Erik Hoelzl - Institut für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie (ISS)


Erik Hoelzl - Institut für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie (ISS)
Erik Hoelzl
List of publications and presentations
Articles in Refereed Journals
1. Susewind, M. & Hoelzl, E. (2014). A matter of perspective: Why past moral behavior can
sometimes encourage and other times discourage future moral striving. Journal of Applied
Social Psychology, 44(3), 201-209. doi: 10.1111/jasp.12214
2. Kubicek, B., Hoelzl, E. & Korunka, C. (2013). Emotion regulation requirements and affective
forecasts regarding expected organizational changes. Psihološka obzorja / Horizons of
Psychology, 22, 1–13. [ISSN 1318-1874].
3. Hoelzl, E., Hahn, L., Pollai, M. & Masak, J. (2013). The effect of feedback on process and outcome of loan negotiations: Consequences on risk aversion and the willingness to compromise.
Group Decision and Negotiation, 22(3), 541–559. doi: 10.1007/s10726-012-9282-x
4. Hahn, L., Hoelzl, E. & Pollai, M. (2013). The effect of payment type on product-related
emotions: Evidence from an experimental study. International Journal of Consumer Studies,
37(1), 21–28. doi: 10.1111/j.1470-6431.2011.01072.x
5. Kamleitner, B., Hoelzl, E. & Kirchler, E. (2012). Credit use: Psychological perspectives on a
multifaceted phenomenon. International Journal of Psychology, 47(1), 1–27. doi:
6. Christandl, F., Fetchenhauer, D. & Hoelzl, E. (2011). Price perception and confirmation bias in
the context of a VAT increase. Journal of Economic Psychology, 32(1), 131–141.
7. Hoelzl, E., Kamleitner, B. & Kirchler, E. (2011). Loan repayment plans as sequences of
instalments. Journal of Economic Psychology, 32(4), 621–631. doi: 10.1016/j.joep.2011.02.002
8. Hoelzl, E., Pollai, M. & Kastner, H. (2011). Hedonic evaluations of cars: Effects of payment
mode on prediction and experience. Psychology & Marketing, 28(11), 1115–1129. doi:
9. Pollai, M., Hoelzl, E., Hahn, A. & Hahn, L. (2011). The influence of anticipated emotions on
consumer decisions: Examining the role of product type and belief in adaptation. Zeitschrift für
Psychologie/ Journal of Psychology, 219(4), 238–245. doi: 10.1027/2151-2604/a000078
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April 2015
10. Kamleitner, B., Hoelzl, E. & Kirchler, E. (2010). Experiencing costs and benefits of a loan
transaction: The role of cost-benefit associations. Journal of Economic Psychology, 31(6),
1047–1056. doi: 10.1016/j.joep.2010.09.005
11. Kirchler, E., Fischer, F. & Hoelzl, E. (2010). Price and its relation to objective and subjective
product quality: Evidence from the Austrian market. Journal of Consumer Policy, 33(3), 275–
286. doi: 10.1007/s10603-010-9138-1
12. Kirchler, E., Hoelzl, E. & Huber, O. (2010). Risk-defusing in decisions by probability of
detection of harm and promotion and prevention focus. Journal of Socio-Economics, 39(5),
595–600. doi: 10.1016/j.socec.2010.06.004
13. Leder, S., Mannetti, L., Hoelzl, E. & Kirchler, E. (2010). Regulatory fit effects on perceived
fiscal exchange and tax compliance. Journal of Socio-Economics, 39(2), 271–277. doi:
14. Pollai, M., Hoelzl, E. & Possas, F. (2010). Consumption-related emotions over time: Fit
between prediction and experience. Marketing Letters, 21(4), 397–411. doi: 10.1007/s11002009-9090-5
15. Hoelzl, E., Pollai, M. & Kamleitner, B. (2009). Experience, prediction and recollection of loan
burden. Journal of Economic Psychology, 30(3), 446–454. doi: 10.1016/j.joep.2008.11.001
16. Kamleitner, B. & Hoelzl, E. (2009). Cost-benefit-associations and financial behavior. Applied
Psychology: An International Review, 58(3), 435–452. doi: 10.1111/j.1464-0597.2009.00400.x
17. Kirchler, E., Muehlbacher, S., Hoelzl, E. & Webley, P. (2009). Effort and aspirations in tax
evasion: Experimental evidence. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 58(3), 488–507.
doi: 10.1111/j.1464-0597.2009.00403.x
18. Hofmann, E., Hoelzl, E. & Kirchler, E. (2008). A comparison of models describing the impact
of moral decision making on investment decisions. Journal of Business Ethics, 82(1), 171–187.
doi: 10.1007/s10551-007-9570-6
19. Hofmann, E., Hoelzl, E. & Kirchler, E. (2008). Preconditions of voluntary tax compliance:
Knowledge and evaluation of taxation, norms, fairness and motivation to cooperate. Zeitschrift
für Psychologie / Journal of Psychology, 216(4), 209–217. doi: 10.1027/0044-3409.216.4.209
20. Holler, M., Hoelzl, E., Kirchler, E., Leder, S. & Mannetti, L. (2008). Framing of information on
the use of public finances, regulatory fit of recipients and tax compliance. Journal of Economic
Psychology, 29(4), 597–611. doi: 10.1016/j.joep.2008.01.001
21. Kirchler, E., Hoelzl, E. & Kamleitner, B. (2008). Spending and credit use in the private
household. Journal of Socio-Economics, 37(2), 519–532. doi: 10.1016/j.socec.2006.12.038
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April 2015
22. Kirchler, E., Hoelzl, E. & Wahl, I. (2008). Enforced versus voluntary tax compliance: The
“slippery slope” framework. Journal of Economic Psychology, 29(2), 210–225. doi:
23. Muehlbacher, S., Kirchler, E., Hoelzl, E., Ashby, J., Berti, C., Job, J., Kemp, S., Peterlik, R. U.,
Roland-Levy, C. & Waldherr, K. (2008). Hard-earned income and tax compliance: A survey in
eight nations. European Psychologist, 13(4), 298–304. doi: 10.1027/1016-9040.13.4.298
24. Muehlbacher, S., Hoelzl, E. & Kirchler, E. (2007). Steuerhinterziehung und die
Berücksichtigung des Einkommens in der Strafbemessung [Tax evasion and consideration of
income for the level of fines]. Wirtschaftspsychologie, 9(4), 116–121. doi: –
25. Kallus, W., Kirchler, E., Korunka, C., Weber, W. G., Hoffmann, P., Hoelzl, E., Iwanowa, A.,
Jimenez, P. & Meier-Pesti, K. (2006). Arbeits-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie –
Vorschlag für eine Curriculum zur postgradualen Ausbildung beziehungsweise als MA-Studium
nach der dreistufigen Studienarchitektur nach dem Bologna-Modell. [Work-, Organizationaland Economic Psychology: Outline of a curriculum]. Wirtschaftspsychologie, 6(1), 109–121.
