INDEX: Israel A History


INDEX: Israel A History
Compiled by the author
Aaron: objects, 294
Aaronsohn family: spies, 33
Aaronsohn, Aaron: 33-4, 37
Aaronsohn, Sarah: 33
Abadiah (Gulf of Suez): and the
October War, 458
Abandoned Areas Ordinance (948):
Abasan (Arab village): attacked, 244
Abbas, Doa: killed by a Hizballah
rocket, 641
Abbas Mahmoud: becomes Palestinian
Prime Minister (2003), 627; launches
Road Map, 628; succeeds Arafat
(2004), 630; meets Sharon, 632;
challenges Hamas, 638, 639; outlaws
Hamas armed Executive Force, 644;
dissolves Hamas-led government, 647;
meets repeatedly with Olmert, 647,
648,649,653; at Annapolis, 654; to
continue to meet Olmert, 655
Abdul Hamid, Sultan (of Turkey): Herzl
contacts, 10; his sovereignty to receive
'absolute respect', 17; Herzl appeals
to, 20
Abdul Huda, Tawfiq: negotiates, 253
Abdullah, Emir: 52,87, 149-50, 172,
178-80,230, 241, 242, 253, 254, 484;
assassinated, 274; his grandson at
Rabin's funeral, 589
Abdullah II, King of Jordan: and the
renewed peace process (2007), 647;
and a cross-community cooperative
venture, 651
Abraham (the Patriarch): and Hebron,
Absentees Property Law (950): 256
Abu Ageila (Sinai): a base established
at, 244; buildings of, demolished, 246;
and the Sinai campaign, 322; and the
Six Day War, 386
Abu Amar: shot dead, 559
Abu Dis: road block at, 630
Abu Ful, Suliman: killed, 632
Abu Ghosh (Arab village): a kibbutz
near, 45; an accidental death near,
209; a villager from, killed by a suicide
bomb, 614
Abu Jihad: assassinated, 528
Abu Nidal: heads a 'Liberation
Movement', 503
Abu Rudeis (Sinai): bombed, 441;
evacuated by Israel, 468
Abu Zaid, Raid: killed, 632
Academy of the Hebrew Language:
established, 299-300
Accra (Ghana): 332
Acre: 3,80, 126, 172, 199, 205, 266, 344,
345; rocket deaths in (2006), 641
Acre Prison: executions in, 143, 148
Adam Institute: 604
Adamit: founded, 331-2
Adan, Major-General Avraham: and the
October War, 437
Adar, Zvi: teaches, 91
Adas, Shafiq: hanged, 225
Addis Ababa (Ethiopia): Jewish
emigrants gather in, 537
Aden: 154, 260
Adenauer, Konrad: and reparations from
Germany, 279-80, 283-4; and German
help for Israel, 334-5
Adiav, Yarum: and a protest, 501
Adler, Cyrus: becomes a patron, 26
Adler, Saul Aaron: an educational
pioneer, 54
Adler-Rudel, Salomon: and Displaced
Persons, 259
Admon, Yedidyah: returns, 403
Adriatic Sea: 98, 125, 126, 259
Adullam Region: agriculture in, 331
Aegean Sea: 98, 126, 259
Afghanistan: 150
Afikim: founded, 68; a kibbutznik from,
Africa: and Ben-Gurion, 74; immigrants
from, 263, 519; and Israel, 332, 346,
Afridar: founded, 290
Afula: founded, 54; its hospital, 55; a
Fatah attack in, 356; and Dayan's 'view
of the map', 405; a suicide bomb
massacre in, 569, 575
Agnon, Shai (Samuel Czaczkes): wins
Nobel Prize, 360-1
Agranat Commission of Inquiry: and the
October War (973), 430, 464-5
Agranat, Shimon: 67,430
Agricultural Settlement Department (of
the Jewish Agency): 331
Agron, Gershon: 69
Agudat Yisrael: its electoral success,
275; its philosophy, 276-7; and the
political crisis of 1990, 545
Ahad Ha'am (Asher Ginsburg): 13, 14,
20, 21, 28, 39; his philosophy, and the
State of Israel, 335-6
Aharonovitch, Yosef: and Jewish labour,
79; remembered, 82
Ahdut (newspaper): 27
Ahimeir, Abba: charged, 71-2
Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud: his threats,
635. 642
AI-Ahram (newspaper): and the
inevitability of war, 373-4
Air France: an airliner of, hijacked, 471,
Aix Group: and an Israeli-Palestinian
initiative, 634
Akaba (Transjordan, later Jordan): 247,
318, 546; negotiations at, 572; the
Israel-Jordan peace treaty signed at,
576; prospects for, 580-1
Akaba, Gulf of: 73, 116, 248, 318; and
the Sinai campaign, 325; and the Law
of the Sea, 332-3; and the road to war
in 1967, 368, 373, 376; and the Six Day
War, 387; and the October War, 438;
settlements on, to be given up, 494;
and the Taba dispute, 500; a political
summit at (2003), 627
Akiva, Rabbi: remembered, 273
Akrotiri Air Base (Cyprus): and the
October War, 448
al-Aksa Mosque (Jerusalem): fears
concerning, 57; an assassination at,
274; Sadat prays at, 489; and an
'Israel-Zionist plot', 596; and the
denial of a Muslim burial, 601; digging
near, 621; and the 'al-Aksa Intifada',
Ala'a, Abu: and the Oslo talks (993),
559, 560, 561, 563
Alaska: 147
Albania: Jews of, 271
Albeck, Chanokh: teaches, 79
Albright, Madeleine: her intervention,
616; her advice, 616
Alei Sinai: a woman jogger shot dead in,
Alei Zahav: a soldier from, ambushed
and killed, 562
Aleksandrow Rebbe: murdered (942),
Aleppo (Syria): 154
Alexander II, Tsar of Russia: bestows an
honour, 5
Alexandria (Egypt): 30, 78, 154, 297, 431
Aley (Lebanon): held by Syrian troops
Alfasi, Shimon: his last order, 168
Alfredo (in La Traviata): 352
Algeria: immigrants from, 259; and Arab
nationalism, 315; and the October
War, 437, 444; two volunteers from, in
Beirut, 509; and terror, 579;
represented at Annapolis (2007), 653
Algiers: Soviet tanks on way to, 444
Algiers Summit (973): and the
aftermath of the October War, 462
Ali Montar Ridge (Gaza Strip): and the
Sinai campaign, 324
Alignment for the Unity of Israeli Workers
(the Alignment): a new political
Party, 359; and the impact of the
October War, 461, 463; and the 1977
.General Election, 478, 479; and the
1981 General Election, 499; derides
the opposition to Sabbath flights by EI
AI, 502; and the Lebanon War, 509;
and the 1984 General Election, 516;
and the political crisis of 1990, 544
Alkahi, Mordechai: executed, 143
All-Palestine Government: established
(948), 230; not recognized, 241
Allenby, General: 35, 36, 37, 135
Alliance Israelite Universelle (school
system): 27, 29
Alliance of the Land of Israel Faithful:
formed, 494
Allon, Yigal: 92, 143-4; and the struggle
for Palestine 0947-8), 175, 177-8; and
the War of Independence, 206, 207,
218; and the dismantlement of the
Palmach, 229-30; and the battle for
the Faluja Pocket, 237-9; and the
conquest of the Negev, 242-3; and the
advance into the Sinai, 245-6; and the
withdrawal from Sinai, 247; his work
as Minister of Labour, 342; and the
road to war in 1967, 376, 382; and the
Six Day War, 387; and the West Bank's
future, 398, 406; and the return of
Jews to Hebron, 405; and the choice
of Golda Meir as Prime Minister,
408-9; opposes West Bank
settlements, 423; and the Golan
Heights, 454; and the October War,
456; and a historical dispute, 485-6;
votes against Camp David, 493
Allon Plan: and the West Bank, 406,
408, 419, 469; aspects of, revived, 612
Allonei Abba: founded, 196
Allonei Yitzhak: founded, 234
Allonim: founded, 91
Almagor: founded, 343; flourishes, 419
Almah: founded, 264
Al-Moharer (newspaper): and an
inflammatory statement, 544
Aloni, Shulamit: protests, 509; and the
formation of a new political party, 532
Alphand, Herve: and the war crisis of
1967, 367
Alsheikh, Shalom ben Joseph: 9
Alsop, Joseph: interviews Dayan, 298
Altalena (steamship): the struggle
around, 210-3; the aftermath of,
228-9, 230
Alterman, Nathan: his poems, 116,
126-7, 263, 315
Altmann, John: and the Altalena, 212-3
Alummot: founded, 96
Alzjary, Saleh: visits and Israeli school
Amashe, Suaal: killed, 157
Amedi, Chaim: killed, 592
Amer, General Abdul Hakim: and the
Sinai campaign, 323; and the coming
of war in 1967, 367
America-Israel Culture House (New
York): 361
America Palestine Fund: 96-7,361
American Colony Hotel Oerusalem): and
the intifada, 540
American Friends of Ateret Cohanim:
American Friends of the Hebrew
University: 407
American Information Office (Baghdad):
bombed, 257
American Jewess (newspaper): 14
American Jewish Joint Distribution
Committee (the Joint): 127, 259, 260
American Labour Zionist Order: 114
American Marines: in Beirut (982), 508,
512; and a terrorist bombing (983),
American Zion Commonwealth: 54
American Zionist Emergency Council:
American Zone of Occupation
(Germany): 124, 125, 147, 249
Amery, Leopold: supports Zionist loan,
Amidar (housing company): 267
Aminadav: his son recalled, 167
Aminadav: founded, 268-9; an
immigrant killed at, 313
Amir: founded, 96
Amir, Colonel Gaby: and the October
War, 437
Amir, Yigal: a would-be assassin, 579,
581, 583; succeeds, 587; and 'Jewish
values', 588
Amirim: founded, 268
Amit, Meir: joins a new political Party,
Amital, Rabbi Yehuda: leads a political
Party, 531
Amman (Transjordan, later Jordan): 199,
225, 230, 253, 255, 377; and the Six
Day War, 393; Rabin offers to travel to,
554; Peres's private visit to, 568; Rabin
negotiates in, 573, 576; Rabin's hopes
for, 578; an assassination attempt in,
Amman Economic Conference: and
Arab-Israeli cooperation, 586
Amman Radio: and the October War,
Ammiad: founded, 137
Ammunition Hill Oerusalem): and the
Six Day War, 386
Amnesty International: and the Jenin
'massacre' (2002), 625
Amona (West Bank): demolitions at, 637
Amzalak, Hayyim: finances the first
village, 6
Anal (refugee ship): 145
Anatolia (Turkey): 30
Anderson, Robert B.: an American
intermediary, 307-10
Andrews, Lewis: murdered, 89
Anielewicz, Mordechai: remembered,
Anglo-American Palestine Committee:
Anglo-American Committee of Enquiry
(on Palestine): 124, 128-9, 132
'Anglo-Baltic' kibbutz: 114
Anglo-Egyptian Treaty: 245
Anglo-Jordanian Defence Treaty: 316
Ankara (Turkey): 115
Annan, Kofi: condemns a killing, 629;
condemns a 'disproportionate' Israeli
response, 640
Annapolis Conference (Maryland): and
the renewed Israeli-Palestinian peace
process (2007), 653-4; not to be
derailed, 655; Arab countries to be
encouraged to support, 655-6
Antwerp: defence of (1914), 194; arms
from (1948), 225
Appelfeld, Aharon: international status
of, 617
Appell, Hannah: her letters, 235
Arab Boycott: challenged, 556
Arab Centre for Law and Policy
(Nazareth): 642
Arab Democratic Party: founded, 526;
recognizes PLO, 527; and the Iraqi
invasion of Kuwait, 546; enters the
coalition (1992), 550; and a Likud
criticism of the peace process, 583
Arab Emergency Committee (Jaffa): 183
Arab Executive (Palestine): 61
Arab Hashemite Kingdom: established,
Arab Higher Committee: and partition,
149; declares a strike, 155; urges
departure, 173
The Arab-Israeli Wars (Chaim Herzog):
320, 432, 433, 437, 440, 441-2, 446-7
'Arab Jerusalem': see East Jerusalem
Arab League: established, 119; and
partition, 141; and Jewish statehood,
153, 155; rejects talks, 291; opposes
emigration of Soviet Jews, 426-7; and
a crisis over a tunnel, 596; represented
at Annapolis (2007), 653
Arab Legion: 149, 168, 172, 176-7, 178,
179, 180, 181, 184, 192, 196, 197, 198,
199,205,206,213; and the
battle for Lydda and Ramie, 216-8; and
the third battle of Latrun, 221; and
Jerusalem, 221, 222, 223, 233; areas
controlled by, 230; an officer of, at Faluja,
239; an appeal to, 244; withdraws,
248; and Israeli reprisals, 314, 315; and
Beit Ha-Arava's fate, 401; a prisoner
of, lights a torch, 603
Arab Liberation Army: 155, 159, 163-4,
170-1,171-2, 177,220,223,234,236,
Arab National Guard (Palestine): 159
Arab refugees (1948-9): 204-5, 271, 285
Arab riots (in Palestine): (of 1920) 47,
48; (of 1921) 47, 48, 49; (of 1929) 55,
495; (of 1936) 343, 354
Arab States: and the Road Map (2002),
Arabs (of the Occupied Territories): 394,
396-8, 399, 400, 403-4, 405, 406, 412
Arabs (of Israel): and the Israeli
Declaration of Independence, 188;
gain access to Israeli institutes of
higher learning, 292; in the Northern
Galilee, 331; numbers of, 344; rights
of, 344-5; a demonstration by, 471;
and a Zionist goal achieved, 529; and
the 1988 election, 531; population of
(1997), 605; criticisms by, 642-3
Arabs (of Palestine): in the pre-State era,
7, 17, 23, 25, 27, 30, 31, 32, 38, 42, 43,
47,48,50,55,57,59-62; and the
aftermath of the riots of 1929, 63-8,
114; and the demography of Palestine,
69, 88, 92, 97; and Jewish immigration
after 1933, 72, 80, 113; and the
renewal of violence (1937), 89, 90, 92,
94; and a raid on a detention camp,
130; and partition, 136, 141-2, 149;
and Hitler's 'crimes', 144; and the
struggle throughout Palestine
(1947-8), 151-2, 154-85
Arad: founded, 342-3; a new settlement
near, 613
Arafat, Yasser: leads Fatah, 354; seeks
'the uprooting of the Zionist entity',
418; and the world's 'widest gate', 467;
and President Carter's call for a
Palestinian 'homeland', 477; an
opponent of, and a terror attack, 503;
and Israel's invasion of Lebanon
(1982), 504; leaves Beirut for Tunis,
508; sets up PLO headquarters in
Tunis, 513; and Hamas, 528, 557; and
his autonomy government 0995- ),
528; and a murder in Jerusalem, 541; 'I
want you to shoot', 544; meets Ezer
Weizman, 548; and Israeli-PLO talks,
561; and the Oslo Accords, 564, 565,
566, 569; and the Cairo Agreement
(1994), 570; and the Palestinian
Authority, 570-1,621; and suicide
bombs, 574, 575, 579; and Clinton's
'mission', 576; and Peres's advice, 580;
negotiates with Peres, 580, 581, 582-3;
signs Oslo II (1995), 584; sends
condolences, 591; visits Leah Rabin,
591; and Israel's 19% General Election
campaign, 594; complaints against,
595; and a Washington summit (1996),
596; and Christmas in Bethlehem
(1996), 598; his jurisdiction, 605; and
the 1967 borders of Israel, 609; at
Camp David (2000),621,622; appoints
a Prime Minsiter, 627; refuses to renew
Camp David talks, 627; dies (2004),
A-Ram: a twelve-year-old boy killed in,
Aranne, Zalman: and the 'fearful toll' of
war (1967), 375
Arava Institute for Environmental Studies:
Arava Valley: 248, 268, 271-2; a vision
for, 572; and the Israel-Jordan peace
treaty, 574, 576
Arava Valley Border Crossing: opened
Arbel, Edna: and a political scandal, 602
archaeology: and the Jewish national
heritage, 57-8; and the Negev, 272;
and the Dead Sea scrolls, 295-6; and a
murderous incident, 313, 315; and a
discovery near the Dead Sea, 341; and
Masada, 351; and a private dig, 404;
and the collapse of a political Party,
Ardinest, lieutenant Shlomo: a heroic
defender, 432, 433
Arens, Moshe: votes against Camp
David, 493; opposes the London
Agreement, 523; supports direct talks,
543; and the Gulf War, 546
Argentina: 13, 21, 65, 138, 336
Argov, Nehemiah: and Ben-Gurion's
'childish astonishment', 195-6; and an
Israeli reprisal raid, 298
Argov, Shlomo: attempted assassination
Ariel: a soldier ambushed and killed
near, 562; a cornerstone laying
ceremony in, 609
Arikha, Avigdor: wounded,198
Arlosoroff, Chaim: 63,69-70; murdered,
71-2; recalled, 73, 212, 584
Arlosoroff, Shaul: his warning, and his
Arlosoroff, Sima: and her husband's
murder, 71-2
Armenian earthquake (1999): Israel
sends aid to, 650
Armenian Quarter (Jerusalem): 199
Armenians: a tiny minority, 605;
'genocide' against, 612
Armistice Agreements (1949): in
prospect, 246, 247; negotiated, 248-9,
250, 252, 253-4, 254, 255, 265, 274,
333, 418
Armour Service (of the Haganah): 156
The Army of Israel (Pearlman): 194-5
Arnona (Jerusalem): 233
Ashdod: a teacher from, warns, 538-9
Ashkelon: a holiday village near, 290;
fedayeen raids near, 301; and Project
Renewal, 484-5; a suicide bomber in,
592; and Israel's beaches, 618; rockets
fired into, 639
Ashkenazi, Captain Motti: a heroic
defender, 432
Ashkenazi-Sephardi division: 42, 259,
303, 336, 344, 407, 420-1, 479, 519-20,
619; and the 1988 General Election,
531; and the 1996 General Election,
595; and the 'ethnic devil', 604
Askar (refugee camp): a youth shot
dead in, 558
Asia Minor: Jewish refugees reach, 115
Asia: and 'the misery of the Jews', 14;
and Jewish places of learning, 20; and
the Arabs, 62, 88; and a 'bridge', 74;
and socialist Parties, 288; and the
Bandung Conference, 300; the new
States of, and Israel, 332, 346, 460; and
the Casablanca economic conference,
Asian Socialist Conference (1953): 288
Asmara (Ethiopia): 303
Aspen Institute: and the renewed IsraeliPalestinian peace process (2007), 656
Asquith, 2nd Earl: 117
assassination: of an anti-Zionist, 52-3; of
a Zionist, 71-2; of Lord Moyne, 118-9;
and the Altalena, 212; of Count
Bernadotte, 228-9; of General
Razmara, 274, of Riad Bey e-Solh, 274;
assassination (continued)
of the Emir Abdullah, 274; of Yitzhak
Rabin, 274, 587, 588-92, 618; of
Nokrashy Pasha, 242; of Israel Kastner,
304, 349; of President Kennedy, 348;
of President Sadat, 499; and
'liberation', 504; of President-elect
Bashir Jemayel, 509; of Yahiya Ayash,
592; attempted, against Max Nordau,
22; attempted, against Khaled Mashaal,
Assassins: recalled, 122
Association for Civil Rights in Israel
(A.C.R.I.): 608
Association of Jews from Arab Countries:
Association of Wine Growers: 26
Assyria: and the road to war in 1967,
Ateret Cohanim: advocates widespread
settlement in the Occupied Territories,
Athens Airport: a terrorist attack on,
404; a hijacking after take-off from,
Athlit: an experimental station at, 25;
'illegal' immigrants detained at, 101,
107; a raid on, 130-1; a leading Jew
murdered while on his way from, 157
Atlantic (refugee ship): 105, 106, 108
Atlantic Ocean: 75
Atomic Reactor (Dimona): 522
Attar, Danny: and a cross-community
cooperative venture, 651
Attlee, Clement: and 'pure hypocrisy',
128; and the future of the 100,000, 135
Auerbach, Elias: opens a hospital, 28
Auschwitz: and a trial for slander, 303;
visits to, 556; the liberation of,
commemorated, 579; a survivor of,
killed by a suicide bomb, 613; son of a
survivor of, in space, 628
Austin, Warren: and American
opposition to partition, 165
Australia: 137, 138, 150, 185, 210, 268;
volunteers from (1973), 437
Australian forces (in Syria): 111
Austria: 79, 85, 93, 95, 97, 124, 125, 126,
128, 134, 136, 336, 352, 426
Austro-Hungarian Empire: 11, 19, 30,
90, 259
Auxiliary Territorial Service (ATS): 103
Avenue of the Righteous (Yad Vashem,
Jerusalem): 289
Avidar, Yosef: and military training, 85
Avigur, Shaul: see Meirov, Shaul
Avihail: founded,69
Aviner, Rabbi Shlomo: 'the Arabs are
squatters', 524
Avisar, Sergeant Gitai: shot dead, 562
Avner, Yehuda: xii; and the Eichmann
Trial, 337; and the 'retreat of the
pioneer ethos', 404; and the
immigration of Ethiopian Jews, 497;
and the rotation experiment, 524; and
the Washington talks, 549
Avrahami, District Police Superintendent
Levi: and the use of tear-gas, 281
Avramov, Gregory: stabbed to death,
Avriel, Ehud: in Istanbul, 115; in
Czechoslovakia, 168, 199, 286
Awali River (Lebanon): Israeli troops
reach, 505; Israel withdraws south of,
Axelrod, David: incitement by, 539
Ayalon, Assistant Superintendent Moshe:
injured, 281
Ayash, Hofit: killed, 592
Ayash, Yahiya: a wanted man, 575;
assassinated, 592
Ayelet Ha-Shahar: safety of, 175
Azar, Samuel: hanged, 296
Azaria, Natan: stabbed to death, 561
Azma'ut (steamship): brings refugees,
Azur: an accident at, 404
Azzadin, Amin Bey: leaves, 172
Azzam Pasha: and partition, 141
Baabde (Lebanon): Israeli and Syrian
tanks battle near (1982), 506
Bab ai-Wad: ambushes at, 157, 167, 173
Babylon: and Jerusalem 99; and the
Jews, 113; and Jewish terrorism, 139;
exiles from, remembered, 231; and the
road to war in 1967, 369
Baghdad: 32, 74, 257, 258, 303; 'savage
visions' in, 369; and the Gulf War, 546
Baghdad Pact (955): 304
Bahir, Arieh: at Basle (946), 139
Bahrain: and Palestine, 141; supports
Road Map, 627; represented at
Annapolis (2007), 653
Bailey, Clinton: champions the Bedouin,
360; and a plan for the West Bank,
Baker, James: seeks to mediate, 540,
543, 548, 555
Baku (Azerbaijan): 537
Balata (refugee camp): a death in, 558
Balbeck (Lebanon): Islamic
fundamentalists trained at, 530
Balfour, A.J.: 34, 53, 56-7; and 'that
small notch', 119-20
Balfour Declaration (1917): 34-5, 37-8,
41,42,45,47,49,85, 117, 129, 187,
254, 267, 278; and the Oslo Accords
Balkans: 119, 122; Jews from, 519
Ballod, Professor Karl: 38
Baltic Sea: 575
Baltic States: 114, 287
Banai: see Alliance of the Land of Israel
Bandung Conference (1955): 300
Bangladesh: and the October War, 438
Banias River: and a war crisis, 353
Bank Ha-Poalim: 79
Bar Giyora: founded, 497
Bar-Ilan Road Qerusalem): a protest on,
Bar-Ilan University: an assassin from,
588; a warning at, 598
Bar Kochba: his revolt, 90; his hidden
cave, 341
Bar-Lev, Colonel (later General) Chaim:
and the Sinai campaign, 322-3; and a
Syrian threat, 353; his fortified line,
401; and a sad telephone call, 413;
and the October War, 439, 442, 449
Bar-Lev Line: completed (1969), 401;
broken (1973), 460
Bar-On, Mordechai: and a 'Song of
Peace', 400; and a tear gas attack, 503;
and Ben-Gurion's 'ultimate goal', 613
Bar-On, Roni: and a political scandal,
Bar-Zohar, Michael: a historian's
relections on Ben-Gurion and his new
political Party (1965), 359
Barabush, Benny: protests 501;
apprehensive, 502
Barak, Aharon: 'You'll rot .. .', 595; his
constructive leadership of the Supreme
Court, 650-1
Barak, Ehud: grants citizenship, 523;
and an assassination raid, 528; a
challenge to, 611; and Lebanon, 620;
at Camp David, 621, 622; returns as
Labour Party leader, 646; and the
renewed peace process (2007),648
Baratz, Yosef: seeks reinforcements, 192
Barbour, Walworth: and the road to war
in 1967, 374
Barkan (West Bank): inducements
offered by, 609
Barkun, Yana: her poem, 600
Barrard, John: and Israel's tiny air force
(1948), 189-90
Barsky, Moshe: killed, 32
Barzani, Moshe: commits suicide, 143
Bashiti, Farid: executed, 601
Basic Law Qerusalem): approved (1980),
Basle (Switzerland): Zionist Congresses
in, 13--4, 15, 17, 19, 22, 138-9; an
anniversary meeting in, 612
Basle Programme (1897): 14-15, 254,
Basra (Iraq): a hanging in, 225
Basri, Yosef Abraham: hanged, 258
Bat Yam: attacked, 176
Bawli, Dan: and the October War,
Bawli, Lazar: a pioneer, 453
Bazak, Shai: and the Oslo Accords
commitments, 614
BBC Television: interviews Moshe
Dayan, 422
Beatrix, Queen (of the Netherlands): at
Rabin's funeral, 589
Beaufort Crusader Fortress: captured
(1982), 505
Bedouin: help of, enlisted, 9; attack, 43;
neighbours, 82, 83; and land sale to
Jews, 115; and a journey southward,
116-7; in the Negev, 137, 541; during
the struggle for Jewish statehood, 156,
160, 179, 242; and the Dead Sea
scrolls, 295; and an ambush, 314; in
Sinai, 325; serve as soldiers, 344; their
plight, and their champion, 359-60
Be'eri, Isser: his accusation, 210
Be'eri: infiltrators near, 311
Be'erot Yitzhak: founded, 114; attack
on, repulsed, 219
Beersheba: 117, 137, 156, 161, 208, 231,
232, 239, 242, 296, 310, 421, 558; and
the 'revolution of peace', 566
Beersheba University: 521; for
subsequent index entries, see BenGurion University
Beethoven, Ludwig: performed in
Jerusalem, 79
Begin, Benjamin: and an ongoing
dispute, 515; and the 'agony of peace',
Begin, Menachem: leads the Irgun, 117,
126; and the Altalena, 211, 212, 213;
and an ultimatum, 229; leads Herut,
250; calls for no-confidence, 254; and
reparations from Germany, 279-83;
and the affair of the German scientists,
349; and the coming of war in 1967,
369, 380; and the Six Day War, 387,
396; and the Land of Israel Movement,
400; rejects giving up any part of Sinai,
414-5; resigns, 415; opposes a ceasefire (October 1973), 458; challenges
Labour (1977), 475; becomes Prime
Minister (1977), 479; negotiates in
Washington (1977), 480-1; and Sadat,
483,487,488; and the road to an
Israeli-Egyptian peace, 489-90, 490-3,
495 and new settlements, 484, 496,
513; and a reprisal action, 487;
opposition to (from the Right), 494;
and the West Bank, 494-5; receives
the Nobel Peace Prize, 495; and
Jerusalem, 496-7; and the bombing of
the Iraqi nuclear reactor, 498; and the
1981 General Election, 499; and the
pyramids, 499; and the Rafah Salient
withdrawal, 500; agrees not to allow
Sabbath flights by EI AI, 502-3; and
the Lebanon War (982), 503-4, 506,
507, 508, 510, 511; and the Reagan
Plan, 508; criticized by the Kahan
Commission, 510; and 'the Mark of
Cain', 511; leaves office, and dies, 515
Beilin, Yossi: and Israeli-PLO talks, 559;
and southern Lebanon, 607
Beinish, Dorit: accepts a Palestinian
legal; appeal, 652
Beirut (Lebanon): 154, 253, 274, 367,
624; and the Lebanon War (1982),
505-13; Rabin offers to travel to, 554;
and the Hizballah War (2006),640
Beirut International Airport: a reprisal
attack on, 404; and the Lebanon War
(1982), 505, 506, 508; and the
Hizballah War (2006),640
Beirut-Damascus Highway: Israeli
troops reach (1982), 505, 506
Beisan: Jews flee from, 80; settlements
established near, 82, 85, 98; the
'harassment' of, 175; occupied, 183;
settled by Jewish immigrants, 260; for
subsequent index entries see Beit
Beisan Valley: 160, 164, 313
Beit Alpha Qezreel Valley): an
archaeological discovery at, 57-8;
attacked, 60
Beit Dagan (police fort): occupied, 183
Beit Darass (airfield): evacuated, 167
BeitEl: founded, 486
Beit Eshel (Negev): a rescue mission
from, 160-1; supplies dropped to, 224
Beit Gamliel: founded, 266
Beit Guvrin: an ambush near, 302
Beit Ha-Aravah: founded, 102;
destroyed, 249; comes under Israeli
control, 401
Beit Hannah (Tel Aviv): its fate, 77 n.l
Beit Hanun (Gaza Strip): fighting at,
324; a suicide bomber at, 644
Beit Ha-Shittah: founded, 78
Beit Hatefusot (Diaspora Museum): 289,
Beit Jalla (Arab village): future of, 149;
an Israeli-Palestinian initiative in, 634
Beit Jibrin (Arab village): overrun, 234;
not to be a birthday present, 254; for
subsequent index entries see Beit
Beit Jiz (Arab village): occupied 206;
and an execution, 210
Beit Lid Junction: a suicide bomb attack
at, 579
Beit Machzir (Arab village): occupied,
Beit Masmil (Arab village): battle for,
Beit Nabala (Arab village): and the
Arabs of Lydda, 218
Beit Natif (Arab village): captured, 234
Beit Omar (Arab village): a youth killed
in, 558
Beit Oren: 'illegals' taken to, 131
Beit Oved: four farmers killed at, 302
Beit Safafa (Arab village): a killing at,
157; attacked, 216; divided, 265; and
an Israeli-Arab initiative, 632-3
Beit Shean: Jewish immigrants settle in,
Beit Shemesh: Arabs driven from, 234;
Jewish immigrant camp at, 268;
schoolgirls from, shot dead, 600
Beit Sussin (Arab village): occupied, 206
Beit Yitzhak: founded, 102
Beit Yosef: founded, 82
Beit Zayit: founded, 266
Beit Zera: founded, 51
Beka Valley (Lebanon): Israeli and
Syrian forces clash in (1982), 505; Syria
retains control of, 513
Belgium: 77, 497, 616; Gaza exports to,
Belsen concentration camp (also BergenBelsen): survivors at, 125, 136; a
British soldier incarcerated in, 235
Belzec death camp: 112
Ben-Aharon, Yitzhak: and the
premiership succession (1969), 408
Ben-Ari, Colonel Ari: and the Six Day
War, 386
Ben-Artzi, Noa: her eulogy, 590
Ben-David, Colonel Chaim: and the
'Lavon Affair', 338
Ben-Eliezer, Aryeh: shouted down, 252
Ben-Eliezer, Binyamin: his car attacked,
Ben-Gurion, David: reaches Palestine,
24-5; and the Arabs of Palestine, 27,
31, 38, 62, 74-6; and the First World
War, 31, 34-5, 36, 37; and the Balfour
Declaration, 34-5; and the future of
the Jews in Palestine, 38, 112; and the
Histadrut, 46-7; and Mapai, 63; and
the Gulf of Akaba, 73-4; and the
Negev, 74, 116, 271, 278; and reprisals,
94,292; and the Second World War,
101, 112; and Jewish land purchase
restrictions, 105; and Jabotinsky's
body, 110; denounces 'terror', 118;
challenges Britain, 121; visits the DP
camps (945), 124; works with Irgun
and Stern Gangs (946), 132; and
'Black Saturday', 133, 134; and
partition, 138, 149; in conflict with
Weizmann, 139--40; opposes terror,
142; assumes defence portfolio, 143-4,
151; and 'Jewish towns and villages',
144; gives evidence (July 1947), 146-7;
establishes National Command, 151;
and the moment of the partition
resolution, 153: and the struggle for
Palestine (November 1947 to May
1948), 156, 158, 160, 163, 165, 167,
168; urges 'no resistance' at the
quayside, 158--9; at the opera, 170;
journeys to Jerusalem, 173-4; and the
declaration of statehood, 180-2, 186,
188, 190; and the name 'Israel', 187;
and the War of Independence, 192-3,
195--6, 196-7, 199, 200-1,202, 205,
207,210,214-5,218,232,244; and the
Altalena, 210-3; and the Arabs of
Lydda, 218; and the murder of
Bernadotte, 228; and the
dismantlement of the Irgun, 229; and
the dismantlement of the Palmach,
229-30; and a British ultimatum,
245--6; and the first General Election,
250-1; and Egypt, 252; forms
Government, 252-3 and immigration
(post-1948), 260, 262, 270, 275, 287;
visits the United States (951), 273-4;
and Israeli politics, 275-7, 293-4; and
the crisis over reparations from
Germany, 279--83; and help from
Germany, 334-5; and Soviet Jewry,
286-7; and Asia, 288, 332, 346; alleged
pusillanimity of, 291; appoints Dayan,
292; resigns, 292-3; and the 'Lavon
affair', 297, 337--40, 356-7; returns as
Prime Minister, 297; forms coalition
(955), 300-1; negotiates with Egypt,
through an intermediary (956),
307-10; and 'vigorous' retaliation, 314;
and a crisis with Iraq, 316; and the
Suez crisis, 317--8; and the Sinai
campaign, 321, 326, 327; and Africa,
332, 346; and a 'foul-up', 333; and the
Eichmann Trial, 336-7; and
archaeology, 341; and the Bible,
341-2; and the Revisionists, 344; and
the Arabs of Israel, 345; approaches
Tito, 345--6; and the affair of the
German scientists, 349-50; resigns
(963), 350-1; and the Israel Museum,
355; forms a new political Party,
357-9; and 'a shameful defeat', 359;
irritates De Gaulle, 361; and
Resolution 242, 399; recalled, 474; and
a historical dispute, 485--6; and
Jerusalem, 496; his 1939 dictum
echoed (994), 569; and Israel's
'ultimate goal', 613
Ben-Gurion, Paula: treats wounded, 282
Ben-Gurion Airport: Shcharansky arrives
at, 521; and a journey to a cemetery,
Ben-Gurion University: 521, 569
Ben Josef, Shlomo: executed, 93
Ben Ovadia, David: killed, 157
Ben-Porat, Mordechai: in Baghdad, 257;
escapes, 258
Ben-Porat, Pinhas (a pilot): 160-1
Ben-Rafael, David: killed in a terrorist
bombing, 604
Ben-Rafael, Elisa: her story, 603-4
Ben Shemen: founded, 24, 25; reestablished, 51; German-Jewish
youngsters reach, 69; life at, 94-5, 103;
isolated, 157; an act of bravery at,
165-6; and the War of Independence,
Ben-Yannai, Motti: his protest, 500
Ben-Yehuda, Eliezer: and the Hebrew
language, 4, 8, 19, 403
Ben Yehuda Street (Jerusalem): a bomb
in, 164; and a nightmare, 224; and a
demonstration in, 281; and a suicide
attack in, 614
Ben Yosef, Zvi: his death, 183
Ben Zakkai: founded, 266
Ben-Ze'ev, Moshe: investigates, 357
Ben-Zvi, Yitzhak: banished, 31; recruits,
36, 37; warns, 94; a signatory, 188; as
President, 293, 337, 341
Benayah: founded, 266
Bene Israel (Indian Jews): 303
Benghazi (Libya): hijackers fly to, 471
Benjamin of Tudela: his travels,
remembered, 264
Benjamin, Tribe of: 470
Bennett, Max: commits suicide, 296
Bennike, General Vagn: and a water
crisis, 291
Benziman, Moshe: his story, 603
Berdichev, Abba: remembered, 196
Berlin, Rabbi Meir: his warning, 213
Berlin: a teacher trained in, 28; a youth
village director from, 51; a youth
rescue scheme set up in, 69; a writer
emigrates to Palestine from, 76; and
the Jewish Olympics', 79; a musician
who played in, 81; the Mufti in, 117; a
Minister of Justice born in, 253; a
helper works in, 259; a 'great
revolution' in, 566
Berlin Olympics (1936): 79
Bernadotte, Count Folke: and the first
truce, 208, 210, 215; and a possible
cease-fire, 219; assassinated, 228
Bernstein, Leonard: conducts, 143
Bessarabia: 44
Bet Tsouri, Eliahu: an assassin, 118
Betar: founded, 43; criticized, 68
Betar Oath: 'I devote my life ... ' 76
Bethlehem: its future discussed (1947),
149; an ambush south of, 156; fighting
near, 198, 233; a convoy reaches
Faluja from, 239; an episode north of,
313; and a plan for the West Bank,
405; and the 'Palestinian people', 492;
under the Palestinian Authority (1995),
597; a Christmas celebration in (1996),
598; Israeli troops withdraw from
(2003), 628; Hamas electoral victory in
Bethlehem Road (Jerusalem): 196, 233
Betselem (human rights organization):
founded, 532; and the intifada, 550,
Bevin, Ernest: and the White Paper
