Iapetus, which is just 1,500 kilometers
(900 miles) across, and its correspondingly low gravity, allow the ice to move
easily from one hemisphere to another.
“Iapetus is the victim of a runaway feedback loop, operating on a global scale,”
said Spencer.
The Cassini-Huygens mission is a
cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian
Space Agency. JPL manages the mission
for the Science Mission Directorate at
NASA Headquarters in Washington.
The Cassini orbiter and its two onboard
cameras were designed, developed and
assembled at JPL. The imaging team is
based at the Space Science Institute,
Boulder, Colo. The Composite Infrared
Spectrometer team is based at NASA’s
Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt,
Md., where the instrument was built, with
significant hardware contributions from
England and France.
Contact Spencer at (303) 546-9670 or
The Fuels and Lubricants Research Division at Southwest Research Institute
celebrated the 60th anniversary of automotive research, development and evaluation
at the Institute during October. The first engine laboratory at SwRI was constructed
in early 1949 after Norman Penfold joined the Institute staff and began establishing
a fuels and lubricants laboratory to serve the petroleum and automotive industries.
Many of the original clients remain clients of the division today.
Technology Today • Winter 2009
UTSA, SwRI join national research
SwRI® Fire Technology Department
celebrates 60th anniversary
The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) and Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) have joined the GovernmentUniversity-Industry Research Roundtable
(GUIRR), the nation’s advisers in science,
engineering and medicine.
GUIRR provides a platform for leaders in science and technology from
academia, government and business
to discuss and take action on national
and international scientific matters.
This includes such topics as universityindustry partnerships, scientific training
in academia, the relationship between
academia, government and business,
and the effects of globalization on U.S.
research. Through roundtable meetings
and working groups, GUIRR’s university
and industry partners provide guidance
and suggest possible solutions to streamline policies and procedures unique to
the government-university-industry interface. This counsel, often documented
in advisory reports, is distributed to key
national leaders, including the President’s staff.
“UTSA aspires to become a top
research university, and our membership
in GUIRR demonstrates this commitment,” said Robert Gracy, vice president
for research at UTSA. “UTSA’s partnership with Southwest Research Institute
to join GUIRR will not only strengthen
the relationship between our respective
institutions, it will allow our institutions
to contribute to the development of national policies that will facilitate science
and technology research collaborations
in the future.”
“As a contract research and development organization serving multiple
industries and government clients, SwRI
strives to apply scientific discoveries and
new technologies in innovative ways,”
said Walter Downing, SwRI executive
vice president. “Teaming with UTSA as
GUIRR university-industry partners gives
us a unique opportunity to participate in,
learn from and contribute to the leading
research collaborations in the nation.”
For more about GUIRR, see
Contact Maria Martinez at (210) 522-3305
or maria.martinez@swri.org.
When a fire is out of control, the
results can be devastating. In 2007, the
U.S. Fire Administration recorded more
than 3,000 deaths, more than 17,000 injuries and about $733 million in property damage due to fires. Just 60 years ago,
some 10,000 deaths, and $700 million in
property damages were reported in the
United States annually from fires.
The first report of fire research and
testing at Southwest Research Institute
dates back to 1949. Sixty years later,
SwRI’s Fire Technology Department
continues to be one of the world’s largest organizations dedicated to fire research and testing.
SwRI offers multidisciplinary fire
and explosion research and engineering services, including fire resistance
and material flammability testing, as
well as listing and labeling and followup inspection services. The Institute
has more than 50,000 square feet of
space dedicated to fire research and
testing, including a new facility for
sprinkler testing and related research
with a ceiling capacity of up to 60 feet.
The Institute serves government and
commercial clients in the construction,
transportation, chemical and petrochemical, nuclear, and telecommunications industries.
“What sets us apart is the breadth
of our services and the way we work
with our clients,” said Dr. Marc Janssens,
director of the SwRI Fire Technology
Department. “Our clients communicate
directly with the engineer or scientist
who will manage the project, unlike
other labs that have sales departments
where the client does not communicate
with the technical people until much
later. We receive outstanding feedback
on client quality surveys. Along with
our focus on client satisfaction, our department continues to be very active in
domestic and international codes and
standards development.”
SwRI’s Fire Technology Department is ISO 9001:2008 registered by
NSF International Strategic Registration
Ltd., and the testing laboratory and
inspection agency operations are ISO/
IEC 17025 and 17020 accredited by the
International Accreditation Service Inc.
Technology Today • Winter 2009
Also, SwRI is a Nationally Recognized
Testing Laboratory (NRTL) by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Government agencies such
as the U.S. Coast Guard, the California
State Fire Marshall’s Office, the Florida
Building Commission, the City of Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety,
and New York City’s Office of Technical
Certification and Research (OTCR) have
recognized SwRI’s Fire Technology
Internationally, the Institute is recognized by Lloyd’s Register of Shipping
(London), Det Norske Veritas, the American Bureau of Shipping, and the Explosives and Dangerous Goods Division of
the Occupational Safety and Health of
New Zealand.
Contact Janssens at (210) 522-6655 or
marc.janssens@swri.org, or visit the Fire
Technology web site at: fire.swri.org.
Technical Staff Activities
Allegrini, F., G.B. Crew, D. Demkee, H.O.
Funsten, D.J. McComas, B. Randol, B.
Rodriguez, N.A. Schwadron, P. Valek and
S. Weidner. “The IBEX Background Monitor.” Space Science Reviews, 146 (2009):
105–115, doi:10.1007/s11214-008-9439-8.
Balakrishnan, N., G. Iliopoulos, J.P. Keating and R.L. Mason. “Pitman Closeness of
Sample Median to Population Median.”
Statistics & Probability Letters, 79 (2009):
Bartolone, L.M., K. Carney, S.B. Cohen,
J. Erickson, J. Gutbezahl, P.H. Knappenberger and D.J. McComas. “IBEX Education and Public Outreach.” Space Science
Reviews, 146, (2009): 353–369, doi:10.1007/
Boisson, J., E. Heggy, S.M. Clifford, A.
Frigeri, J.J. Plaut, W.M. Farrell, N.E. Putzig,
G. Picardi, R. Orosei, P. Lognonné and
D.A. Gurnett. “Sounding the Subsurface of Athabasca Valles Using MARSIS
Radar Data: Exploring the Volcanic
and Fluvial Hypotheses for the Origin
of the Rafted-Plate Terrain.” Journal
of Geophysical Research, 114, (2009):
Chocron, S. and C.E. Anderson Jr.
“Numerical Simulations of the Penetration of Glass Using Two Pressure-Dependent Constitutive Models.” In Predictive
Modeling of Dynamic Processes: A Tribute to Klaus Thoma, (2009): 167–187.
Chocron, S., K.R. Samant, A.E. Nicholls,
E. Figueroa, C.E. Weiss, J.D. Walker and
C.E. Anderson Jr. “Measurement of Strain
in Fabrics under Ballistic Impact Using
Embedded Nichrome Wires. Part I: Technique.” International Journal of Impact
Engineering, 36, (2009): 1,296–1,302.
Cobb, A.E., J.E. Michaels and T.E.
Michaels. “An Integrated Approach to
Local Ultrasonic Monitoring of Fastener
Hole Fatigue Cracks.” Aeronautical Journal (2009): in press.
Cobb, A.E., J.E. Michaels and T.E.
Michaels. “Simultaneous Ultrasonic Monitoring of Crack Growth and Dynamic
Loads during a Full-Scale Fatigue Test of
an Aircraft Wing.” Review of Progress in
Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation,
(2008): 1,458–1,465.
Cobb. A.E., J.E. Michaels and T.E. Michaels.
“Ultrasonic Structural Health Monitoring:
A Model-Driven Probability of Detection
Case Study.” Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, (2008):
Coustenis, A., J. Lunine, J.P. Lebreton, D.
Matson, C. Erd, K. Reh, P. Beauchamp, R.
Lorenz, J.H. Waite Jr., C. Sotin, L. Gurvits
and M. Hirtzig. “Earth-Based Support for
the Titan Saturn System Mission.” Earth
Moon and Planets, 105, (2009): 135–142.
Cui, J., M. Galand, R.V. Yelle, V. Vuitton,
J.E. Wahlund, P.P. Lavvas, I.C.F. MeullerWodarg, T.E. Cravens, W.T. Kasprzak and
J.H. Waite Jr. “Diurnal Variations of Titan’s
Ionosphere.” Journal of Geophysical
Research, 114, (2009): A06310.