doi: –
26. Kirchler, E. & Hoelzl, E. (2006). Twenty-five years of the Journal of Economic Psychology
(1981–2005): A report on the development of an interdisciplinary field of research. Journal of
Economic Psychology, 27(6), 793–804. doi: 10.1016/j.joep.2006.07.001
27. El Sehity, T., Hoelzl, E. & Kirchler, E. (2005). Price developments after a nominal shock:
Benford’s Law and psychological pricing after the euro introduction. International Journal of
Research in Marketing, 22(4), 471–480. doi: 10.1016/j.ijresmar.2005.09.002
28. Hoelzl, E. & Kirchler, E. (2005). Causal attribution and hindsight bias for economic
developments. Journal of Applied Psychology, 90(1), 167–174. doi: 10.1037/00219010.90.1.167
29. Hoelzl, E. & Loewenstein, G. (2005). Wearing out your shoes to prevent someone else from
stepping into them: Anticipated regret and social takeover in sequential decisions.
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 98(1), 15–27. doi:
30. Hoelzl, E. & Rustichini, A. (2005). Overconfident – do you put your money on it? The
Economic Journal, 115(April), 305–318. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-0297.2005.00990.x
31. Kirchler, E. & Hoelzl, E. (2003). Economic psychology. International Review of Industrial and
Organizational Psychology, 18, 29–80. doi: 10.1002/0470013346.ch2
32. Hoelzl, E., Kirchler, E. & Rodler, C. (2002). Hindsight bias in economic expectations: I knew
all along what I want to hear. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87(3), 437–443. doi:
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April 2015
33. Ravenna, M., Hoelzl, E., Kirchler, E., Palmonari, A. & Costarelli, S. (2002). Drug addicts in
therapy – Changes in life space in the course of one year. Journal of Community and Applied
Social Psychology, 12(5), 353–368. doi: 10.1002/casp.688
34. Ravenna, M., Hoelzl, E., Costarelli, S., Kirchler, E. & Palmonari, A. (2001). Diary reports on
emotional experiences in the onset of a psychosocial transition: Becoming drug free. Journal of
Community and Applied Social Psychology, 11(1), 19–35. doi: 10.1002/casp.607
35. Rodler, C., Kirchler, E. & Hoelzl, E. (2001). Gender stereotypes of leaders. A content analysis
of obituaries from 1974 to 1998. Sex Roles, 45(11–12), 827–843. doi:
36. Hoelzl, E. & Kirchler, E. (1998). Einflußtaktiken in partnerschaftlichen Kaufentscheidungen.
Ein Beitrag zur Analyse von Aktions-Reaktions-Mustern [Influence tactics in buying decisions
in relationships. A contribution to the analysis of action-reaction-patterns]. Zeitschrift für
Sozialpsychologie, 29(2), 105–116. doi: –
37. Kirchler, E. & Hoelzl, E. (1995). Vom Austausch zum Altruismus. Profitorientierung versus
spontane Angebote in interpersonellen Beziehungen [From exchange to altruism. Profit
orientation versus spontaneous offers in interpersonal relationships]. Gruppendynamik, 26(4),
457–465. doi: –
1. Kirchler, E. & Hoelzl, E. (2002). Arbeitsgestaltung in Organisationen [Work design in
organizations]. Wien: WUV. [ISBN 3-85114-627-1] (Russian translation 2003, [ISBN 96695859-7-X])
2. Kirchler, E., Rodler, C., Hoelzl, E. & Meier, K. (2001). Conflict and decision making in close
relationships: Love, money and daily routines. Hove: Psychology Press. [ISBN 0-86377-811-9]
3. Kirchler, E., Rodler, C., Hoelzl, E. & Meier, K. (2000). Liebe, Geld und Alltag [Love, money
and everyday life]. Göttingen: Hogrefe. [ISBN 3-8017-1359-8]
Edited Volumes
1. Kirchler, E. & Hoelzl, E. (2011). Consumer behaviour and economic decisions. Topical Issue
Zeitschrift für Psychologie / Journal of Psychology, 219(4).
2. Hoelzl, E. & Kapteyn, A. (2011). Financial capability. Special Issue Journal of Economic
Psychology, 32(4).
3. Fetchenhauer, D., Pradel, J. & Hoelzl, E. (Eds.) (2010). A boat trip through economic change.
Proceedings of the IAREP/SABE/ICABEEP 2010 Conference Cologne. Lengerich: Pabst. [ISBN
Erik Hoelzl
April 2015
4. Kirchler, E., Hoelzl, E., Meier, K. & Rodler, C. (2001). Themenheft Ökonomische Psychologie
[Special issue: Economic psychology]. Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie, 32 (3).
5. Arbeitsgruppe Qualitative Sozialforschung (Wien) (Eds.) (1994). Verführung zum Qualitativen
Forschen. Eine Methodenauswahl [Qualitative research methods]. Wien: WUVUniversitätsverlag. [ISBN3-85114-173-3]
Book Contributions
1. Hoelzl, E. (2014). Werbung und Kinder. In M.A. Wirtz (Hrsg.) Lexikon der Psychologie
(Dorsch-17.Auflage) (p. 1788-1789). Bern: Hans Huber.
2. Hoelzl, E. (2014). Reziprozität. In M.A. Wirtz (Hrsg.) Lexikon der Psychologie (Dorsch17.Auflage) (p. 1426-1427). Bern: Hans Huber.
3. Hoelzl, E. (2014). Familienlebenszyklus. In M.A. Wirtz (Hrsg.) Lexikon der Psychologie
(Dorsch-17.Auflage) (p. 560-561). Bern: Hans Huber.
4. Kokkoris, M. & Hoelzl, E. (2014). Präferenz-Umkehr-Phänomen. In M.A. Wirtz (Hrsg.)
Lexikon der Psychologie (Dorsch-17.Auflage) (p. 1288). Bern: Hans Huber.
5. Heise, M. & Hoelzl, E. (2014). Verschuldung. In M.A. Wirtz (Hrsg.) Lexikon der Psychologie
(Dorsch-17.Auflage) (p. 1757). Bern: Hans Huber.
6. Hoelzl, E. (2013). Einfluss, sozialer [Social influence]. In M.A. Wirtz (Hrsg.) Lexikon der
Psychologie (Dorsch-16.Auflage) (p. 423). Bern: Hans Huber.
