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special - ALU
Special: ALUMINIUM 2008 – Fair preview SMS Meer – A broad product range for the aluminium industry Hermann Gutmann Werke – On the way to joining the extrusion plant elite SMS Meer Giesel Verlag GmbH · Postfach 120158 · D-30907 Isernhagen · www.alu-web.de – PVST H 13410 – Dt. Post AG – Entgelt bezahlt OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER Brökelmann bleibt auf Wachstumskurs Volume 84 · July / August 2008 International Journal for Industry, Research and Application 7/8 Billets ready for shipment. Continuous Homogenizing Plant. Continuous Homogenizing Plant Continuous Homogenizing Plant. Visit us at ALUMINIUM 2008 September 23 to 25 Hall 3, Booth No. 3A40 Essen, Germany Leading technology in the aluminum casthouse. There are many benefits in one-stop shopping – even for industrial goods. Reliable, cooperative planning, specifications, which meet exactly your demands and individual service-packages to operate on first-class level throughout the whole lifetime of the plant – this can be realized by one of the most experienced suppliers: Hertwich Engineering. Major benefits Hertwich Engineering is dedicated to leading technology in the aluminum casthouse. We add value by designing integrated turnkey solutions. From melting and remelting to testing and packing. The results are convincing: highest quality of products at lowest cost-of-ownership. This has been proven by numerous plants all over the world. Continuous Homogenizing Plant Reliable, maximum homogenizing quality, uniform for all billets Lowest labour costs, full automation Best log straightness, no deep surface marks Extremly reliable operation, little down-time, low repair costs Lowest energy consumption, low power ratings Flexibility of plant layout More than 80 plants in operation MEETING your EXPECTATIONS HERTWICH ENGINEERING GMBH Weinbergerstrasse 6 5280 Braunau, Austria Phone: +43 (0) 7722 806-0 Fax: +43 (0) 7722 806-122 E-mail: info@hertwich.com Internet: www.hertwich.com EDITORIAL Volker Karow Chefredakteur Editor in Chief ALUMINIUM 2008 wirft ihr Licht voraus ALUMINIUM 2008 sheds its light ahead ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 Nur noch wenige Wochen, bis die ALUMINIUM 2008 ihre Pforten öffnet – und schon jetzt zeichnet sich ab, dass die Messe erneut ein voller Erfolg sein wird. Messeveranstalter Reed Exhibitions erwartet rund 850 Aussteller dieses Jahr, das wären rund ein Viertel Firmen mehr als 2006, die sich dem internationalen Fachpublikum präsentieren. Auch die Besucherzahlen werden noch einmal kräftig zulegen: Mehr als 17.000 Fachbesucher aus allen Teilen der Welt werden nach Essen anreisen. Die ALUMINIUM 2008 hat sich damit zum globalen Event und zur wichtigsten internationalen Fachmesse der Branche entwickelt. Aluminiumunternehmen aus allen Produktions- und Wertschöpfungsstufen und ihre Technologiepartner werden sich und ihr Leistungsprogramm präsentieren. Die Spannbreite reicht von den großen Weltkonzernen bis zu mittleren und kleinen Aluminiumverarbeitern, die, wenngleich nicht derart umsatzträchtig, so doch in ihrem Produktsegment „state-ofthe-art“ sind. Die ALUMINIUM 2008 findet in einem insgesamt wirtschaftlich gesunden Branchenumfeld statt. Davon zeugen auch die Zahlen und Ausblicke, die der GDA Gesamtverband der Aluminiumindustrie jüngst für 2008 für die deutsche Branche präsentierte. Die Auftragseingänge sind demzufolge zwar leicht rückgängig, aber nach wie vor auf sehr hohem Niveau. Die Kapazitäten sind gut ausgelastet, die Ablieferungen in den ersten fünf Monaten haben sogar noch einmal leicht zugenommen. Ein ähnlich positives Bild ergibt sich aus einer Umfrage, die der wgm bei den Mitgliedern des Halbzeughandels durchgeführt hat. Noch einmal kurz zurück zur bevorstehenden Messe: Auch der Giesel Verlag wird sich mit seinen Metalltiteln (angefangen bei der Zeitschrift, die der Leser in seinen Händen hält, über die offiziellen Messezeitungen Aluminium Praxis und APT News bis hin zu den Publikationen APT Aluminium, Metall, Automotive Materials und Formwerk) auf der ALUMINIUM 2008 präsentieren – so viel Eigenwerbung sei gestattet. Only a few weeks before ALUMINIUM 2008 opens its doors, there are already signs that the fair will again be a complete success. Fair organiser Reed Exhibitions expects approximately 850 exhibitors this year, around a quarter more companies than in 2006, which will be presenting themselves to the international technical public. Visitor numbers will also be much larger: over 17,000 technical visitors from every part of the world will be travelling to Essen. So ALUMINIUM 2008 has developed to become a truly global event and the most important international trade fair for the branch. Aluminium companies involved in every production and value-addition step, and their technology partners, will be presenting themselves and their range of products and services. The scope extends from major world concerns to medium-sized and small aluminium processors which, although they may not have such large turnovers, still represent the state of the art in their product segment. ALUMINIUM 2008 is taking place in a generally economically healthy branch environment. This is also evidenced by the figures and perspectives issued by the GDA (Association of the aluminium producing and processing industry in Germany) recently presented for 2008. According to these, although there has been a slight downturn in order intakes, they still remain at a very high level. Capacities are being well used, and in the first five months deliveries were even slightly up. A similarly positive picture is given by a survey carried out by the wgm among its members in the semis trade. Returning briefly to the forthcoming fair, Giesel Verlag publishing house will also be presenting its metals industry titles at ALUMINIUM 2008: the journal you, the reader, now have in front of you, as well as the official trade show newspapers Aluminium Praxis and APT News, and the publications APT Aluminium, Metall, Automotive Materials and Formwerk – that much self-advertisement is surely allowed. 3 I N H A LT EDITORIAL ALUMINIUM 2008 wirft ihr Licht voraus .................................... 3 A KT U E L L E S Personen, Unternehmen, Märkte ............................................ 6 WIRTSCHAFT Englischsprachige Artikel: s. nebenstehendes Verzeichnis Aluminiumpreise .............................................................. Produktionsdaten der deutschen Aluminiumindustrie .................. Konjunkturumfrage: Halbzeughandel bleibt zuversichtlich ............ Halbzeugkonjunktur weiterhin auf hohem Niveau ...................... Brökelmann bleibt auf Wachstumskurs ................................... Schweizer Aluminiummarkt wächst weiter ............................... 10 12 14 16 19 22 SPECIAL: ALUMINIUM 2008 – MESSEVORSCHAU Englischsprachige Artikel: s. nebenstehendes Verzeichnis ALUMINIUM 2008 auf Rekordkurs ......................................... Alu Menziken mit neuer Strangpresse ..................................... Micro-Epsilon – Planheitsmessung im Walzwerk ........................ Drache Umwelttechnik – Filtrationslösungen für Gießereien .......... Vilmill optimiert das Fräsen ................................................. Elster – Komplettes Spektrum für die Beheizungsindustrie ............ Ruwac – Entzündlichen Aluminiumstaub zuverlässig absaugen ....... Bruker Quantron – Highend-Emissionsspektrometrie ................... Riftec – Erprobter Anbieter von Reibschweißverfahren ................. EKW – Neuartige Feuerfestkeramiken entwickelt ....................... Openair-Plasmatechnologie setzt neue Maßstäbe bei der Vorbehandlung von Aluminiumbauteilen .................................. Intralogistiksysteme für die Aluminiumindustrie ......................... 30 34 36 38 42 44 44 45 46 46 48 49 T E CH N O LO G I E Englischsprachige Artikel: s. nebenstehendes Verzeichnis HPI – Horizontal-Stranggussanlage zur Herstellung von Walzbarren und Plattenvormaterial ........................................ 55 Hermann Gutmann Werke – Auf dem Weg in die Spitzengruppe der Strangpresswerke ........................................................ 56 Salzschlackeaufbereitung: Agor mit BDI-Umweltpreis ausgezeichnet . 74 M A R KT U N D A N W E N D U N G E N 30 Englischsprachige Artikel: s. nebenstehendes Verzeichnis Frankfurter Opernturm: Fassade aus Aluminium, Glas und Naturstein . ATAG wird in Indien aktiv ................................................... Alufoil Trophy 2009 in den Startlöchern .................................. Robotergestütztes Luftpfeifenstechen in Sandgussform ................ 72 72 73 75 I N T E R N AT I O N A L E B R A N C H E N N E W S ................... 77 V E R A N S TA LT U N G E N Englischsprachige Artikel: s. nebenstehendes Verzeichnis ALUMINIUM China 2008 – Nachlese ............................................ 93 Besucher und Aussteller mit euroLITE höchst zufrieden ................... 93 Termine, Fortbildung ......................................................... 93 D O K U M E N TAT I O N 45 Der ALUMINIUM-Branchentreff des Giesel Verlags: www.alu-web.de 4 Patente ......................................................................... 96 Literaturservice ................................................................ 99 Neue Bücher / Firmenschriften ............................................ 102 Impressum .................................................................... 121 Vorschau....................................................................... 122 B E Z U G S Q U E L L E N V E R Z E I C H N I S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 CONTENTS EDITORIAL ALUMINIUM 2008 sheds its light ahead . . . . . ............................... 3 NEWS IN BRIEF People, companies, markets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................... 7 ECONOMICS Semis business in Germany still at a high level .......................... Brökelmann Aluminium remains on course for growth ................ Aluminium traders expect output costs to rise until 2013 .............. China to remain a net importer of primary aluminium ................. Bauxite and alumina activities in 2007, Part II ........................... EU Commission opens in-depth investigation into BHP Billiton’s proposed acquisition of Rio Tinto . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................. 18 20 23 23 24 50 28 S P E C I A L : A L U M I N I U M 2 0 0 8 – FA I R P R E V I E W ALUMINIUM 2008 heading for new records ............................. Alu Menziken installs new extrusion press . . ............................. Micro-Epsilon – Flatness measurement in rolling mills ................. Compes – Study on welding bands . . . . . . . . . . ............................. Drache Umwelttechnik – Filtration solutions for the casting industry . SpectroMaxx – Best selling stationary metal analyzer .................. Almeq – Electric preheating for cathode blocks ........................ Riftec – Award-winning supplier of friction stir welding............... Openair plasma technology sets new standards for the pretreatment of aluminium components . . . . ............................. 30 34 36 36 38 38 39 46 48 T E CH N O LO GY SMS Meer – A broad product range for the aluminium industry .... Interview with Joachim Schönbeck, President of SMS Meer GmbH .. HPI – Production of horizontal continuous casted slabs ............... Hermann Gutmann Werke – On the way to joining the extrusion plant elite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................. Ambitious rolling and cutting technology for aluminium strips ....... Combined approach to bright finish products ........................... Efficient, economical and ecological melting of swarf and scrap .... Treatment of aluminium salt slag: Agor wins environment award .. 50 53 55 56 62 67 69 74 This issue contains an enclosure from DGM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde e. V. to which we draw your kind attention. M A R K E T S A N D A P P L I C AT I O N ATAG to operate on the Indian market . . . . . ............................. 72 Lift off for Alufoil Trophy 2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................. 73 Robot-aided piercing of vent holes in sand moulds .................... 75 Inserenten dieser Ausgabe C O M PA N Y N E W S W O R L D W I D E List of advertisers Aluminium smelting industry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................. Bauxite and alumina activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................. Recycling and secondary smelting . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................. Aluminium semis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................. On the move. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................. Suppliers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................. Seco/Warwick – Installation of a travelling homogenizing furnace .. 77 80 82 82 83 84 86 RESEARCH B4C-Al and B4C-TiB2-Al composites reactively bonded with AlMgB14 formed in situ .............................................................. 87 5 th International Brazing Congress again meeting place for the industry ............................................................................... 92 EVENTS Dates . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................. 93 D O C U M E N TAT I O N Literature service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................. 99 Imprint . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................ 121 Preview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................ 122 ABB Switzerland Ltd., Schweiz 11 ABB Automation Products AB, Schweden 45 AE Light Metal Casting GmbH & Co. KG 49 Alcutec Engineering GmbH 43 Böhler Edelstahl GmbH & Co. KG, Österreich 9 Coiltec Maschinenvertriebs GmbH 7 Drache Umwelttechnik GmbH 21 Eisenmann AG 124 Eloxalwerk Weil der Stadt Automotive GmbH 33 Glama Maschinenbau GmbH 47 Haarmann Holding GmbH 17 Hertwich Engineering GmbH, Österreich 2 High Performance Industrie-Technik GmbH, Österreich 29 Hydro Aluminium Deutschland GmbH 63 Inotherm Industrieofen- und Wärmetechnik GmbH 19 LOI Thermprocess GmbH 35 Micro-Epsilon Messtechnik GmbH & Co. KG 31 Bruno Presezzi Spa, Italien 39 SMS Demag AG 40/41 Seco/Warwick S.A., Polen 25 Turla Srl, Italien 13 S O U R C E O F S U P P LY L I S T I N G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 5 AKTUELLES Bundesverdienstkreuz 1. Klasse für Kurt Ehrke Kurt Ehrke, Vorstandsmitglied der Trimet Aluminium AG, Essen, ist mit dem Verdienstkreuz 1. Klasse des Verdienstordens der Bundesrepublik Deutschland ausgezeichnet worden. NRW-Wirtschaftsministerin Christa Thoben überreichte die Auszeichnung am 6. Juni 2008 im Düsseldorfer Wirtschaftsministerium (s. Foto). Bei Trimet ist Ehrke für Forschung und Entwicklung, Qualitätsmanagement, Produktion, Planung und Projekte zuständig. Außerdem vertritt er das Unternehmen in den Fachverbänden und im politischen Raum. Nach mehreren beruflichen Stationen in anderen Aluminiumunternehmen seit 1967 übernahm Ehrke 1994 als Generalbevollmächtigter die Leitung der Aluminium Essen GmbH, die aus der zur Schließung freigegebenen LMG Leichtmetallgesellschaft mbH der Alusuisse hervorgegangen und von Trimet erworben worden war. Ehrke stellte die gekündigten Mitarbeiter wieder ein und setzte sich für umfangreiche Investitionen ein. Die Hütte, die jahrelang ausschließlich Verluste geschrieben hatte, entwi- ckelte sich so zu einem erfolgreichen Unternehmen. Mit der Wiederinbetriebnahme der dritten Elektrolysehalle ab 1998 konnten weitere Mitarbeiter und Auszubildende eingestellt werden. Der offene Dialog zwischen Geschäftsführung, Belegschaft und Betriebsrat war Ehrke stets wichtig. 1999, Trimet 2001 und 2005, erhielt die Aluminium Essen GmbH bzw. Trimet für ihr soziales Engagement und ihre vorbildliche Beschäftigungspolitik das Arbeitsplatzsiegel „Arbeit Plus“ der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland. Ehrke trug wesentlich dazu bei, dass Trimet 2001 die von der Insolvenz bedrohten ehemaligen Metallwerke Harzgerode und Sömmerda erwarb. Er erarbeitete mit den Verantwortlichen vor Ort ein neues tragfähiges Konzept, mit dem die über 500 vorhandenen Arbeitsplätze erhalten werden konnten. Auch die Übernahme und die Wiederinbetriebnahme der stillgelegten Hamburger Aluminiumhütte hat er maßgeblich beeinflusst. Im Beirat des Essener Unternehmensverbandes e. V. übernahm Ehrke 2000 die Themenbereiche Energiepolitik, Beschäftigung und Ausbildung. Seitdem setzt er sich für den Wirtschaftsstandort Essen, für die Schaffung von Ausbildungsplätzen und für die Beschäftigung von Arbeitslosen, vor allem aus der Problemgruppe der Langzeitarbeitslosen, ein. Ehrke ist außerdem seit vielen Jahren im kirchlichen Bereich engagiert. 2001 wurde er in den Ausschuss „Kirchlicher Dienst in der Arbeitswelt“ des Stadtkirchenverbands Essen und 2002 in den Ingenieurrat des Bistums Essen berufen. Ihm gehören Personen an, die sich in fachlicher, sozialpolitischer, menschlicher und religiöser Weise besonders ausgezeichnet haben. N Kostenexplosion gefährdet die Aluminiumrecycling-Industrie Der Verband der Aluminiumrecycling-Industrie (VAR) schlägt Alarm: Eine Kostenexplosion bisher nicht bekannten Ausmaßes belaste die Branche und hier vor allem die Hersteller von Aluminiumguss- und -knetlegierungen. Von den Preiserhöhungen sind Legierungselemente wie Schmelzkosten gleichermaßen betroffen. So sind die Preise für Siliziummetall innerhalb von 12 Monaten um 60 Prozent, für Magnesium sogar um 132 Prozent gestiegen. Der Ölpreis hat sich in diesem Zeitraum praktisch verdoppelt, bei Gas und Strom werden spätestens im Herbst weitere Preissteigerungen erwartet. Außerdem werden wichtige Hilfsstoffe wie Schmelzsalze und deren Verwertung von der Preisexplo- 6 sion erfasst. Bei der Herstellung von recyceltem Aluminium liegen die Kostensteigerungen laut VAR mittlerweile bei 40 bis 50 Prozent, Tendenz weiter steigend. Wie Erich Oetinger, Vorsitzender des VAR, mitteilte, werde es für die deutsche Aluminiumrecycling-Industrie „langsam eng“, wenn es nicht gelänge, diese Preiserhöhungen in angemessener Form an die Kunden weiterzugeben. Knapp 80 Prozent der Aluminiumgusslegierungen in Deutschland (2007: 795.525 t) werden in der Automobilindustrie zur Herstellung von Zylinderköpfen, Motorblöcken, Getriebegehäusen und weiteren Anwendungen eingesetzt. Eine weitere Verschärfung der Kostensituation zeichnet sich mit höheren Transportkosten aufgrund gestiegener Preise für Dieselkraftstoff ab. Auch die Neustrukturierung der LKW-Maut wird kritisch beobachtet. Geradezu Existenz bedrohend ist nach Ansicht von Oetinger die Absicht der EU-Kommission, die im internationalen Wettbewerb stehende Aluminiumrecycling-Industrie dem Emissionshandel zu unterwerfen. Dieses Vorhaben erscheint auch aus ökologischer Sicht widersinnig, da die Herstellung von recyceltem Aluminium nur einen Bruchteil der Energie benötigt, die zur Produktion von Primärmetall erforderlich ist. Entsprechend vorteilhaft ist die Bilanz bei den CO2-Emissionen. Die Branche mit weiteren politischen Kosten zu belasten, würde die umweltpolitischen Ziele der Europäischen Union konterkarieren. N ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 NEWS IN BRIEF U. S. aluminium’s three ‘Cs’ sinking The three ‘Cs’ of the U. S. aluminium industry – cars, cans and construction – are facing a difficult second half and will experience only a measured recovery in 2009. Collectively, transportation, beverage cans and construction account for more than half of all the aluminium shipped in the United States, and conditions for all three are rather poor. In the automotive sector, which accounts for about 20% of all aluminium, shipped production is down about 10% year to date through May. U. S. vehicle sales fell 8.8% year to date, following a 2% decline in 2007. Car sales are expected to fall nearly 10% in 2008 followed by a small rebound in 2009. The one saving grace is that the car industry has slowly increased its use of aluminium over the past two decades. More aluminium is put into the average car. That trend continues. In 2007, the average car had 150 kg per vehicle, and that has been increasing at a 3 to 4% rate per year. That rate may pick up with manufacturers’ desire to lightweight. Shipments to the auto industry are down about 8% (in 2008) to 2.09m tonnes. For 2009 shipments are expected to be up about 6%. The news is not much better for the heavy truck industry. It was deeply depressed in 2007 with production down around 35%. Shipments of aluminium in heavy trucks were down 35% in 2007, and are expected to be down another 4.8% this year to 324,000 tonnes. The one bright spot in the transportation sector was aerospace, where shipments are forecast to grow about 10% in 2008 to 329,000 tonnes. Originally aluminium shipments (to all of the transportation sectors) were thought to be down 3% in 2008, but now it is looking like they will be down about 8%. Next year the market should rebound around 8 or 9%. Aluminum shipments this year will be around 3.22m tonnes to this market and next year that should climb to 3.49m tonnes. There is mixed news in the beverage can sector. Consumption of beer is up about 1%, while consumption of soda is down about 1%. But aluminium is slowly losing market share to glass bottles for beer and to plastic bottles for water and sports drinks. The can market will be up just over 3% in 2008, largely because the U. S. is able to export more cans in 2008 because of the lower dollar. 99.8 billion cans are expected to be made in the United States this year, which equates to about 2.09m tonnes of can sheet. For the construction sector the data are largely negative, including bloated inventories, few buyers and declining prices. Single-family home starts are down 37% to date and down nearly 60% from 2005. Meanwhile, non-residential construction spending is expected to slow 1.4% in 2008 and slip 1% in 2009, and many commercial projects will be vulnerable to delay and cancellations given escalating raw material prices, particularly for steel. Aluminium shipments to construction are forecast to be down 11.6% to 1.13m tonnes in 2008 and down 10% to 998,000 tonnes in 2009. N European Foundry Association New Secretary General elected Dust and its implementation. Furthermore, he serves as Secretary of CAEF Commission 2 (Environment). In his function as DGV counsel he was constantly involved in CAEF legal affairs, such as the General Terms of Contracting for European Foundries and antidumping proceedings. N CAEF who resigned after twelve years in this function. Mr Schumacher, a lawyer, has been working with the German Foundry Association DGV since 1993. Since 2000, he has been head of the Legal Department of the DGV. Mr Schumacher is responsible for the negotiations about the European Social Dialogue Agreement on Silica Max Schumacher Max Schumacher (45) has been elected new Secretary General of the CAEF – the European Foundry Association. He succeeds Klaus Urbat ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 7 AKTUELLES BMU-Fördergelder für Aufbereitung von Gießereisand Ohm & Häner Das Unternehmen, das seit 45 Jahren spezielle Gussteile für den Maschinen-, Anlagen- und Automobilbau herstellt, will im Rahmen eines Modellwechsel an einer Formanlage Gießerei-Neubaus ein innovatives Verfahren zur Trennung von Sandgemischen einführen, die bei der Produktion anfallen. Dabei werden die verschiedenen Sandqualitäten optisch-elektronisch anhand ihrer Farben identifiziert und pneumatisch getrennt. So kann die Altsandmenge von 8.400 Tonnen, die bislang teuer deponiert werden musste, jährlich um rund 75 Prozent auf 2.200 Tonnen reduziert werden. Ein innovativer Vakuum-Sandmischer wird den gereinigten Sand so aufbereiten, dass er problemlos in den Produktionskreislauf zurückgeführt werden kann. Dabei wird der Verbrauch von Bindemitteln und Wasser erheblich reduziert. Zudem können Lkw-Transporte im Umfang von rund 100.000 km entfallen. Im Rahmen der Gesamtinvestition am Standort Drolshagen sollen rund 150 neue Arbeitsplätze geschaffen werden. Das BMU-Umweltinnovationsprogramms fördert Demonstrationsvorhaben in großtechnischem Maßstab, die erstmalig aufzeigen, in welcher Weise fortschrittliche Verfahren zur Vermeidung oder Verminderung von Umweltbelastungen verwirklicht werden können. Das Programm will zur Fortentwicklung des umweltrecht- lichen Regelwerkes und des Standes der Technik beitragen, indem es solche Maßnahmen unterstützt, die eine hohe Demonstrationswirkung aufweisen. Vorrang bei der Förderung haben kleine und mittlere Unternehmen. N Trimet Das Bundesumweltministerium stellt insgesamt gut 475.000 Euro aus seinem Umweltinnovationsprogramm für ein Projekt der Ohm & Häner Metallwerk GmbH & Co. KG im nordrhein-westfälischen Drolshagen zur Verfügung. Ziel des Vorhabens ist die Einführung eines neuartigen, umweltfreundlichen Verfahrens zur Sandaufbereitung in einer Aluminiumgießerei. Thomas Reuther, 50, ist zum Bereichsvorstand der Trimet Aluminium AG für den Bereich Automotive berufen worden. Er löste damit zum 1. Juli Matthias Rosenbaum ab, der das Unternehmen auf eigenen Wunsch verlassen hat. Reuther leitet bereits seit 2001 den Bereich Recycling des Unternehmens sowie den Altmetallhandel. Giesel Verlag „K-Zeitung“ zum Fachmedium des Jahres gekürt Die Giesel Verlag GmbH erhält für ihr Fachmedium „K-Zeitung“ den Preis „Fachmedium des Jahres – Preis der Deutschen Fachpresse 2008“ in der Kategorie Industrie und Technik. Der Award wurde am „Abend der Kommunikation“ im Rahmen des Kongresses der Deutschen Fachpresse in Wiesbadener Kurhaus am 27. Mai 2008 übergeben. „Wir freuen uns sehr über die Auszeichnung und danken allen für das uns entgegengebrachte Vertrauen. Dieser Award in Verbindung mit dem einzigen Platz als größtes Medium der Kunststoffbranche unter den Top 100 im Horizont-Ranking zeigt, dass sich die K- 8 Zeitung in der Branche etabliert hat und hohe Wertschätzung genießt“, resümiert Georg Dörner, Geschäftsführer des Giesel Verlages. Der Award wurde Geschäftsführer Dietrich Taubert gewidmet, der die KZeitung über 35 Jahre mit aufgebaut hat und dessen Nachfolge Georg Dörner zum 1. September 2007 angetreten hat. Die Chefredaktion liegt seit 1995 in den Händen von Joachim Rönisch, Anzeigenleiter ist Gero Trinkhaus, die Vertriebsleitung hat Jutta Illhardt inne. Die „K-Zeitung“ berichtet mit einem Team von 12 Redakteuren über Trends und Entwicklungen in der Kunststoffund Kautschukbranche. Sie ist mit über drei Millionen Euro Anzeigenumsatz und dem höchsten Marktanteil das führende Magazin der Branche und erscheint 14tägig mit einer Auflage von 16.000 Exemplaren. Im kommenden Jahr feiert sie ihr 40-jähriges Bestehen. Der Giesel Verlag, Sitz Isernhagen, verlegt technische Fachzeitschriften in den Bereichen Kunststoff, Aluminium/ Metall und Baustoffe, und gehört zu der Klett-Gruppe. Der Verlag wurde 1965 gegründet und 1975 um den Kunststoff Verlag Giesel erweitert. ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 NEWS IN BRIEF Record amperage at Årdal President and CEO Eivind Reiten sent the signal to the rectifier to increase amperage in new cells in the pilot plant at the Årdal Research Centre in June. The amperage was raised immediately to 420 kA, the highest amperage recorded at a Norwegian smelter. Reiten was launching Hydro’s pioneering research project involving a new technology for aluminium production: HAL4e. The new cell technology is energy efficient, giving considerably lower climate gas emissions, and it is also cost efficient. It has been developed by Hydro’s scientists in Årdal, with the support of the company’s research centres in Porsgrunn, Norway, and Neuss in Germany. This next-generation production technology will be the company’s ace in the struggle for technological supremacy in the aluminium industry. It is very cost-efficient and, because the cells can be placed closely together, it saves in building space and logistics. The research project involves six trial cells that are now all in operation and producing metal. While the normal amperage in an aluminium reduction plant is around 300 kA, the amperage in HAL4e is all of 420 kA. Hydro’s ambition is to exceed even this, and attain 450 kA in a few years’ time. The high amperage is one of the most important reasons for the costefficiency of the HAL4e technology. The research project will continue over several years and, if the results justify it, then in 2011 the research scientists will commission a trial potroom containing 50 new cells. If all goes well then, it will be possible to base the first smelter Hydro builds after 2014 on the new generation technology. N Fred McDonogh re-elected EAFA President EAFA Sustainability takes centre stage EAFA President Fred McDonogh Fred McDonogh, Hydro Aluminium’s head of business unit foil, has been re-elected President of the European Aluminium Foil Association (EAFA) ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 for a second term. At the association’s annual conference McDonogh stated: “We have designed a proactive strategy to address many of today’s challenges including light-weighting, carbon footprint and resource efficiency all of which play an important role in ensuring the sustainability of our products.” McDonogh, who was also re-elected chairman of the Roller Group, added: “The pressure on the packaging sector to examine its environmental footprint has never been higher. That is why, among the many initiatives undertaken in 2007, several life cycle assessments (LCA) of food products packed in alufoil and flexible packaging were completed.” The Study ‘LCA of Packed Food Products: the function of flexible packaging’ (an executive summary was published in ALUMINIUM 4/2008, p. 58-61) was conducted by ESU-services. It takes into account • processing, packaging, and transportation to final production and packaging; • transport to retailers and households; • consumption in the home. While continuous improvement of processes and products is state of the art in the foil and flexible packaging industry, the case studies in fact prove that these types of packaging are highly resource efficient. McDonogh said: “The balance is really impressive if you manage to protect and save food with relatively low investment in resources for packaging compared to those needed to produce and distribute the food.” N 9 WIRTSCHAFT 10 ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 To power your operation while lowering consumption we provide you with stable highly efficient electrical energy supply, distribution and conditioning. To increase employee productivity and engineering efficiency, we offer you powerful control systems. To improve dynamic performance and reduce power losses, we provide high-tech drive systems. To increase furnace productivity and save energy, utilize our most effective electromagnetic stirrers. To ensure environmental compliance, reduce product standard deviation and increase production, apply our expert and optimization solutions. Maximize the return on project investment through our vast knowledge, know-how and extensive experience. Using quality ABB products helps you achieve industry leading productivity. Visit us at www.abb.com/aluminium WIRTSCHAFT Produktionsdaten der deutschen Aluminiumindustrie Primäraluminium Sekundäraluminium Walzprodukte > 0,2 mm Press- & Ziehprodukte** Produktion (in 1.000 t) +/in % * Produktion (in 1.000 t) +/in % * Produktion (in 1.000 t) +/in % * Produktion (in 1.000 t) +/in % * Apr 41,8 -1,4 69,5 11,1 158,1 6,0 47,3 10,5 Mai 46,4 7,0 72,7 6,9 166,5 -2,5 50,8 2,2 Jun 46,5 7,8 74,5 13,4 164,8 0,7 51,7 8,1 Jul 48,7 8,1 73,1 14,2 167,1 1,5 53,3 9,8 Aug 49,0 8,5 65,6 10,1 164,6 -1,1 51,5 7,2 Sep 47,0 9,8 71,1 7,2 156,7 -2,3 50,2 -1,8 Okt 50,2 13,8 76,0 17,1 170,7 0,4 55,4 6,0 Nov 49,7 18,5 75,0 2,6 155,8 -4,9 53,7 3,1 Dez 52,2 21,9 57,2 -7,1 119,1 -4,1 30,9 -10,6 Jan 08 52,8 28,9 71,1 -2,6 154,3 4,4 51,4 0,6 Feb 49,4 33,0 69,2 -3,8 159,2 2,9 53,1 6,4 Mrz 52,6 26,9 64,2 -17,0 166,2 -6,1 48,4 -11,5 Apr 50,6 21,1 73,1 5,2 159,3 0,8 55,2 16,9 * gegenüber dem Vorjahresmonat, ** Stangen, Profile, Rohre; Mitteilung des Gesamtverbandes der Aluminiumindustrie (GDA), Düsseldorf Primäraluminium Walzprodukte > 0,2 mm 12 Sekundäraluminium Press- und Ziehprodukte ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 t Join us a2008 M IU ALUM 2008) ptember e S 5 -2 3 (2 ermany Essen, G # 3I60 th o Hall 3, Bo WIRTSCHAFT Konjunkturumfrage Halbzeughandel bleibt zuversichtlich Der Halbzeughandel in seiner Mittlerfunktion zwischen Produzenten und Verarbeitern ist nahe am Markt und spürt die sich anbahnenden Veränderungen als erster. Aus dieser Sicht ist das Ergebnis einer aktuellen Umfrage des Branchenverbandes wgm bei seinen Mitgliedern von Interesse. Nachstehend sind die wichtigsten Ergebnisse zusammengefasst. Seit mehreren Jahren befragt der wgm seine Mitglieder über die Wirtschaftssituation im Unternehmen und fasst die Einzeldaten zu einem Gesamtbild zusammen. Die im Rahmen der Umfrage gewonnen Informationen geben Aufschluss über die wirtschaftliche Lage des NE-Metallhalbzeughandels sowie der Verarbeiter. Sie sind ein Baustein für konjunkturelle Analysen. Geschäftslage: Mittelfristig überwiegt Optimismus in den kommenden drei Monaten. Nur noch 5 Prozent prognostizieren eine Verschlechterung. Der Saldo aus positiven und negativen Erwartungen betrug zu Beginn des ersten Quartals +15, zu Beginn des zweiten Quartals liegt er bei +33. Damit hat der Optimismus im Handel mit Aluminiumhalbzeug insgesamt an Auftrieb gewonnen. Lagerhaltung: Unternehmen planen Abbau der Bestände Die aktuelle Lagerhaltung des Handels mit Aluminiumhalbzeug wird als ausgeglichen beurteilt (62%). Als hoch beurteilten nur noch 33 Prozent der Unternehmen die Bestände, als überhöht kein Unternehmen mehr. Im ersten Quartal waren dies noch 44 Prozent bzw. 8 Prozent. Neu ist auch, dass 5 Prozent der Unternehmen ihren Lagerbestand als gering einstuften (Abb. 4). Der Lagerhaltungsindex befindet sich gegenwärtig mit einem Wert von 152,9 auf einem historisch hohen Niveau. Der Anstieg des Index hat sich allerdings abgeflacht. Das bedeutet, dass immer mehr Unternehmen ihre Lagerbestände reduziert haben. In den zurückliegenden Jahren bestand zwischen der Entwicklung der Lagerhaltung und den Geschäftserwartungen ein Zusammenhang: Wurden die Geschäftserwartungen pessimistisch beurteilt, wurden die Bestände als zu hoch eingestuft und reduziert. Dieser Zusammenhang besteht gegenwärtig nicht mehr. Obwohl die Mehrheit Grafiken: wgm Die Geschäftslage des Metallhandels mit Aluminiumhalbzeugen hat sich nach Einschätzung der Unternehmen, im Vergleich zum ersten Quartal, nicht grundlegend verändert: 9,5 Prozent der befragten Unternehmen beurteilten die Konjunktur schwungvoller als noch vor drei Monaten, ebenfalls 9,5 Prozent sehen eine Abkühlung der wirtschaftlichen Dynamik. Beim Großteil der Unternehmen (81%) hat sich die wirtschaftliche Lage zu Beginn des zweiten Quartals im Vergleich zum Vorquartal hingegen nicht verändert (Abb. 1). Der Index zur Geschäftslage zeigt zugleich, dass die Konjunktur im Handel mit Aluminiumhalbzeug weder an Schwung gewonnen noch verloren hat. Dieses Ergebnis steht im Widerspruch zu der Entwicklung verschiedener wichtiger Indizes der Zulieferindustrien des Halbzeughandels. So stiegen der Produktionsindex der gewerblichen Wirtschaft und die ifo Geschäftslage im Durchschnitt des ersten Quartals an. Die Entwicklung der Indizes deutet auf eine steigende konjunkturelle Grunddynamik der deutschen Wirtschaft insgesamt hin. Auch andere Indizes lassen darauf schließen, dass die deutsche Wirtschaft mit viel Schwung in das Jahr 2008 gestartet ist. Zwar hat die Unsicherheit an den Finanzmärkten einige Umfragedaten deutlich eingetrübt. Im langfristigen Vergleich zeigt sich jedoch, dass die positiven Impulse im ersten Quartal 2008 nach wie vor kräftig waren und die Dynamik im Vergleich zum vierten Quartal 2007 gestiegen ist. So haben sich die Auftragsbestände im Schlussquartal des vergangenen Jahres erneut vergrößert. Die insgesamt positive Grundtendenz der Konjunktur zeigt sich schließlich weiterhin auf dem Arbeitsmarkt. Die Zuversicht für einen dynamischeren Konjunkturverlauf im Verlauf des zweiten Quartals 2008 ist jedoch deutlich gestiegen (Abb. 2 und 3). 