restrictions, 124; and a 'serious
problem', 125; and partition, 141-2;
and 'illegal' immigration, 145; and
Jaffa, 176; releases detainees, 247
Beyth, Hans: killed, 157
Bezale1 (art school): 27, 29
Bialik, Chaim Nahman: 50-1, 53, 76
Bialystok (Poland): 28
Bible, the: 43, 55, 91, 93, 95, 175, 186,
224, 240, 242, 253, 260, 272, 280, 332,
335, 341-2, 403, 470, 475, 480, 539;
and 'our entire policy', 555; and the
Casablanca economic conference, 577;
and a curse, placed on Rabin, 584-5
Bielski brothers: a partisan with, 198
Bi'ilin (West Bank Arab village): a
successful legal appeal by, 652
Billig, Hannah: devotes her life to the
poor, 343
Billig, Levi: murdered, 343
Biltmore Hotel (New York): conference
at, 112
Bilu: 'let us go!', 5, 6, 8
Bilu junction: an ambush at, 302
Bint Jbail: battle for, 641
BioControl Medical: pioneering research
by, 650
Bir Asluj: an advance through, 242
Bir Gafgafa (Sinai): Nasser's
announcement at, 368
Bir Hama (Sinai): occupied, 244
Bir Hasuna (Sinai): occupied, 244
Bir Nabala: a kidnap victim killed in,
Birnbaum, Jacob: and Soviet Jewry, 520
Birya (Arab village): captured, 177
Bir Zeit University (West Bank): closure
of, 549
Bishara, Azmi: Israeli Supreme Court
dismisses charges against, 650
Bizerta (North Africa): a secret flight
through, 315
'Black October': not in prospect, 436
'Black Paper' (1939): 97, 98
'Black Saturday' (28 June 1946): 132,
133, 270
Black Sea: 77, 101, 158
'Black September' (1970): the conflict
of, in Jordan, 417; recalled, 436
Blair, Tony: in Moscow, 615; and the
Hizbullah-Israel War (2006), 642;
Middle East envoy of the Quartet,
647-8, 656; works to set up an IsraeliPalestinian Economic Council, 651;
and the Paris conference (2007), 656
Blandford, John W.: and Palestinian
Arab refugees, 271
Bloch, Dora: a hostage, murdered, 473
Blue Box: and myriad donations, 19
Blum, Leon: remembered, 114
Blum, Rabbi: and a prisoner's 'soul', 126
Bnei Akiva (religious Zionist movement):
Bnei Brak: a dynasty re-established in,
289; a protest in, 605
B'not Yaakov bridge (River Jordan):
208, 290-1, 309, 365; and the October
War, 434
Boaz, Avraham: killed, 2006
La Boheme (Puccini): 351
Bohemia: 98
Bolshevism: ix; and the Balfour
Declaration, 34
Bonn (Germany): seat of government at,
Bonoit, Gaby: testifies, 501;
apprehensive, 502
Book Fair (Jerusalem): 617
Boris, King (of Bulgaria): 259
Bosnia: 53, 152
Bosnian Muslims: in Caesarea, 266-7
Bosphorus (Turkey): 101
Boston Morning Globe: and a concert in
the Jezreel Valley, 143
Boumedienne, President Houari: and
the October War, 444
Bourges-Manoury, Maurice: and the
Suez crisis, 312, 313, 317
Bourghiba, President (of Tunisia): and
the October War, 442
Bowden, Captain Tom Derek: a
volunteer, 235
Bowman, H.E.: and nationalist
education, 67
boycotts: recommended against Israel,
Brawer, A.].: reflects on an
assassination, 53
Brazil: 13, 65, 468
Breir (Arab village): captured, 184
Bressloff, Boris: a volunteer, 201
Brezhnev, Leonid: and the October War,
444, 456
Britain: Russian Jews emigrate to, 5, 24;
Zionist delegates from, 14; an antiSemite born in, 18; Zionist Jews fight
for, 31-2; and the Balfour Declaration,
34; and the Jewish Legion, 36, 37; and
a loan, 56-7; and Zionism, 59; and
Jewish emigration to Palestine, 70, 71,
104-5, 112, 202; and the last years of
the Mandate, 121, 123, 138--9;
immigration to, 131-2; praise for, 146,
148; and the partition resolution, 150,
153, 171; and the struggle for Palestine
(1947-8), 174, 176, 183, 185; and
Israeli independence, 191; volunteers
from, 201; immigrants from, 205, 210,
268; issues an ultimatum (1948), 245;
and an air crisis (1949), 247;
philanthropy from, 261, 263, 331; and
reparations, 279; relations with Israel,
300; and the Suez crisis, 312-3, 317-8;
and the Sinai campaign, 320, 326; and
the Suez war, 331; and the war crisis
of 1967, 368, 371, 372, 376; and
Resolution 242, 399; and the October
War (1973), 447-8, 449, 451; opposes
'Zionism is racism' resolution, 467; and
the London Agreement, 523; and the
Gulf War, 546; and 'money ... for the
Mediterranean area', 580; Gaza exports
to, 633; and the Palestinian Authority,
638; and a proposed boycott, 651
British India: 67, 104, 124, 142
British Mandate (Palestine): ix, 42, 47,
49, 50, 51, 56, 69, 75, 93, 121, 125,
136, 140, 142, 159, 160; ends, 185, 187,
191; recalled, 269, 270, 397, 398, 412,
416; and the 'Chain of Jihad', 528; and
Hamas's territorial aspirations, 530
British Officers Club (Jerusalem): 142
British Overseas Airways Corporation
(BOAC): 156-7
British Zone of Occupation (Austria):
124, 134
British Zone of Occupation (Germany):
124, 125, 249
Brit Shalom (Covenant of Peace): 62
Bronicki, Lucian and Ormat: pioneering
research of, 650
Broom (military operation): 177, 178
Bror Khayil: founded, 184
Brussels (Belgium): Israeli-Palestinian
talks in (1992), 549
Buber, Martin: advocates a university,
20; protests, 256
Bublaan, Colonel Ahmed: his appeal,
Bucharan Jews: in Palestine, 23; in
Jerusalem, 55
Bucharest (Roumania): and a 'great
revolution', 566; secret negotiations in
Buczacz (Eastern Galicia): 360
Budapest (Hungary): 119
Budapest Fort (Suez Canal): and the
October War, 432
Buddhism: and Ben-Gurion, 311
Buenos Aires (Argentina): a terrorist
bombing in, 604
Bukovina: 115
Bulganin, Nikolai: and the Sinai
campaign, 326
Bulgaria: 98, 119, 137, 205, 259, 271,
301, 352
Bulgarian-Greek border: an airline shot
down over, 301
Bull, General Odd: and the Six Day
War, 385
Bunche, Dr Ralph: calls for withdrawals,
232, 240; and the first armistice, 248;
and a second armistice, 254; awarded
Nobel Peace Prize, 255
Bureij refugee camp (Gaza): a reprisal
against, 289-90; Palestinian stone
throwers shot dead in, 560
Burj al-Barajneh refugee camp (Beirut):
encircled, 508
Burke, Allan: and a naval exploit, 254
Burma: 93, 175, 207, 270, 288
'Burma Road': 206-8, 209, 221, 223, 233
Burns, Lieutenant-General E.L.M.: and
an Israeli reprisal action, 314
Bush, President George: rejects an
appeal, 523; and Soviet Jewish
emigration, 536; and the Helsinki
Summit (1990), 546; and the Madrid
Conference (1991), 548; and Rabin's
visit (1992), 556
Bush, President George W.: becomes
President, 622; calls for Palestinian
State, 626; convenes Akaba summit
(2003), 627; convenes the Annapolis
conference (2007), 653, 654; meets
Abbas and Olmert at the White House
Caesarea: 102, 113, 163, 266-7, 273, 343
Cafe Apropo (Tel Aviv): 77 n.1; an act
of terror at, 601
Cahen, David: and fossil fuel, 650
Cailingold, Esther: dies of her wounds,
Cairo Agreement (1994): 570
Cairo (Egypt): an anti-Semitic book
published in (1899), 18; an
assassination in (1944), 118; and
Israel's War of Independence
(1948-9),202,203,225,242; and the
Jewish State, 255; two Jews hanged in,
296-7; Ben-Gurion offers to visit, 310;
a treaty of alliance in, 346-7; and the
coming of the Six Day War, 367, 369,
371, 373, 377, 381; and the Six Day
War, 393; and the War of Attrition,
413; and the October War, 436, 449,
455, 456, 462; Israeli tourists in, 499;
an offer of talks in, 540; Rabin flies to
Quly 1992), 555; secret negotiations in
(1994), 570; negotiations in,
suspended, 573; Clinton's 'mission' to,
Cairo International Airport: Kuwaiti
troops reach, 370; a decisive
telephone call from, 495
Cairo Radio: 297, 324, 366, 377
Calais (France): and Yad Mordechai, 194
Caleb: his espionage recalled, 83
California (USA): training in, 273; a
dramatic flight to, 564; Senators from,
critical of Israel, 641
Camp David (Maryland) and the
emergence of an Israeli-Egyptian
peace treaty, 491-3; a negotiator at, at
Oslo, 563; a negotiator at, negotiates
with Jordan, 572; further negotiations
at (2000), 621, 622
Camp David Accords (1978): 491-3; and
the 'next step' (1982), 508; and an
Israeli peace initiative (1989), 538; and
the Washington talks (1991), 549
Rabin's autonomy proposals (1992),
553; and the Oslo negotiations (1993),
562; and the White House signing (13
September 1993), 565
Campaign to Free Vanunu and for a
Nuclear-Free Middle East: 522
Canaan: and Ben-Gurion's question, 342
Canada: Jewish settlement in, 13; Jewish
recruits trained in, 37; restrictions on
Jewish immigration to, 65; survivors
admitted to, 138; and the future of
Palestine, 149; favours a Jewish State,
150; volunteers from, fight in Israel's
War of Independence, 201, 235;
recognizes Israel, 243; a frigate from,
reaches Israel, 254; immigrants from,
264, 562; warships from, 269; a
guarantor, 368; and the coming of war
in 1967, 374, 377; opposes 'Zionism is
racism' resolution, 467; a social
initiative from, 650; represented at
Annapolis (2007), 653
Canada-Israel Committee: 646
Canal Zone (Egypt): 247
Carlsbad (Czechoslovakia): 46
Carmel Market (Tel Aviv): 352
Carmel, Moshe: and the Suez crisis
(1956), 315; favours an immediate
attack (1967), 375
Carmel Mountains: 111, 131
Carmel Oriental (wine cellars): 7
Carmen (Bizet): 351
Carter, President Jimmy: and the West
Bank, 418; mediates, 475-7; sees 'no
moderation', 480; negotiates with
Begin, 481-2; and Israeli troops inside
Lebanon, 483; and the Camp David
talks, 491-3; and Jerusalem, 493; and
the Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty, 495
Carver, Leslie: and an Israeli reprisal
raid, 290
Casablanca (Morocco): economic
summit at (1994), 576-9, 580; a followup to (1995), 586
Cashman, Nathan: killed in action, 216
Cast a Giant Shadow (film): 208
Caucasus Mountains: 55, 97
Cave of the Patriarchs (Hebron): 420
Ceaucescu, Nicolae: mediates, 482
Census returns 0948, 1950, 1961): 344
Central African Republic: Israeli help
for, 332
Central British Fund: 259
Central Bus Station (Tel Aviv): killings
at, 559
Central Committee (Fatah): 647
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA): and
the airlift of Jews from Ethiopia, 498
Central Prison (Jerusalem): 143
Centre for the Defence of the Individual:
see Hotline
Ceylon: 288
Chad: IsraAid active in, 650
Chagall, Marc: a print by, and a new
political Party, 358
Chai, Oded: his death in action, 215-6
'Chain of Jihad': since 1936, 528
Chamberlain, Houston Stewart: an antiSemite, 18
Chamberlain, Joseph: offers a
homeland, 21
Chamberlain, Neville: a protest to, 98;
and Jewish self-defence, 104
Chancellor, Sir John: High
Commissioner for Palestine, 60, 61
Charles, Prince of Wales: at Rabin's
funeral, 589
Charles, Sir Noel: and Jewish emigration
(1946), 124, 129
Chazan, Naomi: 'End this oppression',
607-8; and targeted assassinations, 624
Chelmno death camp: 112
Chechnya (North Caucasus): Jews from,
fly to Israel, 537, 575
Chessler, Chaim: his work from the
Baltic to the PacifiC, 575
Chicago: 25, 270
China: 207, 522, 523, 554
Chinese Farm (Suez Canal): and the
October War, 448, 449
Chizik, Barukh: acquires a farm, 69
Chizik, Ephraim: a defender, 48; killed,
Chizik, Hannah: founds a school, 77
Chizik, Sarah: killed, 43
Chizik, Yitzhak: a diplomat, 270
Chmielnnicki, Bogdan: and the renewal
of pogroms, 41
Chou en-Lai: at Bandung, 300
Christian Arabs: and land sales to Jews,
9; innocent victims, 159; a minority,
344, 605
Christopher, Warren: and the Oslo
Accords, 564; and the Cairo
Agreement, 570
Churchill White Paper (1922): 50,86,97
Churchill, Winston: and the future, xi;
and the Jews, 40; and Zionism, 40-1;
and a Zionist loan, 57; and Palestine,
86-7, 88, 98, 103-4, 107-8, 109, 115,
116, 118, 121, 135, 230;
Churchill, Winston (continued)
and the Jewish Brigade Group, 117;
and a Stern Gang promise, 119; and a
'squalid war', 145; in 1940, 202;
precedents by, 214, 346
Chuvakhin, Dmitri: protests, 366
Circassians: in Palestine, 26; in Israel,
'City Line' (Jerusalem): established, 241
Civil Rights Movement: protests, 509; its
electoral success, 531; and the
formation of a new political Party, 532
Claims Conference: 279, 284
Clinton, President William J.: rejects an
appeal for clemency, 523; and the
Oslo Accords, 564; and 'a mission
inspired by a dream of peace', 576;
and the assassination of Rabin, 588;
his eulogy at Rabin's funeral, 590-1;
attends an anti-terrorism conference,
593; seeks to diffuse a crisis, 596; hosts
talks at Camp David, 621, 622
Cohen, Eddie: killed in action, 200
Cohen Eli: hanged, 355-6
Cohen, Emmanuel: his ancestors, 603
Cohen family (of Ma'alot): and a
terrorist attack, 466
Cohen, Geula: forms a new political
Party, 494
Cohen, Nehama: killed, 155
Cohen, Peretz: killed in action (1973),
Cohen, Sir Ronald: and 'the great
challenge', 646-7
Cohen, Samuel: and Hatikvah, 7
Cohen, Professor Stanley: and human
rights on the West Bank, 533-4
Cohen, Yehoshua: an assassin, 228
Cohn, Haim: and the 'Lavon Affair', 338;
and human rights in the Bible, 539;
and a 'lie', 595
Cold War: and the October War, 449
College des Freres (Jerusalem): 221
Cologne (Germany): 18
Columbia space flight: destruction of,
Comay, Joan: witnesses opera and
gunfire, 170; describes Jaffa, 350
Commercial Centre (Jerusalem):
attacked, 158
Committee of Seven: and the 'Lavon
Affair', 338-9
Commonwealth of Independent States
(CIS): and Soviet Jewish emigration,
537, 575; and Rabin's second
premiership, 554
Communism: in the Ukraine, 49; among
Zionist pioneers in Palestine, 62;
opposed, 63; and the Popular Front
(France), 114; and Czechoslovakia
(after 1948), 165, 224-5, 285, 286; and
Roumania, 259, 482; and China, 288;
and Yugoslavia, 345-6; and the Soviet
Union, 347, 444; and the Communist
bloc, 347, 460, 468; and the postCommunist era, 551, 556
Communist Party (of Israel): 189, 250,
275, 286, 399-400, 471, 479
Conference on Jewish Material Claims
against Germany: see Claims
Concerned Parents of Israeli Soldiers:
and the intifada, 539
Conservative Party (Britain): 121
Constansa (Roumania): 115
Constantinople: 12, 17, 30, 31, 270; for
subsequent index entries see Istanbul
Constituent Assembly (1949): 250
The Conventional Lies of our Civilization
(Max Nordau): 10
COPE: an Israeli-Palestinian initiative
(2002-5), 633
Cossacks (in Russia): 41
Cotler, Irwin: and Soviet Jewry, 520
Council of Europe (Strasbourg): 426
Council of State: and the Altalena, 212;
Ben-Gurion's warning to, 213-4
Creech Jone, Arthur: and 'law and
order', 154-5
Crescent (French destroyer): in action,
Crete: 119
Crimean War: 5
Criminal Investigation Department (CID):
Croats: and national self-determination,
Crusader ruins: and a golf course, 343
Crossman, Richard: and the Jewish
Displaced Persons, 128; protests,
Cuba: votes against, 150; tanks of, in
Syria, 466
Cukierman, Yitzhak: reaches Israel, 264
Cunliffe-Lister, Sir Philip: warns, 77
Custodian of Absentee Property: 256
Cyprus: 13, 135, 136, 142, 145, 151, 157,
159, 165, 176, 191, 197, 209, 247, 249,
258; three Israelis killed in, 519
Czechoslovakia: a Zionist Congress in,
46; Jews from, emigrate to Palestine,
79, 91, 102, 113; and the extension of
German rule, 97, 98; Jews on their
way through (1946), 134; and Palestine
(in 1947--8), 149, 165; arms from
(1948), 167--8; survivors from, 196,
199; arms and aircraft to Israel from,
190, 209, 224-5; a crisis with (1952),
285-6; arms to Egypt from, 304, 320;
Jews from, part of a 'fantastic mixture',
Czechs: 11, 123
Czemowitz (Austria-Hungary): 259
Daburiya (Arab village): surrenders,
Dachau concentration camp (near
Munich): 93, 119
Dafna: founded,96
Dagon Hotel (Ashkelon): 290
Dahab Oasis (Sinai): and the Sinai
campaign, 325
Dahomey: and Israel, 332
Damascus (Syria): Jewish land
purchases near, 19; Jewish forced
labour near, 33; and a 'great Victory'
(1918), 37; and Arab unity, 74; and the
'Arab homeland', 88-9; and a protest,
159; and the Arab-Jewish struggle
(1948-9), 168, 173; bombed, 199, 225;
prisoners taken to, 208; an implacable
adversary, 255; a hanging in, 355-6;
and the coming of war in 1967, 364,
365,367, 369; and the Six Day War,
392-3; and 'Black September', 417;
and the October War, 436, 438, 440,
441, 442, 444, 452, 454; Rabin offers to
travel to (1992), 554
Damascus-Baghdad Road: and the
October War, 443
Damascus Gate Oerusalem): 157, 158,
168,221; ultra-Orthodox Jews attack
Palestinians near, 610
Damascus Radio: 456
Damour (Lebanon): Israeli troops reach,
Dan: founded, 96; fired on, 353
Dan Hotel (Tel Aviv): and the coming
of war in 1967, 378
Dan, Shaike: an emissary, 345
Daniel Deronda (George Eliot): 4
Daniel Sieff Institute: 69, 268
Danin, Ezra: his mission, 178-9, 180,
Danube, River: 98, 101
Danzig, Free City of: 68
Da'or, Ashraf: killed by Israeli troops,
Darawshe, Abdel Wahab: leaves the
Labour Party, 526; re-elected to the
Knesset, 527; supports Iraq, 546
Darfur: IsraAid helps refugees from, 650
Darwin, Charles: his book translated, 54
Dash: see Democratic Movement for
Das Kapital (Karl Marx): and a
courtship, 95
Davar (daily newspaper): 52, 94, 584
David, King: 7, 18, 44, 235, 397
Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur):
settlements founded on (1946), 136-7;
in Moscow (1948), 228; and the
outbreak of war (1973), 426
Dayan, Assi: 154
Dayan, Moshe: born, 32; and the
founding of Hanita, 92-3; in action
north of Hanita, 11 0-11; in Basle
(1946), 139; and the United Nations
partition resolution, 153-4; and the
War of Independence, 192, 216--8; and
his brother's death in action, 203, 204;
escorts Colonel Marcus's body, 209;
and the battle for Lydda and Ramle,
216--8; loses his eye, 235; and a ceasefire, 241; and an armistice, 253; and
reprisal raids, 290, 314; becomes Chief
of Staff, 292; and 'our cruel fate',
311-2; and the Husan reprisal, 314;
and the Kalkilya reprisal, 314-5; and
the Suez crisis, 315, 317--8; and the
Sinai campaign, 321, 323, 324; and a
water crisis, 353; and a new political
Party, 357, 358, 359; and the Bedouin,
359; and the prelude to war in 1967,
380, 381, 382-3; and the Six Day War,
387,388,390,391,392,393; and the
occupied West Bank, 396--8, 405; and
the Suez Canal (after 1967), 401; and
'open bridges', 403; and a
controversial invitation, 403-4; and a
reprisal action (1968), 404; injured,
404, 405; and the return of Jews to
Hebron, 405; his admonition, 405; and
Golda Meir's emergence as Prime
Minister, 408; and the need 'to endure
a protracted struggle', 410-11;
Dyan, Moshe (continued)
and the future of the West Bank,
422-3; and 'promises of peace', 423; a
warning to, 424; and the coming of
war in 1973, 427, 429-30, 431-2;
speaks on television (6 October 1973),
435-6; visits the Sinai front (7 October
1973), 437; his Press Conference (9
October 1973), 438; and General
Sharon, 439; and Syria, 440, 442; and
the Suez Canal, 442, 448-9; and the
ending of the October War, 456; calls
for an all-Party government (974),
464; resigns, 465; and the future of
Sinai, 476; becomes Foreign Minister
(977),479; meets King Hussein
secretly, 482; meets King Hassan
secretly, 482; promises President
Carter 'no new civilian settlements' for
a year, 484; and arms for Ethiopia,
484; and Sadat's visit to Israel, 488,
489; and the road to an IsraeliEgyptian peace, 489-90, 490, 491, 492;
and the Rafa Salient withdrawal, 499
Dayan, Udi: 154
Dayan, Yael: 154, 193; and her uncle's
death in action, 203-4
Dayan, Zorik: killed in action, 154, 171,
De Gaulle, President Charles: irritated,
361; and the war crisis of 1967, 370-1,
Dead Sea: the Hebrew University
overlooks, 29, 39, 394; a hike to, 68;
and Masada, 68, 351; a hotel at, 85,
153; deaths at, 94; a kibbutz founded
at, 102; Ben-Gurion at, 153; and the
War of Independence, 240, 248, 249; a
road built at, 267; a second kibbutz
founded at, 287; and the Dead Sea
Scrolls, 295; and the potash works at,
267, 302, 343; and the aftermath of the
Six Day War, 401; and a proposed
canal, 572
Dead Sea Potash Works: 267, 343
Dead Sea Scrolls: 295-6
Dead Sea Spa Hotel Qordan):
negotiations at, 572
Declaration of Independence 04 May
1948): 186-7, 270, 310; and the Oslo
Accords (993), 564
Declaration of Principles (DOP):
proposed, 563, 564; signed, 565-7;
declining popularity of, 575
Defence Committee (of the British
Cabinet): 141-2
Deganya: founded, 26; two Moshes
from, 32; a pioneer dies at, 50; battle
for, 192-3
Degel Hatorah (political Party): and the
political crisis of 1990, 545; in 1992,
Deir Rafat (Arab village): seized, 222
Deir Yassin (Arab village): massacre at,
169, 170
Democratic Israel (political Party): see
Democratic List of Nazareth (949): 250,
Democratic Movement for Change: and
the 1977 General Election, 478-9;
enters government, 484; disbands, 498,
Denmark: lets in refugees, 95; and the
path to war (967), 377; envied, 426;
troops of, in Hebron (994), 571
Department of Agriculture (Washington
DC): and a Zionist pioneer, 25
Deri, Arye: enters government, 532;
declines to support Labour, 545;
supports Labour, 550-1; under
indictment, 595; and a political
Deuteronomy: and a new settlement,
Deutsch, Yvonne: 'I fear for the future
of my son', 539-40
Development Zone A: special incentives
for, 471
Di Zahav (Gulf of Akaba): to be given
up, 494
Diaspora: and Israel, 251, 254, 258,
262-3, 268, 285, 335, 407, 414, 429-30;
and Project Renewal, 484; and
Operation Moses, 497-8; diversity of,
519; and Soviet Jewry, 520-1, 535;
Israelis living in, 617
Dill, Lieutenant-General Sir John: and
partition, 87-8
Dimona: founded, 302; Israel's atomic
reactor at, 522
Dinur, Benzion: and a unified school
system, 277
Dimshits, Mark: sentenced to death, 414
Displaced Persons (DPs): 123, 127-9,
134, 136, 145-6, 202, 249, 258, 259
Dizengoff, Meir: and the First World
War, 32-3
'Doar Ivri' (Hebrew mail): 187
Dobrynin, Anatoly: and the October
War, 444
Dolphin Fish Restaurant (Jerusalem):
and the first intifada, 540
Dolph-Disco (Tel Aviv): suicide bomb
at, 624
Dome of the Rock (Jerusalem): 29; and
the Six Day War, 390; King Hussein
flies round, 572; Jewish homes in sight
of, 615
Domingo, Marta: her debut in Israel,
Domingo, Placido: learns his tenor's
trade, 351-2
Dominican Republic: takes in refugees,
Dor Shalem Doresh Shalom: see Peace
Dorchester Hotel (Park Lane): an
attempted assassination at, 503
Dori, Yaakov (formerly Yaakov
Dostrovsky): heads Haganah, 101-2,
110; Chief of Staff, 214
Dorot: founded, 112
Dosh (a cartoonist): and the
premiership question, 408
Dostrovsky, Yaakov: see Dori, Yaakov
Douglas-Home, Sir Alec: and the
October War, 448, 452
Douglas, Kirk: and the 'Burma Road',
Dov Hos (immigrant ship} 130
'dreadful deeds': 630
Dresden (Germany): 78
Dresner, Yehiel: executed, 143
Drobles, Matityahu: and West Bank
settlements, 500-1
Druse soldiers: 171,344,360,441,454
Druse statehood: discussed, 454
Druse Zionist Movement: 604
Dubnow, Simon: his brother's letter to,
Dubnow, Vladimir: and the 'ultimate
aim', 5-6
Duff Cooper, Alfred: protests, 98-9
Dulles, John Foster: and Israeli foreign
policy, 304-5; and the Sinai campaign,
326; and Golda Meir, 330; and the
road to war in 1967, 371
Dunkirk evacuation (1940): its little
boats recalled, 147
Dung Gate (Jerusalem): violence at
al-Dura, Mohammad:
his death, 621-2
East Germany: and reparations, 279; and
the Arab States, 335
East Jerusalem: an 'Assembly' not
allowed to be held in, 352; and the
road to war in 1967, 377; conquered,
387-8, 395; under Israel control (from
1967),391; the conquest of, recalled
(1973), 440, 442; and the aftermath of
the October War, 462; its future
discussed, at Camp David (1978), 493;
a project for, abandoned, 496-7;
Jewish purchasing of property in, 524;
human rights in, 533; and the IsraeliJordanian negotiations (1994), 572;
and Oslo II (1995),584; an abduction
from (1997) 601; efforts to
'depopulate' (1997), 608; houses
demolished in (1997), 613; Jewish
homes in (1997), 615; Hamas electoral
victory in (2006), 639
Eastern Europe: and 'the new reality'
(1992), 551
'Easterners': and the 'ethnic devil', 604
Eban, Aubrey (later Abba Eban): and a
'gruesome operation', 145; and the
United Nations, 185; and the first
hours of statehood, 190-1; and 'the
preservation of peace', 215; and
refugees, 267; and Chaim Weizmann,
278; and reparations from Germany,
284; and an American loan, 331; and
'the splendour of a youthful dawn',
333; and Israel's links with France,
361; and the road to war in 1967, 367,
368, 369, 370-3, 374, 375-6, 378, 381,
382; and the emergence of Golda Meir
as Prime Minister, 407-9; appeals to
the Arab States (1970), 411-12;
opposes West Bank settlement
expansion, 424, 514-5; and a 'dark
age', 507
Economic Council: established, to fight
inflation, 517
Economic Road Map: launched, 634
Economic Stabilization Plan: and the
battle against inflation, 517-8
Ede, Chuter: and immigration to Britain,
Eden, Anthony: and Palestine, 89; and
the Patria, 107; and the Suez crisis, 312
Eden Hotel (Jerusalem): 229
Edison Cinema (Jerusalem): 143
Effendi, Yihya: and a friendship, 31
Egypt: and a jewish plan for Sinai, 21;
and the First World War, 31, 36, 37;
and a new immigrant, 48; and Jewish
immigration to Palestine, 97; and the
Second World War, 112; and the
Biblical plagues, 116; and the Israeli
War of Independence, 136-7; and the
ancient 'paths of, 139; an exile in, 154;
volunteers in, 162; and the struggle for
Palestine (948), 180, 181, 182, 184,
189, 190, 192, 193-4, 196, 198, 199,
200, 202, 203, 213, 215, 219, 221, 223,
225, 230, 231, 233, 237-9, 240, 242,
243-4, 244-7; signs armistice, 248, 252;
and a possible sabotage mission, 254;
opposes recognition, 254; and
Palestinian Arab refugees, 256, 262;
closes Suez Canal, 260; revolution in,
274-5; a double hanging in, 296; and
an Israeli reprisal raid, 297--8; and the
Soviet Union, 300, 304; and fedayeen
raids into Israel, 301-2, 305, 310, 313,
330; immigrants from, 302, 332, 355;
and a Czech arms deal, 304, 320;
Israeli approaches for negotiations
with (956), 307-10; (962), 345--6;
and the shelling of Israeli settlements
(956), 311 and the Suez crisis (956),
312, 315-9; and the Sinai Campaign,
320--8; and the aftermath of Sinai,
329-31; on full alert (960), 333-4; and
the 'liberation of Palestine', 346-7; and
the German scientists affair, 349-50;
urges moderation (964), 354; and the
prelude to war in 1967, 362-3, 364,
366, 367, 368, 369--83; and the Six Day
War, 384-5, 388, 390, 391, 393, 394;
and the war's aftermath, 401, 402; and
Sinai, 406; and the War of Attrition,
410,413,414; and Gaza after 1967,
423; and the alert of May 1973, 423;
'troop exercises' by, 425; and the
coming of war in 1973, 427, 428, 431;
and the October War, 429, 430, 432-3,
434, 435, 437, 438-9, 441, 445, 448,
449,450,452,453,455,456; and the
ending of the October War, 458, 459,
460, 462; and the aftermath of the
October War, 465, 476, 481; and the
road to peace with Israel, 482-3,
487-90; and the assassination of Sadat,
499; and the Taba dispute, 500;
Rabin's appeal to (992), 554; and
'Gaza first' as an option, 563; and
terror, 579; and the Amman Economic
Conference, 586; and 'the road to
peace', 587; and an anti-terrorism
conference, 593; returns the body of a
fallen soldier, 603; supports Road Map,
627; and the renewed IsraeliPalestinian peace process (2007), 653
Egyptian Frontier Force: and the Sinai
campaign, 325
Egyptian-Israel Peace Treaty (979): 310
Egyptian-Jordanian Pact (967): 377
Egyptian National Assembly: Nasser's
address to (967), 376
Egyptian-Syrian Defence Pact: and the
Sinai campaign, 323
Egyptian Third Army: and the October
War, 457
Ehrenburg Ilya: and Israel, 226
Eichmann, Adolf: his capture and trial,
Eighteenth Zionist Congress (933): 72
Eilat (Gulf of Akaba): 74, 116, 248, 299,
312, 325, 327, 363; and the road to
war in 1967, 367--8, 377; and the Gulf
War, 546; and the Arava Valley
Crossing between Israel and Jordan,
572; Israel-Palestinian negotiations at,
583; a thriving resort, 618; talks at, 622
Eilat (Israeli destroyer): in action, 201,
321; sunk, 401
Eilon: founded, 91; liberated, 237
Eilon Moreh: established, 470, 495
Eilot: founded, 302
Ein Al-Furtaga (Sinai): and the Sinai
campaign, 325
Ein Dor: founded, 205
Ein Gannim: established, 44
Ein Gedi: springs at, 267; a kibbutz
established at, 287; a discovery near,
Ein Gev: founded, 87; shelled, 307
Ein Ghazal (Arab village): overrun, 221
Ein Harod: founded, 44; a settlement
established near, 83, 84; a concert at,
Ein Ha-Shlosha: bombarded, 311
Ein Hod (abandoned Arab village): an
artists colony founded at, 287
Ein Karim: battle for, 215--6; a medical
campus at, 407
Ein Yahav: founded, 268, 271
Ein Zurim: founded, 114; surrounded,
161-2, 178; captured, 185
Einstein, Albert: fundraises, 46; supports
a peace movement, 94
Eisen, Wendy: and Soviet Jewry, 520
Eisenhower, General Dwight D.: 124,
205,291,307,310, 321; a warning
from, 326; support from, 371
Eitan, Lieutenant-Colonel Rafael: and
the Sinai campaign, 320; and the
Lebanon war, 504, 506-7; and Sabra
and Chatila, 509
Eker, Rita: and Soviet Jewry, 520
Ekron (airstrip): reinforcements reach,
EI AI (Golan Heights): and the October
War, 434
El Al Israel Airlines: an aircraft of, shot
down, 301; a terrorist attack on, 404;
Sabbath flights by, opposed, 502-3
El Arab (refugee camp): a youth shot
dead in, 558
EI Arish (Sinai): a Jewish plan for, 21;
and the War of Independence, 231,
244, 245-6; and the Sinai Campaign,
322, 323, 324; and the Six Day War,
387,388; and the aftermath of the
October War, 462; the proposed return
of, 488
EI Auja: advance through, 242, 244, 246;
withdrawal from, 247
EI David: founded, 506
EI Hadi family: leadership of,
challenged, 48
EI Hadi, Auni Bey Abdul: meets BenGurion, 74-6; enters a provisional
government, 230
EI-Sane, Taib: a Bedouin Member of
Knesset, 360
Elazar, David: wounded, 183; and a
Syrian threat, 353; and the Six Day
War, 390, 391, 392, 393; alleged 'panic'
of, 423; and the coming of war in
1973, 428, 430; his instructions (5
October 1973), 431; urges a preemptive strike (6 October 1973), 431;
mobilization orders of, 431-2; and the
course of the October War, 437, 438,
439, 440, 442, 443; removed as Chief
of Staff, 465
Elazari-Volcani, Yitzhak: an agricultural
pioneer, 44
Eldad, Israel: and the Land of Israel
Movement, 400
Election: of a Chief Rabbi, 303
Eleventh Zionist Congress (913): 29
Eliahu Golomb (immigrant ship): 130
Elias, Yakov: his story, 604
Eliash, Mordechai: remembered, 268
Eliav, Arie Lova: and the danger of 'evil
impulses', 529-30; and the 1988
General Election, 531
Elijah: his disciple remembered, 224
Eliot, George: and Jewish national
aspirations, 4
Elisha (organization): 224
Elizabeth, Queen Mother of Belgium:
and a 'foul-up', 333
Elkana: founded, 475; 'huge villas'
offered by, 609
Elon, Amos: and the 'depth and extent'
of sadness, 417-8
Emanuel: ten Jews killed in, 624; nine
Jews killed on way to, 626
Emergency Regulations: and the Israeli
Arabs, 345
Empire Rival (steamship): immigrants
transferred to, 145, 146
Employers' Association: and the battle
against inflation, 517
Emsi (a machine gunner): dies of his
wounds, 232
English Channel: a pioneer killed in, 37
Entebbe (Uganda): a rescue operation
to, 442, 458, 471-3
Epilert: a pioneering medical deVice,
Erekat, Saeb: Netanyahu 'feels he can
dictate', 611; denounces the Jenin
'massacre', 625; speaks out against
Ahmadinejad, 635
Erez, Colonel Chaim: and the October
War, 448, 449; closes West Bank
schools, 539
Erez (kibbutz): shelled, 302; an ambush
near, 323
Erez crossing point (Gaza Strip): 114,
301; four Israeli soldiers killed at, 627
Esdraelon Valley: see Jezreel Valley
Eshbal (Galilee): a new settlement at,
Eshed, Hagai: helps Ben-Gurion, 356
Eshkol, Levi: and the War of
Independence, 211; and the 'Lavon
Affair', 338, 340; as Prime Minister,
345, 351; and a war crisis (1964),
353-4; and the 'Lavon Affair'
repercussions, 357; a French assurance
to, 361; and retaliation, 363;
Eshkol, Levi (continued)
and the coming of war (in 1967), 366,
367, 368, 369, 372, 374, 376, 378, 380,
382; agrees to a pre-emptive attack,
383; and the Six Day War, 387, 388,
391, 396; and the return of Jews to
Hebron, 405; and American military
