Innovation Projects Report-2013 - Colleges@DU
Innovation Projects Report-2013 - Colleges@DU
Innovation Projects @ University of Delhi A Journey of Discovery Report from the Innovation Desk The Research Council University of Delhi © The Registrar, University of Delhi This report is not for sale. Disclaimer: The report has been prepared with material submitted by project coordinators. While care has been taken to present their own views directly, some editing of textual matter has been undertaken. The Research Council does not take responsibility for the project details given by the colleges Redefining Education India is going through a reformatory phase. Education and Technology have a significant role in effecting a change for the nation. It is important to interrogate as to ‘who we are and what we are’ and it is the foremost duty of educational institutions to interrogate their pedagogy periodically, innovate and find a place in the world’s dynamic environment. We must essentially think out of the box and impart learning that should be intertwined with living and livelihood. Prof. Dinesh Singh Contents Prefacevii 1 Glucose – A Biosensing approach 1 2 CO2 Gas Sensing - an ICT based investigation for pollution control 5 3 Survey-based study to identify the health hazards associated with occupational exposure of textile dyes used by dyers to color the fabrics 9 4 Development of Cost-Effective Nutritious Multi Cereal Bar and It’s Sustainable Packaging Using Nano-Biopolymer 14 5 Development and study of alternate packaging materials from agro wastes and its application in food packaging 18 6 24 x 7 water supply in villages and small towns of India 22 7 Solution for road management from modeling and simulation of traffic flow on selected roads of Delhi 27 8 IT model for parking space management: optimal and efficient parking-retrieval of vehicles 30 9 Symphonies of Life in Nature and Environment: Folksongs of Punjab and Jammu and Kashmir 35 10Development of Zoology E-Museum for courses of University of Delhi 39 11Daastaan-e-Nisvan (Stories of Women) 44 12राष्ट्रीय राजधानी क्षेत्र में दृष्िटबािधतों से संबनि्धत संस्थाओ एवं संस्थानो की उपलबि्धयां एवं चुनौितयाँ 13 Development of Thin Films/Nano materials for their Electronic and Biomedical Applications 47 54 14To Prepare a Glossary of Technical Terms in Yoga Philosophy 61 15Isolation and identification of pigment producing fungi for using as textiles dyes 66 16Conversion of mechanical energy to electrical energy on metro tracks 70 17Mapping the Spatial Topology of two sub- glacier basins of NW Himalayan for multi class change detection using MODIS, Landsat and IRS data 75 18Generating Energy Consciousness among Rural Household 86 19The Imprisoned Dove: Transcending Conflict and Building Cultures of Peace 93 20Measuring Environmental Footprint of University of Delhi and Transforming it into a Zero-Impact University 97 21Miles on the Yamuna Team-A 104 22Miles on the Yamuna Team-B 111 23In vitro effect of medicinal plant extracts against human fungal pathogen Candida albicans 124 24साप्तािहक बाजार : रोज का संघर्ष (खुली अर्थव्यवस्था में साप्तािहक बाजारो का सामािजक – सांस्कृितक – आर्िथक और मनोवैज्ञािनक अध्ययन एवं उसकी प्रासंिगकता 25उपभोग संस्कृित, बाजार और बचपन 131 134 26An Exploratory Study of Environmental Awareness and Consumer Behaviour towards Eco-Friendly Household Products 161 27An Assessment of consumers’ exposure to pesticide in conventional vegetables and vegetables sol with the ‘organic’ tag in Delhi NCR region, India 165 28Fluorescent Powder Compositions for Developing Latent Fingerprint 168 29Aahaar172 30Strengthening Psychological capital for sports person 176 31Survey of Tree Species in Delhi Region and Screening of Selected Medicinal Plants for Anti-Cancer Activity 190 32Purification and characterization of Cytochrome P450 from liver for the study of P450 interaction with anticancer during drug molecules 196 33Suggested Areas of improvement in the Shelters for the homeless in Delhi 207 34Feasibility studies to improve quality of living and development of low cost efficient techniques to purify potable water in villages: Case study with reference to villages of Ajmer (Rajasthan) 212 vi Preface The Innovation Project Scheme for Colleges at the University of Delhi emerged from Vice Chancellor, Prof Dinesh Singh’s vision of bringing interdisciplinary research to the purview of young students. Given a curriculum that was bounded by a discipline based syllabus and strict timetables for lectures, the teachers and students did not have the time, or the grants, to consider new ways of learning. The innovation projects were visualized as a means to break the mould and to encourage both students and faculty to think ‘out of the box’. The scheme, ‘Innovation Projects in Colleges’, announced in January 2012, is ‘designed to enhance learning experience through student participation’. Teachers and students submit projects that are outside the strict syllabi. They are to be conducted by teams of three teachers from at least two departments and ten students, and a mentor for expert advice from outside the institution. The team schedules a programme that encourages hands-on activity. In this single scheme, inter-disciplinary research in the colleges and the potential link with problem solving in society is established. The University received 146 entries from 51 colleges in the first round in March 2012, with several colleges submitting multiple projects to be conducted by inter-departmental teams. The University selected 113 Innovation Projects for grant support, subject to periodic review. Quarterly, half yearly and completion reports were submitted to the University. The mentor reviewed each project in order to monitor progress. Several projects demonstrated their viability. Most projects conducted field trips, seminars and workshops. The hands-on approach showed results in public and drew attention to real life issues of shelter, water and air pollution, urban transport, nutrition, preservation of history and culture, weekly markets and many other such issues. Newspapers have periodically carried reports about the projects and four books have been published. Another four projects resulted in highly innovative and creative work leading possibly towards patents. This year, 2013-14, more than 400 projects (involving about 6000 students and faculty) were submitted. They were subjected to careful scrutiny for quality and originality. The 251 projects recommended point in the direction of innovative concepts, productivity or discovery. Several projects focus on high-end research and hope for patents and publications whereas others explore known concepts in innovative ways. It is clear that the purpose for which the Innovation Project scheme had been launched--to generate excitement in trying out ideas and carrying them through by means of practical output--is being fulfilled. The outcome of the projects may provide prototypes for problem solving in society. The Innovation Desk functions from the office of the Dean Academics and the Research Council. It acknowledges with thanks the valuable contributions by the Chairperson, and the Deans Research: Prof. Ajay Kumar (Physical & Mathematical Sciences), Prof. M.M. Chaturvedi (Life Science), Prof. Girishwar Mishra (Humanities & Social Sciences). Regular monitoring and coordination of the Innovation Desk is conducted by Dr Deepika Bhaskar, Dy Dean Research, and earlier by Ms Mukta Dutt, Information Executive. Dean, Academic Activities & Projects Chair, Research Council Prof. Malashri Lal viii ACHARYA NARENDRA DEV COLLEGE project title: project code: Glucose Detection: ANDC – 101 A Bio Sensing Approach Objective Oxidation of glucose is known to be a mainsource of cellular energy in the human body. Besides being an important metabolic intermediate, glucose also formsa major part of the carbohydrates in the peripheral blood. Hence it is important to determine the glucose present in the blood to aid in the diagnosis and treatment of lifestyle diseases such as Diabetes Mellitus. Higher concentrations of blood glucose levels also indicate the existence of Pancreatitis, Pituitary or Thyroid dysfunction, Renal Failure or even Liver Disease. The primary objective of the project undertakenby the students at Acharya Narendra Dev College wastodevelop a glucose oxidase based blood glucose concentration sensing material. More specifically, it involved the immobilization of glucose oxidase on an identified matrix for stability and reproducibility. The matrix, based on relevant metal oxide, would be identified by systematically working out the iso-electric point (IEP) factors, followed by the immobilization of bio-molecules. The entire process would be bereft of any hazardous chemical treatment. Image 1: Low-cost glucometer 1 Image 2: Students immobilizing protein and enzymes on Zinc Oxide Final Findings The students scanned the literature, and identified zinc oxide (ZnO) asthe ideal semiconducting metal oxide for making up the matrix since it possessed a high iso-electric point (IEP) factor of 9.5 which could support the low IEP of glucose oxidase (GOX). Further, the biocompatibility of ZnO wasreported to be an added advantage. The binding capacity of protein and optimum conditions for the binding to take place were determined by usingBovine Serum Albumin (BSA) as the model protein. In the experiments, BSA was dissolved in 50 mM Phosphate Buffer (PB) at pH 7.2, and incubated with 50 mg ZnO. Post incubation,the slurry was centrifuged at room temperature for twenty minutes. The protein content of the supernatant was determined by the Folin-Lowry method, which gave an indication of the unbound protein. The amount of protein binding on the ZnO matrix was estimated by subtracting the amount left in the supernatant from the total.The measured average was found to be approximately 573.33 ug bound / 50 mg of ZnO matrix. Further, the binding of a model enzyme with the ZnO matrix, and enzymatic activity of the immobilized enzyme onto the matrix was analysed. Horse Radish Peroxidase (HRP) was taken in PB as above, but at varying pH conditions (5.6, 7.2, 8.0), to investigate the effects of pH on binding. The results obtained indicated that a buffer with a pH of 7.2 was optimal for the binding of HRP with ZnO matrix, and any further increase or decrease lead to a fall in the binding capability. The bound enzyme was also found to be catalytically active. In the next set of experiments, the binding of Glucose Oxidase (GOX) with ZnO was undertaken. A solution of 50 mm PB at pH 7.2 was taken to test the binding. Glucose Oxidase was found to bind with the matrix with the retention of catalytic activity. 2 Learning for Students The multi-disciplinary nature of the project ensured that students from all different streams learnt to appreciate each others’ field of study, and develop understand skills to how to tackle the life-style problem of diabetes. Students of life science learnt about the skill sets required in a physical science laboratory, and the students ofvice-versa for physical science learnt about lifestyle diseasesstudents. Having scanned literature and journals accessed through the scientific databases of Scopus and ScienceDirect, the students. They also have becoame more aware conscious of the burgeoning problem of rapid spread of diabetes having scanned literature and journals accessed through scientific databases of Scopus and ScienceDirect available through University of Delhi’s wi-fi internet. Hands-on experiments performed in the laboratory, coupled with the handling of hazardous chemicalshave made the students appreciate team-work, while at the same time inculcating good laboratory practices. Another tangible benefit for the students washas been the understanding of time management as they had to manage visà-vis regular classes along with working on the project.and maturity as a responsible individual who is tuned to the needs of the society. The advanced sophisticatedlevel equipment operated as part of the project gavehas made the students equipped with technical dexterity whichthat may prove very useful when they find employment in the industry. While learning to procure different chemicals and even distinguishing the same chemical of different grades for specific use has 3 emboldened the students to perceive study in a new light that is beyond the classroom. A paradigm shift is wasclearly discernible in the way the trained students attempted the problem by and adopting a scientific approach. The students participated and presented their papersat the following workshops/seminars: 1. ‘Glucose Detection- A Bio sensing Approach’, Animesh Kar, Gunjan, Harsh Bishen, Raj Keshri, Deepak Kumar, Rajender, Durgesh Kumar, Kapil Joshi, Dikshant Hans, Rajesh Choudhary, Arijit Chowdhuri, Amit Garg;‘National Conference on Redefining Science Teaching: Future of Education’, 7-9 March 2013, University of Delhi, South Campus. 2. ‘To Device a cost effective set up for Cell Identification, Characterization and Separation’, held at Gargi collegeunder the project GC-102, on 21 April 2013. Benefits to College The college now has more scientific facilitiesowing tothe establishment of advanced laboratories fully furnished with modern instruments, which are expected to find use in further research, and for teaching under the upcoming 3 Four Year Undergraduate Programme. The faculty was successful in coming together to perform as a team to achieve goals in multi-disciplinary fields. Students in the college were exposed to frontier areas of science withcutting edge researchand are now better equipped to take up research as a viable career option. Benefits to Society The project empowered the students to assimilate knowledge and develop skills to work for the benefit of the society. The students with their scientific temper and training in researchare geared to join the crusade against the onslaught of lifestyle diseases. The training and hands-on skills acquired by the students will also be at an advantage in finding topranking jobs, and will encourage them to make responsible CEOs and COOs who believe in giving back to society. Further Plans With the advanced laboratories developed during the course of the project, it wasfelt that the project could be taken forward to realize some key applications. A few of the immediate applications are enumerated as follows: • Develop a blood glucose measurement prototype strip compatible with the low cost glucometer developed in the study. • Increase the shelflife of the strip from a few weeks to a few months. • Reduce the cost of the blood glucose measurement strip. • Rapidly transfer the technology of the blood glucose measurement strip to a company for developing it commercially. 4 ACHARYA NARENDRA DEV COLLEGE “CO2 Gas Sensing – an ICT based investigation for pollution control” project title: project code: ANDC – 102 1. Objective CO2 is recognized as a significant workplace hazard. It poses a threat to life through asphyxiation when it displaces the oxygen in air down to dangerously low levels. Inhalation of elevated concentrations of CO2 can adversely affect the respiratory, cardiovascular and central nervous systems in humans. Hence, need of the hour is to accurately measure level of CO2 in the ambient environment. The aim of this project is to use commercially available gas sensors for CO2 detection in the immediate environment and understand the mechanism of its detection, data acquisition and recording of the acquired data. Students in the project have been trained in the measurement of realtime CO2 gas concentration levels in the immediate vicinity as well as in a controlled environment (Gas Sensing Test Rig). They have acquired skills in hands-on operation of the sensor and acquire CO2 data by interfacing the sensor to a computer. Investigation of critical issues related to selectivity, sensitivity, response speed, and aging have been undertaken. 2. Final Findings The students investigated CO2 gas level concentrations in Delhi (plain) and in places located at higher reaches including Sat Tal, Chanfi, Naukuchiya Image 1: a) Figaro CO2 sensor b) Vernier CO2 sensor with data acquisition module c) Gas Sensing Test Rig (GSTR) for simulation of controlled environmental conditions 5 Tal and Pangot (mountains) with the idea to correlate the effect of spread of human habitat to the existing CO2 concentrations in the immediate vicinity. The acquired data indicates a direct correlation between the density of human population and the measured concentration of CO2 gas. Specifically, in all locations situated in the mountains (besides Delhi) the CO2 level was found to increase with increasing human density i.e. more popular the spot, higher the CO2 level. Interestingly at Pangot and Chanfi (less touristy) with small hamlets and more green cover, the commercial CO2 sensor could only measure just base level CO2 concentrations indicating that it had reached its lower limit. In another experiment the students measured CO2 exhaling characteristics of a human being who is initially at rest and works up a light exercise after some time before relaxing once again. It is noted that the response of the CO2 sensor (rise and fall in the CO2 concentration level) typically follows the pattern of exercise regimen of the human being. Upon examining the variation of output CO2 concentration levels of a human being, pre- and post-exercise, it is seen that there is an accentuated difference in the initial CO2 concentration value for the person pre and post exercise and that the concentration level progressively moves to a saturation value. Further if the same person uses mint (chewing gum) during exercise then the CO2 sensor returns a flat value. This Indicates that the CO2 detection characteristics of the sensor, somehow gets inhibited in the presence of mint. A simple variation of position of the sensor affects the CO2 detection characteristics and it is observed that concentration of CO2 measured varies inversely as a function of distance. 3. Learning for Students In this multi-disciplinary project the first tangible benefit for students has been teamwork and hands-on learning beyond the classroom on a real life problem affecting the world at large. Students have learnt to access databases like Scopus and Science Direct, study scientific journals and scan literature for relevant information using the University of Delhi powered wi-fi internet available in college. They have gained advanced skills through hands-on usage of advanced instruments and imbibed good laboratory practices thus turning them into useful manpower. They have learnt to implement different softwares on computers and have become skilled in their use for scientific applications including graph plotting, data acquisition, data conditioning etc. Sight visits to different areas in the country for data collection has made them aware of different customs besides varying environment affecting the acquired data and limitations of the sensor. They have developed a keen sense of responsibility towards preserving the environment and awareness 6 to reduce carbon footprint in whichever way possible. Having developed a logical bent of mind and scientific temper the students have learnt how to manage disappointments and values of hard work over long duration of time. They have become adept at time management besides developing dexterity at interacting with people coming from diverse backgrounds. Finally, having worked in the project for the last year the Students have changed into well-rounded personalities overcoming their initial shy nature. The students also participated in the following conferences/ seminars: a) Ms. Sandal Azhar and Mr. Priyank presented a poster in the National Conference on Redefining Science Teaching: Future of Education held at University of Delhi South Campus, 7 – 9 March 2013. b) Ms. Sandal Azhar and Ms. Priya Kashyap won third prize in the poster competition during the Seminar on “Optical fibre based probes” organized by Gargi College on 12th April 2013. 4. Benefits to College Through the project students have acquired hands-on skills in advanced research grade equipments/instruments. The college has been able to establish state-of-the-art laboratories adding to the established infrastructure, wherein students can perform some of the experiments included under the FYUP programme. Due to multi-disciplinary nature of the project faculty members from different departments have put in more time, effort and imagination which has helped in advancing their knowledge base and which is expected to help in solving complex societal problems. Project investigators have been successful in contributing a paper in the 27th National Conference on Plasma Science and Technology (Plasma 2012) during 10 – 13th December 2012 at Pondicherry University, wherein funding under the DU innovation project has been duly acknowledged. 5. Benefits to Society Students have matured into responsible citizens having developed scientific temper. They have cultivated a sense of responsibility towards protecting the fragile environment and awareness of problems caused by CO2 emissions has inspired them to adopt techniques that reduce the carbon footprint in small but definite measures. They have instilled the values of hard work and gained useful hands-on training in advanced technology instruments. It is envisaged that the society is definitely going to get more responsible citizens in the future who are willing to take informed decisions and thus make a positive difference to its well-being. 7 6. Further Plans It is envisaged that the established infrastructure and advance level instruments procured can be utilized further to take the work forward. Some of the immediate applications are enumerated as follows: • Build an array of gas sensors for measuring gas response characteristics in a gas mixture • Investigate gas sensing characteristics in a gas mixture. • Acquire data of gas sensing characteristics • Generation of finger prints for individual gases in a combination of gases • Use statistical distribution concept of principal component analysis for recognizing gas mixtures Image 2: Media coverage of the ANDC – 102 project in Dainik Bhaskar newspaper (NCR edition) dated 10th August 2012. 8 ACHARYA NARENDRA DEV COLLEGE Survey-Based Study to Identify the Health Hazards Associated With Exposure to Textile Dyes Used by Dyers to Colour Fabrics project title: project code: ANDC 104 Objective The health and safety cover for theunorganized sector of dyers isalmost nonexistent. This encouraged us to take up the task of identifying the health problems faced by these dyers who can be found in almost every corner of a market, but go unnoticed and unattended. There is very little statistical data available at anational level on the accidents and occupational diseases of the people who work in this sector. The objectives of this survey were: 1.To assess and evaluate the awareness of the dyers regardingthe occupational hazards of their profession. 2. To identify suspected cases (gender based) of work-related symptoms— skin-itching, contact dermatitis, irritation of eyes, headaches, hearing disabilities, asthma, etc.—at the local dye units in Delhi and NCR. 3. To assess the amount of dye actually adsorbed by the cloth fibre vis à vis the quantity used by the dyer for each dyeing. The project was designed to enable a science student, especially from the chemistry or biomedical science background to assess the impact of chemicals on the common man working far away from labs. The project also aimed at creating environmental awareness among students and in society at large. Final Findings Our team interviewed more than 160 dyers. They observed that the dyes and chemicals used in textile finishing are very harmful for the health of the dyer. People exposed to these dyes werefound to suffer from skin irritation, skin rashes and scaling on the hands and forearms (in some cases loss of sensation), and sometimes also on the nose and eyes. Some dyers alsodeveloped a short 9 Image 1: Project team with the mentor, and dyers at work…various stages of the project term allergy to certain dyes. Exposure to even small amounts of dyes such asIndian Pinkled to severe coughing. It was found that dyers generally used Hypo and Bleach to clean the dye from their hands. Bleach is extremely harsh on the skin and nails. The skin on the hands of most of thedyers was dry and patchy. Almost every dyer admitted that their hands had lost the sensitivity to hot and cold objects. Many of themalso said that they could not feel the sensation of an insect crawling on their hands. Common bleach contains sodium hypochloritewhich causes mucosal irritation. The extent of the irritation depends on the concentration and the duration of contact with the dye. In case of severe exposure, permanent pulmonary damage may occur, leading to a chemical irritant induced type of asthma (respiratory sensitization) which causes an unusual breathlessness. Long-term exposure to Hypo (Sodium Thiosulphate), although less severe than bleach causes dermatitis and eye irritation leading to redness and pain in the eyes. In our survey, the dyers admitted that they had developed small patches (discoloration) on their skin. Some dyers reported that they became sensitized to these reactive dyesstraightaway, and some others developed sensitivity to them after a few years of exposure. The dyers informed us that the symptoms of sensitization were usually better when they were away from work over a weekend or a holiday. Although one cannot rule out the possibility that some of these symptoms may have been exaggerated, the harmful effect of the chemicals in the dyes 10 cannot bedisputed. When asked why most of the dyers did not followsimple safety precaution such as wearing gloves, the most common reason that came out was the discomfort with gloves while handling hot dye solutions. A small numbers of dyers even admitted toamemory reduction over time, but they were reluctant to correlate it with the use of dyes. Almost every dyer useda common household remedy for cleaning his internal system after being exposed to dyes throughout the day;they ate jaggery every evening.According to them jaggery cleans their throat and clears away the dye particles inhaled during the day. This survey revealed a striking fact about the profession of dyers—whether literate or illiterate, the dyers know that they are dealing with chemicals that may harm them. They may not have the exact knowledge of the negative effects of the chemicals, but they certainly know that they are harmful in the long term. They take measures to counter the impact of these chemicals, but are reluctant to admit it publicly out of fear of losing their profession. The survey revealed that the dyers would not be at the risk if they took the right precautions. To reduce the symptoms mentioned in figure 1, the following suggestions were given to the dyers: (a) (b) (c) Image 2: (a) Venn diagram showing the sensitivity of hands and feet of the dyers towards temperature (hands_temp and feet_temp respectively) and touch (hands_touch and feet_touch respectively) (n = 134). (b) Pie diagram showing the proportion of the dyers (n = 134) with skin cracks. (c) Pie diagram showing different types of health problems faced by dyers (n = 134). 11 1. Work as cleanly as possible, to protect yourself and others in the vicinity. 2. Get as much information as possible about the chemicals you use and how to handle them safely. 3. Wash your hands thoroughly before eating, drinking or smoking. Do not eat, drink or smoke in the area where these chemicals are used. 4. Wear personal protective equipment such as chemical-resistant gloves, aprons and work boots to stop liquids spilling on the skin, and eye protection (preferably a visor which extends and tapers under the chin. Report any accidents and seek medical help immediately. 5. Inform your doctor that you work with dyes and chemicals if you suffer from ill health, and seek medical advice. Learning for Students This project has been a great learning experience for the undergraduate students involved. They have learned how to design and implementa project, and how to collect data and summarize the results in a coherent manner. They have also learnt how to plan a project, choose the correct methodology to achieve the desired goals, and analyse whether their research isprogressing in the correct direction or not. In this project, the students were also involved in the purchase of the required equipment along with their mentors. They learned about the desired specifications in the equipment, and how to do a market survey to figure out the best brand at the best price. For this survey-based project, they used a self-prepared questionnaire to collect the data afterexhaustive discussions with the mentors. To check for the comprehensiveness of their questionnaire, the students conducted pilot studies. They used the results of the pilot studies to enrich the questionnaire for the final data collection. During the course of this study, the students also acquired knowledge about various methods of determining physiological parameters, the socio-ethical issues involved in dealing with human subjects,and statistical analyses including sampling, data generation, presentation and interpretation.Theinterviews allowed them to develop better communication skills, team spirit, and constructive criticism for the team members.They also refined their interviewing skills and learnt how to improve data quality. They stepped beyond the college premises, to see the real world as a classroom, enriching their knowledge not only about how their subject of undergraduate studies is correlated to the real life, but also about human survival in challenging circumstances. 12 Benefits to College The college truly benefited from this project as the students reached out to local dyers all over Delhi and NCR. In fact, not only did the students interview the dyers,they also interacted with the shopkeepers in the area. Therefore, a lot he people came to know that the undergraduate students of Acharya Narendra Dev College affiliated to the University of Delhi were researching on a topic that isbeneficial for the society. The findings of this project are being compiled in the form of a research paper that will be communicated to a peer reviewed journal. A research publication by undergraduate students will earn laurels for the College. Theinfrastructure generated by the funding from this project will be utilized for training more undergraduate students. Benefits to Society The occupational health hazards associated with the professionsof people who work in thesmallunorganized sectors of the society generally go unnoticed. The research findings of this project clearly illustratethe casual approach of the dyers in dealing with harmful chemical dyes. The dyer, most often illiterate or at best primary school educated is unaware about the extent of harm these dyes can pose to them. During their interaction with the dyers, the students conveyed to them the need for adopting safer occupational practices, and being alert tothe harmfuleffects of dyes on their bodies. The interactive sessions during interviews made the dyers felt included, attended to and cared for. This research also brought to notice the amount of dye that was being thrown everyday into the common drains, and thus calls for a safer solution for the disposal of dyes after use. Further Plans As mentioned earlier, the findings of this project are being compiled in the form of a research paper that will be communicated to a peer reviewed journal. Since this project involved interaction with dyers in Delhi and the NCR, the surveymay be extended to other regions of the country. 13 BHASKARACHARYA COLLEGE OF APPLIED SCIENCES project title: project code: Development of Cost-Effective Nutritious Multi Cereal Bar and its Sustainable Packaging Using Nano-Biopolymer BCAS-103 1. Objectives of the Study 1. To develop cost-effective Nutritious Multi-Cereal Bar to curb the problem of malnutrition in India. 2. To develop and characterize a cost-effective nano biopolymer film to make it suitable for food packaging. 3.To study the changes in chemical and sensory attributes in order to assess the Shelf- stability of in-house biofilm packaged bar. 4.To conduct health and environmental awareness camps in government schools and slums areas. 2. Final Findings Five bars with the ingredients in different forms and proportions, using different methods of cooking, different flavor, texture, appearance and nutritive value were formulated keeping in mind the standards that were decided. Sensory evaluation of all bars was done by a panel of 20 semi trained judges. Their nutrient content was estimated using nutritive value of Indian foods, ICMR publication. On the basis of sensory evaluation, cost and nutritive estimation, one bar was selected as the final bar on which further tests, studies and improvements are being carried out. The testing of this bar for proteins, fats, carbohydrates, total ash, vitamin A and vitamin C, texture using standard procedures was done. Peroxide value, fat, acidity, moisture were also tested for a period of three months. Water activity of bar was also determined for a period of three months at 0, 7, 15, 30, 60, and 90 days period. Finally bar was found tasty, healthy, nutritious. Cost of the bar was very less as compared to other bars available in market. Shelf life of bar is more than three months both at ambient as well as at 37 degree Celsius. 14 Image 1: Nutrition Bar and Its Packaging Material For packaging the nutrition bar, nine biofilms based on starch and PVA have been developed with varying compositions. Based on their mechanical properties the film with 50:50 starch and PVA have been selected for the project. The film was further added with many active food grade reagents to make it water insoluble, food safe and anti microbial in nature. Nanofillers have been also incorporated in the film at 1%, 2% and 3% loading. The mechanical properties were enhanced but the incorporation of clay made it brittle in nature. Hence, the nanoclay filled composite of the film was not chosen for the final work. The unfilled film were further tested for mechanical properties, antimicrobial properties, WVTR and permeability in air. The mechanical properties are very high, permeability is almost nil in air. The film absorbs water but insoluble in water. The film has antimicrobial properties. 3. Learning for Students The DU Innovative projects are one of a kind. It is unheard of any other university to fund such research projects for their students to help them develop their skill sets. Students are really grateful to the University of Delhi for giving them such an opportunity. Students explored, learnt and developed product. The project was a great platform for students to explore their minds, learn from their experiences and develop personally as well as professionally. Being the students of applied sciences, it is necessary for them to have a practical knowledge of all that they study in their classrooms. In this project that is exactly what they achieved. Managing studies and this project together wasn’t a burden at all; instead it taught them multitasking and time management. Apart from developing product, they had Nourish Organics factory visits, attended three international conferences and workshops, won best poster award, published paper in journal and conducted awareness campaigns. We are sure that at some point of time in their life they would benefit from their experiences. 15 4. Benefits to College 1.College students got exposure to new research area at an undergraduate level and also to the field which is not their field of study. They were trained to integrate their knowledge with their peers of different streams. The students worked in the team and learnt to collaborate which is the need of the day. 2.Two patents were submitted from this project. 3. Teachers got funds to carry out research work. Infrastructure was build up for the college. Even teachers also learnt to collaborate with each other and mentor who is an expert in this field. 4.It gave an excellent platform and financial assistance for the students and the teachers to visit industries and attend and participate in different conference 5. Benefits to Society The project was proposed keeping in mind the problem of malnutrition in India. The nutrition bar developed during this project will benefit the low income groups of our society as the bar developed is very cheap. It can be incorporated into mid day meal for school children and various other government schemes and curb malnutrition. The bar is rich in macro and micro nutrients; it is tasty and very cost effective which makes it the bar for the common man. The packaging of the bar has been done using biodegradable packaging material made form starch. This is aimed as a solution of plastic pollution, a problem that not only our country but every other country faces. Moreover the packaging is very cheap and based on bio resource. The final packaging film is food compatible too. Possible End-users • • • • • • Low Income group of the society especially malnourished children. Pregnant and lactating women. Teenagers. Packaging Industry. Ministry of Health and family welfare. Department of Environment. 6. Further Plans We have applied for patent both for bar and film. Our plan is to incorporate this bar in mid day meal scheme so that nutritious and safe food can be 16 provided to malnourished and poor children at very low cost. In future also we want to make handy, healthy, nutritious and inexpensive ready to eat food products in environment friendly packaging material from waste products or from cheap easily available material. So that these type of food products can be used/ distributed at the time of need like during flood, drought, war etc. In future, we can also export these type of products. The packaging film is environment and food safe. The packaging film may be used for this nutrition bar as well as for packaging of other materials. This film may be also combined with other packaging films to create a multi layer packaging material. 17 BHASKARACHARYA COLLEGE OF APPLIED SCIENCES Development and study of Alternate Packaging Materials from Agro Wastes and its Application in Food Packaging project title: project code: BCAS-104 1. Objective of the Study The development of alternate packaging material from renewable resources is the focus of this study. Packaging is defined as a socio-scientific discipline which operates in society to ensure delivery of goods to ultimate consumer in the best condition intended for their use. The packaging material must have good barrier properties, thermal and mechanical properties. It is advantageous and equally important for the packaging material to be ecofriendly. Most of the packaging materials used at present are bio non-degradable in nature. These non biodegradable materials generate large amount of toxic substances, which are harmful to the biosphere. All these factors have contributed in generating a huge ecological imbalance. The society has now awaken to realize the consequences of this ecological imbalance and is gradually shifting towards environmental friendly materials. Keeping various environmental and other issues in mind and the present day need, we decided to work on the problem which could directly serve the society and bring awareness on certain issues. Thus, the proposed work aims to develop hard and flexible material film using agro wastes like rice husk, sugar cane bagasse etc, optimize the film properties and explore the suitability of the film as packaging material for Image 1: Agro waste based packaging material for market eggs 18 food products. The study would also assess the shelf life of the food products using the developed packaging materials. 2. Final Findings 1.Initially the material film that we developed degraded with time. Also it was rough. The gelatin coating over the material eliminated this problem. The new film was then flexible, hard, strong and showed swelling behavior of 5%. 0It was also reversible after heating in an oven after 30 minutes at 120 C. The developed film had property to absorb metal ions from surrounding (liquid) solution. The film was characterized by measuring the absorbance of metal ion by UV spectroscopy. This particular property added a new dimension to our work. The flexible film developed was robust in nature. The parameters like strength, permeability and stretching ability were found satisfactory. Further, the material was solution casted for making packaging material for marketed eggs. 2. The data of internal and external quality parameters of market eggs (using commercial paperboard packaging) was studied and showed better quality of eggs at refrigerated temperature in comparison to room temperature. The air cell size and weight loss was less in refrigerated storage. 3.The paraffin coated rice husk based packaging material showed better barrier properties and had reduced moisture and CO2 losses in comparison to pure rice husk based packaging material. It had better pH of yolk and albumen. The studies were carried out at room temperature conditions from December to July. The results indicate suitability of the paraffin coated rice husk based packaging material as an alternate to the conventional packaging materials. 4.The Focaccia bread was standardized (formulation) with respect to taste, specially the spice and herb mixture with reference to local Indian palate. We propose to improve the texture in future and also develop a suitable bio-degradable packaging material film. 5.We are also working on to use our packaging material for liquid items. Due to paucity of time, the findings could not be completed but initial results indicate the suitability of our packaging material for liquid items. 3. Learning for students 1. The opportunity was very well used by students to develop logical thinking, experimental expertise and ability to draw scientific conclusions. It has also helped them to gain confidence and improve their holistic education. 2.The exposure to attend conferences gave them opportunity to hear some highly intellectual as well as informative lectures. This helped them to 19 expand their knowledge base and could get glimpse of the various research activities and programmes. 3.The presentations trained them to plan, organize and deliver the data in systematic manner. They developed scientific writing skills, learnt literature survey and the importance of citations and references. 4.They realized the relevance and importance of the objective of the study. They understood vast applications of agro wastes. They could appreciate the interdisciplinary aspects in sectors academic, economic, resource management, employment etc . 4. Benefits to College 1.The funding of the projects under Innovation Scheme is a big motivator for teachers and students. Such schemes help to create an academic friendly environment where exchange of ideas and thoughts take freely. It infuses fresh energy in the academic community. 2.It created an environment where the importance of interdisciplinary approach was realized by faculty as well as by students themselves. The innovative thinking was very much evident during the cultural festival “Antardhvani”. 3.The initiative and support of the University was commendable. The other Universities are also realizing the importance of academic growth by encouraging the college faculty and students. 4.The unique concept of research under the Innovation Scheme was highly appreciated in various conferences that we attended. The students were highly motivated in conferences while competing with the post graduate and full time research students in academic events. 5.The publications/ patents will definitely lift the prestige of the University and Colleges. 6.The research at undergraduate levels, will also attract students in colleges from foreign nations. This would help in the academic growth of the University and will spread the popularity further. 7.The continuous research activities would also help in enhancing the prestige of the University. It will help faculty members to continuously update their knowledge and skills. 8. The funding received under the project scheme has also helped the colleges to equip their laboratories with some modern instruments and softwares. This will provide an opportunity to enhance the learning skills of all. 9.The avenues for higher promotions will open up in colleges. 20 5. Benefits to Society 1.The study was undertaken with an objective to assess the suitability of agro waste generated in industries in developing a packaging material. The success work can help the society in many ways: 2.It is a beginning towards developing the ecofriendly waste management. 3.Eco and Environment friendly approach will be in consonance with current needs to preserve and improve quality of biosphere. 4.It will reduce dependency on non-renewable resources. It will help in preserving our diminishing natural resources. 5.It may encourage small time entrepreneurship. 6. Further Plan We propose to further investigate certain unique characteristics, properties and behavior using agro wastes like: 1.Separation of cellulose and silica from agro-wastes. 2.Water purification using the residual form of agro-wastes. 3.Development of different types of packaging materials for different food items. 