Farrell, W.M., W.S. Kurth, D.A. Gurnett, R.E.
Johnson, M.L. Kaiser, J.E. Wahlund and J.H.
Waite Jr. “Electron Density Dropout Near
Enceladus in the Context of Water-Vapor
and Water-Ice.” Geophysical Research Letters, 36, (2009): L10203.
Feng, M. “Recent Development on Solid
Sorbents for CO2 Capture.” Carbon Capture Journal, (2009): 21–24.
Florinski, V., A. Balogh, J.R. Jokipii, D.J.
McComas, M. Opher, N.V. Pogorelov, J.D.
Richardson, E.C. Stone and B.E. Wood.
“The Dynamic Heliosphere: Outstanding
Issues.” Space Science Reviews, 143, (2009):
57–83, doi:10.1007/s11214-009-9488-7-83.
Frisch, P.C., M. Bzowski, E. Grün, V. Izmodenov, H. Krüger, J.L. Linsky, D.J. McComas,
E. Möbius, S. Redfield, N. Schwadron, R.
Shelton, J.D. Slavin and B.E. Wood. “The
Galactic Environment of the Sun: Interstellar Material Inside and Outside of the
Heliosphere.” Space Science Reviews, 146,
(2009): 235–273, doi:10.1007/s11214-0099502-0.
Funsten, H.O., F. Allegrini, P. Bochsler,
G. Dunn, S. Ellis, D. Everett, M.J. Fagan,
S.A. Fuselier, M. Granoff, M. Gruntman,
A.A. Guthrie, J. Hanley, R.W. Harper, D.
Heirtzler, P. Janzen, K.H. Kihara, B. King,
H. Kucharek, M.P. Manzo, M. Maple, K.
Mashburn, D.J. McComas, E. Möbius, J.
Nolin, D. Piazza, S. Pope, D.B. Reisenfeld,
B. Rodriguez, E.C. Roelof, L. Saul, S. Turco,
P. Valek, S. Weidner, P. Wurz and S. Zaffke.
“The Interstellar Boundary Explorer High
Energy (IBEX-Hi) Neutral Atom Imager.”
Space Science Reviews, 146, (2009): 75–103,
Technology Today • Winter 2009
Furman, B.R., S.T. Wellinghoff, R.M. Laine,
K.S. Chan, D.P. Nicolella and H.R. Rawls.
“Structural and Mechanical Behavior of
Layered Zirconium Phosphonate as a Distributed Phase in Polycaprolactone.” Journal
of Applied Polymer Science, 114, (2009):
Fuselier, S.A., P. Bochsler, D. Chornay,
G. Clark, G.B. Crew, G. Dunn, S. Ellis, T.
Friedmann, H.O. Funsten, A.G. Ghielmetti,
J. Googins, M.S. Granoff, J.W. Hamilton,
J. Hanley, D. Heirtzler, E. Hertzberg, D.
Isaac, B. King, U. Knauss, H. Kucharek, F.
Kudirka, S. Livi, J. Lobell, S. Longworth, K.
Mashburn, D.J. McComas, E. Möbius, A.S.
Moore, T.E. Moore, R.J. Nemanich, J. Nolin,
M. O’Neal, D. Piazza, L. Peterson, S. Pope,
P. Rosmarynowski, L.A. Saul, J.R. Scherrer,
J.A. Scheer, C. Schlemm, N.A. Schwadron,
C. Tillier, S. Turco, J. Tyler, M. Vosbury, M.
Wieser, P. Wurz and S. Zaffke. “The IBEX-Lo
Sensor.” Space Science Reviews, 146, (2009):
117–147, doi:10.1007/s11214-009-9495-8.
Gladman, B., J.J. Kavelaars, J.M. Petit, M.L.N.
Ashby, J.W. Parker, J. Coffey, R.L. Jones, P.
Rousselot and O. Mousis. “Discovery of the
First Retrograde Transneptunian
Object.” The Astrophysical Journal Letters,
697, (2009): L91–L94.
He, X., B. Brettmann and H. Jung. “Effects of
Test Methods on Crevice Corrosion Repassivation Potential Measurements of Alloy
22.” Corrosion, 65, (2009): 449–460.
Holmquist, T.J. and T.J. Vogler. “The
Response of Silicon Carbide and Boron
Carbide Subjected to Shock-Release-Reshock Plate-Impact Experiments.” Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on
the Mechanical and Physical Behaviour of
Materials under Dynamic Loading, 1, (2009):
Jones, G.H., C.S. Arridge, A.J. Coates, G.R.
Lewis, S. Kanani, A. Wellbrock, D.T. Young,
F.J. Crary, R.L. Tokar, R.J. Wilson, T.W. Hill,
R.E. Johnson, D.G. Mitchell, J. Schmidt,
S. Kempf, U. Beckmann, C.T. Russell, Y.D.
Jia, M.K. Dougherty, J.H. Waite Jr. and B.A.
Magee. “Fine Jet Structure of Electrically
Charged Grains in Enceladus’ Plume.” Geophysical Research Letters, 36, (2009): L16204.
Kasahara, S., K. Asamura, K. Ogasawara,
Y. Kazama, T. Takashima, M. Hirahara and
Y. Saito. “A Noise Attenuation Method for
Medium-Energy Electron Measurements in
the Radiation Belt.” Advances in Space
Research, 43, (2009): 792–801.
Technical Staff Activities
Kasahara, S., T. Mitani, K. Ogasawara, T.
Takashima, M. Hirahara and K. Asamura.
“Application of Single-sided Silicon Strip
Detector to Energy and Charge State
Measurements of Medium Energy Ions in
Space.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods
in Physics Research A, 603, (2009): 355–360.
Knappenberger, M. Lee, S. Livi, D. Mitchell,
E. Möbius, T. Moore, S. Pope, D. Reisenfeld,
E. Roelof, J. Scherrer, N. Schwadron, R.
Tyler, M. Wieser, M. Witte, P. Wurz and G.
Zank. “IBEX – Interstellar Boundary
Explorer.” Space Science Reviews, 146,
(2009): 11–33, doi:10.1007/s11214-009-9499-4.
Kavelaars, J.J., R.L. Jones, B.J. Gladman,
J.M. Petit, J.W. Parker, C. Van Laerhoven,
P. Nicholson, P. Rousselot, H. Scholl, O.
Mousis, B. Marsden, P. Benavidez, A.
Bieryla, A.C. Bagatin, A. Doressoundiram,
J.L. Margot, I. Murray and C. Veillet. “The
Canada-France Ecliptic Plane Survey–L3
Data Release: The Orbital Structure of the
Kuiper Belt.” The Astronomical Journal, 137,
(2009): 4,917–4,935.
McGinnis, R.N, A.P. Morris, D.A. Ferrill and
C.L. Dinwiddie. “Deformation Analysis
of Tuffaceous Sediments in the Volcanic
Tableland near Bishop, California.” Lithosphere, (2009): 291–304.
Kozarev, K., N.A. Schwadron, L.W.
Townsend, R. Hatcher, M.I. Desai, M.A.
Dayeh and R. Squier. “The Earth-MoonMars Radiation Environment Module (EMMREM): Framework and Current Developments.” Space Plasma Physics: School of
Space Plasma Physics, Vol. 1121, (2009): 164.
Mitchell, J.N. and L.K. Palit. “Robber Baron:
Restoring an Urban Cave Preserve.” Proceedings of the 15th International Congress on Speleology, (2009): 1,191–1,196.
Li, G., G.P. Zank, O. Verkhoglyadova, R.A.
Mewaldt, C.M.S. Cohen, G.M. Mason and
M.I. Desai. “Shock Geometry and Spectral
Breaks in Large SEP Events.” Astrophysical
Journal, Vol. 702, (2009): 99801994.
Liang, W. and M. Zhou. “Novel Shape
Memory of Metal Nanowires Through Lattice Reorientation – Discovery, Characterization, and Modeling.” Berlin, 2009.
Majeed, T., J.H. Waite Jr., S.W. Bougher
and G.R. Gladstone. “Processes of Auroral
Thermal Structure at Jupiter: Analysis of
Multispectral Temperature Observations
with the Jupiter Thermosphere General
Circulation Model.” Journal of Geophysical
Research, 114, (2009): E07005.