7. Hoelzl, E. (2013). Diamant-Modell [Diamond model]. In M.A. Wirtz (Hrsg.) Lexikon der
Psychologie (Dorsch-16.Auflage) (p. 383). Bern: Hans Huber.
8. Kirchler, E. & Hoelzl, E. (2013). Social representations and economic psychology. In A. S. de
Rosa (Ed.), Social Representations in the 'Social Arena' (pp. 223–241). London: Routledge.
[ISBN 978-0-415-59119-5]
9. Kamleitner, B., Hoelzl, E. & Kirchler, E. (2009). Cost-benefit associations and their influence
on loan experience. In A. L. McGill & S. Shavitt (Eds.), Advances in Consumer Research
Volume 36 (pp. 607–608). Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research. [ISBN 091-555263-9]
10. Kirchler, E., Hoelzl, E. & Wahl, I. (2009). Compliance to authorities: Importing ideas from tax
psychology to organizational psychology. In J. E. Michaels & L. F. Piraro (Eds.), Small
Business: Innovation, Problems and Strategy (pp.7–16). New York: Nova Science. [ISBN 9781-60692-113-5]
Erik Hoelzl
April 2015
11. Kirchler, E., Walenta, C. & Hoelzl, E. (2007). Ökonomische Entscheidungen im
Mehrpersonenhaushalt [Economic decisions in multi-person households]. In L. von Rosenstiel
& D. Frey (Eds.), Enzyklopädie der Psychologie. (Serie III: Wirtschafts-, Organisations- und
Arbeitspsychologie, Vol. 5: Marktpsychologie, pp. 179–232). Göttingen: Hogrefe.
12. Kirchler, E. & Hoelzl, E. (2006). Modelling taxpayers’ behaviour as a function of interaction
between tax authorities and taxpayers. In H. Elffers, P. Verboon & W. Huisman (Eds.),
Managing and Maintaining Compliance (pp. 1–23). The Hague, NL: Boom Legal. [ISBN
13. Kirchler, E., Hoelzl, E., Meier-Pesti, K. & Korunka, C. (2006). Wirtschaftspsychologie
[Economic Psychology]. In Fakultät für Psychologie, U. Kastner-Koller & P. Deimann (Eds.),
Psychologie als Wissenschaft (pp.179–195). Wien: WUV-Facultas.
14. Hoelzl, E. (2006). Sozialer Einfluss und Konformität [Social influence and conformity]. In H.W. Bierhoff & D. Frey (Eds.), Handbuch der Psychologie. Band: Handbuch der
Sozialpsychologie und Kommunikationspsychologie (pp. 741–747). Göttingen: Hogrefe.
15. Kirchler, E. & Hoelzl, E. (2005). Arbeitsgestaltung in Organisationen [Work design in
organizations]. In E. Kirchler (Ed.), Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie (pp. 197–316).
Stuttgart: UTB.
16. Ravenna, M., Hoelzl, E., Kirchler, E., Palmonari, A. & Costarelli, S. (2004). Le esperienze
emozionali connesse con l'interruzione della tossicodipendenza. Studio longitudinale su una
transizione psicosociale critica [Emotional experiences in drug withdrawal – a longitudinal
study on a critical psychosocial transition]. In A. Rossati (Ed.), La sfida di Proteo.
Tossicodipendenza e complessità (pp. 139–166). Torino: PAS. [ISBN 88-9017630-X]
17. Kirchler, E., Rodler, C. & Hoelzl, E. (2003). Amour et quotidienneté: Processus de prise de
décisions économiques [Love and everyday life – processes of economic decisions]. In C.
Bonardi, P. Georget, C. Roland-Lévy & N. Roussiau (Eds.), Psychologie sociale appliquée:
Économie, médias et nouvelles technologies (pp. 73–87). Paris: InPress Editions. [ISBN 284835-026-1]
18. Kirchler, E. & Hoelzl, E. (2002). Wirtschaftspsychologie [Economic psychology]. In G.
Wenninger (Ed.), Lexikon der Psychologie (vol. 4, p. 474). Heidelberg: Spektrum. [ISBN 38274-0460-6]
19. Kirchler, E., Hoelzl, E. & Rodler, C. (2002). Das Wiener Entscheidungstagebuch: Erfahrungen
und subjektive Bewertung [The Vienna Decision Diary: Experiences and subjective
evaluations]. In E.H. Witte (Ed.), Sozialpsychologie wirtschaftlicher Prozesse (pp. 14–38).
Lengerich: Pabst Science. [ISBN 3-936142-44-0]
Erik Hoelzl
April 2015
20. Ravenna, M., Hoelzl, E., Kirchler, E. & Palmonari, A. (2002). Emotional experiences in the
psychosocial transition of becoming drug free: a diary study. In S. Shohov (Ed.), Advances in
Psychology Research (vol. 14, pp. 73–96). New York: Nova Science Publishers. [ISBN 159033-393-4]
21. Hoelzl, E., Rodler, C., Meier, K. & Kirchler, E. (2001). Influence debts in daily marital
conflicts. In K.W. Kallus, N. Posthumus & P. Jiménez (Eds.), Current psychological research in
Austria (pp. 215–218). Graz: Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt. [ISBN 3-201-01748-5]
22. Kirchler, E. & Hoelzl, E. (2001). Ökonomische Psychologie [Economic psychology]. In G.
Wenninger (Ed.), Lexikon der Psychologie (vol. 3, pp. 176–179). Heidelberg: Spektrum. [ISBN
23. Meier, K., Rodler, C., Hoelzl, E. & Kirchler, E. (2001). Is my world also your world?
Congruence between self-perception and the partner's perception of jointly made experiences. In
K.W. Kallus, N. Posthumus & P. Jiménez (Eds.), Current psychological research in Austria (pp.
227–231). Graz: Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt. [ISBN 3-201-01748-5]
24. Rodler, C., Hoelzl, E., Meier, K. & Kirchler, E. (2001). How to get what you want – Tactics
used to influence the partner in everyday conflicts. In K.W. Kallus, N. Posthumus & P. Jiménez
(Eds.), Current psychological research in Austria (pp. 235–238). Graz: Akademische Druckund Verlagsanstalt. [ISBN 3-201-01748-5]
25. Kirchler, E., Hoelzl, E., Meier, K. & Rodler, C. (1998). Angewandte Psychologie [Applied
psychology]. In Institut für Psychologie der Universität Wien (Ed.), Psychologie als
Wissenschaft. Skriptum zur Eingangsphase für das Studium der Psychologie (2. Auflage) (pp.