21 CLUSTER INNOVATION CENTRE DUCIC27X7 WS 1.0: Automated Project Proposal Development Tool for Rapid implementation of 24X7 Water Supply Systems in Small Towns and Villages of India project title: project code: CIC 101 1. Objective The project “DUCIC27X7 WS 1.0: Automated Project Proposal Development Tool for Rapid Implementation of 24X7 Water Supply Systems in Small Towns and Villages of India” aims at developing a public domain software module that will automatically generate the project proposal for implementation of a 24X7 water supply system in any small town or village. The generated proposal, starting from input parameters related to the population, geographical layout, payment capacity, consumption etc., will contain all details of the water distribution network, cost of the proposed project, tender document and a commercially viable tariff structure. The proposed software module will incorporate spatial position analysis, mathematical model for pipe network and tariff structure, optimal path analysis and analysis of relationship between topology and pipeline network. Image 1: DUCIC24X7 WS 1.0 22 2. Final Findings The primary output of the project is a software module that generates a project proposal for implementation of small to medium sized public 24X7 water supply system. The main findings of the work are: • Shuffled Complex Evolution (SCE) proved to be a powerful optimization algorithm to solve water distribution network optimization problems. • Cross subsidy can be used to generate optimal tariff slab structure for efficient recovery of the project cost. • The optimized network design module resulted in minimization of construction costs and maximization of reliability of final solution subject to constraints such as proper pressure level at demand node and fire flow compliances. • IPython was used to integrate code snippets written in FORTRAN, OpenEV, Java, PCRASTER and to generate PDF report. • GUI for the software module is developed in wxPython and pyQt. • Any village or town that is willing to provide population data can avail of this cheap method of making assessment for project cost and tariff structure for switching to a 24x7 water supply system. 3. Learning for Students (200 words): The students have benefitted from the project by learning a variety of subject concepts/working methodologies and thorough understanding of the software development life cycle. The key skills acquired by the students during project phase are: • • • • • • • Familiarity with GIS desktop application like ArcGIS and QGIS. Developing complex mathematical models and algorithms. Geoprocessing, Spatial DBMS, data mining techniques Software development, testing and licensing procedure Conducting field survey, handling of GPS and post processing techniques. Economics of 24x7 water supply. Automated project proposal 4. Benefits to College The developed software module will greatly assist in implementation of 24X7 water supply system in small towns and villages thereby enhancing the efficiency in management of resources. Certain aspects of the project were closely related to the curriculum of the member students. The student’s knowledge of the paper “Amazing world of probability and statistics” helped in 23 forming questionnaire and organization of the collected survey data; “Data modeling and design” in developing the database of all the civil and tariff related data acquired and “Information Organization and Art of Problem Solving”, “Discretizes and understanding real life situation through mathematical lens” in gaining the algorithmic perspective for optimizing the distribution network and designing the tariff structure. The output of the project is in line with the mandate of CIC and will help the centre in establishing link with society and industry by providing consultancy in resource management, planning and implementation. Working for the project provided the member students a great platform to learn and implement diverse concepts like GIS, tariff optimization, civil engineering, Database development and management, automated project proposal generation etc. The experience of software development, testing, interaction with public and professionals, huge number of presentations helped in development of professional, technical and communicational skills which would benefit them in their future career. 5. Benefits to Society India is rapidly urbanizing. An essential component of a good urban infrastructure – a proper water supply system – is absent in most of the villages and small towns of India. As we organize our society better by adopting technology, it is only a matter of time that most of the villages and towns will explore the possibility of moving to a 24x7 water supply system. First step for establishing a 24x7 water supply system is to generate a network, optimize tariff structure and to approximate the initial investment required. This 24x7 water supply software will be extremely handy for such a transition by villages and towns who do not have financial resources to hire expensive consultants. The software generates an automated project proposal for the rapid implementation of the 24x7 water supply system including the cost structure, pipeline network and tariff structure. This module takes basic information like GPS data of the area, field survey, population (from census data), as input and takes into account the growing population and consequently their growing needs for water. The software thereby helps in the organized development of urban infrastructure and efficient water resource management. This in turn replaces the system of investing huge amounts on consultants for initial planning as concerned authorities can now access this open source software for the same. 24 6. Further Plans The project team further aims at testing the software by debugging it under vivid environments, and removing errors if any. The software will also be tested in its real-time implementation scenario with the data of some small towns and villages locally so that accuracy of the module could be further improved. At present the user interface is for more of a technical audience. Hence, interface of the module needs to be more user-friendly for which some more work is required. The final aim is to fully automate the procedure thereby reducing the user effort and manual input requirements. When both types of testing would be done, the executable of the software will be made Open Source for every user. We also aim to approach city authorities, NGOs, Sarpanch of villages, MLAs who are willing to implement 24x7 water supply systems in their areas. We hope to take up some such turnkey projects where we will conduct the survey and provide the authorities a cost estimation of the planned project and user friendly commercially viable tariff structure. 25 CLUSTER INNOVATION CENTRE Solutions for Road Management Based on Models and Simulation of Traffic Flow on Selected Roads of Delhi project title: project code: CIC-102 Objective The objective of this project was to develop a mathematical model for real time simulation of traffic flow on select Delhi Roads. The model parameters and rules of vehicular movement were determined by studyinga synchronous recording of traffic inflow and outflow on those roads. The simulation aimed to correctly predict the out flux of vehicles for each segment from a statistical point of view. This model could be used to simulate new traffic flow scenarios on the same road segments by changing the road dividers, flyovers, traffic restrictions, etc. The origin of specific jams orclustering was also studied using computer simulation, and potential solutions were obtained by testing the new layout or by redesigning the traffic lights. The methodology of the study included: a) Mathematical modelling of vehicular traffic flow b) Stochastic modelling c) Image analysis for quantifying vehicular flow density d) Traffic lighting system e) Flyover planning f ) Restricted traffic flow Findings This project helped us achieve the following: a) Simulation of traffic flow using MATLAB for a Ring Road segment that includes two intersections around Vishwavidyalaya metro station. b) Simulation of vehicular acceleration and deceleration on a Ring Road frame near South Campus using MATLAB. c) Visualization of MATLAB simulation results using the three dimensional ray tracing software POV-RAY. This is done by generating frames and 26 Image 1: Proposed solution for road management Image 2: Simulation of traffic flow placing vehicles in them. Each captured frame is then saved in PNG format. Movies aremade from these sequential PNG images using another software. d) Development of a Java applet to simulate traffic along major road segments around the University of Delhi, North Campus. In this simulation, minimum distance between the vehicles was maintained, acceleration27 deceleration rules were applied, and vehicles were made to stop-go at traffic junctions depending on the traffic light. e) Development of a traffic light system with dynamic synchronization of traffic lights as per the density of vehicles on different roads of the junction. The algorithm controls the traffic lights by comparing the traffic flux and traffic density from different directions, and accordingly switches the traffic signal at different frequencies at different times. f ) Development of a model to simulate public transport along a road segment passing through Agatpur village. This model has been used to determinethe optimal bus frequency at which the bus service becomeseconomicalwith the least waiting time for the public. Learning for Students This study enabled the students to learn a number of new techniques, tools and research methods that included: a) Mathematical modelling of traffic flow using MATLAB and JAVA b) Field survey techniques and analysis of video data c) Image visualization using POV-RAY and MATLAB d) Computer simulation of optimal bus routes and timings e) Stochastic modelling and statistical averaging f ) Mathematical modelling based on empirical data The students, for the first time, dealt with a real life problem of this magnitude, and tried to solve it using mathematical modelling and computer simulation. They learnt how to match the simulation data with empirical observations. They also learned probabilistic simulation techniques. Benefits to College A direct outcome of this project is the formation of a traffic modeling and simulation undergraduate research group. CIC has planned recording systems for traffic and high power computers for simulation and graphics. An IT innovation lab has been established out of the equipment and software purchased for this project. Benefits to Society Traffic congestion is one of the biggest impediments in the economic activities of Delhi and other major cities of India. In spite of well-planned and well laid out roads, increase in the vehicular density and lack of traffic discipline often lead to localized clustering and jams. Flyovers, BRT corridors 28 and synchronous traffic lighting systems seem tobe ineffective in dealing with the situation. This project work demonstrated that traffic planning can get vital inputs from computer modelling and simulation. Specific traffic flow scenarios can first be tested on computer models before committing large investments. Public transport routes and timing can be optimally designed through computer simulation. Automated traffic light systems that can adapt to the accumulation of vehicles on the roads can also be designed using computer simulation. Further Plans The following activities have been planned in future: a) Incorporating the physics of vehicular motion into the existing simulation model. b) Finding the reason behind the discrepancy between simulation and empirical data c) Data collection of a DTC bus route for testing a bus route model d) Creating a graphics simulation of traffic flow using MATLAB graphics tools e) Designing a new model for BRT 29 CLUSTER INNOVATION CENTRE IT Model for Parking Space Management: Optimal and Efficient Parking-Retrieval of Vehicles project title: project code: CIC-103 Objective The project aimed to explore the possibility of installing efficient and optimal solutions that addressed the parking problems of the city. The scope of the project wasto analyse various options for optimizing parking; these includedmulti-level parking, valet parking and parking in saturated residential colonies. Varioussurveys held across Delhi revealed that most residential colonies were lackingappropriate infrastructure to accommodate vehicles. For such saturated colonies, a multi-level car parking model was suggested. Also, in order to increase the efficiency of valet parking systems, an android application was designed which could be used by the valet to make optimal use of available parking space. Apart from this, simulations of unorganized car parking lots were created using MATLAB®. Image 1: Picture of a parking lot in Delhi Image 30 Image 2: Proposed parking-retrieval system Findings Delhi University Parking Lot The Delhi University parking lot near Rugby Sevens Stadium was chosen to examine the parking patternsof car owners and the possibility of an optimized solution. It was observed that people park their cars randomly, which createsa problem at the time of retrieval of cars. In order to solve this problem, the project team came up with a solution for optimized parking of the vehicles. The students measured every part of the parking lot using a measuring tape, and drew a sketch of the area on a graph paper. The final graph, with near precise measurements, was then plotted using grids. MATLAB® Image 3: Simulation of the parking lot allows better organization for bus parking, car parking and two-wheeler parking. 31 Image 5: Automated multi-level parking for saturated residential enclaves Image 4: Entry-exit visualization Most of the old residential enclaves were built on the assumption that every household would need one car space and in some casesone scooter space. However, over the years, the numbers of cars owned by residents increased tremendously. As a result,there was no space for the extra cars. Left with no option,the cars started occupying the road space of the colonies. This made these colony roads extremely vulnerable to accidents. The blocked road also affectedthe entry/ exit of the vehicles to the enclaves. Android Application for Parking Lots The app developed by the students can help make parking and retrieval of cars from valet parking lots more efficient. All the valet has to do is simply ask the car owner how much time he plans to park the car in the parking lot. He then has to enter the value on his app, and tap the slot on the screen where the car has been parked. As time passes, the colour of that particular slot on his parking lot map darkens. Having done this for each car that enters the lot, the valet can, by just a glance on his screen, seewhich cars are due to be out, and which cars still have time left. This not only facilitates and increases the efficiency of parking new cars as they come into the lot, but it also eliminates errors due to human memory when allotting new slots to cars. Learning for Students This project was a great learning experience for the students involved. It enabled them to explore and practice techniques which were beyond their regular coursework. They learned to create real time simulations in Matlab ® using probabilistic variables, to determine the average time in which a parking lot filled up. A few students even learned to create Androidapplications for tablets, and developed and implemented real time algorithms for managing 32 valet parking in a more efficient manner. A few other students learned to create and render customized 3-D models in ‘Blender’,which was used to design multilevelparking in residential areas. They also studied the working of automated multilevel parking lots inSarojini Nagar and at Baba Kharak Singh Mark, from the inside. During the course of the project, the students learned to recreate the layouts of the existing parking lots using manual measurements. They also learned to analyse those layouts using top view photography and video recordings. They explored various techniques to combine images from differentcameras to get acomplete view of parking lots. The students got an insight into the functioning of parking lots by collating data collected through interviews with the users and the employees of the parking lots. Some of the students created real life models of the parking lots surveyed. Benefits to College With the funds assigned by the College, the Centre could purchase all the equipment required to realize this project. The Centre also benefited in terms of the expertise and knowledge gained through the work of the students. The faculty for its part was able to assign more complex tasks to the team as they were working with adedicatedgroup rather than individual students. This in turn made for a more focused peer group working together with relevant researchers. A research group with competence in parking models has evolved out of these activities. Benefits to Society With the rise in population and correspondingly, the number of vehicles, we need to devise more intelligent ways to combat the parking problem. There is a space crunch not just for the cars moving on the road, but also for the vehicles seeking parking. The suggested multi-level design parking system will go a long way towards providing relief to society with a number of advantages such as optimal utilization of space, security, lower maintenance and operational costs. It will alsobecome easier for the driver as he willnot have to maneuver his car through the entire parking lot looking for a place to park, nor will he have to attend to the car while it is parked, thus saving a lot of time. The android application developed for residential and single-level parking systems would be very beneficial for unorganized parking lots, as it canbe used for synchronous real time tracking of the parked vehicles within the parking area. Also it can compute the most efficient entry-exit scheme for each vehicle, which will help reduce the chaos in the parking lots, and use the existing space in the most efficient manner. 33 Further Plans A relevant theme such as ‘parking problems of a city’ definitely involves a lot of scope for further development. Some of the proposals that the students plan to take up in the future include: 1. The team proposes to sync a live-image capturing Quadcopter with special surveillance software that canhelp the authorities ensure the security and optimal utilization of their parking lot. 2. Research on RFID technology, which the team had initially proposed is still in progress. The team would like to implement the technology in a simulated parking lot to explore the feasibility of this technology in actual parking lots. 3. Parking problems in residential colonies require immediate attention. Our team shall endeavor to optimize the available parking space in a residential colony in New Delhi, India. This can be done by allotting fixed positions to the cars belonging to the residents of the colony. Such measures would undoubtedly require cooperation from the Residential Welfare Associations (RWAs) of the colony. 4. The Android application for single-level parking lots needs to be developed further for final commercial utilisation. These parking problems are not restricted to Delhi alone. It seems that every city in the world requires appropriate solutions to address their parking problems. Developing such solutions requires various skills and expertise which can only be acquired over time. 34 DELHI COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE project title: project code: Symphonies of Life in Nature and Environment Folksongs of Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir DCAC--102 1. Objective The focus of the Innovation Project was Student Centric and its main aim was to introduce students, through their own hands-on experience, to methodologies of research. The subject chosen was the creation of a knowledge resource regarding the cultural ethos, the lived experience and the social history as expressed through the folksongs of Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir, and their relativity to Nature and Environment. Our objective here was to create an awareness in the students regarding the diversity of parallel cultures alongwith the thread of commonality amongst them, as seen through folksongs of neighbouring regions. Further, they could relate to the richness of lived experience by interacting with people in their own milieu, in their own environment, and not through books but an ‘out of the box/classroom’ experience. Also our objective was to inculcate in them a sense of participation in the celebration of life as reflected in these folksongs. Image 1: Workshop on Kashmiri Folksongs with Dr Muzaffar Ahmad Bhatt and Ms Shazia in Progress, Srinagar, Kashmir 35 2. Final Findings One of the major findings of the team was that the use of language becomes crucial in preserving folksongs since, with change in language usage, certain genres and songs gradually go into oblivion. Folksongs follow the language in use by the masses as they are sung by the common people and handed down from generation to generation. They have their own dynamism as they adapt to the changing usage of idioms, tones and pronunciation. Moreover, folksongs were found to be connected to the people’s own lifestories. Memories of childhood and of the mother singing with them played a major role in their interest in folksongs. The elders also went into the memories of their past, their younger days when modern modes of entertainment were not available and singing of folksongs was a means of relaxation and bonding at communal gatherings. Alongwith this, there was also an element of nostalgia when they talked of the past with its practice of sitting in the open in the evenings and singing songs which is no longer a practice. The diligent case studies of the three regions made by the team also dispersed the different memories associated with the life-patterns and history of the specific region. In Punjab the longing for the western Punjab now separated by partition of the country, was a common memory, in Jammu it was the simplicity of life and the innocence and modesty that characterized the womenfolk whereas in Kashmir it was the desire for union, especially spiritual union and the integrity of the people that is missed. The individual consciousness of the cultural ethos and traditions of the community is very important for treasuring this rich heritage of folksongs. Though passed by word of mouth and picked up by recurrence, they are full of wisdom as well as reflections on the social condition, especially that of women going into their in-laws’ home and the treatment that they receive, their memories of their parents’ home and their looking for support from their husbands who are often unsympathetic to their positioning in the family. There are also reflections on ecology and the significance of its sustainance for the survival of the human beings. There are also folksongs which advise people to rise beyond barriers of religion and just be good human beings. The most prominent of the findings was the desire of everyone interviewed that the folksongs must be preserved and revived. The common voice of opinion across all three regions was that folksongs must be given space in public dominion through the practitioners and also that interest of the youth must be revived and propelled towards an interest in the folksongs. 36 3. Learning for Students The project has enhanced the essential student learning capabilities outside the walls of the classroom. Timely funding has made it possible for attempting things that were not possible before. It has essentially added an effective learning tool to their C.V., making it possible to be recognized in the future. The project has facilitated easy access to media personalities/academics who have influenced the student group in an informed way, enhancing their research methodology. The project emphasized the importance of interpretation in research .It also developed the skill of analysis of the data collected through interviews. Not only has this been a once in a life time experience for them, but it has been wonderful to actually meet people at the grass root level, to have a first hand experience of such an important field of folklore adding to the knowledge of folk music. Working on the project ‘Symphonies of life: Nature and Environment in Folk Songs of Jammu, Kashmir and Punjab’ has helped not only to break barriers of regional differences but has also brought close intricacies between the culture in these particular regions to the better understanding of the entire group. During the course of the field trips, particularly to Jammu, they had the opportunity to meet several eminent personalities like-Padmashree Pradyumann Singh and learnt to conduct a formal one to one interview with him and with Dr. Rama Sharma. They also had a very lucid and enlightening session with honorable Dr. Karan Singh, member, Rajya Sabha and an authoritative voice on Dogri folk songs and culture. Being actively involved in the research also contributed to their photographical skills, breathing color into this project. This project has not only inculcated a better understanding of intense connections between nature and folksongs but has also honed their skills to carry forward the knowledge of efficient research for future prospects. 4. Benefits to College The new FYUP introduced at the undergraduate level with its emphasis on cultural studies, this Knowledge resource creation can be used as study material and it can be carried forward as further research avenues open up. An extensive list of Resource Persons has been made available to pursue further research. In the Documentary submitted with the Final Report, an extensive footage of Audio-Visual documentation is provided which shows a wide range of interviewees – right from the grassroot level to practitioners, to academicians to renowned and recognized scholars and writers. 37 The students in the College have benefitted from this primary research and at Antardhwani 2013, the College became well known by this project. 5. Benefits to Society The main point is that we have brought this subject of folksongs into public space and have created an awareness of our cultural roots. The dynamics of face to face, one to one interaction, with folksongs being sung by practitioners, has much more impact on the awareness of people than simply listening to a CD. Antardhwani2013 provided a platform for the dissemination of the knowledge creation by research and interaction, bringing these singers to the center from the margins. A very significant question asked again and again was how to carry this work forward, how to make people again develop interest in the lilting rhythm and the simple but profound emotions of folksongs. 6. Further Plans A two-fold further plan is given below. It merits consideration in view of the compliments received from the experts and Folksongs Veteran Dr. Karan Singh, Chairperson, ICCR. • To bring out a pictorial book on Folksongs based on the research findings by the team DCAC-102, and pictures taken by our team of students. This will be a primary research material for use by the academics and research fellows. • The estimated cost of 50 copies (120 pages, 80 pictures) of the proposed book will be around Rs.85,000/- . Funds for the book are left over from the grant of Rs ten lakh allotted for the Project and it would be published in four months time. • To carry out this seminal research further to adjoining areas of Himachal Pradesh and Laddakh, in response to the recommendations received from reputed scholars in the field who audited our work. 38 DYAL SINGH COLLEGE project title: project code: Development of Zoology E-Museum for Courses of University of Delhi DS-104 1. Objective Zoology Museums at College/University level where variety of animal specimens, slides etc. are stored in preserved form to educate the society in general and students/explorer in particular. Present work is based on the idea of integration of work among two branches of science viz., Animal Taxonomy (from Zoology) and IT (from Computer Science). It was proposed to access some of the best known Zoology Museums in and around Delhi and, it possible, to farther places in India as well. As there is only limited knowledge about our biodiversity, present work is likely to generate further understanding towards various life forms around us. It will be helpful in creating a common database of specimens available related to syllabi of University of Delhi. It is an effort to integrate the physically available specimens into an electronic database or virtual zoology museum primarily for the specimen of syllabus of B.Sc. (H) Zoology & B.Sc. Life Sciences of University of Delhi. 2. Final Findings I. Product Submission Details: • Hard Copy (to be submitted very soon) • Copy of Product as CD Image 1: Zoology e-Museum(Snapshot) 39 • Hosted on local server in the college at the link: zooemuseum • Accessible from anywhere on DU website. II. Identification of Resource Base- Extensive search to identify resource base for the Database. Various centers in and around Delhi were requested for respective permission. Personal reference and contact was also explored for the same. III. Continuous/extensive literature survey- Foundation of any project lies in extensive & in-depth literature survey. Innovation Team search for available information from all possible sources & update about dataset under study. IV. Continuous/extensive site (internet) survey – Web search for features and patterns related to present work so as to integrate some of the best tools. V. Demand/expectation survey from the target group – The expectations of the target group collected by survey method. VI.Collection of Data for Database/Museum from Resource Base – Collection of the information in the suitable format. A diagrammatic sketch may also be essentially required and will be made to put up possible minute details. VII.Compilation of information – Information so collected from sl. 1-4 may be compiled accordingly. Development of Electronic Database & User Interface- A user friendly interface to be developed to access the datasets conveniently. The data is presented in the form of a website and the work done along with the features are as follows: • Designing of Logo – Choosing the plaque – Designing of “Zoology” using Animals – Including college logo – Including DU logo • Presenting slide show on website • Website tabs – Selecting tabs – Location of tabs in website – Selecting hierarchical structure for sub-tabs • Deciding on placing slideshow of animals • Mouse over color change on selection of tab • Account creation and management of social media –Facebook –LinkedIn – Google plus • Understanding the procedure to enlarge image on click 40 • • • • • • • • – Zoom in – Zoom out Our Visibility –Poster/Banner –Brochure –Documentary –PPT – Workshop Poster – Workshop Banner – Workshop Pamphlet – simple, detail –Certificate – Workshop tit-bits • Entry card • ID card • Registration form – Newspaper – TOI 1 – Newspaper – TOI 2 Link to DU website from here Images enlarge on click and also zoom in Slideshow of images with following features –Forward –Background –Play –Pause – Button to choose the slide group Specific characters, habits and habitats, classification Photoimages and line diagrams Social media connectivity – Facebook link – Linked in – Google plus Accepts user input –Feedback – New contributions 3. Learning for students Student developed understanding about the biodiversity. Problem related to zoology museum were assessed. Expectation from the target group was taken into consideration for making current product. The concept of integration of ICT in teaching or development of resource using ICT was taken care during the present innovation project. During the workshop participants 41 get benefitted from the program in general. The workshop feedback seems to be particularly motivating as the participants come up with variety of ideas, the possibility of exploring and learning from the workshop in their respective fields. Student investigators learn integrated approach using two different streams for benefit of larger group. Student learned to work in team in an heterogeneous interdisciplinary environment. Concept of research investigation, time management, planning and systematic organizing of data was learned as a learning process during the project. Tools and flavor of interdisciplinary approach for understanding and presentation of findings were also explored. 4. Benefits to College College may act as central point for resource based on this aspect. Future upgradation may be carried out subject to availability of necessary resources. By getting center of attraction for such a project college may be key spot for similar studies and projects in near future. Other agencies willing to explore the idea may take benefit from the experiences from the college. As planned initially, our project developed a product which may be accessible to end users easily. The possibility of revenue generation in near future cannot be ruled out. This may be appreciated in view of approaching towards self-sufficiency. 5. Benefits to Society This project leads to development of awareness and understanding for our faunal biodiversity. Extension of understanding beyond the boundaries of traditional museums by one click point allows us to access certain less known organisms and facts about those organisms. This will be surely helpful in generating awareness to broader mass, not only to the students but also anyone interested in faunal biodiversity. This kind of awareness may be aiding in busting prevailing myths about different life forms around us directly and conservation of biodiversity indirectly. This will be also helpful in bringing down the cost of maintenance for larger number of museums as well as growing attraction for such museums, which might be helpful in generating revenues as well for the resources. 6. Further Plans The concept of E-museum may be extended to further depending upon available resources. Based on feedback at ANTARDHWANI, The Innovation Project DS-104 team was greatly motivated and felt that this concept may be further carried with input from other resources towards integration of 42 additional informations. It is suggested that animal specimens listed in the courses of other Central and State Universities of India may be included during the future expansion of this project. Further, additional animals listed in Discipline I and Discipline II of Animal Biodiversity of four year undergraduate course may also be included. Additional inputs received during the course of development give us the strength to integrate images, facts (comments), systematic position along with line drawing of the specimens. In future, live images even video clippings of live animals in their natural habitat of various Biodiversity Reservoirs may also be included. 43 GARGI COLLEGE project title: project code: Daastan-e-Nisvaan (Stories of Women) GC 103 Objective This project was an endeavor by Gargi College to empower its students to become socially sensitive using unconventional approaches, to foster a spirit of inquiry in them, to be potential game-changers of tomorrow by catering to their multiple intelligences and to think beyond their prescribed curriculum. In order to achieve this goal, the students were engaged in researching, composing, scripting and producing an inspiring multi-genre, cross-cultural play ‘Daastan-e-Nisvaan’ (DEN), invoking the stories of four powerful women from Indian mythology, history and literature. The larger goal of the project was the belief that this exploration and journey ofthe making of ‘Daastan-e-Nisvaan’ would lead to suggestions for reform and change in the perception of women in society. We believed that theprocess of researching, scripting, producing and staging the play would make the students realize that powerfulwomen are not just restricted to legends, but are indeed part of our contemporary world. Image 1: Members of the project team 44 Final Findings Daastan-e-Nisvaan has been a creative project in every possible way. The students were engaged and involved inthe project from its very inception. In the first phase of the project, they conducted an in-depth research on the four women characters they had chosen to study. They explored how these women faced challenges with rationality, intuitiveness and revolutionary ideas, and were game changers in their own right. In the second phase of the project, the students focused on developing the script. This crucial phase was marked by innovation and creativity as it involved invoking the stories of these women and translocating them into meaningful and relevant contemporary situations. In this they were greatly helped by the workshops organizedby the resource persons, which allowed them to create a powerful script. The third and the final phase of this project once again involved the students’ innovation and creativity in the form of dramatization and production of the play. The play was staged twice in our college on 19 July 2013, and once in Delhi University during ‘Antardhwani’. The group, which was completely unknown to each other, to begin with, integrated into one unit during the making of DEN. There was a growing sense of self-belief and a quiet confidence within the group. The project helped build the groupinto one united powerhouse, collating all the gains from the various workshops they had attended to concretize it into a final script. While scripting the stories of the four women,the students realized that these women couldnot be portrayed or projected as victims or as the epitome of soft virtues, but as imbued with the potential for transcending gender borders and social mores to become game changers. These women emerged as archetypal images that could be recast in new situations and in different ages. The play helped our students to interrogate, celebrate and extend the choices made by these women. Learning for Students Daastan-e-Nisvaan was a unique learning experience for the students for it enabled them to question themselves, and empowered them to work with their creative instincts. During the making of the play, the students passed through numerous stages, with each stage bringing a new experience for the students, from participating in team-building workshops, to meeting varioussocial activists, to scripting the play and finally staging it. The play provided the students with an opportunity to think out of the box and widen their sense of imagination. The experience of the project sensitized the students towards the social issues concerning women as they interacted 45 with a panel of socials activists and luminaires such as DrKiran Bedi. The students got an insightchance into understand the plight of victims of female foeticides and&domestic violence, which they . Such interactions made the students incorporated these elements into the play.The workshops conducted by Mr. Avijit Dutt and Mr. Ishwar Shunya not only honed the dramatic skills of the students, but also taught them the importance of working in a team and trusting each other. This experience was extremely fruitful for the students because in a matter of about eleven months they not only scripted and produced a multi-genre play, but also developed the ability to think beyond the given boundaries of their curriculum and become socially sensitive citizens. Benefits to College This prestigious project was greatly beneficial forthestudents of Gargi College. Not only did thestudents from different departments get an opportunity to work together creatively on a project which extended beyond their fields of discipline, butthe newspaper coverage brought a lot of credibility to their efforts. The students working on the project also got exposure to a range of experts from the fields of dramaturgy, theatre and those working in the areas of womens’ empowerment. This enhanced the confidence of thestudents to try out new things beyond their secure areas of study. Benefits to Society Since the play wasstaged thrice for the students of Delhi University, teachers,parents, grandparents and friends, it can be assumed that the team was somewhat successful in sensitizing them to the issues that women have faced in the past and continue to do sointhe contemporary world. We are convinced that raising awareness of womens’ issues will bring about a change in the attitude and perception of our society towards women. Moreover,, taking inspiration from these characters, women will have greater determination to survive and prevail in a discriminating world. Further Plans Since the students received the second instalment of their funds during the summer vacations, they were not able to utilize the grant to bring out the monograph and publish the play in a bookform. If possible, they would like to go ahead with these two plans. 46 HANSRAJ COLLEGE राष्ट्रीय राजधानी क्षेत्र में दृष्टिबाधितों से सम्बंिधत संस्थाओं एवं संस्थानों की उपलब्िधयां और चुनौितयाँ project code: HR 101 project title: 1. Objective राष्ट्रीय राजधानी क्षेत्र में कार्य करने वाली संस्थाओं के कामकाज, उसकी कार्य-प्रणाली, उसके संगठन, प्रबंधन, संसाधन, कार्यक्रम आिद का समग्र अध्ययन कर इन संस्थाओं की उपलबि्धयों और चुनौितयों का एक खाका तैयार करना. इसके जिरये भारत जैस ेकल्याणकारी राज्य व्यवस्था में िवकलांगों िवशेषकर दृष्िटबािधतों के लिए संचािलत नीितयों एवं कार्यक्रमों की खािमयों और उसमे सुधार की संभावनाओं की तलाश करना तािक उनके िहत में बेहतर नीित िनर्माण की िदशा में कुछ सहायता हो सके. इसके साथ ही सरकारी और गैरसरकारी आर्िथक सहायता के बल पर काम करने वाली िविवध संस्थाओं एवं संस्थानों के काम-काज और उसमे बरती जाने वाली इमानदारी एवं पारदरि्शता आिद का भी एक आकलन करना, दूसरे शब्दों में कहें तो इन संस्थाओं एवं संस्थानों की सोशल ऑिडिटंग करना. स्वयंसेवी संस्थाओं के रूप में पंजीकृत िविवध संस्थाओं एवं संस्थाओं के कार्यक्रमों एवं योजनाओं से दृष्िट बािधतों को मिलने वाली सुविधा, सहायता एवं इसके द्वारा उनके जीवन में हो रहे सकारात्मक बदलाव एवंव्यक्ितत्व विकास आिद काव्यापक अध्ययन एवं िववेचन िवश्लेषण करना तथा इस सम्बन्ध में जरुरी तथ्य जुटाना भी हमारा ध्येय रहा. Image 1: रोिहणी स्िथत नेशनल फेडरेशन ऑफ़ ब्लाइंड में सि्थत ब्रेल प्रेस. 47 Image 2: अंतर्ध्विन २०१३ में प्रोजेक्ट टीम कुलपित प्रो. िदनेश िसंह के साथ. दृष्िटबािधतों के जीवनयापन के लिए पुनर्वास एवं प्रिशक्षण आिद के जिरये बेहतर कौशल प्रदान कर उनके जीिवकोपार्जन के प्रबंध की िदशा दशा का आकलन भी हमारे इस पिरयोजना कार्य का एक महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा रहा है. कुल िमला कर राष्ट्रीय राजधानी क्षेत्र में कार्यरत इन सभी प्रमुख संस्थाओं एवं संस्थानों का समग्र अध्ययन कर इनकी स्िथित, प्रभाव, परिणाम के साथ साथ इनकी अपनी चुनौितयों के पिरप्रेक्ष्य को सामने लाने के साथ साथ इनकी उपलब्िधयों का आकलन िवश्लेषण कर नीित िनर्माण में सहायक तथ्यों एवं आंकड़ों को प्रस्तुत करना और रचनात्मक परिवर्तन लाने लायक वातावरण िनर्िमत करना ही इस पिरयोजना कार्य के उद्देश्यों की पिरिध रही है तथा वर्ष भर पिरयोजना कार्य से जुड़े सदस्यों ने इन्हीं बिन्दुओं के इर्द-िगर्द काम करते हुए पूरी म्हणत और लगन के साथ काम िकया है िजस के अनेक सकारत्मक प्रभाव भी देखे जा सकते हैं. 2. Final Findings परियोजना कार्य से जुडी टीम सम्बंिधत िवषय पर वर्ष भर जुटाए गएतथ्यों एवं जानकािरयों के आधार पर कुछ महत्वपूर्ण िनष्कर्षों तक पहुँचने में सफल रही है. िजन्हें िनम्निलिखत िबन्दुओं के जिरये समझा जा सकता है. 1. दृष्िटबाधितों के िलए काम करने वाली अनेक संस्थाओं एवं संस्थानों का कामकाज अपनी तमाम सीमाओं एवं चुनौितयों के बीच भी अद्भूत एवं प्रभावकारी है.ं इनमें लोधी रोड सि्थत ब्लाइंड िरलीफ एसोिसएसन, साकेत सि्थत नॅशनल फेडेरेशन ऑफ ब्लाइंड, रोिहणी स्िथत ऑल 48 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. इंिडया कन्फेडरेशन ऑफ द ब्लाइंड, रामकृष्णपुरम सि्थत नेशनल असोिसएशन फॉर द ब्लाइंड आिद प्रमुख संस्थाओं का नाम िलया जा सकता है. इस क्षेत्र में काम करने वाली संस्थाओं एवं सरकार के बीच सहयोग एवं समन्वय का जबर्दश्त अभाव देखा जा सकता है. इसके कारण सरकार द्वारा िनर्धािरत धन एवं संसाधन का समय पर तथा बेहतर िवतरण नहीं हो पाता है िजसके चलते इन संस्थाओं के कामकाज में रुकावट एवं गितरोध पैदा होते रहते है.ं इस समस्या को लगभग सभी संस्थाओं से सम्बद्ध अिधकािरयों ने न केवल स्वीकार िकया है बल्िक कई संस्थाओं ने इसके कारण सरकारी सहायता लेने से अपने को दूर रखने की बात भी कही है. दृष्िटबािधतों के िलए काम करने वाली िविभन्न संस्थाओं एवं संस्थानों के बीच परस्पर सहयोग, समन्वय एवं सहकार से और बेहतर एवं प्रभावकारी पिरणाम की आशा की जा सकती है. परन्तु इस सम्बन्ध में इसका अभाव सहज ही देखा जा सकता है. ऐसे में एक संस्था िजन समस्याओं का समाधान नहीं कर पाती है उन समस्याओंको उसके समाधान में सक्षम दूसरी संस्था को अग्रसािरत करने की प्रविृत देखने को नहीं िमलती है. इस िदशा में जरुरी सुधार के िबना महत्वपूर्ण बदलाव संभव नहीं है. इस क्षेत्र में काम करने वाली िविवध संस्थाओं एवं संस्थाओं में उन संस्थाओं को िचन्िहत करने की आवश्यकता है जो वास्तव में पूरी प्रितबद्धता एवं लगन के साथ दृषि्टबािधतों के िलए िदनरात काम कर रही है.ं ऐसी संस्थाओं को और अिधक सहयोग एवं सहायता सरकार और समाज की ओर से िमले यह सुिनश्िचत करना भी जरुरी है. इसके साथ ही स्वयंसेवी संस्था के रूप में पारदरि्शता और इमानदारी की कमी के साथ काम करने वाली संस्थाओं एवं संस्थाओं पर िनयंत्रण एवं उसका िनयमन भी अिनवार्य है. िविभन्न संस्थाओं के िनरंतर प्रयास से िदल्ली दृष्िटबािधतों के िलए सर्वािधक अनुकूल शहर के रूप में सामने आयी है. पिरणामतः देशभर के दृषि्टबािहत बड़ी संख्या में िदल्ली में न केवल रहते हैं बल्िक िशक्षा और प्रिशक्षण प्राप्त कर समाया जीवन जी रहे है.ं दृष्िटबािधतों के पुनर्वास, प्रशिक्षण, आवास, उपकरण िवतरण आिद के साथसाथ अनेक संस्थाओं ने अंधविद्यालय महाविद्यालय आधीके सञ्चालन के जिरये उनके लिए बेहतर िशक्षा व्यवस्था को सुिनश्िचत िकया है और बेहतर किरयर की अनेक संभावनाएं और अवसर भी पैदा िकया है. 49 7. लोधी रोड सि्थत ब्लाईंड िरलीफ असोिसएसन सिहत कई संस्थाओं ने मोमबत्ती बनाने, कुर्सी बुनने, िलफाफा बनाने सिहत कई ऐसे रोजगारपरक प्रिशक्षण की व्यवस्थ की है िजसके बल पर दृषि्टबािधत स्वावलंबन के साथ जीवनयापन करने में स्वयं को सक्षम पाते हैं और जीवन के प्रित उनके दृष्िटकोण में सकारात्मकता आती है. 