38 Prozent der Unternehmen erwarten eine positivere Geschäftsentwicklung Abb. 1: Geschäftslage Aluminiumhalbzeug, Angaben in % 14 Abb. 2: Geschäftserwartungen Aluminiumhalbzeug, Angaben in % ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 WIRTSCHAFT Quartal und damit weiter von seinem langjährigen Durchschnittswert von 84,8 Punkten entfernt. Am Verlauf des Index ist erkennbar, dass sich die Neigung, Bestände abzubauen, seit dem 1. Halbjahr 2007 beschleunigt hat. Vom zweiten Halbjahr 2005 bis zum zweiten Halbjahr 2006 waren die Unternehmen hingegen bemüht, Lager zu füllen. Seit dem zweiten Halbjahr 2006 hat der Abbau von Lagerbeständen Vorrang. Eine Erklärung könnten auch hier das hohe Niveau der Metallnotierungen, die Sorge vor einem starken Preisrückgang und die verbesserte Versorgungslage mit Halbzeugen sein. Abb. 3: Index der Geschäftserwartungen Aluminiumhalbzeug ihre Geschäftserwartungen positiv beurteilt, werden die Bestände als zu hoch eingestuft. Verantwortlich für diese Einschätzung könnte das hohe Niveau der NE-Metallpreise und kürzere Lieferzeiten der Halbzeugwerke sein. Im dritten Quartal wird die Mehrzahl der Unternehmen weiter Lagerbestände abbauen (38%). Gut die Hälfte der Händler wird das aktuelle Bestandsniveau halten. Nur 10 Pro- zent wird das dritte Quartal dazu nutzen, Vorräte aufzubauen. Im Vergleich zum zweiten Halbjahr 2007 hat der Lagerdruck weiter abgenommen. Damals waren es noch 59% der Unternehmen, die Bestände abbauen wollten (Abb. 5). Der Trend des Lagerindex ist seit mehreren Jahren rückläufig. Der Wert des Index liegt gegenwärtig bei 72,7 Punkten, nach 74,8 Punkten im ersten Steigende Einkaufs- und stagnierende Verkaufspreise Die Einkaufspreise des Halbzeughandels werden in den kommenden Monaten auf ihrem gegenwärtigen Niveau bleiben (43%) oder sogar leicht steigen (38%), so dass Ergebnis der Umfrage. Nur 19 Prozent der Unternehmen rechnen mit sinkenden © Abb. 4: Lagerhaltung Aluminiumhalbzeug, Angaben in % Abb. 5: Trend Lagerhaltung Aluminiumhalbzeug, Angaben in % Abb. 6: Trend Einkaufspreise für Aluminiumhalbzeug, Angaben in % Abb. 7: Trend Verkaufspreise für Aluminiumhalbzeug, Angaben in % ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 15 WIRTSCHAFT Einkaufspreisen für Aluminiumhalbzeug. Anfang des ersten Quartals 2008 erwarteten noch 64 Prozent der Unternehmen sinkende Preise (Abb. 6). Der Trend Einkaufspreisindex gibt darüber Auskunft, ob die Mehrheit der Unternehmen in den kommenden drei Monaten mit steigenden oder fallenden Einkaufspreisen für Aluminiumhalbzeug rechnet. Dieser Index steigt seit dem zweiten Halbjahr 2003 an. Im ersten Halbjahr 2007 lag er auf einem historisch hohen Wert von 180,4 Punkten. Danach schlugen die Erwartungen um und der Index fiel. Gegenwärtig steigt der Index wieder an, da die Mehrzahl der Unternehmen mit steigenden Einkaufspreisen für Aluminiumhalbzeuge kalkuliert. Die Erwartung sinkender Verkaufspreise für Aluminiumhalbzeug ist nicht mehr dominant (Abb. 7). Rechnete zu Beginn des ersten Quartals noch eine überwiegende Zahl der Händler mit tendenziell sinkenden Verkaufspreisen, so besteht aktuell ein Gleichgewicht zwischen der Erwartung sinkender und steigender Verkaufspreise. Zu Beginn des ersten Quartals 2008 rechneten noch 57 Pro- zent der Unternehmen mit sinkenden Preisen. Heute sind dies nur noch 24 Prozent. Der Großteil der befragten Unternehmen erwartet, dass sich die Verkaufspreise auf ihrem gegenwärtigen Niveau verfestigen. Die Einschätzung, stark steigende Einkaufspreise in gleichem Maße auf die Verkaufspreise übertragen zu können, bleibt begrenzt. Auch aktuell rechnet die Mehrzahl der Unternehmen eher damit, dass die Einkaufspreise für Halbzeuge steigen, die Verkaufspreise dagegen stagnieren werden. P. Johne Halbzeugkonjunktur weiterhin auf hohem Niveau Die ersten fünf Monate 2008 brachten für die deutschen Aluminiumhalbzeugunternehmen verglichen mit dem entsprechenden Vorjahreszeitraum insgesamt zwar eine leichte Abschwächung der Auftragseingänge. Diese Abschwächung wird jedoch als Basiseffekt bewertet. Die ersten Monate 2007 waren außergewöhnlich stark und es wurden Aufträge weit über den vorhandenen Kapazitäten gebucht. Die nun zu beobachtenden leichten Rückgänge der Auftragseingänge finden auf einem weiterhin sehr hohen Nachfrageniveau statt. „Die Überhitzungsphase aus dem Vorjahr hat zunächst ein Ende gefunden. Die Kapazitäten sind insgesamt jedoch gut ausgelastet. Das zeigen die Ablieferungen, die noch leicht zuge- 16 nommen haben“, so Wellner. In den 34 Aluminiumhalbzeugunternehmen, die an 47 Standorten in Deutschland tätig sind, waren Anfang 2008 rund 16.400 Mitarbeiter beschäftigt. Die Unternehmen produzieren Walzprodukte (Bleche, Bänder, Platten), Strangpressprodukte (Profile, Stangen, Rohre), Drähte und Schmiedeteile. Walzhalbzeug auf hohem Niveau Besser als die Auftragseingänge spiegeln die Produktionsdaten die aktuelle Situation wider. Der höchste Anteil an der Halbzeugproduktion entfällt auf die Walzwerke, für die 2007 erneut ein Erfolgsjahr war. Mit 1,90 Mio. Tonnen lag die Jahresproduktion nur knapp unter dem bisherigen Rekordniveau des Jahres 2006 (1,92 Mio. t). Damit halten die deutschen Walzwerke mehr als ein Drittel an der europäischen Walzproduktion. Getragen wird die gute Nachfrage nach Walzhalbzeugen zurzeit auch durch die gute Binnenkonjunktur, die besser verläuft, als von Analysten gelegentlich behauptet. Im Jahr 2007 zeigte sich der Auftragseingang, der in den vergangenen Jahren deutlich zugenommen hatte, gemessen an dem hervorragenden Vorjahr erstmals seit langem schwächer. Er nahm im Ausland um 11,9 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahr ab. Im Inland konnte der Auftragsein- gang dagegen um 1,7 Prozent gesteigert werden. Damit gewann die binnenwirtschaftliche Entwicklung in Deutschland für die deutsche Aluminiumwalzindustrie wieder mehr an Bedeutung. Größter Abnehmer von Aluminiumwalzhalbzeugen ist der Verpackungssektor (39%) vor Transport und Verkehr (19%) und dem Handel (18%). Der verbleibende Teil des Bedarfs geht zu etwa gleichen Anteilen von 11 Prozent in den Bausektor GDA Mit 2,52 Mio. Tonnen verzeichneten die 34 deutschen Aluminiumhalbzeugwerke 2007 eine neue Rekordproduktion. „Auch für 2008 erwarten die Hersteller von Aluminiumhalbzeugen einen guten Konjunkturverlauf“, berichtete Christian Wellner, Geschäftsführer des Gesamtverbandes der Aluminiumindustrie (GDA), Düsseldorf, in einem aktuellen Pressegespräch anlässlich einer Werksbesichtigung bei F. W. Brökelmann Aluminiumwerk. Friedrich W. Brökelmann ist Präsident des GDA und zugleich Vorsitzender des Fachverbandes Aluminiumhalbzeug. GDA-Geschäftsführer Christian Wellner: „Die Halzbzeugkapazitäten sind gut ausgelastet.“ sowie in den Maschinen- und Anlagenbau. „Insgesamt verzeichnen die deutschen Aluminiumwalzhalbzeughersteller seit etwa zehn Jahren ein stetes Mengenwachstum von durchschnittlich rund fünf Prozent pro Jahr“, erläuterte Wellner. In den einzelnen Produktgruppen war die ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 Insgesamt rechnen die Hersteller von Walzhalbzeug mit einer leichten Zunahme des Bedarfs Entwicklung 2007 uneinheitlich. Bei Platten nahm die Produktion um 7,1 Prozent zu, bei Blechen gab es einen Rückgang um 7,6 Prozent. Der men- genmäßig wichtigste Bereich der Bänder gab um 0,6 Prozent leicht nach. Das Wachstum belief sich in den vergangenen zehn Jahren bei den PROFHAL ALUMINIUM PROFIL BEARBEITUNG GMBH © Kastenhuber Wergeagentur/Fotodesign · Tel. (0 9142) 204 558 Ein Unternehmen der HAARMANN-GRUPPE Dettenheimer Straße 30 D-91781 Weißenburg Tel. +49-(0)91 41-8 55 65-0 www.profhal.de ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 Blechen durchschnittlich auf drei Prozent, bei den Platten auf neun Prozent und bei den Bändern auf sechs Prozent. Innerhalb der vergangenen 15 Jahre hat sich die Produktion von Aluminiumwalzhalbzeug in Deutschland mehr als verdoppelt. Für 2008 sind die Walzhalbzeughersteller optimistisch, das hohe Niveau zu halten. Die Binnennachfrage hatte sich in den ersten Monaten auf gutem Niveau stabilisiert, die Auslandsnachfrage entwickelt sich ebenfalls fest. Die wichtigen Abnehmerbranchen wie Verpackung oder Fahrzeugbau erwarten für 2008 eine gute Branchenentwicklung. Insgesamt rechnen die Hersteller von Aluminiumwalzhalbzeug für 2008 mit einer leichten Zunahme des Bedarfs. Strangpresskonjunktur läuft weiterhin rund Auch für die Aluminiumpresswerke verlief das Jahr 2007 erneut er- © www.haarmann-gruppe.de Hydro WIRTSCHAFT PROFHAL entwickelt, fertigt und veredelt hochwertige Aluminium-Profil-SystemKomponenten für unterschiedlichste Anwendungsgebiete. INDIVIDUELLE LÖSUNGEN AUS ALUMINIUM 17 folgreich. Die gute konjunkturelle Lage hat auch bei den deutschen Strangpressern zu Rekordmengen geführt. Die Produktion von Profilen, Stangen und Rohren stieg um 5,3 Prozent auf 600.400 Tonnen (2006: 570.300 t). Getragen wurde dieser Produktionszuwachs ebenfalls von der guten Binnennachfrage sowie durch die gute Exportkonjunktur des verarbeitenden Gewerbes in Deutschland. Die Strangpresswerke waren teilweise so stark ausgelastet, dass Lieferzeiten von mehr als einem halben Jahr in Kauf genommen werden mussten. Nach Angaben des GDA stieg der Gesamtverbrauch an Strangpressprodukten in Deutschland in den vergangenen Jahren kontinuierlich an. 2002 und 2003 hatte der Verbrauch noch jeweils 543.000 Tonnen betragen; 2006 war er dann auf etwa 718.000 Tonnen und 2007 auf rund 756.000 Tonnen gewachsen. Für 2008 und 2009 erwartet der GDA eine Stabilisierung auf diesem hohen Niveau. In den ersten Monaten des laufenden Jahres zeigte sich die Binnennachfrage stabil, das Auslandsgeschäft war außerordentlich stark. Die wichtigsten Profilmärkte liegen im Bausektor (30%), im Verkehr (28%), im Maschinenbau (9%) und in der Brökelmann WIRTSCHAFT Die deutschen Pressewerke haben ihre Wettbewerbsfähigkeit in den vergangenen Jahren deutlich gesteigert Elektrotechnik (8%). Darüber hinaus liefern die Strangpresser in die verschiedensten Nischenmärkte. Die Herausforderungen wurden beeindruckend gemeistert Die vorliegenden Zahlen zeigen auf bemerkenswerte Weise, dass die deutschen Presswerke ihre Wettbewerbsfähigkeit in den vergangenen Jahren deutlich gesteigert haben. Die Situation im Strangpressmarkt hatte die Brachenunternehmen im vergangenen Jahrzehnt vor besondere Herausforderungen gestellt. Im Wettbewerb mit Anbietern, die an Standorten mit deutlich niedrigeren Kosten produzieren konnten, mussten die hiesigen Presswerke darüber nachdenken, wie sich durch gezielte Rationalisierung Kosten einsparen lassen. „Diese Aufgaben wurden von der ganz überwiegend mittelständisch strukturierten Branche mit Bravour erledigt“, betonte Wellner. In einem modernen Semis business in Germany still at a high level With 2.52 million tonnes the 34 aluminium semis plants in Germany achieved a new production record in 2007. For 2008 too, the manufacturers of aluminium semis expect the business situation to remain healthy, according to the branch association GDA. Compared with the corresponding period of the previous year, in the first five months of 2008 semis production companies in Germany saw a slight downturn of order intakes. This, however, is regarded as a consequential effect because in the first months of 2007 orders far above the existing capacities were booked. “The overheat phase from last year has now come to an end. However, capacity utilisation is good, as shown by delivery figures which are slightly up”, says Christian Wellner, Executive Director of GDA. 18 The largest proportion of semis production is accounted for by rolling plants. With 1.90 million tonnes the year’s production was only just below the previous record level of 2006 (1.92m t). Rolling plants in Germany accounted for more than a third of rolled product manufacture Europe-wide. Rolled semis manufacturers are optimistic that this high level will be maintained in 2008. In the first months domestic demand stabilised at a high level and demand from abroad also developed steadily. Overall, aluminium rolled semis producers expect a slight increase of demand in 2008. For aluminium extrusion plants too, 2007 was again a successful year. The good trade position led to record output from extruders in Germany as well. The production of sections, rods and tubes in- creased by 5.3% to 600,400 tonnes (2006: 570,300 t). Some extrusion plants were so heavily loaded that delivery times in excess of half a year had to be tolerated. For 2008 and 2009 the GDA expects business to stabilise at this high level. The above figures demonstrate strikingly that extrusion plants in Germany have substantially increased their competitiveness in recent years. The situation in the extrusion market presented companies in the branch with particular challenges during the decade gone by. In competition with suppliers who produce in countries where costs are considerably lower, extrusion plants in Germany have greatly improved their cost structure by well-directed rationalisation measures. At present 84 extrusion presses are in productive operation in Germany. ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 WIRTSCHAFT Pressbetrieb ist der vollautomatisierte Ablauf, vom Bolzenlager bis hin zum gesägten, in Körben gestapelten Profilabschnitt heute Standard. In diesem Bereich genügt eine einzige Bedienungsperson zur Überwachung der gesamten Linie. Vor kaum drei Jahrzehnten waren dazu noch bis zu zehn Personen notwendig. „Neben der innovativen Strangpresstechnik ist die hohe Kundenorientierung eine der Stärken der Branche. Die Strangpresser bieten hohe Qualität, suchen die direkte Nähe zum Kunden und verfügen über eine hohe Beratungskompetenz“, sagte Wellner. F. W. Brökelmann unterstrich diese Einschätzung und verwies darauf, dass sich die Stimmung der Branche und das Vertrauen der gesamten deutschen Industrie in den Standort Deutschland inzwischen deutlich gebessert habe. „Wir haben die Globalisierung bislang gut bewältigt“, sagte er und verwies darauf, dass der Anteil der Lohnkosten an den Gesamtkosten in den vergangenen Jahren, gerade auch aufgrund der durchgeführten Rationalisierungsinvestitionen, heute deutlich geringer sei – und zwar zwischen fünf und 15 Prozent, je nach Profil, liege – und die Branche dadurch entsprechend wettbewerbsAnzeige www.inotherm-gmbh.de fähiger geworden sei. Entsprechend würden die Strangpressunternehmen verstärkt in Deutschland statt in Schwellenländern investieren, wo das Geschäftsrisiko mit Blick auf die geforderte Produktqualität und eine ungenügend ausgebildete Belegschaft relativ hoch sei. In dem wachsenden Markt für Strangpressprodukte gibt es zahlreiche Anbieter. Nicht nur die traditionellen europäischen Anbieter, auch ost- und südosteuropäische Hersteller drängen zunehmend auf den Markt. Die wichtigsten Marktteilnehmer sind allerdings große internationale Aluminiumkonzerne, doch gibt es daneben eine Vielzahl unabhängiger, mittelständischer Strangpressunternehmen. In Deutschland selbst produzieren derzeit 84 Strangpressen. Für das laufende und auch kommende Jahr erwarten die Strangpressunternehmen wieder eine gute Mengenkonjunktur, die ihre Impulse aus Märkten wie dem Maschinen- und Anlagenbau, der Solartechnik und dem Fahrzeugbau erhält. Der Preis für Aluminium bereite keine Sorgen: Die Metallsituation bleibe zwar angespannt und der Aluminiumpreis absehbar auf hohem Niveau, doch gelte dies für potenzielle Substitutionswerkstoffe in ähnlicher Weise. Die Energiepreise spielten gemessen an den Veredelungskosten eine untergeordnete Rolle, bei Brökelmann liegen sie dem Firmenchef zufolge bei rund 15 Prozent. Alles in allem also positive Aussichten für die Branche. N Brökelmann bleibt auf Wachstumskurs Deutliches Wachstum im Automotive-Geschäft angepeilt / Investition in eine neue 22/24-MN-Strangpresse F. W. Brökelmann Aluminiumwerk produziert am Standort Ense-Höingen eine Vielzahl hochwertiger Aluminiumprofile als Halbzeuge und in bearbeiteter Form – in einer Größenordnung von rund 23.000 Jahreston- ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 nen. Das Unternehmen erwirtschaftete im Geschäftsjahr 2007/08 mit 310 Beschäftigten einen Umsatz von rund 95 Mio. Euro. Technologisch befindet sich FWB auf dem neuesten Stand. Das Halbzeugwerk in Höingen wurde in den vergangenen Jahren systematisch zu einem der leistungsfähigsten deutschen Presswerke ausgebaut. Drei SMS-Strangpressen mit Presskräften von 1.700, 2.000 und 2.700 Tonnen und eine integrierte Weiterverarbeitung bilden die Stützpfeiler des mittelständischen Aluminiumverarbeiters. Automotive entwickelt sich zum wichtigsten Markt für BrökelmannAluminiumprodukte: Dazu gehören die Herstellung von Rahmenprofilen und thermodynamischen Elementen ebenso wie Schiebedachkomponenten und Strukturbauteile. Die Zuwachsraten in diesem Geschäft sind zweistellig und es ist erklärte Unternehmensstrategie, in diesem Segment weiter zu wachsen. Zum weiteren Kundenkreis gehören neben der Bau- und Möbelindustrie mit Profilsystemen für Fenster und Türen auch der Maschinen-, © Fotos: Brökelmann Der Name Brökelmann und der Werkstoff Aluminium sind seit fast 100 Jahren eng verbunden. Die in fünfter Generation in Familienbesitz befindliche Firmengruppe aus dem sauerländischen EnseHöingen beschäftigt sich seit 1910 mit der Herstellung und Verarbeitung von Aluminium und Aluminiumprodukten. Heute zählt sie zu Deutschlands leistungsfähigsten Herstellern von Strangpressprodukten. Dazu haben umfangreiche Investitionen in der Vergangenheit beigetragen, dazu trägt auch die Investition in eine neue 22/24MN-Strangpresse bei. Friedrich W. Brökelmann, Geschäftsführer und Inhaber von Brökelmann Aluminium 19 WIRTSCHAFT Anlagen- und Gerätebau, nicht zuletzt Zukunftsbranchen wie die Medizintechnik sowie Luft- und Raumfahrt. Automotive inzwischen das dominierende Geschäft Aus der steigenden Nachfrage nach Aluminium im Automobilsektor ergeben sich für das Unternehmen gute Wachstumsmöglichkeiten, da man sich auf die Erfordernisse der Automobilbranche ausgerichtet hat und über langjährige Erfahrung in der Kooperation mit führenden Automobilherstellern verfügt. Die Weichen für das Automotive-Geschäft wurden bereits Mitte der 1990er Jahre mit der Modernisierung und Erweiterung des Maschinenparks und der technischen Anlagen gestellt. Dieses Geschäft mit technologisch anspruchsvollen Produkten ist Ausdruck einer Qualitätsstrategie, die sich bewusst von einer rein auf Menge abzielenden Geschäftspolitik abwendet, in der der Preisdruck deutlich höher ist. „Heute erzielen wir rund 50 Prozent unseres Umsatzes im Bereich Automotive – mit einem breiten Die 27-MN-Schloemann-Presse mit Elhaus-Anwärmofen und nachgelagertem I.A.S.-Induktionsofen zur Aufbringung eines variablen und präzisen Temperaturprofils auf den Pressbolzen Spektrum an hochwertigen Produkten wie Dach- und Zierleisten, Sitzführungsschienen oder Airbaggehäusen. Wir forschen ständig weiter und entwickeln neue Anwendungsmöglichkeiten und Legierungen, um die Märkte von morgen zu bedienen“, erläutert Friedrich W. Brökelmann, Geschäftsführer und Inhaber von Brökelmann Aluminium. Und ergänzt, dass man auf diese Weise auch auskömmliche Erlöse in einem üblicherweise als schwierig bezeichneten Geschäft erzielen kann. Zu den erfolgreichen Entwicklungsanstrengungen zählt u. a. die neue Legierung „Duktal“ – eine Legierung, die sich durch höchste Brökelmann Aluminium remains on course for growth F.W. Brökelmann Aluminium (FWB) manufactures high-grade aluminium sections as semis and in processed form, with an annual output of the order of about 23,000 tonnes. In the business year 2007/08 the company, which employs 310 people, made a turnover of around 95 million euros. Technologically, FWB is right up to the mark. In recent years the semis plant has been extended systematically to become one of the most efficient extrusion plants in Germany. The cornerstones of the mediumsized aluminium processor are three SMS presses with extrusion loads of 17, 20 and 27 MN and integrated further processing facilities. The automotive industry has developed into FBW’s most important market, with double-digit growth rates in that business. The company’s declared aim is to grow still more in the sector. Today, already 50 percent of turnover comes 20 from automotive business. The product range extends from roof and decorative trim strips, through seat guide-rails, to complete air-bag housings. With the new alloy ‘Duktal’ FBW has developed a material notable for maximum strength and ductility, with the outstanding crumpling properties that are essential for crash components. Duktal extrusions have strength values of Rm > 319 MPa and Rp0.2 > 280 MPa. Meanwhile, the automobile manufacturer Audi has approved the alloy. An important project is the extension of technical further processing to include stretch-bending technology, a multidimensional bending process which offers a great deal in terms of design and shaping. The first orders from the automotive sector have already come in from a noted sports car manufacturer. This is an indication of FBW’s desire to grow still more in the area of further processing. In addition, the company is investing to increase its capacity in the product sector of extruded annular tubes. The production of endless extruded aluminium tubes began in 2004. For this, directly behind the 20 MN press a plant has been set up which consists of five winding devices one after another. Since then endless extruded aluminium tubes with diameters between 14 and 32.5 mm are being produced. The existing plant was extended this year. With its new investment in a new 22/24 MN extrusion press as a replacement for the 17 MN press, which is getting a bit long in the tooth, FBW will keep its machine park to the top level. The investment, amounting to 4.5 million euros, is scheduled to begin operating at the end of 2009 or early in 2010 – just at the right time for the company’s centenary. ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 WIRTSCHAFT Korrekturarbeiten an einem Strangpresswerkzeug Festigkeit bei höchster Duktilität auszeichnet und ein hervorragendes Auffaltverhalten aufweist, das bei Crashbauteilen unverzichtbar ist. Mit Duktal erreichen die Strangpressprofile von Brökelmann Festigkeiten von Rm > 310 MPa und Rp0,2-Werte > 280 MPa. Der Automobilhersteller Audi hat diese Legierung inzwischen freigegeben. Insgesamt hat Brökelmann 18 Legierungen im Einsatz. Außerdem ist Brökelmann nach ISO TS 16949:2002 auditiert. Das ist die höchst mögliche Auditierung und zugleich Grundvoraussetzung für die Belieferung der Automobilhersteller mit Premiumprodukten. Um seine Produkte weiterzuentwickeln und optimal auf die Kundenwünsche abzustimmen, setzt Brökelmann auf den intensiven Dialog mit Kunden und Geschäftspartnern. So präsentierte sich FWB im Juni dieses Jahres als Aussteller auf der Eurolite in Salzburg, der europäischen Fachmesse für den Konstruktionsprozess und die Serienfertigung von Leichtbauteile. Dort wurden industrielle Leichtbauwerkstoffe, Konstruktions- sowie Fertigungstechnologien vorgestellt und in hochrangig besetzten Expertengremien diskutiert. Um den Anforderungen der Märkte noch besser gerecht zu werden, hat Brökelmann in die Verbesserung der betrieblichen Logistik investiert. Stranggepresste Ringrohre von Brökelmann Durch den Umbau einer Werkshalle stehen jetzt zusätzlich 1.760 qm Logistikfläche zur Verfügung. Hier werden Aluminiumhalbzeuge zur Auslieferung an die Kunden konfektioniert. Ein neues Palettenregalsystem mit 1.000 Euro-Palettenstellplätzen unterstützt seit März 2008 diese Neu- © C D C D m u i m n u i i min f or Alucm assttiinngg Drache umwelttechnik ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 21 WIRTSCHAFT ausrichtung. Zudem werden über ein rechnergestütztes Lagermanagement Anforderungen wie FiFo (First in, First out) oder Just in time besser erfüllt. Ein weiteres Projekt ist der Ausbau der technischen Weiterbearbeitung um die „Streckbiegetechnologie“, einem multidimensionalen Biegeprozess mit höchstem Anspruch an Design und Formgebung. Erstaufträge aus dem Automotive-Sektor von einem namhaften deutschen Sportwagen-Hersteller liegen bereits vor. Hier zeichnet sich ab, dass Brökelmann auch in der Bearbeitung weiter wachsen will. Die FWB-Kompetenz zeigt sich hier neben innovativen Stanzwerkzeugen auch in den modernsten Messtechniken, die zum Einsatz kommen. Die zu Brökelmann gehörende Innotec, Sitz in Dortmund, die sich der Weiterbearbeitung und vertiefenden Wertschöpfung widmet, wurde von ursprünglich vier auf heute 70 Mitarbeiter erweitert. der Produktion von endlos stranggepressten Aluminiumrohren hat Brökelmann Anfang 2004 begonnen. Dazu wurde direkt hinter der 20-MNStrangpresse eine Anlage aufgebaut, die aus fünf hintereinander aufgestellten Haspeleinrichtungen besteht. Seitdem werden endlos gepresste Aluminiumrohre mit Durchmessern zwischen 14 und 32,5 mm produziert. Die vorhandene Anlage wurde in diesem Jahr erweitert. Weitere Investition in die Zukunft Vertriebs- und Marketingleiter Michael Preuss erläutert das Auffaltverhalten an Crashelementen Zudem investiert Brökelmann in die Kapazitätserweiterung der Produktsparte „Strangepresste Ringrohre“. Mit Mit der Investition in eine neue 22/24MN-Schloemann-Strangpresse als Ersatz der in die Jahre gekommenen 17MN-Presse sorgt Brökelmann dafür, seinen Maschinenpark weiterhin auf Top-Niveau zu halten. Die Investition in Höhe von 4,5 Mio. Euro wird Ende 2009 / Anfang 2010 in Betrieb gehen – rechtzeitig zum dann stattfindenden 100-jährigen Firmenjubiläum. N Schweizer Aluminiummarkt wächst weiter Der Schweizer Aluminiummarkt wuchs im vergangenen Jahr um 5,8 Prozent gegenüber dem Rekordjahr 2006. Damit wurden rund 191.500 Tonnen Aluminium in der Schweiz eingesetzt. Das entspricht einer Pro-Kopf-Menge von 25,5 Kilogramm. Allein die drei Schweizer Press- und zwei Walzwerke produzierten 2007 212.500 Tonnen (+5,3%). Die Schweizer Leichtmetallgießer verarbeiteten 23.228 Tonnen (+11%), auch dies ein Halbzeugablieferung Schweiz 22 neuer Höchstwert; der Sandguss legte um 3,6 Prozent zu, der Kokillenguss um elf Prozent und der Druckguss um 13,5 Prozent. Die Steigerungen spiegeln die hohe Nachfrage nach Schweizer Aluminiumgussteilen in der Maschinenbau- und Elektroindustrie, im Energie- und Automobilsektor wider. Wie Markus Tavernier, Präsident des Aluminium-Verbandes der Schweiz, auf der Jahrespressekonferenz des Verbandes erläuterte, wurde zudem in größere integrale Teile und Druckgießanlagen sowie in höhere Wertschöpfung durch Bearbeitung von Teilen, Baugruppen und Montagen investiert. Als Beispiel führte er den extrem dünnwandigen und geschweißten Aluminium-Saugkrümmer in Struktural-Hochvakuumtechnik an. Stark gefragt waGrafik: alu.ch ren anodisierte Aluminiumoberflächen aus der Schweiz zur Erhöhung der Korrosions- und Verschleißbeständigkeit sowie zur Erfüllung hoher dekorativer Ansprüche. Über alle Branchen betrachtet konnten Zuwachsraten von zehn Prozent erzielt werden. Im Bauwesen begegnen alle führenden Schweizer Systemanbieter mit ausgeklügelten, neuen Entwicklungen den steigenden ökologischen Anforderungen und Vorschriften. In diesen Prozess einbezogen ist auch die Hochschule Luzern Technik & Architektur (HTA) mit dem Forschungsprojekt „Aluminiumfenster der Zukunft“. Bei Verpackungen wurde 2007 ein leichtes Plus von rund zwei Prozent erreicht. Für 2008 erwartet Tavernier ähnlich hohe Wachstumsraten wie 2007. Neben der weiter steigenden weltweiten Automobilproduktion sieht er auch im Flugzeugbau langfristig günstige Absatzchancen für den Einsatz von Aluminium – sowohl durch hochfeste, leichte Aluminiumlegierungen als auch durch den kombinierten Einsatz von Verbundwerkstoffen. N ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 ECONOMICS Aluminium traders expect output costs to rise until 2013 Record energy prices and power failures from China to South Africa are leading to mounting concerns that aluminium supplies will be curtailed within five years as production costs increase. Aluminium for delivery in 2013 rose 5% in May on the London Metal Exchange, the most in three months. The US$147 increase in the contacts to US$3,110 a metric tonne contrasts with a 0.9% gain in the cash market for immediate delivery. Deutsche Bank AG raised its aluminium forecasts end of March from this year through 2012 by between 8% and 13% after oil surpassed US$100 a barrel. Snowstorms and May’s earthquake curbed output in China, and South African power shortages delayed the start of a new smelter. Energy now accounts for about 40% of aluminium production costs, compared with 30% in 2007, according to Barclays Capital. Supply will expand at 4.5% in 2008, compared with 12% in 2007, according to a 12 May forecast by Citigroup Inc. About 560,000 tonnes of output was lost in China, according to estimates by London-based researcher CRU. The shortfall is greater than the 381,000 tonnes of surplus built up in the first quarter, according to the World Bureau of Metals Statistics. Rio Tinto Alcan, the world’s second-largest producer, delayed work on its US$2.7bn Coega smelter project in South Africa after the nation’s staterun utility failed to guarantee power for the plant. Saudi Arabian Mining Co. postponed the start of its aluminium venture with Rio Tinto Alcan until 2012 because the power plant that will supply the project won’t be ready until the end of 2011. Aluminium demand is expanding 6% annually, so delays increase concern about supply through 2010, Barclays said. Six new smelters need to be built each year to meet demand, based on the average plant being able to produce 500,000 tpy. Prices for immediate delivery rose 0.3% to US$2,884.25 in May because there’s no shortage now. Stockpiles monitored by exchanges in London, New York and Shanghai jumped 46% in a year. Even after the snowstorms and earthquake, CRU forecasts Chinese production will advance 17% this year. On average, Wall Street aluminium estimates remain below prices traded on the LME for delivery between 2009 and 2011. Cash prices will average US$2,879, US$2,875 and US$2,659 a tonne in 2009 through 2011, according to median of analyst estimates surveyed by Bloomberg. But prices for contracts to deliver in 2009 and beyond are now above US$3,000 a tonne. The price at which smelters begin to be unprofitable is in the “high US$2,000s” a tonne, said Richard Evans, CEO of Rio Tinto’s aluminium unit. In contrast LME options indicate prices are expected to rise to US$3,200 or more by December. Almost one-third of the call options, giving holders the right to buy, are for prices at US$3,500. N China to remain a net importer of primary aluminium China will continue to maintain its status as a net importer of primary aluminium throughout 2008, which will be mainly supported by growing aluminium product exports. According to the Ministry of Commerce, China imported 48,993 tonnes of primary aluminium in the first four months this year, down 9% from 2007, while it exported only 22,080 tonnes of primary aluminium during the same period, plummeting 70% yearon-year, which represents net imports of 26,913 tonnes during this period. China has been a net importer of primary aluminium since October 2007. An export tax of 15% levied on primary aluminium caused a sharp shrinkage of primary aluminium exports, and so pulled domestic aluminium prices down to levels much ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 lower than spot aluminium prices on the London Metal Exchange. Aluminium product processing trade has driven an increase in primary aluminium imports. This trade, also known as tolling, allows Chinese companies to import primary aluminium or aluminium scrap and to process them into finished products for reexport under favourable tax policies. China exported 150,000 tonnes of aluminium products in April, up 5.76% from the previous month. In the first four months, aluminium product exports saw 0.4% year-on-year growth to reach 610,000 tonnes. Most of the primary aluminium imports are manufactured into aluminium products destined for overseas markets. China’s primary aluminium aggregate consumption is well supported by the country’s huge aluminium product exports. China’s primary aluminium production reached 4.25m tonnes in the first four months, up 10.9% a year before. China’s 2008 primary aluminium production will come to 14.8m tonnes, up 16% from 2007. However, the predicted figure was around 800,000 tonnes lower than previously forecast at the beginning of this year, based on assumptions including a 500,000tonne loss caused by the snowstorms and a 60,000-tonne loss due to the earthquake. China’s demand for primary aluminium in 2008 is expected to grow in excess of 22% on last year’s 12.3 million tonnes, outpacing a forecast of 8.9% year-on-year growth for global demand, which is expected to hit 41.1 million tonnes. China would be a net primary aluminium importer of 1 million tonnes by 2012. paw 23 ECONOMICS Bauxite and alumina activities in 2007, Part II R. P. Pawlek, Sierre This overview covers the activities and developments in the bauxite and alumina industry during the year 2007. Part I was published in ALUMINIUM 6/2008 covering the regions Africa, North and South America and Middle East. ASIA Indonesia: In March 2007 PT Antam and its partners signed an agreement to form PT Indonesia Chemical Alumina (ICA) to study the feasibility of a refinery project. Antam owns 49% of the project, while Japan’s Showa Denko owns 30%, Singapore’s Straits Trading Amalgamated Resources 15% and Japan’s Marubeni the remaining 6%. The project has a targeted capacity of 300,000 tpy of chemical grade alumina, but this may change with the feasibility study, which so far has to deadline for completion. Construction was expected to begin in late 2007 and commercial production at the beginning of 2010. The plant will be built in Tayan in West Kalimantan, Indonesia. In August 2007 the Indonesian central government ordered a halt to bauxite mining in the west of Bintan Island, one of Indonesia’s two main production bases, and a major supplier to alumina refineries in China. The bauxite mining area in west Bintan normally produces around 10m tpy of bauxite in total. Output in the other parts of Bintan, where production is continuing, is estimated at 2.4m tpm. The local government had issued licences allowing seven to eight bauxite miners to mine that land, but the central government wants the land set aside for a water project. About 15 mines were affected by the government directive. The mines can now only sell bauxite from stock, but are not allowed to mine further. China imported around 30% of its bauxite requirements in 2006, but this could rise by 50% in 2007 on China’s expanding alumina refinery capacity and falling 24 domestic bauxite grades. Imports increased 4.5 times to 9.68m tonnes in 2006, with Indonesia accounting for 8.81m tonnes or 91% of the imports. In September 2007, UC Rusal signed an MoU with PT Antam Tbk to construct a 3.6m tpy bauxite and 1.2m tpy alumina complex in West Kalimantan, Indonesia. Rusal will hold a 51% stake in the joint venture, with state-owned Antam holding the remaining 49%. The project will be constructed across bauxite deposits located in West Kalimantan. Rusal formed a working group in September both to confirm bauxite reserves at the two selected deposits and to complete the documentation required to establish the joint venture. An overall budget and financial assessment should be completed in 2009, allowing construction to begin in 2009 and first alumina output in 2011. Vietnam: In October 2007 UC Rusal intended to invest in a hydroelectric power plant and an integrated bauxite-to-aluminium facility in Vietnam’s southern Binh Phuoc province. The planned aluminium smelter would have a capacity of 750,000 tpy. The proposal is still at an early stage. Once approved, the projects will create jobs for thousands of workers. The Russian company is one of several drawn to Vietnam, which has significant reserves of bauxite. In November 2007 Vietnam reported that by 2015 it will build seven aluminium hydroxide processing plants and a bauxite-aluminium processing complex, which will have a total capacity of 8.4m tpy of alumina and 650,000 tpy of aluminium hydroxide. The decision to build the plants follows a government plan to exploit and process bauxite in the Central Highlands through 2025. The plants will cost between US$11.8bn and US$15.6bn. At least US$47.5m would be spent on completing the geological survey, US$9.9-13.7bn for building the mining and processing plants, and US$1.9bn for building infrastructure. The company developing the project will be equitised, with the Vietnamese government responsible for management. A dedicated port that can load vessels with 50,000 tonnes of bauxite will be built in central Binh Thuan Province to develop the industry in the Central Highlands and Southern Central regions. Environmentally friendly technology will be used to exploit 5.5bn tonnes of bauxite in the Central Highlands provinces. In November the Vietnam National Coal and Mineral Industries Group (Vinacomin) obtained a government licence to develop a US$490m bauxite mining project in Lam Dong province in the country’s central highlands region. The company is aiming to produce about 600,000 tpy of bauxite, with a start-up date in 2010. The Tan Rai bauxite mine in Bao Lam district is estimated to have reserves of over 176m tonnes. China: In May 2007 China announced it is likely to be self-sufficient in alumina supply within the following two years, and may even see excess supply surfacing. China has seen dramatic changes since 2006. China used to rely mainly on imports of alumina, with domestic supply dominated by Chalco (Aluminium Corp of China), but now imports are down and nonChalco alumina producers share the market with Chalco almost equally. Furthermore, based on the current expansion plans of numerous producers, China’s alumina capacity may reach up to 28 to 30m tpy in the near future, with capacity in 2007 likely around 18 to 20m tpy. Seven producers in Henan province are expanding, of which several had completed in 2006. Expansion works at four major producers in Shandong province, six producers in Shanxi province and five more in various other provinces were in progress or nearing completion. In January 2007 China’s Yunnan Aluminium Co postponed building its 800,000 tpy alumina refinery in Wenshan city in southern Yunnan province as a result of low alumina prices. Yunnan Aluminium had planned to ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 ECONOMICS start work on the first 400,000 tpy phase in 2006 with completion scheduled for the end of 2007 and commissioning in 2008. However, the company decided to delay the project because of dismal alumina prices and the need to ascertain the level of bauxite reserves at a new mining project in Wenshan. Even if the company reaches its required bauxite reserves at Wenshan it may not start mining immediately. In March 2007, China’s Shandong Aluminium intended to produce 1.5m tonnes of alumina in 2007, 14% more than in 2006. Of the total amount, 420,000 tonnes consist of chemical grade alumina, an increase of 5.7% compared with the previous year. Shandong Aluminium can raise output in 2007 as it plans to fully ramp up capacity on its new alumina project in the middle of the year, which will lift the company’s alumina capacity to 630,000 tpy from a previous 320,000 tpy. In November 2007, China announced guidelines for those who wish to enter the domestic aluminium industry, according to the National Development and Reform Commission. All new development projects in the aluminium sector, including mining, alumina refining, ingot melting and recycling, as well as fabrication plants, must abide by all requirements of the various state departments (Detailed report in ALUMINIUM 1-2/2008, p 24/25). AUSTRALIA In January 2007 Alcan updated its cost estimates and start-up schedule for the Gove alumina refinery expansion and upgrade in the Northern Territory, reflecting progress in the fourth quarter of 2006, additional tie-in requirements, and weather related delays. Alcan revised its cost estimates up to US$2.3bn and moved the start-up date from the first to the second quarter of 2007. The latest increase means costs have increased by some 53% from the original estimate. The project was approved in September 2004 and was approx. 