97–106). Wien: WUV- Universitätsverlag. [ISBN 3-85114-422-8]
26. Kirchler, E., Fehr, E. & Hoelzl, E. (1996). Experimentelle Märkte: Ökonomische und
psychologische Überlegungen [Experimental markets: Economic and psychological
considerations]. In M. Jirasko, J. Glück & B. Rollett (Eds.), Perspektiven psychologischer
Forschung in Österreich (pp. 283–286). Wien: WUV-Universitätsverlag. [ISBN 3-85114-3051]
27. Hoelzl, E., Kirchler, E. & Al-Roubaie, A. (1994). Zur Bedeutung der Arbeit in Abhängigkeit
von Arbeitszufriedenheit und Berufstyp [Occupation, work satisfaction and the subjective
meaning of work]. In H. Janig (Ed.), Psychologische Forschung in Österreich (pp. 76–80).
Klagenfurt: Universitätsverlag Carinthia. [ISBN 3-85378-434-8]
28. Hoelzl, E. (1994). Methodenüberblick der Qualitativen Sozialforschung [Overview of methods
in qualitative social research]. In Arbeitsgruppe Qualitative Sozialforschung (Wien) (Ed.),
Verführung zum Qualitativen Forschen. Eine Methodenauswahl (pp. 51–60). Wien: WUVUniversitätsverlag. [ISBN3-85114-173-3]
Erik Hoelzl
April 2015
29. Hoelzl, E. (1994). Qualitatives Interview [Qualitative interviews]. In Arbeitsgruppe Qualitative
Sozialforschung (Wien) (Ed.), Verführung zum Qualitativen Forschen. Eine Methodenauswahl
(pp. 61–68). Wien: WUV-Universitätsverlag. [ISBN3-85114-173-3]
Articles in Non-refereed Journals
1. Kirchler, E., Wahl, I., Hoelzl, E., Kamleitner, B., Kastlunger, B., Korunka, C., Kubicek, B. &
Forschungsthemen an der Universität Wien [Work, Organizational and Economic Psychology:
Research topics at the University of Vienna]. Psychologie in Österreich, 27(3), 242–251.
2. Raml, R., Korunka, C., Kirchler, E. & Hoelzl, E. (2007). Arbeitsklima und Vertrauen in
Interessenvertretungen und politische Institutionen [Work climate and trust in representations and
political institutions]. WISO, 30(3), 91–111.
3. Hoelzl, E. (2007). Überlegungen zum Schenken von Münzen [Considerations on coins as
presents]. Die Münze, 18(3), 10.
4. Kirchler, E., Rodler, C. & Hoelzl, E. (1998). Strukturierung spontaner Assoziationen: Eine
Methode der Werbewirkungsforschung am Beispiel der Benetton-Werbekampagne [Structuring
spontaneous associations. A method for advertising research, exemplified by Benetton
campaigns]. Transfer–Werbeforschung & Praxis, 43(2), 38–44.
5. Kirchler, E., Hoelzl, E., Meier, K. & Rodler, C. (1997). Ekonomická Psychologie: Prehled o
subjektivní hodnote penez, psychologických aspektech rodinného rozpoctu, experimentálni
ekonomie a trhu práce, podnikání a daní [Economic psychology. Overview on the subjective
value of money, psychological aspects of private households, experimental economics, labour
markets, entrepreneurship, and taxes]. Psychologie v ekonomické praxi, 32(3–4), 147–161.
6. Kirchler, E., Fehr, E. & Hoelzl, E. (1995). Reziprozität am Arbeitsmarkt. Experimentelle Märkte
und bilaterale Lohnverhandlungen [Reciprocity in the labour market. Experimental markets and
bilateral wage negotiations]. Psychologie in Österreich, 15(3–4), 9–15.
7. Hoelzl, E., Hoffmann, P. & Beiglböck, W. (1994). Alkohol am Arbeitsplatz. Ergebnisse einer
Umfrage unter Betriebsräten und Personalvertretern [Alcohol in the workplace. Results from a
survey with union representatives]. Wiener Zeitschrift für Suchtforschung, 17(3/4), 7–12.
Book Reviews and Editorials
1. Hoelzl, E. & Kapteyn, A. (2011). Financial capability. Journal of Economic Psychology, 32(4),
543–545. doi: 10.1016/j.joep.2011.04.005
2. Hoelzl, E. & Kirchler, E. (2011). Consumer decisions as a central research topic in economic
psychology, Zeitschrift für Psychologie/Journal of Psychology, 219(4), 253–254. doi:
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3. Kirchler, E. & Hoelzl, E. (2011). Economic and psychological determinants of consumer
behavior. Zeitschrift für Psychologie/Journal of Psychology, 219(4), 195–197. doi: 10.1027/21512604/a000072
4. Kirchler, E. & Hoelzl, E. (2010). The Journal of Economic Psychology enters its fourth decade.
Journal of Economic Psychology, 31(6), 841–842. doi: 10.1016/j.joep.2010.11.001
5. Hoelzl, E. (2009). Book review of Salvatore Zappalà, Colin Gray (Eds.) (2006). Impact of eCommerce on Consumers and Small Firms. Ashgate: Aldershot, UK. Journal of Economic
Psychology, 30(2), 261–262. doi: 10.1016/j.joep.2008.11.004
6. Hoelzl, E. (2003). Book review of Karl-Erik Wärneryd (2001). Stock-Market Psychology.
Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, UK. Journal of Socio-Economics, 32(2), 229–230. doi:
7. Kirchler, E., Hoelzl, E., Meier, K. & Rodler, C. (2001). Editorial. Zeitschrift für
Sozialpsychologie, 32 (3), 129–132. [Special issue on economic psychology] doi: –
Presentations at Conferences1
1. Heise, M. & Hoelzl, E. (2014). Construal level theory as a framework for understanding
consumers’ credit behavior. 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology ICAP, Paris,
France, July 8th – 13th 2014 [Talk].
2. Brünger, C. & Hoelzl, E. (2014). Mental accounting of idle possessions and consumer wellbeing. 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology ICAP, Paris, France, July 8th – 13th 2014
3. Hoelzl, E., Susewind, M. & Walkowitz, G. (2013). Moral licensing and goal regulation.
Subjective Probability, Utility and Decision Making SPUDM 24, Barcelona, Spain, August 18th
– 22nd 2013 [Talk].
4. Stangl, T. & Hoelzl, E. (2013). Assisting consumers with consumption related affective forecasts
- The future diary technique in the context of material products. Subjective Probability, Utility
and Decision Making SPUDM 24, Barcelona, Spain, August 18th – 22nd 2013 [Poster].
Presenting author‘s name in bold
Erik Hoelzl
April 2015
5. Budescu, D. V., Por, H.-H., Balassiano, M., Barbopoulos, I., Broomell, S., Fuller, J., Gonzalez
Vallejo, C., Hadar, L., Hansla, A., Hoelzl, E., Hichy, Z., Juanchich, M., Maydeu-Olivares, A.
Nakamura, K., Őnkal, D., Sirota, M., Smithson, M., Sokolowska, J., Villejoubert, G. &
Witteman, C. (2013). The 2012 cross-national study of uncertainty and perceptions of Global
Climate Change. Subjective Probability, Utility and Decision Making SPUDM 24, Barcelona,
Spain, August 18th – 22nd 2013 [Talk].
6. Christandl, F., Hoelzl, E. & Susewind, M. (2013). Feel the moral weight on your shoulders –
how material objects are experienced as heavier or lighter through moral meaning.
SABE/IAREP/ICABEEP Conference 2013, Atlanta, USA, July 25th – 29th 2013 [Talk].
7. Susewind, M., Hoelzl, E., & Walkowitz, G. (2012). To be moral is to be seen moral: Lack of
social recognition encourages future moral striving. Economic Science Association (ESA)
European Conference 2012, Cologne, Germany, September 12th – 15th 2012 [Talk].
8. Susewind, M. & Hoelzl, E. (2012). A matter of perspective – why past moral behavior can
encourage and discourage future moral behavior. IAREP 2012 Conference, Wroclaw, Poland,
September 5th – 8th 2012 [Talk].
9. Cordaro, F. & Hoelzl, E. (2012). Digital Rights Management in games: A matter of trust and
power. IAREP 2012 Conference, Wroclaw, Poland, September 5th – 8th 2012 [Talk].
10. Stangl, T. & Hoelzl, E. (2012). Affective forecasts for material products. IAREP 2012
Conference, Wroclaw, Poland, September 5th – 8th 2012 [Talk].
11. Hoelzl, E. & Stangl, T. (2011). Affective forecasting in the consumer context. IAREP Workshop
"Expectations and Forecasting in Consumer Behavior", Cologne, Germany, September 26th – 28th
2011. [Talk]
12. Hoelzl, E., Pollai, M., Hahn, L. & Hahn, A. (2011). Affective forecasts and consumer decisions:
Exploring moderating effects of product type and belief in adaptation. Subjective Probability,
Utility and Decision Making SPUDM 23, Kingston upon Thames, UK, August 21st – 25th 2011.
13. Cordaro, F. & Hoelzl, E. (2011). The value of nostalgic products. Subjective Probability, Utility
and Decision Making SPUDM 23, Kingston upon Thames, UK, August 21st – 25th 2011. [Talk]
14. Stangl, T. & Hoelzl, E. (2011). Overview of drivers of affective forecasting in the consumer
context. Subjective Probability, Utility and Decision Making SPUDM 23, Kingston upon Thames,
UK, August 21st – 25th 2011. [Poster]
15. Susewind, M. & Hoelzl, E. (2011). How sustainable consumption in public spoils the sense of
morality. Subjective Probability, Utility and Decision Making SPUDM 23, Kingston upon
Thames, UK, August 21st – 25th 2011. [Poster]
Erik Hoelzl
April 2015
16. Cordaro, F. & Hoelzl, E. (2011). The value of nostalgic products. IAREP/SABE/ICABEEP 2011
Conference, Exeter, UK, July 13th – 15th 2011. [Talk]
17. Susewind, M. & Hoelzl, E. (2011). When moral consumption makes people lazy about good
deeds: Moral self completion through consumption. IAREP/SABE/ICABEEP 2011 Conference,
Exeter, UK, July 13th – 15th 2011. [Talk]
18. Stangl, T. & Hoelzl, E. (2011). A conceptual framework for affective misforecasting in the
consumer context. IAREP/SABE/ICABEEP 2011 Conference, Exeter, UK, July 13th – 15th 2011.
19. Susewind, M. & Hoelzl, E. (2010). Moral contamination through consumption – Emotional and
behavioral consequences of consuming the right and the wrong. IAREP/SABE/ICABEEP 2010
Conference, Cologne, Germany, September 5th – 8th 2010. [Talk]
20. Pollai, M., Hoelzl, E., Hahn, L. & Hahn, A. (2010). Influence of anticipated emotions on consumer
decisions. IAREP/SABE/ICABEEP 2010 Conference, Cologne, Germany, September 5th – 8th
2010. [Talk]
21. Hahn, L., Hoelzl, E. & Pollai, M. (2010). The effect of payment type on consumption-related
emotions. IAREP/SABE/ICABEEP 2010 Conference, Cologne, Germany, September 5th – 8th
2010. [Talk]
22. Hoelzl, E., Hahn, L. & Masak, J. (2010). Anticipated regret in negotiations on loan rates.
IAREP/SABE/ICABEEP 2010 Conference, Cologne, Germany, September 5th – 8th 2010. [Talk]
23. Christandl, F. & Hoelzl, E. (2010). Hindsight bias for economic developments in the context of
the financial crisis. IAREP/SABE/ICABEEP 2010 Conference, Cologne, Germany, September
5th – 8th 2010. [Talk]
24. Hoelzl, E., Kirchler, E. & Kamleitner, B. (2010). Loan repayment as intertemporal sequence.
27th International Congress of Applied Psychology, ICAP, Melbourne, Australia, July 11th – 16th
2010. [Talk]
25. Susewind, M. & Hoelzl, E. (2010). Positive moral contamination and consumer behavior. 5th
European Conference on Positive Psychology, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 23rd – 26th 2010.
26. Hoelzl, E. (2009). Präferenz für Verbesserung in der Bewertung von Kreditplänen. 6th Meeting
of the "Work- and Organizational Psychology" Division of the German Society of Psychology,
Vienna, Austria, September 9th – 11th 2009. [Talk] [Preference for improvement in the assessment
of loan plans]
Erik Hoelzl
April 2015
27. Pollai, M., Hoelzl, E. & Possas, F. (2009). Change of consumption-related emotions over time:
Fit between prediction and experience. 6th Meeting of the "Work- and Organizational
Psychology" Division of the German Society of Psychology, Vienna, Austria, September 9th –
11th 2009. [Talk]
28. Hoelzl, E. (2009). Evaluations of loan repayment profiles. Subjective Probability, Utility and
Decision Making SPUDM 22, Rovereto, Italy, August 23rd – 27th 2009. [Poster]
29. Pollai, M., Hoelzl, E. & Possas, F. (2009). Prediction bias and hindsight bias of consumptionrelated emotions. Subjective Probability, Utility and Decision Making SPUDM 22, Rovereto,
Italy, August 23rd – 27th 2009. [Poster]
30. Hahn, L. & Hoelzl, E. (2009). Choice of product variety and the appraisal of non-chosen
alternatives at different points in time. Subjective Probability, Utility and Decision Making
SPUDM 22, Rovereto, Italy, August 23rd – 27th 2009. [Poster]
31. Hoelzl, E. (2009). Preference for improvement and the perception of credit repayment plans.
Workshop Economic Psychology, Nowy Sacz, Poland, March 26th – 27th 2009. [Talk]
32. Hoelzl, E. (2008). Evaluations of loan repayment plans. Colloquium Financial Capability,
Wageningen, Netherlands, December 11th – 13th 2008. [Talk]
33. Hoelzl, E. (2008). Hedonic and utilitarian evaluations of credit plans. IAREP/SABE World
Meeting 2008, Rome, Italy, September 3rd – 6th 2008. [Talk]
34. Pollai, M., Stonitsch, N. & Hoelzl, E. (2008). Fit between prediction and actual experience of
product-related emotions. IAREP/SABE World Meeting 2008, Rome, Italy, September 3rd – 6th
2008. [Talk]
35. Hahn, L. & Hoelzl, E. (2008). The role of emotional competence in affective forecasting of regret.
IAREP/SABE World Meeting 2008, Rome, Italy, September 3rd – 6th 2008. [Talk]
36. Hoelzl, E., Kamleitner, B., Humer, T. & Janosievics, L. (2008). Preference for improvement and
loan repayment rates. 15th General Meeting of the European Association of Experimental Social
Psychology (EAESP), Opatija, Croatia, June 10th – 14th 2008. [Talk]
37. Pollai, M., Hoelzl, E. & Neulinger, S. (2008). Homeowners’ emotional loan burden: Fit between
prediction, recollection and experience. 15th General Meeting of the European Association of
Experimental Social Psychology (EAESP), Opatija, Croatia, June 10th – 14th 2008. [Poster]
38. Hoelzl, E., Kamleitner, B. & Kirchler, E. (2008). Experiential consequences of cost-benefitassociations. 37th EMAC Conference (European Marketing Academy), Brighton, UK, May 27th
– 30th 2008. [Talk]
Erik Hoelzl
April 2015
39. Hoelzl, E., Kamleitner, B., Janosievics, L. & Humer, T. (2008). Kreditrückzahlungsraten und
Präferenz für Verbesserung. 8th Conference of the Austrian Psychological Society
(Österreichische Gesellschaft für Psychologie), Linz, Austria, April 24th – 26th 2008. [Talk] [Loan
repayment rates and preference for improvement]
40. Pollai, M., Hoelzl, E. & Neulinger, S. (2008). Emotionale Kreditbelastung von Hauseigentümern:
Übereinstimmung von Vorhersage, Erinnerung und tatsächlichem Erleben. 8th Conference of the
Austrian Psychological Society (Österreichische Gesellschaft für Psychologie), Linz, Austria,
April 24th – 26th 2008. [Poster] [Emotional loan burden of houseowners: Correspondence between
prediction, memory and actual experience]
41. Muehlbacher, S., Kirchler, E. & Hoelzl, E. (2008). Zur Bestrafung von Steuerhinterziehung: Ist
die Berücksichtigung des Einkommens in der Strafbemessung sinnvoll? 8th Conference of the
Austrian Psychological Society (Österreichische Gesellschaft für Psychologie), Linz, Austria,
April 24th – 26th 2008. [Talk] [On the punishment of tax evasion: Is consideration of income useful
for penalty assignment?]
42. Hoelzl, E. (2007). Prediction and experience in financial credit settings. European Social
Cognition Network ESCON Transfer of Knowledge Conference, Brno, Czech Republic,
September 5th – 9th 2007. [Talk]
43. Hoelzl, E., Kastner, H., Kampl, G. & Kirchler, E. (2007). Payment mode effects on car owners'
predicted and experienced utility. International Association for Economic Psychology (IAREP)
2007 Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9th – 12th 2007. [Talk]
44. Kirchler, E., Hoelzl, E. & Wahl, I. (2007). Enforced versus voluntary tax compliance:
the”slippery slope model”. International Association for Economic Psychology (IAREP) 2007
Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9th – 12th 2007. [Talk]
45. Muehlbacher, S., Kirchler, E. & Hoelzl, E. (2007). Punishing tax evasion: adjusting fines to
income or severity of evasion? International Association for Economic Psychology (IAREP) 2007
Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9th – 12th 2007. [Talk]
46. Hoelzl, E., Kastner, H., Kampl, G. & Kirchler, E. (2007). Effects of payment mode on prediction
and experience of car owners. Subjective Probability, Utility and Decision Making SPUDM 21,
Warsaw, Poland, August 19th – 23rd 2007. [Poster]
47. Kamleitner, B., Hoelzl, E. & Kirchler, E. (2007). The impact of cost-benefit-associations during
the post-decision period. Why thinking of the loan when driving a loan-financed car matters.
Subjective Probability, Utility and Decision Making SPUDM 21, Warsaw, Poland, August 19th –
23rd 2007. [Poster]
Erik Hoelzl
April 2015
48. Hoelzl, E., Kamleitner, B., Wischin, S., Muehlbacher, S., Wahl, I. & Kirchler, E. (2007). The
influence of payment mode on predicted versus experienced utility. Cognition and Emotion in
Economic Decision Making, Rovereto, Italy, January 26th – 27th 2007. [Talk]
49. Kirchler, E., Hoelzl, E. & Wahl, I. (2006). Importing ideas from tax psychology to organizational
psychology. International Symposium on Social Capital and Trust in Organization, Madrid, Spain,
November 29th – December 2nd 2006. [Talk]
50. Wahl, I. & Hoelzl, E. (2006). Knowability and social takeover in sequential decisions. 5th Tilburg
Symposium on Psychology and Economics: Games and Decisions, Tilburg, Netherlands,
September 29th 2006. [Talk]
51. Hoelzl, E., Wischin, S., Muehlbacher, S., Kamleitner, B. & Kirchler, E. (2006). Erwarteter und
erlebter Nutzen im Kreditprozess. 45th Conference of the German Psychological Society
(Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie), Nuremberg, Germany, September 17th – 21st 2006.
[Talk] [Predicted and experienced utility in credit use]
52. Kamleitner, B., Hoelzl, E. & Kirchler E. (2006). Coupling von Zahlung und Konsum und
Korrelate des Krediterlebens. 45th Conference of the German Psychological Society (Deutsche
Gesellschaft für Psychologie), Nuremberg, Germany, September 17th – 21st 2006. [Talk]
[Coupling of payment and consumption, and correlates of credit experience]
53. Wahl, I. & Hoelzl, E. (2006). Financial decision making and social influence. Transfer of
Knowledge Conference of the European Social Cognition Network (ESCON), Warsaw/Pultusk,
Poland, September 6th – 10th 2006. [Talk]
54. Hoelzl, E., Muehlbacher, S., Kamleitner, B., Wischin, S. & Kirchler, E. (2006). „You would never
guess how much it hurts“: The development of credit rates experience. IAREP-SABE Conference.
Paris, France, July 5th – 8th 2006. [Talk]
55. Kamleitner, B., Hoelzl, E. & Kirchler, E. (2006). Coupling patterns and credit experience.
IAREP-SABE Conference. Paris, France, July 5th – 8th 2006. [Talk]
56. Hoelzl, E. & Loewenstein, G. (2006). Soziale Vergleiche in sequentiellen Entscheidungen. 7th
Conference of the Austrian Psychological Society (Österreichische Gesellschaft für Psychologie),
Klagenfurt, Austria, April 28th – 30th 2006. [Talk] [Social comparison in sequential decisions]
57. Hoelzl, E., Muehlbacher, S., Wischin, S., Kamleitner, B. & Kirchler, E. (2006). Good things
satiate and bad things escalate: Vorhergesagte und tatsächliche Bewertungen von Produkt und
Rate bei Krediten. 7th Conference of the Austrian Psychological Society (Österreichische
Gesellschaft für Psychologie), Klagenfurt, Austria, April 28th – 30th 2006. [Talk] [Good things
satiate and bad things escalate: Predicted and actual evaluations of product and rate in credit use]
Erik Hoelzl
April 2015
58. Hofmann, E., Hoelzl, E. & Kirchler, E. (2005). Ethical investment: How do moral
considerations influence investment behaviour? 30th Annual Colloquium of the International
Association for Economic Psychology (IAREP), Prague, Czech Republic, September 21st – 24th
2005. [Talk]
59. Hoelzl, E. & Loewenstein, G. (2005). Better to risk losing it than to hand it over:
Counterfactual comparisons in sequential decisions. 30th Annual Colloquium of the
International Association for Economic Psychology (IAREP), Prague, Czech Republic,
September 21st – 24th 2005. [Talk]
60. Wahl, I. & Hoelzl, E. (2005). Knowability and social takeover in sequential decisions. 30th
Annual Colloquium of the International Association for Economic Psychology (IAREP),
Prague, Czech Republic, September 21st – 24th 2005. [Talk]
61. Hoelzl, E. & Loewenstein, G. (2005). Anticipated regret and social takeover in sequential
investment decisions. Economic Science Association (ESA) – European Regional Meeting 2005,
Alessandria, Italy, September 15th – 18th 2005. [Talk]
62. Hofmann, E., Hoelzl, E. & Kirchler, E. (2005). Ethical investment behaviour: Comparison of
three theoretical models. 14th General Meeting of the European Association of Experimental
Social Psychology (EAESP), Würzburg, Germany, July 19th – 23rd 2005. [Talk]
63. Hoelzl, E. & Loewenstein, G. (2005). Social takeover and regret in sequential decisions. 14th
General Meeting of the European Association of Experimental Social Psychology (EAESP),
Würzburg, Germany, July 19th – 23rd 2005. [Poster]
64. El Sehity, T., Hoelzl, E. & Kirchler, E. (2004). Patterns of money illusion: On the formation of
market prices and Benford’s Law. 29th Annual Colloquium of the International Association for
Economic Psychology (IAREP)/ SABE-IAREP Conference 2004, Philadelphia, PA, USA, July
15th – 18th 2004 [Talk]
65. Hoelzl, E. & Loewenstein, G. (2004). Wearing out your shoes to prevent someone else from
stepping into them: Social takeover and anticipated regret in sequential decisions. 9th
Behavioral Decision Research in Management (BDRM) conference, Durham, NC, USA, April
15th – 18th 2004. [Talk]
66. Hoelzl, E. & Kirchler, E. (2003) Attitudes towards the euro and hindsight bias. 28th Annual
Colloquium of the International Association for Economic Psychology (IAREP), Christchurch,
New Zealand, September 1st – 4th 2003. [Talk]
Erik Hoelzl
April 2015
67. Hoelzl, E., Kirchler, E. & Schuldner, K. (2002). Research areas and sources of economic
psychology: Contents and bibliographic analysis of the Journal of Economic Psychology 19812001. 27th Annual Colloquium of the International Association for Economic Psychology
(IAREP)/ SABE 2002 Conference on Behavioural Economics, Turku, Finland, June 30th – July
4th 2002. [Poster]
68. Hoelzl, E. & Rustichini, A. (2002). The better-than-average-effect in a choice situation with
financial incentives. 13th General Meeting of the European Association of Experimental Social
Psychology (EAESP), San Sebastian, Spain, June 26th – 29th 2002. [Poster]
69. Hoelzl, E. & Kirchler, E. (2002). Hindsight Bias bei ökonomischen Erwartungen. 5th
Conference of the Austrian Psychological Society (Österreichische Gesellschaft für
Psychologie, ÖGP), Vienna, Austria, March 1st – 2nd 2002. [Talk] [Hindsight Bias in economic
70. Hoelzl, E. & Rustichini, A. (2001). Better-than-average-effects in a decision setting. 26th
Annual Colloquium of the International Association for Economic Psychology (IAREP), Bath,
UK, September 3rd – 9th 2001. [Poster]
71. Irrschik, V., Hoelzl, E. & Kirchler, E. (2000). Hindsight Bias in economic expectations. 25th
Annual Colloquium of International Association for Economic Psychology (IAREP) –
IAREP/SABE 2000 Conference, Baden bei Wien, Austria, July 12th – 16th 2000. [Poster]
72. Hoelzl, E., Rodler, C., Meier, K. & Kirchler, E. (1999). Einflußschulden als Determinanten von
Einflußverteilungen zwischen Partnern in alltäglichen Konflikten. 4th conference of the Austrian
Psychological Society (Österreichische Gesellschaft für Psychologie, ÖGP), Graz, Austria,
December 3rd – 4th 1999. [Talk] [Influence debts as determinants of influence distributions
between partners in everyday conflicts]
73. Rodler, C., Hoelzl, E., Meier, K. & Kirchler, E. (1999). Wie krieg‘ ich, was ich will?
Beeinflussungstaktiken und deren Konsequenzen in alltäglichen Beziehungskonflikten. 4th
conference of the Austrian Psychological Society (Österreichische Gesellschaft für Psychologie,
ÖGP), Graz, Austria, December 3rd – 4th 1999. [Talk] [Influence tactics and their consequences
in everyday conflicts]
74. Meier, K., Rodler, C., Hoelzl, E. & Kirchler, E. (1999). Ist meine Welt auch Deine?
Übereinstimmung zwischen Selbst- und Fremdwahrnehmung von Interaktionsprozessen im
Alltag. 4th conference of the Austrian Psychological Society (Österreichische Gesellschaft für
Psychologie, ÖGP), Graz, Austria, December 3rd – 4th 1999. [Talk] [Correspondence between
self- and other-perception of interaction processes in everyday life]
Erik Hoelzl
April 2015
75. Kirchler, E. & Hoelzl, E. (1999). Forty couples' everyday experiences in decision-making.
Analysis of one-year diary keeping. 12th General Meeting of European Association of
Experimental Social Psychology (EAESP), Oxford, UK, July 6th – 11th 1999. [Talk]
76. Hoelzl, E. & Kirchler, E. (1999). Influence debts as a determinant of influence in everyday
conflicts between partners. 24th Annual Colloquium of International Association for Economic
Psychology (IAREP), Belgirate, Italy, June 30th – July 3rd 1999. [Talk]
77. Kirchler, E., Hoelzl, E. & Rodler, C. (1998). Daily experiences of 40 couples during one year.
The Vienna diary study. 24th International Congress on Applied Psychology, San Francisco, CA,
USA, August 9th – 14th 1998. [Talk]
78. Hoelzl, E. & Kirchler, E. (1998). Sequential influence balances. 10th International Conference
on Socio-Economics, Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) and Society for
the Advancement of Behavioral Economics (SABE), Vienna, Austria, July 13th – 16th 1998.
79. Hoelzl, E., Rodler, C. & Kirchler, E. (1998). The "Couple Experiences Diary": A semistructured
method to assess everyday conversation topics. Workshop "Qualitative research in economic
psychology", International Association for Economic Psychology (IAREP), Exeter, UK, May 1st
– 2nd 1998. [Talk]
80. Hoelzl, E., Rodler, C. & Kirchler, E. (1997). Determinanten des Gerechtigkeitserlebens in
alltäglichen Konflikten zwischen Partnern. 3rd conference of the Austrian Psychological Society
(Österreichische Gesellschaft für Psychologie, ÖGP), Salzburg, Austria, December 5th – 7th
1997. [Poster] [Determinants of fairness experience in everyday conflicts between partners]
81. Hoelzl, E. (1997). Influence and fairness in everyday conflicts between partners. 22nd
International Colloquium of International Association for Economic Psychology (IAREP),
Valencia, Spain, September 15th – 18th 1997. [Talk]
82. Hoelzl, E. & Kirchler, E. (1996). Soziale Repräsentationen von Zeit bei Jugendlichen in Italien.
Symposium "Die Bedeutung der Zeit für die Alltags-/Lebenswelt", Universität für Bodenkultur,
Vienna, Austria, November 23rd 1996. [Talk] [Italian adolescents' social representations of time]
83. Hoelzl, E. (1996). Social representations of time: Past, present, and future. 21st Annual
Colloquium of International Association for Economic Psychology (IAREP), Paris, France,
September 11th – 15th 1996. [Paper in Doctoral Colloquium]
84. Hoelzl, E. & Kirchler, E. (1996). Italian adolescents’ representations of past, present, and
future. 11th General Meeting of European Association of Experimental Social Psychology
(EAESP), Gmunden, Austria, July 13th – 17th 1996. [Talk]
Erik Hoelzl
April 2015
85. Kirchler, E., Fehr, E. & Hoelzl, E. (1995). Fairness am Arbeitsmarkt – Gewinnmaximierung
versus Vertrauen. 2nd conference of the Austrian Psychological Society (Österreichische
Gesellschaft für Psychologie, ÖGP), Wien, Austria, May 5th – 7th 1995. [Talk] [Fairness in the
labor market – profit maximisation versus trust]
86. Hoelzl, E., Al-Roubaie, A. & Kirchler, E. (1994). Zur Bedeutung der Arbeit in Abhängigkeit von
Arbeitszufriedenheit und Berufstyp. 1st conference of the Austrian Psychological Society
(Österreichische Gesellschaft für Psychologie, ÖGP), St. Georgen a. L., Austria, April 14th –
16th 1994. [Poster] [The meaning of work in connection with work satisfaction and occupation]
Invited Talks
1. Hoelzl, E. (2014). Credit Use. Divisional Keynote Lecture, 28th International Congress of Applied
Psychology ICAP, Paris, France, July 8th – 13th 2014.
2. Hoelzl, E. (2014). Consumer Decisions about Credit Use. Workshop Psychoeconomics, Cologne,
Germany, July 24th – 25th 2014.
3. Hoelzl, E. (2012). Boundary conditions of Moral Licensing When do good deeds breed even more
good deeds? Institute of Economics, University of Ulm, Germany, November 22nd 2012.
4. Hoelzl, E. (2010). Affektvorhersagen und Konsum. Department of Sociology, University of
Cologne, Germany, May 12th 2010. [Affective forecasting and consumption]
5. Hoelzl, E. (2008). Money management. University of Bologna, Cesena, Italy, April 14th 2008.
6. Hoelzl, E. (2006). Social comparison and risk-seeking in economic decisions. Tinbergen Institute,
University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, May 19th 2006.
7. Hoelzl, E. (2005). Soziale Vergleiche und ökonomische Entscheidungen. Workshop "Economics
meets Psychology", Frankfurt, Germany, December 5th – 6th 2005. [Social comparison and
economic decisions]
8. Hoelzl, E. (2005). Soziale Vergleiche und Risikobereitschaft in ökonomischen Entscheidungen.
University of Cologne, Germany, December 13th 2005. [Social comparison and risk proneness
in economic decisions]
9. Hoelzl, E. (2005). Hindsight bias and economic expectations. Hindsight Workshop, University
of Leipzig, Germany, July 8th – 10th 2005.
10. Hoelzl, E. (2004). It could have been me: Anticipated regret and social takeover in sequential
decisions. Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, February 26th 2004.
11. Hoelzl, E. (1999). Analysis of diary data. Workshop, University of Bologna, Italy, April 8th – 9th
Erik Hoelzl
April 2015