Summer Postillion - Saskatchewan German Council
Summer Postillion - Saskatchewan German Council
POSTILLION Der Rundbrief des Saskatchewan German Councils. Volume 28, Issue 2 Summer 2013 1 SGC Member Organizations American Historical Society of Germans From Russia, Regina Austrian Canadian Edelweiss Club, Regina Austrian Edelweiss Dance Association, Regina Community Radio Society of Saskatoon Inc. Concordia Alpenrose Schuhplattler Verein Concordia Brass Band Das Schulhaus - Regina German Language School Inc. Department of International Language, U of R Estevan & District German Freundschaft Society Folkart Co-op Humboldt German Cultural Centre, Saskatoon German Canadian Society Harmonie, Regina German Heritage Society of Humboldt & District Inc. German Junior Folk Dancers, Saskatoon German Language School Saskatoon Inc. German Language School of Regina German Russian Cultural Group, Leader German Students’ Association - U of S Hansel & Gretel Preschool Inc. Imhoff Heritage Society, St. Walburg Jagd- und Fischverein “Waidmann’s Lust”, Regina Karnevalsgesellschaft Harmonie, Regina Kochlöffel & Nudelholz: German-Canadian Koch- und Backstudio Lloydminster German Heritage Society Inc. Melville & District German Heritage Club Mennonite Heritage Village, Swift Current Parents Association of German Language School, Saskatoon Prince Albert German Canadian Club Waldhorn Regina German Film Club Saskatchewan Association of Teachers of German, Saskatoon Saskatchewan German Culture Assistance Fund Inc. Saskatoon German Days Skat Club Saskatoon Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Regina Village of Edenwold Volksliederchor Concordia, Saskatoon Volksliederchor Harmonie Inc., Regina Zichydorf Village Association, Regina Front Cover: „Gendarmenmarkt mit Schauspielhaus und französischem Dom“ – „Gendarmenmarkt with theater and French Dome“ by Waltraude Stehwien SGC Associated Members Cake Witch Café - Rosthern Contents 2013-2014 SGC Board of Directors President Ilona Beck Rouleau Vice President Josephin Dick Saskatoon Past President Andrew Grzesina Regina Treasurer Ray Fichter Regina Secretary Ulrike Hecker Saskatoon Directors Marita Bray, Regina Franziska Davies, Saskatoon Rod Gellner, Regina Amanda Stehwien, Saskatoon Katharina Ulbrich, Estevan Michael Zimmermann, Regina Consultant Barbara Hoggard-Lulay, Saskatoon Aus dem Büro/From the Office 04 SGC Board of Directors 04 Grüße von der Präsidentin 05 Greetings from the President 06 Sängerfest 2013 in Regina 07 Bekanntmachung für Deutsche zur Wahl zum Deutschen Bundestag 08 History of the Germans from Russia, part 13 09 2013 Treffpunkt Weekend in Estevan 10 Rolling Calendar of Events 12 SGC Recipe Corner: Kaltschale - Cold Sweet Soup 13 SGC Library Corner13 News from SGC Member Groups Austrian Canadian Edelweiss Club 14 Concordia Alpenrose Schuhplattler Verein15 Das Schulhaus - Regina German Language School Inc. 15 German Language School Saskatoon 16 Hansel & Gretel Preschool Inc. 18 Imhoff Heritage Society 18 Karnevalsgesellschaft Harmonie 19 Kochlöffel & Nudelholz: GermanCanadian Koch- und Backstudio 19 Skat Club Saskatoon 20 Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church 21 Volksliederchor Concordia 21 Jugendseite22 Kinderseite inside cover Staff Sabine Doebel-Atchison, M.A., Executive Director Andrea MacLeod, M.A., Office & Program Assistant Andrea Fey, Immigrant Settlement Advisor Saskatchewan German Council Inc. 510 Cynthia Street Saskatoon, SK S7L 7K7 phone: 306-975-0845 fax: 306-242-8007 e-mail: webseite: 3 From the Office Sabine Doebel-Atchison It is summer in Saskatchewan at last! The Saskatchewan German Council celebrated its Treffpunkt Weekend in Estevan on June 22 and 23 with many member groups. Read more on page 10 and 11. The office will use the summer to prepare for fall and winter programs and projects. Please keep checking our website for further information on the launch of our Diversity Project. We are also using the summer time to prepare for an online German course. If you are interested, please contact the SGC office. While the Council supports a network of German language schools in the province, people who live outside the bigger centres often times do not have access to language programs. It is the Council’s intension to change that. I don’t want to talk about fall at this point, but please plan on attending one or more of the many Culture Days activities in our province on September 27, 28 and 29! Wishing everyone an enjoyable and long summer. Website, um weitere Informationen über die Veröffentlichung unseres Diversity Projekts zu erfahren. Des weiteren nutzen wir den Sommer dazu um einen online Deutschkurs zu entwerfen. Wenn Sie Interesse daran haben, kontaktieren sie bitte das SGC Büro. Zwar unterstützt das Council ein Netzwerk deutscher Sprachschulen in der Provinz, aber außerhalb der großen Zentren gibt es oft keinen Zugang zu diesen Programmen. Das Council hat vor das zu ändern. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt möchte ich zwar noch nicht über den Herbst schreiben, aber bitte planen Sie eine oder mehrere Culture Days Veranstaltungen in unserer Provinz am 27., 28. und 29. September zu besuchen. Ich wünsche Ihnen einen angenehmen und langen Sommer. Aus dem Büro Sabine Doebel-Atchison Der Sommer hat nun auch endlich in Saskatchewan Einzug gehalten! Das Saskatchewan German Council hat am 22. und 23. Juni sein Treffpunkt Wochenende in Estevan begangen. Lesen Sie mehr darüber auf Seite 10 und 11. Im Büro des Councils wird die Sommerzeit genutzt, um Programme für den Herbst und den Winter vorzubereiten. Bitte schauen Sie regelmäßig auf unsere SGC Board of Directors Sabine Doebel-Atchison Elections to the SGC Board of Directors took place at this year’s AGM on June 23 in Estevan. The following positions were up for election or re-election: Vice President Secretary Director (four positions) Josephin Dick was acclaimed to the 4 position of Vice President for another 2 years. Ulrike Hecker, formerly a Director at large on the Board, was acclaimed to the position of Secretary. Former Secretary Darrell Dick had decided not to run again, due to other commitments. The Council greatly thanks him for his contributions to the Board over the past 4 years. Six candidates were on the ballot for four positions on the SGC Board as a Director at large (3 for a two-year term and 1 for a one-year term). Franziska Davies, Katharina Ulbrich and Dr. Michael Zimmermann were reelected by the delegates to continue their service on the Board. Marita Bray was newly elected to the Board to serve for two years. Immediately following the AGM the new Board came together for their first meeting. Grüße von der Präsidentin Ilona Beck Sommer ist endlich hier! In froher Erwartung auf Sonne, Wärme und Urlaub freuen wir uns auf ein Wiedersehen mit Freunden und Familie. Das Saskatchewan German Council freute sich auf ein Zusammenkommen mit den Mitgliedsgruppen. Am 22./23 Juni war es wieder soweit: 22 Mitgliedsgruppen reisten zum alljährlichen “Treffpunkt” Ereignis