EoT-Kolkata_ Programme detail_Booklet


EoT-Kolkata_ Programme detail_Booklet
Table of contents
German House for Research and Innovation-New Delhi
Deutsches Wissenschafts- und InnovationsHaus
(DWIH New Delhi)
Consortium Members of DWIH New Delhi
Programme overview
Core Programmes for Excellence on Tour!38
Cultural Programmes for Excellence on Tour!93
Mr. Rainer Schmiedchen
Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany
in Kolkata
As a historian specialized in South-Asian history and married to a Sanskrit
scholar and Indologist, I already had a strong interest in India and Indiarelated research long before my arrival in Kolkata in May 2011. Numerous
personal contacts with Indian and German scholars and scientists here
and elsewhere in India and in Germany convinced me that Indo-German
co-operation in science and technology belongs to the most vivid sectors
of the relationship between both countries.
Generally, Indians seem to regard German technology as very reliable.
German scientists, on the other hand, are obviously developing more and
more interest in co-operating with Indian research fellows. That is one
of the reasons why Germany and India have opened an “Indo-German
Science and Technology Centre” in Gurgaon in 2010, which is funded
jointly by both states. The centre is not only designed to promote cooperations in various sectors of science such as energy and environmental
research, IT, transgenic plants and research in advanced materials and
nanotechnology – but it is also intended to improve common funding of
bilateral research projects.Furthermore, the German Government has set
up a “House for Research and Innovation” (DWIH) in New Delhi. DWIH
is not only a ‘one-stop shop’ for interested students, researchers and
potential partner institutions but also a body to disseminate information
about higher education in Germany, German research institutions and
I am really happy that DWIH visits Kolkata, because Indo-German projects
with scientific institutions as for example the Kolkata-based Variable
Energy Cyclotron Centre and the Indian Institute for the Cultivation of
Science clearly indicate that East India can have a good share in both
countries’ collaboration in research. India has provided considerable
financial support to participate in experiments carried out at the particle
accelerators FAIR in Darmstadt and DESY in Hamburg. The SAHA Institute
of Nuclear Physics and the VECC are very much involved in these projects.
I would like to mention that in the past more than 1,500 eminent
Indian scientists received prestigious scholarships from the Alexander
von Humboldt Foundation, making Indians the third biggest Humboldt
community in the world. Nevertheless, I think that the relatively moderate
number of young East-Indian students, scholars and scientists who study
in Germany and young Germans coming to East India leaves room for
improvement. I trust that DWIH’s “Excellence on Tour!” will contribute
to encouraging the personal exchange of both countries’ students and
young researchers.
Last but not least I would like to highlight the fact that German is the
most popular language among Indian foreign language learners. No
other foreign language is taught to more Indians than German, be it
in “Partnership Schools”, be it in Kendriya Vidyalayas or be it in the
language courses offered by Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan. As
Bengalis are said to have a special talent in learning languages, let me
please encourage the visitors of “Excellence on Tour!” to give special
attention to all offers to learn the German language.
I look forward to seeing you all at Science City in Kolkata.
Maximilian Metzger
Deputy Director General, BMBF
Over the last decades India and Germany have become strong partners
in terms of education, science and research. Scientific and technological
cooperation with India today is one of the most important fields in IndoGerman relations.
The German House for Research and Innovation (DWIH) in New Delhi
plays an important role within the bilateral cooperation. Today, it gives
home to local offices of altogether 15 major German science and research
organizations and universities.
“Excellence on Tour 2013” is a campaign organized by the DWIH Delhi to
showcase the potential of the German education, research and innovation
landscape and the opportunities for cooperation.
The “Excellence on Tour 2013”- Roadshow is presented within a unique
pavilion created by the German artist Marcus Heinsdorff.
In Kolkata the DWIH will present a broad program comprising cultural
events, scientific lectures and exhibits. The pavilion will be open to
the public. Visitors can gather information about the many various
opportunities to study and to do research in Germany.
I extend a warm invitation to come and visit the DWIH Tour station in
Kolkata. I am convinced the tour thrives to present the great potential
Germany’s science and research institutions hold for further and
intensified cooperation with India.
India is one of the world’s most important science nations. Analyses show
that German scientists range among India’s top cooperation partners
worldwide. This is the excellent outcome of our trusting and forwardlooking cooperation, which we intend to develop further. Germany invites
bright young people from India to work together with our top class
research institutes and universities.
Dr. Alexander P. Hansen
Coodinator of the DWIH and Director DFG India Office
Following the successful road shows “Excellence on Tour” in Hyderabad
and Ahmedabad 2013, the “German House for Research and Innovation,
New Delhi” (Deutsches Wissenschafts- und InnovationsHaus, DWIH New
Delhi) embarks on its journey to the eastern part of India to the city of
Kolkata to present the scope of Indo-German cooperation.
Well, if you are interested in one of the many topics outlined in this
program, I am sure we will be meeting soon during “Excellence on Tour”
at Kolkata Science City.
Enjoy your visit to the Pavilion and your discussions with Indian and
German academics!
The BMBF “Science Pavilion” set up in Kolkata Science City, provides a
perfect venue for the members of the DWIH New Delhi to meet Indian
students, academics and researchers. In this futuristic pavilion, we will
present to you fascinating insights of what Indo-German research is
all about. We will inform about the various opportunities available for
cooperation between Indian and German scientists.
The program will touch upon areas of cutting-edge research work of
the 21st century. What do you know about High Tech Toy Technology?
What have textiles to do with concrete? What is the latest news from
researchers on Climate Change or Renewable Energy? How can High-Tech
meet low budgets for housing?
German House for Research and Innovation-New Delhi
Deutsches Wissenschafts- und InnovationsHaus
(DWIH New Delhi)
Consortium Members of DWIH New Delhi
The German House of Research and Innovation (DWIH New Delhi) was
created in 2012 as a strategic initiative of the German Federal Foreign
Office (Auswärtiges Amt – AA) to promote the internationalization
of academic research. It encompasses 15 German organizations
comprising of research funding bodies, research centers, development
and commercial institutions and representatives of German universities.
The main aim of DWIH New Delhi is to further strengthen research
cooperation and bilateral synergies between Indian and German academic
1. Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH)
Coordinated by the German Research Foundation (DFG), DWIH New Delhi
serves as a ‘one-stop shop’ for information on German science, research
and innovation for students, researchers, employment seekers, scientific
institutions and commercial organizations in India. It provides a platform
for highlighting and promoting German contribution in the fields of
science, research and innovation among Indian academicians, scientists
and researchers through joint presentations, lectures and exhibitions. It
supports and facilitates joint government initiatives and bilateral projects
between India and Germany in education, language, science, research
and innovation.
DWIH New Delhi organizes conferences, symposiums, workshops and
seminars in the fields of science, technology, research and innovation
bringing together international experts and encouraging knowledge
exchange and cooperative activities between India and Germany.
The German Houses of Research and Innovation have also established
their presence at other locations worldwide namely São Paolo (Brazil),
Tokyo (Japan), Moscow (Russia) and New York (USA).
2. Bavarian-Indian Centre for Business and University Cooperation (BayIND)
3. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH www.giz.de
4. Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
5. Fraunhofer Gesellschaft (FhG)
6. Freie Universität Berlin
7. German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
8. German Research Foundation (DFG)
9. Heidelberg University - Heidelberg Center South Asia
10.Indo-German Chamber of Commerce (IGCC)
11.Max Planck Society (MPG)
12.RWTH Aachen University
13.Technische Universität München
14.University of Cologne
15.University of Göttingen
Consortium Members of DWIH New Delhi
DWIH Road Show
Excellence on Tour!
Programme overview
Inaugural event
Saturday, 22nd March 2014
17.00 h - 17.30 h
Inauguration of the Excellence on Tour - Science City Kolkata
Excellence on Tour - Science City Kolkata
SATURDAY 22.03.2014
17.00 h – 17.30 h
Inauguration of the “DWIH New Delhi – Excellence on Tour!” in
Keynote speeches from:
• Consul General Kolkata, Mr. Rainer Schmiedchen
• Professor Dr. R. N. Mukherjee, Director of IISER Kolkata
• Prof. Dr. Laurent Gizon, Director, Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Göttingen
• Mr. Maximilian Metzger, Deputy Director General, BMBF
• Prof. Dr. Dorothea Wagner, Vice-President, DFG
• Vote of Thanks by Dr. Jörg Schneider
Head Division International Cooperation, DFG
Moderation by: RJ Mir
17.30 h onwards
DWIH Cultural Gully
“A throw of dice” by Franz Osten
Supplemented with contemporary music compiled by DJ Gaurav Malaker
Moderation of Film by Mr. Amrit Gangar
17.35 h – 17.45 h
VIP Tour of the pavilion
17.45 h
Photo-Opportunity for the dignitaries in front of the pavilion
SUNDAY 23.03.2014
11.00 h
Opening of pavilion for general public
11.00 h – 13.00 h
DWIH Science Slam. Jury members: Mr. Rainer Schmiedchen
Prof. Dr. Dorothea Wagner, Dr. Jörg Schneider, Dr. Alexander P. Hansen
Moderation by: RJ Mir
13.00 h – 16.00 h
DWIH Info-session “Study & Research in Germany” by DAAD
16.00 h – 19.00 h
DWIH Info-session “Study and Research at Germany’s most vibrant and
excellent cities – Berlin, Cologne, Heidelberg” by Free University Berlin
19.00 h – 20.00 h
DWIH Panel Discussion “Tagore meets Einstein” by Heidelberg Centre
South Asia (HCSA), Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH) & Visva
Bharati Shantiniketan
11.00 h – 12.30 h
DWIH Info-session “Research is calling!” by MPG
12.30 h – 14.00 h
DWIH Public Lecture “Sunquakes” by MPG
14.00 h – 17.00 h
DWIH Workshop “Advances in Active Ageing: Indian and German
Initiatives” The Dharma Foundation of India with cooperation of Kalyani
Institute for Study, Planning and Action for Rural Change (KINSPARC)
17.00 h – 18.00 h
DWIH Workshop “Do you want to contribute to sustainable
consumption?” by GIZ
18.30 h – 19.30 h
DWIH Lecture “Energy efficiency building design and low cost houses”
by Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences
14.00 h – 14.30 h
16.00 h – 17.30 h
18.00 h – 18.30 h
DWIH Torwand “It’s Football!”
P. C.
10.00 h – 10.30 h
Inauguration of DWIH Workshop “The Theatre of Real Life”
By Mr. Wolfgang Zurborn. Inauguration by Mr. Rainer Schmiedchen
10.30 h – 18.00 h
DWIH Workshop “The Theatre of Real Life” by Mr. Wolfgang Zurborn
Review of Portfolio
“Foosball – Table football”
Match A: 15.30 h – 16.00 h ; Match B: 16.30 h – 17.00 h
Match C: 17.30 h – 18.00 h ; Match D: 18.30 h – 19.00 h
MONDAY 24.03.2014
11.00 h
Opening of pavilion for general public
10.00 h* – 14.00 h
DWIH School Initiative
Science for the young-minds organized by Goethe-Institut
14.00 h – 15.00 h
DWIH Info-session “Do you want to contribute to India’s
development?” by GIZ/CIM
15.00 h – 15.30 h
DWIH Info-session “Destination Germany”
by The German National Tourist Office
15.30 h – 16.30 h
DWIH Info-session “Do you want to ‘Make it in Germany’?”
by GIZ/Make it in Germany
17.00 h – 18.00 h
DWIH Lecture Series “Humboldts Erben” (Humboldt’s Heir)
“Humboldt and India. Curiosity and its Aesthetics”
by Dr. Jutta Jain Neubauer. Organized jointly by Heidelberg Centre South
Asia (HCSA) and Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH)
18.00 h – 18.30 h
DWIH Info-session “Destination Germany”
by The German National Tourist Office
18.30 h onwards
DWIH Cultural Gully “Presentation on Indian & German Film Tradition”
by Mr. Amrit Gangar
10.00 h – 18.00 h
DWIH Workshop “The Theatre of Real Life” by Mr. Wolfgang Zurborn
12.30 h – 13.00 h
14.00 h – 14.30 h
16.00 h – 17.30 h
18.00 h – 18.30 h
15.00 h – 16.30 h
DWIH Lecture “Digitalisation of historical and contemporary musical
instruments“ by Ethnologisches Museum, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
16.30 h – 20.00 h
DWIH Workshop “Energy efficiency building design and low cost
houses” by Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences
*Exceptional opening
DWIH Torwand “It’s Football!”