Mason, R.L. and J.C. Young. “A Remedy Using Residuals.” Quality Progress, 42, (2009):
McComas, D.J. “Exploring the Boundaries of Our Heliosphere: The Interstellar
Boundary Explorer (IBEX) and Solar Probe.”
Conference Proceedings, Future Perspectives of Space Plasma & Particle Instrumentation & International Collaborations,
(2009): 223–227.
McComas, D.J., F. Allegrini, P. Bochsler, M.
Bzowski, M. Collier, H. Fahr, H. Fichtner,
P. Frisch, H.O. Funsten, S.A. Fuselier, G.
Gloeckler, M. Gruntman, V. Izmodenov, P.
Mitchell, J.N. and E.J. Mitchell. “Airflow and
CO2 in Robber Baron Cave.” Proceedings of
the 15th International Congress on Speleology, (2009): 1,613–­1,619.
Möbius, E., H. Kucharek, G. Clark, M.
O’Neill, L. Petersen, M. Bzowski, L. Saul,
P. Wurz, S.A. Fuselier, V.V. Izmodenov, D.J.
McComas, H.R. Müller and D.B. Alexashov.
“Diagnosing the Neutral Interstellar Gas
Flow at 1 AU with IBEX-Lo.” Space Science
Reviews, 146, (2009): 149–172, doi:10.1007/
Mousis, O., J.I. Lunine, J.H. Waite Jr., B.A.
Magee, W.S. Lewis, K.E. Mandt, D. Marquer, D. Cordier. “Formation Conditions of
Enceladus and Origin of Its Methane Reservoir.” Astrophysical Journal, 701, (2009):
Necsoiu, M., S. Leprince, D. Hooper, C.
Dinwiddie, R. McGinnis and G. Walter.
“Monitoring Migration Rates of an Active
Subarctic Dune Field Using Optical Imagery.” Remote Sensing of Environment, 113,
(2009): 2,441–2,447.
Ni, Q.W., D.P. Nicolella, X. Wang, J.S. Nyman and Y.X. Qin. “The Characterization
of Cortical Bone Water Distribution and
Structure Changes on Age, Microdamage
and Disuse by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.” A Practical Manual for Musculoskeletal Research, (2008): 691–727.
Ogasawara, K., S. Livi, M. Al-Dayeh, F.
Allegrini, M.I. Desai and D.J. McComas.
“Avalanche Photodiode Arrays Enable
Large-Area Measurements of MediumEnergy Electrons.” IEEE Transactions on
Nuclear Science, (2009): 2,533–2,537.
Technology Today • Winter 2009
Orphal, D.L., C.E. Anderson Jr., T. Behner
and D.W. Templeton. “Failure and Penetration Response of Borosilicate Glass During
Multiple Short-Rod Impact.” International
Journal of Impact Engineering, (2009):
Parra, J.O., C.L. Hackert, E. Richardson and
N. Clayton. “Porosity and Permeability
Images Based on Crosswell Seismic Measurements Integrated with FMI Logs at the
Port Mayaca Aquifer, South Florida.” The
Leading Edge, Vol. 28, (2009): 1,212–1,219.
Pickett, D.A., K.E. Pinkston and J.L. Myers.
“Assessing Radionuclide Solubility Limits
for Cement-Based, Near-Surface Disposal.”
Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XXXII, Vol. 1124, (2009): 351–356.
Putzig, N.E., R.J. Phillips, B.A. Campbell,
J.W. Holt, J.J. Plaut, L.M. Carter, A.F. Egan,
F. Bernardini, A. Safaeinili and R. Seu.
“Subsurface Structure of Planum Boreum
from Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Shallow Radar Soundings.” Icarus, (2009):
Riley, P. and D.J. McComas. “Derivation
of Fluid Conservation Relations to Infer
Near-Sun Properties of Coronal Mass Ejections from In Situ Measurements.” Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, (2009):
A09102, doi: 10.1029/2009JA014436.
Rouillard, A.P., J.A. Davies, R.J. Forsyth, N.P.
Savani, N.R. Sheeley, A. Thernisien, T.L.
Zhang, R.A. Howard, B. Anderson, C.M.
Carr, S. Tsang, M. Lockwood, C.J. Davis,
R.A. Harrison, D. Bewsher, M. Franz, S.R.
Crothers, C.J. Eyles, D.S. Brown, I. Whittaker, M. Hapgood, A.J. Coates, G.H. Jones, M.
Grande, R.A. Frahm and J.D. Winningham.
“A Solar Storm Observed from the Sun to
Venus using the STEREO, Venus Express,
and MESSENGER Spacecraft.” Journal of
Geophysical Research, 114, (2009): A07106,
Scherrer, J., J. Carrico, J. Crock, W. Cross,
A. De Los Santos, A. Dunn, G. Dunn, M.
Epperly, B. Fields, E. Fowler, T. Gaio, J. Gerhardus, W. Grossman, J. Hanley, B. Hautamaki, D. Hawes, W. Holemans, S. Kinaman,
S. Kirn, C. Loeffler, D.J. McComas, A.
Osovets, T. Perry, M. Peterson, Phillips, M.,
S. Pope, G. Rahal, M. Tapley, R. Tyler, B. Ungar, E. Walter, S. Wesley and T. Wiegand.
“The IBEX Flight Segment.” Space Science
Reviews, 146, (2009): 35–73, doi:10.1007/
Technical Staff Activities
Schwadron, N.A., G. Crew, R., Vanderspek,
F. Allegrini, M. Bzowski, R. DeMagistre, G.
Dunn, H. Funsten, S.A. Fuselier, K. Goodrich, M. Gruntman, J. Hanley, J. Heerikuisen, D. Heirtlzer, P. Janzen, H. Kucharek, C. Loeffler, K. Mashburn, K. Maynard,
D.J. McComas, E. Möbius, C. Prested, B.
Randol, D. Reisenfeld, M. Reno, E. Roelof
and P. Wu. “The Interstellar Boundary Explorer Science Operations Center.” Space
Science Reviews, 146, (2009): 207–234,
Sun, A.Y., A.P. Morris and S. Mohanty.
“Sequential Updating of Multimodal
Hydrogeologic Parameter Fields Using
Localization and Clustering Techniques.”
Water Resources Research, 45, (2009):
Surampudi, B., A. Nedungadi, G. Ostrowski and A. Montemayor. “Design and
Control Considerations for a Series Heavy
Duty Hybrid Hydraulic Vehicle.” Society of
Automotive Engineers, (2009): SAE paper
No. 2009-01-2717.
Waite, J.H. Jr., W.S. Lewis, B.A. Magee,
J.I. Lunine, W.B. McKinnon, C.R. Glein,
O. Mousis, D.T. Young, T. Brockwell, J.
Westlake, M.J. Nguyen, B.D. Teolis, H.B.
Niemann, R.L. McNutt, M. Perry and W.H.
Ip. “Liquid Water on Enceladus from Observations of Ammonia and 40Ar in the
Plume.” Nature, 460, (2009): 487–490.
Walter, G.R. and M. Feng. “Feasibility of
Producing Alternative Liquid Transportation Fuels from Landfill Gas Methane in
China.” National Environmental Monitoring Conference, (2009): 1–10.
Wiedenbeck, M.E., G.M. Mason, R.
Gomez-Herrero, D. Haggerty, N.V. Nitta,
C.M.S. Cohen, E.E. Chollet, A.C. Cummings, R.A. Leske, R.A. Mewaldt, E.C.
Stone, T.T. von Rosenvinge, R. MüllerMellin, M.I. Desai and U. Mall. “Multipoint
Observations of 3He-rich Solar Energetic
Particle Events using STEREO and ACE.”
Proceedings of the 31st International Cosmic Ray Conference, (2009): SH.2.1.4.
Wurz, P., S.A. Fuselier, E. Möbius, H.O.
Funsten, P.C. Brandt, F. Allegrini, A.G.
Ghielmetti, R. Harper, E. Hertzberg, P.
Janzen, H. Kucharek, D.J. McComas, E.C.
Roelof, L. Saul, J. Scheer, M. Wieser and Y.
Zheng. “IBEX Backgrounds and Signal-toNoise Ratio.” Space Science Reviews, 146,
(2009): 173–206, doi:10.1007/s11214-0099515-8.
Abbott, B.A., J.D. Kenney, D.R. Poole, G.C.
Willden, A.P. Morris, R.N. McGinnis and
D.A. Ferrill. “Precise Positioning with Wireless Sensor Nodes.” Paper presented at the
2009 Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers (IEEE) International Conference
on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, San
Antonio, October 2009.