8. कई संस्थाए ंसेमीनार एवं कार्यक्रमों तथा आंदोलनों आिद के जिरये लगातार दृषि्टबािधतों के अिधकार और उनके िलए जरुरी नीितिनर्माण की िदशा में सरकार और समाज का िनरंतर ध्यान आकृष्ट करते रहते है.ं साकेत स्िथत नॅशनल फेडेरेशन ऑफ ब्लाइंड, रोिहणी स्िथत ऑल इंिडया कन्फेडरेशन ऑफ द ब्लाइंड आिद संस्थाओं ने तो कई बार इसकेिलए जरुरी कानूनी लड़ाई भी लड़ी है िजसके पिरणामपरक प्रभाव भी रहे है.ं 9. कुछ संस्थाओं ने जीवनयापन और रोजगार के साथसाथ आवास आिद की व्यवस्था के िलए दृष्िटबािधतों को िवत्तीय सहायता भी प्रदान िकया और जो प्रायः न्यूनतम कागजी कार्यवाही के साथ कम से कम दर पर कर्ज के रूप में उपलब्ध कराया जाता है. इस िदशा में नॅशनल फेडेरेशन ऑफ ब्लाइंड का कामकाज अत्यंत ही सराहनीय है. 10. रामकृष्णपुरम सि्थत नेशनल असोिसएशन फॉर द ब्लाइंड ने दृष्िटबािधत वृद्धों के िलए वृद्धाश्रम िनर्माण की िदशा में भी गंभीरतापूर्वक कार्य प्रारंभ िकया है जो न केवल कािबलेगौर है बलि्क कािबले तारीफ़ भी है. 11. कुल िमलाकर इस क्षेत्र में काम करने वाली िविभन्न संस्थाओं का कामकाज अपनी तमाम सीमाओं के बावजूद अत्यंत ही सराहनीय रहा है और इन्हें सरकार और समाज से अिधक से अिधक सहयोग एवं प्रोत्साहन की आवश्यकता है. 3. Learning for Students संबंधित पिरयोजना कार्य में काम करने वाले छात्रों के िलए पूरा वर्ष ज्ञान, प्रशिक्षण, नयी दृष्िट के िनर्माण एवं सामूिहक अनुसंधान की प्रक्िरयाओं को जानने-समझने का रहा. उन्होंने अनेक संस्थाओं का भ्रमण कर जरुरी तथ्य तो जुटाया ही उसके िववेचन िवश्लेषण और िनष्कर्ष तक पहुँचने की कवायद में भी स्वयं को पूरी तत्परता के साथ शािमल िकया और अनेक रोचक एवं संवेदनशील अनुभवों से गुजरते हुए स्वयं के सामिजक दाियत्व को ढंग से समझने की कोिशश की. िवद्यार्िथयों को इसपिरयोजना कार्य से िमली सीख को इस प्रकार से देखा जा सकता है– 50 1. िकसी भी कार्य को समूह में सम्पािदत करने की पद्धित को जानना-समझना और उसमे अपने अिधकािधक रचनात्मक योगदान को सुिनश्िचत करना. 2. तथ्यों को जुटाने, उसे एकत्िरत करने, उसके िववेचन िवश्लेषण और िनष्कर्ष तक पहुँचने के साथसाथ सर्वेक्षण के तौरतरीकों आिद को जानने और प्रमुख िवद्वान िवशेषज्ञों से साक्षात्कार आिद लेना और उसके िलए खुद को तैयार करना. 3. सेमीनार-संगोष्ठी आिद के आयोजन एवं प्रबंधन का व्यवहािरक ज्ञान प्राप्त करना और स्वयं को अकादिमक रूप से उच्चता प्रदान करना. 4. सामािजक महत्व के िवषयों पर अपना दृषि्टकोण बनाना औरअपने सामिजकदाियत्व को भलीभांित जानना और तदनुरूपआचरण करना. 5. प्रयोगधर्िमता की प्रवृित का िवकास और समग्र एवं संतुिलत िवकास के िलए जरुरी नीितिनर्माण की आवश्यकता एवं उसकी सीमाओं आिद की समझ का िनर्माण के साथसाथ इस क्षेत्र में काम करने वाली संस्थाओं की कार्य पद्धित को नजदीक से देखना और समझना. 6. कुल िमलाकर शोध, सामूिहक रूप से कार्य करने की प्रवृित, सामािजक दाियत्व की जानकारी, संस्थाओं के संगठन एवं प्रबंधन और उसकी उपलब्िधयों और चुनौितयों को जानना और सर्वेक्षण, साक्षात्कार, सेमीनार के आयोजन आिद के बारीिकयों की समझ िवक्िसत करना और स्वयं को इस िदशामें अिधक योग्य और कुशल बनाना आिद इस पिरयोजना कार्य के अंतर्गत काम करने वाले िवद्यार्िथयों की महत्वपूर्ण उपलब्िध रही है और समग्र रूप में बेहतर व्यक्ितत्व िवकास की सीख भी िमली है. 4. Benefits to College इनोवेशन प्रोजेक्ट के तहत महिवद्यालय में आयोिजत िविवध गितिविधयों, सेमीनार, संगोष्ठी आिद से बेहतर अकादिमक माहौल िनर्िमत होने के साथसाथ इनोवेशन और शोध के प्रित िवद्यार्िथयों का रुझान बढ़ा है. इसके साथ ही अनेक िवद्वान िवशेषज्ञों केसमय समय पर महािवद्यालय में िदए गए व्याख्यान आिद से भी महािवद्यालय के सभी िवभाग के िवद्यार्थी और प्राध्यापक भी लाभान्िवत हुए हैं. एक साथ एक ही पिरयोजना कार्य में कई िवभागों के प्राध्यापकों और िवद्यार्िथयों की सामूिहक कोिशश सेसम्पन्न इस पिरयोजना कार्य ने महािवद्यालय में सामूिहकता की प्रवृित को भी बढ़ावा िदया है और भिवष्य में इसका सकारात्मक 51 प्रभाव स्वाभािवक ही है. इस इनोवेशन प्रोजेक्ट ने शोध, सामूिहकता, प्रयोगधर्िमता, सामिजक दाियत्व आिद के प्रित महािवद्यालय को और अिधक जागरूक बनाया है. इसके अितिरक्त पिरयोजना कार्य के िलए जुटाए गए जरुरी उपकरण आिद ने महाविद्यालय की आधारभूत संरचना को बढाने मेंभी सहायता की है िजससे भिवष्य में महािवद्यालय के िवद्यार्थी लाभान्िवत होते रहेंगे. 5. Benefits to Society दृष्िटबािधतों से सम्बंिधत इस पिरयोजना कार्य का सर्वािधक महत्व इसके सामिजक दाियत्वबोध में ही िनिहत है. इस पिरयोजना कार्य ने न केवल दृष्िटबािधतों से सम्बंिधत समस्याओं की ओर इस क्षेत्र में काम करने वाली संस्थाओं और सामिजक कार्यकर्ताओं का ध्यान आकृष्ट िकया है वरन उन संस्थाओं की समस्याओं और चुनौितयों के व्यवहािरक पहलुओं को भी सामने लाने का काम िकया है. दृष्िटबािधतों के अिधकारों और आवश्यकताओं के प्रित जागरूकता पैदा करने के साथ साथ उनके लिए उठाये जाने वाले जरुरी कदमों की समीक्षा और उनकी नयी आवश्यकताओं और इस सम्बन्ध में आवश्यक नीितिनर्माण की ओर ध्यान आकृष्ट करने की दृष्िट से भी पिरयोजना कार्य के िनष्कर्षों में कई महत्वपूर्ण िबन्दुओं को शािमल िकया गया है. इस पिरयोजना कार्य के तहत काम करते हुए परियोजना टीम ने इस िदशा में काम करने वाली संस्थाओं, उसके प्रबंधकों, कर्मचािरयों और समाज के िविभन्न तबकों को पहले से अिधक संवेदनशील बनाया है िजससे समग्र रूप में समाज में दृषि्टबाध्तों के प्रित नयीदृष्िट के िनर्माण में मदद िमली है. कुल िमलाकर इस पिरयोजना कार्य से जुडी टीम दृषि्टबािधत समाज और समाज के सभी तबकों को प्रिशक्िषत, संवेदनशील, पारदर्शी और जागरूक बनाने में अपनी महती भूिमका का िनर्वहन करती हुयी वर्ष भर कार्यरत रही और अपने रचनात्मक सामािजक दाियत्व के प्रित सतत सचेत और जागरूक बनी रही. 6. Further Plans िकसी भी शोध एवं पिरयोजना कार्य के िनष्कर्षों को अंितम नहीं जा सकता है खासकर तब जब वह सामािजक महत्व का िवषय हो. समाज में होने वाले दैिनक पिरवर्तनों से उसके िनष्कर्षों में पिरवर्तन सवाभािवक 52 है. बावजूद इसके सामान्य प्रवृितयों के आधार पर जरुरी और महत्वपूर्ण िनष्कर्षों तक तो पहुंचा ही जा सकता है. इस शोध कार्य में वैसे तो पिरयोजना टीम ने लगातार किठन श्रम और लगन से जरुरी तथ्य और आंकड़ों को जुटाकर महत्वपूर्ण कार्य को अंजाम िदया है परन्तु भिवष्य में हम कई और िबन्दुओं के साथ इस पिरयोजना कार्य से जुड़े िवषय को आगे बढाने की िदशा में काम करने की योजना बना रहे हैं. दृष्िटबािधतों के अितिरक्त अब समग्र रूप से हर प्रकार के िवकलांगो ंके िलए काम करने वाली संस्थाओं और संस्थानों के कामकाज का आकलन करने और उनके िलए जरुरी नीितिनर्माण की आवश्यकता आिद का िववेचन िवश्लेषण करने की िदशा में भी काम करने की योजना है. इस सम्बन्ध में महत्वपूर्ण शोध कर सरकार और समाजको ध्यान इस ओर आकृश िकया जा सकेगा. इसके साथ ही इस पिरयोजना कार्य के तहत वर्ष भर िजन तथ्यों, आंकड़ों, सर्वेक्षणों, साक्षात्कारों आिद को जुटाया गया है उसके आधर पर जुलाई तक एक पुस्तक तैयार और प्रकािशत कर िवश्विवद्यालय में जमा करने और दुसरे जरुरी संस्थाओं एवं संस्थाओं तक उसे पहुचाने के प्रित भी हम प्रितबद्ध हैं. कुल मिला कर इस पिरयोजना कार्य से प्राप्त उर्जा और प्रेरणा को भिवष्य में और अिधक रचनात्मक और सकारात्मक िदशा में लगाने और सामिजक दृष्िट से लाभकारी आयामों तक पहुचने की िदशा में हम भविष्य में िनरंतर सक्िरय बने रहेंगे. 53 HINDU COLLEGE project title: project code: Development of Thin Films / Nano materials for Electronic and Biomedical Applications HC-104 Objective The materials science tetrahedron symbolizes the goal of materials science and engineering. The points represent characterization, processing, structure, and performance. Understanding how each of these relates to each other lies at the core of materials science and engineering. The key role of a materials scientist and engineer is to optimize the match between materials and their applications, and innovate new materials where needed. While materials science and engineering is important in order to understand the properties of metals, glass, and stone, it is also important for the development of new materials, such as photovoltaic solar cells, polymers, and composites. Everything we see and use is made of materials—cars, airplanes, computers, refrigerators, microwave ovens, TVs, dishes, CD-ROMs and even biomedical devices. Image 1: In front of the Innovation lab at Hindu College Image 2: Interaction with V.C., Delhi University during ‘Antardhvani 2013’ 54 Final Findings (i) Characterization and Applications of Metal Nanoparticles Prepared Through Wire Explosion Technique Nanoparticles of copper wereproduced in distilled water by the controlledcurrent wire explosion process. Distilled water acts as a stabilizer during the synthesis procedure. Following this, X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) was carried out for structural analysis of the nanoparticles. The particle size was evaluated at about 37nm by using Debye Scherrer’s relation. The voltage applied during the synthesis process had an impact on the particle size. Image 3: XRD pattern of Cu nanoparticles prepared by wire exploding technique Results Figure 5 shows the XRD pattern of copper particles prepared by the wire exploding technique. The average crystalline size of copperparticles was determined from the measured width of their diffraction curves using Debye Scherrer’s relation (D = 0.9l/b cosq where l is the wavelength of the CuKa radiation (l=1.5443Å), b is the full width half maxima in radians). Debye 55 Scherer’s formula assumes approximations and gives the average crystalline size. (ii) Preparation of Ferrofluids, their Characterization and Applications A ferrite of Mn-Zn was not synthesized successfully. The precipitate obtained had a very weak field and hence did not show the properties of ferrite (strongly magnetic). An iron oxide Ferro fluid was synthesized using kerosene oil as the carrier fluid. This was not possible with vegetable oil as the carrier fluid. This observation indicates that a carrier of appropriate viscosity should be used. Ferrofluids get suspend in carriers of low viscosity such as kerosene. Image 4 and 5: Process of preparation of nanopowder (iii) Preparation, Characterization and Applications of Iron Oxide Nanoparticales using Sol-gel Technique Image 6: Sample 1of Fe2O3 nanopowder Image 7: Sample of Fe2O3 nanopowder 56 Results and Discussions The samples of Ferric Oxide formed through the above two processes were sent for characterization which included their X-Ray Diffraction pattern and VSM technique. These two techniques determined the purity of the sample formed. The data obtained was tallied with the standard data. It was found that the first sample (the one prepared in basic medium) was highly magnetic, with a high degree of purity since the peaks obtained in the diffraction pattern of this sample exactly matched those of the standard data. Magnetic properties such as retentivity and coercivitywere deteremined usingVSM. These two parameters obtained for the first sample were relatively less as compared to the second one. In the presence of an appreciable magnetic field, the particles aligned in the direction of magnetic field, as was expected. As far as second sample wasconcerned, since there was a defect during the process of formation of Ferric Oxide, it should have been less magnetic. The X-ray diffraction pattern for this sample clearly demonstrated the presence of several impurities. When the obtained pattern was tallied with the standard data, certain peaks were not in synchronism with each other. Some of the extra peaks obtained in the pattern were due the presence of impurities. Despite that, the particles obtained were feebly magnetic since they showed a kind of alignment in the presence of magnetic field. Image 8: M-H curves of sample 1 and sample 2. Conclusion Iron(II) oxide nanoparticles were prepared via sol gel technique in two different media—acidic medium (Citric acid) and basic medium (ethylene glycol). It was found that the nanoparticles formed in basic medium were highly magnetic and pure whereas those formed in the acidic medium contained several impurities. Maintaining the temperature of the solution 57 wasan important aspect of this experiment since it was observed that uneven heating resulted in a reversible reaction (e.g. formation of liquid phase even after gel formation). The solution in any of the set-ups wasnot stirred vigorously using a magnetic stirrer since there were chances of spilling the solution. Several unsuccessful attempts were madefor the electro-deposition of ZnO thin film on the ITO coated glass substrate. Initially the metal clips through which the glass electrode was suspended interacted with the electrolyte. Hence a dirty brown precipitate was deposited on the glass substrate. But even after taking the required precautions in the next attempt, the desired result could not be obtained. (iv) Preparation, Characterization and Applications of Single Crystals. Image 9: Photograph of TGS crystals Image 10: Photograph of KDP Single Crystals Characterization To confirm the quality and structure of the crystals grown, they were exposedto powder XRD using a powder X-Ray diffractometer. The samples were scanned over the 2Ө range of 5-80°, with the step size of 0.02. Results matched very well with the reported data. Image 11. XRD pattern of TGS 58 Image 12: XRD pattern of KDP Conclusion Pure crystals of TGS and KDP were obtained by slow evaporation technique at room temperature. The powder XRD study confirmed the crystals to be of good quality and structure. Therefore, it was decided that a good quality single crystal for piezoelectric, ferroelectric and multiferroic applications would be prepared. (v) Preparation of Nanoparticles by Reverse Micelle technique and its Characterization and Applications. Image 13: Preparation of nano particles in progress Image 14: RM1 Image 15: RM2 59 Image 13 shows the arrangement for preparation of nanoparticles by reverse microemulsion. We used two other techniques. These include: 2. Using CTAB as the surfactant, isoamyl alcohol as the cosurfactant, and cyclohexane as the solvent. 3. Using CTAB as the surfactant, n-hexanol as the cosurfactant and cyclohexane as the solvent. Learning for Students Working on this projectmade the project teamaware of the current research in the field of material sciences in India and abroad. This wouldhelp them to decide their field of work/research in the future. They were even taken to National Physical Laboratory to do some measurements and interacted with scientists. This was highly motivational for them. They went to the Department of Physics for the characterization (XRD, VSM, HRTEM, FTIR, Dielectric studies), which was a very educativeexperience for them. The students learnt about new concepts in field of research of nanoparticles. They were encouraged to pursue physics in the future and were given some recommended some books in the field. Working on this project was overall a very educational experience for the participating students. Benefits to College During this project, an innovation project lab was set up in the Department of Physics, Hindu College. The equipment purchased for the project can be utilized in future for research work. Benefits to Society Although there was no direct benefit to the society from the project, the students are working to developbiosensors, and gassensors that would be very useful to the society. Further Plans Due to paucity of time, the project team was unable to complete the project. The teams plans to do the following to finish the project: (a) In-situ polymerization of nano materials with different polymers followed by shielding and sensing studies. (b) Preparation of good quality single crystal for piezoelectric, ferroelectric and multiferroic applications. (c) Thin films for different applications. 60 INDRAPRASTHA COLLEGEFOR WOMEN To Prepare a Glossary of Technical Terms in Yoga Philosophy project title: project code: IP-101 Objective The primary objective of the project was to prepare a tri-lingual glossary of the technical terms used in Yoga Philosophy, with a complementary understanding from a modern psychological perspective. Specific objectives of the project included: 1. To prepare a glossary of the technical terms used in Yoga Philosophy based on original Sanskrit texts. 2. To present the terms and their explanatory Sanskrit sentences in romanized and transliterated form using diacritical marks. 3.To translate the meanings of the technical terms in Hindi and English so that readers from varied disciplines couldunderstand Yoga philosophy and apply it in their learning as well as in their day-to-day behaviour. 4. To present Yogic technical terms with a modern psychological interpretation wherever possible, so that the knowledge contained in Yoga can be fully utilized by students and researchers in the field of psychology. 5.To explore parallels between traditional Indian Yogic wisdom and modern psychological thought so that the project is truly interdisciplinary in nature. Image 1: Innovation Project Team (IP-101) at ‘Antardhwani’ Festival organized by Delhi University 61 Final Findings Under the project, 150 technical terms were compiled and presented in both romanized and transliterated form, and translated into Hindi as well as English. Parallels were drawn between relevant terms as explained in Yoga philosophy and in Western psychological thought. This wasthe first time thattechnical Yogic terms, as understood in original Sanskrit texts were interpreted in light of the theories and concepts of modern psychological literature. Both Sanskritists and psychologists can use this work for further interdisciplinary research as it will compliment scholars from both fields; Sanskritists require modern scientific approach and psychologists need traditional wisdom. This research provides ample material for both. Our study revealed many yogic terms that were related to disciplines such as philosophy, ayurveda, social medicine, management, consciousness, etc. Some of the terms weremultidimensional and could be applied to any discipline of knowledge systems. This is because Yoga studies an individual and human nature as a whole, with a holistic view.Modern university education on the other hand is primarily based on a western way of looking at reality,and approaches it with a reductionist and mechanistic view. This kind of interdisciplinary research wouldprompt readers and researchers to develop integrated thought and a holistic kind of personality, which is not only the goal of yogic seers, but also the need of the hour if we want to establish a sustainable society. The research work done in the course of the project is currently the process of being published in the form of a book for readers and scholars. The tentative date for the publication of the book is 15 September 2013. Learning for Students • Enhancement of students’ knowledge on Yoga philosophy: Several lectures and sessions were held with the students wherein they were given detailed information on the following: a) Yoga philosophy and its basic tenets b)Epistemology in Yoga philosophy c) Metaphysics in Yoga philosophy d)Significance of Yoga in mental and physical health e) Relevance of Yoga glossary for interdisciplinary research f ) The interdisciplinary nature and application of Yoga philosophy These sessions helped the students understand the metaphysics, epistemology and ethics of the philosophyof Yoga. Some reading material and a set of references were provided to the students to enhance their 62 understanding of this philosophy and its significance as an integrated psychospiritual system. • Training of students on transliteration work:Transliteration helps in converting a text from one script to another. Students were trained in transliteration. Since the glossary was meant for easy readability in three languages, thiswas an essential part of the project. • Students’ engagement in research review activities: Through this project, students learnt how to index, review and refer to research literature. They went through an extensive compilation of scholarly articles, research material and unpublished manuscripts that helped them understand the process of reviewing theresearch entailing a project. • Organizing seminars and other such academic events: A seminar was held on ‘Yoga and Psychology: An Integrated Approach’on 11 April 2013. The students enthusiastically participated in the seminar by making presentations on the project. Not only was this was a tremendous learning experience for them but it willgo a long way in making them better equipped to take up such challenges in the future. Benefits to College • This project inspired an intellectual fervor for interdisciplinary research within the college community. Faculty members from different academic departments collaboratedclosely for undertaking research that transcended the scope of a single discipline. Many research proposals were sent to the University on issues that were previously neglected in the traditional disciplinary structure of research. • Through this project, the team was able to procure a number of important books on .the philosophy of Yoga, and psychology; these will serve as a truly rich reference resource for students and teachers alike. These books are a reservoir of information and knowledge on the traditional wisdom of Yoga philosophy that can be accessed by the college community for its research as well as personal needs. • The seminar ‘Yoga and Psychology: An Integrated Approach’ held on 11 April 2013 brought together eminent academicians and scholars from diverse disciplines. The seminar facilitated academic interaction on issues concerning Yoga world-view, its psychological process and its role in holistic health and well-being. Professor Girishwar Mishra from Department of Psychology, University of Delhi spoke on Yoga and well-being, and emphasized the importance of the yogic way of understanding reality and applying it in our day-to-day behaviour as well as academic research across different disciplines of learning. Dr Angiras (Sanatan Dharma College, Ambala Cantt, Lahore),in his lecture on‘Form and Essence of Applied 63 Indian Psychology’,talked about an Indian model of psychology whichwas required to be understood and taught on the basis of the Indian knowledge system. Dr Ram Nath Jha from Jawaharlal Nehru University,spokeon ‘Yoga and Holistic Health’,and correlated Yoga with complete and holistic health on the basis of the definition ofhealthgiven by WHO (World Health Organization). According to him, complete health—a state of happiness— could be achieved through Yoga. This interdisciplinary seminar included about 200 students and faculty from different disciplines of learning. The exchange of perspectives during the seminar encouraged college students and teachers to undertake further interdisciplinary research, education, and training on the traditional wisdom contained in the Yoga system of philosophy. Benefits to Society Patanjali’s Yoga discloses the secret of bringing under control the divergent modifications (vrittis) of the mind, and through the controlled mind, the transcendental Atman, which is the foundation of all knowledge, discriminative wisdom and bliss. To truly appreciate the traditional wisdom embedded in the Yoga Sutras, it is important to understand the philosophyand method of this Yoga in its pure form, as recorded in Sanskrit;this glossary is a step in that direction. The translation of the original thought contained in the sanskrit texts in both Hindi and English will help to understand the deeper meaning of the symbols of Yoga and its metaphoric language. This rich source of knowledge can be used to enhance one’s personal life. In fact, Yoga is the key to good health and happiness in today’s world. It develops theability to maintain inner peace at all times and thereby achieve physical and mental health. Further Plans This interdisciplinary research encompassedthe fields of epistemology, consciousness, metaphysics, psychology, and ayurveda. In the future, we would like to take up these issues for further research. This kind of interdisciplinary approach to research will help bridge the gap between these compartmentalized areas whichis the need of hour. Among the abovementioned areas, the study of consciousness wasour favorite, and we will take it up in the near future. At the advent of the new century, the study of consciousness has become of paramount importance. We are currently facing a series of problems such as environmental, social, economic, health etc., which are the product of the so-called modern education that confines our personality and trains us 64 to look at reality with a shallow vision. The worldview of modern science has transcended this reductionist approach and fragmented way of thinking established by Newtonian science. Since the apparent multifarious realities are interconnected and interdependent, we need to accept that there is but one underlying and unifying reality—the energy of modern science,Prakriti or Maya,finally the Brahman of Vedanta. To understand and realize this ultimate reality is the goal of each individual whether they belong to the sciences, humanities or other streams of learning. In this regard, Vedanta and Yoga can together play an important role because both systems primarily study consciousness at all levels. This is an appropriate time to study the nature of consciousness as understood by modern science along with the traditional wisdom of Vedanta and Yoga. Einstein rightly said, “Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind”. Consciousness is the essence of every individual and the universal reality. It is through consciousness that we are able to cognize this gross universe. It is consciousness that leads us from the gross to the subtle, subtler and the subtlest aspect of this universe. It is consciousness that reveals its own nature, prompts us to achieverealization, strengthen us to transcend all problems related with adhyatmika, adhidaivika and adhibhautika and equip us with a holistic worldview. We have sent one more project proposal for ‘Innovation Projects from Colleges 2013-14’ on ‘Consciousness as reflected in Vedanta and Modern Physics’. This project is about a new understanding of life at all levels of living systems. It is based on a new perception of reality that has profound implications not only for science and philosophy, but also for business, politics, health care, education, and everyday life. 65 INSTITUTE OF HOME ECONOMICS Isolation and Identificationof Pigment Producing Fungifor Usingas Textile Dye project title: project code: IHE-102 Objective (1a) Introduction Synthetic dyes are commonly used to impart colour to textile fibres. At present, more than 30 million tons of synthetic dyes are used annually for this purpose. There are, however, certain limitations in the use of synthetic dyes. Firstly, these are produced from non-renewable sources;secondly, being non-biodegradable and toxic, theypollute the environment and pose health hazards. (1b) Project hypothesis The colourants presently used to impart colour to textile substrates are mostly synthetic, and are produced from non-renewable sources. They are hazardous both for the environment and for our health. Therefore, there is a growing demand for eco-friendly, biodegradable, natural and non-toxic colourants Image 1: Sample of garment coloured with microbial dye Image 2: Project team with Vice-Chancellor (Delhi University) 66 for dyeing textiles which can be obtained from renewable resources such as plants, animals and microbes. Microbes can be exploited as one of the natural sources of colourants as they multiply very fast and can be grown on a large scale on a variety of raw materials, and require limited space. Keeping these points in mind, the present study was planned with the following objectives: (1c) Objectives i. Screening and isolation of pigment producing saprophytic and endophytic fungi. ii. Identification and preservation of pigment producing fungi. iii. Testing whether isolated fungal pigments can be dyed on different fabrics. iv. Optimization of culture conditions for maximizing colour production. v. Product development. Final Findings (2a) Screening of pigment producing microbes Screening of pigment producing microbes (fungi and bacteria) from different sources such assoil, leaf, water, bark was carried out using different microbiological media. A total of 134 samples were screened, out ofwhich about 67 microbes were isolated. Out of these 67 microbes, 45 successfully produced colour on the agar plates. These were further analysed for colour production by growing them on broth media. A total of 6 out of 45 microbes which were producing sufficient pigment in broth cultures were maintained in pure form. These were grown in sufficient quantity, and the crude culture filtrates were used for dyeing various types of textile fabrics. Wool and silk samples dyed easily with these colourants without any mordant. However, cotton fabric did not dye with these colourants. The pH range for dyeing was found to be 4-6. Colour fastness to washing was reasonably good for all the samples tested. (2b) Optimization of physico-chemical conditions and product development Optimization of physiochemical conditions was performed for maximum pigment production usingfive microbes, different carbon and nitrogen sources, and varying pH (5, 7, 9) and temperature conditions (15OC, 28O C, 37OC). Different carbon and nitrogen sources promoted extracellular pigment production in the five fungi tested. However,complex carbon and nitrogen sources such as soluble starch, yeast extract and peptone were found to be quite effective. Efforts thus can be made in future projects to find 67 complex natural (plant or animal) waste carbon and nitrogen sources so as to make the process cost-effective. Optimization of physical conditions revealed that the incubation of test fungi at a temperature of 28oC, with slightly acidic to neutral pH yielded maximum pigment production. However, a room temperature of 37°C did not show much decline in the pigment production, and can therefore be used in the scale up process to reduce the cost of pigment production. Various textile products (neck ties, bows, cravats) were developed using the colour pigment produced by Monascus.These products were highly appreciated at the‘Antardhwani’ exhibition. Learningfor Students The project benefitted the students immensely. Besides inculcating a flare for research, students also got financial support for their study. The project was interdisciplinary in nature and involved undergraduate students from two departments—Department of Microbiology and Department of Fabric and Apparel Sciences—working together towards the development of a technology for natural dye production. The students, thus, not only got better acquainted with their own subject, but also acquired knowledge about anothersubject. The project students also learnt how review literature on a subject, browse various national and international journals on the intranet, and understand statement of objectives and research design. The students also underwent training in various microbiological and dyeing techniques used for the study. These included sterilization, media preparation, inoculation, dyeing processes, etc. All the students involved in the project got an opportunity to work on different types of equipments such as laminar chamber, vortex, water bath, incubators, etc. Through the project, the students learnt how to design experiments, implement them, and analyse results. The project exhibition gave them an opportunity to present the results and interact with the students and professors, thus motivating other students in the college to get involved in such projects. Benefitsto College Prior to the experiment,the Department of Microbiology and the Department of Fabric Apparel Science hadverybasic equipment that could only be used to carry out class experiments. However, for this kind of a research, some advance equipment was required. A Lyophilizer (freeze dryer) was purchased 68 for drying colour pigment produced by the microbes, and to find out the yield of the product.Some more material was also purchased for developing a resource centre at the Department of Fabric and Apparel Science.The project therefore helped in the infrastructure development of the Department of Microbiology and Department of Fabric and Apparel Science of the college. The Project also helped in inculcating a zestfor research among the students of the college. The research work was appreciated and covered by the media, which helped in bringing recognition to the institution. Seminar: A one-day seminar on ‘Isolation and identification of pigment producing fungi for use as a textile dye’ was held on 29 April 2013. The lectures at the seminar emphasizedthe importance of eco-friendly biotechnological process in textiles. The topics included,‘Surface Modification of Polyester: AChemical and Enzymatic Approach’ and ‘Spider Silk Produced in Genetically Engineered Bacteria: Biotechnological Intervention in the Field of Textiles ’. A question-answer session was held among students, researchers and mentors. This was followed by a poster-making competition on ‘Green Technology Initiatives in Textiles’. Benefitsto Society The textile industry—more specifically wet processing—releasesextremely toxic effluents in the ecological systems. Synthetic dyes are largely azo based, and contain harmful metals which are carcinogens. Natural dyes which are plant based also use metallic mordants and thus are not truly eco-friendly. However, dyes from fungi and bacteria do not use petrochemicals as raw material,and can be standardized in a laboratory. If these dyes are explored and optimized, they could replace synthetic dyes and thus yield benefits to mankind at large. Future Plans • Development of an eco-friendly, cost-effective technology for large scale microbial pigment production and transfer of the technology to industry. • Use of microbial pigment to dye materials such as leather, cotton fibre, etc. • Exploit the use of microbial pigment in other areas such as food, pharmaceutical, indicators, etc. 69 KALINDI COLLEGE project title: project code: Conversionof Mechanical Energy to Electrical Energy Using the Delhi Metro KC-101 Objective The objective of this project was to study the feasibility of harnessing the wind energy generated by fast-moving metro trains in Delhi to produce electricity. This included: • Studying the energy and cost calculations for the production of electricity • Simulating the production of electricity (amount) in the laboratory and thenon the computer (if possible) We have completed the first part of the project, and for the second part we have gone ahead with the execution of project instead of the simulation. Image 1: Innovation project team getting the Shaurya Sammaan from Smt Sushma Swaraj 70 Final Findings Through this innovation project, the students made an effort tousewind energy that is abundantly available all along metro tracks, and which is otherwise wasted, to generate and supplement the ever-increasing demands of clean, green and cheap electricity. The students involved in the projectstudied extensively the various parameters that impact the generation of electricity from wind turbines. Calculations were made to get an estimate ofthe number of blades required, the length of the blades, the material of the blades andthe type of turbines required for optimum generation of power. The power calculations were made for different lengths of blades taking into account the losses in wind turbine and other components. • On the basis of our findings and calculations, we devised a prototype of a rotor with 3-bladedsystems with a span area of 0.2826 m2 coupled with a horizontal axis turbine of 500 watt of power generation capacity. • A conservative estimate of energy that can be harnessed with a 500 watt turbine at a wind velocity of 6 m/s was calculated as 0.541 kWh for a blade length of 30 cm, assuming the conversion to be only 60%,wth the remaining 40% taken as energy lost. This would increase exponentially with the size of the blades and wind velocity. • In addition to the electricity generated at the above stated condition,a single turbine would be able to save more than 500kg of coal, reduce more than 1.5 metric tons of CO2 emissions and save one tree per day. • The cost of installing the turbine would approximately be Rs.30,000 /= per turbine, and would be recovered within a year even if electricity was generated at a rate of 0.5kWh per day per turbine. Without obstructing the operation, safety and security of the metros, it was decided to put the turbine along the underground metro tracks at the mouth of tunnel where the maximum wind velocity available is 6.5 m/s. The process of installating these turbines has begun in collaboration with Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC). Learning for Students This project was a great learning experience for the students. • They got training in basic research methodology which allowed them to develop a research bent of mind. They also learned how to conduct literature survey, and visualize and analyse a given problem. Their endeavour took them to various universities and research institutes such as 71 • • • • DMRC, IIT-Delhi, DTU, NPL, IUAC,etc., where they actively interacted with scientists and people who were pioneers in this field. Their extensive literature survey exposed them to the vast volume of research done in the area which otherwise is not accessible to undergraduate students of pure sciences. They got to know the university (DU) better by participating and attending various meetings, conferences and festivals. As part of the project, the students attended the stakeholder’s meet organized by DMRC, where they found out about the energy efficient measures taken by DMRC in their ongoing projects. This meet further highlighted the importance of theproject. The studentsreceived training in various scientific softwaressuch as MATLAB, ORIGIN, MS Office, etc. They were also trained in writing papers and articles, making documentaries, making PowerPoint presentations, posters, etc. The students did all the calculations, simulationsand presentations at international and national conferences independently, with just some help from the teachers. They also learnt how to manage accounts, maintain stock books, etc. The students learnt how to work as a team without any conflict of interest. They developed effective management skills in various areas due to their interaction with DMRC engineers and equipment vendors. They also learned time managementas they had to balance their regular studies with the project. Theyconducted anextensive market survey to do a cost comparison and study of the quality of equipment available etc. The students presented three papers at international and national conferences. Benefits to College This project has brought huge recognition to the college at various forums, both national and international. • The students won the motivational award and the best poster award at the ‘Indo-German Workshop on Advanced Materials for Future Energy Requirements (WAMFER-2012)’. • This project got laurels for its uniqueness, and was also praised by the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor of Delhi University and the other dignitaries present. The students won the second prize at ‘Antardhwani 2013’organized by the Universityof Delhi. • The students were awarded the certificate of appreciation at the Swadeshi Science Movement of India, Delhi, organized by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research. • Owing to this project, Kalindi College made headlines in the National 72 Dailies such as the Hindustan Times, the Times Of India, Navbharat Times, Deccan Herald, Dainik Jagran, etc. • The college once again was in the news headlines when the project team was honoured with the Shaurya Samman and applauded by Ms Sushma Swaraj. Benefits to Society In a developing country such as India, there is a considerable need for a costeffective sourcing of energy. The electricity generated along the metro tracks has the following benefits for society and also the country at large: • A single turbine will be able to save more than 500kg of coal, over 1.5 metric tons of CO2 emissions and one tree per day. • There is apotential for a real contribution to our energy supply, however minuscule it may be, and towards the ultimate goal of self-reliance for our energy needs. • An indigenously developed small wind turbine being relatively uncomplicated technology, can become a huge home grown industry. • While producing energy, small wind turbines produce no environmental emissions. • Small wind turbines will help meet the national needs for energy diversification and national security. • A carbon credit (often called a carbon offset) is a financial instrument that represents a ton of CO2 (carbon dioxide) or CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent gases) removed or reduced from the atmosphere. The carbon credits earned from this project can be used by the Government, industry or private individuals to offset the damaging carbon emissions that they are generating by consumingelectricity produced from fossil fuels. Further Plans • Installation of the turbine. The studentshave purchased a wind turbine of 500 watts with a suitable data logger system. We have also been allocated a place for its installation in one of the metro station premises, the required permissions for which have already been acquired. Our next step is to complete the installation of the turbine. • Power and cost calculations need to be made using real-time data. • Costing for large scale implementation of the project. • Generation of electricity using Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT) with suitable modification to reduce air drag, friction, etc., and comparison with HAWT results. • Suggest suitable modifications in tunnel design (civil part) to make provision for housing in-built turbines in future metro projects. 73 KIRORI MAL COLLEGE project title: project code: Mapping the Spatial Topology of two subglacier basins of NW Himalayas for multi class change detection using MODIS, Landsat and IRS data KMC 105 1. Objective Spaces occupied by glaciers in the Himalayas have become an important area of study in the context of climate change in recent past. The recent tragedy in Uttarakhand Himalayas in June 2013 has further demonstrated the urgency for undertaking the research like present. Moreover, multiple and diverse results from within and outside India are surfacing about the shrinkage of glaciers in the Himalayas. To understand and spatially document the reality about changes in glacier regimen in last four decades using remotely sensed images in sub-glacier basins of Bhagirathi Basin was the main aim of the present project. Climate changes may influence the spatial extent of the snow (Barnett et. al., 1989; Cess., et. al., 1991; Cohen and entekhabi 2001; Liang., 2007) on the other hand for the seasonally snow covered Picture 1: Enroute to Khatling Glacier from Kharsoli in Higher Himalayas in Uttarakhand for collecting Ground Control Points (17 June 2012) 74 regions, the snow cover effects the ecology, snow pattern and hydrological cycles (Walker,, 1993 ; Jones 1999). The Objective of this study was two pronged, both academically driven- first was to map the Spatial topology of two sub- glacier basins of NW Himalayas for multi class change detection using MODIS, Landsat and IRS data and the second to demonstrate the trans disciplinary flavor for enhancing the analysis and interpretation of the study.The Innovative Project KMC-105 therefore is an effort to understand the reality about changes in glacier regimen in two sub-basins of Bhagirathi Basin. 2. Final Findings The final findings in the present research though limited have been glaring and focused. One year however seemed less for the research like present and more so because the minimum third field work required for field testing just could not be undertaken due to the recent flash floods and subsequent landslides, etc., in the study area in Himalayas and the GPS data could not be corroborated well with the High resolution images of the study area as desired. The following findings are based on the study area (Figure 1) including the Khatling Glacier and Phating Glacier in Bhagirathi basin in N_W Himalayas Figure 1: The Study Area 75 1. The Khatling (300 50’N to 78057’30’’) E and Phating glaciers (300 50’30” N to 78059’00’’E) present in Bhilangana basin are impacted by the climate variability in the North-West Himalayas, 2.Digital image Processing of Remote sensing data including Landsat, MODIS and IRS LISS 3 data along with topographic sheets and two field works have been used in the present research. Glacier is the after effect of snow and ice accumulation. It is important to distinguish snow and ice field and to note that a considerable period of time is required to give rise to snow pack or ice field and firn and neve are two stages that bring over the change from snow to ice. Rigorous analysis has led us to evolve an index using ERDAS IMAGINE V.10 and distinguish different parameters. 3. Longitudinal foliation was observed in the region. It appeared represented by alternating light and dark coarse and line grained bands. Picture 3: Longitudinal folia exposed in Khatling Glacier (15 June,2012) 4.Thirteen glaciers have been visualized in all in Bhilangana basin with four as valley glaciers compound basins; three as mountain glacier compound basins; one as mountain glacier simple basin ; two as glaciered snowfield cirque and three as snow field niche with Khatling glacier as the largest glacier (Figure 2) with maximum orientation towards South –West. AAR % ranges between 0 and 100 in different part and depth varying between 10m and 90 m in different places, followed by the Phating Glacier. The area is calculated from the IRS LISS 3 data using NDSI. 5.The data of rainfall indicates an above average rainfall in the year 20102011 and a lean period in 2009-2010. We also analysed the data on normal rainfall in the region for these 4 years. The actual rainfall varies considerably 76 Figure 2: Area of two largest galciers Khatling and Phating glaciers in the Study Area. from normal rainfall for the years 2010-2011 and 2009-2010. The data above indicates an above average rainfall in the year 2010-2011 and a lean period in 2009-2010. We also analysed the data on normal rainfall in the region for these 4 years. The actual rainfall varies considerably from normal rainfall for the years 2010-2011 and 2009-2010. 