Southern Style - Partisover Ranch!
Southern Style - Partisover Ranch!
Southern Style Est. 1970 PARTISOVER & FRIENDS Vol. IV SUNDAY April 10th, 2016 1:00PM EST So u t h e rn S t y l e Southern Style 2 / SUNDAY, APRIL 10TH PARTISOVER & FRIENDS Continuous EFFORT not STRENGTH or INTELLIGENCE, is the Key to unlocking our Potential. So u t h e rn S t y l e AT PARTISOVER RANCH / 3 Welcome Welcome to the 2016 Partisover and Friends Southern Style Sale. It is with great pleasure that we have assembled these cattle for your appraisal. There are many neat buying opportunities for those looking to add the value of strong cow families to their programs. Two years ago the Partisover program sold a heavy portion of their SimAngus herd in a great event. Thank you to those who believe in “The Brand” and have become valued customers. As we turn over a new leaf in this sale series it was felt that outside help was needed to make the sale possible. The men and women selling cattle April 10th have the same focus as Partisover; to build a better animal and to stand behind that animal 100%. As the necessary information was being gathered to prepare this sale catalog I asked Mr. Randy to write his sale letter. His exact words “You write it and I’ll sign it”. My first thought was potential customers and friends want to read something from the owners of the majestic Partisover Ranch. Then I thought it is a group venture and I would be honored to give a little praise. First off those involved in this sale are wonderful people. They have strong ties to agriculture, love breeding cattle, understand the value of customer satisfaction, and have a passion for supporting the youth. Secondly, Dr. Dan Daniel is a true inspiration. The man is 95 years old, still checks his pastures and is quick to share his wisdom. “Pops” is one of the greatest believers in education and supporting young people and for that many should be grateful. To have Randy and Beth Daniel as neighbors, friends, and fellow cattlemen is a blessing. They have shared their knowledge, extended a helping hand, and fed more folks at their table than most people know. On behalf of all Partisover guests, I would like to say thanks you. YOU GUYS ARE GREAT. On a personal note my entire family has been forever touched by your hands. We could never repay you for the guidance we’ve received. Randy and Beth are proud new grandparents. Their son Buck and his wife Jenna welcomed a new Daniel to the family last summer. Young Clayton is a joy. Whitney and her husband Adam are living the American dream. It is a cool feeling to be a small part of a bigger picture. It has been a pleasure to work with the breeders involved in this sale. It has been humbling to learn and watch from those that have had a huge influence at the Partisover. From early days of Wes and Renee Hopper, to all the amigos that shed light at Partisover while finishing college, to true stockmen like Johnnie Johnson, to the everyday guys Fernando and John, and to all the close friends of the Daniels, your presence has been needed to construct “The Brand”. To all that bring a special touch to Partisover and Friends Southern Style thanks for what you do. As always the cattle sell fully guaranteed; We know no other way! Enjoy the stock and we hope to see you April 10th. Todd Alford Schedule of Events NOW THRU APRIL 9TH, 2016 Preview the offering on the ranch or watch for videos of the heifer calves at SATURDAY, APRIL 9TH, 2016 Official sale display begins Cattleman’s Choice Sale in nearby Hartwell, GA 6:00pm Partisover & Friends Hospitality and cattle viewing SUNDAY, APRIL 10TH, 2016 4 / SUNDAY, APRIL 10TH PARTISOVER & FRIENDS 12 noon Lunch will be served 1:00pm EST The Southern Style Sale A Herd Sire in the Making PRT Y Upper Management / Lot 101 Lot 101 PRTY UPPER MANAGEMENT .................................................................................................................... PB Simmental Bull ASA# 3010413 MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 SANDEEN UPPER CLASS 2386 SANDEEN DONNA 7386 Tattoo: 541B WLE BS BENCHMARK LAZY H BURN BABY BURNR34 Birth Date: Upper Management TRIPLE C BURN IT UP N34L 9/23/2014 CE 3.1 BW 3.8 WW 65.8 YW 103.1 MILK 25 MWW 57.9 API 95.9 TI 65.5 LAZY H BURN BABY BURN R34 / Dam of Lot 101 Offered By Partisover Ranch PRTY Upper Management is a purebred Simmental bull that we believe many could use. His sire has been a fun and profitable venture. Upper Class is going to leave a huge impact for those who have invested in his semen early. A full sister to this young stud was shown throughout Georgia by Daniel Dobbs and is owned by our friends Steve and Woody Nichols. The dam of Upper Management is the proven Burn Baby Burn matron that produced more than $250,000 in progeny sales. This makes Upper Management a maternal brother to the Forest Brook and Grizwold herd sire Combustible. The Supreme Champion female in Georgia this year was a daughter of Combustible that had many believing she was absolutely flawless. Upper Management is a unique individual. First off he has some size especially comparing him to his paternal siblings. This bull is overwhelmingly and ridiculously long bodied. He has great muscle shape and a big set of testicles. Take time to study this guy cause he is bred to be top tier. He is Upper Management. So u t h e rn S t y l e AT PARTISOVER RANCH / 5 A True Partisover Legend Partisover Witch 7120 / Lot 1 PARTISOVER & FRIENDS PARTISOVER WITCH 429A / Upgrade x 7120 daughter 6 / SUNDAY, APRIL 10TH PARTISOVER WITCH 431A / Upgrade x 7120 daughter Partisover Witch 7120 Lot 1 Partisover Witch 7120 .................................................................................................................... Angus Cow AAA# 15744506 Sitz Traveler 8180 S A V 8180 Traveler 004 Boyd Forever Lady 8003 Tattoo: 7120 N Bar Emulation EXT Partisover Witch 103 Birth Date: Partisover Witch 833 12/23/2006 CE +7 BW +.9 WW +39 YW +69 MILK +22 $W +41.88 Offered By Partisover Ranch, Eddins Farms, Fenton Farms, LLC. Lot1A: Heifer Calf born 12/14/2015 by Sandeen Upper Class 2386 Partisover Ranch and partners Eddins and Fenton reached to the top of the shelf to offer one of the greatest producers ever born on Partisover soil to lead off this sale. 7120 is a member of the famed Partisover Witch cow family that came to Georgia in the early 1970’s when Randy purchased a group of heifers from the Spur Ranch in Vinita, Oklahoma. In that group came Spur Emulous Witch 3216 the original “Witch” female to roam Colbert, GA. Forty some years of Partisover breeding later we offer this dynamic female to the public. Sired by the creator of the performance movement of the early 2000’s SAV 8180 Traveler 004, 7120 is a cowman’s dream. Great uddered, super fertile, ultra feminine, big bodied, and a proven producer. 7120 mated to the number one used Simmental bull for the last two years running Mr NLC Upgrade, worked like magic. A son by Upgrade, Partisover Deets 346Z is a household name in these parts and was a highlight of his calf crop. Partisover Witch 431A owned by our great friends Jacob and Sarah Holmes and family was a super star in the 2014 “Share the Herd Sale” and went on to be Reserve Champion at the 2014 GA National Fair. Another 7120- Upgrade combination was Reserve Champion female in Fort Worth a few years back for Hartman Cattle Co. of NE. 7120 is special and we mean that with sincerity. Lot 1B 3 Embryos Upgrade x 7120 .................................................................................................................... 1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus Sire Ellingson Legacy M229 Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 MS NLC Mojo S6119 B CE 8.55 BW 0.55 WW 70.60 YW 115.85 Dam SAV 8180 Traveler 004 Partisover Witch 7120 Partisover Witch 103 MILK 26.85 MWW 62.20 API 126.0 TI 78.3 Offered by Partisover Ranch Selling three embryos guaranteeing one 90 day pregnancy if the work is done by a certified embryologist. These embryos will be full sibs to the Fort Worth Champion and Partisover Deets 346Z. Witch 7120 PARTISOVER DEETS 346Z / Upgrade x 7120 son So u t h e rn S t y l e AT PARTISOVER RANCH / 7 Everybody Loves a Barbie Lot Partisover Barbie 911U 2 PARTISOVER BARBIE 911U .................................................................................................................... 1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus Cow ASA# 2481243 CNS DREAM ON L186 SVF STEEL FORCE S701 SVF SHEZA BEAUTY L901 Tattoo: 911U CIRCLE G RIGHT TIME 0138 STAR BARBIE 3243 Birth Date: STAR VENTURE BARBIE 9122 9/5/2008 CE 11.2 / Lot 2 BW -0.2 WW 49.5 YW 77.8 MILK 12 MWW 36.8 API 116.3 TI 57.8 Offered By Partisover Ranch Aied 11/30/2015 to Sandeen Upper Class 2386 Due 9/8/2016 with a HEIFER Calf. Through the grace of the Lord and some good friends looking out for us the Barbie cow family came to Partisover to join the Burgess and Witch tribes a decade ago. Star Barbie 3243 the dam of lot 2 has left as many well known and solid producers in the SimAngus community as any cow in the Southeastern U.S. Barbie 3243 is responsible for a long list of high sellers in past Partisover sales and her sons have topped previous Bull Power events as well. This cow was phenomenal in more than one way. She produced the 2014 Grand and Reserve Grand SimAngus females in the highly competitive GA State Show. Now to Barbie 911U, she herself has produced quality. She is the dam of the 2015 Partisover Online Sale high-seller to Jacob and Brian Collins. Thanks to the Collins for being such believers in Partisover Genetics and better yet for being such good friends. Lot 2 sells safe in calf to have a full sib to the high selling female a year ago. This would make an outstanding SimAngus donor for someone wanting to bank on proven genetics and a proven track record. Everybody loves “Barbie”. 911U 8 / SUNDAY, APRIL 10TH PARTISOVER BARBIE 563B / Upper Class daughter of Lot 2. PARTISOVER & FRIENDS STAR BARBIE 3243 / Dam of Lot 2 Everybody Loves a Barbie Georgia Barbie Doll 466B / Lot 3 Lot 3 GEORGIA BARBIE DOLL 466B .................................................................................................................... 