PleasantHill2015book v4
PleasantHill2015book v4
P l e a s a n t H i l l Fa r m s Rockfield, KY 12.5.2015 12.5.2015 lUNCH AT nOON sALE AT 1:00PM cst P l e a s a n t H i l l Fa r m s Rockfield, KY Sale Location Pleasant Hill Farms 5 miles southwest of Bowling Green, KY on US 68/80 at the corner of Hwy 242 and US 68/80 GPS ADDRESS: 9039 Russelville Road Rockfield, KY 42274 Sale Schedule Friday December 4, 2015 Cattle available for viewing all day. Saturday December 5, 2015 7:00 am CST :: Light breakfast available 8:00 am CST :: Cattle available for viewing 12:00 pm CST :: Lunch will be served 1:00 pm CST :: “December to Remember” begins Trucking The sales team will be able to help you with transportation for your cattle purchases. We will also have professional transporters available sale day. Contact Mark Howard 865-300-3636. Announcements A supplement sheet will be available sale day with updated information, corrections and additional information. This sheet and any announcements made sale day and from the auction block during the sale will take precedence over printed material associated with this sale. Anyone attending this sale attends at their own risk. Pleasant Hill Farms or any other breeders and sales team will not be held responsible for any personal injury for attending this sale. Terms & Conditions All Cattle sell under terms and conditions of their respective breed association. Any cattle that are potential carriers for genetic defects have been tested and all results will be provided on the supplement sheet sale day. Air Travel Eddie Burks270-991-6398 We are located 15 minutes from the Bowling Green Municipal Airport and under 1 hour from the Nashville International Airport (BNA). Marketing Team Lodging Auctioneer Jered Shipman806-983-7226 Todd Alford706-207-9454 Holly Alford706-270-3994 Graham Blagg530-913-6418 Consultants Doug Parke859-421-6100 Drew Hatmaker423-506-8844 Bob Dwyer309-337-1404 Stay Bridge Suites Bowling Green 680 Campbell Lane Bowling Green, KY 42101 1-800-225-1237 or 270-904-0480 For your convenience, IHG’s Hotel Marketing Group Booking Tool allows groups to book negotiated rates directly on the brands website. There is a group block under: PLEASANT HILL FARMS Photography /Videography Bradly Wilson270-427-6541 Ringmen Alex Tolbert 706-338-8733 American Angus Association Regional Manager Chuck Grove 816-390-6600 Special Assignment Dick Carmichal615-584-0997 Special Assignment Tim Dietrich859-619-0342 Special Assignment Catalog Production Holly Alford706-270-3994 Internet Bidding Margo Peltz Directions to Sale Site Special Guests & Representatives Jamie Comer, Kentucky Commissioner of Agriculture Dave Maples, Executive Vice President KY Cattlemen’s Association Charlie Boyd, Board of Directors American Angus Association Brian Defreese, Board of Directors American Simmental Association Chuck Grove, AAA Board os Directors James Coffey, AAA Board of Directors & President KY Angus Association Derek Tingle, President KY Simmental Association Livestock Mortality Insurance Jame Secondino Krieger Veterinarians Dr. Tim Gardner DVM Dr. David Woodall DVM Sale Day Phones 812-208-0956 270-202-5171 270-847-1010 Gil Cowles 270-791-0000 Corbin Cowles270-991-2534 Jerod Metzger 270-779-6260 Jered Shipman 806-983-7226 Holly Alford 706-270-3994 Eddie Burks 270-991-6398 937-515-1194 Welcome to the Sale... ssed in so many ways. 2015 has been! We have been blethere have been so many us ndo me tre how e crib des to , There is absolutely no way changes. As a matter of fact have had a year of many positivehas all come together! I trust that each of you have had we and e pac id rap a at s sse gre ll it Life pro at gives life meaning” and our when I am amazed at just how we things going on, there are times your respective situations. As the saying goes…”Purpose is wh that same kind of thought withinsuperior Angus, SimAngus and Simmental beef cattle. purpose is to breed genetically ir productive g our very best at the prime of the rin offe are we ed, mis pro As r added value to our nt! This year our offering is excelle etic improvement this commitment is the very best way to offe tinued gen life, With self discipline and con s fresh and forward moving. etic gen our p kee to customers and bryo lots are all fers, fall pairs, bred cows and em as a source for hei d bre s, fer hei n ope The s! tion heifer What an incredible set of open ng and are building. It seems like this sale is fast gaining a reputaat our herds have to wh doi of n bee sale e tion hav we duc at pro e wh to tru gram. It is a a true testament rk in any beef cattle breeding pro work with and bring that same outstanding genetics that will wothat have consigned to the sale this year. They are excellent to offer. We are thankful to those level of commitment. The Georgina, Cheyenne and and matings from our very best. l find several Angus cows that ales fem e elit g rin offe are we Within the Angus herd, ustry. In addition, you wil se cow families are top in the ind at all of the Angus lots have to offer. Phenotype and The e. non to ond sec are s etic wh dy Rita gen and year out. Make sure and stu just flat get the job done year in er with these cattle. Performance really come togeth families of t have built programs. The cow ghters that tha s etic gen e elit the e com ds r dau gus her From the Simmental and SimAn all represented in this offering. There are several Dream Doctomance really come for are ie Per Oll and and ype en not Eile Phe t kind. Once again, Above & Beyond, H25, erever they go. They are the righ will benefit their new owner wh together! rking with Jerod appreciation that we have in wo king our programs at gre the s res exp to how w kno Words are the only way that we his hard work, dedication and commitment to excellence in mato thank Tracy, of all want for od Jer nk tha to nt e to raise the bar! In addition, we Metzger. We wa tinu con us foc ss ntle rele and rk wo work! The tireless effort, hard they do and for sharing Jerod with us. t tha all for ker Tuc and n Madiso cember to Remember sale ale sale. This year our for th De k through any time prior fem ing om upc our to ion itat l be available for you to loo Please consider this as an inv , 2015 at our farm. The cattle wil 5th and the sale will begin at 1:00 pm. 5th ber cem De ay, urd Sat on d urday the will be hel ser ve lunch around noon on Sat to the sale at the farm. We will you at the sale on December 5, 2015. We look forward to seeing Gil Cowles Gil, Mary, Corbin, Caroline and Catherine Cowles Videos available of the sale offering at: & The December To Remember Group Gil, Mary, Corbin, Caroline & Catherine Cowles Pleasant Hill Farms Gil, Mary, Corbin, Caroline and Catherine Cowles 508 Richpond Rockfield Road Rockfield, KY 42274 Home 270-843-9021 Gil 270-791-3526 Corbin 270-991-2534 Jerod, Tracy, Madison & Tucker Metzger Metzger Cattle Company Jerod,Tracey, Madison and Tucker Metzger 500 Richpond Rockfield Road Rockfield, KY 42274 Jerod 270-779-6260 Rocky Hollow Simmental Tommy & Tina Cline Wytheville,VA Tommy 276-620-8448 L & S Angus Larry and Shirley Mills 1347 Three Forks Flatrock Road Oakland, KY 42159 Home 270-563-4892 Larry 270-792-4630 Hoffman Farms Adam & Karol Ann Hoffman 8121 Austin Trace Rd Fountain Run, KY 42133 Adam 270-779-8895 Todd Waugh Cattle Company Todd Waugh 487 Tarr Road Paris, KY 40361 859-771-3289 Hope Farms Kelly and Tristan Hope 7174 East 500 North Patoka, IN 47666 Kelly 812-677-0654 Tristin 812-677-1234 Metzger Farm & Fence AJ Metzger 4300 West County Road 650 North Mulberry, IN 46058 765-414-5025 DC Angus Richard Clark 9740 Cincinnati Dayton Road West Chester, OH 45069 513-615-0997 Dreamalott Farm Billy & Susie Fryer 3908 Delaney Ferry Road Versailles, KY 40383 Susie 859-537-7065 Georgina 8092 PHF CEC / Lot 1 Donor Georgina 500 / Lot 1C Pleasant Hill Farms CHAMPION HILL The Georgina’s Pleasant Hill Farms The Georgina’s A ny cattleman that sees 8092 compliments her by stating that she is the type of female that they are trying to produce in their herds: sound, structurally correct, with plenty of volume, muscle, base width and dimension, while still being so elegant in her front end , level-designed, perfect uddered and simply a picture of quality on the side. Her phenotype was praised by countless judges during her show career, which ended this past summer as she and her calf, lot 1C, were named Grand Champion Cow Calf pair at the Atlantic National Junior Angus Show, Reserve Champion Cow Calf pair at the Atlantic National ROV Angus Show, and Reserve Mature Champion Cow Calf pair at the 2015 National Junior Angus Show. On top of her phenotype, 8092 is a rare combination of genetic greatness, as both her sire and dam, SAV Prosperity and Champion Hill Georgina 6530 respectively, are now deceased legends of the breed that made their mark in their short time. This is one of the elite young females in the Angus breed and your chance to invest in either a natural daughter or two frozen genetic lots! Sire 1A Insight x 8092 Embryos Angus | 3 IVF Heifer embryos S A V BRILLIANCE 8077 P V F INSIGHT 0129 PVF MISSIE 790 CED BW WW YW Dam S A V PROSPERITY 9131 CHAMPION HILL GEORGINA 8092 CHAMPION HILL GEORGINA 6530 SC Milk CW Marb +24 RE Fat $W +0 $F $G 1C $B Sire +8 +2.0 +66 +117 +.82 +40 +.37 +1.12 Dam I+4 I+3.3 I+67 i+104 i+1.38 i+32 +40 +.52 +1.17 +.041 73.61 59.16 36.59 135.14 Angus Birth Date: 1/15/2015 - Cow AAA #18095970 - Tattoo: 500 67.46 80.85 31.40 