“Foosball – Table football”
Match E: 15.00 h – 15.30 h | Match F: 17.00 h – 17.30 h
TUESDAY 25.03.2014
11.00 h
Opening of pavilion for general public
11.00 h – 13.00 h
DWIH Lecture “Your food as your medicine – evaluation of quality,
safety and efficacy of natural products” by Jadavpur University
13.00 h – 14.00 h
DWIH Lecture “Textile Reinforced Concrete, Natural fibre based hybrid
composites, translucent concrete”
by RWTH Aachen
14.00 h – 15.00 h
DWIH Lecture
“Digitalisation of historical and contemporary musical instruments“
by Ethnologisches Museum, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
15.00 h – 18.00 h
DWIH Seminar “Frontiers of Indian Education & Research”
Jointly By Humboldt Club Calcutta and West Bengal Academy of
Science & Technology
18.00 h – 18.30 h
DWIH Info-session “Destination Germany”
by The German National Tourist Office
10.00 h – 18.00 h
DWIH Workshop “The Theatre of Real Life”
By Mr. Wolfgang Zurborn
Sharing new images
12.30 h – 13.00 h
14.00 h – 14.30 h
16.00 h – 16.30 h
18.00 h – 18.30 h
16.30 h – 20.00 h
15.00 h – 16.30 h
DWIH Torwand “It’s Football!”
“Foosball – Table football”
Match G: 15.00 h – 15.30 h
Match H: 17.00 h – 17.30 h
DWIH Workshop
“Energy efficiency building design and low cost houses”
by Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences
WEDNESDAY 26.03.2014
11.00 h
Opening of pavilion for general public
11.00 h – 14.00 h
DWIH Workshop “Toy Technology”
by Jadavpur University
14.00 h – 15.00 h
DWIH Lecture
“Digitalisation of historical and contemporary musical instruments“
by Ethnologisches Museum, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
15.00 h – 15.30 h
DWIH Info-session
“The Dual System of Education in Germany”
16.00 h –18.30 h
German with DWIH
Learning German in a jiffy by Goethe-Institut
18.30 h – 19.30 h
DWIH Lecture
“Single Minute Exchange of Die (SMED), Single stage mixing and
Conversion of Belt press-5 to vulcanize single belt on two decks”
by Phoenix Conveyor Belt India (P) Ltd.
10.00 h – 18.00 h
DWIH Workshop “The Theatre of Real Life” by Mr. Wolfgang Zurborn
Sharing new images
DWIH Torwand “It’s Football!”
12.30 h – 13.00 h
18.00 h – 18.30 h
16.30 h – 20.00 h
“Foosball – Table football” Quarter-Finals
I: 14.00 h – 14.30 h (Winner of A & H)
J: 15.00 h – 15.30 h (Winner of B & G)
K: 16.00 h – 16.30 h (Winner of C & F)
L: 17.00 h – 17.30 h (Winner of D & E)
DWIH Discussions
“Textile Reinforced Concrete, Natural fibre based hybrid composites,
translucent concrete”
by RWTH Aachen
THURSDAY 27.03.2014
11.00 h
Opening of pavilion for general public
11.00 h – 12.00 h
DWIH Info-session “Higher Education in Bavaria”
by Bavarian-Indian Centre (BayIND)
12.00 h – 13.00 h
DWIH Info-session
“Do you want to ‘Make it in Germany’?”
by GIZ/Make it in Germany
14.00 – 15.00 h
DWIH Info-session
DWIH Info-session “Do you want to contribute to India’s development?”
15.00 h – 19.00 h
DWIH Lecture “Göttingen-India Forum“
by University of Göttingen
19.00 h – 20.00 h
DWIH Lecture “Thermochemistry of Solid-State Materials: from Gibbs to
Modern Theory” by Professor Dr. Richard Dronskowski, RWTH Aachen
Coordinated by Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science
10.00 h – 18.00 h
12.30 h – 13.00 h
14.00 h – 14.30 h
16.00 h – 17.30 h
18.00 h – 18.30 h
DWIH Workshop “The Theatre of Real Life”
By Mr. Wolfgang Zurborn
Sharing new images
DWIH Torwand “It’s Football!”
“Foosball – Table football”
M: 15.00 h – 15.30 h (Winner of I & J)
N: 17.00 h – 17.30 h (Winner of K & L)
FRIDAY 28.03.2014
11.00 h
Opening of pavilion for general public
DWIH Workshop
DWIH Lectures
11.00 h – 15.00 h
“Hidden Mysteries of Space and Time”
By Professor Dr. Soumitra Sengupta
“Life is Organic”
By Professor Dr. Amitabha Sarkar
P. C.
15.00 h – 17.00 h
DWIH Lecture
Kolkata Kaleidoscope
by Institute of Education for Women
10.00 h – 14.00 h
DWIH Workshop
“The Theatre of Real Life” by Mr. Wolfgang Zurborn
Sharing new images
14.00 h – 16.30 h
Presentation of work, followed by exhibition
18.00 h – 18.30 h
Closing session
18.30 h onwards
DWIH Cultural Gully
Performance by Padma Shri Ms Shobana Chandrakumar
Moderation by: RJ Mir
12.30 h – 13.00 h
14.00 h – 14.30 h
16.30 h – 17.30 h
DWIH Torwand “It’s Football!”
“Foosball – Table football”
Match for position of 2nd Runner-up
12.00 h – 12.30 h
14.30 h – 15.00 h
Mr. Rainer Schmiedchen
Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Kolkata
After having studied History and Regional Studies of Asia and South
Asia at Humboldt-University, Berlin, Mr. Schmiedchen acquired a second
degree in Economics. Thereafter, Mr. Schmiedchen joint the German
Federal Foreign Service. Following two assignments abroad, in Sri Lanka
and in Russia, he worked in the headquarter of the German Foreign
Ministry in Berlin, being involved mainly in issues of international cooperation in the fields of environmental protection as well as science,
technology, aviation and space research projects. Another assignment in
Brussels (European Union) was followed by a term as a political advisor
in the German Bundestag and as Deputy Head of Division responsible for
the relations with the countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus.
Since May 2011, Consul General Rainer Schmiedchen has been working
in Kolkata, India.
Maximilian Metzger
Prof. Rabindra Nath Mukherjee
Maximilian Metzger was appointed Deputy Director General for
International Co-operation in Education and Research at the BMBF in
2010. He is responsible for international co-operation with all countries
outside Europe and the UN organisations.
Professor Mukherjee is Director of the Indian Institute of Science
Education and Research (IISER), Kolkata and has been on deputation from
IIT Kanpur since 2012. He took his doctoral degree in 1983 from the
University of Calcutta. His postdoctoral research was at Indian Association
for the Cultivation of Science in the group of Professor Animesh
Chakravorty (’83 to ’85) and at Harvard University (’85 to ’87) led by
Professor Richard Holm.
Deputy Director General, BMBF
After studies in law and philosophy and assignment as a judge at
the Administrative Court, he has been serving at the BMBF in various
functions. From 2004 to 2008 he was Secretary General at CERN.“
Director, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Kolkata
His area of specialisation is the systematic development of synthetic
coordination chemistry of transition metal ions with designed organic
ligands to address diversified research problems. Emphasis is directed to
bioinorganic modelling, metal coordinated ligand radicals, coordination
polymers, multi-metal clusters etc.
He has been Fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore
(’99), Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, UK (’03), Fellow of the
Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi (’08), Vice President of the
Chemical Research Society of India, Bangalore (’08 to ’14) and is Member/
Chairman of the Programme Advisory Committee on Inorganic Chemistry,
Department of Science and Technology as well as Member, Inorganic
and Physical Chemistry Research Committee, Council of Scientific and
Industrial Research, New Delhi. He has twice received the J C Bose
Fellowship from the Department of Science and Technology, Government
of India (in 2008 and 2013).
Professor Mukherjee has been Visiting Professor, Department of
Chemistry, Stanford University, USA (’05 to ’06) and has supervised 30
doctoral students. He has 130 published articles to his credit.
Prof. Dr. Dorothea Wagner
Vice President of the German Research Foundation (DFG)
Dorothea Wagner is a full professor for Informatics at the Karlsruhe
Institute of Technology (KIT). She has published more than 150 papers
in the field of algorithm design and algorithm engineering. She obtained
her diploma and Ph.D. degrees from the RWTH Aachen in 1983 and 1986
respectively, and 1992 the Habilitation degree from the TU Berlin. 1994
– 2003 she was a full professor for Computer Science at the Universität
Konstanz. Among other activities she is vice president of the German
Research Foundation, member of the Committee for the Allocation of
the Alexander von Humboldt Research Awards, member of Academia
Europae and Fellow of the German Informatics Society.
Prof. Dr. Laurent Gizon
Director, Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Göttingen, Germany
Professor of Astrophysics, University of Göttingen, Germany
Prof. Gizon obtained his PhD in physics from Stanford University, USA in
2003 and worked at Stanford as a Post-Doctoral Research Associate from
2003-2005. He holds a Master’s degree in Astrophysics from Université
Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France (1994), and in Aerospace Engineering
from Ecolenationalesupérieure de l’aéronautiqueet de l’espace, Toulouse,
France (1994). He joined the Max Planck Institute for Solar System
Research as a Max Planck Research group leader (2005-2011). In 2011, he
was appointed as the Director and Scientific Member of the Max Planck
Institute for Solar System Research and a Professor of Astrophysics at the
University of Göttingen. Prof. Gizon has been a recipient of prestigious
awards including JOSO Prize for Solar Physics (2005), Starting Grant of
the European Research Council (2007) and Karen Harvey Prize of the
American Astronomical Society (2009). His current research interests lies in
understanding the physics of Stellar structure ,dynamics, and magnetism;
Seismology of the Sun and Sun-like stars; Computational helioseismology;
Characterization of planet-host stars and Space missions: SDO, Solar
Orbiter, CoRoT, Kepler, PLATO.
Dr. Jörg Schneider
Dr. Alexander P. Hansen
After his PhD and Post-Doc in Microbiology and Genetics in Darmstadt
(DE) Norwich (UK) and Osnabrück (DE), Jörg Schneider shifted into
research management in 1991, becoming scientific officer at the
Project Management Team for the German Research Ministry at the
German Aerospace Research Center (DLR), tasks: international relations,
information and results management.
Following the completion of his PhD in Biology in 1986 at the University
of Western Australia and Post-Doc positions in Australia, Germany and
Japan, he accepted a position at the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation
in 1993. In 1997 he started working for the DFG with various assignments
in Asian and European countries in the field of science and technology.
Subsequently, he served as Senior Advisor for international scientific
Head of Division International Co-operation - DFG
From 1992 on, he established the German National Contact Point for
Human Capital and Mobility (HCM) in the European Research Framework
Program FP3 and was, until 1999, head of this office, being national
contact point for European researchers’ mobility, socio-economics and
international cooperation programs, acting as “expert” in German
delegations to the relevant program committees, advisor to the German
research ministry in general aspects regarding FP4/5, including FP5
Coodinator of the DWIH and Director DFG India Office
In July 2013 he became Director of the India Office of the German
Research Foundation (DFG). Parallel to this position he is the coordinator
of the German House for Research and Innovation – DWIH New Delhi.
In 1999 he became Managing Director of the Wissenschaftsgemeinschaft
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (WGL), one of the four major German
research organizations and in 2003 he changed to Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation), first as
Head of Division “Research Training Groups, Graduate Schools, Research
Careers“, and from 2006 on as Head of Division “International Affairs”.
SUNDAY 23.03.2014
11.30 h - 13.00 h
Witness six young “Slammers” present their topic of research in ten
minutes to an audience, who may not be related to their field of research.
The selected applicants are either young researchers registered for Ph.D.
in a recognized Indian University or Post-docs who are within 6 years of
completing their Ph.D.
Core programmes
Excellence on Tour!
22nd – 28th March, 2014
Science City Kolkata
The “Slammers” were selected from applicants from all field of Science/
Humanities / Social Sciences. These young researchers have the passion
for their subject, courage to face the audience and the skill to present
their research.
Science Slammers:
Ms. Vibha Bhardwaj
Ms. Puja Singh
Ms. Charnita Arora
Mr. Dev Subhabrata
Dr. Shajulin Benedict Mr. Arup Chakraborty
Jury members:
Mr. Rainer Schmiedchen
Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Kolkata
Prof. Dr. Dorothea Wagner
Vice-President of the German Research Foundation (DFG)
Dr. Jörg Schneider
Head of Division International Co-operation – DFG
Dr. Alexander P Hansen
Coordinator of the DWIH and Director DFG India New Delhi
SUNDAY 23.03.2014
SUNDAY 23.03.2014
13.00 h - 16.00 h
16.00 h - 19.00 h
The “Study & Research in Germany!” session will give first-hand
information about the German university and research landscape through
interactive exchanges with experts. Learn about aspects ranging from
admission requirements, financial support and visa procedures to issues
such as German language requirements, part time work, employment
prospects and lots more. If you are looking for scholarships to study or
research stay in Germany, then this session will provide complete details
about scholarships for students, academicians and scientists across
all disciplines. In addition DAAD Research Ambassadors, established
academicians who have researched in Germany, and DAAD Young
Ambassadors, students who have studied in Germany, will share their
memories and experience with you. Hear what you always wanted to
hear, directly from the horse’s mouth during this interactive session.