nach Estevan. Das Wochenende war von der Begrüssung am Samstag nachmittag bis tief in die Nacht hinein gefüllt mit Aktivitäten und Unterhaltung. Mein besonderer Dank geht an die Estevan & District German Freundschaft Society und Präsidentin Katharina Ulbrich für die so herzliche Aufnahme und Gastfreundschaft. SGC kombiniert das Treffpunktwochenende mit der jährlichen Generalversammlung. Wir verabschiedeten uns von Darrel Dick, der seine Resignation als Schriftführer (Secretary) einreichte. Neuwahlen brachten folgende Ergebnisse: Josephin Dick wurde in ihrem Amt als Vizepräsidentin für eine weitere Periode bestätigt und Ulrike Hecker übernahm das Amt des Schriftführers. Eine neue Direktorenposition, die von mehreren Kandidaten angestrebt war, wurde von Marita Bray besetzt. Ich finde es sehr ermutigend und positiv für das Council, dass mehrere kompetente Bewerber Interesse gezeigt hatten am Council mitzuarbeiten um uns in unserer Sache zu unterstützten die deutsche Kultur und Sprache in Saskatchewan zu pflegen und weiterzugeben. Viele Mitglieder hatten uns bestätigt, dass wir im Council auf der richtigen Spur liegen, wenn wir alle Bereiche deutscher Kultur einbeziehen, zeitgenössisch sowie traditionell, wenn wir alle Altersgruppen ansprechen und mehr Öffentlichkeitsarbeit leisten. In diesem Sinne hatten wir über die letzten Monate an unserem neuen Image gearbeitet und nun bin ich sehr stolz der Mitgliedschaft das neue SGC Logo vorzustellen. Das neue SGC Logo ist mehr als nur ein Kreis mit drei Punkten. Es ist ein Zeichen für Einheit: Einheit aller kulturellen Gruppen in Saskatchewan von Musik bis Tanzgruppen, von Sprachschulen bis Filmklubs. Das Logo als Zeichen für Inklusivität, die alle deutschsprachigen Länder Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz, Luxemburg und Lichtenstein miteinschließt. Der Kreis ist auch ein Sinnbild dafür, dass wir zeitgenössische Elemente und alt bewahrte Traditionen umarmen. Die drei kleinen Punkte verkörpern unsere Schwerpunkte: deutsche Sprache, Kultur und Tradition. Der Punkt gibt Gewicht und setzt ein Zeichen, für das was uns wichtig ist, nämlich deutsche Kultur für alle in Saskatchewan zu fördern. Saskatchewan ist eine multikulturelle Provinz mit vielen Einwanderungsgruppen. Es ist hier möglich sein eigenes Kulturgut zu pflegen und es auch mit anderen Gruppen zu teilen. Ereignisse wie Mosaik und Folkfest erfreuen sich grosser Popularität. Deswegen geht SGC nun an die Öffentlichkeit mit einem neuen Symbol und neuen Farben. Farben, die Frische, Energie und neues Leben symbolisieren. Grün für unsere tiefen Wurzeln in Saskatchewan, für Erneuerung und Vitalität; rot, die Farbe der Leidenschaft und Energie, die wir in unseres Projekte stecken; gold, die Farbe der Wertschätzung, die wir für unsere deutsche Kultur empfinden. Viele deutsche Zuwanderer machen hier in Saskatchewan einen neuen Anfang. Das ist eine Chance für uns, das Council und die Mitgliedsgruppen, Interesse an unserer Kultur und Sprache zu erzeugen. Das neue Image wird uns helfen, neue Menschen zu erreichen, Verbindungen zu schaffen und unsere Position in der Provinz zu stärken. Ich wünsche Ihnen einen erholsamen Sommer! Ihre SGC Präsidentin Ilona Beck Office of the Honorary Consul of Germany for Saskatchewan Barbara Hoggard-Lulay 823 Brookhurst Bay Saskatoon, SK S7V 1G1 Phone: 306-979-4911 Fax: 306-979-4912 E-mail: Office hours: Tuesdays & Thursdays by appointment 5 Greetings from the President Ilona Beck It is finally summer! In anticipation of sunshine and free time many of us look forward to get together with friends and family for a picnic or family reunion. The Council was excited for the reunion with its member groups at the annual summer event Treffpunkt on June 22/23 in Estevan. With 22 member groups attending the SGC enjoyed a weekend of continuous activities and entertainment from the arrival in the early afternoon until late at night. Thank you to the Estevan & District German Freundschaft Society and president Mrs. Katharina Ulbrich for the great welcome and hospitality. SGC Treffpunkt is combined with the annual general meeting the following day. Elections were held and new positions filled. We said good bye to Darrel Dick who resigned from his position as secretary. Josephin Dick was confirmed for another term in her position as vice president and Ulrike Hecker was elected secretary by acclamation. The position of director was sought after by several nominees and I welcome Marita Bray, newly elected to the Board of Directors. It is very encouraging for the Council that so many competent members of the German community showed an interest in working with us towards our mission to promote and further German culture and language and to make it accessible to all people of Saskatchewan. Many members assured us that the Council is on the right track when we reach out to all areas of culture, to all age groups, to newcomers and German Canadians and to become more visible. Therefore the Council underwent an ambitious makeover and I am very proud to introduce to you the new SGC brand and logo. Our new SGC logo resembles more than just a circle with three dots: it’s a symbol for our unity: unity in Saskatchewan enclosing all our cultural groups from music to dance from language to genealogy. It’s a symbol for inclusivity: inclusivity for all our German speaking countries Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Luxemburg and Lichtenstein. With this circle we embrace traditional and contemporary forms of German culture. POSTILLION - Autumn 2013 DEADLINE: October 4, 2013 articles, pictures, recipes, etc. 6 The three little dots resemble the Councils emphasise on culture, language and tradition. It’s like setting a final point, a mark that SGC is working towards this mission and to make it available to all people in Saskatchewan. Saskatchewan is a multicultural province where it is possible to practice but also share our cultural heritage in this diverse cultural community. The Saskatchewan German Council wants to go public with a fresh look and new colours; colours that resemble energy and rejuvenation: green, the colour for our deep roots in Saskatchewan, green also for renewal and growth of our membership, red for energy and the passion we feel for our projects and gold, the value and deep appreciation we have for our German culture. Many new people chose this province for a new start, new workplace and a new home. It is clearly an opportunity for the SGC and member groups to become more visible in the public eye and to create some buzzing actions that can attract new people to our organizations, our culture and language. The new logo and image will help us to reach out, to network and to strengthen our position in the province. Have a great summer! Yours SGC President Ilona Beck Scherenschnitt illustrations in this issue are taken from the originals by Waltraude Stehwien, courtesy of the artist. Repoduction without permission is strictly prohibited. W. Stehwien Sängerfest 2013 Darla McKeller On May 18, 19 and 20 