Urban Drainage and Design of Wastewater Treatment Plants
Urban Drainage and Design of Wastewater Treatment Plants
MODULE: Urban Drainage and Design of Wastewater Treatment Plants Last Update: 18.07.2011 1 Modulname Module name Urban Drainage and Design of Wastewater Treatment Plants 2 Modulkürzel Identification code 021210251 3 Leistungspunkte (LP) Credit points (CP) 6 4 Semesterwochenstunden (SWS)/Semester load 5 5 Moduldauer (Anzahl der Semester) Module duration (Number of semesters) 1 Semester 6 Turnus Cycle every 2nd semester 7 Sprache Language English 8 Modulverantwortliche(r) Person in charge of module Prof. Dr.- Ing. Heidrun Steinmetz, Institut für Siedlungswasserbau, Wassergüte- und Abfallwirtschaft, Lehrstuhl für Siedlungswasserwirtschaft und Wasserrecycling, Bandtäle 2, 70569 Stuttgart, Tel. 0711/68563723, E-Mail: heidrun.steinmetz@iswa.uni-stuttgart.del 9 Dozenten Lecturers Prof. Dr.- Ing. Heidrun Steinmetz, Dr.- Ing. Ulrich Dittmer 10 Verwendbarkeit/Zuordnung zum Curriculum /Applicability/Assignment to curriculum MIP (M.Sc.), E, Elective, 2nd Semester, (SS) WASTE (M.Sc.), K, Mandatory for Section, 2nd Semester, (SS) WAREM (M.Sc.), K, Mandatory for Section, 2nd Semester, (SS) 11 Voraussetzungen Prerequisites Chemistry and Biology for Engineers Contents ofSanitary Engineering Lernziele Intended learning outcome Advanced knowledge of processes and concepts for urban drainage and municipal wastewater treatment systems Basics of construction and dimensioning of different urban drainage systems, stormwater treatment facilities and wastewater treatment plants as a base for dimensioning and discussion of proved and innovative technologies Deeper understanding for system connections as a basis for a decision making during the planning process 12 13 Inhalt Content 14 Literatur/Lernmaterialien Literature/Learning material 15 Lehrveranstaltungen und Lehrformen Course units and teaching methods 16 Design of sewer systems and stormwater treatment (Dr.- Ing. Ulrich Dittmer) - principles of urban hydrology - design of combined and separate sewer systems - Sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) and low impact design(LID) - Application of rainfall runoff models (computer exercise using U.S. EPA Stormwater Management Model) -different techniques for treatment and retention -design of stormwater treatment facilities Design of wastewater treatment plants (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heidrun Steinmetz) - Municipal wastewater treatment - different techniques for advanced biological wastewater treatment (nitrogen and phosphorous removal) - principles of process engineering - design of biological wastewater treatment plants and the main important aggregates - design of sludge treatment plants Seminar: feasibility studies (Prof. Dr.- Ing. Heidrun Steinmetz and external consultants) - special examples for sanitation concepts for world wide application - Ecological sanitation and resource orientated systems - case studies Butler, D., Davies, J.W) .Urban drainage, Spon press London, US EPA: SWMM 5.0 users manual Henze, M., Harremoes, J. la Coour Jansen, J., Arvin, E: Wastewater treatment. Springer Verlag Berlin Lens, P, Zeeman,G., Lettinga, G.: Decentralised Sanitation and reuse. IWA publishing, London Different German standards (DWA, Hennef) Lecture notes Design of sewer system and stormwater treatment, lecture with exercise, 2 SWS, 2,5 LP Design of Wastewater treatment plants lecture with exercise, 2 SWS, 2,5 LP Case studies: seminar and excursion, 1 SWS, 1 LP Abschätzung des Arbeitsaufwands Estimation of workload Pos unit presence time self study Sum 1 Lecture 32,0 64,0 96,0 2 Excercise 20,0 30.0 50,0 3 Case study 14,0 14,0 28,0 4 Excursion 6 0,0 6,0 180,0 17a Studienleistungen (unbenotet) Course achievements (without mark) Presentation of a WWTP design (exercise results) (USLV) 17b 18 Studienleistungen (benotet) Course achievements (with mark) Prüfungsleistungen (benotet) Examination achievements (with mark) Grundlage für… Basis for… --- Exam on Urban Drainage and Design of WWTP, 120 minutes (PL-S)