A’Hearn, M.F., L.M. Feaga, A.J. Steffl, J.W.
Parker, P.D. Feldman, H.A. Weaver, J.L. Bertaux, D.C. Slater and S.A. Stern. “The First
Far Ultraviolet Spectrum of an Asteroid:
ALICE Observations During Rosetta’s Flyby
of (2867) Steins.” Paper presented at the
40th Division for Planetary Science Meeting, Ithaca, N.Y., October 2008.
Allsup, C. and K. Middelkoop. “E3: Economy, Energy, and Environment: Combining Assessment Methodologies.” Paper
presented at the Society of Manufacturing
Engineers (SME) Lean to Green Manufacturing Conference, Austin, Texas, September 2009.
Anderson, C.E. Jr., “Mine Blast Loading
Experiments.” Paper presented at the Army
Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving
Ground, Md., August 2009.
Anderson, C.E. Jr., “Mine Blast Loading
Results.” Paper presented at the U.S. Army
TARDEC, Detroit, September 2009.
Barth, E.L. “Convective Clouds on Titan.”
Paper presented at the European Planetary
Science Conference (EPSC), Potsdam, Germany, September 2009.
Barth, E.L. “Cloud Formation over Mountain
Ranges on Titan.” Paper presented at the
European Geophysical Union (EGU) Spring
Meeting, Vienna, Austria, April 2009.
Barth, E.L., S.C.R. Rafkin and W.M. Farrell.
“The Electrodynamics of Mars Dust Disturbances.” Paper presented at the Mars Dust
Cycle Workshop, NASA Ames Research
Center, Moffett Field, Calif., September
Bertrand, A.R., T.A. Newton and T.B. Grace.
“iNET System Management Scaling.” Paper
presented at the International Telemetering Conference, Las Vegas, October 2009.
Blais, M.S., W.S. Williamson and M.G.
MacNaughton. “Carbon Analysis for GB.”
Paper presented at World Wide Chemical
Demilitarization Conference, Stratford
Upon Avon, United Kingdom, June 2009.
Brench, C.E. “Practical Shield Evaluation
using Local Transfer Impedance Values.”
Paper presented at the Central Texas
Chapter of the IEEE EMC Society, Austin,
Texas, September 2009.
Brench, C.E. “Validation – Beyond the
Numbers” Paper presented at the 25th
International Review of Progess in Applied Computational Electromagnetics,
Monterey, Calif., March 2009.
Brench, C.E. “Model Partitioning for Solving
Complex EMC Problems.” Paper presented
at the 2009 IEEE International Symposium
on EMC, Austin, Texas, August 2009.
Brench, C.E. and B.L. Brench. “Application
of the Feature Selective Validation Method
to Test Site Evaluation.” Paper presented at
the 2009 IEEE International Symposium on
EMC, Austin, Texas, August 2009.
Brench, C.E., D. Smith and H. Walker.
“Demonstration on the Use of Transfer
Impedance for Local Shield Evaluation.”
Paper presented at the 2009 IEEE International Symposium on EMC, Austin, Texas,
August 2009.
Broiles, T.W., M.I. Desai, H.A. Elliott and
D.J. McComas. “Three-Dimensional Structures of CIRs Over the Past Two Solar
Cycles.” Paper presented at the Solar Heliospheric and Interplanetary Environment
(SHINE) Workshop, Wolfville, Nova Scotia,
August 2009.
Brooks, M.J., C.F. Meyer, R.J. Thibodeaux
and B.A. Abbott. “Automated System Vulnerability Testing of Cyber-physical Systems.” Paper presented at the Workshop
on Future Directions in Cyber-physical
Systems Security, Newark, N.J., July 2009.
Bentley, B.J. “Performance Testing of Tractor Hydraulic Fluids to Simulate In-Use
Conditions.” Paper presented at the Dalian Lubricants Technology and Economy
Forum, Dalian, China, September 2009.
Technology Today • Winter 2009
Technical Staff Activities
Burkhardt, G.L. and J.M. Leonard. “Inspection of Dissimilar Metal Welds in Nozzles
using Ultrasonic Phased Array and Eddy
Current — Robinson Nuclear Power Plant.”
Paper presented at the 7th International
Conference on NDE in Relation to Structural Integrity for Nuclear and Pressurized
Components, Yokohama, Japan, May 2009.
Canup, R.M. “Formation of Terrestrial Planets.” Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science
Meeting, Chicago, February 2009.
Canup, R.M. “Formation of Gas Giant Satellites.” Paper presented at the American
Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting,
San Francisco, December 2008.
Chocron, S., K.A. Dannemann, J.D. Walker,
A.E. Nicholls and C.E. Anderson Jr. “Static
and Dynamic Confined Compression of
Borosilicate Glass.” Paper presented at
the 9th International DYMAT Conference,
Brussels, Belgium, September 2009.
Cobb, A.C. and J.L. Fisher. “Nuclear Containment Vessel Inspection Using an Array of Guided Wave Sensors for Damage
Localization.” Paper presented at the 36th
Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative
Nondestructive Evaluation, Kingston, R.I.,
July 2009.
Cobb, A.C., C.E. Duffer, C.J. Thwing and
G.M. Light. “Overview of Applications of
Magnetostrictive-Based Sensors for SHM.”
Paper presented at the 7th International
Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Stanford, Calif., September 2009.
Cobb, A.E., J. Fisher and J.E. Michaels.
“Model-Assisted Probability of Detection
for Ultrasonic Structural Health Monitoring.” Paper presented at the 4th EuropeanAmerican Workshop on Reliability of NDE,
Berlin, June 2009.
Cohen, C.M.S., G.M. Mason, R.A. Mewaldt,
E.E. Chollet, E.R. Christian, A.C. Cummings,
M.I. Desai, A.W. Labrador, R.A. Leske, E.C.
Stone, T.T. von Rosenvinge and M.E. Wiedenbeck. “Time-Dependent Composition
in the December 2006 SEP Events.” Paper
presented at the 31st International Cosmic
Ray Conference, Lódz, Poland, July 2009.
Davis, M.W., G.R. Gladstone, T.K. Greathouse, K.D. Retherford, M.H. Versteeg and
R.K. Black. “Radiometric Performance Results of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter’s
Lyman Alpha Mapping Project (LRO/LAMP)
Imaging Spectrograph.” Paper presented
at the 2009 SPIE Optics + Photonics Exhibition 2009, San Diego, August 2009.
Workshop, National Institute of Standards
and Technology, Gaithersburg, Md., September 2009.
Desai, M.I., F. Allegrini, R. Livi, S. Livi, D.J.
McComas, B. Randol and G.M. Mason.
“The Entrance System for an Advanced
Mass and Ionic Charge Composition
Experiment (AMICCE) for Heliospheric
Missions.” Paper presented at the 31st International Cosmic Ray Conference, Lódz,
Poland, July 2009.
Elliott, H.A., D.J. McComas, R.W. Ebert, B.E.
Goldstein, J.T. Gosling, N.A. Schwadron
and R.M. Skoug. “Ulysses Observations of
Weaker Solar Wind in Cycle 23.” Paper presented at the Solar Heliospheric and Interplanetary Environment (SHINE) Workshop,
Wolfville, Nova Scotia, August 2009.
Desai, M.I., M.A. Dayeh and G.M. Mason.
“Origin of Suprathermal Ions Near 1 AU.”
Paper presented at the 31st International
Cosmic Ray Conference, Lódz, Poland,
July 2009, and at the ‘Tails and ACRs’ International Space Science Institute (ISSI)
International Team, Bern, Switzerland,
August 2009.
Desai, M.I., M.A. Dayeh, C.W. Smith, M.A.
Lee and G.M. Mason. “Origin of Suprathermal Ions Near 1 AU.” Paper presented
at the Solar Heliospheric and Interplanetary Environment (SHINE) Workshop,
Wolfville, Nova Scotia, August 2009.
Desai, M.I., M.A. Dayeh, F. Allegrini and
G.M. Mason. “Origin of Quiet-time Suprathermal Ions Near 1 AU.” Paper presented
at the Solar Wind 12 Conference, St. Malo,
France, June 2009.
Domyancic, L., D. Sparkman, H. Millwater, L.G. Smith and D. Wieland. “A Fast
First-Order Method for Filtering Limit
States.” Paper presented at the AIAA NonDeterministic Approaches Conference,
Palm Springs, Calif., May 2009.