6.The spatial topology also highlights the variability in glaciated region in different time period including 2005;2006;2007; 2008 and 2010. The reasons for this have to be probed further. This exercise has been completed for 25 datasets ranging between 2005 and 2010. 77 Calculation of the approximate area depicted that if on 22-Jun-05 the noticed surface area of the Khatling glacier was 4459.245 sq km, on 24-May-06 the surface area of khatling Glacier glacier was 4668.3 , the surface area on 06Jun-08 was 4665 and on 27-May-10 it was noticed to be of 4693.9. Further, for Phating glacier on the same dates in May and June the area calculated was 3349.38,3533.68,3696.98 and 3303.92 respectively. 7. CHANGE DETECTION 2000-10: Digital Image Processing of 10 year satellite IRS LISS 3 data has given us convincing result for the change in the size of the glacier. Though with the limited data it would not be able to convincingly show case the retreat but yes convincingly the variability in the size is there. Both the decrease and the increase in the size is simultaneously there as showcased below. Between 2000and 2010 , if there is a decline, between 2006 and 2010 there is an increase in the size of the glacier. Spatial topology too consequently is varying. 78 Between 2000 And 2010 it appears that 46% of glaciated area is lost; with addition of 53.69% of barren land ;36.26% of fallow land lost; vegetation to be improved by 53.15% and 103% of shadow area has increased leading to loss of classified area. For glaciated region of 2000, 51% is common to 2010, while 44% has been converted into barren land, 3% under fallow and o.5% under shadow; For barren land of 2000, 78% is common to 2010, while 16% has been converted into fallow, 2% under Glacier and 3% under shadow;For fallow land of 2000, 29% is common to 2010, while 17.7% has been converted into vegetation, 7% barren, 3% under Glacier and 45% under shadow. 79 8. CHANGE DETECTION 2006-09 Between 2006 and 2009 54% of glaciated area is increased; 50% of barren land is lost;13% of fallow land is added ;vegetation has improved by 15.7% and shadow area has decreased by 60%. 9. According to our observations in the field , Glaciers are retreating in the long term and not advancing;Weather fluctuations are frequent in the region, the evidence being the uneven and untimely rains;Melting of glaciers has been observed from past 6-7 years, where last year showed unexpected results for snow fall;Construction of dams and tunnels is disturbing the present climatic conditions. It lead to decrease in water resources which in turn causes climatic change and Glaciers are important for survival. Effects of Glacier melting and climatic change: a. Increase in temperature b. Uneven rains c. Seasonal changes ( shift in seasons ) d. Decrease in water resources e. Decrease in agricultural produce 10.However, Observation of the data of the crops at district level of the study area was also considered for two reasons, one to conceptualize the macro behavior and second in a short span, this could only be made available in the form of secondary data from 1988 to 2010. As stated, this was to observe the macro behavior in different seasons , it highlighted that Since First Differences of the Logarithms are Constant, First degree Exponential Curve can be selected as a Trend type. Further, the series when plotted on a Logarithmic scale resembles a Straight line, So, First degree Exponential curve was selected as the Trend curve. 80 Further, it was computed that there is no significant difference between the estimate of the variance of the Random component V10 and V11 and any of these two can be taken as the variance of the Random component.Hence, the Estimate of the Variance considered in the macro region from 1988 to 2010 Random Component is 0.003826 or 0.00337. 11. Thus to conclude , what is a major concern that all physical changes are indicating of the nature being bringing physical changes with unpredictable behavior and severe intensity. What is missing is the awareness of common man for it to be linked to climate variability. What worries is the unpreparedness of the local people towards it and both political and administrative caretakers are still lost in debating between 81 their respective roles and the discourse between sustainable environment and urbane like development on the pristine Himalayas. 3. Learning for Students The learning for the students has been immense as the students in our group were from three disciplines , including four from Geography; three from mathematics and three from Statistics and above all most of them were high scorers in the University with positions in their respective batches. Though wanting otherwise Intra –learning’s’ appeared more than the inter-learning. The first and foremost learning came with their exposure to the idea of trekking in higher Himalayas with equipment for data collection. Buying trekking gears, using tents for sleeping and not getting a mode of transport for many days in continuation in the scenic environ of Bhilangana river brought team spirit in almost all of them. Taking care of each other and discussing on how to help local people and looking at them closely ignited sensitivity in them. As all of them were exposed for the first time to the remote sensing data they learned about this tool too with eagerness along with the importance of using GPS and toposheets. Downloding of Landsat and Modis data also taught them the importance of Open Source data along with the importance of purchased NRSC data. They also for the first time used NRSC data using different software, including ERDAS IMAGINE; Wolfram Mathematica 9; SPSS; EXCEL spreadsheet and were excited to share their results. Making the first phase of documentary and clicking the photographs of scenic landscape was also a unique learning with newness and excitement. 4. Benefits to College The College is made up of three pillars: students , teachers and administration. The students definitely became more enriched with getting a chance to be doing research that otherwise they would have only got after post-graduation. For teachers like us , provided we stay in a team with trust we definitely got a glimpse of research routed through our University. In other words an undergraduate environment got a flavour of real research with a hope that University will remember them as equals and provide research related opportunities in future also. Besides, for a work like ours , despite innumerable deterrents the analysis has definitely improved and brought that reality closer that how much is the scope for all of us to learn from our colleagues of different disciplines. In our college it seems the administration needs little more preparedness in handling and distributing finances despite its ready availability. Albeit deterrents, the innovative projects added the research culture in an undergraduate set-up and highlighted that student and teacher 82 team even at Undergraduate level of Higher education can contribute and interdisciplinary research can be encouraged. 5. Benefits to Society Research like ours reiterates the fear that climate variability is bringing unprecedented changes for which we all are just not prepared. The disaster that took place in Bhagirathi basin in June 2013though missed this tributary this time the research definitely forewarns for a disater in future and the region needs a serious attention. Even that debate that whether glaciers are melting or not in Himalayas, the change is visible and it highlights that the fluctuations demands attention and action from the administration. This research therefore, is of immense utility not only to people belonging to the area but also to geologists, environmental scientists, engineers, technicians and other technical professionals who acquire, analyze, understand, interpret, and summarize environmental data and then communicate results. 6. Further Plans There is an immense scope of furthering the present research, especially because of its own importance and the changes that recent disaster has brought in the study area. There is still so much more to do in the present research, analysis to be improved, more data to be added, more field work to be conducted, a research paper to be sent for the publication and above all, there is an urgent need to find ways and means by which the stake holders who belong to that region may find ways to prepare themselves in case of disasters. This can be a topic of new research. Moreover, there is a need for more in-depth study of debris around and the moraines for measuring the quantum of water flow downhill in the moments of calamity with better high resolution data sets and intensive field work.As stated above , the NDMA like parallel body cannot solve anything at the time of disaster, what is required is a carrying capacity programme for the region and a data bank with complete transparency available with supporting agencies. I saw another project during display of projects in Antardhwani who had developed a technology for which I visualize lot of scope in my study area. Therefore wishes to collaborate with them to take the research forward. In addition, most importantly as so many agencies are collecting funds for recent held Uttarakhand disaster, and the region though not directly was affected, but certainly is a fourth order tributary of Bhagirathi Basin to visualize Foucault’s concept of dispositif, or concrete social apparatus becomes urgently important and conceptualization in the form of research on ‘thoroughly heterogeneous ensemble ‘ at the level of first order tributary becomes so important and urgent. 83 84 Team interacting with the young locals at Ghuttu in the Garhwal Himalayas. In the backdrop four Pradhans of different Gram Sabhas can be observed. 85 LADY IRWIN COLLEGE project title: project code: Generating Energy Consciousness Among Rural Households Li-102 Objective The Government of India has been on a mission to empower villages with renewable energy resources as electricity supply is either not available in these areas, or is highly irregular. Several programmes have been undertaken by way of installing renewable energy technologies (RETs) in rural areas, but these are not gaining momentum despite continued and persistent initiativesby the Government. The rural residents seem to be either ignorant or apathetic towards the new energy equipment installed in their residential areas. Perhaps they are unable to associate themselves with RETs, and have apprehensions about handling them. The project presumed that there wasa gap betweenthe programme implementation and peoples’ felt needs and practices, and proposed to bridge this gap. Another objective of the project was to plan an energy consciousness programme for rural residents to increase their awareness of RETs such as Image 1: Project team conducting an energy awareness programme at Alumdipur Village, Haryana 86 solar energy, wind energy, energy from biomass, etc., as these are the future energy resources. During the energy consciousness programme, residents were told to use all energy resources judiciously owing to the energy crisis in the country and thereby also reduce pollution. This programme will encourage rural residents to adopt eco-friendly energy practices for a better and sustainable future. Final Findings For the project, the students visited some rural households in two villages of UP and Haryana—Gharoda (Faridabad) and Rabupura (Ghaziabad). The selected villages are located 16-23km from the block headquarter, i.e. Ballabhgarh (and 20-30 km from the district HQ Faridabad) and Ghaziabad respectively. In both villages the main occupation of the villagers was primarily agriculture-based. Energy use practices The energy needs of the house were predominantly met by women (who were at times assisted by young children). Theycollected wood, biomass or dung, and made dung cakes for cooking and other purposes (such as heating water, warming room in winters, etc.). Besides these energy resources, the villagers were also using kerosene, LPG, diesel and electricity. Electricitysupply was erratic as there was heavy load shedding, and power was available for only sixhours either in the morning or at night.In Gharoda, two families were found to possess a biogas plant whichthey used for cooking,and its residue was used as fertilizer in the fields. The information concerning energy use practices for different activities in the village is represented in table 1. Table 1: Energy Use Practices of Rural Households Energy source % Share Purpose of use Wood • 17.78 Dung Cakes • 45.79 • Cooking • Heating water • Keeping room warm in winters (ashes used to clean utensils) • Cooking • Heating water Kerosene • 7.4 • Lighting (small kerosene lamps) • Small indoor fires LPG • 7.64 • Cooking • Heating water 87 Biogas • 0.22 • Cooking • Residue used as fertilizer in fields Diesel • 17.73 • Tractors • Generators Electricity • 7.09 • Lighting • Household Equipments • Battery recharge Note: Percentages are more than 100% as some houses were using more than one energy source Table 1 reveals that in the two villages surveyed, the maximum share of energy source was that of dung cakes (45.79%), followed by fuel wood (17.78%). As informed by the rural residents,solar energy did not occupy a significant share; this was also reflected in their practices. The reason for poor usage of RETs was the ineffective method of installation of solar devices, i.e. poor involvement of rural residents during planning, installation and aftercare (maintenance). Therefore,due to lack of knowledge,many of them chose to not use the improved energy source. Only a few families showed an interest in learning how to use solar equipment. In the villages in Faridabad, the solar energy equipments installed included a 5 KW power plant, solar home lighting systems, solar lanterns (kissan torch) and solar street lights. In Rabupura (Ghaziabad), solar street lights and solar lanterns were provided. In Gharoda, emu-hatching was done using solar energy and the eggs of the emus were sold to pharmaceuticals companies to make medicines for cancer patients. The residents seemed to be interested in using RETs as they felt that these provided them with safety from theft and wild animals, and they could be used for visiting the fields at night, performing household chores, studying, etc. However, since there was no arrangement to repair or charge batteries, most of the solar RETs were not functional. There was also no provision for the additional cost of battery replacement every 3-5 years, nor were the residents informed about the fact that the battery required changing. Among the various RETs installed, solar lanterns seemed to be a favourite option among hawkers as they were able to sell their wares effectively till late into the night. In fact, a total of 150 hawkers benefitted fromthe Urja Unlimited Solar Lanterns project. Table 2 gives details of the subsidy provided by the Government to facilitate the use of solar RETs by the residents. Road blocks in using RETs There were several constraints in the adoption of RETs that were reported by rural residents, and these were later shared with the MNRE officials during the project meetings. These included: 88 Table 2: Subsidy for different solar devices Devices used Actual rate Subsidy % subsidy Solar lantern 10 W 2350 1000 42.5 Solar lantern shikshadeep 10W 2350 2350 Free for girls Solar cooker (dish type) 5710 3213 56.2 Solar cooker (box type) 3150 1945 61.7 Home domestic light (LED based 12 W) 6500 2000 30.7 Home domestic light (37 W module) 9700 5000 51.5 Solar street light (for panchayat) 16000 4000 25 Solar water heating system 36000 12000 cash 33.33 (per month electricity rebate) Solar water heating system Solar tube well 70% subsidy of total cost for NGOs 2.85 lakh 1.14 lakh 70 60 1.Inadequate knowledge about RETs and their benefits. 2.Inadequate training in the use, operation and repair of RETs. 3.Inadequate financial assistance/loan available for the purchase of RETs. Grameen Banks were also not too keen to provide loans for solar products due to the high risk perceived by them. 4. Inefficient functioning of repair shops and changing of batteries related to RETs. Replacement and repair of products took time. 5.Theft of solar panels, batteries and poles, etc. 6.Due to quota reservation, powerful people and certain castes such as SC, ST and OBC got access to benefits—a higher subsidy amount. Common people got neglected. 7.High initial cost of RETs. 8.Lack of community participation and ownership particularly regarding women. 9.Spurious RETs provided by some private companies resulted in the rural residents losing confidencein them. Quality control of RETs was not possible because of lack of product standardization and certification. Energy Consciousness Programme Based on the findings and observations ofthe survey, and interactions with the residents, the research team planned an energy awarenessprogramme for Gharoda, Alumdipur (Haryana), Rabupura (Ghaziabad) and Morni hills (Panchkula). They motivated the residents to adopt RETs in the activities of 89 their day-to-day life by demonstrating how they work, by role play and by explaining to them how RETs are constructed. Working models of RETs were prepared to show the operation of solar and biomass RETs. All this helped them to befriend the new technology rather than feel alienated from it. The rural residents seemed to be inclined towards individual ownership of renewable energy devices rather than community bound products such as solar street lights, solar power grids, etc. The primary motivating force for this was the potential saving in individual electricity bills. Based on the survey results, an energy consciousness programme was designed on Solar and Biomass RETs whichcovered the following aspects: • Importance of RETs based on the constraints and problems experienced • Information about the technology involved in RETs, theirrepair and maintenance • Comparative analysis of saving in electricity bills versusconventional energy resources • Applications of RETs in rural households • Understanding the construction of RETs throughworking models. This method proved highly effective in information sharing. • Games (ex: match the energy equipment with the energy source, wheel of renewable energy resources, etc.) were used to reinforce the understanding of RETs. The participation of residents in the programme was encouraging as they wanted more information onrepairs, subsidies and financial assistance concerning RETs. Learning for Students Knowledge about the RETs empowered the students who undertook this project. This was especially significant considering the present environmental crisis. They learnt the importance of RETs in the rural as well as urban setting. They also gained significant knowledge about how RETs can be used tosave precious resources and the environment by using alternate technologies and harnessing natural resources such as sunlight,which are non-polluting and present in abundance. The project encouraged the students to take up research in similar areas of renewable energy as part of their course work in the form of major as well minor projects in college. Ongoing research in these areas also benefitted from this project as lot of experience-sharing took place among undergraduate and postgraduate students. All this helped to enthuse the students and to maintain a high level of interest among them. 90 Familiarization with the rural families and village environment and lifestyle was an enriching and insightful experience for the undergraduate students. Interventions by postgraduate students and doctoral students as mentors during field visits, and sharing experiences during interactions with rural residents proved highly effective. The undergraduate students gained confidence through these exchanges with the senior students. Benefits to College The project provided a platform for the students to collaborate with experts and people interested in renewable energy, and thus synergize their efforts in a constructive manner. The benefits of the project were both quantitative as well as qualitative. Quantitatively,the students successfully delivered the programme planned and coordinated by them along with the rural families. They prepared visuals, simulation models and role play scripts, etc.,toempower rural families. Qualitatively, the students gained confidence and knowledge, and learnt multi-tasking by using their spare time more effectively for project activities along with their academic work. • The project helped us collaborate with NGOs, manufacturers of RETs, and government and private organizations working in the area of renewable energy. • Interactions with the manufacturers provided a holistic understanding of RETs—their constraints and benefits. • Demonstration by installation of solar RETs (street lights, home lighting system, water heating system) on the campus was an effective experiential learning for the students as it gave them an in-depth understanding of the working of RETs. Benefits to Society During the course of the project, the students interacted with the rural families of two villages where the Government had already installed some RETs, but these were not being used by the residents. This was because the families in these villages had not been sufficientlyinformedby the Government about the new technology.The project team was able to reinforce the existing programme by providing relevant information concerning the functioning of RETs. These interventions were effective in not only addressing barriers in the adoption of the new technology, but also helped in befriending the new technology and bringing it into practice as part of the day-to-day life of the villagers. The residents for their part reported that the RETs hadhad changed their day-to-day living and generated immense power saving in households 91 which had electricity. The project findings also revealed certain critical factors that should be looked into when any such programme takes place in the future. Further Plans The project team plans to undertake the following activitiesin the future: • Prepare a self-instructional booklet on RETs that will cover aspects such as information about renewable energy technologies, solutions to frequently occurring problems, instructions for use, care and maintenance of RETs, people to contact when help is needed, etc. This can be distributed to the families in rural areas. • Develop products for day-to-day use with renewable energy resources to enable rural families to adopt the new technology more easily.The RETdriven products will enable the use of non-conventional energy resources, thereby relieving the load onthe conventional energy resources (such as, electricity). 92 LADY SHRI RAM COLLEGE FOR WOMEN The Imprisoned Dove: Transcending Conflict and Building Cultures of Peace project title: project code: LSR-102 1. Objective • To assess the strength of religious identification of adolescents in Kashmir (a conflict zone) and Delhi (a non-conflict zone). • To identify the nature of stereotypes held towards in-group and out-group members by adolescents in Kashmir and Delhi. • To assess the nature of attributions made by adolescents in Kashmir and Delhi for behaviours by in-group and out-group members. • To compare the dominant identities of adolescents in Kashmir and Delhi. • To understand the inter-relationships among regional, religious, personal and national identity, and to see how this impacts the group’s relationship with the Indian state. • To understand teachers’ perceptions about peace. • To understand the nature and sources of conflict in the classroom. • To explore the role of curriculum and pedagogy in creating cultures of peace. The Research Project Team LSR-102 at the Seminar ‘The Flight of the Dove: Building Cultures of Peace in the Classroom’ held in January 2013 93 1. Final Findings The data collected from Kashmir and Delhi produced several interesting findings. The results indicated that adolescents in Kashmir expressed stronger religious and regional identification than those in Delhi. On the other hand a strong sense of personal identity was found among adolescents in Delhi, which was missing in Kashmir. Moreover despite growing up in a region troubled by violent and persistent conflict, adolescents in Kashmir held more positive perceptions of Hindus as well as Muslims as compared to adolescents in Delhi. Encouragingly, the drawings made by the adolescents in Kashmir showed that the minority’s relation with the nation state was not fractured but conducive. The presence of a strong Kashmiri identity in the valley did not appear to interfere with national identity. The influence of textbooks was clear in the drawings of the adolescents, indicating that the books students read in their classrooms play a critical role in shaping their world views. Teachers from Delhi as well as Kashmiri schools enumerated multiple sources of conflict and expressed that it operates at numerous levels- personal, relational, structural and cultural. Both overt and hidden curricula appeared to be serving as sources of conflict in the classroom. Verbal violence emerged to be a predominant form in which conflict was expressed. Majority of the teachers, both from Delhi and Kashmir felt that peace meant being able to live life on one’s own terms and to have the freedom of choice, decision and freedom to preach, practice, propagate and abide. However, when it came to transacting/implementing education for peace in the classroom, it narrowed down to a regimented order of disciplining/silencing. Teachers did not discuss contentious issues extensively nor were they equipped enough to handle them. Many teachers in the schools in Delhi expressed that peace can be taught while teachers in Kashmiri believed that peace could only be experienced and felt. The integration of peace into the curricula does not appear to be a priority for teachers considering that only specific subjects have been viewed as suitable to transact peace and conflict issues. 2. Learning for Students (200 words): The Innovation Project has been a step towards understanding the nuances of original research and field work. The conception of ideas such as peace, violence and conflict are largely misunderstood by governments, peace agencies, civil society organizations and people at large. This initiative provided space to students to review theories, models and skills for theorizing and developing peace initiatives that can respond to deep-rooted contemporary social conflicts in India. The fieldwork, in particular the visit to Kashmir, has enabled the students to transcend religious and cultural differences and definitions of the 94 ‘other’. The students feel that the research has enabled them to see our society not just in black and white but in all its shades bereft of prejudices from either the media or other institutions of society. Issues which seemed distant and less relevant became a part of their daily reflections, such as the issues of AFSPA and its influence on the functioning of the school and the psychology of children. The interdisciplinary nature of the program is something which we hope the students will surely benefit from for future research. Our quest for peacebuilding has left our students feeling empowered and has facilitated us to see sparks of future peacebuilders in our students. And we hope they carry on the message of peace in all their future endeavours. 3. Benefits to College (100 words): Endeavours such as these bring to the College enormous value and research potential from the academic scholarship at large.We believe that our research would contribute in envisioning the path to building cultures of peace within the classrooms of our college.The practical and knowledge-based resources acquired during the project will continue to enable teachers and students interested in studying the issues of peace and conflict to engage with these topics and develop the college into a knowledge hub and resource center for the same and add value to our already renowned centre for peace building called the “Aung San SuuKyi Centre for Peace”. Further, ‘The Flight of the Dove: Building Cultures of Peace’ seminar conducted to disseminate the findings was attended by a large number of college teachers who can benefit from the findings of the study and apply them to the way they manage their classrooms. In addition, the project has been influential in promoting interdisciplinary contact and undertakings, especially between the three departments involved in the study. 4. Benefits to Society In a society where all of us are living under constant fear, frustrations, crime, jealousy and conflicts, education for peace can be of great benefit since it does not offer readymade solutions but encourages people to pause and think critically. Researches such as ours provide concrete proof in dispelling deeply held religious stereotypes and attributions. This can have beneficial outcomes for important stake holders such as not-for-profit community service and welfare organizations, local governmental agencies, public and private schools, neighbourhood groups, and even individuals who reside in the region. All of us as stakeholders involved in this process must join hands. Our students have been deeply moved by the current scenario of negligence of the critical issues of peace and conflict in the schools, and as future teachers shall work towards 95 building cultures of peace in the classroom, thus advancing towards building of a peaceful society. 5. Further Plans This research has opened several avenues of future research. For instance while the present study was conducted in Kashmir, a Muslim dominated area troubled by conflict, we would like to replicate this study in a Hindu dominated area which has experienced conflict like Ahmedabad. Also during the process of the research we realised that there is a tremendous gap between theory and practise. To reduce this gap, we have begun the process of conducting workshops to impart cultural diversity training to adolescents to address their identity issues and equip teachers with pedagogical strategies to deal with issues of identity and conflict in the classroom. These workshops were carried out as a part of the project based seminar organized by us titled “The Flight of the Dove: Building Cultures of Peace in the Classroom” in January 2013. We hope to continue this endeavour and reach out to as many stakeholders and young people as possible, especially in conflict ridden areas where it is required the most. 96 MAHARAJA AGRASEN COLLEGE project title: project code: Measuring Environmental Footprint of University of Delhi and Transforming it into a Zero Impact University MAC-101 1. Objective: • In order to ensure a sustainable future at the colleges, the entire learning fraternity needs to assume responsibility for their actions and commit themselves to creating positive social and environmental change. It entails embracing a long-term perspective and a willingness to encourage a participatory problem-solving process. There is a rising interest among students attending colleges that practice, teach and support environmentally responsible choice. • A baby step was taken by Maharaja Agrasencollege towards this vision to identify the activities that create measurable carbon footprint, quantify them that could be considered a baseline and further devise a pathway to consistently monitor the levels of emissions to track our greening effort. • Hence the main objective of the study was to move the students away from peripheries of formal curriculum and develop a more committed vision to sustainability. We at Maharaja Agrasencollege believe that as educators it is our responsibility to sensitise our students about the damages our day to day activities are doing to the environment, so that our students are capable of implementing and understanding green practices where ever they go. The ripple effect of undertaking such an activity hence are expected to be much greater than just being confined to MAC. • We felt that just by putting posters of appeal to conserve energy, water, fuel and paper were just not working. We had to initiate and create a new technique to make our students more responsive. Therefore we calculated our carbon footprint and mathematically showed our students the damage Students engaged in environmental carbon mitigation related activities in project MAC 101 97 all of us together were doing to the environment. The figure did wonders and encouraged students to implement offsetting techniques to bring down the footprint figure. 2. Final Findings The activities of the college identified to be contributing towards carbon emissions were categorized under six heads-Electricity consumption, transportation, paper consumption, food consumption, water consumption, waste disposal. Emissions generated out of these activities essentially fall under scope 2 &3 categories. Emissions out of purchased electricity falls in the ambit of scope 2 while emissions due to transportation; paper, food, water consumption and the manner in which waste is disposed off falls under scope 3 indirect GHG emissions. None of the carbon emissions of the college come under the ambit of scope 1 since the college does not own any energy or transport resource. The source of emission consumed is multiplied by the relevant emission factor (as shown below) to get the relevant level of emissions. Scope Emission category Data Sources Emission factor 1 College Owned Sources College owned vehicles: vehicles As in transport log books 2 Energy Consumption Meter Reading / Electricity Bills at .912 kgs CO2/kwh three different points in time 3 Transportation Employee Commuting: By survey Total amount of Kms travelled (based on Pin Code distance analysis of NCR region) If commuting by public transport – DMRC, DTC Road distance chart. Age of the car/mileage to calculate fuel consumption Student Commuting: Same Method for Employee commuting. By fuel type Petrol:2.296 kg CO2/ litre Diesel:2.653kg CO2/ litre CNG :2.25 Kg CO2/kg LPG : 1.6 kg CO2/kg 4 Paper Consumption Paper purchased: College Office data Administrative Purposes: Office data for examination sheets, admission process, Info systems Paper consumption by students: Survey on total note books used by the student per paper per semester, paper used for photocopying of notes/readings and in assessments and tests. Data confirmed by inspection method Office paper : 0.98 metric tonnes CO2/ short tonne 98 1 short tonne= 907 kgs 5 Food Habits Cafeteria Data – Food Purchased, LPG :2.983 kg CO2/kg LPG usage, PET bottles by survey 500 ml plastic bottle : 240 gms CO2 1litre = 360 gms 6 Waste disposal Segregation of organic and inorganic waste. Quantity of waste generated by measuring weight/ volume Organic waste: 0.9 tonnes CO2/tonne Inorganic : 2.59 tonnes CO2/tonne Mixed :0.07 kg CO2/kg Maharaja Agrasen college emission details: • The total to and fro distance travelled by MAC learning community each day equals 42236.94 km that is equivalent to the circumference of the earth. Annual footprint due to transportation aggregated to 480076.2 kg CO2 • Total paper used in a semester was found to be 14,27,800 A4 size sheets. Weight of paper used per year was calculated as 10.64 tons. This amounted to felling of 170 trees every year (1 ton is equivalent to felling 17 trees). Annual Footprint of paper: ((10.64*1000)/907)*.980 = 11496.36 kg CO2 • Av. electricity consumption in college was worked out to be 42840 Kwh/ month(average of 3 months) Annual Footprint due to electricity usage was found to be 514080*.912= 468841KgCo2 • 50 LPG cylinders per month were used in the college canteen (19kg/ cylinder). Annual Consumption being 950 * 12 = 11400 kg. Annual Footprint in canteen was found to be: 11400 * 2.983= 34006.2 kg CO2 • Waste generated in the college per day aggregated to 26 kg. Category wise annual mixed waste, organic waste, paper waste generated was found to be 1500 kg,4500 kg and 1800 kg respectively.Hence, Annual footprint from waste was found to be 8655 kg CO2 • Total footprint of Maharaja Agrasen College = 1003075 kg CO2= 1003.07 tons. • Per capita footprint of Maharaja Agrasen college = 517.049 kg CO2 Carbon Map of MAC 99 Mode of Transport - Students Mode of Transport – Teachers Carbon Footprint - Waste Shaheed Rajguru College of Applied Sciences for Women emission details: Transport footprint : 122262.1 kgs CO2 Electricity footprint : 42674.91 kgs CO2 Paper footprint : 4689.30 kgs CO2 Hindu College : Transport footprint : 347385.5 kgs CO2 Paper footprint : 14229.9 kgs CO2 100 Bhim Rao Ambedkar College : Transport footprint : 171161.1 kg CO2 Paper footprint : 8957.22 kg CO2 Transport and Electricity consumption seem to be the major contributors towards the carbon footprint of the University system. Clear policies and incentives in this direction can go a long way in curbing this footprint. 3. Learning for Students The project has created immense interest and sensitivity amongst students towards tracking their own contribution towards carbon footsteps. • The pilot study was conducted in the home college hence emissions due to electricity usage is being monitored by students, administrative staff and faculty members by controlling the overuse of electrical gadgets and appliance. • Sub-metering to monitor electricity consumption initiated by department of electronics faculty and students is underway at various utility centres in the college. Proposal for Solar panel installation has been approved by the college authorities. All these steps have gone a long way in keeping the sensitization effort amongst students alive. • The students’ awareness about technological interface to combat carbon emissions and naturally restrict emission levels has been enhanced. • The recycling of paper already initiated by the college under the aegis of zero impact club has got further impetus thereby reducing the overall paper consumption in the college premises. 4. Benefits to College • The project has brought laurels to the college. The initiation of such projects both at academic level and implementation level has been one of the reasons for bringing the first prize to the college atAntardhavani University level event where in the efforts of all the colleges in various fields were show cased. • Provision of waste segregation stations for biodegradable, nonbiodegradable, PET bottles and electronic waste at the college campus has been initiated. Reducing cafeteria waste by donating excess food is another welcome step. Initiatives are being taken to encourage use of glasses/cups/ containers in cafeteria made from recycled, biodegradable, or eco-friendly materials, and removing bottled water by installing water purifiers. 101 • • • • Provisioning for recycling of electronic waste like batteries, cell phones, computers, and printer cartridges has already been initiated by the college. Facilitating programs that provide incentives for members of the campus community to reduce energy use. This would pave the way to conduct an energy audit of the institution i.e. Sections of the college to be monitored: - Laboratories, Library, Cafeteria, class rooms, Offices, Common spaces. Last but not the least the college has doubled its greening effort by reducing water consumption via effective water harvesting, reducing paper consumption. Installation of various energy efficiency and water conservation retrofits, such as lighting motion sensors or low-flow plumbing equipment, terrace gardening through programmed dripirrigation method using PET bottles are underway that would enable us shrink CO2 emissions. The college has a bi-cycle club the encourages students to save fuel especially if the have to travel short distances Paper reduction policy is in place wherein all deptt. messages, notices are put on the website. Students are encouraged to recycle practical notebooks etc. 5. Benefits to Society • The carbon footprint is one of the most important metrics that organizations should account for in their environmental, sustainability or ethical report that serves as an important metric for determining its environmental performance. • Reductions in CO2 emissions can hence be paired with financial benefits. For example, less CO2 is emitted if less electricity is used resulting in lower electricity bills and if employees would use less paper less expenses on paper. Likewise all activities need to be identified resulting in carbon footprints. Furthermore, a lower CO2 emission can result in a better image of the organization. • This also emphasizes the Environmental Management System to be adopted not only by corporate houses but also in academic institutions. The Green Guide can only be developed when a baseline assessment of carbon emissions is done initially for further monitoring. • Take this holistic approach to sustainability on college campus to different Universities. • Offering a college website to facilitate involvement in campus sustainability initiatives and to educate the community. • The project proved to be a fruitful learning experience for the students who are now confident to understand and implement green practices wherever they go after their graduation. 102 6. Further Plans • Simply put, sustainability has to do with reducing our footprint on the future. A sustainable campus program is next in agenda that addresses: 1)improving economic efficiency 2) protecting and restoring ecological systems, and 3) enhancing the well-being of all peoples, all of these components. • The aim is to provide accessible information for other colleges to learn from each other’s experiences and establish more effective sustainability policies that enhance students’ academic experience and quality of life in ways that is truly worth appreciation. • Developing a Green Code for the Delhi University is the desirable goal. A green audit for the constituent colleges is something that we would recommend. 103 MIRANDA HOUSE project title: project code: Miles on the Yamuna, Team A MH-103 Objective The goal of this project was to find sustainable solutions to keep the Yamuna clean. It was clear to us from an initial survey of literature that in spite of significant intervention towards this end from the State (both the executive and the judiciary) as well as civil society, there has been no improvement in the state of the river over the last few decades. To this purpose, we undertook a detailed socio-economic survey of a village, Jagatpur, on the banks of the Yamuna, hoping to uncover some of the dynamics of the relation between the river and the communities closest to it. We hoped that by studying the riparian practices in Jagatpur, we would get an understanding of the kind of practices that would be symbiotic for both, the community as well as the river. Further, we hoped to explore the dynamics of two sets of forces—the need to preserve past practices of land-holding and land-use, and the pressures and opportunities generated by theburgeoning population of Delhi, both on the village and on the river. Image 1: Picture of the project team and images of the Yamuna 104 Final Findings a. The Geography of the village: Jagatpur village is an urban village located in North Delhi on the western bank of the river Yamuna,between 28˚42’30’’ N and 28˚45’N latitudes and 72˚12’9’’E and 72˚14’49’’ E, at an elevation of 209m above mean sea level. It occupies a geographical area of about 204.3 hectares in which 40% of the area is used for cultivation. The village has a history of frequent flooding as a result of which the village had to be relocated to its current place in 1952, which explains the grid pattern of the streets. This also places Jagatpur in a special category—the residential area of the village is not under ‘Lal Dora’ but is registered as a Housing Society. A levee was constructed in 1978 to protect the settlement from the flooding of theriver. The village lies in Zone ‘o’,in the rural urban fringe of the Metropolitan area of Delhi, as demarcated by the Delhi Development Authority. Our visits revealed that Jagatpur lies between stage 3 and stage 4 of the transformation process from rural to urban. Jagatpur cannot be regarded as an ‘urban’ village as the village is still not connected with the city by proper public transport services. More importantly, agriculture and dairy farming remain the dominant occupations of its people. Migrants are not as numerous as one might expect on the basis of the location of the village, possibly because cattle rearing is space intensive. Image 2: Land use pattern in Jagatpur village b. Occupational Profile Agriculture is the main occupation in Jagatpur and all kinds of vegetables, fruits, wheat, jowar and bajra are grown here. Animal husbandry is the other important occupation in this village. In addition to this, jobs in government service and commerce have also become common. Often, both activities are combined in the same household, and are sometimes carried out by the same person. c. The demographic profile of the village is given in table 1: 105 106 5385 Total 2909 M 2476 F Total population M=Male, F=Female Source: Census 2001, 802 No. of households 896 Total 515 M 381 F Population in the age group0-6 years 272 Total 155 M 117 F SC population 0 Total 0 M 0 F ST population Table 1: Demographicprofileof Jagatpur 3450 Total 2114 M 1336 F Number of literates 851 Sex ratio 76.85 Literacy rate d.Water and Sanitation Facilities Our study revealedthat river water is not used directly either for domestic purposesor for irrigation. Pumps andbore wells are commonly used for both purposes. The Delhi Jal Board is responsible for potable water supply in the area, but the supply is very erratic. e. Relating to the River: Since our project was based on the river Yamuna, we also looked into the nature-culture dichotomy to understand the relationship ofthe villagers with the river. The residents of the village seemed to have a complex relationship with the river. At one level, it appeared that they had a minimal consciousness of dependency on the river for their daily needs and agriculture. However, we also found that the river was considered to be superior and sacred. Thevillagers subscribed to the pre-modern view that the river (as a part of nature) was mightier than man, and should be feared. They looked upon the Yamunaas an angry deity that had to be appeased. The riverwasconsidered as an unmarried maiden, and every year she claimedthe sacrifices of young unmarried menduring the monsoons. On the one hand wasthe view that nature is mightier than man, and cannot be controlled; it can at best be appeased. On the other hand, in direct contrast is the modern view that the river can be controlled, and even ‘channelized’ (as reflected in the Master plans for Delhi). The complexity of this relationship also extended to the nature of land-holding and the very nature of kinship in the village. The possibility of flooding implied that there weresignificant inherent risks in agriculture for Jagatpur. In a traditional method for risk mitigation, agricultural land is commonly owned by the villagers. Cultivation, however, is individual. In Jagatpur, plots were allocated on the basis of hereditary shares to the members of the Gujjar community through a complex andtraditional practice of Batej. The survival of common property in this era of rising land prices and commercialization is something that took us by surprise. We used Game Theory to explain its survival, and predict the conditions under which the system may collapse. Our FGDs also revealed that the ‘batej’ system, while crucial to risk mitigation, may dampen long term investment incentives in land. f. Sociological Profile: River-Gender Parallelism The sociological profile of Jagatpur revealed the existence of entrenched patriarchy amongst all communities, especially amongst the Gujjars and the Muslims in the village. The census data supported these findings— the sex ratio for Jagatpur waslower than that for Delhi as a whole. The child sex ratio waslower than the adult sex ratio, indicating continuing sex-selection and inferior status of women. 