
the annual congreSS for the german retail induStry and itS partnerS
november 18-19, 2015, maritim hotel berlin
Get your early bird
JoSef SanktJohanSer, President of the German Retail Association – HDE
dr. angela merkel, Federal Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany
Sigmar gabriel, Federal Minister for Economics and Energy
alexander birken, Executive Board Multichannel Distance Selling, Otto Group
dunJa hayali,ZDF(Germanpublicservicebroadcaster)
An event jointly hosted by:
the annual congreSS for the german retail induStry and itS partnerS
the 2015 top themeS
• Retail & politics in dialogue – what are the
challenges the German Retail Industry is currently
facing and what steps can the Federal Government
take in order to support the industry?
• Customer journey – consumer trends in a digital world
• Big data – chances and barriers of usability
• Intensifying customer contact – individual
customer relationships in retail 4.0
• Seamless commerce – creating shopping
experiences in an omnichannel world
• Retail innovations & new store formats – successful
retail concepts from Germany and abroad
»The retail convention is an excellent platform to find out about current
topics, get new inspirations and establish and cultivate contacts in a
professional and very pleasant environment. The selection of first-rate
speakers was superb and a great asset.«
• Digitization in the retailer’s day-to-day life –
challenges of a successful implementation
of digital retail technologies
• Collaboration between retailers & manufacturers –
synergies of a successful partnership
the highlightS at a glance
thiS iS what you can expect at the GeRmaN RetaIl CoNGReSS 2015:
1. Retail & politics in dialogue
HDE (Central Association of the German Retail Trade)
PresidentJosefSanktjohanser engages in a political
talk with Federal Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel and
Federal Minister for Economics, Sigmar Gabriel.
2. exclusive keynotes & Ceo round tables
100 nationally and internationally renowned, toprated industry experts will ensure the highest level
of know-how transfer in step with actual practice.
3. Break-out sessions
12 strategic and practical workshops offer a wide range of topics and individual specialization opportunities on cutting-edge and highly topical issues from
the trade industry.
4. Congress trade fair
About 50 exhibitors present their latest products,
services and strategies for the retail industry. An accompanying exhibition program including specialized industry-related lectures will take place in the
Speakers‘ Corner at the same time.
5. Presentation of the German Retail award 2015 &
Retailer’s Night
The presentation of the award for the best in the industry will take place during an exclusive evening
event and marks the ceremonial highlight of the first
day of the congress.
6. the Previous evening event
On the eve of the German Retail Congress, the congress organizers and Microsoft invite all participants
to join a first warm-up „Unter den Linden“. In addition to inspiring introductory speeches, the evening
will offer ample time and opportunities for first networking activities.
come and meet the deciSion-makerS of the
german retail induStry!
november 18-19, 2015, maritim hotel berlin
Congress participants in the plenum
Networking during the business speed dating
Peter Pohlmann (f.l.)
Structure of attendeeS of the German retail ConGress 2014
extract from the delegate list 2014
Lekkerland • Loden­Frey • Ludwig Görtz •
Fresh • arko • Artdeco • Babyone •
Mast­Jägermeister • MEDA Küchen­
baumarkt direkt • Benetton • Benno
Managing Directors /
Executive Board
Marstaller • Berkenhoff • bonprix •
• Metro • mfi • Möbel Kraft • Mode
Jost • MODOMOTO • Mondelez •
MUSTANG • mymuesli • Nestlé •
Supermarkets • Colgate­Palmolive •
Dehner • Detlev Louis • Deutsche
Bahn Station & Service • DMK
• Otto • Peter Hahn • Planet Sports •
Deutsches Milchkontor • DOUGLAS •
Duni • Dussmann das KulturKaufhaus •
eBay • ECE • edding • EDEKA • EHEIM •
Ernsting‘s family • expert • FAMILA • Fraport •
Fressnapf•GARANT•Globetrotter•Globus•GriesDeco• • Schmalenberger • Schwarz • Sconto • SiSi­Werke •
GustavRamelow•hagebau•HammReno•Harry­Brot• SportScheck • STABILO • Storck • SuperBioMarkt •
Hepsiburada • HIT • Hornbach • Hussel • Iglo • IKEA • Swarovski • Tchibo • Telefonica • Tengelmann • tesa •
Inditex • Intersport • JACK WOLFSKIN • John Lewis • Thalia•TheCo­operativeGroup•TomTailor•Triumph•
JuwelierJ.B.Friedrich•Kaiser‘sTengelmann•Karstadt• United Labels AG • Value Retail Management • Varta
KEKSZauber•KiK•KlavierhausDöll•KnauberFreizeit• ConsumerBatteries•Vileda•Walbusch•WaltDisney•
Kneipp • Küche&Co. • Leder­Stoll • Leffers&Co.• WMF•Zalando•ZARA•u.v.m.