134.18 Offered by PHF S AV BRAVE 8320 This is your chance to invest in some of the most promising genetics in the country! Offering three sexed heifer embryos sired by the popular Genex sire PVF Insight out of the featured Georgina 8092 female, The guesswork is done with this excellent mating. Sire 1B Profit x 8092 Embryos PROFIT Dam WAGR PANARAMA 204Z S A V PROSPERITY 9131 CHAMPION HILL GEORGINA 8092 CHAMPION HILL GEORGINA 6530 CHAMPION HILL GEORGINA 8092 CHAMPION HILL GEORGINA 6530 SC Milk CW Marb +25 RE Fat $W MCE Milk MWW CW YG Marb 0.49 BF REA API -0.01 0.71 125.0 75.5 We were able to flush 8092 to a couple of different bulls in her last flush cycle and we are extremely excited about this mating to the Simmental cutting edge sire Profit, the $400,000 record setting bull from the 2014 Hartman Cattle Company sale. Offering 3 IVF embryos guaranteeing 1 pregnancy if work is done by a certified embryologist. Do not look back and regret taking advantage of this chance to invest in this intriguing SimAngus mating! December 5, 2015 • “December $G $B -3 +4.1 +59 +102 +.72 +40 +.41 +.99 +.017 54.05 58.06 32.95 129.89 Dam I+4 I+3.3 I+65 I+104 I+1.38 I+32 +40 +.52 +1.17 +.041 73.61 59.16 36.59 135.14 You can tell that we are pretty fond of Georgina 500’s mother, and this January heifer calf is one of the main reasons of our excitement for her dam’s future progeny. This female continues to get better with time: the longer she stays here at Pleasant Hill , the harder it is to let her go. Nevertheless, we are confident that she will go on to leave her mark in her next owner’s program. Phenotypically, she is long and extended fronted, sound on the go and contains plenty of body and muscle. Study this one and what she brings to the table and you will see why we are proud to offer her to you! She is halter broke and good for junior members. TI Selling 3 IVF embryos, of each mating, guaranteeing 1 pregnancy if work is performed by a certified embryologist. $F Sire Offered by PHF 7.90 2.10 70.75 106.85 8.40 24.0 59.40 36.45 -0.15 Offered by PHF S A V MAY 2397 CED BW WW YW Planned Mating EPDs CE BW WW YW S A V MANDAN 5664 S A V PROSPERITY 9131 P V F Insight 0129 / Sire of Lot 1A Embryos SimAngus | 3 IVF Heifer embryos WS PILGRIM H182U PHF CEC Georgina 500 Profit / Sire of Lot 1B Embryos To Remember” • Page 6 December 5, 2015 • “December To Remember” • Page 7 / Lot 2 Donor CHAMPION HILL Cheyenne 8638 Pleasant Hill Farms Cheyenne 7796 / Lot 2C CHAMPION HILL The Cheyenne’s Pleasant Hill Farms The Cheyenne’s W hat else can you say but “WOW”! When we purchased 7796, we knew that she would be a tremendous female and in her young productive life thus far she is doing what we believed she would do. As you study this cow you realize that she has much to offer: soundness, power, volume and overall functionality and maternal strength. 7796 offers as much thickness and substance as you would want with her flexibility and structural integrity, while also being good thru her front end and shoulder. Her career on the tan bark was highlighted by such titles as Reserve Division Champion at the 2012 National Junior Angus Show, Reserve Grand Female at the 2012 All American Angus Futurity and Reserve Grand Female at the 2013 Atlantic National ROV Angus Show, among many others. All the components are there on this female, and as you can see, the proof is in the pudding with the daughters of her that we are offering. Tremendous female, great genetics and your golden chance to get in the driver’s seat with what she has accomplished. 2B PHF VA Cheyenne 480 Angus Birth Date: 9/09/2015 - Cow AAA #18263636 - Tattoo: 480 S A V IRON MOUNTAIN 8066 Angus Birth Date: 4/10/2014 - Cow AAA #17809501 - Tattoo: 8638 $W SAV PERFECTION 1891 49.76 S A V EMBLYNETTE 7260 2C Champion Hill Cheyenne 8638 $F S A V FREE SPIRIT 8164 43.67 CHAMPION HILL CHEYENNE 7796 $G CRAFT CHEYENNE 1397-581 G A R GRID MAKER $W S A V ABIGALE 0451 +58.31 S AV BISMARCK 5682 $F S A V FREE SPIRIT 8164 CHAMPION HILL CHEYENNE 7796 +54.97 CRAFT CHEYENNE 1397-581 $G 32.98 BW WW YW SC Milk CW Marb RE Fat $B CED BW WW YW SC Milk CW Marb RE Fat $B I-1 I+3.7 I+56 I+95 I+1.52 I+21 I+34 I+.55 I+.27 I-.006 111.69 I+7 I+1.9 I+55 I+96 I+1.04 I+23 I+20 I+.48 I+.48 I-.015 +90.99 Offered by PHF Sire 2A This SAV Perfection daughter out of the Cheyenne donor is one that has gotten better and better with age! This super feminine female is long fronted, sleek necked, and really nice in her design, with sure enough body and middle to top it off. Lots of different ways this one could be mated and have really good progeny. Buy her and make that call yourself! Blue Chip x 7796 Embryos Angus | 3 IVF Heifer embryos DAMERON FIRST CLASS S A V FREE SPIRIT 8164 GREENS PRINCESS 1012 CRAFT CHEYENNE 1397-581 EXAR BLUE CHIP 1877B Dam CHAMPION HILL CHEYENNE 7796 CED BW WW YW SC Milk CW Marb RE Fat $W $F $G $B Sire -1 +4.4 +64 +106 +.78 +25 +27 +.20 +.06 +.057 61.25 71.64 9.16 87.16 Dam +1 +3.7 +53 +24 +27 +.44 -.05 +94 +.92 +36.18 CED Offered by PHF At Pleasant Hill, we strive to produce cattle that have look and style, but will also go out and be productive in the pasture. This Bismarck daughter takes care of both of those categories. This super long-bodied, sound footed daughter of the infamous Bismarck out of the Cheyenne 7796 cow is gorgeous in her front third and is super correct in her design, while also having plenty of three-dimensional mass about her as well. Great genetics and elite phenotype combine in this heifer. Don’t miss out- this one has front pasture potential written all over her! PE to H Vance 3824 7/1/15 to 8/30/15. Safe in calf for late spring 2016 baby. -.006 49.08 26.18 25.47 92.05 Offered by PHF Two proven bloodlines are combined in this mating! Blue Chip offspring across the country have been turning heads and gaining popularity for their stoutness, volume, and functionality, and we believe this mating will produce cattle with those same attributes. Selling 3 IVF embryos, guaranteeing 1 pregnancy if work is performed by a certified embryologist. EXAR Blue Chip 1877B / Sire of Lot 2A Embryos SAV Perfection 1891 / Sire of Lot 2B December 5, 2015 • “December To Remember” • Page 8 December 5, 2015 • “December SAV Bismarck 5682 / Sire of Lot 2C To Remember” • Page 9 “Above & Beyond 187Y” Embryos Pleasant Hill Farms Pleasant Hill Farms “Above & Beyond” SVF Above & Beyond / Reference Donor Above & Beyond 187Y / Lot 3 Donor W here do you begin with one like this? We at Pleasant Hill Farms and Metzger Cattle Company are incredibly lucky to be able to build our Simmental program on a foundation female like T87. Individually, she speaks for herself. As massive, powerful, maternal, and sound footed of a female as you’ll find anywhere. It is truly remarkable how much substance, dimension, and overall cow power she ties into being so flexible and maternal in her design. Yet still, even more impressive has been her ability to pass those strengths on to her offspring. To date, this female has generated in excess of $400,000 worth of progeny, with two daughters averaging almost $100,000 each. M2C/PHF Infinity, her first daughter sired by Broker, was named Grand Champion purebred female at the 2013 Simmental Breeders Sweepstakes as a junior heifer calf, and later went on to win her division at the 2013 North American before being purchased by Sullivan Farms of Iowa; the other Broker daughter, M2C/PHF Eternity, was named the Grand Champion purebred female at the 2015 American Royal junior show after being purchased by Herbster Angus of Nebraska. Her sons have been featured as some of our top selling bulls in past sales, and even frozen genetics out of this female have topped embryo auctions numerous times.You have the chance to invest in these genetics that will put you and your program in the driver’s seat. The guesswork is done, the proof is right in front of you, all you have to do is buy with confidence and see what happens! Sire 3 Profit x 187Y Embryos SimAngus | 3 IVF Heifer embryos WS PILGRIM H182U PROFIT Dam WAGR PANARAMA 204Z SVF STONEHENGE R95 M2CPHFC ABOVE&BEYOND187Y SVF ABOVE & BEYOND T87 Profit / Sire of Lot 3 Embryos Planned Mating EPDs CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW CW YG Marb 8.15 2.9 63.75 91.25 10.65 19.70 51.55 28.15 -0.25 Offered by PHF & MCC SVF Above & Beyond / Pictured as a bred heifer 0.23 BF REA API TI -0.05 0.66 123.2 68.6 This cow will make you ask questions! When we see this mating we think wow!!! Profit the high record setting bull at Hartman’s 2015 bull sale commanded $400,000 and mated to this daughter of Above & Beyond. A maternal sister by Broker, M2C/PHF Eternity, was the high seller in Hartman’s 2014 female sale to Herbster Angus for $140,000 and she was just named Grand Champion in the junior show at the American Royal. This potent mating will be exciting for everyone. Everyone likes to talk cow families well here is your chance to buy in on genetics full of great cow families. Study this mating and see what’s inside. Melody and Above & Beyond is a great place to start! Selling 3 IVF embryos, guaranteeing 1 pregnancy if work is performed by a certified embryologist. M2C/PHF Eternity / Grand Champion American Royal 2015 Jr Show December 5, 2015 • “December To Remember” • Page 10 December 5, 2015 • “December To Remember” • Page 11 Pleasant Hill Farms Eileen X0018 / Dam of Lot 4-8 Pleasant Hill Farms RSCC The “Eileen X0018” Family The “Eileen X0018” Family 4 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Birth Date: 3/9/2015 - Cow ASA #3013942 - Tattoo: 579C They are full of rib, balance and style. 