107 The people of Jagatpur treated the river as they treated their women. The river wasrevered as a female deity but the people wereindifferent to her plight. The women of Jagatpur were worshipped as Goddesses at one level, yet they weresubject to a subordinate status and sometimes also violence. g.Conclusion: What we found remarkable about Jagatpur wasthe extent to which the Yamuna has been ‘backgrounded’ despite the fact that the very nature of economic and kinship relations in the village werecontingent on the current profile of the river. It wasinteresting to speculate how a change in the profile of the river may change these relations in the village. Learning for Students Apart from the standard skills that students pick up in such projects in terms of writing, presenting and organizing seminars and exhibitions, the following are what our students reported to us as significant learning outcomes: 1.Time management: Each student reported that this wasone of the most important lessons they had taken away from the project since they had to balance an intensive academic schedule with an equally demanding project schedule, while continuing to juggle their extra-curricular activities in college. 2.Theory in practice: Students in each field were able to see the theoretical concepts they had studied in the classroom at work in the real world. Thus Sociology students got to see (and draw up) kinship charts; Economics students saw a living example of an infinitely repeated game, and work out that the dominant strategy was to cooperate; Geography students witnessed a village transiting into an urban area, as well as getting a firsthand feel of ariver and its ecosystem. 3. Interdisciplinary learning: Since all members participated in all FGDs and surveys, and all results were discussed with the entire group, a significant amount of inter-disciplinarity emerged. Discussions with Team B of the project also exposed team members to the methods of analysis in the pure sciences. 4.Breaking stereotypes, experiencing stereotypes: All our students reported that the field surveys were eye-openers for them in several ways;their notions of ‘rural’, gender, affluence and poverty, all had to be revised. They also had to reconcile seeming contradictions—the demand for a girls’ college in Jagatpur from Hukkah-smoking grandmothers, advice that avoiding the male gaze was a girl’s responsibility, etc. They learnt to disengage themselves during FGDs and surveys in order to be able to report without bias what the respondent/s were saying. 5.Greater environmental awareness: Almost none of the participating 108 students had actually seen the river before the project. They are now ardent ambassadors for its revival. Benefits to College 1.Resource creation: a. Equipment such as voice recorders, data drives, cameras were purchased for the project which can be used later for similar projects. b. Software: LPS mapping software was procured for the project. c.Networking with other colleges, and institutes doing similar work, especially with TERI, TOXIC LINKS, etc. Benefits to Society 1. The project helped highlight the importance of including the stakeholders in the preservation of the river Yamuna. But the most important lesson the students wanted to publicize wasto push home a concrete perception of the stakes involved. If the relevance of the river wasobscure to a community that livedon its banks, and wasso intimately dependent on it, the challenge for the rest of the city wasindeed daunting. 2.The project helped the community understand the importance of the preservation of the river. They are now aware of the need to stop polluting the river especially during festive season when people come for various rites and rituals. Special FGDs were held on the importance of the preservation of the Yamuna, and itsclose link with the riparian community of the Gujjars in Jagatpur. 3. During various focus group discussions we also tried to generate awareness about the rights of women. The FGDs discussed in detail the benefits of continuing the education of women for their upliftment and empowerment. Some of the FGDs also concentrated on the rights of women and legal provisions such as the Domestic Violence Act, the right to inherit property and the PCPNDT Act. Further Plans In 2012-13 we undertook twin projects on the issues of riparian communities so that the river could be revived through two levels of empirical work— scientific and social. The project was planned as a synergistic work informed by strong scientific and socio-economic evidence without any alienation from ground realities. We hope to make this an ongoing effort, so that the data thus generated can be used to find environmentally, economically and socially sustainable solutions for the stakeholders that arecoherent. 109 The 2012-13 projects coveredtwo interrelated investigations, carried out in tandem by a team of ten students each, drawn from seemingly disparate academic streams. We studied the stretch of river between Palla Village (where the river enters Delhi), and Majnuka Tila for development of research instruments and primary scientific study. The socio-economic study focussed on Jagatpur village. We now plan to usethe apparatus, research instruments and methodology we developed in these projects to broaden our investigations tofind sustainable solutions for rejuvenating the river Yamuna. For the next phase of our project, we have submitted a proposal under the Innovations Project ‘More Miles on the Yamuna’. 110 MIRANDA HOUSE project title: project code: Miles on the Yamuna MH-104 Objective The primary objective of the project was to monitor the water quality of the river Yamuna and the quality of the soil on its banks at different locations in the NCT of Delhi. The first step involved familiarization with the river—life on its banks—as it made its way through Delhi after entering the city at Palla. The research methodology included hands-on measurements of water quality parameters using commercially available Vernier sensors and real-time dataacquisition systems interfaced with the computers. Water and soil quality was investigated for various parameters such astemperature, pH, conductivity, turbidity, soil moisture, salinity, chloride ions, dissolved oxygen (DO), coliform content and heavy metal content. The sites investigated included Palla Shank, Jagatpur village, Yamuna Biodiversity Park, MajnukaTila, Wazirabad and Khajuri. The seasonal variation in water quality parameters was also studied. Image 1: Project team working on the banks of the Yamuna 111 Final Findings Water Quality Parameters:The water quality parameters measured at various locations on the Yamuna are depicted in figures 1 to 7. Figure1. Measurement of Chloride ion Figure 2. Measurement of dissolved oxygen Figure 3. Temperature readings at different locations 112 Figure 4. Conductivity Figure 5. pH readings Figure 6. Measurement of turbidity Figure 7. Coliform content 113 Key: PS – Palla Shank; JV – Jagatpur village; YBP – Yamuna Biodiversity Park; MKT – Majnu ka Tila It was clear from a comparison of figures 1 to 7 that Majnu Ka Tila was the most contaminated site with low DO and high values of conductivity, turbidity and chloride ion concentration. This may probably be attributed to a combination of two factors—diversion of water to the Wazirabad Water Treatment Plant and location of the Najafgarh drain opening which emptied sewage into the river. Most Probable Number (bacterial count) tests showed that the samples from Wazirabad still water, Wazirabad flowing water and MajnukaTila were highly contaminated, with more than 2500 bacterial cells per ml. The impact of water volume on the concentration of water pollutants couldalso be seen by comparing the data for the water quality parameters in the dry season with that of the monsoon. For samples collected during the monsoon, the pollutant levels werefound to be significantly lower. It could thus be concluded that (a) preventing untreated sewage and effluents from being dumped into the river would help to bring back the smile on the river Yamuna to a great extent and (b) increase in water volume reduces the pollution load hence less water should bediverted from the river during the dry season. Soil Quality Parameters The soil quality parameters are given in figures 8 to 10. Figure 8. Conductivity of soil Figure 9. pH of soil 114 Figure 10. Coliform content of soil Heavy Metals in Soil The presence of heavy metals in the soil at various sites has been given in figures 11 to 16. Figure 11. Presence of manganese in soil Figure 12. Presence of lead in soil 115 Figure 13. Presence of Nickel in soil Figure 14. Presence of Zinc in soil Figure 15. Presence of Cadmium in soil Figure 16. Presence of Cobalt in soil Key: 1. Palla village; 2. Palla check dam; 3. Jagatpur right; 4. YBP phase 2; 5.MKT; 6. Barrage; 7.Jagatpur village; 8. MKT farm land 116 From figures 11 to 16 it is clear that the soil samples werecontaminated with Lead (Pb), Zinc (Zn) and Manganese(Mn) beyond the safe limits prescribed for these metals (Pb–0.05 ppm, Zn – 5 ppm, Mn – 0.1 ppm). Heavy Metal Contamination in Vegetables: Figure 17. Level of Cadmium in vegetables Figure 18. Level of Chromium in vegetables Figure 19. Level of Copper in the vegetables 117 Figure 20. Level of Lead in the vegetables Figure 21. Level of Zinc in the vegetables Figure 22. Level of Nickel in the vegetables 118 Figure 23. Level of Arsenic in the vegetables Key: 1. Turnip; 2. Spinach; 3. Beans; 4. Radish; 5. Cauliflower The levels of Chromium, Arsenic and Cadmium were found to be in the toxic range for Turnip, Spinach, Beans, Radish and Cauliflower. The high values of metal toxicity weredue to the fact that the soil as well as the water used for irrigation was contaminated with the corresponding metals found in this study. Seasonal variation in water quality The seasonal variation in water quality before and after rains is shown in the table below. Table 1. Table showing seasonal variation in water quality Parameter Jagatpur Wazirabad Khajuri MajnukaTila Before rains After rains Before rains After rains Before rains After rains Before rains After rains Conductivity (µS cmˉ¹) 393.3 807.1 233.9 809.2 ----- 698.3 1666 770.3 Chloride ion (mg Lˉ¹) 702.8 6.7 40 6.8 ----- 8.6 1146 7.1 Nitrate ion (mg Lˉ¹) 3.6 6.6 4.6 7.8 ----- 2.8 10.3 16 Pb (mg Lˉ¹) 0.07 0.017 0.1 0.0341 ----- 0.1023 0.09 0.0682 Ni (mg Lˉ¹) 0.05 0 0 0 ----- 0.0037 0.03 0.0135 Zn (mg Lˉ¹) 11.69 0.0789 1.93 0.1831 ----- 0.0552 4.84 0.0578 119 Figure 24. Change in conductivity Figure 25. Concentration of chloride ions Figure 26. Concentration of Nitrate ions Figure 27. Concentration of Lead 120 Figure 29. Concentration of Nickel Figure 30. Concentration of Zinc Prior to rains, the water was found to be highly polluted, owing to high values of ion concentration, conductivity and heavy metal. However,tests conducted after the onset of the monsoon showed improved results because of an increase in the volume of water in the Yamuna; most of the parameters were within safety limits (conductivity: 50-1500 µS cmˉ¹;chloride ion concentration: 1-100 mg/L; nitrate ion concentration: 10mg/L; lead: 0.05 mg/L; zinc: 1 mg/L.) A seasonal comparison could not be made between the vegetable samples for heavy metal content due to flooding of the Yamuna banks and consequent submergence of the agricultural land. The higher conductivity and nitrate content of some of the samples was probably due to heavy rains in the catchment area of the Yamuna upstream which led toa greater run-off from the agricultural land treated with chemical fertilisers. The above data clearly suggested that allowing more water into the Yamuna by limiting diversion of water for irrigation and industrial purposes would prove to be a major step in saving this water body. This would also allow the river to self-rejuvenate naturally. The pollution and encroachment of the river banks has also led to a decrease 121 in the number of migratory birds in the last ten years. Sightings of species of birdssuchBlack-winged Stilt and Purple Swamp Moorhen which feed on the waste dumped on the banks of the river were also an indicator of the pollution in the river. On the other hand, species such as Common Kingfisher which are an indicator of clean waterwererarely spotted. A major portion of the Yamuna bank wasalso being used for cultivation of economically important crops such aswheat (Triticum aestivum), maize (Zea mays), rice (Oryza sativa), radish (Raphanus sativus), watermelon (Citrullus lanatus), spinach (Spinacia oleracea) and turnip (Brassica campestris). Learning for Students The project enabled undergraduate students from across various disciplines to work together and learn research methodology through a hands-on investigation process. It also brought the members of the team closer to the Yamuna—the lifeline of Delhi. The project enabled the students to engage in thought-provoking issues and gave them an opportunity to think independently, formulate problems and draw conclusions. From background research to handling technical equipment; from field visits to brainstorming sessions; from interactions with the twin project members and mentors to interactions with the riparian communities; the project helped the students to develop the mindset and skillsrequired for examining issuescritically. They started by designing the project and in the process,they honedtheir organizational skills and learnt time management. The periodic requirement ofreport submission helped the team to keep pace with the project. The preparation and management of the ‘Antardhwani’ Project Stall enhanced the communication and presentation skills of the team members. The two-day conference organized in collaboration with TERI for societal sensitization and awareness-building on the Yamuna helped themachieve their goal of bringing various stakeholders together on one platform. This awakened interest and awarenessvis àvis the river and helped set up productive collaborations. The Yamuna Project added to theself-confidence of the students, motivated them to do meticulous fieldwork, enhanced their awareness about important environmental issues and increased their inclination and dedication towards research. Benefits to College The Yamuna Project providedthe team of student researchers with an enriching first-hand experience of an environmental issue that impacts society. The awareness and sensitivity acquired by the team during the course of the project 122 diffused into their peer group as well. It also helped the core team widen their understanding of academic achievements and motivate other students to be part of future innovation projects. The enthusiasm and excitement of the project teams were communicated to other students through peer interactions, both structured and non-structured. The projectemphasizedthe role of hands-on approach in education, especially with respect to real-life issues and inspired another group of students to continue studying the problem beyond the term of the project. It also provided a platform for multidisciplinary interactions among students and mentors and promoted originality, self-reliance, exchange of ideas and collaboration within and between groups of students. Benefits to Society The project team interacted with the local people, including school students, living close to the Yamuna and made them aware of the impact of their activities on the river by showing them actual results of the water and soil analysis. A report of the team’s efforts published in a Hindi newspaper helped to spread awareness about the degraded condition of the river and the heavy metal toxicity in the vegetables grown using the waters of the Yamuna. Through ‘Antardhwani’, the University Festival, and ‘RhythmsVillage’, the public seminar held in collaboration with TERI, people from different sectionsof the society gained knowledgeabout the water and soil quality parameters and the importance of preserving the Yamuna, the lifeline of Delhi. Further Plans The remaining portion of the river Yamuna in Delhi can be mapped with respect to water and soil quality parameters, including their seasonal variations. A survey onpeople’s feelings towards the Yamuna and their perception of how it affects their lives can be conducted. Young people can be sensitized about the present situation of the Yamuna in Delhi, by conducting sensitization workshops with different schools and colleges of Delhi and NCR. The impact of pesticides on soil and water can also be studied. The impact of festivals on the rivercan also be studied; this includes practices such as immersion of idols after Durga Puja. The study of various health hazards affecting the riparian communities would also prove to be beneficial for society in general. 123 RAMJAS COLLEGE project title: project code: In vitro effect of medicinal plant extracts onhuman fungal pathogen Candida albicans RC101 Objective Candidiasis is one of the most common forms of mycoses caused by Candida spp., especially Candida albicans. Candida is a dimorphic and opportunistic but otherwise commensal organism that turns pathogenic to cause serious infections resulting in high rates of morbidity and mortality, especially in immuno-compromised individuals. Limited therapeutic regimes and availability of few broad spectrum antifungal medicationswith minimum side effects pose a serious medical concern that needs to be addressed in the treatment of systemic fungal infections. Furthermore, the emergence of drug resistant strains is posing an increasing threat to antifungal therapies. The search for novel antifungal medicines that are affordable, readily available and of acceptable quality has seen the advent of medicinal plants as a rich source of antimicrobial agents. The use of these natural products or their synthetic derivatives as partner drugs maydecrease dependence on conventional drugs and form an attractive alternative to antifungal medicines. In this study, Table 1. Spot Assay- Growth Inhibition of Candida albicans using Pippali extract 124 Figure 1. GCMS-Chromatogram of Piper longum Figure 2. Effect of Pippali on the growth of C. albicans (CAF2-1) 125 Candida albicans was used as a test organism to assess the potency of some natural products on the pathogen. Final Findings The students were individually trained in the basic methods of microbial culture. This involvedthe preparation of plant extracts and drug susceptibility testing using three different methodologies—toxicological end point determination by MIC, spot assay and filter disc diffusion assay. The following preliminary findings using the plant extracts (mentioned in the project proposal) against Candida albicans strain CAF2-1 werevery encouraging: I. The spot assay using plant extracts prepared in 100% ethanol gave the following novel findings: a) The fruit-derived materials of Piper longum or Pippali had previously been used against six phytopathogenic fungi, namely Pyricularia oryzae, Rhizoctonia solani, Botrytis cineria, Phytophthorainfestans, Puccinia recondita, and Erysiphe graminis,and had shown a reactiononly in the case of Puccinia recondite. This wasthe first time Pippali extract was being used against Candida albicans in vitro. The results were quite promising. b) The antifungal activity of Aloe vera leaf extract had been previously tested against Aspergillus niger, Crytococcus neoformans, Penicillium maneffei, Phythium sp.and Candida albicans,but the previous studies did not report any antifungicidal activity of Aloe vera against Candida albicans. However our study showed encouraging results with Aloe vera leaf extract. c) Anti-fungicidal property wasalso seen with roots of Ashwagandha, Withania somnifera. II. The growth curve obtained with various concentrations of Pippali showed a marked inhibition of Candida albicans. III.GCMS-spectra recorded different peaks as per the composition of plant extracts, supported by the mass spectra results. The molecular ion peaks corresponded to the molecular weight of the components whichwerepresent in the extract. In the ethanolic extract of Piper Longum and Aloe Vera, 9 and 10 phytochemical compounds were identified respectively. However further validation needs to be done to identify the specific phytochemical constituent responsible for the anti-microbial activity. 126 Learning for Students I. The students participating in this program belonged to different disciplines of science and had a remarkably good interdisciplinary exposureduring the project. Their educational visits to Advanced Instrumentation Research Facility (AIRF), a state of art national facility for advanced scientific interdisciplinary research at Jawaharlal Nehru University not only introduced them to the basic research techniques, but also gave them an insight into to scientific research at the master and doctoral level. II.The students receivedindependent trainingin the use of standard laboratory-based microbiological techniques as well as other techniques such as rotavapor concentration of plant products, gas chromatography,mass spectrometry, etc. These would be of immense benefit for their career in pharmaceutical companies. III.The students participated in four conferences namely-1) International Conference on Interface between Chemistry and Environment (ICICE2012) from13-14 Dec 2012 at the Department of Chemistry, Ramjas College; 2) National Seminar on Current Environmental Challenges and Possible Solutions from15-16 February 2013 at which Ramjas College won the consolation prize forposter presentation; 3) Presentation on ‘Recent Trends in Innovative Research’ organized by Sri Venkateswara College from 28 February-2 March 2013; 4) National Conference on ‘Redefining Science Teaching: Future of Education’from 7-9 March 2013. IV.Students visited the DRDO laboratory DIBER (Defence Institute of Bio-Energy Research)at Pithoragarh, Uttarakhand from24-27 July 2012. The Institute hada herbal garden with about 140 different medicinal and aromatic plants, and a well equipped laboratory engaged in eco-friendly applications ofbio-energy resources. The project team also visited the CSIR laboratory CIMAP (Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants) in Lucknow from 5-7 April 2013. CIMAP is equipped with stateof-the-art multidisciplinary laboratories, ultra-modern instrumentation facilities and has significant scientific expertise in the fields of agriculture, genetics, plant biotechnology, biochemistry, microbiology and bioenergy. It is also involved in the development of herbal products. These visits further broadened the horizons of students. V. A one day symposium was organized in Ramjas College entitled, ‘Natural Products: Application in Human Welfare’ on 27 June 2013, with lectures by three eminent personalities. 127 Benefits to College The Innovation project scheme was conceptualized by the University of Delhi to provide research opportunities to students ofundergraduate level at various colleges of the University. The programme was intended to help college teachers overcome a common challenge faced by them, i.e. financial assistance for running a research set-up. This challenge was met through the grant received under the scheme. The grant enabled Ramjas college to set up a microbiology laboratory in the college premises, and purchase important instruments such as orbital shaker cum incubator, vertical laminar flow hood, microscope with camera, weighing balance, pH meter, colorimeter, etc., which can be utilized by the college students even after completion of the project. The programme also provided an understanding of the theoretical, practical and transferable skills in the interdisciplinary area of sciences, thus enhancing the research and scholastic excellence of the students and teachers, and spreading awareness about the latest development and techniques. It proved to be an excellent platform for knowledge exchange between students of various colleges of the university. Benefits to Society Nature’s pharmacy includes hundreds of medicinal plants and herbs that can be used for healing and these are relatively unexplored. It is a little known fact that roughly 40% of our prescription medicines come from plant extracts or their synthetic derivatives. Medicinal plants can be used to treat and cure many ailments including malaria, arthritis, diabetes, glaucoma, heart disease, thyroid disorders, skin conditions, and many more. The research undertaken in this project is anendeavour to explore the potential of medicinal plants. In this study, Candida albicans has been used as the test organism to assess the effective activity of medicinal plant extracts. In-depth studies of potent compounds from the present study may also provide a clue to their mechanism of action and help us develop novel therapeutic strategies and identify new antifungal drug targets for MDR reversal in this organism. It will be interesting to evaluate these derivatives as adjunct medicine or in combination with already known drugs to increase their efficacy by synergistic activity. Further Plans The Innovation project scheme was a successful venture and provided opportunities forresearch at undergraduate level to various colleges of the University. The project undertaken by Ramjas College (RC101)showed encouraging experimental results. Of the seven medicinal plants selected for the 128 study, three were found to show potent antifungal activity. Initial experiments involved culture maintenance, extraction of plant-derived extracts, growth curve studies, drug susceptibility techniques namely toxicological end point determination by MIC, spot assays and filter disc diffusion assay and others such asGCMS.However these results maybe further supplemented with further experiments to include: • Flow cytometry analysis to evaluate the effect of test compounds on the physiology of yeast cells, e.g. if these compounds initiate apoptosis or necrosis. • Confocal scanning laser microscopy (CSLM) to evaluate the effect of test compounds on the architecture of yeast cells. • Gas chromatograph mass spectrometry to check the effect on the metabolome of the yeast cells. • Determination and characterization of the secondary metabolite responsible for antifungal activity using HPLC and NMR techniques. • Publication of the results in ajournal of repute. 129 SHYAM LAL COLLEGE project title: “साप्तािहक बाजार: रोज का संघर्ष”(खुली project code: अर्थव्यवस्था में साप्तािहक बाजारों का सामािजक – सांस्कृितक – आर्िथक और मनोवैज्ञािनक अध्ययन एवं उसकी प्रासंिगकता) SLC – 101 1. Objective 1. भारत में बाजार के िवकास के िविवध चरणों का ऐितहािसक िवश्लेषण तािक इसके सापेक्ष हाट और बाजार की स्िथित का सम्यकिवश्लेषण िकया जा सके। 2. साप्तािहक बाजार के िविवध पहलुओं का अध्ययन एवं सर्वेक्षण। 3. इस अध्ययन एवं सर्वेक्षण के आधार पर साप्तािहक बाजार के िविवध पहलुओं पर छात्रों के सहयोग से इस बाजार का सािहत्य िवकिसत करना। 4. इस बाजार के ऊपर डाक्यूमेंट्री िफल्म के रूप में डिजिटल डेटा तैयार करना। 5. सर्वे के अिंतम िनष्कर्षों के िवश्लेषण के आधार पर नीित-िनर्धारकों की सुिवधा के िलए जरूरी प्रस्तावों का संकलन सीलमपुर (वीरबाजार) का विहंगम दृश्य (प्रत्यक्ष दर्िशयों के अनुसार यहां 50,000 -1,00,000 लोग हर सप्ताह बाजार में खरीददारी के िलए आते है)ं 130 2. Final Findings 1. बाजारों के िवकास के ऐितहािसक प्रक्िरया को दर्शाने के िलए बाजार : इितहास और संस्कृित नामक पुस्तक का लेखन इस इनोवेशन प्रोजेक्ट के अंतर्गत िकया गया। 2. साप्तािहक बाजार के िविवध पहलुओं पर सािहत्य िनर्माण के लक्ष्य को ध्यान में रख कर दूसरी पुस्तक साप्तािहक बाजार : रंग – बहुरंग िलखा गया। 3. अध्ययन से यह पता चला िक साप्तािहक बाजार पारंपिरक एवं औपिनवेिशक हाट बाजारों का ही िवकिसत और पिरवर्त्ितत रूप है जोआधुिनक समाज का एक अविशष्ट अंग होकर भी आधुिनक समाज िवशेषकर अिधनस्थों को बङे पैमाने पर जीिवकोपार्जन का साधन उपलब्ध करवा रहा है। यद्यिप सरकार अपनी नीितयों द्वारा इस बाजार को औपचािरक स्वरुप प्रदान करने को तत्पर है परंतु इसकी रोजगार प्रदायणी क्षमता एवं आमदनी के िनचले स्तर की जरुरत की राजनीितक पिरस्िथित के कारण िकसी तरह के गुणात्मक पुनर्िनर्माण की सि्थित से बच कर िनकलने की चेष्टा करती रही है। 4. इस बाजार में भागीदार वेंडरों की अलग-अलग श्रेणी है िजसमें कुछ नवागंतुक हैं तो कुछ 20 वर्षों से अिधक समय से रोजगार अर्िजत कर रहे हैं। 5. इस बाजार में भागीदार ज्यादातर वेंडर्स 15 से 20 प्रितशत लाभ के रूप में कमाते हैं, वहीं कुछ ऐसे वेंडर्स भी हैं िजनका लाभ लागतका 30 प्रितशत है। 6. सर्वे के मुतािबक 12 से 15 प्रितशत वेंडर्स की आय 15000 से अिधक है। 7. इस बाजार से भागीदार वेंडरों को इतनी आय प्राप्त हो जाती है िजससे उनमें से ज्यादातर 6000 से 10,000 रुपये का मािसक खर्च आसानी से उठा पाते हैं। कुछ वेंडरों की मािसक खर्च तो 15000 रुपये से अिधक है। 3. Learning for Students 1. शोध छात्रों द्वारा साप्तािहक बाजार पर शोध–आलेख तैयार िकया गया जो पुस्तकाकार रूप में “साप्तािहक बाजार : रंग – बहुरंग” नाम से प्रकािशत हुई। िदल्ली िवश्विवद्यालय के बी.ए. के छात्रों को शोध लेखक होने का गौरव प्राप्त हुआ। िवश्विवद्यालय के इितहास में यह एक अनोखी पहल है। 131 2. शोध छात्रों ने तकनीकी प्रिशक्षण में कुशलता एवं दक्षता हािसल की (वर्डस, एक्सेल, पावरप्वाइंट, फोटोग्राफी, डाक्यूमेंट्री िफल्म िनर्माण प्रिविध सीखा)। 3. शोध छात्रों ने “पावरप्वाइंट प्रेजेंटेशन” बनाना सीखा और साप्तािहक बाजार पर प्रेजेंटेशन तैयार कर िवश्विवद्यालय को हाफयर्ली िरपोर्ट के साथ उसकी सोफ्ट एव ंहार्डकॉपी भेजा। 4. शोध छात्रों द्वारा सेमिनार प्रेजेंटेशन िकया गया िजससे उनकी अिभव्यक्ित कौशल में संवृदि्ध हुई। 5. शोध–छात्र पुस्तकीय एवं िसलेबस के सैद्धांितक ज्ञान से बाहर िनकलकर बाजार एवं समाज से सीधे जुङे और व्यावहािरक ज्ञान अरि्जत िकया। 6. छात्रों ने शोध की बारीकी एवं पद्धितको जाना। इस क्रम म वेतथ्यों, आंकङों, साक्षात्कारों, िविवरणों आिद के संचयन, िनरीक्षण, परीक्षण एवं उसके आधार पर िनष्कर्ष िनकालने की पद्धित को सीखा। 7. शोध छात्रों में एक कुशल, प्रिशकि्षत, योग्य, तकनीकी रूप से दक्ष एवं सैद्धांितक एवं व्यवहािरक गुणों से युक्त शोधार्थी के गुण िवकिसत हुए जो आगे चलकर उन्हें उच्चकोिट का शोधार्थी बनाएगा। 8. इस शोध के माध्यम से छात्रों ने बाजार के मेकेिनज्म को जाना – समझा। 9. भारत के िवशाल असंगिठत क्षेत्र, उसकी कार्य – पद्धित, रोजगार क्षमता, िवशेषताएं एवं खािमयों को जाना। 4. Benefits to College 1. कॉलेज को शोध-केंद्र की नई संभावनाओं के रूप में िवकिसत करने की कोिशश इस प्रोजेक्ट के माध्यम से की गई। 2. इस इनोवेशन प्रोजेक्ट के माध्यम से कॉलेज के अन्यप्राध्यापकों मेंशोध के प्रित जागरुकता पैदा की गई। शोधों के प्रित उनमें स्वाभािवक आकर्षण पनपा और लोगों में इससे जुङने एवं काम करनेकी भावना पनपी। यही वजह है िक आगामी प्रस्तािवत प्रोजेक्ट (2013–14) के िलए पांच आवेदन पत्र श्यामलाल कॉलेज से िवश्विवद्यालय को भेजे गए। 3. सेिमनारों एवं वर्कशॉप के माध्यम से कॉलेज के अन्य प्राध्यापकों एवं छात्रों का ज्ञान संवर्द्धन हुआ िजससे कॉलेज के एकेडेिमक्स ग्राफ को ऊंचा उठाया गया। श्यामलाल कॉलेज के इितहास में एक कैलेंडर वर्ष में सभी िवभागों ने िजतने सेिमनार आयोिजत नहीं करा पाए उससे ज्यादा सेिमनार िसर्फ इस प्रोजेक्ट के तहत िकए गए। 132 4. कॉलेज में एक्यूपमेंट की खरीद से कॉलेज एवं प्राध्यापक तकनीकी रूप से समृद्ध एवं दक्ष हुए। एक िकस्म से दोनों एम्पावर हुए। 5. सर्वे के दौरान जब बाजार में आम लोगों से िमले तो उन्हें जान कर हैरानी हुई िक श्यामलालकॉलेज “साप्तािहक बाजार” पर िरसर्च कर रहा है और उनकी स्टीिरयोटाइप धारणा कॉलेज के बारे में काफी बदली। यहां तक की एम.सी.डी. के अिधकािरयों ने कॉलेज के इस शोध को अवलोकनार्थ मांग की तािक नई नीितयां बनाने में मदद िमल सके। यह कॉलेज की छिव के िलए बङा अवसर है। 5. Benefits to Society 1. साप्तािहक बाजार सरीखे अनौपचािरक क्षेत्र पर हुए संभवत: पहले िवशद अध्ययन से कुछ उन अनछुए एवं महत्वपूर्ण तथ्यों की जानकारी सामने आयी है, िजनका लाभ उठाकर इस बाजार के अर्थशास्त्र को और अिधक मजबूत िकया जा सकता है, िजसका अंितमपिरणाम न्यायशील समाज की स्थापना में सामने आ सकेगा। 2. इस अध्ययन में साप्तािहक बाजार से संबंिधत तथ्यों को सर्वे तथाफील्डवर्क द्वारा पहली बार सामने लाने का प्रयास िकया गया है जो नीितिनर्धारकों के िलए महत्वपूर्ण स्त्रोत हो सकता है। 3. इस अध्ययन द्वारा हवाई संपत्ितिनर्माण के कुछ महत्वपूर्ण सूत्र प्राप्त हुए हैं जो गरीब, वंचित, बेसहारा लोगों को भी संपत्ित संबंधी सपने िदखा सकते हैं और उसे साकार कर सकते हैं। 4. इस अध्ययन से यह भी स्पष्ट हुआ है िक सस्तेरोजगार िदलाने में असंगिठत क्षेत्र का यह बाजार महत्वपूर्ण भूिमका िनभा सकता है। 6. Further Plans “साप्तािहक बाजार : रोज का संघर्ष” नाम से साप्तािहक बाजार के िविवध आयामों को समझाने के लिए हम एक तीसरी पुस्तक िलखने का िवचार कर रहे हैं। िजसमें न केवल इस बाजार पर िकए गए िनष्कर्षों का िवश्लेषण िकया जाएगा बल्िक इस बाजार के भिवष्य में पुनर्निर्माण के संभािवत मॉडल पर िवचार िकया जाएगा तथा जरूरी अनुसंशाएं भी की जाएंगी िजससे नीित – िनर्धारकों को सहायता प्राप्त हो सके। 133 SHYAM LAL COLLEGE (EVENING) vkfnoklh efgykvksa }kjk ou laj{k.k% tequk VqMw ds iz;klksa ds lanHkZ esa project title: project code: SLC (Eve.)-102 fnYyh fo’ofo|ky; vUos"k.k ifj;kstuk] dksM&101 ';ke yky dkWyst lkaè;] fnYyh fo’ofo|ky; izks- ,e-ih- flag i;Zos{kd izLrqr 'kks/k fo"k; ^^vkfnoklh efgykvksa }kjk ou laj{k.k % tequk VqMw ds iz;klksa ds lanHkZ esa** esjs fn’kk&funsZ’ku esa fy[kk tk jgk gSA bl 'kks/k esa lrr~ fodkl ,oa ikfjfLFkfrdh; ukjhokn dh lS/kakafrd i`"BHkwfe dks è;ku j[krs gq, tequk VqMw }kjk xfBr ou laj{k.k lfefr ds iz;klksa dk ledkyhu fo’ys"k.k fd;k x;k gS vkSj ;g 'kks/k vius&vki esa ,d vuwBk iz;kl gS tks >kj[k.M ds vkfnoklh thou larkyksa ds fo’ks"k lanHkZ esa] ou laj{k.k lfefr esa tequk ds ikfjfLFkfrdh; iz;kl] Hkkjrh; ou vf/kdkj dkuwu dk leh{kkRed foospu o ewY;kadu djrk gSA blds lkFk gh uDly izHkkfor {ks=k gksus ds ckotwn buds }kjk fd, x, QhYM&odZ esa eSa buds lkgl dh iz’kalk djrk gw¡A bl 'kks/k esa uohurk] jkspdrk o lthork dks cuk, j[kus gsrq 20 feuV dh MkWD;wesaVªhfQYe “Be Victorious in Such Difficulties: Lady Tarzon Jamuna Tuddu” dk fuekZ.k fd;k tk pqdk gS ftlds mijkUr ;g 'kks/k tehuh okLrfodrk dks Hkh iznf’kZr djsxkA vc rd fjiksVZ ds lHkh Hkkxksa ij ys[ku dk;Z fd;k tk pqdk gSA eSa viuh rjQ ls 'kks/k lewg ds lnL;ksa vkSj fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks 'kqHkdkeuk,¡ nsrk gwWaA izks- egsUnz izlkn flag jktuhfr foKku foHkkx] fnYyh fo’ofo|ky; 134 fo|kFkhZ 1 ,drk jkuh 2 jkes’oj 3 ih;w"k 4 ân;kuUn 5 fiz;adk 6 f’kokuh 7 T;ksfr 8 bjQku 9 ufyu dqekj flag jhrs’k Hkkj}kt 10 Hkkjrh vf’ouh tLly jke:i eh.kk izLrqr 'kks/k esa tequk }kjk xfBr ou laj{k.k lfefr dh dk;Ziz.kkfy;ksa dk leh{kkRed foospu djrs gq, buds iz;klksa dh >yd dks ikfjfLFkfrdh; ukjhokn vkSj lrr~ fodkl dh lS/kakkafrd ekU;rkvksa ds lanHkZ esa [kkstus dk iz;kl fd;k x;k gSA bl 'kks/k gsrq eqrqj[ke xk¡o o ou esa QhYMlosZ ds lkFk gh lfefr dh xfrfof/k;ksa ls lacaf/r ekSfyd nLrkostksa dk fo’ys"k.k djrs gq, fnYyh fo’ofo|ky;] ts-,u-;w-] tkfe;k] bR;kfn fo’ofo|ky;ksa ds vusd fo’ks"kKksa ls Hkh fopkj&foe’kZ fd;k x;k gS vkSj blesa gekjs lHkh fo|kfFkZ;ksa dk iz’kaluh; ;ksxnku jgk gSA ^dFkuh ds ctk; djuh* ij tksj nsrs gq, tequk VqMw us fu%LokFkZ vnE; lkgl dk ifjp; nsrs gq, i;kZoj.k laj{k.k esa viuk vlk/kj.k ;ksxnku fn;k gSA vr% bl izdkj ds LFkkuh; Lrj ij fd, x, iz;klksa dks gesa i;kZoj.k laj{k.k esa lcls vf/kd egRo nsuk pkfg, vkSj ,sls yksxksa dks izksRlkgu vkSj igpku feyuh pkfg, tks vkt gkf’k, ij gksus ds ckotwn ns’k ds i;kZoj.k laj{k.k esa viuk vewY; ;ksxnku ns jgs gSaA izLrqr 'kks/k esa >kj[kaM jkT; ds iwohZ flagHkwe ftys esa vofLFkr eqrqj[ke xk¡o dks ,d vkn’kZ ikfjfLFkfrdh; xk¡o Model Ecological Village) ds :i esa izLrqr djus dk 135 iz;kl fd;k x;k gSA izLrqr 'kks/k esa lrr~ fodkl dh vo/kj.kk] blds vk/kjHkwr fl}kUrksa tSls i;kZoj.k lqj{kk] ikfjfLFkfrdh; lUrqyu vkSj vkfFkZd n{krk 3-E Environmental Protection, Economic Efficiency & Ecological Balance) ds lUnHkZ essa tequk VqMw ds fu%LokFkZ iz;klksa vkSj vlk/kj.k lkgl ij xkSj djrs gq, budh vxqokbZ esas LFkkfir ou laj{k.k lfefr }kjk i;kZoj.k ds {ks= esa fd, x, vrqyuh; ;ksxnku dk leh{kkRed foospu fd;k x;k gSA 'kks/k ds igys Hkkx i;; fpUru% vrhr ,oe~ orZeku& esa vrhr dky esa i;kZoj.k ij gq, fpUru fo’ks"k :i ls ikSjkf.kd xzUFkksa o fgUnh lkfgR;) ij xkSj djrs gq, orZeku le; esa i;; vkSj vk/qfud i;; vkUnksyuksa ij xkSj fd;k x;k gSA Hkkx nks esa tequk VqMw }kjk xfBr ou laj{k.k lfefr esa laFkkyh vkfnoklh efgykvksa dh Hkwfedk dk ikfjfLFkfrdh; ukjhokn o lrr~ fodkl dh lS}kfUrd i`"BHkwfe esa leh{kkRed foospu o ewY;kadu fd;k x;k gS vkSj bldk 'kh"kZd gS &^^vkfnoklh efgykvksa }kjk ou laj{k.k % tequk VqMw ds iz;klksa ds lanHkZ esaA** izLrqr fjiksVZ essa bUgha nks Hkkxksa ij fo’ks"k fpUru djrs gq, budk laf{kIr fooj.k fn;k tk gSA blds vfrfjDr ge vius 'kks/k dks QLrd ds :i esa Hkh izdkf’kr djus tk jgs gSa ftlesa fo’ks"k vè;k;ksa dk o.kZu gS tSls & vè;k;&1 ^>kj[k.M esa vkfnoklh thou % laFkkyksa ds fo’ks"k lanHkZ esa*] vè;k;&2 ^i;kZoj. kh; fpUru% vrhr ,oe~ orZeku*] vè;k;&3 ^vkfnoklh efgykvksa }kjk ou laj{k.k % tequk VqMw ds iz;klksa ds lanHkZ esa*] vè;k;&4 ^ty] taxy] tehu ij vkfnoklh vf/kdkj % leh{kkRed foospu*] vè;k;&5 ^ewY;kadu* bR;kfnA izLrqr 'kks/k ij fyf[kr bu lHkh Hkkxksa ds lkFk gh tequk ds iz;klksa] i;; o LFkkuh; fodkl dk;ks± dks MkWD;wesaVªh fQYe “Be Victories in Such Difficulties: Lady Tarzon Jamuna Tuddu” esa Hkh n’kkZ;k x;k gSA lhMh layXu) bl 'kks/k gsrq ge vius fnYyh fo’ofo|ky; ds izfr cgqr vkHkkjh gSa ftlus bl izdkj dh vUos"k.k ifj;kstuk dk vkjEHk fd;kA lkFk gh blds fy, ge 'kks/k i;Zos{kd ds fn’kk&funsZ’ku gsrq muds izfr Hkh viuh ÑrKrk Kkfir djrs gSaA Hkkx&1 i;; fpUru % vrhr ,oa orZeku (Environmental Concern: Past & Present) orZeku le; esa i;kZoj.k eqíksa dh ppkZ dk ,d fo’ks'k egRo gSA vkt ehfM;k ds ekè;e ls Hkfo"; esa gksus okys ;qx ds fy, ty dh laHkkouk dks ,d izeq[k dkj.k crk;k tk jgk gSA ns’k esa ckWa/ksa dh fLFkfr ;k ty] taxy] tehu ij vkfnokfl;ksa dh [kcjsa Hkh izlkfjr gksrh jgrh gSaA nks n’kd igys ,slk yxk Fkk fd i;kZoj.k ,d ,slk fopkj gS ftldk le; vk x;k gS tSlk fd 1989 esa ^VkbZe* eSxthu 136 us vius doj ist ij fdlh iq#"k ;k efgyk dh txg i`Foh dks The Planet of the Year ds :i esa n’kkZ;kA vkt Hkh i;kZoj.k ,d vkykspukRed eqík gS pkgs bls {ks=h;] jk"Vªh; ;k varjkZ”Vªh; lanHkZ esa ns[kk tk,A i;kZoj.k ls tqM+s eqíksa ds lkeus vkus dk D;k dkj.k gS\ ^ikfjfLFkfrdh;* ls D;k vfHkizk; gS\ izd`fr vkSj euq"; ds vkilh laca/kksa dks è;ku esa j[kdj vkSj laLd`r o fgUnh lkfgR; esa buds o.kZu ij xkSj djrs gq, ledkyhu le; esa tyok;q ifjorZu ds ßgzkl ds lkFk&lkFk ikfjfLFkfrdh; larqyu ds egRo dks Hkh mtkxj fd;k x;k gSA i;kZoj.k ls rkRi;Z gS & og okrkoj.k ftlls laiw.kZ txr ;k czãk.M f?kjk gqvk gS nwljs 'kCnksa esa lEiw.kZ i`Foh ,d vkoj.k ls vko`Ùk gS tks bls ifjpkfyr Hkh djrk gS vkSj Lo;a blls izHkkfor Hkh gksrk gSA i;kZoj.k vaxzsth 'kCn “Environment” dk vuqokn gS tks nks 'kCn vFkkZr~ ‘Environ’ o ‘ment’ ls feydj cuk gS ftldk vFkZ vko`r djuk gS] Encircle or all around) vFkkZr~ ^^tks pkjksa vksj ls ?ksjs gq, gS** og i;kZoj.k gSA lEiw.kZ i`Foh ok;qeaMy ls vko`r gS] blh izdkj /jkryh; tho LFky] ty] ok;q ,oa buds ?kVdksa ls vko`r gSA lEiw.kZ thoeaMy tSfod o vtSfod ?kVdks }kjk vko`r gSA o`gr :i ls ;g LFkye.My Lithosphere) tyeaMy Hydrosphere) ok;qeaMy Atmosphere) ls lacaf/kr gS vkSj ;gh HkkSxksfyd i;kZoj.k dk ewy gSA /kjrh dh ikfjfLFkfrdh; Ecology) ij euq"; dk izHkko Lo;a euq"; ftruk gh izkphu gSA ikfjfLFkfrdh; ra= Eco system) vaxzsth ds nks 'kCnksa ls feydj cuk gSA ftlesa ‘Eco’ dk vfHkizk; ^pkjksa vksj ds izko`Qfrd i;kZoj.k* ls gS] mlds ‘System’ ls vfHkizk; ,d ra=k ;k O;oLFkk ls gSA laiw.kZ i`Foh vFkkZr~ LFky] ty ,oa ok;qe.My vkSj bl ij fuokl djus okys tho ,d fof’k"V pozQ vFkok iz.kkyh ;k ra=k esa ifjpkfyr gksrs jgrs gSa rFkk izo`fr ;k i;kZoj.k ds lkFk vHkwriwoZ lkeatL; LFkkfir djds u dsoy vius dks vfLrRo esa j[krs gSa] vfirq i;kZoj.k dks Hkh Lopkfyr djrs gSaA bl izdkj jpuk ,oa dk;Z n`f"V ls tho leqnk; ,oa okrkoj.k ,d ra= ds :i esa dk;Z djrs gSa] ftldks ikfjfLFkfrdh; ra= dgk tkrk gSA nwljs 'kCnksa esa] ikfjfLFkfrdh; ra= ,d var%fdz;kRed o var%fuHkZj lfeJ Interacting and interdependent complex) izkd`frd O;oLFkk gSA ikfjfLFkfrdh; ds vè;;u dks ;fn vrhr dky esa ns[kk tk, rks vjLrw] fgIiksdzsVht vkSj vU; xzhd nk’kZfudksa ds ys[kksa esa bls i<+k tk ldrk gSA tho vkSj muds i;kZoj.k ds eè; ijLij laca/kksa dk loZizFke o.kZu bZlk iwoZ pkSFkh 'krkCnh esa vjLrw ds fe= ^Fkh;ksizsQLVl* us fd;k FkkA blh otg ls Fkh;ksizsQLVl dks ^ikfjfLFkfrdh; foKku dk firkeg* ekuk tkrk gS] rks ogha 1869 esa tUrq’kkL=kh ^vusZLVhdsy* us loZizFke bdksykWth Ecology) 'kCn dk iz;ksx fd;kA ^vusZLVhdy* ds vuqlkj ^^ikfjfLFkfrdh; foKku txr vkSj mlds dkcZfud vkSj vdkcZfud lEiw.kZ laca/ksa dk vuqla/ku gS vkSj blh rjg tho&i;kZoj.k laca/ksa dks fofo/k ukeksa ls lacksf/r fd;kA tSls oh-oh- Mksdw psg 1846&1903) us bls “Geobioceonosis” dgk] rks ogha 1877 ^dkyZ eksfc;l* us bls “Bicochosis” dgkA blh rjg 1887 esa ,l-,- Qksjfcl }kjk bls Microcosm dgk x;k] rks ogha 1939 esa fFk;useku us bls ‘Biosystem’ ’kCn ls lacksf/r fd;k_ ijUrq loZLohdk;Z 'kCn “Ecosystem” dks ekuk x;kA 137 ikfjfLFkfrdh; dh mRifÙk oSls rks tho oSKkfudksa }kjk gqbZ vkSj vkjaHk esa bldk dsoy 'kSf{kd egRo Fkk fdUrq vc ;g egÙoiw.kZ lekt&mi;ksxh foKku ds :i esa mHkjk gS tSls&tSls foKku dh izxfr gqbZ vkSj vkS|ksfxd ozQkafr vkbZ] tula[;k c<+h vkSj yksxksa esa miHkksDrkoknh laLd`fr dk izpyu c<+k oSls&oSls izkd`frd lalk/kuksa dk vf/kd nksgu gksus yxk vkSj ikfjfLFkfrdh; ra= dk larqyu Mxexkus yxkA ,sls fdz;kdykiksa ds QyLo:i gekjk i;kZoj.k tgjhyk gksus yxk ftlds QyLo:i ekuo dh mÙkjthfork ij ladV ds ckny eaMjkus yxsA izcq} oSKkfudksa us Hkh psrk;k fd vxj le; jgrs ikfjfLFkfrdh; larqyu dk xM+cM+krk larqyu laHkkyk u x;k rks tho&tarqvksa o ikniksa ds lkFk ekuo thou Hkh ladV esa iM+ tk,xkA ;gh dkj.k gS fd orZeku esa oSKkfudksa dh :fp O;kogkfjd ikfjfLFkfrdh; Applied Ecology) esa gS ftlds varxZr leLr tSfod leqnk; ds laiw.kZ lekt dk vè;;u fd;k tkrk gS vkSj fo’ys”k.k djds mu rjhdksa dh [kkst dh tkrh gS ftlls gekjh /jrh thoksa ds jgus yk;d csgrj cuh jgs D;ksafd lEiw.kZ czãk.M esa thoksa ds jgus yk;d dsoy ;gh ,d LFkku gSA blh dkj.k dbZ ckj bl fLFkfr i;kZoj.k vlarqyu dks bl xzg ds fy, ^Vfu±x IokbaV* dgk x;k gSA vkt ds nkSj esa i;; fparu dbZ :iksa esa gekjs lkeus vkrk gSA tSls i;; lqj{kk] izkd`frd lalk/kuksa dk ßgzkl] iznw"k.k vkSj tSo&fofo/krk dk [kRe gksuk] Hkwe.Myh; rkiu vkfn i;kZoj.k ls tqM+s izeq[k ledkyhu eqíksa ds :i esa lkeus vk, gSaA vrhr esa Hkh bu leL;kvksa dk lkeuk djus dh dksf’k’k dh tkrh jgh gS] tSls ou laj{k.k ds ckjs esa dkuwu cuk, x, fd dkSu vkSj dc taxyksa dk mi;ksx dj ldrk gS\ osful] teZuh] izQkal gj txg bl rjg ds fu;e cuk, x,A Hkkjr esa ekS;Z 'kkldksa us 3200 lky igys gkfFk;ksa dk f’kdkj djus ij naM dk izko/ku fd;kA fiNyh nks lfn;ksa esa bu lokyksa dks u;k vk;ke feyk gS fd fof’k"V lalk/kuksa ij fdldk vf/kdkj gksuk pkfg, vkSj D;ksa gksuk pkfg,\ ledkyhu le; esa bl ckjs esa fpark izdV dh xbZ gS fd lalk/kuksa ds mi;ksx djus ds rjhdksa ls fo’o izHkkfor Hkh gksrk gSA izkjafHkd izsaQp vkSj fczfV’k oSKkfudksa us fgUn egklkxj {ks=k esa isM+ksa dh dVkbZ] Qjkus isM+ksa ds iwjh rjg [kRe gksus vkSj ikuh dh Qu% iwfrZ ds chp tqM+ko ij fopkj fd;kA Hkkjr esa lu~ 1864 esa ou foHkkx dk xBu fd;k x;kA njvly bl foHkkx ds ekè;e ls taxy ds egÙoiw.kZ vkSj j.kuhfrd vkfFkZd lalk/ku vFkkZr~ ydM+h ij dCtk djus dksf’k’k dh xbZA chloha lnh esa nks cM+s fo’o ;q} gq, 1914&18 o 1939&45) vkSj bu nksuksa fo’o ;q}ksa ds i’pkr~ lao`f} ds vHkwriwoZ nkSj dh 'kq:vkr gqbZA bl lanHkZ esa bfrgkldkj tkWu edWuhy us ;g vkadyu fd;k gS fd yksxksa us fiNys 100 lkyksa esa ftruk mtkZ dk iz;ksx fd;k gS] buds iwoZtksa us mruh mtkZ dk iz;ksx fiNys 10]000 lkyksa esa Hkh ugha fd;kA 1960 dk n’kd vkrs&vkrs blds ladsr feyus yxs Fks fd ftl izdkj /kjrh ds lalk/kuksa dk iz;ksx fd;k tk jgk gS mlesa cgqr lkjs rjhds Bhd ugha gSaA blh lanHkZ esa leqnzh tho oSKkfud jlsy dklZu dh fdrkc ^lkbZysaV fLizax* ds izdk’ku us egÙoiw.kZ Hkwfedk fuHkkbZ blesa dklZu us isLVhlkbV ds cgqr T;knk bLrseky ds udkjkRed izHkkoksa dh vksj è;ku fnyk;kA vkt lkoZtfud :i ls bu fo"k;ksa ij Hkh ppkZ gksus