Aditi Gosavi
DAAD New Delhi
Senior Advisor
Public Relations &
Shilpa Pandeshwar
DAAD Bangalore
Information and Office
DAAD Information Point
Richa Kandpal
DAAD Young Ambassador
Prof. Dr. Amitava Gupta
DAAD Research Ambassador
Professor, Department of
Power engineering, and
Director, School of Nuclear
Studies & Applications,
Jadavpur University
Nishant Rai
DAAD Young Ambassador
Amisha Jain
Country Head, University of Cologne India Office
Ms Amisha Jain is the representative of University of Cologne India
Office since 2009. She is an (Indian) Advocate and a registered Solicitor
(UK). At present, she is pursuing PhD on Forest Rights Act from India. She
has lived in Germany from 2006-2009 and worked in an international
Law Firm in Cologne. Since having studied and worked both in Germany
and India, her primary responsibility is to bridge the gap in the field of
academics between the two nations.
UoC Presentation
University of Cologne exists since the year 1388 and has around 60.000
students studying at present. It offers Bachelors, Masters, Doctoral and
Post-Doctoral programs in six fields:
• Arts and Humanities • Management, Economics and Social Sciences
• Mathematics and Natural Sciences • Human Sciences • Law
• Medical Faculty
SUNDAY 23.03.2014
19.00 h - 20.00 h
Mr Ulrich Podewils
Representative of Freie Universität Berlin to India
Freie Universität Berlin is one the leading universities in Germany, located
in the capital city, Berlin. According to the prestigious Times Higher
Education ranking, this renowned university with an international
orientation is among the hundred best higher education institutions in
the world. As a result of a competition run by the German federal and
regional governments, Freie Universität Berlin was selected as one of
eleven German universities recognized as beacons of academic excellence.
You will get an impression of Berlin and Freie Universität Berlin by two
short films, a presentation on the university itself, and testimonials of
Mr Ulrich Podewils is a lawyer by education. He worked in the field
of higher education administration and politics for more than 35 years;
he was appointed in German state and federal ministries, as university
chancellor, worked with DAAD, and served in Italy and for more than
eight years in India.
Rabindranath Tagore and Albert Einstein, the two cult figures of the 20th
century in the worlds of literature and science, met for the first time
in 1926 in Düsseldorf, although no records exist of their conversations
during this meeting. Conversations between the two icons took place
during their second and third meetings in 1930 in Germany and have
been recorded and published. The first conversation on the nature of
reality took place on July 14th at Einstein's residence in Kaputh and the
second one on causality and music on August 19th at the residence of a
common friend, Dr. Mendel. The three speakers of the Panel Discussion
will highlight these two eminent characters, from their respective
disciplinary angles. The panel discussion will be moderated by Prof. Rekha
Rajan (JNU, New Delhi and current Humboldt Ambassador).
The Panelists:
Prof. Sushanta
Prof. Partha
Prof. Romit
Prof. Rekha
(Vice Chancellor,
Visva Bharati,
(Centre for
Physics & Space
Bose Institute)
(Visva Bharati,
(JNU, New Delhi
SUNDAY 23.03.2014
12.00 – 12:15:
S.N. Bose Hall
Dr. Koushik Dutta from the Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (SINP) in
Kolkata, Max Planck Mobility Grant Holder since 2013
11.00 h - 12.30 h
Title of the talk: Before Big Bang
12:15 – 12:40:
Panel Discussion: Living and working in Germany
Panel: Professor Tanusri Saha-Dasgupta, Dr. Koushik Dutta and
Dr. Proteeti Bhattacharjee (Liaison Officer of the Max-PlanckGesellschaft, India Office, New Delhi)
The Max-Planck-Gesellschaft is one of the most successful research
organisations of Germany. 82 Max Planck Institutes conduct basic research
in the natural sciences, life sciences, social sciences, and the humanities.
17 Nobel laureates have emerged from the ranks of its scientists.
India is a special focus of the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft in its international
collaborations. In the year 2013, 703 young visiting scientists at Max
Planck Institutes came from India, an increase of nearly 70% over the
past seven years. This presentation will give an overview of opportunities
and programs for Indian scientists - from PhD students to established
researchers - to connect with research at various Max Planck Institutes.
11.20 – 11.45:
Max Planck Films
“How synapses spark” – Understanding the brain circuitry
“Decoding the intelligence of global animal behavior” – an ICARUS initiative (International Cooperation for Animal Research Using Space)
“International Max Planck Research Schools (IMPRS)” – For all aspiring PhD students
11:45 – 12.00:
Prof. Tanusri Saha-Dasgupta from the S.N. Bose National Center for
Basic Sciences in Kolkata, Max Planck India Partner Group Leader from
2005 – 2009
Title of the talk: Modeling and Understanding of Complex Materials: A
First-principles Approach
Dr. Claudia Hillinger
Scientific Officer in the Division of International Relations
Max- Planck- Gesellschaft (MPG) / Max Planck Society
Dr. Hillinger has been with the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft since 1998.
She currently serves as Scientific Officer in the Division of International
Relations at the Munich headquarters. Her country portfolio comprises
India, South Korea, Japan, and North America. Dr. Hillinger previously
spent 4 years (2008-2012) in the US as Vice President of Institute
Development for the newly established Max Planck Florida Institute (MPFI)
and President of its nonprofit fundraising arm, the Max Planck Florida
Foundation (MPFF). Dr. Hillinger joined the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
in 1998 as Research Coordinator and Head of the Central Scientific
Laboratories and Technical Facilities of the Max Planck Institute of
Biogeochemistry, Jena, Germany.
With a master’s of science degree in biology from Technical University of
Munich (TUM) and her doctorate in biology from the Institute of Botany
and Microbiology at TUM her research at TUM focused on eco- and treephysiology. Dr. Hillinger started her professional career with a bachelor’s
degree in English and Spanish from the Academy of Foreign Languages
Munich and worked at the United States Information Agency at the
America House Munich from 1983 - 1985. She also took 2 years of MBA
studies in science management at the University of Applied Sciences in
Osnabrück, Germany.
SUNDAY 23.03.2014
S.N. Bose Hall
12.30 h - 14.00 h
Dr. Proteeti Bhattacharjee
Liaison Officer of the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
India office, New Delhi
Since December 2013, Dr. Bhattacharjee represents the Max-PlanckGesellschaft in India and closely works with the administrative
headquarters of MPG in Munich to promote excellence in science and
innovation by fostering strategic collaborations between academic
institutions of India and various Max Planck Institutes in Germany.
After completing her Bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry from University
of Delhi (2003-2006), she went on to pursue her Master’s degree in
Molecular and Human Genetics from Banaras Hindu University (20062008), where she was awarded a gold medal for excellence in academics.
A Molecular and Developmental Biologist by training, Proteeti received
her PhD under the guidance of Dr. Anne Ephrussi in 2012 jointly from
European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Heidelberg and University
of Heidelberg, Germany. After a brief period of post-doctoral work in
EMBL, she worked at the Office of Information and Public Affairs (OIPA)
in EMBL, Heidelberg before joining MPG in Munich. At OIPA, she mainly
focused on comprehensive science writing and communication targeting
both scientific audience and the general public.
Solar activity refers to spectacular magnetic phenomena observed on the
Sun, such as sunspots, coronal loops, flares, or coronal mass ejections.
However the root causes of solar activity are not understood. Why
does the Sun have a magnetic field? Why does the number of sunspots
change so abruptly over a period of eleven years? In order to answer such
questions, one must understand the motions that maintain the magnetic
field in the solar interior. Observations of solar oscillations, i.e. sunsquakes,
can tell us about the internal structure and dynamics of the Sun, just
like earthquakes can tell us about the interior of the Earth. This talk will
give an overview of the methods and achievements of helioseismology,
the science that consists of interpreting the oscillations seen at the solar
surface to make images of the solar interior. Important results include
maps of solar internal rotation and other flow patterns, which play a
crucial role in models of the solar dynamo.
On the non-academic front, Proteeti is a professional Kathak (an Indian
classical dance form) dancer, trained for more than twenty years in the art
form and has performed widely in prestigious dance festivals both in India
and abroad. She enjoys traveling and reading in her free time.
Prof. Dr. Laurent Gizon
Director, Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Göttingen, Germany
Professor of Astrophysics, University of Göttingen, Germany
Prof. Dr. Laurent Gizon obtained his PhD in physics from Stanford
University, USA in 2003 and worked at Stanford as a Post-Doctoral
Research Associate from 2003-2005. He holds a Master’s degree in
Astrophysics from Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France (1994), and in
Aerospace Engineering from Ecolenationalesupérieure de l’aéronautiqueet
de l’espace, Toulouse, France (1994). He joined the Max Planck Institute
for Solar System Research as a Max Planck Research group leader (20052011). In 2011, he was appointed as the Director and Scientific Member
of the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research and a Professor
of Astrophysics at the University of Göttingen. Prof. Gizon has been a
recipient of prestigious awards including JOSO Prize for Solar Physics
(2005), Starting Grant of the European Research Council (2007) and
Karen Harvey Prize of the American Astronomical Society (2009). His
current research interests lies in understanding the physics of Stellar
structure ,dynamics, and magnetism; Seismology of the Sun and Sun-like
stars; Computational helioseismology; Characterization of planet-host
stars and Space missions: SDO, Solar Orbiter, CoRoT, Kepler, PLATO.
SUNDAY 23.03.2014
S.N. Bose Hall
14.00 h - 17.00 h
2.15 pm - 2.30 pm: Dr. Alakananda Banerjee (President Dharma Foundation
of India) Introducing Active Ageing: Initiatives Of Dharma Foundation of
India. The strategy of Dharma Foundation of India (DFI) is grounded in
sound international research and knowledge, and based on a number of
important principles agreed by WHO Active Ageing Policy. Active ageing
is the process of optimizing opportunities for health, participation and
security in order to enhance quality of life as people age.
2.30 pm - 2.45 pm: Dr. Kasturi Bakshi (Executive Director- KINSPARC)Silver Care Program. A talk on Silver Care Program for elders at Kalyani.
She shall also speak on elder women’s health.
2.45 pm - 3 pm: Dr. Das (Director Neurorehab - Institute of Neurosciences
Kolkatta) - Cognitive Decline in elderly. A talk summarizing current
recommendations for recognition, diagnosis and longitudinal
management of cognitive impairment and dementia in the elderly.
3 pm - 3.15 pm: Mr. D N Chapke (President - All India Senior Citizen
Confederation) - Social rights of elders in India. The government of
India provides various concessions and facilities to its senior citizens. The
Union Cabinet’s latest decision to approve a new law - Maintenance and
Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007, aimed at serving the
elderly live in self-respect and peace.
3.15 pm - 3.30 pm: Dr Sugan Bhatia (Vice President All India Senior
Citizen Confederation) - Elder Abuse. Elder abuse is any action or inaction
by self or others that jeopardizes the heath or well being of an older
adult. This includes physical, emotional, psychological well being of elders.
3.30 pm - 3.45 pm: Mrs Sushmita Ghose, Helpage India-Initiatives in
Kolkata (National President, Helpage India)
SUNDAY 23.03.2014
S.N. Bose Hall
17.00 h - 18.00 h
3.45 pm - 4.15 pm: Panel Discussion: Chairperson Dr. Sugan Bhatia,
Mrs. Sushmita Ghose
4.15 pm - 5 pm: Poster Exhibition
Program Coordinator: Dr. Alakananda Banerjee
Dr. Alaknanda Banerjee: Being a physiotherapist for almost 28 years,
state of art rehabilitation projects in major hospitals of New Delhi (Apollo,
Fortis and Max) have been the mainstay of my work. The rehab centres
have multidisciplinary treatment protocols, built on high ended research
and academic program focusing on international standard guidelines
in patient care. My other interests have been geriatric rehabilitation
where I have started community services for the elderly in 2009 mainly
to implement the Active Ageing Model (WHO framework) in New Delhi,
India. I have also been involved in Innovative Technologies. Innovative
Technologies, as I have experienced alone or combined, may offer a costeffective way to deliver intensive neurorehabilitation therapy in clinical
and community environments. They have the potential to empower
patients to take more responsibility for their rehabilitation and continue
with long-term exercise. I was a honorary faculty member on Innovative
Technology for Biodesign students at IIT Delhi and have national and
international publications/presentations in area of Functional Electrical
Stimulation for Stroke patients (An Indo-German collaborative effort)
and on other innovative technology and healthcare models for Eldercare
in India. I founded the Dharma Foundation of India (Charitable Trust) in
the year 2010 to help implement Active Ageing Program in India. I have
received research grants from 1) EPICS in IEEE project on Low-cost ground
reaction force line biofeedback for static posture training 2) Procator,
Sweden for Using SmartBreathe device in elderly enrolled in Active Ageing
Program and 3) Asia Pacific Ubiquitous Healthcare Sydney Australia for
study on “mhealth to improve communication between elderly people
and health professionals“.