Dykes, S.G. and C.D. King. “Using Outbound Traffic Flows to Detect Malware
and Characterize Adversaries.” Paper
presented at the Malware and Bot Technology Reverse Engineering Technical Exchange Meeting, Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, N.M., September 2009.
Ebert, R.W., D.J. McComas, F. Bagenal, H.A.
Elliott and P.W. Valek. “Low Energy (<7.5
keV/Q) Plasma Observations in the ~150
– 2550 RJ Region of Jupiter’s Magnetotail.”
Paper presented at the Magnetospheres
of the Outer Planets Meeting, Cologne,
Germany, July 2009.
Edwards, S., M. Wright and B. Abbott. “Context-Based Object Recognition.” Paper presented at Performance Metrics for Intelligent Systems (PERMIS)
Technology Today • Winter 2009
Evans, P.T. “Chair: Model-based Performance Evaluation.” Paper presented at
the Performance Metrics for Intelligent
Systems (PERMIS) Workshop, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Md., September 2009.
Feldman, P.D., H.A. Weaver, K.D. Retherford, G.R. Gladstone, D.F. Strobel and S.A.
Stern. “Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) Observations of Jovian Aurora at the Time of the New Horizons Flyby.”
Paper presented at the Magnetospheres of
the Outer Planets Meeting, Cologne, Germany, July 2009.
Feng, M. “A Techno-Economic Analysis of
Hydrogen, Biodiesel, Gasoline and Other
Fuels Production from Microalgae Based
on Energy Requirements.” Paper presented
at the AIChE 2009 Annual Conference,
Nashville, Tenn., April 2009, and at the
AIChE 2009 Spring National Meeting, Tampa, Fla., April 2009.
Feng, M. “New Sulfur Limits for Bunker Fuels: The Challenges and Opportunities for
the Refinery Industry.” Paper presented at
the AIChE 2009 Annual Conference, Nashville, Tenn., April 2009 and at the AIChE
2009 Spring National Meeting, Tampa, Fla.,
April 2009.
Feng, M., S. Daruwalla and D.D. Daruwalla.
“Coprocessing of Bio-oils from Biomass
Pyrolysis and Bitumen from Oil Sands.”
Paper presented at the Heavy Oil and Oil
Sands Technologies Conference, Calgary,
Canada, July 2009.
Fenton, L.F. and T.I. Michaels. “Characterizing the Sensitivity of Daytime Turbulent
Activity on Mars with the MRAMS LES.” Paper presented at the Mars Dust Cycle Workshop, Moffett Field, Calif., September 2009.
Grace, T.B., A.R. Bertrand and T.A. Newton.
“Applying the iNET System Management
Standard.” Paper presented at the International Telemetering Conference, Las Vegas,
October 2009.
Technical Staff Activities
Grace, T.B., J.D. Kenney, M.L. Moodie and
B.A. Abbott. “Key Components of the iNET
Test Article Standard.” Paper presented at
the International Telemetering Conference, Las Vegas, October 2009.
Grosch, D., J.D. Walker, E. Christiansen
and M. Bjorkman. “A Study of Low to Medium Velocity Impacts on Space Shield
Designs.” Paper presented at the 60th
Meeting of the Aeroballistics Range Association, Baltimore, Md., September 2009.
Hamilton, V.E. “Comparing Hydration and
Mineralogy on Mars: Merging HEND and
TES.” Paper presented at the 2009 HEND
Workshop, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 2008.
Hamilton, V.E. “Martian Mineralogy:
Global Mapping of Solid Solution Variation from MGS TES Data.” Paper presented
at the Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Houston, October 2008.
Hamilton, V.E. and S.W. Ruff. “Mini-TES
Spectra of Mazatzal and other Adirondack-class Basalts in Gusev Crater, Mars:
Spectral/Mineralogical Evidence for
Alteration.” Paper presented at the 40th
Lunar and Planetary Science Conference,
Houston, March 2009.
Hedrick, J. and S.G. Fritz. “Application of
an Experimental EGR System to a Medium
Speed EMD Marine Engine.” Proceedings
of ICEF 2009 Internal Combustion Engine
Fall Technical Conference, Lucerne, Switzerland, September 2009.
Henkener, J.A. and M.L. Nuckols. “A
Cooling System for Contaminated Water
Diving Using Metal Hydrides.” Paper presented at Undersea Medicine Review 2009,
Tampa, Fla., August 2009.
Henkener, J.A. and M.L. Nuckols. “Thermal
Protection of Divers’ Hands Using SuperInsulation Aerogel Materials.” Paper presented at Underwater Intervention 2009,
New Orleans, March 2009.
Henkener, J.A. and M.W. James. “Replacement HOV Hull Design and Fabrication
Status.” Paper presented at Underwater Intervention 2009, New Orleans, March 2009.
Higashi, M., J. Nishida, Y. Asada, J.L. Fisher,
H. Kwun, T. Goyen and A.R. Puchot. “Development of Piping Inspection Technology by Using Guided Waves.” Paper presented at the 7th International Conference
on NDE in Relation to Structural Integrity
for Nuclear and Pressurized Components,
Yokohama, Japan, May 2009.
Relation to Structural Integrity for Nuclear
and Pressurized Components, Yokohama,
Japan, May 2009.
Holladay, K.L. “Characterizing the Genetic
Programming Environment for FIFTH (GPE5)
on a High Performance Computing Cluster.”
Paper presented at the ACM Genetic and
Evolutionary Computation Conference,
Montreal, July 2009.
Lu, L., C. Ordonez, E.G. Collins Jr. and E.M.
Dupont. “Terrain Surface Classification for
Autonomous Ground Vehicles Using a 2D
Laser Stripe-Based Structured Light Sensor.” Paper presented at the 2009 IEEE/RSJ
International Conference on Intelligent
Robots and Systems (IROS), St. Louis, Mo.,
October 2009.
Holmquist, T., G. Johnson, S. Beissel and
C. Gerlach. “Material Modeling, Numerical
Algorithms and Computed Results for High
Velocity Impact.” Paper presented at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, December 2008.
Holmquist, T., G. Johnson, S. Beissel and C.
Gerlach. “The Response of Ceramics Subjected to High-Velocity Impact.” Paper presented at the Tokyo Institute of Technology,
December 2008.
Hottenstein, P.D. “Distributed Crowd Simulation Lessons Learned.” Paper presented at the
Fall 2009 Simulation Interoperability Workshop (SIW), Orlando, Fla., September 2009.
Hottenstein, P.D. “Hydra: A Threat Detection, Analysis, and Assessment Platform Prototype.” Paper presented at the Washington,
D.C. Chapter of Institute for Operations
Research and Management Sciences (WINFORMS) Program, University of Maryland,
College Park, Md., April 2009.
Hottenstein, P.D. “MAICE Station™ Crowd
Simulation and Analysis.” Paper presented
at the Washington, D.C. Chapter of Institute
for Operations Research and Management
Sciences (WINFORMS) Program, University
of Maryland, College Park, Md., April 2009.
Kozarev. K., M.A. Dayeh, N. Schwadron, L.
Townsend and M.I. Desai. “Modeling SEP
Fluxes and the Radiation Environment in the
Inner Heliosphere with EMMREM.” Paper
presented at the European Geosciences
Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria,
April 2009.
Kwun, H., E. Mader and K. Krzywosz. “Guided Wave Inspection of Nuclear Fuel Rods.”
Paper presented at the 7th International
Conference on NDE in Relation to Structural
Integrity for Nuclear and Pressurized Components, Yokohama, Japan, May 2009.
Light, G.L. and N. Muthu. “Wireless Structural Health Monitoring Technology for
Heat Exchanger Shells.” Paper presented at
the 7th International Conference on NDE in
Technology Today • Winter 2009
Marty, S.D. and J. Schmitigal. “Fire Resistant Fuel.” Paper presented at the Ground
Vehicle Survivability Symposium (GVSS)
at the U.S. Army Detroit Arsenal, Detroit,
Mich., August 2009.
Mason, G.M., M.I. Desai and R.A. Leske.
“New Observations of CIRs.” Paper presented at the Solar Heliospheric and Interplanetary Environment (SHINE) Workshop,
Wolfville, Nova Scotia, August 2009.