yxh gS fd ijek.kq ijh{k.k ds ckn gksus okys jsfM;ks,fDVo fjlko ls dSls fuiVk tk,\ tSlk fd gky gh esa tkiku esa 138 vkbZ lqukeh ds dkj.k ijek.kq la;a=ksa dk ladV xgjk;k FkkA ogha nwljh vksj ^cSjh dkWeksuj* Barry Commoner) ds fopkj Hkh cgqr izeq[k gSa bUgksaus bl ckr ij tksj fn;k fd dsoy ek=k rduhd ds ekè;e ls gh ikfjfLFkfrdh; dh leL;k dks gy ugha fd;k tk ldrk gSA fodkl’khy ns’kksa esa Hkh ,sls fopkjd jgs gSa tks bl rjg ds [krjksa ds ckjs esa tkx#d djrs jgs gSaA egkRek xk¡/kh ,sls 'kq:vkrh fopkjd Fks ftUgksaus bl ckr ij tksj fn;k fd gekjh thou’kSyh ,slh gksuh pkfg;s fd izkd`frd lalk/kuksa dk cgqr T;knk nksgu u gksA johUnzukFk VSxksj us bl ckr ij cgqr tksj fn;k fd izd`fr ds lkFk lqlaxr rjhds ls thou thus ds fy, ;g t:jh gS fd xzkeh.k dqVhj m|ksxksa dks viuk;k tk,A ogha ,d lnh igys D;qck ds jk"Vªifr ^tksl ekjrh* us bl ckr dh fpark O;Dr dh Fkh fd i`Foh ij euq"; dh tula[;k cgqr c<+ jgh gSA tc 1960&70 ds n’kd essa if’peh ns’kksa esa dkWeksuj vkSj dkWjlu ds fopkjksa ij ppkZ gksus yxh Fkh mlh nkSjku Hkkjr esa Hkh i;kZoj. kh; vkanksyu dh 'kq:vkr gqbZ vkSj bl lanHkZ esa izfl} i;kZoj.kfon ^ek/o xkMfxy* us Hkh cgqr lkjs i;; fcanqvksa dh vksj b’kkjk fd;k gSA blh nkSjku fgeky; ds if’peh Hkkx esa xzkeh.kksa us taxyksa ij Bsdsnkjksa ds vf/kdkjksa ij loky mBk;k D;ksafd vaxw Ash) pej[k Hornbeam) vkSj cywr Oak) tSls isM+ xzkeh.k yksxksa dh thfodk ds vk/kkj FksA >kj[kaM esa Hkh ydM+h ekfQ;k vkSj vkfnokfl;ksa ds chp esa >M+isa gqbZA ;gk¡ vkfnokfl;ksa us lky vkSj lkxoku ds o`{kksa dks cpkus dk iz;kl fd;kA Hkkjr ds if’peh ?kkV ij xksvk esa tkSjh] pfy;kj unh ds fdukjs cls ekowj vkSj dsjy esa vkS|ksfxd iznw"k.k ds f[kykQ vkanksyu gq,A 1970 ds n’kd ls cM+s cka/ksa dh izklafxdrk vkSj buds dkj.k ou o xzkeh.k {ks=ksa ds tyeXu gksus dk eqík lkeus vk;kA lkbZysaV oSyh dsjy vkSj rfeyukMq ds eks;j esa fojks/k ds dkj.k ck¡/k cukus dh ;kstuk dks NksM+ fn;k x;kA 1980 ds n’kd ds izkjaHk esa fodkl ds ,d ,sls u, ekWMy dks is’k djus dh dksf’k’k dh xbZ ftlesa ikfjfLFkfrdh vksj lekurk nksuksa dks gh leku egRo fn;k x;kA vkt cgqr de yksx bl ckr dks eglwl dj ikrs gSa fd 1982 dh ^n LVsV vkWQ bafM;kt % n QLVZ flVhtu fjiksVZ* fdruh egÙoiw.kZ vkSj ,uok;jesaV ij nwjxkeh izHkko Mkyus okyh Fkh ftlesa vfuy vxzoky dh cgqr egÙoiw.kZ Hkwfedk FkhA vfuy vxzoky us cSjh dkWeuj dh rjg ^fjMD’kfuTe* Reductionism) fl}kUr dk [kaMu fd;kA ^fjMD’kufuTe* dk vFkZ gS fd fdlh leL;k dks iw.kZr% esa u ns[kdj fliZQ mlds dqN igyqvksa ij utj MkyukA bl fjiksVZ esa /uh oxks± ds ikfjfLFkfrdh; viO;; dh rqyuk esa fu/kZuksa dh lw>cw> ds lkFk lalk/kuksa dk mi;ksx djus dh izo`fÙk ij tksj fn;kA ;g fodkl ds cgqr ls oSdfYid ekWMyksa esa ls ,d ekWMy ds :i esa lkeus vk;kA blh izdkj fodflr o fodkl’khy ns’kksa ds chp dh oSpkfjd fHkUurk vkt Hkh txtkfgj gSA i;kZoj.k ds ckjs esa la;qDr jk"Vª }kjk vk;ksftr lEesyuksa esa ;g oSpkfjd fHkUurk dbZ ckj ns[kus dks feyh] tSls LVkWdgkse lEesyu 1972)] fj;ks fn tsusjks 1992)] tksgkUlcxZ 2002) vkSj dkudqu lEesyu 2011) essa gqvkA fiNys rhu n’kdksa esa dsoy ekafVª;y le>kSrk gh lQyrk gkfly dj ik;k gS ftlesa vkstksu ijr ds {kj.k dks jksdus ds fy, rduhdh gLrkarj.k ds ckjs esa lgefr cu ikbZ gS] D;ksafd DyksjksÝywjksdkcZu 139 esa dVkSrh djus dh rduhdh tkudkjh dks ckaVuk t:jh Fkk ijarq vkt ds le; esa dkcZuMkbvkWDlkbM dk lcls vf/kd mRltZu gksrk gSA dkcZuMkbvkWDlkbM dh dVkSrh dks ysdj vHkh rd dksbZ le>kSrk ugha gks ik;k gSA okLro esa bl nkSjku i;kZoj.k ds eqíksa ij ,d rjg dh vke lgefr mHkj dj lkeus vkbZ ysfdu dqN vioknksa dks NksM+dj ;g lgefr izHkko’kkyh :i /kkj.k ugha dj ikbZA tgk¡ rd Hkkjr dh ikfjfLFkfrdh dk iz’u gS ;gk¡ izokyfHkfÙk;ksa ls ysdj cQZ ls <dh txg feyrh gSA ;gk¡ ,d vksj 'k'd Fkkj jsfxLrku gS rks nwljh vksj vknzZ if’peh ?kkVA ;gk¡ gksus okyh o"kkZ ds dkj.k u flQZ ?kuk taxy gS cfYd 500 ls T;knk Lru/kkjh tho ;gk¡ ik, tkrs gSa vkSj yk[kksa yksx ;gk¡ jgrs gSa ftudh /kfeZd rFkk lkaLo`Qfrd fofHkUurk vusdrk esa ,drk dks iznf’kZr djrh gSA ;gk¡ 45]000 ls T;knk ouLifr;k¡ ikbZ tkrh gSa vkSj /kjrh dh gj 10 ouLifr esa ls ,d ouLifr ;gk¡ ikbZ tkrh gSA tgk¡ phu esa fliZQ nl izfr’kr tehu gh [ksrh ds yk;d gS ogha nwljh vksj Hkkjr ds vk/ks ls T;knk fgLls ij [ksrh dh tk ldrh gSA njvly] Hkkjr esa vk/qfud ikfjfLFkfrdh; fofHkUurk ds ftrus lkjs vk;ke miyC/kk gS mrus nwljs ns’k esa miyC/kk ugha gSA LVkWdgkse lEesyu ds le; ns’k dh 70 izfr’kr tula[;k [ksrh esa yxh gqbZ FkhA dkj[kkuksa dk ,d etcwr vk/kj Hkh ekStwn Fkk LVkWdgkse lEesyu ds nks lky ckn Hkkjr ^ijek.kq Dyc* esa 'kkfey gqvk vkSj blus viuk igyk mixzg vk;ZHkV~V NksM+kA okLro esa ,sls cgqr de lekt gS tgk¡ i;kZoj.k ds elys ij ljdkj }kjk bruh lfdz;rk ls dne mBk, x, gksaA Hkkjr esa 1973 esa ^izkstsDV Vkbxj* dh 'kq:vkr dh xbZ] tks fd ml le; fo’o esa oU; thoksa ds laj{k.k dh lcls cM+h ;kstuk FkhA blds rgr tYnh gh cgqr ls {ks=kksa esa fjtoks± dh LFkkiuk dh xbZA lu~ 1972 esa laln us oU; tho laj{k.k vf/fu;e ikfjr fd;k vkSj 1980 esa laln us ou laj{k.k vf/fu;e Hkh ikfjr fd;kA blh o"kZ uoEcj ekg esa dsUnz ljdkj us i;kZoj.k foHkkx dh LFkkiuk dh ftls vkt ,d vyx ea=ky; cuk fn;k x;k gSA ;gk¡ ij ;g iz’u mBuk LokHkkfod gS fd ;fn ;s uhfr;k¡ izHkko’kkyh Fkh] rc bl nkSj esa i;kZoj.k ds eqíksa ij bruk T;knk la?k"kZ D;ksa Fkk\ njvly] ftl izdkj varjkZ"Vªh; Lrj ij fodflr rFkk fodkl’khy ns’kksa ds chp i;kZoj.k ds laca/k esa oSpkfjd fHkUurk gS Bhd mlh rjg ls Hkkjrh; lekt esa Hkh bl ckr ij er foHkktu gS fd dkSu&lk i;; eqík egÙoiw.kZ gSA 1980 ds n’kd esa tehuh Lrj ij dbZ i;; vkanksyu lkeus vk,A taxy ds leqnk;ksa us fefJr taxyksa dks [kRe dj mudh txg ,d gh rjg ds isM+ yxkus dh ou foHkkx dh uhfr ds f[kykQ vkanksyu pyk;kA oSKkfud izek.kksa ls Hkh ;g ckr lkfcr gqbZ gS fd fefJr taxyksa dks lkQ dj ,d gh rjg ds isM+ yxkus dh uhfr lgh ugha gSA dsjy esa ^lkbysaV oSyh ifj;kstuk* ij Hkh LFkkuh; yksxksa ds vkanksyu ds dkj.k gh jksd yxhA fgeky; ds rjkbZ ds bykdksa vkSj ns’k ds dbZ Hkkxksa esa vkfnokfl;ks }kjk pyk, tk jgs vkanksyuks us ou uhfr dks ,d ubZ fn’kk esa vxzlj djus esa egÙoiw.kZ Hkwfedk fuHkkbZ vkSj bldh ppkZ fjiksVZ ds rhljs Hkkx esa dh xbZ gSA 140 ouksa ds izfr Hkkjrh; ,sfrgkfld ,oa lkfgfR;d n`f”Vdks.k ;g loZfofnr gS fd i`Foh ds ftl izkd`frd vkoj.k dh xksn esa ekuo thou iyrk gS] og i;kZoj.k gh gSA izd`fr ds vkWapy esa ekStwn ty] tho] gok] ioZr vkfn ds lkFk gh ou ;k isM+&ikS/ks bl i;kZoj.k ds izeq[k ?kVd gSaA lfn;ksa ls bl i;kZoj.k ds izfr Hkkjr ds yksxksa dk cnyrk gqvk joS;k izkphu bfrgkl o lkfgR; ds ekè;e ls le>k tk ldrk gSA ,sls esa ns’k dh ou&lEink ds izfr yksxksa dk ;g cnyrk n`f"Vdks.k izkphu laLd`r] izkd`r] rfey] tSu rFkk ckS} lkfgR; ds lkFk gh vU; Hkk”kkvksa ds lkfgR; esa c[kwch >ydrk gSA lkekU;r% ;g Hkh ik;k x;k gS fd ekSf[kd ijEijk esa ouksa ds izfr lgkuqHkwfr vf/kd jgh gSA gkykWfd vkfne lekt&O;oLFkk esa euq"; dh ouksa ls xgu utnhdh Fkh ysfdu /khjs&/khjs f’kf{kr lekt&O;oLFkk dh thou’kSyh esa O;kid cnyko ds pyrs ijorhZ dky esa ouksa ls nwjh c<+rh xbZA oSls lHkh ;qxksa esa ;g cnyko leku xfr ls ugha gqvk gSA vkjEHk esa bldh xfr /kheh Fkh ysfdu tSls&tSls tehu o vU; phtksa dh ekWax c<+h Bhd oSls gh rFkkdfFkr fodkl ds uke ij gq, vkfo"dkjksa vkSj vkS|ksfxdj.k us bl izkd`frd la;kstu dks cqjh rjg fcxkM+ fn;kA vius bykds dks foLr`r djus dh pkg esa yksxksa }kjk oukas dks rhozrk ls lkQ fd;k x;k ftldh otg ls dqN bykdkas esa rks ogkWa dk ikfjfLFkfrdh larqyu gh cny x;kA mnkgj.kkFkZ ,sfrgkfld n`f"V ls ns[kk tk, rks bfrgkldkj jksfeyk Fkkij ds vuqlkj fla/kq&?kkVh ds iru ds ihNs ,d eq[; otg i;kZoj.k dh cckZnh dks u jksd ikuk gh gSA laHkor% i;kZoj.k ds bl egRo dks eglwl djds gh vkxs pydj vk/qfud ;qx ds vkSifuosf’kd nkSj esa izd`fr o euq"; ds ikjLifjd lacU/ dks fgUnh lkfgR; esa Nk;koknh n`f"Vdks.k ls is’k fd;k x;kA blh izdkj dqN izkarh; lkfgR; Hkh ikfjfLFkfrdh vkSj laLd`fr ds chp varl±ca/k dks izdV djrs gSaA tSls bZLoh lnh ds 'kq: essa jfpr rfey laxe lkfgR; esa ikfjfLFkfrdh bykdksa dk [;ky rfey Hkk"kk esa frj ds uke ls foLr`r :i esa izLrqr fd;k x;k gS tks fd izkphu n`f"Vdks.k dk ,d csgrj mnkgj.k gSA izkphu oSfnd lkfgR; rFkk jkek;.k o egkHkkjr esa Hkh xzke o vj.; dk QdZ ekStwn gSA egkHkkjr ds fdLlksa esa ou vkSj oU; thou dks mtkM+us dk fp=k.k feyrk gSA ftl izdkj nq";ar vkSj 'koqQaryk ds dFkk&izlax esa nq";ar }kjk f’kdkj djus dh fdz;k ds rgr taxy ds tkuojksa dks va/k/kqa/k ekSr ds?kkV mrkj nsuk ,oa isM+ksa dh rckgh djuk ,d izdkj ls izd`fr ls gh tax gSA mlh izdkj ik.Moksa dks izkIr vk/s jkT; dh jkt/kuh bUnzizLFk dks clkus ds fy, ouksa dks tyk nsus dh ?kVuk Hkh cLrh ds yksxkssa }kjk izd`fr ij viuk 'kfDr&izn’kZu djuk gh gS ftlesa ouksa ij xzke ds yksxksa dks fot;h ?kksf"kr fd;k tkrk gSA tkfgj gS fd xzkeoklh yksx ou ds fuokfl;ksa ls fHkUu gSaA os ou dks taxyh vkokl ekudj ml ij fu;a=.k pkgrs gSa tcfd ouokfl;ksa ds fy, ou mudk izkd`frd vkokl gS tgk¡ os dUn] ewy] Qy [kkdj o taxyh tkuojksa dk f’kdkj dj viuk thou;kiu djrs gSaA ;fn xzkeokfl;ksa dh dksbZ lH;rk ouokfl;ksa ds izko`Qfrd vkokl dks u"V djrh gS rks os ,slh lH;rk ds fojks/kh gSaA è;krO; gS fd lH;rk dk fodkl ouksa dks mtkM+rk jgk gS fQj Hkh ou dbZ :iksa essa Lohdk;Z jgs gSaA vkfnoklh lekt esa rks izR;sd tkfr dk vius xkS=k ds eqrkfcd Qy&o`{k gksrk gS ftldh os ^/kjkM+h* o ^ljuk* tSlh izFkkvksa ds rgr iwtk djrs gSa rFkk ouksa dks laj{k.k iznku djrs gSaA 141 ns[kk tk, rks ouksa dks iwtus dh ijEijk izkphudky ls gh pyh vk jgh gSA oSfnd iwtk fof/k esa iz;qDr gksus okys ik= [kkl isM+ksa dh ydM+h ls gh fufeZr gksrs Fks ftlls ;g Li"V vuqHko gksrk gS fd muds vuq"Bku esa ouksa dk egRo xgjkbZ ls tqM+k gSA ,sls [kkl isM+ksa dh esa ihiy] cjxn o lky dk Hkh ftdz gksrk jgk gSA [kkl isM+ksa dks iwtus dh jhfr esa ^ihiy* ds isM+ dks ;g iwT; in yEcs vjls ls izkIr gS ftldk lk{; flU/q&?kkVh dh eqnzkvksa ij Hkh vafdr gS vkSj vkt ;g fgUnw o eqlyekuksa ds chp Hkh iwT; :i essa Lohdk;Z gSA bl isM+ dk ckS} /eZ ls Hkh xgjk ukrk gSA vr% tSu vkSj ckS} lkfgR; esa Hkha ouksa dh ifo=krk dk ftozQ feyrk gSA tSu o ckS} eB bu ouksa dh j{kk djrs FksA ,sls ifo=k ouksa ;k iwT;uh; isM+ksa dks ^pSR;* ds uke ls Qdkjk tkrk FkkA cks/kx;k esa cksf/k&o`{k ds ikl [kqnkbZ ds nkSjku ftl pcwrjs ds lk{; feys gSa mls ekS;Zdkyhu ekuk x;k gSA blh izdkj isM+ksa dks moZjrk dk izrhd ekudj mldh iwtk vFkok mikluk djus dh fof/k fuEu Lrj ds ukxfjdksa tSls d`"kd] i’kqikyd vkfn esa vR;Ur iz/ku jgh gSA izkphu Hkkjrh; dgkfu;ksa esa Hkh dqN isM+ksa dk nsoh&nsorkvksa ls lacU/ LFkkfir dj mudh ifo=krk ,oa tknwxjh dks ekuohdj.k :i esa jkspdrk ds lkFk izLrqr fd;k x;k gSA ,sls esa ou nsork ds vk/kkj ij ekuo ds eu esa izd`fr ds izfr vknj ,oa lgkuqHkwfr ekStwn FkhA vkJe O;oLFkk ds vUrxZr laU;klh thou ekuo vkSj ou ds chp c<+rs gq, laca/k dks n’kkZrk gSA laU;klh vkSj ns’kfudkyksa ds ou esa tk clus ls yksxksa ds eu esa ouksa ds izfr Hk; de gqvk vkSj og ouksa ds lEidZ esa jguk T;knk Js;Ldj le>us yxkA mnkgj. kkFkZ lkfgfR;d jpukvksa esa dkfynkl ds ^vfHkKku’kkoqQUrye~* dh dFkk bl f}Hkktu dks mHkkjrh gS tgk¡ ,d vksj nq";ar taxy ds tkuojksa dk f’kdkj djus tkrs gSa ogk¡ oukJe dh 'kkfUr] lkSE;rk vkSj izd`fr 'koqQUryk ds eu dks [kwc Hkkrh gS D;ksafd oU; izd`fr esa ikS/ks vkSj fgj.k Hkh 'kdqUryk dks vius ikl cqykrs utj vkrs gSaA mls oU; izd`fr esa ,d uohu thou dk vglkl gksrk gSA oLrqr% lkfgfR;d jpuk,Wa gesa yksxksa dh Hkkoukvksa dk vankt nsrh gSA gkykWfd izkphu dky ls gh lkfgR; esa izd`fr&fp=.k fdlh&u&fdlh :i esa ekStwn jgk gS ysfdu lkfgR; esa igys izd`fr dk fp=.k fdlh dFkk&izlax vFkok ekuoh; fdz;k dh i`"BHkwfe ds :i esa gh fd;k tkrk jgk gSA tSls dkfynkl ds ^dqekjlaHko* ds vkjfEHkd dFkk&izlax esa fgeky; dk foLr`r o.kZu gS vkSj ^es?knwr* esa es?k fojg&fuosnu ds ^nwr* :i esa izLrqr fd;k x;k gSA blh rjg fgUnh lkfgR; ds HkfDr rFkk jhfrdkyhu dfo;ksa }kjk Hkh izd`fr dks xkS.k LFkku gh fn;k x;k gSA D;ksafd lkfgR; ds izkphu vkpk;ks± dh n`f"V essa ou] miou vkfn uk;d ;k ukf;dk dh ps"Vkvksa dks fpf=r djus okys ^Ük`axkj* ds míhiu ek=k gaSA blfy, fgUnh ds eè;dkyhu dfo;ksa us izd`fr ds egRo ij vf/kd è;ku ugha fn;kA ysfdu tc fgUnh ds vk/qfud Nk;koknh dfo ;g dgrs gSa fd mUgsa dfork djus dh izsj.kk gh izd`fr ls feyh] rks ;g iz’u mBuk LokHkkfod gS fd vkf[kj izd`fr dh dkSu&lh 'kfDr us vk/qfud dfo;ksa dks viuh vksj vkd`"V fd;kA tkfgj gS fd Nk;koknh dkO; izo`fÙk ds 'kq: gksrs gh ou ;k izd`fr ij Nk;koknh jax p<+ x;k vkSj fgUnh lkfgR; esa ;g Nk;koknh izo`fÙk rc vkjEHk gksrh gS tc lH;rk ds fodkldze ds nkSjku vk/kqfud dfo ;g eglwl djrk gS fd izd`fr ij HkkSfrd laLd`fr fot; ik jgh gS vkSj bl HkkSfrd laLd`fr essa mldh oS;fDrd Lok/hurk [krjs esa iM+ jgh gSA rc blh 142 dze esa vk/jqfud dfo dh Hkkouk lkekftd Lok/hurk vkSj oS;fDrd fodkl dh vkdka{kk ds iz;kl essa izd`fr&izse ds :i esa izdV gqbZA izkd`frd LoPNUn okrkoj.k esa mUgsa Lo;a dh eqfDr o fuckZ/k LoPNUnrk ds n’kZu gq, vkSj rc bl izd`fr&izse ls gh jk"Vªh; tkxj.k ds ml nkSj esa mUgksaus viuh dforkvksa }kjk turk esa ns’k&izse dh Hkkouk mRiUu dhA ns’k&izse dk vkjaHk izd`fr&izse ls fdl rjg gksrk gS] bls le>krs gq, fgUnh lkfgR; ds eeZK vkykspd vkpk;Z jkepanz 'kqDy us Hkh ;gh fy[kk gS fd ^;fn fdlh dks vius ns’k ls izse gS rks mls vius ns’k ds euq";] i’kq] i{kh] yrk] xqYe] isM+] iÙks] d.k] ioZr] unh] fu>Zj lcls izse gksxk] lcdks og pkg Hkjh n`f"V ls ns[ksxk] lcdh lq/k djds fons’k esa vk¡lw cgk;sxkA* ,d izdkj ls ;g izd`fr ,oa euq"; ds ikjLifjd leUo; dks izdV djus okyh vk/qfud lkfgfR;d n`f"V gh gSA oLrqr% lkfgR; ,slh vUr%n`f"V gS tks ns[krk Hkh gS vkSj fn[kkrk Hkh gSA lkfgR; dh vk¡[kksa ls ge lekt dks ns[krs gSa rks nwljh vksj lekt dh vk¡[kksa ls ge lkfgR; dks ns[krs gSaA blessa Hkys gh ikjLifjd fojks/kkHkkl izrhr gks ysfdu blls lkfgfR;d o lkekftd n`f"Vdks.k HkyhHkk¡fr Li"V gks tkrk gSA lekt dk fuekZ.k L=h vkSj Q#"k ds lg;ksx ls gqvk gSA ;gk¡ è;krO; gS fd ukjh nqfu;k dh yxHkx vk/kh vkcknh dk fgLlk gS ysfdu mldh Hkkxhnkfjrk dks vkt Hkh nks;e ntsZ dk gh ekuk tkrk gS tcfd vk/kqfud ifjn`’; esa ukjh dk Lo:i cny jgk gSA vkt dh ukjh thou ds fofHkUu fdz;k{ks=ksa ds lkFk gh i;kZoj.k laj{k.k esa Hkh viuh lfdz; Hkwfedk fuHkk jgh gSA ,sls esa vkt tc ukjh thou ds gj {ks= essa n`<+rk ls vkxs c<+ jgh gS] rks bl i;kZoj.k ;k ou&laj{k.k ds {ks= esa Hkh mldh vxqvkbZ dh l[r t:jr gSA bl lanHkZ esa >kj[k.M dh laFkkyh vkfnoklh efgyk tequk VqMw dh Hkwfedk ljkguh; gS ftlus eqrqj[ke ds taxy esa ouksa dh voS/k dVkbZ ij jksd yxkdj ou&lEink ds egRo dks mtkxj dj fn[kk;k gSA ,sls esa fgUnh lkfgR; lekt dh fL=;ksa dks izd`fr vFkok i;kZoj.k ds chp fdu fLFkfr;ksa ds lkFk ns[krk vkSj Lohdkj djrk gS bls tkuus ds fy, loZizFke fgUnh lkfgR; esa of.kZr L=h dh fLFkfr dk voyksdu djuk gksxkA tkfgj gS fd fgUnh lkfgR; ds 100 o"kks± esa L=h ds vfLrRo dk /kkjnkj la?k"kZ Li"V fn[kkbZ nsrk gSA L=h&vktknh dh yM+kbZ lkfgR; us rVLFk&Hkko ls L=h ds gedne gksdj yM+h gS ftldk ifj.kke gS fd vkt L=h dekscs’k dqN izfr’kr essa viuh L=hrk ds lkFk lekt esa mifLFkr gSA fgUnh lkfgR; essa L=h&foe’kZ ds vusd lksikuksa ds vUrxZr ukjh ds fofHkUu {ks=ksa esa ;ksxnku dks ysdj fujUrj ppkZ gksrh jgh gSA bl dze esa ys[kdksa vkSj ysf[kdkvksa }kjk fy[ks x;s lkfgR; esa L=h ds fp=kadu dk fo’ys"k.k furkar vifjgk;Z gSA fgUnh lkfgR;dkjksa dks bl fn’kk eas vo’; ys[kuh pykuh pkfg, rkfd ukjh dks i;kZoj.k ls tqM+s cgqewY; rF;ksa ds izfr tkx`r dj ^i;kZoj.k&uSfrdrk* dk ikB leLr txr~ dks i<+k;k tk lds vkSj mUgsa lekt dk Hkjiwj lg;ksx vkSj lacy fey ldsA bl dze esa fgUnh ysf[kdk bfUnjk xksLokeh dk miU;kl ^vfgju* NÙkhlx<+ dh vcksgok dks vius dF; esa lesVrs gq, vfgju unh ds fuekZ.kk/khu ck¡/k ds ekè;e ls izkd`frd lkSUn;Z ds lkFk ekuo Je dks tksM+dj L=h ds eeZ dks mn~?kkfVr djrk gSA Je ds vkyksd esa ?kqyk mldk :i L=h dk lgt&fueZy vk/kqfud :i gSA ijEijkxr L=h ls vyx] bl miU;kl dh L=h viuh vkUrfjd vkSj lkekftd {kerkvksa ds niZ ls mTToy gSA ;g vkt dh L=kh 143 dk cnyk gqvk :i gS D;ksafd ;g lc mldh eqfDr dh vkdka{kk ls izsfjr gS tks lfn;ksa ls fujUrj py jgs mlds eqfDr&la?k"kZ dh LokHkkfod ifj.kfr gSA ,sls esa tks izd`fr igys lkfgR; esa L=h ds Ük`axkfjd fp=.k esa iz;qDr gksrh Fkh] vc mlh izd`fr ds chp vk/kqfud L=h viuh oS;fDrd Lok/khurk dk liuk ysdj vkxs c<+rh gSA viuh blh eqfDr dh vfHkyk"kk ls izsfjr gksdj vk/kqfud ifjn`’; esa ukjh us izd`fr vFkok i;kZoj.k laj{k.k dk nkeu Fkke fy;k gSA ftl rjg izd`fr esa fuckZ/ LoPNUnrk gS] mlh izdkj dh Lok/khurk og Lo;a Hkh pkgrh gSA izkd`frd miknkuksa dks og vius thou&fuokZg ds lalk/kuksa ds :i esa mi;ksx djuk pkgrh gSA ,sls esa mlus izkd`frd ouksa dks cpkus dk ladYi ys fy;k gSA bl lanHkZ esa eqrqj[ke xkWao dh ou laj{k.k lfefr dh vkfnoklh fL=;ksa dk iz;kl egÙoiw.kZ gS tks vk/qfud lekt esa L=h dh cnyrh gqbZ fLFkfr ij izdk’k Mkyrk gSA bldh lkFkZd vfHkO;fDr gesa vkfnoklh lkfgR; esa ns[kus dks feyrh gSA ,sls esa vc ;g flQZ ljdkjh vkSj xSj ljdkjh laxBuksa ds eapksa ij gh cgl dk fo"k; ugha gksuk pkfg, fd gekjs lekt esa fL=;ksa dh cnyh gqbZ fLFkfr dSlh gS cfYd lkfgR; dks Hkh bl n`f"V ls ns[kuk pkfg,A vkt Hkwe.Myhdj.k dk nkSj gSA ;g Hkwe.Myhdj.k euq"; ds leLr lacU/kksa dks rkd ij j[kdj tks fodkl ds lw=k viuk jgk gS og i;kZoj.k ds larqyu dks fcxkM+ jgk gSA blesa vFkZra=k vkSj ikfjfLFkfrdh ra= esa Vdjko gS tks i;kZoj.k ladV dks mHkkj jgk gSA izd`fr ds lkFk gekjk fj’rk lkaLd`frd euksHkwfe dk gS blfy, lkfgR; ds varxZr dfork esa i;kZoj.k ;k izd`fr ekuoh; O;ogkj dk fgLlk cudj vkrh gS tgkWa izd`fr ds lkFk ,d lgp;Z LFkkfir gksrk fn[kkbZ nsrk gSA tSls fgUnh esa ukxktZqu] dsnkjukFk vxzoky] fxfjtkdqekj ekFkqj] Hkokuhizlkn feJ] ,dkar JhokLro] iadt prqosZnh vkfn dh dfork esa ;g i;kZoj.k fparu ekStwn gSA budh dforkvksa esa ,d xkWao gS] yksd gS tgkWa izkd`frd lkSUn;Z dk vR;Ur eksgd okrkoj.k gSA gkykWafd ;g Bhd gS fd ;gkWa dfo fdlh lekt lq/kjd vFkok i;kZoj.kfon~ dh eqnzk esa ugha gS ysfdu og i;kZoj.k vkUnksyudrkZvksa dks ,d lacy nsrk gS] lgkjk nsrk gS vkSj lEeku nsrk gSA bl rjg lkfgR; esa Hkh i;kZoj.k fparu Li"V mHkjdj lkeus vkrk jgk gSA ouksa ds izfr Hkkjrh;ksa dk cnyrk n`f"Vdks.k bfrgkl ds ekè;e ls Hkh ns[kk tk ldrk gSA mnkgj.kkFkZ Hkkjrh; bfrgkldkj jksfeyk Fkkij us Li"V fd;k gS fd izkphu Hkkjrh; nk’kZfud dkSfVY; us vius xzaFk ^vFkZ’kkL=* esa ou laink dks egRo nsrs gq, dgk fd fcuk ljdkjh vuqefr ds ou ds fdlh Hkh Hkkx dh dVkbZ fu"ks/k gksuh pkfg,A mUgksaus ou inkFkks± vkSj lkQ dh xbZ tehu ij gksus okyh [ksrh] nksuksa ls feyus okys jktLo ij fu;a=.k j[kus dk leFkZu fd;kA lezkV v’kksd dks vius iz’kklu }kjk cuk, x, jktekxks± ij cgqr xoZ Fkk ftlds nksuksa rjQ cM+s&cM+s Nk;knkj isM+ yxs Fks vkSj FkksM+h&FkksM+h nwj ij dq,¡ Hkh [kqnok, x, FksA pkSFkh bZ- ds ckn jktLo c<+kus ds fy, vkSj 'kk;n c<+rh gqbZ vkcknh dh t:jrksa dks iwjk djus ds fy, [ksrh dk foLrkj gksus yxk rHkh ouksa ij bldk ncko c<+us yxkA xqIrdky ds f’kykys[k esa ouksa esa jgus okyh tkfr;ksa ij fgalk dk ftdz feyrk gSA ftlesa bu ouokfl;ksa dks dkcw essa djus dh t:jr dk Hkh o.kZu gS pwWafd ;g f’kykys[k rRdkyhu ljdkjh Qjeku Fks blfy;s ouokfl;ksa dks dkcw esa yk;k x;kA buds ou&lalk/ 144 kuksa ij dCtk fd;k x;k vkSj bUgsa uhph tkfr dk ntkZ nsdj 'kgj ds gkf’k;s ij ;k ouksa esa nwljh txg clk;k x;k D;ksafd njvly ouks ls xqtkjk djus okyksa dks gkf’k;s ij ykus dk ;gh ,d rjhdk FkkA Hkkjrh; miegk}hi ds dbZ Hkkxksa essa ouokfl;ksa ds dbZ dqyksa dh mRifÙk ds ckjs esa dbZ dFkk,W ns[kus dks feyrh gSaA czkã.kksa ls tqM+h dqN ,slh dFkk,Wa gSa ftuessa ouoklh ds izfr mudh mis{kk lkQ utj vkrh gS ftlesa jktk i`Fkq dh dFkk dkQh izHkko’kkyh gS ftlesa dgk x;k fd & osuk] tks buds igys jktk Fks] czkã.kksa dk fujknj djus dh otg ls ekj Mkys x,A jktk ds u gksus ls jkT; esa [kycyh ep xbZ vkSj O;oLFkk ds VwVus dk [krjk utj vkus yxkA blfy, czkã.kksa us osuk dh ckabZ tka?k dks eFkk] ftlls ,d ukVk] dkys jax dk vkneh fudykA mls fu"kkn dk uke nsdj ou esa Hkst fn;k x;k vkSj blh uke ls ouoklh igpkus tkus yxsA fQj mUgksaus osuk dh nkfguh ck¡g dks eFkk vkSj mlls ,d yEck] pkSM+k] xksjk vkSj lqUnj vkneh fudyk ftls jktk cuk fn;k x;kA [ksrh vkSj i’kqikyu djus dk Js; bUgha dks tkrk gSA blls i`Foh bruh izlUu gqbZ fd mudks viuk gh uke iznku dj fn;k vkSj os i`Fkq dgyk,A ml le; ouksa esa vkJe cukuk ,d lkekU; ckr Fkh ij ouokfl;ksa dk feyuk vyx ckr FkhA vkJe dh ftUnxh dks Hkys gh cgqr yqHkkous jax esa izLrqr fd;k x;k gks ij ouokfl;ksa dks lekt ds nk;js ls vyx j[kk x;kA vkt rd ;gh ekuk tkrk jgk gS fd ;g ^fiNM+s* gSa vkSj bUgsa fgUnw lekt esa lfEefyr djus dh vko’;drk gSA oLrqr% ns[kk tk, rks ouksa esa jgus okys gh ou ds lcls djhc gksrs gSa vkSj nwljksa dh rqyuk essa T;knk feyulkj HkhA blh rF; dks è;ku esa j[krs gq, QLrd dk izFke vè;k; &>kj[k.M essa vkfnoklh thou % laFkkyksa ds fo’ks”k lanHkZ esa & vkfnokfl;ksa ds bfrgkl] yksd laLo`Qfr] dyk] /eZ] jhfr&fjokt vkSj izd`fr&izse ij n``f"Vikr djus ds lkFk gh buds lkfgR; dks mlds okLrfod :i esa n’kkZrk gSA Hkkx&2 vkfnoklh efgykvksa }kjk ou laj{k.k % tequk VqM~Mw ds iz;klksa ds lanHkZ esa (Forest Conservation by Tribal Women: An Effort by Jamuna Tuddu) fo’o dh 1-3 vjc xjhc vkcknh essa ls 70 izfr’kr efgyk,a gSaA og nqfu;k dh [kk| lkexzh dk 50 izfr’kr mRiknu djrh gSa tcfd cnys esa mUgsa ek=k 10 izfr’kr vk; izkIr gksrh gSA efgyk,a Q#"kksa dh vis{kk de lalk/kuksa dk mi;ksx djrh gSa vkSj Q#"kksa dh rqyuk esa mu lalk/kuksa ij mudk LokfeRo Hkh de gSA ;gk¡ rd dh ftl lEifÙk ij mudk LokfeRo Hkh gksrk gS] izk;% mldk j[kj[kko vkSj fu;a=.k Hkh ifjokj ds Q#"kksa ds ikl gksrk gSA Hkkjrh; vFkZO;oLFkk esa xzkeh.k {ks=ksa dk ;ksxnku 72-18 izfr’kr gSA Hkkjrh; lafo/kku }kjk tsaMj ds vk/kkj ij lekurk fn, tkus ds ckotwn efgyk,a lkekftd&vkfFkZd lwpdkad ds izR;sd lewg esa Q#"kksa dh vis{kk ihNs NwVh gqbZ gSaA efgykvksa vkSj Q#"kksa ds dk;Z le; dh rqyuk djus ij ;g Kkr gksrk gS fd efgykvksa 145 ds dke ds ?kaVs Q#"kksa dh rqyuk esa T;knk gksrs gSa] fo’k"kdj xzkeh.k {ks=ksa ds lanHkZ esa ;g ,d cM+k lR; gSA efgykvksa dh ;g v/khurk lkekU; rkSj ij Je ds fyax vk/kkfjr foHkktu }kjk izdV gksrh gSA vkerkSj ij efgyk,a Hkkstu cukus] b±/ku vkSj ikuh bdV~Bk djus] cPpksa dh ns[kHkky vkSj ?kj ds ckgj ds tks dke os dj ldrh gSa mlds fy;s Hkh mu ij ftEesnkjh Mky nh tkrh gSA mudh 'kkjhfjd] xfrfof/k;ksa tSls & inkZ ij yxkbZ xbZ ikcafn;ksa esa mudh v/khurk izdV gksrh gS vkSj ;g v/khurk xzkeh.k ifjokjksa ds vyx&vyx oxks± esa vyx&vyx izdkj dh gksrh gSA vkBosa n’kd ds var esa i;kZoj.k dh fLFkfr ij tkjh nwljh ukxfjd fjiksVZ lh,lbZ fjiksVZ b’kkjk djrh gS fd & laHkor% xzkeh.k fu/kZu fL=;ksa dks NksM+dj dksbZ vU; lewg i;kZoj.k ds fouk’k ls bruk izHkkfor ugha gSA muds izR;sd fnu dh 'kq:vkr lw;kZn; ds lkFk gh b±/ku] pkjk rFkk ikuh dh ryk’k ;k=kk ls gksrh gSA blls dksbZ varj ugha iM+rk fd fL=;ka cw<+h] toku ;k xHkZorh gS] jkstejkZ dh nq"dj ?kjsyw t:jrsa mUgsa iwjh gh djuh iM+rh gSaA ouLifrd fLFkfr;k¡ tSls&tSls fcxM+rh tkrh gSa] bu xjhc efgykvksa dh bZ±/ku ryk’k ;k=kk vkSj vf/kd yach gksrh tkrh gSA xjhc vkSj i;kZoj.k fouk’k esa tdM+h bu xjhc xzkeh.k efgykvksa dh esgur dh nkn nsuh gksxhA n lsdaM flVhtu fjiksVZ vku n ,uok;jesaV] 1987) varjkZ"Vªh; Je laxBu ILO) dh 1979 dh fjiksVZ ds vuqlkj leLr Hkkjr esa ;fn efgykvksa dh okLrfod vkfFkZd xfrfof/;ksa dk dqy ys[kk&tks[kk fd;k tk, rks irk pyrk gS fd cktkj vkSj xSj cktkj vFkZO;oLFkk esa efgykvksa ds dke ds ?kaVs T;knk gSa] [kkldj xzkeh.k Hkkjr esaA Hkkjr ljdkj us lu~ 1952 esa gh i;kZoj.k dks ouLifrd :i ls lUrqfyr djus ds mís’; ls Hkkjr ds HkkSxksfyd Hkw&Hkkx ds 33 izfr’kr {ks= essa ou yxkus dk y{; j[kk FkkA ch-ch- cksgjk] 1985) lkroha iapo"khZ; ;kstuk ds izkjEHk esa ljdkj us bls nksgjkrs gq, dgk & ns’k ds HkkSxksfyd Hkw&Hkkx ds 33 izfr’kr {ks= esa ou yxkus ds dk;Z dks mPp izkFkfedrk nh tk,xh tks fd orZeku esa ek=k 23 izfr’kr gSA ftu {ks=ksas esa vHkh rd ;g y{; izkIr ugha fd;k tk ldrk gS] muesa o`{kkjksi.k dk;ZozQe dks l?ku cuk;k tk,xk--- ^n ,izksp Vw n lsoaFk Iyku* ls m}`r] 1985) nwljs 'kCnksa essa] ;g y{; vHkh rd izkIr ugha fd;k tk ldkA orZeku esa Hkkjr oqQy o"kkZ dk nloka fgLlk gh mi;ksx djrk gS] cM+s {ks=ksa esa ty ?kVh gS] mPp rduhd okyh ifj;kstuk,a tSls & ck¡/k] tyk’k; ,oa ugj O;oLFkk & ftl ij ljdkj us vf/kd cy fn;k gS & Hkh i;kZIr flapkbZ ;k ck<+ ,oa lw[ks dh fLFkfr tks fd Hkkjr esa xjhcksa dks gj lky izHkkfor djrh gS] ls fuiVus esa dkjxj lkfcr ugha gqbZ gS vkSj blds QyLo:i fL=;ksa dh fLFkfr vkSj vf/kd n;uh; gqbZ gSA xzkeh.k fL=;ksa dks b±/ku] pkjk vkSj ikuh dh [kkst esa vf/kd le; yxkdj T;knk nwj rd HkVduk iM+rk gSA dbZ ckj rks 2 ls 8 fdyksehVj rd iSny pyuk iM+rk gS ftlls u dsoy mUgsa etnwjh ds fy;s cfYd izfrfnu lkekU;r% 14&15 ?kaVs dke djuk iM+rk gSA ;gh fLFkfr 146 eqrqj[ke xk¡o] csMkfnzg Vksyk] CykWd pkoqQfy;k] iwohZ flagHkwe] >kj[kaM esa QhYMooZQ ds nkSjku ns[kus dks feyk) fjiksVZ ds bl Hkkx dks fy[kus dk mís’; >kj[kaM ds iwohZ flagHkwe ftyk ds pkoqQfy;k CykWd essa vofLFkr eqrqj[ke ou esa eqrqj[ke xk¡o dh vkfnoklh efgykvksa }kjk ou laj{k.k ds {ks= esa fd, x, vrqyuh; ;ksxnku dk lrr~ fodkl vkSj ikfjfLFkfrdh; ukjhokn dh lS}kfUrd i`"BHkwfe esa leh{kkRed foospu djuk gSA izLrqr Hkkx essa tequk VqM~Mw laFkkyh vkfnoklh }kjk xfBr ou laj{k.k lfefr ds xBu] bldh dk;Ziz.kkyh vkSj blds }kjk fd, x, LFkkuh; ou laj{k.k ds iz;klksa ds lkFk&lkFk tequk VqM~Mw ds eqrqj[ke xk¡o esa fd, x, tu dY;k.kdkjh dk;ks± dk Hkh foospu fd;k x;k gSA lEiksf”kr fodkl ,oa i;; ukjhokn dk lS}kafrd foospu Theoretical Discussion of Sustainable Development and Ecological Feminism fodkl dh /kkj.kk dk ,d udkjkRed fcUnq ;g gS fd bldh rqyuk izk;% lao`f} ds lkFk dh tkrh gSA lao`f} O;fDr ds fy;s le`f} ykrh gS vkSj bl le`f} esa vf/klajapuk] ifjogu vkSj lapkj dks lqfuf’pr djrh gSA ijUrq ;g euq"; dh cgqvk;keh vko’;drkvksa dh Hkh vuns[kh djrh gSA fodkl ,d cgqeq[kh vo/kkj.kk gS] ftldks lkaLd`frd :i ls vuqdwy] lkekftd :i ls U;k;iw.kZ] i;kZojf.kd :i ls thou{ke rFkk jktuSfrd :i ls lgHkkfxrkewyd gksuk vko’;d gSA izkjEHk esa fodkl dh vo/kkj.kk O;fDr vkSj i;kZoj.k ds chp lEcU/kksa dk ijh{k.k ugha djrh Fkh tcfd okLrfodrk ;g gS fd euq"; dk laca/k vusd phtksa ls gS vkSj ;s lHkh phtsa vUr% lEcfU/r gksrh gSaA vHkh gky gh esa Hkkjrh; iz/kuea=kh eueksgu flag us xzhu us’kuy ,dkmfVax dh vUrjkZ”Vªh; dk;Z’kkyk ds vk;kstu esa i;kZoj.k ds izfr xEHkhj fpUrk O;Dr djrs gq, dgk fd & ^^gekjk vkfFkZd fodkl izkd`frd lalk/kuksa ds b"Vre optimal) mi;ksx ij vk/kkfjr gksuk pkfg;s vkSj ,slk fodkl i;; :i ls lEiksf"kr gksuk pkfg;sA pwafd gekjh vFkZO;oLFkk us rhoz fodkl dh {kerk gkfly dj yh gS] ftldh otg ls dbZ ubZ pqukSfr;k¡ gekjs lkeus gSa] tSls lhfer izkd`frd lalk/ku] ?kVrk ou bR;kfnA ,sls esa gesa ;g fu.kZ; ysuk gksxk fd fdl izdkj ge lhfer lalk/kuksa dk b"Vre mi;ksx dj ldrs gSaA vUrjkZ"Vªh; Lrj ij mitkm Hkwfe dh deh] c<+rk e:LFkyhdj.k] ?kVrk ou {ks=] LoPN ty dh miyC/krk dk vHkko vkSj tSo fofo/rk dk vR;f/d dh otg ls i;; ns[kus dks fey jgk gSA blfy;s vkt fodkl dks lEiksf"kr fodkl ds vuq:i gksuk pkfg,A** ih-VhvkbZ-] vizSy 05] 2013) 1980 ds n’kd ds var rd lEiksf"kr fodkl dk fopkj izfl} ugha gqvk Fkk ijUrq bl n’kd ds nkSjku ,sls vusd izek.k ns[kus dks feys ftlls oSf’od Lrj ij ekuoh; fdz;kvksa dk i;kZoj.k ij udkjkRed izHkko iM+ jgk gS] ftlds QyLo:i oSf’od rki dh leL;k vkt txtkfgj gSA lEiksf"kr fodkl dk ,d vo/kkj.kk ds :i esa fodkl lcls igys 1987 esa czUVySaM 147 fjiksVZ ds izdk’ku ds lkFk gqvkA bl fjiksVZ essa dgk x;k gS fd fodkl gekjh vkt dh t:jrksa dks iwjk djs] lkFk gh ;g vkxs vkus okyh ihf<+;ksa dh t:jrksa dks Hkh vuns[kk u djrk gksA vk;ksx dk dguk gS fd] ^lEiksf"kr fodkl lkeatL; esa LFkkf;Ro ykuk ugha gS] vfirq ;g ,d ifjorZu dh izfdz;k gS ftlesa lalk/kuksa dk nksgu] fuos’k dh fn’kk] rduhdh fodkl dh fLFkfr rFkk laLFkkRed ifjorZuksa dks orZeku ds lkFk&lkFk Hkkoh le; dh vko’;drkvksa ds Hkh vuqdwy cuk;k tk lds czUVySaM fjiksVZ] 1987)A ;g vkfFkZd fodkl esa mUufr dh gksM+ ds izfr fo’o dks lpsr djrk gS] rkfd nh?kZdkyhu fodkl rks gks ijUrq izkd`frd lalk/kuksa dh lekfIr ;k i;kZoj.k dks {kfr igq¡pk, fcukA vxLr&flrEcj 2002 esa nf{k.k vizQhdk ds tksgkalcxZ esa lEiksf"kr fodkl ij la;qDr jk"Vª lEesyu dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA 1992 ds fj;ks fM ftusjks czkthy esa vk;ksftr i`Foh lEesyu ds dze esa bls ^i`Foh f}rh;* Hkh dgk tkrk gSA bl lEesyu dk eq[; fo"k; Fkk & i;kZoj.k lqj{kk ds lkFk fVdkm fodkl dks izkIr djukA lEesyu esa rRdkyhu egklfpo dksQh vUuku }kjk lq>k, x, 5 {ks=ksa dks lEiksf"kr fodkl ds eq[; fo"k; ds :i esa viukrs gq, O;kid :i ls fopkj foe’kZ fd;k x;kA dksQh vUuku }kjk lq>k, x, ik¡p {ks=k bl izdkj gSa & ty Water) mtkZ Energy) LokLF; Health) d`f"k Agriculture) rFkk tSo fofo/krk Bio-Diversity)A bu ik¡pksa {ks=ksa dks WEHAB Hkh dgk tkrk gSA lEiksf"kr fodkl ds ekxZn’kZd fl}kUrksa esa fuEu rjhdksa ij xkSj fd;k tkrk gS & i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) mRiknu ds {ks= esa ikfjfLFkfrdh fe=or izkS|ksfxdh Eco-Friendly TechnQue) dks viuk;k tk,A lexz thou pozQ izcU/u Hkwe.Myh; vk/kkj ij fd;k tk;s rkfd lalk/u laj{k.k dks ,d izHkko’kkyh fn’kk nh tk ldsA ifj;kstuk ewY;kadu dh izfdz;k esa ftu rhu ‘E’ ij fo’ks"k è;ku fn;k tk,] os gSa & i;; lqj{kk Environmental Protection)] ikfjfLFkfrdh; larqyu Ecological Balance) o vkfFkZd n{krk Economic Efficiency)A mRiknu dk fodsUnzhdj.k djds bu {ks=ksa esa tu Hkkxhnkjh c<+k;h tk,A ikfjfLFkfrdh lk{kjrk Eco-Literacy) dks izHkko’kkyh oSf’od vkUnksyu dh rjg pyk;k tk,] ftlls gj O;fDr ikfjfLFkfrdh ds laj{k.k esa lg;ksx djus yxsA fo’o ds lHkh jk"Vªksa }kjk i;kZoj.k ds lEcU/k esa oSf’od laLFkkvksa] laf/k;ksa o izksVksdkyksa dks iw.kZ ekU;rk nh tk, o mudk iw.kZ:is.k vuqikyu gksA tgk¡ rd i;kZoj.k ukjhokn Eco-Feminism) dh vo/kj.kk dk iz’u gS rks ;g vo/kkj.kk vkt i;kZoj.kokfn;ksa ds eè; cgqr iz[;kr gSA ;g vo/kj.kk ukjh i;kZoj.kokfn;ksa }kjk izHkkfor gSA budk ekuuk gS fd vkt tsaMj ds bnZ&fxnZ tks jktuhfr vkSj vlekurk gS og i;kZoj.k ls cgqr utnhdh ls tqM+h gqbZ gSA ukjh i;kZoj.koknh bl ckr dh iM+rky djrs gSa fd fdl izdkj vkfFkZd izfdz;k] lkekftd O;ogkj vkSj jktuSfrd lEcU/k tsaMj vk/kkfjr vlekurk dks c<+kok nsus esa lgk;d gSA i;kZoj.k ukjhokn ;k ikfjfLFkfrdh; ukjhokn Eco-Feminism or Ecological Feminism) 'kCnkoyh dk iz;ksx loZizFke 1974 esa izSaQdksbl Mh vkscku Francoise 148 us fd;kA bl n’kZu ds vuqlkj] fL=;ksa ds 'kks"k.k dh lkekftd]ekufldrk lh/ks rkSj ij izd`fr ds 'kks"k.k dh lkekftd ekufldrk ls tqM+h gqbZ gSA i;kZoj.k ukjhokfn;ksa }kjk eq[; rdZ fn;k tkrk gS fd ,sfrgkfld :i ls Hkwfe ij Q#"kksa ds vkf/kiR; us gh fir`lÙkk Patriarchy) dks tUe fn;k gS vkSj vR;f/d pjkbZ overgrazing) yksxksa ds 'kks"k.k o Hkwfe ds vuSfrd iz;ksx gsrq laLd`fr eq[; :i ls mÙkjnk;h gSA bu nksuksa dh otg ls gh Hkwfe o thoksa dks ek=k vkfFkZd lk/ku ekuk tkrk gSA ,sls iÝsadksbl Mhvkscku cgqr lkjs i;kZoj.k ukjhoknh gS ftudk ;g ekuuk gS fd i;kZoj.k us fL=;ksa ds fodkl esa ;ksxnku fn;k gS vkSj blds lkFk ;g Hkh rdZ fn;k x;k gS fd L=h vkSj izd`fr ds lEcU/kksa dks fir`lÙkk ds 'kks"k.kdkjh bfrgkl esa Hkh ns[kk tk ldrk gS D;ksafd ;s nksuksa gh ukjhtkrh; gSaA iq#"k bu nksuksa dks fuEu ekurk gS rkfd os iq#"k dh HkkSfrd vko’;drkvksa dh iwfrZ djrs jgsaA bl fl}kUr ds leFkZdksa esa oUnuk f’kok] chuk vxzoky ds uke eq[; gSaA i;kZoj.k ukjhokfn;ksa dk ;g Hkh dguk gS fd tks fo’ks"krk,¡ ,d L=h esa gksrh gS tSls lkgl] la;e o lgu’khyrk] d:.kk] eerk o ikyu ;g lHkh fo’ks"krk,¡ izd`fr esa Hkh n`f"Vxkspj gksrh gSaA bu ldkjkRed lEcU/kksa dks L=h vkSj izd`fr ds lEcU/ kksa esa <wa<k tk ldrk gSA oUnuk f’kok 1989) dk ekuuk gS fd fL=;ksa dk izd`fr vFkok i;kZoj.k ds lkFk ,d xgjk lEcU/k gksrk gS ftls buds eè; jkstejkZ dh gksus okyh fdz;kvksa esa ns[kk tk ldrk gSA la{ksi esa dgk tk ldrk gS fd tgk¡ lEiksf"kr fodkl izkd`frd lalk/kuksa ds ,sls b"Vre mi;ksx ds rjhdksa ij cy nsrk gS ftlls izkd`frd lalk/kuksa dk iz;ksx vkus okyh Hkkoh ihf<+;k¡ Hkh dj lds vkSj LoPN i;kZoj.k mUgsa Hkh fn;k tk ldsA ogha nwljh vksj i;kZoj.k ukjhokn i;kZoj.k laj{k.k esa fL=;ksa dh Hkwfedk dks eq[; ekurs gq, nksuksa ds eè; dqN lekurkvksa dks ns[krs gSaA fjiksVZ ds izLrqr Hkkx esa bu nksuksa lS}kafrd vo/kj.kkvksa dh i`"BHkwfe esa tequk VqM~Mw ds i;kZoj.k laj{k.k ds iz;klksa dh leh{kkRed foospuk dh xbZ gS D;ksafd vc rd fdlh Hkh fo’ofo|ky; esa i;kZoj.k laj{k.k esa vkfnoklh efgykvksa ds ;ksxnku ij dksbZ 'kks/k ugha fd;k x;k gSA bl vUos"k.k izkstsDV ^^vkfnoklh efgykvksa }kjk ou laj{k.k% tequk VqM~Mw ds iz;klksa ds fo’ks"k lanHkZ esa**] esa vkfnoklh efgykvksa laFkkyh vkfnoklh% >kj[kaM) }kjk ou laj{k.k ds {ks= esa fn, muds vnE; lkgl o vFkd iz;klksa dh leh{kkRed foospuk dh xbZ gSA blds lkFk gh vU; i;; vkUnksyuksa esa efgykvksa dh Hkwfedk dks Hkh è;ku esa j[kk x;k gSA bl fjiksVZ gsrq >kj[kaM jkT; ds iwohZ flagHkwe ftys ds pkdqfy;k CykWd ds csM+kMhg Vksyk pkoqQfy;k CykWd esa ik¡p Vksys vkrs gSa ftlesa xuSMh] tksthMh] xqfM;kMh] eqrqjMh eqrqj[ke xk¡o ds csM+kMhg Vksyk vU; pkj Vksys & xquSM+h] tksthM+h] xqfM+;kMh] eqrjkM+h) dks vè;;u {ks= ds :i esa fy;k x;k gSA ;gk¡ ij laFkkyh vkfnoklh efgyk tequk VqM~Mw }kjk eqrqj[ke ou dh lqj{kk gsrq LFkkfir ou laj{k.k lfefr dh dk;Zokfg;ksa dk i;kZoj. kh; ukjhokn ds lanHkZ esa leh{kkRed vè;;u fd;k x;k gSA eqrqj[ke ou >kj[kaM esa jk¡ph gokbZ vM~Ms ls yxHkx 250 fdeh- mÙkj iwoZ fn’kk essa if’peh caxky o mM+hlk dh lhek ij vofLFkr 23]60]500 gsDVs;j dk le`} ou {ks= d’ Eaubonne) 149 gSA ;g ou 12 o"kZ igys rd ydM+h ekfQ;kvksa dk lcls O;Lr dk;Z{ks= gqvk djrk FkkA ;gk¡ ds gkykr jkT; ds nwljs {ks=ksa ls vyx ugha Fks] ftldk 50 Qhlnh {ks=k fiNys 11 o"kks± esa voS/ dVkbZ dh HksaV p<+ pqdk FkkA gekjs igys QhYM losZ ds nkSjku twu] 2012 esa ?kkVf’kyk ls] jk¡ph ls yxHkx 200 fdeh mÙkj&iwoZ dh vksj vkxs lHkh Mªkbojksa us tkus ls euk dj fn;k ftldk dkj.k bl {ks= dk uDly izHkkfor gksuk gS ijUrq lkSHkkX;o’k gesa eqrqj[ke xk¡o rd igq¡pus esa lQyrk izkIr gqbZA lu~ 1999 esa eqrqj[ke ds taxy ekfQ;kvksa dh eqykdkr 32 o"khZ; laFkkyh vkfnoklh efgyk tequk VqM~Mw tks LFkkuh; Lrj ij ysMh VktZu ds uke ls fo[;kr gS) ls gqbZA tequk VqM~Mw laFkkyh tutkfr dh ,d NksVs dn dh etcwr efgyk gS] ftlus fliZQ 8oha d{kk rd i<+kbZ dh gSA tequk us vkt ls 19 o"kZ igys lu~ 1994 esa ^ou laj{k.k lfefr* dk xBu fd;k vkSj ou foHkkx ls 2003 essa bldks iathd`r Hkh djok;kA izkjEHk esa blesa efgyk lnL;ksa dh la[;k 25 Fkh tks vkt c<+dj yxHkx 70 lnL; gks xbZ gS ftlesa lcls NksVh 13 o"khZ; laFkkyh vkfnoklh Tkequk VqMw cgke;h VqM~Mw gS vkSj lcls cqtqxZ ekyrh VqM~Mw 70 o"kZ) gSA lfefr dh efgyk,a fiNys 11 o"kks± ls rhu lewgksa esa eqrqj[ke ds taxy esa x’r yxkrh gSa ftlesa oqQN Q#"k lnL; Hkh budks lg;ksx nsrs gSaA budh lfefr ds yksx xSj&dkuwuh rjhds ls ydM+h dh dVkbZ djus okyksa dks ou foHkkx dks lkSai nsrs gSaA fdlh le; iwohZ flagHkwe ftys ds 50 gsDVs;j esa QSys taxyksa dks ou ekfQ;kvksa us catj cuk fn;k FkkA vc ;gk¡ 3 yk[k ls T;knk isM+ gSa ftlesa fo’ks"k :i ls lky] osaQnw] ccwy ds isM+ yxs gSa] tcfd 11 o"kZ igys nks isM+ksa ds chp 24&25 QhV dk Qklyk gqvk djrk Fkk losZ } kjk ,df=kr vkadM+k)A tequk dh bl ikfjfLFkfrdh; ukjhoknh igy Oku laj{k.k lfefr dh vkfnoklh efgyk,W¡ 150 dk gh ;g urhtk gS fd vc ;gk¡ dbZ taxyh tkuojksa tSls taxyh lqvj] [kjxks’k] vtxj] lk¡iksa vkSj gkfFk;ksa us bls viuk ?kj cuk fy;k gSA oSls eqrqj[ke ou esa vk;k ifjorZu i;; vFkZ’kkL=k ls Hkh izsfjr Fkk D;ksafd bl {ks=k dh tequk o vU; efgykvksa ds ikl i;kZIr tykou Hkh ugha Fkk] xfeZ;ksa ds fnuksa esa dgha o`{kksa dh Nk;k rd ugha gksrh Fkh o tkuojksa ds fy, pkjs dh i;kZIr miyC/krk dk vHkko FkkA 15 fdyksehVj ds nk;js essa Hkwfexr ty Lrj fxjrk tk jgk FkkA ftlds ifj.kkeLo:i vkfnoklh efgykvksa dh fLFkfr vkSj vf/kd eqf’dy gksrh tk jgh Fkh D;ksafd tykou ydM+h o i’kqvksa ds fy;s pkjs gsrq cgqr nwj rd tkuk gksrk Fkk ftlds QyLo:i bUgsa izfrfnu 15&16 ?kaVs ?kj ds voS/kkfud dk;ks± dks nsuk gksrk FkkA ukjhoknh vFkZ’kkL=kh vkSj lkekftd foKku fo’ks"kK nsodh tSu bafLVV~;wV vkWQ lks’ky LVMhVªLV) vkSj ohuk etwenkj lsaVj QkWj foesu MsoyiesaV LVMhk) bR;kfn us efgykvksa ds voSrfud dke dks dke u ekuus dk eqík mBk;kA mUgksaus roZQ fn;k gS fd ,slh ifjHkk"kk vi;kZIr gS ftlesa voSrfud dke dks dke Okhuk etwenkj nsodh tSu u ekuk tk,A ?kj dk dke vkSj cPpksa dh ijofj’k lekt ds fy;s vko’;d dke gksrs gq, Hkh budk dksbZ vkfFkZd ewY;kadu ugha fd;k x;k gSA blds dkj.k efgykvksa] [kkldj xzgf.k;ksa dh fLFkfr detksj iM+rh tkrh gS vkSj ;gh lcoqQN bu vkfnoklh efgykvksa ds lkFk Hkh gqvkA vkfnoklh cgqy csM+kMhg Vksyk] vktknh ds 65 lky ckn vkSj >kj[kaM jkT; xBu ds 11 lky ckn Hkh is;ty dh leL;k ls xzLr FkkA pkikuy gS.M iEi) dh ckr rks nwj xk¡o esa ,d oqaQvk rd ugha FkkA vc rd ;gk¡ ds vkfnoklh flanjk [kky esa ,df=r tyk’k; ds utnhd feV~Vh [kksndj xM~<k cukuk vkSj fQj tyk’k; ls fjl dj vk;s ty dks ihus gsrq mi;ksx esa ykuk) dk ikuh ihus dks etcwj FksA xk¡o rd tkus ds fy;s lM+d ugha Fkh vkSj u gh vkt rd dksbZ vLirky cuk gSA eqrqj[ke xkao esa LowQy ds lkFk&lkFk fctyh dh O;oLFkk Hkh ugha FkhA bl i`"BHkwfe esa ;g fdlh ds fy;s Hkh vuqeku yxkuk vlEHko ugha gksxk fd flanjk [kky fdruh d"Vdkjh ifjfLFkfr;ksa essa bUgksaus vc rd dk le; fudkyk gksxk\ nwf"kr is;ty dk bu vkfnokfl;ksa ds LokLF; ij fdruk cqjk vlj jgk gksxk\ bu vk/kjHkwr vko’;drkvksa ds vHkko esa LoPN is;ty] LokLF; lqfo/kvksa dk vHkko] izkFkfed f’k{kk dk vHkko] lM+d dk vHkko bR;kfn) vkfnoklh efgykvksa dk thou fdruk d"Vdkjh jgk gksxkA vkjEHk esa tequk ifjokj ds Hkj.k&iks"k.k gsrq iRFkj rjk’kdj ewfrZ cukus dk dke fd;k djrh FkhA gkykafd 2 o"kZ igys bUgksaus ?kj esa gcZy 151 C;wVh ikyZj dk dke 'kq: dj fn;k gS ftlls izfrfnu 50 ls 60 #i;s rd dh vk; budks gksrh gSA eqrqj[ke esa izfrfnu lqcg ds N% cts ou laj{k.k lfefr dh T;knkrj efgyk,a] tequk ds ?kj ds ckgj vius&vius ikjaifjd gfFk;kjksa ds lkFk ,df=kr gksdj rhu lewgksa esa rhu fHkUu&fHkUu fn’kkvksa ls ou esa x’r ds fy, izos’k djrh gSaA tequk dk dguk gS fd & ^^vkt ;fn dksbZ Hkh isM+ dkVrs idM+k tkrk gS rks ml ij 501 #i;s dk tqekZuk yxkdj ou foHkkx ds gokys dj fn;k tkrk gS vkSj ;g jde lfefr ds dks"k esa tek dj nh tkrh gS vkSj bldk bLrseky laxBu dh csgrjh ds fy;s fd;k tkrk gSA** ydM+h dh voS/k dVkbZ djus okys ekfQ;k ls tw>us ds fy;s cqtqxZ efgyk,a rjkbZ okys {ks=k esa oqQÙkksa ds lkFk fuxjkuh djrh gSaA VqM~Mw dh bl eqfge esa tqM+us okyh efgyk,a dgrh gSa fd bl dke ls mudh [ksrh ;k ?kjsyw ftEesnkfj;ksa ij dksbZ izHkko ugha iM+rk gSA xk¡o ds eqf[k;k jkes’oj VqM~Mw dk dguk gS fd ^^iwjk xk¡o tequk dh lky dh ifRr;ksa ls IysV cukrh vkfnoklh efgyk,¡ lfefr dk dtZnkj gks x;k gSA** vkt ou foHkkx us eqrqj[ke dks vkn’kZ xk¡o jsatj ,-ds- flag ds dk;Zdky esa) ds :i esa xksn ys fy;k FkkA vHkh T;knk le; ugha chrk tc dsjy ds ikoqQM+ ftys esa tutkrh; vf/kdkjksa ds fy;s vkokt mBkus okyh flLVj okylk tkWu dks oqQYgkM+h ls ekj fn;k x;k FkkA blds ckotwn tequk fuMj gksdj taxy esa vU; efgykvksa ds lkFk x’r yxkrh vk jgh gSA ftu efgykvksa ds ikl dqN o"kZ igys xqtj&clj djus dk dksbZ tfj;k ugha Fkk] vc os Hkh gkFk ls pyus okyh e’khu dh enn ls lky dh ifÙk;ksa dh IysV cukdj lkykuk 15 ls 18 gtkj dek ysrh gSA >kj[k.M jkT; ljdkj tequk dh vxqokbZ okyh bl lfefr ds iz;klksa dks udn iqjLdkj ds tfj;s >kj[k.M LFkkiuk fnol ds volj ij lEekfur dj pqdh gSAblds lkFk gh fgUnqLrku VkbEl xzqIl dh rjQ ls losZ{k.k ds i’pkr~ jk"Vªh; Lrj ij ns’k esa fn, x, vius vrqyuh; ;ksxnku gsrq tequk VqM~Mw dks ns’k dh 25 vlk/kj.k gfLr;ksa esa 'kkfey djrs gq, rRdkyhu i;kZoj.k ea=kh t;jke jes’k ds gkFkksa QjLo`Qr fd;k x;kA bu 25 vlk/kj.k gfLr;ksa esa izFke ik¡p vlk/kj.k gfLr;ksa esa Hkh bUgsa 'kkfey djrs gq, QjLo`Qr fd;k x;kA vHkh gky gh esa fQfyi] xzsQhYM dEiuh eksnh xzqi }kjk Hkh bUgsa 2012 ds ^^lkekftd cgknqjh iqjLdkj** Social Bravery Award) ls Hkh uoktk x;kA tequk dks izkIr ^^fgUnqLrku VkbEl xzIq l vokMZ** 152 tequk }kjk lEiksf"kr i;; ukjhoknh iz;kl Sustainable Eco-Feminist Efforts by Jamuna Tuddu) 1- lEiksf"kr fodkl izd`fr ds lkFk ekuo dk lg;ksx] lgp;Z Symbiosis) mlds izfr J} k o lEeku dh Hkkouk ij vk/kfjr gSA bl Hkkouk dh igpku eqrqj[ke xk¡o dh vkfnoklh efgykvksa ds ioZ o R;kSgkjksa xkseg ioZ] tkurkM ioZ] lksgjk; ioZ o ldjkr ioZ)] buds izd`fr /eZ ljuk&vkfnokfl;ksa dk viuk /eZ ^ljuk* gS tks izd`fr dk /eZ gSA os isM+ksa vkSj vius iwoZtksa dh iwtk djrk gSA budk cksaxk nsorkº budk fe=k gS] tks vkdk’k esa ugha fopjrk cfYd bldh tM+sa /jrh esa gSaA budk izÑfr ds tequk dh vxqvkbZ esa isM+ksa dks jk[kh lkFk lgp;Z bruk T;knk gS fd buds VksVe ck¡a/rh vkfnoklh efgyk,W¡ xks=k) isM+] ikS/ksa ;k thoksa ds uke ij gksrs gSaA vkfnoklh Lo;a dks fgUnw] eqlyeku ;k bZlkbZ dgdj viuk ifjp; ugha nsrk cfYd ^rqe dkSu gks* iwNs tkus ij og dgsxk & ^^eSa vkfnoklh gw¡A** ftl izdkj vkt ns’k ds ouksa ds vfLrRo dks [krjk gS Bhd mlh izdkj budk vfLrRo Hkh ladV esa gSA ^vkfnoklh* dh igpku vkSj uke Nhudj mls ^ouoklh* ?kksf"kr fd;k tk jgk gS rkfd og Hkwy tk, fd og bl ns’k dk ewy fuoklh ;kuh vkfnoklh gSA vkfnokfl;ksa dks Hkkjr ljdkj us ewy fuoklh ds :i esa Lohdkj ugha fd;k gS D;ksafd ;fn ljdkj bUgsa ewy fuoklh Lohdkj djrh gS rks varjkZ"Vªh; izko/kkuksa ds vuqlkj bUgsa oqQN fof’k"V vf/kdkj ftuesa vkRefu.kZ; dk vf/kdkj Hkh lfEefyr gS] bUgsa iznku djuk iM+sxkA izd`fr ds iwtk LFky dks eqrqj[ke xk¡o esa tkgsj Fkku dgk tkrk gS tgk¡ lHkh xzkeh.k yksx izd`fr iwtk djrs gSaA ;g o`{kksa ds izfr budk vxk/k izse gh gS fd ;s lHkh efgyk,¡ j{kk cU/ku ds R;kSgkj esa o`{kksa dks jk[kh ck¡/rs gq, mudh j{kk dh ftEesokjh Lo;a ij ysrh gSaA 2- lEiksf"kr fodkl ij la;qDr jk”Vª lEesyu 2002) essa blds ik¡p eq[; fo"k;ksa ij O;kid fopkj&foe’kZ gqvk ;s {ks=k Fks & ty] mQtkZ] LokLF;] d`f"k vkSj tSo fofo/rkA bu fo"k;ksa dks WEHAB Water, Energy, Health, Agriculture and Bio-Diversity) dgk tkrk gSA bl varjkZ"Vªh; lEesyu o blds fo"k;ksa ds vufHkK tequk us xk¡o esa is;ty dh lqfo/kk gsrq ikuh dh Vadh gsrq viuh iSr`d lEifÙk dk nku fd;k vkSj Vadh dk fuekZ.k dj ?kj&?kj ikuh dh vkiwfrZ dhA igys lHkh xzkeh.k vkfnoklh 153 eqrqj[ke xk¡ao esa fufeZr ikuh dh Vadh flanjk [kky dk LoPN ty ihus dks etcwj FksA ckn essa tequk ds iz;klksa vkSj xzkeh.k vkfnokfl;ksa ds Jenku ls ;gk¡ dq,¡ dk fuekZ.k lEHko gks ik;kA 3- lEiksf"kr fodkl dh ifj;kstuk ewY;kadu esa ftu rhu ‘E’ Environment Protection, Ecological Efficiency) Balance and Economic ij tksj fn;k tkuk pkfg;s bu rhuksa mís’;ksa dk fozQ;kUo;u gesa ou laj{k.k lfefr dh eqrqj[ke) j.kuhfr;ksa esa ns[kus dks feykA i;kZoj.k laj{k.k ds {ks=k esa bUgksaus dHkh catj cu pqds 23]60]500 gsDVs;j ds {ks=k dks o`{kksa ls gjk&Hkjk dj vkt Hkh lrr~ :i ls budh ydM+h ekfQ;kvksa ls j{kk dj jgh eqrqj[ke xk¡ao esa is;ty gsrq dqvkW¡ gSA o`{kkjksi.k ls bl {ks=k dk ikfjfLFkfrdh; lUrqyu rks lq/kjk gh gS lkFk gh ouksa dh l?kurk ls LoPN ok;q] e`nk vijnuSoil Erosion)] ty lap;u Water Harvesting)] gsrq rkykcksa ds fuekZ.k ls Hkwfexr ty esa o`f} bR;kfn dk Hkh fodkl gqvk gSA LoPN is;ty dh miyC/krk] dq,¡ dk fuekZ.k] xk¡o esa lM+dksa ds fuekZ.k] izko`Qfrd lalk/uksa dh izpqjrk lks budh vkfFkZd n{krk dk Hkh fodkl gqvk gSA vkt vkfnoklh efgykvksa dks bu lHkh vk/kjHkwr vko’;drkvksa ds fy;s 4 ls 6 fd-eh- ugha tkuk iM+rkA MkD;wesaVªh esa ;g lc n’kkZ;k x;k gS) 4- lEiksf"kr fodkl esa orZeku ih<+h viuh vko’;drkvksa dh iwfrZ vkus okyh ihf<+;ksa dh vko’;drkvksa dh iwfrZ dks fcuk uqdlku igq¡pk;s djrh gSA ;fn bu vkfnoklh efgykvksa ds ou laj{k.k ds iz;klksa] LoPN ty dh miyC/krk] xHkZorh efgykvksa dh lgk;rk gsrq 5 vkfnoklh efgykvksa dks izf’k{k.k] cPpksa ds fy;s LowQy dh LFkkiuk gsrq tequk }kjk viuh iSr`d lEifÙk dk nku fd;k x;kA vFkkZr~ tks vk/kjHkwr lqfo/k,a buds ikl ljdkjh ra=k ds }kjk o"kZ 2010 rd unh igq¡phA mudh ckxMksj bUgksaus Lo;a laHkkyhA nwljs 'kCnksa esa viuh orZeku vko’;drkvksa ds lkFk&lkFk vkus okyh Hkkoh ihf<+;ksa ds fy;s ,d lq[kn Hkfo"; dh uhao LFkkfir dj Mkyh gSA 5- tgk¡ rd i;; ukjhokn dh lS}kfUrd ekU;rkvksa dk lanHkZ gS blesa L=kh ,oe~ izd`fr nksukssa esa leku fo’ks”krkvksa lkgl] la;e o lgu’khyrk] eerk o ikyu bR;kfn) dks ns[krs gq, L=kh dh izd`fr ls lgc}rk dks tequk ls izsfjr dkaVkcuh ou lqj{kk lfefr ryk’kk tkrk gSA ;fn tequk 154 VqM~Mw ds ou laj{k.k ds iz;klksa ij xkSj fd;k tk, rks ;g rF; Lo;a mtkxj gks tkrk gS fd fdruh lgcrk vkSj lgthfork bu vkfnoklh efgykvksa vkSj o`{kksa ds eè; gSA o`{kksa dks viuk HkkbZ ekudj mUgsa jk[kh ck¡/uk] mudh j{kk djrs gq, vkSj vf/kd o`{kkjksi.k ij è;ku nsuk buds lkgl] la;e o lgu’khyrk vkSj eerk o ikyu dks n’kkZrk gSA tequk ds eqrqj[ke laj{k.k ds lkgl ls izsfjr gksdj csM+kMhg Vksyk ds lkFk vofLFkr cMhZ Vksyk dh vkfnoklh efgyk paik jkuh eqeZ us dkaVkcuh ou lqj{kk lfefr eqrqj[ke ou lqj{kk lfefr ls izsfjr vkSj lykg ysdj) dk xBu fd;kA 6- tequk us vkfnoklh efgykvksa ds l’kfDrdj.k o muesa vkRefuHkZjrk dk fodkl fd;k gSA blds fy;s tequk dh vxqokbZ esa ou foHkkx } kjk lfefr dks lky ds iÙkksa ls IysV cukus okyh e’khusa miyC/kk djokbZ xbZ gS vkSj fiNys o"kZ ls gh eqrqj[ke dh vkfnoklh efgyk,a xsans ds iwQyksa dh [ksrh dj Lokoyach tequk ds funsZ’ku esa xsank iQwy dh [ksrh djrh cuus gsrq dk;Zjr gSA vkfnoklh efgyk,W¡ 7- vius xk¡o esa LokLF; lqfo/ kkvksa ds izlkj gsrq ik¡p vkfnoklh efgykvksa dks nkbZ ds dk;ks± esa mM+hlk jkT; ls izf’k{k.k fnyok;k D;ksafd vkt Hkh ;gk¡ ij dksbZ vLirky ugha gSA 8- tequk ds funsZ’ku esa lfefr us ckfydk laj{k.k gsrq ,d vuks[kh ;kstuk ^ikS/k ykMyh ;kstuk* dk 'kqHkkjEHk fd;k gS] ftlesa ;g fu.kZ; fy;k x;k gS fd xk¡o esa csVh ds tUe ij og ifjokj lfefr ds lg;ksx ls 18 ewY;oku o`{kksa lkxoku] vdkf’k;k] xEgkj bR;kfn) dk jksi.k djsxk vkSj ckfydk ds 18 o"kZ ds gksus ij buesa ls 10 o`{kksa dks cspus dk vf/kdkj ckfydk dks lfefr }kjk fn;k tk,xk mPp f’k{kk] fookg] LokLF; vkSj vU; vk/kj ijA xk¡o esa dksbZ fo|ky; u gksus dh otg ls csM+kMhg Vksyk tequk dk vkoklh; Vksyk) ds cPps tequk ds funsZ’ku esa ^ikS/k ykMyh ;kstuk dk LowQy ugha tkrs Fks ijUrq tequk ‘'kqHkkjEHk djrh vkfnoklh efgyk,Wa }kjk LowQy ds Hkou] fuekZ.k gsrq 155 viuh iSr`d lEifÙk nku esa nh vkSj bl xk¡o ds cPpksa gsrq eqÝr f’k{kk dk izlkj vkjEHk fd;k x;kA 9-vkfnoklh efgykvksa dks is;ty dh miyC/krk] dq,¡ ds fuekZ.k vkSj lfefr ds fu.kZ; fuekZ.k esa vf/kdre lgHkkfxrk fn, tkus ls vkt bu vkfnoklh efgykvksa tequk ds lg;ksx ls nkbZ dk;Z esa izf’kf{kr dk 'kkjhfjd o ckSf}d fodkl lEHko gks ik¡p vkfnoklh efgyk,W¡ ik;k gSA tequk }kjk gh igyh ckj bl xk¡o esa gcZy C;wVh ikyZj Hkh [kksyk x;k gSA tequk }kjk fn, x, Hkw&nku ij fufeZr csM+kMhg Ldwy Hkou tequk }kjk [kksyk x;k efgyk C;wVh ikyZj Ekqrqj[ke ou laj{k.k lfefr dh dk;Zokfg;ksa ls :&c&: gksrs izkstsDV losZ{kd 10-bl izkstsDV ds losZ{k.k ds nkSjku eqrqj[ke ou laj{k.k lfefr dh dk;Zokfg;ksa ls tqM+s ekSfyd nLrkostksa dks ns[kk x;k rc ;g Li"V gks x;k fd blesa efgykvksa dh lgHkkfxrk Q#"kksa ls cgqr vf/kd gSA bl rF; dks fuEu rkfydk ls igpkuk tk ldrk gS& 156 eqrqj[ke ou laj{k.k lfefr ds lnL; Øe la- efgyk lnL; 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930- Q#"k lnL; laFkkyhvkfnokfl;ksa ds miuke eku flag VqM~Mw VqM~Mw fot; dqekj flag] gsEcze insu lfpo xaxk/kj VqM~Mw gkWlnk fl/ks’oj VqM~Mw fdLdq xaxkukFk VqM~Mw Lksjsu nqykjke gk¡lnk Okjds vkyknh lksjsu ek.Mh Meku ek.Mh gsEcze jkepUnz bUnq gk¡lnk tequk VqM~Mw] vè;{k ekyrh VqM~Mw] mikè;{k pk: pj.k VqM~Mw] lg lfpo tkuh VqM~Mw] lnL; tksluk VqM~Mw] lnL; ekykorh VqM~Mw] lnL; lwxh VqM~Mw] lnL; ek;k VqM~Mw] lnL; lkyxs VqM~Mw] lnL; fparkeuh VqM~Mw] lnL; lyek VqM~Mw] lnL; f’keky VqM~Mw] lnL; cgke;h VqM~Mw] lnL; tkuk VqM~Mw] lnL; lqrkeuh VqM~Mw] lnL; lukruh VqM~Mw] lnL; ckvksjk VqM~Mw] lnL; dijk VqM~Mw] lnL; tkmQuk VqM~Mw] lnL; ek;uks VqM~Mw] lnL; lkyxs VqM~Mw] lnL; lqxhj VqM~Mw] lnL; ftrjkbZ VqM~Mw] lnL; ghjkeuh] lnL; fdrq gsEcze] lnL; dknEcjh gsEcze] lnL; feuw g] lnL;sEcze lherh] lnL; lkjkoyh gk¡lnk] lnL; ckygh] lnL; gk¡lnk 157 313233343536373839- ckygh gk¡lnk] lnL; pqUuh jkuh gk¡lnk] lnL; tkmuk gk¡lnk] lnL; neqeuh gk¡lnk] lnL; Mqeuk fdLdq] lnL; lqEeh fdLdq] lnL; vkynh lksjsu] lnL; dkty eqeZ] lnL; ljLorh eqeZ] lnL; UksV: lfefr dh T;knkrj cSBdksa esa lfEefyr gksus okys xk¡o ds vkfnoklh L=kh o Q#"kA 12- ;gk¡ tequk ds lEiksf"kr i;; ukjhoknh iz;klksa dks gekjs izkstsDV ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa us ekSfyd fgUnh dfork ds ekè;e ls of.kZr fd;k gS] tSls & ukjh vkSj izd`fr lfn;ksa ls tks nck;h gqbZ gS] fir`lÙkk ds vR;kpkj dh ekj [kkbZ gqbZ gSA ukjhokn ls cuh oks LokfHkekuh] ckr ugha ekuh gS ;s QjkuhA vkvks lquk, >kj[k.M dh dgkuhA iz.k ysdj taxy dks cpk;kA tequk VqMw us ;g IkkB i<+k;kA 'kfDr dh og cu xbZ fu’kkuhA vkvks lqus >kj[k.M dh dgkuhA >kj[k.M tks Fkk gjk Hkjk] lqanj Fkh ftldh /kjkA ladV ds ckny gS Nk,] dkVh lkjh olqU/kjkA efgyk gks ;k izd`fr nksuksa gS eerk vkSj d#.kk dh fu’kkuhA muds vR;kpkjksa dh gS viuh ,d vyx dgkuhA dkVs taxy vkSj ckxku] catj gq, >kj[k.M m|kuA izd`fr ij ;g dSlk dgj <k;k] thou vius gkFkksa ls viuk ujd cuk;kA efgykvksa dks xqLlk vk;k Fkkeh lq/kjus dh dekuA yxkvks tqekZuk tks dkVs [ksr&[kfygkuA tqekZus ls tks iSlk vk;k yxs isM+&ikS/sk] cus fo|ky; gqvk lM+d fuekZ.kA tu&tu dk gqvk dY;k.k] >kj[k.M fQj ls cuk m|kuA ,drk jkuh mB tkx eqlkfQj tkx bl funzk dks vc rw R;kxA 158 nsj gks xbZ vc vxj rks ;g lc gedks lguk gksxkA LoLFk O;fDr dh /kkj.kk dks LoIu cudj gh jguk gksxkA ns[kks&ns[kks >kj[k.M dh tequk VqMw dks ns[kksA blus eqrqj[ke dks cpk;k] ydM+h ekfQ;kvksa ls cpk;kA blus o`{kksa dks yxk;k] >kj[k.M dks LoPN cuk;kA f’kokuh fiz;adk ;fn Hkkjrh; LorU=krk laxzke esa vkfnoklh efgykvksa ds ;ksxnku dks ns[kk tk, rks ;g blesa dHkh ihNs ugha jghA jksgrklx<+ essa rhu ckj rqdZ lsuk ij geyk gqvk Fkk ftlesa rhuksa ckj ^fluxh nbZ* vkSj ^dbyh nbZ* ds usr`Ro esa vkSjrksa us eqdkcyk djds mUgsa iNkM+kA laFkky fonzksg esa fl/kq&dkUgq vkSj pkan HkSjo dh nks cguksa ^iwQyks* vkSj ^/kuks* us vaxzstksa ls eqdkcyk fd;k vkSj vaxzstksa ds bDdhl flikfg;ksa dks ekSr ds ?kkV mrkj MkykA >kj[k.M dh ^nsoeuh* mQZ ^ca/kuh*] ^ekdh* vkSjrsa Hkh cfynku dk izrhd gSaA buds vykok pEih] ukxh] lkyh] fFkXxh] ysEcq] edh os vkfnoklh efgyk,a gSa ftUgksaus vkfnoklh fonzksgksa esa egÙoiw.kZ Hkwfedk fuHkkbZA okLro esa lEiksf"kr fodkl vkSj i;; ukjhokn dh T;knkrj ekU;rkvksa dk vuqdj.k gesa tequk }kjk funsZf’kr o xfBr ou laj{k.k lfefr dh O;kogkfjd dk;Ziz. kkfy;ksa esa ns[kus dks feyrk gSA pwafd fodkl dh eq[; /kjk ls nwj fcuk fdlh ljdkjh lgk;rk ds bu lHkh vkfnoklh efgykvksa ds iz;kl ljkguh; gSa vkSj tc rd LFkkuh; leqnk;ksa dks ou laj{k.k gsrq izsj.kk] izksRlkgu vkSj igpku ugha feysxh rc rd ou laj{k.k ds {ks=k esa O;kid lQyrk izkIr ugha gks ldsxhA laiksf"kr fodkl vkSj ikfjfLFkfrdh; ukjhokn ds lS}kfUrd Kku ls vufHkK bu vkfnoklh efgykvksa ds Lo&izsfjr iz;kl iz’kaluh; gSa vkSj i;kZoj.k laj{k.k vrqyuh; gSA 159 160 SHYAMA PRASAD MUKHERJEE COLLEGE FOR WOMEN An Exploratory Study of Environmental Awareness and Consumer Behaviour towards Eco- Friendly Household Products project title: project code: SPM -102 Our slogan The above slogan is designed by our project team. It is an original design. 