About GIZ
As a federal enterprise, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale
Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH supports the German Government in
achieving its objectives in the field of international cooperation for
sustainable development. The services delivered by GIZ draw on a wealth
of regional and technical expertise and tried and tested management
know-how. GIZ is also engaged in international education work around
the globe.
For further information, please see - www.giz.de
About Nokia
Nokia which has played a pioneering role in the growth of cellular
technology in India wants to be a leader in sustainability and take
responsibility for its products beyond the production process. Nokia
already has a huge take-back and recycling system for used mobile
phones, globally as well as in India. In this regard, Nokia engages
extensively with consumers especially schools and young people and has
also launched the ‘Create to Inspire’ programme for youth in Indian cities.
About ‘GIZ-Nokia DPP on Sustainable Consumption and E-waste’
GIZ and Nokia have partnered to launch the Development Partnership
Programme (DPP) on Sustainable Consumption and E-waste in the cities
of Kolkata and Ahmedabad. This partnership between GIZ and NOKIA is
part of the DPP that GIZ is implementing on behalf of the German Federal
Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The overall
objective is to promote sustainable lifestyles by triggering a change in
consumption behaviour and to support safe recycling of E-waste. Under
the DPP, GIZ and Nokia are engaging with children, youth and school
teachers of over 100 schools and colleges in the project cities to promote
sustainable consumption, focusing primarily on E-waste, but also broadly
covering other areas of sustainable consumption like energy, water and
transportation. Furthermore, the DPP also aims to enhance livelihood
opportunities for waste collectors from the informal sector by creating an
enabling environment through multi-stakeholder engagement.
Partners in Kolkata
ArtsForward: ArtsForward focuses on connecting brands to customers
by telling engaging and entertaining stories that audiences actually want
to hear. The creative arts offer an originality and variety of expression
and connect, that traditional ideation methods fail in. ArtsForward’s
relationship to the whole gamut of creative arts is strong and integral
to its thought and strategy. Creating real, relevant, meaningful and
technically sound artistic stories is a core value of ArtsForward. It also
applies creative arts for furthering social and environmental causes.
ArtsForward is involved in the youth component of the DPP.
Path Welfare Society (PWS): Since 2005, PWS has been working
towards empowering deprived women, children, young people and
communities in urban and rural areas through inputs and expertise in the
areas of alternative livelihood training for women, education for children
and skill development/vocational training for young people. PWS also
works in the field of health and environmental sustainability in Kolkata
and other districts of West Bengal.
PWS is involved in the school component of the DPP.
Society for Direct Initiative for Social and Health Action (DISHA):
Since 1995, DISHA has been active on issues concerning environment,
social health and human rights. DISHA conducts research, training,
capacity building, campaigns, documentation and community
mobilisation around these issues. Its focus areas include municipal waste
management, bio-medical waste management, industrial pollution,
e-waste management, toxic issues, coastal environment, biodiversity,
energy issues etc.
DISHA is involved in the informal sector component of the DPP.
Implemented in
Kolkata & Ahmedabad with
Programme flow
5 pm - 5:05 pm
GIZ-Nokia DPP: Introduction and the idea behind the partnership
Presenter: Paramita Saha, ArtsForward
5:05 pm - 5:15 pm
Youth component of the project
Elaboration on engagement with youth and colleges and why they are
flag-bearers of change in the field of sustainability and art. Details about the ‘Create to Inspire’ programme.
Presenter: Paramita Saha, ArtsForward
5:15 pm - 5:25 pm
School component of the project
Elaboration on engagement with schools and why they are stepping stones
for bringing about marked changes in sustainable consumption patterns
Presenter: Poushali Datta, Path Welfare Society
5:25 pm - 5:35 pm
Informal sector component of the project
Elaboration on the importance of formalisation of informal sector for safe
E-waste management and the efforts being put in this direction
Presenter: Sasanka Sekhar Dev, DISHA
5:35 pm - 6:00 pm
Theatre and dance performance by fellows of the youth component of
the project on the theme of sustainable consumption.
Ms. Paramita Saha
Director, ArtsForward
Paramita Saha has 18 years of experience in contemporary dance training
and performance across the globe and has represented the country
in several national and international art event and forums. Her core
skills include site-specific performances, creative branding and youth
engagement. She is among the new generation of art entrepreneurs in
the country carving out a niche for the contemporary arts.
Ms. Poushali Datta
Joint Secretary, Path Welfare Society (PWS)
Ms. Poushali Datta is a founder member of PWS. She is a social
development professional with more than 13 years of experience in
sustainable community development and education.
SUNDAY 23.03.2014
MONDAY 24.03.2014
S.N. Bose Hall
S.N. Bose Hall
18.30 h - 19.00 h
16.30 h - 20.00 h
TUESDAY 25.03.2014
S.N. Bose Hall
16.30 h - 20.00 h
Mr. Sasanka Sekhar Dev
Secretary, Society for Direct Initiative for Social and Health Action (DISHA)
Mr. Sasanka Sekhar Dev is a founder member of DISHA. He is a leading
advocate of issues concerning waste and toxicity and is also working at
the grass root level in the field of coastal environment.
Study and Research at Ostwestfalen-Lippe University, UAS
Dr. Doleschal and Dr. Pottgiesser
Professors at Ostwestfalen-Lippe University
Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences (UAS) goal is to
tackle complex problems and global challenges and work to ensure
that knowledge and innovations benefit society. Study programs at
Ostwestfalen-Lippe prepare students for the world of work from the word
‘GO’. Practice orientation is the hallmark of studying at universities of
applied sciences. At Ostwestfalen-Lippe University, scientific knowledge
and methods are conveyed and applied in numerous well equipped
labs and institutes. Thanks to our close cooperation with industry, it is
commonplace for our students to carry out work placements and prepare
theses in companies. Studies are rounded off by practical semesters.
The university’s excellent contact to the local industry and businesses is the
basis for innovative study programs and successful research collaborations.
In the field of research and technology the Institute Industrial IT (inIT)
carries out research in the field of industrial informatic. The InIT is located
in a science to business center (Centrum Industrial IT) on the campus in
Lemgo, where more than 200 engineers from companies and research
institutes are working in the field of industrial IT. In the building sector the
Construction Lab carries out research with a focus in facade technology
related to energy efficiency and interior comfort. Four international and
English-speaking master programs in information technology, media
production, facade design and construction and in computational design
and construction are offered.
OWL, TU Delft, HS Luzern, Universidad del Pais Vasco, St. Sebastian and
of the University of Bath. Member of Docomomo Germany, Docomomo
International and the Docomomo International Scientific Committee of
Technology (ISC-T). Besides her academic career she works as a practising
architect and acts as a jury member in architectural competitions and she
is the member of the Berlin Chamber of Architects.
Student Workshop on Affordable Housing
Dr. Pottgiesser and Carsten Wiewiorra
PhD on multilayered glass constructions at the TU Dresden Department
of Civil Engineering. Architectural studies and Diploma at the TU Berlin,
Université Paris 8 (La Vilette), France.
Professors at Ostwestfalen-Lippe University
Based on the department’s concern about the relation of human being
and space – Human Centered Design the workshop will motivate the
participants to think about their own needs and behaviours. Based on the
exhibition, ecomomical and political circumstances influencing housing
developments and policies will be analysed. In Germany and India many
specific concepts for affordable housing have been developed and built.
How can planners learn from the different approaches? How can specific
approaches be adapted to different climates and cultures?
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uta Pottgiesser
Dean and Professor at the Detmold School for Architecture and Interior
Architecture, Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe, Chair Building Construction
and Materials. From 2006-2011 she served as a Vice-President for
Research, Development and Internationalisation of the university
establishing the strategies for research (2008) and internationalization
(2010) to foster the international cooperation.
Head of the research cluster Constrution Lab and member of the
research cluster Perception Lab, With a multidisciplinary background in
architecture, civil engineering and interior design she is responsible for
several research projects which led her to deal with creative problem
solving and product innovation. Course Director of the english-spoken
master program International Facade Design and Construction (IFDC) in
Detmold and coordinator of the DAAD funded ISAP-program with the
University of Florida, USA and other international cooperations.
Co-founder of the European Facade Network (EFN), a network of HS
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Carsten Wiewiorra
Professor at the Detmold School for Architecture and Interior Architecture,
Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe, Chair Interior Construction and Materials,
Director of the Material Library.
Director of the company wiewiorrahoppschwarkarchitekten in partnership
with Anna Hopp and Guido Schwark. The Office for Architecture and
Interior Design was founded in 1999 and is based in Berlin. Member of
the Berlin Chamber of Architects, Bund Deutscher Architekten BDA and
Deutscher Werkbund Berlin.
Initiator und Leader of different international workshops at the Huazhong
University of Science & Technology- School of Architecture and Urban
Planning in Wuhan / China, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador
in Quito, University of Sciences Hué in Vietnam, ISAP-workshop in
Cooperation with India und the USA / University of Florida. Guest
professor at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln and Omaha, lecturer
und guestcrit at the Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago and at the
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis / USA.
Curator and owner of the gallery ‘Plattenpalast’ showing works and
installations of contemporary art in over 30 exhibitions since 2009.
Architectural studies and Diploma at the RWTH Aachen, Academy of Arts
Düsseldorf and the Universtiy of Washington, Seattle / USA.
SUNDAY 23.03.2014 - FRIDAY 28.03.2014
SUNDAY 23.03.2014
MONDAY 24.03.2014
10.00 h - 18.00 h
10.00 h - 10.30 h
Review of Portfolio:
10.30 h - 18.00 h
TUESDAY 25.03.2014
WEDNESDAY 26.03.2014
Sharing new images:
10.00 h - 18.00 h
Sharing new images:
10.00 h - 18.00 h
23.03.2014 (3 MATCHES & 4 TEAMS)
14.00 h – 14.30 h
16.00 h – 17.30 h
18.00 h – 18.30 h
24.03.2014 (4 MATCHES & 2 TEAMS)
12.30 h – 13.00 h
14.00 h – 14.30 h
16.00 h – 17.30 h
18.00 h – 18.30 h
THURSDAY 27.03.2014 FRIDAY 28.03.2014
Sharing new images:
10.00 h - 18.00 h
Sharing new images:
10.00 h - 14.00 h
14.00 h - 16.00 h
25.03.2014 (4 MATCHES & 2 TEAMS)
12.30 h – 13.00 h
14.00 h – 14.30 h
16.00 h – 16.30 h
18.00 h – 18.30 h
12.30 h – 13.00 h
18.00 h – 18.30 h
12.30 h – 13.00 h
18.00 h – 18.30 h
12.00 h – 12.30 h
14.30 h – 15.00 h
Presentation of work followed by exhibition
The photo workshop “The Theatre of Real Life“ by Wolfgang Zurborn
will be part of the framework programme of the exhibition “The DWIH
New Delhi – Excellence on Tour!”, which has the target to intensify the
international cooperation between India and Germany. In this workshop
we want to get ourselves into the experiment to look for a new view on
everyday life, which is not only confirming what we have known before.
The photography gives the chance, to react immediately on situations in
urban life, to find the intense moments, the surprising constellations of
people, objects, signs and architectural spaces in the streets. The choice of
the themes is totally open and only based on the individual interests.
Every photographic perception is creating a subjective image of the
world, a Theatre of Real Life. In dialog with the others we can learn to
understand our own photographs, our cultural and social influences. This
is the basis for developing a fresh and personal visual language. It’s the
main target of this workshop to force this productive dialog.
Wolfgang Zurborn
MONDAY 24.03.2014
10.00 h - 14.00 h
Born 1956 in Ludwigshafen/Rhein. Studied at Bavarian State School
of Photography in Munich from 1977 to 1979 and at the University of
Applied Sciences in Dortmund from 1979 to 1984. Got the Otto-SteinertFellowship of the German Society of Photography (DGPh) in 1985 for
his project People Pictures – Picture People, presented 1987 at Folkwang
Museum in Essen. Running the Gallery ‘Lichtblick’ in Cologne since 27
years together with Tina Schelhorn, showing international photography in
more than 170 exhibitions. Founded Lichtblick School in 2010. Since 1998
in the board of directors of the German Photographic Academy (DFA).