0018 cow has been fun for us to mate with the flexibility of bull choices and the out come has proven to be successful. Tie into one of these females. They will not disappoint! EXTRA X2 PHFC EXTRA 230Z PHFCAC TRENDY 015X API SVF/NJC MO BETTER M217 108.1 SCC EILEEN 3023 67.3 RSCC EILEEN X0018 CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW 6.7 2 64.5 100.6 6.2 17 49.3 32.9 6 We purchased 0018 from Randy Spalding as a bred heifer. She has been a profitable investment making the kind of cattle we like. M2C CYRUS 579C Marb BF REA -0.24 0.32 -0.048 0.65 DKF MISS NEW DEAL 205P Dam 8.05 1.2 59.75 105.55 6.2 17.75 47.6 Offered by MCC M2C ECLIPSE 484B 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Birth Date: 2/20/2014 - Cow ASA #2894580 - Tattoo: 484B SCC EILEEN 3023 YG Marb 35.4 -0.19 0.37 BF REA API TI API SVF/NJC MO BETTER M217 115.5 SCC EILEEN 3023 68.8 CE BW WW YW 7.6 1.7 61.8 97.6 MCE MM MWW CW 6.1 21 51.9 30.8 M2C Eclipse 484B / Lot 8 TI YG Marb BF REA -0.26 0.2 -0.048 0.7 This straight lined, well balanced, and correctly designed heifer is so easy to look at. When we decided to sell these full sibs we asked which one will they like better? Both bred to TR Hammer both phenotypically awesome both front pasture cows buy them both and you can’t go wrong. With the way Eileen has produced and the talk about the quality in the Ironhide calves we sure see how this mating will work. A great chance to obtain sound genetics here. December 5, 2015 • “December SVF FANCY FACE P12E Offered by MCC -0.03 0.65 114.2 67.6 Selling 3 IVF embryos, guaranteeing 1 pregnancy if work is performed by a certified embryologist. SVF STAR PLAYER T801 RSCC EILEEN X0018 SVF/NJC MO BETTER M217 RSCC EILEEN X0018 MCE Milk MWW CW 8 M2C Cyrus 579C / Lot 4 Planned Mating EPDs CE BW WW YW M2C MISTY 483B M2C CONAN SimAngus | 3 IVF Heifer embryos REMINGTON LOCK N LOAD54U 483B has and what we know TR Hammer can and has done already wow what a opportunity to go to the next level. Study up and pay attention cowboys this is a great chance to win! 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Birth Date: 2/19/2014 - Cow ASA #3013943 - Tattoo: 483B AIed to MR TR HAMMER 308A (ASA# 2759745) on 3/31/2015, PE to SVF ELEVATION B704 (ASA# 2878478) 5/9 thru 7/24/2015. Ironhide x X0018 Embryos ACW IRONHIDE 395Y 7 ACW Ironhide 395Y / Sire of Lot 5 embryos To Remember” • Page 12 / Lot 7 I t is very hard to let this one go. Misty is bold sprung, high volumed, and cowy. 0018 has identified herself as a true breeding piece for us. With the traits This 2 year old is working her heart out. Udder quality and soundness is very important to us and she wont disappoint you. Her calf has a ton of future as all the pieces are there to make good junior project. The cow power and genetics are behind her. This is a larger framed and higher growth female that is extended from nose to tail. Cyrus has a bright future with a lot of royalty built in. Upgrade, H25, Trendsetter, Sheza Dandy Too, and In Dew Time all rolled into one. Don’t be left watching study this one. Sire Misty 483B Lot 6A: Heifer calf ASA# 3021980, born 9/26/2015 sired by LF Dream Doctor (ASA# 2286763) tattoo 591C. Offered by MCC 5 M2C EILLEEN 396A 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Birth Date: 9/12/2013 - Cow ASA #3013940 - Tattoo: 396A TI YG M2C AIed to MR TR HAMMER 308A (ASA# 2759745) on 4/1/2015, PE to SVF ELEVATION B704 (ASA# 2878478) 5/9 thru 7/24/2015. December 5, 2015 • “December M2C Conan / Sire of Lot 6-8 To Remember” • Page 13 Pleasant Hill Farms Angel / Lot 12 Offered by Metzger Cattle Co • Power and growth times two here it is. This daughter of T12 who has been one of our favorites for several years. Angel has a lot of future in the pasture bred to United is a added bonus. If you need to build your cow numbers this is a good place to start. AIed to W/C United 956Y (ASA# 2614725) on 4/1/2015, PE to SVF ELEVATION B704 (ASA# 2878478) 5/9 thru 7/24/2015. M2C Ollie / Dam of Lot 12 & 13, Grandam of Lot 9-11 M2C Ollie’s Look 123Y / Dam of Lot 9-11 Ollie stems from the first simmental cow we owned SVF Fancy Face. This cow family has been very good to us. A maternal brother to T12 who was purchased thru the March Madness bull sale M2C Conan by Rocky Hollow Simmentals has done a outstanding job. Ollie weans off the heaviest calf every year this cow and cow family are hard workers. 9 Upper Class x 123Y Embryos B C LOOKOUT 7024 MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 SANDEEN UPPER CLASS 2386 Dam M2C OLLIE`S LOOK 123Y SANDEEN DONNA 7386 MCE Milk MWW CW 6.65 2.5 65.75 99.35 4.95 20.15 MS NLC MOJO S6119 B API B C LOOKOUT 7024 130.1 M2C OLLIE 78.5 M2C OLLIE`S LOOK 123Y 53 Offered by Metzger Farm & Fence YG Marb 32.75 -0.28 0.45 BF REA API TI -0.04 0.83 112.7 71 When we made this mating we wanted to share. With the great things Upper Class is contributing we feel this is a great match. 123Y has been a very consistent producer making the kind we like, but these Upper Class calves might be the best match to date. Study this opportunity and genetic potential. Selling 3 IVF embryos, guaranteeing 1 pregnancy if work is performed by a certified embryologist. CE BW WW YW 8.6 2.1 72.1 108.6 19.1 55.2 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Birth Date: 2/8/2014 - Cow ASA #2863327 - Tattoo: 460B M2C OLLIE PARTISOVER BURGESS 532 API LF DREAM DOCTOR 117.5 SVF FANCY FACE P12E 70.8 37.5 YG Marb BF REA -0.4 0.51 -0.063 1.11 CE BW WW YW 8.6 2.6 69.2 103.1 MCE MM MWW CW 5.8 20.5 55.1 35 13 M2C TWILIGHT 476B 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Birth Date: 2/8/2014 - Cow ASA #2894581 - Tattoo: 476B MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 TI TI MCE MM MWW CW 5.7 M2C OLLIES ANGEL 460B PARTISOVER PROMOTION ELLINGSON LEGACY M229 MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 M2C OLLIE Planned Mating EPDs CE BW WW YW AJM MISS UPGRADE 515C 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Birth Date: 1/14/2015 - Cow ASA #2985505 - Tattoo: 515C 5/8 SM 3/8 AN | 3 IVF Heifer embryos Sire 10 12 B C LOOKOUT 7024 BC EAGLE EYE 110-7 M2C OLLIE B C PURE PRIDE ERICA D 110 API LF DREAM DOCTOR 100.8 SVF FANCY FACE P12E 68.9 YG Marb BF REA CE BW WW YW -0.25 0.32 -0.033 0.83 5.3 2.6 67.2 104.3 MCE MM MWW CW 2.7 Offered by Metzger Farm & Fence B C LOOKOUT 7024 M2C OLLIE 62.2 M2C OLLIE`S LOOK 123Y CE BW WW YW 4.1 3.5 67.9 100.1 TI MCE MM MWW CW 7.7 14.1 48.1 34.4 YG Marb BF REA -0.23 0.11 -0.047 0.65 Offered by Metzger Farm & Fence Sandeen Upper Class 2386 / Sire of Lot 9 embryos December 5, 2015 • “December Broker has done it once again. This female has a lot going her with her stout and sound structure combined with the eye appeal from front to rear she is sure to be a competitive show heifer. We are excited about the genetic package this heifer posses. The flush mate bulls to this heifer have been outstanding and look forward to watching this on next year and in production. This cow family is sure doing a lot of things right they will go out and work hard. To Remember” • Page 14 Marb BF REA 0.35 -0.021 0.74 Twilight AIed to TR MR Hammer 308A (ASA# 2759745) on 3/31/2015, PE to SVF ELEVATION B704 (ASA# 2878478) 5/9 thru 7/24/2015. SVF STEEL FORCE S701 API YG -0.19 • A sound and complete heifer that is a genetic breeding piece that will be fun to mate. We really like how this heifer is bred and can’t wait to see her calf. 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Birth Date: 1/22/2015 - Cow ASA #3018689 - Tattoo: 520C 95.9 35.9 Offered by Metzger Cattle Co 11 AJM BROKERS LOOK 520C JM BF H25 55.1 / Lot 13 This is a very complete and attractive show heifer prospect. 515C will work for the smallest and youngest juniors as she has a perfect disposition. This upgrade puts a lot of maternal traits in this package while maintaining soundness and dimension to excel in the pasture to add profitability to any program. MR HOC BROKER 21.5 TI December 5, 2015 • “December To Remember” • Page 15 Pleasant Hill Farms The “Ollie” Family The “Ollie” Family M2C / Lot 14 Channelle 577C / Lot 15 Cadence Pleasant Hill Farms SWC M2C BPCC Pleasant Hill Farms Spring Open Heifers Spring Open Heifers 15 14 SWC M2C BPCC CADENCE 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Birth Date: 2/18/2015 - Cow ASA #3021971 - Tattoo: 577C Purebred Simmental Birth Date: 1/4/2015 - Cow ASA #2992304 - Tattoo: 565C JM BF H25 SVF STAR STRUCK S199 API G&L BLACKFOOT 716D 105.7 BW WW YW 4.7 3 59.6 87.9 57.3 MCE MM MWW CW 11.1 17.2 47 26.6 YG Marb BF REA -0.21 -0.08 -0.043 0.52 December 5, 2015 • “December API SVF/NJC BUILT RIGHT N48 134.3 SVF SHEZA FANTASY N906 64.5 CE BW WW YW 14.8 0.7 53.1 87.1 MCE MM MWW CW 8.8 21.8 48.3 23.4 TI YG Marb BF REA -0.11 0.36 -0.02 0.35 Offered by MCC Offered by MCC& Billy Profit If you are looking for proven genetics in a show heifer package here she is. This is a flawlessly constructed female that combines stoutness and femininity in a complete well designed package without sacrificing structural integrity. She is backed by the legendary H25 that has made a major impact on the breed along with her past champion sire Wheel Man. Cadence has had everyone who visited ask what’s that one. SILVEIRAS ELBA 2520 MISS CCF SHEZA BABE U2 TI YC MISS BIK B80 CE GAMBLES HOT ROD SILVEIRAS STYLE 9303 SVF STEEL FORCE