aid, 407; dies, 408
Eshkol-Johnson Agreement (1968): 407
Eskin, Avigdor: curses Rabin, 584-5
Estonia: the President of, at Rabin's
funeral, 589
Ethiopia (Abyssinia): Jews expelled to,
118; Jewish immigrants from, 303, 484,
497-8, 537, 544, 545, 555, 604, 650;
Israeli help for, 332; an assassination
attempt in, 589
Ettinger, Jacob (Akiva): and Jewish land
settlement in Palestine, 21, 45, 54
Etzion (Sinai): air base at, 492
Etzion bloc (settlements): attacked and
besieged, 156, 158, 161-2, 162; the
battle for, 178, 181, 182-3; fighting
near, 234; and the village of Husan,
314; and the future of the West Bank,
406; expansion of (1997), 616
European Community: and Rabin's
second premiership (1992-5), 554,
556; for subsequent index entries see
European Union
European Union: and the
'Mediterranean area', 580; and the
Palestinian Authority, 638, 647
Even, Colonel Jackie: and the October
War, 453
Even Yehuda: terrorist killings at, 314-5
Evian Conference (1938): and the
refugee crisis, 95
Evron, Ephraim: his questions, 480
Executive Force (Hamas): 644
Exodus (from Egypt): recalled, 3, 167,
Exodus 1947 (refugee ship): 145, 209
Extraordinary Zionist Conference (1942):
Eytan (Sinai): air base at, 492
Eytan, Walter: an eye-witness, 164; and
the decision to declare independence,
186; and the name 'Israel', 187-8;
negotiates, 253-4; and the Israel
Foreign Ministry 269-70; and Israel in
Asia, 288; and 'peace ... around the
corner' (968), 401-2; and Israel as an
occupying power, 402-3, 418-9; and
Israel '25 years old', 421-2; and Israel
approaching fifty, 617
Fairbanks (California): aircraft rebuilt at,
Falasha community (Ethiopian Jews):
Falouji, Imad: 621
Faluja (Arab village): battle for, 220, 232
'Faluja Pocket': battle for, 232-3, 237-9,
240, 244, 246
Farhi, Shoshana Mizrachi: killed, 155
Farouk, King (of Egypt): deposed, 274
Fatah (Movement for the National
Liberation of Palestine): founded,
354; attacks across the Israeli border
by, 354, 356, 361-2; and a Soviet call
for restraint, 365; renewed crossborder attacks by, 366; incredulous,
404; and the October War, 454-5, 458;
and the United Nations, 467; and a
hijacking, 472; and a murder, 541; and
Hamas, 630, 644, 644-5, 647; supports
'two-State' solution, 638; prisoners
from, released, 647; and the death of
an Israeli settler, 654-5
'Fatahland' (southern Lebanon): shelling
from, 455; invaded, 490
'Father of the Nation': 293
Fayyad, Salam: becomes Prime Minisiter
of Palestiniain Authority, 647
Feinsod, Chassiya: a kingergarten
pioneer, 28; and her first son, 33
Feinstein, Meir: commits suicide, 143
Feisal, King (of Saudi Arabia): and the
October War, 451
Feller, Ron: his bravery in action, 220
Fels, Samuel S.: a patron, 26
Feuerring, Yitzhak: remembered, 102
Fifteenth Zionist Congress (1927): 51
Fifth Columnists: feared, 255
Fifth Zionist Congress (1901): 19
Fighters' List (political Party): 250
Filosof, Dalia: and her father, 566
Final Status Agreement: 621,626,638,
'Finger of Galilee' (Galilee Panhandle):
174, 208, 237
Finland: volunteers from, 201; Soviet
Jews in transit through, 536-7
First Aliyah: 5, 22
First World War: and Palestine, 30-5,
36-7; and Gaza, 324; and a 1990s
dispute, 612
First Zionist Congress (1897): 13-4, 17,
20, 164, 187, 603, 612
Fischer, Jean: remembered, 69
Fischer, Maurice: a founder, 69
Fishman, Rabbi J.L.: and non-kosher
meat, 247-8
Fistenberg, Ephraim: murdered, with ten
others, 294
Florence (Italy): an Israeli-Palestinian
initiative in, 634
Florida (USA): Golda Meir meets
Kennedy in, 347-8; a Jew from,
purchases homes in East Jerusalem,
football: and a youth initiative, 645
'Force Zwicka': on the Golan Heights
Ford, President Gerald F.: declares a
'reassessment', 468
Foreign Affairs and Security Committee
(of the Knesset): 338, 423, 464
Former Soviet Union (FSU): Gaza
exports to, 633
'Fosh' (field companies): 85
The Foundations of the Nineteenth
Century (Houston Stewart
Chamberlain): 18
Fourteenth Zionist Congress (1925): 51
Fourth Commandment, the: cited in
debate, 502
France: anti-Semitism in, 10; the 'lure'
of, 24; immigrants from, 43; and Arab
national aspirations, 75; and Jewish
national aspirations, 147; favours a
Jewish State, 150; and the Mufti, 152;
and the Altalena, 210; volunteers from,
233; supports reparations, 279; arms
supplies from, 300, 365; and the Suez
crisis, 312-3, 315-6; and the Suez war,
326,331; 'edging away from us', 350;
and questions about Israel's links With,
361; and the road to war in 1967, 367,
368-9; and Resolution 242, 399; its
arms embargo, 407; and the October
War, 447; opposes 'Zionism is racism'
resolution, 467; supplies uranium to
Iraq, 498; a nuclear power, 522; and
the London Agreement, 523; Gaza
exports to, 633
Francis Joseph, Emperor (of Austria):
and a child prodigy, 79
Frankfurter, Justice Felix: and 'the glory
of the Lord', 191
Frankman, Yeshayahu: murdered, 289
Frankman, Zipporah: injured, 289
Free Port (Haifa): in prospect, 151
Freidberg, Yehoshua: shot dead, 562
Freij, Elias: and a dialogue, 540
Freiman, Sam: a volunteer, 235
Freier, Recha: and Youth Aliyah, 69
Fremd, Simha: killed, 614
French Hill Oerusalem): and the Six Day
War, 386; and the intifada, 540
French Zone of Occupation (Germany):
and Palestine certificates, 249
Friedman-Yellin, Nathan: his promise,
119; imprisoned, 228; enters
Parliament, 250
Friends of the Hebrew University: their
munificence, 407
Frisch, Omri: and 'a jungle with its own
laws', 538-9
Ga'aton: founded, 231
Gadaffi, Colonel: 'terrorist squads' of,
reported, 426; and the October War,
Gadna (youth battalions): 151
Gadot: an artillery barrage against, 365;
and Nasser's conclusions, 368
Gahal (immigrant recruits): 202, 233,
Gahal bloc: formation of, 343; electoral
success of, 359; rejects giving up any
part of Sinai, 414-5
Galata (refugee ship): 145
Galicia: immigrants from, 90, 91; a
Nobel Prizewinner from, 360
Galilee: to be liberated, 35, 36; and
Jewish self-defence, 47, 53; the
struggle for (1947-8), 174-5, 177-8,
210, 220, 235, 249; jewish settlements
in, after 1948, 263, 264; Arabs in, 344,
471; a new settlement in, 613; a model
village in, 617; microcredit schemes in,
Galilee Panhandle: see Upper Galilee
Galilee, Sea of: 3, 40, 68, 87, 88, 91, 96,
97, 192, 291, 305; fighting on (1966),
362; tourism at (after 1967), 419; and
the October War, 434; and the IsraeliJordan peace treaty, 573, 576
Galili, Israel: his prediction, 151-2;
questioned, 181; and the premiership
succession (1969),409; and Labour
Party unity (1973), 424
Galili Document (1973): and West Bank
settlements, 424
Galinka, Colonel Shmuel: killed in
action, 322
Galinkin, Mordechai: and the National
Opera, 170
Gallipoli Peninsula: Zionists in action
on, 31-2
Gal-On: founded, 137; attack on,
repulsed, 219
Galuth (Exile): 47, 48
Gamla Rise (Golan Heights): fighting
near, 434
Gan Or (Gaza Strip): a killing in, 562
GanneiYehudah: founded, 268
Gaon of Vilna: followers of, reach
Palestine, 3
Gat: founded, 113
Gath (a Philistine city): 296
Gavish, Brigadier-General Yeshayahu:
and the 1967 war-plan, 380
Gavison, Ruth: and a 'double standard
in human rights thinking', 608-9
Gaza City (Gaza Strip): Jewish
settlements near, 112, 114, 136;
Egyptian troops advance towards, 199;
an All-Palestine Government in, 230,
241; an Israeli plan to capture, 231,
232, 242-4; reinforcements from, 239;
killings in, 426, 524, 558, 560, 581; the
Palestinian flag raised over, 571;
negotiations for Oslo II in, 581-2; 'The
Engineer' assassinated in, 592; and a
condolence call, 592-3
Gaza Strip: Jews detained in, 133-4; and
a jewish settlement (Kfar Darom),
136-7; and the Israeli War of
Independence, 244, 246; Palestinian
refugees in, 255, 256; a kibbutz
established near, 272; a 'danger to
Israel' from, 275; an infiltrator from,
289; 'intense alarm and unrest in', 290;
reprisal actions in, 297-9, 301-2;
impossibility of 'restraint' in, 307;
intensification of conflict around, 311;
and the Sinai campaign, 322, 324, 327,
329-30; and the Palestinian Arab
refugees, 329-30; and a warning, 334;
the PLO in, 352; and the Bedouin, 359;
and the war crisis of 1967, 366, 367,
380; and the Six Day War, 387; under
Israeli occupation, 396, 397, 402-3,
412, 421-2, 423, 424; Israeli settlement
in, 469, 475, 496, 513, 514-5, 571
future of, and a new Israeli political
Party, 478; future of (2000), 621;
Begin's proposal for, 481; not to affect
an Israeli-Egyptian treaty, 483; and
Camp David, 491-2; and the final
obstacle to a peace treaty, 495; and
the Reagan Plan (1982), 508; and the
intifada (uprising), 525-7, 537, 538-42;
and an Israeli proposal (1989), 537-8;
and an American proposal, 543; and
an Iraqi proposal, 546; Rabin's
proposal for (1992), 552; Rabin's
appeal to (1992), 553; and the
continuing intifada (1993), 560, 561-2;
and 'Gaza first' 562, 563; and the Oslo
Accords, 564, 565, 566, 568, 569;
Israeli troops withdraw from (1994),
571; 'a safe haven for terrorists', 574;
the 'closure' of, 575-6; Rabin's hopes
for, 578, 580; the search for terrorists
in, 579, 580; and autonomy, 583;
continued closures of, 613; Jewish
celebrations in, 613; continued
occupation of, 620; deaths in, 621-2,
627; and Hamas, 630; withdrawal of
Israeli settlements from, 631-2, 635;
continued acts of terror in, 632; Israeli
support for agriculture in, 633; Israeli
armed incursions into, 634, 639;
rockets fired into Israel from, 635, 655;
Hamas electoral success in, 638;
Hamas-Fatah fighting in, 638, 639, 644,
647; gunmen from, kidnap two Israeli
soldiers, 639; Israeli military action in,
640, 645, 649; arms smuggling into,
642; continued Hamas control in, 649,
'Gaza first': a negotiation option (1993),
559, 562
'Gaza and Jericho first': a further
possible option, 563
Gaza-Beersheba road: a new settlement
near, 114
Gaza-Maidal road: an 'obstacle' on, 194
Gaza-Rafa road: fighting for, 243-4
Gazit, General Shlomo: and Hebron,
Gedaliah, Lieutenant-Colonel David:
receives an Intelligence evaluation,
Gebel Abu-Ghneim: see Har Homa
Gederah: founded, 8; recalled, 72
Gedud Ha-Avodah (The Labour Legion):
Gellman, Barton: and Netanyahu's
motivation, 611
Gelman (a carpentry teacher): and a
romance, 95
General Assembly (of the United
Nations): 150, 153, 185, 208, 255,
324-5, 327, 330, 403, 467; condemns
Zionism as 'racism', 467-8
General Federation of Jewish Labour:
see index entry Histadrut
General Staff Headquarters (Ramat Gan):
General Zionists: their electoral success,
275; and reparations, 280, 282; and the
1955 election, 301; transformed into
the Liberal Party, 343
Genesis, Book of: and a Jewish village,
Geneva (Switzerland): 20, 99, 270, 468
Geneva, Lake (Lake Leman): 95
Geneva Agreement (4 September 1975):
signed between Israel and Egypt, 468
Geneva Airport: and a Middle East
parallel, 580
Geneva Convention (Fourth): alleged
violation of, 533; and democracy, 608
Geneva Peace Conference (1973): and a
'just and durable peace', 462-3, 463-4;
the revival of, proposed (1977), 483
Georgia: Jews from, in Palestine 23; go
to Israel, 537, 575; the President of, at
Rabin's funeral, 589
Ger, Rabbi of: reaches Palestine, 277
Germany: and the Jewish National
Fund, 19; and the lure of, 24; and the
First World War, 30; Jews from, in
Palestine, 55, 71, 72, 76, 78-80, 90;
and the growing pressure of
emigration from, 91, 93, 95, 97; and
the Second World War, 100, 113, 117;
and the postwar world, 123, 124, 126,
128, 136, 147; Jews from, 183, 196,
205, 258; a sabotage expert from, 220,
236; reparations from, 279-85; and the
Eichmann Trial, 336-7; arms sales to,
349-50; the 1940--45 bombing of,
recalled, 410; Gaza exports to, 633
German Federal Republic: see West
German prisoners-of-war: volunteer, 162
German scientists: and an Israeli
political scandal, 349-50
Germont (in La Traviata): 352
Gesher (River Jordan): occupied, 176;
fighting near, 191-2, 193
Gesher Ha-Ziv: founded, 249
Gestapo: extension of rule of, 138
Gettysburg (Pennsylvania): a visit to,
Geva, Colonel Eli: protests, 506-7
Gezer: captured, 184
Ghana: and Israel, 332
Ghazal, Mahmoud, Sara and Yehiya:
Gheit, Ahmed Abdoul: in Jerusalem for
talks, 648, 653
'Ghetto State': to be avoided, 609
Ghor Canal Qordan): and a
compromise, 291
Gibli, Benjamin: and the 'Lavon Affair',
296-7, 337; and the Sinai campaign,
Gibraltar: an early patron from, 6
Gideon: recalled, 44, 78
Gidi Pass (Sinai): and the Six Day War,
387; and the October War, 433, 437,
443; and the aftermath of the October
War, 462, 468, 469; and the IsraeliEgyptian peace negotiations, 489, 492
Gil: a new political Party (2006), 639
Gilboa, Mount: land purchased at foot
Gilboa Regional Council: and a crosscommunity cooperative venture, 651
Gilead, Land of: and a new kibbutz, 96
Ginbar, Yuval: and right and wrong, 560
Ginossar: a wartime briefing at, 453-4
Ginz, Petr: ,a pencil sketch by, in
space, 628
Ginzburg, Rabbi Yitzhak: and an alleged
'travesty of justice', 539
Givat Ram Qerusalem): a military tattoo
on, 366; a university campus on, 407;
a murder near, 541
Glubb, Sir John (Glubb Pasha):
commands Arab Legion, 157, 199, 218,
Gneim, Abed aI-Mufti: his act of terror,
Golan, Nahum; recalls a battle, 243
Golan Heights: Jewish land purchase on
(before 1914), 19; an attack from, 192;
life below, 312, 333; and the execution
of a spy, 356; fortified, 362; firing
from, 365; and the eve of war (1967),
381; and the Six Day War, 358, 384,
387,391, 392-3, 395; and Dayan's
'view of the map', 405; to be retained,
under the Allon Plan, 406; and 'Black
September', 417;
Golan Heighte (continued)
and the Galilee settlements, 419; and
the coming of war in 1973, 427;
fighting on (October 1973), 433-4,
435, 436, 438, 440, 441, 443-5, 449,
452, 454, 455, 456-7, 458; war dead
on, 459; and the aftermath of the
October War, 462, 464, 466, 476, 483;
extension of settlements on (1982),
500-1; possible negotiations
concerning (after Oslo), 568, 593, 607;
a hero of the fighting on, joins
coalition (1996), 595; 'we are guarding'
(Netanyahu), 602; an offer to 'pick
blueberries' on, 609; a survivor of the
fighting on, killed by a suicide bomb,
Golden Book: and Zionist fundraising,
Goldfarb, Alex: changes sides, 585
'Goldfarb's Mitsubishi': and Oslo II, 586
Goldie, Colonel: negotiates, 180
Goldman, Moshe: killed, 155
Goldman, Nahum: and reparations, 279,
283, 284
Goldschmidt, Dr Wilhelm: killed, 135
Goldstein, Baruch: kills twenty-nine
Arabs, 569
Goldwasser, Ohad: kidnapped, 640
Goliath: and a new kibbutz, 44
Golomb, Eliahu: and Jewish selfdefence, 30-1; and 'Jewish Nazism',
118; negotiates, 119; and Hagannah
strategy, 166
Gondar (Ethiopia): immigrants from,
Gonen, General Shmuel: and a warning,
424; removed from active duty, 464
Good Fence (Israeli-Lebanese border):
opened, 471
Gorbachev, Mikhail: and a Middle East
proposal, 546; and the Madrid
Conference, 548
Gordis, Aviv: and an Israeli-Palestinian
initiative, 633
Gordon, A.D.: and agricultural labour,
23; dies, 50; remembered, 71
Gordonia movement: 71,90
Goren, General Shlomo: and his
trumpet, 386; and Sabbath rules in
wartime, 442
Gorky, Maxim: helps, 50-1
Gort, Lord: and 'Jewish migration', 119
Gotham Pub Qerusalem): attacked, 605
Government House Qerusalem):
captured (1967),386; returned to the
United Nations, 400, 404; and a ceasefire, 459
Government Press Office: and the
Altalena, 211
Graeco-Turkish population exchange
(1922): 267
'Grand Mufti': see al-Husseini, Haj Amin
Grassley, Senator Charles E.: and the
destination of Soviet Jews, 535
Great Convention (1903): and the
Hebrew language, 23-4
Great Crater (Negev): 273
Greater Israel Movement: its goal, 530; a
supporter of, remains in the Cabinet,
Grechko, Marshal: visits Nasser, 373
Greece: 50, 98, 101, 119, 127, 142, 150,
269; Israel sends fire fighters to, 650
Green Island (Gulf of Suez): a soldier
killed on, 84
'Green Line' (1949-67 ceasefire lines):
205 n.l, 493, 496; and Soviet Jews,
536; and a 'Ghetto State', 609; a new
settlement near, 613; and a future
Palestinian State, 622; and 'the Wall',
Green Patrol, the: and the Bedouin, 360
Greifer, Nan: and Soviet Jewry, 520
Gress, Jules: killed, 135
Gringold, Lieutenant Zwicka: on the
Golan Heights (1973), 433-4
Gromyko, Andrei: supports Jewish
statehood, 150; recalled, 310
Grossman, David: international status of,
Grossman, Lieutenant Zvi: killed during
a commando raid, 614
Gross National Product: and the
October War, 460
Gruen, David: see Ben-Gurion, David
Gruen, Rivka: discouraged, 46
Gruenbaum, Yitzhak: remembered, 234
Gruenwald, Malkiel: his accusation, 303;
his trail for slander, 303-4
Grundland, Eitan: killed, 547
Gruner, Dov: executed, 143
Grunzweig, Emil: killed, 511;
remembered, 604
Guardian (refugee ship): 145
Guatemala: 149, 185, 190
Gudemann, Chief Rabbi Moritz: favours
Jewish dispersal, 12
A Guest for the Night (Agnon): 360
'Guidelines for a Regional Marshall Plan':
drawn up (1993), 561
Gulf States: and the Palestinians, 580
Gur, Efraim: changes sides, 544
Gur, Major (later General) Mordechai:
and a reprisal action, 315; and the
Sinai Campaign, 321; and (when a
General) the Six Day War, 390, 395;
too 'British', 397; and the Entebbe
rescue, 472; a controversial interview
by, 488
Guri, Chaim: 'How many more graves ..
. are needed', 417
Gurney, Henry: and a hunger strike, 130
Gush Emunim (religious bloc): gains in
power, 404; active on the West Bank,
469-70,495; and Camp David, 494
Gush Halav: a historic defence of, 235
Gush Katif (Gaza Strip): a celebration
in, 613
Gustav VI, King of Sweden: and a
Nobel prizewinner from Galicia, 360-1
Gutmacher, Rabbi Elijah: remembered,
Gutman, Shmarya: and an expedition,
116; a witness to the Arab exodus, 218
H3: an airbase at, destroyed (1967), 385;
Scud missile launching sites near
Haan, Israel de: assassinated, 52-3
Ha-Aretz (newspaper): and a 'criminal
gamble', 94; and Arab youth, 292; and
the Lebanon War, 512; a warning, and
an appeal in, 584; and the debate over
Southern Lebanon, 599-600
Habad (Hasidim): and the 1996 General
Election, 594
Haber, Eitan: his caution, 582
Habib, Philip: his good offices, 508
Habima Theatre (Tel Aviv): and a flight
to Moscow, 536
Habonim (youth movement): 114, 210
Hacohen, David: his career, 270, 288
Hadassah Clinic (Hebron): 495
Hadassah Hospital (Ein Karem): 407;
two murders near, 627; an Israeli Palestinian initiative at, 634
Hadassah Hospital (Kiryat Ha-Yovel
branch): 606-7
Hadassah Hospital (Mount Scopus): 155,
156, 170, 249,
Hadassah Hospital (Tel Aviv): 100
Hadassah (hospitals and clinics): 151
Hadassah Medical Organization: 170
Hadassah Organization of America: 97,
Hadassah Women's Zionist Organization
of America: 28, 69
Hadera: founded, 9; protected, 27; a
suicide bomb slaughter in, 569, 575
Hadid: see al-Haditha
al-Haditha (Arab village): Yemenite
Jews settle in, 272
Hafez, Major Mustafa: and an Israeli
reprisal action, 289-90
Haganah: established, 47; purchases
weapons, 49; and an assassination, 53;
and the 1929 riots, 60; and arms
supplies, 77; and the riots of 1936,
80-1; training of, 85; defence activity
by, 86, 93; an oath of allegiance to,
94-5; and illegal immigration, 96, 105,
130, 145; and the Second World War,
101-2, 103, 110-11, 111; denounces
terror, 118, 157; works with Irgun and
Stern Gangs, 132, 137; ends agreement
with Irgun, 135; and Ben-Gurion,
143-4, 149, 151; its confidence, 148;
and the struggle in Palestine
(November 1947 to May 1948), 151,
155-9, 160, 162, 163, 165, 166, 167,
178, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184; and the
War of Independence, 190, 191, 192,
194, 196, 197, 199, 202, 205, 209, 216
renews agreement with Irgun, 175-6;
The Hague: 34
Haidarpasha railway station (Istanbul):
Haifa: a Jewish hospital in (1911), 28; a
kibbutz established near (1922), 50;
and the Jezreel Valley, 54-5; and
'gangs of criminals', 61; an American
immigrant in, 67; Jews murdered in
(1938),94; an internment camp near,
101; a death in, 126; sabotage in, 132;
'illegal' immigrants at, 145; a Free Port
to be opened at, 151; a Jew murdered
on the way from, 157; Jewish terrorist
attacks near, 158; an Arab act of terror
in, using foreign volunteers, 162; battle
for, 172-3; and Britain, 176, 191, 199;
and the War of Independence, 208;
arms supplies reach, 225; a parade in,
240-1; refugees reach, 247;
Haifa (continued)
a frigate reaches, 254; Jews and Arabs
live in, 266; harbour of, enlarged, 284;
immigrants in, 288; arms reach (1956),
315; bombarded (1956), 321; Jewish
settlers from, 343; Arabs in, 344;
Dayan speaks about the West Bank in,
405; and the October War, 456; a
funeral in, 511; Scud missiles hit, 547;
rockets hit (2006), 640
Haifa Bay: 76, 90, 91
Haifa-Damascus railway: 54, 176
Haifa High School: the fate of a pupil
from, 126
Haifa-Nazareth road: 91, 221
Haifa-Tel Aviv road: 167, 221; terrorism
on, 490
Hakibbutz Hadati (movement): 56
Hakibbutz Hameuhad (movement):
splits, 273
Hakim, Eliahu: an assassin, 118
Halevi, Chief Rabbi Chaim David: 'we
will stay', 574
Halevi, Judge Benjamin: and the
'Kastner' trial, 304
Halifax, Lord: and the 'Muslim world',
Halsa: an ancient city, 242, 244
Halutz, General Dan: and the HizballahIsrael War (2006), 641, 646
Hamas: founded (1988), 528; its
covenant, 530; gains in reputation,
557; a kidnapping and killing by, 558;
members of, deported, 558, 560;
murders by, 561; oppose Oslo, 566,
569; detonates 'suicide' bombs, 569; a
kidnap by, 573; and the Likud
opposition, 574; and poverty, 578; and
an accidental explosion, 581; and
renewed suicide bombs, 592, 593; a
leader of, returns to Gaza, 617; seeks
to sabotage Road Map, 627;
announces truce, 628; and Fatah, 630;
adopts ceasefire, 635; opposes 'Zionist
entity', 637-8; electoral victory of, 638;
rejects a proposal from Abbas, 639;
fires rockets into Israel, 639; and arms
smuggling into Gaza, 642; struggles
against Farah, 644, 644-5, 647; its
continued control of Gaza, 649
Hamashbir (consumers' co-operative):
26, 52
Hamburg ( Germany): 146
Hamburger, Joseph: escorts Colonel
Marcus's body, 209
Hamma, Ahmed Amin: killed, 157
Hammer, Zvulun: enters government,
Hammerskj61d, Dag: and the fedayeen
raids (in 1956), 310; and the Sinai
campaign, 324
al-Hanbali, Mahdi: kidnapped,644
Hanegbi, Tsachi: and a political scandal,
Hanita: founded, 92-3; and a Palmach
operation, 110-11
Haniyeh, Ismail: Prime Minister of the
Palestinian Authority (2006), 638, 639;
survives an assassination attempt, 644;
'victory or martyrdom', 645; his home
attacked, 647; retains power in Gaza,
Hanukkah (festival of): an artillery
bombardment during, 306;
recollections during, 520
Hapoel (sports organization): 52
Hapoel Hamizrachi (political Party): 282
Hapoel Te Aviv (football team): helps
Palestinian children, 645
Har Even, Aluf: and the Soviets in the
Middle East, 449-51
Har Homa: building proposals for, and
a crisis, 600-1, 602; construction on, to
continue, 609; and 'unacceptable
terms', 611; a plea to stop building on,
Haran, Semadar: her ordeal, recalled,
Harel Brigade (of the Palmach): 173,
188, 196
Harel, Iser: sacked, 350
Harkabi, Yehoshafat: negotiates, 253;
dismissed, 333; his great fear, 569
Harman, Avraham: xii; and the Dead
Sea scrolls, 295; and the road to war in
1967, 371, 377, 381-2; and the Hebrew
University, 407; and Soviet Jews, 536
Harman, Danna: and 'the latest act in a
drama', 616
Harman, David: and the aftermath of
the October War, 466-7
Harrison, Earl G.: his report, 123
Hartuv Oewish settlement): recaptured
(1948), 221
Harvard University: and the Israel
Museum, 355
Hashemiyya Palace (Amman): a
working session in, 573
Ha-Shimshoni, Zion: leads the Scouts,
Ha-Shomer (self-defence organization):
Ha-Shomer Ha'tzair: its programme, 62
Hasidism: after the Holocaust, 289; a
centre of, in Israel, 305; music of, 403
Hasmonaeans: recalled, 122
Hasneh (insurance company): 52
Hasson, Ayala: launches a political
scandal, 601
Hassan, Crown Prince (of Jordan): and
the Jordanian peace treaty with Israel,
Hassan, King (of Morocco): and the
October War, 437-8; and the road to
an Israeli-Egyptian peace, 482; and the
Casablanca economic conference, 576,
577; and a secret visit from Rabin,
recalled, 577
Hatikvah: 7, 100, 186, 281; at the White
House, 416
Hatikvah Quarter (Tel Aviv): 155
Hatzar Adar: settlers in, removed by
force, 499
Hatzofeh (newspaper): and a political
crisis, 474
Havel, Vaclav: in Jerusalem, 545
Haviv, Avshalom: executed, 148
Haviv, Moshe: and a new political Party,
358; his death in action, 358-9
Hawaii: arms purchased in, 225
Hayarkon Street (Tel Aviv): a battle in
sight of, 203
Hazan, Yaakov: and reparations, 280
Hazbani River: and a war crisis, 353
Hazit Ha-Am (newspaper): attacks the
Labour movement, 72
Hazor: an immigrant village founded
near, 287-8
Hazar Ha-Gelilit: founded, 287-8
Ha-Zorea: founded, 79; a museum in, 80
Heath, Edward: and the October War,
Heaven: and Hell, 81; and the Jezreel
Valley, 143
Hebrew Gymnasium Qaffa): 39
Hebrew language: to be a spoken
language, 8-9, 19, 23-4, 72, 187, 287;
the primacy of, in Palestine, 27, 29, 40;
at the Paris Peace Conference, 41-2;
recognized by the Mandate, 48; and
Bialik, 50-1; on Cyprus, 165; and the
opera Thais, 170; and statehood, 187;
and the battle of Latrun, 197; and the
death of Colonel Marcus, 209; and
new immigrants, 275; and a Language
Academy, 299-300; the 'universalist
associations' of, 335; in Jaffa, 350; at
the opera, 352; and a Nobel Prize, 360;
and music, 403; and the 'Oriental'
Jews, 420; a unifying element, 520;
and Soviet Jewry, 521
Hebrew National Opera: see National
Opera (Tel Aviv)
Hebrew Patriarchs: 397,422
Hebrew Prophets: their 'universalistic
nationalism', 335; the descendants of,
421; Chaim Herzog echoes, 598-9
'Hebrew Spirit': 40
Hebrew Teachers' Federation in Palestine:
Hebrew University: in prospect, 20, 29,
35, 85; foundation stones of, laid,
39-40; its early years, 53-4, 57, 79;
isolated, 249; opens doors to Israeli
Arab students, 292; and a military
tattoo (1967), 366; after the Six Day
War, 394, 407; a professor of, and
human rights, 533; and the tradition of
'national revival', 534; a Professor of,
murdered, 541; a doctoral student at,
on Memorial Day, 603; a professor of,
and Palestinian rights in Jerusalem, 608
Hebrew Writers' Association: 79
Hebron Agreement (17 January 1997):
Hebron: violence in (1929), 60; and the
Etzion bloc settlements (1948), 161-2;
the Mayor of, and Transjordan, 241;
and an Israeli reprisal action near, 363;
the Patriarchs buried at, 397; return of
Jews to (after 1967), 404-5, 495; and
Dayan's 'view of the map', 405-6;
tourism in, 420; and the 'Palestinian
people', 492; and a tear-gas attack
near, 503; and the Kach political
Party's racism, 516; and Islamic Jihad,
530; and an appeal by Rabin, 553; a
stone thrower shot dead in, 558;
another shooting near, 558; the killing
of twenty-nine Arabs in, 569; a United
Nations presence in, 571; and Oslo II,
581, 582-3, 583-4; and the impact of
terror, 593; withdrawal from, delayed,
595, 596; withdrawal from, agreed,
597-8, 611; and an Israeli political
scandal, 601; and a court martial, 648
Hebron Hills: a Jewish presence in, 114,
161; Arab refugees flee to, 184, 232;
fighting near, 234; reinforcements
from, 239; Egyptian troops in, 244-5,
253; land reclamation west of, 331
Hedjaz (Saudi Arabia): 61, 119
Hell: and Heaven, 81
Helsinki Summit (990): and the
Occupied Territories and southern
Lebanon, 546
Henderson, Arthur: receives a warning,
Heritage: Civilization and the Jews
(Abba Eban): 515
'Hero of Israel' (medal for bravery): see
Ot Hagvurah
Herodion: a murder at, 506
Herut (political Party): and the 1949
General Election, 250-1; and the 1951
General Election, 275; opposes
reparations from Germany, 279, 283;
and the 1955 General Election, 300;
and the 'Kastner' trial, 304; opposes
Sinai withdrawal (1956),327; electoral
gains of (1961), 339; and a merger,
343; and the coming of war in 1967,
369, 380; and the Land of Israel
Movement, 400; and the October War,
458; and the future of the West Bank,
482; and Camp David, 493, 494;
settlements of, 497
Herzl, Theodor: and the foundations of
political Zionism, 9-15; and the
growth of political Zionism, 16-17,
19-22, 28; and the British Mandate, 42;
and the Peel Commission, 88; and the
Revisionists, 91-2; and the 22nd
Zionist Congress, 138; and the Law of
Return, 270; and the great-grandson of
his invitee, 603
Herzliya: founded, 44; a farm near, 69; a
terrorist action near, 490
'Herzliya': a name proposed, 187
Herzliya Gymnasium (Tel Aviv): 28,43
Herzliya Security Conference: Ehud
Olmert explains his vision to, 637;
Amir Peretz defends Israeli 'moral
codes' at, 643
Herzog, Chaim: an eye-witness, 164-5;
and a British threat, 178; and the War
of Independence, 206; and the 'Burma
Road', 207-8; and the death of Colonel
Marcus, 209; and the partition of
Jerusalem, 241, 299; and mass
immigration, 262; and 'normalcy', 265;
and Israel Aircraft Industries, 274; and
Ben-Gurion, 294; and the Sinai
campaign, 320, 323, 325; and Ariel
Sharon, 321-2; and a summons, 326-7;
and a 'foul-up', 333-4; and an alert,
334; and electoral reform, 344; and his
Jordanian opposite number, 347; and a
new political Party, 357, 358, 359; his
daily commentaries (1967), 376, 380-1;
and the occupied West Bank, 396,
398; and the October War (1973), 432,
432-3, 433, 437, 440, 441-2, 446-7,
458,459; tears up 'Zionism is racism'
resolution, 468; voices his fears (1988),
528-9; and the political crisis of 1990,
545; and 'the fires of destruction'
(1997), 598-9
Herzog, Joel: born, 265
Herzog, Yaakov: and secret talks, 308,
Herzog, Chief Rabbi Yitzhak: his son's
warning, 598
Hess, Moses: on man, nationalism and
the soil, 4
Hever Hakvutzot (collective association):
Heykal, Mohammed: 'Let Israel begin',
Hilawi, Colonel Rafiq: humiliated, and
shot, 441; news of his death reaches a
Druse village, 454
Hill 86: attack on, 243
Hill 318: battle for, 222
Hill, Sir John Gray: his house and a
university, 29, 35
Hill of Peace: schoolgirls shot dead at
Hillel, Shlomo: and Jewish immigration
from Iraq, 257; votes against Camp
David, 493
Hilton Hotel (Jerusalem): negotiations
in, 490
Himalayas: a honeymoon at, disrupted,
Himmler, Heinrich: a letter to, 117
Hiram, King of Tyre: 235
Hirsch, Baron Maurice de: his
philanthropy, 13; criticized, 21
Hirschfeld, Dr Yair: and the Oslo talks
Hirschson, Avraham: charges against,
Histadrut (General Federation of Jewish
Labour): 46-7,47, 51, 52, 55,94, 118,
129, 164, 203, 337, 338; its political
critics, 343; its retreat from power, 404;
and the battle against inflation, 517,
Hitler, Adolf: 18, 71, 93, 98, 99, 101,
102, 111, 113, 128, 144, 147, 152,280,
325, 569
Hittites: 113
Hizballah: active in southern Lebanon,
530, 606, 625; a leader of, abducted,
542; an unsuccessful attack on, 614;
deaths from, 620; initiates war with
Israel, 639-42; and the aftermath of
war, 645-6
Ho Chi Minh: and Ben-Gurion, 134
Hochman, Peretz: his story, 603
Hochman, Yitzhak: killed, 177
Hod, General Mordechai: and the Six
Day War, 384
Hofi, General Yitzhak: and the October
War, 427
Holiday and Vacation Village (Ashkelon):
Holocaust: ix, 50, 116, 120, 130;
survivors of, 138, 140, 142, 145, 151,
157,196,197,247,258; and the
destruction of a heartland, 277; and
reparations, 280, 285; and a memorial
institution (Yad Vashem) in Jerusalem,
288-9; and a trial for slander, 303-4;
and the Eichmann Trial, 337; and 'our
faith', 347-8; memories of, 'flowed into
our room' (1967), 369; a survivor of,
killed in a PLO mortar attack, 486;
images of, invoked (1982), 511; a
survivor of, and human rights in Israel,
533; and an annual pilgrimage, 557;
and a visit to Belarus, 557; images of,
recalled (1993), 564-5; a survivor of,
killed by a suicide bomber (1994),
574; a survivor of, denounces 'an