Mason, G.M., M.I. Desai, U. Mall, A. Korth,
R. Bucik, T.T. von Rosenvinge and K.D.
Simunac. “CIR Observations at 1 AU from
STEREO, Wind and ACE.” Paper presented
at the Solar Heliospheric and Interplanetary Environment (SHINE) Workshop,
Wolfville, Nova Scotia, August 2009.
Mason, R.L., Y.M. Chou and J.C. Young.
“Decomposition of Wilks’ Scatter Ratios
Used in Monitoring Process Variability.”
Paper presented at the 169th Annual Meeting of the American Statistical Association,
Washington, August 2009.
McDowell, M.L., V.E. Hamilton, S. Cady and
P. Knauth. “Thermal Infrared and Visible to
Near-Infrared Spectral Analysis of Chert
and Amorphous Silica.” Paper presented at
the 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, March 2009.
McWilliams, G. and M. Brown. “Implementation of the 4D/RCS Architecture within
the Southwest Safe Transport Initiative.”
Proceedings of the Ground Vehicle Systems Engineering and Technology Symposium, Troy, Mich., August 2009.
Mentzer, C., G. McWilliams and K. Kozak.
“Dynamic Autonomous Ground Vehicle
Re-Routing in an Urban Environment Using A Priori Map Information and LIDAR
Fusion.” Paper presented in the Proceedings of the Ground Vehicle Systems Engineering and Technology Symposium (GVSETS), Troy, Mich., August 2009.
Technical Staff Activities
Michaels, J.E., T.E. Michaels and A.C.
Cobb. “Ultrasonic Sensing of Structural
State Awareness of Fastener Hole Fatigue
Cracks.” Paper presented at the AeroMat
2009 Conference and Exposition, Dayton,
Ohio, June 2009.
Michaels, T.I. “In Search of More Realistic
Model Parameterizations of Aeolian Processes on Mars.” Paper presented at the
Mars Dust Cycle Workshop, Moffett Field,
Calif., September 2009.
Monreal, R., C. Carmichael, G. Swift, C.
Tseng, G. Allen, J. Trevino and G. Madias. “Interaction of Ionized Particles with Advanced
Signal Processing Devices in Field Programmable Gate Arrays and Development of Mitigation Techniques.” Paper presented at the
2009 Military and Aerospace Programmable
Logic Devices (MAPLD) Conference, Greenbelt, Md., September 2009.
Moodie, M.L., J.D. Kenney, T.B. Grace and
B.A. Abbott. “iNET Standards Validation:
End-to-End Performance Assessment.”
Paper presented at the International Telemetering Conference, Las Vegas, October
Moodie, M.L., T.A. Newton and B.A.
Abbott. “Network Telemetry Link Throughput Maximization Approaches.” Paper presented at the International Telemetering
Conference, Las Vegas, October 2009.
Moore, M.S., J.C. Price, A.R. Cormier and
W.A. Malatesta. “Describing Telemetry
Systems with the Metadata Description
Language.” Paper presented at the International Telemetering Conference, Las Vegas,
October 2009.
Moore, M.S., J.C. Price, A.R. Cormier and
W.A. Malatesta. “Metadata Description
Language: the iNET Metadata Standard
Language.” Paper presented at the International Telemetering Conference, Las Vegas,
October 2009.
Newton, T.A., J.D. Kenney, M.L. Moodie
and T.B. Grace. “iNET Networking Standards Test Bed.” Paper presented at the
International Telemetering Conference,
Las Vegas, October 2009.
Ni, Q.W., and S. Chen. “The Characterization and Comparison of Human Cortical
Bone and Teeth Structural Changes by
Low Field NMR.” Paper presented at the
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
(ASME) Summer Bioengineering Conference, Lake Tahoe, Calif., June 2009.
Ogasawara, K., S.A. Livi and D.J.
McComas. “Recent Advances in Avalanche
Photodiodes for Particle Detection.” Paper
presented at the 11th International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy
Scientific Assembly, Sopron, Hungary,
August 2009.
Ogasawara, K., S.A. Livi, D.G. Mitchell and
T.P. Armstrong. “Properties of High-Energy
Electrons at Dawn-Side Magnetosheath:
Cassini Observations during the Earth
Swing-by 1999.” Paper presented at the
American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall
Meeting, San Francisco, December 2008.
Ogasawara, K., S.A. Livi, M.A. Dayeh, F.
Allegrini, M.I. Desai and D.J. McComas.
“Multi-Pixel Avalanche Photodiodes for
Medium-Energy Electrons and its Application.” Paper presented at the Japan Geoscience Union Meeting, Makuhari, Japan,
May 2009.
Osborne, D. and I. Khalek. “Crankcase
Emission Contributions to PM for Two Tier
2 Line-Haul Locomotives.” Paper presented
at the 2009 Internal Combustion Engine
Fall (ICEF) Technical Conference, Lucerne,
Switzerland, September 2009.
Osterloo, M.M., V.E. Hamilton, F.S. Anderson and W.C. Koeppen. “THEMIS Detections of Forsterite-Fayalite Compositions
within Terra Tyrrhena.” Paper presented at
the 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, March 2009.
Oxley, J.D. “Current Industrial Technologies for Microencapsulation of Flavors and
Bioactives.” Paper presented at the Industrial Workshop on Microencapsulation of
Flavors and Bioactives for Functional Food
Applications, Minneapolis, Minn., September 2009.
Parra, J.O, P. Xu and D. Domaschk. “Dispersion Analysis and Inversion of Azimuthal
Shear Anisotropy from Cross-Dipole Data.”
Paper presented at the Society of Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts (SPWLA)
50th Annual Logging Symposium, The
Woodlands, Texas, June 2009.
Technology Today • Winter 2009
Phillips, R.J., N.E. Putzig, J.W. Head, A.F.
Egan, J.J. Plaut, A. Safaeinili, S.E. Smrekar,
S.M. Milkovich, D.C. Nunes, B.A. Campbell,
L.M. Carter, J.W. Holt, R. Seu and R. Orosei.
“Subsurface Structure of the South Polar
Layered Deposits, Mars.” Paper presented
at the 40th Lunar and Planetary Science
Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, March
Popelar, C.F. “Point-Counterpoint: Test to
Failure vs. Model to Failure.” Paper presented at the FDA/NIH/NSF Workshop on
Computer Methods for Cardiovascular
Devices, Rockville, Md., June 2009.
PourArsalan, M., L.W. Townsend, N.
Schwadron, K. Kozarev, M.A. Dayeh and
M.I. Desai. “Organ Dose and Organ Dose
Equivalent Rate: Calculations from October 26, 2003 Solar Energetic Particle (SEP)
Event using Earth-Moon-Mars Radiation
Environment Module (EMMREM).” Paper
presented at the Health Physics Society
(HPS) 54th Annual Meeting, Minneapolis,
Minn., July 2009.
Prikryl, J.D., R.N. McGinnis and R.T.
Green. “Characterization of Karst Solutional Features Using High-Resolution Electrical Resistivity Surveys.” Paper presented at
the 15th International Congress of Speleology (ICS 2009), Kerrville, Texas, July 2009.
Puchot, A.R., C.E. Duffer, A.C. Cobb and
G.M. Light. “Recent Innovations Using
Magnetostrictive Sensors for Nondestructive Evaluation.” Paper presented at the
SPIE Smart Structures/NDE, San Diego,
March 2009.
Puchot, A.R., C.E. Duffer, A.C. Cobb and
G.M. Light. “Use of Magnetostrictive Sensor Technology for Inspecting Tank Bottom
Floors.” Paper presented at the ASNT Fall
Conference and Quality Testing Show, Columbus, Ohio, October 2009.
Putzig, N.E., R.J. Phillips, J.W. Head, M.T.
Mellon, B.A. Campbell, A.F. Egan, J.J. Plaut
and L.M. Carter. “Shallow Radar Soundings
of the Northern Lowlands of Mars.” Paper
presented at the 2009 Geological Society of
America Annual Meeting, Portland, Ore.,
October 2009.
Technical Staff Activities
Putzig, N.E., R.J. Phillips, J.W. Head,
M.T. Mellon, B.A. Campbell, A.F. Egan,
J.J. Plaut, L.M. Carter and the SHARAD
Team. “Do Shallow Radar Soundings
Reveal Possible Near-Surface Layering
Throughout the Northern Lowlands of
Mars?” Paper presented at the 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference,
The Woodlands, Texas, March 2009.