3/4 Simmental 1/4 Angus Cow ASA# 2967042 CNS DREAM ON L186 SVF STEEL FORCE S701 SVF SHEZA BEAUTY L901 Tattoo: 466B MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 PARTISOVER BARBIE 131X Birth Date: STAR BARBIE 3243 10/1/2014 CE 9.9 BW 0.6 WW 63.5 YW 99.5 MILK 15.2 Offered By Rob and Kelly Postin Aied 11/28/2015 to FHEN Halftime A127 Due 9/6/2016 with a HEIFER Calf. MWW 47 API 135.2 TI 74.5 A fall bred heifer from the “Barbie” tribe and brought to us by some of the most talented breeders in our parts the Postin’s. Rob and Kelly have been creating good cattle that have a world of style for many years. This ¾ blood SimAngus female is royally bred. Her dam is an Upgrade daughter from the Barbie 3243 donor and was the high selling bred heifer in the 2012 Southern Style sale. Barbie Doll has added length of body and a great disposition. Better yet she sells safe to have a heifer baby to the good looking Bloomberg SimAngus sire Halftime. PARTISOVER BARBIE 131X / Dam of Lot 3 and the high selling bred heifer of the 2012 Partisover Southern Style sale, selected by Rob & Kelly Postin and Wiregrass Cattle Company. The Barbie Family So u t h e rn S t y l e AT PARTISOVER RANCH / 9 A Member of the Most Dominant Tribe of Partisover Roxie 7108T / Lot 4 MISS MELINDA / Upper Class x 7108T daughter 10 / SUNDAY, APRIL 10TH PARTISOVER ROXIE 3106A / Upgrade x 7108T daughter PARTISOVER & FRIENDS Sisters in Partisover SimAngus™ History Lot PARTISOVER ROXIE 7108T 4 .................................................................................................................... MEYER RANCH 734 1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus Cow ASA# 2379353 3C MACHO M450 BZ 3C CROCUS H112 B Tattoo: 7108T O C C BONANZA 880B Birth Date: PARTISOVER BURGESS 813 1/3/2007 CE -1.1 BW 3.5 WW 60.4 YW 92.2 PARTISOVER BURGESS 653 MILK 24.1 MWW 54.3 API 79.1 TI 58.3 Offered By Partisover Ranch, Eddins Farms, Fenton Farms, LLC. Natural Bred 1/2/2016 to FHEN Halftime A127 Due 10/13/2016 with a BULL Calf. Roxie 7108T is a member of the famous full sisters that hail from Partisover Burgess 813 and 3C Macho. One of those sisters is Partisover Rock Away 881T the $65,000 lot 1 female of the 2014 Share the Herd Southern Style sale. When Hanna Bias showed 7108T at the 2008 GA State Heifer show I thought at the time she was the best female we had produced. She went on to be a Champion that day but her breeding value has been equally as impressive. She still to this day has a huge foot, a great big middle, and brood cow look. Her sons and daughters by Upper Class have been well received and are great breeding pieces. Ask Johnnie Johnson about a heifer calf that he sold last fall Incredible body mass would be an understatement. Ask the Fentons about their favorite 7108T project. Proven, predictable and powerful describes this female. Lot 3 Embryos Upper Class x 7108T 4B .................................................................................................................... 5/8 Simmental 3/8 Angus Sire MR NLc Upgrade U8676 Sandeen Upper Class 2386 Sandeen Donna 7386 CE -0.2 BW 3.5 WW 66.65 YW 101.85 Dam 3C Macho M450 BZ Partisover Roxie 7108T Partisover Burgess 813 MILK 23.0 MWW 56.30 API 83.9 TI 64.6 PARTISOVER ROCKAWAY 881T / The $65,000 Lot 1 from the 2014 Share the Herd, So u t h e rn S t y l e owned by Sloup & Snider Simmentals, Full sister to Lot 4 Roxie 7108 Offered by Eddins Farms Selling three embryos guaranteeing one 90 day pregnancy if the work is done by a certified embryologist. The cow power in this set of embryos is phenomenal. AT PARTISOVER RANCH / 11 Quailty isn’t Missing Davis Oleo Still Missing Y272 / Lot 5 OLEO MISSIE 303A / Daughter of Lot 5; 2014 GA State Champion Low % Simmental Female 12 / SUNDAY, APRIL 10TH OLEO UPPER HAND A26B PARTISOVER & FRIENDS / This full brother to Lot 6 sold in Bull Power 2015 Produce of a Legend Lot DAVIS OLEO STILL MISSING 5 .................................................................................................................... 1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus Cow ASA# 2588492 CNS DREAM ON L186 SVF STEEL FORCE S701 SVF SHEZA BEAUTY L901 Tattoo: Y272 S A V 8180 TRAVELER 004 S A V MISSIE 6223 Birth Date: S A V MISSIE 9167 1/4/2011 CE 9.9 BW 0 WW 60.9 YW 99.4 MILK 14.5 MWW 44.9 API 124.3 TI 69.4 Offered By Oleo Ranch Aied 12/23/2015 to Mr CCF 20/20 Due 10/1/2016 with a HEIFER Calf. One of the all time favorites from the Oleo Ranch is this super good looking halfblood donor. “Still Missing” is in her prime and when Randy asked if we wanted to be apart of the 2016 Southern Style with Friends sale we thought this was our best young SimAngus cow. I don’t think Holly Alford wanted to see this female cataloged but our best is what we want the customer to have the opportunity to purchase. Y272 raised the 2014 GA State Champion Low Percentage female for LeAnn Chafin and family. Her dam SAV Missie 6223 is a potent gal. She has had numerous sons sale in the Bull Power events to folk all across the south. Several daughters by Upgrade and out of 6223 have been gracious to their owners. If you have noticed a pattern in our early lots in this sale book it is that we believe in strong cow families. It ‘s true that most of us can use the same sires but it is the cows that you own in your life that can affect what you get done. This one is bred to work and has youth in her favor. Her 2015 born bull calf will be retained to go in our bull pen. We may be turning this one loose to soon but for your reward. She has been flushed two times in the Oleo program for a total of 17 embryos and sells safe to one of the coolest Simmental bulls around Mr CCF 20/20. Lot 6 OLEO MISSING CLASS 520C .................................................................................................................... 3/8 Simmental 5/8 Angus Cow ASA# 3089154 MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 SANDEEN UPPER CLASS 2386 SANDEEN DONNA 7386 Tattoo: 520C S A V 8180 TRAVELER 004 S A V MISSIE 6223 Birth Date: S A V MISSIE 9167 9/4/2015 CE 4.5 BW 1.9 WW 64.6 YW 106 MILK 22.1 MWW 54.4 API 99 TI 69 Offered By Oleo Ranch Fall open heifer A maternal sister to lot 5 is this Upper Class sired baldy baby. This September heifer calf has been another favorite at Oleo Ranch. She is super well balanced, and has a great disposition. We think she could work for a first time showman or a young kid wanting to invest in awesome SimAngus genetics. A full brother to lot 5 was a standout in the 2015 Bull Power sale going to Shadydale Farms. This one has the WOW factor. Missing Oleo Missing Class 520C So u t h e rn S t y l e / Lot 6 AT PARTISOVER RANCH / 13 PRT Y Kayleigh 1105X / Lot 7 Partisover PRT Y Kayleigh 688C Lot .................................................................................................................... 1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus Cow ASA# 2581290 SVF/NJC MO BETTER M217 AKERS RUBY 2184 PARTISOVER ERIN 867T BW -1 WW 54.3 YW 93.1 MILK 29.8 MWW 57 .................................................................................................................... MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 SANDEEN UPPER CLASS 2386 SANDEEN DONNA 7386 API 95.9 SC MO MAGIC S47 PRTY KAYLEIGH 1105X Birth Date: PARTISOVER BURGESS 430 11/1/2010 7A PARTISOVER KAYLEIGH 688C Tattoo: 688C 3C MACHO M450 BZ Birth Date: / Lot 7A 5/8 Simmental 3/8 Angus Cow ASA# 3089542 SC MO MAGIC S47 Tattoo: 1105X CE 5.3 Lot PRTY KAYLEIGH 1105X 7 Kayleigh’s A Perfect Pair TI 61.2 PARTISOVER ERIN 867T 10/14/2015 CE 3.3 BW 0.9 WW 62.7 YW 101 MILK 26 MWW 57.4 API 93.5 TI 66 Offered By Partisover Ranch Offered By Partisover Ranch Aied 12/21/2015 to Sandeen Upper Class 2386 Due 9/29/2016 with a HEIFER Calf. This young baldy female is as sweet as your mother’s love. Elegant fronted, smooth shouldered, big ribbed, nice marked, level designed, big calf raiser, and I could go on an on. Kayleigh was shown successfully for Taylor Wheeless throughout Georgia. If you haven’t ever been to the GA state heifer show we recommend you watch the Simmental and SimAngus breed divisions. It is a great testament to the breeders in GA and the juniors who care for their projects. Kayleigh has raised a head turning baby this time. Her heifer sired by Upper Class is a maternal masterpiece. We believe this one has a bright future. To tell a quick story we where sorting cows to breed this fall and young Ky Alford was around. His dad told him to pick out his favorite calf and tell him the tag number. In a pen of about 30 fall calves Ky starts driving 688 towards his father and says dad I like 688. See what you think about lot 7A! 14 / SUNDAY, APRIL 10TH PARTISOVER & FRIENDS Angus Beauty PRT Y/Alexis Burgess 320 / Lot 8 Burgess PRTY Alexis Burgess 320 is a young Angus cow with super good looks. Bred by our longtime friend Mr. Sac Alexander 320 has the look of a beautiful Angus cow. She is so elegant about her head and neck, correct in her skeleton and has an udder that screams make more just like me. The December heifer calf out of 320 selling as lot 8A is a testament to her ability to produce quality. Burgess 320 sells safe in calf SAV Renown 3439 one of the hottest young sires in the Angus population. At the recent Schaff Angus Valley sale 44 sons of SAV Renown sold for an average of $21,829. If you are looking for a cow that you could make foundation Angus females with or put in a donor program to make SimAngus Burgess 320 can do it. Her December born heifer calf sired by Sandeen Upper Class is a neat animal. She is super gentle halter broke and ready to go to a great home. A pair with huge upside potential. Lot 8 Prty/Alexis Burgess 320 .................................................................................................................... Angus Cow AAA# 17297691 Connealy Product 568 Connealy Final Product Ebonista of Conanga 471 Tattoo: 320 S A V Final Answer 0035 Partisover Burgess 049 Birth Date: Partisover Burgess 816 9/18/2011 CE +3 BW +1.3 WW +60 YW +105 MILK +30 Offered By Partisover Ranch Aied 1/22/2016 to SAV Renown 3439, Due 11/1/2016 $W +59.48 Lot PARTISOVER BURGESS 6125C / Lot 8A 8A PARTISOVER Burgess 6125C .................................................................................................................... 3/8 Simmental 5/8 Angus Cow ASA# 3090928 MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 SANDEEN UPPER CLASS 2386 SANDEEN DONNA 7386 Tattoo: 6125C Connealy Final Product PRTY/Alexis Burgess 320 Birth Date: Partisover Burgess 816 12/02/2015 CE 7.1 BW 0.7 WW 70.4 Offered By Partisover Ranch So u t h e rn S t y l e YW 115.5 MILK 25.1 MWW 60.4 API 115.9 TI 76.9 AT PARTISOVER RANCH / 15 5th Overall at the 2016 Georgia State Show Partisover Styl ’n 561B Lot 9 PARTISOVER STYL`N 561B .................................................................................................................... 