45th Anniversary Tribute


45th Anniversary Tribute
45th Anniversary Tribute
Third Generation Family Business
Specialty & Natural Food Distributor
Delivering Excellence
The Griffin Report of Food Marketing
January 2011
Chex Finer Foods Celebrates A 45-Year-Old
Partnership Between Customers,
Vendors & Team Members
The Chex Finer Foods staff has one goal in mind: Delivering Excellence.
Be a partner, not just a supplier.” This sums
up one of the main tenets of the business philosophy of Chex Finer Foods, as it celebrates
its 45th year as a regional, third-generation family-owned distributor of natural and specialty foods.
In an ever consolidating and changing world of
distribution, Chex has been one of the longest
standing and strongest players in the Northeast marketplace on the specialty and now natural distribution scene.
The company’s continued goal is to “Deliver
Excellence” in its products and services to its customers, some of whom have been with Chex since
it began out of a garage in Sharon, Mass., in 1965.
In our meetings with Chex it became clear that there
are two adjectives that best describe Chex’s
approach to business:
Passion and Commitment
It is clear for Chex that its team members love
what they do and are passionate about the products
that they sell and customers that they serve. Jeremy
Isenberg summed it up “When your passion is
your work, it is no longer work and that makes it
all worthwhile.”
Chex is a service focused company, that takes
the commitments it makes to its customers very
seriously and as one of their core values states “Go
the extra mile for the customer, Always.”
Mike Isenberg added “In a day and age where
many distributors are going to a self service model
and pairing back more services, we are coming out
with more programs, adding more people, and continually reinvesting back in the business for the
long-term growth of the company.”
This long-term approach to business is in sharp
contrast to some of the short-term profit focused
approaches that other companies can find themselves taking. Michael and Jeremy described carrying on the values that were started by their grandparents and reflected how their grandmother
Dorothy would always say “you are always selling
yourself first.” The value that Chex places on the
quality of its relationships - with its employees, customers, and vendors underscores the way in which
the company operates.
The company’s goals have been and continue
to be:
• Providing a first class customer experience
• Offering a superior product mix
• Leveraging insightful tools, expertise and
product knowledge
Chex has become a major specialty and natural
food distributor serving customers throughout New
England, New York and New Jersey. A turning point
for the company was in 1999 when they started
servicing 13 Bread and Circus stores – this helped
shift the direction of the company to be more
focused on the natural marketplace and shifted its
product mix to be more “all natural” in nature.
Since that time, Chex has expanded its relationship with what is now Whole Foods Market, servicing 49 stores from Maine to New York.
Several of the programs that Chex has developed
with Whole Foods Market regionally have been
expanded nationally due to their success including
many of their Laurel Hill products which can be
found in Whole Foods Markets nationwide.
The torch that was carried dutifully and skillfully
by their father David was passed in 2004 to the next
generation, when the third generation of Isenbergs
took over running the company.
At that time, Jeremy was named president and
focused more on the “outside” -growing sales and
vendor relationships. In 2003 his brother Michael
joined the team and focused on the “inside” building out operations, technology, and enhancing
Chex’s marketing programs.
The company business performance in 45 years
(Continues on page CHEX3)
January 2011
The Griffin Report of Food Marketing
Chex Finer Foods Celebrates 45 Years...
(Continued from page CHEX2)
is outstanding. Company sales have tripled in size
in the last five years and there is budgeted growth
of 15 percent per year. Their in-stock position
exceeds 95 percent.
In a tough and challenging economy suffered by
all in the last year, Chex is finding that business is
significantly up. According to Jeremy Isenberg, company president, company sales have increased more
than 20 percent this year.
Chex is a key supplier to a “diverse, cross section” of independent, natural, and multiple store
chains from Maine to New Jersey. They have had
many customers for more than 40 years, but at the
same time have significantly increased their customer base. These new customers have been attracted to Chex for their top notch service, fresh
approach, and commitment to their businesses. An
estimated Chex customer count is 800 companies;
five years ago, customer count was around 400
companies. According to the Isenberg family “we
are dedicated to the growth and success of the independent, natural, and specialty trade in the Northeast.”
Chex has reaped the benefits of a growing shopper trend interested in specialty and natural foods
as well as wellness and nutrition. More people are
cooking at home and looking for value.