abomination', 605; survivors of, killed
by suicide bombs, 614
Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes'
Remembrance Authority: see Yad
Holocaust Memorial Day: 520
Holocaust Remembrance Day: and an
incident in the army, 501;
subsequently known as Holocaust
Memorial Day
Holon: an imaginary Fatah attack near,
Holst, Johann Jurgen: and Israeli-PLO
talks (1993), 561; and the Oslo
Accords, 564; and the Declaration of
Principles, 575
Holst, Marianne: in Oslo, 561
Holy Places (Hebron): 569, 583-4
Holy Places Qerusalem): 150, 274, 496
Holy War: and suicide bombers, 569,
624; a call for, in Johannesburg, 571
Holzman, Arthur: and a concert in the
Jezreel Valley, 143
Holzmann, S.J.: his vision, 114
Horev (military operation): 242
Hos, Dov: and Jewish self-defence,
30--1; and Jewish labour, 51-2; a
pioneer aviator, 102; remembered, 112
Hos, Rivkah: killed in a car crash, 112
Hos, Tirzah: killed in a car crash, 112
Hotel des Roses (Rhodes): agreement
signed at, 254
Hotline: a human rights organization,
established, 533
House of Commons (London): debates
in, 81, 98, 117, 118, 132, 136, 154
Hovevei Zion: see Lovers of Zion
Huberman, Bronislaw: a prodigy, 79
Hulda: founded, 25; defended, 60;
Huleh basin (Upper Galilee): 77,96,
102, 113, 177, 178
Huleikat (Arab village): captured, 184;
battle for, 232
Human Rights Watch: and the Jenin
'massacre' (2002), 625; condemns
Hizballah's shelling of Israeli civilians
(2006), 642; and the rocket firing from
Gaza (2007), 649
Human Rights in the Bible and Talmud
(Haim Cohn): 539
Hungarians: and former Jewish homes,
Hungarian Immigrants Association: 275
Hungary: Jews from, make their way to
Palestine, 3; and Herzl, 9, 10; Jews
from, and the building up of Palestine,
53-4, 91, 183, 199, 231; Jews from,
and the building up of Israel, 266, 268,
275, 352; and a trial for slander, 303-4;
Soviet Jews in transit through, 536-7
Hurvitz, Yigal: and West Bank
settlements, 485
Husan (near Bethlehem): and a reprisal
action, 314
Hushniya (Golan Heights): and the
October War, 440
Hushy, Abba: pleads, in vain, 172
Hussein, Emir: an anti-Zionist talks with,
Hussein, King (of Jordan): 274, 299; and
an Israeli reprisal action, 316; and
secret contacts with Israel, 347, 482,
519, 523; a warning from, 362; and the
road to war in 1967, 377; and the Six
Day War, 385, 387; and the West
Bank, 398; and 'Black September', 417;
and the October War, 439-40, 440-1,
442,447; and the aftermath of the
October War, 462; Rabin's invitation
to, 554; negotiations with, after Oslo,
568, 571-2, 573-4; and the signing of
the Israel-Jordan peace treaty, 576;
and possible joint Israeli-Jordanian
projects, 580-1; at Rabin's funeral, 589;
his eulogy, 589-90; an a crisis in
Jerusalem, 596; pays condolence calls,
600; and an attempted assassination in
Amman, 616
al-Husseini, Abdel-Kader: in action, 161,
al-Husseini, Haj Amin: Mufti of
Jerusalem ('Grand Mufti'), 48; presides,
57; and the 1929 riots, 60; protests,
64-5; and the 1936 riots, 88; and the
Second World War, 117-8, 152; and
the Muslim Holy Places in Jerusalem,
149-50; escapes, 152; in Egypt, 154;
areas controlled by, 163; his relative
killed in action, 168; his hopes for
Palestine, 173, 230, 241
al-Husseini, Musa Kazim Pasha: and the
riots of 1920, 48; warns of an armed
uprising, 61: protests, 64-5; calls for a
halt to Jewish immigration, 72
al-Husseini, Said Bey: and 'Arab public
opinion', 30
Huxley, Julian: Israel's part in 'the
human adventure', 617
Hynd, John Burns: visits Belsen, 125
Ibn Adesan, Ayyad Awwad: his satire,
Ibn Rabia, Id: sells land, 115
Ibn Said, Salama: sells land, 115
Ibn Saud, King (of Saudi Arabia): 89
Ibrahim AI Awwal (Egyptian frigate):
opens fire, 321
Ibrahim, Jawdat: at a special school, 503
Idi Amin, President (of Uganda): and
the October War (973), 438, 458; and
the Entebbe raid, 473
Illarionova, Alona: a recent immigrant
from Ukraine, 603
'illegal' immigration: 76-7,95-6,98--9,
100-1, 105-9, 112, 115, 119, 124-5,
127, 129-30, 135-6, 145; and release
from detention, 191
Imber, Naphtali Herz: his poem, 7
immigration (after 1948): 188, 196,
257-64, 275, 284, 287-8, 290, 332, 344
Immigration and Absorption Committee
(of the Knesset): 535
Independence Day (1967): a parade on,
Independence Day (968): a parade on,
Independence Day (1987): an incident
on, 527
Independence Day (1997): and Israel's
population, 605; and the national flag,
Independence Square (Philadelphia):
Golda Meir greeted in (1970), 416
Independent Liberal Party: formation of,
India, Republic of: 150, 288, 302, 303;
supports 'Zionism is racism' resolution,
468; and Israeli security, 635
Indian Ocean: 368
Indonesia: 300; represented at
Annapolis (2007), 653
Indyk, Martin: and Oslo II, 582;
'unhappy', 616
inflation: the battle against (1984), 517-8
Inn of the Good Samaritan: a settlement
near, 470
Inquisition: and conversions to
Catholicism, 603
Institute of Jewish Studies (Mount
Scopus): 53
Interim Agreement (1995): 620-1
International Centre for Peace in the
Middle East (ICPME): 604
'International Flotilla': proposed, 374;
not coming into being, 377-8; final
efforts for, 377, 381
International Labour Organizatiori (ILO):
condemns Zionism, 467
International Monetry Fund (IMF):
represented at Annapolis (2007), 654
International Refugee Organization (IRO):
International Women's Year Conference:
condemns Zionism, 467
In the Image (human rights organization):
see Betselem
intifada (Palestinian uprising): 525-7,
537, 538-42, 543, 547-8, 549-50,
557-9, 560, 561-2; and the second
intifada, 621
Intrator, Genya: and Soviet Jewry, 520
Iran: votes against Jewish (and Arab)
statehood, 150; Jews from, in Israel,
266, 302; an assassination in, 274; and
the Baghdad Pact, 304; soldiers from,
in Beirut, 509; supports Islamic Jihad,
530; supports Hamas, 557; an
immigrant from, killed by a suicide
bomber, 574; and the Arab world, 579;
the continuing support for terror by,
593; and Russian weapons technology,
615; a threat from, 635
Iraq: a Jew from, remembered, 44; Jews
from, in Palestine, 55; Muslims from,
protest, 61, 97; a pledge to protest in,
74; and Arab nationalism, 75-6; and
the Second World War, 118; and the
Middle East, 120; and oil 141; and the
Arabs of Palestine, 144; and Israel's
War of Independence, 155, 180, 181,
182, 185, 192, 193, 204, 219, 244, 253;
the Jews of, 225; and the Arabs of
Palestine, 230; Jewish immigration
from, 257-8, 259, 266; and the
Baghdad Pact, 304; and Egypt, 308;
and Jordan, 316; and the 'liberation of
Palestine', 346-7; and the 1967 war,
377, 381, 385; and a future Palestine
State, 416-7; and the October War,
442, 443, 444, 452, 454, 455, 456-7,
459; a bombing raid on (981), 498,
499, 628; supports a 'Liberation
Movement', 503; Jews from, 519; and
the Helsinki Summit (990), 546
Iraq-Haifa oil pipeline: and the October
War, 433; and the Gulf War, 547
Iraqash, Issa Mohamed: killed, 156
Iraq el-Manshiya (Arab village):
attacked, 220, 231
Iraq Suwedan (police fort): battle for,
232-3, 237
Irgun: reprisals by, 80, 92, 94; and the
Second World War, 117; denounced,
118; continuing action by, 121-2, 126;
and the Stem Gang, 111; and the
Haganah, 132; and the King David
Hotel, 134-5; retaliation by, 140;
killings by, 141, 142, 148-9; reprisals
against, 143, 159; hostages of, 148;
reprisals by, 154; continued killings
by, 157, 158; and the struggle in
Palestine (November 1947 to May
1948), 167, 169, 175-6, 176; and the
Israel Defence Forces, 202; and the
Altalena, 210-3, 216; in action, 216;
and the aftermath of Bernadotte's
assassination, 228-9; a broadcaster for,
forms a new political Party, 494
'Irgun in Israel': a breakaway
movement, 111
Iron Curtain: and Jewish immigration,
Isaac (the Patriarch): and Hebron, 397
Isaiah (the Prophet): recalled, 7, 260,
288, 295
Isdud (Arab village): 111; occupied by
Egyptian troops, 199, 208; recalled, 438
Islamic fundamentalism: 274,499, 515,
530, 557, 579, 593
Islamic Jihad: urges 'instant military
action', 530; a commander of,
abducted, 542; intensifies activities,
557; Israeli action against, 558;
'revenge' by, 559; and the continuing
intifada, 560; murders by, 561;
opposes Oslo, 566, 569; and poverty,
578; announces ceasefrre, 628
Ismailia (Egypt): evacuated, 401; and
the War of Attrition, 410; and the
October War, 457, 458; and the
Begin-Sadat talks (977), 489-90, 490
Ismailia-Cairo Road: and the October
War, 458
IsraAid: helps refugees in Chad, 650
'Israel': a name voted on, 182; a 'stroke
of genius', 187-8
Israel, State of: declares independence,
186-8; its War of Independence,
189-249; and the Sinai Campaign
(956), 320-328; and the Six Day War
(967), 384-95; and the War of
Attrition (1969-70), 410, 413, 415; and
the Yom Kippur War (October 1973),
426-61; and the Lebanon War (982),
503-12; and the Intifada 0987-92),
525-8, 537, 538-42, 547-8, 549-50,
557-9,560, 561-2; and the 'peace
process' (after 1992), 559-60, 561,
562-7, 568-72, 575-81, 582-4, 586-7,
Israel, State of (continued)
and the assassination of Rabin (1995),
587, 588-91; approaches its fiftieth
anniversary (1998), 599-619; Jewish
population of, exceeds that of United
States (2007), 645; vigorous economy
of (2007), 649-50; represented at
Annapolis (2007), 653
Israel Academy of Arts and Sciences:
419, 541
Israel Aircraft Industries: 274
Israel Air Force (IAF): and the War of
Independence, 189-90, 199-200;
growth of, 273-4; and the crisis of
1956, 310, 318; and purchases from
France, 313; and a near collision, 334;
and a clash with Syria, 362, 365; and
the Six Day War, 384, 385, 387,
389-90, 392; and the War of Attrition,
410, 413; and the prelude to war in
1973, 425; and the October War, 434,
439,440,448,455,456,458; and the
Entebbe Rescue, 472-3; and purchases
from the United States, 474; and a
political crisis, 474-5; and an airlift,
484,497, 537; and raids on Lebanon,
487, 505; and the Gulf War, 546; and a
helicopter crash, 599-600
Israel Asper Community Action Centre:
in four Israeli cities, 650
Israel Broadcasting Service: and the
prelude to war in 1967, 376, 380
Israel Defence Forces (IDF): volunteers
in, 201; its composition, 202; and the
Altalena, 210, 212, 213; and the Irgun,
228-9; and the Palmach, 229-30; and
manpower, 264-5; and Israel's national
income, 284; the unity of, and BenGurion, 293, 351; and French
weaponry, 313; and the result of the
Sinai campaign, 326, 328; and a 'foulup', 333; and mobilization (in 1967),
367; the 'strength and preparedness' of
(1967), 376; and the Jews of Syria, 392;
and Cairo, 393; and the 'right to feel
confident', 395; and a 'Song of Peace',
400; its tradition, when a soldier is
killed, 413; its length of service to be
reduced, 423; alleged 'brutality' by,
501-2; and the Lebanon War, 507; and
the intifada, 526; and 'the pain of the
families of', 587; and the HizballahIsrael War (2006), 639-42; in Gaza,
640, 645, 649; and the dismantling of
illegal outposrs, 651-2
Israel Flotilla: created (1949), 254
Israel-Jordan border (1949-67): 265
Israel 1971 (Fodor): and the AshkenaziSephardi divide, 420-1
Israel-Jordan Mixed Armistice
Commission: 385
Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty (26 October
1994): 302, 576
Israeal Medical Association: a propsed
boycott against, 651
Israel Museum (Jerusalem): 296;
founded, 354-5; and the Jewish
heartland before 1939, 556
Israel Palestine Centre for Research and
Information (IPCRI): founded, 540
Israel Public Council for Soviet Jewry:
and the need for a comprehensive
plan, 536
Israel Radio: 284, 445, 455, 457-8, 458
Israel Television: 435-6,440-1,445,
490; and a political scandal, 601, 602;
and southern Lebanon, 606
Israel Track (hiking path): 175
Israel, Wilfred: remembered, 80
Israeli Arabs: and emergency
regulations, 345; and the second
intifada, 622
Israeli General Elections: (of 1949), 250;
(of 1951), 275-7; (of 1955), 300-1; (of
1961), 339; (of 1965), 343, 359, 399;
Cof 1969), 463; Cof 1973), 463-4; (of
1977), 474-5, 477, 478-80; Cof 1981),
498-9; (of 1984), 516; Cof 1988), 530-2;
(of 1992), 549-50; Cof 1996), 593,
594-5; and the Israeli Arab vote, 345
Israeli-Palestinian Chamber of Commerce
(Economic Council): in prospect,
Issadin Kassem Brigades Cof Hamas): a
leader of, killed, 581
Istanbul (Turkey): refugees reach
(1944), 115
Istiklal Party (Iraq): blamed, 257-8
Italy: and the Stern Gang, 111;
Palestinian Jews fight in, 119; Jews
pass through, on way to Palestine,
124-8; Jewish refugees from, to be
admitted, 136; sells arms to Israel, 225;
and the Eichmann Trial, 336; a
kidnapping in, 522
Itawi, Khaled: killed, 560
'Ivriya': a name proposed, 187
Izmir (Turkey): and an industrial park,
Izz ad-Din aI-Kassam: kidnap two
Israeali soldiers, 639
al-Jaabari, Sheikh Muhammad Ali: and
Transjordan, 241
Jaba (Arab village): overrun, 221
Jabali, Brigadier-General Ghazi: appeals
against killing, 581
Jabalya (refugee camp): a killing in, 562
Jabareen, Yousef: critical of Israel, 642
Jablonow (Poland): emigration from, 54
Jabotinsky, Vladimir: calls for military
volunteers (1914), 31; leads troops in
action (1918), 37; directs propaganda
(1921), 46; protects Jews (1920), 47;
leads Betar (from 1931), 68; leads
Revisionists, 71, 76; his inspiration, 80;
protests against Partition (1937), 88;
holds World Conference (1938), 91-2;
wants Jews to be armed (1940), 103;
dies (1940), 110; and the geographic
extent of Israel, 497
Jackson-Yanick Amendment: and Soviet
Jewish emigration, 535
Jacob (the Patriarch): his descendants,
335; his patrimony, 397
Jacobs, Julius: killed, 135
Jaffa: Jews in (before 1914), 3, 27-8, 39;
a Jewish settlement near (1870), 4;
land bought by a vice-consul from, 6;
Herzl meets the Kaiser near, 17; new
immigrants land at, 24, 33, 70;
Palestine office established in, 25; Jews
expelled from, 30; riots in (1921), 48;
riots in (1933), 72, 77; riots in (1936),
80; and the prelude to the War of
Independence (1947-8), 155, 158, 159;
battle for (1948), 175-6, 183; Egyptian
warships off, 203; Arabs flee from,
205; Arab citizens of, 344; a pen
portrait of, 350
Jaffa (Israeli destroyer): in action, 321
Jaffa Gate Qerusalem): 159, 162
Jaffa Group (1914-5): 30
Jaffa Road Qerusalem): 281, 282
Jaffe, Dr Leib: killed, 164
Jamail, Dr Fadhil: and Palestine, 144
Janco, Marcel: his brainchild, 287
Japan, Israel opens a mission in, 288;
military instructors from, in Egypt, 448
Jarring, Dr Gunnar: and a cease-fire
Ja'tun: an ancient ruin, 231
J'auna (Arab village): expulsions from,
Jawitz, Ze'ev: remembered, 287
al-Jazzar Mosque (Acre): 266
Jebel Barouk (Lebanon): control of, 512
Jebel Druse mountains: 171, 454
Jemal Pasha: his harsh rule, 30, 31
Jemayel, Bashir: to become President of
Lebanon, 504; 'I am not your vassal',
508; assassinated, 509; aftermath of the
assassination of, 510
Jenin: battle for (1948), 204; a reprisal
attack near (1965), 356; and Israeli
occupation, 405; and Dayan's 'view of
the map', 405-6; and the 'Palestinian
people', 492; under the Palestinian
Authority, 597; 'The Martyrs' Capital',
625; an Israeli soldier rescued in, 649
Jephtah: a judge, recalled, 175
Jeremiah (the Prophet): recalled, 4, 420
Jeremiah (symphony): played, 143
Jericho: Jews seek to buy land near
(1878), 4; a kibbutz founded near
(1939), 102; a conference at (1948),
230; to be returned to Arab
sovereignty (1969),406; and 'Gaza and
Jericho first' (1993), 563, 569; and the
Cairo Agreement (1994), 570; Israeli
troops withdraw from (1994), 571;
hopes for the development of, 578,
580; and terror, 580; Israeli forces
withdraw from (2004), 632; a one-year
truce discussed in, 632; Olmert meets
Abbas in (2007),648
Jericho Conference (1948): 241
Jericho-jerusalem road: and the Six Day
War, 386
Jerusalem: and Rome, 3; and the early
settlements, 6; and Hatikvah, 7; grows,
9; and the Kaiser, 17; a clinic in, 28;
and the First World War, 30, 33; riots
in (1920 and 1921), 47, 48; (1929), 60;
(1933), 72; protests in (1935), 77;
immigrants to, 55; and archaeology,
57; and music, 79; and Babylon, 99;
and two suicides, 143; a Jewish' town,
144; future of, discussed, 149, 153,
185; and the struggle for Palestine
(November 1947-May 1948), 45, 153,
155, 156-7, 159, 162, 163, 164, 167,
173, 183; and the War of
Independence, 193, 199, 205, 206, 207,
210, 213, 219, 221-2, 233, 241, 246;
Jerusalem (continued)
Knesset meets in (1949), 252; divided,
265, 299; vegetables and flowers for,
272; possible agreement on, 307; and
the Eichmann Trial, 336-7; and Pearl
Fishers; and the Israel Museum, 354-5;
a 'child' of, 360-1; bomb explosions in
(1966), 362; fighting in (Six Day War),
386; Golda Meir's 'dream of peace' in,
410; and the October War (1973), 429,
438; and the aftermath of the October
War, 462; and the Good Fence, 471;
Sadat's visit to, 483, 487, 489; no
'signing away' of, 493; Israeli-Egyptian
negotiations in (1979), 495; and the
Basic Law (1980), 496; a bomb
explosion in (1982), 515; a funeral in,
of an assassinated leader (1988), 516;
and a 'revolution of peace' (993),
566; its future (after Oslo), 568; antigovernment demonstrations in (1995),
585, 586; suicide bombs in (1995-7),
592, 597,613,614; and Memorial Day
(1997), 603; and the city's Palestinian
population 'in danger of expulsion'
(1997), 607-8; an ultra-Orthodox riot
in (1997), 609-10; a proposed 'defence
zone' around, 612; vibrancy of, 618;
future of, discussed at Camp David
(2000), 622; its future, and the Road
Map, 626; and 'the Wall', 631; and the
renewed peace process (2007), 648
Jerusalem Brigade: in Sinai (973), 432
Jerusalem Corridor: Jewish settlements
in, 45, 60, 196; Arab villages in, blown
up, 174; Israeli troops in, 188, 196;
fighting in (948), 208, 216, 221, 222;
under Israeli control, 223; advance
from, 234; a forest fire in, 263
Jerusalem District Court: charges in, 522
Jerusalem Fire Brigade: and a riot, 282
Jerusalem Post: reports a demonstration
(1952), 280-3; reports the Luxembourg
agreement, 283-4; and terrorist acts,
294; and a reprisal action (1955), 305;
and Israeli air strikes in the north
(1970), 413; and the occupied West
Bank, 418-9; and a controversial
Knesset debate (1982), 502; and a
murder in Jerusalem (989), 541; and
stone throwers (1993), 560; and the
Palestinian population of Jerusalem
(997), 607; and an ultra-Orthodox riot
(1997),609-10; and the renewed
peace process (2007), 648
Jerusalem Reclamation Project: and East
Jerusalem, 524
Jerusalem-Dead Sea Road: and a new
settlement, 470
Jesus: of 'ancient Germanic origin', 18;
and an Arab student leaflet, 61
Jewish Agricultural Experiment Station:
established, 25
Jewish Agency (for Palestine):
established, 50; a crisis for, 55-6;
enlarged, 59; and Youth Aliyah, 69; a
director of, sceptical, 69-70; urges
restraint, 80, 89, 91; works with the
British, 85; denounced, 92; and new
settlements (1939), 97; and deportees,
109; and a 'Jewish Commonwealth',
112; hands over names of Jewish
terrorists, 118; criticized, 122; demands
certificates, 123; urges end of
immigration restrictions, 124; leaders
of, arrested, 132-4; denounces
terrorism, 135, 142; and further new
settlements (1946), 136-7; accepts
compromise proposals, 149;
denounces reprisals, 154, 157; seeks to
avoid a confrontation, 158-9; a bomb
in the courtyard of, 164-5; and a
secret mission to Transjordan, 178; and
the first Knesset, 252; and a Foreign
Minister, 253; and postwar
immigration, 258-9; and housing, 267;
and the Jews of Ethiopia, 303, 537;
and the Bedouin, 359; the National
Institutions of, recalled, 568-9
'Jewish Archaeology': the 'creation' of,
Jewish Brigade Group: to be set up,
117; the flag of, used in action, 244; its
experience used, 151, 215
Jewish Chronicle: 22, 540, 615
Jewish Colonial Trust: 17-8
Jewish Colonization Association: 13, 96
'Jewish Commonwealth': proposed, 112
Jewish Hospital (Cairo): 296
Jewish Legion: 31, 36, 36-7, 45, 49, 69
Jewish National Assembly: 42
Jewish National Council (Va'ad Leumi):
42, 53, 154, 158, 164
Jewish National Fund: established, 19;
and a children's village, 24, 25; and
collective farming, 26, 27, 30, 34, 44;
and Tel Aviv, 28; and the Jezreel
Valley, 45-6, 54; support for, 55; a
founder of, remembered, 114; an
official of, and Arab tenant farmers,
159; and the War of Independence,
205; and abandoned Arab villages,
205; and afforestation, 263; and
reclamation, 269, 331; the forests of,
Jewish National Home: in prospect, 40,
41, 42, 47, 50, 55, 61, 67, 69, 72, 77,
78, 86-7, 112, 121, 128, 138, 147, 148,
187; to be 'finished', 617
Jewish National Institutions (in Palestine):
42, 97, 568-9
Jewish Nazism': denounced, 118
'Jewish Olympics': in Palestine, 79
Jewish Quarter (Hebron): 598
Jewish Quarter (Jerusalem): defended,
47,49, 157; besieged, 159, 168;
embattled, 198-9, 213, 221-2;
destroyed, 233; and the Six Day War,
387; the defences of (1948) recalled,
Jewish Quarter (Safed): 174,177
Jewish Quarter (Tiberias): 171
Jewish Resistance Movement:
established, 132; ended, 135
Jewish Settlement Police (Palestine): 85
Jewish Socialist Workers Party (the
Bund): 16
The Jewish State (Herzl): 11-12
Jewish university: proposed, 8, 20, 29
The Jewish War Front (Jabotinsky): 110
Jezreel Valley: Jewish settlements in, 35,
43, 44, 45-6, 54-5, 57-8, 78, 79, 143,
208, 453; an archaeological discovery
in, 57-8; music in, 143; and the War of
Independence, 208; access to, secured,
265; soldiers recruited from, 325;
shelling on (1973), 439
Jezzine (Lebanon): Israeli and Syrian
tanks clash in (1982), 505
Jian, Yitzhak: shot, 157
Jibril, Ahmad: holds soldiers captive,
Jihad: see Holy War
Jinji' (Ginger): killed in action, 244
Jish (Arab village): attacked, 235-6
Joffe, Eliezer: inspires, 44
Johannesburg (South Africa): BenGurion's question in, 294; a 'great
revolution' in, 566; a 'Jihad'
proclaimed in, 571
Johnson, President Lyndon B.:
sympathetic to Israel, 361; and the
prelude to war (1967), 370, 371, 372,
373, 375, 377-8; and the attack on
Liberty (1967), 389-90; and American
military assistance, 407
Johnston, Eric: an envoy, 291
Joint, the: see American Jewish Joint
Distribution Committee
'Joint Understanding': at Annapolis
Jones, General James: and the renewed
Israeli-Palestinian peace process
Jordan (Hashemite Kingdom of): and
Palestinian Arab refugees, 256, 262,
271; and the armistice lines, 265-6;
and a water dispute, 291; terrorist
infiltration from, 294-5, 330; and
Israeli reprisal actions, 314-5, 404; and
the Sinai campaign, 323; and secret
contacts with Israel, 347; and the
Palestinian Arabs, 352; and the
escalating crisis (1966-7), 362, 363,
370, 381; and the Six Day War, 384-5,
386, 391, 393, 394; and the West Bank,
397,402,406,412; and a 'grandmother
telling bedtime stories', 410; and
'Palestine', 416-7; and the coming of
war in 1973, 427; and the October War
(1973), 436, 440, 448, 451, 452, 454,
455,456-7; and the aftermath of the
October War, 463; and a possible
'Jordanian-Palestinian State', 476, 480;
and Camp David, 491, 492; and the
Reagan Plan, 508; and the London
Agreement, 523-4; and the Gulf War,
546; and the Madrid Conference, 548;
and the 'Gaza first' option, 563; and
the path to a peace treaty with Israel,
571-2, 573-4; the hoped-for prosperity
of, 580; and 'the road to peace', 587;
supports the Road Map, 627; and the
renewed Israeli-Palestinian peace
process (2007), 653-4
Jordan River: Jewish settlements near, 8,
26, 68, 82, 91, 102; Jewish troops cross
(1918), 37; electrical works on, 40, 88;
a Jewish vision 'both sides of', 74, 76,
92; Jewish land purchase near,
defended, 104; and the Mississippi,
148; Bedouin flee across, 160; and the
War of Independence, 175, 176,
191-2, 193, 208, 210, 216;
Jordan River (continued)
and a water crisis, 290-1,352-3; raids
and reprisals across, 306, 343, 356;
trade across, 403, 412; Israel's
presence along, 406; Golda Meir's
'dream' for, 417; settlements along,
419; and the October War, 433, 434;
and negotiations with Jordan, 568,
573; Rabin's hopes for, 578
'Jordan is Palestine' (political slogan):
Jordan-Israel Agreement (1955): 299
Jordan Yalley: 37, 193, 386; and the
Allon Plan, 406, 419, 469, 612; and the
Bailey map, 610-11
Jordanian-Egyptian Trusteeship: an
option (1993), 563
'Jordanian-Palestinian Delegation':
proposed, 527; created, 548; invited,
'Jordanian-Palestinian State': acceptable
to Israel, 476
Joseph: his policy in Pharaonic Egypt
recalled, 577
Joseph, Dov: and Count Bernadotte,
228; enters Cabinet, 252
Josephus Flavius: his account
confirmed, 351
Joshua: his spies recalled, 83
Joshua, Book of: and the name of a
new settlement, 470
Jotapata: founded, 343
Judaeo-Tat (dialect): speakers of, reach
Palestine, 55
Judah, Tribe of: and the name of a new
settlement, 268, 470
Judas Maccabeus: recalled, 12
'Judaea': a name proposed, 187
Judaea: the concept of, revived (967),
397; 'our homeland', 422; the name,
revived (1977),480; plans for,
broached by Begin, 481; autonomy
for, broached by Rabin, 552; Jewish
settlements in, frozen, 555; Jewish
settlements in, renewed, 615
Judaean Hills: reclamation in, 269; a
distant view of, 278
Judin (crusader fort): a settlement near,
Ka'anan, Hamdi: to become an
administrator, 398
Kabri: founded, 249
Kach (political Party): its electoral
success, 516
Kaddum: a new settlement at, 470
Kadima (political Party): founded
(2005), 636; its first election (2006),
Kafr Kana (Lebanon): civilians killed in
(2006), 641
Kagan, Helena: and a source of
precious milk, 33
Kahalani, Avigdor: joins coalition
Kahan Commission Report: its criticisms,
510; a protest following, 511
Kahan, Yitzhak: heads Sabra and Chatila
enquiry, 510
Kahana, Baruch: his generosity
remembered, 55
Kahane, Meir: enters Knesset, 516
Kalischer, Rabbi Zevi Hirsh:
remembered, 84-5
Kaliya (Dead Sea): 85, 153, 249, 573
Kalkilya (West Bank): reprisals against,
315, 354; under Israeli military
occupation, 397; a suicide bomber,
and 'The Engineer', from, 575; under
the Palestinian Authority, 597
Kamchatka (Siberia): 147
Kamel, Mohamed Ibrahim: negotiates,
Kantara (Suez Canal): and the War of
Attrition, 410
Kaplan, Eliezer: and a political crisis,
139-40; his welcome message, 191
Kaplan Hospital (Rehovot): wounded
brought to, 298
Karameh (Jordan): a reprisal against,
Karun Lake (Lebanon): Israeli and
Syrian tanks clash at (1982), 505
Kashani, Eliezer: executed, 143
Kastel: the struggle for (1948), 168-9,
173; Jews from Kurdistan settle at,
Kastner, Israel: and a trial for slander,
303-4, 349
Katamon (Jerusalem): battle for, 183;
Irgun base at, 229
Katsav, President Moshe: charges
against, 643
Kattowitz (Upper Silesia): a pioneering
conference at, 5
Katz, Doris: and the Irgun, 229
Katz, Israel: and a new political Party,
Katz, Shmuel: and an ultimatum, 229;
and 'Western Palestine', 480--1;
opposes Camp David, 494
Katzir, Aharon: killed, 419
Katzir, President Ephraim: at a museum
opening, 491
Katznelson, Berl: and 'constructive
socialism', 63
Kaukaba (Arab village): captured, 184
al-Kaukji, Fawzi: in command, 164,
170--1, 176; and the battle for
Nazareth, 220; and the last fighting in
the north, 234, 235-6, 237
Kawasmeh, Wael: killed, 592
Kennebunkport (Maine): Rabin's visit to,
Kennedy, G.D.: killed, 135
Kennedy, Jacqueline: at a museum
opening, 491
Kennedy, President John F.: meets
Golda Meir, 347-8
Kerem Ha-Shalom: founded, 613
Keren Hayesod (Foundation Fund):
established, 46
Keren Kayemet: see Jewish National
Kernhills (American cargo ship): sails
through Tiran Straits, 327
Kessim (spiritual leaders): and the Chief
Rabbinate of Israel, 537
Ketuba Fort (Suez Canal): and the
October War, 432
Ketziot (prison): detainees deported
from, 558
Kfar Azar: founded, 68
Kfar Baruch: founded, 55
Kfar Batya (youth village): Ethiopian
Jews at, 303
Kfar Bialik: founded, 76
Kfar Bilu: founded, 68
Kfar Blum: founded, 113-4
Kfar Chaim: founded, 73
Kfar Darom: founded, 135; attacked,
184, 193-4; battle for, 215; suicide
bombings in, 581
Kfar Etzion: founded, 114; surrounded,
161-2, 178; battle for, 182-3, 184-5
Kfar Gideon: founded, 44
Kfar Giladi: founded, 32; defended, 43;
shelled, 436
Kfar Ha-Horesh: founded, 71
Kfar Ha-Maccabi: founded, 79
Kfar Habad: terrorist raid on, 305
Kfar Ha'Nasi: founded, 210
Kfar Ha-Ro'eh: founded, 76
Kfar Hassidim: founded, 54
Kfar Hittim: founded, 19, 25
Kfar Jawitz: founded, 287
Kfar Kisch: founded, 137
Kfar Malal: destroyed, 48
Kfar Masaryk: founded, 91
Kfar Menachem: founded, 90
Kfar Monash: founded, 137
Kfar Mordechai: founded, 268
Kfar Netter: founded, 96
Kfar Pines: founded, 72
Kfar Ruppin: founded, 91
Kfar Shams (Syria): and the October
War, 452
Kfar Shmaryahu: founded, 76; a wouldbe assassin at, 583
Kfar Szold: attacked, 159, 163-4
Kfar Uriyyah: abandoned, 60
Kfar Vitkin: founded, 73; and the
Altalena, 211
Kfar Vradim: a model village, 617
Kfar Yehezkel: founded, 44
Kfar Yonah: founded, 68-9
Khaddam, A.H.: and the aftermath of
the October War, 465
Khalde (Lebanon): Israeli troops reach
(1982), 505
Khalil, Ahmad Bey: leaves, 172
Khalil, Kamal: killed, 581
Khan Yunis: attacked, 243-4; occupied,
324; 'wretched poverty' of, 553; the
intifada in, 558; six Palestinians shot
dead in, 558-9; a ten-year-old boy
shot dead in, 559; an Israeli woman
axed to death in, 562; Israeli raids on,
629, 639
Kharatya (Arab village): battle for, 220
Khartoum Summit (1967): opposes
negotiations, 402
Khatib, Anwar: his proposal for the
West Bank, 398
aI-Khatib, Abdel Ilah: in Jerusalem for
talks, 648, 653
Khidr, Abd el-Majid: see Yarkoni, Amos
Khisas (Arab village): expulsion from,
'Khomeinism': without Khomeini, 579
Kibbutz Artzi movement: 56
Kibbutz Hameuhad movement: 56
Kibya (Jordan): a reprisal action against,
292; repercussions of, 295
Kielce (Poland): murders at, 134
Kiev (Ukraine): luminaries from, 18;
Jews reach Israel from, 537; the 'great
revolution' in, recalled, 566
Kilometre 101: and the October War,
458, 462
Kimhi, Rabbi: a rabbinical source, 342
King David Hotel (Jerusalem): violence
in, 134-5; reconstructed, 241; Sadat
prays in, 489
King George V Forest (Lower Galilee):
King George V Street (Jerusalem): 163,
279, 282
King George V Street (Tel Aviv): 70
Kings, Books of: 280
Kinneret: founded, 25; and an
experiment, 26, 28
Kiryat Anavim: founded, 45; and the
Scouts, 68; and night patrols, 81; and
Haganah training, 85
Kiryat Arba: founded, 405; and the
future of the West Bank, 406
Kiryat Gat: founded, 296
Kiryat Ha-Yovel (Jerusalem suburb): 216,
Kiryat Shaul cemetery (Tel Aviv): 301
Kiryat Shmonah (development town):
269; shells fall on, 436, 455; a hangglider attack near, 524
Kisch, Brigadier Frederick: killed by a
mine, 137
Kishinev (Ukraine): pogrom in, 21;
delegates from, 22; orphans from, 24
Kishon port (Haifa): built, 284
Kissinger, Henry: and the October War,
444,452,456,457,458; and the
aftermath of the October War, 465,
Kisufim: bombarded, 311
Klausner, Joseph: appeals for funds, 29;
and the Balfour Declaration, 34; a
Revisionist candidate for the
Presidency, 252; opposes reparations,
280; and 'my land being rebuilt', 300
Klein, Samuel: and the geography of the
Jewish National Home, 53-4
Knesset: x, 25, 56; first sessions of
(1949), 252, 254-5; Martin Buber's
letter to, 265; an Iraqi Jew enters, 258;
a housing proposal in, 260-1; and
education, 256; a government
presented to (1951), 276; and
reparations from Germany, 279-83;
and a crisis with Czechoslovakia, 285;
and a Holocaust memorial (Yad
Vashem), 288; political parties in, 293;
and a crisis with Iraq, 316; and the
withdrawal from Sinai (1956),327; and
the capture of Adolf Eichmann, 336;
and a 'National Museum of Israel', 355;
and a new political Party, 358; and the
1965 election, 359; a Bedouin Member
of, 360; hit by shellfire (1967), 386;
and the October War (1973), 439, 451,
458-9; and a political crisis (1976),
474-5; and the 1977 General Election,
479; and Sadat's visit (977), 487, 489;