Teaching photography in many different countries. Solo shows of his
work presented all over the world. Participated in important group shows,
like ‘On the Body and other Things’ – German photography of the 20th
century“. Book publications about all different photographic projects by
Wolfgang Zurborn.
Germany and India have produced some of the greatest scientists of the
world. Through the Indo-German cooperation, science and technology
has progressed remarkably. In accordance with the theme of science
and technology the Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan Kolkata will
be hosting a quiz contest on science for the German learners of various
In addition to this the young learners will get an opportunity to
solve puzzles and play interactive mathematical games designed by
Mathematikum Gießen for their Exhibition “Mathematics you can touch”.
These games and puzzles aim at new approach towards abstract theories
of Math and Science. It involves grasping with hand, head and heart;
which can set a new impulse for the mathematics lessons in the school.
The school music – band of Birla High School for Boys, one of the Partner
Schools of the Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan Kolkata under the
Initiative PaSch (Schools for the Future) will be performing a few songs
after which Modern High School for Girls will entertain the visitors with a
Bavarian folk dance.
MONDAY 24.03.2014
THURSDAY 27.03.2014
14.00 h - 15.00 h
14.00 h - 15.00 h
society organisations, research and educational institutions, state and
public institutions, the private sector etc.) in India in the defined focus
areas of Indo-German development cooperation. Integrated Experts
occupy key positions for which the expertise is lacking in the partner
country, or which cannot be filled by qualified persons under prevailing
local employment conditions.
Through its Migration for Development Programme, CIM offers the
following services:
Returning Experts Programme: supports professional reintegration
of Indian interns, graduates and experienced professionals, who
return from Germany to India, in order to apply their knowledge
at organisations in areas related to development, brain-drain
and innovation. Partners for the programme are NGOs, Research
Institutions, Think Tanks, Universities and Inter-Governmental
Organisations, where these experts are placed as employees.
Migrants as Ambassadors Programme: supports Germany-based
migrant organisations in implementing development activities in
Migrants as Entrepreneurs Programme: advisory support for
migrants who want to start their own business in their country of
Advice on migration policy and EU mobility partnerships:
supports mainstreaming of development aspects in the partner
country’s migration policies.
Further development of alumni activities (through Alumniportal
About GIZ
As a federal enterprise, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale
Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH supports the German Government in
achieving its objectives in the field of international cooperation for
sustainable development. The services delivered by GIZ draw on a wealth
of regional and technical expertise and tried and tested management
know-how. GIZ is also engaged in international education work around
the globe.
For further information, please see - www.giz.de
About CIM
The Centre for International Migration and Development (CIM) is
the competence centre for global labour mobility in the international
cooperation activities of the German Government. CIM taps the potential
that global migration offers for sustainable development, places technical
experts and managers with employers worldwide and provides its partners
with advice and support on migration issues.
For further details, please contact varupi.gupta@giz.de (Integrated Experts
Programme) and pragya.taneja@giz.de (Migration for Development Programme).
CIM is jointly run by GIZ and the German Federal Employment Agency
CIM’s main commissioning party is the German Federal Ministry for
Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
The Info-session focuses on the following programmes:
The Integrated Experts Programme places German or European citizens
as technical experts or managers with local employers (Think Tanks, civil
Monday, 24 March 2014
2:00 pm - 3.00 pm
MONDAY 24.03.2014
TUESDAY 25.03.2014
15.00 h - 15.30 h
18.00 h - 18.30 h
18.00 h - 18.30 h
Ms Varupi Gupta
Programme Coordinator – Integrated Experts Programme
Ms. Gupta holds an MBA in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise
Development from University of Leipzig, Germany. Her professional
experience has focussed on various aspects of bilateral and multilateral
cooperation: development cooperation, scientific and research
cooperation, and communications. She has previously worked for German
Research Foundation (DFG) and WHO Country Office for India.
Having studied in Germany and returned to India to work for
organisations promoting cooperation between India and Germany, she
is excited about the avenues for sharing of knowledge and know-how,
professional exchange and networking in the context of collaboration
between India and Germany.
Chandni Chhabra
Sales & Marketing Representative
India, German National Tourist Office
Thursday, 27 March 2014
2:00 pm - 3.00 pm
Chandni Chhabra has been working as a Sales & Marketing
Representative India for the German National Tourist Office (GNTO), with
its head office in New Delhi. A student of Computer Science from Delhi
University, she completed her MBA in Tourism and Leisure from the Indian
Institute of Tourism and Travel Management, New Delhi.
Ms Pragya Taneja
Advisor, Migration and Diaspora
Ms. Taneja has a background in cultural studies and holds a masters in
globalization studies from University of Freiburg, Germany and University
of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. A social scientist by training, she has
expertise in areas such as Internationalization of Higher Education,
informal economy, inclusive urban growth and development cooperation.
She has previously worked with German Academic Exchange Service
(DAAD) and SEWA Bharat. Being a returnee from Germany herself, in
her current work with GIZ/CIM that focuses on global labour mobility
in international cooperation, she provides advisory services in the area
of Migration and Development that also includes support to returning
Indians from Germany on professional reintegration in India.
MONDAY 24.03.2014
THURSDAY 27.03.2014
15.30 h - 16.30 h
12.00 h - 13.00 h
Monday, 24 March 2014
3.30 pm - 4.30 pm
Ms Sangeeta Chauhan
Advisor, ‘Make it in Germany’
‘Make it in Germany’ is an initiative of the German Federal Ministry for
Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) in cooperation with the Federal
Ministry for Employment and Social Affairs (BMAS) and the Federal
Employment Agency (BA) implemented in India by Deutsche Gesellschaft
für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. The programme
addresses candidates from India, Indonesia and Vietnam (pilot countries),
with an occupational background in Science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics (STEM).
The Info-session will introduce students and qualified professionals to the
‘Make it in Germany’ initiative which is part of the Qualified Professionals
Initiative and complements the measures being taken in Germany by
providing an Internet portal – www.make-it-in-germany.com – for
international skilled workers, portraying aculture of welcome and
showing qualified professionals the way to Germany, and what makes it
worthwhile to live and work there.
The presentation will bundle together all the key information about
making a career and living in Germany. Discussion will centre on STEM
occupational backgrounds and the salient features which make this
initiative attractive for Indian professionals. The presentation will draw
a portrait of contemporary Germany and provide practical advice on
successful integration.
Ms Sangeeta Chauhan is a qualified lawyer with professional experience
of over 15 years in the German and Indian labour market. She has held
various research and advisory positions with international organisations
working in the field of Humanitarian Laws, Business Laws and
Immigration Laws. She is working with GIZ India as an advisor for ‘Make it
in Germany’ initiative since December 2012. Ms Chauhan speaks English,
German and Hindi. She is very optimistic about the scope of cooperation
between India and Germany, especially in the field of migration in a
development sensitive way.
Thursday, 27 March 2014
12.00 pm - 1.00 pm
Mr Venkat Narasimhan
Advisor, ‘Make it in Germany’
In a professional career spanning nearly three decades, Mr Narasimhan
has worked with several international organisations in the field of
public administration. He is experienced in contract management,
administration, procurement-logistics and communications.
Mr Narasimhan has been working with GIZ India for over seven years. In
his current role with GIZ India, which he took over in January 2013, Mr
Narasimhan is advisor for ‘Make it in Germany’ initiative.
At the end of the presentation, a first-hand success story will be shared
through a short film, in which an Indian professional, who has already
embarked on a successful career in Germany, recounts his personal
experiences of living and working in Germany.
Implemented by
MONDAY 24.03.2014
The AvH (together with the DAAD, DFG, and the Goethe Institut
Max Mueller Bhavan (MMB) cooperated with the University of
Heidelberg (Heidelberg Centre South Asia), in the organization
of a series of lectures “Humboldts Erben / Humboldt's Heirs“
during the DWIH Excellence on Tour events in Hyderabad and
Ahmedabad (November 15 – 22, 2013). In Ahmedabad former
AvH Ambassador Scientist, Professor Amita Chandra held the
lecture on the topic “Humboldt`s Scientific Approach: Relevance in
today`s context”.
The AvH Ambassador Scientist, Dr. Amol Kulkarni, held a lecture
on “Scholarships and Funding Possibilities by the Alexander von
Humboldt Foundation” during the DWIH Excellence on Tour Event
in Ahmedabad.
17.00 h - 18.00 h
The AvH is represented at the DWIH New Delhi by their Ambassador
Scientists in India. Until August 2012 Professor Amita Chandra (University
of Delhi) supported the Foundation as our contact person at the DWIH
New Delhi. In September 2012 Professor Rekha Vaidya Rajan (Jawaharlal
Nehru University, Delhi) and Dr. Amol Kulkarni (National Chemical
Laboratory, Pune) have been appointed as Ambassador Scientists in India.
Since 2012 the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH) took part in
the following events:
The Deputy secretary General of the AvH, Dr. Thomas Hesse and
Dr. Judith Schildt attended the official inauguration ceremony of
the DWIH New Delhi on October 27, 2012.
The Director of the DWIH New Delhi, Dr. Torsten Fischer, attended
the Networking Conference for International Research Marketing
“New Frontiers: Shifting Trends in the Global Research Landscape
and their Impact on Researchers’ Career Patterns”, organized by
the AvH in Gurgaon in March 2012 as one of the speakers.
The AvH Ambassador Scientist, Professor Vaidya Rajan,
participated in the DWIH – Excellence on Tour event in Hyderabad
(April 26 - May 3, 2013) and moderated the panel discussion
"Role of the Humanities in a Globalised World".
MONDAY 24.03.2014
TUESDAY 25.03.2014
S. N. Bose Hall
15.00 h - 16.30 h
14.00 h - 15.00 h
WEDNESDAY 26.03.2014
14.00 h - 15.00 h
or destroyed instruments. The lecture also addresses the project’s second
main objective, the construction of pan-European database accessible to
the public that can serve as a model for similar projects in the research
of musical instruments. Following the presentation everyone is invited to
attend a lecture demonstration offered by Somjit Das Gupta, a musician
of Kolkata and collector of musical instruments.
Prof. Dr. Lars-Christian Koch studied Cultural Anthropology, Musicology
and Ethnomusicology in Bonn and Cologne. He researched music
in India for several years, worked on the concept of rasa and on the
manufacturing of sitar and rudravina.
Andreas Richter holds a Master of Arts Degree in Ethnomusicology
of the Freie Universtität, Berlin. He worked as a guest lecturer for
ethnomusicology in Berlin, Göttingen and Kathmandu. As a scientific
assistant he was involved in exhibition planning and digitisation projects
of the Ethnological Museum, Berlin.
Dana Freyberg has a degree in Conservation Sciences for Museums with
a concentration on Technical Cultural Heritage from the Hochschule für
Technik und Wirtschaft (HTW), Berlin. For the Berlin Phonogramm-Archiv,
she has reconstructed antique phonographs and assessed the state of a
cylinder collection of the Phonogramm-Archiv.
This lecture is to offer a presentation of the DFG funded project
“Digitalisation of historical and contemporary musical instruments
inextended visualisations”. The aim of the project is the digitisation
of historical and contemporary South Asian musical instruments in
extended visualisations and enlarged metadata structures as basis for the
development of a reconstruction research including musicarchaeological
The presentation will give a short overview of the extent and the broad
variety of musical instruments which are taken as a material basis for this
study highlighting its core, a collection donated by Raja Sir Sourindro
Mohun Tagore to Kaiser Wilhelm I in 1879. Examples taken from interim
results will show how modern image technologies used for digitising
cultural heritage such as structured light scanning and computed
tomography can furnish data which not only provide a comprehensive
picture and a unique insight into the complex structure of sound objects,
but also allow specific studies on damage types, material properties,
craftsmanship, cultural determined applications and aesthetical principals.
At the same time the data - complemented by additional research in
other European and Indian collections - helps to create the premise for
the reconstruction and to a smaller extent the reproduction of damaged
with their validation to ensure quality, safety and efficacy. He has been
admitted as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry [FRSC], UK. He
worked as the Chairman of the Natural health product special committee
of the Drug Information Association, USA. Dr Mukherjee is serving as
Associate Editor of the Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Elsevier Science. He
is the member of the editorial board of ten other Indian and international
journals. He is also associated as advisor to different organizations and
administrative bodies of government of India and abroad.