1. Objective • To examine consumer’s environmental awareness and behavioral practices on environmental issues. • To develop the theoretical understanding towards eco friendly household consumer goods in the reduction of adverse environmental impact vis a vis non eco friendly products in the same category. • To deliver insights into the factors such as environmental concerns, age, education, gender and level of income that shape consumption of eco friendly products. 2. Final Findings There has been unprecedented number of eco friendly products available in the market. In the survey it has been found out that people are aware of most of the environmental issues facing mankind like problem of drinking water, proper sanitation and garbage disposal, air pollution, etc. Most of them are concerned with the adverse effect of the harmful chemicals used in many 161 household consumer goods on their health. They are also concerned with the protection of their environment but their participation in the form of use of eco-friendly household products is very less. Some of them were not even aware of these earth and health friendly products such as organic food, biodegradable soaps and detergents, wall paints, energy efficient design of the buildings etc. Even if they had faint knowledge of these, biggest hurdle was their availability and cost. They were of the opinion that why these products are not advertised like other products? Respondents from the high and middle income groups were more than happy to use some of the eco friendly products but they needed assurance of quality, as any other brand would give them. Many of them showed keen interest in knowing more about the health and environmental impacts of the products they are presently using. Research project also reveals that people want to separate garbage, reduce electricity consumption and water wastage, use organic foods and products, and use non chemical paints among many from our questionnaire. Most of them are ready to bring a change in themselves. The project team strongly feels that more awareness has to be spread amongst the people. The manufacturers of eco friendly products should try to gain the trust of the public by giving them the assurance of the quality of these products. There are few to no regulations on disclosing ingredients in conventional cleaning and cosmetics. 3. Learning for Students It gives us immense pleasure to share that this project has helped the students to grow, advance and update themselves. This project has given them the platform by which they can make a difference in the society. Very enthusiastically they took part in many activities related to the project such as household surveying; attending seminars, conferences, work shops; designing original slogan, poster and brochure; preparing for Nukkad Natak and exhibition; making presentations and a film etc. All these activities have polished them and made them more knowledgeable. With this experience they will surely make a difference in the society. 4. Benefits to College Direct benefit to the college is that their ten students and three faculty members got the privilege to undertake this project. What ever they have learned will surely be distributed to others. One candle can lit many more. Also, project team has given the following proposal to the college principal. • Segregation, management of the waste and composting it. 162 • Install solar panels on the roof of administrative block. Govt. gives subsidies. • To make a garden of hope- organic farm at any small piece of land in the SPM campus. Navdanya has offered help. • To plant bamboos in clusters. Govt gives subsidy. • To make bamboo gazebos (sitting places) at few selected places such as outside the canteen for students. • Switch over to CFL/ LED bulbs as and when new bulbs are required 5. Benefits to Society The findings of the project may be of great help in building an eco and health friendly consumer movement in India. The outcome may directly or indirectly help in policy making and to the manufacturers. The project has great significance at this crucial juncture when the entire human kind is under severe pressure to save environment for survival of future generation. Through our survey, Nukkad Natak and exhibition at antardhwani cultural festival of university of Delhi we could make many people aware of these simple eco- friendly practices. It is a matter of habit than anything else. One can begin with just one product once a month adding another the next month. Gradually people will realize their benefits not only on the health but also on their surroundings. 6. Further Plans As we had opportunity to network with many organizations both from Government sector as well as from alternate agencies, we have found many interesting practices that can be taken up at Delhi University campus to make it environment friendly. Some of these practices are: • To make an Eco - haat. Products displayed / sold may be the result of the interconnections between the industry and the university students, who wish to work in this direction. It may be integrated in their curriculum. In this whole process new earth friendly ideas will be generated. It will be a swadeshi self- reliant production centre. • To make a garden of hope- organic farm at any small piece of land in the campus. This will bring our students close to the earth and their food. Navdanya , the organic pioneers run by Dr. Vandana Shiva has offered us the help to make an organic farm. • Segregation and management of the waste and composting it. A lot of organic waste is generated by the college canteens. If this waste is managed, the output may be used in the organic farm mentioned in point no. 2. • To plant bamboo clusters. Bamboo is amazingly versatile, makingit one 163 of the most renewable sources on the planet. Since it is a grass it can grow in most climates and environments without chemicals or pesticides, and it produces 35% more oxygen than hardwood trees. Bamboo’s tensile strength or the measurement of a material’s ability to handle stress is very high. • Above all, we propose that a school / institute for sustainable Living may be opened by the University of Delhi, offering opportunities to explore and practice the art and science of sustainability based on ecological principles. We as project team found a significant opportunity to make university of Delhi a model campus for the entire university community by integrating some of these best practices. 164 SHAHEED RAJGURU COLLEGE OF APPLIED SCIENCES FOR WOMEN project title: project code: An assessment of consumer’s exposure to pesticides in conventional vegetables and vegetables sold with the ‘Organic’ tag in Delhi-NCR region, India SRCA – 101 1. Objective: • To find out the pesticides used for vegetables currently and frequency of their use on vegetables grown in Delhi and NCR region. • To know about the awareness level of farmers regarding pesticides and their use. • To compare the residue levels of pesticides on vegetables (like okra, eggplant, tomato and cauliflower) collected from organic farms, plains along Yamuna banks and farms away from Yamuna. • To help in developing a regional exposure database and in facilitating assessment of health risks from pesticide exposure in our day to day lives. 2. Final Findings • Based on the survey it was found that farmers across Delhi-NCR region are using chemical herbicides, fungicides and insecticides like cypermethrin, profenos, endosulfan, butachlor etc. In fact they are well aware of their Collection, Extraction and Analysis of pesticide residue in vegetables across Delhi-NCR 165 • • • • usage, frequency and the adverse effects caused by these chemicals to health. However, the farmers still feel that government support is lacking in providing the awareness, education and related inputs for farming. Usage of organic vegetables across Delhi-NCR region is not very popular. Even the availability of organic vegetables which comply by the government norms are in dearth. Another interesting finding is that the standardized conventional method for extraction of residual pesticide is at par with the commercial method of QuEChERS. But the conventional method requires more time for extraction. Analysis of pesticide residue using either GC-ECD or GC-MS, revealed the same results. In both the cases it has been found that no significant residues of the targeted pesticides were present. Thus, it can be established, based on the analysis, that the organic vegetables are not superior to conventional vegetables with respect to the presence of residual pesticides. However, the presence of more number of peaks in conventional vegetables than in organic vegetables indicates the presence of other unfocussed chemicals. In nutshell, it could be concluded with a happy note that the consumers in Delhi and NCR region are safe with the consumption of all types of vegetables against the residual harmful pesticides as confirmed by the scientific evidences provided by the study. 3. Learning for Students The project was a substantial learning experience for the students involved as it helped them understand the aesthetics of an investigatory project and imbibe its principles. It was an academic breakthrough for an undergraduate level program which broadened their horizon and assisted them in taking a leap towards the realistic dimension of studies/education. The project has been a magnificent way of understanding and analyzing the intricate involvement of pesticides in the food system and the environment. Besides, it has paved the way for students towards understanding the standard method of conducting analysis for estimation of pesticide residues in vegetables (food) and subsequently, gaining a practical experience of working on experiments with precision and enhancing laboratory skills, obtaining meaningful results. To a larger extent, hands-on experience of using modern instruments like Gas Chromatograph was a major erudition for students. The project has not only instilled confidence in students but also helped in developing research aptitude, art of field work, interaction/survey skills, interpretation of results and presentation skills and majorly of all, writing the report of a project. Amalgamation of all this learning further opens up opportunities for students to work on other investigatory/research projects during their higher studies. 166 4. Benefits to College With the grants received from the university, the college is now well-equipped with technology and infrastructure to estimate pesticide residues. The method standardized during the project tenure can now be used readily for further research work. In simulation to the project, the method standardized can be used to analyze other food products and other samples in collaboration with other departments like food technology and chemistry. The college has been profusely delighted to conduct the project as it helped its students to go beyond the framed curriculum and contribute a little to the concern of pesticide consumption in food. 5. Benefits to Society With the conclusion of the project and the interpretation of the results, it comes to society’s relief that the vegetables grown along the Yamuna banks have been found to contain no significant levels of residual pesticides and thus, they are safe for consumption. Also, it confutes the misconception that the farmers are unaware of the pesticides they are using that is likely to affect the consumers adversely. People residing in Delhi-NCR can now step out of the myth that the vegetables they consume contain residues of pesticides because the farmers here are using the pesticides within maximum residual limit (MRL), owing to their awareness and concern. 6. Further Plans Further plans include: • Covering greater area for sample collection and targeting more number of pesticides in detection so as to give more diversified and substantial results. • Expanding the project work to include other sophisticated analytical techniques like GC – MS. • The awareness level of farmers dwelling away from Delhi – NCR can also be accessed through this scheme and can be enhanced through training in college. • Most importantly, with the standardization of the method and availability of infrastructure, the college can be treated as centre for analysis of pesticide residues in local fruits and vegetables as the college is in close proximity to the rural areas of Uttar Pradesh. 167 S.G.T.B. KHALSA COLLEGE Fluorescent Powder Compositions for Developing Latent Fingerprints project title: project code: SGTB-103 Objective To prepare fluorescent powder compositions for detecting fingerprints which: (a) are non-toxic and cost-effective. (b) can develop weak, chance orfragmented fingerprints. (c) can develop fingerprints on both absorbent and non-absorbent surfaces. (d) can develop persistent fingerprints on unusual and difficult surfaces. (e) can develop fresh, as well as old fingerprints. Final Findings During the course of the innovation project, we prepared a multi-purpose fingerprint detecting composition which was not surface-specific, and could therefore be used on a broad spectrum of articles most commonly found at crime scenes. The composition had a wide range of applications. It could detect fingerprints on a range of items, both absorbent (paper, wood, etc.) and nonabsorbent (glass, plastic, etc.); white and multicoloured; smooth and rough. Image 1. Picture of a fingerprint developed on a knife after keeping it immersed in drain water for 12 hours 168 The composition was also able to detect fingerprints on crime scene evidence that had been accidently or deliberately wetted. Alternately a suspect may commit a crime and thereafter throw the weapon in an aquatic body such as ariver or a stream. Thecomposition worked on such items as well, provided they were recovered within a span of 12 hours. The students also considered the possibility of the criminal wanting to recover his weapon after the hue and cry of the crime hadsubsided. In that case, he may bury the weapon in soil the rather than throwing it in a river. If the weapon wasrecovered by the police within 12 hours after the crime has been committed, the new composition could successfully develop good quality fingerprints on the evidence even if it had been buried in soil. There was yet another way by which a suspect may despoil the crime scene—by setting it on fire. High temperature and deposition of soot is known to interfere with detection of fingerprints. Initially it proved difficult for the project teamto carry out this type of experiment because it wasnot permissible to light a fire in College premises. However, theyovercame this problem by creating a mock arson site. Theyplaced the evidence (floor tiles or utensils) in an oven (common equipment in chemistry labs), adjusted the temperature to about 250 degree Celsius (normally encountered at arson sites) and placed a few newspapers in the oven to generate soot. The novel composition developed excellent quality fingerprints. There are several methods for detecting fingerprints on compact disks (CDs). However, in most of these methods the data stored in the CD cannot be retrieved after the prints have been developed. The new composition created by the students could be used to detect fingerprints on CDs without destroying the stored data. In case of rewritable CDs, more files could also be added after detection of fingerprints. The composition wasindigenous, non-toxic and cost-effective. It was fluorescent in nature and hence could even detect weak or faint fingerprints that are commonly found at crime sites. Learning for Students The students enrolled in the innovation projectacquired hands-on experience in research methodology. From the hypothesis and literature survey to experimentation and quality assessment, they learnt how an idea may be translated into technology. The teamwas asked to come up with a technique for fingerprint detection which could assist the law enforcement agencies to solve crime cases in a scientific manner. The students were successful in formulatinga composition which couldlift fingerprints not only from the articles removed from conventional crime scenes, but also from those sites which hadbeen accidently or deliberately despoiled. An Indian patent 169 entitled‘A composition for developing latent impression marks and process for preparing the same’ was filed by the University of Delhi on behalf of the project team. The undergraduate students who were part of the project team were listed as the inventors in this patent application. The addition of this patent to their profile will be extremely helpful to them intheir careers. Moreover, if the patent gets approved and commercialized, the students will also get a share of royalty. Benefits to College The equipment and consumables procured during the course of the innovation project were passed on to the Forensic Science Unit of theCollege. This unit offers a postgraduate diploma in forensic science. The resources acquired by virtue of the innovation project will henceforth be used by the students of forensic science. At the final presentation on the outcome of the innovation project, the team invited officers from Delhi Police, Military Police and Delhi State Fingerprint Bureau for a critical assessment of theirresearch work. These departments are now well aware of the academic and research activities being undertaken at theS.G.T.P. Khalsa Collegein the field of forensic science. In fact, they are now requesting thecollege to run periodic training courses for their personnel. Benefits to Society The technology developed by the project teamwill assist forensic scientists across the nation to solve crime cases scientifically. Theformulation prepared by the students has a number of advantages over the conventional formulations in use. These include: a.The composition prepared for detecting fingerprints by the teamis the first of its kind. Conventional compositions are surface specific, i.e. they work only on one type of surface. This novel composition has broad-based applications. It can detect fingerprints on a broad spectrum of surfaces, including absorbent and non-absorbent; white and multicoloured; and smooth and rough. b.Conventional compositions do not work on crime scene evidence which has been deliberately or accidently despoiled. Thisnovel reagent developed by the students can even lift fingerprints at crime scenes that have been washed out by water. It also works on articles (read weapons) that have been thrown intoan aquatic body or have been buried under the soil by the suspect after committing the crime. c.Most police personnel are from a non-science background and often 170 face problems choosing the correct fingerprint detecting composition for specific crime scene evidence. With onesingle composition this problem will not arise. Further Plans The team would like more undergraduateto be involved in theirnext innovation project entitled, ‘Identification of Weapon Holders in Crime Cases’.Weapons such as revolvers, pistols, swords, daggers and rods used in crime casesare generally made of iron or an alloy of iron. It is hypothesized that whilecommitting the crime, nanoparticles of iron are transferred from the weapon to the palm of the suspect. The fatty acid constituent of the palm’s sweat transforms the transferred iron to iron(II) ions. These ions form stable, intensely colored, chelates with some complexing agents. In this project, the students propose to synthesize ligands belonging to the triazine functional group for identification of weapon holders. When these complexing reagents are sprayed on the hands of a person who had held theweapon, a coloured, iron (II) chelate will be precipitated, thus identifying the suspect. In cases the suspect murders a victim, and before fleeing the scene of crime places the weapon in the hands of the dead person to make it appear like suicide, the coloured precipitate will not be seen since sweating ceases immediately after death. It will thus even be possible to make a distinction between a suicide and a homicide. 171 SHRI RAM COLLEGE OF COMMERCE project title: project code: Project Aahaar SRCC- 101 1. Objective Project Aahaar, reclaiming life the culinary way, is an initiative to empower commercially exploited women to become self-sufficient entrepreneurs, by providing them with basic culinary training and access to demand avenues to market their acquired skills. Training in accounting, kitchen management and environment awareness is also provided, so as to give them a holistic development. These women are from an economically backward background, and have been victims of harassment and exploitation in the past. By providing them with a skill-set in order to help them earn an alternative livelihood, we seek to open windows of opportunity for such underprivileged women, helping them gain economic independence. This will bolster their dignity and selfesteem, and give them an impetus to stand on their own feet. The girls at the certificate distribution ceremony after completion of culinary training at the Taj Mahal Hotel 172 2. Final Findings Project Aahaar aims to rehabilitate underprivileged and commercially exploited women by providing them with culinary training and enabling them to market their acquired skills in order to transform them into entrepreneurs in the culinary business. We realised that one thing which every woman knew was how to cook and hence we made ‘Bulk Indian Cooking’ the centre of our business model. Initially we worked with four women from a shelter home in Nirmal Chhaya Complex, New Delhi. These women were trained in bulk Indian cooking at the Taj Mahal Hotel, Mansingh Road, New Delhi and they have started cooking for the inmates of the shelter home. As we moved on to expand our project, we felt the need to introduce manufacturing of a product as our new business model for sustainability as well as profitability. Our proposed model is to engage our target community in a dry-food products (such as “badiyan”, “moogodi”, “papad”) manufacturing business. The production needs to take place in an open space and we will require a terrace to sun-dry the food products. We carried out a preliminary demand assessment and identified Khari Baoli, a wholesale groceries market in Old Delhi, as one of our major demand avenues. We contacted various organizations including Indo-Global Social Service Society (IGSSS) for identification of a community. We have also found a trainer who shall also be one of our major customers once the production process begins. IGSSS maintains over 100 shelter homes in Delhi. We were put in touch with 5 women living at one such shelter near Bangla Sahib Gurudwara in CP. But, after having spent a considerable amount of time with the women and understanding their problems, we realised that due to their instability, it would not be feasible to go ahead with this community for our business model. In this entire process, the most important thing that we have learnt is that it is necessary to build a strong bond of trust with the community and to inculcate a feeling of independence in them. 3. Learning for Students Project Aahaar helps us apply our textbook curriculum of economics and business in real-life situations by using concepts like cost-profit analysis, adaptability and sustainability of business models, etc. Functioning as social entrepreneurs, we learn to frame a successful business model and to face the challenges involved in its implementation. We discuss project related details with top companies and leaders of successful ventures. This has provided us with immense exposure and great insight into the corporate world. 173 These mentorship sessions help us to gain from the experience of extremely reputed people. Also, our interaction with the communities involved gives us a lesson in public dealing and prepares us to take on bigger leadership roles. Interaction with the community also broadens our horizon and makes us sensitive towards the society. 4. Benefits to College In the process of achieving academic excellence, it is the prerogative of every academic institution to inculcate in its students the zeal to unleash society’s full potential by opening up new pathways for the marginalized and disadvantaged communities. Project Aahaar, in its endeavor to uplift the lives of underprivileged women, is well aligned with the aforementioned objective of the college. In addition to this, the project gives an edge to SRCC over other institutes of business and economics by facilitating practical application of classroom learning. An initiative by the students of Shri Ram College of Commerce, it also earns appreciation for the college in the field of social entrepreneurship. 5. Benefits to Society In our initial model at Children Home for Girls, Nirmal Chhaya, 4 girls were trained in bulk Indian cooking. They are now cooking healthy and nutritious food, under the supervision of the existing cooks, for the 350 other inmates and get remunerated by the Government. A health check-up camp was also conducted here to review the health status of over 300 girls. We were also involved with a community at the IGSSS Shelter Home, Gurudwara Bangla Sahib, where we had conducted a counseling session and health check-up for five women. These women also underwent literacy training for a month. These models aim at empowering the communities by making them financially independent and self-confident. The tremendous media coverage received by our project creates the much needed awareness about the cause. 6. Further Plans (a) Plans regarding the existing model of a community kitchen at the shelter home in Nirmal Chhaya Complex: The girls have now started cooking under the supervision of the existing cooks of the shelter home’s kitchen, for which they will be remunerated. A monthly stipend of Rs.3000 for each girl has been approved by the Department of Women and Child Development, Govt. of Delhi. The stipend will be 174 transferred to their respective bank accounts, which will be opened shortly. The setting up of an “Aahaar Trust Fund”, as proposed in the previous report, has been kept on hold for the time being, until the bank accounts are in place. (b) We are currently in touch with a Delhi based NGO regarding the identification of a community for the new model of a dry food products manufacturing business. Once the community is identified, the women will be provided with the requisite training for 2-3 days before undertaking the production process. Their soft skills will be strengthened for overall personality development. They will also be provided with financial and literacy training to make them aware of the concept of savings and money management. 175 SRI AUROBINDO COLLEGE Green Banking and Sustainable Development: The Need of Today project title: project code: SAC(101) “Green bank is a bank for which green is not just the colour, it is the commitment to conserve and save the environment”. —Dr Namita Rajput. Objective Climate change is a noteworthy concern because of its drastic and looming effects. Even economists have recognized that there are financial rewards from controlling climate change and developing a low carbon economy. Green banking refers to how environmentally friendly your bank is, and how committed to green and ethical policies they are. Banks can fulfilan important leadership role for this economic transformation that has the potential to provide new opportunities in financing and investment policies. In compliance with the principles of integrity, impartiality, reliability and transparency, social banks are expected to ethically trail their operations in responsibility and controlling money laundering.The objective of this project Image 1. A collection of photos of the project team 176 is wasto highlight the Green green Bbanking initiatives being taken by the in the Indian banking sector in terms of awarness, pursuance, energy efficiency, financial inclusion , Rrural green practices, corporate social responsibility and sustainable development, in relation with the best international practices.The team and also to gave recommendationson how passing more mandates,legislation and a proactive role for RBI can take India to a greener tomorrow. Final Findings The impulse of going green is moving at a faster rate and is not a zero sum game, i.e. things which are good for the environment are also good for business.Green banking gives environmental benefits and helps in reducing the carbon foot print.Going green is a wonderful and judicious combination of operational improvements, technology and changing client habits, along with inculcating a shared vision towards saving the planet. The results of this study will have far-reachingimplications for the Indian banks, policymakers (RBI), environmentalists, social organisatons,Government of India, Ministry of Finance and International Strategic Alliances, joint ventures, etc. The survey responses are: Question Response 1. How prepared Very slow in response to global peers. are Indian banks regardingenvironmental and sustainable concerns? 2. What is the level There is 100% awarness of green issues; of awarness and implementation of About 93 per cent of the banks indicated that theytake enviromental initiatives? enviromental initiatives. 3. Does your organization About 90 per cent proclaim that they have been able to take initiativesin offering undertake such initiatives. green products or services? 4. Does your organization Yes have any enhanced or special criteria such as clean energy/ low carbonfootprint/ environment friendly, for the evaluation of a project? 177 5. Is there a statement or objective of the organization in a policy or program in the public domain that reflect sits commitment to green and sustainable issues and affects the image and reputation of the organisation? State your agreement. Type of Bank Agreement Private Public Foreign 6. Does your organisation have sustainability benchmarks in the evaluation of investment/ lending programmes? Percent Cumulative Percent Agree 45.5 45.5 Strongly Agree 54.5 100.0 Total 100.0 Agree 48.1 48.1 Strongly Agree 51.9 100.0 Total 100.0 Agree 65.4 65.4 Strongly Agree 34.6 100.0 Total 100.0 100% Yes 7. What is the awareness There was an awareness level of 100% in the case of public, level of international private and foreign sector banks relating to international initiatives in corporate frameworks and initiatives. sustainability? 8. International Initiatives Participation level UNEP-FI 3.7% per centpublic sector, 9.1% private sector, 53.4% foreign bank Climate Principles 14.8% public sector, 22.7%private sector, 11.54% foreign bank Equator Principles 100% no for public sector banks and private sector banks, 65% no for foreign sector banks UN Global Compact 100% no public sector banks, 100% no private sector banks, 97no foreign sector banks Carbon Disclosure Project 11.1 per centpublic sector banks,18.2 per centprivate sector banks, 26.9 per centforeign sector banks. 9. Aggregate of awareness and participation level in international protocols and parameters Awareness and implementation level International protocols Responses N Percent Percentage of Cases UNEP FI 75 17.6% 100.0% Climate Principles 75 17.6% 100.0% Equator Principles 75 17.6% 100.0% 178 Awareness and implementation level Responses N Percent Percentage of Cases UN Global Compact 75 17.6% 100.0% Carbon Disclosure Project 75 17.6% 100.0% Participating UNEP FI 15 3.5% 20.0% The Climate Principles 12 2.8% 16.0% Equator Principles 9 2.1% 12.0% UN Global Compact 2 .5% 2.7% Carbon Disclosure Project 14 3.3% 18.7% International protocols 10. Is there an agreement on internal drivers (agreement yes/no) parameters Increase in the value of 100% yes shareholder Yes Social pressure from 100% yes investors to invest in socially responsible manner Yes Changing board room 100% no agenda No Percievedbenefits profitability and 100% yes Yes Marketing benefits by 100% yes way of brand-building and reputation Yes Detention andattraction 100% no of employees No 11. What are the most significant internal drivers? Levene’s Statistics Sig. F Sig. Statistica Sig. Increase in the value of shareholder 3.260 .001 1.218 3.360 .040 1.118 Social pressure from investors to invest in socially responsible manner 3.360 .002 1.118 .332 1.154 .324 179 Levene’s Statistics 12. Is there an agreement on external drivers Sig. F Sig. Statistica Sig. Changing board room agenda 1.513 .227 4.828 1.513 2.332 .108 Percieved benefits and profitability 3.513 .003 1.828 .011 5.621 .007 Marketing benefits by way of brandbuilding and reputation 2.043 .004 1.231 .590 .539 .587 Detention and attraction of employees 1.435 .245 3.224 .417 .786 .317 External Drivers Percentage of Cases Regulation of the Government 41.3% Socialresponsibility 100.0% Environmental benefits and opportunities 100.0% Increase in eco-centeric consumers 5.3% Pressure groups/popular movements in the 100.0% society Others 13. Important external drivers 2.7% International protocols Sig. F Sig. Statistica Sig. Regulation of the Government 1.435 .245 3.224 .046 3.703 .032 Social responsibility 3.360 .040 1.118 .332 1.154 .324 180 International protocols Sig. F Sig. Sig. Environmental benefits and opportunities 4.984 .009 2.773 .069 2.332 .108 Increase in eco-centric consumers 1.513 .227 4.828 .011 5.621 .007 Pressure groups/ popular movements in the society 2.043 .137 .531 .590 .539 .587 Others 3.834 .026 .886 .417 .786 .317 14. Policies relating to Public sector specific issues of climate bank Private sector bank change,energy efficiency and waste management 100% yes 100% yes 15. Which is the most important policy of energy efficiency and waste management strategy followed by your organization thatwill help in reducing carbon footprints in the organization? Statistica Levene’s Statistic Sig. F Foreign sector bank 100% yes Sig. Welch Sig. Purchasing 4.965 .010 2.132 .126 1.786 .179 Educating 6.658 .002 1.589 .211 1.566 .219 Recycling .365 .002 .298 1.230 .301 Transport .504 .606 1.964 .148 1.918 .158 Energy 2.188 .119 2.158 .123 1.996 .147 16. State your agreement Levene’s on the employee Statistic Sig. engagement practices 1.084 .344 in your organization to Training address the issue of climate Performance 1.556 .218 change. and reorganization objectives Intranet sites 1.054 181 .354 2.14 F Sig. Welch Sig. 1.8 .169 1.816 .174 .30 .741 .292 .748 1.92 .153 1.873 .165 17. What isyour agreement on the statement that pursuance of green initiatives and sustainable development has impacted financial performance positively? Levene’s Statistic Sig. F Sig. Welch Sig. Internet 2.659 .077 1.24 .294 1.371 .264 Internal communication 3.389 .039 1.70 .190 1.575 .218 Type Bank Private Public (The results revealthat there is 100% agreement on the impact of green banking and financial performance for all categories of banks) 18. Major gaps: Foreign of Valid % Cumulative% Agree 50.0 50.0 Strongly Agree 50.0 100.0 Total 100.0 Agree 59.3 59.3 Strongly Agree 40.7 100.0 Total 100.0 Agree 23.1 23.1 Strongly Agree 76.9 100.0 Total 100.0 The main gaps identified by the Indian Banks that require directives from regulatory bodies: 1. Lack of awareness and consciousness on sustainability issues, international guidelines and frameworks. 2. Sustainability reporting:Need for formal frameworks and lucid and clear policies pertinent for banks operating in India. 3. Training and development of relevant skills inbank employees that can be used in core banking operations. 4. Clear policies to alter current management systems to incorporate sustainability issues. 5. Formal information sharing and dissemination platforms need to be defined properly. 6. Guidance / workshops / training programmes for banks are necessary on CSR focus areas. 7.There could be an international strategic programme in terms of funding these climate change programmes along with Indian banks such asa low cost green fund. This will help the developing countries counter the issue of sustainable development and help to develop green economies. There is a broad agreement that an effective response to climate change will require new investments and expenditure on a massive scale. International cooperation in this regard will help the developing economies to combat the environmental challenges. 182 19. What is your position on the statement that pursuance of green initiatives and sustainable development has impacted financial performance positively? 20. Suggestions Levene’s Statistic Sig 7.274 0.01 There is almost 100% agreement on the fact that if green initiatives are pursued by the banks it will certainly affect the financial performance of organisations positively. 1.To address each of these gaps, the Reserve Bank of India should have constructive and productive policy recommendations to facilitate and assist the evolution from the existing conventional business models to comprehensive and sustainable practices. This will help to realize the goal of sustainable economic development and decarbonize the economy. 2. The Government of India, but more specifically the Ministry Of Finance can play a special role in enhancing the speed of reforms to combat issues of climate change and decarbonizing the economy. 3.When we speak aboutsustainability in the context of banks,it refers to the philosophy that underpins a certain value system where the banks, in addition to ensuring that their employees,investors and customers make a profit, also focus on green measures. These measures promote resource optimization in internal operations (local hiring and green procurement), social value creation and proactive steps towards enabling financial inclusion,responsible growth and mitigation of environment issues.International funding could be used to facilitatea binding global agreement on reducing green house gas emissions and allow developing countries to begin scaling up their climate change responses without delay. 4. Help customers shape their own banking experiences by changinghow the bankprovides information and advice, recruiting online affinity groups and developing flexible loyalty programs. 5.Develop models around customer needs by reprioritizing spending, increasing the use of low-cost digital models and using more innovative technology. 6.Implementing these suggestionsrequires a strong political effort by all partcipating countries, butthe potential payoffs will be enormous. 7.Once created,the Green Fund can provide a unified resource mobilization framework which will be capable of meeting the financial needs for decades to come.This will bring the world closer and also help developing countries to begin scaling up their adaptations and mitigation efforts sooner (perhaps years sooner) than might otherwise be possible. 183 Green Bankingin RRBS in India: A Snapshot RRBS 1) Andhra Pragathi Grameena Bank(Syndicate Bank) 2) Chaitanya Godavari Grameena Bank (Andhra Bank) 3) Deccan Grameena Bank (State Bank Of Hyderabad) 4) Saptagiri Grameena Bank (Indian Bank) 5) Assam Grameena Vikash Bank (United Bank Of India) Greenand Sustainable Initiatives • Subsidy-cum-refinance scheme for installation of solar off-grids (photovotaic and thermal). • Decentralized applications under Jawaharlal Nehru national solar mission (JNNSM). • The bank has established a ‘Women Development Cell’ at the Head Office in September 2004; the cell is functioning as per the guidelines of NABARD to achieve the objective of women empowerment through SHGs and credit flow to women. • Financial inclusion. • Core Banking Solutions will enable our customers to transact from any branch anywhere. • National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT) facility has beenmade available at all our branches to enable customers to remit their funds to any bank/any branch in the country. • SMS alerts are sent to customers for all transactions exceeding Rs.2,500/- as a security measure. • The Bank has achieved 100% core banking. • Rewarded as the best bank for SHG Finance in Chittoor district each year since inception of the scheme. • Fully computerized RRB in the state of Andhra Pradesh. • RTGS and NEFT enabled. • Remittance facility to all over India. 6) Langpi Dehangi Rural Bank(SBI) • Financial inclusion. • Self-help groups. 7) Arunachal Pradesh Rural Bank(SBI) • Fund transfer from and to any bank all over India though National Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT). • Formation, monitoring and credit linkage of ‘Selfhelp-group’ • Financial inclusion by opening of no-frill accounts in rural areas through existing and new branches of banks. • SMS alert facilitity 8) Madhya Bihar Grameen Bank(Punjab National Bank) 9) Uttar Bihar Grameen Bank (Central Bank of India) • Financial inclusion through‘Sunhara sapna’. • Account portability facility. 184 10)Durg-Rajnandgaon Gramin Bank (Dena Bank) 11)Dena Gujrat Gramin Bank (Dena Bank) 12)Himachal Gramin Bank (NB) • • • • • • Core Banking Solution (CBS). Account portability facility. RTGS / NEFT facility. Mahila shakti scheme. SHG bank linkage. ATM facility available at Bhiloda and Meghraj branches in Sabarkantha district. • Self-help group microfinance. 13)Ellaquai Dehati Bank (SBI) • Scooty loan for girls and working women. 14)J&K Grameen Bank (J&K Bank Ltd) • • • • 15)Jharkhand Gramin Bank (Bank of India) • • • 16)Vananchal Gramin Bank (SBI) 17)Pragathi Gramin Bank(Canara Bank) 18)Visveshvaraya Grameena Bank(Vijaya Bank) • • • • • • • • 19)South Malabar Gramin Bank(Canara Bank) 20)Vidharbha Kshetriya Gramin Bank (Central Bank of India) 21)Maharashtra Gramin Bank (Bank of Maharashtra) • Anywhere banking facility available. Account portability available. Bank 100% CBS compliant. Jharkhand Gramin Bank has embarked on an ambitious technological initiative, named ‘Gram SHAKTI’, which includesintroduction and implementation of core banking solution in our branches. RTGS/ NEFT remittances throughout India. Internet banking. Issuance of ATM cards which can be used at any of the ATMs located in India. NEFT facility (fundstransfer). Account portability facility. Solar power equipments finance. 30 brand new ATMs / Cash dispensers (CDs) were installed on 13 March 2013. Joint liability groups. Financial literacy. Credit, and strong, stable and sustainable support to rural activities through personalized dedicated servicesusingmodern technology. A Technologically driven organisation with sustainable viability Micro finance and lending to self-help groups • Gram Ujala ( Solarhome lighting system) • Farmers Short Message Information Services 22)Wainganga Krishna Gramin • Swapan purti Bank(Bank Of Maharashtra) • Prakash kiran • NSTFDC under micro credit • All 71 branches of the bank are working on CBS (Core Banking Solution). • Internet banking 185 23)Punjab Gramin Bank(Punjab National Bank) • All 180 branches on the CBS network arenow going to provide ICT based financial inclusion services to clients in remote areas. • Awarded SKOCH FI 2011 award by the Skoch Foundation (INDIA) for micro credit facility. 