and Camp David, 493; and the IsraeliEgyptian peace treaty (979), 495; and
Jerusalem, 496; and the halting of
Sabbath flights by El AI, 502; and the
1984 General Election, 516; and the
1988 General Election, 530-1; and a
law concerning changing sides (1991),
544; and the 1992 General Election,
549-50, 550-1; Rabin's inaugural
speech to (13 July 1992), 551-5;
debates Oslo II (5-6 October 1995),
585; and Rabin's Lying-in-State, 588-9;
and a crisis of religiOUS interpretation,
602-3; and the victims of terror, 605
Koenig, Pierre: signs agreement, 300
Koestler, Arthur: and the non-kosher
meat crisis (949), 248
Kohn, Joe: killed in action, 213
Kol, Moshe: and child immigration, 258
Kollek, Teddy: and the founding of Ein
Gev, 87; his mission (1947), 144; and
the Dead Sea scrolls, 295; and secret
talks with Egypt (956), 308; and the
'Lavon Affair', 338, 339-40; and the
Israel Museum, 355; and Jewish homes
in East Jerusalem, 615
Kolonia (Arab village): the base for an
attack, 168
Kook, Chief Rabbi Abraham Isaac:
denounces a 'blood libel', 72; a
spiritual mentor, 76; and the Land of
Israel, 91; and his son's followers, 469
Kook, Rabbi Zvi Yehuda: and the West
Bank, 469
Koran: desecrated, 539
Kosygin, Alexei: his message to Nasser,
373; and the October War, 449, 455
Kovno (Lithuania): Jews from, 9
Kozienice (Poland): Jews reach
Palestine from, 54
Kramer, Dr Uri: his pioneering medical
device, 650
Krause, Eliahu: and a training farm, 26
Kravchenko, Piotr: accompanies Shimon
Peres in Belarus, 556
Kreisky, Bruno: closes a transit camp,
Kummerman, Dr: and a group of
'illegal' immigrants, 106
Kuneitra (Syria): and the Six Day War,
Kuntilla (Sinai): a reprisal raid on, 305
Kurdistan: Jews from, 55, 60, 80, 82,
Kursi (Sea of Galilee): bombarded, 306
Kursk, Battle of (1943): recalled, 443
Kuwait: and oil, 141; troops from, reach
Cairo, 370; troops of, in Syria, 466;
invaded, 546
Kuznetsov, Eduard: sentenced to death,
La Spezia (Italy): and 'illegal'
immigration, 130
Labour Government (Britain): and
Palestine, 123, 124, 125; and Israel,
Labour Legion: organized, 44-5
Labour movement: predominance of, in
Israeli political life (1948--77), 62-3, 71,
139-40, 163, 250, 252, 273, 275, 277,
297, 300, 303-4, 338--9, 344, 358, 359;
'gradual erosion' of power of, 404; and
religiOUS Zionism, 407
Labour Party (Israel): and the future of
the occupied territories, 406, 422; and
Golda Meir's succession to the
premiership, 408--9; and Jewish
settlements in the West Bank and
Gaza Strip, 422-3, 424, 466, 475, 513;
and the impact of the October War,
461,463-4; and the leadership struggle
(1977), 475; in oppOsition, 485, 498;
an Arab Knesset Member leaves, 526;
and the 1988 General Election, 531-2;
and the political crisis of 1990, 543-5;
and the intifada, 550; and the 1992
General Election, 550-1; and the Arab
vote, 583, 585; and the 1996 General
Election, 594-5; its new leader,
challenged (1997), 611; Sharon seeks
to work with (2001), 623; comes
second to Kadima (2006), 638--9;
Barak returns as leader of, 646
Labour Party (Britain): and Palestine,
121, 131-2; and Israel, 251
Labour Zionists: and the Arabs of
Palestine, 122-3
Lachish (an ancient city): 296
Lachish Development Region: 296, 354;
and the Bedouin, 359
Lake Success (New York): an appeal
from, 232
Land Acquisition Law (1953): 256
Land Day: commemorates six Arab
dead, 471
Land of Israel Movement: founded
(1967),400; and the return of Jews to
Hebron, 404-5; and religious Zionism,
406; and Camp David, 494
land sale to Jews: Arab protests against,
65, 601
Landsberg, Yitzhak: see Sadeh, Yitzhak
Lands Department Qewish National
Fund): 159
Laner, Major-General Dan: and the
October War, 444
Lankry, Rivka: an immigrant from
Morocco, 603
Lansky, Meir: denied entry, 270
Larsen, Terje Rod: and Israeli-PLO talks,
Laskov, General Chaim: and a 'foul-up',
Last, Commander Gabi: and a suicide
bombing, 574-5
Latakia (Syria): an air clash near, 425; a
naval clash off, 441; Soviet warships
ordered to, 444; Soviet tanks reach,
Latin America: immigrants from, 137,
Latrun: detention camp at, 133; fighting
at, 173; battles for, 196-7, 205-8, 221;
222; recrimination over, 214; border
changes near, envisaged, 406
Latvia: Betar founded in, 43; a religiOUS
Zionist from, 114
Latvians: and Jewish homes, 123
Lau, Chief Rabbi Israel: and 'an
abomination', 605
Lausanne Conference (1949): and
Palestinian refugees, 255
Lavi: founded, 263
Lavi, Shlomo: organizes Labour Legion,
44-5; and the death of both his sons,
Lavon, Pinhas: and mass immigration,
275; and reparations from Germany,
284; and a reprisal raid, 290; becomes
Minister of Defence, 294; and the
'Lavon Affair', 296-7, 337-40; BenGurion seeks his return to public life,
'Lavon Affair': its course and impact,
296-7, 337-40, 349, 356-7, 380
Law and Administration Ordinance
(1948): 196
Law of Return (950): 270-1
Law of the Sea (international conference):
and Israel, 332-3
Lawrence, T.E. ('Lawrence of Arabia'):
recalled, 73
Lawson, Edward B.: his doubts about
reprisals, 314
Layish, Yehuda: and the October War,
Lazer (a Roumanian Jew): 'a
tremendous opera lover', 352
Leaflet 40: calls for killings, 538
League of Nations: and the Palestine
Mandate, 41, 50, 69, 121, 142
Lebanese Front: Israel's support for, 491
Lebanese-Israeli border: Fatah
commandos cross, 354, 356
Lebanon: Jewish settlements near, 73,
91,92-3,96, 137, 264; an attack across
the border of (941), 110-11; Arab
immigrants from, 119; and the Middle
East, 120; and the battle for Israeli
statehood, 155, 172, 177, 180, 181,
182, 192, 230, 237; armistice talks with
(949), 253; opposes recognition, 254;
and Palestinian Arab refugees, 256,
262; and a water crisis, 290-1; and
Fatah commandos, 354; and the PLO,
417,490; and the October War, 454-5,
458; and the Good Fence, 471; Israeli
troops in, 483; and Israeli reprisals,
487, 490; and Camp David, 492; Israeli
invasion of (982), 503-13, 623;
Islamic fundamentalist terror in, 515,
579; and the Madrid Conference
(1991), 548; Rabin's invitation to
(1992), 554; Palestinian prisoners
deported to, 558; a commando attack
on (997),614; Israeli withdrawal
from, 620; Israel's rocket challenge
from, 639-42; and the renewed IsraeliPalestinian peace process (2007), 653
Lebanon War (982): 503-13; casualties
in southern Lebanon since, 599; and a
peace group, 604
Leeds Castle (England): negotiations at,
Legislative Council: proposed, 66-7
Lehmann, Dr Siegfried: founds a
children's village, 51; a 'peace activist',
94; and security, 103
Lehrer, Reuben: a pioneer, 7
Lehrs, Dr Hugo: killed, 157
Leipzig (Germany): a musician from, 81
Lenin, V.I.: 51
Leningrad: 170, 408, 555
Lenk, Karl: reaches Haifa, 105-6;
deported to Mauritius, 108-9
Levanon, Nehemia: his work behind the
scenes, 521
Levavi, Aryeh: and the coming of war in
Levi, Said Ben Shalom: a Yemenite Jew,
Levin, Harry: and 'this foul thing', 169
Levin, Shmaryahu: remembered, 76
Levin, Dr Stanley: a volunteer, 222
Levin, Rabbi Y.M.: and non-kosher
meat, 247-8; his Ministerial post in
government, 277
Levinger, Rabbi Moshe: and the Jewish
return to Hebron, 404-5; and the
settling of the West Bank, 469, 495
Levinson, Yaakov: commits suicide, 475
Levy, David: a 'favourite son', 266; and
Project Renewal, 498; and the Taba
dispute, 500
Levy, Simha: axed to death, 562
Lexicon Road (Suez Canal): and the
October War, 446
Liberal Party: electoral success of
(1961), 339; its formation and
philosophy, 343-4
Liberia: a pioneer represents Israel in,
Liberty (United States Navy): attacked
(967), 389-90
Libya: Jews from, 264; 'terrorist squads'
from, reported, 426; and the October
War, 447, 458; and support for terror
by, 593
Licht, Abraham: killed, 177
Lichtenstein, Eliahu: in action, 216
Lichter, Moshe: killed in action, 232
Lieberman, Avigdor: and a political
scandal, 602
Lieme, Nehemiah de: remembered, 102
Lifta-Romema Oerusalem): 'not one
Arab', 163
Likud bloc (Likud Party): its original
composition, 344; its first electoral
success, 463; and the election of PLO
mayors, 471; and a political crisis
(1976), 474-5; and the 1977 election,
477-8,479; its 'hawkish image', 487;
divided by Camp DaVid, 493--4; and
the Lebanon War (1982), 507; and the
West Bank settlements, 513, 543; and
the 1984 General Election, 516; and
the 1988 General Election, 530--1; and
the political crisis of 1990, 544-5; and
the PLO, 548; and 'autonomy', 549;
and the 1992 General Election, 550--1;
and the peace process under Rabin,
583; and the impact of terror, 593; and
the 1996 General Election, 594-5; and
crisis over religiOUS practice, 603; led
by Netanyahu, 620; opposes Sharon's
policies, 635, 636; Netanyahu leads
again, 639
Lions Gate Oerusalem): and the Six Day
War, 390
Lipkin-Shahak, General Amnon: sees
'signs of fatigue', 615
Lipshitz, Hadassah: her death in action,
Liquorish, Douglas: in action, 247
Lisbon (Portugal): a death on the way
from, 80; Quartet meets in, 647-8
Litani River (Lebanon): Israeli soldiers
reach (1948), 192, 237; Israeli troops
again reach (1982), 504; Israeli troops
ordered to (2006), 641
Lithuania: Jews from, reach Palestine
(1812), 3; orphans from, reach
Palestine (after 1918), 51; immigrants
from, in Palestine, 96, 114, 264; and
Israel, 612
Lithuanians: and Jewish homes, 123
'Little Triangle': included in Israel, 265
Livny, Tzipi: Foreign Minister of Israel,
Litvak, Joseph: killed, 157
Lloyd George, David: and Palestine, 86
Lloyd, Selwyn: and Suez, 317
Lockett, Major: and the Faluja Pocket,
locusts: attack, 32
Lod (formerly Lydda): settled by Jewish
immigrants, 266; some Arabs still live
in, 344
Lod Airport: a secret flight from, 315; an
act of terror at, 419; for subsequent
index entries see Ben-Gurion Airport
Lodz (Poland): Jews from, 19,90
Logan, Donald: and the Suez crisis, 318
Lohamei Ha-Getta'ot: founded, 264
London (England): Jews of, 11, 24;
Herzl in, 12, 17, 21; Jewish troops in,
36; a Jew killed, on his way from, 37;
a Jew killed, on his way to, 80; anger
in, 128; the Blitz in, recalled, 190;
determination in, 312-3, 371; secret
meetings in, 347, 482, 519, 572;
memorial meetings to Rabin in, 591
London Agreement (1987): negotiated,
523; rejected, 524
London Blitz (1940--1): bravery in, 343
Lorch, Colonel Netanel: his historical
writing, 169, 220
Loubrani, Uri: negotiates, 537
Louisville (Kentucky): a new immigrant
from, 67
Lourie, Arthur: and the 1967 war crisis,
'Lovers of Zion': founded, 5; a farming
settlement established by, 8; and a
centre of spiritual regeneration, 13;
and Zionism, 13--4; land settlement
plans of, 21; and a honeymoon, 22; a
new settlement of, 29
Lower Galilee: Jewish settlements in, 71,
137, 263
Lubavich (Hasidic movement): 305, 594
Lubetkin, Zivia: reaches Israel, 264
Lubiya (Arab village): flight of
inhabitants of, 263-4
Lueger, Karl: an anti-Semite, 10
Luxembourg: 426; opposes 'Zionism is
racism' resolution, 468; and the Oslo
Accords, 566
Luxembourg Agreement (1952): and
reparations, 283
Luz, Ehud: and secular and religiOUS
Zionism, 406-7
Lvov (Ukraine): Jews from, in Palestine,
Lydda: battle for (1948), 216-8; settled
by Jewish immigrants (after 1949), 260;
the struggle for, recalled, 485-6; the
exodus from, recalled, 519
Lydda Airport: 156, 161, 183, 260; for
subsequent index entries see Lod
ma'abara (immigrant housing):
established, 261-2, 268, 287; replaced,
290; the 'children' of, 479, 531
Ma'agan: overrun, 192
Ma'ale Adumim: established, 470-1
Ma'ale Ha-Hamisha: founded, 90; an
'ancient radio' in, 188
Ma'alot: a terrorist attack on, 466
Ma'arach: a new political Party, 359
Ma'ariv (newspaper): and the
premiership succession (969), 408;
and 'a dark age', 507; and a street
protest (997), 605
Mabovitch, Goldie: see Meir, Golda
Maccabeans: 'will rise again', 12;
emulated, 68; birthplace of, embattled,
Maccabi Sports Organization: and the
Jewish Olympics', 79
MacDonald, James: and a British
ultimatum, 245
MacDonald, Malcolm: and the 'Black
Paper', 97, 98; and 'illegal'
immigration, 101; and the 'Jewish
element' in the United States, 104
MacDonald, Ramsay: warned, 65; his
own warning, 66
Mackillop, Douglas: and Jewish
refugees (in 1946), 124-5
MacMichael, Sir Harold: in Palestine, 92,
Madagascar (Indian Ocean): 113, 132;
Israel's agreement with, 332
Madeba Qordan): mosaic map in, 272
'Made in Japan': and the Bar Kochba
revolt, 341
Madmony, Anat: her story, 603
Madrid Conference (991): 548; to be
built on (992), 552
Mafrak (Transjordan): troop
concentrations at, 181
Magen, General Kalman: and the
October War, 443
Magen David Adorn (Red Shield of
David): 151, 156, 281
'Magic Carpet' (immigration from
Yemen): 260
Magidish, Uri: stabbed to death, 562
Magnes, Judah: favours a bi-national
State, 62; negotiates with a leading
Palestinian Arab, 74-6
Mahal (overseas volunteers): 189, 201-2,
222, 233, 235, 244; and a memorial
meeting to Rabin, 591
Mahanayim: founded, 97; shelled, 436;
survivors reach, 208
Mahane Yehuda Qerusalem): 'not one
Arab', 163; and a suicide bomb, 613
Maiber, Deputy Superintendent Israel:
injured, 281
Maimon, Rabbi Yehuda Leib: and BenGurion,301
Maisel-Shohat, Hannah: and agricultural
training, 28
Majdal: troops land at, 193
Majdal Shams (Golan Heights): and the
October War, 454
Major, John: and the Gulf War, 546;
ends arms embargo, 556; in Israel,
Maki (Israel Communist Party): 250, 275
malaria: 37, 43, 44
Malha (Arab village): battle for, 215
Mali: Israel's agreement with, 332
Malta: terrorism at, 624
Manara Qewish settlement): surrounded,
234; siege of, broken, 237
Mandelbaum Square Qerusalem): also
known as the Mandelbaum Gate, 299,
Mandler, General Avraham: killed in
action, 443
Manekovsky, Irene: and Soviet Jewry,
Maoz: founded, 82; defended, 86
Maoz Hayyim: a kibbutz renamed, 84
Ma'oz Zion: founded, 272-3;
amalgamated, 323
Mapai (political Party): its philosophy,
62-3; its leader murdered, 71; and a
dispute at Basle (946), 139--40; and
the struggle in Palestine 0947-8), 163;
in power, 250, 252; splits from
Mapam, 273; and the 1951 General
Election, 275; and a unified school
system, 277; and the 'Lavon Affair',
297, 338-9, 357, 380; and the 1955
General Election, 300, 301; and a trial
for slander, 303--4
Mapam (political Party): and Arab
refugees, 218-9; and the 1949 General
Election, 250, 252; splits from Mapai,
273; and the 1951 General Election,
275; and reparations, 280, 282;
electoral success of (961), 339;
electoral decline of (965), 359; and
the 1988 General Election, 531; and
the formation of a new Political party,
March of the Living: becomes an annual
event, 556
Marcus, Colonel David (Mickey Stone):
in action, 205-6; and the 'Burma
Road', 207, 208; killed, 209
Marcus, Yoel: and the debate over
Israeli troops in southern Lebanon,
Mar Elias (monastery): and the War of
Independence, 198
Margalit, Dan: launches a political
Maritza (refugee ship): reaches Turkish
waters, 115
Marj-Ayun (Lebanon): troops from, 236
Mark of Cain: and the Lebanon War
(1982), 511
Marks and Spencer: and a secret
meeting, 347
Marrakech (Morocco): a Jew from,
works at Dimona, 521
Marseille (France): and a refugee ship,
Marshak, Yoel: and a cross-community
football initiatve, 645
Marshall, General George c.: and
Palestine, 165; his plan a possible
model, 559-60
Marshall, General S.L.A.: and Israel's
army, 264--5; and the aftermath of the
Sinai campaign, 331
Marshall, Louis: and the Jewish Agency,
Marshall Plan (1947): and the Oslo talks
(1993), 559-60, 561; and the
Casablanca economic conference
Martin, John: and the Peel Commission,
81; and Mauritius, 109
Martyrs' Square (Damascus): a hanging
in, 355
Marx, Karl: and a courtship, 95
Marzouk, Dr Moshe: hanged, 296
Masada (Dead Sea): climbed, 68;
recalled, 184; a new road passes, 267;
a dramatic discovery on, 351; a
confident assertion on, 423
Masada (Golan Heights): and the
October War, 454
Masaryk, Thomas G.: remembered,91
Mashaal, Khaled: an assassination
attempt on, 616; praises Ahmadinejad,
635; Palestinian emissaries visit, 639
Massachusetts (USA): a controversial
speech in, 477
Massuot Yitzhak: found, 114;
surrounded, 161-2, 178; captured, 185
Matt, Colonel Danny: and the October
War, 447
Mauritania: supports 'Zionism is racism'
resolution, 468
Mauritius (Indian Ocean): 'illegal'
refugees deported to, 105, 106-7, 109
Mazraat Beit Jan (Syria): and the
October War, 454
Mea Shearim Qerusalem): and Jewish
Jerusalem, 163; and religiOUS
orthodoxy, 289; and an ultra-Orthodox
demonstration, 610
Medad, Israel: and 'physical and
spiritual redemption', 469; and Jewish
efforts to buy property in the Old City
of Jerusalem, 524
Medal for Bravery: see Ot Hagvurah
Medein, Freih Abu: revives the death
Mediterranean Sea: 104, 143, 158, 259,
264,416; and the Casablanca
economic conference, 576
Mehta, Zubin: and a two-minute silence,
Meimad (political Party): fails to win a
seat, 531
Mein Kampf (Adolf Hitler): in Sinai, 325
Meir, Golda (formerly Mabovich,
Meyerson): meets 'Palestinians', 36-7;
reaches Palestine, 48-9; recalls 'pay
day', 52; her 'one ideal', 95; opposes
'helplessness and dependence', 129;
proposes a hunger strike, 130; her
political qualities, 140; and 'a great
illusion', 146; her secret visits to the
Emir Abdullah, 149-50, 178-80; and
statehood, 188, 190; at a concert, 224;
in Moscow, 226-8; enters Cabinet, 252;
and Arab refugee property, 256; and
Jewish immigration, 260-1, 262; serves
as Minister of Labour, 294; and the
'Lavon Affair', 297, 340; and Dag
Hammerskj6ld, 310-1; and General
Bums, 314; and the Suez Crisis, 315-6;
and Iraq, 316; and the Sinai campaign,
326, 327; and the aftermath of Sinai,
329-30, 331; meets King Hussein in
secret, 347; meets President Kennedy
in Florida, 347-8;
Meir, Golda (continued)
and the road to war in 1967, 373,
378-80; and the Six Day War, 384; and
the Palestinians, 399, 412; and the
succession to Eshkol, 407-9; becomes
Prime Minister, 409; and Egypt, 410;
and the 'dream of peace', 410; and
negotiations for a cease-fire (970),
414-5; visits the United States (970),
415-7; visits Vienna (973), 426; and
the coming of war in 1973, 427, 428,
431-2; broadcasts (6 October 1973),
435; and a prospective Dayan
broadcast, 438, 439; her television
broadcast 00 October 1973), 440-1;
and the advance into Syria, 440, 441;
and the crossing of the Suez Canal,
442; and a further television broadcast
03 October 1973), 445; speaks in the
Knesset (16 October 1973), 451-2; and
the ending of the October War, 457,
458, 460, 462; remains Prime Minister,
463-4; resigns, 465; greets Sadat, 489
Meir, Miriam: killed, 157
Meirov, Shaul (later Shaul Avigur):
fights, 43; and 'illegal' immigration, 96;
and the premiership succession
Mekor Hayim Qerusalem): attacked,
162; defended, 216
Melchett, Lord: and the Jewish Agency,
Memorial Day: a traditional ceremony
on (997), 603-4, 604-5; and the
victims of terror, 605
Mendelssohn, Dr: and an expedition,
Mendelssohn, Felix: his works
performed, 79
Mengistu, Colonel Haile Mariam: and
Jewish emigration from Ethiopia, 537
Meretz: a new political Party (1988),
532; enters the coalition (992), 550;
and the 1996 General Election, 594; a
leading figure in, appeals for an end
to 'oppression', 607
Merhavya: and Golda Meir's road to the
premiership, 409
Meri, President Lennart: at Rabin's
funeral, 589
Meridor, Yaakov: and the Lebanon War
Meron Qewish village): liberated, 235
'Merry Wives of Windsor': march of
(967), 380
Meshed (Persia): a Jewish leader from,
55; forcible conversions in, 603
Mesopotamia (later Iraq): 32, 54, 120;
for subsequent index entries, see Iraq
Messiah, the: and the Diaspora, 48; and
the Land of Israel, 98; and a belief in
divine miracles, 530
Metman-Cohen, Yehudah: founds a
Hebrew High School, 25
Metropole Hotel (Moscow): Golda Meir
in, 226
Metulla (Upper Galilee): founded, 13;
Israeli air strikes near, 413; a crossing
point at, 471
Metuna, Organization for Road Safety
(Israel): 645
Mevasseret Yerushalayim: founded, 323
Mevasseret Zion: founded, 323
Mevo Betar (also Mevuot Betar): a
reprisal action near, 314; the
settlement of, founded by Herut, 497
Mevo Dotan: founded, 486
Mexico: 65, 147, 225, 351, 467; supports
'Zionism is racism' resolution, 468
Meyerson, Morris: 52
Micaela (in Carmen): and a Tel Aviv
debut, 351
Michaels, Paul: and a self-critical Israeli
report, 646
Micronesia: supports Israel, 601
Middle East News Agency: incredulous,
'Middle East Oil' (memorandum): 141
Midianites: recalled, 44, 78
Midya (Arab village): battle for, 222
Migdal Eder: founded, 55
Migdal Ha-Emek: shells fall on (1973),
Mikveh Israel: founded, 4; a labourer at,
5; Herzl meets the Kaiser at, 17; a
would-be settler at, 84-5; its founder
remembered, 96
Military Administration: its rules and
regulations, 345; in the Negev until
1965, 359
Milka (refugee ship): reaches Turkish
waters, 115
Miller, David: his courage, 221
Milos (refugee ship): its passengers
transferred, 105
Milwaukee (USA): two emissaries reach,
Mineralnye Vody (North Caucasus): Jews
fly to Israel through, 537
Ministry of the Interior: and a new
policy towards Palestinians in
Jerusalem, 607-8
Minsk (White Russia): a conference of
Zionists in, 20; a Jew from a village
near, reaches Palestine, 24; Soviet Jews
fly to Israel from, 537; a Jew returns to
a village near, 557
'Minnie': a code name, 102
Mintz, Aaron: looks for his father, 33
Mintz, Atara: and 'social hatred', 261
Mintz, Jacob: reaches Palestine, 24;
taken to forced labour, 33
Mintz, Lieutenant-Colonel Meir: killed,
in Gaza, 581
Miriam: her dispute with Moses, 294
Misgav Am: founded, 122; threatened,
Mishmar Ha-Emek: founded, 55; battle
for, 170-1
Mishmar Ha-Negev: founded, 137; and
the War of Independence, 233
Mishmar Ha-Sharon: founded, 73
Mishmar Ha-Yarden: founded, 8;
attacked, 208; held by Syrians, 210,
Mississippi River: and the River Jordan,
Missouri Fort (Suez Canal): and the
October War, 446
Mitla Pass (Sinai): and the Sinai
Campaign (1956), 318, 320, 321,
322-3; and the Six Day War (1967),
387; and the October War (1973), 433,
437, 443, 447; and the aftermath of the
October War, 462, 468, 469; recalled,
472, 504; and the Israeli-Egyptian
peace negotiations (1977), 489, 492
Mizrachi (religiOUS Zionist movement):
Moab, Mountains of: 39
Mobutu, President (of Zaire): breaks off
relations with Israel, 427
Modai, Yitzhak: and the battle against
inflation, 517
Mogilev (Russia): a pioneer from, 23
Mohammed: and the Jews, 61, 99
Moldavia: an immigrant from, 7
Moledet (political Party): electoral
success of, 531; denounces 'an insane
government', 585
Mollet, Guy: and Suez, 317
Monash, General Sir John: remembered,
Monfort (crusader castle): an escape
through, 237
'Monster on the Hill': battle for, 237
Monastery of the Cross (Jerusalem): a
murder near, 541
'Moon Landscape': in space, 628
Moonlight Sonata (Beethoven): and the
coming of war in 1973, 429
Morag-Talmon, Pnina: and the nature of
Jewish immigration to Israel, 519-20
Moravia: early Jewish immigrants from,
3; annexed by Hitler, 98
Mordechai, Asaf: his story, 603
Mordechai, Yitzhak: and southern
Lebanon, 606; and the sale of Russian
arms technology to Iran, 615
Morgenthau, Henry, Jm: remembered,
Moriah (a political Party): its leader
enters the Cabinet (1990), 545
Moroccan Brigade: in action (1973), 433
Moroccan Jews: in Palestine, 23
Morocco: and the Arab world, 76; the
fate of a volunteer from, 213; Jews
from, in Israel, 259, 266, 268-9, 302,
521, 531, 603; a Summit in, 411; and
the October War, 437-8; and the
aftermath of the October War, 466;
Israeli youth from, and the 1977
General Election, 478-9; and the road
to an Israeli-Egyptian peace, 482, 489,
587; the Prime Minister of, at Rabin's
funeral (1995), 589; represented at
Annapolis (2007), 653
Morrison, Herbert: and Muslim
opposition to Jewish immigration, 124;
and partition, 136
Moscow: a luminary from, 18; a war
correspondent of, 31; Golda Meir in,
226-8; and the United States, 304;
immigrants from, attacked, 426;
Kissinger flies to, 456; Kissinger flies to
Tel Aviv from, 457; a former
Ambassador to, speaks of the need for
democracy and toleration, 529; and
Soviet Jewish emigration, 535; the first
direct flight to (1990), 536;
Israeli-Palestinian talks in (1992), 549;
the 'great revolution' in, 566; a
memorial meeting in, 591
Moses: 22,96, 148, 191,294, 327, 520
Moses Montefiore Testimonial Fund: 8
Mosh (a commander): killed, 182
Moskowitz, Irving: and Jewish property
in East Jerusalem, 615
Moslem Conference (928): urges
restrictions, 57
Mossad, the: and the affair of the
German scientists, 349-50; and the
Munich massacre, 419; and the coming
of war in 1973, 431; and the Entebbe
rescue, 472; and a kidnapping, 522;
and an assassination, 528; and a failed
assassination, 616
Mossad le-Aliyah Bet (illegal
immigration): 96
Mothers and Women for Peace:
established, 604
Motza: killings in, 60; an attack on, 168
Motzkin, Leo: and the Arabs of
Palestine, 17
Mount Canaan (Upper Galilee): and the
War of Independence, 174, 175, 177
Mount Carmel: a settlement founded on
the slope of, 287
Mount Hermon: and floods, 96; and
Israeli warplanes, 365; and the Six Day
War, 393; and fate, 409; and Israeli air
strikes, 413; and the October War, 433,
454, 457
Mount Herzl Oerusalem): Jabotinsky
buried on, 110; and the War of
Independence, 216; Rabin's funeral
on, 589-91
Mount Kabir: a settlement at, 470
Mount Meron: evacuated, 235; a
settlement founded near, 268
Mount of Olives Oerusalem): and the
Six Day War, 390; Jewish homes near,
Mount Scopus Oerusalem): and the
Hebrew University, 29, 35, 39, 40, 53,
233, 394; and the Hadassah Hospital,
97, 155, 170; and a military initiative
(948), 174; isolated (1948-67), 233,
241, 248-9, 274; and the Sinai
Campaign (1956), 323; after the Six
Day War, 394, 407; and the intifada,
540; a speech on, recalled, 567
Mount Sinai: a summons to, 326-7
Mount Tabor (Galilee): settlements near,
97-8, 137, 205
Mount Zion Oerusalem): and a
'shattering scene', 198; an Israeli
outpost on, blown up, 233
'Mountain Jews': reach Palestine, 55
Moussa, Amre: at Annapolis (2007), 653
Moussa, Kadoura: and the Jenin
'massacre' (2002), 625
Movement for the National Liberation of
Palestine: see Fatah
Movement of the Islamic Resistance: see
Moyal, Eli: his 'deep regret', 632
Moyne, Lord: his view of the Jews,
112-3; assassinated, 118
Moynihan, Daniel: and an
'abomination', 467
Mubarak, Hosni: becomes President of
Egypt, 499; proposes Israel-Palestinian
talks (1989), 540; and Rabin's vision of
peace (1992), 554; and the Cairo
Agreement (994), 570; and Clinton's
'mission', 576; at Rabin's funeral, 589;
and the renewed peace process
Mufti, the (Grand Mufti), of Jerusalem:
see al-Husseini, Haj Amin
Mughar: a Hizballah rocket on, 641
Mujib, Sheikh; and '75 million people in
Bangladesh', 438
Munich (Germany): acts of terror in,
418, 419
Municipal Labour Council (Tel Aviv):
and 'innocent blood', 296
Murad, Mullah: arrives from Persia, 55
Murano Glass: manufactured, 268
Murphy, Richard: visits Middle East
(1988), 527-8
Musa Kadura: and a free-trade industrial
zone, 651
Musketeer (military operation): against
the Suez Canal, 313
Muslim Brotherhood: troops of, attack,
184, 193, 233; an assassination by, 242;
a branch of, founded in 1988, 528; a
splinter group of, active in Gaza, 530
Muslim Quarter (of the Old City of
Jerusalem): and a tunnel, 596
Mussolini, Benito: 68, 111, 189, 252; and
a cruel parallel, 584
Na'an: a crucial meeting at, 229-30
Nabateans: their ancient cities, 242; their
farming methods, 272
Nablus: and 'gangs of criminals', 61;
attacks in (1933), 72; attacks near, 80;
a murder in, by mistake, 94; and the
War of Independence, 166; and
Palestinian nationalism, 299; war
refugees allowed to return to (967),
397; a Palestinian administrator for,
398; Israel's future plans for, 405; a
Jewish settlement near, 470; and the
'Palestinian people', 492; an anti-Arab
killing near, 539; and an appeal by
Rabin, 553; and an intervention by
Rabin, 555; a Palestinian youth shot
dead near, 558; under the Palestinian
Authority, 597; two would-be suicide
bombers surrender near, 629;
Hizballah cheered in, 640; HamasFatah clashes in, 644; and a football
initiative, 645
Nachshon (military operation): to open
the Jerusalem road, 167, 170
Nafa'a, Yunis: assumes command, 172
Nafekh (Golan Heights): and the
October War, 434
Naguib, General Muhammad: deposes a
king, 274
Nahal (Pioneer Fighting Youth): 223,
267, 272, 342-3, 401, 501; a new
outpost of (997), 613
Nahal Kaliya: founded, 401
NahalOz: founded, 272; a death at, 3112
Nahal Sorek: nuclear reactor at, 301
Nahala: a fedayeen attack on, 302
Nahalal: founded, 43; reinforcements
from 193; shelled, 439
Nahalat Yehuda: Jews farm at, 24,
29-30; a boy from, seeks his father, 33
Naharayim: a secret meeting at (1947),
150; a second secret meeting at (948),
179; schoolgirls shot dead at (997),
Nahariya: founded, 73; isolated, 199; a
settlement near, 231; advance
eastward from, 235; a Syrian plane
crashes on, 456; a PLO rocket attack
on, 486; a tense meeting in, 508; a
terrorist attack on, recalled, 564-5; and
Israel's beaches, 618; rockets fall on
Nairn, Etti and Yitzhak: murdered, 541
Najada (Arab paramilitary organization):
Nakar, Meir: executed, 148
Nakhba (the Catastrophe): discussed,
Naphtali, Tribe of: and a new
settlement, 332
Narbata (later Ma'anit): founded, 113
Narkiss, Uzi: and the battle for the
Etzion bloc, 184-5; and the battle for
Beersheba, 233; and the Six Day War,
386; and the future of the West Bank,
398; and the October War, 453
Nasej (Syria): and the October War, 444
al-Nashashibi, Ragheb Bey: and the
'harm and danger' of Zionism, 30
Nasrullah, Sheikh Hassan: initiates war
with Israel, 639; cheered in Nablus,
Nasser, Sheikh Abdel: assassinated, 644
Nasser, Colonel Gamal Abdel: and the
deposing of a king, 274; and
Palestinian nationalism, 299; and the
Soviet Union, 300; and the conflict with
Israel, 301, 307-10; and the Suez crisis,
312,317,320; a warning by (960),
334; an approach to (962), 346; and
the Palestinian Arabs, 352; and the
escalating crisis 0966-7), 362, 366, 367,
368, 370, 371, 373, 375-66, 376-7, 379,
381, 382; and the Six Day War, 385,
387, 390; and the aftermath of war, 401;
and the War of Attrition, 410
National Command (of Palestinian Jewry):
National Guard (United States): 265
National Guardsmen Oordanian): 314,
National Opera (Tel Aviv): 170,351-2
National Palestinian Council (948): 230
National ReligiOUS Front: 275, 301
National ReligiOUS Party: founded, 275;
electoral gains of, 339; opposes arms
sales to Germany, 349-50; continued
electoral success of, 359; and the West
Bank, 422; and the December 1973
General Election, 463; and a vote of
no-confidence (976), 474-5; enters a
Likud-led government (977),480; a
member of, 'righteous', 493; and West
Bank settlements, 497; and Sabbath
flights by El AI, 502-3; and the 1984
General Election, 516; and the 1988
General Election, 531, 532
National Security Force (Palestinian
Authority) and the death of an Israeli
settler, 654-5
National Union of Journalists (Britain):
votes on a boycott, 651
National Unity Government: of 1967,
396, 414; of 1984, 516, 518; of 1988,
532, 537, 543, 544
National Water Carrier: established,
290-1, 291; and a crisis, 352-3
NATO: 265
Nature Preservation Society: 617--8
Nature Reserve Authority: 325
Navon, Yitzhak: and a new political
Party, 357; opposes 'collective
punishment', 539
Navy Training Centre: a summons to
return to, 428
Nazareth: Arab refugees flee to, 172;
battle for, 220; Arabs of, 344, 345, 642;
Hizballah rockets fall on, 640
Nazareth-Tiberias road: Israel troops
advance from, 235
'Nazi, Nazi ... ': a cry at the Wailing
Wall, 605
Nazi Party: 78
Nazi-Soviet Pact (1939): 99
Nazism: recalled, 283; and a trial for
slander, 303-4