3/8 Simmental 5/8 Angus Cow ASA# 2974368 MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 PRTY SOUTHERN STYLE 240Y PARTI GIRL 6124S Tattoo: 561B H A POWER ALLIANCE 1025 PARTISOVER BURGESS 836 Birth Date: PARTISOVER BURGESS 739 10/11/2014 CE 6.4 / Lot 9 BW 0.4 WW 65.1 YW 105.3 MILK 26.4 MWW 58.9 API 112.8 TI 75.6 Offered By Kade Mitchum and Partisover Ranch Natural Bred 2/4/2016 to FHEN Halftime A127, Due 11/14/2016 Way cool and way useful in many different breeding arrangements is this fall heifer that was 5th Overall and Low Percentage Champion at the 2016 GA State Heifer Show. This girl has a big foot, is powerful from behind, and has a killer maternal appearance as well. Just imagine what you could do with her. Breed her up on the percentage Simmental scale and you could make stout and functional sons and daughters. Use her to make club calves and you would have a super foundation for which to build on. Her sire is a member of the Partisover, C and C, and Smith Bros. bull battery and is making some neat cattle. An incredible opportunity the 10th day of April 2016 in Colbert, GA. PARTISOVER STYL’N 561B / Champion Low % Female and 5th Overall at the Georgia State Heifer Show. 5th Overall Female 16 / SUNDAY, APRIL 10TH PARTISOVER & FRIENDS Ready to Repeat Partisover Burgess 836 Lot / Lot 10 10 PARTISOVER BURGESS 836 .................................................................................................................... PB Angus Cow ASA# 2574121 SITZ ALLIANCE 6595 H A POWER ALLIANCE 1025 H A RITO LADY 4167 Tattoo: 836 D H D TRAVELER 6807 PARTISOVER BURGESS 739 Birth Date: PARTISOVER BURGESS 048 10/8/2007 CE 7.8 BW 0 WW 53.5 YW 95.2 MILK 29.2 MWW 56 API 94.8 TI 64.7 Offered By Partisover Ranch Aied 1/1/2016 to Partisover Southern Style Due 10/9/2016 with a HEIFER Calf. The dam of Kade Mitchum’s 5th Overall State Champion female sells as lot 10. 836 is one of those cows that just works her heart out. She milks hard, weans a good sized calf, and puts a quality look in her progeny. She is safe back to Southern Style to repeat that special look that sells. Claton Daniel 7.2.2015 So u t h e rn S t y l e PARTISOVER SOUTHERN STYLE / Partisover, C&C, and Smith Brothers herdsire known for creating ultimate STYLE! Sire of Lot 9 & service sire of Lot 10. AT PARTISOVER RANCH / 17 Proven Genetics Parti Girl 6124S Parti Girl 6124S Lot 11 PARTISOVER WITCH 533B .................................................................................................................... 5/8 Simmental 3/8 Angus Cow ASA# 2956915 SANDEEN DONNA 7386 MEYER RANCH 734 BW 1.4 WW 61.4 YW 93.4 MILK 25.4 MWW 56.1 API 92.5 MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 SANDEEN UPPER CLASS 2386 SANDEEN DONNA 7386 MEYER RANCH 734 PARTI GIRL 6124S PARTISOVER WITCH 103 3/3/2014 TI 66.5 Offered By Caroline Waters and Partisover Ranch Aied 11/18/2015 to PVF Insight 0129 Due 8/27/2016 with a BULL Calf. Caroline Waters is offering you her last season’s show heifer and what a way to lead off the 6124S cow family. This big bodied, broody female has cow power written all over her. She is double bred to the legendary Meyer 734 and we all know what kind of females those were. 533B is part of the first fall calf crop by the overwhelmingly popular Sandeen Upper Class and we can’t wait to get more of these females in production. Be a believer in the cows behind this bred heifer. She carries the mother to Partisover Southern Style in her lineage along with great cows like Sandeen Donna 7386 and Coleman Donna 386. 18 / SUNDAY, APRIL 10TH PARTISOVER WITCH 499B .................................................................................................................... Birth Date: PARTISOVER WITCH 103 9/20/2014 12 Tattoo: 499B PARTI GIRL 6124S Birth Date: Lot 5/8 Simmental 3/8 Angus Cow ASA# 2848067 MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 SANDEEN UPPER CLASS 2386 Tattoo: 533B CE 0.9 / Dam of Lot 11-14 CE 0.9 BW 1.4 WW 61.4 YW 93.4 MILK 25.4 MWW 56.1 API 92.5 TI 66.5 Offered By Partisover Ranch Lot 12A: Heifer Calf born 12/27/2015 by SAV Brilliance 8077 A full sister to lot 11 this wet two year old female did not make the picture pen and we should have just shot her udder because her teats are the right size and has great attachment. She is super clean fronted and has a sweet maternal look. Check out the nice young baldy heifer calf nursing this first calf heifer. She is fancy as well. Mark our word this female could impact many breeding programs because the others in her cow family have. PARTISOVER & FRIENDS Progeny of Parti Girl 6124S PARTISOVER WITCH 533B / Lot 11 Lot EDDINS PARTI GIRL 404B 14 .................................................................................................................... 3/4 Simmental 1/4 Angus Cow ASA# 2994948 ELLINGSON LEGACY M229 MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 MS NLC MOJO S6119 B Tattoo: 404B MEYER RANCH 734 PARTI GIRL 6124S Birth Date: PARTISOVER WITCH 103 9/16/2014 CE 4 EDDINS PARTI GIRL 574C / Lot 13 Lot 13 EDDINS PARTI GIRL 574C .................................................................................................................... 3/4 Simmental 1/4 Angus Cow ASA# 3089621 CNS DREAM ON L186 WS MARLA 276M CE 5.9 PARTISOVER WITCH 103 BW 1.2 WW 60.8 YW 83.2 MILK 23.7 MWW 54.1 MILK 26.1 MWW 59.1 API 127.2 TI 78.2 Offered By Eddins Farms Aied 1/15/2016 to FHEN Halftime A127, Due 10/25/2016 It is great to have our good friend Mr. Franklin Eddins be apart of this event. Franklin and Roy have done a wonderful job picking out the best cows at Partisover Ranch and somehow wiggling us out of an interest in those cows. This fall bred heifer is from the 6124S tribe and in a full sister to the $19,000 lead off bull of the 1st Southern Style Sale Partisover Square Pants and is also a full sister to the $15,000 Partisover Southern Style bull. Her blood is rich with proven well documented genetics. Lot API 125.4 3/4 Simmental 1/4 Angus Sire PARTI GIRL 6124S 10/4/2015 YW 100.9 .................................................................................................................... MEYER RANCH 734 Birth Date: WW 66.1 14A Embryos Upgrade x 6124s WS PILGRIM H182U Tattoo: 574C BW 0.8 TI 71.9 Offered By Eddins Farms A WS Pilgrim sired female that is super fancy. This baby doll just needs a little time. Her outline is correct and her pattern is ideal. She has a long elegant neck, a super square hip and has the build to be a long lasting productive cow. One with a quality look and super genetic merit sells as lot 13. She may be one of the better investments of the day. Dam ELLINGSON LEGACY M229 MR NLC Upgrade U8676 MS NLC MOJO S6119 B CE 3.95 BW 0.85 WW 66.05 YW 100.85 MEYER RANCH 734 PARTI GIRL 6124S PARTISOVER WITCH 103 MILK 26.10 MWW 59.10 API 113.7 TI 75.2 Offered by Eddins Farms Selling choice of either 3 or 5 embryos guaranteeing one 90 day pregnancy if three embryos are chosen and two 90 day pregnancies if five embryos are chosen if the work is done by a certified embryologist. These embryos may just be like a fine wine they may become more valuable with time. The resulting progeny will be full sibs to the $15,000 Partisover Southern Style. So u t h e rn S t y l e AT PARTISOVER RANCH / 19 Georgia Lady 567C / Lot 15A Georgia Lady 570C / Lot 15B Lot 15A GEORGIA LADY 567C .................................................................................................................... Cow ASA# 3089559 Lot 15B 3/4 Simmental 1/4 Angus Tattoo: 567C Birth Date: 10/1/2015 GEORGIA LADY 570C .................................................................................................................... 3/4 Simmental 1/4 Angus Cow ASA# 3089561 CNS DREAM ON L186 WS PILGRIM H182U WS MARLA 276M Tattoo: 570C REMINGTON LOCK N LOAD54U SANDEEN LADY 2001 Birth Date: JAUER FOCUS 3159 0162 10/2/2015 CE 10.4 Pilgrim x Lady’s The Beginning of Something Special BW 1.7 WW 61.9 20 / SUNDAY, APRIL 10TH YW 93.2 MILK 16 MWW 47 API 132.9 TI 71.7 SANDEEN LADY 2001 / Dam of Lot 15A & 15B Offered By Rob and Kelly Postin This pair of sisters has been fun to watch as they have grown. They are so unique in that they are different sizes but have immense body capacity and overall quality. There were four heifers in this flush and anyone who has seen them would say that is an impressive set of babies. These two sisters do so much for us as breeders of SimAngus cattle. They have performed well, have great angles to their skeleton and have that mama cow look all wrapped up in style. If you lay eyes or their dam you would say what a beast. Sandeen Lady 2001Z is a cool creature. She is whale bellied, huge footed, stout featured yet has a feminine look. The breeding value in these girls could be amazing. They have the look and as Pilgrim daughters get harder to come by their worth could be immense. Study the differences and take these girls home and have fun. We certainly have enjoyed their nature and their cool pattern. PARTISOVER & FRIENDS Descendants of “Big Mama” Oleo Miss Barbara 521C / Lot 16 PCC MISS BARBARA 132R / Dam of Lot 16 & grandam of Lot 17 AFCE Sparks Fly 513C / Lot 17 OLEO STEELIN SUGAR 107Y / Full sister to Lot 16 Lot 16 OLEO MISS BARBARA 521C .................................................................................................................... Lot 1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus Cow ASA# 3089155 CNS DREAM ON L186 SVF STEEL FORCE S701 SVF SHEZA BEAUTY L901 Tattoo: 521C 9/16/2015 CE 13.2 BW -0.7 WW 54.5 YW 90.1 AFCE SPARKS FLY 513C .................................................................................................................... BT ALLIANCE 528N 3/4 Simmental 1/4 Angus Cow ASA# 3089098 LCC BARBARA MG100 Tattoo: 513C PCC MISS BARBARA 132R Birth Date: 17 MILK 18.5 MWW 45.8 API 131.4 TI 64.7 Offered By Oleo Ranch Oleo Miss Barbara 521C is bred with cow power and appeal in mind. She is a full sister to the high selling open heifer in the 2012 Cattleman’s Choice sale and the high selling SimAngus female of the 2012 Texas Limited Edition sale. Of all the full sisters this one possesses as much body mass as any. Her middle third is robust and capacious. A three quarter sister to 521C was a successful show heifer for Tyler Drach and Family of IL and is destined to be superb brood cow. The dam of 521C is the highest income producing cow