the PrärieSängerbund and Volksliederchor Harmonie were proud to present Sängerfest 2013. The theme for the weekend was Singen, lachen, Freu(n)de machen (Sing, laugh, bring joy and make friends). Choir members from all over Saskatchewan, Alberta, and Manitoba gathered in Regina to celebrate German heritage and song, catch up with old friends, recognize longtime members and each choir’s Sänger des Jahres (Singer of the Year), and perform a beautiful concert for a great crowd at the Conexus Arts Centre. The festivities kicked off with a Fun Night on Saturday where everyone enjoyed a buffet dinner and dance. Thanks to Maria Hartman and Julia Lacey for emceeing. The evening proved to energize the crowd, and that energy translated into a wonderful concert on Sunday. The concert included a couple of musical selections from each choir attending, as well as several mass choir pieces. Select members of the South Saskatchewan Youth Orchestra accompanied close to 300 voices in the mass choir and the result was worthy of goose bumps. Close to 300 voices came together as one – united in song, friendship, and German heritage. After the concert concluded, choirs celebrated their success at a formal banquet and dance. Long time Volksliederchor Harmonie mem- ing we received. There are far too many people to name in a thank you list; if you were involved with the planning, helped set up, attended the concert, sold tickets, or donated time or money, thank you. You are appreciated more than you know. Thanks for supportbers Florika Ringlein and Hildeing Volksliederchor Harmonie. gard Boehme were recognized for Choir members are now enjoying a singing with the choir for 50 years. well-deserved summer break. Choir Hans Schlichtmann was recognized starts again September 17. If you are for singing 25 years. Ray Fichter interested in joining, we meet at the and Margerete Engel received the Club every Tuesday from 7-9 p.m. Sänger des Jahres awards. And our music director, Ken Holzer, was honoured with an award recognizing his achievement of directing for 50 years. The Volksliederchor congratulates all of the recipients and sends best wishes to all prairie choirs for many more years of singing. The banquet and dance allowed choirs to celebrate and unwind after the concert. The night was full of fellowship and Gemütlichkeit. The weekend went by fast; choirs enjoyed a lovely breakfast organized by Alvin Knoll at the German Club before they went their separate ways. Many thanks go out to the cooks and the choir members who were able to come out to help. Volksliederchor Harmonie is so proud to have hosted Sängerfest 2013. The event would not have been possible without the many volunteer hours, donations, and fund- 7 Bekanntmachung für Deutsche zur Wahl zum Deutschen Bundestag Am 22. September 2013 findet die Wahl zum Deutschen Bundestag statt. Deutsche, die außerhalb der Bundesrepublik Deutschland leben und im Bundesgebiet keine Wohnung mehr innehaben, können bei Vorliegen der sonstigen wahlrechtlichen Voraussetzungen an der Wahl teilnehmen. Für ihre Wahlteilnahme ist u. a. Voraussetzung, dass sie 1. entweder nach Vollendung ihres 14. Lebensjahres mindestens drei Monate ununterbrochen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1) eine Wohnung innegehabt oder sich sonst gewöhnlich aufgehalten haben und dieser Aufenthalt nicht länger als 25 Jahre zurück liegt, oder aus anderen Gründen persönlich und unmittelbar Vertrautheit mit den politischen Verhältnissen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland erworben haben und von ihnen betroffen sind; sowie 2. in ein Wählerverzeichnis in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland eingetragen sind. Diese Eintragung erfolgt nur auf Antrag. Der Antrag ist auf einem Formblatt zu stellen; er soll bald nach dieser Bekanntmachung abgesandt werden. Einem Antrag, der erst am 02. September 2013 oder später bei der zuständigen Gemeindebehörde eingeht, kann nicht mehr entsprochen werden (§ 18 Abs. 1 der Bundeswahlordnung). Antragsvordrucke (Formblätter) sowie informierende Merkblätter sind online auf der Seite des Bundeswahlleiters ( erhältlich. Sie können auch bei - den diplomatischen und berufskonsularischen Vertretungen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, dem Bundeswahlleiter, Statistisches Bundesamt, Zweigstelle Bonn, Postfach 17 03 77, 53029 BONN, GERMANY, oder per E-Mail <>, den Kreiswahlleitern in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland angefordert werden. Weitere Auskünfte erteilt: Generalkonsulat der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Suite 704 – 999 Canada Place Vancouver, B.C., V6C 3E1 604 684 8377 Vancouver, im Juni 2013 -------------1) Zu berücksichtigen ist auch eine frühere Wohnung oder ein früherer Aufenthalt in dem in Artikel 3 des Einigungsvertrages genannten Gebiet (Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt und Thüringen zuzüglich des Gebietes des früheren Berlin (Ost)). 8 History of the Germans from Russia, part 13 Alvin Knoll In this issue I will bring to light some other interesting aspects of the German colonists. As we are aware the settlers came from many areas of the various German states. They were assembled in colonies in Russia according to their religion; Catholics in one village, Lutherans in another and so on with other religions. I will take you to the Grossliebental Area, near the seaport of Odessa on the Black Sea. I had touched on this briefly back in my 6th article and now will return there. In the Grossliebental area there were a total of 11 villages, seven Lutheran and 4 Catholic. I would like to describe a little of the village of Mariental, a Catholic village about 25 versts/kms west of Odessa where my family settled. The village was founded in 1804 and the 86 founding families were made up of settlers mostly from the Pfalz, Baden, Württemberg and Alsace. From the Pfalz you would find family names such as Hauck, Seitz, Knoll and Kessler, from Baden such names as Höhn, Krauss and Lorenz, from Württemberg names such as Greber, Lang, Preis, Strasser and from Alsace names such as Acker, Heinz, Laturnus and Wild. Now although these settlers all had the common denominator of religion, they did not speak the same dialect and this posed a problem. I have been told that this led to the development of a certain type of language only common to the Germans from Russia. In short they developed their own language and idioms or in my German Sprachworte, from a combination of different dialects. Here I will tell a little of my own problems with the current German language. My wife often says to me, “Where did you learn your German or better yet where did you get those words?” Well in my defense I must explain. As my forefathers left the Pfalz in 1804 they took with them the language of the day, or what was then spoken as German. They then spent the next hundred years in Russia, somewhat isolated from the rest of world. Their language became stagnate with little opportunity to grow. They then left Russia and