TUESDAY 25.03.2014
11.00 h - 13.00 h
Session Chair:
Dr Pulok K Mukherjee & Dr Tuhinadri Sen
Dr Pulok K Mukherjee
School of Natural Product Studies
Dept. of Pharmaceutical Technology
Jadavpur University
Associate Editor, J. Ethnopharmacology
[Elsevier Science, Ireland]
Topic of lecture:
‘‘Your food as your medicine – evaluation of quality, safety”
Director, School of Natural Product Studies, Department of Pharmaceutical
Technology, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India, has been working on
traditional medicine inspired drug discovery leading to development of
therapeutic leads from natural resources. His research work highlights on
screening, evaluation, formulation and standardization of herbal drugs
Dr. Pulok Mukherjee worked on leveraging innovations in traditional
Indian medicine, particularly on rationally designed, carefully standardized,
synergistic traditional herbal formulations and botanical drugs for
their scientific validation on evidence based approaches. His efforts on
development of integrated approaches for drug development from
Indian traditional medicine have worldwide impact for the promotion of
traditional medicine inspired drug discovery. Based on his works, he has to
his credit above 150 publications in peer reviewed impact journals, several
patents, 19 books and book chapters on evaluation of botanicals. He
has worked as visiting scientists in several renowned Universities abroad
including The School of Pharmacy, University of London; King’s College
London; Leiden/Amsterdam Center for drug Research, Netherlands;
School of Health science, Tokushima University, Japan; Medical Research
Council, Cape Town, South Africa and others. He has developed several
products, process with partnership between industry and institute.
For his excellent research career he has been awarded with so many
laurels from Govt of India and abroad; to name a few: he has been
awarded with the prestigious Commonwealth Academic Staff
Fellowship from Association of Commonwealth Universities [ACU], UK;
Outstanding Service Award from Drug Information association [DIA],
USA; Career Award for Young Teacher from All India Council for Technical
Education (AICTE), Govt. of India; Overseas Award from Department of
Biotechnology (DBT), BOYSCAST Fellowship from Department of Science
& Technology (DST), Govt. of India; Young Pharmacy Teacher Award from
Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India; IPA Fellowship Award
from the Indian Pharmaceutical Association [IPA] and many others.
of a Citizens’ Charter. Engaged in research with special Interest - Drug
Utilization Study, Rural Drug Use, Public Health & Medicine, Clinical
Trial, Rational Drug Use, etc. Attended different Seminar, Symposium,
Workshops. Guest Speaker in National Symposium on Pharmacology,
Pharmaceutical, Ayurvedic, Herbal, Seminars, etc. Published different
papers in national & International Journals.
Dr Subir K Maulik
MD PhD, Professor
Department of Pharmacology
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
Topic of lecture:
“Garlic: Good Bad and Ugly”
He is presently a Professor in Pharmacology at All India Institute of Medical
Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi, India. He is a medical graduate (MBBS) from
Calcutta and did his post graduation (MD and PhD) from All India Institute
of Medical Sciences, New Delhi. He has been actively involved in both
basic and clinical Cardiovascular Pharmacology research and mentoring
programmes for the last 27 years. His research interest also involves
scientific validation of pharmacological effects of medicinal plants.
He is a Fellow of International Academy of Cardiovascular Sciences,
Canada and of Pulmonary Vascular Research Institute, UK. He is also the
general secretary of International Society for Heart Research of India.
He is a member of the editorial board of Molecular Biology Reports,
USA, Indian Journal of Pharmacology and associate editor of Institute
of Integrative Omics and Applied Biotechnology (IIOAB) journal. He
has published 52 original research articles in peer-revised international
journals and contributed 15 chapters in several books.
Dr Anjan Adhikari
Associate Professor & In Charge,
Adverse drug Reaction Monitoring Centre,
Department of Pharmacology,
R G Kar Medical College & Hospital, Kolkata
Topic of lecture:
“Pharamcovigilence of herbal medicine”
Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology worked at different
primary health centre of villages of West Bengal. In Charge, Adverse
Drug Reaction Centre, RGKar Medical College & Hospital. Involved in
Standard Treatment Guidelines, Government of West Bengal project.
Principal Investigator in the post pilot evaluation project & development
Dr Debprasad Chattopadhyay
MSc, PhD, Deputy Director
ICMR Virus Unit Calcutta
Topic of lecture:
“Antiviral potential of traditional food plants”
Ph.D. in 1989 from Jadavpur University after his M. Sc in Botany
(Microbiology). He then moved to London Hospital Medical College for
post doc study, and after a brief exposure he returned to India and joined
the Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Kolkata as Senior Research
Associate of CSIR. Presently he is working as the Deputy Director and
Scientist E at ICMR Virus Unit, Kolkata. He has long experience in the field
of drug development from ethnomedicinal practices and translated the
practices of some oldest Indian tribes including Onge, Shompen, Birhore
etc by establishing personal relationship. He has published 80+ research
papers in peer reviewed National & International Journals including
PLoS Pathogen, Journal of Biological Chemistry, Journal of Antimicrobial
Chemotherapy, PLoS One, Antiviral Research, International Journal of
Antimicrobial Agents, Toxicology & Applied Pharmacology, Contraception,
including 5+ reviews (Biotechnology Annual Review, Mini Review in
Medicinal Chemistry etc), 2 books, 50+ popular articles, and have 5
patents. He is in the Editorial Board of 3 International Journals and
attached as a Reviewer of 30+ International Journals & publication
houses. He is the Examiner, Ph. D. Guide and visiting Faculty of
Universities including Jadavpur University, Vidyasagar University, Aligarh
Muslim University, and received International Society of Chemotherapy
Award, Dr RV Rajam Award, Prof Amiyo Bose Oration Award and is the
Fellow of the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy.
TUESDAY 25.03.2014
13.00 h - 14.00 h
technologies with an annual budget of 3.5 Million €. Dr. Raina also heads
the EU Research Coordination at the institute and has personally been
involved in a number of EU as well as national projects. Dr. Raina has also
been actively involved in the Manutex Initiative which is a joint initiative
between the Manufacturing Textile Platform and the Textile ETP. Dr. Raina
is also responsible for the Indian operation of the Institut für Textiltechnik
Aachen. He is responsible for scouting project and also transfer of
innovation from Germany to India. From January 2014 Dr. Raina joined
the group of fibre reinforced composites and specializes in the field of
textile reinforced concrete.
Dr. Raina is set to launch his own venture in India at the start of 2014 thus
rendering transfer of high value added technology to India.
Mohit Raina
Mohit Raina started his textile research in 2000 at VJTI, Mumbai, India.
Here he completed his B.Tech. in 2004. Further on, Mohit Raina carried
out his postgraduate studies in IIT Delhi in India and then came to
Germany to pursue his Ph.D. During his Ph.D. Dr. Raina was also awarded
the possibility to carry out his executive MBA at the RWTH Aachen
University, Germany and University St. Gallen, Switzerland. Dr. Raina
completed his Ph.D. in July 2012 and his executive MBA in September
Dr. Raina started working at the RWTH Aachen University, Germany from
Nov 2006 in the department of spinning technologies. In 2007 Mr. Raina
headed the Department of Spinning Technologies and started working as
an EU Research Consultant for the Institut für Textiltechnik RWTH Aachen,
Germany. From October 2010 until December 2013 Dr. Raina led the
division of Production Technologies & Textile Machinery at the Institut für
Textiltechnik and was responsible for the Project Management, Strategy
and Finances of 25 PhD Researchers from 5 departments of nonwovens,
spinning technologies, weaving technologies, technical textiles and joining
TUESDAY 25.03.2014
15.00 h - 18.00 h
Prof N. Vedachalam
2:30 pm to 3:00 pmRegistration
3:00 pm to 3:40 pm Inaugural Program:
• Welcome Address: Prof. Sibdas Ghosh, President, Humboldt Club Calcutta
• About the conference: Prof. Sivaji Chakravorti, Vice President, Humboldt Club Calcutta
• Address by Prof. Dhrubajyoti Chattopadhyay, President, West Bengal Academy of Science & Technology
• Address by Dr. Alexander P. Hansen, Coordinator of the DWIH and Director, DFG India Office
• Vote of Thanks: Prof. Amitava Datta, Secretary, Humboldt Club Calcutta
3:45 pm to 4:45 pm Lecture on “Challenges and solutions in relation to Indian Economy” by Prof. Sugata Marjit, Reserve
Bank of India Professor of Industrial Economics at
the Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Kolkata.
4:45 pm to 5:00 pm Tea Break
5:00 pm to 6:00 pm Lecture on “Challenges and Breakthroughs in
Indian Mars Mission” by Prof. N. Vedachalam,
Padmashri, Dr. K. R. Ramanathan, Distinguished
Professor, Vikram Sarabhai Space Center,
6:00 pm to 6:30 pm Valedictory discussion
Prof. Vedachalam joined ISRO in July 1969 as Scientist/Engineer at Space
Science & Technology Centre Thumba, Thiruvananthapuram. In a career
spanning over 35 years in Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO),
Prof Vedachalam had held several important positions like Group Director,
Navigation Guidance & Control Group, Director ISRO Inertial systems Unit
and Director Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre at Thiruvananthapuram.
As Founder Director of ISRO Inertial Systems Unit, Trivandrum, Prof
Vedachalam was responsible for the development of the most critical
indigenous Inertial measurement Unit for SLV-3, Stabilized Platform Inertial
Navigation System for ASLV and ‘Strap Down’ Inertial Navigation System
for PSLV and GSLV Launch Vehicles of ISRO.
Prof Vedachalam, an outstanding Scientist of Indian Space Research
Organization, and as Director, Liquid Propulsion Systems centre (LPSC)
at Thiruvananthapuram, since July 2000, had directed the indigenous
development of India’s Cryogenic Rocket Stage for GSLV and responsible
for successful testing of the first Cryogenic Engine for 1000 seconds.
Prof Vedachalam is a recipient of Dr. Biren Roy Trust National Award in
1990, Astronautical Society of India Award in 1996, and Institution of
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineers award in 1997. In view of
his outstanding contributions to Science and Engineering, the nation
had honoured him “Padma Shri” on the 54th Republic Day. The Russian
Academy of Cosmonautics, Moscow decorated him with Yuri Gagarin
Gold Medal and a citation for ISRO-Russia Co-operative Research in 2004.
Government of India, Department of Space has awarded Vedachalam
the Performance Excellence Award, in Nov 2009. Prof Vedachalam on
superannuation from Government of India service in November 2004,
was conferred with Dr.KR. Ramanathan Distinguished Professorship
by the Government of India, Department of Space from December
2004 to pursue advanced research at Vikram Sarabhai Space Center,
Thiruvananthapuram. Dr Vedachalam apart from ISRO, provides his service
as Member of Programme Advisory Committee in Science Engineering
Research Board, DST, Ministry of Science & Technology, and significantly
contributes towards promotion of Research in Universities to enhance
quality of Technical Education in India.
WEDNESDAY 26.03.2014
11.00 h - 14.00 h
Sugata Marjit
Sugata Marjit (Born 1959) is Reserve Bank of India Professor of Industrial
Economics at the Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta, External
Fellow of The Leverhulme Centre for Globalization and Economic Policy at
the University of Nottingham and Adjunct Professor at the City University
of Hong Kong. He was Sukhamay Chakravarty Professor, CESP, Jawaharlal
Nehru University and a Professor of Economics at the Indian Statistical
Institute and earlier started his career at Presidency College and Jadavpur
University. He had his education at Presidency College. A topper of
Calcutta University he received his PhD in Economics from the University
of Rochester in 1985.
His papers have been published in well-known journals such as the
American Economic Review, Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of
International Economics, Journal of Development Economics, European
Economic Review, Economic Theory, Journal of Mathematical Economics,
Canadian Journal of Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior and
Organization, International Economic Review etc.
He held Visiting Professorial positions at the Universities of Bonn,
Copenhagen,Cornell, Erasmus, Monash, Munich, Konstanz, Paris, Sydney,
New South Wales, Queensland, Penn. State, Rochester, City University of
Hong Kong and Singapore Management University etc. and was a Visiting
Scholar at the IMF and Federal Reserve Bank, St. Louis, USA. His research
interest includes International Trade, Informal Labor Market, Economics
of Corruption, Poverty and Inequality, Banking and Finance and Politics of
Oxford University Press, Palgrave Macmillan, Princeton University Press,
Elsevier, SAGE and Springer-Verlag have published his books and volumes.
He received the Mahalanobis Gold Medal of the Indian Econometric
Society in 2002 and the VKRV Rao National Prize as a young Social
Scientist in 2003, among the very few to receive both. He is a noted
Television Commentator, regular columnist of Anandabazar Patrika and
also writes for Times of India and Economic and Political weekly.