in Oleo Ranch history and has graced many who own her progeny. Also known as “Big Mama” the dam of 521C has produced big bodied, good looking calves by numerous Simmental and Angus bulls. This mating is proven and has left sons that have gone to commercial and seedstock producers alike. A full brother to this fall heifer baby is an absolute stud. He will be a highlight in our 2016 Fall Bull sale season. Time tested pedigree with top 25% CE and BW genetics and a brood cow look. FBF1 COMBUSTIBLE FBF1/SF IGNITION FBF1 GORGEOUS LADY MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 OLEO UP TO NO GOOD 007X Birth Date: PCC MISS BARBARA 132R 10/5/2015 CE 9.8 BW 1.6 WW 63.6 YW 100.1 MILK 21.3 MWW 53.1 API 120.3 TI 68.7 Offered By Akins Cattle Enterprise AFCE Sparks Fly is one of the first fall born FBF1 Ignition daughters to be sold at auction and what a neat animal. This fall open heifer calf is certain to be a good looking, balanced, attractive show prospect. She has a classy front end with the right kind of lower rib shape. Study this little lady at the ground because she sets them down easy and drives off with authority. The set and flex to her hock is tremendous. The dam of 513C is an Upgrade sired female from the all time high income producing donor at Oleo Ranch “Big Mama” and dam of lot 16. This ¾ blood heifer calf will be real fun this fall. She is built real well and has the pieces to be a contender on the show road. So u t h e rn S t y l e AT PARTISOVER RANCH / 21 Bringing you the Best Partisover Faceup 651C / Lot 18 PARTISOVER POWER UP / Full brother to the dam of Lot 18 BRF Mis High Regard 515C Lot 18 PARTISOVER FACEUP 651C .................................................................................................................... 3/4 Simmental 1/4 Angus Cow ASA# 3089545 FBF1 COMBUSTIBLE FBF1 GORGEOUS LADY 9/20/2015 CE 9.1 MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 PB Simmental Cow ASA# 3087303 PARTISOVER BURGESS 532 Tattoo: 515C PARTISOVER FACEUP 338Z Birth Date: BW 2 WW 65 YW 101.2 MILK 22.1 MWW 54.6 API 118.3 TI 71.9 Offered By Partisover Ranch You can see that these Ignition daughters are stylish and complete in their design. Partisover FaceUp 651C is super sound and ultra cool. This heifer calf is very unique for a ¾ blood Simmental female. She is soft pasterned, soft middled and yes soft haired. The crew at Partisover thinks this girl could raise crossbred show animals and also compete in a crossbred show heifer division. Take a close look at the maternal side of her lineage and you’ll find her dam is a full sister to the 2012 Reserve National Champion SimAngus bull for Pleasant Hill Farms. Another full brother to the dam of 651C is the Partisover and Pleasant Valley Farms herd sire Power UP. 532 is known as one of the greatest herd sire producing donors ever at Partisover Ranch. You’ll want to own one of the first Ignition daughters when you see him. 22 / SUNDAY, APRIL 10TH 19 BRF MIS HIGH REGARD 515C .................................................................................................................... FBF1/SF IGNITION Tattoo: 651C Lot / Lot 19 YARDLEY IMPRESSIVE T371 YARDLEY HIGH REGARD W242 MISS YARDLEY T68 MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 BROAD RIVER NIGHT 227Z Birth Date: IBR SARAH`S BOOM 9/9/2015 CE 4.7 BW 2.4 WW 67.1 YW 103 MILK 20.4 MWW 54 API 100.9 TI 67.2 Offered By Broad River Farm It is with pleasure that we bring this purebred Simmental female to the Partisover and Friends sale. In a group of mainly SimAngus cattle we believe this heifer calf is a breath of fresh air. She is sired by the legendary phenotype bull produced in the Yardley program, High Regard. 515C is big middled, soft bodied, square built and attractive from the side. This heifer has the base width and dimension to raise herd bulls and the look to be a competitive show heifer. Our program is built around cattle that are versatile and dual purpose and lot 19 fits the program. PARTISOVER & FRIENDS Upper Class Daughters Lot BRF ESTER`S CLASS 521C 20 .................................................................................................................... 5/8 Simmental 3/8 Angus Cow ASA# 3087299 MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 SANDEEN UPPER CLASS 2386 SANDEEN DONNA 7386 Tattoo: 521C SVF/NJC BUILT RIGHT N48 PARTISOVER ESTER 070W Birth Date: PARTISOVER BURGESS 430 9/15/2015 CE 7.3 BW 1.1 WW 59.9 YW 93 MILK 23.8 MWW 53.8 API 107.5 TI 65.7 Offered By Broad River Farm The crew at Broad River Farm is proud to bring several nice fall born show and brood cow prospects to the 2016 Partisover and Friends Southern Style event. This crazy big bodied, easy doing female represents their program well. 521C is destined to make a super cow for her new owner. She is backed by a Built Right daughter that hails from Partisover Burgess 430 a model Angus female. This baldy baby is a super gentle, forage efficient, nice patterned female with cow power for generations. You can bank on the cows behind this one. Lot BJS Classy Lady 680C 21 .................................................................................................................... 1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus Cow ASA# Pending MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 SANDEEN UPPER CLASS 2386 SANDEEN DONNA 7386 Tattoo: 680C SIR CHARLES 06 BJS ROSIE 943W Birth Date: G07 10/9/2015 CE 1.8 BW 2.55 WW 61.20 YW 90.40 MILK 20.85 MWW 51.40 API 87.6 TI 64.1 Offered By CJ Brown and Partisover Ranch This is one classy lady. Yes we are speaking of her owner/breeder and of the heifer calf. The highly talented artist Ms. CJ Brown claims breeding this animal. We at Partisover Ranch enjoy CJ’s artistic touch and value her friendship. Thanks CJ for sharing with the livestock industry your wonderful paintings. The heifer calf is made well, has added muscle shape and dimension and carries herself with pride. 680C has cool markings and a cool personality. Lot 22 BJS CLASSY LADY 680C / Lot 21 EDDINS BURGESS 571C .................................................................................................................... 3/8 Simmental 5/8 Angus Cow ASA# 3089620 MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 SANDEEN UPPER CLASS 2386 SANDEEN DONNA 7386 Tattoo: 571C SINCLAIR GRASS MASTER PARTISOVER BURGESS 133 Birth Date: PARTISOVER BURGESS 8112 10/2/2015 CE 4.5 BRF ESTER’S CLASS 521C / Lot 20 BW 2.2 WW 72.7 YW 116.5 MILK 23 MWW 59.4 API 103.3 TI 74.8 Offered By Eddins Farms Eddins Burgess 571C is elegant and arrogant about her front end. She is so beautiful about her head and her neck is positioned well at the top of her shoulder. Add the fact that she is super big bodied, sound, agile, and maternal appearing and you have a killer looking animal. 571C is also bred to be a superior brood matron. Her donor dam is one of the up and coming superstars in the Partisover and partners program. Partisover Burgess 133 is an awesome beast. She is made so much like this low percentage SimAngus female it is unreal. If all of us had replacement heifers that appeared as maternal as this one we would be set for a while. Study this animal it will be worth your time. So u t h e rn S t y l e EDDINS BURGESS 571C / Lot 22 AT PARTISOVER RANCH / 23 Simmental Influenced Fall Opens Lot 23 BRF CLASSY BROKER 512C .................................................................................................................... 5/8 Simmental 3/8 Angus Cow ASA# 3087300 SVF STEEL FORCE S701 MR HOC BROKER JM BF H25 Tattoo: 512C BC CLASSIC 385-7 PRTY CLASSY LASS 0107W Birth Date: PARTISOVER EVE 868T 9/2/2015 CE 4.1 BRF CLASSY BROKER 512C / Lot 23 BW 2.2 WW 66.8 YW 101.1 MILK 14.5 MWW 47.9 API 90.8 TI 61.3 Offered By Broad River Farm 512B is balanced in design and sound at the ground. Take this daughter of the Triple Crown winning HOC Broker home and you’ll like her more and more every day. She has the look of an easy feeding heifer with the right body shape. This solid black 5/8 Sim 3/8 Angus heifer is backed by a quarter blood BC Classic female that is moderate in size and pack with production capabilities. We urge that you study these open heifers because there are several that could do big thing at the end of a show halter and in the pasture as well. Lot 24 BRF MISS MOMENTUM 517C .................................................................................................................... 3/8 Simmental 5/8 Angus Cow ASA# 3087304 S A V NET WORTH 4200 S A V MOMENTUM 9274 S A V EMBLYNETTE 3301 Tattoo: 517C MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 BRF RUBYS RHYTHM 334A Birth Date: PRTY FRONT GIRL 106X 9/14/2015 CE 9.1 BRF MISS MOMENTUM 517C / Lot 24 BW 0.8 WW 69.4 YW 114.4 MILK 30.8 MWW 65.5 API 127.8 TI 80.7 Offered By Broad River Farm Miss Momentum 317C is loose structured, big bellied, easy doing and flexible off both ends of her skeleton. She is so true to her legendary sire SAV Momentum 9274. Momentum is a legacy in this part of the country and is responsible for siring the champions at the GA State Show and some of the nicest females in herds of Elrod and Tolbert, Bramblett Angus, Casey Green Cattle and others that have used him. Broad River and company have brought the kind they will become known for producing, cattle with performance, eye appeal and brood cow look. Lot 25 EDDINS WITCH 503C .................................................................................................................... 3/4 Simmental 1/4 Angus Cow ASA# 3089618 CNS DREAM ON L186 WLE UNO MAS X549 SHAWNEE MISS 770P Tattoo: 503C MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 EDDINS WITCH 32A Birth Date: PARTISOVER WITCH 7120 9/3/2015 CE 11.9 BW -0.4 WW 62 YW 89.5 MILK 21.8 MWW 52.8 API 139.7 TI 74.5 Offered By Eddins Farms Eddins Witch 503C impresses us more and more as the days go by. She is sired by the Select Sires calving ease specialist Uno Mas and backed by one of the most potent SimAngus matings of all time in the south. 503C dam is from the magical mating of Upgrade to Partisover Witch 7120 that made Partisover Deets and Partisover Witch 431A. There is real predictability in the blood of this fall born heifer calf and her days of being an elite SimAngus breeding piece are bright. Check out her calving ease stats and her All Purpose Index. 533C will be foundation cow to impact a program. 