S701 FBFS WHEEL MAN 649W M2C CHANELLE 577C FBFS Wheel Man 649W / Sire of Lot 14 To Remember” • Page 16 Chanelle is an extremely striking heifer that combines the phenotype and cow families we like. 577C has a lot of rib and square hipped while possessing femininity and angularity that is sure to be beneficial in the show ring. Her bone in addition to shape and structural soundness help make this one a sound investment. Study her very prolific pedigree and you will sure like this one. December 5, 2015 • “December SILVEIRAS Style 9303 / Sire of Lot 15 To Remember” • Page 17 Betty Ray / Lot 16 / Lot 17 Offered by PHF • The first of these two A65 daughters that will be sure to gain attention on December 5th! This baldie purebred is made like we like them: stout, deep sided, sound on the go, good footed, and still maintains a feminine look about her, with the white markings to add that style. This one has donor potential written all over her; make sure to look her up sale day! Pleasant Hill Farms Cameron 578C Pleasant Hill Farms M2C Spring Open Heifers Spring Open Heifers 17 18 PHFC Betty Ray 526C Purebred Simmental Birth Date: 3/02/2015 - Cow ASA # 3032648 - Tattoo: 526C HTP BT SVF SAZERAC T99 API LF DREAM DOCTOR 133.0 ELF BETTY RAY W914 67.6 PHFC BETTY RAY 222Z 16 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Birth Date: 2/05/2015 - Cow ASA # 3033357 - Tattoo: 503C DIKEMANS SURE BET SVF A65 CE BW WW YW 10.7 0.8 55.2 77.6 MCE MM MWW CW 9.3 18.9 46.5 17.1 PHFC Red Rita 503C TI DIKEMANS SURE BET SVF A65 PHFC RITA 3413A HTP BT SVF SAZERAC T99 API LF DREAM DOCTOR 128.9 RITA 2X11 OF RITA 9A12 EXP 66.4 YG Marb BF REA CE BW WW YW -0.34 0.27 -0.057 0.70 10.8 0.6 55.9 83.3 MCE MM MWW CW 10.2 20.1 48.0 20.4 TI YG Marb BF REA -0.25 0.39 -.038 0.61 M2C CAMERON 578C 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Birth Date: 3/5/2015 - Cow ASA #3013941 - Tattoo: 578C Red Rita S A V 004 TRAVELER 4836 BAD ROMANCE 913 / Lot 18 CHAMPION HILL PEG 7350 API SVF STONEHENGE R95 124.4 SVF AUTUMN R48 66.2 M2C AUTUMN 482Z CE BW WW YW 12.3 0.9 63.1 101.6 MCE MM MWW CW 10.8 24 55.5 32 Offered by PHF • Although we haven’t had the A65 bull for a long time, his first offspring have been extremely impressive to date, and this red female is one of the main reasons why! 503C is a long, super extended female that carries a tremendous amount of muscle and power, while tying into a super neat shoulder and front end. This one has all the parts and pieces to be a truly great one when it’s all said and done. Do your homework here- this one could be special! TI YG Marb BF REA -0.18 0.19 -0.006 0.79 Offered by MCC This blaze faced heifer will make a tremendous junior project with great earnings awaiting you at the end of her show career. Cameron is very large bodied and the extremely sound kind of female that has a long thin neck we all like with plenty of extension. She is backed by a sire that has sure put offspring in the winners circle right out of the gate. Cow families speak for themselves and this family has proven itself time and time again. December 5, 2015 • “December Bad Romance 913 / Sire of Lot 16 To Remember” • Page 18 December 5, 2015 • “December To Remember” • Page 19 Cassie / Lot 21 / Lot 19 Offered by Metzger Cattle Co • Here is another moderate framed well constructed female that is feminine and angular in her design. This heifer is very maternal and is sure to make a good addition to any cowherd. Pleasant Hill Farms Charity 580C Pleasant Hill Farms M2C Spring Open Heifers Spring Open Heifers SVF PERT T37 / DAM of Lot 21 & 22 21 22 M2C CASSIE 574C 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Birth Date: 3/17/2015 - Cow ASA #3013937 - Tattoo: 574C 19 M2C CHARITY 580C SVF PERT T37 Birth Date: 2/21/2015 - Cow ASA # 3021972 - Tattoo: 580C SVF STEEL FORCE S701 FBF1 COMBUSTIBLE LAZY H BURN BABY BURNR34 API HTP SVF IN DEW TIME 119.2 BRAMLETS BEAUTIFUL Z223 BW WW YW 9.6 1.9 59.0 86.5 15.6 45.1 24.3 API LF DREAM DOCTOR 130.6 NJC PERT 69.2 CE BW WW YW 8.9 0.1 54.2 87.5 MCE MM MWW CW 9.4 27 54.1 22.6 TI SVF PERT T37 MCM 513R API LF DREAM DOCTOR 130.6 NJC PERT 69.2 YG Marb BF REA CE BW WW YW -0.33 0.43 -0.049 0.79 8.9 0.1 54.2 87.5 MCE MM MWW CW YG Marb BF REA -0.22 0.02 -.022 0.70 27 54.1 22.6 YG Marb BF REA -0.33 0.43 -0.049 0.79 Carrie Offered by Metzger Cattle Co This complete, sound, and very functional cowy heifer sure has a lot going for her. Charity will fit into many programs and add to the bottom line. 20 9.4 TI 61.8 MCE MM MWW CW 8.2 MCM 513R MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 MCM TOP GRADE 018X TI HPF MS BEAUTIFUL S054 CE 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Birth Date: 1/21/2015 - Cow ASA #3013935 - Tattoo: 572C MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 MCM TOP GRADE 018X M2C CARRIE 572C CHLOE / Lot 22 FBF1 Combustible / Sire of Lot 19 Offered by Metzger Cattle Co • A stout, big ended, and high volumed female backed by Top Grade who adds calving ease and growth along with her no miss dam. this one is a no brainer if you are looking to add size and power to your program. 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Birth Date: 3/25/2015 - Cow ASA #3023314 - Tattoo: 12C MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 M2C/PHF UPGRADE 901Z SVF ABOVE & BEYOND T87 API 116.7 12 TI 71.7 CE BW WW YW 9.8 1.3 67.6 98.3 MCE MM MWW CW 6.3 22.5 56.3 30 YG Marb BF REA -0.22 0.41 -0.043 0.58 Offered by Hope MCM TOP GRADE 018X / SIRE of Lot 21 & 22 Chloe / Lot 20 December 5, 2015 • “December To Remember” • Page 20 December 5, 2015 • “December To Remember” • Page 21 Supporting our Beef Cattle Youth The Future of Agriculture… TNC ESMERALDA Purebred Simmental Birth Date: 1/14/2015 - Cow ASA #2992478 - Tattoo: C1 TNC DAY DREAM WLTR LYDIA 39U ET API TRIPLE C SINGLETARY S3H 119 TNC SWEET DREAM 66.3 CE BW WW YW 7.5 0.6 60.2 85.4 MCE MM MWW CW 7.9 20 50.1 21.4 TI YG Marb BF REA -0.31 0.27 -0.051 0.7 Offered by Rocky Hollow Simmentals C-1 is a show heifer that is halter broke and ready to hit the road. She is out of a Sweet Dream x Singletary Daughter and Two Step. She is complete and will put you in the purple. So Juniors, take note. She is ready to go and is gentle as lamb. Take Esmerelda home with you and make her your 2016 project. 24 WS A STEP UP X27 RGRS SRG TWO STEP 20Z ET TNC Esmeralda / Lot 23 Pleasant Hill Farms 23 KENTUCKY JUNIOR ANGUS ASSOCIATION We wanted to continue our tradition of assisting the Kentucky Junior Angus Association by auctioning a Christmas Wreath! All proceeds from the sale of this wreath benefit the youth of the KY Jr. Angus Association and their various activities… LEAD, Raising the Bar, shows, educational events and agricultural experiences. Bid often and Bid high! Thank you for supporting the Kentucky Junior Angus Association! Pleasant Hill Farms Spring Open Heifers PHFC EUROTIA 800C Birth Date: 3/22/2015 - Cow ASA # 3033294 - Tattoo: 800C MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 M2C/PHF UPGRADE 901Z LS 800 OF 406 461 SVF ABOVE & BEYOND T87 API LS LEAD ON 461 OF 143 LEAD 122.0 TI LS 406 OF 2482 7709 CE BW WW YW 11.00 -0.04 55.4 87.5 68.1 MCE MM MWW CW 7.1 21.9 49.5 21.8 YG Marb BF REA -0.28 0.43 -.05 0.63 Offered by Hope PHFC Eurotia 800C / Lot 24 Professional Embryo Services Jim Spears 270-791-6671 Jamie Spears 270-791-7572 Green River Embryo Transfer Dr Herb Brown, DVM 279-991-4974 KENTUCKY JUNIOR SIMMENTAL ASSOCIATION We wanted to begin a tradition of assisting the Kentucky Junior Simmental Association by auctioning a Holiday Item! All proceeds from the sale of this item will benefit the youth of the KY Jr. Simmental Association and their various activities...National leadership opportunities, shows, educational events and agricultural experiences. Bid often and Bid high! Thank you for supporting the Kentucky Junior Simmental Association! WARREN COUNTY CATTLEMEN’S ASSOCIATION The Warren County Cattlemen’s Association awards four scholarships each year to students majoring in agriculture, two for graduating seniors and two for current college students. We are happy to host this opportunity to auction items to benefit the WCCA and their efforts to fund these scholarships. The WCCA is offering a couple sets of embryos and a couple of semen packages to be awarded to the highest bidder and all proceeds go to the Warren County Cattlemen’s Association Scholarship fund. The specifics about the offering will be available on the sale update sheet. December 5, 2015 • “December To Remember” • Page 22 December 5, 2015 • “December To Remember” • Page 23 Fall Yearling Heifers Pleasant Hill Farms 27 AKRG PAULINE 469B Pleasant Hill Farms Fall Yearling Heifers 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Birth Date: 9/26/2014 - Cow ASA #2997495 - Tattoo: 469B MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 M2C/PHF UPGRADE 903Z SVF ABOVE & BEYOND T87 API G A R RETAIL PRODUCT 7113 135.6 GRC PAULINE 1055 OF2213 7709 74.2 CE BW WW YW 12.5 -0.9 60 95.4 MCE MM MWW CW 8.7 24.2 54.2 25.7 TI YG Marb BF REA -0.25 0.53 -0.035 0.69 PHF PAULINE 831 OF 1055 RP Offered by Hoffman Farms Pauline is one that we should be keeping for a replacement but we decided we wanted to showcase the quality from our young herdsire, M2C/PHF Upgrade 903Z. She is big ribbed, deep bodied, and massive. We purchased her mother from the December to Remember Sale in 2013 and we have not been disappointed as she continues to raise the type cattle we strive to