Nebi Samwil: battle for, 174
Nebi Yusha: fighting at, 175
Nebo: Moses' view from, 96
Negba: founded, 98; attacked, 194-5;
battle for, 219
Negbi, Moshe: his accusation, 539
Negev Brigade: and the Altalena, 212;
and the defence of Be'erot Yitzhak,
219; recruits of, flown in, 226; to be
withdrawn, 245
Negev Desert: 45, 74, 88, 115, 117, 118,
144, 149; and the War of
Independence, 155, 156, 158,160-1,
184, 192, 208, 210, 213, 219, 220, 223,
225, 231, 232, 233, 240, 242, 246, 248;
development of (after 1948), 271-2,
277--8, 284, 302-3; terrorist acts in,
294, 323, 404; Egyptian bombardments
in, 311; and the aftermath of the Sinai
campaign, 331; and the Bedouin,
359-D0; and the road to war in 1967,
379; air bases in (after 1978), 492;
'empty', 577
Neriah, Yuval: testifies, 501;
apprehensive, 502
Nes Ziona: Arab-Jewish amity in, 7
Netanya: founded, 62; a bus on its way
from, attacked, 155; and the proximity
of the pre-1967 border, 462; a suicide
bomb near, 579
Netanyahu, Ben-Zion: a leading
Revisionist, 594
Netanyahu, Binyamin (Benjamin): his
government, 277; and a commando
raid, 404; and a rescue mission, 418;
and the West Bank settlements, 471,
513, 609; his brother's death (at
Entebbe), 473; and jewish rights of
settlement, 524; denounces the
government's peace policies, 574; and
anti-government rallies, 584, 585, 586;
and the 1996 General Election, 594-5;
forms a government, 595; delays Oslo
II timetable, 595; and the opening of a
tunnel, 596; Peres appeals to, 596-7;
and the Hebron Agreement, 597--8;
and Har Homa, 600-1; and a political
scandal, 601-2; and diverse Jewish
religiOUS worship, 602-3; and the
national flag, 606; and West Bank
settlement building, 609, 616; and the
shift away from Oslo, 610-11, 612;
declines to visit Basle, 613; and the
carrying out of the Oslo Accords, 614;
and Israel's economic dependence on
the United States, 618; opposes
withdrawal from Lebanon, 620;
opposes withdrawal from Gaza, 635
Netanyahu, Yoni: and a 'dramatic rescue
operation' (1973), 442; and the
Entebbe raid (1976), 473
Netherlands, the: takes in Jewish
refugees, 95; immigrants to Israel
from, 102; supports creation of a
Jewish State, 149, 150; and the Straits
of Tiran, 374; Patriot missiles from,
547; and the Oslo Accords, 566; the
Queen of, at Rabin's funeral, 589;
Gaza exports to, 633
Netter, Charles: founds an agricultural
school, 4; remembered, 96
Netzer-Hazany: founded, 475
Neubach, Amnon: and the battle against
inflation, 517
Nevatim: a rescue mission to, 160-1;
supplies dropped by air to, 224
Neve Dekalim (Gaza Strip) a woman
killed in, 629
Neve Sha'annan Oerusalem): a museum
founded on, 355
Neve Shalom Oaffa): defended, 48
Neve Shalom (Valley of Ayalon): a
student enrols at, 503
Neve Yaakov Oerusalem): a strong
speech made at, 536
Neviot (Gulf of Akaba): to be given up,
New Gate Qerusalem): and the War of
Independence, 197, 221
New Israel Fund: its activities, 633
'New Middle East': the hoped-for nature
of, 580-1
New York: and Jewish statehood, 11; a
Jew from, at the First Zionist Congress,
14; luminaries from, 18; patrons from,
25--6; an Extraordinary Zionist
Conference in (1942), 112; a Press
Conference in (1945), 121, 122; and
'speeches about resistance', 138; a
crucial vote in (1947), ISO-I, 153; and
the end of the Mandate, 185, 189, 190;
a body flown to, 209; a Praesidium
based in, 279; a reparations agreement
signed in, 284; Hasidic dynasties in,
289; a flight to (in 1956), 313; a
historic meeting in (1960), 334; a
Security Council resolution in (1973),
459; an assassination in (1990), 516; a
fundraising dinner in, 524; and Soviet
Jewish emigration, 535; an IsraeliPalestinian meeting in (2004), 632, 633
New York Times: and a concert in
Jerusalem, 143; and a 'rescue bid', 145;
and statehood, 191; and Rabin's
memoirs, 485
New Zealand: votes for a Jewish State,
150; no peace treaty needed with, 566
'Night of the Bridges': 132, 136
Nile River: bridges over, bombed, 401;
and the War of Attrition, 411; and the
October War, 451
NiH (spy group): active, 33
Nir, Colonel Natke: and the October
War, 437
Nirim: surrounded, 194; an air action
near, 247; bombarded, 311
Nissan, Avraham (Avraham Katznelson):
a diplomat, 270
Nissenbaum, Isaac: remembered, 114
Nissim, Rabbi Isaac: becomes Chief
Nitzana: an attack on, 305
Nitzanim: Israelis regain, 234
Nixon, President Richard M.: 'needed',
415; Golda Meir negotiates with,
416-7; and the October War, 445
Nobel Peace Prize: awarded, 255, 495; a
recipient of, makes an appeal, 522-3
Nobel Prize for Literature: awarded, 360
Nokrashy Pasha: assassinated, 242
Nordau, Max: 'we are insane together',
10; drafts the Basle Programme, 14;
opposes the Uganda scheme, 22
North Africa: Jews in, 14,20; Jews from,
519; and 'United Islam', 119;
volunteers from, 233
North Korea: pilots of, in Syria, 466
North Sea Oil: sales of, resumed, 556
Northern Galilee: 174,331,458, 503
Northern Ireland: and 'hopes of
negotiations', 551
Norway: a General from, heads a truce
team, 385; and the path to the Oslo
Accords, 559; troops of, in Hebron,
571; represented at Annapolis (2007),
'Note for the Record': and the Hebron
Agreement, 598
Nowogrodek (Poland): a partisan from,
killed in action, 198
Nukeib (Sea of Galilee): an Israel
reprisal on, 306
Numbers, Book of: and a new
settlement, 272
Nuremberg Laws (1935): and the Jews
of Germany, 78, 93
Nuremberg Trials: and the Eichmann
Nusseirat (refugee camp): and an act of
terror, 541; a fourteen-year-old
Palestinian boy killed in, 560
Obeid, Sheikh Abd aI-Karim: abducted,
Observer (London): and the 'Zionism is
racism' resolution, 468
Occupied Territories: see West Bank
and Gaza Strip
October War (1973): 183, 415, 426-58;
losses in, 459-60; aftermath of, 460-2,
464-5,479; a hero of, speaks out, 501;
a fallen soldier of, remembered, 603; a
veteran of, killed by a suicide bomb,
Oded (youth movement): and the 1977
General Election, 478--9
Odessa (Russia): Jews from,S, 170, 300;
a fundraising gathering in, 29; an
astonishing demonstration in, 34; a
Soviet military base in, feared, 481
Ofakim: founded, 302
Ofer, Avraham: and a financial scandal,
'Office for Refugees': reassuring ... at
first, 106
Official Gazette: first issue of, 190
Og, King of Bashan: and Ben-Gurion's
question, 342
Ogaden Desert (Ethiopia): occupied,
Ohrenstein, Shimon: arrested, 286
Old Testament: ethical legacy of, 40
Olmert, Ehud: and East Jerusalem, 613;
joins Kadima, 636; succeeds Ariel
Sharon, 637; forms coalition
government (2006), 638-9; becomes
Prime Minister, 639; and the HizballahIsrael War, 641, 642, 645-6; charges
against, 643; meets repeatedly with
Abbas, 647, 648, 649, 653; and the
renewed peace process (2007), 648,
649; dismantles Israeli outposts, 651-2;
endorses a Palestinian State, 653; at
Annapolis, 654; to continue to meet
Abbas, 655
Olympic Games (Munich): a massacre
at, 419
Oman: a representative of, at Rabin's
funeral (1995), 589; represented at
Annapolis (2007), 653
Operation Big Pines: and the military
defeat of the PLO, 504
Operation Broom: in the Galilee, 177,
Operation Grapes of Wrath (996):
Operation Hiram: and the Upper
Galilee, 234-5
Operation Horev: and the Negev, 242
Operation Magic Carpet: immigration
from Yemen, 260
Operation Moses: brings Jews from
Ethiopia, 497-8; recalled, 604
Operation Musketeer: against the Suez
Canal, 313
Operation Nachshon: to open the
Jerusalem road, 167, 170
Operation Peace for Galilee: see
Lebanon War (982)
Operation Sheba: brings Jews from
Ethiopia, 498
Operation Solomon: brings Jews from
Ethiopia, 537; recalled, 604
Operation Yiftach: in the Galilee, 175
Operation Yoav: in the Negev, 231
Ophira (Gulf of Akaba): to be given up,
Oppenheim, Mariaske (Miriam): survives,
Oppenheim, Reuven: killed in action,
Or Akiva: founded, 273; Hannah Billig
at, 343
Oren, Mordechai: arrested, 286
Oren, Sarah: and the October War, 460
Origin of Species (Darwin): 54
Orletta (refugee ship): intercepted, 145
Or-Lev, Corporal: a heroic defender, 432
Organization of Petroleum Exporting
Countries (OPEC): and the October
War, 460-1
Organization for Road Safety (Israel):
Ormat Company: pioneering research
Ormsby Gore, William: and partition, 87
Oron phosphate field: gives work, 302
Orot: founded, 277
Oslo (Norway): a Peace Prize awarded
in, 495; and Israeli-PLO talks, 559,
560-1, 562-4
Oslo Agreement (also Oslo Accords): a
precursor to (975), 468; signed
(1993), 563-4; the carrying out of
(after 1993), 568-9; and the Cairo
Agreement (994), 570; and 'Oslo II'
(1995), 581, 620-1; and 'the spirit of
Yitzhak', 592; and the impact of terror,
593; to be carried out, given 'total
reciprocity', 594; opponents of, join
the coalition (1996), 595; timetable of,
delayed, 595; and Jerusalem, 601; and
Palestinian security, 601; an architect
of, advocates withdrawals from
southern Lebanon and the Golan
Heights, 607; a shift away from (1997),
610-11, 612; a unilateral cancellation
of an aspect of (1997), 614; and the
Peres Peace Centre, 615; an opponent
of, becomes Prime Minister of Israel
(2001), 623; a negotiator of, becomes
Prime Minister of the Palestinian
Authority (2003), 627; still a factor
Ot Hagvurah (Medal for Bravery):
awarded, 165-6, 220, 237, 501
Othman, Mohi: killed,614
Ottawa (Canada): Israeli-Palestinian
talks in (1992), 549
Ottoman Empire: and Palestine, 3, 11,
14, 27, 30; and the Circassians, 26; and
two anti-Zionist parliamentarians, 30;
Jews banished from, 31; and the First
World War, 36, 37, 324
Ottoman Parliament (Constantinople):
anti-Zionist Arabs in, 30
Oval Office (White House): an
assurance in, 373
Overseas Reconstruction Committee (of
the British Cabinet): and a 'serious
problem', 125
Oz, Amos: and 'the defilement of
language', 504; achieves international
status, 617
Oz, Oshri: killed by rocket fire, 645
Pacific (refugee ship): reaches Haifa,
Pacific Ocean: 575
Pakistan: 150, 304, 468, 509; represented
at Annapolis (2007), 653
Palestine Committee (of the British
Cabinet): 124, 136
Palestine Electric Corporation: 40, 150
Palestine Executive: 46
Palestine Land Development Corporation:
Palestine Liberation Army: established,
352; in Gaza, 367
Palestine Mandate: see British Mandate
Palestine National Covenant: and
Arafat's appearance at the United
Nations, 467
Palestine National Liberation Movement:
and an attempted assassination, 503
Palestine Office (of the Zionist
Executive): 25
Palestine Orchestra: established, 79;
invites Leonard Bernstein, 143; and
Independence Day, 186
Palestine Post: 69, 135, 162, 164
Palestine Refugees' Committee (1915):
Palestine State: envisaged, 399; and
Jordan, 416-7; advocated, 471;
unacceptable to Israel, 476, 538;
proposed, east of the River Jordan,
480; supported by Arab Democratic
Party (of Israel), 527; 'our vigorous
objection to' (Netanyahu), 602; and
the Annapolis conference (2007),
Palestine White Paper (1939): 97,98,
101, 104, 109, 118, 121, 124, 126, 132,
138, 256
Palestinian Arabs: as refugees, 204-5,
255-6, 265-6, 271, 290, 299, 324,
329-30, 352, 362, 507, 508, 519, 525-6,
538, 549, 568; and an assassin, 274;
terrorist actions by, 289, 291, 292, 294,
297, 301-2, 307, 310, 314, 316, 323,
330; and Fatah commando activity,
354, 356, 361-2, 363; continued
terrorism by (after 1967), 404, 418,
426, 466, 486, 503, 506, 541; Dayan's
understanding of the plight of, 311,
397; and the Six Day War, 394, 396;
and the extension of Israeli rule to the
West Bank and Gaza Strip, 396-8, 399,
419, 421-2; and Jordan, 416-7, 480,
482; and Israeli settlement on the West
Bank, 469, 503, 524; Israeli discussions
concerning (after 1977), 480; and the
Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty, 490, 491,
492; and the intifada, 525-7, 537,
538-42, 543, 547-8, 549-50, 557-9,
560; proposed autonomy for, 527-8,
537, 549, 552, 553; and human rights,
532, 533; an appeal to, for killings,
538; and moderation endangered, 540,
547, 561; and proposed talks with
Israel (1990), 543; a call for talks with
(1991), 548; and the Madrid and
Washington Conferences, 548-9; and
the Tokyo, Brussels, Ottawa and
Vienna talks, 549; and the Rabin
government (1992-5), 551-5, 555-6;
terrorism of, recalled (1993), 564-5;
and the 'closure' of the West Bank and
Gaza Strip, 575-6; and the battle for
the Negev, 577; terrorism of, recalled,
603; 'danger of expulsion' of, from
Jerusalem, 607-8; and an attack by
ultra-Orthodox Jews (1997), 610;
Sharon seeks negotiations with (2001),
Palestinian Authority (Palestinian National
Authority): 137; established (1994),
570-1; help for (1995), 580; and joint
economic ventures, 581; transfer of
powers to, 583, 621; and action against
terror, 592; and a condolence call,
592-3; and Hebron, 597; and the death
penalty for selling land, 601; and a
plan to curtail the territory of, 610-11;
financial transfers to, suspended, 614;
Netanyahu's dispute with, 614; takes
control of Bethelhem, 628;
Palestinian Authority (continued)
and the Road Map, 636; elections in
(2006), 638; 'unity government' in,
638; turmoil in, 643-4; Abbas takes
control of (2007),647; Olmert meets
Abbas on territory of, 648; and the
revived peace process (2007),655-6
Palestinian Autonomy: rejected, 398; a
proposal for, 481; and Camp David,
492, 494-5, 497; and the Murphy
mission, 527-8; and the Washington
talks, 549; Rabin's proposals for, 552,
553; and the Oslo negotiations, 559,
561, 562, 585; and the peace process,
573, 579, 582, 593
Palestinian Council: condemns closure
of occupied territories, 593
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO):
created, 352; and the 1967 war, 377;
terrorist actions by, 404, 418, 466, 486,
490, 515, 519; and 'Black September',
417; and the aftermath of the October
War, 463; and the Rabat Summit, 466,
482; and the United States, 468; and
municipal elections (West Bank and
Gaza Strip, 1976), 471; not 'an
acceptable partner', 476; and the call
for a 'homeland' for (1977), 477; and
Jordan, 482; to be excluded, 483;
shelling by, 503, 504; and the Lebanon
War (1982), 505, 506, 507, 508, 511,
512; and southern Lebanon, 513; and
an Israeli reprisal raid, 519; and the
intifada (uprising), 525, 557;
recognized by Arab Democratic Party
(of Israel), 527; and Hamas, 528; and
an Israeli proposal (1989), 538; a call
for talks with (1991), 548; talks begin
with (1993), 559-61, 562-4; and the
Oslo Accords, 564, 565, 566-7; and the
Casablanca economic conference, 578
Palestinian nationalism: 620
Palestinian Police (of the Palestinian
Authority): and the search for
terrorists, 579; rescue an Israeli soldier,
649; kill Israeli settler, 654-5
Palestinian Presidential Guard: 638, 647
Palestinian State: , in prospect, 621, 622,
626, 635-6; and the Road Map, 637;
and the Annapolis conference (2007),
653; planned at Annapolis (2007) to
come into being by the end of 2008,
655, 656
Palmach: active in Syria, 110; raids a
detention camp, 130-1; action by,
against the British, 132, 133; and the
struggle in Palestine (November 1947
to May 1948), 151, 155, 162, 163, 173,
174,175,177,178, 184-5; and the War
of Independence, 206, 209, 218, 222,
223, 242; and the Irgun, 229; and a
memorial meeting to Rabin, 591;
remembered, 603
Palmach National Command: dissolved,
Pan-Arabism: and the Suez crisis, 315;
and the prelude to war in 1967, 362
Pan Crescent (refugee ship): diverted,
Pan York (refugee ship): diverted, 158
Paraghanian, Garabed: killed, 135
parachutists (Palestinian Jews): 102, 119,
268; a question by (1967), 401
Pardes Hannah: founded, 62
Paris: 10, 12, 18, 27, 37, 134, 312, 313,
315-6, 326, 361, 544, 624; an IsraeliPalestinian initiative in, 634; cafes of,
rivalled, 650; and the renewed IsraeliPalestinian peace process (2007), 656
Paris Peace Conference (1919): 37, 41,
Paris protocol (1994): a unilateral
cancellation of (1997),614
Park Avenue (New York): awaiting a
newspaper in, 191
Park Hotel (Hebron): and a deception,
partition (of Palestine): proposed, 87-9,
116, 118, 138, 141, 148, 199, 400;
recalled, 402
Passfield, Lord: meets Palestinian Arabs,
64; warned by Weizmann, 65
Passover: 116, 173, 198, 520; and
Hebron, 405; and a political scandal,
'Passover Massacre' (2002): 625
Patria (French ocean liner): refugees on,
and a tragedy, 105-9
Patriot missiles: in Israel, 547
Pazner, Avi: a diplomat, 270
Pazner, Chaim: a diplomat, 270
Peace Generation: established, 604
'Peace in Sight' programme: 634
Peace Now: a founder of, speaks out,
501; a demonstration by, prevented,
503; a demonstration by, in protest at
the Lebanon War, 507; participates in
a protest, 509; its public questioning,
510-11; and other peace groups, 604,
608; and a 'compromise', 615
'Peace with Security': an election slogan
'Peace Women' fashions: 634
Pearl Fishers (Bizet): in Jerusalem, 352
Pearlman, Maurice (later Moshe):
witnesses the foundation of a
settlement, 82-4; describes a battle,
194-5; and the coming of war in 1973,
Pearson, Lester: and Canada's
recognition of Israel, 243
Peel, Lord: heads a Royal Commission
to Palestine, 78, 81, 86
Peel Commission: and the future of the
Palestine Mandate, 78, 79, 81, 82,
86-9, 116, 138, 612
Peki'in (Galilee): Jewish settlement in,
since ancient times, 3; all but one
family flee from, 80
Peled, Benjamin: paints the first star,
200; and a possible Arab war plan, 424
Peled-Elchanan, Nurit: blames the
government, 615
Peres, Shimon: his help, xii; reaches
Palestine, 70; visits Gulf of Akaba,
73-4; at Ben Shemen youth village,
94-5, 103; and an expedition, 116-7;
at Basle (1946), 139-40; at Haganah
high command (1947), 144; at General
Staff headquarters (1948), 195-6,
211-2, 214-5; and Israel's navy, 269;
and the Negev, 271, 577; and Israel's
airforce, 273-4; and the philosophy of
the religious Parties, 276; and arms
supplies from France, 300, 315;
becomes Director-General at the
Ministry of Defence, 301; and the Suez
crisis, 312-3, 315-6, 317; and a reprisal
action, 314; and the Sinai campaign,
324, 326; and the aftermath of Sinai,
331; and 'the most extraordinary
speech ever made by a Prime
Minister', 342; and the affair of the
German scientists, 349; and a new
political Party, 357-9; and the Six Day
War, 384, 385; and the October War,
451; calls for an all-Party government
(1974),464; becomes Minister of
Defence, 465; and Israeli settlements
on the West Bank, 470; and the
election of PLO mayors, 471; and the
Good Fence, 471; and the Entebbe
rescue, 472-3; challenges Rabin for
leadership, 475; elected leader, 477;
acting Prime Minister, 477; resigns
after the 1977 General Election, 479; in
opposition, 485; supports Camp
David, 493; and the 1981 General
Election, 498-9; and the Lebanon War
(1982), 504, 506; and southern
Lebanon, 516; becomes Prime Minister
(1984), 516; his leadership, 517-8; no
longer Prime Minister, holds secret
talks with King Hussein, 523; and the
London Agreement (1987), 523-4;
becomes Minister of Finance (1988),
532; seeks to end National Unity
Government (1990), 543-4; fails to
form a government (1990), 544-5; and
the intifada, 550; as Foreign Minister
(1992-5), 556; visits Belarus, 556-7;
and Israeli-PLO talks (in Oslo), 559,
560,560-1,562-4; and Jordan, 568,
571-2; and the Cairo Agreement (4
May 1994), 570; and the Casablanca
economic conference (30 October
1994), 576-7; and water, 577;
entrusted with autonomy negotiations
(1995), 579, 580, 581-2, 583; and Oslo
11,585; becomes Prime Minister
(1995), 588; his eulogy at Rabin's
funeral, 590; Arafat's condolence call
to, 591; Leah Rabin's appeal to, 592;
his warning to Arafat, after a bus
bomb, 592; his anger, 593; calls a
General Election, 593; and Operation
Grapes of Wrath, 593-4; and the 1993
General Election, 594-5; 'We shall
continue to dream together .. .', 595;
and a controversial tunnel, 596; his
appeal to Netanyahu, 596-7; and a
divisive Bill in the Knesset, 603; and
the national flag, 606; his settlement
policy reversed, 609; and Arafat's
obligations, 612; and Rabin's legacy,
619; his Peace Centre, 615, 633; joins
Kadima, 636; becomes Foreign
Minisiter (2006), 639; elected President
(2007), 648; and the renewed peace
process (2007), 648; 'Permit me to be
a dreamer .. .', 652
Peres, Sonia: 'I sought to impress her',
Peres Centre for Peace: launched
(1996), 615; active across the IsraeliPalestinian divide, 633, 634
Peretz, Amir: leads the Labour Party,
636; becomes Defence Minister, 639;
and the Hizballah-Israel War, 640, 646;
denounces abuse against Arabs, 643;
resigns, 646
Peretz, 1.1.: and Jewish national
aspirations, 4
Peretz, Shulamit Cohen: on Memorial
Day, 603
Peretz, Rabbi Yitzhak: enters
government, 532; reappointed, 545
Persia: Jews from, 4, 23, 55, 403, 519,
603; and oil, 141; see also index entry
for Iran
Persian Gulf: and the Arab world, 75,
76; and the Iraq war, 546; and a
regional blueprint, 564
Persky, Yitzhak: reaches Palestine, 70
Peru: and Jewish refugees, 95; and
Palestine, 149; earthquake in, Israel
sends aid to, 650
Petah Tikvah: founded, 4; problems in,
6, 9; a settler in, 24; and Arab labour,
25; the first co-operative society
founded in, 26; an experimental farm
near, 44; defended, 47; and jewish
immigration, 144; an airfield near, and
a secret mission, 307
Petra Gordan): and the Arava Valley
Crossing, 572
Phalange: Israel's ally, 509; and Sabra
and Chatila, 510
Phil adelphi Road (Gaza Strip): weapons
smuggled through, 642
Philadelphia (USA): 26, 213; Golda
Meir's visit to (1970), 415-6
Philippe, Edis de: and the National
Opera, 170
Philippines, the: Israel opens relations
with, 288; foreign workers from, 613
Philistines: a battle against, recalled, 44;
a sea god of, recalled, 290; a city of,
and a modem town, 296
Philo of Alexandria: remembered, 78
PlAT (anti-tank weapon): 193, 194-5,
Picot, Georges: and the aftermath of the
Sinai campaign, 330-1; and the road to
war in 1967, 369, 370-1
Pierre Koenig Street Gerusalem): 300
Pineau, Christian: and Suez, 317, 326
Pines, Yehiel Michael: helps pioneers,
7-8; and the Hebrew language, 8;
remembered, 72
Pinsker, Judah Leib: 'return to the soil'
advocated by, 5; helps pioneers, 8;
remembered, 30
Pinter, Harold: campaigns, 522
The Pioneer: seeks immigrants, 36
Pius X, Pope: and Palestine, 22
'Plagues of Egypt': and the history of
mankind, 116
Plan D (of the Haganah): 166-7, 171,
174,176, 181, 182, 183, 184,216
Ploesti (Roumania): a Jewish
philanthropist from, 55
Plonsk (Poland): a Jewish pioneer from,
Po'alei Agudat Yisrael (political Party):
and a political crisis, 474
Poland: Jews from, journey to Palestine
(1777), 3; economic measures against
Jews of (1924), 49-50; Jews reach
Palestine from, 51, 55, 70, 71, 72, 76,
85, 90, 91, 96, 98; anti-Jewish
sentiment in, 65, 95; partition of
(1939),99; and the Second World War,
100, 109, 113, 114; Jews from, after
1945, 122, 125, 130, 136, 194, 258, 264,
352; murders in, after 1945, 134;
supports partition, 150; and the jewish
religious Parties, 277; Soviet Jews in
transit through, 536-7; Israeli
schoolchildren visit, 556
Poles: and Jewish identity, 123, 147
Polish soldiers (in Palestine): 162
Pollard, Jonathan: imprisoned, 523
Polotov, Chaim: killed, 164
Poppendorf (Germany): Jews interned
at, 146
Popular Front (France): its leader
remembered, 114
Popular Front for the Liberation of
Palestine - General Command: a
hang-glider attack by, 524
Porath, Zipporah: and 'every shock and
sorrow', 164; 'Is there no end to it?',
170; at a concert, 223-4; 'everything
exploded', 224; and a 'parade of
soldiers', 240-1
Poraz, Captain Nir: killed during a
rescue mission (994), 573
Poraz, Maoz: killed in action (973), 573
Port de Bouc (France): refugees refuse
to land at, 146
Port Said (Egypt): seized, 326; and the
War of Attrition, 410; and the coming
of war in 1973, 431
Portland Trust: helps Palestinian
economy, 646-7, 656
Portugal: and the October War, 448; and
the 'Zionism is racism' resolution, 468
Porush, Rabbi Menachem: enters
government, 277
Poseidon, S.S.: and illegal immigration,
Powell, Colin: and targeted
assassinations, 624-5
Prague (Czechoslovakia): a Zionist
Congress in, 72; a Revisionist Zionist
Congress in, 91-2; a trial in, 286
Pravda (newspaper): and Israel, 226
Presidential Elections (USA): 317,475
Preventive Security Service (of the
Palestinian Authority): 601
'Prisoners of Zion': campaigns on behalf
Progressive Party: wins seats, 252; a
member of, enters Cabinet, 252-3;
transformed into the Liberal Party, 343
Project Renewal: a blueprint for poor
neighbourhoods, 484-5
Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion:
distributed, 255
Provisional Council of State: established,
164; summoned, 180; rejects cease-fire
call, 182; and a telegram to Weizmann,
191; its first legislative act, 196; and
the Altalena, 212
Provisional Government: and the
Altalena, 211; replaced by a regular
Cabinet, 253
Pryce-Jones, David: and the October
War, 452-3; and Israeli 'intransigence'
towards the Arabs, 613
Psalms: and a settlement's name, 4-5,
Public Defender's Office (Israel): critical
of prison conditions, 643
Puerto Rico: pilgrims from, killed, 419;
an immigrant from, lights a torch,
Pumbeditha Academy (Babylon):
recalled, 20
Pundak, Dr Ron: and the Oslo talks
al-Punduk: an Israeli settler killed near,
Qatar: and an agreement with Israel
(1995), 586; a representative from, at
Rabin's funeral (1995), 589;
represented at Annapolis (2007), 653
Qeitiya (Arab village): expulsions from,
Quandt, William B.: and
Israeli-Egyptian talks, 476; and Israel's
presence in Lebanon, 483
Quartet, the (United States, United
Nations, European Union, Russia):
enters Middle East peace process
(2002), 626; and the Palestinian
economy, 638; Tony Blair its Middle
East Envoy (2007), 647-8,
Quay Fort (Suez Canal): and the
October War, 432
Qubeiba: a radio transmitter blown up
at, 302
Qumran (Dead Sea): ancient scrolls
discovered at, 295
Rabat Summit (1969): and Israel, 411-2
Rabat Summit (1974): and the PLO, 466,
Rabin, Leah: reaches Palestine, 72; and
the political crisis of 1976, 474-5; and
her husband's first premiership, 476,
477; and the Lebanese War (1982),
507; and Israel's withdrawal from
Lebanon, 518-9; and her husband's
secret meeting with King Hussein
(1985), 519; and the political crisis of
1990, 545; abuse shouted at (1995),
584; Arafat's visit of condolence to,
Rabin, Yitzhak: his assassination
recalled, x; his father reaches
Palestine, 37; and the assassination of
Arlosoroff, 72; and an air raid on Tel
Aviv, 100; and a Haganah raid into
Lebanon, 110-11; and a raid on a
detention camp, 130-1; and a raid on
a house in Tel Aviv, 133-4; and BenGurion, 143-4; and the struggle in
Palestine (November 1947 to May
1948), 163, 173, 174; and the
Declaration of Independence, 188-9;
and the War of Independence, 198,
201,207,218,231,242,245; and the
overseas volunteers, 201; and reprisal
actions, 315; and a 'foul-up', 333; and
an alert, 334; urges Ben-Gurion not to
resign, 350-1; and a war crisis, 353;
and reprisals against Fatah, 356, 363;
Rabin, Yitzhak (continued)
and the call for a pre-emptive strike
(1967), 367; and the southern front,
367; and the road to war (1967), 369,
370, 376, 378, 380, 381; and the Six
Day War, 384-5, 385-6, 386, 387,
388-90, 391, 392, 393, 393-4; 'sorrow
and shock prevails', 394-5; and a
'Song of Peace', 400, 587, 589; and the
War of Attrition, 411, 413; and 'a smug
aura', 423; and the coming of war in
1973, 428; and the aftermath of the
October War, 463-4; becomes Prime
Minister (1974), 465; his 'peace
doctrine' (1975), 468-9; and jewish
settlement on the West Bank, 470; and
the confiscation of Arab land, 471; and
the Entebbe rescue, 472, 473; and a
vote of no-confidence (1976), 474-5;
and negotiations in Washington
(1977), 476-7; resigns (1977), 477; his
'doctrine' maintained, 481; his
controversial memoirs, 485-6; and
Sadat's visit to Israel, 488-9; and the
1981 General Election, 498; and the
Lebanon War (1982), 504, 507; and the
withdrawal from Lebanon (1985),
518-9; and secret negotiations with
King Hussein (1985), 519; and the
release of 1,150 Palestinian prisoners,
519; and the intifada, 526, 537, 543; as
Minister of Defence, 532; and Soviet
Jewry, 535; and the fate of the
National Unity Government (1990),
543-4, 545; becomes Prime Minister
(1992), 551; sets out his philosophy
and his aims (13 July 1992), 551-5;
flies to Cairo, 555; flies to the United
States, 556; and the Oslo talks (993),
559, 561, 562; and the Oslo Accords,
564, 564-7, 569; and Syria, 568; and
terror, 569-70, 571, 575-6, 579, 582,
584; and Jordan, 571-2, 573-4; and a
kidnapping, 573; and suicide
bombings, 574, 575, 579; visits
Moscow (1994), 575; and the IsraelJordan peace treaty, 576; and the
Casablanca economic conference,
577-8; and a would-be assassin, 579,
581, 583; and the 'New Middle East',
580-1; and Oslo II, 582, 583, 584, 585;
denounced, 583, 586; at the Amman
Economic Conference (October 1995),
586; at a rally for peace (November
1995), 586-7; assassinated, 587; his
funeral, 216, 274, 588-91; and a threat
to the President of the Supreme Court,
595; recalled, 597, 598; his settlement
policy reversed, 609, 615; and 'a
heritage of deep truth', 619
Rabin, Yuval: his unexpected orders,
428; 'not the father of', 566; and the
Peace Generation, 604
Rabin-Pelossof, Dalia: and targeted
assassinations, 624
Rabinowitz, Shlomo: to take command,
196, 197
Rachel (the poet): and an 'eternal effort',
Radar Hill (Jerusalem Corridor): 205,
Raday, Frances: and human rights, 651
Rafa: detention camp at, 133-4; railway
line to, attacked, 231; fighting near,
242-4; an advance on, 246; a flight
above, 247; troops to withdraw from,
247; and the Sinai campaign, 322; and
the intifada, 561
Rafa Salient: to be retained, 406;
construction at, 423; to be given up,
494, 499
Rafi: a new political Party, 357-9;
returns to the Labour fold, 380; calls
for an all-Party government, 464
Rafid (Golan Heights): fighting at, 433,
Rakah Party (New Communist List): and
the West Bank, 399, 400, 471
Rajoub, Jabril: 621
Ramallah: not captured (1948), 216;
refugees reach, 218; and Israeli
occupation (from 1967), 405; a jewish
settlement near (1977), 486; and the
'Palestinian people', 492; under the
Palestinian Authority (from 1995), 597;
and the revival of the death penalty
(1997), 601; and Palestinian rights in
Jerusalem, 608; Arafat confined in,
627; Hamas-Fatah clashes in, 644;
Portland Trust office in, 646; Rice
meets Abbas in, 648
Ramat Gan: headquarters at, 195, 211;
Scud missiles hit, 547; a suicide bomb
in, 574, 575, 576, 580; executions in,
Ramat Ha-Kovesh: a Fatah attack on,
Ramat Magshimim (Golan Heights):
overrun, 434
Ramat Rahel: battle for (1948), 196, 197;
archaeologists killed at (1956), 313,
Ramat Yohanan: fighting near (1948),
Ramie: battle for (1948), 216-8; settled
by Jewish immigrants (after 1949), 266;
flags draped in black in, 296; an
ambush near, 302; Arabs of, 344,
485-6; the exodus of, recalled, 519
Ramon, Haim: and 'the Wall', 631;
charges against, 643
Ramon, Han: in space, 627-8
Ramon Crater (Negev): a new
community near, 273
Ramot Naftali: besieged, 175
Rangoon (Burma): a Socialist
conference at, 288
Ranimat, Mahmoud Abdel Khader: his
act of terror, 601
al-Rantisi, Abdel Azzis: orgainses a
murderous attack, 627; assassinated,
Rapoport, Pnina: the victim of a suicide
bomber, 574
Ras al-Ain (Arab village): Jewish
immigrants lay a railway track
towards, 44; battle at, 219; an
immigrant camp at, 261; for
subsequent index entries see Rosh HaAyin
Ras al-Amud (East Jerusalem): Jewish
homes in, 616
Ras Burka (Sinai): killings at, 500
Ras Sudar (Gulf of Suez): and the
October War, 443
Rav Ashi Street (Tel Aviv): a 'private
citizen' from, 566
Raviv, Moshe: 'Why were we silent?',
Razmara, General Ali: assassinated, 274
Reagan-Gorbachev Summit: and Soviet
Jews, 521
Reagan Plan: announced (1982), 508