24 / SUNDAY, APRIL 10TH PARTISOVER & FRIENDS Unique Angus Opportunities Oleo Kaylee 513C Angus Heifers Lot 26 Oleo Kaylee 513C .................................................................................................................... Angus Cow AAA# 18402925 S A V Priority 7283 S A V Blackcap May 1442 Tattoo: 513C S A V Momentum 9274 Meldons Kaylee 930 9/3/2015 Lot CE I+7 27 BW I+1.1 WW I+61 YW I+98 MILK I+27 $W +70.25 VER Miss Resource 633 .................................................................................................................... Angus Cow AAA# Pending Lot 28 VER Miss Lantana 653 .................................................................................................................... Angus Cow AAA# Pending S A V Bismarck 5682 S A V Brilliance 8077 S A V Blackcap May 5270 Tattoo: 653 H S A F Bando 1961 Birth Date: Miss Lantana Candy 812U Miss Lantana Candy 910 Sire Dam Oleo Allen Kaylee 308A Birth Date: Offered By Oleo Ranch This heifer calf has been a favorite since birth. She is a great example of what we strive for at Oleo Ranch. Her belly is big with a nice swing to the center and spring to the side. Her top and hip are level and square. Her front one third looks like it matches her well and has a feminine appeal. Her joints flex well and her legs have plenty of set. Her EPD profile is balance and nowhere extreme. We wanted to procure her sire and run out of cash. At the time SAV Privilege was one of the most impressive specimens I have ever seen. We come home and AIed to Privilege and are pleased with what we have. This heifer’s mother is our favorite two year old female. The Kaylee 930 cow family behind this calf is one of proven elegant look with an awesome maternal design. This heifer is way good in our opinion. We want you to have the chance to purchase our very best and here she is. Study this one and please ask about her cause we love to talk cattle. 11/8/2015 S A V Privilege 3030 Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075 / Lot 26 CE +10 +2 BW +0 +1.4 WW +50 +50 YW +90 +85 MILK +26 +28 $W +70.73 +51.29 Offered By Verner Farms This little lady is cool to look at. I kick myself for not getting to the Verner’s earlier to pick this heifer up to get her photo in this sale catalog. Trust me she is sweet fronted, up headed, has an awesome pitch to her neck and is real big bellied. She is Adam Verner kind for those that know him well. You can’t have to much body in one for this guy. Did I mention that she travels well and sets them down correctly. We will have a video for you to admire before sale time. 653 is also a maternal sister to a First Impression sired bred heifer later in this catalog shown by Anna Sizemore. Lot 28 is awesome patterned you’ll find her easily. S A V Resource 1441 S A V Blackcap May 4136 Tattoo: 633 H A Image Maker 0415 Birth Date: Gmar Image Maker X213 Gmar Rito 7154 10/14/2015 Sire Dam CE +1 +10 BW +3.4 -.5 WW +72 +46 YW +138 +84 MILK +33 +20 $W +73.01 +40.92 Offered By Verner Farms Ms Resource 633 is sired by the fourth high selling bull of the 2012 SAV Sale and breed phenomenon SAV Resource 1441. This October born fall calf has a neat look and the correct build. She is one of the longer fronted and cleaner throated Resource daughters that we have. Set her in motion and he holds herself together with a balanced look. Alan, Adam and Megan Verner have done a great job breeding cattle that are super functional. They take feed well and bloom into big bodied, phenotypically pleasing mama cows. This female will show and has maternal giants in her pedigree. Take the power of Resource and add that with the productivity of the Image Maker X 6I6 combination and you can make maternal progress. So u t h e rn S t y l e VER MISS RESOURCE 633 / Lot 27 AT PARTISOVER RANCH / 25 Spring Yearlings Miss Broker 097C / Lot 29 PARTI GIRL 880T / Dam of Lot 29 Partisover Jade 597C / Lot 30 PARTISOVER BURGESS 639 / Dam of Lot 30 Lot 29 MISS BROKER 097C .................................................................................................................... 3/4 Simmental 1/4 Angus Cow ASA# 3023543 JM BF H25 3C MACHO M450 BZ BW 3.6 WW 63.9 YW 94.4 MILK 16.8 MWW 48.7 WS MARLA 276M API 99.1 BT RIGHT TIME 24J PARTISOVER BURGESS 404 2/28/2015 TI 61.4 Offered By Jacob Holmes Sells open. We lead off a set of really nice spring yearling heifers with this Broker sired ¾ blood female. 097C has been shown a bit by the youngest Ertzberger and was competitive. This lady is long bodied, level made and has the correct positioning of her neck out the top of her shoulder. 097C wears white on her face and has a classy look. She would be ready to go on the road this summer. Her body condition is fresh and her middle is robust. Partisover Burgess 292 the granddad of lot 29 was an awesome mama cow. One of her most noted daughters, Parti 292-984U is the dam of the 2015 Supreme Champion Female at the Georgia State Heifer show. Let 097C continue a winning tradition. 26 / SUNDAY, APRIL 10TH CNS DREAM ON L186 WS PILGRIM H182U PARTISOVER BURGESS 639 Birth Date: PARTISOVER BURGESS 292 3/8/2015 PARTISOVER JADE 597C .................................................................................................................... Tattoo: 597C PARTI GIRL 880T Birth Date: 30 1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus Cow ASA# 3010430 SVF STEEL FORCE S701 MR HOC BROKER Tattoo: 097C CE 0.4 Lot CE 10.3 BW 1 WW 59.7 YW 84.3 MILK 18.9 MWW 48.8 API 135.7 TI 72.8 Offered By Partisover Ranch Sells open. Partisover Jade 597C is a good doing functional breeding piece. Her dam Partisover Burgess 639 is a brood cow matron and is responsible for several daughters by Upgrade that never disappoint. If you ask Johnnie Johnson which cow you can always bank on he would probably answer with 639. She makes them big bellied, easy doing, sound and fertile. In our fall 2015 heifer crop at Partisover there are some really nice Angus babies out of 639 that are sure to carry on her genes. Jade is a modest birth female, with at top 35% API figure and is sired by the deceased and crazy popular Pilgrim. PARTISOVER & FRIENDS Spring Yearlings Miss Broker 097C / Lot 31 JANET OF ROLLIN ROCK W074 / Dam of Lot 31 Partisover Styl ’n 5105C / Lot 32 ERICA LASSIE OF RR U046 / Dam of Lot 32 Lot 31 PARTISOVER RR JANET 591C .................................................................................................................... 3/8 Simmental 5/8 Angus Cow ASA# 3010446 MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 SANDEEN UPPER CLASS 2386 SANDEEN DONNA 7386 Tattoo: 591C RR CANUHEARMENOW7266 CE 6.8 BW 0.7 WW 54.8 YW 90.3 MILK 19.2 MWW 46.6 .................................................................................................................... 3/8 Simmental 5/8 Angus Cow ASA# 3010441 MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 PRTY SOUTHERN STYLE 240Y PARTI GIRL 6124S H A IMAGE MAKER 0415 ERICA LASSIE OF RR U046 Birth Date: JANET OF R R 8657 2/27/2015 32 PARTISOVER STYL`N 5105C Tattoo: 5105C JANET OF ROLLIN ROCK W074 Birth Date: Lot ERICA LASSIE OF RR 3129 3/18/2015 API 102.1 TI 64 Offered By Partisover Ranch Sells open. Randy Daniel may shed a tear when this one leaves the ranch. Janet 591C is exactly what he loves about the SimAngus cattle that he and Beth have been raising for the past two decades. She has width of base and muscle shape with an unbelievable amount of natural rib shape and a big solid foot. 591C is very true to her sire group in terms of body mass with style. We think those that invested in Upper Class early are going to love their females in production. Backed by a super good Rollin Rock Angus female, 591C can take you places including the bank. Mate her as you wish and make sure you let us know what kind of female she makes. One of RD’s favorites! CE 10.3 BW 0 WW 69.1 YW 108.8 MILK 26.4 MWW 60.9 API 119 TI 73.8 Offered By Partisover Ranch Sells open. Styl’n 5105C is a smoking long necked clean patterned female out of the Partisover and partners herd sire Southern Style. The more of the Southern Style babies that we see it makes us believe that his daughter are going to be the keeping kind. Ask Jason Elmore how much he likes his Southern Style daughter that was division champion at the 2015 Simmental Sweepstakes as well as other national caliber shows. Southern Style also sired the 5th overall female in the GA State show that sells in this very sale. 5105C is also backed by a super good Rollin Rock cow and has plenty of style to burn. So u t h e rn S t y l e AT PARTISOVER RANCH / 27 Originating from Sheza Fantasy N906 SVF SHEZA LOOKER Miss CCF Sheza Diamond / Full sister to Lot 33 / Lot 33 pictured as a 2yr old Lot 33 MISS CCF SHEZA DIAMOND Lot .................................................................................................................... PB Simmental Cow ASA# 2533804 CNS DREAM ON L186 SVF/NJC BUILT RIGHT N48 NJC EBONY ANTOINETTE Tattoo: X1 HC POWER DRIVE 88H CE 11.9 BW 1.2 WW 52.7 YW 76 MILK 18.7 MWW 45 API 119.3 33A TI 58.6 EDDINS UPPER LEVEL .................................................................................................................... PB Simmental Bull ASA# 3089622 MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 CE 10.6 SVF SHEZA FANTASY N906 WW 59.3 Offered By Eddins Farms 28 / SUNDAY, APRIL 10TH YW 87.2 SVF SHEZA FANTASY N906 BW -0.6 WW 45.1 YW 66.7 MILK 14.7 MWW 37.3 API 112.8 TI 55.1 Offered By Eddins Farms Aied 2/1/2016 to FHEN Halftime A127. PE 2/14/2016 thru 3/31/2016 to MSP Cowboy (ASA#2658661). Miss CCF Diamond X1 was the natural calf alongside Sheza Diamond when they sold at the Cattlemen’s Choice sale. This ¾ blood female is sired by the Ratcliff Ranches Steel Force son better known as “Frog”. Young black seedstock are worth a premium. Lot 34A EDDINS DIAMOND 509C .................................................................................................................... PB Simmental Cow ASA# 3089617 MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 MR JRW UPPER LEVEL Z244 ASC ANTOINETTE U612 Tattoo: 509C RRJS STEEL FORCE 134U MISS CCF DIAMOND X1 MISS CCF SHEZA DIAMOND BW 0.2 WW 55.5 YW 82.6 MILK 18.3 MWW 46 API 122.8 TI 65.2 Sheza Fantasy Family MISS CCF SHEZA DIAMOND BW 1.1 CE 12.3 CE 10.8 SVF/NJC BUILT RIGHT N48 10/3/2015 SVF/NJC BUILT RIGHT N48 9/28/2015 ASC ANTOINETTE U612 Birth Date: RR IDESSA 7375 MISS CCF SHEZA DIAMOND Birth Date: MR JRW UPPER LEVEL Z244 Tattoo: 510C SVF STEEL FORCE S701 RRJS STEEL FORCE 134U 2/22/2012 Offered By Eddins Farms Aied 12/11/2015 to FBFS Wheel Man 649W, Due 9/20/2016 This mating is