produce. Don’t miss out on a great cow prospect! Breeding update will be available sale day. 25 DREAMALOTT Dreamalott Georgina 22 Georgina 22 / Lot 25 Angus Birth Date: 10/3/2014 - Cow AAA #18086381 - Tattoo: 22 28 AKRG UPGRADE DELIGHT Purebred Simmental Birth Date: 9/25/2014 - Cow ASA #2997491 - Tattoo: 466B MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 M2C/PHF UPGRADE 903Z G A R GRID MAKER S AV BISMARCK 5682 S A V ABIGALE 0451 CHAMPION HILL GEORGINA 8314 CHAMPION HILL GEORGINA 6208 CED BW WW YW SC Milk CW Marb Sire +13 +0 +56 +97 +1.15 +22 +14 Dam I-2 I3.9 I+49 I+85 I+.18 I+24 I+30 RE Fat $W $F $G $B +.52 +11.01 -.024 74.28 61.44 44.17 90.25 I+.24 You could almost say enough about this heifer by saying that she’s a prime example of the Champion Hill Georgina cow family, but there’s a lot more to this young female than that. ‘Power’ best describes her, from the bone and mass that she exhibits, to the powerful cow she’s out of. She has plenty of depth and can really get out and travel. Plus, both she and her dam have a tremendous disposition. Heifers like this will add value to any program. Juniors, take note that she’s already show-broke and is still eligible to show again next year. She sells AIed to Connealy Capitalist 028. Breeding update will be available sale day. DC Georgina 412 S A V BISMARCK 5682 Champion Hill Georgina 8314 / Dam of Lot 26 CHAMPION HILL GEORGINA 7651 I+4 I+2.5 I+48 I+87 CW Marb I+23 I+31 I+.51 WW YW 2.6 64 92 RE Fat I+.51 I+.036 MCE MM MWW CW 8.1 21 53 28.3 YG Marb BF REA -0.34 0.24 -0.076 0.68 AKRG UpGrade Delight / Lot 28 29 AKRG MS GRAND PRIDE 436B 591R TI 59 $G $B CE BW WW YW 5.8 2.2 57.2 77.1 MCE MM MWW CW 6.6 21.5 50.1 18.8 YG Marb BF REA -0.25 0.2 -0.061 0.41 Offered by Hoffman Farms +107.69 Ms Grand Pride 436B is a stout powerful heifer that will make a great cow. Her mother is one of our best commercial Simmental cows and with her sire Grandmaster in her pedigree you will not go wrong with an investment in this heifer. Breeding update will be available sale day. Offered by Clark Breeding update will be available sale day. December 5, 2015 • “December API 97.3 AKRG MS PRIDE A62 +30.54 Milk BW 8.1 TI SS EBONYS GRANDMASTER +41.25 CHAMPION HILL GEORGINA 2175 SC 69.8 HILLVIEW GRAND 591Y $F S A V NET WORTH 4200 YW HILCO MS RAPTOR 412P CE +37.91 S A V BLACKCAP MAY 5270 WW 112.6 1/4 SM 3/8 AN 3/8 CS Birth Date: 9/10/2014 - Cow ASA #3021572 - Tattoo: 436B $W S AV BRILLIANCE 8077 BW HILCO KA-CHOW MM4T Upgrade Delight is a long spined clean fronted heifer, which will go to work for you in the pasture. We have a half sister in production and we have not been sorry we have kept her. Her mother continues to excel with each calf she produces. She is one of our first M2C/PHF Upgrade 903Z daughters and we are very impressed with his progeny during his first calf crop. Breeding update will be available sale day. Angus Birth Date: 10/25/2014 - Cow AAA #18142533 - Tattoo: 412 CED API Offered by Hoffman Farms I+.75 I+.025 42.20 39.31 23.85 100.49 Offered by Dreamalott 26 SVF ABOVE & BEYOND T87 HILCO MS KA CHOW 1027X S A V BRAVE 8320 AKRG Pauline 469B / Lot 27 To Remember” • Page 24 December 5, 2015 • “December AKRG Ms Grade Pride 436B / Lot 29 To Remember” • Page 25 Offered by Dreamalott This soggy-middled female has brood cow written all over her. She has loads of rib shape, a beautiful front end, and a wonderful disposition. Add to these qualities a pedigree stacked with tremendous brood cows and you just can’t miss. She traces back to the renown Davis Miss Blackcap cow family that has produced many top-notch females. Her dam, Davis Miss Blackcap 2235, is still going strong at thirteen years of age. Take this opportunity to add a solid female with a tremendous past and an even more promising future to your program. She sells AIed to the wildly popular PVF Insight 0129. Breeding information will be available sale day. / Lot 30 Dafony 416B Spring Bred Heifers Offered by MCC This is a long thin necked bred that is square and soft in a sound frame. Her mother has been a really good producer for us. Partisover Promotion has left his mark here in Rockfield in a short time along with the sire of her calf arriving shortly following the sale. Dream Doctor has been bullet proof with a ton of earning potential in his offspring. / Lot 32 AIed to LF Dream Dr. 3/31/2015, PE to SVF ELEVATION B704 (ASA# 2878478) 5/9 thru 7/24/2015. Examined safe. AIed to PVF Insight 0129 Pleasant Hill Farms Pleasant Hill Farms Mandy 21 Spring Bred Heifers Dreamalott Mandy 21 / Lot 30 Davis Miss Blackcap 8084 / Grandam of Lot 30 30 Dreamalott Mandy 21 S A V 8180 TRAVELER 004 $W +43.00 S A V ABIGALE 0451 S A F FOCUS OF E R +56.32 DAVIS MISS BLACKCAP 8084 $G +25.76 BW WW YW I-4 I+3.6 I+55 I+98 SC Milk CW Marb I+26 I+38 I+.44 Shadoe 1406 S A V IRON MOUNTAIN 8066 RE Fat I+.51 I+.043 +46.47 S A V EMBLYNETTE 7260 S A V PIONEER 7301 +46.07 CHAMPION HILL SHADOE 3130 $G +28.87 CED BW WW YW +120.51 I-1 I+3.1 I+54 I+92 SC Milk CW Marb I+26 I+34 I+.43 RE Fat I+.52 I+.021 $B +113.46 Offered by PHF Talk about one that comes from excellent genetics! Another Perfection daughter here out of a Pioneer-bred cow from the famed Shadoe family at Champion Hill in Ohio. This girl is super soft middle, stout quartered, and just functional. In addition, she is bred to our exciting young herd sire Vance that could result in a really nice baby. Genetics and phenotype yet again combined in this lot! / Lot 31 33 M2C DAFONY 416B PARTISOVER BURGESS 532 API MLF JRF PERFECT GENTLEMEN 115.1 SVF AUTUMN MIST K38 65.3 SVF AUTUMN R48 CE BW WW YW 9.8 1.2 59.7 93 MCE MM MWW CW 6.1 26.3 56.1 27.3 TNC LUCKY COTTON TAIL Purebred Simmental Birth Date: 12/3/2013 - Cow ASA #2864510 - Tattoo: A28 MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 PARTISOVER PROMOTION $F CHAMPION HILL SHADOE 7265 $B 32 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Birth Date: 2/17/2014 - Cow ASA #2939638 - Tattoo: 416B $W S AV PERFECTION 1891 $F DAVIS MISS BLACKCAP 2235 CED D C Shadoe 1406 Angus Birth Date: 5/30/2014 - Cow AAA #17866873 - Tattoo: 1406 Angus Birth Date: 5/6/2014 - Cow AAA #17847025 - Tattoo: 21 S AV MANDAN 5664 31 TI LCHMAN LUCKY BUCK 7049C GW LUCKY DICE 187H 407D API CNS DREAM ON L186 137 YC MISS BIK B80 73.1 YC MISS DREAM ON D26 YG Marb BF REA CE BW WW YW -0.35 0.2 -0.061 0.81 12.5 0.7 64.6 99.7 Lucky Cotton Tail MCE MM MWW CW To Remember” • Page 26 17.7 50 30.4 YG Marb BF REA -0.33 0.23 -0.047 0.91 Offered by Rocky Hollow Simmentals A-28 is a donor in he making. She goes back to where the great ones came from like H25, Olivia, Sweet Dream, Steel My Heart, Sweet Precious, Broker, and on and on. This heifer could be the next great one. She is carrying a heifer calf from Uprising- would like to retain a flush at sellers expense and the buyers convenience. / Lot 33 PE to HVance 3824 from 5/9/15-7/24/15, safe in calf. Examined safe. December 5, 2015 • “December 12.3 TI AIed to LLF Uprising 4/20/2015, Confirmed safe with a Heifer Pregnancy December 5, 2015 • “December To Remember” • Page 27 37 TWCC LADY B13 Pleasant Hill Farms Pleasant Hill Farms Sheza Dreamer Spring Bred Heifers 1/2 SM 11/32 AN 5/32 CA Birth Date: 3/25/2014 - Cow ASA #3032385 - Tattoo: B13 / Lot 34 CNS DREAM ON L186 SVF/NJC BUILT RIGHT N48 NJC EBONY ANTOINETTE API ARD RIDGE WILDCARD 104.5 CARMEL LADY 13W TI STCA RANCHER 013 CE BW WW YW 11.4 1.1 52.0 76.9 54.4 MCE MM MWW CW 6.7 19.8 45.8 17.6 YG Marb BF REA -0.18 0.04 -.059 0.19 Offered by Waugh This heifer’s dam came out of the Ard Ridge herd and has generated a lot of dollars for us and this heifer is sure to do the same. A big stout heifer that still has the look and good front to produce heifers that are bound for the tanbark or bulls that will be sure to better any cow they cover. She can be registered Chi if the new owner chooses to do so and make the kind of crossbreed cattle that are in such high demand right now. B13 / Lot 37 AIed to W/C Lock Down 206Z 6/5/2015. Examined safe. 38 TWCC VIXEN B97 3/4 SM 1/8 AN 1/8 SS Birth Date: 6/22/2014 - Cow ASA #3032386 - Tattoo: B97 FB PRIME CUT 456L FLYING B CUT ABOVE 34 TNC SHEZA DREAMER TWCC POISON Purebred Simmental Birth Date: 3/9/2014 - Cow ASA #2864520 - Tattoo: B10 M2C CONAN SVF STAR PLAYER T801 SVF FANCY FACE P12E API HTP SVF IN DEW TIME 118.7 SVF SHEZA FANTASY N906 62.8 AK/NDS SHEZA BELIEVER CE BW WW YW 11.1 0.4 55.6 77.8 MCE MM MWW CW 5.7 21.4 49.2 16.7 YG Marb BF REA 0.04 -0.046 0.81 35 SVF FANCY FACE P12E API SVF STAR POWER S802 109.7 YC MISS 50BS B43 61.3 CE BW WW YW 5.6 3.3 63.7 93.2 MCE MM MWW CW 5.6 24.7 56.5 30.1 BW WW YW 4.6 2.6 51 76.6 MCE MM MWW CW 5.8 20.8 46.3 -0.19 YG Marb BF REA -0.01 -0.049 0.32 -0.3 TWCC Vixen B97 / Lot 38 TNC Sweet Dream B18 / Lot 36 TNC SWEET DREAM B18 M2C CONAN SVF STAR PLAYER T801 TNC MISS STAR BRIGHT CE Purebred Simmental Birth Date: 4/26/2014 - Cow ASA #2864528 - Tattoo: B18 Purebred Simmental Birth Date: 3/25/2014 - Cow ASA #2864522 - Tattoo: B12 M2C CONAN TI JM 3956 AIed to W/C Lock Down 206Z 7/4/2015. Examined safe. 36 TNC MS JEWEL KSU VENOM 101M This heifer is actually a twin which her full sister sold this past March at the Kentucky Beef Expo to Three Trees Farm in Ky. She has all the pieces to be sure to out produce herself which is the kind we all want in our herds. B97 is out of a full sister to the S395 cow that sells in this sale with a calf at side. The power and predictability is in the blood here. Buy her with confidence. Offered by