Mike Isenberg, company vice president, said
that these trends have played well into Chex’s
approach in the marketplace. For example, Chex’s
pasta and pasta sauce category is up 70 percent in
sales over two years ago, as Chex has marketed specialty pasta and pasta sauce as a “value meal
Olive oil is also showing huge growth category
with sales up over six times in the last three years.
Jeremy added “I used to think there were 3 kinds
of olive oil ¼, ½ and 1 Liter. Now we carry over 65
olive oils from around the globe and I anticipate
continued expansion and growth.” Chex has even
developed their own oils with their producers,
including Verolio and are planning to add an unfiltered extra virgin olive oil under the Laurel Hill ban-
Meet the Isenberg family running Chex Finer foods. Pictured above are Mike, Jeremy, and David.
ner in 2011.
The Isenbergs point to a great collaboration
between their vendors and the company as each has
shown an unwavering determination and hard work
to please their customers.
Taking It To the Next Level
The Isenbergs have also invested in many technological tools to help each customer grow the business. Each of Chex’s 10 sales staff members has a
“Tablet” wireless computer that, at a moment’s
notice, can bring up a “sales library” which puts all
of chex’s tools right at a sales person’s fingertips.
It arms each sales person with category reviews,
new item information, top sellers, promotions and
also transmits orders wirelessly back to the ware-
house. Their salespeople can customize their presentations and information to meet the retailers’
needs and demographics.
Within the next year, Chex will be looking to
move to a larger facility in Southeastern Massachusetts that will more than double the size of its current Attleboro facility. With this larger facility, Chex
will be able to offer even more unique items. But it
is not the size of the company that will determine
Chex’s continued success. It is the focus on each
customer and their needs that will pave the way for
continued growth and success. The portfolio and
quality of specialty and natural foods that they carry
has continues to expand, introducing over 300 new
items a year. They anticipate the new items will continue to increase even further once they are in the
new facility and could include other product lines
not presently carried.
“We don’t have to be the biggest company. What
I want are customers who keep coming back to us
for service and expertise. We focus on customer
service and want to grow our customers businesses”
said Jeremy, company president.
Mike added, “What we want is to be on the cutting edge and educating our customers about new
items and new trends.”
The Griffin Report of Food Marketing
January 2011
When Most Think About Retirement, Jay
Isenberg Began A New Family Adventure
n the fall of 1965, Jay Isenberg, at the age of
55 years old, when most men think about retiring, had the vision and fortitude to start a specialty food company with the support and encouragement of his beloved wife, Dorothy.
Along with their son, David, they worked tirelessly to build a family business committed to honesty, hard work and a dedication to both valued customers and loyal employees.
Mr. Isenberg began his food trade career building a successful wholesale grocery business for
many years in Fall River, Mass. From there he went
into an unrelated field but his passion for the food
business drew him back to the industry and he
became president of Bond Foods (subsequently
becoming Millbrook Distributors). He grew the
business rapidly through strong sales. However,
issues with his partner led him to sell his shares and
strike out on his own and start Chex.
Beginning in a garage in Sharon, Mass, at that
time, the name of the company was Chex Distributing Co. But when David was on the road many customers inquired what Chex distributed, so the Isenbergs decided to change the name of the company
to Chex Finer Foods, noting the types of customers
they were serving and products they were distributing.
According to David, his father loved sales, his
customers, and the specialty food business.
In the first few years of business they developed
the Laurel Hill brand, which is now the company’s
top selling line. It was initially created to fill a void
for products that customers requested that weren’t
available in branded options. In the late 1960s Chex
also started to import products from Europe, which
were some of the ways they solidified relationships
with their customers and grew their sales. Interestingly, both Laurel Hill and an expanding import
business are two of the drivers of growth for Chex
Pictured are Chex Finer Foods company founders Jay and Dorothy Isenberg.
Among the business principles Jay imparted to
David was not just to sell his customers an order
but to sell them the right products for their stores
and help make their businesses more profitable.
“We all worked very hard and we started in on the
ground floor and it makes me proud to look at the
business now. It has been and is still a great journey,” said David.
David and Jay were on the road four days a week
selling and then came into the office on Fridays to
purchase the company’s weekly requirements from
their suppliers as well as taking care of internal
Among the business principles Jay imparted to David was not just to sell his
customers an order but to sell them the right products for their stores and help
make their businesses more profitable.
business. David recalls early on “I never had by
own desk, but a corner of my Dad’s desk got the
job done.”