as potent as any that has ever come out of the south. Dwight Cooper has made a herd around the dam of Sheza Diamond and her full sisters. It would take more than a paragraph to list all the full sisters to this female that have carried a winning tradition. One of her most famous full sister is Miss CCF Sheza Looker that has created national championship style for the C & C tribe. Ole Franklin Eddins has a good way of stumbling on cattle with value. You just have to watch his Mississippi math when you go to trading with him. Just messing with you Mr. Franklin. Also note the photograph used for Diamond was taken as a wet two year old when she topped a previous Cattlemen’s Choice event at $16,000. Sells safe to the National Champion FBFS Wheel Man. Lot 3/4 Simmental 1/4 Angus Cow ASA# 2629017 Birth Date: SVF SHEZA LADY J900 1/2/2010 MISS CCF DIAMOND X1 .................................................................................................................... Tattoo: Z30 SVF SHEZA FANTASY N906 Birth Date: 34 MILK 20.3 MWW 49.9 API 127.4 TI 67.5 Offered By Eddins Farms Observed breeding 2/25/2016 to MSP Cowboy (ASA#2658661). PARTISOVER & FRIENDS Fall Pairs 567C / Lot 37A Lot 35 Lot EXAR Tillie 1126 .................................................................................................................... Angus Cow AAA# 16859827 BR Midland EXAR Titlelist T011 EXG Blackcap R054 R3 Tattoo: 1126 EXAR Spartan 6225 CE +15 BW -.4 WW +41 YW +76 MILK +22 36 PARTI GIRL 258-991U .................................................................................................................... 1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus Cow ASA# 2529110 MEYER RANCH 734 3C MACHO M450 BZ 3C CROCUS H112 B Tattoo: 991U PARTISOVER BURGESS 654 12/21/2008 CE 4.1 BW 2.3 WW 62.2 YW 99.2 MILK 27.4 MWW 58.5 ELLINGSON LEGACY M229 MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 MS NLC MOJO S6119 B FAMOUS 7001 PARTISOVER BURGESS 269 API 100.3 CE 8.2 PARTISOVER BURGESS 810 BW 0.9 WW 64.4 TI 64.8 Offered By Eddins Farms Lot 36A: Bull Calf born 11/26/2015 by Partisover Deets 346Z Aied 12/29/2015 to FHEN Halftime A127, Due 10/8/2016 When Randy and partners discovered 3C Macho who knew what a lasting impression he would have on the Simmental and SimAngus business. His daughters are awesome producers raising a big calf and holding up well. The SimAngus movement at Partisover Ranch evolved heavily around Macho and his daughters. 991U is a hard working cow. Sells with a bull calf by Deets and is bred to Halftime. YW 104.5 MILK 23.0 MWW 55.2 API 126.1 TI 75.8 Offered By Steve and Woody Nichols and Partisover Ranch Aied 1/6/2016 to FHEN Halftime A127 Due 10/16/2016 with a Heifer Calf. This Upgrade sired female is a calf raising machine. She has raised one of the heaviest heifer calves on the place this year. Our great buddies and loyal customers Steve and Woody Nichols have sent us their only fall calving pair to be a part of this sale. This cow is a worker, holds up well doing so and has a nice udder and a sleek look. The maternal granddam of354A is one of the all time great EXT daughters the Buck Daniel done some winning with on the show circuit. Thanks Steve and Woody for believing in the Partisover program and come see us. Lot 37A 567C .................................................................................................................... 1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus Cow ASA# 3047815 LEACHMAN RIGHT TIME PARTISOVER BURGESS 258 Birth Date: 1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus Cow ASA# 2770837 3/6/2013 $W +37.37 Offered By Eddins Farms Lot 35A: Bull Calf born 12/14/2015 by Partisover Deets 346Z This daughter of EXAR Titleist T011 would be great for someone wanting to add solid young females to the herd. Tillie 1126 is raising a stout bull calf by Partisover Deets 346Z one of the most underated SimAngus sires around. Deets is siring long bodied, thick made calves with eye appeal. 1126 is a high calving ease/low birth weight female that will be a solid foundation for which to build on. Lot .................................................................................................................... Birth Date: WK Tillie 1094 2/16/2011 MISS UPGRADE 354A 37 Tattoo: 354A EXAR Tillie 9787 Birth Date: MISS UPGRADE 354A / Lot 37 SVF STEEL FORCE S701 LAH FORCE 326A STAR BARBIE 3243 Tattoo: 567C MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 MISS UPGRADE 354A Birth Date: PARTISOVER BURGESS 269 9/2/2015 CE 9.7 BW 0.3 WW 57.6 YW 92.9 MILK 18.6 MWW 47.4 API 119.4 TI 66.5 Offered By Steve and Woody Nichols and Partisover Ranch This September heifer calf is a growing bovine. She possesses added length of spine and frontend. Her sire is a Steel Force son from the famed Star Barbie 3243 donor that left her mark at Partisover Ranch. She has the performance and structure to raise seedstock animals for the future. So u t h e rn S t y l e AT PARTISOVER RANCH / 29 Ultimately Versatile Georgia Miss Meyer 10Z / Lot 38 Lot 38 GEORGIA MISS MEYER 10Z .................................................................................................................... 3/8 Simmental 15/32 Angus 1/8 MA 1/32 CA Cow ASA# 2821924 3C MACHO M450 BZ PARTISOVER TRANSFORMER PARTISOVER BURGESS 532 Tattoo: 10Z GF KADABRA RSE MISS GEORGIA 12W Birth Date: RSE MISS GEORGIA 44N 2/11/2012 CE 5.7 BW 2.5 WW 62.6 YW 93.5 MILK 18.7 MWW 50 API 92.8 TI 64.8 Offered By Rob & Kelly Postin Lot 38A: Heifer Calf, tattoo 607D, born 1/26/2016 by FHEN Halftime A127 (ASA 3089566) If you want one that is sweet fronted and has a maternal look of quality here she is. When I first saw this low percentage female I was crazy about her. Miss Meyer 10Z is has a perfect udder structure and attachment an awesome profile and a killer design. Her baby heifer calf reads with the same correctness and pattern. We believe 10Z could be mated to a variety of sires and the results impeccable. Choose a higher percentage Simmental and utilize her look and udder quality. Cross her with a club calf bull and put some style and the right amount of performance in her progeny. You take her home and decide but let us know how many embryos you get cause I can tell you she is headed to your donor pen. 30 / SUNDAY, APRIL 10TH PARTISOVER & FRIENDS One of the Best from Rita U0790 Miss Georgia Girl 4B / Lot 39 Lot 39 MISS GEORGIA GIRL 4B .................................................................................................................... 1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus Cow ASA# 2881802 SVF STEEL FORCE S701 MR HOC BROKER JM BF H25 Tattoo: 4B THREE TREES NEXT STEP THREE TREES RITA U0790 Birth Date: G A R 1407 NEW DESIGN 1494 1/8/2014 CE 3.6 BW 1.9 WW 67.1 YW 107.3 MILK 13 MWW 46.6 API 107.4 TI 70.4 BRITT ANSWER TO ME 3600 / Full sister to Lot 39, owned by Blaze Beasley Offered By Rob & Kelly Postin Lot 39A: Heifer Calf, tattoo 634D, born 2/24/2016 by GA Dawg 442B (ASA# 3089567) We can promise you that this mating has worked. Miss Georgia Girl 4B is a HOC Broker daughter of the Britt and Eddins jaw-dropping donor Rita U0790. The dam of the wet two year old was the high selling female in the 2014 GA Genetics Sale and is a cool beast. 4B herself is good looking and is doing an excellent job with her first calf. Full sisters to 4B were shown with great success by Blaze Beasley and Taylor Saxon on the 2015 GA show circuit. Georgia Girl has a beautiful pattern and is so sweet about her head and neck. She also has a good center body and an udder full of milk. This female is a definite donor candidate and herd impacting female. As you can see we believe in the strength of cow families and their proven production record. Her heifer calf is sired by a son of the great Sandeen Lady 2001 also the dam of the lot 15 heifer calves. She sells open and ready for transplant. THREE TREES RITA U0790 / Dam of Lot 39 So u t h e rn S t y l e AT PARTISOVER RANCH / 31 Exciting Spring Pairs Partisover Mo Shine 340Z / Lot 40 Blackbird of RR X084 / Lot 41 Lot 40 PARTISOVER MO SHINE 340Z .................................................................................................................... 1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus Cow ASA# 2701719 SVF/NJC MO BETTER M217 SC MO MAGIC S47 AKERS RUBY 2184 Tattoo: 340Z 3C MACHO M450 BZ CE 5.2 BW -0.5 WW 56.6 YW 96.7 MILK 25.9 MWW 54.2 PB Angus Cow ASA# 2833582 EXAR 263C RR 263C 7214 BLACKBIRD OF RR 0641 API 100.9 H A IMAGE MAKER 0415 BLACKBIRD OF RR 7783 BLACKBIRD OF RR 9854 2/25/2010 TI 64.1 Offered By Partisover Ranch Lot 40A: Bull Calf born 3/1/2016 by Sandeen Upper Class Partisover Mo Shine 340Z is a stout featured, good looking baldy cow with a young bull calf at side. The daughters of Mo Magic are producing fools as they milk well and raise a nice calf. 340Z fits the bill and has that beautiful full bald face. In 2013 the Waters family showed a full sister to Mo Shine and certainly did well. Her bull calf is sired by Upper Class. In time he could be valuable property. 32 / SUNDAY, APRIL 10TH BLACKBIRD OF RR X084 .................................................................................................................... Birth Date: PARTISOVER BURGESS 402 9/7/2012 41 Tattoo: X084 PARTI GIRL 402-933U Birth Date: Lot CE 15 BW -2.2 WW 55.1 YW 98.4 MILK 32.3 MWW 59.9 API 110.5 TI 61.7 Offered By Partisover Ranch Safe to Southern Style due to calve by sale day with BULL calf. RR Barbaramere X064 is one stout and good looking Angus female. She has incredible base width and body dimension. The rib shape this cow keeps year round is amazing and she holds up well nursing a baby. X064 is also clean and neat about her head and neck and maintains a solid udder attachment. This girl was a favorite when we purchased a set of cows from the Nebraska Rollin Rock Division dispersal back in 2013. Foundation Angus cows are one reason the SimAngus business is so fun. X064 is due to have a bull calf by sale time by Southern Style. PARTISOVER & FRIENDS Angus Spring Pairs Oleo Kaylee 208Z / Lot 42 MELDONS KAYLEE 930 / Dam of lot 42 Owned by Potts Brothers Farm Jefferson, GA Yon Mignonne T121 / Lot 43 CONNEALY STIMULUS / Sire of Lot 42A & 43A Lot 42 Oleo Kaylee 208Z .................................................................................................................... Angus Cow AAA# 17887177 S A V Mandan 5664 S A V Brave 8320 S A V May 2397 Tattoo: 208Z TC Total 410 CE I+1 BW I+2.8 WW I+62 YW I+104 MILK I+27 Yon Mignonne T121 .................................................................................................................... Angus Cow AAA# 15748537 Sitz Traveler 8180 S A V 8180 Traveler 004 Boyd Forever Lady 8003 Bon View New Design 878 YON Mignonne P41 Birth Date: Meldons Kaylee 200 1/25/2012 43 Tattoo: T121 Meldons Kaylee 930 Birth Date: Lot YON Mignonne L08 10/6/2006 $W +61.14 Offered By Oleo Ranch Lot 42A: Bull Calf Born 2/14/2016 by Connealy Stimulus Oleo Kaylee 208Z is a beautiful young female with an absolute perfect udder. Her dam Meldons Kaylee 930 was campaigned by Samatha Allen and was named Reserve Champion at the Georgia National Fair I 2009. Kaylee 930 matured into on awesome looking brood cow that will put style in to her babies as good as any cow that has resided at Oleo Ranch. 