Rocky Hollow Simmentals Take a look at this Sheza Fantasy N 90 6 grand daughter. She is moderate and thick. She is smooth made. These Conan daughters make awesome cows and their udders are as perfect as you can make them. She has a balanced set of EPD’s and will work in any program selling bred to the new ball CCR Santa Fe. AIed to Santa Fe 6/17/2015. Examined safe. API 54.7 Offered by Waugh TI -0.35 DILLONS MS PRETTY WOMAN Marb BF REA -0.36 -0.07 -0.058 0.91 Offered by Rocky Hollow Simmentals B-12 is a nice heifer. Her grand dam lived on our farm up until the age of 19. The longevity of this cow family is great. She is sure to make a great momma cow. AIed to Santa Fe 5/29/2015. Examined safe. December 5, 2015 • “December SVF FANCY FACE P12E API WAR NITRO 101.1 YC MISS BIK B80 60.6 TNC SWEET DREAM TI YG SVF STAR PLAYER T801 CE BW WW YW 9.7 1.8 61 86.9 TI MCE MM MWW CW 4.7 20.3 50.8 24.1 YG Marb BF REA -0.29 -0.1 -0.051 0.68 Offered by Rocky Hollow Simmentals B-18 is an own daughter of our donor, TNC Sweet Dream. She is another heifer this is a sibling to the great ones that goes back to B80 and this heifer could be one of those too. So don’t overlook TNC Sweet Dream B18. AIed to Santa Fe 6/17/2015. Examined safe. To Remember” • Page 28 December 5, 2015 • “December To Remember” • Page 29 Spring Bred Heifers Dixie Erica SimAngus |Spring Breds Offered by PHF Pleasant Hill Farms An impressive Dew It Right daughter that has done a really good job for us here at PHF. A powerful, well designed female that is sound and functional in her design. / Lot 39 AIed to W/C Lock Down 206Z on 5/10/15, PE to Partisover Promotion from 5/18/15 to 7/30/15. Examined safe. PHFC Prissy 117Y / Lot 41 41 Akers Dixie Erica Y528 / Lot 39 PHFC PRISSY 117Y CNS DREAM ON L186 API LF KANDY KISSES G A R PRECISION 9559 AKERS DIXIE ERICA Y528 TI 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Birth Date: 9/5/2011 - Cow ASA #2624425 - Tattoo:Y528 SVF/NJC SENERITA N29 API 117.8 9605 PHFC RITA 120Y 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Birth Date: 9/18/2011 - Cow ASA #3032395 - Tattoo: 120Y HTP SVF IN DEW TIME WELSHS DEW IT RIGHT067T TI BW WW YW 11.6 0.3 57.2 79.7 MCE MM MWW CW 5 18.6 47.1 17.3 LF KANDY KISSES API RITO 3S3 OF RITA 5H11 1656 116.2 RITA 0F5 OF 3015RITO 3S3 TI B A R QUEEN TRAVELER 3015 YG Marb BF REA CE BW WW YW -0.18 0.28 -0.027 0.49 10.6 0.6 49.0 75.3 MCE MM MWW CW 8.3 22.4 46.9 16.0 59.1 YG Marb BF REA -0.22 0.26 -0.029 0.53 Offered by PHF Rita Another Dream Doctor daughter that is complete in her design. If you want to talk about longevity, just look at this one’s dam, OF5. Lots of maternal strength here. / Lot 40 CE BW WW YW 11.0 0.1 44.7 72.2 MCE MM MWW CW 9.6 16.6 38.9 13.7 PE to HVance 3824 from 5/5/15 to 6/8/15. Examined safe. REA CE BW WW YW 0.49 11.0 -0.1 53.6 80.6 BW WW YW 2 63.5 81.5 8.4 22 53.6 20.4 66.7 YG Marb BF REA -0.27 0.13 -0.046 0.64 Offered by PHF Boy, did this cow sure do the job. This purebred Sweet Meat daughter just flat out produces good cattle. A big-footed, flexible cow that weans a heavy calf every time. AIed to HVance 3824, PE to Bad Romance 913 from 6/8/15 to 7/30/15. Examined safe. WF Sweet Girl / Lot 42 120Y / Lot 40 December 5, 2015 • “December To Remember” • Page 30 15.6 42.4 18.0 YG Marb BF REA -0.14 0.23 -0.013 0.45 PE to Bad Romance 913 from 6/8/15 to 7/30/15. Examined safe. 44 PHFC ABOVE&BEYOND 151Y O C C MAGNITUDE 805M TI MCE MM MWW CW 4.3 GRCMAGNIFICENT2268OF2098 115.2 CNS SHEEZA DREAM K107W MCE MM MWW CW Offered by PHF Another 2268 half-blood that stems from the Sheza Dandy cow family out of an In Dew Time dam. Maternal power combined again in this pedigree! December 5, 2015 • “December API GRC GILDA 2097 OF 1295 ERIN API SS GOLDEN DREAM N901 60.8 1/4 SM 3/4 AN Birth Date: 10/26/2011 - Cow ASA #3032393 - Tattoo: 151Y HTP SVF IN DEW TIME SS GOLDMINE L42 TI BCS LADY LUCK J109 BF Purebred Simmental Birth Date: 2/10/2010 - Cow ASA #2570881 - Tattoo: X307 8.1 HTP SVF IN DEW TIME -0.028 SAS SWEETS STAR R101 112.6 SVF SHEZA DANDY TOO U109 0.36 SAS T101 SWEET MEAT API GRC GILDA 2097 OF 1295 ERIN Marb WF SWEET GIRL CE O C C MAGNITUDE 805M GRCMAGNIFICENT2268OF2097 YG AIed to Partisover Promotion, PE to Bad Romance 913 from 6/8/15 to 7/30/15. Examined safe. 42 PHFCAC DANDY 142Y -0.21 Offered by PHF Even though he is now gone, the legend of Dream Doctor lives on through his progeny, and here is yet another quality daughter of his. A very functional 4 year old female that will add to your operation’s bottom line. CNS DREAM ON L186 LF DREAM DOCTOR 64 CE 59.3 RITA D823 OF 5410 40 43 124.1 GRC PRISSY 555 OF 823 9559 39 PHF CAC Dandy 142Y / Lot 43 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Birth Date: 10/19/2011 - Cow ASA #3032396 - Tattoo: 142Y 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Birth Date: 9/16/2011 - Cow ASA #3032394 - Tattoo: 117Y LF DREAM DOCTOR Pleasant Hill Farms SimAngus |Spring Breds 63.2 GLS COMBINATION R2 TI SVF ABOVE & BEYOND W107 NLC ABOVE & BEYOND P84 CE BW WW YW 11.1 -0.1 56.2 90.8 MCE MM MWW CW 4.5 19.3 47.4 -0.13 YG Marb BF 0.27 -0.014 0.47 REA Offered by PHF This quarter blood 2268 daughter carries on her sire’s stamp of maternal quality. She stems from the Above & Beyond Family of tremendous genetics. Her dam is a maternal sister to our T87 donor. This one just does things right. AIed to Partisover Promotion, PE to HVance 3824 from 5/5/15 to 6/8/15. Examined safe. PHFC Above & Beyond 151Y / Lot 44 To Remember” • Page 31 Angus |Spring Breds Pleasant Hill Farms Pleasant Hill Farms Angus |Spring Breds PHF Rita 1092 of 1330 Bis / L ot 45 47 DC Blossom 1301 Angus Birth Date: 2/20/2013 - Cow AAA #17747607 - Tattoo: 1301 S A V PIONEER 7301 +39.72 S A V ELBA 7021 CHAMPION HILL BLOSSOM 5676 +54.66 CHAMPION HILL BLOSSOM 1611 CED BW WW YW +5 +2.3 +47 +94 SC Milk CW Marb RE $G Fat 49 PHF Rita 1092 of 1330 Bis G A R GRID MAKER $B +30 E C C POWERHOUSE 154 Sire +13 I+2 +0 +56 SC Milk CW Marb +97 +1.15 +22 I+2.7 I+44 I+81 +14 I+24 I+24 Offered by PHF RE Fat $W $F $G $B I+.24 I+.003 34.34 33.33 26.03 85.58 This Bismarck daughter 3 year old is one to sure tie into in terms of feminine look and presence. She is long, sleek necked, good shouldered, and has enough volume, capacity, and dimension to get the job done. A super maternal female here that can produce both quality bulls and females. PE to DC Gambler 3/15/15 thru 6/1/2015.. Examined safe. PE to Bad Romance 913 from 6/8/15 to 7/30/15. Examined safe. 46 DC Georgina 1302 Angus Birth Date: 3/5/2013 - Cow AAA #17763894 - Tattoo: 1302 S A V PIONEER 7301 +46.27 S A V ELBA 7021 S A V NET WORTH 4200 +58.05 CHAMPION HILL GEORGINA 2335 $G $W GRC RITA 230 OF 6M25 7168 36.91 GRC TOTAL PACKAGE 504 $F CHAMPION HILL GEORGINA 6386 37.96 $G CED BW WW YW SC Milk CW Marb I+7 I+.5 I+45 I+84 I+.04 I+26 I+27 I+.45 RE Fat I+.27 I+.005 GRC BUSHWACKER 2194 BW WW YW +6 +1.5 +50 +97 SC Milk CW Marb RE Fat $B +30 Offered by Clark PE to DC Gambler 3/15/15 thru 6/1/2015. Examined safe. CED BW WW YW I+1 I+3.1 I+43 I+70 SC Milk CW Marb I+24 I+22 I+.22 RE Fat I+.20 I+.023 BW WW YW I+1.6 I+38 I+75 Offered by PHF A Prowess daughter here that traces to a powerhouse dam in the 1244 Pathfinder cow that did a really nice job for us in her time here at PHF. Solid beef cow here with the genetics to back her up. PE to Bad Romance 913 from 6/8/15 to 7/30/15. Examined safe. SC Milk CW Marb RE Fat $B I+20 I+42 I+.19 I+.06 I-.009 +114.36 Offered by PHF Balance, function, maternal strength, soundness, fertility, quality are all terms that describe this Bando Alliance bred cow. She get the job done! PE to HVance 3824 from 5/5/15 to 6/8/15. Examined safe. 51 PHF Maid 104 of 844 Chisum Angus Birth Date: 9/09/2011 - Cow AAA # 18265274 - Tattoo: 104 S CHISUM 6175 S ALLIANCE 3313 $W S GLORIA 464 44.27 $F NMA MATCHMAKER 431 OF 9313 PHF MAID 844 OF 1029 431 64.58 GRC MAID 1029 OF 2307 7111 70.81 CED BW WW YW I+0 I=2.9 I+59 I+104 SC Milk CW Marb RE $G Fat Offered by PHF Offered by PHF To Remember” • Page 32 $G +14.21 I+3 $B A 504 daughter that just flat does a good job. This is a no holes kind of female that is mated to Bad Romance for a spring calf. +26.87 GRC RITA 204 OF 906 7V12 $G PE to Bad Romance 913 from 6/8/15 to 7/30/15. Examined Safe December 5, 2015 • “December LS 500 OF 204 ALLIANCE 9126 CED 17.76 CED $F WAR ALLIANCE 9126 6006 $B 12.91 RITA 2145 OF EXPECTION 2145 $W +26.72 LS 470 OF 187 2382 96.83 $F GRC BRENDA 2326 OF 145 2194 H S A F BANDO 1961 LS 904 OF 470 BANDO 1961 29.51 48 PHF Brenda 148 of 2326 504 E C C ROBERTO 113 LS 199 of 500 904 Bando $F Angus Birth Date: 10/24/2011 - Cow AAA # 18263638 - Tattoo: 148 $W S AV POTENTIAL 0205 LA KENZIE LOU NG330 42.37 HD DUNN MERLE 9338 +.52 +11.01 -.024 74.28 61.44 44.17 90.25 I+35 $W HD DUNN MERLE 1244 GRC RITA 2154 OF 144 2K6 50 50 Angus Birth Date: 10/15/2011 - Cow AAA #17026104 - Tattoo: 199 GAR-EGL PROTEGE C H EXPLOSION 7219 PHF RITA 1330 OF 144 154 Dam Offered by Clark PROWESS 136T S A V ABIGALE 0451 CED BW WW YW PHF Dunn Merle 3502 Angus Birth Date: 3/10/2012 - Cow AAA # 18263637 - Tattoo: 3502 S AV BISMARCK 5682 $F S A V 004 PREDOMINANT 4438 ot Angus Birth Date: 01/29/2012 - Cow AAA # 18265258 - Tattoo: 1092 $W S AV POTENTIAL 0205 LS 199 of 500 904 Bando / L 47 PHF Dunn Merle 3502 / Lot 49 December 5, 2015 • “December $B Here is a Chisum daughter descending from the Maid cow family, the family that has done an excellent job for us and started us in the Angus business in 1972. These are the