Two years later in 1967, Chex Finer Foods had
outgrown the garage in Sharon and the company
moved for a short period to a new site in North Attleboro, Mass., before they developed their current
site in the Attleboro Industrial Park in 1971. “Having
to personally guarantee the business kept you working during the day and worrying about it during the
evening,” said David. During the 1970s, the company added additional personnel in sales, office,
warehouse and transportation and grew very rapidly.
In the late 70s, Chex lost the Star Market
account, which was a key part of its business. This
was a turning point in the company’s history, as the
Isenbergs intensified their focus on the region’s
independent and natural food retailers. This has
been a great path and has led to many of the opportunities that the company has capitalized on today,
including their strong position within the natural
food industry today.
David ran the business successfully for many
years, deepening the relationships with their customers, solidifying the rapport with their vendors,
and helping the company create a very strong reputation within the industry. Jay retired in 1994 at
the age of 84 years old from Chex, and at the end
of his career when he could no longer drive, had a
driver take him around to see his customers that he
so deeply cared about.
Almost nine years ago, David’s sons entered the
business – Jeremy in 2002 and Michael 2003. “The
boys came into a company with a solid foundation.
They have done a terrific job caring for the customers, vendors, employees and have worked hard
to continue strong growth. The boys have come in
with a lot of energy, enthusisiam and new technol(Continues on page CHEX5)
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January 2011
The Griffin Report of Food Marketing
When Most Think About Retirement, Jay
Isenberg Began A New Family Adventure...
A Few Words
From David
(Continued from page CHEX4)
ogy. They have taken it to a new level.” said David.
In 2007 due to the company’s strong growth
Chex expanded their Attleboro facility by another
33 percent. This additional capacity couldn’t have
come at a better time as the next generation pushed
the company’s sales to record highs and Chex
expanded their trading area.
Over the last few years, they have developed very
strong business in the Metro New York market,
expanded to upstate New York, and added significantly to their more outreaching territories including Northern Vermont and Maine.
When asked why he thinks Chex is so successful,
David Isenberg said, “We take care of our promises
to our customers. We care about them, always have
and we listen to them. We create a positive environment for our customers, vendors, and staffers. We
try and keep our customers on the cutting edge of
specialty and natural foods.”
David remains involved with the business, helping out in the purchasing of goods. “After 45 years,
it is still in your blood,” he said. “I love the business
as did my father. I am proud of what we have done
and proud of where the boys have taken it and the
value that they have perpetuated.”
Chex Finer Foods is headquartered in Attleboro, Mass. A new larger headquarters may be sought out for
the future as the company continues to expand.
hex Finer Foods has currently achieved the distinction of being in business for 45 years, spanning three generations, serving the independent
When taking a look over the shoulder it is amazing to see how things started – how they progressed,
where they are, and what makes the ball keep rolling.
My dad, at the age of 55, started Chex Distributing
Co. in 1965. This was the year I graduated from college and a good starting salary out of college was
around $10,000. After taking the summer off my
brother-in-law urged me to go and “help Dad out.”
We started out of a garage in Sharon, Mass.
My father truly gave me the opportunity to start
with nothing – absolutely nothing. I started to work
in an unheated warehouse where the olive oil was
turning cloudy from the cold and I soon learned that
“if you keep moving, you will not be cold.” It seems
that I have not been cold since.
When I entered into sales, at that time, we were
the first guys on the block calling on the independents. We were welcomed by retailers looking for our
type of items. We often spoke of how this was a gentlemen’s business. Customers asked for little, were
very loyal and there was not lots of competition. How
things have changed!!
But actually it is a good process to separate the
men from the boys.
Over the years, the weak or mismanaged fell by
the wayside including both retailers and distributors
and yes, even vendors. We realized that certain values
lend to annual and long term success. You must be
passionate and love what you do.
Hopefully we work 24/7 not just for the glory or
for the paycheck but to service our customers and to
take this passion in making them successful. Be a
partner, not a supplier. Be all you can and then ask
what more can I do. Those who do will be blessed
with many more years ahead and a bright future!