208Z is very elegant and maternal appearing. Her front one-third is amazing and she has body depth and a square build to go with it. This young female is a solid producer and has bred on time every year. Performance is bred in 208Z as she is in the top 3% of the Angus population for WW EPD and in the top 10% for YW EPD, $W and $B indexes. Check out her bull calf by Connealy Stimulus he is one stout little dude. Sells open ready for the bull of your choice. CE +1 BW +2.9 WW +48 YW +90 MILK +24 $W +42.75 Offered By Oleo Ranch Lot 43A: Bull Calf Born 2/22/2016 by Connealy Stimulus Yon Mignonne T121 is a powerful beef cow. She was bred in one of the strongest herds in this part of America where Kevin and Lydia Yon make their sole living raising cattle. Yes we know T121 is an older cow but like most Traveler 004 daughters she looks to have a few more years of raising calves. Better yet study her build and time tested lineage and you may want to super ovulate her one time. This cow has great big nice feet and stays in unbelievable flesh all the time. She has raised twin calves more than once in her life; therefore, you know she is a calf raiser. Sells with a bull calf at side by Connealy Stimulus. So u t h e rn S t y l e AT PARTISOVER RANCH / 33 Dependable Fall Breds GNF Duchess 081 859 BM / Lot 44 Parti Girl 026W / Lot 45 Lot 44 GNF Duchess 081 859 BM .................................................................................................................... Angus Cow AAA# 16893536 G A R Grid Maker S A V Bismarck 5682 S A V Abigale 0451 Tattoo: 081 10/31/2010 CE +8 BW +1.4 WW +51 .................................................................................................................... 1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus Cow ASA# 2529117 Graham Duchess 55 Tattoo: 026W YW +87 MILK +25 $W +51.62 Offered By Partisover Ranch Aied 11/30/2015 to SAV Renown 3436 Due 9/9/2016 with a BULL Calf. Duchess 081 is cool to stare at on Sunday afternoon and every other day of the week as well. She has that one of a kind SAV Bismarck looking head and overall appeal. This fall bred cow has been a super producer for Partisover program since coming to the ranch from the famed Good Neighbor Farms dispersal as an open heifer calf. Randy has that way of picking females that have an incredible look and raise cattle of value. 081 raised twin SimAngus heifer calves one year that were sold to Tommy Skipper and Family of FL. Those two heifer calves were exhibited by twin brothers there in Florida and have matured into awesome young cows. Duchess 081 is safe to have an Angus bull calf by SAV Renown known around the world as a member of one of the greatest flushes of Angus genetics the population has ever seen. 34 / SUNDAY, APRIL 10TH PARTI GIRL 026W 45 Bon View New Design 878 GNF Duchess 859 700 ND878 Birth Date: Lot CNS DREAM ON L186 HTP SVF IN DEW TIME HTP SVF HONEYDEW O C C EMBLAZON 854E PARTISOVER BLACKBIRD 730 Birth Date: C T R D L BLACKBIRD 9959 9/21/2009 CE 12.9 BW 0.8 WW 60.7 YW 87.9 MILK 11 MWW 41.4 API 133.9 TI 68.8 Offered By Partisover Ranch Aied 11/30/2015 to HOC Brazos B117 Due 9/9/2016 with a HEIFER Calf. Parti Girl 026W is a good doing, big ribbed, cow that pours her baby a big glass of milk. O26W has a nice set of stats ranking in the top 30% of the breed for CE and API. This cow raised one of the stoutest and heaviest bull calves in our 2015 fall crop. He is a square built, big bodied calf by Upper Class. We expect her do to the same bred to the up and coming young stud HOC Brazos. We can’t wait to get calves out of Brazos as we think he is a great combination of performance and balanced phenotype. PARTISOVER & FRIENDS Angus Fall Bred Heifers VER Princess 557 / Lot 46 B F GREENLEE ROSE 116 / Dam of Lot 46. VER Miss Lantana 530 / Lot 47 OLEO IRON MOUNTAIN 412B / Junior Herd Sire at Verner Farms and service sire to lot 47. Lot 46 VER Princess 557 .................................................................................................................... Angus Cow AAA# 18015826 S A V 8180 Traveler 004 S A V Net Worth 4200 S A V May 2410 Tattoo: 557 Leachman Saugahatchee 3000C B F Greenlee Rose 116 Birth Date: Jarrell Princess 1056 11/1/2014 CE I+4 BW I+3.9 WW I+44 YW I+80 MILK I+26 $W +35.61 Offered By Verner Farms Aied 12/5/2015 to SAV Privilege 3030, Due 9/14/2016 VER Princess 557 stems from one of the most proven Angus cows in Georgia for that showing look and undeniable style. BF Greenlee Rose 116 known in these parts as “Gracie” is the dam of this powerful bred heifer and is the mother to a long list of show champions and sons that have impacted the commercial sector. Gracie was one of the all time most winning females in GA for Allison Verner nearly 15 years ago and is still in production at Verner Farms. Princess 557 is one stout made individual with the classic SAV Net Worth body dimension and true beef cattle shape. This fall calving bred heifer was exhibited throughout the state this past year by first time showmen Sarah Grace Hunter. Ms. Hunter we are proud of your accomplishments and are grateful for the care you put into your show project. 557 is due early in the fall to the low BW, superb phenotype sire SAV Privilege 3030. Lot 47 VER Miss Lantana 530 .................................................................................................................... Angus Cow AAA# 18034546 S A V Brilliance 8077 Dameron First Impression Dameron Northern Miss 3114 Tattoo: 530 H S A F Bando 1961 Miss Lantana Candy 812U Birth Date: Miss Lantana Candy 629 10/2/2014 CE +3 BW +1.8 WW +53 YW +91 MILK +31 $W +54.64 Offered By Verner Farms Natural Bred 12/25/2015 to Oleo Iron Mountain 412B, Due 10/4/2016 VER Miss Lantana 530 is a neat patterned female with power from behind. Her Bando 1961 sired dam is a super functional cow that came in the group we purchased from Tim Todd at Green Mountain Angus in Ryegate, MT. Her maternal sister sells as lot 28 in the open heifer division of this great offering. 530 like her sister has that look that makes you want to own them. This past year 530 was shown by Anna Sizemore and was a class winner at the highly competitive Georgia State Heifer Show. Congrats Anna! Sleek fronted and big ribbed this bred female could do big things for those that want to raise show stock. So u t h e rn S t y l e AT PARTISOVER RANCH / 35 Progeny of Daisy 150X Partisover Daisy 150X 2 FULL BROTHERS TO LOT 48 & 49 / Dam of Lot 48, 49, and 50 Lot 48 Lot EDDINS DAISY 402B .................................................................................................................... 3/4 Simmental 1/4 Angus Cow ASA# 2994946 JM BF H25 MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 BW 3.1 WW 74.1 YW 114.7 MILK 17.9 MWW 55 Offered By Eddins Farms Aied 12/22/2015 to FHEN Halftime A127, Due 10/1/2016 API 110.6 SVF STEEL FORCE S701 MR HOC BROKER JM BF H25 MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 PARTISOVER DAISY 150X Birth Date: THREE TREES MISS 1886 9/14/2014 .................................................................................................................... Tattoo: 403B PARTISOVER DAISY 150X Birth Date: EDDINS DAISY 403B 49 3/4 Simmental 1/4 Angus Cow ASA# 2994947 SVF STEEL FORCE S701 MR HOC BROKER Tattoo: 402B CE 3.1 / For Reference only THREE TREES MISS 1886 9/13/2014 TI 71.2 CE 3.1 BW 3.1 WW 74.1 YW 114.7 MILK 17.9 MWW 55 Offered By Eddins Farms Aied 1/10/2016 to FHEN Halftime A127, Due 10/20/2016 API 110.6 TI 71.2 This pair of fall bred heifers is from one of the more proven mature Upgrade daughter in existence, Partisover Daisy 150X. Daisy is one of those cows that no matter what you mate her to she works every time. These heifer display great length of body and are ultra feminine. They also have great performance stats and a balanced structure for which to build on. Excellent growth genetics as this pair is in the top 15% of the SimAngus gene pool for Weaning and Yearling Weight stats. Both Daisy 402B and 403B sale bred to FHEN Halftime the super good looking, sound structured, well rounded SimAngus herd sire. Get in early on some of his first progeny by owning these nice breds. Lot 3 Embryos Pilgrim x Daisy 150x 50 .................................................................................................................... 3/4 Simmental 1/4 Angus Sire CNS Dream On L186 WS Pilgrim H182U WS Marla 276M CE 3.95 BW 0.85 WW 66.05 Dam MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 PARTISOVER DAISY 150X THREE TREES MISS 1886 YW 100.85 MILK 26.10 MWW 59.10 API 113.7 TI 75.2 Offered by Eddins Farms Selling three embryos guaranteeing one 90 day pregnancy if the work is done by a certified embryologist. WS Pilgrim is as hot as any bull of any breed in the land. You won’t be able to get many more of these. Their dam is a super Upgrade daughter. 36 / SUNDAY, APRIL 10TH PARTISOVER & FRIENDS SimAngus™ Fall Bred Heifers Lot 51 EDDINS MS BURGESS 407B .................................................................................................................... 