95% complete, with estimated capital spending in 2007 of US$400m. It will increase the refinery’s capacity from 2m tpy to 3.8m tpy and is expected to bring Alcan’s internal alumina production capacity into balance with current requirements, and to reduce cash costs at Gove by US$30 per tonne. Expanded production ramp up started progressively during the second quarter of 2007 and continued through the first quarter of 2008. Saleable production in 2007 was forecast between 2.3m and 2.4m tonnes, representing an increase of about 500,000 to 600,000 tonnes compared to 2006’s level of 1.8m tonnes. The expansion of the Gove alumina refinery began commissioning in June 2007. The ramp-up to full capacity will © ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 Photos: Alcoa ECONOMICS Huntley mine, Western Australia, where Alcoa runs the world’s largest bauxite mine take about one year and will be linear. By the end of 2007 Gove expected to be running at above 3m tpy. In February 2007 Chinese aluminium producer Chiping Xinfa Huayu Alumina Co exercised an option agreement with Australia’s Metallica Minerals to buy a 10% stake in bauxite miner Cape Alumina. Metallica will retain a 40% stake in Cape Alumina, which owns the Wenlock bauxite deposit in Queensland. The remaining 50% of the company is owned by Anegada Metals Corp. The Wenlock project is still in the exploration stage and is part of the company’s Cape York bauxite project. Xinfa is the single largest bauxite importer in China, accounting for 5m tonnes of the 9.7m tonnes imported by the country in 2006. In March 2007 China’s largest independent alumina-aluminium producer Chiping Xinfa Huayu Alumina paid A$4.625m (US$3.585m) to Metallica Minerals Ltd to acquire 10% in Australian bauxite company Cape Alumina. Metallica Minerals will remain the largest shareholder in Cape Alumina with a 40% stake. Offtake negotiations with Xinfa started in April, subject to delineation of sufficient resources to justify the development costs and to an agreed price formula for the off-take bauxite. A scoping study into development of the Wenlock bauxite deposit is due to be completed in April. Traditional landowner negotiations are also progressing well. During the coming dry season 26 Cape Alumina will complete further drilling on newly granted tenements. This could substantially increase confirmed resources at Wenlock, which currently stand at 54m tonnes of in situ bauxite. In May 2007 Chiping Xinfa Huayu Alumina Co expanded its reach over bauxite prospects in Australia after affiliate Cape Alumina obtained additional exploration permits in Queensland’s Cape York Peninsula. The Queensland government granted Cape Alumina three additional exploration permits for minerals, covering parts of the Weipa bauxite plateau. Xinfa recently increased its stake in Brisbane-based Cape Alumina from 10% to 17.5%. Cape Alumina is targeting 20-30m tonnes of bauxite on the three tenements and 100-130m tonnes of resources at its existing Wenlock and Catfish Creek deposits, which are expected to yield 60-80m tonnes of dry product bauxite after beneficiation. Cape Alumina expects to complete drilling at the existing tenements in October 2007 in preparation for a full feasibility study in 2008. In February 2007 the government of Western Australia granted formal environmental approval for an expansion of the Wagerup alumina refinery. The expansion at Wagerup, would comprise the construction of a third production unit, lifting capacity from around 2.6m tpy to 4.7m tpy. AWAC has not yet formally approved the expansion, not least because of the tor- tuous proceedings around the plant’s environmental performance. Feasibility studies are currently underway, with a go-ahead decision likely early in 2008, but the environmental signoff is a major hurdle cleared. In May 2007 Alcoa launched a new emission-reduction technology called Carbon Capture at its Kwinana alumina refinery in Western Australia. Carbon Capture is an innovative residue treatment process that involves mixing bauxite residue with carbon dioxide. The Kwinana carbonation plant has the potential to lock up 70,000 tpy of CO2, the equivalent of eliminating the emissions of 17,500 automobiles. Alcoa plans to deploy the technology to its nine alumina refineries worldwide. Deployment across Alcoa’s Australian operations alone could potentially save 300,000 tpy of CO2. The Carbon Capture system was developed by Alcoa’s Technology Delivery Group which is based in Australia. The group discovered that by mixing CO2 into the bauxite residue, its pH level will be reduced to levels found naturally in alkaline soils. The improved environmental properties of the residue make it suitable for use as road base, building materials and to improve soil. Alcoa plans to share the technology with the aluminium industry which is also vital to its long term sustainability. In May 2007 Hydro signed an MoU with Australian mining company United Minerals Corporation (UMC) to explore the possibility of bauxite mining and alumina refining in the Kimberly region in Western Australia. The investment cost of the project is estimated at A$4-5bn (US$3.3-4.2bn) including associated infrastructure. A final agreement would give Hydro a 75% holding in a potential bauxite and alumina project, in line with Hydro’s strategy to grow in primary aluminium production and to raise its equity coverage of the key raw material alumina. The work to determine the potential bauxite reserves and possible pursuit of additional reserves in the Kimberly region will start in July. Hydro and UMC will soon begin talks with local authorities and key community stakeholders in Australia. The success of the project will depend on ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 ECONOMICS achieving a large and reliable supply of bauxite at an acceptable grade, as well as a correspondingly large and reliable supply of natural gas at viable price. The joint venture is subject to completion of satisfactory due diligence and formal documentation. Once bauxite and energy requirements are generally satisfied, Hydro will contribute 100% of feasibility expenditure with respect to the alumina refinery through to the conclusion of a bankable feasibility study. UMC is a listed Australian mining company with substantial bauxite tenements in the Kimberly region, with activities mainly in diamonds, iron ore and bauxite. In November 2007 Hydro entered into a joint venture with UMC with the intention of recovering bauxite and producing alumina in Kimberley, Western Australia. The agreement gives Hydro a 75% share in the partnership. The first phase of the new agreement should complete current investigations by the end of 2009 within a total cost of NOK40m (US$7.4m). Hydro is paying a large share of the preliminary investigation cost. If this confirms commercially recoverable deposits Hydro will consider options for a mining company and an alumina refinery, which may then result in an investment decision. A possible bauxite and alumina project in Australia is in line with Hydro’s strategy to increase the company’s primary aluminium production and step up its production of alumina. At the beginning of July 2007 Rio Tinto approved a US$1.8bn expansion of its Yarwun alumina refinery in Gladstone in the eastern Australian state of Queensland. The project will more than double the plant’s production capacity from 1,4m tpy to 3.4m tpy of alumina. Work on the expansion will start in the third quarter of 2007 and is expected to take about three years to complete. First shipments from the expansion are expected in the second half of 2010. The refinery draws its feedstock from the Weipa bauxite deposit. In August Bechtel Corporation of San Francisco began work on Rio Tinto’s US$1.8bn expansion of its Yarwun alumina refinery in Gladstone, Queensland. Bechtel is providing engineering, procurement and construction management for the project. The project will include construction of a 160 MW gas-fired cogeneration plant that will improve energy efficiency while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In August 2007 the government of the Australian state of Queensland granted the status of ‘significant project’ to the 6.5m tpy Aurukun bauxite project being developed by Chalco. The status enables the state government to play a key role in co-ordinating the decision-making process for the project, which involves federal, state and local governments. The approvals process is expected to be complex due to the large number of local, state, and Commonwealth agencies involved. The Indigenous Land Use Agreement inked with aboriginal landowners in May has also been formally registered. Chalco is planning to build a 2.1m tpy alumina refinery as part of the US$1.8bn Aurukun project. It will also construct bauxite loading facilities, including a jetty, wharf and associated port facilities at Boyd Point north of Aurukun to accommodate 70,000 tonnes Panamax vessels. It plans to ship bauxite from the mine to a refinery at either Townsville, Bowen or Gladstone on the east coast of Queensland. EUROPE France: In October 2007 Rio Tinto Alcan inaugurated new facilities Bauxite mining and reafforestation in Western Australia ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 27 ECONOMICS for making specialty alumina at its 700,000 tpy alumina refinery in Gardanne, France. Specialty alumina accounts for 80% of the facility’s sales, with smelter grade alumina generating the remainder. The Gardanne plant employs approx. 500 people. The new facilities, which include both grinding and packaging workshops as well as twelve storage silos, will enable Rio Tinto Alcan to meet growing specialty alumina demand for a variety of applications. The new facilities represent just part of the US$29m invested at Gardanne over he past two years. The company has also invested US$7.2m in 2007 in a new process that filters and dewaters bauxite residue and converts it to Bauxaline, a trademark product that can be used for road embankments and sub-grades. Germany: In November 2007 Dubai International Capital (DIC), which is the private equity arm of Dubai Holding, acquired the German specialty alumina producer Almatis. Almatis, which is headquartered in Frankfurt, and has eight manufacturing sites in Germany, the Netherlands, the USA, Japan, China and India. It has plans to increase capacity by 20% to around 750,000 tpy by 2010 and is targeting an aggressive expansion into developing markets such as the Gulf region, India and Brazil. DIC is acquiring Almatis from funds controlled by Rhone Capital and Teachers’ Private Capital, the investment arm of the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan. Romania: In December 2006, Romanian aluminium producer Alro announced it will invest US$50m over the next two years in upgrading the alumina refinery at its subsidiary Alum. The investment serves to modernize the main production facilities at Alum, to cut the consumption of materials and energy, to upgrade the thermal power plant and to align the plant to European environment protection standards. The work required a complete shutdown of the plant in 2007. The upgrade will lift capacity at the refinery from 500,000 tpy to 600,000 tpy. Beyond that, Alro aims to increase capacity to 1m tpy by 2010. In October, Netherlands-based aluminium producer Vimetco announced plans to acquire bauxite mines within the next three or four years as part of its wider plans to achieve full vertical integration. Vimetco is currently looking at opportunities in India and Guinea. The company expects to restart its Tulcea (Alum) alumina refinery in Romania by the end of 2008. Production was suspended in 2007 to upgrade and modernize the plant. Russia: On 27 March 2007 Rusal, Sual and Glencore completed their deal to combine their assets and create UC Rusal. The concern combines four bauxite mines, ten alumina refineries, fourteen aluminium smelters and three foil millswith over 100,000 employees in seventeen countries worldwide. The new company has pro forma sales of approx. US$12bn. The group’s production capacity totals approximately 4m tpy of aluminium and 11m tpy of alumina. The company owns extensive, high quality bauxite reserves, and has access to a significant energy base. In May 2007 UC Rusal announced completion of a state feasibility study appraisal for the construction of the Komi Aluminium bauxite and alumina complex in the Komi Republic. Investments will exceed US$1.5bn. The project includes constructing a 1.4m tpy alumina refinery and as well as expanding capacity at the Middle-Timan bauxite mine from 2.6m tpy to 6.4m tpy. The feasibility study was developed by the Russian National Aluminium and Magnesium Institute (VAMI), which is part of UC Rusal. Construction started in June 2007. The refinery will use state-ofthe art Bayer technology. The refinery’s infrastructure is being built at the production site in the Sosnogorsk region. Rusal’s Engineering and Construction Division is carrying out all construction. The proven reserves of the Eurasia Middle-Timan bauxite deposit amount to 260m tonnes. The complex will create more than 10,000 new jobs, and when it starts production at the end of 2009 it will secure more than a 40% increase in Russia’s alumina output. Investment in the infrastructure development in the Komi Republic will reach US$25m. In October UC Rusal announced its aims to lift annual aluminium production capacity to 6m tpy and alumina production to17m tpy by 2013. Ukraine: In September 2007 UC Rusal announced it invested US$158m in the upgrade and expansion of production facilities at the Nikolayev alumina plant in Ukraine: Since Rusal bought the company it has invested more than US$180m. According to investment liabilities, the company should increase alumina output to 1.6m tpy in 2009. N EU Commission opens in-depth investigation into BHP Billiton‘s proposed acquisition of Rio Tinto The European Commission has opened a detailed investigation under the EU Merger Regulation into the proposed acquisition of Rio Tinto by BHP Billiton. Both companies are British-Australian dual-listed companies that mine and market a range of commodities such 28 as iron ore, coal, uranium, aluminium, mineral sands, copper and diamonds, as well as various other base metals and industrial minerals. The Commission’s initial market investigation has indicated that the proposed takeover raises serious doubts as to its compatibility with the Single Market. Concerns arise in particular as re- gards the markets for iron ore, coal, uranium and aluminium and mineral sands, because the proposed takeover could result in higher prices and reduced choice for these companies’ customers. The Commission now has 90 working days, until 11 November 2008, to take a final decision on whether the concentration would ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 significantly impede effective competition within the European Economic Area or a substantial part of it. Competition Commissioner Neelie Kroes said: “The commodities produced by BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto are basic inputs for major industrial sectors and are therefore crucial for Europe’s competitiveness. The recent surge in commodity prices has had a serious impact on the industries buying these commodities, their customers, and ultimately all the consumers in Europe and elsewhere in the world. In this very sensitive, context any change making the situation worse could be extremely harmful. Therefore the Commission will pay particular attention to ensure that this takeover does not adversely affect competition in Europe.” The main commodities at stake are iron ore, coal, uranium, aluminium and mineral sands. Iron ore and metallurgical coal are the main inputs used in the production of steel, and the levels of market concentration following this merger would be very high. BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto have substantial interests in a number of iron ore mines and coal operations, mainly in Australia. The Commission’s preliminary investigation found that after the takeover the new entity would in itself hold a significant share in the supply of iron ore and together with its next competitor would control a very large part of iron ore supplies. As regards metallurgical coal, the proposed transaction would reinforce the leading position of BHP Billiton, with smaller competitors far behind. By increasing the new entity’s market power in iron ore and metallurgical coal, there is a serious risk that the planned takeover could have a negative impact on the outcome of price negotiations with steel customers. Furthermore there is a serious risk that the merged entity might have the incentive to reduce the scale of its investment projects or slow down such investment, and so reduce supplies available on the market and increase prices. Uranium is purchased by power companies for the production of electricity in nuclear plants. Concerns were raised during the Commission’s preliminary investigation that the proposed merger, by combining two significant suppliers of uranium, would reduce the choice of alternative suppliers. Concerns were also raised in relation to aluminium, which is used in many applications such as packaging and aeronautics, and in relation to mineral sands, which contain titanium oxide which is used in paint. Rio Tinto and BHP increase prices on iron ore Rio Tinto announced 1 July it had reached agreement with all of its customers in Asia for iron ore deliveries from Hamersley Iron, Robe River and Hope Downs for the contract year commencing 1 April 2008. The new settlements are in line with Hamersley Iron’s Baosteel settlement, which saw lump prices increase by 96.5% and fines prices increase by 79.88%. BHP Billiton too announced early in July it had reached an agreement with China’s Baosteel on the price for iron ore deliveries. BHP enforced lump and fine prices increase by 97 percent. N $ "# %&$' ($' '' ! ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 Fotos: Reed Exhibitions ALUMINIUM 2008 – MESSEVORSCHAU Öffnet in wenigen Wochen ihre Pforten in Essen – die ALUMINIUM 2008 Opening its doors in a few weeks time – ALUMINIUM 2008 Aussteller und Besucher aus allen Teilen der Welt erwartet ALUMINIUM 2008 auf Rekordkurs Die ALUMINIUM 2008, die vom 23. bis 25. September in Essen stattfindet, wird ihre bisherigen Bestmarken in allen Bereichen – Aussteller, Besucher, Fläche – übertreffen. Mehr als 800 Aussteller (2006: 685) haben sich bisher angemeldet. Aufgrund der hohen Nachfrage wurden in diesem Jahr die Kapazitäten auf dem Essener Messegelände deutlich erweitert. Zudem haben viele Aussteller ihre Standfläche im Vergleich zur letzten Veranstaltung vergrößert. Die ALUMINIUM 2008 präsentiert sich auf insgesamt 50.000 Quadratmetern in sieben Hallen. Auf der Weltmesse präsentieren sich die internationalen Keyplayer der Aluminiumbranche. Mehr als die Hälfte der Unternehmen kommen aus dem Ausland, die Ausstellerliste zählt in diesem Jahr 41 Nationen. Angeführt wird die Liste von Italien (66 Aussteller), gefolgt von der Türkei (42) und Großbritannien (28). Deutlich haben auch die Beteiligungen aus Indien, 30 Exhibitors and visitors expected from all over the world ALUMINIUM 2008 heading for new records ALUMINUM 2008, which takes place from 23 to 25 September in Essen, will break previous records in all fields – exhibitors, visitors, exhibition space. More than 800 exhibitors (2006: 685) have registered so far. In view of the high demand, the space available at the Essen fairground will be considerably larger this year. Besides the increase in the number of exhibitors, many of them have increased the floor size of their stands considerably compared with the previous event. ALUMINUM 2008 will occupy seven halls with a total exhibition space of 50,000 square metres. The key players of the global aluminium industry will be exhibiting at the world fair. More than half of the companies are from abroad; the list of exhibitors this year includes 41 nations, headed by Italy with 66 exhibitors, followed by Turkey (42) and the UK (28). There is a marked increase in exhibitors from India and other Asian countries as China and Malaysia, and eastern Europe (Poland and Slovenia). With the support of GDA (Association of the aluminium producing and processing industry in Germany) as patron and EAA European Aluminium Association, the fair has developed into a key event in the aluminium world’s calendar. This is borne out by the fact that exhibitors and visitors from all over the world travel to Essen. Every third trade visitor now comes from abroad and altogether people from 100 countries attend the trade fair. More than 17,000 visitors are expected in Essen in 2008. Aluminium has thus developed into a global event and the most important trade fair for the industry. ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 SPECIAL Theme pavilions offer optimal industry presence In previous years ALUMINUM has set new standards with special events and focussing on special topics. These include theme pavilions, which offer individual sectors of the industry an ideal platform to present themselves, and visitors to the fair focal points for their visits. Here, some of the exhibitors also have the support of their respective trade associations. One of the most important innovations this year is the Primary Pavilion, which is aimed specifically at suppliers of technologies and plant for primary aluminium production. Together with pavilions for surface treatment, the foundry and welding, this pavilion completes the circle of joint stands with which ALUMINIUM covers all fields of activity from the extraction of the raw materials through to the use of aluminium, including all types of processing. So far, a total of 89 suppliers to the primary industry have registered for the fair, among them Almeq Norway and ECL. The Surface Treatment Pavilion and the Foundry Pavilion were already well accepted by exhibitors at the previous fair. The two joint stands, which are supported by VOA and GDM, have been fully booked for a long time. Altogether, 230 exhibitors at the fair will be present- © Wir stellen aus: 23.09. - 25.09.08 ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen Halle 6 / Stand 6E50 anderen asiatischen Staaten (China, Malaysia) und Osteuropa (Polen und Slowenien) zugenommen. Mit Hilfe des Gesamtverbandes der Aluminiumindustrie e. V. (GDA) als ideellem Träger und des europäischen Verbandspartners EAA European Aluminium Association hat sich die Messe zu einem zentralen Bestandteil der Aluminiumwelt entwickelt. Dafür spricht, dass Aussteller und Besucher aus allen Teilen der Welt nach Essen reisen werden. Jeder dritte Fachbesucher wird aus dem Ausland kommen, insgesamt werden 100 Besuchernationen auf der ALUMINIUM erwartet. Reed erwartet dieses Jahr mehr als 17.000 Besucher in Essen. Damit hat sich die ALUMINIUM zum globalen Event und zur wichtigsten Messe der Branche entwickelt. ofil für Dicke, Breite und Pr Themenpavillons bieten optimale Branchenpräsenz Mit Sonderschauen und Themenschwerpunkten hat die ALUMINIUM in den vergangenen Jahren Akzente gesetzt. Dazu gehören auch die Themenpavillons, die den einzelnen Branchen eine optimale Präsenzplattform und den Besuchern übersichtliche Anlaufstellen bieten. Hier präsentiert sich die jeweilige Industrie zum Teil auch mit Unterstützung der Branchenverbände. Eine der wichtigsten Neuerungen ist der Primärpavillon, der sich speziell an Lieferanten von Technologien und Anlagen zur Aluminiumerzeugung richtet. Mit ihm schließt sich nach dem Oberflächen-, dem Gießerei- und dem Schweißenpavillon der Kreis der Gemeinschaftstände, mit denen die ALUMINIUM alle Bereiche, von der Rohstoffgewinnung über sämtliche Schritte der Verarbeitung bis zur Anwendung, abbildet. Bisher haben sich insgesamt 89 Zulieferer der Primärindustrie zur Messe angemeldet, darunter auch Almeq Norway Messeveranstalter Reed Exhibitions erwartet neue Bestmarken … und ECL. Reed Exhibitions, organizer of the fair, is expecting to Der Oberflächen- und der break new records … Gießereipavillon wur- © ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 Messung Berührungslose Inline- - Dynamische Messung bei hoher Genauigkeit - Spezielle Temperaturkompensation - Vollautomatisierte Kalibrierung - Traversierbreite bis 6 m - Platinendicke bis 200 mm - Materialtemperatur bis zu 600 °C - Für Aluminium und Stahl - Strahlungsfrei e www.micro-epsilon.d MICRO-EPSILON Messtechnik 94496 Ortenburg Tel. 0 85 42/168-0 · info@micro-epsilon.de ALUMINIUM 2008 – MESSEVORSCHAU den von den Ausstellern bereits auf der vergangenen Messe gut angenommen. Beide Gemeinschaftsstände, die vom VOA bzw. GDM unterstützt werden, sind seit langem ausgebucht. Insgesamt werden 230 Aussteller auf der Messe modernstes Gieß-Knowhow und Gusstechnologien präsentieren, darunter Alcoa, Wagstaff, SMS, Honsel, Pyrotek und ae light metal casting. Die gesamte Bandbreite der Gusstechnologie wird auf der Messe abgebildet. Das Ausstellungsspektrum reicht von Sand-, Kokillen- und Druckgießereien über Formen und Zubehör, Legierungen, Gussnachbehandlung, Förder- und Handhabungstechnik bis hin zu Komplettlösungen. Im Bereich Oberfläche finden Besucher Aluminiumverarbeiter, die die unterschiedlichsten Veredelungstechnologien anbieten: Anodisieren, Beschichten, Lackieren, Chromatieren, Galvanisieren, Glänzen sowie Anbieter von Mess-, Prüf- und Analysegeräten. Mit dem Schweißenpavillon bietet die ALUMINIUM 2008 auch den Technologien und Anlagen für Aluminiumschweißen wieder ein eigenes Forum. Das Ausstellungsspektrum umfasst Anlagen, Ausrüstungen, Technologien, Verfahren und Hilfsmittel zum Fügen, Trennen und Beschichten von Aluminium-Werkstoffverbunden, Schweißzusätze, Schweißgase sowie Komplettlösungen und Zubehör. Seine Premiere feierte der Schweißenpavillon bereits 2006. Neben Sapa werden sich zum Beispiel Heinz Soyer Bolzenschweisssysteme, GKSS und Vermotec auf dem Gemeinschaftsstand präsentieren. Weitere Firmen wie Esab, Oerlikon, Ejot und Linde Gas präsentieren sich individuell auf der Messe. Insgesamt haben sich 25 Aussteller aus dem Bereich Verbindungstechnik angemeldet. Der DVSVerlag, der den Schweißenpavillon unterstützt, wird zudem das Thema Fügen und Schweißen im Vortragsforum gestalten. Der „Pavillon der jungen innovativen Unternehmen“ präsentiert innovative Lösungen zum Rapid Prototyping sowie zum Werkzeug- und Formenbau. Unternehmen wie Ametras Oboe GmbH zeigen für den Bereich Rapid Prototyping, wie Innovationen möglichst schnell auf den Markt ge- 32 bracht werden. Der Werkzeug- und Formenbau beeinflusst entscheidend die Qualität des damit hergestellten Produktes. Die Produktionskosten einer Form können schnell das Zehnfache des hergestellten Produktes erreichen, doch nur qualitativ hochwertige Formen können die hohen Erwartungen der Kunden an das damit erzeugte Produkt erfüllen und sind fast ohne Qualitätsverlust einsetzbar. Unternehmen, die genau diesen Service anbieten, präsentieren sich auf der Gemeinschaftsfläche der jungen innovativen Unternehmen. Das Thema „Aluminium und Energie“ wird erstmalig im Rahmen eines eigenständigen Pavillons präsentiert und im begleitenden Energiekongress thematisiert. Neben den themenorientierten Pavillons gibt es außerdem drei Länderpavillons Frankreich, Schweden und Nordamerika. Größte Plattform für Leichtbauwerkstoffe Parallel zur ALUMINIUM 2008 findet in diesem Jahr die „Composites Europe“ statt. Die internationale Fachmesse für Verbundwerkstoffe bildet die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette der Branche ab. Mit zahlreichen Sonderforen wie Workshops, LiveDemonstrationen und der begleitenden internationalen AVK-Tagung hat es die Messe bereits nach zwei Jahren geschafft, sich zur größten B2B-Plattform für Verbundwerkstoffe in Deutschland zu entwickeln. Kooperationspartner der Fachmesse sind unter anderem der Europäische Composites Industrieverband EuCIA sowie der AVK – Industrievereinigung verstärkte Kunststoffe. Zusammen bilden die Messen ALUMINIUM und Composites Europe mit mehr als 1.000 Ausstellern die größte Plattform für Leichtbauwerkstoffe in Europa. European Aluminium Award in sechster Auflage Alle zwei Jahre zeichnet die Branche die besten Neuent- ing the latest foundry know-how and casting technologies, including Alcoa, Wagstaff, SMS, Honsel, Pyrotek and ae light metal casting. The complete range of foundry technologies will be exhibited at the fair. It will range from sand-, chill- and die-casting foundries to complete solutions, and will include moulds and accessories, alloys, post-treatment of castings, transport and handling technology. In the field of surface treatment, visitors will find aluminium processors offering the most varied range of conversion technologies: anodizing, coating, lacquering, chromate conversion coating, galvanizing, and bright finishing as well as the supply of measuring, test and analytical equipment. With the Welding Pavilion, ALUMINUM 2008 is once again offering a special forum for technologies and equipment relating to aluminium welding. The spectrum includes plant, equipment, technologies, processes and auxiliary materials for joining, separating and coating aluminium, welding fillers, welding gases as well as complete solutions and accessories. The Welding Pavilion celebrated its premiere in 2006. Sapa, Heinz Soyer Bolzenschweisssysteme, GKSS and Vermotec will be exhibiting on the joint stand. Other companies such as Esab, Oerlikon, Ejot and Linde Gas will be exhibiting elsewhere at the fair. Altogether, 25 exhibitors from the field of joining technology have registered for the fair. DVS-Verlag, … hinsichtlich Aussteller- und Besucherzahl sowie Ausstellungsfläche … for the number of exhibitors and visitors, as well as the exhibition space ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 S E ICN II UAML 2 0 0 8 A LP UM – M E S S EAVLOURMS ICNHI A UU M 2008 – FAIR PREVIEW Viele Unternehmen werden erneut innovative Produkte und Prozesse auf der Messe präsentieren Many companies will again be presenting innovative products and processes at the fair which is supporting the Welding Pavilion, will also be dealing with joining and welding in a lecture forum. The Pavilion For Young Innovative Companies will be presenting innovative solutions in the fields of rapid prototyping and tool and mould making. In the field of rapid prototyping, companies such as Ametras Oboe will demonstrate how innovations can be marketed as quickly as possible. Tool and mould making has a decisive influence on the quality of the product it is used to produce. Production costs of a mould can quickly reach ten times the cost of the product manufactured, but only high-quality moulds can satisfy a customer’s high expectations in the product made with it and be used without almost any loss of quality. Businesses that offer exactly this service will be exhibiting in the joint pavilion. For the first time, the topic Aluminium and Energy will be presented in its own pavilion and will be the central theme of an accompanying energy congress. Largest platform for lightweight materials Composites Europe will take place in parallel to ALUMINUM 2008 this year. The trade fair for composite materials covers the industry’s entire value-added chain. With its numerous special forums, such as workshops, ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 33 live demonstrations and the accompanying AVK international conference, the fair has already managed to develop into the largest B2B platform for composites in Germany after only two years. Cooperation partners of the trade fair include the European Composites Industry Associa- © wicklungen mit dem European Aluminium Award aus. Der Award „Industrial Design & Engineering“ ist der führende internationale Preis der Aluminiumbranche. Auf der ALUMINIUM 2008 wird der Preis bereits zum sechsten Mal verliehen. Organisiert wird der Wettbewerb durch das niederländische Aluminium Centrum (Houten) in Zusammenarbeit mit der EAA, dem GDA sowie dem Messeveranstalter. Insgesamt werden sechs Auszeichnungen in zwei Kategorien vergeben. Die Sparte „Industrial Products“ richtet sich an die Anwendungsbereiche Automotive und Transport, Building und Construction sowie Mechanical Engineering und Electronics. In der Kategorie „Consumer Products“ wird die Jury dagegen Endprodukte für Design, Durability und Innovation auszeichnen. Die Flagschiffe Rio Tinto Alcan, Alcoa, Hydro und Novelis fördern den European Aluminium Award 2008 als Hauptsponsoren, exklusive Medienpartner sind die Branchen- © Wahre Stärke erleben! Modernste Fertigungstechnologien zur Bauteiloptimierung von Aluminiumprofilen und Aluminiumgussteilen durch: - gezielte Warmbehandlungsprozesse - mechanische Bearbeitung - Oberflächenbehandlung ELOXALWERK WEIL DER STADT AUTOMOTIVE GmbH Josef-Beyerle-Straße 24 71263 Weil der Stadt Telefon +49 7033 52890 Telefax +49 7033 9570 automotive@eloxalwerk.com www.eloxalwerk.com ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 33 ALUMINIUM 2008 – MESSEVORSCHAU titel des Giesel Verlages: Aluminium Praxis, ALUMINIUM, APT News und APT Aluminium. Die nominierten Produkte werden auf der Messe ausgestellt, die Preisübergabe findet am 23. September im Rahmen der festlichen Abendveranstaltung der Messe statt. N tion, EuCIA, and the Federation of Reinforced Plastics, AVK. Together, the two fairs, ALUMINUM and Composites Europe, form the largest platform for lightweight materials in Europe, with more than 1,000 exhibitors. Bezugsquellen der Aluminiumindustrie Every two years, the industry presents the European Aluminium Award Industrial Design & Engineering for the best new developments. It is the aluminium industry’s leading international award and it will be presented for the sixth time at ALUMINUM 2008. The competition is organized by Aluminium Centrum (Houten) in cooperation with the EAA, GDA and ALUMINUM 2008. Namhafte Anbieter von Maschinen und Anlagen, Geräten, Messeinrichtungen und Dienstleistungen präsentieren ihr Angebot auf den Seiten 104 bis 120 dieser Ausgabe. European Aluminium Award to be presented for sixth time Altogether, six awards will be made in two categories. The Industrial Products category covers the automotive and transportation, building and construction and mechanical engineering and electronics fields of application. In the Consumer Products category, the jury’s decisions are based on design, durability and innovation. The Award is supported by the flagship companies Rio Tinto Alcan, Alcoa, Hydro and Novelis as main sponsors; the exclusive media partners are the trade journals of the Giesel Verlag publishing house: Aluminium Praxis, ALUMINIUM, APT News and APT. The products nominated will be on view at the fair, the award ceremony takes place during the trade fair’s gala reception on the evening of 23 September. N Alu Menziken mit neuer Strangpresse Alu Menziken installs new extrusion press Alu Menziken has a reputation for being a competent partner for highly demanding, customer-specific extruded products in certain branches of industry. The company’s most recent investment at its plant in Reinach is a new extrusion press that was installed in only four months. The press line has been fully operational on a three shift basis since May. The main emphasis is on producing extrusions with high added value. Alu Menziken Alu Menziken ist in ausgewählten Industriesegmenten ein kompetenter Partner für anspruchsvolle, kundenspezifische Strangpressprodukte. Jüngste Investitionsmaßnahme am Standort Reinach ist die neue Strangpresse, die in nur vier Monaten errichtet wurde. Seit Mai produziert die Presslinie bereits im vollen Dreischichtbetrieb. Die Herstellung von Strangpressprodukten mit hoher Wertschöpfung steht dabei im Vordergrund. Die neue Presselinie umfasst ein Lager für Aluminiumstangen bis zu Alu Menziken Werk in Reinach 34 Alu Menziken shop floor in Reinach The new press line includes storage for aluminium rods and bars up to 8 m long, a gas-fired bar oven and a 16 MN press, which has a container suitable for billets up to 750 mm long, with run-out lengths up to 46 m, and includes a travelling saw and a double puller. In addition, the press line incorporates a cooling table about 40 m long and there is full integration of the loaded skips in the in-house logistics system. Over 1,400 die sets were modified mechanically to meet the requirements of the new press line in the modernized production facility in Reinach. The new extrusion press now offers greater flexibility in providing a puffer for production and in transporting and artificially ageing profiles. Its well-thought-out and integrated interface communication system ensures that the production steps between the billet furnace and the saw, the billet manipulator and the loader, as well as the press and the stretcher are fully automated. Cooling, run-out table and stretcher are operated at the press of a button via computer control, too. ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 S E ICN II UAML 2 0 0 8 A LP UM – M E S S EAVLOURMS ICNHI A UU M 2008 – FAIR PREVIEW The production programme includes profiles with very complex cross-sections and demanding tolerances: linear guides, pneumatic profiles and tubes. Doubling the run-out length together with a long and powerful cooling unit offers several benefits: sawing at the stop mark (improved output), high press output rates (no restrictions because of the flying saw) and cooling of the entire extrusion length under uniform conditions. The production manager, Bernd Seuren, says, “We are thus predestined to extrude thin-walled and complex cross-sections with tight tolerances.” The Alu Menziken group’s new extrusion plant is one of the most modern and most powerful plants of its type in Europe. N Alu Menziken is an exhibitor at ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Hall 2, Stand D52 www.alu-menziken.com acht Metern, einen gasbeheizten Stangenofen sowie eine 16-MNPresse einschließlich Container für 750 Millimeter lange Bolzen, mit Auslauflängen bis zu 46 Metern, inklusive verfahrbarer Säge sowie Doppelpuller. Dazu umfasst die Presslinie einen rund 40 Meter langen Kühltisch und eine vollautomatische Anbindung der beladenen Skips an die Achsen des werksinternen Logistiksystems. Über 1.400 Werkzeugsätze wurden an die Bedingungen der neuen Presslinie im modernisierten, neuen Hallenschiff in Reinach mechanisch neu angepasst. Derart ausgerüstet bietet die neue Strangpresse nun eine größere Flexibilität beim Puffern, Transportieren und Warmauslagern von Profilen. Ihre ausgeklügelte, integrierte Schnittstellenkommunikation gewährleistet einen vollautomatischen Ablauf zwischen dem Bolzenofen und der Säge, dem Bolzenmanipulator und -lader sowie der Presse und dem Puller. Auch die Kühlung, der Auslauftisch sowie die Reckbank arbeiten auf Knopfdruck per Computersteuerung. Das Produktionsprogramm umfasst auch Profile mit sehr komplexen Querschnitten und anspruchsvollen Toleranzen: Linearführungen, Pneumatikprofile sowie Rohre. Die doppelte Auslauflänge in Verbindung mit einer langen und leistungsstarken Kühlstrecke bietet mehrere Vorteile: das Sägen in der Stoppmarke (Ausbringungsverbesserung), hohe Auspressgeschwindigkeiten (keine Einschränkung durch „fliegende Säge“) und das Kühlen der gesamten Stranglänge unter gleichmäßigen Bedingungen. „Damit sind wir prädestiniert für das Pressen dünnwandiger und komplexer Querschnitte mit engen Toleranzen“, so Produktionsleiter Bernd Seuren. Der neue Presswerkbereich der Alu Menziken Gruppe gehört nun zu den modernsten und leistungsfähigsten Anlagen dieser Art in Europa. N OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER Protecting the environment and cutting costs. TCF (Twin-Chamber Furnace)Recycling Plant: melting of contaminated scrap TCF-Process metal circulation system automatic charging equipment integrated control system Benefits: easy pouring very safe operation fully automatic operation environmental friendly reliable operation Visit us! Aluminium 2008 Essen September 23-25, Booth 3K50 LOI Thermprocess GmbH - Am Lichtbogen 29 - 45141 Essen / Germany Phone +49 (0)201 1891.1 - Fax +49 (0)201 1891.321 info@loi-italimpianti.de - www.loi-italimpianti.com ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 35 ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 35 ALUMINIUM 2008 – MESSEVORSCHAU Micro-Epsilon – Flatness measurement in rolling mills Micro-Epsilon – Planheitsmessung im Walzwerk ein Messwert aufgenommen werden. Eine Alternative dazu ist die berührungslose Messung, bei der keinerlei Kräfte auf das Blech ausgeübt werden und die kontinuierlich Messwerte liefert. Hier wird das Blech pneumatisch zu Schwingungen angeregt. Die Amplitude der Schwingung wird mit berührungslosen Wegsensoren von Micro-Epsilon Messtechnik erfasst und daraus die Zugspannung quer über die Blechbreite berechnet. Der wesentliche Vorteil der berührungslosen Messmethode liegt darin, dass keinerlei Beschädigung der Oberfläche auftritt. Außerdem verschleißen die Sensoren nicht, sodass Stillstandszeiten und Ersatzteilkosten drastisch reduziert werden können. Somit steigt sowohl die Verfügbarkeit der Anlage als auch die Qualität der Bleche, die damit höchsten Qualitätsanforderungen gerecht werden. N Micro-Epsilon Die Anforderungen an die Oberflächengüte von gewalzten Blechen wachsen stetig. Ob Stahl- oder Aluminiumbleche für den Automobilbau, die Oberfläche muss makellos sein, um dem Kunden eine hochwertige Optik zu bieten. Daher werden in Walzwerken Messgeräte eingesetzt, die die Planheit des gewalzten Bleches erfassen. Durch die hohen Zugkräfte beim Walzen des Bleches besteht die Gefahr, dass die Zugverteilung über die Blechbreite unterschiedlich ist und sich daher das Blech am Rand wellenförmig aufwölbt. Konventionelle Messgeräte erfassen die Zugspannung über Drucksensoren, die in einer Messwalze eingelassen sind. Durch diese berührende Messmethode entstehen jedoch auf der Blechoberfläche Abdrücke der Drucksensoren, die beim Endprodukt sichtbar werden. Außerdem kann nur einmal pro Umdrehung der Messwalze Non-contact and wear-free measuring principle Compes: study on welding bands On the occasion of the ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen, Compes, a leading producer of aluminium extrusion dies and tools from Italy will present a study on the problem of surface defects in extruded profiles caused by transversal welding bands. The study, carried out in collaboration with extrusion specialist Pandolfo Alluminio, analyzes the dynamics of formation of welding bands and offers die design solutions that can find a way out to the problem. The case study deals with a profile of a curtain wall, of peculiar industrial interest for the whole extruding field. The research activity has gathered all the existing available analysis tools: FEM simulations, press tests and metallographic analyses. The presentation will be held in two sessions of two hours each on 24 September 2008, in rooms M+N of Essen Exhibition Centre from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Compes is an exhibitor at ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Hall 3, Stand K30 www.compes.it The requirements on the surface quality of rolled sheets are continually increasing. Whether steel or aluminium sheet used in the automotive field – the surface must be flawless to offer the customer a high quality visual appearance. Consequently, measurement equipment is employed in rolling mills to acquire the flatness of rolled sheet. Flatness is taken to mean the surface evenness of the sheet in the unstressed state. Due to the high tensile forces when rolling the sheet, there is the risk that the tensile distribution varies over the width of the sheet and that the sheet will distort in a wave shape at the edges. Conventional measurement devices acquire the tensile stress using pressure sensors which are embedded in a measurement roll. However, due to this contacting measurement method, impressions of the pressure sensors appear on the sheet surface and are visible in the end product. Furthermore, only one measurement can be taken per revolution of the measurement roll. An alternative is the non-contacting method which exerts no force on the sheet and supplies continuous measurements. In this case the sheet is pneumatically excited to vibrate. The amplitude of the vibration is acquired with non-contacting displacement sensors from Micro-Epsilon Messtechnik and from it the tensile stress is computed transversely over the width of the sheet. The significant advantage of this non-contacting measurement method is that no damage occurs to the surface. In addition, no wear can occur on the sensors, so drastically reducing downtime and the costs for replacement parts. As a result, this increases plant availability and the quality of the sheet which conforms to current and future quality requirements. N Micro-Epsilon is an exhibitor at ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Hall 6, Stand E50 www.micro-epsilon.com OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER 36 ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 Die offiziellen Messezeitungen zur ALUMINIUM 2008 Essen – jetzt in Deutsch und Englisch: OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER Aluminium Praxis und APT Aluminium News Giesel Verl ag Gmb H • Post fach 12 01 58 • 30907 Iser --,. #23-3-63, -23-3- -23-3 3,-$30 +,)8,- -23-3- 3 ,25-3- #23-3-6 -,.+ #23-3-63,OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER &/5 5 556421,0*6 -&/(25** -.1&+241*:6;*&4 )*0&1).1 7-) 2 )3- 32 2 2-32 4) 5, 5 +-3--2-4- 3 )3 ) , Entgelt 34- 3 +2- bezahlt 3)3-, 4&/ -)232 -)23 -) -2 -5+))+ 547 3 -2 4-3- -.1&'*(20*5 37 37 23)3 . .1, -) ) 21,2 9 6-.*4 9*&/ -63 -6 35 7-)2 ) 4'7./).1, -64; )*0&1)+2 34-7 34- 323+ -7-)23 =*647+884 */3 33-4 2/3/92 +-2 0&6*4.&/59.//'7-14('1'19 32-4- *6&/5 3-72 3- , -3) -2: 2), )425'3= -.1&5'&5*0 +2 &;56421, ,- , 3 3- '0+7 23-, 1)56 3/922 -),2 )*0& 192/ 5 )2 (&)* ') ' 64'*7 ) 3+;'984/3 +24&6/*&56&)* 0&1 -23- 32 /3:+78/-'8+ )+ 4 3 &% 024*6-*-&.4 .5/11/843 "3 "3, &/(2 6+*72+18+6 .=*6454;+ &% .), &1) 2+ 51'38/3# . 5&.) -,+ ) , 19645+'3 . ,+32 4697847+1 )3- ) , '387 - -.7 2- 5)23-5 22 22 ) '192/3/9251 )2- - )3- )2 .-- 2-. 3 ( ) 6/)/8= ) )2 0 5 3 + .23)0- )7 /-.+6+1+)8 *&234&) -223-- 32 7 . *-. .3 .! .23 *7 .)+ 3 /3+7+4&*/5 * 3 + 2 ,4-2 + )4787,46. 27-) ) , )- 4&G4%&2 34&2 52 3- )+2 - 33 -3)2 ( )8)3 32) OFFICI -&%* + ,23 AL A MEDIA - %*&/4%* 67 67 )3! )) ) , 72+18+ PARTN 32 &14*,) (-*$)%"95 ER -, 2)-2+2-, )33- )2 -, 3 3 23)*8* )4 *&234&)4 534&24& '% &*/ G45/%3 $+ 07&*4&2 / *% / "('' &2#00. nhagen • Deutsch e Post AG • PVST H 41947 • . . +,' & Wichtige Information für alle Aussteller der ALUMINIUM 2008. Erstmalig erscheinen zum weltweiten Branchen-Highlight ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen zwei offizielle Messezeitungen – in Deutsch und Englisch. Was genau ist geplant? ,+( #*2(4':2 &/%&0-"2."2,4 %*& */%5342*& -5.*/*5. 5/%%"3 #&*4&/%& 6&2"2 5'42"(3 "/%7&2,(54& $)"/$&/ F&2,340 &2-&*$ ''%* 9")-2&*$) &/4"-3"3*3 )4& ':2 "33"%&/ &/7&/%5/(&/B ,0/3425, -&*$)4&5 /%)"-4# 4*0/&/ %&2':2% "2&4</ *&&'&3 0-"2.0 4*(5 %5-&/(" /(60/ "/-"(&/ 0%&2"./9&"$) .&/4&% *&%&2& &--&/&-& 602(&3&4 947&2%& #<5%&):--& &*/*(& /3*/%/ &*31*&-& 52 # &,)+ %* 0-"2"/-"( &/)"#&/ %&/-&494 3*$)*/ &/")2&/ .&)295 *..&2 ,-"2&/" */ %&2 12*6" 602*4 /5/( &/47 4&/ /&2(*&(& &/ 7*/ 34&*(&/% *$,&-4 &9*&-4& &/&2(*& 5/% %"95 3*$ ,034&/)" )&2 /*$) 4 5/&2)&#-#&/ #&*(&42"( '* &/&#&/ !& *$) -&/ /43 %&22"4*0 ! $)&* %%! 12&*37&24& %5/( ':2 3"5# /" 6"4& "5 "" % &2& & %&2 F5/ /&2(*& 31*&-4 -"/% (&7*3)"-4& */ &5 %%& "5$) 43$) 3$) /"$) (% /%*6*%5 *)2&/ 420 //&/ .*44-&27& "5'*-*9*5 3*$)4 (%' #"2&2 "-*4<45/ .#"3*3*/ % ! %95 &/4*&24&2 "5$) *. . "53 %&2 0//*-& 1"//5/( &-&,42*3$)& % 2$)*4&,4 ,5/'4302* . 5.7"/ 0-"23834 $)& 420 &2 .&)2 (&7& & 52&*/&D 30-$)& &/4312*$) &.& 0--& /52 9&)/ %&-/ */& 2#-* 4 %&2 &34 3&49&/!&*$) 3*$) %"3 ."/#*&4&2 ."$ 0%5-'-< %&/ -&494 "33 0-"23420 &/*/ . $)& ,"// . (20=& )&/ &/")2&/ "-45/ /&2 (*&1 ( F0)/ 0//& 30//*(&/ 9&*4(&.< (&3".47 #*3 "5'& */ 5/% 95/549& 04&/9*"- %&2 0..&24 "/ &*/&. *243$)"'4*$)4 /52 &3$)<'43(&# =&2 /&/ 3*$) "95 #&%* *-07"44 *$) #&%* */& 4"(/"4*0 0-"23420 "( &47" &*/ %*& 549 / /(4& & :#&2 <5%& )04060 ")2 3*/% .-*&'&2/ "/ &-*& *. ")2 12* -4"*,/- &2 .0%&2/&2 34&4*( #4)&*4 (&70 20 "(&/ %*& /&/-*$)4 7"3 7*&% %"3 25/% -*&(4"/3 //&/ ,F) 0/ )"4 &*/& .*44&-3 &25. 25 E* ) + .*4$ )7&2 15/,4 0-"24&$) /*, !")-2&*$ .*4$ )& )7&2 15/,4 "5'%&2 //06"4*0/&/ 0-"24&$) /*, !")-2&*$ -5.*/*5 )& .*/%5342*& "5'%&2 //06"4*0/&/ 7<$)34 &*$)4 -5.*/*5 .*/%5342*& 7<$)34&*$)4 C0#"12& 33 *&=6&2' ")2&/ C0# "12&33 25$,(5 33B*.5 *&=6&2' -"4*0/ 31"24!& ")2&/ *45/%0 25 34&/ 0242<4 33B*.5 31"2$,(5 -"4*0/ 4!& 25$,(5 *45/%0 33834& 34&/ 0242<4 .& 25$,(5 33834& .& , % & !# (! Aluminium Praxis, seit vielen Jahren offizieller Medienpartner und bereits seit 2006 offizielle Messezeitung, wird zur kommenden ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen, wie gewohnt, eine deutschsprachige Messezeitungg zusammen mit ebenfalls eine herausgeben. Aufgrund des großen Zuspruchs werden wir diesmal zusammen mit englischsprachige Messezeitung für unsere internationalen Besucher herausgeben – APT Aluminium News. Und so profitieren Sie als Aussteller: • Auflage 20.000 Exemplare / anstelle von 8.000 Exemplaren • Versand an Besucher 2006 und Aussteller 2008 im Vorfeld • Verteilung in teilnehmenden Hotels • Verteilung durch Hostessen im Eingang und auf der Messe • Auslage am Fachpressestand • Serviceinfos • Wichtige Infos der Veranstalter Wir haben Interesse an Ihren Messezeitungen. Bitte nehmen Sie Kontakt mit uns auf. Vielen Dank! Firma Name, Vorname Straße Da Ihre Zielgruppe auf der ALUMINIUM 2008 zu einer Zeit an einem Ort ist, tendiert der Streuverlust Ihrer Werbung in unserer Messezeitung gegen null! Sie sehen, wir erhöhen den Service und behalten den Preis: Es gelten natürlich die normalen Anzeigenpreise Ihrer Fachzeitschriften (vgl. Mediadaten 2008). Haben Sie Fragen zu unserem Service oder möchten ein konkretes Angebot? Postleitzahl, Ort Telefon Fax E-Mail Bemerkungen Bitte einfach das Formular ausfüllen. Gern geben wir Ihnen auch telefonisch Auskunft unter: +49-511 7304-142, Stefan Schwichtenberg Ihr ALUMINIUM 2008 Messezeitungs-Team Giesel Verlag GmbH Postfach 120158 D-30907 Isernhagen Tel. +49 511 7304-142 Fax +49 511 7304-157 schwichtenberg@giesel.de www.giesel.de ALUMINIUM 2008 – MESSEVORSCHAU Drache Umweltechnik Drache Umwelttechnik Filtrationslösungen für Gießereien Filtration solutions for the casting industry Neben der Zielsetzung, die flüssigen Schmelzen von Carbiden, Oxyden und nicht-metallischen Einschlüssen zu reinigen, dienen die Filter gleichfalls der Erzeugung laminarer Ströme, sodass Lufteinschlüsse durch Verwirbelungen vermieden werden. Beide Effekte bewirken eine deutliche Qualitätsverbesserung, die auch höchste Ansprüche aus der Luft- und Raumfahrt erfüllt. Für den Aluminiumstrangguss bietet Drache verschiedene Produkte und Lösungen an: Schaumkeramikund Duplexfilter, Filterboxen, Rinnen und Rinnensysteme, Bauteile aus Drache Fused Silica, Ceramold Reparaturmasse, Alu-Stop Bornitridschlichte sowie keramische Bauteile wie Gießdüsen, Breakringe, Stopfen, Schutz- oder Übergangsrohre aus Siliziumnitrid und Calciumsilikat. Für den Einsatz im Formenguss bietet das Unternehmen verschiedene Filter und keramische Bauteile an: Schaumkeramikfilter für Drache ist Aussteller auf der ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Halle 3, Stand D30 www.drache-gmbh.de OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER Drache Umwelttechnik is involved into molten metal filtration solutions, ceramic components and engineering services for the metal casting industry. Drache Das Leistungsspektrum der Drache Umwelttechnik GmbH mit Sitz in Diez umfasst Filtrationslösungen für Gießereien sowie keramischen Komponenten zum Einsatz im Metallguss. Aluminium-Stranggussfilter von Drache Filter products for aluminium direct chill applications den Stahl-, Eisen-, Aluminium- und Magnesiumguss, außerdem Transporttiegel und Tiegelöfen aus fused silica für flüssiges Aluminium sowie Bauteile aus Siliziumnitrid für den Aluminium- und Magnesiumguss. Neueste Entwicklung ist ein energiesparender Tiegelofen, der sowohl als Warmhalte- wie auch als Schmelzofen ausgelegt werden kann. Des Weiteren bietet das Unternehmen die Simulation von Formfüllund Erstarrungsvorgängen sowie die Messung der Reinheit von Aluminiumschmelzen als Dienstleistung an. Drache hat weltweit 35 Vertretungen und exportiert in mehr als 55 Länder; der Exportanteil des Unternehmens liegt bei circa 80 Prozent. N The key competence is the field of ceramic foam filters for aluminium, steel and iron casting as well as ceramic components for aluminium casting, with a focus on aluminium DC casting. The company is represented worldwide in more than 35 countries with a wide customer base in more than 55 countries. For aluminium DC casting applications, Drache offers various products and solutions, including: ceramic foam and duplex filter, filter boxes, launders and launder systems, components made from Drache fused silica, cermold repair mastic, alu-stop boron nitride coatings, ceramic parts made from silicon nitride and calcium silicate. For a variety of foundry applications the company offers a wide range of products, including: ceramic foam filter for steel, iron, aluminium and magnesium casting as well as transport crucibles and crucible furnaces for molten aluminium, components made from silicon nitride for aluminium and magnesium foundries, components made from aluminium titanate for aluminium foundries. Furthermore, the company offers the simulation of mould filling and solidification processes as well as the measurement of the metal cleanness of aluminium melts as a service. N SpectroMaxx – best selling stationary metal analyzer Spectro is well-known for its analytical instruments for optical emission and X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. The company manufactures advanced instruments, develops top solutions for strongly varying applications and provides exemplary customer service. From its foundation in 1979 until 38 today, more than 29,000 analytical instruments have been delivered to customers around the world. One of Spectro’s best selling products is the SpectroMaxx stationary metal analyzer which, meantime, has been sold 2,500 times. Manfred Bergsch, CEO of Spectro, explains the mar- ket success of this instrument: “The SpectroMaxx is accurate and fast. At the same time it is simple to operate and robust.” The instrument is equipped with a controllable spark excitation source and high performance detectors. It can detect all of the commonly used elements with a high accuracy for ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 S E ICN II UAML 2 0 0 8 A LP UM – M E S S EAVLOURMS ICNHI A UU M 2008 – FAIR PREVIEW its product class. In order to achieve this accuracy, the spectrometer spark stand is equipped with an argon flush. Consumption of this expensive noble gas is reduced by an economy mode. Ical, the patented calibration logic from Spectro, is a standard component of the instrument. N SpectroMaxx is an exhibitor at ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Hall 2, Stand E28 Spectro www.spectro.com SpectroMaxx metal analyzer OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER Almeq – Electric preheating for cathode blocks The long term objective for Almeq Norway is to be a leading supplier of own equipment as well as an export marketing partner for other well ac- ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 39 cepted manufacturers of machines and equipment for the primary aluminium smelters worldwide. Keeping crucibles clean, efficiently and eco- nomically is a major challenge for an aluminium smelter. With more than 28 machines in operation worldwide and more than 20 years of in-house © ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 39 Trust ... Solid competence for the aluminum industry. Being able to trust in the expertise and performance of every team member, is the foundation for success. To our customers around the world this means being able to count on a comprehensive offering in the area of aluminum production. From thermal pre-treatment to shaping and refining, we always meet the constantly rising challenges of the market. Whether in new plant construction or revamp projects, our solid process know-how encompasses the complete production cycle, including the integration of the latest electrical engineering and automation solutions. Confidence through performance – SMS metallurgy. Visit us at ALUMINIUM 2008 September 23 to 25 Hall 3, Booth No. 3A40 Essen, Germany MEETING your EXPECTATIONS SMS metallurgy Eduard-Schloemann-Strasse 4 40237 Düsseldorf, Germany Phone: +49 (0) 211 881-0 Fax: +49 (0) 211 881-4902 E-mail: communications@sms-metallurgy.com Internet: www.sms-metallurgy.com Almeq ALUMINIUM 2008 – MESSEVORSCHAU Electric preheater for cathode blocks development, Almeq is a leading producer of crucible cleaning machines (CCM). Alcoa, for example, chose the Almeq CCM when they set out to build a new smelter in Iceland. One of the biggest advantages the company holds against competing systems, is the machine’s ability to clean different types of crucibles of various sizes. This is partly accomplished by a stationary milling head and a hori- zontal displacement of the crucible. The customers most gained by this feature are smelters that have gone through numerous expansions and operate with two, three or more types of crucibles. Having one machine to clean them all is a big money saver. Using up-to-date components, the entire cleaning process is controlled by a PLC and all data can be recorded for logistic control of all crucibles in a smelter. With its electric cathode preheater Almeq offers another innovative product. Before cathodes blocks are assembled into electrolysis pots, the steel conductor bars must be sealed into them, and then heated to ensure adequate electrical conductivity. Compared to external gas or oil burners traditionally used for this preheating, electric resistance heating from within is safe, clean, and reliable. Experience in several smelters proves that this automated system is amortised by the fuel, operator and other costs it saves. N Almeq is an exhibitor at ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Hall 2, Stand C30/01 www.almeq.com OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER Vilmill optimiert das Fräsen Die Haftschicht erlaubt den Einsatz verschiedener Werkstoffe Alle Ansätze, etwa mit Papieren den Reibwiderstand des Werkstücks zum Arbeitstisch zu erhöhen oder mit Hilfe eines Haftsprays das Werkstück zu fixieren, sind in der Praxis zwar weit verbreitet; im Betriebsalltag sind diese Hilfsmittel jedoch oft mit Problemen behaftet und stellen allenfalls nur eine Teillösung dar. Aufgrund dieser Thematik ergeben sich noch immer nur eingeschränkte Vorschubgeschwindigkeiten beim Fräsvorgang mit teils inakzeptablen Ausschussraten oder zusätzlichen Haltestegen, die eine Nacharbeit erfordern. Von der technischen Seite ist 42 Freudenberg Bei der Material abtragenden Bearbeitung von dünnen, eher leichten Werkstücken wie Aluminium sind die Bearbeitungskräfte und damit die Vorschubgeschwindigkeiten beim Fräsen mit hohen Drehzahlen maßgeblich von den Möglichkeiten des Fixierens der Teile beim Durchtrennen der Verbindung zum Restgitter abhängig. Die Probleme in der Fertigung steigen, wenn es darum geht, kleine Bauteile herzustellen und die übliche Vakuumtechnik oft keine genügend große Fläche vorfindet, um das Teil während des Trennvorgangs zu halten. die Kundenforderung nach filigranen Teilen limitiert umsetzbar und führt oft zur Enttäuschung wegen mangelnder Wirtschaftlichkeit oder wegen technischer Nichtmachbarkeit. Die Entwicklungsarbeiten von Freudenberg führten zu neuen Ansätzen in der Spanntechnologie. ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 S E ICN II UAML 2 0 0 8 A LP UM – M E S S EAVLOURMS ICNHI A UU M 2008 – FAIR PREVIEW forderungen entsorgt bzw. thermisch verwertet werden, so dass kein zusätzlicher problematischer Werkstoff in die Fertigung eingebracht wird. Vielfältige Praxistests mit diesem neuen patentierten Verfahren unter Verwendung von Vilmill zeigen bemerkenswerte Ergebnisse: • Die Vorschubgeschwindigkeit von entsprechenden leistungsfähigen Maschinen kann auch bei filigranen Teilen um bis zu 100 Prozent gesteigert werden. Limitierender Faktor beim Fräsen ist somit die Mechanik der Fräsmaschine und nicht mehr die mangelhafte Fixierung des Werkstücks beim Verarbeiten. • Durch die Fixierung ist eine höhere Präzision und Maßgenauigkeit der gefrästen Teile möglich, sodass die Notwendigkeit zur Nacharbeit sinkt und eine höhere Qualität erreicht wird. • Bei den Werkstücken handelt es sich oft um teure Materialien. Durch die Fixierung lassen sich die Zuschnittteile enger positionieren, wo- Das Substrat dient als Unterlage Mit Vilmill wurde ein Substrat entwickelt, das als Unterlage zwischen Werkstück und Frästisch zum Einsatz kommt. Das Substrat besitzt eine eingebaute Haftschicht, die erst beim Fräsvorgang selbst aktiviert wird. Bei Anwendung der Vakuumsaugtechnik dient es mit seiner ausgewählten Faserstruktur als Diffusor und erhöht die Vakuumeffizienz. Beide Effekte führen zu einer deutlich verbesserten reversiblen Fixierung der Werkstücke und der gefrästen Reststücke während des Fräsvorganges bis zur Entnahme. Vilmill ist mit seiner speziellen Allround-Haftschicht so ausgelegt, dass eine Vielzahl von verschiedensten Werkstoffen (Aluminium, Messing, Kupfer, Verbundwerkstoffe, Kunststoffe, auch Glas- und Kohlefaserkunststoffe) im Prozess verwendet werden können. Das Substrat ist ökologisch unbedenklich und kann unter Beachtung der örtlichen An- durch es zu einer verbesserten Materialausnutzung kommt und damit zu einer Kostenreduzierung. • Auch kleine Teile bleiben in der speziellen Haftschicht gut eingebettet, sodass die Teile sicher gehalten werden und die Prozesssicherheit eine automatische Fertigung zulässt. Vilmill als Unterlage in der Maschine schützt zudem den Frästisch und dient ideal zum Abtransport der Teile vom Bearbeitungstisch. Vilmill ist erhältlich in Rollenform und mit verarbeitungsgerechten Materialbreiten. Es ist auch in älteren Fräsmaschinen weltweit einsetzbar. N Freudenberg ist Aussteller auf der ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Halle 6, Stand C40 www.vilmill.de OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER aus: ellen Wir st IUM 2008 IN ALUM Essen, in 2008, 5. 09. C 08 2 – . 3 2 d 6 Stan Halle "')-#+1)%-0%-&0%)1 -)-)-','#)$)+)3-)-)- .+#-&)-#-&%-0%)- ,.+#)+,#&.+#-'( %-#+0,)-)0,)-&03$#&- #'(#%,.--0%(#)+#$+ #3&0,'0-#%%#)-'0-#% %#)-,#%()-%().&3)(( +#)+)#3/0).,- "')-#+"*% #-#,-' %)-%,,))-)-#-&.+#- ,#)--#-%#++##)-)-'.#)- .--+#-&.+#-,#-#,- !)&4),#-3 - #2 #)+)-'#+%0%,$(& #+%0%,$(& ALUMINIUM 2008 – MESSEVORSCHAU Elster – Komplettes Spektrum für die Beheizungsindustrie Rekupatorbrenner Ecomax Stahlindustrie sowie in der NE-Industrie eingesetzt. Im Geschäftssegment LBE werden hochwertige Industriebrenner mit integrierter Luftvorwärmung zur Energieeinsparung und kundenspezifische Feuerungssysteme für unterschiedliche Industriezweige entwickelt und vertrieben. Im Bereich der Wärmebehandlung bietet Elster LBE den Rekuperatorbrenner Ecomax an, der Verbrauch und Emissionen senkt. Ein Teil der Abgaswärme kann rückgewonnen und in den Prozess zurückgeführt werden. Die Energieeinsparung beträgt laut Elster bis zu 30 Prozent und erhöht den Wirkungsgrad der Anlagen deutlich. Der Ecomax kann als metallischer Guß-Rippenrekuperator bis max. 1.150 °C oder als vollkeramische Ausführung mit patentierter Noppenform für max. 1.300 °C eingesetzt werden. Der Leistungsbereich der Brenner liegt zwischen 5 und 500 kW. Die Produktpalette wird ergänzt durch Brennersysteme mit Rekuperator für die indirekte Beheizung mit U- und W-Rohren, durch Dual- und Mehrstoffbrenner für verschiedene Brennstoffe und Anwendungen sowie den Kanalbrenner Wingstar für direkte Beheizung von Frischluft, Umluft oder Rauchgas. Abgerundet wird das Lieferprogramm durch Industriebrenner für größere Leistungen (BBG und TriOx), die Elster Hauck in den USA entwickelt. Die BBG-Brenner weisen ein Leistungsspektrum bis 7.150 kW auf. Die TriOx-Brenner sind besonders für Aluminiumschmelzöfen sowie für Hochtemperaturprozesse geeignet, die einen sehr geringen NOxAusstoß erfordern. Diese Spezialbrenner sind mit einem Leistungsspektrum erhältlich, das bis 5.500 kW reicht. TriOx-Brenner für Aluminiumschmelzöfen D a s komplette Spektrum der Industriegasbrenner der Elster GmbH wird auf der ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen gezeigt. N Elster Die Elster GmbH ist einer der führenden Hersteller von Produkten und Systemlösungen für die Sicherung, Messung und Regelung von Gasen. Für die Beheizungsindustrie deckt das Unternehmen das komplette Spektrum der Industriegasbrenner ab. So entwickelt Elster Kromschröder emissionsarme Industriegasbrenner für Erd-, Stadt- und Flüssiggas mit einem Leistungsbereich zwischen 1,5 und 1.000 kW. Diese Baureihe umfasst die Modelle BIO, BIOA und ZIO sowie deren Varianten mit keramischer Brennkammer BIC, BICA und ZIC. Die Flammenüberwachung erfolgt mittels Elektrode oder UV-Sonde. Diese Modelle werden u. a. in der Eisen- und Elster GmbH ist Aussteller auf der ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Halle 2, Stand E23 www.kromschroeder.de OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER Ruwac – Entzündlichen Aluminiumstaub zuverlässig absaugen Aluminium- und Magnesiumstäube sind entzündlich, wenn sie in einer bestimmten Staub-Luft-Konzentration vorliegen. Darauf muss auch die Fertigung eingestellt sein: zum Beispiel durch eine wirksame Absaugung bei der Schleifbearbeitung. Die ALUMINIUM 2008 bietet der Ruwac Industrie-Sauger GmbH daher das passende Forum, um der Metall verarbeitenden Industrie verschiedene Möglichkeiten der Absaugung von Aluminiumstäuben vorzustellen. Grundlage für die Anwendung dieser Anlagen ist die BG-Richtlinie 109, die Hinweise zur „Vermeidung der Gefahren von Staubexplosionen beim Schleifen, Bürsten und Polieren von Aluminium und seinen Legierungen“ gibt. Die Richtlinie nennt verschie- 44 dene Verfahren zur Beseitigung von Aluminiumstaub. Nach Erfahrung von Ruwac ist in den meisten Fällen ein Nassabscheider die sicherheitstechnisch und wirtschaftlich beste Lösung. Bei der von Ruwac entwickelten Technologie wird das Sauggut zunächst durch eine Flüssigkeit geleitet. Auf diese Weise werden eingesaugte Zündquellen unschädlich gemacht, heiße Gase werden gekühlt und Explosivstoffstäube neutralisiert. Ein nachgeschaltetes Filtersystem hält die Verunreinigungen zurück. Alternativ kann auch eine Funkenfalle zum Einsatz kommen, die rein mechanisch arbeitet und den Zündquellen ihre Zündenergie nimmt. Aufgrund der modularen Bauwei- se der Ruwac-Sauger können beide Verfahren (Nassabscheidung und Funkenfalle) als Zusatzmodul auf kompaktem Bauraum in konventionelle ATEX-gerechte Ex-Sauger integriert werden. Der Nassabscheider lässt sich jederzeit auch zu anderen Saugertypen umrüsten. Auf der Messe in Essen wird Ruwac derartige Sauger vorstellen und beispielhafte Lösungen für individuell konfigurierte stationäre Absauganlagen zeigen. N Ruwac ist Aussteller auf der ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Halle 2, Stand D02 www.ruwac.de OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 S E ICN II UAML 2 0 0 8 A LP UM – M E S S EAVLOURMS ICNHI A UU M 2008 – FAIR PREVIEW Bruker Quantron – Highend-Emissionsspektrometrie Das Metallanalysegerät Columbus zeichnet sich durch niedrige Nachweisgrenzen, deutlich verkürzte Messzeiten und geringste Messwertschwankungen aus. Magellan ist laut Quantron das weltweit erste Spektrometer, das aufgrund der Kombinationsmöglichkeiten aller Messparameter eine herausragende Qualität der Analysen erlaubt. Sehr wartungsarme Systeme und eine konsequent auf die Kundenanforderungen maßgeschneiderte Software machen das Gerät zu einem Highend-Produkt für die Elementanalyse in der Metall erzeugenden und verarbeitenden Industrie. Es wird in drei abgestuften Modellen angeboten und ist somit sowohl für den Routinebetrieb in Laboratorien als auch für den Einsatz in Produktionsstätten ausgelegt. Coronado ist ein vollautomatisches System zur Metallanalyse. Nach Eingabe der Probe und der Registrierung über das Touchscreen startet das System. Probenvorbereitung, Transport innerhalb des Systems, Spektrometeranalyse, Archivierung der Proben, Übermittlung der Ergebnisse – das alles ist Teil des kompletten Systems. Selbstkontrollfunktionen wie die Analyse von Monitorproben in Intervallen und Standardisierung sind ebenfalls Bestandteil ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 45 des Coronado. Das Resultat sind eine gleichbleibend gute und benutzerunabhängige Analysenqualität, die Reduzierung der Probenlaufzeiten, eine hohe Verfügbarkeit des Gesamtsystems und niedrige Betriebskosten. N Bruker Quantron ist Aussteller auf der ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Halle 7, Stand C45 Bruker Quantron Bruker Quantron entwickelt, produziert und verkauft optische Emissionsspektrometer (OES) für die Analyse von Metallen. Die drei Flagschiffgeräte sind das Q6 Columbus (Metallanalyse), Q8 Magellan (Stationäres Vakuumspektrometer) und Q8 Coronado (Analyseautomation, u. a. für Gießereien). www.bruker-quantron.com Spektrometer Q8 Coronado OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER The Millmate Thickness Gauging System (MTG) offers an extended measurement range from 10 microns to 10 millimeters (0.01 mm – 10 mm). The latest addition to the MTG family, MTG Foil Gauge, measures down to 10 microns (0.01 mm) with extreme accuracy during production. The non-contact, material-independent thickness gauge is based on the Pulsed Eddy Current (PEC) technology, posing none of the radiation risks associated with X-ray or isotope gauges. MTG makes gauging simple for thick and thin non-ferrous metals. ABB AB !# " " "$$$ !!#" &% " ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 45 ALUMINIUM 2008 – MESSEVORSCHAU Riftec – Erprobter Anbieter von Reibschweißverfahren Riftec – Award-winning supplier of friction stir welding Riftec Mit Riftec steht Leichtmetall verarbeitenden Unternehmen ein erprobter Anbieter von innovativen Reibschweißverfahren zur Verfügung. Das Unternehmen fertigt Einzelteile, Klein- und Großserien. Je nach Kundenwunsch werden Services angeboten, die die Materialbeschaffung, Logistik sowie alle notwendigen Vorund Nachbearbeitungen eines Werkstücks beinhalten. Auf dem Automobil-Gipfel des Network of Automotive Excellence (NOAE) wurde Riftec jüngst unter 170 eingereichten Innovationen in der Kategorie „CO2-Einsparung und Leichtbau” ausgezeichnet. Die innovativen Reibschweißverfahren, mit denen sich das Unternehmen erfolgreich positioniert hat, überzeugten die Innovationsmanager zahlreicher deutscher und internationaler Automobilhersteller. Neben einer Vielzahl anderer qualitativer und ökonomischer Vorteile ermöglichen das Rührreib- und Punktreibschweißen den Einsatz metallischer Sonderwerkstoffe, die Weiterentwicklung konventioneller Leichtbaulegierungen, aber auch das Fügen von Mischverbindungen und dreidimensionaler Komponenten. Reibrührschweißen Friction Stir Welding In Riftec, fabricators of light metals have a tried-and-tested supplier of innovative friction stir welding processes at their disposal. The company manufactures individual parts as well as supplying small- or large-scale production runs. To comply with its client’s needs, the company offers a EKW – Neuartige Feuerfestkeramiken entwickelt Die EKW GmbH produziert in Eisenberg/Pfalz ein umfassendes Angebot von ungeformten und vorgeformten feuerfesten Werkstoffen wie Feuerbetonen, neutralen, basischen und sauren halbplastischen Massen, Trockenvibrationsmassen bis hin zu spezifischen Werkstoffen für Spritz- und Reparaturanwendungen – entsprechend den Anforderungen für hochqualitative Materialien und Endprodukte von NEGießereien, Stahlwerken und Zementfabriken. Darüber hinaus bietet EKW Systemlösungen für die funktionelle Auskleidung unterschiedlicher Schmelzöfen und Wärmebehandlungsöfen samt umgebender Peripherie. Mit Tochtergesellschaften in Frankreich, Italien sowie mehrere Beteiligungen und Partnergesellschaften in Deutschland, Slowenien und Brasilien und zahlreichen Vertretungen ist EKW auch international gut positioniert. Im Juni dieses Jahres wurde das Unternehmen vom rheinland-pfälzischen Wirtschaftsministerium mit dem Unternehmenspreis Rohstoffwirtschaft 2008 für Innovation ausgezeichnet – in Anerkennung der Entwicklung neuartiger Feuerfestkeramiken auf der Basis von Alumosilikaten des Eisenberger Klebsandes. EKW ist Aussteller auf der ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Halle 4, Stand B04 www.ekw-feuerfest.de range of services from material procurement through to post-treatment of the parts, including logistics and all the necessary pre-treatments. At the recent Automotive Summit of the Network of Automotive Excellence (NOAE), Riftec was awarded a prize in the ‘CO2-saving and Lightweight Construction’ category, one of the 170 innovations submitted. The innovative friction stir welding processes that the company has used to establish itself also impressed the innovation managers of numerous German and international automobile manufacturers. In addition to a range of other qualitative and economic benefits, friction stir welding and friction stir spot welding permit the use of special metallic materials, the further development of conventional alloys for lightweight construction as well as the joining of dissimilar metals and three-dimensional components. N Riftec is an exhibitor at ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Hall 6, Stand C18 www.riftec.de OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER 46 ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 ALUMINIUM 2008 – MESSEVORSCHAU „Openair“-Plasmatechnologie setzt Maßstäbe bei der Vorbehandlung von Aluminiumbauteilen Der führende Anbieter atmosphärischer Plasmatechnik, die deutsche Plasmatreat GmbH, wird auf der Aluminium 2008 neue Entwicklungen zur Reinigung und Beschichtung von Aluminiumbauteilen präsentieren. Neben der Vorstellung von zwei neuen Plasmaverfahren wird das Unternehmen über die neuesten Anwendungen der Plasmatechnologie „Openair“ bei der Vorbehandlung von Aluminiumleisten informieren. ‘Openair’ plasma technology sets new standards for the pretreatment of aluminium components The leading supplier of atmospheric plasma technology, the German company Plasmatreat GmbH, will be presenting new developments in the cleaning and coating of aluminium components at ALUMINIUM 2008. In addition to presenting two new plasma processes, the company will be providing information about the latest applications of its ‘Openair’ plasma technology for pretreating aluminium profiles. Plasmatreat Die Atmosphärendruck-Plasmatechnologie Openair kommt beim Vorreinigen von Aluminiumbandware komplett ohne Einsatz von Chemie aus. So ersetzt die installierte Plasmaanlage bei der Schweizer Griesser AG, The Openair atmospheric pressure einem Hersteller von Sonnenschutzplasma technology can be used to presystemen, eine 21 Meter lange Reiniclean aluminium strip products withgungsstraße und hilft damit, umfangout using chemicals. At the Swiss comreiche Mengen an Chemikalien und pany Griesser AG, a manufacturer of Prozessabwasser zu vermeiden. Die Geschwindigkeit der Coil-Coating-Anlage hat sich laut Plasmatreat durch den Einsatz des OpenairVerfahrens gegenüber der alten Anlage vervierfacht – eine Produktivitätssteigerung, die mit Kosteneinsparungen einhergeht. Die Plasmabeschichtung konnte bis vor kurzem nur im Vakuum realisiert werden. In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Fraunhofer IFAM, Bremen, entwickelte Plasmatreat die „PlasmaPlus“-Technologie, die die nanofeine Beschichtung von Materialoberflächen erstmals unter PlasmaPlus im Einsatz PlasmaPlus in action Atmosphäre ermöglicht. Wie Plasmatreat betont, ist die Techsun protection systems, the installed nik wirtschaftlich hoch effizient, da sie plasma unit replaces a 21 m long im Gegensatz zum Niederdruckvercleaning line and thus helps to avoid fahren ohne Unterdruckkammer auslarge quantities of chemicals and efkommt. Bei TRW Automotive, einem fluent. According to Plasmatreat, the Hersteller von Fahrzeugsicherheitsuse of the Openair process has quadsystemen, werden inzwischen Motorrupled the speed of the coil-coating und Pumpengehäuse für Lenkeinplant compared with the old instalheiten mit dieser Technik beschichtet. lation – a productivity increase that Die Beschichtung erfolgt in-line und manifests itself in cost savings. 