Preamble: In the good old days of Lithographed tin toys India had a
thriving toy industry which succumbed to the Chinese onslaught of cheap
toys with the advent of plastic age and the age of low-cost electronics.
However, innovation has always been the mainstay of the Toy Industry
and a forte for Indians-being the Laboratory of the World. Coupled with
the easy availability of cheap electronic components in the Indian market
and technology to produce precision moulds, it is worthwhile to take
stock of indigenous technologies available for resurrection of Indian toy
industry to a level where Indian brands can earn revenue-either directly
or using the network of existing toy majors in India like the Majorette,
Funskool, Maetel India etc.
The focus of this session is to bring out the status of the toy industry and
focuses on a key enabling technology that has revolutionized the toy
industry viz. development of low cost electronics. It then focuses on the
role of University considering the interdisciplinary nature of the industry
and outlines the possibilities of R&D support that a University can render
to the toy industry. The targeted audience comprises entrepreneurs who
wish to produce export quality toys or produce toys under a contract
manufacturing setup for big manufacturers operating from India. At the
University end, this would be a survey for identifying the beneficiaries for
a possible program on Toy Technology.
11:00 h - 11:30 h:Speech by representative from West Bengal Industrial
Development Corporation
11:30 h -13:00 h: Toy Industry: The role of Low Cost Electronics
Prof. Dr. Amitava Gupta, Jadavpur University
13:00 h -14:00 h: Toy Industry: The role of University – an Interdisciplinary
Approach, Prof. Dr. Asish Mazumdar, Dean, Faculty
of Interdisciplinary Studies, Law and Management,
Jadavpur University
WEDNESDAY 26.03.2014
15.00 h - 15.30 h
Prof. Amitava Gupta
Prof. Amitava Gupta is presently a Professor in the Department of Power
Engineering and the Director of the School of Nuclear Studies and
Applications at Jadavpur University, Kolkata. He got his undergraduate
degree in Electrical Engineering from Jadavpur University, in 1990, Masters
(Nuclear Engg.) from IIT Kanpur and PhD in Engineering (Comp. Sc. &
Engg. Dept.) from Jadavpur University in 2002. Starting with his Masters’
dissertation in the area of micro-computer control of nuclear reactor
systems, he served as a Scientific Officer in the Nuclear Power Corporation
of India at Mumbai, designing computer controlled systems for nuclear
power plants and then at the Centre for Development of Advanced
Computing at Bangalore where he worked on the development of High
Performance Computing systems. He joined Jadavpur University in 1997.
A recipient of the DAAD Fellowship (1999), he served as a
Gastwissenschaftler of the Bavarian Science Foundation (KONWIHR
program) at the TU-Muenchen (2002-2003) and as DAAD Visiting
Professors (Gastdozentur) at Universitaet Rostock (2006) and TUMuenchen (2009). He was appointed a Research Ambassador for DAAD
for 2010-2011.Prof. Gupta’s research interests include Distributed Realtime Systems, Networked Control Systems and Fractional Order Control
Systems where he has several completed and ongoing research projects
and publications. His former and present international collaborations
include TU-Muenchen, Universitaet-Rostock, the NC State and ENIT,
The German Dual Education System is one of the cornerstones of the
successful brand Made in Germany. The system is widely practiced in
Germany for over 350 officially-recognized training occupations. The talk
will introduce the audience to the features of the German Dual System of
education and its contribution towards a skilled workforce. It will also give
examples of the successful adaptation of this system to Indian conditions
and the role of the Indo-German Chamber of Commerce
Ms Sabina Pandey
Regional Director
Indo-German Chamber of Commerce Kolkata
Ms Sabina Pandey studied law at the University of Bayreuth, Germany and
completed her bar exam in Würzburg, Germany. Her professional career
in India over the last almost 20 years included legal services, banking
and sustainability advisory. She is now the Regional Director of the IndoGerman Chamber of Commerce, Kolkata.
WEDNESDAY 26.03.2014
THURSDAY 27.03.2014
16.00 h - 18.30 h
11.00 h - 12.00 h
The first part of the info-session presents the higher education landscape
of the State of Bavaria, university research and non-university research
institutions, type of universities and internationalization of universities.
Student’s report on study and life in Bavaria. The second part provides
insights into actually living and studying in Bavaria from the (Indian)
student’s perspective. Topics such as differences in the education system,
examinations, funding possibilities, internships, and of course students’
life outside the university will be discussed. This part will be presented by
an Indian student who has studied in Bavaria and can give an authentic
picture of experiences in Germany.
German is the most popular foreign language among Indian students and
graduates. For students especially students of science, Germany is among
the top three destinations in the world.
Having a basic knowledge of the German Language is an added
advantage for those who wish to study, work or live in Germany.
The Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan Kolkata will conduct short
interactive classes to encourage the visitors to learn ”German in a jiffy”.
Furthermore Germany awards a generous number of scholarships and
other support to study in Germany. At the Pavilion there will be InfoSessions on the study/work opportunities in Germany.
Ms Sabitha Lorenz
Project Manager, BayIND Science Office in Bangalore
Ms Lorenz holds a Master Degree in Geography, Tourism Economy and
Urban Planning from LMU Munich University, Germany. After her studies
she was part of the postgraduate program “New Passage to India” by
the German DAAD, during which she worked on a research project on
tourism in the Western Ghats and GIS mapping of tourism infrastructure
in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. Since April 2013, Ms Lorenz works as the
project manager of the BayIND Science Office in Bangalore. BayIND has
been set-up by the Bavarian State Ministry of Education, Science and
the Arts to coordinate and promote the university cooperation between
Bavaria and India. The Centre acts as a contact and information point
for students, lecturers or researchers who are interested in the exchange
between Bavaria and India.
THURSDAY 27.03.2014
THURSDAY 27.03.2014
15.00 h - 19.00 h
19.00 h - 20.00 h
University of Göttingen (UoG) shares the goals and vision of German
House for Research and Innovation (DWIH) New Delhi towards promoting
cooperation between German and Indian academic institutions.
Through participation in the “DWIH-Excellence Tour”, the UoG intends
to showcase the education and research profiles of Göttingen Research
Campus institutions, to the academic and student community in Kolkata
to initiate and promote academic cooperation and exchange activities.
UoG is organizing the Göttingen-India Forum on 27 March 2014 from
1500 to 1900 hours, at DWIH-Excellence on tour pavilion. The forum
is intended to provide a platform for focused dialog and interactions
between Indian and German academics, scientists, educators, students
and general public. Göttingen-India Forum will host four public talks
(one hour each) by eminent scholars and academicians to provoke
thoughts on diverse themes from science & humanities. This forum
could serve as a zone for potential research collaborations and projects
for interested and enthusiastic Indian students and academics. UoG will
also exhibit ‘Magnetic Levitation Train’ and ‘Solar Hydrogen Generator’,
educational models by the PhyWe, to excite and encourage young
minds to understand the science underlying the most innovative German
technology. For more details of program and schedule see www.dwih.in/
uog or write to india.office@uni-goettingen.de
Classical thermochemistry has not only survived quantum mechanics,
it is probably mankind’s most far-reaching physicochemical concept
nowadays routinely applied by our engineering friends. Thermochemistry
is also essential for chemistry itself because one needs to quantitatively
discern stable from unstable matter. The non-existence of precious
thermochemical state functions in many cases, however, calls for their
calculation based on Schrödinger’s equation at finite temperatures
and pressures. By using density-functional theory and lattice dynamics,
phonons and other excitations in solids may be numerically included to
eventually generate theoretical Gibbs energy data from which everything
may be derived.
The general strategy, which was originally targeted at the industrial
production of high-temperature superconductors, is exemplified by
looking at a variety of solid-state materials, starting with tin pest. In the
sequel, special focus will be put on the thermochemical characterization
of oxide nitrides andcarbodiimides, on the prediction of metal pernitrides,
and on the characterization of simple and complex oxides and peroxides.
FRIDAY 28.03.2014
11.00 h - 15.00 h
Prof. Richard Dronskowski
RWTH Aachen
Prof. Richard Dronskowski studied chemistry and physics at Münster
University and received his doctorate from the Technical University
of Stuttgart in 1990. After a one-year stay as a scientific visitor at
Cornell University and a few more years as a senior scientist at the Max
Planck Institute for Solid-State Research in Stuttgart, he achieved his
habilitationin Dortmund in 1995. In 1996 he went to RWTH Aachen
University where he is currently holding the Chair of Solid-State and
Quantum Chemistry. His interests lie in synthetic solid-state chemistry, in
advanced neutron diffraction, and in the quantum chemistry of the solid
state, touching upon various problems of electronic structure, magnetism,
chemical bonding, phase prediction and ab initio thermochemistry.
Hidden mysteries of space and time
Our nature portrays itself in a three dimensional space and evolves
eternally with time. Space and time, with their vastness and eternity,
are the two integral parts for dynamical description of nature.
But what are their true characters? Ever since Einstein explained the
origin of gravitational force from space-time geometry which met with
incredible success in Astrophysical and Cosmological observations there
have been intense efforts to find out deeper mysteries hidden in space
and time. Long time after Kaluza-Klein's original proposal of the role of
extra spatial dimensions, string theory emerged to bring new promises
in our understanding of space and time when more dimensions are
One of the most spectacular development took place in the
context of Black hole space-time and its connection to a thermal
structure. This talk will be a non-technical review of the evolution
of concepts of space and time over the years from Newton to Einstein to
Hawking - a journey to unveil eternal mysteries.
FRIDAY 28.03.2014
15.00 h - 17.00 h
Soumitra Sen Gupta
Soumitra Sen Gupta, a Senior Professor in the Department of Theoretical
Physics, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science ( IACS ) did his
Bachelors from Presidency College, Kolkata and Masters from Science
College, Calcutta University. Subsequently he did his Ph. D from Saha
Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata and then visited various places
within India and abroad for research collaborations and delivering invited
Before joining IACS in 2002 he was a faculty member in the Department
of Physics, Presidency College (Presently Presidency University)
and Department of Physics, Jadavpur University. In 2006 he was elected
Fellow of The National Academy of Sciences, India.
He has about 70 research publications in the International journals.
His current research areas include High energy/ Elementary particle
physics, Braneworld, Supersymmetry, Supergravity, String theory,
Cosmology and Black holes.
Life is Organic
This talk will try to trace evolution of organic chemistry as a
multidisciplinary platform.
“The vicissitudes of destiny had not completely obliterated so prestigious
a heritage. Calcutta was still India’s artistic and intellectual beacon and its
culture continued to be as alive and creative as ever…”
– Dominique Lapierre in The City of Joy. (1985)
This quote aptly endows the ever enthralling heritage of Kolkata which
embedded within itself assimilation of the various socio-cultural, linguistic,
economical, demographical trends that accentuated over time. The
etymological origin of the name Calcutta/Kolkata is a derivative of the
word Kolikata thought to be a variation of ‘Kalikkhetro’ or field of the
goddess Kali. Alternatively, the name may have been derived from the
Bengali term kilkila or ‘falt area’. According to another theory, the area
specialized in the production of quicklime or kolichun and coir or kaka;
hence, it was called Kolikata.
The city of Kolkata therefore can be looked at as a kaleidoscope with a
varied spectrum encompassing the following aspects:
Prof. Amitabha Sarkar
Graduation (B.Sc. and M.Sc.) from IIT, Kharagpur, was followed by Ph.D.
from IISc, Bangalore. Postdoctoral training (1983-1986) was obtained
at the Case Western Reserve University , Cleveland, USA, and at the
Washington State University , Pullman, USA. After a brief stint at IISc as a
CSIR Pool Officer (1986-1988), the first regular appointment was at NCL,
Pune. Moved to Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata,
in June, 2002. He is currently a Senior Professor in the Department of
Organic Chemistry at IACS. His research interests include organomettalic
chemistry, stereoselective synthesis, ‘smart’ surfaces and nanochemistry,
and polymerization catalysts.
• Historical evolution – the city witnessed a remarkable historical
evolution as the Mughal lineage that was characteristically medieval
transcended into the ‘modern’ scenario with the rampaging foreign
forces, especially the British.
• Linguistic evolution – the city begin in close proximity to the port
area received an influx of people with different linguistic affinity each
casting its influence on the language.
• Demographic evolution and urbanization – Kolkata from its initial
position as a commercial hub transgressed into a metropolitan city
witnessing massive demographical upsurge associated urbanization.