Ian McLeod, Coles Supermarkets
Stefan Genth, Dr. Barbara Hendricks,
congreSS trade fair retail world 2015
at the RetaIl WoRlD 2015, you WIll meet the deciSion-makerS of the
german retail induStry in an excluSive Setting!
As an exhibitor, seize the opportunity offered by the
Retail World to …
»Brilliant panel of the relevant decision-makers in
the German retail sector!«
Speakers‘ Corner
Florian Baur, emnos GmbH (exhibitor 2014)
• present yourself as a competent
partner and solutions provider,
• strengthen your existing business ties,
• establish new business contacts,
• enhance your brand awareness
and market reputation and
• avoid unnecessary spreading losses!
After the successful launch of our exhibition stage in 2014,
we will offer the same framework in 2015 to give you
another opportunity to present your business contents in
a specialized lecture to our trade fair audience.
Or, you may want to become a sponsor of the German
Retail Congress and join us in creating the top-class
convention agenda. We are happy to consult you
regarding your individual presentation options.
»We have been attending this event for years now
and every single year, we are very satisfied with the
way it is organized in terms of the field of participants, size and quality.«
Wolfgang Cech, S-CARD Service GmbH (exhibitor 2014)
»This has been our first time as exhibitors at the
Berlin congress. The overall quality of the event is
surprisingly high, especially regarding the congress
facilities with high-quality presentations. Despite
the fact that we are talking about a congress and not
a trade fair here, we are pleasantly surprised about
the number of visitors at our exhibition stand and
really happy about the opportunity to have made so
many new contacts here.«
Marco Schlüter, Hermes Transport Logistics GmbH (exhibitor 2014)
Congress Trade Fair Retail World
Your person of contact:
Marylka Abraham
Senior Sales Manager Sponsoring & Exhibition
Phone: +49 69 2424-4775
Management Forum
der Verlagsgruppe Handelsblatt GmbH
Eschersheimer Landstraße 50
60322 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: +49 69 2424-4770
+49 69 2424-4799
Date & Place
November 18-19, 2015
Maritim Hotel Berlin
Stauffenbergstraße 26 · 10785 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 2033-4410
Room booking
The hotel will reserve a limited number of
rooms for you until October 7, 2015. Please make
your reservation directly with the hotel referring
to the »German Retail Congress 2015« (single
room € 157.00 excl. breakfast).
Top Sponsors
Media Partners
Congress fee & registration terms
(Excerpt from our General Terms and Conditions,
GTC) Please use the pre-printed registration
form on the reverse side. The fee for the
two-day congress is € 1,490.00 plus VAT per
person. In case that more than two congress
participants from the same company will
attend, a 15% discount will be granted to the
third participant and onwards. The congress fee
includes beverages, lunch and evening events.
Upon receipt of your registration, you will
receive a registration confirmation including
invoice. The invoiced amount is due within 14
days from invoice reception unless another term
of payment is indicated on the invoice.
In case of a written cancellation of the registration, a processing fee of € 50.00 will apply if
the cancellation is received in written form by
Management Forum by October 21, 2015 at the latest.
In case of non-attendance of the participant or a
cancellation after October 21, 2015, the congress
fee must be paid in full. Of course any registered
participant is entitled to name another person as
his/her replacement. The organizer reserves the
right to make changes regarding speakers and
topics without further notice. General terms and
conditions of Management Forum apply. The GTC
can be viewed under
fax regiStration +49 69 2424-4799
yeS, i/we hereby regiSter for the DeutSCheR haNDelSkoNGReSS 2015
on November 18-19, 2015 (€ 1.490.00 plus VAT per person)
Early bird discount € 1.290.00 until 06/30/2015
I/we make use of the special price for retailers (€ 990.00 plus VAT per person)
Early bird discount € 890.00 until 06/30/2015
We are interested in sponsorship and exhibition opportunities
at the German Retail Congress 2015. Please provide further
non-binding details.
I/we attend the gala dinner for the German Retail Award 2015 on
the evening of November 18, 2015. Participation is included in the congress fee.
I/we make use of the special price for entrepreneurs* (€ 490.00 plus VAT
per person, please enclose a copy of your business registration – not older
than 36 months)
I/we attend the Previous Evening Event on the evening of
November 17, 2015.
*Not combinable with any other special offers or discounts.
Participation is included in the congress fee.
1. Last name / first name
2. Last name / first name
Data protection notice: You are entitled to withdraw your consent to the promotional use of your details by notifying, in written form, Management Forum der
Verlagsgruppe Handelsblatt GmbH, Eschersheimer Landstr. 50, 60322 Frankfurt, via
email to or via telephone +49 69 24 24-4770 at any
** By submitting my email address and telephone number, I hereby agree to receiving
further information about this congress and other events by Management Forum
via e-mail or telephone.