48 Until fairly recently, plasma coating was only possible in a vacuum. Together with Fraunhofer IFAM, Bremen, Plasmatreat has developed the ‘PlasmaPlus’ technology, which, for the first time, enables material surfaces to be given a nano-fine coating at atmospheric pressure. As Plasmatreat emphasizes, the technology is highly efficient economically because in contrast to the low-pressure process it does not require a vacuum chamber. At TRW Automotive, a manufacturer of vehicle security systems, motor/ pump housings for steering units are now being coated with this technology. Coating is carried out in-line and guarantees a high level of protection against the ingress of moisture. Even microscopically small leaks resulting from corrosion can lead to short circuiting and to loss of the power steering. Today, the pretreatment of aluminium profiles prior to lamination usually necessitates several production steps: from cleaning to mechanical pretreatment. In decorative applications, profiles are laminated with cover foils which give products the necessary appearance and surface feel. High demands are placed on the foil–metal joint. The polyurethane and epoxy resin adhesives used need an optimally pretreated metal surface in order to guarantee good adhesion. Openair plasma technology enables not only continuous pretreatment in a single process step but also meets the highest possible demands with respect to the extremely fine cleaning of the metal. N Plasmatreat is an exhibitor at ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Hall 6, Stand E60 www.plasmatreat.de OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 S E ICN II UAML 2 0 0 8 A LP UM – M E S S EAVLOURMS ICNHI A UU M 2008 – FAIR PREVIEW gewährleistet einen hohen Schutz vor eindringender Feuchtigkeit. Denn schon mikroskopisch kleine Leckagen infolge von Korrosion können zum Kurzschluss und zum Ausfall der Lenkunterstützung führen. Die Vorbehandlung von Aluminiumprofilen vor der Kaschierung erfordert heute üblicherweise mehrere Arbeitsschritte: von der Reinigung bis hin zur mechanischen Vorbehandlung. In dekorativen Anwendungen werden Profile mit Deckfolien kaschiert, die dem Produkt die gewünschte Optik und Haptik verleihen. Dabei werden hohe Anforderungen an den Verbund Folie/Metall gestellt. Die eingesetzten Polyurethan- und Epoxydharzkleb- stoffe benötigen eine optimal vorbehandelte Metalloberfläche, um eine sichere Verklebung zu gewährleisten. Openair-Plasma ermöglicht nicht nur eine kontinuierliche Vorbehandlung in einem einzigen Arbeitsschritt, sondern erfüllt auch höchste Ansprüche an die Feinstreinigung des Metalls. N Intralogistiksysteme für die Aluminiumindustrie Vollert Anlagenbau GmbH & Co. KG ist Hersteller von Intralogistikanlagen für die Aluminiumindustrie. Das Unternehmen hat bereits zahlreiche Branchenkunden beliefert, unter anderem Alcoa, Hydro, Rio Tinto Alcan, apt Group, Capral und Xiashun. Xiashun Aluminium Foil Co., Ltd. hat erst jüngst bei Vollert ein komplettes Intralogistiksystem für Coils und Walzbarren für seine neue Produktionsstätte bestellt. Vollert vernetzt und integriert die unterschiedlichen Produktions- und Walzwerksbereiche in einem vollautomatischen, ganz- heitlichen Gesamtkonzept. Das Herzstück bildet ein Hochregallager mit über 800 Lagerplätzen für bis zu 17 Tonnen schwere Aluminiumcoils. Zwei Regalbediengeräte und diverse Coiltransportwagen sichern den optimalen Produktionsfluss. Die Walzwerke werden durch Coilmanipulatoren vollautomatisch beschickt. Die Intralogistik stellt sicher, dass die Produktion bei Xiashun rund um die Uhr reibungslos läuft. Auf der ALUMINIUM 2008 wird Vollert Kundenlösungen für Fördertechnik- und Lageranlagen aufzeigen: für gewalzte und beschichtete Produkte, Guss-, Halbund Strangpresserzeugnisse. Die Anlagen umfassen Automatikkrane, Regalbediengeräte, Förderanlagen, Umsetzfahrzeuge, Rangiermaschinen und Steuerschemen mit Visualisierung und Hosts. Vollert ist Aussteller auf der ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Halle 1, Stand F35 www.vollert.de OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER advanced engineering in light metal casting Wir gießen Innovation Die ae group ist ein erfolgreicher Zulieferer von montagefertigen Aluminium-Druckgussteilen und Komponenten, vor allem für die Automobilindustrie und deren Systemlieferanten sowie für die Luftfahrtindustrie. Von unseren Kunden sind wir auch als Entwicklungspartner anerkannt. An sieben Standorten in Deutschland, Polen und den USA liefern rund 1 600 Mitarbeiter wirtschaftliche und fertigungssichere Lösungen. Qualifiziertes Projekt- und Prozessmanagement schafft zufriedene Kunden. Forschung und Entwicklung legen die Grundlage für innovative Produkte. Motivierte und qualifizierte Mitarbeiter schaffen die Basis für stetiges Wachstum. [ ae light metal casting gmbh & co kg | Am Kreuzweg, D - 99834 Gerstungen Tel.: +49(0)3 69 22 - 35 - 0 , Fax: +49(0)3 69 22 - 35 - 1 44 | www.ae-group.de ] ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 49 Aluminium in Essen 23.-25.09.2008 Halle 2 | Stand B42 ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 49 TECHNOLOGY SMS Meer A broad product range for the aluminium industry B. Rieth, Meerbusch In all these fields of activity SMS Meer has a store of experience accumulated over years from the construction of numerous plants. By continual innovation the company has developed into the world market leader for most of its products. This also applies in the aluminium sector, in which it is successfully active as a competent partner for the planning, engineering, production, assembly, commissioning and servicing of equipment for melting through to semis production. In this, the company’s aim is always to supply the customer with a plant that gives him competitive advantages. In focus: energy efficiency and environmental friendliness Hertwich Engineering GmbH in Braunau, Austria, which has been part of SMS Meer since 2000, has consistently extended its leading position in the sector of aluminium melting and casting equipment. Its particular experience and technological solutions for the construction of environmentally friendly and energy-efficient plants have made the company one of the leading suppliers of modern melting and casthouse equipment. Especially in the melting of contaminated scarp, increasingly strict environmental demands have to be met. For this, Hertwich uses static, multi-chamber melt furnaces with a pre-heat shaft for uniform heating through of the scrap. The energy efficiency and environment friendliness of Hertwich units 50 Hertwich Engineering Within the SMS Group, one of the world’s leading metallurgical plant engineering concerns, the SMS Meer is mainly known for tube and section rolling plants and forging aggregates. Besides such equipment directed at the needs of the steel industry, the company supplies a wide range of highly specialized equipment for many processing steps in the aluminium and copper industries. Multi-chamber melt furnace at Logan Aluminum, USA is demonstrated inter alia by the recycling furnace supplied for the aluminium smelter at Hydro Aluminium Neuss in 2007. This is designed for a melting output of 50,000 tpy and deals with the process scrap generated by the Hydro cold-rolling plant. The combustion of coatings and lacquers is used to supply energy for the furnace. A multi-chamber melt furnace recently commissioned at Logan Aluminum in the USA for 65,000 tpy of molten aluminium produced from both clean and contaminated scarp (such as compacted scrap, litho plates, used beverage cans, etc.) represents the latest state of the art, in terms of minimal oxidation losses, the lowest emissions and the least possible energy consumption. These characteristics are achieved thanks to an integrated process developed by Hertwich, in which the scrap heating and melting take place in a combined way. A complete remelting plant for the recycling of clean and contaminated extrusion scrap and subsequent casting of 12,000 tpy of logs will start operating in the autumn of 2008 at Gulf Star Alloys WLL in Bahrain. In an automated and continuous production process, this contract includes a multi-chamber melt and casting furnace with an automatic charging system and a horizontal continuous casting unit with a flying saw, a continuousthroughput homogenizing unit and a saw for billets. The combustion of organic contaminants during the melting serves to improve energy recuperation. Thus, the furnace is characterized by substantially reduced energy consumption and much lower melt loss. The continuous homogenization unit for logs, of which more than 90 have been supplied since the first one in 1980, has since become one of Hertwich’s most successful products. Just recently the company received an order from general contractor Fata in Italy for one of the most powerful continuous homogenising units to go to the new Qatalum Aluminium Smelter Project in Qatar. Hertwich has recently received important contracts for furnaces for the melting of aluminium swarf, among others from Otto Fuchs and Trimet Aluminium in Germany. For this particular application, which is a distinct growth area because of the increasingly large number of machined aluminium components, the company has developed a process substantially better than the methods used until now. Accordingly, large processing and forging plants can now melt the swarf they generate on the spot. ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 TECHNOLOGY Photos: SMS Meer The swarf is conveyed pneumatically from the machining stations to the swarf dryer and heated by an intense hot gas stream to about 400°C to remove moisture and contaminants. It is then fed continuously into the melt bath and is already melted less than a quarter of an hour after it has been produced. Worth stressing is the high metal yield of 98.5 percent of the dry charge weight. At 600 kWh/t including drying and degassing, energy costs are low. Large extrusion presses for high-tech sections Large extrusion presses account for a high proportion of the 110 ‘Schloemann Extrusion Presses’ built during the past eight years. Under that trade name SMS Meer offers its extensive range of extrusion presses and in this, also includes the tradition of brands taken over earlier such as Eumuco, Innse and Sutton. In 2008 alone the company is building 28 new presses. Besides the short-stroke, front-loading presses which have by now become standard, these also include special machines such as indirect presses or tube presses. The latter are used not only for aluminium, but also for heavy metals and for high-alloy stainless steel tubes, for example at the two Chinese steel plants Taiyuan 55-MN strand and tube press with dummy block / die manipulator and intensive cooling, at Shandong Nanshan Alu, China Iron & Steel and Bao Steel, each of which has a unit with extrusion load 60 MN. These produce tubes of corrosion-resistant or high-temperatureresistant stainless steels or nickelbased alloys, which cannot be made using traditional tube-making methods. The application range of these tubes includes among others chemical plant construction, power station technology and offshore uses. In the aluminium sector tube presses are mainly used where the use of bridgetype dies, for example for high-alloy materials that are difficult to extrude or for safety-relevant components, is not possible. Overall, a study of SMS Meer’s references shows that the greatest proportion of presses have extrusion loads of 35 to 82 MN. The company explains this in that its modern, robust press design is particularly suitable for the production of high-tech sections, which mainly demand higher extrusion loads in order to be able to apply a high specific extrusion pressure. Such products are heavy industrial sections, thin-walled high-strength sections for the automobile and aviation industry, and large sections for example for rail vehicle engineering. Interview with Joachim Schönbeck, Member of the Management Board of SMS GmbH and President of SMS Meer GmbH proportion of orders from the aluminium industry for SMS Meer? Schönbeck: For the increases you speak of, we have to thank not only our products for the tube and long products rolling plants in the steel industry, but also, and gratifyingly, our customers in the aluminium industry. In recent years that branch has developed so well that, having regards to year-on-year fluctuations, it now accounts for between 15 and 20% of SMS Meer’s business volume. ALUMINIUM: What are SMS Meer’s products for the aluminium sector? Schönbeck: The SMS Group’s products are used in almost every stage of aluminium production. Besides the rolling mills and strip treatment lines © Competitive advantages thanks to superior equipment and services Joachim Schönbeck: “Using our equipment brings our customers competitive advantages.” ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 ALUMINIUM: Mr Schönbeck, for 2007 the annual report of the SMS group showed an impressive increase of order intakes by 59% compared with the previous year, to 5.14 billion euros. 2007 saw an increase by a similar percentage in order intakes by SMS Meer, to 1.35 billion euros. What is the continued on page 53 51 TECHNOLOGY from SMS Demag, SMS Meer supplies the casting and melting equipment manufactured by Hertwich Engineering, the extrusion plants that we offer under the trade mark ‘Schloemann’, and ingot scalping machines under the brand ‘Knoevenagel’; last but not least, we provide heavy stretching machines for aluminium plates. This, by the way, makes us the only supplier worldwide that offers the aluminium industry so wide a product range. ALUMINIUM: What are the reasons for the impressive growth of your order intakes? Schönbeck: One reason stems from the development we are currently experiencing in the raw materials and energy markets, which have led to a special trade situation of historical dimensions. The strong demand from developing countries such as China has created worldwide shortages of important commodities. As equipment suppliers for the investment goods industry, we are deriving particular benefit from this situation – and this applies both to our aluminium and to our steel branches. ALUMINIUM: Are there any further success factors? Schönbeck: We are market leaders for most of our products, and in the case of aluminium actually all of them. We justify our claim to leadership by virtue of outstanding plant technology. Our aim is to provide our customers with competitive advantages due to superior machines and services, and we are committed not only to maintain the technical superiority we have established, but also to develop new products and thereby set technological trends. ALUMINIUM: Can you give us any examples from the aluminium sector? Schönbeck: One example is the frontloading press. Just ten years ago we established it on the market, and it has now become the industrial standard worldwide. In the fields of extrusion I can also point to our development jointly with the University of Dortmund, for the production of curved extrusions. For example in the production of components for the automobile industry, compared with conventional production methods this saves a complete process step. Here, we expect a breakthrough into more general industrial application in the foreseeable future. ALUMINIUM: And how does this apply to your other product sectors? Schönbeck: We regard our market success in the sector of melting and casthouse equipment as mainly the result of our development efforts aimed at supplying plant that improves metal yield and at the same time making a contribution towards protecting the environment. Here, we have reached a position that sets an example. ALUMINIUM: How far has the integration of SMS Eumuco progressed? Schönbeck: The organizational and geographical integration of SMS Eumuco was completed at the beginning of 2008 with the relocation from Leverkusen to Mönchengladbach. The successful Eumuco products retain their identity and thanks to our decentralized organization principle proximity to the market is fully preserved. The name Eumuco survives in ‘Eumuco-Hasenclever Die-forging Machines’. Thus, under than trade name Eumuco-Hasenclever we offer our wedge-type, eccentric and cranktype presses, with which in any case important aluminium components such as automobile wheels and chassis components are produced. ALUMINIUM: SMS Eumuco was previously your product sector for extrusion. Has something changed there? Schönbeck: Extrusion presses are still a particularly important product for SMS Meer. As is known, over the years we have acquired a number of different trade names by various mergers, such as ‘Schloemann’, ‘Demag’, ‘Eumuco’, ‘Innse’ and ‘Sutton’. SMS Meer is continuing the tradition of those names under the umbrella trade name ‘Schloemann Extrusion Presses’. ALUMINIUM: Where are your most important markets for aluminium plant at present? Schönbeck: Growth markets such as China and Russia are of course very fertile for our products, especially since the customers there know and esteem the reliability of our equipment. The over-proportional growth of aluminium production and further processing in the Near East, resulting from energy cost factors, provides us with concrete potential for consolidating and extending our already strong position in that market. ALUMINIUM: How important are the traditional markets in the European and American industrial countries for you? Schönbeck: For some of our aluminium products very important indeed. There I am thinking particularly of the melting equipment manufactured by Hertwich, which is designed to satisfy current environmental demands. But there is also lively demand in those markets for our high-tech solutions in the extrusion sector. ALUMINIUM: SMS Meer builds equipment for many metallurgical applications. From that perspective how do you view the future development of the aluminium market that you serve? Schönbeck: In a direct product comparison with steel aluminium traditionally has the advantage of low weight and corrosion resistance. Against that is the high energy intensity for its extraction. In our estimation that cost disadvantage is being reduced by the overheated steel trade, to an increasing extent in aluminium’s favour. Add to this the fact that in the application of aluminium as well, development is moving for example towards lightweight construction in industry. Overall, therefore, we expect to see further positive development of the aluminium market and thus of our products too, since the application potential of aluminium is far from being exhausted. ALUMINIUM: And how do you see the regional aluminium markets developing? Schönbeck: We are assuming that the classical markets will essentially remain active. However, there is an increasingly strong trend for aluminium smelters and consequently also for downstream processing activities to be relocated to regions where energy can be produced in large amounts at reasonable cost. ALUMINIUM: Mr Schönbeck, many thanks for this discussion. N 52 ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 TECHNOLOGY Continued from page 51 Besides the large presses SMS Meer has had numerous orders for frontloading presses of medium size, which have developed as standard for light metal sections. The sizes of 22/24 MN or 25/27 MN typical for 8-inch billets secure for extrusion companies access to the market of sections for building applications. A look at the customer structure, however, confirms that here, too, is a trend towards more sophisticated sections, which the SMS front-loading presses can produce in outstanding quality. This is attributed above all to the high rigidity achieved by the compact structure of the press, the short idle times because of short travel paths, and high productivity thanks to the large billet lengths (for example 1300 mm for 8-inch billets) that can be used. The regional distribution of customers for Schloemann extrusion presses is also striking. Besides developing markets such as China with 22 new Schloemann presses (of which 14 have gone to Shandong Nanshan alone) and countries in the Near East, in recent years the company has also supplied presses to markets in the classical industrial countries, which have recently been regarded as rather slow to invest This, too, reflects the ‘high-end’ orientation of SMS Meer in the context of high-grade, large presses with which the investors are safeguarding the future of their plants. Although the company has recently sold many individual presses, one of its strengths is the supply of complete plants, for which the firm acts Automatic eccentric press ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 as equipment supplier and if necessary also undertakes the financing of the project. Besides the mechanical equipment, which besides the extrusion press also features special structures for cooling and for pullers, one of the company’s strengths lies in the field of process control. These products developed by SMS Meer follow all the process steps of EWK 2200 x 7200 ingot scalper the plant from extrusion billet optimization up to autocost of subsequent machining. In this matic stacking of the finished sections, connection the choice of the forming with the aim of treating the product aggregate is very important since this carefully and minimising scrap. One largely determines the shape and exof the individual packages available cess size of the forging compared with is Dyfocs (Dynamic Force Compenits planned final form. sation), a system for controlling the A broad range of die-forging tension forces that the puller exerts presses allows SMS Meer to ofon the section. The long-used Cadex fer the optimum press structure for system for isothermal extrusion has each application having regard to the been extended by the possibility of particular deformation behaviour of isobaric extrusion (constant pressure aluminium. For typical automobile at the die). Meanwhile, experience in components such as steering wheels, the area of software packages such as wheel supports, swivel bearings and Picos (Process Information and Consuchlike, eccentric presses are partictrol System) for monitoring the procularly well suited for mass production ess sequence and for simple and rapid operations. error detection, and Midis (ManageFor forgings in the aviation sector ment Information and Diagnosis Systhe company preferably offers hytem) has been gained from the many draulic presses, since these are best plants equipped with them. for difficult shapes and alloys. For universal use there are flywheel-andclutch presses. Examples of successMassive forming of aluminium, fully commissioned SMS Meer diesuitable for mass production forging presses can be seen at OEM producers in many industrialized Because of the still incountries all over the world, such as creasing trend towards in Western Europe, China, Japan and lightweight construction the USA. in the automotive field a production technique specially designed for Special equipment aluminium has been defor aluminium rolled products veloped, to which SMS Meer has contributed Two products from SMS Meer’s prodmuch in recent years. An uct range supplement the hot- and essential criterion is the cold-rolling plants for aluminium cost of die-forged comstrips and plates established by its ponents which, besides sister company SMS Demag, namely the cost of the material, ingot scalpers and plate stretchers. the die, the machines and The ingot scalpers supplied unlabour, also includes the der the brand ‘Knoevenagel’ are © 53 TECHNOLOGY Plate stretcher with a stretching force of 70 MN mainly scalpers used to machine away contamination and oxidation in the outer shell area of cast ingots before they are homogenized and hot-rolled. This takes place at throughput rates of about 450,000 tpy in two steps, the ingots being rotated through 180° between the two machining passes; moreover, double-sided scalpers are also used. The ingot scalpers are equipped with a horizontal milling head for the main surfaces and two lateral milling heads for the side surfaces of the rolling ingots. SMS Meer supplies not only the actual scalper, but also all the peripheral equipment such as transport roller tracks, the drum rotator and the swarf extraction system with swarf crusher and swarf removal back to the casthouse. The product range is amplified further by billet saws and handling, welding and brushing equipment for plating bars. Depending on the design, ingot scalpers can reach outputs of 100,000 to more than 800,000 tonnes per year. In recent years business relating to new plants has been very lively thanks to the many new hot-rolling plants built most of all in China. On the other hand SMS Meer continually receives modernization orders in which existing plants are refitted for higher throughputs or larger ingot diameters. An example is the Knoevenagel ingot scalper supplied to Alcoa in Amorebieta, Spain, where a production increase of around 15 percent was achieved. Ingot scalpers by SMS Meer are made for ingot lengths up to 10 m, widths up to 3.2 m and thicknesses up to 750 mm. Ingot weights up to 54 40 tonnes and a throughput performance in single-side scalping of up to 11 ingots per hour are further striking statistics. Also to be mentioned is the continuous dimensional checking of the ingots by laser. The persisting boom in the aviation branch is also leading to growing production of aluminium plates in the traditional manufacturing plants and in new plants at smaller businesses in the industrialized countries. The relocation of component production to resulting lack of flatness of the plates. To stretch elastically aluminium plates with maximum dimensions of 4 m width, 250 mm thickness and 36 m length, SMS Meer builds stretchers with a stretching force of up to 130 MN. This demands exceptionally powerful and robust stretching aggregates, that can only be produced by a heavy-engineering concern such as SMS Meer. Plate stretchers are impressive for their weight alone: for example, in a 70-MN stretcher each of the two clamping heads that grip the plates at their ends weighs around 250 tonnes. This is a challenge, not only for the mechanical workshops but also for the transport logistics to the place where the machine is to be set up. Since the beginning of the boom in plate production a few years ago, SMS Meer has built and commissioned 5 new plate stretchers for plants in Europe, the USA and Russia. Indicative of the future of stretchers is the demand for ever-larger specific stretching forces, which will call for new production methods and, having re- Components for large machines being machined in the newly set up heavy-load shed countries such as China has also led to the creation or planning of more production sites for plates. For SMS Meer this means that lively demand for plate stretchers is likely to continue. These very large aggregates from the ‘hydraulic presses’ sector are used to remove the non-uniform stress distributions produced during the rolling process by means of a stretching process, and thereby to eliminate the gard to transport, a multi-component structure of the clamping heads. N SMS Meer is an exhibitor at ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Hall 3, Stand A40 www.sms-meer.com OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 TECHNOLOGY HPI High Performance Industrietechnik HPI High Performance Industrietechnik Horizontal-Stranggussanlage zur Herstellung von Walzbarren und Plattenvormaterial Production of horizontal continuous casted slabs size and quantity • low total costs of ownership. Due to the integrated saw and the continuous casting process the products Photos: HPI A new development from HPI allows for the production of large formats in the horizontal casting process. On the ‘SuperSizeCaster’ it is possible to cast SuperSizeCaster of HPI during production HPI-SuperSizeCaster während des Betriebs Eine Neuentwicklung von HPI ermöglicht es, großformatige Querschnitte durch horizontalen Strangguss herzustellen. Auf dem „SuperSizeCaster“ können im Einzelstrangverfahren großformatige Querschnitte wie Walzbarren, Stromschienen und Plattenvormaterial gegossen werden. Die abgebildete Anlage hat bei SAG Sohar LLC erfolgreich die Produktion aufgenommen. Die wesentlichen Vorteile dieser Technologie: • große Flexibilität • geringe Kokillenkosten, da nur eine Kokille benötigt wird (plus eine Ersatzkokille) • hervorragende Geradheit der Barren, da diese quasi schwebend bewegt werden • niedrige Personal- und Handlingkosten durch den kontinuierlichen Gießvorgang • Kreislaufmaterial circa ein bis drei Prozent, je nach Ofengröße und Ofenanzahl • geringere Kosten über den gesamten Lebenszyklus der Anlage. rolling slabs, bus bars and raw bars can be manufactured at any fabricafor the aluminium plate production tion length. Currently the equipment in one strand modus. The equipment can process 1xxx, 2xxx, 4xxx and as shown in the picture has been successfully commissioned for the production at SAG Sohar LLC. The main advantages of this technology are: • high flexibility • low mould costs as only one moulds is required (plus one spare mould) Durch horizontalen Strangguss hergestellte Barren • superior straightness of Horizontal casted ingots the bars as they are nearly 5xxx alloys. The performance data of Durch die integrierte Säge und das floating over the equipment the caster are shown in the table. The kontinuierliche Gießverfahren kann • lower labour and handling costs casting capacity certainly varies dedas Produkt in beliebiger Fertiglänge due to the continuous process pending on the type of alloy and the hergestellt werden. Auf der Anlage • in-house scrap of about one to format being casted. N können derzeit Legierungen vom Typ three percent, depending on furnace 1xxx, 2xxx, 4xxx und 5xxx gegossen Min Max werden. Leistungsdaten des SuperSizeCaster sind in der Tabelle dargeWidth of ingot in mm / Barrenbreite in mm 300 2 050 stellt. Die Gießleistung ist natürlich Thickness of ingot in mm / Barrendicke in mm 200 500 von der produzierten Legierung und 2 000 20 000 Length of ingot in mm / Barrenlänge in mm vom Querschnitt abhängig. Casting performance in t/h / Gießleistung in t/h Design data of SuperSizeCaster ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 1 10 Auslegungsdaten des SuperSizeCaster N 55 TECHNOLOGIE Hermann Gutmann Werke Auf dem Weg in die Spitzengruppe der Strangpresswerke G. Papadopoulos, Denkendorf; R. Spangenberg, Weißenburg Im Rahmen eines umfassenden Modernisierungsprogramms haben die Hermann Gutmann Werke im bayerischen Weißenburg den Profiltransport im Presswerk automatisiert. Dadurch konnte die Produktivität des Werkes deutlich gesteigert werden. Wenn auch die nachgelagerten Produktionsstufen in dieses System einbezogen sind, wird Gutmann zu den leistungsstärksten europäischen Profilanbietern gehören. 56 On the way to joining the extrusion plant elite G. Papadopoulos, Denkendorf; R. Spangenberg, Weißenburg As part of a comprehensive modernization programme Hermann Gutmann Werke, Germany, has automated the transport of sections in the extrusion plant. This has considerably increased the productivity of the plant. When the downstream production steps have also been incorporated in this system, Gutmann will be one of the most efficient European section suppliers. Founded some seventy years ago as a light-metal wire factory in Weißenburg, then in France, Gutmann has since developed to become a company group active worldwide, with more than 1,200 employees. At a total of four locations high-grade aluminium products are produced, which are used above all in the building branch, the automobile industry and for mechanical and electrical engineering. The focus of the company group’s product range is nowadays on extruded aluminium sections: system Fotos: Herrmann+Hieber Vor sieben Jahrzehnten als Leichtmetall-Drahtwerk im fränkischen Weißenburg gegründet, hat sich Gutmann zu einer weltweit agierenden Unternehmensgruppe mit über 1.200 Mitarbeitern entwickelt. An insgesamt vier Standorten werden hochwertige Aluminiumprodukte hergestellt, die vor allem in der Baubranche, in der Automobilindustrie, im Maschinenbau sowie in der Elektrotechnik eingesetzt werden. Schwerpunkt im Produktportfolio der Unternehmensgruppe sind heute AluminiumStrangpressprofile: Systemprofile für moderne Fenster-, Türen- und Fassadensysteme sowie auch Industrieprofile für hochwertige Anwendungen der unterschiedlichsten Art. Ein markanter Meilenstein in der Entwicklung des Unternehmens, das im vorigen Jahr sein 70-jähriges Firmenjubiläum feiern konnte, war das Jahr 2002. In diesem Jahr beendete der Einstieg der griechischen ALCO Hellas AG, die sich mit 51 Prozent an Gutmann beteiligte, die schwierige Unternehmensphase nach dem Tod des Firmengründers Hermann Gutmann im Jahre 1987. Die Unternehmensgruppe ALCO Hellas, die in Griechenland zwei Presswerke betreibt und dort an drei Standorten produziert, bescherte Gutmann und eine verbreiterte Kapitalbasis, eine straffe Führung und auch eine erfolgsorientierte Unternehmensstrategie. Hermann Gutmann Werke sections for modern window, door and façade systems and also industrial sections for high-grade applications of the most varied kinds. An important milestone in the development of the company, which last year celebrated its 70th anniversary, was the year 2002. In that year the accession of Greece’s ALCO Hellas AG, which acquired a 51% share in Gutmann, put an end to the difficult phase the company had been through after the death of its founder Hermann Gutmann in 1987. The ALCO Hellas group, which operates two extrusion plants in Greece and produces at three locations there, provided Gutmann with a broader capital basis which had a positive effect on the group’s future development. Extension of extrusion business at Gutmann This strategy aims to achieve a consistent extension of extrusion business, above all in two directions: on the one hand, the company can expand by virtue of takeovers. In 2004 Gutmann took over the extrusion activities of the renowned façade manufacturer Gartner in Gundelfingen and incorporated them as Eindrücke vom Strangpresswerk der Gutmann Werke: … Gartner ExtruImpressions of the Hermann Gutmann extrusion plant: … ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 TECHNOLOGY sion GmbH. The next step, in April 2007, was to take over NordAlu Wemal GmbH in Schleswig-Holstein, which is now run as NordAlu GmbH as part of the Gutmann group. Thus, Gutmann is now producing extrusions at three different locations. In addition, however, the Gutmann extrusion plant in Weißenburg has been modernized and extended with considerable investments. In retrospect it can be said that the plant has moved on, from a condition of moderate productivity in the early 1990s, to become a profitable operation now after several extension steps. When this extension of the plant is completed in a few years, Gutmann will be among the elite group of extrusion plants in Germany. In the new planning of the operating sequences Gutmann worked closely together with the logistics specialists Herrmann+Hieber in Denkendorf. This collaboration goes back to 1994 when, in a first project, the transport of racks between press P5 and the heat treatment furnace was automated in the form of an island system. In 2000, in the next step three automated packing positions for the sections were planned and created. Now a third project has been successfully completed, in which the storage and ageing have been completely reorganized and automated along with the section transport between the stacker and the packing station. With the completion of this extension stage a technical standard has now been achieved at the plant in Weißenburg which is clearly a close approach to the operating procedure of the final condition aspired to. Installation review and logistical concept In the most recent modernization project the two presses P3 and P4 arranged in parallel, with the heat treatment, the store and the packing, are being combined in a closed, automated system. Within the system, beginning from the section stackers the material is automatically transported through the plant in racks. In the planning, it was decisively important to design the capaci- © ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 Ausbau des Strangpressgeschäftes bei Gutmann Aufstellungsübersicht und Logistikkonzept Diese Strategie zielt auf einen konsequenten Ausbau des Strangpressgeschäftes, und zwar in zwei Richtungen. Auf der einen Seite konnte das Unternehmen durch Übernahmen expandieren. 