• Cultural evolution – the multiplicity of the different cultural aspects like
songs, dance, artistry etc. received a unique thrust in Kolkata as the city
was thriving ground for patronage and cultivation of the facets of fine
• Religious evolution – religion being firmly engraved with identity of
man also witnessed an admixture of cosmopolitanism in Kolkata with
Hinduism. Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Jainism etc. all getting molded
into a cohesive pattern.
• Social evolution – Kolkata formed a vivid social pattern with
assimilation and accommodation especially as the Renaissance wave
brought an upheaval in the nineteenth century and became the cradle
of “babu culture”.
Cultural programmes
Excellence on Tour!
22nd – 28th March, 2014
Science City Kolkata
SATURDAY 22.03.2014
Mini Theatre
17.30 h onwards
An evening presenting the screening of an extra ordinary and a historic
film ‘A Throw of Dice’ from the era of silent films, which is also a very
important collaboration between Germany and India cinematically. The
film will be introduced by well known film-historian Mr. Amrit Gangar
from Mumbai. The film will be screened with live music by BLOT! which
is India's leading audio-video electronica act, a live performance project
that is helmed by Gaurav Malaker and Avinash Kumar from Delhi. For
this evening, BLOT! and a special guest will be live scoring the classic "A
Throw Of Dice," musically interpreting the silent film by fusing elements
of analogue electronica, treated vocals and lush soundscapes. All at once
a film and a gig, the beautiful cinematography inherent to silent films of
the 1920's will be given voice and seen in a new light, with an all-new
and original soundtrack created especially for the occasion.
Directed by Franz Osten
Produced by UFA, British Instructional Film
and Himansu Rai Film
Black and White / 74 minutes / 1929
The meeting of Indians and Germans during 1920s, and their eventual
collaboration resulted in three successive silent films and among them one
of the most important was ‘A Throw of Dice’, which was based on Indian
or Oriental subjects. Indian audiences offered great potential for European
producers in the silent period. There was particular Interest in this lucrative
market- almost entirely dominated by American films in the 1910s and
1920s- by those in the German film industry keen to expand onto the
international stage. At the same time, some individual pioneers of the
expanding domestic industry in India recognized the value of foreign
technologies and expertise in developing polish, high-quality Indian films
which could appeal to international audiences. This combination made
possible interesting and unlikely collaborations.
‘A Throw Of Dice’ is about two rival kings addicted to gambling, Ranjit
(Roy) and the evil Sohan (Rai), also vie for the same woman, Sunita (Seeta
Devi), Kanwa the hermit's (Gupta) daughter. Ranjit loses his kingdom and
his love and becomes Sohan's slave through a crooked game of dice.
Sunita soon uncovers the truth about Sohan's evil deeds and to escape
punishment he hurls himself off a cliff into the rapids below. Ranjit and
Sunita are reunited and married.
Blot! is India’s best-known home-grown audiovisual act. Comprised
of Gaurav Malaker and Avinash Kumar, this duo’s club act is a vibey
affair, where four-to-the-floor techno and live video sampling create a
synchronized AV performance. Forward-thinking self-produced tracks and
dark, funk-influenced techno predominate in their sets, but there’s also
room forstrident tech-house and chunky deep disco.
In 2013 BLOT! released their debut album, “Snafu”, on Universal /
Contrabass Records as well as a new 3D live show. With both the album
and the accompanying live act, the duo has their tongues firmly in cheek:
3D video and audio-visual experimentation meets sounds that traverse
multiple genres, tempos and styles. Performances with guest musicians
touch on glitch-techno, skittering lo-fi and driving bass, to build to a
techno dance floor crescendo.
2013 also included more from New Culture Mash-up, a live AV mash-up
project with Nucleya, with a reputation for keeping clubs moving. Big
mutating basslines, jacking percussive kicks and saturated bass sounds
from moombahton to dubstep drive these shows, and a steady stream of
audiovisual interaction, strobing lights and video sampling are all cut up
and mixed live, into a full-blown sound-and-screen sensory overload.
BLOT! also co-owns Qilla Records, one of India’s leading underground
dance labels and curates India’s biggest design Festival, UnBox. Avi and
Gaurav has performed at legendary venues like Tresor and Bar25 (Berlin),
as well as at festivals like Austin’s SXSW (Texas), C/O Pop (Cologne),
Reeperbahn (Germany), Electron Festival (Geneva), Berlin Music Week,
London’s South Bank Centre and NuitsSonores in Lyon. They’ve shared
the stage with Richie Hawtin, Matador, Kaiserdisco, Oliver Huntemann,
Apparat among others.
BLOT! have collaborated with and been endorsed by international brands
like Cobra Beer, Nokia, Allen & Heath and Puma, and been featured in
international press (such as the UK’s The Guardian, German publication
De:bug, Rolling Stone and Time Out, among others).
MONDAY 24.03.2014
17.30 h onwards
The Indo-German cultural symbiotic story traces itself back to only a
decade short of a century – to 1925, and to the film ‘The Light of Asia’
(Die Leuchte Asiens) or Prem Sanyas. The Indian producer-actor and the
German director who got together in this historic collaboration were
Himansu Rai (1892-1940) and Franz Osten (1876-1956), respectively.
And it eventually resulted in the establishment of Bombay Talkies, Asia’s
leading film production studio, in Mumbai’s suburb of Malad. The
German’s journey from Munich to Malad is an exciting story. Paul Zils
was yet another German who was instrumental in establishing the Indian
Documentary Producers’ Association (IDPA) in Mumbai. Besides
cinema, it was sangeet (music) that also historically binds Germany and
India, and here my reference is to the composer-musicologist Walter
Kaufmann. Besides composing background music for some Hindi films
during the early 1940s, Kaufmann helped form the Bombay Chamber
Music Society, for which he gave around 50 concerts. In Mumbai, where
he lived for a long time, he worked with the Hindi film producer-director
Mohan Bhavnani, with whom also worked Willy Haas, the script-writer.
It is this glorious symbiosis between Germany and India that becomes
part of the just concluded centenary of Indian cinema. While recalling the
unique history, a specially compiled film will also be presented.
FRIDAY 28.03.2014
Mini Theatre
18.00 h - 18.30 h
Amrit Gangar
Film Scholar, Curator
Amrit Gangar is a Mumbai-based author, curator, film theoretician and
historian, working in the field of cinema for three decades; he has also
worked on a number of feature films, documentaries, short films and
video installations from Germany and other European countries.
Besides curating several events for film festivals, galleries and universities
at home and abroad, for the past eight years he has been engaged with
his theoretical concept called Cinema of Prayogaand has presented it at
various venues including the Tate Modern, London; Pompidou
Centre, Paris and several other institutions in India and abroad.
He has also curated and presented the art of Bollywood billboard painting
in Europe and along with the billboard painters from Mumbai and
has been the Indian correspondence for ARTiT, a bilingual art journal
published from Tokyo and the Film International published from Tehran,
Iran. Gangar has been a jury member at film festivals in Indi and abroad.
He has been appointed as Consultant Curator for the soon-to-open
National Museum of Indian Cinema in Mumbai by the Government
of India. He is also on the international advisory board of the journal
‘Moving Image Review & Art Journal’ published from London. Gangar
has authored and edited several books on cinema in English and Gujarati,
including two books on the German filmmakers, Franz Osten and Paul
Zils, both published by the Goethe Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan Mumbai.
In 2001, he was artistic consultant along with Marina Abramovic on the
dance-theatre production Total Masala Slammer, directed by Michael Laub
and produced by the Hebbel Theatre, Berlin. He was also a production
executive on the Lars von Trier-Jorgen Leth production, The Five
Obstructions. Gangar was one of the key-members of the team on Classic
Incantations: The German Film Orchestra Babelsberg performed A.R.
Rahman during the Germany Year in India, 2011-2012. Recently, his book
The Music that Still Rings at Dawn, Every Dawn: Walter Kaufmann in
India, 1934-1946 has been released by the Goethe Institut / Max Mueller
Bhavan Mumbai.
Abhijit Chakrabarti
Abhijit Chakrabarti was born in West Bengal, India, in November 24,
1956. He received Ph.D (Tech) degree from Calcutta University, Kolkata,
West Bengal, India in 1991. Currently he is Vice Chancellor of Jadavpur
University, Jadavpur, Kolkata and a professor in the department of
Electrical Engineering, Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur,
Howrah, West Bengal, India. He has served West Bengal State Council of
Higher Education, West Bengal as Vice Chairman and Chairman (actg.)
during 2012-13.
He has authored 123 research papers including publications in international
journals like Elsevier, IEEE Transaction, AMSE etc. He has authored twelve
books on Power Systems, Circuit Theory, Basic Electrical, Power Electronics
and Electrical Machine Design published by McGraw Hill, Dhanpat Rai & Co
and PHI Learning etc. He has also guided a number of Ph.D scholars.
He received Madam Mohan Malviya Award, Power Medal and award for
best paper in research related to Power System Engineering. He is a life
time fellow of The Institution of Engineers (I) and he has executed several
research projects from different government funding agencies in India. He
is a member of different expert and policy making committee of various
Universities and All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) including
National Board of Accreditation (NBA) India. He has active interest in
Electrical Power Systems, Electrical Machines, Electrical Circuits and Power
FRIDAY 28.03.2014
Mini Theatre
18.30 h onwards
Classical dance is by far too much of a consummate dance form to be
restricted to only chamber performances or be termed as an elitist art.
‘Samadhina’ is a quest to present Bharatanatyam in an eclectic and
spiritual form with the audience not realizing the change in the musical
idiom. The same principles of classical dance which are rules, control,
tunefulness can be applied to any kind of music genres.
While the Shiva panchaksharislokam and the Ananda Thandavam of lord
Nataraja are presented in familiar musical traditions, the padams and
the javalis will be presented to tumris and khayal with the tillana in the
The group choreographies will be set against Western classical for its
metered rhythm structure can support the rhythmic complexities that
we use the mystical philosophies of Chidambaram to sufi poets to the
sublime love of radha and Krishna will be brought upon seamlessly
through emotion of pure devotion in ‘samadhina’.
Shobana, is the only artiste in the history of Indian Art who has excelled
in the fields of Classical dance, Feature film and as an Institutionalist.
Born into a family of legendary dancers, the travancore sisters, Lalitha
Padmini and Ragini, Shobana was initiated in the art by the legendary
Guru Smt k. JSarasa for a few years. It was the illustrious Bhartanatyam
exponent and performing guru Padmasri Chitravisweswaran who honed
the passion in the young artiste. The intricasies of the style as well as its
academic nature, kept her pre-occupied with performing even though
she had a full time Film Career side by side. Shobana branched out as an
independent choreographer and teacher in her early twenties. Other than
the rigid technique that was being popularized, she pursued developing
what she thought as natural movement. She lent a poetic and fluid grace
to bharatanatyam.
Choreography on feature films
Shobana has choreographed and shot classical dance sequences in 2
feature films revolving around the classical art form-both winning the
national film awards in respective years.
Music Videos
Vande Matram-A.R Rahman ; Technology and Dance-President Bill Clinton
Presented with A.R.Rahman in Michael and Friends – A charity concert
held in Munich, Germany 1997- with Micheal Jackson
She has recently been awarded the ‘Natyaacharya award in Chennai.
As well as the kalaimamani award from the state government in 2010
All this is being effected through Kalarpana — a culture centre with
a difference and infinite possibilities with a difference because it has
been conceived, created and developed to be an all encompassing
center for learning, experimenting, teaching, exhibiting and spreading
the art of Classical Bharatanatyam in the traditional as well current and
‘new avatar’. She has been awarded Padmasri for her contribution to
bharatanatyam and cinema winning two national awards and three state
and 4 Filmfare awards to mention a few.
German House for Research and Innovation
(Deutsches Wissenschafts- und InnovationsHaus, DWIH New Delhi)
Coordinator of the Project:
Dr. Alexander P. Hansen
(DWIH Coordinator & Director of DFG India Office)
Project Team:
Ms. Poonam Suri (Programme Officer DFG / DWIH)
Ms. Deepika Prakash (Public Relations Officer DFG / DWIH)
Mr. Dipendra Pal (Manager DWIH)
Ms. Neha Henry (Manager DWIH)
Ms. Satvinder Bagga (Programme Assistant DWIH)
Support from DFG Office Delhi:
Mr. K. Hariharan (Office Manager)
Ms. Shivika Sharma (Programme Officer)
Ms. Charu Rao (Programme Officer)
Supported by :
The Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany New Delhi
Consulate of Federal Republic of Germany in Kolkata
Science City Kolkata
Jadavpur University
Indian Association for Cultivation of Science (IACS)
Indian Institute of Science, Education and Research
Design :
Rajika Press Services Pvt. Ltd.
We would like to thank all our service providers:
The German House for Research and Innovation
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