Putzig, N.E., R.J. Phillips, R. Seu, D. Biccari, A. Safaeinili, J.W. Holt, J.J. Plaut,
A.F. Egan, et al. “Subsurface Structure
of Planum Boreum on Mars from Shallow Radar (SHARAD) Soundings.” Paper
presented at the American Geophysical
Union Fall Meeting in San Francisco, December 2008.
Rafferty, W.J. “TMAC-South Central at
Southwest Research Institute Partners
with CPS Energy and the Environmental
Protection Agency to Help Implement
the Nation’s First Energy Efficiency
Program for Mid-Size Manufacturers.”
Paper presented at the Southern Folger
Detention Equipment Center, San Antonio, July 2009.
Redfield, J.B. “Future of Transportation,
Will It Be Green?” Paper presented at
John Jay Science and Engineering Academy, Distinguished Lecture Series, San
Antonio, September 2009.
Redfield, J.B. “Residential PV: Is Not
Equal to Max Energy.” Paper presented
at the IEEE Solar Technology Workshop,
Austin, Texas, September 2009.
Reinhart, T.E. “Low Noise Off-Road
Recreational Vehicles.” Paper presented
at the Council of the Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences
(CAETS) as part of Inter-Noise 2009 Conference, Ottawa, Canada, August 2009.
Retherford, K.D., S.A. Stern, D.C. Slater,
G.R. Gladstone, M.W. Davis, J.W. Parker,
A.J. Steffl, T.K. Greathouse, N.J. Cunningham and J.R. Spencer. “Ultraviolet Spectrograph Concepts for the Outer Planet
Flagship Mission.” Paper presented at
the 40th Division for Planetary Science
Meeting, Ithaca, N.Y., October 2008.
Retherford, K.D., S.A. Stern, D.C. Slater,
G.R. Gladstone, M.W. Davis, J.W. Parker,
M.H. Versteeg, A.J. Steffl, T.K. Greathouse
and N.J. Cunningham. “SwRI’s ‘Alice’ Line
of Ultraviolet Spectrographs.” Paper presented at the 2009 SPIE Exhibition, San Diego, August 2009.
Riha, D.S., R.C. McClung and J.M. McFarland. “Probabilistic Fracture Mechanics
Guidelines and Templates.” Paper presented at the International Conference
on Structural Safety and Reliability (ICOSSAR), Osaka, Japan, September 2009.
Roth, L., J. Saur, K.D. Retherford, J.R. Spencer and D.F. Strobel. “Modeling the Interaction of Io’s Atmosphere-Ionosphere with
the Jovian Magnetosphere Including the
Moon’s Auroral Emission.” Paper presented
at the Magnetospheres of the Outer Planets Meeting, Cologne, Germany, July 2009.
Steffl, A.J., F. Bagenal, M. Desroche, D.K.
Haggerty, G.R. Gladstone, J.W. Parker, K.D.
Retherford and S.A. Stern. “MeV Electrons
in the Jovian Magnetosphere Detected by
the Alice Ultraviolet Spectrograph Aboard
New Horizons.” Paper presented at the
Magnetospheres of the Outer Planets
Meeting, Cologne, Germany, July 2009.
Steffl, A.J., F. Bagenal, M.H. Burger, P.A.
Delamere, G.R. Gladstone, J.W. Parker, K.D.
Retherford and S.A. Stern. “The View of
the Io Plasma Torus from Cassini and New
Horizons.” Paper presented at the Magnetospheres of the Outer Planets Meeting,
Cologne, Germany, July 2009.
Stone, J.M. “Selection of Integrated Circuits for Space Systems — Programmatic
Aspects Overview.” Paper presented at the
2009 IEEE Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference, Quebec City, July 2009.
Ruff, S.W. and V.E. Hamilton. “New Insights
into the Nature of Mineralogic Alteration
on Mars from Orbiter, Rover and Laboratory Data.” Paper presented at the 40th
Lunar and Planetary Science Conference,
Houston, March 2009.
Surampudi, B., A. Nedungadi, G. Ostrowski and A. Montemayor. “Design and
Control Considerations for a Series Heavy
Duty Hybrid Hydraulic Vehicle.” Paper
presented at the SAE Fuel and Lubricants
Meeting, San Antonio, November 2009.
Saur, J., P.D. Feldman, D.F. Strobel, K.D. Retherford, J.C. Gerard, D. Grodent, L. Roth
and N. Schilling. “HST Observations of Europa’s Atmospheric Ultraviolet Emission.”
Paper presented at the Magnetospheres of
the Outer Planets Meeting, Cologne, Germany, July 2009.
Thomsen, M.L., P.N. Clark, K. Grube and
L.G. Smith. “The A-10 Service Requirement
Extension.” Paper presented at the USAF
Aircraft Structural Integrity Program Conference, San Antonio, December 2008.
Saylor, K.J., P.B. Wood, W.A. Malatesta and
B.A. Abbott. “TENA Performance in a Telemetry Network System.” Paper presented
at the International Telemetering Conference, Las Vegas, October 2009.
Thwing, C.J. “Monitoring of F-16 CSC
Laminated Bonded Repair of Bulkhead 479
Using Magnetostrictive Sensor Technology.” Presented at the 2009 F-16 ASIP Trade
Show, Fort Worth, Texas, June 2009.
Sillanpää, I., D.T. Young, F. Crary, E. Kallio
and R. Jarvinen. “Composition of Titan’s
Wake – CAPS Study.” Paper presented at
the Magnetospheres of Outer Planets
Conference, Cologne, Germany, July 2009,
and at the European Planetary Science
Congress, Potsdam, Germany, September
Wiedenbeck, M.E., G.M. Mason, R. GomezHerrero, D. Haggerty, N.V. Nitta, C.M.S.
Cohen, E.E. Chollet, A.C. Cummings, R.A.
Leske, R.A. Mewaldt, E.C. Stone, T.T. von
Rosenvinge, R. Müller-Mellin, M.I. Desai
and U. Mall. “Multipoint Observations of
3He-rich Solar Energetic Particle Events Using STEREO and ACE.” Paper presented at
the 31st International Cosmic Ray Conference, Lódz, Poland, July 2009.
Smith, L.G., D. Cope and H. Millwater. “Probabilistic Risk Assessment for Determining
Critical Locations for Structural Health
Monitoring.” Paper presented at the Integrated Structural Health Management
Conference, Covington, Ky., August 2009.
Young, L.A. “Characterization and Evolution of Distant Planetary Atmospheres using Stellar Occultations.” Paper presented
at the Third European Planetary Science
Congress, Munster, Germany,
September 2008.
Technology Today • Winter 2009
Technical Staff Activities
Internal Research
Araujo, M. “Investigation of the Impact of
Encryption Devices on the Performance of
High-Data Rate, Low-Latency, Multicasting
Ballew, M. “Investigation of Model-Based
Diagnostic Methods.”
Basu, D., J. Stamatakos, R. Janetzke and S.
Green. “Fluid-Dynamics Based Analysis of
Landslides, Debris Flow, and LiquefactionInduced Ground Displacement for Hazard
Burkhardt, G. and J. Fisher. “Investigation
of Conformable Eddy Current Probes
for Inspection of Complex Geometry
Chell, G., Y.-D. Lee, W. Liang and V.
Bhamidipati. “High-Strain, Multiaxial Stress
and Non-Proportional Load Investigations
for Cracked Pipes.”
Chiang, K. and L. Yang. “Development of
Distributed Node Electrodes for Corrosion
Monitoring of Concrete Rebars.”
Das, K., T. Mintz and S. Green. “Numerical
Simulation of Multiphase-Flow-Enhanced
Erosion-Corrosion Problems.”
Dickinson, J. “Exploring the Viability of
a Single-Board, Ultra-High Density NonVolatile Mass Memory and Data Formatting
Solution for Critical Space Applications.”
Dinwiddie, C., G. Walter, M. Necsoiu, R.
Green, D. Sims, S. Painter, S. Stothoff, A. Sun
and O. Osidele. “Concept Study for a NASA
Earth Venture-1 Airborne Investigation to
Quantify the Stream Channel Component
of Arid Land Recharge.”
Dykes, S. “Security for the Common Man.”
Fenske, R. and M. Grantz. “Multi-Scale
Multivariate Outlier Detection for Energy
Howard, T., C. DeForest and K. Neal.
“Concept Development for a Ground Radio
Array for Space Weather Monitoring and
Moore, M. and C. Meyer. “Advanced
Situational Awareness Model and
Visualization Environment.”