arrived in Saskatchewan in 1905. My upbringing was in a language from 1804 and this was the case for many of the German pioneers on the prairies. This antiquated language is what we spoke. It was our own German language. Words or phrases such as Was da deihenger (what the heck) or the word Hei dowed (heute abend) can be traced directly back to the Pfalz. In September 2012, my wife Bärbel and I visited Germany and went to visit the village of Büchelberg, Pfalz where my family history started. Here we met and visited with the Knoll families. Their records indicated our family line leaving for Russia, but that is where the connection became lost. They had no idea that our branch was now in Canada. We spent four days with them and I ran some of my dialect by them. Sure enough the phrase “Was da deihenger” clicked with them, although that is a phrase almost unheard of these days. So to my great satisfaction my German was somewhat redeemed in the eyes of my wife! In the next issue I will touch on customs, both religious and folk. I plan on sharing a story, a true story of my Oma and Opa’s first New Years Eve together back on December 31, 1920. They were married on 15th November 1920 in Kendal, Saskatchewan. My father told this story to me and I found it quite interesting! Lastly, the Black Sea Germans are again holding their annual conference in Bismark, North Dakota from July 17 to 21, 2013. For anyone interested, the contact number is 701-223-6167. My wife and I are hoping to attend again this year. 9 2013 Treffpunkt Weekend in Estevan Sabine Doebel-Atchison On June 22 and 23 the Council celebrated its annul Treffpunkt Weekend in Estevan. Local organizer was the Estevan and District German Freundschaft Society. Thank you to all the volunteers that made the weekend such a success! For many delegates it was a long drive to Estevan, but it didn’t discourage them from getting to Estevan early enough in order to take part in the afternoon activities. Delegates had the opportunity to take part in a mine tour, a SaskPower Green House and RCMP Museum tour or a creative stepping stone workshop before Kaffee & Kuchen was served. One of the highlights of the Treffpunkt Weekend is always the SGC Special Volunteer Awards Banquet. In Estevan almost 100 delegates and guests joined in to celebrate Advertise in the Postillion full page (18.8 x 24.8 cm) $130 1/2 page horiz. (18.8 x 12.4 cm) $ 90 1 column (6- 24.8 cm) $ 70 1/2 column (6 x 12.4 cm) $ 40 1/4 column (6 x 6.2 cm) $ 20 SGC member receive a 15% discount. 306-975-0845 10 the achievements and contributions of the six award recipients. Before the Special Volunteers Awards were presented, participants had the chance to take in the performances of the Drewitz School Of Dance Estevan, which added an intercultural component to the evening. The dance performances were followed by a delicious dinner of soup, rouladen with red cabbage and potato dumplings, and cake. While everyone was still enjoying the last bites of their meal, Marie Donais Calder took the stage and quickly was able to get everyone’s full attention with her keynote address on The Other Side of the Story. After the keynote address, MC Katharina Ulbrich introduced SGC President Ilona Beck. She spoke passionately about the Saskatchewan German Council and the achievements from the past year, including the rebranding and the diversity project. Followed by Ilona’s speech were the award presentations. Five awards were handed out to 6 individuals. In a very personal and honouring way, the SGC President spoke about each recipient. This year’s recipients were: Ruth & Michael Bartolf of the Estevan & District German Freundschaft Society Josephin Dick of the German Language School Saskatoon Ida Grzesina of the Volksliederchor Harmonie Arnold Issel of the Melville & District German Heritage Club John Saxinger of the Humboldt & District German Heritage Society All recipients received an engraved award along with a large basket filled with Austrian, German and Swiss delicacies. The evening end- ed with a sketch, performed by the Club’s German class, music, dance and fellowship. The next morning started early for delegates. A healthy breakfast got everyone ready for the AGM that was to follow. The meeting was interrupted by a fire alarm and everyone had to leave the building. About 20 minutes later, after the local fire department had checked the building, everyone was save to return and the Council’s AGM could be finished. Read more about the elections to the Board of Director’s on page 4. The 2013 Treffpunkt Weekend ended with lunch before everyone returened to their home communities with all the impressions, ideas and thoughts gathered throughout the weekend. The Council hopes to see everyone at the 2014 Treffpunkt again! Where it will be held? Well, the SGC Board of Directors is patiently anticipating offers from member groups to host the event in 2014. Left: Estevan Geman Choir Right: Dinner guests Below: Dance Entertainment Left: Ilona Beck, SGC & Paul Gingras, SaskCulture Estevan German class performing a play Maries Donais Calder Above: Dinner guests Gregor Beck, Ilona Beck, Paul Gingras, Maries Donais Calder, Darcy Calder Below: Ilona Beck’s address Above: SGC Board of Directors and Staff at the AGM Estevan Club President & MC for the evening: Katharina Ulbrich Ilona Beck with Special Volunteer Award Recipients: Josephin Dick, Anrold Issel, Ida Grzesina, John Saxinger, Michael & Ruth Bartolf Below: Kilfom Weldeab from the city of Estevan addressing the dinner guests and bringing greetings. President with office staff: Andrea Fey, Sabine Doebel-Atchison, Ilona Beck, Andrea MacLeod 11 Rolling Calendar of Events 12 September July Wed.: Skat at the German Cultural Centre in Saskatoon at 7 p.m. Student Stammtisch at Amigos, starting at 7 p.m. Fri.: Classical Connection on CFCR 90.5 FM from 1-2 p.m. with Sigrid Kirmse Sun.: Treffpunkt Deutschland on CFCR 90.5 FM from 1 to 3 p.m. Sunday Brunch, German Culrual Centre, Saskatoon, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. German Buffet, 5:30 p.m. - 9 p.m. August 18: German Canadian Society Harmonie Club Picnic - tickets at the club Wed.: Skat at the German Cultural Centre in Saskatoon at 7 p.m. Wed: Student Stammtisch at Amigos, starting at 7 p.m. Fri.: Sun.: Classical Panorama on CFCR 90.5 FM from 1-2 p.m. with Sigrid Kirmse Treffpunkt Deutschland on CFCR 90.5 FM from 1 to 3 p.m. Sunday Brunch, German Culrual Centre, Saskatoon, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. German Buffet, 5:30 p.m. - 9 p.m. 27: First Harvest Wine Festival Zwiebelkuchen & German Wines @ German Canadian Society Harmonie Call 306-352-5897 for information 28: Oktoberfest at the German Canadian Society Harmonie Call 306-358-5897 for information 28/29: Culture Days Imhoff Heritage Society Seniors Center, St. Walburg & Imhoff Galerie (5km south of St. Walburg) Wed.: Skat at the German Cultural Centre in Saskatoon at 7 p.m. Student Stammtisch at Amigos, 7 p.m. Fri.: Classical Panorama on CFCR 90.5 fm from 