The Griffin Report of Food Marketing
January 2011
Chex Wide Range Of Specialty & Natural
Product Offerings Are Sourced Far & Wide
Laurel Hill Brand
Chex’s relationship with its flagship line of Laurel
Hill goes back to the company’s inception in 1965. The
expanding line features close to 90 SKUs of tortilla
chips, premiums snacks, salsa, imported vegetables,
olives, beans and grains, BBQ sauces, capers, and Asian
The Laurel Hill line has been reinvigorated with
new packaging over the last few years and there is now
a clear farm scene identity which helps reinforce the
brand positioning
Imagine a place where the simple life is the
way of life,
and true happiness is enjoying the company of
your family
and friends while sharing the pleasures of
great food.
Welcome to Laurel Hill
Chef Bobby Flay poses with Jeremy Isenberg with the company’s top brand: Laurel Hill.
ver the last five years, Chex has doubled the size
of its product mix and the company’s strong
partnerships with its vendors have been a key
driver of their success.
Deborah Eddy, Chex director of purchasing, noted
“We work very hard in introducing new products to
market and offering our customers better quality and
unique items that won’t be found in the big box stores.”
In addition to a strong portfolio of local products,
the company sources their products both domestically
and globally. Presently Chex imports products directly
from England, Spain, Italy, and Costa Rica. Chex is consistently innovating and looking for trends to keep the
product mix fresh.
“We really enjoy introducing new products and
establishing them in our marketplace,” added Jeremy
Isenberg, “Many of our best products have come from
collaborations with our customers and working with
them on requests that they have turned to Chex for us
to help market.”
Jeremy has also been a leader the Regional Distributor Group (RDG), an association of other independent distributors from around the country. This has
been a great network of distributors to share ideas,
products, and best practices and programs. This group
has collaborated on national new product rollouts and
is a great source of new products for Chex.
Given Chex’s size and ability to be nimble and give
more attention to their vendors, Chex has emerged a
viable alternative to national distribution options to
help vendor grow their business. Over the last several
years, Chex has expanded its product portfolio from
vendor referrals as well, which in 2010 new vendors
have accounted for almost 1/3 of their growth.
Retailers and consumers alike have responded very
positively to Laurel Hill and the quality of products that
they have created. Laurel Hill has begun to emerge as
a “friendly alternative” to national brands that have
proliferated retail channels and the brand is a high
quality option that retailers can rally around.
Mike said, “Since 1965, we have been providing
our Laurel Hill products to fine retailers throughout
the Northeast. We founded Laurel Hill by listening to
our customers and developing an initial group of food
products that met our high standards for quality and
taste. Today, over 45 years later, Laurel Hill has continued to expand our product selections and we are
now looking to bring Laurel Hill to passionate food
lovers around the country,” he said.
The Laurel Hill flagship specialty tortilla chips were
a SOFI Award silver finalist for Outstanding New Product
at the New York Fancy Food Show in 2009. The Tortilla
Chips now include five items: Multigrain, Sea Salt and
Lime, Nacho Cheese, Olive and Caper, and Pumpkin
The product line has been featured on Good Morning America and the CBS Early Show with noted Chef
Bobby Flay. Laurel Hill has been featured by many
newspapers and magazines. Current press accolades
for Laurel Hill Chips include Body + Soul Magazine,
Parenting Magazine, Cookinglight.com, The Boston
Globe, The Nibble, Delish, and more!
According to the company, due to the strong performance of the Laurel Hill brand in the Northeast markets serviced by Chex, there will now be a national rollout of three SKUs of the brand in Whole Foods Markets
stores in January 2011 and plans for future expansion
in the salty snack and other categories.
The company has also assembled a sales and brokerage network for 2011 to expand Laurel Hill placement in better quality retailers throughout the country.
For more information about Laurel Hill please visit:
January 2011
The Griffin Report of Food Marketing
Extolling The Laurel Hill Brand
The Griffin Report of Food Marketing
January 2011
Chex Uses Many Tools To Deliver Excellence
hex Finer Foods is committed to “Delivering
Excellence” in specialty and natural foods.
Chex Finer Foods’ approach is driven by a
commitment to see their customers succeed and
add value to their customers’ businesses beyond the
products that they sell. Jeremy Isenberg shared
“We run our business by making sure we are helping our customers are successful, as if they are successful, it will come back to us.”
Chex Finer Foods provides personalized service,
builds store awareness about specialty and natural
foods and continuously works to maximize its customers’ product mix.