24)Pallavan Grama Bank(Indian • The bank has introduced Indian Bank co-branded Bank) ATM cards for its customers on 29 November 2010, thus becoming the first RRB to issue co-branded ATM cards in the country enabling their customers to utilize 1128 Indian Bank ATMs across the country. The bank has so far issued 32,424 cards. • SMS alerts • Solar powered green branch • Introduction of money transfer facility • NEFT facility 25)Pandyan Grama • Micro credit(Winner of best performance award Bank(Indian Overseas Bank) from NABARD) • Recognized as a model institution by NABARD for hosting exposure visits on SHGs and JLGs. 26)Tripura Gramin • National Rural Financial Inclusion Plan (NRFIP) Bank(United Bank Of India) 27)Prathama Bank(Syndicate Bank) 28)Paschim Banga Gramin Bank(Uco Bank) • Pioneer in the field of micro finance. The Bank has developed its own model of micro finance, i.e. ‘Prathama Model’ that has been widely appreciated and recognized by NABARD, GOI and other international forums. The Bank has promoted the largest number of SHGs, JLGs and Farmers’ Clubs in the state of UP. • National pioneer in the promotion of Solarhome lighting. Bank’s efforts have been recognized and ithas been awarded India Power Awards for the years 2008-09, 2009-10 & 2010-11. • Commitments fulfilled towards financial inclusion by providing ICT based banking facilities in all villages identified for financial inclusion as per the Government of India guidelines. • All 219 Branches are under CBS. • CPSMS compliant. • PBGB on boards National Automated Clearing House (NACH). • NEFT facility. • ATM debit card is in the pipeline. • 530 villages having population over 2000 have been identified for financial inclusion 186 Learning for Students • Project-based learning involves an instructional scheme in which students learn a range of skills and subject matter in the process of creating a project. Sometimes, these projects are close to problems faced in the realworld; students work in groups and bring their own experiences, abilities, learning styles and perspectives to the project.. • Duringthe course of the project, students gathered and evaluated data from various sources such as print, multimedia or internet sources. They analysed and synthesized the information they had gathered and then determined the direction the project would take. This process was very inspiring and empowering for the students. • Through this project, students gained procedural as well as conceptual understanding of green banking. They acquired hands-on experience, improved their communication skills, problem-solving, and learnt critical thinking, visualizing, decision-making and reasoning.They also learnt how to write clear and concise reports on investigations using statistical toolssuch as spreadsheets and databases. They enhanced their interpersonal and communication skills, learnt time management andhow to set benchmarks. They also learntto recognize conflictsand resolve them, take initiative, and engage in active listening, They understood how to evaluate the overall progress of the group vis à vis the achievement of project objectives. Benefits to College • Green banking will help in reducing the carbon footprint of not only the bank but also of the college. This will put the institution on an environmentally sustainable path. • Every green step taken today will go a long way in building a greener tomorrow. With the initiation of suchendeavours, awareness and sensitivity towards environment has gone up. Both the teaching and non-teaching staff of Sri Aurobindo College has adopted green strategies such as internet banking, use of ATMs,mobile banking, etc. • Under this project, a small scale hand handled paper recycling plant wasinstalled in the college which will be a role model for otherinstitutionsand also help save trees. • During this one year of the project,special lectures, seminars, and research workshops were arranged which have benefitted the teachers as well as the students. This would not have been possible without the support of the Delhi University grant. • The students got the maximum mileage out of this project in terms of knowledge, presentations, seminars, analytical capacity and research 187 aptitude, which was verycommendable and went much beyond classroom teaching. Moreover, innovative projects can be path-breaking and also instrumental in shifting gears from conventional teaching to reality-based teaching. Benefits to Society • ‘Green Banking’ is mutually beneficial to the banks, industries and the economy. It ensures green industryand assistsin recuperating the asset quality of the banks. • Internationally, there is a growing concern about the role of banking and institutional investors inenvironmentally responsible/socially responsible investment projects. Banking institutions are more effective inachieving this goal owing to the kind of intermediary role they play in the economy, and for their potential reach to alarge number of investors. • The banking sector influences the economic growth and development of an economy both in terms of quality and quantity, thereby changing the nature of economic growth. It is is one of the major sources of finance for commercial projects which is one of the most important economic activities for economic growth. Therefore, the banking sector can play a crucial role in promoting environmentally sustainable and socially responsible investment. Figure 2. 188 Further Plans Moving to a thriving low carbon economy can encourageinnovation, boost output and create new jobs. Banks can provide important leadership for the required economic transformation that will provide new opportunities for financing and investment policies as well as portfolio management for the creation of a strong and successful low carbon economy. In this study, awareness, pursuance, implementation level of green banking, lending norms and international framework participation has been gauged and compared with international peers. Further research can be conducted to empirically test a sustainable (green) model which can lead to increased profitability using panel data of the Indian banking sector. This model can be a benchmark for sustainability, and can prove that if we move towards the green path, not only will we be able to reduce our carbon footprint, but we will also help increase profits. 189 SRI VENKATESWARA COLLEGE project title: project code: Survey of Trees in Delhi Region and Screening of Select Medicinal Plants for Anti-Cancer Activity SVC-101 Objective In the last few years, Delhi has witnessed extreme changes in land use pattern due to urbanization. The comparison of the current forest cover assessment with the previous assessment (Satellite data of FSI October 2006) shows a loss of 0.38km2 forest cover of Delhi. This loss can be attributed mainly to the felling of trees for development purposes. Medicinal trees have long been associated with maintaining good health and curing ailments. Due to its Figure 1. Representation of activities during the investigation 190 negligible sideeffects and cost effectiveness, 75% of the world’s population relies on herbal remedies, however only 15 % of all known plant species are screened for their medicinal value.With the aforementioned facts, our project had three main objectives—to survey tree species in Delhi; to prepare a crude extract from various parts (root, bark, stem, leaves, flowers, etc.) of select medicinal plants using solvents; and to evaluate these crude extracts for anticancer activity against certain cancer cells. Additionally, antibacterial activity was also investigated in select plants by Disc Diffusion method. Final Findings In our literature survey, the old and recent lists of tree species were compared. The old list was prepared from The Flora of Delhi by J. K. Maheshwari (1963), and the latestlist was prepared from Trees of Delhi: A Field Guide by Pradip Krishen (2006) andDr Anand Sonkar’sthesis Trees of Delhi (2009). Maheshwari’s book mentioned 178 species of trees belonging to 46 families, while the 2recent sources of literature contained a total of 384 species belonging to 77 families. Additionally, comparing the old and recent lists provided information on the number of tree species thathave disappeared or have been introduced in the region during this time period. Out of the 381 tree species currently present in Delhi region, 219 species from 65 families have been introduced during the past 50 years. Some examples of the cultivated species are Santalum album introduced from southern India, Spathodea campanulata from tropical Africa, Persea americana from the Carribean, Terminalia catappa and Syzygium jambos from Malaysia, and Shorea robusta from Nepal (Mukherjee, 1988; ICRAF, 2006; Pant and Sharma, 2010). A total of 13 tree species from 10 families were found to have locally disappeared within these 50 years. Thisloss of forest cover could be mainly attributed to urbanization and development. Although there may be other reasons as well for the disappearance of tree cover, they are not known. In addition, out of 381 recently reported tree species, 256 species were found to be medicinal, and a detailed table of these medicinal trees was prepared stating their medicinal properties. Interestingly, encouraging results were observed in the preliminary investigation on anti-cancer activity of selected medicinal plants, i.e.Cressa critica and Holarrhena antidysenterica. However, experiments are going on, and the final results are under progress. Besides, the extract of Ficus elastica, Albizia saman and Caryota urens were also investigated for antibacterial assay and a significant activity was observed. Three review articles have been published in esteemed peer reviewed international journals, which enabled the team members to update recent advances in the area. 191 Figure 2. Pie chart representing the composition of tree species inthe past 50 years Learning for Students Since, the project wasinterdisciplinary and involved bothchemistry and biology, students from thebotany, chemistry, biological sciences and life sciences stream also benefitted from it. During the literature survey and preparation of the list of plants, the students learnt how to use new computational tools while managing, analyzing and drawing conclusions from the data. For the collection of plants and preparation of crude extracts, the students visited medicinal gardens such as Kangra Herbs in Himachal Pradesh in September 2012.During this visit, the students learnt how to identify trees using taxonomic keys. The students also received training in the use of Soxhlet Apparatus. While preparing the tables of medicinal plants, the students had to consult books and online databases such as Pubmed. They also visited Central Science Library (CSL), Delhi University, North Campus to enhance their learning experience. While performing the antibacterial assay, the students learnt how to culture pathogenic bacteria with important precautions, and investigate the action of plant extracts. The team members also got expertisein several sensitive experimental techniques such as MTT assay and culture of cell lines. Hence students learnt significant aspects of microbiology. Another important achievement of the students was to publish three review articles in journals of international repute. These included two articles in Journal of Pharmacy Research and one article in Drug Invention Today. Benefits to College This innovation project has given the college immense scope to discover the talents of undergraduate students and subsequently build a bridge between classroom concepts and hands-on experience. A three-day national symposium on ‘Recent Trends in Innovative Research at Undergraduation: Science and Society’ was organized by Sri Venkateswara College from 28 February-2 March 2013. The symposium was sponsored by the Department of Biotechnology (Govt. of India) and the University of Delhi. 192 Benefits to Society Our investigation presented the status of floral diversity in Delhi region and revealed a surprising number of medicinal plants. Medicinal plants have long been associated with maintaining good health and curing ailments. These plants can be used to develop new antibiotics as a lot of current antibiotics have become ineffective against microbes due to drug resistance. Thisresistance is seen to a much lower extent in herbal medicines. In our study, we found two plants with anti-bacterial properties. Cancer is a major global concern as it is prevalent in both developing and developed countries. The current procedure for the treatment of cancer is associated with several harmful side effects. Hence, this research to develop an anti-cancer herbal medication from medicinal plants was an important step towards finding a better cure for this deadly disease. Further Plans Recent literature on the flora of Delhi shows the disappearance of 13 trees species. The investigation of anti-cancer activity of somemedicinal plants is currently under progress. The preliminary results are encouraging. After isolating the active molecules present in the crude extracts of the plant materials their, analytical and spectroscopic characterization will be done. Publications Image 5. At ‘Antardhwani’ with the Vice-Chancellor of Delhi University 193 Image 4. Project team 194 Image 5. At ‘Antardhwani’ with the Vice-Chancellor of Delhi University 195 SRI VENKATESWARA COLLEGE Purification and characterization of Cytochrome P450 from liver for the study of P450 interaction with anticancer drug molecules project title: project code: SVC -106 1. Objective The study of ADME/T properties characterize drug molecules in terms of their absorption, modification transport presents a challenging area of research in the discovery of novel drugs. When a drug is administered to the body it encounters the problems of stability, chemical modification and retention before being transported to the target site. The complications posed by the interaction between drug-drug and drug with serum proteins loss of activity are a hurdle that a novel molecule must traverse before being a successful therapeutic drug. The project aims to provide the students an insight into the various aspects of drug metabolism in the human body and the approaches to different steps of drug design and synthesis. Serum proteins play important role in bioavailability aspect of drugs by facilitating binding and transport of drugs after it has either been administered orally or intravenously. The activation/deactivation of drug Various aspects of drug metabolism in the body 196 involves interaction with cytochrome p450 (CYP) proteins. Bioavailability and metabolism studies of drug molecules play a pivotal role in the design of novel drugs. In this study, existing FDA approved anticancer drugs were evaluated for their ADMET properties with the hope to design new anticancer drugs. The objective of this project is to study: • Interaction of the CYP protein with drug molecule • Chemical modification of drug by CYP • Sequestration of Drug molecule by BSA • Design and synthesis of anticancer flavanoid molecule and their evaluation. • Inactivation of CYP by drugs. 2. Final Findings The drugs were characterized spectroscopically and UV-visible spectra was obtain to determine the chromophores. (Fig 1). Fig 1. The absorbance spectra of Doxorubicin, Etoposide, Methotrexate and Vinblastin The binding of the drug with BSA was studied using fluorescence spectroscopy. The binding of fluorescent probe ANS (Anilino Napthalene Sulphonic acid) to BSA (Bovine Serum albumin) was compared with the binding behaviors of the methotrexate, etoposide, vinblastin to estimate the affinity of these molecules to serum proteins. Vinblastin showed higher affinity as confirmed by absorbance spectroscopy (Fig 2). Fig 2. The quenching of BSA fluorescence with Vinblastin, Etoposide and ANS 197 Drug- Serum Protein binding studies Determination of the Binding Constant (K binding) Binding studies of the drugs were performed with three different BSA concentrations i.e. 20.(03mM), 30 and 40 mg/mL. (drug concentration 0.1 mM). As evident from the following graphs for a given concentration of drug, if the concentration of BSA is increased, the effect on the drug absorption spectra is less pronounced suggesting some interaction is taking place. 198 Fig 3. Spectroscopic study of BSA–drug interactions shows that increase in BSA concentration decreases the intensity of the drug. The Estimation of binding constant by UV- visible spectroscopy was performed and free and bound drug with protein were studied. K binding for doxorubicin was found to be 16.70 × 104 M-1 and for vinblastin it has a value of 0.87 × 104. Binding constant for the prepared flavanol was found to be 5.07 × 106 implying weaker interaction (Fig 4).The flavanoid compounds were synthesized and compared to the existing anticancer molecules namely methotrexate, doxorubicin, vinblastin and etoposide on basis of ADMET guidelines. By comparison of these parameters we intend to predict the efficacy of the synthesized molecule. 199 Fig 4. Calculation of K binding Experimental estimation of partition coefficient (Log P) is a very important parameter for solubility of the drug in blood. The solubility across various lipid monolayers composed of lipids like cholesterol, stearic acid and oleic acid and vegetables oils was evaluated. Methotrexate showed higher mobility across membrane and solubility in the aqueous front as compared to Doxorubicin. (Fig. 5) Fig 5. Experimental determination of Log P and estimation of membrane permeability 200 Fig 6. The enzyme activity of goat liver CYP with aniline as substrate The enzyme assay was optimized with aniline as the substrate. Liver extract was assayed for simple transformation reactions with aniline and p-nitrophenol (fig 6). The analysis of the enzyme activity showed that the extract from particular goat liver sample was not rich in aniline metabolizing CYP2A and 1A. Purification of CYP The P450 was partially purified from Goat liver by ammonium sulfate precipitation and DEAE anion exchange chromatography. The interaction of drug with the crude and partially purified protein was performed by UVvisible spectrophotometery (fig 7-8). Fig 7. Partial purification Cytochrome P450 from goat liver Fig 8. Elution profile of CYP by DEAE anion exchange chromatography and the SDS PAGE of various steps in purification 201 Inhibition of aniline hydolase activity of CYP by drugs The data suggests that the drugs inhibit aniline metabolism, however it is known that aniline is substrate for CYP 2E1 while the other drugs are CYP 3A substrates, however in crude extract of liver we observed decrease in aniline hydrolase indicative of allosteric inhibition. Care was taken to add ethanol to the control in equivalent concentration as the drug solution. Fig 9: Suppression of aniline transforming capacity of the CYP by various drugs Computational Compilation of 60 known anticancer drugs with 2D structures was done. The structures of the drugs were downloaded from PDB or 3D structures of drugs were generated using Hyperchem (Molecular Modeling Software) (figure 9). The data was complied inaccordance with Lipnsky’s rule. The Schrodinger suite Glide was being used for docking studies. The molecules were prepared by Geometry Optimization and Energy Minimization and were used for docking. (Figure 10) 202 Fig 9. Computed parameters from Hyperchem -the Lipinsky’s rule Score XpG MGbsa Binding free energy Doxorubicin -9.346 -96.783 Etoposide -5.992 -85.159 Methotrexate -6.074 -79.730 Tegafur -3,471 -3.7602 Fig 10. Docking of CYP 3A (PDB id- 1TQN ) with Doxorubicin using Glide. 3.Learning for Students: 203 This project opens the horizons for undergraduate students to imagine and foresee themselves in the field of drug discovery both in research and industrial set-up. The project gave them exposure to Drug development and designing of therapeutics. They applied their knowledge of biochemistry to understand cancer metabolism. They came to know about specificity of drugs targets. They learnt to design experiments and organize their work. The aspects of biophysics and physical chemistry were introduced by encouraging them to experiment with the proteins using different techniques. They were able to appreciate different perspectives about same problem and also to interlink the different fields to make conclusive ideas. The importance of data accumulation, analysis and interpretation was given to the students by hands on approach. The students gathered multitude of aspects of research by interacting with faculty, scientist and research scholars at IIT (Delhi), IMTECH (Chandigarh) and NIPER (Mohali). This will give them considerable experience to be able to take pharmaceutical/ biochemistry research as a career. The participation at Antardhwani was a one of its kind of experience for the students. They interacted with of people all walks of life-young school students, faculty and parents to whom they communicated their work. The students with their knowledge and wit brought difficult fields of research to the understanding of the community. The technical skills: • Spectroscopy Uv vis and fluorescence were used as tool for drug protein interactions. • Physical chemistry -aspects of data analysis were discussed. • Protein purification-chromatography, SDS page, dialysis, assay characterization- using theoretical know how to solve problems faced during optimizations. • Computational tools- Glide, Autodock, Hyperchem, Marvin Sketch, exploring PDB. • Organic synthesis of flavanoid. • Exposure to advanced technologies and infrastructure by virtue of visits to research institutes such as IIT, IMTECH, NIPER and industry Sphaera pharma. 4. Benefits to College Exploring and forging Synergy between different departments along with cross pollination of ideas and concepts. The project was enthusiastically supported by college administration, different departments faculty members and staff. 204 • Enabled platform for pioneering further research in this direction by assistance in development of infrastructure. Rejuvenation of the laboratory resources. • Faculty was mobilized and young researchers got a chance to try out newer topics of study. It gave new faculty confidence, resources and impetus to explore different areas of research and enhance their skills, all the while sharing with and enriching the students. • The students had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with advanced dimensions of research and to do research in house rather than going to other institutes for short durations. Here they were dedicated and secure in home institute and worked flexibly. They were in touch with their other friends in all other projects resonant exchange of ideas took place and spirit of excellence was renewed. • The college was able to raise the bench mark for research by compilation and publications in peer reviewed journals. • The college will be more keen to seek further support to take finding from this work to next level. 5. Benefits to Society CYP450 plays a pivotal role in clinical and pharmaceutical research especially that of cancer. The genes of CYP450 enzymes exhibit high degree of polymorphism. People of different races, geographic locations have a plethora of gene variants for a particular CYP450 enzyme. This will lead to decreased efficacy of the drug or may even lead to build up the unmetabolised form to its toxic levels which may damage the liver, kidney and other organs involved in drug metabolism and clearance. Hence for a molecule to be considered drug like or to even enter drug trials, it has to first pass the ”CYP 450 test”. Detailed study with CYP450 can contribute to the society in future by obliviating the need for high-end technologies. Hence generating opportunities for small enterprises to take up drug discovery and development. Humanitarian aspect: • • • • Reduced Costs of drugs Absolute safety side effects Dosage efficacy-bioavailability Inter individual variability genetic polymorphism 205 6. Further Plans The one year in the project was useful to optimize very sensitive protocols to study drug interactions, transformation and metabolism. The parameters need to be fine tuned to make a authoritative hypothesis. The Computational drug design parameters will be correlated to the spectroscopic data with the number of drugs that we can study will add to the sensitivity, accuracy and applicability of the outcome. The study with various models of organisms and drugs need to be set in a frame work that can be a comprehensive tool for single and multi drug interactions in the animal. 206 ST. STEPHEN’S COLLEGE Improving the Living Conditions of the Homeless in Delhi project title: project code: SSC 103 Objective The project addressed the issue of improving the living conditions of the homeless in Delhi. The problems faced by the homeless citizens of Delhi range from inadequacies in the infrastructure of the shelter, to poor access to sanitation, food, health services and public distribution systems, etc. Earlier,it was found that the number of temporary and semi-permanent shelters (about 146) is not enough to house all the homeless peopleof Delhi, particularly during winter. Moreover, there is partial or even complete absence of basic civic amenities at most of the existing shelters. These reasons, coupled with the lack of available space for constructing new shelters at key locations, namely central and old Delhi, where the density of labourers and daily wagers is the highest, shifted our focus to developing mobile shelters. Another major concern with the poor and homeless people of Delhi wasmalnutrition and/or illnesses, which result from dietary imbalance. Owing to habituary Image 1. Students working on the rickshaw Image2. and 3. Inauguration by the Chief Minister ,Image 4. The rickshaw ‘Sukoon’ displayed at ‘Antardhwani’ 207 compulsions and lack of awareness, many people consumed food with a low nutritional value thatwasreadily and cheaply available close to their workplace. The problem of access to balanced food/ rations at affordable prices was addressed as well. Final Findings This project brought together students and faculty members from the Physics and History Departments of St. Stephen’s College. The teamwasbroadly divided into three groups, each dealing with one of the following issues— development/improvement of existing/new shelters, food security, and health and sanitation. The demographic survey data indicatedthat around 30% of the homeless comprised ofrickshaw pullers, and formed the single largest group among the homeless (based on employment). This data, together with the fact that space for the construction of additional shelters is difficult to procure, led the team to conclude that it would be useful to convert a rickshaw into a mobile home. The first two prototypes of the mobile home were completed in collaboration with the team from Mother NGO (MNGO), St. Stephen’s Hospital, and they had the following special features: • A folding seat which couldbe opened into a bed 2.5’ X 5.5’ in size, to accommodate a sleeping adult. • An expandable roof to protect the rickshaw puller from rain/direct sun. • A sleeping bag and provision for a mosquito net. • A 30 watt solar panel attached to the roof, which could power a small fan, LED front and rear lights, an LED reading light, an FM radio and a mobile charger. • A sturdy iron frame for increased mechanical strength. • A straightened passenger seat, foothold and handrail for the safety of the passengers. • Magazine and water bottle holders. • Reflector panels at the rear for increased safety. • A rear storage box. These two prototypes were inaugurated by the Chief Minister of Delhi, Ms Shiela Dixit, on 23October 2012 and she named the rickshaw ‘Sukoon’. Subsequent surveys/interactions with rickshaw pullers indicated that the rickshaws were well received. The broader scope of such a mobile shelter involved developing a model of community living that combined housing, food distribution, sanitation and health care based on various types of mobile units, thereby providing 208 a holistic solution to the problem of homelessness in cities as space is often difficult to procure. The students working on food security visited MNGO and Stree Shakti to get inputs for preparing a model for food distribution to the various shelters. The concept of ‘Jan Ahaar’, a scheme of the Delhi Government to provide nutritious food to people with low income at an affordable price of Rs15 was taken as the role model. Our visits to the shelters showed that in some cases, the concept of a community kitchen where the inmates prepare one meal a day was working well. This had a positive impact on improving the social life of the inmates, as well as making the shelters feel like a home-away-fromhome instead of simply a place for sleeping at night. The group working on sanitation visited the office of ‘Sulabh’ to get a comparative estimate of the various types of toilets (bio-toilets, regular toilets, mobile units, etc.) that couldbe installed in the shelter units. It was decided by the team that since water scarcity wasa common problem in most shelters, bio-toilets would be more suitable. However, the problem of some people defecating in the open even with the availability of toilets could notbe completely eliminated. The cleaning of the shelters would be done by some of the inmates, who would be paid for the work. In one of the shelters, the inmates took the initiative to plant aloe-vera, tulsi, etc., which could serve as a quick and effective cure for minor injuries and common ailments such as colds. There were regular weekly visits by a team of doctors to undertake treatment of patients, if any. At most of the shelters that we visited, there were books, games, radios and television sets for the recreation of the inmates. Although the majority of the inmates were rickshaw pullers, labourers and daily wage workers, the few who were interested in studying further were able to do so as books were available. At the family shelters and shelters for children, the inmates were alsoimparted vocational training in sewing and preparing various articles such as bags, mats, etc., which could become a source of livelihood for them. The children went to the local municipal school, and were helped by older inmates and volunteers with their studies. Singing and dancing classes werealso organized in some shelters for the benefit of these inmates. Learning for Students Keeping in mind the importance of public engagement in carrying forward the initiative of the Government and other institutions, a conscious effort was made towards developing a practical strategy for sensitizing the youth to the emotional and social insecurity felt by the homeless people due to lack of understanding and exclusion from the community at large. The students of the project team were encouraged to volunteer for imparting vocational 209 training to the children living in these shelters. The interaction would help the students get an insight into the problem of homelessness. A blanket collection drive was initiated by the students working in the project in January, wherein they coordinated the effort along with students in several colleges of Delhi University. Such activities were targeted at raising awareness levels among the youth across the University, towards this problem. Benefits to College The project taught the students to think independently. It also helped raise the awareness level of the students and other members of the college towards the problem of homelessness. Since the role of volunteers who could teach the inmates, generate resources for helping the homeless people and care about the less fortunate wasinvaluable, the involvement of the student community was of great importance. The technical aspects of the project provided the students with exposure to hands-on work on real life problems, and they learnt to apply their knowledge in such areas. Most of the equipment acquired for the project—electronic equipment, Verniercalipers, screw gauges— will be utilized in the physics laboratory by the students to do the experiments prescribed in the University syllabus. Benefits to Society The primary achievement of our project wasthe rickshaw itself which would benefit rickshaw pullers, since it would provide them with a more dignified and comfortable existence. It would also benefit society as a whole, since it is an eco-friendly and non-polluting mode of public transport. The initiative taken by the students during the blanket collection drive wasan example of how even a small effort can make a difference to some people. In addition to this, a documentary prepared by the studentswhich was on display during ‘Antardhwani’, and a one-day colloquium organized at St. Stephen’s College served to draw people’s attention to the problems faced by the homeless citizens—a marginalized and neglected section of our society. Further Plans An advanced version of the prototype of the rickshaw ‘Sukoon’, with improvements in the braking system, gear assembly, etc., for increased safety of the rickshaw puller and rider, is being currently developed. Further, 210 work on microfinance schemes for making the purchase of the rickshaw simple and accessible needs to be undertaken to take the benefit to the end user. Options of making health and accident insurance available to the rickshaw pullers can also be explored, and would be of immense help to them. Work can also be done on the development of low-cost, self-contained houses using eco-friendly material. These would find widespread use as an integral part of town-planning, and be of immense benefit to society as a whole, keeping in mind the importance of environment friendly growth that is being adopted globally. In a country such asIndia, which has a huge deficit in the housing sector, particularly for the economically weaker sections, this would be particularly relevant. 211 ZAKIR HUSAIN DELHI COLLEGE Feasibility Studies to Improve the Quality of Living, and Development of Low Cost Efficient Techniques to Purify Potable Water in Villages: Case Study with Reference to the Villages of Ajmer (Rajasthan) project title: project code: ZH101 Objective About six villages of Ajmer district (Rajasthan, India) were chosen as the subject for the present project since this region faces acute drinking water crisis during summer. During peak summer months, the sources of water dry up and the villagers are forced to collect water from unsafe sources. Samples were collected from various community sources of water and analysed for toxic elements and other parameters. The adverse effect of these parameters and toxic elements on the health of the local people was also studied. The main objective of this project was to devise an innovative technique tofabricate an economical unit to purify water from existing water bodies Image 1. Dr Swati Arora, Project Investigator with the villagers at Govardhanpura, explaining to the local villagers about the significance of the work done by the college team under the innovation project. The team of students and faculty visited the Govardhanpura village in Ajmer district of Rajasthan and informed the villagers about the quality of potable water available and educated them about an economical way to purify impure water. 212 for drinking purposes preferably using local resources. In order to achieve this objective a very simple and realistic approach wasadopted in this project. It was decided to use solar energy for making distillers for purifying water as sunlight is abundantly available in this region. A multistage distiller which couldbe integrated with a solar water heater and a water purifierwas developed in the project. This multistage distiller was ingenuouslydesigned to provide substantial output of pure water without any costly inputs. An alternate arrangement wasalso made to purify water in case there was no sun as duringmonsoon or winter season. These objectives were achieved in three phases spread over a period of one year (15May 2012 to 15May 2013) a. Survey of villages and collection of water samples (Phase I) b. Chemical analysis of water samples to identify and isolate toxic/hazardous chemicals (Phase I) c. Development of low cost efficient techniques and devices to purify water (Phase I and II) d. Installation of community tanks to conserve water (Phase III) Final Findings From the preliminary findings and analysis of water samples collected from different sources of water, it was observed that pH, salinity, hardness and totally dissolved salts (TDS) werethe primary areas of concern. In order to remove the hardness as well as total dissolved salts from the water samples, we performed some experiments in college using innovative techniques. One such technique was based on the distillation of water using solar energy. We designed and fabricated a single stage, a double stage and a multistage distillation unit to increase the yield of distillation. The solar distiller works on the principle of heat and mass transfer. Ourmultistage solar distiller consisted of five identical stages made of glass trays and glass slides. Each stage of the still had a square glass tray of dimension 0.5 m x 0.5 m x 2 cm andcouldhold 2 to 3 litres of water. The glass tray was covered with a glass slide inclined at an angle of 10 degrees. The water vapour condensed on the inclined glass pane and water droplets trickled down in a trough whichwas connected to a common distillate output. The height of each stage was 100-110 mm except for the first and fifth stages whichwasaround 160 mm. The interior of the still was painted black using epoxy based spray paint to absorb and trap the maximum heat. The still was insulated withglass wool to avoid heat loss to surroundings. The top stage received maximum solar radiation QH1 since this stage wascoupled with a solar collector and received an additional amount of heat QH2. The top stage wasfilled with impure water from a single inlet. The solar energy 213 absorbed by the water in the first stage increased the temperature of the water. This heated water was then transferred to the subsequent stages via a common thermally insulated pipe. The temperature of the brackish water in different stages increased and this resulted in the production of water vapour which condensed on the inside of the inclined surface of the glass slides. The droplets flowed under gravity towards the edge of the tray, collected first in the trough and finally in the collecting cylinder. The test rig wasequipped with a set of PT-100 thermocouples to measure the temperature of the water in different stages. Thermocouples werealso used to measure the temperature of the glass slides on which the water condensed. The distiller could alsobe integrated with a solar water heater for the input supply of impure water, or with a purifier so that when there wasno sun, during monsoon or winter season, water couldbe purified through a membrane using solar panels and a battery to operate the pump. The multistage solar water distiller was filed for an Indian patent by the Delhi University. Learning for Students The innovation project scheme introduced by Delhi University in 2012 was primarily meant to motivate undergraduate students to conduct research, and encourage them to come up with innovative research ideas. In due course, students were expected to learn and become aware of the latest research methodologies under the guidance of faculty mentors. The research project undertaken by Zakir Husain Delhi College was quite successful in achieving this broad objective. The project provided the students with a platform to translate their ideas into practice, and use the latest technologies to achieve the desired result. The students undertooka long and difficult journey to reach the remote villages of Rajasthan—the subject of our research—and got first-hand knowledge about the problems faced by the local people. They were really motivated to do something worthwhile to solve the problems faced by the villagers, particularly drinking water problem, which was directly related to their health. They were surprised to findthat the resources were quite limited, and the local people were barely managing with the basic necessities of life. The students surveyed the villages, interacted with the people and compiled a report. They learnt how to collect, identify and code the samples collected from different sources of water available in the villages for further analysis. The students also got training in how to analyse water samples, measure their chemical and physical properties and compare them with the actual standards provided by the government agencies. Based on the results obtained, the students were trained in preparing a research paper for oral presentation in front of a learned audience. Eventually, four students were given the opportunity to present their work at the National Seminar on 214 Advances in Environmental Sciences organized by Him Science Congress Association at Shoolini University, Solan, Himachal Pradesh on 24-26August 2012. They also createda poster displaying their work. During the course of their project, the students learnt research techniques other than thoseprescribed in their syllabi, and handled different types of instruments. They also learnt how to fabricate a test set-up for their experiments in simulative and actual conditions. At the DU festival ‘Antardhwani’ held on 22-24February 2013, the students presented their project to students, teachers, scientists and the general public, and answered questions on it. The project exposed the students to a kind of practical training and learning that can only be obtained through such programmes. Benefits to College The project was extremely useful forthe college on various accounts. The students of the college got exposure to research methodologies, learnt how to approach a research problem, assemble and fabricate a research test set-up, and generate a database of results for theoretical and experimental analysis. The amount sanctioned in the equipment grant under the project was used to buy instruments such as data acquisition and storage system for online data access from the test chamber, solar water heater, solar panels, TDS and pH meter, electrometer, etc. Although the students were aware of this equipment,they had never had the opportunity to use it. They got practical knowledge about the working of this equipment during the course of the project. Now this equipment is available toall college students and they can use it to enhance their knowledge. The well-researched report that includeda database on how to generate purified water using solar energy in tough weather conditions is now a valuable addition to the college resources. The data can be used to provide solutions to similar problems faced in other areas. The faculty of the collegegot an opportunity to visit areas where reaching on an individual basis would have been difficult. Reaching remote villages and getting first-hand knowledge about the problems being faced by the local people was anenriching experience for them. Benefits to Society Science should be used to help the society at large rather than confining itsbenefits to purelyacademic interests. The research problem chosen in thisproject was concerned with the purification of water for drinking purpose in rural areas using locally available renewable energy resources. Hence the 215 outreach of the benefits was quite large. When the team of students and teachers reached the six selected villages under the jurisdiction of Ajmer district, the local people got a platform to raise their concerns and they were happy to know that efforts werebeing made to take their concerns to a higher level. Water samples were collected from different sources of water, and the local people were educated about the presence and absence of toxic elements in the water. They were also informed about safe limits of these elements in the drinking water. The villagers were given training in how to control high values of hardness, TDS or pH. This training specifically involved using locally available abundant resources of renewable energy to purify water and control its TDS values. During the dry summer months, when the water level depletes and resources become limited then additional sources of water can be generated by purifying water from sources such as handpumps or borewells, which are otherwise not used due to theirexcessive salinity. Further Plans Water purification and filtration for drinking purpose is a very important area of research. The solar water distiller developed in the project will be integrated with a water purifier based on an RO membrane. The team is simultaneously working on developing innovative reusable bio-membranes for water filtration. Thisis a large scale project and requires systematic experimentation and development of new advanced nanomaterials. The project team is also planning to develop low cost biofilters which can be reused and recycled. These biofilters will consist of an RO membrane supported on a porous ceramic system. Work is in progress to make a sufficiently strong porous ceramic support on which the membrane can be fixed. Mechanical, structural, morphological and electrical measurements have beencarried out to ensure the exact pore size of the ceramic support as well as the membrane so that micro, ultra and nanofiltration can be made possible using a monolithic unit. 216 Innovation Projects in News 217