1 to 2 p.m. with Sigrid Kirmse Chef’s Special at the German Cultural Centre from 5:30 to 9 p.m. Sun.: Treffpunkt Deutschland on CFCR 90.5 fm from 1 to 3 p.m. Sunday Brunch, German Culrual Centre, Saskatoon, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. German Buffet, 5:30 p.m. - 9 p.m. Please refer to the SGC Events Calendar at for more events. SGC Recipe Corner Soups are a big part of the German culinary culture and each region has it’s specialty. Some soups are well known throught the German speaking regions, but always with a little variation. They are versitle and useful for any occasion. If you think of soup you might think cold and wet weather. But even during the hot summer months you can serve soup. For example cold cucumber soup or this delicious cold sweet berry soup. Kaltschale - Cold Sweet Soup Andrea MacLeod For 4 persons - 400 g berries - 1 lemon - 25 g corn starch - 1 liter juice (cherry or berry) - 75 g sugar - 1 package vanilla sugar You may use any berries you like. A nice combination of strawberries, blackberries, and raspberries works well. You may also use frozen berries. Clean and wash the berries, set aside. Wash the lemon and thinly peel of the skin. Squeeze out the lemon. Combine 3 tbsp. juice and the corn starch until smooth, set aside. Add the rest of the juice, sugar, vanilla sugar, berries, lemon peel and 4 tbsp. of lemon juice to a pot and bring to a boil. Then add the starch mixture and let it boil for a couple of minutes. Remove the lemon peel and let the soup cool in the refrigerator. Serve with some whole berries added. Für 4 Personen - 400g Beeren - 1 Zitrone(n), unbehandelt - 25 g Speisestärke - 1 Liter Saft (Sauerkirschsaft) - 75 g Zucker - 1 Pck. Vanillezucker Es können verschiedene Beeren für eine Kaltschale genommen werden. Erdbeeren, Brombeeren und Himbeeren eigenen sich sehr gut. Man kann auch gefrohren Beeren verwenden. Beeren getrennt verlesen, kurz abspülen. Zitrone waschen, trockenreiben und die Schale dünn abschälen. Zitrone auspressen. Stärke und 3 EL Kirschsaft glatt rühren. Übrigen Saft, 75 g Zucker, Vanillinzucker, Heidelbeeren, Zitronenschale und 4 EL Zitronensaft aufkochen. Stärke einrühren und nochmals aufkochen. Zitronenschale entfernen. Himbeeren zufügen und die Suppe auskühlen lassen. Die Suppe dann im Kühlschrank ca. 2 Stunden durchkühlen lassen. Zur Suppe ganze Beeren hinzufügen und servieren. SGC Library Corner Zweiohrküken & Alpha et Omega Andrea MacLeod DVD - Zweiohrküken This is the continuation of Keinohrhase. Ludo and Anna - two years later...everyday life has set in. Anna is jealous when Ludo meets an ex-girlfriend ... with reason. His ex-girlfriend is still very interested in Ludo. Obviously, Ludo is not too happy about Anna’s controlling and depands more space. Unfortunately, Anna’s ex-boyfriend Ralf shows up just then and Ludo doesn’t like the free space anymore. 119 min. Alpha et Omega American secret agent Cotton Malone planned on leaving his life of lies, adrenalin and violence behind forever. But then a former CIA colleague becomes victim in a mysterious robbery. As a result, Cotton has to fall back on his special abilities - in a fight against the dark plans of a mysterious brotherhood. 597 pages 13 News from SGC Member Groups Austrian Canadian Edelweiss Club - Regina MOSAIC 2013 - Celebrating 35 years as a Pavilion Janet Jost The Austrian Edelweiss Club of Regina took part in Mosaic 2013 on May 30, May 31 and June 1. The Austrian Club celebrated its 35th year as a participant with this annual cultural event lead by the Regina Multicultural Council. Nearly 4000 guests arrived at our club to be immersed in Austrian culture as they were greeted by volunteers wearing Dirndel and Lederhosen. We proudly showcased our ethnic food by serving Wiener Schnitzel, Bratwurst, Sauerkraut, potato salad, pretzels and our delicious homemade apple strudel. Visitors to our pavilion enjoyed shopping for souvenirs from Austria as well as candles handcrafted from master candle maker Paul Kouri from Winnipeg. The decorations included many posters from Austria, giving our guests an opportunity to view many beautiful scenes of the cities and country side of our homeland. For the trivia buffs in our audience, we had posters that included some important facts about our country to give people the opportunity to learn more about Austria. A special bulletin board showcasing the famous composers of Austria was a popular discussion area. While at the Austrian pavilion, guests were entertained by the Ole Tyme Music Makers as well as our special guest, Adi, the yodeling woodcarver from Kimberley, BC. As always, the crowds’ favorite entertainers were our three dance groups that showcased traditional dances as well as schuhplattering. Hosting a pavilion at Mosaic is a wonderful opportunity to display our traditions and the Austrian culture that we are so proud of. But it also entails a lot of work. We would like to recognize our many volunteers. We are so thankful for their generous donation of their time and effort towards this worthy cause. Mosaic begins for us as we prepare homemade meals to sell in our kitchen. Many volunteers assist in preparing our homemade apple strudel, breading hundreds of Wiener Schnitzel and making batches of potato salad. Once Mosaic begins we have over two hundred volunteer spots to fill each year. On behalf of the Board of Directors we would like to thank our dancers, their families and all our volunteers that made Mosaic 2013 – our 35th year as a pavilion another huge success. Photographs by RMC. 14 Concordia Alpenrose Schuhplattler Verein - Saskatoon News from the Schuhplattlers Amanda Marien The adult German dancers recently returned from Regina, where we performed at the Regina German Club during Mosaic. We were treated wonderfully by the people in their club, from the gift basket left in our dressing room to the many ‘Black Forest’ shooters we received! It was also nice to meet their dancers and board members, who we have communicated regularly with via email. We also had a chance to pop over to the Austrian pavilion where we were treated to beer and food samples by our dancer friends there. Adi, the yodeling woodcarver, even pulled us up on stage to perform the alpine bells with him! We had such a great time that we hope to make it an annual event! We have also had an opportunity to get together with the German Junior Folk Dancers and go through the Miners and the Bandltanz (Maypole dance) that we hope to perform together at Folkfest. Won’t it be cute to see the little boys up there plattling with the ‘old’ guys? They might give them a run for their money! We are looking forward to Folkfest and are especially excited about our Build-A-Bear raffle. We will be selling tickets to a pair of Build-ABear teddies dressed in traditional German Trachten; the boy in Lederhosen and the girl in a Dirndl. Fundraisers such as this help our dance group with expenses throughout the year, so please support us by purchasing a ticket come Folkfest! Das Schulhaus - Regina German Language School Inc. - Regina Looking back ... Sabine Zagoricnik-Wecker/Linda Froh With a smile in one eye and a tear in the other, Das Schulhaus is wrapping up the 2012-13 school year. A smile because after a successful and eventful year, we are looking forward to a joyful summer break. A tear because the school year is coming to an end now and I already hear our children whining on Thursday evenings, “Is there no German school today?” Time has passed by so quickly, Easter this year was really early and some Easter traditions were Ostern - Easter enjoyed, such as Easter BranchesDecorating, Empty-Eggshell-Decorating, Osterfladen-Eating, EasterEgg-Hunting. No sooner were the Easter celebrations finished, when the students dove head first into their Brothers Grimm fairytale projects. 