Red Army: and a rumour, 161; soldiers
of, in synagogue, 226
Red Brigade: a terror action by, 419
Red Cross (International Committee of the
Red Cross): and the War of
Independence, 183,239; and the
October War, 433; and the intifada,
533; and the plight of 415 deportees,
Red House (Tel Aviv): Haganah High
Command at, 144
Red Sea: 116, 167, 247, 302, 332, 368,
369,406; and a flight to Washington
(1993), 565; and a proposed canal
Refidim (Sinai): air base at, 492
Refugee Department (of British Foreign
Office): 124
Regev, Elad: kidnapped, 640
Rehov Hapo'alim Qerusalem): 281
Rehovot: founded, 9; and a cooperative, 26; defended, 27; research
at, 69; Weizmann at, 89, 278; an
Institute of Science at, 268; a fedayeen
raid near, 302; an agricultural faculty
at, 407
Remez, David: his proposal, 164; and
statehood, 191
Rendel, George: and Palestine, 89
Reshef, Colonel Amnon: and the
October War, 446, 447
Reshef, Tsali: speaks out, 501-2
Resolution 242: and the future of the
occupied West Bank, 398--9, 414, 523
Resolution 338: and the October War,
457; and a 'just and durable peace',
463; and the London Agreement, 523
Resolution 799: demands return of
deportees, 558
Reuter's News Agency: and an ominous
report, 427
Revadim: founded, 114; surrounded,
161-2, 178; captured, 185
Revisionists: their founder's work, 47,
68; an extremist faction of, 71-2; and
the aftermath of a murder, 72; and
Jewish immigration, 75-7; a World
Congress of, 91-2; and a death
sentence, 93; and their founder's
death, 110; and the Declaration of
Independence, 188; and Ben-Gurion,
250; and a candidate for the
Presidency, 300; out of power, 344;
and the Land of Israel movement, 400;
and the 1996 General Election, 594
Revivim (originally Tel Zofim): founded,
114-5; surrounded, 156; liberated, 242;
and the prelude to war in 1967, 379;
and a war crisis, 428
Rex Cinema Qerusalem): set on fire, 158
Rhodes: armistices negotiated at, 248--9,
253; recalled, 476
Rice, Condoleezza: visits Middle East
(2000), 628; and the renewed peace
process (2007), 648, 653, 656
Richter, Glenn: and Soviet jewry, 520
al-Rifati, Mohammed: killed, 647
Riga (Latvia): jews from 9; Betar
founded in, 43; an incident in, 93
Rimalt, Elimeleh: and reparations, 280
Rishon Ie-Zion: founded, 6-7; BenGurion at, 24, 25; an Association of
Wine Growers in, 26; protected, 27; a
settlement founded near, 29; and
jewish postwar immigration, 144
Rivlin, David: and the premiership
succession (1969), 408-9
roadblocks and checkpoints (West Bank):
631, 633, 634; searches at, to be 'less
strict', 643; some to be removed, 648
road deaths (Israel): 645
Road Map (for Peace): launched (2002),
626,627; proceeds, 628, 630; Kadima
supports, 636; Olmert pursues, 637;
Hamas rejects, 638; and the renewed
Israeli-Palestinian peace process
(2007), 653, 655
Rodolfo (in La Boheme): a Tel Aviv
debut as, 351
Rogers, William P.: brokers a cease-fire,
414, 415; his plan recalled, 477
Roitberg, Roi: killed by infiltrators,
Rohlings, August: denounces jews, 18
Romans: recalled, 41, 113, 122, 163, 235;
an old road of, re-used, 242; and a
new kibbutz, 264; and an immigrant
camp, 266-7, 273; and Masada, 267,
351; and Bar Kochba's revolt, 341; and
an ancient town, 343; and a 'historical
catastrophe', 360-1; and the Diaspora,
Rome: an ambassador in, and jewish
emigration, 124; terrorism at, 624;
cafes of, rivalled, 650
Rome and jerusalem (Moses Hess): and
jewish nationality, 4
Romema (Jerusalem): Arabs leave, 163
Ron, Chaim: and an expedition, 116
Roosevelt, President Franklin D.: his
rural retreat, and the Middle East
peace process, 491
Roscher-Lund, Colonel: in jerusalem,
164-5; his warning, 178
Rosen, Pinhas: enters Cabinet, 252-3;
and the 'Lavon Affair', 338, 339
Rosen, Rolly: and the 'ethnic devil', 604
Rosenblatt, Zevi: charged with murder,
Rosh Ha-Ayin: and an immigrant camp,
261-2; becomes a farming village, 272
Rosh Ha-Nikrah: founded, 264
Rosh Pinah: founded, 4-5, 6; a
settlement founded near, 137; and the
withdrawal of British troops from
Palestine, 175; and the Arabs near,
177; an immigrant camp near, 288
Ross, Dennis: and the Oslo Accords,
564; and the extension of Palestinian
autonomy, 583; a mediator during the
Hebron talks, 598
Rotblat, Professor joseph: his appeal,
Rothschild family: and Palestine, 5, 10,
Rothschild, Baron Edmond de: supports
early jewish settlements, 4, 6, 9, 12,
Rothschild, Dorothy de: a benefactress,
Rothschild, Hannah: remembered, 62
Rothschild, Lord (Lionel Walter
Rothschild): and the Balfour
Declaration, 34
Roumania: jews from, in Palestine, 4,
22,27,30,44,55,76,96; and the
jewish (later Israeli) anthem, 7; antiSemitic policies in, 65, 95; British
anti-refugee pressure on, 98, 119, 136;
survivors from, reach Palestine, 196,
198, 199; immigrants from, reach
Israel, 233, 259, 266, 352; mediates,
482; Soviet jews in transit through,
536-7; foreign workers from, 613
Rousso, Claire: killed, 135
Royal Air Force: and a parachutist, 102;
attacks an Arab stronghold, 159; small
aircraft purchased from, 189; an Israeli
clash with, 247
Royal Albert Hall (London): Balfour's
speech in, 119; a memorial meeting to
Rabin in, 591
Royal Commission on Alien Immigration:
Herzl's evidence to, 21
Royal Fusiliers: jewish battalions of, 36
Royal Navy: intercepts would-be
immigrants, 105, 145; and the Israeli
navy, 269
Royal Palace (Akaba): negotiations at,
Rubin, Gail: murdered, 490
Rubin, Reuven: at a concert, 224
Rubinstein, Amnon: and a protest
movement, 479; and the formation of
a new political Party, 532
Rubinstein, Aryeh: and a controversial
debate, 502
Rubinstein, Elyakim: and negotiations
with Jordan (1994), 572; and a political
scandal (1997), 602
Rufeisen, Samuel (Father Daniel): and
the Law of Return, 270--1
Ruhama (Negev): air base near, 225;
airlift through, 231
Ruheiba: an ancient city, 242
Rumbold, Sir Horace: a Commissioner,
81, 86
Ruppin, Hannah: 'I am a Pessimist', 494
Rubitzov, Nehemia: reaches Palestine,
37; volunteers, 47; detained, 133-4
Rubitzov, Rosa: her son cursed, 585
Ruppin, Arthur: and Jewish agricultural
settlement in Palestine, 25, 26; and a
Jewish university, 29; expelled, 30;
and land purchase, 46, 64; and
financial problems for immigration, 556; and the riots of 1929, 61-2;
remembered, 91; and the Nazi-Soviet
pact, 99; and 'bringing five million
Jews to Palestine', 112
Rusk, Dean: and the coming of war in
1967, 372, 378, 381-2
Russia (Tsarist Russia): Jews from,
emigrate to Palestine, 5, 6, 7, 8-9, 22,
27, 30, 287; and Herzl, 10, 12; and
Jewish self-defence, 18; and Jewish
military volunteers, 36; a spokesman
for, 41; for subsequent entries see
Soviet Union
Russia (post-Communist): Jewish
immigration to Israel from, 575;
diversion of resources to, 580; and the
sale of weapons technology to Iran,
Russian Jewry: 'sorely tried', 138
Russian Social Democratic Labour Party:
admits Jewish revolutionary socialists,
Russo-Japanese War (1904-5): a Jewish
veteran of, 31
Rutenberg, Pinhas: his concession, 40,
Rutenberg concession (River Jordan):
granted . . . but to be excluded, 88
national aspirations of, 11
Sa'adi, Lieutenant-Colonel: and
Jordanian-Israeli relations, 299
Saban, Shoshana: 'we continue to suffer
... ',606-7
Sabel, Robbie: and the future of the
West Bank, 494-5
Sabena (Belgian airlines): and a
highjacking, 418
Sabra and Chatila (refugee camps):
massacre at, 509-10; aftermath of, 512
'Sabras' (native-born Israelis): 78, 264,
268, 335, 486
Sabri, Akrime: and the denial of a
Muslim burial, 601
Sachar, Howard M.: a historian reflects
on the Lebanon War (1982), 506, 509,
Sacher, Harry: and the 1929 riots, 64
Sacher, Miriam: and a hoped-for
meeting place, 85
Sadat, Lieutenant-Colonel Anwar el-: and
the deposing of a king, 274; and the
October War (1973), 427, 435, 449,
455, 456; and the aftermath of the
October War, 468, 476, 481; and the
path to peace with Israel, 482-3; visits
Israel, 487-9; and the evolution of an
Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty, 489-93;
assassinated, 499; his 'courage'
recalled, 554; his tomb visited, 576; his
successor at Rabin's funeral, 589
Saddam Hussein: orders the invasion of
Kuwait, 546; and suicide bombers, 624
Sadeh, Yitzhak: 45; and night patrols,
81; and 'defence through attack', 85-6;
and a new settlement, 92-3; and the
night ambush, 93; and a Palmach
action, 110; and a Palmach expedition,
116, 117; and the struggle for
independence, 173
Safed: Jews from, establish a village, 4,
6; battle for (1948), 174-5, 177;
fighting near (1948), 235; pupils from,
in a terrorist attack, 466; a boy from,
becomes Prime Minister of the
Palestinian Authority, 627
Saguy, General Yehoshua: criticized,
510; resigns, 511
Said, Edward W.: and Palestinian
frustration, 549
Said, Hassan: shoots an ambassador,
St Jerome (Marseille): refugees at, 254
St John's Hospice Oerusalem): purchased
by Jews, 524
St John's Hospital (East Jerusalem): 634
St Ottilien (near Munich): Displaced
Persons at, 123
St Petersburg (Russia): Herzl visits, 22;
see also Leningrad
Sakaria (refugee ship): hostile reaction
to, 101
Salah ed-Din Street Oerusalem): and the
intifada, 540
Salameh (near Tel Aviv) a target, 162
Salameh, Hassan: his headquarters
attacked, 168
Salonica (Greece): Jewish dockworkers
of, 50
ai-Salt (Transjordan): Turks driven from,
Salzberger, Lotte: and human rights, 533
Salzburg: an Israeli-Palestinian initiative
in, 634
Samaria: a kibbutz set up in, 113; Arab
refugees seek safety of, 218; an ancient
Jewish kingdom in, 397; carpenters of,
403; 'our homeland', 422; the name of,
revived, 480; Begin's proposal for, 481;
Rabin's proposal for, 552; Jewish
settlements in, frozen, 555; a proposed
Israeli corridor through, 610; parts of,
to be retained by Israel, 612; Jewish
settlements in, to be expanded, 616
Samson: his birthplace, 221; and the
Philistine sea god, 290
Samua (West Bank): Israeli reprisal raid
on, 363-4
Samuel, Book of: and a spy ring, 33
Samuel, Sir Herbert: in Palestine, 48, 49
San'a (Yemen): Jews from, 263
Sandstrom, Emil: and Palestine, 145, 148
Sapir, Pinhas: and the emergence of
Golda Meir as Prime Minister, 407-8,
409; opposes West Bank settlements,
423, 424; provides funds for
settlements, 425
Sarafand: Detention Camp at, 100, 101,
103; army base at, 212
Sarajevo (Yugoslavia): a Jew from, 183
Saris (Arab village): occupied, 168;
levelled to the ground, 196
Sarraj, Dr Iyad: and the psychology of
the suicide bomber, 569
Sa'sa' (Arab village): abandoned, 264
Sasa: founded, 264
Sassa (Syria): and the October War, 454
Sasson, Eliahu: meets Abdullah, 150
Sassoon, Yehezkel: remembered, 44
Saudi Arabia: and the Arab nation, 76;
opposes Jewish immigration, 97; in the
Middle East, 120; and oil, 141; and
Israel's War of Independence, 193,
232; opposes recognition, 254; and the
United States, 273; a threat from, 309;
an uncompromising stance by, 332;
and 'a cheque for a billion dollars',
451; and 'petro-dollar diplomacy',
460-1; troops of, in Syria, 466;
supports 'Zionism is racism' resolution,
468; refuses to join Camp David talks,
491; and the Gulf War, 546; supports
Road Map, 627; represented at
Annapolis (2007), 653
Saul: his encampment, 44; a witch
visited by, 205
Saving Children Project: 634
Savir, Uri: and the Oslo talks, 563
Scandinavia: Jews 'comfortable' in, 147
Schapira, Hermann: and a Jewish
university, 8, 20
Schatz, Boris: founds an art school, 27
Schiff, Ze'ev: and the status of Israeli
Arabs, 292; his reflections on the
Lebanon War (1982), 512
Schneersohn, Rabbi Joseph Isaac: and a
Hasidic centre in Israel, 305
Schoenau (Austria): refugee camp at,
Schultz, George: and the London
Agreement, 523
Schwimmer, AI: acquires aircraft, 200;
builds aircraft, 273-4
Scorpion Ascent (Negev): a terrorist
attack at, 294
Scud missiles: strike Israel, 546-7
Sde Boker: founded, 277-8; Ben-Gurion
retires to, 293, 294; a visit to, 297; BenGurion emerges from, 356;
Ben-Gurion returns to, 358
Sde Dov airfield (Tel Aviv): an attack
on, 189; aircraft prepared at, 189-90
Sde Eliyahu: founded, 98
Sde Nahum: founded, 85
Sde Nehemyah: founded, 102
Sderot: rocket attacks on, from Gaza,
629, 639, 644, 645, 654; an initiatve by
the mayor of, 632
Sdom (the biblical Sodom): relieved,
240, 358; an evacuation to, 249;
murders at, 314; and the Israel-Jordan
peace treaty, 573
Sdot Yam: founded, 102
'sealed rooms': and the Gulf War, 547
Sebastia: a new settlement near, 470
Second Aliyah (immigration to Palestine):
second intifada (Palestinian uprising):
621, 623, 634
Second Temple: destruction of (by the
Romans), 519
Second World War: 93, 100-20; and a
1990s dispute, 612
Second Zionist Congress (Basle, 1898):
16-7, 17
Security Zone (Southern Lebanon):
Israeli military support in, 518;
bombardment in, 594; controversy
surrounding, 599-600
Sejera: a collective farm, 26, 27
Sela, Miri: and southern Lebanon, 606
Semiramis Hotel Qerusalem): an attack
on, 159
Senegal: and Israel, 332
Separation Barrier (The Wall'): 630-1,
632, 650-1
Sephardi List (political Party): 250, 252
Sephardi Torah Guardians: see Shas
Serbia: Jews from, reach Palestine, 4
Sereni, Enzo: a parachutist, 119
Serot, Colonel: killed, 228
Servatius, Dr Robert: and the Eichmann
Trial, 337
settlements (Israeli): on the West Bank
and Gaza Strip, 422-3, 424-5, 466,
469-71, 475, 481-2, 483-4, 485, 486,
496, 497, 498, 500-1, 503, 513, 530,
543, 544, 550, 584, 609, 610-11, 621
'Seven Good Years': and the Casablanca
conference, 577
Sevres (near Paris): a secret meeting at,
Sha'ar Ha-Amakim: founded, 78
Sha'ar Ha-Golan: overrun, 192
Sha'are Zedek Hospital Qerusalem): a
bomb dropped near, 246
Shabtai, Sergeant Yossi: shot dead, 562
Shach, Rabbi: his philosophy, 276; and
the electoral success of the Shas
political Party, 531; and the political
crisis of 1990, 545; his advice not
heeded (1992), 550
Shachori, Ami: killed,419
Shadmot Devorah: founded, 97-8
al-Shafi, Haider Abd: at the Madrid
Conference, 548
Shalev, Menachem: and a new
'foreboding', 541
Shalom, Shalom Salakh: hanged, 258
Shalva House (Safed): and the War of
Independence, 175, 177
Shamaa, Namal: killed by a terrorist
bomb, 157
Shamir, Elik: killed in action, 494
Shamir, Moshe: and the Land of Israel
Movement, 400; opposes Camp David,
Shamir, Yitzhak: and the assassination
of Bernadotte, 228; abstains on Camp
David, 493; opposes arbitration, 500;
becomes Prime Minister, 515; and
southern Lebanon 515-6; hand over to
Shimon Peres, 516; returns as Prime
Minister, 523; rejects the London
Agreement, 523-4; becomes Prime
Minister for the third time, 532; and
Jewish emigration from the Soviet
Union, 535, 536, 550; a peace initiative
presented by, 537-8; opposes direct
talks, 543; and the political crisis of
1990, 543-5; and the Madrid
Conference (1991), 548; and the 1992
General Election, 550; and the new
settlement building freeze, 555; his
settlement policy restored, 609
Shangri La: see Camp David
Shapira, Abraham: and self-defence, 9,
Shapira, Moshe: criticizes a reprisal raid,
290; opposes retaliation, 314; and the
prospect of war (in 1967), 375
Shapira, Yaakov Shimshon: prosecutes,
Shapira, Zigi: dismantles mines, 236
Shapiro, Moshe: and non-kosher meat,
a-Sharaa, Farouk: at the Madrid
Conference, 548
Sharef, Ze'ev: Tel Aviv is rejoicing', 190
Sharett, Moshe (formerly Moshe Shertok):
in detention, 133; in charge of foreign
policy for the Jewish Agency, 139, 224,
243,245-6; becomes Foreign Minister,
253, 254; 'we are strong enough to
wait', 254-5; addresses immigrants,
275; signs the Luxembourg Agreement,
283-4; and a crisis with
Czechoslovakia, 285; and Asia,
Sharett, Moshe (continued)
288; and reprisal actions, 292, 298-9;
becomes Prime Minister, 294; and the
Dead Sea scrolls, 295; and the 'Lavon
Affair', 297, 357; and relations with the
United States, 304-5; and secret talks,
with Egypt, 308
Sharir, Avraham: won over, 544
Sharm el-Sheikh: and the Suez Crisis,
318; and the Sinai campaign, 325; and
a warning, 334; and the war crisis of
1967, 366, 368; and the Six Day War,
387; to be retained, 406; and the
October War, 438; and the aftermath
of the October War, 462; and the
Entebbe rescue, 472; its future
discussed, 476; an air base at, 492;
returned to Egypt, 493; a conference
against terrorism at, 593; Abbas and
Sharon meet at (2004), 632; Abbas
ansd Olmert meet at (2007), 647
Sharon, Dr Amir: pioneering research
of, 650
Sharon, Ariel: in action (1948), 197, 198;
leads Unit 101, 289-90; and a reprisal
action, 314; and the Sinai campaign,
320, 321-2; and a warning (July 1973),
424; and the October War, 436, 437,
439,443,446,447,449,458; and the
formation of the Likud bloc, 463; and
Israeli settlements on the West Bank,
470, 485, 513; his electoral success
(1977), 479-80; his proposed offer to
Sadat, 487-8; and the Rafa Salient
withdrawal, 500; and the Taba dispute,
500; and a soldiers' protest, 501-2;
prevents demonstrations, 503; and the
Lebanon War, 504, 507, 507-8, 510,
511, 515; gives up Ministry of Defence,
511; and Jewish efforts to buy
property in the Arab quarters of
Jerusalem, 524; and the Gulf War, 546;
and Oslo II, 585; visits Temple Mount,
621; becomes Prime Minister (2001),
622-3; supports end of occupation
(2003),627; launches Road Map, 628;
and 'the Wall', 631; meets Abbas, 632;
and the Israeli withdrawal from the
Gaza Strip, 635; resigns as head of
Likud, 636; leads Kadima, 636, falls
into a coma, 636; succeeded by Ehud
Olmert, 637; does not recover, 639
Sharon, Omri: charges against, 643
Shas (political Party): its electoral
success (1988), 531, 532; and the
political crisis of 1990, 545; enters the
coalition (1992), 550; distributes
amulets (1996), 594; and a political
scandal (1997), 601-2; and a religiOUS
crisis (1997), 602-3; joins Olmert's
coalition (2006), 639
Shavei Shomron (West Bank): a settler
from, killed, 654-5
Shaw, ].v.W.: and a 'sombre' picture,
Shazli, General: and the October War,
Shbak, Rashid Abu: a Hamas attack on,
Shcharansky, Anatoly (Natan Sharansky):
a prisoner, 520-1; reaches Israel, 521;
joins the government, 595
She'ar Yashuv: founded, 96; a helicopter
crash at (1997), 599
Sheba, Dr Chaim: helps detainees, 134
Sheba, Queen of: and the Gulf of
Shechnai, Assaf: killed, 155
She'erit Ha-Peletah (survivors'
organization): active in the Displaced
Persons camps, 123
Sheikh Abdul Aziz (a hillside): and the
Sinai campaign, 323
Sheikh Jarrah (Jerusalem): occupied,
then abandoned, 174
Sheinermann, Ariel: see Sharon, Ariel
Sheluhot: founded, 183
Shenkor, Zion: his story, 604
Shepherd, Naomi: and the October War,
Shepilov, Dmitri: at Bandung, 300
Sherbourne, Michael: and Soviet Jewry,
Shevardnadze, Eduard: ends direct
flights, 536; at Rabin's funeral, 589
Shfaram: an Arab city in Israel, 344
Shi'ite Muslims: a suicide attack by
(1982), 512
Shilta (Arab village): overrun, 222
Shimron: a fighter buried at, 204
Shimshelevitz, Yona: dies, 100
Shinui: a protest movement, 479;
protests, 509; and the 1988 election,
531; and the formation of a new
political Party, 532
Shinwell, Emanuel: and Palestine, 141
Shishakli, Adib: leaves, 177
Shlomzion: a new political Party, 479-80
Shmulevitz, Mattityahu: sentenced, 228
Shneerson, Aya: heads UN food
programme in Congo, 650
Shohat, Israel and Manya: exiled, 30
Shomron, Dan: in the Sinai (1973), 433;
west of the Suez Canal, 458; flies to
Entebbe, 472
Shomrat: founded, 199
Shoresh: founded, 196
Shoval: founded, 137
Shtoura (Lebanon): held by Syrian
troops (1982), 506
Shuckburgh, Sir John: Weizmann's letter
to (1937), 89-90; and 'illegal'
immigration, 108
Shukeiry, Ahmed: and 'no mention of
Israel', 332-3; and the coming of war
in 1967, 377
Shuneh (Transjordan): negotiations at,
241, 253, 254
Shu'ut (Negev): an attack near, 155
Siam, Said: establishes Hamas paramilitray force, 644; his director
kidnapped, 644
Sidon (Lebanon): and the war of 1982,
505, 507; a suicide attack in, 512
Siebel, Zvi: his award, 166
Sieff, Israel: a benefactor, 69
Sierra Leone: Israeli help for, 332
Sihon, King of the Amorites: and BenGurion's question, 342
Silberman, Neil Asher: and Jewish
'nominal autonomy', 58; and a
'moment of high drama', 351
Silver, Abba Hillel: Jews will fight', 122;
'Jews were your allies', 144; and
partition, 149
Silver, Eric: and the intifada, 540-1
Siman Tov, Lieutenant Benjamin: his
warning, 430, 431
Simantov, Gana: a hero, 237
Simon, Leon: and Israel's destiny, 335--6
Sinai Campaign (1956): 318--9, 320-8
Sinai Desert: 21,242; fighting in, 243-6;
a reprisal into, 305; Egyptian
incursions in, 317; and the Suez crisis,
317; and the Sinai campaign, 320, 321,
322-3; Israel's withdrawal from (1957),
329, 330, 331; the PLO in, 352;
Bedouin flee to, 359; remilitarized by
Egypt (1967), 366, 369; and Israel's
war plan (1967), 380; and the eve of
war, 381; and the Six Day War, 384,
386-7, 388, 390, 391, 395; to be
retained, in part, 406; and the October
War, 428, 429, 432, 433, 436-7, 438,
440,447,448,453,458,461; and the
aftermath of the October War, 462,
465, 468; negotiations over (1977-9),
476,483,489; 'no bloodshed in', 487;
Israel's withdrawal from, 492, 499;
Israel to receive oil from, 495
Singapore: and Gaza, 563
Singer, Lynn: and Soviet Jewry, 520
Singer, Yoel: and the Oslo talks, 563
Six Day War (1967): prelude to, 353;
and the 'waiting' period, 376-83; the
course of, 384-93; the burden of,
393-4; deaths in, 394; an individual
killed in, 358--9; Yitzhak Rabin's
reflections on, 394-5; the long-term
effects of, 529-30; unfinished business
of, 538; recalled, 598; and Jerusalem's
municipal border, 600
Sixteenth Zionist Congress (1929): 59
Sixth Zionist Congress (1903): 22
Siansky, Rudolf: accused, 286
Slater, Robert: in conversation with
Chaim Herzog, 396; in conversation
with General Ze'evi, 427
Slovakia: a Jew from, in Jerusalem, 54; a
parachutist in, remembered, 196
Slovaks: national aspirations of, 11
Slovenes: national aspirations of, 11
Snobar (Golan Heights): and the
October War, 434
Sobibor death camp: 112
Social Democrats (Germany): the ideas
of, not copied, 251
Sofia (Bulgaria): Herzl in, 12; a luminary
from, 18; Jewish workers from 263; an
aircraft shot down near, 301
Sokolow House (Tel Aviv): biblical
questions at, 342
Sokolow, Nahum: remembered, 85
'Soldiers Against Silence': and the
Lebanon War (1982), 507
Soldiers' Welfare Committee: its appeal
Solei Boneh (construction company):
51-2, 272
e-Solh, Riad Bey: assassinated, 274
Solomon, Izler: conducts, 224
Solomon, King: and the Queen of
Sheba, 116; and a wedding present
from Pharaoh, 184; an ally of,
remembered, 235;
Solomon, King (continued)
Israel at the time of, 253; and the
location of an immigrant camp, 287-8
Song of Deborah (symphonic poem):
'Song of Peace': commissioned, 400;
sung, 587; becomes an anthem, 589
Sonnenschein, Rosa: an early Zionist, 14
Sorek Gorge: Israel gains control of,
234; an immigrant camp near, 268
South America: immigrants from 205; an
immigrant from, killed, 614
South Africa: Russian Jews emigrate to,
5; 'closed', 65; and a new settlement,
137; a volunteer from, killed in action,
200; volunteers from, in action, 201,
222; immigrants from, in Israel, 268;
and a model township, 290; a Jew
from, at the White House, 480; and a
comparison, 549, 551
Southern Lebanon: Israel withdraws
from (949), 253; shelling from (982),
503; Israel advances through (982),
503-5; PLO supporters under arms in,
513; Israeli military control of, 515-6,
518; Hizballah active in, 530; an
abduction from, 542; and the Helsinki
Summit (990), 546; shelling from
(996), 593; the bombardment of
(996), 594; the growing debate over a
withdrawal from, 599-600, 606-7; the
continuing conflict in, 617
Southern Lebanese Army (SLA): Israel's
support for, 518
Souwi, Saleh Nazal: a suicide bomber,
Soviet Communism: disillusionment
with, 273
Soviet Cultural Centre (Damascus): and
the October War, 439
Soviet Union: 50, 112, 150, 165, 189;
Jews of, 226, 257, 286-7, 304-5, 414,
420,426-7,497,520-1; Israel's
relations with, 251, 253, 279, 304-5,
326,347; and Egypt, 300, 309, 317; a
warning from (956), 326; and Syria,
333, 365; and a precedent, 346; and
the road to war (in 1967), 365-6,
373; and the Six Day War, 387, 388,
390,391, 393; and the occupied
territories, 402; and Arab arsenals, 407;
and the War of Attrition, 410; and
'Black September', 417; and the
October War, 427, 431, 433, 439, 440,
441, 443-4, 445, 448, 449-51, 452,
455-6; and the aftermath of the
October War, 463; seen as contributing
to a 'mortal danger' to Israel, 481; to
be excluded, 483; Jews from, reach
Israel, 519; and the London
Agreement, 523; mass Jewish
emigration from, 535-6, 544, 550; and
the Madrid Conference, 548;
disintegration of (991), 548--9, 550
Spain: an expulsion from, remembered,
Special Night Squads (Palestine):
established, 93
Spragg, Flight Lieutenant Brian: and a
'Yiddish' Spitfire, 247
Sprinzak, David: killed in action, 203
Sprinzak, Yosef: and a political crisis,
Sri Lanka tsunami (2004): Israel sends
aid for, 650
Stalin, Joseph: curbs Jewish emigration,
68; and the Nazi-Soviet pact, 99; antiJewish policy of, 273
Stalingrad, Siege of 0942-3): recalled,
Stanley, Oliver: defends land purchase
restrictions, 104
Star of David: soldiers wear, 36; aircraft
display, 200; and an Arab symbol, 236;
flies at the Gulf of Akaba, 248
Stars and Stripes: in Jerusalem, 164
State Department (Washington DC):
245, 273, 327, 483
Stavsky, Avraham: charged with murder,
72; killed, 212
Steiger, Yitzhak: remembered, 91
Stern, Avraham: breaks away, 111-2
Stern, Barbara: and Soviet Jewry, 520
Stern Gang: formed, 111; and an
assassination, 118; and a promise, 119;
and continuing action by, 121-2; and
the Haganah, 132, 135; and the Jewish
Agency, 142; and two suicides, 143;
killings by, 157, 158, 159, 164; and
Deir Yassin, 169; and the struggle for
Palestine 0947-8), 178; and the Israel
Defence Forces, 202; and the
assassination of Bernadotte, 228; a
fighter of, killed in action, 244; and
Israel's first general election, 250; and
the Land of Israel Movement, 400
Stern, Professor Menachem: murdered,
Stockholm: talks at (2000), 622
Stone, Mickey: see Marcus, Colonel
Stop the Withdrawal Movement (Rafa
Salient): 499, 500
Stork, Joe: and the rockets fired from
Strasbourg (France): Golda Meir at, 426
Strathadam (frigate): brought to Israel,
Straus, Nathan: a philanthropist, 29; a
town named after, 62
Strauss, Franz-joseph: and the affair of
the German scientists, 349-50
Straw, Jack: condemns 'unlawful
killings', 629
Sturman, Hayyim: killed, 84
Sturman, Hayyim (grandson): killed, 84
Sturman, Moshe: killed, 84
Sudan: and the Jews of Ethiopia, 484,
497,604; and terror, 579
Sudanese Tiger: see Taha, Sayid
Sudetenland (Czechoslovakia): German
rule extended to, 97
Suez-Cairo Road: and the October War,
458, 462
Suez Canal: a death near, 84; Israeli
shipping barred in, 260; an offer from
Nasser concerning, 307; and the Suez
crisis (956), 312, 313, 317, 318; and
the Sinai campaign, 320, 324, 326; and
a warning, 334, 371; and the prelude
to war (967),381; and the Six Day
War, 387, 390--1, 393; artillery duels
across (968), 401; and the War of
Attrition 0969-70), 410, 413, 414; and
'the boys at', 416; 'let them come', 423;
Egyptian troop exercises on, 425; and
the coming of war in 1973, 427, 429,
430--1, 432, 434, 435, 436, 437, 438,
439, 440, 442-3, 445-7, 453, 455, 456,
457, 458, 459; and the aftermath of the
October War, 462, 465, 468
Suez City (Egypt): and a retaliation, 401;
Israeli troops enter, 459
Suez, Gulf of: and the Sinai campaign,
325; and the October War, 441, 443,
458; and the aftermath of the October
War, 468
Sugbaker, Ilana: interviews Mordechai
Vanunu, 521-2
suicide bombers: kill Israelis (2001-4),
624,625,627,628,629,632; and the
Separation Barrier ('The Wall'), 630,
631; forestalled, 632, 649
Suissa, Eli: and a crisis of religiOUS
interpretation, 603
Sukenik, Lipa (Eliezer): an algebra
teacher, 33; his archaeological work,
57-8; and the death of one of his sons,
203; and the Dead Sea scrolls, 295
Sukenik, Mattatyahu: his family, 28;
killed in action, 203
Sukenik, Yigael: see Yadin, Yigael
Sukenik, Yosef (Yossi Yadin): an actor,
Suleiman, Ihab: kidnapped, 644
Sunday Times (London): an appeal in
(970), 411-2; revelations of Israel's
atomic programme published in
Supreme Court Qerusalem): and Israeli
statehood, x; a judge of, 67, 430; an
acquittal in, 72; and the Law of Return,
270; and the Kastner case, 304; and
the Eichmann trial, 337; and the
'Lavon Affair', 338; and the intifada,
540; attacked, 595, 604; and
Palestinian rights in Jerusalem, 608;
and the Security Barrier ('The Wall'),
631,650--1; upholds human rights,
650; supports an appeal by a West
Bank Arab village, 652
Sura Academy (Babylon): a precedent,
al-Suwaidi, Tawfiq: allows Jews to
leave, 257
Sweden: and Palestine, 149, 150
Swedish tourists: and a deception, 405
Sweirki, Mohammed: killed, 647
Swissair: and an act of terror, 418
Switzerland: Jewish orphans prevented
from going to, 128; and 'the Swiss',
147; weaponry sold by, 225; the army
system of, 264; and a wartime deal,
303; and the German scientists affair,
349; Golda Meir in, 408; a secret visit
to, 431; an immigrant from, 603; and a
Second World War dispute, 612
Syria: future Jewish immigration to,
proposed, 18, 19; and the Palestinian
Arabs (before 1948), 61; and Arab
unity, 74, 76; and the Arab world, 120;
and a picturesque backdrop, 96;
opposes Jewish immigration to
Palestine, 97; and the Second World
War, 110--11, 119, 151;
Syria (continued)
and the Arab-Jewish struggle in
Palestine, 155, 171, 177, 180, 181, 182;
troops of, in action, 192-3, 208, 210,
213, 216, 236; and the Arabs of
Palestine, 230; British attack on (1941),
235; opposes recognition, 254; signs
armistice, 255; and Palestinian Arab
refugees, 256, 262, 352; extreme
nationalism in, 274; and a water crisis,
290--1, 309, 352---4; and the Sinai
campaign, 323; and tension on the
Golan Heights, 333---4; ambushes by,
343; and the 'liberation of Palestine',
346-7; and a war crisis (1964), 352---4; a
precaution by, 354; a public hanging in
(1965), 355-6; infiltrations from (1966),
361-2; escalating crisis with (1966-7),
362-3,364,365-6,377,381; and the
Six Day War, 384, 385, 387, 390, 391,
392, 393, 394; and the aftermath of the
Six Day War, 396, 401, 402, 413; and
'Black September', 417; mobilizes
(1973), 425; resumes diplomatic
relations with Jordan (1973), 427, 428;
and the October War (1973), 429, 430,
431, 433---4, 438, 439, 440, 441-2,
443---4, 445, 447, 449, 450--1, 452, 454,
455, 456, 457; and the ending of the
October War, 458, 459; war dead of,
459; and the aftermath of the October
War, 463, 464, 465-6; and the Soviet
Union, 483; and Camp David, 491, 492;
and the Lebanon War, 505, 506, 508-9,
512; and a hang-glider attack, 524; and
the Madrid Conference, 548; Rabin's
invitation to (1992), 554; negotiations
with (after Oslo), 568; and terror, 579;
and the possibility 'to make peace',
587; negotiations with, continue, 593;
and Lebanon, 599; 620; and a Golan
withdrawal plan (1997), 607; and the
constant threat of war, 618; and an
Israeli satellite, 635; and the renewed
Israeli-Palestinian peace process
Syrian Heights: see Golan Heights
Szenes, Hannah: reaches Palestine from
Hungary, 102; a parachutist, 119;
remembered, 268
Szold, Henrietta: and Youth Aliyah, 69
Taba (Sinai): intentions of troops at
(1967), 377; dispute over (1980s) 500;
negotiations at (1995), 583; talks at
(2001), 622; a terrorist act in (2004),
Tabenkin, Yitzhak: at a farming
settlement, 25; helps found a
settlement, 44; helps found a
movement, 56; re-enters political life,
Taha, Sayid: his pugnacious defence,
Tajir, Yehuda: arrested, 258
Tal Shahar: established, 233
Talal, Crown Prince: hopes to witness a
victory, 176
Talbiyeh (Jerusalem): 'increasingly ...