Painter, S., W. Arensman and K. Pickens.
“Development of Parallel Subsurface
Multiphase flow Simulation Capability.”
Pearcy, E., D. Turner, A. Glovan and D.
Waiting. “Effects of Increased Atmospheric
Carbon Dioxide on Environmental
Transport of Radionuclides.”
Rafkin, S., S. Anderson and K. Nowicki.
“Capability Development of an Integrated
Laser Hygrometer and Thermometer
for In Situ Measurement in Planetary
Ransom, D. and S. Green. “A Novel
Approach for Improved Longitudinal
Stability of Multi-Stage Launch Events.”
Ray, C. and G. Bailey. “Design and
Development of a Wet Clutch with Variable
Cooling and Very Low Drag.”
Sharp, J.M. and K. Holladay.
“Determination of Thermal Properties for
Structural Fire Modeling Using a Genetic
Walls, B. “A Power Efficient Avionics
Architecture Tailored for Outer Planetary
Missions Utilizing Next-Generation
Advanced Stirling Radioisotope
Ward, B. “Dynamics of Discs and Planets.”
Wilson, J. “Sharable Content Object Mass
Transformation Proof of Concept.”
Workman, M. and K. Kreder. “Investigation
into Idle Reduction Technologies Using
Intelligent Traffic Signal Controller
Alger, T.F. “Measurement of CN
Emissions from Engine Spark Igniter for
Characterization of Spark Igniter Energy.”
U.S. Patent No. 7,528,607. May 2009.
Alger, T.F. and B.W. Mangold. “Flexible
Fuel Engines with Exhaust Gas
Recirculation for Improved Engine
Efficiency.” U.S. Patent No. 7,487,766.
February 2009.
Cerwin, S.A. “Signal Processing Methods
for Ground Penetrating Radar from
Elevated Platforms.” U.S. Patent No.
7,528,762. May 2009.
Couvillion, W.C. Jr., R. Lopez and J. Ling.
“Virtual Reality System Locomotion
Interface Utilizing a Pressure-Sensing
Mat Attached to Movable Base
Structure.” U.S. Patent No. 7,520,836. April
Dodge, L.G. and P.H. Kunkel. “System and
Method for Dispensing an Aqueous Urea
Solution into an Exhaust Gas Stream.”
U.S. Patent No. 7,497,077. March 2009.
Pilcher, M.E. Jr., B.E. Campion and
B.A. Abbott. “Wireless System Using
Continuous Wave Phase Measurement
for High-Precision Distance
Measurement.” U.S. Patent No. 7,504,992.
March 2009.
Wang, J. “Air Fraction Estimation for
Internal Combustion Engines with DualLoop EGR Systems.” U.S. Patent No.
7,512,479. March 2009.
Wurpts, M. “Proof-of-Concept Web
Services Interface for the Generalized
Operations Simulation Environment.”
Webb, C.C. and C.A. Sharp. “NOx
Augmentation in Exhaust Gas Simulation
System.” U.S. Patent No. 7,550,126. June
Zhan, R. “Performance and Durability
Study of the Particulate Oxidation Catalyst
Technology — A Joint Program Between
SwRI and SwARC.”
Wei, R. “Magnetron Sputtering Apparatus
and Method for Depositing a Coating
Using Same.”U.S. Patent No. 7,520,965.
April 2009.
Ibarra, L., B. Dasgupta and K. Chiang. “Effect
of Aging Concrete on Seismic Performance
of Shear Wall Structures.”
Technology Today • Winter 2009
FeaGoing Green (Summer 2009)
David L. Ransom, P.E., and J. Jeffrey Moore, Ph.D.
SwRI engineers design, build and test a
prototype wind turbine array.
coming up
Trade Shows
Look for Southwest Research Institute at
the following:
Hybrids in Our Future (Summer 2009)
Joe Redfield
The manager of SwRI’s Advanced Vehicle
Technology Section discusses the future of hybrid
vehicles and their role in our transportation energy
Before the Fall (Summer 2009)
Michael P. Rigney, Ph.D.
An SwRI-developed monitoring system helps
nursing homes prevent patients from attempting
to exit their beds without assistance.
Reading the Rocks (Summer 2009)
Jorge O. Parra, Ph.D., and Dawn Domaschk
SwRI geophysicists have created a new algorithm that uses cross-dipole sonic
data to estimate formation properties around the borehole.
Model Behavior (Spring 2009)
Gordon Johnson, Ph.D.
SwRI researchers are developing an advanced computer code to simulate highvelocity impact.
Designing a Unique Lab for Advanced Military Vehicles (Spring 2009)
Michael Kluger and Felt A. Mounce
A new Army facility will support the warfighter with next-generation ground
Countering Cosmic Collisions (Spring 2009)
Walter F. Huebner, Ph.D., Wesley C. Patrick, Ph.D., and James D. Walker, Ph.D.
Even relatively small space objects can cause damage to Earth.
• Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and
Education Conference (I/ITSEC), Orlando, Fla.;
November 30-December 3, 2009
• Aircraft Structural Integrity Program Conference
(ASIP), Jacksonville, Fla.; December 1-3, 2009
• AFCEA/USNI West, San Diego; February 2-4, 2010
• Medical Design and Manufacturing West, Anaheim,
Calif.; February 8-11, 2010
• American Helicopter Society Specialist Meeting
on Condition-Based Maintenance, Huntsville, Ala.;
February 9-10, 2010
• Underwater Intervention, New Orleans;
February 9-11, 2010
• Informex, San Francisco; February 16-19, 2010
• 49th Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting and Tox
Expo, Salt Lake City; March 8-10, 2010
• National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE)
Annual Conference, San Antonio; March 14-18, 2010
• Gulf South Rotating Machinery Symposium, Baton
Rouge, La.; March 15-17, 2010
• International Pump Users Symposium, Houston;
March 15-18, 2010
• American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual
Convention, New Orleans; April 11-14, 2010
• In-Cosmetic, Paris; April 13-15, 2010
• INTERPHEX, New York; April 20-22, 2010
• ITS America Annual Meeting and Exposition, Houston;
May 3-5, 2010
• BIO International Conference, Chicago; May 3-6, 2010
• Offshore Technology Conference, Houston;
May 3-6, 2010
• Multiphase Measurement Roundtable, San Antonio;
May 6-7 2010
• Aircraft Airworthiness and Sustainment Conference,
Austin, Texas; May 10-13, 2010
• 83rd Annual International School of Hydrocarbon
Measurement, Oklahoma City; May 11-13, 2010
• WINDPOWER Conference and Exhibition, Chicago;
May 23-26, 2010
• ASME Turbo Expo, Glasgow, Scotland; June 14-18, 2010
• Controlled Release Society Exposition, Portland, Ore.;
July 10-14, 2010
• Institute of Food Technologists, Chicago;
July 17-21, 2010
JETT Safety (Spring 2009)
Matthew B. Ballew
An SwRI-developed trending tool helps analyze jet engine performance data.
Depainting By Numbers (Winter 2008)
Dan H. Weissling
An SwRI-developed robotic system removes coatings from off-airframe
components of military aircraft.
New Materials, New Methods (Winter 2008)
Kwai S. Chan, Ph.D., Michael A. Miller, Ph.D. and Wuwei Liang, Ph.D.
SwRI researchers are using advanced computational tools to develop and
analyze nanomaterials.
Enhancing Our World’s Energy Supply (Winter 2008)
J. Jeffrey Moore, Ph.D. and David l. Ransom, P.E.
SwRI engineers are developing new technology for subsea natural gas
Digging Into Simulation (Winter 2008)
J. Brian Fisher
An SwRI-developed simulator helps train excavator operators safely and
Fax requests for articles previously published in Technology Today to
(210) 522-3547 or jfohn@swri.org. Recent Technology Today features, as well as a
listing of older titles, are available online at technologytoday.swri.org.
Technology Today • Winter 2009
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employees pursue activities in the areas of
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vehicle and engine systems, automotive fuels
and lubricants, avionics, geosciences, polymer
and materials engineering, mechanical design,
chemical analyses, environmental sciences,
space sciences, training systems, industrial
engineering and more.
SwRI is always looking for talented technical staff for its San Antonio facilities and for
locations elsewhere in the United States. We
welcome your referrals. The Institute is an Equal
Opportunity Employer, M/F/D/V, committed to
diversity in the workplace. Check our employment opportunities at jobs.swri.org.
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Technology Today
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