kind of females to build a herd. PE to HVance 3824 from 5/5/15 to 6/8/15. Examined safe. To Remember” • Page 33 / Lot 52 Pleasant Hill Farms Missie 0914 Offered by TWCC 00914 is a BC Matrix daughter who is sure to be a front pasture cow for whoever is lucky enough to get her. A truly powerful Angus cow with more bone and power than you will find in most Angus cows around. This one is hard to part with but we have daughters in production out of her so it’s time to let someone else reek the benefits of owning a cow a special as this one. AIed to TLLC One Eyed Jack 4/5/2015. Examined safe. Pleasant Hill Farms JASPER SimAngus |Fall Pairs Angus |Spring Breds Hoffman Clementine A326 / Lot 54 52 Jasper Missie 0914 Angus Birth Date: 1/17/2011 - Cow AAA #17159851 - Tattoo: 1051 Angus Birth Date: 5/4/2009 - Cow AAA #16434858 - Tattoo: 0914 B C MATRIX 4132 B A F MISSIE 7068 CED PHF BW WW $W O C C EMBLAZON 854E CAF PURE PRIDE EXT 99 $G OAK LEAF FARMS MISSIE SC Milk Rita 1051 CW BON VIEW NEW DESIGN 1407 EXAR 263C Marb RE Fat $B $W +55.38 EXAR JUNE C 3577 $F B A F DONAMERE 9196 YW 53 PHF Rita 1051 of 1035 263C $F B/R NEW FRONTIER 095 GRC RITA 1035 OF 114 095 $G +39.15 BW WW YW +7 -.6 +51 +92 SC Milk CW Marb RE Fat $B +28 I+25 I+.63 I+.40 I-.010 +102.94 Offered by TWCC Here is a cow we purchased out of the first December to Remember Sale as a breed heifer from Pleasant Hill Farm. It’s only because of her uncanny ability to produce heifer calves that we are going to offer this female for sale due to the fact we have daughters in production. She is a solid built big boned powerhouse of a cow that is as good footed, legged and sound as you can ask for. / Lot 53 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Birth Date: 9/8/2013 - Cow ASA #2907451 - Tattoo: A326 MYTTY IN FOCUS TNT DUAL FOCUS T249 SCF KATHY 341X +48.17 RITA 2107 OF 869 CED 54 HOFFMAN CLEMENTINE A326 TNT MISS R77 API SS EBONYS GRANDMASTER 133.5 CE BW WW YW 1.1 59.9 89.6 69.4 MCE MM MWW CW 7.6 19.1 49 24.9 PHFC RITA 366A LS 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Birth Date: 9/20/2013 - Cow ASA #3032397 - Tattoo: 366A CNS DREAM ON L186 LF DREAM DOCTOR TI SCF FELICITY 195J 11.7 55 YG Marb BF REA -0.18 0.41 -0.014 0.63 Offered by Hoffman Clementine has been in the keeper pen since she was born as she has always been big bodied and massive. SCF Kathy, her dam, is one that is a never miss cow at Hoffman Farms with a perfect udder which we place an emphasis on. She is out of the ABS herdsire, TNT Dual Focus, which has been a leading calving ease sire. LF KANDY KISSES API OAK HOLLOW 7709 OF 1318 1118 137.1 LS761 OF 3693 7709 TI GRC RITA 3693 OF 122 1161 CE BW WW YW 13.7 -1.3 47.8 73.9 MCE MM MWW CW 10.8 19.1 43 -0.14 63.1 YG Marb BF REA 0.37 -0.006 0.41 -0.25 Offered by Mills Due to calve by sale day to PHF Replication 0807 (AAA# 17100159). Due to calve by sale day to PHFC Alkaline 351A (ASA# 2968671). 56 PHFC EUROTIA 368A LS 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Birth Date: 9/21/2013 - Cow ASA #3032398 - Tattoo: 368A AIed to FBF1 Combustible 4/8/2015. Examined safe. CNS DREAM ON L186 LF DREAM DOCTOR LF KANDY KISSES API CONNEALY DATELINE 59.8 L S 355 OF 102 DATELINE TI L S EUROTIA 2065 OF 2076 CE BW WW YW 12.8 -0.7 43.1 67.8 Offered by Mills MCE MM MWW CW 10.9 17.3 38.8 -0.24 YG Marb BF REA 0.36 -0.034 0.49 -0.26 Due to calve by sale day to PHF Replication 0807 (AAA# 17100159). LF Dream Doctor / Sire of Lot 55 & 56, and many other lots throughout the book! December 5, 2015 • “December To Remember” • Page 34 December 5, 2015 • “December To Remember” • Page 35 60 PHFC LORRAINE 388A LS 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Birth Date: 9/30/2013 - Cow ASA #3032400 - Tattoo: 388A 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Birth Date: 9/19/2011 - Cow ASA # 3033295 - Tattoo:125Y HOOKS SHEAR FORCE 38K TRIPLE C BETTIS S72J LUCAS JOSIE 19K API CONNEALY LEAD ON 67.9 LS LEAD ON 456 OF 103 LEAD TI L S STONE GATE 1247 OF 2076 CE BW WW YW 14.4 -0.2 57 90.1 MCE MM MWW CW 9.4 22.7 51.2 -0.3 PHFC ERVERTA 125Y CNS DREAM ON L186 LF KANDY KISSES API GRC BUSHWACKER 2194 120.1 GRC BRENDA 2236 OF 2451 2194 Marb BF REA CE BW WW YW -0.056 0.67 -0.43 10.6 0.1 48.1 72.8 Offered by Mills Lot 57A: Heifer calf born 9/27/2015 sired by PHF Replication 0807 (AAA# 17100159) tattoo 572C, BW 68lbs. TI G R C ERVETA OF3527 7V12 YG MCE MM MWW CW 9.1 20.1 44.2 13.8 DC Georgina 1314 Angus Birth Date: 11/15/2013 - Cow AAA #17749157 - Tattoo: 1314 LF DREAM DOCTOR 0.33 62 59.6 YG Marb BF REA -0.17 0.30 -.019 0.41 Offered by PHF We offer another Dream Doctor daughter here in the 125 female because we know the good things these cattle do, and this female fits the same mold. This solid black half-blood cow flat gets the job done. G A R GRID MAKER S A V ABIGALE 0451 CHAMPION HILL GEORGINA 8062 CHAMPION HILL GEORGINA 3842 BW WW YW SC Milk CW Marb RE $G Fat $B Offered by Clark 61 PHFC LUCY 372A LS 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Birth Date: 9/22/2013 - Cow ASA #3032399 - Tattoo: 372A 1/2 SM 1/4 AN 1/4 SS Birth Date: 5/26/2006 - Cow ASA #2387734 - Tattoo: S395 HOOKS SHEAR FORCE 38K TRIPLE C BETTIS S72J LUCAS JOSIE 19K API GENETICS BY DESIGN 049 69.7 LS 559 OF 359BYDESIGN049 TI L S 359 OF 931 2076 CE BW WW YW 16.2 -0.1 59.8 89.8 MCE MM MWW CW 10.8 21 50.9 -0.24 YG Marb BF 0.36 -0.038 0.59 TWCC ANECDOTE REA Offered by Mills Lot 58A: Bull calf born 10/12/2015 sired by PHF Replication 0807 (AAA# 17100159) tattoo 579C, BW 65lbs. JM 3956 MISS KANSAS K 11G API JM VORTEC ET 78.3 956 REG ANGUS 45.6 CE BW WW YW 6 1.8 44.3 60.7 TI MCE MM MWW CW 5 22.5 44.6 8.6 YG Marb BF REA -0.2 -0.05 -0.046 0.29 Offered by Waugh This Venom half blood has been a favorite of all who have seen here in the pastures at TWCC.You can drive the wheels off of a truck and not find a cow with this much power and internal dimension. She sells with a heifer calf at side sired by the 2 time reserve champion bull at the NAILE, take her home breed her to whatever you so choose and let her start making money for you. 63 LS 352 of 181 In Focus CNS DREAM ON L186 $W +31.38 MYTTY COUNTESS 906 LF KANDY KISSES API B/R NEW FRONTIER 095 135.9 LS 904 OF 470 BANDO 1961 LS 181 OF 783 BANDO 904 +40.73 LS 783 OF 561 878 CED BW WW YW +7 +1.2 +41 +84 SC Milk CW $G Marb RE Fat $B +23 Offered by Mills Due to calve by sale day to PHF Replication 0807 (AAA# 17100159). CE BW WW YW 11.5 -0.3 46.2 75.3 MCE MM MWW CW 9.6 18.4 41.5 15.1 CED BW WW YW SC Milk CW Marb RE Fat YG Marb BF REA 0.54 -.034 0.49 S A F FOCUS OF E R E C C ROBERTO 113 $W GRC TOTAL PACKAGE 504 +24.75 GRC RITA 230 OF 6M25 7168 $F JAUER JUDGE 9031 322 GRC EFFIE 2767 OF 2127 322 +15.57 GRC EFFIE 2127 OF 4204 2093 CED BW WW YW -9 +6.1 +42 +70 SC Milk CW Marb RE $G Fat Lot 59A: Bull calf born 10/14/2015 sired by PHF Replication 0807 (AAA# 17100159) tattoo 580C, BW 65lbs. Offered by PHF This 504 daughter is a special one to us. She has always been a standout of the group since the beginning. Her stoutness of hip, muscle expression, and center body mass tie into a beautiful front end and shoulder to make this one very fun to look at on the side. We are letting her go, so now it’s your turn to take hold of this special one! December 5, 2015 • “December +49.31 MYTTY COUNTESS 906 $F +46.77 LS 659 OF 4983 2382 CED BW WW YW +9 +.6 +53 +92 SC Milk CW $G Marb RE Fat $B +23 Offered by Mills TWCC Anecdote / Lot 61 To Remember” • Page 36 $B +20 $W LS 067 OF 659 REFLECTION Offered by Mills $B 66 PHF Effie 3431 of 2767 504 LS 251 of 067 In Focus 65.4 -0.22 $G Lot 66A: Heifer calf born 10/16/2015 sired by SVF Sledgehammer Z40 (ASA# 2751217) tattoo 560C, BW 75lbs. CONNEALY REFLECTION TI L S STONE GATE 1247 OF 2076 CHAMPION HILL GEORGINA 3839 $F MYTTY IN FOCUS LS 560 OF 103 NEW FRONTIER95 CHAMPION HILL GEORGINA 6593 Angus Birth Date: 8/26/2012 - Cow AAA #17523829 - Tattoo: 261 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Birth Date: 10/14/2013 - Cow ASA # 3033296 - Tattoo: 373 LF DREAM DOCTOR $F S A V NET WORTH 4200 Angus Birth Date: 3/11/2011 - Cow AAA #17156386 - Tattoo: 3431 S A F FOCUS OF E R MYTTY IN FOCUS 64 PHFC LORRAINE 373A S A V MAY 2397 Lot 65A: Bull calf born 10/19/2015 sired by Bad Romance 913 (AAA# 17203209) tattoo 562C, BW 76lbs. Lot 61A: Heifer calf born 10/12/2015 sired by TWCC Proud Soul Z119 (ASA# 2750869) tattoo C395, BW 70lbs. 59 $W This Georgina female comes from great lines of Angus genetics: SAV Brave, SAV Net Worth and the Champion Hill Georgina family. Angus Birth Date: 9/2/2013 - Cow AAA #17818503 - Tattoo: 352 WLE POWER STROKE KSUVENOM 101M S A V MANDAN 5664 Offered by PHF Due to calve by sale day to SAF Connection (AAA# 13544928). Lot 60A: Heifer calf born 9/18/2015 sired by SVF Sledgehammer Z40 (ASA# 2751217) tattoo 550C, BW 70lbs. 58 S AV BRAVE 8320 $F S A V BRAVE 8320 CED PHF Georgina 2003 6593 Angus Birth Date: 1/11/2012 - Cow AAA #17236549 - Tattoo: 2003 $W S AV BISMARCK 5682 65 Lot 64A: Bull calf born 10/6/2015 sired by Gordon (ASA# 2429668) tattoo 575C, BW 74lbs. December 5, 2015 • “December PHF Effie 3431 of 2767 504 / Lot 66 To Remember” • Page 37 Pleasant Hill Farms 57 Angus |Fall Pairs Pleasant Hill Farms SimAngus |Fall Pairs LS 067 of 659 Reflection RODGERS Angus Birth Date: 8/31/2010 - Cow AAA #16914489 - Tattoo: 67 BON VIEW NEW DESIGN 878 HAPPY GRILL OF CONANGA 6260 GRC PAUL 2382 OF 1059 6I6 LS 659 OF 4983 2382 BW WW YW +2.6 +49 +87 SC Milk CW Marb +37.21 $F +40.55 GRC RITA 4983 OF 0023 9559 +4 / Lot 74 $W