2012 was the year of Brothers Grimm, celebrating 200 years since they first published their Children’s Stories and Household Tales. Every one of the fairytales chosen was developed and prepared with the goal of presenting them at our Open Classroom to which parents, teachers, and friends were invited to. Everyone was amazed at what could 15 be produced in two days of school. Students and teachers alike delivered excellent presentations. The highlight of our fairytale projects was the tableaux of these fairytales in living form and capture the moment in photographs. These photos were collaged together into memory book pages. Das Schulhaus had its first fundraiser dinner where 100 people came to enjoy German culinary food. It was a resounding success and we look forward to making this an annual event. On the last day of school, as report cards were being handed out, our hard working grade 10 Credit students had to prepare for their final exams which were held mid June. One class at the end of May was spent at Mosaic. We want to extend a huge thank you to the German Club in Regina who so graciously gave us a space for our Schulhaus display. The center of our display this year revolved around the aforementioned fairytale collages, which became an engaging contest “Guess the Fairytale”, whose winner was drawn at our Sommerfest. The Sommerfest needed a change of venue due to the weather but was well attended and brought our school year to an official end. The picnic had a delicious spread of Bratwurst, German-potato-salad, and a variety of other salads as well as a dessert table, which boasted homemade baking. The children Open Classroom Summer Fest had fun playing soccer, jumping on the trampoline and making giant bubbles. We hope you choose the registered non-profit German Language School, Das Schulhaus, for your children’s language lessons in the new school year. Come and join the fun! For registration, please email Wir wünschen einen wunderbaren Saskatchewan-Sommer! German Language School Saskatoon Inc. - Saskatoon News from the School Gabi Harrison Once again we finished another school year which was filled with learning German, celebrating cultural events, making friends and celebrating some successes. We often focus on the “big” achievements but it is important to look at individual efforts as well. During our anniversary celebration we asked all our students to stand up for the number of years committed to German language learning. Some students just finished their first year of learning German and others started German in pre-school and have been learning the language for 10 years. We would like to congratulate each our children and adult students for 16 their personal accomplishments. Be proud of the steps you made in acquiring the German language!!! The school’s Parent Association and School Executive did hold several meetings during the school year and gave their input into the running of the school. We decided to add new links for German language games and apps to our website, we nominated our teacher Josephin Dick for the SGC Volunteer Award and we made plans for different cultural events during the next school year which will give students and parents the opportunity to learn more about German holidays, cultural and historic background. As mentioned above, there are some more reasons to celebrate: three of our students received the German Language Diploma I (Deutsche Sprachdiplom I) after taking a preparation course as well as a written and oral exam. They now have the linguistic qualification to enter a college in Germany. Congratulations Kurt Haunsperger, Thalya Joorisity and Yanis Eberhart. On June 22, Josephin Dick received the SGC Special Volunteer Award for her work and dedication towards promoting language and culture in Saskatchewan. Josephin has been teaching various classes for the German Language School Saskatoon for the past 11 years. Josephin played a key part in implementing new and additional programs over the years. She was involved in setting up the Language Proficiency Preparation Class A2 and DSD I (Deutsches Sprachdiplom I) as well as the latest Native Language Class. Josephin Dick truly earned this award! It’s our birthday! On May 9, the German Language School celebrated its 30th Anniversary & Immersion Evening Camp. Families were invited to visit each classroom for a short program and to enjoy cake and refreshments afterwards. It was truly wonderful to watch the students sing, dance, read and act in the German language. Displaying the different levels of language skills gave parents a good idea of what was happening in class and what the children learned over the past months. It was a very enjoyable evening and the cakes by the “Cake Witch Café” certainly were a hit. At the end of the day, every student received a booklet with student works, a collection of work of every student as well as a German reading book for the long summer break. If you are interested in learning German, please contact Gabi Harrison. Phone: 306-382-8158 Email: germanschoolsaskatoon@ Website: Hansel & Gretel Preschool Inc. - Saskatoon Updates from the Preschool Ulrike Hecker Another year has passed and time seems to be flying. Our little preschoolers have grown so fast and the most rewarding part of teaching preschool is watching these little children’s minds and bodies bloom and blossom. Not only have our children learned so much about the world around them, they have learned German and about the German culture. The list of Ger- man songs and rhymes that we have taught them has become very long and we hope that they will remember many of them as they grow up. The last months had been busy and we were moving fast towards the end of our school year. As part of our “spring unit” we taught our classes songs like Alle meine Entchen and watched little chicks hatching right in front of our eyes. We went on a “Giddy-Up and Whoa” field trip to the Western Development Museum on May 10. The children learned all about hors- es and other farm animals and how important horses were in the old days. The highlight was the horse and wagon ride. Did you know that the WDM horses understand German? Every time we yelled Halt! the wagon (mysteriously) stopped. Part