Jewish', 163
Tal, General Yisrael: and a war crisis
(1964), 353; and the Six Day War
(1967),387; and the October War
(1973), 431
Talgam, Judge Moshe: 'These acts cause
me to shudder', 527
aI-Tall, Lieutenant-Colonel Abdullah:
and a cease-fire, 241
The Talmud Jew (August Rohlings): 18
Talpiot (Jerusalem): a secret meeting in,
Taluzi, Rabiya and Muhammad: killed
by a Hizballah rocket, 640
Tamara (Arab village): vocational
training in, 345
Tamir, Shmuel: and the Kastner trial,
304; joins a new politcal Party, 478
Tanzim: and terror, 630
Tapline Road (Golan Heights): and the
October War, 433, 434
targeted assassinations: 624-5, 625-6,
627, 628
Tarshiha (Arab town): battle for, 236-7
Tartus (Syria): Soviet warships ordered
to, 444; a Soviet frieghter sunk at, 445
Tashkent (Central Asia): Jews reach
Israel from, 537
Taurus Mountains (Turkey): and the
extent of Arab territory, 75
Tayyiba (Arab village): becomes a town,
Tanzania: Israeli help for, 332
Tbilisi (Georgia): Jews emigrate to Israel
from, 537, 575
Tchemikovsky, Shaul: his poem of
hope, 552
Techstar (satellite): and Israel's security,
Tehiyah (political Party): formed, 494;
and Jerusalem, 496; electoral success
Tehiyah-Tsomet Alliance: wins seats,
Tekoa: established, 484; a member of,
murdered, 506
Tel Anter (Syria): and the October War,
452, 457
Tel Arad: founded, 45
Tel Aviv: founded, 27-8; and the First
World War, 32-3; Golda Meir reaches,
48--9; Bialik praises, 51; arms caches
near, 53; 'Work Street' in, 70; a murder
in, 71; growth of, 78; and music, 79;
killings near, 80; bombed, 100, 189,
190; 'resistance' in, 138; and the Red
House, 144; a 'Jewish' town, 144; and
the War of Independence, 155, 160,
161, 176, 189, 192, 194, 199,202; a
press conference in (March 1948), 165;
Ben-Gurion at, 167; 'rejoicing', 190;
and the Altalena, 212-3; possible
threats to, 218, 219, 269; a concert in
(1948), 223--4; vegetables and flowers
for, 272; immigrants in, 288; a secret
meeting in, 347; a butcher in, formerly
a furrier, 352; a march in (1967), 380;
and 'self-preservation', 381; and 'cars
from Gaza', 403; and the October War,
438, 457; and a protest against Sharon,
502; and protests against the Lebanon
War, 507, 509-10; a cruel episode in
(1987), 527; Scud missiles fall on
(1990), 547; intifada killings in (1993),
559; and a 'revolution of peace', 566;
Rabin's hopes for, 578; a bus bomb in,
582; crude abuse hurled in, 584; and a
mass rally in support of the peace
process, 586-7; Rabin assassinated in,
587; mourners gather in, 589; a rally
in, recalled, 590; Arafat's visit of
condolence to, 591; a memorial
meeting in, 592; suicide bombings in,
592, 624, 632; an act of terror in, 601;
a naval commando from, killed in
Lebanon, 614; a vigorous metropolis,
618; a suicide bomb attack in, foiled,
629; a Peace Center founded in, 633; a
citizen of, killed in Sderot, 645;
Portland Trust office in, 646
Tel Aviv Hotel (Jerusalem): a
demonstration at, 280--1
Tel Aviv Museum: and Israeli
independence, 186
Tel Aviv-Jerusalem railway: 221, 222,
233, 234, 268
Tel Aviv University: a museum at, 289,
491; a future professor at, in action,
322; pioneering research at, 650
Tel AViv-Jerusalem road: a detention
camp on, 100; and the battles for
Latrun, 196-7, 205-8, 214; and the
Sinai campaign, 323; and the intifada,
Tel Binyamin: a mission to, 245
Tel El-Alaliekh (Syria): and the October
War, 452, 457
Tel El-Mal (Syria): and the October War,
Tel Hai (Upper Galilee): a struggle at,
42-3; commemorated, 269
Tel Hashomer Hospital (Tel Aviv):
bodies taken to, 298
Tel Maschara (Syria): and the October
War, 444
Tel Mond: an attack on, 178
Tel Nahila (Syria): an advance from, 353
Tel Shams (Golan Heights): an attack
on, 441-2
Tel Yitzhak: founded, 91
Tel Yosef: founded,44
Temple (in Jerusalem): and cedars from
Lebanon, 235; and the name of a new
kibbutz, 343
Temple Mount (Jerusalem): alleged
designs on, 57; and the Six Day War,
390; a tunnel near, 596; Sharon's visit
to, 621, 623
Temporary International Presence (TIP):
in Gaza, 571
Temporary International Presence in
Hebron (TIPH): 571
Terah (Abraham's father): and BenGurion's question, 342
Terra Sancta College (Jerusalem):
cordoned off, 281
Teveth, Shabtai: a historian's judgement,
on the 'Lavon Affair', 296-7
Texas: 147; a 'lion' from, 372; an
agreement reached in, 407; a space
flight disaster above, 627
Thailand: foreign workers from, 613
Thais (Massenet): performed, amid
gunfire, 170
Thatcher, Margaret: and the Palestinians,
526; and an arms embargo, 556
Theresienstadt: a drawing from, in
space, 628
Third Aliyah (immigration to Palestine):
43, 68, 73
Third Way (political Party): joins
coalition (1996), 595
Thorn, Gaston: fears 'evil
consequences', 468
'Thousand Families Settlement Scheme':
Thutmose III, Pharaoh: and a Canaanite
city, 113
Tiberias (Galilee): Jews in, 3; a Jewish
wedding party attacked in, 94; and the
struggle for Palestine, 171-2; and a
crisis with Britain, 245; mines laid
near, 366; and 'the revolution of
peace', 566; Rabin's hopes for, 578
Tiberias-Rosh Pina road: a kibbutz
established on, 137
Tiberias-Tabgha road: Jewish workers
build, 44
Tibi, Ahmed: condemns suicide
bombers, 592
Tiehberg, Rabbi Judah Moses: reestablishes a dynasty, 289
Tiger Hill (cargo ship): boarded, 100
Tigre Province (Ethiopia): Jewish
immigrants from, 497
Time (magazine): and General Sharon,
The Times (London): a protest to, 98;
and the battle for Haifa, 172; and the
Tiran Straits: closed by Egypt, 312, 318,
321; and the Sinai campaign, 325, 326,
327; Israel withdraws from (1957), 330;
and the road to war in 1967, 367-9,
370, 371, 372, 373, 374, 376, 377, 380,
381; negotiations concerning, 476
Tirana (Albania): and a 'great
revolution', 566
Tirat Zevi: founded, 84; defended, 86;
attacked, 164
Tishbi, Haviv: the victim of a suicide
bomber, 574
Tito, President (of Yugoslavia): BenGurion's approach to, 345-6
Tnuva (cooperative): founded, 44;
grows, 52
Togo: Israeli help for, 332
Tokyo (Japan): Israeli-Palestinian talks
in (1992), 549
Toledano, Sergeant Nissim: kidnapped
and killed, 558; his fate recalled, 573
Toledo (Spain): a celebration in, 352
Tomb of the Patriarchs (Hebron): a
massacre in, 569; the status quo at, to
be maintained, 582-3
Toronto, University of: 642
Toscanini, Arturo: conducts, 79;
recalled, 143
Toukan, Fadua: and Moshe Dayan,
'tower and stockade' (settlements): 82-4,
Trade Winds (refugee ship): and a
'squalid war', 145
Trafalgar, Battle of: emulated, 127
Transjordan: an anti-Zionist Jew visits,
52; arms from, 61; and Ben-Gurion's
vision, 74; and the Revisionists, 76;
and a meeting place, 85; and the Gulf
of Akaba, 116; and the Second World
War, 119; and the Middle East, 120;
and Israel's War of Independence,
155, 160, 178-9, 193, 210, 244-5, 249;
and the Arabs of Palestine, 230, 241;
and the Rhodes armistice, 248, 253;
opposes recognition, 254; for
subsequent index entries see Jordan
(Hashemite Kingdom oD
Transnistria: survivors from, reach
Palestine, 115
Tratner, Asher: shot and wounded, 126
La Traviata (Verdi): sung in several
languages ... simultaneously, 352
Treblinka death camp: 112, 289
Tripoli (Lebanon): a commando raid on,
Tripoli (Libya): Jewish workers from,
Tripolitania: Jews murdered in, 154
Trotsky, Leon: belittles Bundists, 16;
witnesses a Zionist debate, 22; his
great grandson arrested, 539
Truman, President Harry S.: and Jewish
Displaced Persons, after 1945, 123,
124; his Secretary of State's fears, 165;
recognizes Israel, 189; receives
Weizmann as Head of State, 191;
demands 'immediate withdrawal', 246;
criticizes Britain, 247; urges a loan to
Israel, 261; and the Baghdad Pact, 304
Trumpeldor, Joseph: and the Zion Mule
Corps, 31; in action, 32; killed, 42-3;
remembered, 44
Tsomet (political Party): electoral
success of, 531; a member of, changes
sides, 585
Tsora (Arab village): captured, 221
Tsur, Yaakov: and a dialogue, 540
Tubiansky, Meir: executed, 209-10
Tuhami, Hassan: and the road to an
Israeli-Egyptian peace, 482-3, 489-90
Tulkarm: Jews travelling to, attacked,
80; and a new border, 265-6; and the
'Palestinian people', 492; under the
Palestinian Authority, 597; an
execution in, 630; Israeli forces
withdraw from (2004), 632
Tumarkin, Igael: reaches Palestine, 78
Tunis (Tunisia): PLO leave Beirut for
(1982), 508; PLO set up headquarters
in, 513; a reprisal raid on, 519; and the
intifada (uprising), 525, 527; and an
Israeli assassination raid, 528; and a
prospect that Arafat might leave, 561
Tunisia: Arab intelligentsia from, 76;
Jewish immigrants from, 259, 302; and
the October War, 442; represented at
Annapolis (2007), 653
Turkey, Republic of: Jews 'seeking an
outlet' in, 65; British anti-refugee
pressure on, 101; Jews pass through,
on way to Palestine, 115; votes against
Jewish statehood, 150; Jews from, in
Palestine, 205; Jews from, in Israel,
259, 263, 266, 268; and the Baghdad
Pact, 304; and an Israeli-inspired
industrial park, 612
Turkey, Sultan of: 4; see Abdul Hamid
Twelfth Zionist Congress (1921): 46,49
Twentieth Zionist Congress (1937): 88
Twenty-First Zionist Congress (1939): 99
Twenty-Second Zionist Congress (1946):
Twinned Peace Sports Schools initiative:
Tyre (Lebanon): a former king of, 235;
and the Lebanon War (1982), 505, 507
U Nu: visits Israel, 288
US-Palestinian Public-Private Partnership:
and the renewed Israeli-Palestinian
peace process (2007), 656
U Thant: and the war crisis of 1967, 366,
367, 370, 371
Uganda: a possible Jewish territory in,
21-2; armed forces of, trained by
Israel, 332; and a hijacking, 472-4
Ukraine: Jews attacked in, 41; Jewish
immigrants from, 43, 84, 403, 603;
Communist rule in, 49
Ukrainians: and Jewish homes, 123
ultra-Orthodox Jewish community (in
Israel): as immigrants, 3; and
Yiddish, 29; and an assassination,
52-3; and national military service,
277, 531, 585; 'restored and
revitalized', 289; and the Shas political
Party, 532, 545, 550; and the Supreme
Court, 595
Urn Butne (Syria): and the October War,
Urn Rashrash: Ben-Gurion visits, 73-4;
and an expedition, 116--7; reached (in
Umri, Zohara: murdered, 313
Unified National Leadership of the
Uprising: calls for killings, 538
Unified Water Plan (1955): produced,
and rejected, 291
Unit 101: reprisal actions by, 289-90,
Unit for the Protection of the Holy Places:
forms a barrier, 610
United Arab Emirates: represented at
Annapolis (2007), 653
United Arab Republic (Egypt and Syria):
on full alert (1960), 333
'United Islam': and the Arab League, 119
United Kibbutz Movement: and a crosscommunity football initiative, 645
United National Command (in the
Occupied Territories): 528
United Nations: and Switzerland, 128;
and Palestine, 142, 144, 149, 150, 153,
154, 165, 178, 182, 185, 185, 186, 187,
191, 199, 202, 655; calls for a truce
(1948), 206, 208; and the first year of
Israeli statehood, 226, 242, 251, 254;
and the Arab Liberation Army, 234;
and the Palestinian Arab refugees,
255-6, 267; and Israel's neighbours,
310; and the Sinai campaign (1956),
324-5, 326, 329; and the new States of
Asia and Africa, 346; Israel's appeal to
(1966), 362; and the occupied West
Bank, 418; and Soviet Jewish refugees,
426; and the October War (1973), 451;
and the Geneva Peace Conference
(1973), 463; and the PLO, 467; and the
'Zionism is racism' resolution, 467-8,
469-70; and Israeli retaliation, 487;
and Hebron, 571; and Har Homa, 601
United Nations Charter: and Israel's
Declaration of Independence, 188
United Nations Commission (in
Palestine): witness the aftermath of a
bomb, 164
United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization (UNESCO):
condemns Zionism, 467
United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF):
in Sinai, 325, 327, 366, 367; and the
coming of war in 1967, 376
United Nations Headquarters, Jerusalem:
400, 404
United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon
(UNIFIL): 490
United Nations Mixed Armistice
Commission: and the Sinai campaign,
United Nations Partition Resolution
(November 1947): and Haifa, 151,
241, 249; and the 'Chain of Jihad', 528;
and the Oslo Accords, 564, 568
United Nations Refugee and Works
Administration (UNRWA): established,
255--6; a plan proposed by, 271; and
an Israeli reprisal action, 290
United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation
Agency (UNRRA): and the Displaced
Persons, 123, 124
United Nations Security Council: and
the future of Palestine (1948), 165; and
Jewish immigration (1948), 202; and
the calls for a truce (1948), 215, 232;
and the breach of a cease-fire (1948),
219-20; and jerusalem's cease-fire,
221; calls for negotiations (1948), 240,
246; and a British ultimatum, 245; and
the first armistice, 248; condemns
Israel (1966), 364; not summoned
(1967), 367; and a possible Soviet
veto, 373; and the Six Day War, 387,
390, 393; and Resolution 242, 398--9,
414; and the October War, 449, 457;
and Resolution 338, 457-8, 459; and
the Lebanon War, 505; and the
London Agreement (1987), 523; and
the intifada, 527, 558; secures a
ceasefire (2006), 641
United Nations Special Committee on
Palestine (UNSCOP): 144-50
United Nations Truce Supervision
Organization (UNTSO): and
construction of a canal, 291; and a
clash between Syria and Israel, 306;
and an impending attack, 314; and the
Sinai Campaign, 323; and the Six Day
War, 385
United Nations Trusteeship (for
Palestine): proposed, and challenged,
United Nations World Food Programme:
an Israeli woman heads Congo relief
work of, 650
United Religious Front (1949): 250, 252;
dissolves, 275
United States: Jewish emigration to,S,
10, 13, 50, 65; and the Jewish National
Fund, 19; a Zionist finds patrons in,
25--6; Ben-Gurion sounds a cautionary
note in, 34; and Jewish military
volunteers, 35, 36; Ben-Gurion
promotes Palestine in, 38; and the
Jews of Russia, 41; immigrants to
Palestine from, 44, 48, 90; fundraising
in (1921),46; Golda Meir reaches
Palestine from (1921), 48; and Zionist
philanthropy, 54; and a Zionist leader,
59; restrictions on immigration from,
95; a possible 'outcry' from, 104;
Jabotinsky dies in, 110; and postwar
Germany, 121; and a postwar
committee, 129, 132; and a British
plan, 136; postwar Jewish emigration
to, 138; and Moses, 148; supports
partition, 150; and a flag, 164; opposes
partition, 165; calls for a cease-fire,
180, 182; and Jerusalem, 185; and the
declaration of Israeli statehood, 189;
aircraft from, 200; volunteers from,
201; tanks and weapons from, 225;
and a British ultimatum, 245--6; stern
words from, 246; Israel's relations with
251, 253, 273, 279, 291, 304-5, 314,
321, 326, 327, 347-8, 361, 368;
fundraising in, 260-1, 263, 295, 331;
economic help from, 261, 617;
immigrants from 264, 277,470, 506;
training in, 273; and Israeli contacts
with Egypt (1956), 307-10; and the
Sinai campaign, 321, 326, 329; and the
aftermath of Sinai, 329-30, 331; and
the road to war in 1967, 370, 371,
372-3, 374, 375, 376-7, 377-8, 381,
382; and the Six Day War, 387,
389-90, 393; and the West Bank, 402;
and military supplies for Israel, 407,
415; and the War of Attrition, 411;
brokers a cease-fire (1970), 414-5; its
guarantee, against a Soviet
intervention, 417; and the October
VVar(1973), 431,437, 445,451, 452,
460; and the Soviet Union, 450, 452,
456; and the aftennath of the October
VVar, 463, 468, 469; denounces
'Zionism is racism' resolution, 467; and
a political crisis (the arrival of aircraft
from), 474; and Israeli settlements in
the Occupied Territories, 475; efforts
to mediate by, 474-7, 479-82, 540; and
Sadat's visit to Israel, 489; and the
Israeli-Egyptian peace accords, 491-3,
495; and the Lebanon VVar (982), 508,
512; and the London Agreement
(1987), 523; and the intifada, 527; and
Soviet Jews, 534, 535--6, 550; and an
Israeli peace initiative (989), 537-8;
and the Gulf VVar, 546, 547; and the
Madrid Conference and its aftennath,
548--9; loan guarantees from, 550, 555,
556; and Rabin's call for negotiations
(1992), 554, 556; and Jordan (after
Oslo), 568, 572; the resources of,
diverted, 580; mediates (996), 594;
and southern Lebanon, 599; and Har
Homa, 601; and a crisis generated by
conversions to Judaism, 602-3; and
the sale of Russian anns technology to
Iran, 615; and targeted assassinations,
624-5; and the Palestinian Authority,
638,647; cluster bombs from, used by
Israel, 642; Jewish population of, falls
below that of Israel (2007), 645; and
the renewed peace process (2007),
648, 655
United States Congress: and a loan, 261;
and an assurance, 618
United States Import-Export Bank: a
loan from, 331
United States Senate: condemns Israel's
use of cluster bombs, 642
United States Sixth Fleet: in 1967, 387; a
ship o~ attacked, 389-90
Universal Declaration of Human Rights:
alleged violation of, 533; and
democracy, 608
Univeraity and College Union (Britain):
recommends a boycott, 651
Upper Galilee: Jewish settlements in, 8,
122, 264, 343; clashes in, 42-3, 364;
fighting in (948), 162, 171, 175, 177,
192, 234-5, 237; immigrant transit
camps in, 287-8; an incursion into
(966), 362; a question in (967), 401;
the shelling of (982), 503, 504
Upper Silesia: a conference at, 5
Upper Volta: Israel's agreement With,
Ur of the Chaldees: and Ben-Gurion's
question, 342
Uruguay: supports a Jewish State, 149
Usha: founded, 90
Ussishkin, Menachem: and a Jewish
university, 8, 29; and Uganda, 22; and
the Hebrew language, 23-4; and a
cavalcade, 34; at the Paris Peace
Conference, 41-2; and the Jewish
National Fund, 45--6; remembered, 90,
Uziel, Chief Rabbi Ben Zion: his
'loathing and abhorrence', 135
Valley of the Cross (Jerusalem): an
airstrip in, 203
Vanunu, Mordechai: and Israel's nuclear
power, 521-3
VE Day (8 May 1945): and the passage
of time, 128
Vance, Cyrus R: seeks to mediate, 476,
Vichy France: and Syria, 110-11
Vienna: 10, 11, 17, 19, 21, 22, 49, 62, 79,
93, 301, 426, 535; Arafat meets Ezer
VVeizman in, 548; Israeli-Palestinian
talks in (1992), 549
Vietnam: 134
Viewpoints Theatre Project: 634
Vilan, Abu: speaks out, 501
Villach (Austria): 128--9
Vilna (Lithuania): 3, 9, 16, 22
Vilner, Meir: consults Moscow, 189
Violetta (in La Traviata): sung in
Gennan, 352
Vishneva (Belarus): a Jewish family
leaves, for Palestine, 70; Shimon
Peres's return visit to, 557
Vitkin, Joseph: 23, 73
Vladimir, Grand Duke (of Russia): 12
'A Voice Calling for Peace': demand the
withdrawal from southern Lebanon,
VVachsman, Corporal Nahshon:
kidnapped, and killed, 573; his
kidnapping recalled, 639
VVadi Ara: Israeli-Palestinian cooperation
in, 643
Wadi Fukin (Arab village): a reprisal
action in, 314
Wadi Hanin (Arab village): Jews and
Arabs live side by side in, 7
Wadi Joz (Jerusalem): and the intifada,
Wadi Paran (Negev): Bedouin south of,
their plight, 359
Wadi Zaala (Sinai): and the Sinai
campaign, 325
Wagner, Richard: 18
Wailing Wall (Jerusalem): 57, 60, 199;
and the Six Day War, 390; curses at,
605; rioting at, 609-10
Walker, Christopher: Netanyahu's
assertion to, 609
Wall, the: see index entery for:
Separation Barrier
Wallach, Colonel Yehuda: his task, 322
War of Attrition 0969-70): 410, 411,
413--4; recalled, 449
War of Independence (948): 28, 40, 43,
45, 56, 84, 96, 117, 137, 166, 249, 255;
recalled, 261, 264, 266, 269, 284, 286,
287, 322, 326, 342, 354, 408, 417, 438,
445, 455, 478, 494, 598; unfinished
business of, 538; and the Israel-Jordan
peace treaty (994), 574; and the
assassination of Rabin, 591; and the
soldiers' death toll by 1997, 605
War Museum: a 'blessed' gun for, 212
Warburg, Felix: a philanthropist, 53
Warburg, Otto: a philanthropist, 29
Warsaw: 18, 112, 114
Warsaw Ghetto: an escapee from, 603
Warsaw Ghetto revolt: 114, 264
Washington DC (USA): patrons in, 25;
anger in, 128; Weizmann in, 191; and
a British ultimatum, 245; no official
invitation to, 273; and the Suez crisis,
326, 327, 331; and a museum, 355; and
the prelude to war in 1967, 377; and a
'lion from Texas', 372; negotiations in
(1977),476-7; an Israeli political
scandal launched from, 477; the
Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty signed in,
495; a Soviet Jewry rally in, 521; a
peace initiative presented in (1989),
537--8; talks in (1991), 548-9; talks
renewed in (992), 556; talks continue
in (1993), 561, 562; the Oslo Accords
signed in (1993), 565-7; and the Cairo
Agreement (1994), 570; and the
ending of a state of war between
Israel and Jordan (1994), 572; and the
signing of Oslo II (1995), 584; and a
crisis over a tunnel (1996), 596; Olmert
and Abbas meet Bush in (2007), 655
Washington Post: and a 'sustained
impasse' (1997), 611
Wattad, Mohammed Saif-Alden: critical
of Israel, 642
Wauchope, Sir Arthur: and a Jewish
objection, 66-7
Wavell, General: protests, 107
al-Wazir, Intissar: Minister of Welfare,
al-Wazir, Khalid: see Abu Jihad
Weiss, Yaakov: executed, 148
Weissbrod, Yehoshua: stoned, and then
shot dead, 561
Weitz, Yehiam: remembered, 137
Weitz, Yosef: and Arab tenant farmers,
159, 160; and the Arab flight from
Haifa, 172-3; 'villages are steadily
emptying', 174; and the War of
Independence, 205; and the Bedouin,
Weizman, Ezer: his State Visit (to
Britain), 191; and the War of
Independence, 200, 247; and an alert,
334; and retaliation, 363; and the
prelude to war in 1967, 369, 370; and
the Six Day War, 392; and the War of
Attrition, 410; and his son's injury, 413;
becomes Minister of Defence, 479; and
West Bank settlements, 485; and a
retaliation to a PLO rocket attack,
486-7; and Sadat's visit to Israel, 488,
489, 490; and the road to an
Israel-Egyptian peace, 489, 491; and
an appeal for a pardon, 523; and the
Gulf War, 546; meets Arafat, 548; calls
on the government to 'rethink' the
peace process, 574; critical of Oslo II,
585--6; condolence calls by, 600
Weizman, Reuma: and her husband's
question (970), 413; visits the injured
(1974), 574
Weizman, Sha'ul: wounded, 413
Weizmann, Chaim: and 'these fiery
times', 17; and a university project, 20,
29, 39, 53; and the Balfour
Declaration, 34; and the Zionist
Commission, 37; and the Palestine
Mandate, 41, 118, 121; and the Galuth,
47; and a loan, 56-7; and the 1929
riots, 65--6; and the Daniel Sieff (later
Weizmann) Institute, 69; and partition,
87-8, 138; and the future of Palestine
(1937), 89-90, 91; and the Nazi-Soviet
Pact (1939), 99; and Jewish selfdefence, 103-4; and 'Palestine alone',
113; and his son's death in action
(1942), 120; and Bevin, 124; and
'Black Saturday', 134; and 'illegal'
immigration, 135-6; denounces a
'cancer' in the Jewish 'body politic',
139; gives evidence (July 1947), 147-8;
his fears, 150; and the declaration of
statehood (May 1948), 189, 190-1;
remembered, 210; becomes President,
252; and an Institute of Science, 267-8;
his last years, 278; answers a question
with a question, 617
Weizmann Institute of Science: 268,419,
Weizmann, Michael: killed in action,
Werkleute (youth movement): 79
Wertheimer, Stef: joins a new Political
party, 478; a pioneer, 617; and an
industrial park in Turkey, 612
West Bank (of the River Jordan): under
Jordanian rule, 199, 204, 241, 255, 256,
265, 299, 362, 363; and the Six Day
War, 390, 396, 440, 442; under Israeli
occupation, 396-8, 402-3, 405; the
future of, discussed, 405-6; and the
Allon Plan, 406, 408; the situation in
(1970), 412; calls for Israel's
withdrawal from, 418; the future of,
discussed, 418-9, 476, 478, 479-80; its
nature, under Israeli occupation,
421-2; settlements on, 422-3, 424-5,
466, 469-71, 475, 481-2, 483-4, 485,
486, 496, 497, 498, 500-1, 503, 513,
530, 543, 544, 550, 584, 609, 610-11,
621; future of, not to affect an IsraeliEgyptian agreement, 483; and
President Carter's displeasure, 481-2,
483-4; and Camp David, 491-2, 494-5;
a demonstration on, prevented, 503;
and the Reagan Plan (1982), 508; the
conflict between Palestinians and
settlers on, 513-5; and the intifada
(uprising), 525-7, 537, 538-42, 550,
557; and human rights, 533-4, 550;
and an Israeli proposal (1989), 537-8;
and an American proposal (990), 543;
and an Iraqi proposal (1990), 546; and
Soviet Jewish immigrants, 550; and the
Oslo negotiations (1993), 561, 563;
and the Oslo Accords, 564, 565, 566,
568; and the 'closure' of, 575-6;
extension of autonomy to, 579, 581-2;
continued negotiations concerning,
582-3, 583-4; and Oslo II, 583-4, 586,
597, 610; and Israeli citizenship, 608;
increased building on (1997), 609, 616;
status of (997), 611-2; continued
occupation of, 620-1; and the
Separation Barrier ('The Wall'), 630-1;
withdrawal of four Israeli settlements
from, 631, 635; Israeli armed
incursions into, 634; Olmert's vision
for, 637; Hamas electoral victory in
(2006), 639; and the Portland Trust,
646; and the renewed peace process
(2007), 648, 651-2; and a free-trade
industrial zone, 651; a successful legal
appeal from, 652
West Bank elections (after 1967): 402,
423, 471, 527-8, 537-8, 638
West Beirut (Lebanon): bombarded
(1982), 506; and a protest, 506-7;
occupied, 509
West Germany: 265, 279, 283-5, 334-5,
356; denounces 'Zionism is racism'
resolution, 467
West Point (USA): 209
Western Galilee: 91, 149, 158, 208, 345
'Western Palestine': the Likud call for,
478, 480
Weyl, Martin: and the opening of the
Israel Museum, 355
What Do The Zionists Want? (Ezekiel
Wortsmann): 18-9
White House (Washington DC): 189, 373,
416-7, 480, 564, 565-~, 582, 588, 591,
White Russia (later Belarus): 198, 270
Wiesel, Eli: and a cross-community
cooperative venture, 651
Wilhelm II, German Emperor: 10, 17, 18
Wilson, Harold: well-disposed towards
Israel, 361, 371, 374; and the
International Naval Flotilla, 374, 377
Wingate, Lorna: her gesture, 175
Wingate, Orde: and Jewish defence, 93;
remembered, 175
Winograd, Judge Eliyahu: and the
Hizballah-Israeli War (2006), 642,
Workers' Sick Fund: 151
World Bank: 647; represented at
Annapolis (2007), 654
World Congress (of Revisionists): 91-2
World Zionist Organization: 10-11, 17,
18, 45, 49, 50, 64, 65; and West Bank
settlements, 500-1
Wortsmann, Ezekiel: his pamphlet, 18--9
Wurtman, Enid: and Soviet Jewry, 521
Yaacobi, Gad: and a new political Party,
357, 358; calls for talks, 548
Ya'ari Meir: 'appalled', 218--9
Yad Hannah: founded,268
Yad Mordechai: founded, 114; attacked,
194; regained, 234; a fedayeen attack
on, 301
Yad Vashem Qerusalem): established,
288--9; a ceremony at, and a would-be
assassin, 579
Yadin, Carmella: Ruppin's daughter, 63;
'Sarge, the marge!', 103
Yadin, Yigael: xii; his mother reaches
Palestine, 28; his birth, 33; and the
1921 riots, 49; and an excavation
(1928), 57; and the 1929 riots, 63-4;
and Masada, 68, 351; and the
Haganah, 101-2, 103, 148, 151, 166;
and the possibility of survival, 181-2;
and the War of Independence, 192-3,
196-7, 199, 202-3, 206, 214-5, 242,
245, 249, 455; and the Altalena, 211;
and Ben-Gurion, 214-5; and the Irgun,
228--9; negotiates, 253; and mass
immigration, 262; and the Israel
Defence Forces, 264-5; and Chaim
Weizmann, 278; and the Dead Sea
scrolls, 295-6; and a hidden cave, 341;
and electorial reform, 344; and the eve
of war (1967), 382; opposes West
Bank settlements, 423, 485; and the
October War (1973), 428--9, 438, 440,
443-4, 456, 460; leads a new political
Party (1977), 478--9; and Project
Renewal, 484-5, 498; and the collapse
of his Party, 498; and the pyramids,
Yadin, Yosef: an actor, 28
Yagur: founded, 50; an arms search at,
Yamit (Rafa Salient): under construction,
423, 424; to be given up, 492, 494,
499; the destruction of, 499-500
Yariv, General Aharon: and the road to
war in 1967, 369, 378; and the October
War (1973), 438, 439
Yarkon River: headwaters of, 219
Yarkoni, Amos: a Bedouin hero, 360
Yarmuk Brigade: in action (1948), 236
Yarmuk River: a kibbutz founded near
(1932), 68; fighting near (1948), 192;
and Israel's border with Jordan, 363,
573; a project for, 578
Yassi (Roumania): Jews from, at work in
Israel, 263
Yassin, Sheikh Ahmed: his release
demanded, 573; released, 616-17;
assassinated, 629
Yassky, Chaim: killed,170
Yata (West Bank): and an Israeli reprisal
action, 363
Yatir: founded,613
Yavneh: founded, 111; Jewish
immigrants and settlers in, 266; a
nuclear reactor near, 301
Yavniel: reinforcements from 193
Yedidyah: founded, 78
Yediot Aharanot (newspaper): a
controversial interview in, 488
Yehiam: founded, 137; destroyed, 167;
armoured cars captured at, 236
Yehoshua, A.B.: international status of,
Yehudiah: attacked, 158
Yeltsin, President Boris: and the sale of
weapons technology to Iran, 615
Yemen: Jews from, 8--9, 23, 33, 259-60,
262, 271, 272, 287, 313, 330, 403, 603;
opposes Jewish immigration to
Palestine, 97; and Israel's War of
Independence, 120; represented at
Annapolis (2007), 653
Yemenite Association (political Party):
Yemenite Workers' Union (Palestine):
Yemin Moshe Qerusalem): attacked, 162
Yeruham: founded,273
Yibnah: an Arab town, 111;
repopulated, 266
Yiddish language: 27, 29, 197, 228, 275,
350, 556
Yiftach (military operation): in the
Galilee, 175
Yisrael B'Aliyah (political Party): enters
the coalition (1996), 595
Yisraeli, Ben-Zion: seeks
reinforcements, 192
Yoav (military operation): in the Negev,
Yoffe, Colonel Avraham: and the Sinai
campaign, 325; and the Land of Israel
Movement, 400
Yogev: bombarded,311
Yolofsky, Avraham: ambushed and
killed, 7
Yom Kippur War: see October War
Yonan, George: killed, 292
Yonatan: and 'a grandfather who does
not sleep', 566
York, Susannah: campaigns, 522
Yosef, Chief Rabbi Ovadia: and the
October War, 442; and the Shas
political Party, 531, 550
Yossi, Lieutenant-Colonel Naty: and the
October War, 434, 441-2
Yotvata: founded,272
Youth Aliyah: its work of rescue and
rehabilitation, 69, 91, 102, 258; military
. training for, 223
Ysernitsky, Yitzhak: see Shamir, Yitzhak
Yugoslav-Hungarian border: an arrest
on, 119
Yugoslav soldiers (in Palestine): 162
Yugoslavia: Jews from, 78; pressure on,
98; a parachute drop in, 102; and an
arms shipment, 167; immigrants from,
259, 266, 352; Ben-Gurion's approach
to, 345-6; Soviet tanks pass through,
444; Soviet planes land at, 445
Zablodovsky, Israel: and the struggle for
Jerusalem, 163
Zaher, Sheikh Zaki: his story, 604
Zaire: Israeli help for, 332; breaks off
relations with Israel, 427
Zamir, Zvi: and the Munich massacre,
419; and the imminence of war in
1973, 431
Zar, Ora: her story, 603
Zealots: recalled, 122, 267, 351
Zebulun, Tribe of: and the name of a
new settlement, 43
Zebulun Valley: a new settlement
overlooks, 78
Ze'evi, General Rehavam: and the
coming of war in 1973, 427;
denounces 'an insane government',
Zeira, General Eli: his warning, 428; is
not shown a warning, 430; receives a
crucial message, 431
Zelkovich, Elimelekh: gives weapons
instruction, 49
Zelzal missile: destroyed, 640
Zemach (Sea of Galilee): evacuated,
176; fighting at, 192
Zevulun, Shalom: killed,614
Zichron Yaakov: founded, 6; a 'Great
Convention' at, 23; and an Association
of Wine Growers, 26
Zimbel, Shalom: his bravery and death,
Zin, Wilderness of: a settlement near,
278, 356
'Zion': a name proposed, 187
Zion: to be 'redeemed', 139
Zion Gate Oerusalem): an attack on,
Zion Mule Corps: in action, 31
Zion Square Oerusalem): a
demonstration in (1952), 280-1, 282;
demonstrators march from (1995), 585
'Ziona': a name proposed, 187
Zionism: and Theodor Herzl, 9-12,
14-5, 16-21, 28,92; varieties of, 23,
25, 40, 42, 68, 301, 406-7, 469;
opposition to, 30, 47, 52-3, 66, 276-7,
285,403,467,545; and the British
Government, 40-1, 118; in Palestine,
55-6,67,70,71,75,79,122,556; and
the Arabs, 75, 94, 403, 469, 559, 560-1;
after 1945, 139; and Soviet and Russian
Jewry, 286-7, 575; on the West Bank
(after 1967),406-7,469, 486, 530; and
the Palestine National Covenant, 467;
condemned by the United Nations,
467-8,469-70; the 'four goals of,
529-30; the 'lifelong quest' of, 563
Zionist Commission (1918): in Palestine,
Zionist Congresses: (1st), 13-14, 17, 20,
164, 187,603; (2nd), 16-7, 17; (5th)
19; (6th), 22; (lIth), 29; (12th), 46, 49;
(14th), 51; (l5th), 51; (16th), 59,
(18th) , 72; (20th), 88; (21st), 99;
(22nd), 138-9
'Zionist democracy': and 'Jewish
Nazism', 118
Zionist Executive: its Palestine Office,
25; and an experimental agricultural
station, 44; and an economic crisis, 49;
senior members of, arrested, 132
Zionist Rescue Committee (Hungary):
and a trial in Israel, 303
Zodiac, signs of: and an archaeological
discovery, 57
Zoltan, Ido: killed, 654-5
Zorea, General Meir: dismissed, 333;
joins a new political Party, 478
Zucker, Dedi: and human rights, 532
Zurich (Switzerland): Zionist Congresses
in, 59, 88; an act of terror in, 418