CONNEALY REFLECTION CED Tibbie 365-1591 Pleasant Hill Farms 67 Angus |Fall Pairs RE $G Fat $B +21 Pleasant Hill Farms Angus |Fall Pairs Offered by Mills Lot 67A: Bull calf born 11/2/2015 sired by Gordon (ASA# 2429668) tattoo 583C, BW 85lbs. 68 CAC Pauline 2590 of 1059 504 Angus Birth Date: 2/17/2010 - Cow AAA #17330937 - Tattoo: 2590 E C C ROBERTO 113 $W GRC TOTAL PACKAGE 504 +41.88 GRC RITA 230 OF 6M25 7168 FQR Erica of in Focus 23J / Lot 69 69 F Q R Erica of In Focus 23J Angus Birth Date: 3/3/2009 - Cow AAA #16516326 - Tattoo: 23J S A F FOCUS OF E R GRC PAULINE 1059 2396 6595 +28.32 GRC PAULINE 2396 OF 311 2093 $G +31.13 MYTTY COUNTESS 906 $F SITZ ALLIANCE 6595 $W MYTTY IN FOCUS $F EF EXT 526 4QR LINDSEY OF 526 15A +24.46 PRIDE OF CABIN CREEK 198 $G +14.77 CED BW WW YW SC Milk CW Marb I-2 +3.4 +44 +75 I+.93 +27 I+27 I+.25 RE Fat I+.07 I+.035 $B CED BW WW YW +85.93 +8 -.1 +39 +74 Offered by PHF A powerhouse of a female is what comes to you in this 504 daughter. Depth of rib, capacity, soundness, and power all come together in this female that descends from the Pauline cow family. Lot 68A: Bull calf born 11/9/2015 sired by Bad Romance 913 (AAA# 17203209) tattoo 575C, BW 72lbs. SC Milk CW Marb RE Fat $B +19 71 LS 783 of 561 878 Angus Birth Date: 9/29/2007 - Cow AAA #16012621 - Tattoo: 783 $W +41.87 BON VIEW GAMMER 85 Offered by TWCC 23J is an Angus cow that is in her prime. Big bodied, long spined and good structured with a picture perfect udder and teat size. She has a really nice heifer calf at side sired by FBF1 Combustible that you are going to turn a lot of heads. Angus Birth Date: 9/2/2005 - Cow AAA #15317791 - Tattoo: 560 B/R NEW DESIGN 036 BONVIEW NEW DESIGN 878 LS 561 OF 108 RIGHT TIME 24J +42.36 L S GEORGINA 680 OF 2076 $G LS 959 of 659 Bando 702 Angus Birth Date: 8/26/2009 - Cow AAA #16617579 - Tattoo: 959 H S A F BANDO 1961 $W LS 702 OF 500 BANDO 1961 +20.34 LS 500 OF 204 ALLIANCE 9126 $F GRC PAUL 2382 OF 1059 6I6 LS 659 OF 4983 2382 +21.28 GRC RITA 4983 OF 0023 9559 CED BW WW YW +5 +.6 +36 +71 Offered by Mills CAC Pauline 2590 of 1059 / Lot 68 SC Milk CW Marb RE $G Fat Lot 70A: Bull calf born 10/7/2015 sired by Gordon (ASA# 2429668) tattoo 576C, BW 78lbs. +9.88 $F GRC BLK BOB 2076 OF 100 ERIN L S STONE GATE 1247 OF 2076 +8.11 STONE GATE LOCA $G +32.36 +36.30 BW WW YW SC Milk CW Marb RE Fat $B CED BW WW YW +2 +3.2 +43 +80 +1.28 +30 +18 +.59 +.00 +.010 +87.67 +6 +.9 +25 +59 Lot 71A: Bull calf born 9/27/2015 sired by Gordon (ASA# 2429668) tattoo 573C, BW 60lbs. 72 LS 762 of 462 Lead On Angus Birth Date: 8/25/2007 - Cow AAA #16012612 - Tattoo: 762 CONNEALY LEADTIME +44.70 ELIGENCE PLUS OF CONANGA LS 462 OF 207 2382 +40.15 LS GEORGINA 207 OF 9107 2076 Milk CW Marb RE Fat $B +17 +20 +.56 +.18 -.020 +84.13 Offered by Mills Lot 73A: Heifer calf born 10/15/2015 sired by Gordon (ASA# 2429668) tattoo 582C, BW 80lbs. 74 Rodgers Tibbie 365-1591 IDEAL 1418 OF 8103 4286 $G $W RODGERS 1418-9618 +30.82 GIBBS ERICA 200 $F GRC PAUL 2382 OF 1059 6I6 SC Angus Birth Date: 11/1/2001 - Cow AAA #14039696 - Tattoo: 1591 $W CONNEALY LEAD ON $B +14 $W WHITE FENCE PRIDE H1 CED Offered by Mills 70 B/R NEW DESIGN 036 B/R NEW FRONTIER 095 $F BT RIGHT TIME 24J Lot 69A: Heifer calf born 10/8/2015 sired by FBF1 Combustible (ASA# 2588018) tattoo 23C, BW 75lbs. 73 LS 560 of 103 New Frontier95 $F TC STOCKMAN 365 RODGERS TIBBIE 4159 -7.09 D A TIBBIE 549 415 $G +38.27 CED BW WW YW +4 +1.3 +47 +86 SC Milk CW Marb RE Fat $B CED BW WW YW +27 I+24 I+.51 I+.35 I-.051 +98.60 -3 +4.8 +41 +56 Offered by Mills Lot 72A: Heifer calf born 9/12/2015 sired by Connealy Freightliner (AAA# 13026916) tattoo 562, BW 74lbs. SC Milk CW Marb RE Fat $B +21 Offered by PHF This cow is the epitome of a beef female. A sound, good footed cow with body and substance that breeds back and continues to produce year after year. She is the kind that is hard to let go of, but we are confident she will do a great job for whoever her new owner is! Her bull calf at side is a stud! Lot 74A: Bull calf born 9/22/2015 sired by SVF Sledgehammer Z40 (ASA# 2751217) tattoo 551C, BW 69lbs. December 5, 2015 • “December To Remember” • Page 38 December 5, 2015 • “December To Remember” • Page 39 Vidalia Pleasant Hill Farms BF Study your lesson here Cowboys! With the first set of calves on the ground, he has surpassed every expectation, consistently siring calves with, muscle, dimension, look, soundness and performance. This bull is backed by great cow families that will add value to your herd’s future! We are offering a limited amount of semen packages on this bull so don’t miss this opportunity to buy in on a tremendous bull that has more to offer than we can write. This bull combines soundness, dimension, and muscle in as clean a package as you will find; don’t miss out on this spectacular opportunity. Frozen Genetics / Dam of Lot 77 embryos SledgeHammer Pleasant Hill Farms Frozen Genetics Dreamalott Mandy 21 / Lot 30 75 SVF Sledgehammer Z40 Purebred Simmental Birth Date: 9/03/2012 - Cow ASA #2751217 - Tattoo: Z40 FB PRIME CUT 456L FLYING B CUT ABOVE 122.2 CNS DREAM ON L186 SVF/HS EXPECTING A DREAM SVF/NJC EXPECTATION N206 CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW 8.5 2.1 56.5 85.1 11.2 19.7 48.0 23.9 YG -0.25 Marb BF PARTISOVER BURGESS 532 63 12.2 1.15 66.55 94.95 REA Homozygous Black | Homozygous Polled Dam CNS DREAM ON L186 RDDS MS DREAM ON 844U RDDS MS F PROTO 838R 2SA Sire S D S GRADUATE 006X CCR SANTA FE 9349Z Dam CCR MS APPLE 9332W SVF/NJC BUILT RIGHT N48 BFVIDALIA MISS CCF R 78 Planned Mating EPDs Planned Mating EPDs TI 0.17 -0.070 0.41 Lot 75A: 30 Unit Package Lot 75B: 30 Unit Package PARTISOVER PROMOTION CE BW WW YW Selling 2 Semen Packages of 30 Units each RDDS Sire MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 77 Santa Fe x Vidalia Embryos PB Simmental | 3 Embryos PB Simmental | 3 IVF Embryos API DILLONS MS PRETTY WOMAN 76 Promotion x 844U Embryos MCE Milk MWW CW 9.8 16.75 Offered by Hoffman Farms 50 YG Marb 27.8 -0.38 0.24 BF REA API -0.07 0.89 133.6 69.6 844U was our recent selection at The Black Label event a few months ago and I am sure she will not disappoint you. We are very excited about building around this powerful cow. Her success in the show ring has continued on into the pasture as she has produced several show heifers sired by multiple bulls. FBFS Breeze created a buzz at The Black Label event in 2014 commanding over $16K and she followed that by producing FBFS Caroline 015C selling to Pleasant Hill Farms & Metzger Cattle Company for $12,500. So the guess work is completed don’t miss this opportunity to tie into great genetics. Selling 3 IVF embryos, guaranteeing 1 pregnancy if work is performed by a certified embryologist. Ms Dream On 844U CE BW WW YW TI 11.6 -0.70 58.65 87.30 MCE Milk MWW CW YG Marb 9.4 21.65 50.90 20.75 -0.25 Offered by Rocky Hollow Simmentals 0.11 BF REA API -.03 0.70 125.4 63.8 TI Selling 3 embryos, guaranteeing 1 pregnancy if work is performed by a certified embryologist. CCR Santa Fe 9349Z / Sire of Lot 30 78A Lock Down x D26 Embryos PB Simmental | 3 Embryos Sire REMINGTON LOCK N LOAD54U W/C LOCK DOWN 206Z G C F MISS NEW LEVELR206 Dam CNS DREAM ON L186 YC MISS DREAM ON D26 YC MISS BIK B80 Planned Mating EPDs / Dam of Lot 76 embryos CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW CW YG Marb 15.05 -1.15 65.9 104.25 11.75 17.45 50.3 30.25 -0.20 Offered by Rocky Hollow Simmentals 0.36 BF REA API -.03 0.70 152.0 75.3 TI Selling 3 embryos, guaranteeing 1 pregnancy if work is performed by a certified embryologist. W/C Lock Down 206Z / Sire of Lot 78A 79B Lucky Dice x D26 Embryos PB Simmental | 3 Embryos Sire Dreamalott Mandy 21 / Lot 30 LCHMAN LUCKY BUCK 7049C GW LUCKY DICE 187H 407D Dam YC MISS BIK B80 Planned Mating EPDs CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW CW 12.5 0.70 64.55 99.7 12.3 17.7 Partisover Promotion / Sire of Lot 76 To Remember” • Page 40 YG Marb 49.9 30.20 -0.32 Offered by Rocky Hollow Simmentals December 5, 2015 • “December CNS DREAM ON L186 YC MISS DREAM ON D26 0.23 BF REA API TI -0.05 0.91 137.0 73.1 Selling 3 embryos, guaranteeing 1 pregnancy if work is performed by a certified embryologist. December 5, 2015 • “December GW Lucky Dice 187H / Sire of Lot 79B To Remember” • Page 41 From all of us at Pleasant Hill Farms H Vance 3824 AAA# 17786712 Sire: TC Vance 011 MGS: O C C Emblazon 854E LF Dream Doctor ASA# 2286763 Purebred Simmental Sire: CNS Dream On L186 MGS: HC Power Drive 88H we wish you Merry Christmas & Happy New Year S A V Prototype 1283 AAA# 17016511 Sire: S A V Providence 6922 MGS: S A V Net Worth 4200 Bad Romance 913 AAA# 17203209 Sire: S A V 004 Traveler 4836 MGS: S A V Bismarck 5682 M2C Alkaline 37W ASA# 2538605 Purebred Simmental Sire: TNT Ever Ready MGS: LF Dream Doctor Thanks for looking through our cattle. Partisover Promotion ASA# 2630727 !/2 SM 1/2 AN Sire: Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 MGS: BT Right Time 24J SEMEN AVAILABLE ON EACH OF THESE BULLS! Contact Gil Cowles 270-843-9021 or Jerod Metzger 270-779-6260 December 5, 2015 • “December To Remember” • Page 42 December 5, 2015 • “December To Remember” • Page 43 Pleasant Hill Farms Simmental Sires Angus Sires Pleasant Hill Farms The Bull Battery Pleasant Hill Farms 508 Richpond Rockfield Road R o c k f i e l d , K Y 4 2 2 74 Return Service Requested 12.5.2015 Sale starts at 1:00pm CST Videos available of the sale offering at: &
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