2004 übernahm Gutmann die Strangpressaktivitäten des renommierten Fassadenherstellers Gartner in Gundelfingen und überführte diese in die Gartner Extrusion GmbH. Im April 2007 gelang im weiteren Schritt die Übernahme der schleswig-holsteinischen NordAlu Wernal GmbH, die jetzt im Rahmen der Gutmann-Gruppe als NordAlu GmbH geführt wird. Gutmann produziert somit jetzt an drei Standorten Profile. Darüber hinaus wurde das Gutmann-Presswerk in Weißenburg mit erheblichen Investitionen modernisiert und ausgebaut. Im Rückblick kann man sagen, dass das Werk aus einem Zustand mäßiger Produktivität zu Beginn der 1990er Jahre in mehreren Ausbaustufen zu einem profitablen Betrieb geführt wurde. Wenn dieser Ausbau des Werkes in den kommenden Jahren abgeschlossen sein wird, dann dürfte Gutmann zur Spitzengruppe der deutschen Presswerke zählen. Bei der Neuplanung der Betriebsabläufe arbeitet Gutmann eng mit dem Denkendorfer Logistik-Spezialisten Herrmann+Hieber zusammen. Diese Kooperation reicht bis in das Jahr 1994 zurück; damals wurde in einem ersten Projekt der Korbtransport zwischen der Presse P5 und dem Wärmebehandlungsofen in Form einer Insellösung automatisiert. Im Jahre 2000 wurden im nächsten Schritt drei automatisierte Packplätze für die Profile geplant und realisiert. Jetzt wurde ein drittes Projekt erfolgreich abgeschlossen, mit dem Lagerung und Alterung komplett neu organisiert und zusammen mit dem Profiltransport zwischen Stapeleinrichtung und Verpackung automatisiert wurden. Mit dem Abschluss dieser Ausbaustufe wurde jetzt im Werk Weißenburg ein technischer Stand erreicht, der den Betriebsablauf dem angestrebten Endzustand deutlich annähert. Mit dem jüngsten Modernisierungsprojekt wurden die beiden parallel angeordneten Pressen P3 und P4 mit der Wärmebehandlung, dem Lager und der Verpackung zu einem in sich geschlossenen, automatisierten System verbunden. Innerhalb dieses Systems wird das Material, bei den Profilstaplern beginnend, in Körben automatisch durch das Werk transportiert. Bei der Planung kam es entscheidend darauf an, die Kapazitäten und Anordnung von Öfen, Lagerflächen und Transporten so zu gestalten, dass – unter den gegebenen Platzverhältnissen – ein reibungsloser Automatikbetrieb erreicht wird. Dabei war nicht nur das wirtschaftliche Optimum anzustreben, es mussten darüber hinaus auch die weiteren Ausbaumög- … nach umfassender Modernisierung … … after omprehensive modernization … lichkeiten des Systems, mit denen zukünftig auch die dritte Presse des Werkes und die Oberflächenbehandlung in den automatisierten Ablauf integriert werden sollen, berücksichtigt werden. In der Planungsphase entschied man sich, die Kranbahn des Automatikkranes quer zur Pressrichtung anzuordnen. Mit dieser Aufstellungsvariante gewinnt der Krantransport eine zusätzliche Verteilerfunktion, indem die Profilkörbe direkt den Lagerflächen, den Auslagerungsöfen und den Packplätzen zugeordnet werden können. Die alternative Lösung mit mehreren Transportkrananlagen in Pressrichtung wurde verworfen, weil sie letztlich wirtschaftlich nicht optimal ist. Bei dieser Anordnung hätten die Krantransporte lediglich das Lager bedienen können. © 57 TECHNOLOGIE In das System eingeschleust werden die gefüllten Profilkörbe auf zwei Rollenbahnen, auf denen die Körbe von den Stapeleinrichtungen der beiden Pressenlinien bis unter die Kranbahn transportiert werden. Die Zuführbahnen für volle Körbe sind ebenerdig angeordnet, für die Rückführung der Leerkörbe ist jeweils ein zweiter Korbtransport in der Ebene darüber vorgesehen. Der Bereich unter der Kranbahn ist in Lagerflächen und in Wärmebehandlung unterteilt. Für die Wärmebehandlung wurden zwei in die Jahre gekommenen Alterungsöfen entfernt. Dafür wurden unter der Kranbahn insgesamt fünf neue Top-Loader-Öfen der Firma IUT angeordnet. Gewählt wurde diese Lösung aufgrund der beengten Platzverhältnisse vor Ort. Die Öfen besitzen abnehmbare Deckel und werden über den Kran von oben beund entschickt. Der Kran hebt dazu den Ofendeckel an und legt diesen auf einem anderen Ofen ab. Er entnimmt die wärmebehandelten Profilkörbe und setzt danach wieder neue Körbe ein. Insgesamt fasst jeder Ofen zwei Fünffach-Korbstapel nebeneinander, so dass HGW auf für die Zukunft entsprechende Alterungskapazitäten vorweisen kann. Der Hauptlagerbereich des Systems wurde unmittelbar unter der Krananlage angeordnet. Um genügend Lagerkapazität zu gewinnen, ist dieser Bereich so konzipiert, dass jeweils zwei Korbstapel hintereinander angeordnet sind. Auch die Andienung von leeren Schrottkörben und deren Abtransport gehören zur Aufgabe des automatischen Systems. Eine Krananlage der Superlative Bei der Automatisierung des Korbtransportes im Strangpresswerk ist der Automatikkran ein unverzichtbares Transportmittel. Mit dem Krantransport sind Korbbewegungen möglich, die mit Hilfe von Rollenbahnen nur sehr umständlich zu realisieren wären. In den meisten Fällen reichte dafür auch die verfügbare Grundfläche nicht aus. Diese Tatsache hat dazu geführt, dass die speziellen Anforderungen an den Korbtransport per Automatik- 58 kran stetig größer geworden sind. Der Automatikkran, der jetzt bei Gutmann installiert wurde, kann als der dynamischste bezeichnet werden, den Herrmann+Hieber bisher gebaut hat. Der Kran ist in der Lage, zwei Strangpressen, das Profillager, sämtliche Alterungsöfen, die Verpackung und zudem noch den … und der Neuplanung der Betriebsabläufe … Schrotttransport zu … and the new planning of the operating sequences … bedienen. Das ist eine ties and arrangement of furnaces, storneue Dimension, wie sie bisher noch age areas and transport means so that, nirgends realisiert worden ist. granted the given space availability, Aufgrund baulicher Vorgaben smooth automatic operation would durfte die Spannweite des Dreiachsbe achieved. In this, not only was the krans lediglich 13 Meter betragen. economic optimum to be striven for, Dennoch ist dieser Spezialkran in der but in addition consideration had to Lage, zwei hintereinander stehende be given to further extension options Korbstapel zu je acht Meter zu beof the system so that, in the future, the dienen. Erreicht wurde dies dadurch, third press at the plant and the surface dass die Katze mit integriertem Greitreatment facilities could also be intefer in der Lage ist, die Körbe unter der grated into the automated sequence. Kranbahn hindurchzuschieben. Auch At the planning stage it was debei der Bedienung der Alterungsöfen cided to arrange the crane gantry of wird dieses Prinzip angewendet. the automatic crane transversely to Durch diese Maßnahme konnten bei the extrusion direction. With this inGutmann nicht nur die erforderliche stallation variant transport by crane Anzahl an Alterungsöfen, sondern gains an additional distributive funcauch die der Planung zugrunde liegention since the section racks can be de Lagerkapazität für die Verpackung assigned directly to the storage areas, zur Verfügung gestellt werden. the ageing furnaces and the packing Diese Anordnung des Automatikpositions. krans bringt es mit sich, dass eine In the system, the filled section Reihe von Detailproblemen gelöst racks are placed onto two roller werden mussten: tracks, on which the racks are trans• Da die Körbe auf beiden Seiten ported from the stackers of the two über die Kranbahn hinausreichen, press lines to under the crane gantry. waren bei der Auslegung des AnThe incoming tracks for full racks are triebes und der Steuerung besondere arranged at ground level, while for the Sicherheitsanforderungen zu erfüllen. return of empty racks in each case a Insbesondere galt es sicherzustellen, second rack transporter is provided dass die im Lagerbereich angeordat the level above. The area under the neten Kranbahnstützen nicht mit den crane gantry is divided between stortransportierten Körben kollidieren. age space and heat treatment. Dazu musste ein neues SicherheitsFor heat treatment, the two ageing konzept entwickelt werden, das auf furnaces acquired earlier have been einer fehlerfreien Positionsbestimreplaced by a total of five new topmung und einer sicheren Signalüberloader furnaces from the company tragung beruht. Hinzu kommt, dass IUT. This solution was chosen bedie Stützen in einem relativ großen cause of the restricted space available. Abstand angeordnet sind (was zudem The furnaces have removable covers der verfügbaren Lagerfläche zugute and are loaded and unloaded by © kommt). © ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 TECHNOLOGY ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 59 TECHNOLOGIE • Ein weiterer wichtiger Aspekt war die hohe Temperaturbelastung des Kranes bei der Bedienung der Alterungsöfen. Bei geöffnetem Ofen ist der Kran praktisch durch die Ofentemperatur beaufschlagt. Es musste deshalb für jedes Konstruktionsdetail geprüft werden, ob es dieser Temperaturbelastung gewachsen ist. Autonome Steuerung des Automatikbetriebes Die Investition in eine Automatisierung des Korbtransports rechnet sich auf mehrfache Weise. Einmal lassen sich Transportschäden, die bei dem herkömmlichen Transport mit Flurförderern einen beachtlichen Umfang besitzen, nahezu vollständig vermeiden. Hinzu kommt in aller Regel die größere Produktivität der Strangpresslinien, die auf den störungsfreien Automatikbetrieb zurückzuführen ist. Dieser Betrieb wird zudem mit reduziertem Aufwand an Personal und Transportmitteln erreicht. Um die komplexen Aufgabenstellungen im automatisierten Ablauf bewältigen zu können, wird die Anlage von einem Transportleitsystem gesteuert, das seinerseits mit dem Prozessleitsystem des Presswerkes verbunden ist. Vom Prozessleitsystem werden dem Transportleitsystem lediglich die Auftragsdaten inklusive der abzuarbeitenden Arbeitschritte mitgeteilt. Die sinnvolle Abwicklung aller erforderlichen Transportbewegungen steuert das Transportleitsystem selbst. Weiterhin ist es Aufgabe des Transportleitsystems, für die optimale Auslastung der Alterungsöfen zu sorgen. Lediglich mit der Vorgabe des Ofenprogramms werden sämtliche Abläufe an den Alterungsöfen (wie Zwischenlagerungen, Batchbildung vor, im und nach dem Ofen, Ofenprogrammwahl, Ofenstart, Manipulation der Ofendeckel, Qualitätsprüfung nach dem Altern) optimiert ausgeführt. Zur Qualitätssicherung werden zusätzlich die ermittelten Temperaturverläufe einer jeden Charge zu Dokumentationszwecken dem Qualitätsmanagement des Presswerkes übergeben. In der folgenden Verpackung sorgt das System mit intelligenten 60 Lagerstrategien und reibungslosem, kontinuierlichen Ablauf für eine Produktionssteigerung auch in diesem Bereich. Das Transportleitsystem orientiert sich bei der Bewältigung seiner Aufgaben an einer Reihe von betrieblichen Vorgaben und organisatorischen Festlegungen und stellt einen in jeder Situation optimalen Materialfluss durch das gesamte System sicher. Ein erfahrener Partner spart Lehrgeld Die flexible Automatisierung des Materialflusses im Strangpresswerk verlangt mehr als andere Logistiklösungen ein reichhaltiges Maß an Erfahrungen auf diesem Spezialgebiet. Die Problematik, der sich Presswerk und Logistikpartner stets aufs Neue gegenüber gestellt sehen, ist zunächst einmal darin begründet, dass es sich um individuell gewachsene Strukturen handelt. In praktisch jedem Werk liegen die Verhältnisse anders: Die lokalen Gegebenheiten, die existierenden Anlagenteile und ihre Aufstellung, das Produktionsprogramm, die unternehmerischen Zielstellungen und andere Punkte – die unterschiedlichen Randbedingungen machen eine Lösung von der Stange praktisch unmöglich. Herrmann und Hieber hat das als erstes Unternehmen erkannt und befasst sich seit nunmehr fast 20 Jahren mit dieser ganz speziellen Thematik. In dieser Zeit wurden in zahlreichen namhaften deutschen und europäischen Presswerken insgesamt ca. 50 Automatisierungslösungen installiert – von singulären Transport- und/oder Lagerlösungen bis hin zum komplett automatisierten Materialfluss im gesamten Werk. Auf diesen Erfahrungen aufbauend ist Herrmann+Hieber heute der Logistikpartner der Strangpressindustrie in Fragen des innerbetrieblichen Profiltransportes. Autoren Dipl.-Ing. Georg Papadopoulos ist Vertriebs- und Projektingenieur bei H+H Herrmann+Hieber GmbH in Denkendorf. Reiner Spangenberg ist Leiter des Strangpresswerkes der Hermann Gutmann Werke AG in Weißenburg. the crane from above. During this, the crane also manipulates the furnace covers (opening and closing). In total, each furnace accommodates two fivehigh rack stacks next to one another, so that HGW also has sufficient ageing capacities for future needs. The system’s main storage area has been located directly under the crane. To have sufficient storage capacity this area is designed so that in each case two rack stacks are arranged one behind the other. The system is also responsible for dealing with empty scrap crates and their removal. A superlative crane unit The automatic crane is an indispensable transport means for the automation of rack transport in the extrusion plant. With crane transport, rack movements are possible which could only be carried out with difficulty using floor-level conveyor technology. In most cases the free areas on the ground required for them are not sufficient. The automatic crane now installed at Gutmann can be regarded as the most dynamic of its type so far built by Hermann+Hieber. The crane can serve two extrusion presses, the section store, all the ageing furnaces, the packing area and in addition the scrap transport. That represents a new dimension never before realized anywhere. For structural reasons the span width of the three-axis crane could only amount to 13 metres. Yet, this special crane can serve two rack stacks, one behind the other and each 8 metres long. This is because the trolley carriage with its integrated gripper can push the racks under the crane gantry. The same principle is also used for serving the ageing furnaces. Thanks to this measure, at HGW not only is the necessary number of ageing furnaces made available, but also the planned storage capacity for packing. This arrangement of the automatic crane entailed finding solutions for a number of detail problems: • Since the racks extend beyond the crane gantry on both sides, special safety requirements had to be fulfilled by the design of the drive and control systems. In particular it had to be en- ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 TECHNOLOGY sured that the crane gantry supports arranged in the storage area do not collide with the racks being transported. For this a new safety concept had to be developed, based on faultless … mit Unterstützung des Logistikspezialisten Herrmann+Hieber … with the support of logistic specialist Herrmann+Hieber position determination and reliable signal transmission. Besides, the supports are positioned a relatively large distance apart (which also increases the available storage area). • Another important aspect was the high temperatures to which the crane is exposed when serving the ageing furnaces. When a furnace is open the crane, and also its gantry, are exposed almost to the temperature in the furnace. It therefore had to be verified for every detail of the structure whether that temperature loading could be withstood. Autonomous control of the automatic operation The investment in rack transport automation pays dividends in many respects. Transport damage, which is fairly commonplace during conventional transport by floor-level conveyances, can be avoided completely. Moreover, as a rule the extrusion lines are more productive as the result of trouble-free ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 automatic operation. In addition, operation is less costly in terms of personnel and transport means. To manage the complex tasks involved in an automated sequence, the plant is controlled by a transport management system which is in turn connected to the master process control system of the extrusion plant. The process control system only transmits the job data, including the working steps to be carried out, to the transport management system. The latter is solely responsible for proper implementation of all the necessary transport movements. The transport management system is responsible for the optimum utilization of the ageing furnaces. Only by specifying the furnace programme in full is it possible to carry out optimally all the procedures at the ageing furnaces, such as intermediate storage, batch-building before, in, and after the furnace, furnace programme selection, starting-up of the furnace, manipulation of the furnace cover and quality inspection after ageing. For quality assurance, the temperature variations determined for each charge are communicated to the quality management of the extrusion plant for documentation purposes. In the subsequent packing area too, the transport management system ensures greater productivity by virtue of intelligent storage strategies and a smooth and continuous procedure. For the management of its tasks the transport management system takes into consideration a series of operational specifications and organizational rules, and ensures optimum material flow throughout the system in any situation. An experienced partner saves the cost of trial and error More than other logistical solutions, the flexible automation of material flow in an extrusion plant demands a great deal of experience in this special field. The problems faced again and again by extrusion plants and their logistics partners stem, in the first place, from the fact that they have all developed individually. The situation is practically any plant is different: local circumstances, the existing plant components and their installation, the production programme, the company’s objectives and other points – the different boundary conditions, in other words – make it virtually impossible to apply any ‘off the shelf’ solution. Hermann+Hieber was the first company to recognize this and has now been dealing for almost 20 years with this very special subject area. Over that period a total of about 50 automation systems have been installed at numerous German and European extrusion plants – from individual transport and/or storage solutions to completely automated material flow systems throughout the plant. Building on that experience, today H+H is the logistics partner of the extrusion industry when any matter of section transport within the plant is concerned. Authors Dipl.-Ing. Georg Papadopoulos is Sales and Project Engineer at H+H Herrmann + Hieber GmbH in Denkendorf. Reiner Spangenberg is Plant Manager Extrusion at Hermann Gutmann Werke AG in Weißenburg. Hermann Gutmann Werke is an exhibitor at ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Hall 3, Stand M30 www.gutmann.de OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER H+H Herrmann + Hieber is an exhibitor at ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Hall 1, Stand G76 www.herrmannhieber.de OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER 61 Photos: Danieli Fröhling TECHNOLOGY Fully computer-based: the control centre of a rolling mill ‘Diamond Mills‘ Ambitious rolling and cutting technology for aluminium strips B. Rieth, Meerbusch In the last issue of ALUMINIUM the Managing Director of Danieli Fröhling, Jörg Schröder, explained the importance of his company as the competence centre for aluminium rolling and strip processing lines within the Danieli Group. The following contribution looks at some of the technical highlights of the company’s product range, and reports about current orders. In the aluminium sector, the company now known as Danieli Fröhling has until now mainly made a name for itself with strip processing lines. In recent years, wherever a new aluminium, rolling plant for high-end flat products has been set up, the customer has always decided for a strip-cutting line from Danieli Fröhling. Yet, the company has great plans to achieve a similarly important position in the field of aluminium rolling plants as in the cutting sector. The basis for this is on the one hand years of experience in 4-high, 6-high and even 20-high rolling mills for both copper and brass strips and for stainless and high-alloy steel strips in all thickness ranges 62 down to 10 μm foil. In addition, the sister company Danieli Wean United is continuing the traditions of the two US American rolling plant constructors Wean and United Engineering in the building of hot- and cold-rolling plants for wide steel strips. In recent years this sector, as a member of the Danieli group, has achieved a notable extension of its market position in the booming steel strip market, in which interesting new developments such as 6-high cold-rolling mills for wide strip have also appeared. What could be more obvious than to combine the experiences of the Danieli group in rolling plant construction and use the result to enter the aluminium sector? But to live up to Danieli Fröhling’s claim not simply to come on the market with a few attractive ‘Me-too’ solutions, what Danieli Fröhling offers is a particularly attractive ‘specialty’ for the operator. To put it briefly: under the leadership of Danieli Fröhling as the competence centre for flat aluminium products within the group, the three exclusively collaborating partners Danieli Fröhling, Danieli Automation and Innoval Technology, with their ‘Diamond Mill’ concept, offer a unique combination of competence in rolling mill construction, in automation and process control, and in long years of operational know-how, which provides both experienced operators and, in particular, those who are new to the aluminium business an ‘all-round problem-free package’ with only one partner with responsibility for the project, who can however, rely on the abundant experience of his partners from the initial planning stage right up to the operation of the plant. The details of this strategy have already been highlighted in an interview with Jörg Schröder in ALUMINIUM, issue 06/2008. Accordingly, below we shall focus primarily on the design aspects of the rolling mills intended for the ‘Diamond Mill’ concept. Numerous application sectors for ‘Diamond Mills’ The standard ‘Diamond Mill’ rolling unit for hot- and cold-rolled aluminium strips is again the 4-high mill. As a rule, as a non-reversing stand this ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 TECHNOLOGY Single-stand 6-high rolling mill strips they enable better control of the strip flatness, rapid adaptation to frequently changing pass schedules and strip dimensions, especially when changing from wide to narrow strips. Another important feature is the improved compensation of thermal crown from the previous rolling pass. Moreover, 6-high stands enable rolling with steeper acceleration and deceleration ramps without adverse effect on strip flatness uniformity. A 6-high stand of this type (in this case for copper strips), which satisfies all the criteria of modern rolling plant engineering, is currently being built by Danieli Fröhling for strip widths up to 650 mm and rolling speeds up to 800 m/min for Chinalco Luoyang Copper Co. in China. This company of © Creuna. Foto: Gettyimages (Hydro 2008) does all that is needed in the sector of strip and plate hot-rolling and for many cold-rolling processes. This traditional structure, with two working rolls and two back-up rolls, is mainly used where the deformation planned demands a solid mechanical stand design which, however, depending on the task, is supported by the most modern actuators for automation known in the field of rolling mill engineering today. In addition, in special cases coldrolling mills are also offered in the form of a non-reversing 6-high stand with two relatively slim working rolls, two intermediate rolls and in each case two back-up rolls. 6-high stands have been developed by Danieli specially for satisfying strict demands on strip profile, especially in the area of the strip edges, strip flatness, and high reduction rates, for example in high-productivity stainless steel rolling plants and also for the most recent copper rolling mills, and are widely used. In the cold-rolling of aluminium Von der Dose in Berlin zur Fassade in Bangkok. Wenige Werkstoffe haben so viele Leben wie Aluminium. Das Leichtmetall kann ohne Qualitätsverlust immer wieder neu recycelt werden, und weltweit werden heute zwei von drei Getränkedosen gesammelt, eingeschmolzen und neu verwertet. Gut möglich, dass die Dose aus Berlin nun in einer Fassade in Bangkok einen neuen Zweck erfüllt. Hydro gehört zu den führenden Aluminiumunternehmen der Welt und ist ein bedeutender Produzent von erneuerbarer Energie. Seit über 100 Jahren tragen wir zur Zukunftsfähigkeit der Gesellschaft bei und werden dies auch im kommenden Jahrhundert tun. www.hydro.com ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 63 TECHNOLOGY Alu ColdMill 16Q: 6-high ‚Diamond‘ non-reversing rolling mill the Chinalco group mainly active in the aluminium sector already operates two ‘Fröhling’ rolling mills and now, besides the 6-high mill, also will receive a 4-high reversing mill. Going beyond the standard of modern 4-high mills, Danieli Fröhling’s foil rolling mills are specially designed for high-speed rolling conditions at up to 2500 m/min, a minimum foil thickness of 5.5 μm and foil widths over 2000 mm. They contain specially designed bearings created particularly for these high speeds and the present-day requirements of rolling plant operators. At rolling speeds of up to 1800 m/min the back-up roll bearings consist of four-row cylindrical roller bearings and two-row axial bearings. To keep the bearing temperature as constant as possible, the chocks of the backup rolls have drilled coolant passages near the outer ring of the bearings. At speeds higher than 1800 m/min Danieli Fröhling uses the so-termed ‘DanOil’ bearings already developed by Danieli in 1998. These are hydrostatic oil flood bearings suitable not only for the highest rolling speeds but also for very high rolling forces, which have meanwhile come to be highly regarded in technical circles. The entry guides are equipped with a specially arranged spray coolant distribution system, which ensures uniform temperature distribution in that area. Furthermore, the spray nozzle arrangement is optimized so that the quantity of coolant is minimized, which makes production very economical. The hot-, cold- and foil-rolling mills are supplemented by the handling equipment required for each application, such as roller tables, coilers and shears. So much for the mechanical standard of the new rolling plant concept. But a ‘Diamond Mill’ has much more: aluminium strips of whatever rolled condition and thickness range are exposed to keen competition from competing materials, which can only be overcome by the greatest rolling plant productivity and optimum strip geometry and strip surface quality. The successful use of a mechanically sound rolling mill is therefore only possible if it is equipped with technologically highly effective actuators which, for their part, are controlled by well-developed process models. This is precisely the point of attack for the ‘Diamond’ concept. To implement it, Danieli Fröhling’s partners Danieli Automation and Innoval Technology work hand in hand. Danieli was one of the first plant engineers to recognize the importance of rolling plant automation and has installed and perfected it in countless plants for both steel and nonferrous products. For its part, on the one hand Innoval Technology has many years of experience in the production and processing of the most varied aluminium alloys. On the other hand, available to the company are all that it needs to investigate material specimens in order to establish the influence of the pre-material but also the effects of process variations. Thus, together Danieli Automation and Innoval Technology can provide an aluminium rolling plant with the optimum process needed for the task in hand. Examples of the successful use of such process models determine the technology of ‘Diamond Mill’. For example, the control of strip profile during hot rolling or flatness during cold rolling depends on the ability to influence the roll gap accurately over the entire speed range. This also applies during the acceleration phase, in which the rolling forces change markedly with the condition of the roll gap. Good set-up models are also important for establishing exactly the starting positions of the actuators and thus the minimizing of out-of-tolerance sections at the beginning and end of the strip. Very important for Foil rolling mill 64 ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 TECHNOLOGY the rolling process is also controlled temperature management by spray cooling of the working rolls, in the design of which Innoval’s long experience in the optimization of aluminium rolling plants plays an important part. Here, minimizing the use of lubricant also contributes importantly towards environmental protection. Minimization of the setting-up and idle times is another important feature of ‘Diamond Mill’. For this, they are equipped with rapid-adjustment possibilities, automatic roll change, and provisions for the simple performance of inspection and maintenance work. For Danieli Fröhling the overall Diamond Mill concept naturally also includes the use of the most modern peripheral and auxiliary equipment. Sophisticated cutting technology for aluminium strips Edge-trimming, slitting and cut-tolength lines made by Danieli Fröhling have special features thanks to long years of experience and continual further development, with which the company addresses the strictest individual requirements on the market and therefore, in deviating from standard lines for ordinary needs, can lay claim to the attribute of ‘excellence’. This is also reflected in the corresponding ‘premium’ prices for Fröhling equipment, although it should be borne in mind here that the true cost of a plant is determined not just by its purchase price, but rather, as the sum, of all costs over the entire life of the plant. Besides the price of the plant other factors are important in this, such as maintenance expenses, the need for spare parts, running costs, etc. These are the points on which the company focuses in its plant concepts and is thus always rewarded with orders from existing or new customers. Good examples of the success of this attitude are provided by a look at the current orders received by Danieli Fröhling from important aluminium industry customers. High-speed trimming technology Owing to their continual further development, trimming lines from Fröh- ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 Exit side of a slitting line ling have made their mark on the state of the art in highly productive companies of the NF metals industry for many years. Particularly appreciated are the design criteria established by the Fröhling designers for speed, productivity and material tolerances. The company points out that it is now the only plant manufacturer in the world which supplies trimming lines that run at constant speeds of up to 1600 m/min in day to day production operation. Based on a trimming unit for 1500 m/min delivered to Aluminium Norf in Germany at the end of the 1990s, China’s fastest trimming unit for aluminium strips so far went to Longkou Guansheng Hydrophile Aluminium Foil Co. Ltd., a company belonging to the Nanshan group. There, again at 1500 m/min, the machine trims both can body stock and foil stock strips in the width range from 950 to 2100 mm and of thickness 0.25 to 0.7 mm, brought in as 30-tonne coils. This customer’s satisfaction has already led to follow-up orders from other Chinese plants, including Chinalco Southwest Cold Rolling Co. Ltd. (CSWA) and Chinalco Ruimin. A further trimming speed increase is provided for in the CSWA plant, which is designed for a plant speed of 1600 m/min with a speed of 0 to 30 m/ min for threading the strip in and out and a capacity of 220,000 tonnes per year. This is used both for the intermediate trimming of strips which are subsequently to be rolled again, and also for finished material before shipping. The strips, made from the alloy groups 1xxx, 3xxx, 5xxx and 8xxx, are 0.1 to 0.65 mm thick, 800 to 1800 mm wide, and are supplied in the plain rolled, waxed, or coated condition in coils weighing 22.5 tonnes. Besides the mechanical equipment, Danieli Fröhling is also responsible for the electric and automation aspects. In addition to the actual drive technology, Danieli also supplies the level-1 and level-2 systems. The control and regulation functions of level2 are used, among other things, for on-line monitoring and for machine and process supervision, to ensure the best possible production performance and product quality of the plant. The plant has already been delivered and assembly is to begin shortly. Slitting lines Similarly advanced is Danieli Fröhling’s position in relation to slitting lines. A good example is the slitter, including the packaging line, which recently began operating at Alcoa Europe Köfem in Hungary. The design of the unit is based on the most up-todate knowledge about the slitting of thinner and softer materials by circular blades. Cold-rolled hard and soft aluminium strips 0.05 to 0.4 mm thick and with a maximum run-in width of 1700 mm can be slit into up to 120 strips and coiled. © 65 TECHNOLOGY to the vacuum braking roll, whose The particular aim was to avoid suruse is limited to strips of maximum face damage and achieve the largest thickness 1.2 mm, the ECBS covers possible finished coil diameter. These the entire thickness range from 0.3 objectives were achieved by the use mm upwards. The ECBS is based on of vacuum braking rolls at several a special magnetic application which points in the plant, in particular the was developed by a partner company run-out area of the CNC slitting shear, of Danieli Fröhling for the separation in the middle of the slack-loop pit, and of NF-metal scrap, and has already before the recoiler. Thanks to the arproved its worth in that field. Whereas rangement in the middle of the loop to control the speed the vacuum brakpit a double loop is formed, which ing roll contacts the strip on its botdoubles the capacity of the pit without tom side, the ECBS goes a step further: damaging the strip. here, the lower roll is purely a guide The plant at Alcoa is notable for roll which runs, without pressure and other fundamental features: consequently free from slip, at exactly • The use of CNC slitting shears, the same speed as the strip itself. This which enable precise adjustment operation is particularly appropriate of the blade penetration depth to for scratch-sensitive surfaces such as an accuracy of ± 2 μm. • Automatic exchange programme of the CNC shears within a few minutes, with the option of an off-line test cut. • Plant operation speed of 500 m/min in loop operation and 800 m/min in tension operation. • Automatic chopping up of outof-tolerance strip ends by means of a drum shear, with a cutting speed of up to 200 m/min. • Hydraulic clamping of the Drum shear recoiling mandrel, to ensure the reflector strips or lithography strips. quickest possible exchange of Only recently, Danieli Fröhling ‘Cutspool shafts with various diating Edge Technology’ accepted an ormeters and thereby achieve high der from its Chinese customer PingAn productivity. Aluminium for a new slitter unit. “So far the contractually agreed parameters have not only been satisfied, but in some cases even bettered. For Cut-to-length lines example, the exchange time of five minutes agreed for changing the slitIn any appreciation of Danieli Fröhting shears has been cut to three minling cutting technology cut-to-length utes, which means that the calculated lines should not go unmentioned. unproductive times can be consideraThe company is proud for many reably reduced with well-trained personsons about its most recent order from nel and so converted into productive Kodak China Graphic Communicatimes. In addition, the contractually tions Co. Ltd. for a cut-to-length line agreed availability test was successwith trimming shear, scrap trimming fully carried out already four weeks shear, drum shear and paper handling before the date scheduled for it”, says for lithography strips up to 1650 mm Schröder. wide. “Repeat orders from companies Besides the already mentioned vacsuch as the Kodak group provide us uum braking rolls of which more than with clear evidence of customer satis25 have been built, Danieli Fröhling faction. For the first order, we have to has developed another component for persuade the customer of our technical strip tension control that avoids surcompetence. Follow-up orders, in this face damage by sophisticated brakcase for example Kodak for its plants ing technology: the ‘Eddy Current in China and the USA, we regard as Braking System’ (ECBS). In contrast a proof of the company’s confidence 66 in our leading technical solutions and the reliable manner in which we fulfil our orders”, says Schröder. In this connection, Danieli Fröhling may well be the only metallurgical plant constructor to associate the interesting field of lithography strip with two different production steps: both in the finishing of aluminium rolling plants as in the case of Hydro Aluminium, and in further processing, as with Kodak, AgfaGevaert and Fuji Photo. The most important component of Danieli Fröhling’s cut-to-length lines is the drum shear, which is also used in the trimming lines for cutting up the out-of-tolerance beginning and end sections of the strips. The drum shear can be used for immediate length changes of successive sections, and in this, reliably achieves a tolerance of ± 0.125 mm. Worthy of special mention is the enormously long life of the shear blade, which only has to be re-ground after about ten million cuts. Like the rolling mills, so too the various shear lines are supplemented by highly effective automation systems with process models matched to the plant characteristics in each case. In addition, Danieli Fröhling offers its customers in the NF sector the metallurgical Supply Chain Management (‘METscm’) system specially developed by Danieli Automation. This incorporates the rolling plant or shearing line into the overall order- tracking and so ensures the greatest possible plant productivity. Author Dipl.