Chex has a dedicated and experienced sales
team that has been central to the company’s growth.
The Chex sales team has territory managers that
have been with the company from 12 to 26 years
and have had multiple sales people retire with over
20 years of service to the company.
The Chex owners also work actively with their
sales team and are resources to their customers and
help the company respond quickly and thoroughly
to requests and opportunities.
ing” show to optimize summer profit opportunities,
source new items and coordinate vendor support.
Extensive shipper program.
4th Quarter Holiday Program - Industry
leading holiday program including holiday traditions, baking, entertaining, candy & confection.
More than 800 items with everyday & seasonal promotions and advertising opportunities
Specialty Food Buzz – The Chex bi-monthly
newsletter provides insights on category and retail
trends, new items and Chex programs.
Shelf Talkers – Chex offer shelf talkers, which
generate awareness about specialty and natural
foods, drive sales at retail and distinguish their customers’ offerings.
Chex customizes its marketing and advertising
to meet the needs of its retailers. “We love working
hand in hand with our retailers. We customize our
presentations to integrate our customer’s sales data
and work with them to provide insights, expertise,
and support to drive their sales. Many of our best
programs have started as collaborations with our
customers. We are fortunate to have such committed
customers that want to work with us to help grow
their business” said Michael Isenberg, company
vice president.
Marketing Programs
To help differentiate their customers from their
competition, Chex offers many successful marketing
tools, programs, and services that include:
New and Unique Items – Chex is consistently
innovating and looking for trends to keep its product mix exciting. They also offer upscale and unique
items that you won’t find at the big box stores and
will attract sophisticated shoppers and food lovers.
Business Reviews & Analysis – In-depth
reviews of a store’s sales; store audits; benchmark
analyis presenting category, top growing items and
new item comparison; top movement voids; top new
items; and on-trend review.
Category Reviews - Monthly insights of category growth, top items, new items and trends.
Merchandising Excellence – Chex works with
its customers’ hand-in-hand to implement merchandising best practices and resets. Chex conducts store
audits to ensure stores are merchandised effectively.
Annual Spring Tradeshow - “Two Day BuyShelf talkers, explaining the brand and the product, are common merchandising tools used by Chex Finer Foods.
January 2011
‘The Heat is On’ At Chex 20th
Annual Trade Show
wenty years ago, some key Chex vendors urged
the Isenbergs to provide a venue to help further
build their businesses before the important summer selling season.
This collaboration was the initial inspiration for
Chex’s Annual Spring Trade Show, which is now in its
20th year. “They told us, we need an opportunity to
plan in advance for summer and find out what was new
in the specialty and natural trade,” recalls Mike Isenberg.
“The first show was a tabletop show held in the
Chex Attleboro warehouse 20 years ago. Today it has
expanded to a two-day event at Twin Rivers in Lincoln,
R.I., with over 150 vendors in attendance.
According to Jeremy Isenberg, company president, “While the initial shows were small in size, we
all came together to celebrate our amazing customers
and vendors, write some great orders, learn about new
products and have fun. As we have grown and expanded, that same family spirit of our initial shows still carries on.”
The two-day show is set for Wednesday and Thursday, March 16-17. Show hours are Wednesday from
10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and Thursday from 9:00 a.m.
to 4:00 p.m. Four hundred fifty retailers are expected
to attend.
Mr. Isenberg views the show as not just a selling
show but a meeting of ideas and opportunities. Stores
can work one on one with vendors to plan out summer
purchases, deals and co-op advertising support. They
can also see and taste the new items, get merchandising
ideas and book shipper displays which help drive incremental sales and introduce new items. The theme of
this year’s show is “The Heat is On,” as Chex and its
customers prepare for the summer season
“We view our show as a great community event,”
said Mike Isenberg. “We see our customers as a part
of a big extended family and we look forward to seeing
them every year as we all collaborate with our vendor
For more information or registration, call 800-2278114 or e-mail info@chexfoods.com.
The Griffin Report of Food Marketing
A Few Words
From Some
“I love working with you and your team. You
are one of the best on the industry.”
- Errol Schweizer, Whole Foods
“Before we sold specialty foods, now we
have a specialty foods program that is
helping drive sales.”
- Tim Devanney, Highland Park Market
“Chex continues to provide us wit the
products and opportunities to grow our specialty food business year after year.”