of our farm unit was to teach our kids various farm and animal words in German. On our ride home on the yellow school bus we all sang Alter Bauer hatte eine Farm (Old Mac Donald) in German. In April we had a group of teachers 17 at our Hansel and Gretel Preschool. Many of our current students will be graduating this year and we hope that they will continue to be involved with German language and culture, either through the German Heritage Language School in Saskatoon or our German Junior Folk from the German Language School Dancers. “Das Schulhaus” in Regina visiting For any further information about Ulrike Hecker or find more info our preschool. They stayed with us our program, please contact on our website Please be adall day to observe and see what and vised that both our classes for the how we teach our little students. The fall 2013/14 are full. If you want ultimate goal is to open a Germanyour name to be on the waiting list, English bilingual preschool in Replease contact our registrar Sheri gina. We would be happy to assist Sand @ 306-934-0434. and support that exciting endeavor! We would like to acknowledge the On June 19/20 we wrapped up our support both financial and otherpreschool year with a fieldtrip for wise that we have received from the each class to the Forestry Farm Saskatoon German Council! Zoo. Our Year End Family Potluck We wish everyone a happy and reon June 14 was a big success and all laxing summer! our families celebrated the end of another year of “Fun and Learning” Imhoff Heritage Society - St. Walburg News from the Society Phyllis Imhoff Our AGM was held in May. Susan Velder has retired from our board of directors and Ken Rutherford has been elected our new director replacing Susan Velder. The chair officers have changed as follows: President: Norm Linkert Past President: Terry Meyers Vice President: Bert Imhoff Secretary/Finance: Ken Rutherford Executive Director: Phyllis Imhoff The windows in the Imhoff Studio are originals since 1920 and these need to be restored. Fundraising and grant applications kept us busy over the winter. Grant application were submitted on time for the April 1 deadline. Applications were made 18 to the Provincial Heritage Foundation and to the Community Initiative Fund. The total cost of the project is $26,500.00. Our Society joined forces with two other registered non-profit organizations in St. Walburg, the St. Walburg Allied Arts Council (SWAAC) and the St. Walburg Tourism and Heritage Society. Together we will be celebrating Culture Days for the weekend of September 28 - 29. The activities will include hands on demonstrations of clay building, modern painting techniques using extenders and acrylic painting. We have secured the services of two local artists, Jay Kimball and Rosemarie Stadnyk to demonstrate their various art forms. We also have in place musicians for the performing arts portion of the program. The hands on and demonstration of art will take place at the St. Walburg Seniors Center with a display at the St. Walburg Chuck Wagon Museum of local artist’s finished projects. The Imhoff Gallery at the Provincial Heritage Site on the farm will be open for this weekend to celebrate German Culture and Art with complementary admissions for all visitors. Music will be provided there by the Little German Band from Humboldt. There will be food and refreshments. Call (306) 248-3812 for more information. Karnevalsgesellschaft Harmonie - Regina Greetings from the Karnevalsgesellschaft Harmonie Karen Francis Hi one and all. I hope that you are all enjoying the summer weather (rainy or not). The KG Harmonie has had a busy few months and we are all looking forward to some well-earned rest and relaxation. Our annual elections were held in April. We would like to congratulate our 2012/13 Prince, Jason Kelln, on being elected the president of the Elferrat for the upcoming 2013/14 season. We would also like to give a heartfelt thank you to past-president Erika Dumont for her hard work and dedication for the past few years. Our newly appointed vicepresident is Darlene Rubrecht. This year’s prince elect is long time KG Harmonie member Rodney Eberle. Rod’s princess has also been chosen – it is none other than our own Sheila Aldous. Sheila and her sister Cheryl, choreograph, instruct and do a whole lot more for our group! It will be nice to see one of our favorite ladies wear “the crown”. The KG Harmonie Dancers have been very busy as well. Our ladies represented our group with enthusiasm at five different locations for the Regina Multiculturalism’s “Bring a Little Mosaic to You”. Our dancers also worked extremely hard at entertaining the masses at the German Pavilion for Mosaic 2013. This task entails learning many dances, a lot of practice time and many costume changes. Congratulations on a job very well done ladies! The KG Harmonie Dancers last per- formance before breaking for summer was for the Regina Multiculturalism’s “Culture on the Plaza”. This was held in the beautiful new plaza space in downtown Regina. We hope you all had a great time at the 2013 SGC Treffpunkt Weekend in Estevan and had an opportunity to say hello to our group representative Darlene Rubrecht. May you all have a safe and funfilled summer! Kochlöffel & Nudelholz: German-Canadian Koch- und Backstudio - Saskatoon Spring Classes and Summer Break Andrea MacLeod The first half of 2013 was quite exciting for the cooking club. Besides an event in cooperation with the German Language School Saskatoon, we had three more classes. The Easter Family Event in March was well attended by families and regulars. Family events are held on a weekend and are usually longer than our regular evening classes. This allows for participants to enjoy various activities and more time for creations in the kitchen. This year participants made Easter Yeast Wreaths with ginger and sesame seeds. Crafts and entertainment, such as egg colouring was provided for the children. There was also a craft table for adults, creating Easter wreaths made of willow. In April we held a German Supper class, with Rouladen, Spätzle and red cabbage. Usually this is a winter meal, but considering the temperatures and still snow on the ground it was just the right thing. Participants made their own Rouladen and Bar19 bara Hoggard-Lulay taught them how to make Spätzle. The meal was enjoyed at the end of the class and everyone had a good time. April also marked the first anniversary of the Kochlöffel & Nudelholz and we hope for many more years to come. The year was wrapped up with a strawberry class during which we made a drink with strawberries, a salad with strawberries, chicken breast as well as home-made dressing. For dessert, everyone made their own little strawberry torte, a classic dessert for summer months in Germany. The cooking club and its mem- com or 306-202-8411. bers were sad to say good bye to Hannelies & Stephan Kuehnle, founding members of the club. They moved back to Germany and are sorely missed. Yet, the club will continue to provide