1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus Cow ASA# 2994951 ELLINGSON LEGACY M229 MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 MS NLC MOJO S6119 B Tattoo: 407B BT RIGHT TIME 24J PARTISOVER BURGESS 639 Birth Date: PARTISOVER BURGESS 404 9/19/2014 CE 8.3 BW 0.6 WW 65 YW 101.9 MILK 21.3 MWW 53.8 API 124 TI 76.3 Offered By Eddins Farms Aied 12/25/2015 to FHEN Halftime A127, Due 10/4/2016 Here we go again with the Burgess 639 cow family. We told you earlier she never misses and we will say it again in the future. Eddins Ms Burgess 407B is a prime example of dependable genetics. One of 407B full sisters, Partisover Jewel 418A was a highlight of the 2014 Southern Style event and was on the radar of many astute cattlemen. Jewel 418A was purchased by Micheal Loughridge and is one big bellied, sound and hard working young cow. Tie into a reliable mating. Lot PARTISOVER JEWEL 418A / Full sister to Lot 51 Lot 52 EDDINS MS BURGESS 418B ELLINGSON LEGACY M229 MS NLC MOJO S6119 B CE 8.4 CE 5.7 PARTISOVER BURGESS 9265 BW 0.8 WW 69.5 YW 112.9 MILK 24.9 MWW 59.6 API 125 YON 723 BW 2.1 WW 68.8 YW 108.3 MILK 18 MWW 52.4 API 112.2 TI 73.5 Offered By Oleo Ranch Aied 11/24/2015 to CCR Santa Fe, Due 9/3/2016 With A HEIFER Calf. Oleo Beth 422B is sired by the breeder leader for registrations the past two years running and is out of a super practical cow that originated in the Yon program in South Carolina. This ¾ blood heifer is long bodied, square hipped and full of performance. She has a two year old full sister that is working her heart out and bred back the first service this year. Statistically this fall bred heifer is balanced as being a high growth female that has exceptional carcass traits. Better yet her personality is great and she is due this fall to have a HEIFER baby by the insanely popular calving ease sire CCR Sante Fe. TI 77.3 Offered By Eddins Farms Aied 12/17/2015 to FHEN Halftime A127, Due 9/26/2016 Ms Burgess 418B is another female similar in pedigree and type to the previous lot. 418B is a daughter of Upgrade out of a true foundation female at Partisover, the 763 cow. You want to see one that is robust in her middle, easy fleshing, good footed and cowy then 763 will be the poster child. Great performance stats in this fall bred heifer as well. She ranks in the top 15% for YW EPD and MWW EPD. Black performance seedstock will hold value no matter where the cattle price cycle takes us. Sweetness x Upper Class Embryos SVF/NJC MO BETTER M217 YON 723 X181 9/13/2014 PARTISOVER BURGESS 763 10/5/2014 MS NLC MOJO S6119 B Birth Date: S A V 8180 TRAVELER 004 Birth Date: ELLINGSON LEGACY M229 MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 Tattoo: 422B MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 Tattoo: 418B OLEO BETH 422B .................................................................................................................... 3/4 Simmental 1/4 Angus Cow ASA# 3089718 .................................................................................................................... 1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus Cow ASA# 2994954 53 Lot 3 Embryos Upper Class x Sweetness 54 .................................................................................................................... PB Simmental Sire Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 Sandeen Upper Class 2386 Sandeen Donna 7386 CE -1.65 BW 4.7 WW 74.55 YW 108.75 Dam OMF Blade KLER Sweetness HCC Sweeter Than Ever MILK 17.65 MWW 54.90 API 87.8 TI 68.4 Offered by Mike Bishop Selling three embryos guaranteeing one 90 day pregnancy if the work is done by a certified embryologist. KLER SWEETNESS / Dam of Lot 54 embryos K-LER Sweetness has become a dominant matron for the Simmental breed since winning both the Junior and Open Simmental Shows in the same year at the 2008 NWSS. She is a “game changer” for producing show winning functional progeny with reduced maintenance requirements. She is a total outcross for most Simmental pedigrees, heterozygous black, homozygous polled, non-diluter with high genomic value that is building. Sweetness mated to the ever popular Upper Class is sure to create greatness. So u t h e rn S t y l e AT PARTISOVER RANCH / 37 Partisover Legends Upgrade Reference Sire A Reference Sire A Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 Sire Dam CE 6.8 ELLINGSON LEGACY M229 MS NLC MOJO S6119 B WW 82.2 YW MILK MWW 126.4 23.3 64.4 API 146.1 TI 89.2 Owned with Upgrade Partners Upper Class Reference Sire B BW 2.3 ASA# 2474338 Reference Sire B Sandeen Upper Class 2386 Sire Dam CE 0.7 BW 3.5 ASA# 2642004 MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 SANDEEN DONNA 7386 WW 72.9 YW MILK MWW 111.5 21.9 58.3 API 94.8 TI 73.0 Owned with Foster Brothers Farms, Sandeen Genetics, Britt Farms and Eddins Farms 38 / SUNDAY, APRIL 10TH PARTISOVER & FRIENDS Partisover Herdsires Ignition Reference Sire C Reference Sire C FBF1/SF Ignition Sire Dam CE 7.6 FBF1 COMBUSTIBLE FBF1 GORGEOUS LADY WW 61.1 YW 91.3 MILK MWW 15.9 46.4 API 112.4 TI 61.7 Owned with C and C Farms, Forest Brook Farms, See Farms Britt Farm, Chandler Akins and Robert Taylor Brazos Reference Sire D BW 3.4 ASA# 2749323 Reference Sire D HOC Brazos B117 Sire Dam CE 7.6 So u t h e rn S t y l e BW 3.7 ASA# 2879792 FBFS WHEEL MAN 649W CCR MS MISTY MAY 8014U WW 66.1 YW 92.2 MILK MWW 12.4 45.4 API 122.2 TI 63.3 Owned with Hidden Oaks Cattle, Hoffman Ranch, and Oleo Ranch AT PARTISOVER RANCH / 39 Partisover Herdsire Halftime Reference Sire E Reference Sire E FHEN Halftime A127 Sire Dam CE 715.1 BW -0.6 ASA# 2884737 S A V BRILLIANCE 8077 R&R MISS CUT ABOVE Y127 WW 60.2 YW 99.2 MILK MWW 22.9 53.1 API 145.7 TI 74.3 Halftime has certainly enjoyed spending time in the sunny South. We are so grateful and pleased that Jim Bloomberg and partners allowed us at Partisover to lease Halftime this fall. We admired him as a calf at the North American and love him as two year old bull. He is a ½ blood SimAngus bull we have been searching for. Numerically Halftime is great and we believe he will complement our Upgrade derivatives very well. To the eye Halftime is very pleasing. He is a bull that is great at the ground with nice shaped feet. He is athletic and moves with grace. Driving down the driveway this fall has been fun to look at Halftime because he is always posing. The service of this popular SimAngus herd sire is featured throughout the 2016 Southern Style with Friends event. Thanks Jim for sending him south. RD 40 / SUNDAY, APRIL 10TH PARTISOVER & FRIENDS Partisover & Friends PARTISOVER RANCH Randy & Beth Daniel 348 Daniel Road Colbert, GA 30628 Randy, Home 706.788.2533 Cell 706.614.0496 BROAD RIVER FARM Wayne, Carrie, Tyler & Austin Ertzberger 5665 Stone Bridge Road Carnesville GA 30521 Jacob Holmes 678.986.7085 Wayne Ertzberger 706.491.4951 OLEO RANCH Todd, Holly & Ky Alford PO Box 128 Bowman, GA 30624 Todd 706.207.9454 Holly 706.270.3994 ROB & KELLY POSTIN Po Box 358 Stephens, GA 30667 Rob 706.540.3841 Kelly 706.207.9675 EDDINS FARMS Franklin Eddins 1700 LE 1638 Pachuta, MS 39347 Franklin Eddins 601.480.0000 Roy Higdon 601.938.5465 VERNER FARMS Alan & SueEllen Adam, Megan & Keeley Verner 2150 Old Mill Road Rutledge GA 30663 Adam 706.474.0091 AKINS CATTLE ENTERPRISE Chandler & Callie Akins 1177 South Coffee Road Nashville, GA 31639 Chandler Akins 229.237.2449 COME Stroll with us APRIL 10TH! So u t h e rn S t y l e AT PARTISOVER RANCH / 41 Sale Day Information TERMS: Terms of sale are cash or good check made payable immediately after the sale and before any cattle are loaded. Invoiced (absentee) accounts are payable in full within 10 days of the sale or are subject to a 2% finance charge on the tenth day. A fee of $50 will be assessed to all returned checks. LIABILITY: All animals and merchandise will be at the buyer’s risk as soon as bid off but will be cared for by the seller(s) for a reasonable amount of time during and immediately following the sale. Neither the owners, auctioneers, sale manager or other affiliated personnel may be held responsible for any accidents that may occur. BREEDING INFORMATION: Please see the footnotes regarding breeding information for each lot. All bred females will be examined for pregnancy by a qualified DVM prior to the sale and any changes to their breeding status will be made available sale day. Conception dates listed in this booklet are based on the results of said pregnancy examination and/or known breeding dates, and are intended as estimates of calving date only. Health: All animals will be accompanied by a health paper valid for interstate shipment. DIRECTIONS TO SALE SITE: 29 North out of Athens to Highway 72 ANNOUNCEMENTS: Any announcements made from the sale block East. Go 8 miles on 72 East to Colbert. Turn South at the traffic light by the owners, auctioneer, or sale manager take precedence over in Colbert. Follow the road for 1.7 miles to the Partisover Ranch sign any printed material. on the left. CONDITIONS OF THE SALE: Every Animal in the sale is registered. All LODGING: Rooms in Athens, Georgia are very limited on sale Angus cattle that are enrolled in ASA will have both an ASA and AAA weekend. We suggest booking early if you choose to stay in Athens. registration paper. The buyer will receive both sets of registration There are also lodging options in Commerce, Georgia, which are papers. Any animal that is a “potential carrier” for a currently known genetic defect will be DNA tested for that defect and the results will plentifully and more affordable. be made known. If the defect status is not listed in the catalog, then Springhill Suites • Athens, GA 706.353.8484 testing was not necessary due to “no carrier in lineage.” Comfort Inn • Athens, GA 706.227.9700 SALE CATALOG PREPARED BY: Todd & Holly Alford Howard Johnson • Commerce, GA 706.335.5581 Days Inn • Commerce, GA 706.336.0082 SALE LOCATION: Partisover Ranch 348 Daniel Road Colbert, GA 30628 SALE DAY PHONES: Partisover Ranch - Barn 706.788.2533 Randy Daniel706.614.0496 Todd Alford706.207.9454 Adam Verner706.474.0091 Jacob Holmes678.986.7085 SOUTHERN STYLE SALE STAFF: Auctioneer / Jered Shipman 806.983.7226 Ringman / Dick Carmichael 615.584.0997 Ringman / Kent Jaecke 405.408.2440 Consultant / Johnnie Johnson 402.720.8797 Consultant / Graham Blagg 530.913.6418 Consultant / Buddy Robertson 580.747.7000 Schedule of Events NOW THRU APRIL 9TH, 2016 Preview the offering on the ranch or watch for videos of the heifer calves at SATURDAY, APRIL 9TH, 2016 Official sale display begins Cattleman’s Choice Sale in nearby Hartwell, GA 6:00pm Partisover & Friends Hospitality and cattle viewing SUNDAY, APRIL 10TH, 2016 12 noon Lunch will be served 1:00pm EST The Southern Style Sale 42 / SUNDAY, APRIL 10TH PARTISOVER & FRIENDS Southern Style PRESORTED FIRST CLASS US POSTAGE PAID Cattle In Demand PO Box 128 Bowman, GA 30624 PERMIT #11 ATHENS, GA Return Service Requested Southern Style Est. 1970 PARTISOVER & FRIENDS Sunday 1:00pm 44 / SUNDAY, APRIL 10TH April 10, 2016 PARTISOVER & FRIENDS at the ranch Colbert, GA
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