- Mike Flaherty, Crosby’s Marketplace.
“It’s great doing business with a partner;
Chex is not just a supplier of goods;
but a supplier to help meet and
exceed our sales goals.”
- Russ Meredith, McKinnon’s Markets
“We need a supplier who treats us like family
and Chex has proven that week after week.
They really care about the
success of our business."
- Pat Ring, Ring Brother’s Marketplace
“A true leader in specialty and gourmet
foods! Great variety, knowledgeable sales
force, service second to none.”
- Tom Lajoie, Fitzgerald’s
The Griffin Report of Food Marketing
January 2011
Thoughts On Charitable Giving
David Isenberg helps at the Salvation Army.
ow did this journey begin? If “everything I
know,” I learned from my father, then everything charitable and giving, I learned from
my mother.
Dorothy Isenberg was a most special and
unique person. In addition to being a loving mother
and the co-founder of Chex Finer Foods, she spent
her endless energies and thoughts about how to give
back and support a multitude of community causes.
She was truly a visionary and never stopped
reaching out. Her range was diverse – from bringing
the Israel Philharmonic to Rhode Island in 1954 –
to establishing a Grandparents Guild for the Children’s Museum - to the Rhode Island Philharmonic
– to the Rhode Island Civic Chorale and Orchestra
- to mentoring and caring for young underprivileged
children, just to name a few.
She worked tirelessly and never took no for an
answer. “You can never say no to Dorothy!” She
solicited for Chex when we started up, she never
knew pricing – she sold packages of integrity. And
Personally, I always had the thoughts of giving
money to charitable causes upon my demise, yet I
wanted to accomplish and enjoy this process while
I was alive and to lead by example for my children.
We established the David C. Isenberg Family
Foundation focusing on children, education, the
arts and Jewish causes which was funded in great
part from Chex’s year end planning. We wanted to
touch people’s lives.
Some of our heart warming efforts include funding a grogram that brings joy and happiness to sick
children at the Hasbro Children’s Hospital in Providence as well as the Children’s Hospital in Boston;
sending a child to asthma camp, funding seed
money to have a book written about children from
the Holocaust; giving money anonymously to various
causes such as paying for a family’s heating bill
before it was going to be turned off during the bitter
cold winter; providing food gift certificates for
Thanksgiving for families in need; sending a young
child in need to a Jewish camp for the summer; and
sending money to a Temple in New Orleans that was
devastated during Hurricane Katrina.
Some of our larger efforts include leadership
gifts to the Providence Children Museum; the
Library; our Temple and lately establishing an
endowment to provide kosher meals for the elderly
and shut-ins.
It is most rewarding to see all my children carry
on the family tradition by becoming involved with
causes close to their hearts and continue this legacy
of giving. At Chex, we initiated a program of “giving
back” wherein our employees can make their own
decisions of where charitable company funds can
be directed.
I feel that it is a truly a privilege to be able to
tread this path, reach out to those less fortunate and
take the responsibility of giving to others. We must
leave our footprints in the sand. May this tradition
continue for generations to come!
True Staff
nticipating the blizzard on Wednesday, Jan 12
which hit the East Coast with 18 inches of
snow, Chex Finer Foods planned ahead and
kept deliveries running on time and ahead of schedule.
On Monday night, Jan. 10 the warehouse
worked ahead, coordinated with customer service
and sales to call the customers and shipped the
Boston run a day early. On Tuesday night, Jan. 11
the warehouse worked ahead, coordinated with customer service and sales to call the customers and
shipped the Vermont run a day. They also worked
ahead and picked the North Shore run which ships
on Thursday just in case.
On Tuesday night, Chex Operations Manager
Glenn Nordstrom slept at Chex Finer Foods headquarters so we could be open at 7 am the morning
of the blizzard. Everyone checked in and those that
could made it in to ensure all customers would get
their orders on time on Thursday. All runs will be
delivered on Thursday and all customers were delivered on or ahead of schedule.
According to Mr. Nordstrom, "Our customers
are open so we need to be open. We worked ahead,
communicated with the customers, and are 110
percent dedicated to their success. This is what we
January 2011
The Griffin Report of Food Marketing
Scenes From Past Chex Trade Shows
The Griffin Report of Food Marketing
January 2011