classes, which will start back up in September. Our participants are eager and full of ideas as well. Currently the club is looking for an extra pair of hands, who will help on the administration side of things. If you are interested and located in Saskatoon, contact us via kochloeffelandnudelholz@gmail. Skat Club Saskatoon Skat News from Saskatoon Barry Neufeld The Skat Club Saskatoon continues to experience a continuing attendance of players at the weekly card matches. Approximately 20-22 players have been regularly coming out to play the ultimate card game Skat. Saskatoon’s 3 round Easter Skat was well attended with the following results: 1) Sigi Fahr – 3671 points 2) Michael Herrmann – 2856 points 3) Marie Eckl – 2720 points 4) Kersten Lettrari – 2688 points Tournament play is also a feature our players have been attending. The Red Deer tournament early April had 42 players participate. They were from the host club, Edmonton, Calgary, and 6 players from Saskatoon. Saskatoon members winning prizes in Red Deer were Sigi Fahr, Rudi Laprell, and Werner Röwekamp with two prizes. Various members also attended tournaments in Montreal, Ottawa, Calgary and Edmonton. Some of us also traveled to Winnipeg to participate at their 20 tournament. The tournament in Saskatoon in May was well attended with 44 players and very successful thanks to the sponsorship of the Saskatchewan German Council. A good time was had by all and thanks to those who participated. For some it was the first tournament play. It was a great experience. Concerns about the language and basic knowledge of the game caused some anxiety. The players were all a courteous group, accommodating those of us who were not used to German, and they also took time to help analyze the various aspects of the hands as they were played. For those who are thinking about tournament play, give it a try, it is highly recommended. Here is a link which has pictures taken during the trophy presentation at the Saskatchewan tournament. Tpics/2013 SK.html Like every year the winner of the combined 15 rounds played during the tournaments in Saskatoon, Calgary and Edmonton is the player of the year. This year’s player of the year is Michael Sommer, Edmonton. Second winner is Eric Luz from Calgary and third H.-J. Steinmetz, Saskatoon. The team of the year 2013 consists of H.-J. Steinmetz, Danny Ridder and Dieter Werner. For those who would like to know how much fun it is to attend tournaments, our President, Hans-Jürgen Steinmetz played, and won the Argentine Championship with 7571 points, a feat which we will allow him to brag about. Remember Folkfest in August. Volunteers will be needed to assist in our recruiting process, which was very successful in 2012 and we hope to repeat it this year. Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church Summer at the Trinity Church Frieda Koenig As we are enjoying the beauty of nature this summer, the colourful flowers, lush green lawns and grasses, trees in their full dress of leaves and flower buds, birds singing and busy raising their young, it is that which makes us wonder “How great thou art.” The mystery of nature is not controlled in our hands. We pray for the many people involved in disasters like floods in Alberta and forest fires. Trinity’s mission statement of 2013 is caring, connecting and celebrating. The 10th anniversary of the merger of St. Paul’s and Trinity was celebrated on Sunday June 9 with a combined service of German and English at 10 a.m. followed by a barbeque lunch. For this festive service Pastor Helmut Nachtigall, the former Pastor of Trinity, was invited to give the sermon. Several former members also came and it was a true celebration. A video of the merger celebration was shown which was enjoyed by all. Vacation bible school this summer runs from August 12 – 16, 9 am to 12 noon. To register your child, please call the office at 306-7577729. Our free annual neighborhood barbeque is scheduled for Saturday, August 24. This is our way of caring and connecting by feeding many in the immediate area, who are not fortunate enough, to enjoy a feast of hot dogs and hamburgers with all the trimmings as well as ice cream and drinks. Table and chairs are set up with shade shelters, a band providing gospel music and activities for the children. On Sunday September 8 we will kick off our normal activities with the start of Sunday School, the choir will again rehearse and sing in both German and English services and all other activities that have been dormant over the summer will begin. There will be a combined German and English service at 10 a.m. followed by a brunch. The choir practices every Wednesday at 7 p.m. under the direction of Dr. David Dick and Lara Janzen. New members are always welcome. The Quilting Group meets every Tuesday at 9 a.m. doing their creative work and new members are always welcome. Senior Group meetings are on the first Wednesday of the month. May everyone have a blessed summer. Volksliederchor Concordia - Saskatoon News from the Choir Margot Hasner After a very long and cold winter everybody is happy that the snow is gone. Spring has finally arrived and we can enjoy the outdoors again. We officially welcomed Spring with our Spring Concert on May 5. It was a beautiful day, the weather was perfect, just a right day to welcome the spring season. Our audience was great, joining us in singing Der May ist gekommen and Nun will der Lenz uns grüßen. We had solo performances, a piano solo played by Dr. Ilse Günther. Christa Ortlepp, our choir director, sang Wolgalied by Rehar. It brought tears to the eyes of many. After the concert we served coffee and home-baked goodies, visited with the audience and had a wonderful afternoon enjoyed by all. An afternoon like this shows us that we are still a valued part in our community. The choir members will take a break from singing until September, when we start practicing for our Christ- mas concert. This year we will not be singing at Folkfest due to the declining choir members during the summer. Thank you to the SGC for the financial support which is always much appreciated. Also a big thank you to the girls in the office for their big help. We wish everybody a wonderful summer. 21 Find the following words: EIS MEER BADEN FERIEN SONNE WASSER URLAUB FREIBAD FAHRRAD - ice cream - ocean - to go swimming - vacation - sun - water - holidays - outdoor pool - bike Use the vocabulary above to write a summer story. It could be your dream summer vacation, or how your summer holidays went. Be creative! Send your story in to SGC to be published in the next Postillion and to receive a Germany-Canada lanyard. 22 GELB für den STRAND und die SANDBURG. BLAU für den EIMER und die SCHAUFEL. GRÜN für die PALMEN und den BUSCH. BRAUN für die HAARE. ROT für die BADEHOSE und BADEANZUG. LILA für die MUSCHEL und den SEESTERN Publication Mail Agreement # 42086521 Please return unclaimed copies to: Saskatchewan German Council Inc. John V. Remai Center 510 Cynthia Street Saskatoon, SK S7L 7K7 Supported by: