BIBLIOGRAPHY Ambulatory Assessment


BIBLIOGRAPHY Ambulatory Assessment
BIBLIOGRAPHY Ambulatory Assessment
Jochen Fahrenberg
This bibliography contains 1.891 references from psychology and psychophysiology on ambulatory
monitoring and assessment that pertain to methodology and research, and related issues. The bibliography
was compiled from the following sources.
(1) the references provided by the contributors to the edited volume "Progress in ambulatory assessment.
Computer-assisted psychological and psychophysiological methods in monitoring and field studies"
(Fahrenberg & Myrtek, 2001);
(2) the references contained in the following books: Fahrenberg, Leonhart & Foerster (2002), Fahrenberg &
Myrtek (2001b, 2005), Myrtek (2004);
(3) the references contained in the review "Assessment in daily life. A review of computer-assisted
methodologies and applications in psychology and psychophysiology, years 2000 – 2005" (see this
Citation: Available at
[71 pages, 1.891 references, January, 2006]
Author Affiliation: Institut für Psychologie, Universität Freiburg, Germany.
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