-Ing. Bernhard Rieth is a marketing specialist and freelance technical journalist. As proprietor of Marketing Xpertise Rieth in Meerbusch, he advises equipment partners of the NF metals semis industry on marketing-related matters. Danieli Fröhling is an exhibitor at ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Galeria, Stand G35 www.danieli-froehling.de OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 TECHNOLOGY Alloy manufacturer and extruder join forces Aluminium has many attractive material properties and these have led to it being increasingly used in an ever-broader range of applications. The metal’s appearance is aesthetically appealing to all age groups: reassuringly reliable yet young at heart. Good looks coupled with ease of processing have opened up markets for the metal as diverse as the automotive industry and building and construction; interior decoration is also a field where designers take full advantage of aluminium’s aesthetic qualities. To be able to demand a premium price, products need to be completely free from blemishes and imperfections that might detract from an otherwise excellent visual appearance. So-called ‘bright-finish alloys’, which can be polished electrolytically or chemically to give a high-gloss surface finish, have been used for many years in applications that need a bright and shiny appearance, or where reflection of heat or light is important. The materials are typically purer grades of aluminium, such as Al99,98R. Two companies based in Germany, Trimet Aluminium AG from Essen and Gerhardi Alutechnik GmbH & Co. KG from Lüdenscheid, have now adopted a novel approach by combining a highpurity alloy with a forming process that produces extrusions that have a particularly high-grade surface finish. The products are suitable for high-volume applications, such as for the automotive industry. As the companies point out, such an approach demands close co-operation between the producer of the extrusion billets and the extruder in order to detect and analyze defects, and take the necessary steps to improve the production chain. trimal BQ process Trimet has introduced its trimal BQ (brilliant quality) process at its primary aluminium smelter in Essen to pro- ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 Photos: Trimet Combined approach to bright finish products Unacceptable oxide lines and TiB2 agglomerates in a grain refinement rod duce these alloys. The process covers all aspects of the production process starting with the choice of the alumina used in the smelter, via the pots used for the actual electrolysis through to customized homogenizing of the end product. A wide range of steps is taken to avoid any undesirable impurities such as inclusions forming or entering the metal. The starting point is the alumina used as the raw material for the electrolysis process: • The quality of the alumina is carefully monitored and only raw material that is sufficiently low in iron, silicon, calcium and sodium is used. • Although it is common practice in primary aluminium smelters to use alumina for dry scrubbing of the waste gases, thereby extracting fluorides which are subsequently recycled with the alumina, this alumina is not used to produce bright-finish alloys to avoid a possible source of contamination. Important measures are also introduced during the electrolysis process that converts the alumina to aluminium: • Electrolysis is only carried out in special pots reserved specifically for producing high-purity aluminium. This avoids any possible pick-up of contaminants. • In the interests of quality, the aluminium in the high-purity pots is analyzed more frequently than is normally the case, namely every 48 hours. • A special control system keeps the level of the electrolyte in the bath at a constant height. • Attention is also given to the anodes used in the electrolysis cells. Not only do the anodes used have a low iron content, they are also replaced more frequently than is usually the case. Although this measure incurs added costs, it avoids contamination due to iron from the pins that fasten the anodes to the rods. • The anodes used are coated with a special mixture consisting of crushed bath and production purity alumina; this protects the anodes against oxidation. Melting The level of care that is taken to avoid the ingress of undesirable impurities and inclusions in the potroom is maintained in the casthouse: • In the melting furnace, cold metal can be used for melting or if molten metal from the potroom is used, cold metal is added to cool the molten metal down to the desired holding temperature. In either case, only ingots or sows from in-house production are used. Tests have shown that from an inclusion point of view there is no difference between using molten aluminium from the potroom or cold metal as the starting material. • Alloying elements are added in the form of master alloys: a) Only master alloys or other additions to the melt from certified suppliers are used and these are chemically analyzed and checked for non-metallic inclusions and microstructure. b) The master alloys have to conform to DIN-EN 575. c) The order in which the alloying elements are added to the melt is important. d) A sample of every heat of the © 67 TECHNOLOGY grain refinement rod used is analyzed for possible impurities, such as oxides, and to determine the morphology of the nucleants (TiB2, Al3Ti) e) Master alloys are not added in the casting furnace. Holding As is common casthouse practice, care is taken to ensure that dross on the surface of the molten metal is skimmed off and not allowed to enter the metal. The casing process in Essen has been specially developed for trimal BQ. After stirring, skimming, holding and sampling, the melt is transferred to the casting furnace via a launder system. Here it is essential that turbulence is avoided and that the transfer is carried out under laminar flow to avoid dross formation and hydrogen pick-up. In the casting furnace, melt cleaning is performed using the impeller technique and an argon/chlorine gas mixture. This removes non-metallic inclusions and hydrogen from the melt. In the holding furnace, the cleanliness of the melt is checked from time using a Porous Disc Filtration Apparatus (PodFa). The measurement involves passing the molten metal through a fine filter and analyzing the deposit left behind. The technique involves preparing metallographic samples and examination of the inclusion content left behind on the surface of the fine-filter disc. The interpretation of the metallographic sections requires an experienced technician. The results are expressed in terms of Tool for extruding bright finish alloys 68 area fraction of inclusions observed as a function of metal volume passing through the test filter; the standard unit is mm2 of inclusions/kg of melt. The filter system used for the melt is very effective and removes most of the inclusions. It also functions effectively over the entire casting cycle. If end-product rejection rates are to be kept to a minimum, the inclusion content must not be allowed to exceed 0.005 mm2/kg. Casting Billets 140 to 548 mm in diameter are produced using spout and float casting technology. The casting process is automatic. Tilting of the casting furnace is controlled via the level of the melt in the launder using a laser technique. It is important that the melt in the casting furnace and the launder are at the same level to avoid the so-called ‘waterfall effect’; splashing would lead to undesirable oxidation of the molten metal and the formation of inclusions. The metal is cast into continuous-casting moulds specially chosen for the trimal BQ. After removing the solidified billets, the surface of each billet is checked visually for any signs of surface defects. Ultrasonic testing is used to check for possible internal cracks in the base area of the billet. The billets are subsequently homogenized, the specific details of which depend on the customer and the final product. The duration and temperature of the homogenizing treatment and in particular the cooling rate after homogenizing have a significant effect on the properties of the final product. The homogenized billets are subjected to metallographic examination using light microscopy. A potential serious problem is pre-solidification, which can adversely affect the appearance of the finished part. Other checks include measurement of the depth of the shell zone, which is defined by the customer, the grain structure, which should be uniform, and the grain size. Feather crystals, nonmetallic inclusions and gas porosity are undesirable and must not exceed prescribed limits. Geral BQ Gerhardi Alutechnik uses billets supplied by Trimet to produce its Geral BQ extruded shapes, which are used in a wide range of applications: • Tooling technology: the desired level of surface finish cannot be attained using the tooling normally used for aluminium extrusion. The highly wear-resistant extrusion tooling used by Gerhardi is based on a special tool steel and a defined coating system. • Extrusion parameters: the billet is preheated to a temperature of 400 to 500°C and the extruded shape is subjected to controlled cooling, the details of which depend on the intended application. • The extruded part is then subjected to a final heat treatment. When producing high quality extrusions for decorative applications, strict monitoring of the production parameters is essential. If the Geral BQ extruded shape is used to make trim for a car, a stretcher and roller process is used to bend it to the desired shape. The material has excellent bending properties, allowing small bending radii to be achieved, and there is only minor orange peel thanks to the high degree of homogeneity. After forming, the finished shape is first sanded and polished. The homogeneous structure of the alloy coupled with the good surface finish of the extruded part results in less sanding and polishing being needed at this stage and thus considerable cost benefits. ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 TECHNOLOGY is about 15,000 tonnes a year, and it is still growing. Geral BQ is used in the automotive, furniture and lighting industries. In the automotive industry, which is a major driving force for the use of decorative aluminium parts, Geral BQ is used both inside and outside the vehicle: for example, for trim, roof racks, decorative fittings and door handles. N Trimet is an exhibitor at ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Hall 3, Stand C50 Bright finish surface – natural and black The parts are then subjected to electropolishing and anodizing. It is possible to supply parts in a wide range of colours and surface finishes. According to Trimet and Gerhardi Alutechnik, the market in Europe for extrusion billets used to produce surface-sensitive aluminium products www.trimet.de OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER The Hertwich Engineering ‘3E’ concept Efficient, economical and ecological melting of swarf and scrap Plant configuration – swarf remelt plant There are serious disadvantages associated with the methods for remelting swarf which have been in common use for a number of years and these tend to have a negative impact on cost effectiveness: • low metal yield • high energy costs • extensive handling • emission problems with waste gases and the solid residue (salt cake). For instance, the rotary furnace concept achieves a somewhat low metal yield as well as producing environmentally problematic salt cake. By using induction type furnaces, waste gases need additional treatment to meet environmental requirements. Induction type furnaces require very clean charged material and often need mechanical intervention to overcome bridging. They are also associated with high specific investment costs, frequent expensive relining and high operating costs for electricity. Mechanical mixing of swarf is associated with the need for frequent maintenance due to damaged or worn impellers or other stirring devices. With conventional methods, swarf still needs to be dried in a separate step and allowed to cool down, thereby again absorbing moisture. The common practice of half-heartedly drying the swarf to some 200°C only reduces the moisture content without actually resolving the issue. In a competitive environment, these are serious aspects that call for genuine improvements. A well-proven concept developed and patented by Hertwich Engineering eliminates ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 Hertwich Due to increasing use of aluminium castings and forgings, for example in the automotive industry, swarf generation is on the rise. Swarf generation is now estimated to exceed several million tonnes a year worldwide. It is therefore important to have a very economical and environmentally sound method of returning such huge quantities of waste material to the material cycle. these disadvantages and sets the industry benchmark for the three Es: • Efficiency: best metal recovery, thorough process integration • Economy: cost effective, lean operation • Ecology/environment: surpasses even the most stringent emission limits. The 3E concept is characterized by the following features: • After the usual swarf treatment steps like centrifuging, breaking and iron separation, swarf is first fed into a high speed swarf dryer and then immediately charged into the furnace and melted in a continuous operation. • The swarf dryer and melting furnace are combined in a single thermomechanical system. Hot gases © 69 TECHNOLOGY Continuous melt rate, depending on plant size Specific energy consumption (natural gas) for drying, gasification and melting Dross generation relative to dry charge weight Aluminium content of dross Effective metal loss Cost of transporting and handling swarf Table: Process data from the furnace chamber are used to heat the swarf in the dryer. These hot gases are mixed with the circulating gas flow in the dryer. Exhaust gases from the dryer, which also contain hydrocarbons, are ducted back into the melting furnace, where the hydrocarbons burn in the hot atmosphere at approx. 1000°C with a slight excess of oxygen. An expensive, energy-intensive after-burner system is therefore not required, but the burning of the hydrocarbons from the swarfdrying process contributes substantially to the energy requirement of the melting furnace. • The swarf is rapidly heated to some 400°C within a fraction of a second and the hydrocarbons and moisture evaporate completely. This prevents further oxidation of the swarf due to lengthy exposure to high temperatures. • The dryer and melting furnace are combined into a single process so the swarf is hot when it is fed into the melt and its thermal energy is thus utilized. • The swarf is free from moisture and hydrocarbons. If swarf is allowed to cool down to ambient temperature inside a building, it reabsorbs 0.1 % of its weight in moisture within a short period of time (which is equivalent to 1 kg per tonne) – due to the van der Waals force. If this moisture enters the melt, it will cause an increase in hydrogen content as well as oxidation losses. • During charging into the furnace sidewell, hot swarf comes into contact with a vertical, downward flow of molten metal generated by an electromagnetic linear-motor, and is quickly submerged into the melt. The swarf melts by direct contact with the molten metal without any oxidation. There are no moving parts in contact with the melt contact. • A linear motor attached in a similar way can be used as a launder pump 70 2.0 – 5.0 t/h 600 kWh/t, (930 BTU/lb) < 1.5 – 2.5% * 60 – 80% 0.8 – 1.5 % substantially reduced * depending on age of swarf and oxides present for safe and easy tapping of the melt, by either transferring the metal into a holding furnace or into crucibles. Advantages of Hertwich Engineering’s 3E concept: • Lowest melt losses, hence highest metal recovery • Lower energy consumption • Minimum manpower requirement for operation and maintenance • Better metal quality (less hydrogen) • Meets stringent environmental standards • Occupation safety, EHS compliance. In large foundries and forging plants with an annual swarf generation of 5,000 to 20,000 tonnes a year or more, it is practical to recycle the swarf on site. This saves the costs of handling and transport. The first swarf remelt plant of this type was commissioned for a prominent German producer of forgings, where swarf is delivered to the swarf dryer directly from the machining centres. This application typically requires a co-flow dryer, where swarf is heated within a few seconds, eliminating further oxidation on the swarf surface. Other plants have been installed for wheel manufacturers, who also recycle their scrap wheels. These wheels are charged through a wheel lock, where they are preheated and delacquered, and then fed into the melt automatically. One plant of this type is in operation at a German primary aluminium producer. The plant operates on purchased swarf, and is therefore equipped with additional silos and associated swarf preparation. Hertwich Engineering offers specific types of swarf dryer to process different forms of swarf. For instance heavy or stringy swarf is most efficiently processed in drum-type dryers. Retention time is less than three minutes. The system is being adopted, with a slightly modified design, for thin gauge and shredded aluminium scrap. Maximum metal yield and minimum costs are achieved in this application, too. Summary Hertwich Engineering’s 3E concept for the economical and ecological melting of swarf and scrap has proven to be thoroughly efficient after years of operation. Clients have confirmed that the system best meets their requirements and is clearly superior to conventional methods. N Hertwich Engineering is an exhibitor at ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Hall 3, Stand A40 www.hertwich.com OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER Furnace with swarf charging ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 ER PARTN IAL MEDIA 1 .1 . / '/ 2' (2 ( OFFIC O Expertengespräche " &! %-( $# / 0 2 ) ! ,) +, *+ 2* 2 . 0. 0 00 &* "# # # !! ! ' # '## ! )!# !# $ !"( ) ! '! ' !' " " "" # " "! "! !"! ! " " %" & " " #"! 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'7 90;;< $ 07 )4/2 /7 - #" #"" %&" "## " )% $ $$ % " !)% ! % . 24,10 (1 7' )1 0 VOLLE O Expert discussions Our chief editors are there to meet you, discuss issues from the industry with you, answer questions, lend an ear to your needs and concerns, and listen to your wishes and suggestions… O Espresso bar … and how about an espresso while we‘re talking? A cappuccino? Or a cool refreshment? O Official newspaper for Aluminium 2008 Everywhere where the industry is. And where you are: in your hotel, at the airport, in the shuttle bus, at the entrances... and of course at our booth. O Comprehensive know-how, focussed expertise In addition: textbooks, technical publications, CDs, loose-leaf collections. O Gebündeltes Fachwissen Come and visit us! Hall 2, D22 CKS HEE ËCCH BERmË /B / EINDRU 9 f!6!â!Nbsdi!311 usz Wpmvnf!JW0Jttv mvnjojvn!Joevt tqbqfs!gps!uif!B Uif!Hmpcbm!Ofx jvnofxt/dpn xxx/bqubmvnjo .. / , 4 , % CHTEN "ESCHI M MINIUM ON ON !LU ER ERENV OXIIERE LOX 4 3 . 2 , 4 . ,4 /. /7/ 7'774/ 3 1 , 3. , , 74/274+ 2 * 74 - 1" /74 $+74 72 3/2 *. .3 , 4 +43 53 -8,3 /. 253 -4 3 283//83 /4 7 54/7 42/, *8/ . 58 * , /7 2 2$ &. 5 4- /7 7 #7 2, / + 283//838+7 , -5 .2 //83 % 4, -' 283 . 5,. . 7 -822 ,3, . 4 283//83 74 5 . ). 3/22/4 5 /3 - 43 . '1. * ". 4 5 +7 * 7 4 52 %' ,/5 4 7 3/2 -7 5 . . !. / 27 3.2 , /9 7// 5 /+ & #& . 4 //83 .7, 7 -4224 ,. / 283 5 /+ ,. 5, -6 7 - .2 / 2 +8 7/23 ,. , 9 ./ 8+7/4 - /+ : : 3 /. 5 4, '487 , 4 ! 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FlyMYP_D BWH MARKT UND TECHNIK Frankfurter Opernturm Fassade aus Aluminium, Glas und Naturstein Tishman Speyer Ihre Gestaltung orientiert sich am Sandsteinbau der benachbarten Alten Oper. Fassadenbauer Gartner hat jüngst die ersten Elemente der Turmfassade montiert, die das Erscheinungsbild des neuen Wolkenkratzers am Rande des Frankfurter Westends wesentlich prägen werden. Jede Woche wird ein Geschoß mit den 2,2 mal 3,6 Meter großen Fassadenelementen geschlossen, die im Hauptwerk der Josef Gartner GmbH im bayerischen Gundelfingen gefertigt werden. Das Unternehmen, das mit über 1.300 Mitarbeitern zu den weltweit führenden Fassadenbauern zählt, hat die Fassaden für die meisten Frankfurter Hochhäuser von der Commerzbank bis zum Westend Duo gebaut. Ende 2009 soll er fertiggestellt sein – der Opernturm nebem der Alten Oper in Frankfurt „Die Natursteinfassade des Opernturms fügt sich hervorragend in das Ensemble Der 170 Meter hohe Opernturm in des Frankfurter Opernplatzes ein. der Frankfurter City wird mit einer Die Fassade aus hellem Kalkstein ist Fassade aus Aluminium, Stahl und an den Stirn- und Längsseiten des Glas sowie Natursteinen verkleidet. Hochhauses jeweils durch einen Einschnitt unterteilt. Diese Einschnitte strukturieren den Turm und staffeln sich mit wachsender Höhe mehrfach in zunehmender Tiefe zurück. Die Büroräume lassen sich über Lüftungsklappen, die bis zu 50 Zentimeter geöffnet werden können, natürlich belüften. Alle Außenfenster erhalten eine Blendschutzvorrichtung, die von innen manuell bedient werden kann, sowie eine Schall- und Sonnenschutzverglasung. Vorgesehen ist, dass wir noch vor Weihnachten die Montage der 55.000 Quadratmeter großen Fassade am Opernturm abschließen“, erklärte Klaus Lother, Geschäftsführer der Josef Gartner GmbH. Ende 2009 soll der Wolkenkratzer, der von Prof. Christoph Mäckler aus Frankfurt entworfen wurde, fertiggestellt sein. Bauherr ist die Projektentwicklungsgesellschaft Tishman Speyer, die bereits den Frankfurter Messeturm, der ebenfalls eine Fassade von Gartner erhielt, gebaut hat. Die Regelfassade vom siebten bis zum 39. Obergeschoss besteht aus drei verschieden konstruierten Elementtypen und knapp 2.000 vorgefertigten Elementen. Im achten Geschoss werden gegenwärtig 2,7 mal 3,6 Meter große Fassadenelemente aus Aluminium und Glas mit einer Natursteinverkleidung eingebaut. N ATAG wird in Indien aktiv ATAG to operate on the Indian market Die KS Aluminium-Technologie AG (ATAG) baut ihre internationale Marktpräsenz aus. Dazu wurde jetzt eine Lizenzvereinbarung mit der Jaya Hind Industries Ltd., Pune, unterzeichnet, die die Entwicklung und Produktion von Zylinderköpfen und -kurbelgehäusen, Bedplates sowie weiterer Gussteile für nationale und internationale Automobilhersteller und -zulieferer umfasst. Der erste Auftrag eines AluminiumMotorblocks für Ford wird bereits 72 in der zweiten Jahreshälfte in die Bemusterung beim Kunden gehen. Dabei liefern die Partner sowohl den Block als auch den Zylinderkopf und das Bedplate. Darüber hinaus werden von beiden Unternehmen zurzeit gemeinsam Motorenblöcke für verschiedene weitere Kundenprojekte entwickelt. Für ATAG ermöglicht die Zusammenarbeit mit Jaya den Eintritt in den Wachstumsmarkt Indien, der im Segment der Leichtbaukomponenten aus Aluminium großes Wachstumspotenzial aufweist. Das Unterneh- KS Aluminium-Technologie AG (ATAG) is expanding its international market presence. To this end, a license agreement has been signed with Pune-based Jaya Hind Industries Ltd. The deal covers the development and production of cylinder heads, engine blocks, bedplates and other castings destined for national and international auto manufacturers and suppliers. A prototype aluminium engine block for Ford is the first order to be shipped ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 MARKETS AND TECHNOLOGY market which shows vast expansion potential in the segment for lightweight aluminium components. Within this partnership ATAG is contributing its expertise in the development and production of engine blocks and cast aluminium products. Jaya at present supplies its cast transmission and pump housings, cylinder head covers and other power train components to manufacturers as Ford, GM, Tata, Mahindra. The company has a workforce of 1,200 and three production plants in the Pune ATAG engine block ATAG-Motorblock region. Its extensive and modern production machinery will in the together on engine blocks for a variety course of the partnership be extended of other customer projects. with expenditures for pressure and This tie-up with Jaya allows ATAG gravity die-casting equipment. a foothold in the high-growth Indian N ATAG out as early as the latter half of the year. The two partners will be supplying the engine block, the cylinder head and the bedplate. Additionally, the two companies are currently working men bringt in die Zusammenarbeit sein Knowhow in der Entwicklung und Produktion von Zylinderkurbelgehäusen sowie bei Gussprodukten aus Aluminium ein. Jaya beliefert zurzeit unter anderem Ford, GM, Fiat, Tata, Mahindra und Suzuki mit Gussprodukten wie Getriebe- und Pumpengehäusen, Zylinderkopfabdeckungen sowie mit weiteren Powertrain-Produkten. Das zur Firodia Gruppe gehörende Unternehmen ist seit 60 Jahren im Gussgeschäft am Markt. Jaya beschäftigt 1.200 Mitarbeiter und verfügt über drei Produktionsstätten in der Region Pune. Der umfangreiche und moderne Maschinenpark von Jaya Hind Industries soll im Zuge der Zusammenarbeit durch zusätzliche Investitionen in den Bereichen Druck- und Schwerkraftguss erweitert werden. N Lift off for Alufoil Trophy 2009 Excellence in aluminium foil and flexible packaging within Europe will be rewarded with an Alufoil Trophy 2009. These sought-after awards are presented to manufacturers and users of aluminium foil across all market sectors and for applications using alufoil trays, flexible packaging, lidding and labelling; in fact any application from pharmaceuticals to industrial packaging. Organised by the European Aluminium Foil Association (EAFA), the Alufoil Trophy awards are open to packaging designers, brand owners and retailers, as well as foil rollers, foil converters, flexible packaging producers and foil container manufacturers. Alufoil Trophies will be awarded to European aluminium foil and flexible packaging solutions, which provide excellence in innovation, protection, user convenience, design and environmental responsibility. Stefan Glimm, Executive Director, EAFA, says: “These coveted awards go from strength to strength demonstrating the great achievements of manufacturers and users of alufoil, and its excellence as a modern and resource efficient packaging material. And previous winners’ businesses have been ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 greatly enhanced by winning these prestigious trophies.” Entries are welcome for any application using aluminium foil, without an entry fee, for consideration as long as the concept was introduced to the market after 1 January 2007 and has not been previously entered. The closing date for entries is 31 October 2008. Details on www.alufoil. org. N Alufoil Trophy 2009 in den Startlöchern Auch im kommenden Jahr werden wieder herausragende europäische Verpackungsleistungen aus oder mit Aluminium bei der dann stattfindenden Alufoil Trophy 2009 ausgezeichnet. Die begehrten Auszeichnungen für Hersteller und Anwender von Alufolien erstrecken sich auf alle Marktsegmente und Produktbereiche: zum Beispiel auf Alufolienschalen, flexible Verpackungen, Deckel und Etiketten von Pharma- bis hin zu industriellen Verpackungen. Ausgerichtet wird die Alufoil Trophy vom europäischen Aluminiumfolienverband EAFA. Teilnehmen an ihr können zum einen Verpackungsdesigner, Markenartikler und Einzelhändler, zum anderen auch Folienwalzer und -veredler sowie Hersteller flexibler Verpackungen und von Folienbehältern. Die Alufoil Trophy wird für alufolienbasierte Verpackungslösungen vergeben, die sich durch Innovation, Produktschutz, Convenience, Design oder im Umweltschutz auszeichnen. Stefan Glimm, EAFA-Geschäftsführer, erläutert: „Die Trophy entwickelt sich immer stärker und besser. Die Awards sind heiß begehrt, belohnen sie © 73 MARKT UND TECHNIK doch die großartigen Leistungen der Hersteller und Anwender von Alufolie – einem Packstoff, der hochmodern und ressourceneffizient ist. Frühere Sieger bestätigen, dass der Gewinn einer Trophy prestigeträchtig ist und das Geschäft weiter ankurbelt.“ Eingereicht werden können Produktneuheiten unabhängig vom Anwendungszweck; Voraussetzung ist der Einsatz von Alufolien. Eine weitere Voraussetzung ist, dass die Verpackung nach dem 1. Januar 2007 im Markt eingeführt wurde und nicht Aufbereitung von Aluminium-Salzschlacken bereits früher an einem Wettbewerb teilgenommen hat. Eine Teilnahmegebühr wird nicht erhoben. Einsendeschluss für Teilnehmer ist der 31. Oktober 2008. Details können unter www.alufoil.org abgerufen werden. N Treatment of aluminium salt slag Agor wins Agor mit BDI-Umweltpreis ausgezeichnet environment award Der Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie (BDI) hat jüngst die Agor AG, Köln, sowie ihre Tochtergesellschaften Alsa GmbH, Hannover, und Alsa Süd GmbH, Töging, als eines von fünf Unternehmen mit dem „BDI Umweltpreis für die Industrie 2007/2008“ ausgezeichnet. Die Agor/AlsaGruppe gewinnt den Preis in der Kategorie „Kreislaufwirtschaft, Recycling und Abfallmanagement“ für ihr Verfahren zur Aufbereitung von Aluminiumsalzschlacken. Der BDI würdigte die Träger des Umweltpreises als herausragende Beispiele dafür, dass nachhaltiges Wirtschaften Anspruch und Realität in der deutschen Industrie sind. Fotos: Agor Mit dem in den 1980er Jahren entwickelten Alsa-Verfahren hat Agor das Recycling von Salzschlacke auf ein hohes technisches Niveau gebracht. Salzschlacke auf dem Weg zur Aufbereitung Salt slag on its way to being recycled 74 Das Vollrecyclingverfahren ist eine ressourcenschonende, umweltkonforme und auch wirtschaftliche Alternative zur Deponierung von Salzschlacken. Insbesondere die 2007 im bayerischen Töging in Betrieb genommene dritte deutsche Salzschlackenanlage stellt einen neuen Meilenstein in der Aufbereitungstechnik dar, was die Jury des BDI-Umweltpreises mit der Auszeichnung honoriert. Salzschlacke entsteht beim Einschmelzen von Sekundäraluminium: vorwiegend in gasbefeuerten Drehtrommelöfen. Dabei werden Aluminiumschrotte und -krätzen unter Zugabe von Schmelzsalz eingeschmolzen – einem Gemisch aus Natriumchlorid, Kaliumchlorid und Flussspat. Die daraus entstehende Salzschlacke enthält die werthaltigen Bestandteile Aluminiummetall, Schmelzsalz sowie diverse Metalloxide, vorwiegend Aluminiumoxid. Beim Alsa-Prozess wird in einem ersten Schritt durch trockenmechanische Trennverfahren das metallische Aluminium zurückgewonnen. In der anschließenden Nasschemie wird in einem mehrstufigen Löseund Rekristallisationsverfahren das Salz herausgelöst und die unlöslichen Metalloxide zu einem Sekundärrohstoff für die Mineralwolle- und The Agor/Alsa Group recently won an environment award from the Federation of German Industries (BDI) for its aluminium salt slag treatment process. With its Alsa process developed during the 1980s, Agor has put the recycling of salt slag onto a higher technical plane. The process for the complete recycling of salt slag is a resource-conserving, eco-compatible and economic alternative to dumping. The salt-slag processing plant that began operating in 2007 in Bavaria, the third in Germany, represents a new milestone in the slag-processing technology. Salt slag is formed when secondary aluminium is melted down, an operation that is mainly carried out in gas-fired rotary drum furnaces. Aluminium scrap and dross is melted down together with additions of a flux – a mixture of sodium chloride, potassium chloride and fluorspar. The resultant salt slag contains valuable constituents: aluminium, flux and various metal oxides, mainly aluminium oxide. During the Alsa process, metallic aluminium is recovered in the first stage using a dry-mechanical separation process. Multi-stage wet chemical processes are then used to dissolve out and recrystallize the flux; insoluble metal oxides are processed into a secondary raw material for use in mineral wool and the cement industry. The wet chemical process is a closed loop as far as the water is concerned and is thus completely free from effluent. The gases phosphine and hydrogen sulphide form ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 MARKETS AND TECHNOLOGY during the treatment process and are adsorbed in active charcoal filters. The dust from waste-gas cleaning is fed back into the process and the ammonia removed during washing operations is converted to ammonium sulphate, a nitrogen fertilizer for the fertilizer industry. The only waste produced is from the active charcoal used in waste-gas cleaning. With secondary aluminium production of approximately nine million tonnes a year worldwide, some 4.5 million tonnes of salt slag accrue annually. The Agor/Alsa Group processes some 430,000 tonnes a year and regards itself as the world’s largest complete recycler of aluminium salt slag. The know-how of the Alsa process lies is in the efficient interplay between the separate steps of the complex wet-chemical process, the selection of materials for the plant components and the expertise in operating such complex processing plants. In the ‘Reference Document on Best Available Techniques (BREF) in the Non Ferrous Metals Industries’, which is currently being revised in accordance with Article 16 (2) of the IPPC Guideline*, the process, which is already recognized as the Best Available Technology (BAT), is again the preferred technology. * Council Directive 96/61/EC of 24 Sept. 1996 concerning integrated pollution prevention and control N Zementindustrie konfektioniert. Die Nasschemie arbeitet in einem geschlossenen Wasserkreislauf und ist dadurch vollkommen abwasserfrei. Die während des Aufbereitungsverfahrens entstehenden Prozessgase Phosphin und Schwefelwasserstoff werden in Aktivkohlefiltern adsorbiert. Die Stäube aus der Eindampfkristallisationsanlage Evaporative crystallizer Abgasreinigung werden in den Prozess zurückgeführt des komplexen nasschemischen und das ausgewaschene Ammoniak Prozesses, in der Werkstoffwahl bei zu Ammoniumsulfat, einem Stickden Anlagenkomponenten und beim stoffdünger für die DüngemittelindusKnow-how zum Betreiben solch komtrie verarbeitet. Als einziger Prozessplexen Aufbereitungsanlagen. Bei abfall entsteht Aktivkohle aus der der derzeit laufenden Überarbeitung Abgasreinigung. des „Reference Document on Best Bei der Produktion von etwa neun Available Techniques (BREF) in the Millionen Tonnen SekundäralumiNon Ferrous Metals Industries“ nach nium weltweit fallen jährlich ca. 4,5 Art. 16 (2) der IVU-Richtlinie* wird Millionen Tonnen Salzschlacke an. das bereits als Best Available TechMit einer verarbeiteten Menge von nology anerkannte Verfahren erneut 430.000 Tonnen pro Jahr sieht sich favorisiert. die Agor/Alsa-Gruppe als weltweit größten Vollrecycler von Alumini*Richtlinie 96/61/EG des Rates vom umsalzschlacke. Das Knowhow des 24. Sept. 1996 über die integrierte Alsa-Verfahrens liegt im effizienten Vermeidung und Verminderung der Zusammenspiel der Einzelschritte Umweltverschmutzung N Robot-aided piercing of vent holes in sand moulds Vent holes in sand moulds are a must for deaeration during casting. These air channels, which are also called ‘whistlers’, play an important role in maintaining quality. However, it is very time consuming to pierce the vent holes manually or mechanically. ABB offers an efficient alternative that also produces very good quality holes and can even be used to produce holes that are inclined to the vertical. The ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 company says the new FlexMouldVenter robot function package can easily be retrofitted. The positioning and quality of vent holes pierced manually depend strongly on the operative and operational factors. Devices that allow piercing to be performed mechanically require down time, which reduces productivity; however, in practice there is often a need for product © Robotergestütztes Luftpfeifenstechen in Sandgussformen Entlüftungslöcher in Sandgussformen sind zum Entgasen während des Gießprozesses unabdingbar. Diese auch Luftpfeifen genannten Luftkanäle haben eine wichtige qualitätssichernde Funktion. Doch ist das manuelle wie maschinelle Luftpfeifenstechen zeitlich aufwändig. ABB bietet eine rationelle Alternative, die zusätzlich sehr gute Lochqualität erzeugt und sogar schräg an© 75 MARKT UND TECHNIK gesetzte Stiche realisiert. Das neue Roboter-Funktionspaket „FlexMouldVenter“ lässt sich einfach nachrüsten. ABB Automation Position und Qualität manuell gestochener Luftpfeifen hängen stark von individuellen und umweltbedingten Einflussgrößen ab. Vorrichtungen zum maschinellen Stechen benötigen produktivitätsmindernde Rüstzeiten; die aktuelle Nachfrage verlangt aber häufig Produktwechsel und schwankende Produktzahlen bis zur Losgröße 1. Dies erfordert beim Gießen inklusive Vor- und Nacharbeit eine hohe Flexibilität, die durch das Funktionspaket von ABB Robotics optimal erfüllt wird. Ein Roboter sticht zum Beispiel im Sekundentakt qualitativ hochwertige Luftpfeifen, bei Bedarf – im Gegensatz zur Mehrlochvorrichtung – auch in schräger Lage. Die Lochdurchmesser sind zwischen 5 und 10 mm wählbar, die Lochtiefe bis 650 mm, die Stechgeschwindigkeit Der Luftpfeifenstecher von ABB FlexMouldVenter from ABB 76 beträgt dabei bis 2,5 m/s. Eine automatische Nadelüberwachung sorgt für stets gleich bleibende Qualität. Sie erkennt auch Nadelverbiegungen oder -brüche. Die Positionier- und Wiederholgenauigkeit standardmäßiger Roboter ist heute so genau, dass sie die Forderungen beim Sandguss leicht und sicher erfüllen. Das Funktionspaket FlexMouldVenter Das ABB-Funktionspaket besteht aus einem universellen Roboter IRB 6620 inklusive dem Zubehör. Der elektrische Linearantrieb mit Führung zum Bewegen der Nadel ist voll in die Robotersteuerung integriert. Kabelmanagement, Nadelkontrollstation und eine spezifische Datenschnittstelle zur Anlagensteuerung komplettieren das Paket. Der Roboter lässt sich über der Formlinie oder neben ihr montieren. Nach der Installation erkennt er seine Startposition. Die Positionen für die jeweilige Form gibt ein Mitarbeiter über die Anlagensteuerung ein. Das Robotersystem bearbeitet alle gängigen Formkastengrößen. Geführt über die Bildschirmmaske gibt der Bediener die Koordinaten der jeweiligen Lochpositionen ein. Die Software wählt die Lochreihenfolge und optimiert so den Prozess. Weil die Nadel von der Modellseite her sticht, können Anformungen entfallen. Dies vereinfacht den Modellbau. Als Option verfügbar sind Systeme zum Messen der Stechkräfte, Hard- und Software für Sicherheitsmodule, Prozessüberwachung und -dokumentation, dezentrale Lochdatenverwaltung, Montageelemente und Dienstleistungspakete. N changes and fluctuating lot sizes, even down to single items. This necessitates a high degree of flexibility in the foundry, including preparatory work and finishing, and the function package from ABB Robotics offers an interesting solution. For example, a robot can pierce high-quality vent holes every second or so and if necessary – in contrast to multi-hole devices – also at an angle. Hole diameters between 5 and 10 mm are selectable, hole depths up to 650 mm are possible, which is equivalent to a piercing speed of up to 2.5 m/s. Automatic monitoring of the piercing tool ensures a consistently high quality. It also detects bending or breakage of the tool. The tolerances for positioning and repeatability of standard robots today are so accurate that they easily and reliably satisfy the demands of sand casting. The function package FlexMouldVenter The ABB function package consists of an IRB 6620 universal robot together with accessories. The linear electric drive with guide to move the piercing tool is fully integrated into the robot control. Cable management, piercing tool control station and a dedicated data interface with the control unit complete the package. The robot can be installed above or to the side of the parting line. After installation, it recognizes its starting position. An operator inputs the hole positions for the respective mould via the control unit. The robot system processes all common sizes of moulding box. The operator inputs the coordinates of the respective hole with the help of the screen mask. The software chooses the sequence in which the holes are made and thus optimizes the process. The piercing tool produces the hole from the pattern side so there is no risk of indents. This simplifies patternmaking. Optional extras include systems for measuring the piercing forces, hardware and software for safety modules, process monitoring and documentation, decentralized administration of hole data, mounting elements and service packages. N ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 CO M PA N Y N E W S W O R L D W I D E Rio Tinto Alcan Aluminium smelting industry Rio Tinto Alcan eyes accelerated AP50 expansion In its effort to be at the cutting-edge of aluminium smelting technology, Rio Tinto Alcan, Montreal, will accelerate a pre-feasibility study for two additional phases at its AP50 pilot plant in Saguenay, Quebec. The company could spend US$2bn to US$2.5bn to take the plant to 200,000 tpy. Preliminary work has already started on the first phase of the AP50 demonstration plant, which will begin with 44 aluminium smelting pots with initial annual production of 60,000 tpy starting in 2012. Power will come from company-owned hydroelectric plants. The pre-feasibility study will investigate whether to add another 140,000 tpy capacity to the pilot plant. The plan is to start with a 60,000 tpy plant, followed quickly by another 140,000 tpy and then a possible subsequent expansion to a total of 400,000 or 450,000 tpy. Rio Tinto Alcan is aggressively developing the smelting technology in order to maximize its longterm value as the partner of choice for aluminium smelting projects. The new technology is expected to reduce production costs. Bosnia smelter sell-off in doubt The privatisation of Bosnia’s sole aluminium smelter Aluminij Mostar could fail on the government’s refusal to subsidise electricity prices for the nation’s biggest exporter. “The government and Aluminij Mostar must find ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 common interest in terms of electricity prices, otherwise the privatisation of the company has no prospect”, Mijo Brajkovic told a news conference. Expensive electricity has stalled the sale of Aluminij Mostar to a consortium led by Swiss-based commodities trader Glencore. Glencore has offered to pay €76.8m for an 88% stake in Aluminij, which accounts for 50% of Bosnia’s exports. The remaining 12% stake is owned by Croatia’s sole aluminium maker TLM. Glencore linked the power cost with the price of aluminium on the London Metal Exchange MCU3 and said future investments would depend on how cheap electricity was. The management and the government – with a 44% stake each – negotiate each year how to solve electricity shortages. Trying to overcome the shortages, Aluminij is looking into a possibility of building a new thermoelectric power plant. Maaden-Rio Tinto joint venture to exploit bauxite reserves Early in June, Rio Tinto Alcan’s CEO Tom Albanese paid a one-day visit to MaadenMaaden (MM) mining group in Riyadh recently. This follows the signing of a multibillion joint venture agreement late in 2007 to exploit the considerable bauxite deposits in the north of the Kingdom and to produce downstream alumina and smelted aluminium. Following Rio Tinto’s successful acquisition of Alcan in 2007 Rio Tinto Alcan is the largest producer of bauxite and of refined alumina. The joint venture with MM mining group – 51% MM and 49% Rio Tinto – involves extracting bauxite, refining it to alumina and smelting it to aluminium. The first stage of the project would produce about 740,000 tpy of aluminium. The Saudi government hopes to see some of that metal going downstream to fabrication, but this was not Rio Tinto’s main business area. A power plant of 2,000 MW that uses heavy oil, will be a key step in the long lead-time items that would proceed over the next few months. The first metal is expected in late 2011 or early 2012. The total cost of the project, including power plant and mining, refining and first stage of smelting producing 40,000tpy, would be about SR37.5bn (US$10bn). The energy advantage is in cheap heavy oil, but this also requires capital investment in pollution control, scrubbing and environmental protections. The availability of oil, cheap energy and short transport distances was all part of the deal to make a competitive package against rising construction costs all over the world. India’s Nalco plans US$9.3bn expansion over five years India’s aluminium maker National Aluminium Co. Ltd. (Nalco) plans to invest 400bn rupees (US$9.3bn) over the next five years on overseas projects and domestic expansion. The investments include smelter and power projects in Indonesia, South Africa and Iran. Nalco is investigating three projects outside India, but plans to take up one or two of these on the basis of viability. Nalco has signed an accord with the Indonesian government for a 500,000 tpy smelter and a 1,250 MW captive power plant with planned investment of about 140bn rupees. The company was also exploring the possibility of setting up a smelter and power plant in South Africa where it could invest 160bn rupees. In Iran, the company plans to build a smelter in a joint venture. The smelter will have a capacity of 310,000 tpy and will be built in two phases. © 77 CO M PA N Y N E W S W O R L D W I D E The project would cost the company 80bn rupees. In India, the company will spend 70bn rupees in a mines and refinery complex in southern state of Andhra Pradesh and 85bn rupees on a smelter and power complex in eastern Orissa state. Nalco will expand its bauxite mining, smelting and refining capacities at its existing facilities with an expenditure of 60bn rupees. The other planned projects include an aluminium innovation park at Angul in Orissa, an aluminium rail wagon production venture with another state-run firm Bharat Earth Movers, and a cement plant. to acquire all of Montreal-based Alcan’s outstanding common stock for US$101 per share. Rio Tinto also was aware that Alcan’s board had agreed to recommend acceptance of Rio Tinto’s offer to shareholders. At about 2:30 p.m., the story broke on a major media outlet and was quickly picked up by other news organizations. Under Australian securities regulations, Rio Tinto was required to notify the ASX immediately upon the deal ceasing to be confidential. Rio Tinto did not request a halt until 3:40 p.m. The ASIC said that nearly US$65m worth of Rio Tinto shares traded between 2:30 p.m. and 3.40 p.m. Start-up of Sohar smelter UC Rusal and Ust-Luga company plan to create a trans-shipment complex Oman’s Sohar Aluminium, 20% owned by a unit of Rio Tinto, started production at its 350,000 tpy smelter. The smelter will take six months to reach full capacity, the company said in a statement, without giving current output. The US$2.4bn (Dh8.8bn) Sohar Aluminium joint venture is 20% owned by Alcan, the Canadian aluminium producing unit of Australiabased Rio Tinto. Oman Oil Company and the Abu Dhabi Electricity and Water Authority each hold a 40% stake in the project. Sohar is one of only three aluminium producers in the Gulf Arab region. 70 minutes costs Rio Tinto US$95,800 penalty A securities watchdog has collected an Australian $100,000 (US$95,800) fine from Rio Tinto, which was found to be 70 minutes tardy in disclosing last year’s US$38.1bn acquisition of aluminium producer Alcan Inc. The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) said Rio Tinto failed to comply with disclosure provisions by not immediately notifying the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) of certain information about the acquisition. According to the infringement ruling, at 2.30 p.m. (Australian eastern standard time) on 12 July 2007, Rio Tinto was aware it had made an offer 78 UC Rusal, the world’s largest aluminium and alumina producer, and Ust-Luga Company, the developer of Ust-Luga trade sea port, signed a memorandum of cooperation to construct a trans-shipment complex. The complex will consist of two terminals designed to transport aluminium and alumina at Ust-Luga trade sea port located in Leningrad oblast. UC Rusal will invest over US$300m in the project. The parties plan to launch the complex by 2011 with an initial shipment capacity of 2.5m tonnes of alumina and 2m tonnes of aluminium. The capacity of the trans-shipment complex could be further increased to 4.5m tonnes of alumina and 3.5m tonnes of aluminium. Century breaks ground for Iceland smelter Century Aluminum Co.’s wholly owned Nordural Helguvik unit broke ground at the weekend on a new aluminium smelter near Helguvik, Iceland. The Monterey, California-based aluminium producer plans to build a 250,000 tpy primary aluminium smelter in stages. The company expects the first stage of roughly 150,000 tpy to be online by late 2010. Century signed an MoU in June 2006 securing power for the smelter. Hitaveita Su- durnesja hf will supply 150 MW of the 250 MW required for the first phase, while Orkuveita Reykjavikur will supply up to 100 MW. The memorandum provides for an eventual total of 435 MW, enough to support 250,000 tpy of production. CBA aims for 570,000 tpy aluminium output in 2009 Brazil’s Companhia Brasileira do Aluminio (CBA), part of the Votorantim Group, plans to expand its primary aluminium production to around 570,000 tpy by 2009. This represents a capacity increase of over 20% compared with 2007. CBA will invest some 1.5bn Reais (US$918m) in 2008 for mining and electric power projects, as well as for resources at the company’s aluminium plant located in the municipality of Alumínio, in São Paulo state. Construction work to expand primary aluminium output at the São Paulo plant is already under way, providing room for 280 furnaces. Anglesey smelter at one-third capacity after fire The Anglesey aluminium smelter in Wales in the UK was closed in the night of June 12 by a serious fire, which started in a transformer and ignited 40,000 liters of oil. The fire, which caused widespread disruption around the smelter site, was extinguished after three hours. The smelter is operating at one third of its total capacity of 148,000 tpy due to safety and operational reasons after the fire, and it will take an estimated three months to restore production to full capacity. In the first potline, 106 cells out of 155 are operating, and the company is working to stabilise them, but the 155 cells in the second are completely shut. Doubts arose already over the future of Anglesey Aluminium Metal, owned by Rio Tinto and Kaiser Aluminium & Chemical, when the closure in 2010 was announced for the Wylfa nuclear power station in Holyhead that supplies the smelter. At the time ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 CO M PA N Y N E W S W O R L D W I D E the company was seeking to secure long-term energy supplies in order to keep the plant in operation. Argentina’s Aluar ramps up expanded capacity Argentine aluminium producer Aluar has started up the final batch of 24 pots associated with the Phase I expansion of its Puerto Madryn smelter. The upgrade and expansion of the plant, costing US$850m, will lift capacity by 137,000tpy to 410,000tpy. The final cells are expected to be fully operational within the next 30 days. station and thermal energy fired by Nigerian gas from the planned West Africa Gas Pipeline. The cross-border pipeline’s opening has been repeatedly delayed and is now expected in the next couple of months. Valco would smelt imported alumina, as it did previously, until the bauxite mine and refinery were ready. The smelter would be retrofitted to achieve optimum output. Rio Tinto, which mines 1m tpy of bauxite from Ghana’s only active bauxite operation, exports the ore directly overseas for refining. Alcoa will temporarily idle half the production at its Rockdale, Texas aluminium smelter effective 19 June as a result of ongoing supply issues with Luminant’s onsite power generating unit, Sandow Unit 4, and the resulting market power prices being uneconomical. Three of the plant’s six operating potlines will be idled beginning immediately as a result of the ongoing supply interruptions and of local market energy costs, which increased to as much as US$2,000-4,000 per MWh during peak hours. The idled potlines represent approximately 120,000 tpy year of production. Output at the remaining three potlines will continue using contracted long-term power. There are plans for a rod, wire and cable plant as well as a facility that will produce wheel alloys, car wheels and rims. The operation will use technology and labour from the China National Machinery & Equipment Import & Export Corp. (CMEC) to build the US$540m aluminium complex. The government will pay the remaining US$140m for the project. In some ways, Trinidad is an ideal location for an aluminium smelter. The country has ample fuel supplies. It is the leading supplier of liquid natural gas to the United States and the second-largest energy producer in the Caribbean after Venezuela, and there are several multiple deepwater ports available to import raw materials and export product. The Chinese government has been investing heavily in Trinidad recently. The two governments agreed to establish a joint committee for trade and other economic and technical cooperation initiatives, such as an interest-free loan for a US$60m linear accelerator X-ray scanning and radiation detection system at the country’s ports. Several major aluminium producers have tried to build smelters, but until now have been largely thwarted by a stalwart environmental lobby. The same environmental groups that frustrated Alcoa’s efforts have also filed litigation to revoke Alutrint’s certificate of environmental clearance. China credit helps Trinidad fund smelter Greenland Parliament supports Alcoa’s smelter project With US$400m in Chinese funding, Alutrint Ltd. is building a 125,000 tpy aluminium smelter in Trinidad and Tobago. Alutrint, the Trinidad and Tobago government-controlled aluminium smelter project, reached a US$400m credit agreement with the Export-Import Bank of China to fund the smelter near La Brea in southern Trinidad. Alutrint is 60% owned by the National Energy Corp. of Trinidad and Tobago Ltd. The remaining 40% is held by Sural CA, Caracas, Venezuela, which will act as the project’s downstream joint-venture partner. Alcoa welcomed the decision taken by the Greenland parliament to advance into a second phase of joint studies with Alcoa into the feasibility of establishing a world-class sustainable aluminium industry in Greenland. The parliament strongly endorsed Greenland Home Rule government’s recommendation that the proposed 340,000 tpy smelter should be sited at Maniitsoq, and it allocated significant funding to support the joint studies. These studies, which will extend through 2009, will develop in detail into the economic, social and environmental aspects of the © Alcoa to temporarily idle half of Rockdale, Texas smelter Rio Tinto Alcan mulls Libya or Algeria for aluminium smelter Rio Tinto is considering building an aluminium smelter in Libya or Algeria to take advantage of those countries’ natural gas supplies. The plan for building a greenfield plant in either country is only at a very early stage. Suggestions that the smelter would have capacity of 360,000 tpy are “speculative”, noting that the standard size of a smelter using Rio’s AP technology would be 360,000 tpy. Ghana bought Alcoa’s stake in Valco smelter Ghana’s government has bought Alcoa’s stake in the inactive 200,000 tpy Valco aluminium smelter and plans to relaunch the industry with a new bauxite mine and alumina refinery. The government paid Alcoa US$2m for its 10% stake in Valco, whose smelter has been shut since March 2007 due to low water levels in the Volta dam which powers it. The deal, giving the African state full ownership of Valco, was concluded in June. The Government has proposed a concept of an integrated aluminium industry in which the country’s bauxite will be mined, refined and processed to near-end or end products in Ghana. The government planned to restart Valco within the next year or so using a combination of power from Lake Volta’s Akasombo hydropower ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 79 CO M PA N Y N E W S W O R L D W I D E proposed facility. The parliament is expected to convene again in 2009 to consider Greenland’s ownership position in this project. The proposed smelter would combine Greenland’s abundant renewable hydropower potential with Alcoa’s experience in developing and operating aluminium smelters around the world in a manner that is sustainable, sensitive to the environment and valued by the communities in which the company operates. If feasibility is proven, production at the new smelter would be anticipated to begin 2014/2015 Nalco secures land and energy for Iran smelter project India’s National Aluminium Co (Nalco) has been allocated land and energy for its proposed 310,000 tpy aluminium smelter in Iran. Having the infrastructure ready for a greenfield smelter would reduce by nearly two agreement with the government of Queensland in March 2007, and in May 2007 agreed on land use with the natives of the Aurukun community. With the two agreements, the company won the mining license issued by Queensland in September. The Aurukun bauxite resources amount to about 420m tonnes. Chinalco plans to build a bauxite mine capable of realizing 10m tpy and an alumina plant with a production capacity of 2.1m tpy. The company also pledged environmental protection and energy conservation. years the gestation period of such projects, which is usually five years. The US$1.7bn smelter is to be built in two phases and Nalco will majority ownership in joint venture with a local partner. The pre-feasibility report for the smelter should be ready in about eight months. JSW plans aluminium smelter in Chhattisgarh JSW Aluminium plans to put up a 1m tpy aluminium smelter in Chhattisgarh. The smelter will be located near Jindal Steel and Power, another JSW company, and will be built in three phases of around 330,000 tpy each. A feasibility study has been launched to assess the project. The Chhattisgarh state government has allocated the land required for the smelter, which has also been alloted a coal block to support a 2,000 MW captive power plant. N China’s coal ash-to-alumina production line operational in 2009 China’s first coal ash-to-alumina production line should start up in 2009 in North China’s Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region. The production line will extract alumina from coal ash containing more than 40% of alumina. With an investment of 1.863 bn yuan, the production line is expected to produce 400,000 tpy of alumina, and consume 1.6m tpy of coal ash. According to industrial experts, industrialized coal ash-to- alumina production will help ease China’s aluminium ore shortage, cut coal ash waste and solve an environmental pollution problem. Bauxite and alumina activities AOS Yunnan Aluminium to build 800,000 tpy refinery in Wenshan Chalco’s 880,000 tpy alumina expansion complete by end-June Chinalco to start constructing Australian project next year Aluminium Corp. of China (Chalco) will commission a new 880,000 tpy alumina refinery at its Pingguo plant in southern China by the end of June. Half of the new capacity has actually been on stream since the end of May, and the remaining 440,000 tpy was commissioned at the end of June. The Pingguo plant, in China’s Guangxi autonomous region, already has over 900,000 tpy of alumina refining capacity and its alumina output reached 965,000 tonnes in 2007. Chinalco hopes to begin construction of the Aurukun bauxite mining project in Australia’s northeastern state of Queensland at the end of 2009. With a planned investment of A$3bn (about US$2.8bn), the mining project, owned by Chinalco’s aluminium subsidiary Chalco, is the largest investment deal by a Chinese company in Australia. A two-year feasibility study on the bauxite project started at the end of 2007 in parallel with an environment evaluation. Chinalco signed a mining 80 Yunnan Aluminium will start construction in June 2008 of its 800,000 tpy alumina refinery project at its subsidiary Wenshan Aluminium in Wenshan country, Yunnan province, and the refinery should come on stream by the end of 2009. This project includes auxiliary projects such as a 200,000 tpy caustic soda plant and 250,000 tpy of PVC production. The total investment is estimated at over 4bn yuan (US$577m). Yunnan Aluminium is also considering building a 400,000 tpy aluminium smelter and a semis plant around the alumina project in Wenshan Aluminium, but the exact schedule has yet to be determined. Wenshan ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 CO M PA N Y N E W S W O R L D W I D E Aluminium, located in southwestern China, is 55% owned by Yunnan Aluminium. The other investors include Yunnan Metallurgy & Construction Corp, Wenshan Dounan Manganese Co, and a local investment company. Chalco partly-owned alumina plant starts full run Guangxi Huayin Aluminium, 33% owned by Chalco, started full operations at a 1.6m tpy alumina refinery in June 2008. Increased output will depress prices in an already weak domestic alumina market, which spurred Chalco to slash alumina spot prices 17% in June in its first such reduction since December. The Huayin capacity was only the first phase of a planned 3.2m tpy alumina complex in Debao county in Baise city. The construction of the second refinery phase, with equal capacity, would depend on shareholders of Huayin. The first phase cost Huayin more than 8.3bn yuan (US$1.21bn). Rio Tinto plans new bauxite mine at Weipa to double output Rio Tinto has approved a US$30m feasibility study to develop a new bauxite operation to the south of its existing Weipa bauxite mine and port in Australia. This move would almost double output at the mine, and is the first step towards significantly expanding Rio’s operations at Weipa in Cape York, Queensland. The new operation would increase Weipa’s bauxite production to 35m tpy, from 18.2m tonnes in 2007, to increase supply to customers as well as Rio-owned refineries. In addition to the new mine, the feasibility study will also envisage of a new port and stockpile facilities worth about US$400m. The mine would take three years to build, with first production expected in early 2013. It has an estimated capital cost of about US$1bn including port costs, a transport system, power station, a beneficiation plant and operation support infrastructure. The feasibility study and environment impact study for mine development on the existing mine lease south of the Weipa ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 peninsula will take one to two years. The development would eventually replace the existing east Weipa mine and would provide a platform for further development of the large bauxite reserves and resources in the region. The project will be subject to government and environmental approvals. Weipa bauxite reserves at the end of 2007 were 1.22bn tonnes with resources of 2.22bn tonnes. China may cut alumina output as price declines Alumina producers in China, the world’s largest consumer of aluminium, may cut production soon in a bid to curb a price decline. Some refiners lowered the cash price of alumina to 3,200 yuan (US$465) a tonne. Chalco cut the price 17% to 3,500 yuan per tonne early in June. Alumina production in China has outpaced demand this year, forcing Chalco and Shandong Chiping Xinfa Group to cut prices. In the first five months over a year before China boosted output 18%. The marginal cost of refineries in Shandong using imported bauxite could be as high as 3,300 yuan a tonne. The price decline will force refineries suspend production or to reduce output in the coming weeks. New alumina projects that started production in 2008 include the 1.6m tpy Guangxi Huayin project, the 400,000 tpy Shanxi Yangquan project and the 800,000 tpy Guangxi Chiping project. Alcoa agreement with Vietnam on raw material projects Alcoa signed a cooperation agreement with Vietnam’s premier minerals development company, Vietnam National Coal-Mineral Industries Group (Vinacomin), for cooperation in the development of the aluminium industry in Vietnam. Under the agreement, Alcoa World Alumina and Chemicals (AWAC) will conduct due diligence, on the acquisition of a 40% interest in the 600,000 tpy Nhan Co alumina refinery that is to be constructed in Dak Nong Province in Vietnam’s Central Highlands, based on access to extensive reserves of high quality bauxite. If the transaction proceeds, the shareholding in the Joint Stock Company that owns the Nhan Co bauxite mine and alumina refinery will be Vinacomin 51%, AWAC 40% and other investors 9%. In addition the parties have agreed to conduct a joint feasibility study on the Gia Nghia bauxite mine and alumina refinery project, also located in Dak Nong province, with first stage capacity expected to be between 1.0 and 1.5m tpy of alumina. The agreement follows the recent permission granted to Vinacomin by the Government of Vietnam to establish Joint Stock Companies with foreign partners holding a maximum of 40%. Vinacomin is a state-owned company with a leading role in the development of Vietnam’s mineral resources. AWAC and Vinacomin will now embark on detailed studies with a view to completing definitive costs and definitive investment agreements as quickly as possible. Rich Angola plans 3m tpy Bissau bauxite mine Angola is developing a US$500m project to mine 3m tpy of bauxite. The mine would be the single biggest foreign investment in one of the world’s poorest states, with a history of political instability since independence from Portugal in 1974. Angola Bauxite, part-owned by the Angolan state, paid an up-front fee of US$13m to Guinea-Bissau in September 2007 for a leased mining concession in the southeastern Boe region. The Boe deposits are a continuation across the thickly forested border of huge bauxite reserves in neighbouring Guinea. The Angolan company will seek to develop reserves in Guinea-Bissau calculated at 110m tonnes, containing 44% aluminium oxide. The US$500m investment will include exploitation of bauxite, the construction of the port of Buba, and a railway and road linking Boe and Buba. The Brazilian company Asperbras helped with the studies. Precise startup dates still have to be defined. N 81 CO M PA N Y N E W S W O R L D W I D E Hydro Recycling and secondary smelting wheels, cars and other scrap aluminium, will be recycled into four-cylinder Honda automobile engines. Virtually 100% of the molten aluminium supplied to Honda will come from recycled material. Mapcan is a joint venture between the Honda trading group of companies (65% ownership) and Asahi Seiren Co Ltd of Osaka, Japan (35% ownership). More than just recycling aluminium, the Mapcan facility also demonstrates design features to maximize energy efficiency. The company estimates the designs could result in energy savings of between 30 to 50%. Steps to reduce energy consumption include the following: • Regenerative burners heat the four Indian firm set to invest in Oman Mumbai, India-based Zoom Developers Pyt. Ltd. plans to invest US$130m to build a secondary aluminium production plant at the port of Sohar in Oman. Sohar Industrial Port Co will be responsible for operating and developing the plant under a partnership agreement between the Oman government and the port of Rotterdam. The deciding factor for the investment was the plant’s strategic location at Sohar outside the Strait of Hormuz, from where the company will supply downstream aluminium products to the emerging markets of India and Africa. Molten Aluminum opens US$16m plant next to Honda 82 Mil-Ver Metals lights up new furnace Mil-Ver Metals, the UK-based aluminium ingot producer, started its new 18-tonne furnace this week as part of the continuing expansion of its secondary aluminium plant. The furnace will use energy more efficiently rather than boost capacity. Mil-Ver now has the flexibility and efficiency required to fully maximize yields when melting all aluminium grades. Mil-Ver, a wholly owned subsidiary of Amalgamated Metal Corp (AMC), is one of the UK’s largest smelters with a capacity in excess of 25,000 tpy. N Aluminium semis Hydro Molten Aluminum Producer Canada Inc. (Mapcan) opened a US$16m aluminium plant in Alliston, Ontario, that will supply Honda’s soon-to-beopened engine plant across the street. The plant has the capacity to produce 50,000 tpy of aluminium made from recycled scrap. About 20% of the metal will be used at the neighboring Honda of Canada Mfg. engine plant, which is scheduled to open in September. The rest will be shipped to other Honda affiliates in the United States. The company claims it will be the first plant in North America to offer molten aluminium directly to die-cast machines. At full production, the Honda engine plant will have the capacity to produce 200,000 engines annually. Material that could otherwise end up as landfill, such as household siding, large, energy-efficient furnaces to recycle the heat from the process • Building insulation of the entire facility retains process heat within the building during the winter • Recycling scrap aluminium • Ensuring that all processes, inputs and waste are contained within the facility, controlling any potential dust and noise, while enabling a dust collection and filtration system to filter and purify air before it is released. Additionally, Macpan is employing a wide range of recycling options to achieve an ambitious target of 0 percent waste to landfill. AMERICA Kaiser Aluminum investing in Jackson facility Kaiser Aluminum’s Board of Direc- tors has approved a US$19m expansion at its Tennalum facility in Jackson, Tennessee, to increase capacity and capabilities through the addition of an extrusion press, heat treat furnace, drawbench and other ancillary ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 CO M PA N Y N E W S W O R L D W I D E equipment. The expansion will add capacity to meet anticipated future demand for cold-finished rod, bar and related products. The Tennalum project is expected to be completed and production-ready by the end of 2009. Since 2005, Kaiser Aluminum has announced US$263m of total investment in its organic growth initiatives, which include a US$139m expansion of heat treat plate capacity and capabilities for aerospace applications and a US$91m programme to significantly improve the capabilities and efficiencies of rod, bar and tube operations. Ball and Alcoa help deliver latest in can innovation Alcoa, the company that invented the pull-top aluminium can, has worked with Ball Corp. and Coors Brewing Co. to introduce the Vented Wide Mouth Can – the industry’s first-ever can with a built-in vent. This latest invention allows consumers to drink beer out of a can while enjoying a smoother pour, delivering a draft-like experience by reducing the vacuum. Alcoa, Ball and Coors worked to develop the 204 mm diameter vented wide mouth end. Testing and trials were conducted at Alcoa and Ball to deliver the invention. Coors Brewing and Ball are joint venture partners of Rocky Mountain Metal Container, LLC, and jointly operate Coors’ can and end facilities in Golden, Colorado, one of the largest aluminium can manufacturing facilities in the world. The 204 vented wide mouth can ends for Coors are produced in Golden. Novelis to invest US$30m in Brazilian operations Atlanta-based Novelis Inc will invest more than US$30m in its operations in Brazil over the next 18 months to raise capacity and introduce new production technology. About US$21m will go towards process technology and equipment improvements at the company’s aluminium rolling mill and recycling complex in Pindamonhangaba city, São Paulo state. ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 Such improvements will provide a double-digit increase in the plant’s rolling capacity to 400,000 tpy; its aluminium recycling capacity will expand to 150,000 tonnes from 80,000 tonnes. Rolling capacity at the Pindamonhangaba plant is 360,000 tpy and will rise to 400,000 tpy at the end of 2009 following the investment at the unit. Another US$4.6m will go to the company’s plant in Ouro Preto city, Minas Gerais state, to install the Novelis Fusion solidification technology to allow the production of aluminium sheet ingots with multiple alloy layers. Meanwhile an additional US$4.7m will go towards an information technology project to integrate and unify the operating systems in Brazil. Novelis also confirmed that it is pursuing a project to expand its hydro-electric generating capacity in Brazil. Public hearings are currently under way on a proposed 23 MW development in Nova Brito, in the state of Minas Gerais. The company operates nine hydro-power plants in Minas Gerais with a total installed generating capacity of 117 MW. EUROPE Alcoa to cut Russian exports of aluminium products Alcoa will cut exports of aluminium products from its Russian plants to 40% of production in 2009, down from about half in 2008, as local demand grows. The concern operates two aluminium plants in Russia, in Samara on the Volga river and in Belaya Kalitva in the south. Russia has embarked on a half-trillion-dollar infrastructure reform as it seeks to upgrade and build new roads, bridges and airports. But it is already facing a shortage of all key materials, such as cement and steel. © On the move Torstein Dale Sjøtveit will step down from his position as Executive Vice President in Norsk Hydro ASA to take on a new job as CEO in Norwegian shipbuilder Aker Yards ASA. Dale Sjøveit, who heads Hydro’s Aluminium Metal business area, will leave Hydro 1 September 2008, at the latest. UC Rusal appointed Vitaliy Samsonov as Director for Control. Vitaliy will be responsible for maintaining and enhancing the effectiveness of the group’s internal control system and risk management. Alina Gutkina, who previously occupied this role, has been appointed Director of Internal Audit. She will be responsible for the independent evaluation of the internal control system and report directly to the Board of Directors of UC Rusal. Kaiser Aluminum appointed Neal West to the position of Vice President and Chief Accounting Officer (CAO). West replaces Lynton Rowsell, who is returning to the accounting firm Ernst & Young. Alcoa Chairman Alain Belda was elected to the IBM board of directors, effective July 29. Dick Evans, CEO of Montreal-based Rio Tinto Alcan, has been named Chairman of the International Aluminium Institute (IAI), London. Larry Holley has been named President and General Manager of St Ann Bauxite Ltd. and Gramercy Alumina, the integrated raw materials operations in Jamaica and Louisiana jointly owned by US producers Century Aluminum and Noranda Aluminum. Aleris International, Inc. has elected J. Steven Whisler to its Board of Directors. His election expands the Aleris board to seven members. Aleris has elected Scott A. McKinley as Senior Vice President and Controller and I. Timothy Trombetta has been appointed Vice President and Assistant Controller. Aluminium Bahrain has appointed Mahmood Al Kooheji to its Chairman of the Board of Directors. The Spanish Aluminium Recycling Association (Arpal) has appointed Clemente González Soler as President. 83 CO M PA N Y N E W S W O R L D W I D E MIDDLE EAST Oman signs aluminium deal with Indian firm A joint venture agreement involving a government-owned investment vehicle and a major Indian metals producer promises to boost the growth of Oman’s nascent aluminium downstream processing industry. Bangalore-based Future Metals Private Ltd will have a 70% stake in the new joint venture, while the rest will be owned by Takamul Investment, a venture capital fund set up by Oman Oil Company (OOC), a state-owned energy investment company. The agreement covers the establishment of an aluminium rod extrusion plant at the Sohar Industrial Estate using hot metal from Sohar Aluminium’s newly operational US$2.4bn smelter. Oman is developing a downstream aluminium park within Sohar, which is earmarked exclusively for projects that will utilise hot metal from the giant smelter. Sohar Aluminium has pledged up to 60% of its total liquid metal output of its 350,000 tpy for downstream industries. Novelis Korea offers multialloy aluminium sheet products Novelis Korea Ltd. has successfully completed the installation of Novelis Fusion technology at its plant in Ulsan, South Korea, and has begun commercial production of multi-alloy aluminium sheet products. This is Novelis’ second application of its proprietary technology following the ground-breaking launch at its plant in Oswego, New York, in 2006. This is also Novelis’ second major investment in South Korea this year after the completion of a US$30m expansion of its aluminium rolling mill in Yeongju in March 2007. Installing the technology in the Ulsan plant involved reconfiguring the existing ingot casting facility, known as the Universal Casting Shop. As its name implies, the casting shop has a flexible configuration which can be easily adapted to different casting technologies, making the conversion 84 to Novelis Fusion rapid and cost-efficient. The casting facility is now producing both Netcast shape-cast products for automotive parts and Novelis Fusion ingots for sheet products. The initial opportunity for Novelis Fusion sheet products in the Korean marketplace is to replace the conventional clad aluminium products used in heat exchanger applications. Novelis has already begun to supply brazing sheet to Korean customers that previously relied on imports, and the company expects to continue to increase its market share in the Asian market. According to Novelis, the response from customers is positive, and the company is rolling out its Fusion technology worldwide. Projects are under way to also install the technology in Sierre, Switzerland, and in Pindamonhangaba, Brazil, which will provide global coverage to all major markets. ASIA Rio Tinto Alcan opens packaging plant in India Rio Tinto Alcan has opened a new flexible packaging plant in Haridwar in northern India. The dynamic Indian market represents an attractive opportunity for Alcan Packaging’s strategy of growth, and the company is pleased to make this US$10m investment, which establishes its manufacturing presence in the region to better serve customers. This also expands Alcan’s presence in emerging markets overall, which today represent approx. 20% of its sales. The new plant is dedicated to producing high-value flexible packaging for the food and personal care segments in India. Including the plant in northern India, Alcan Packaging now operates 15 facilities in six countries. N Suppliers UC Rusal successfully tests new environmentally efficient aluminium production technology UC Rusal successfully launched test production of the key component of a unique and environmentally sound aluminium production technology – colloidal anode paste. The total investment in this project will amount to US$25m. Developed by the UC Rusal Engineering and Construction Division, the main goal of this project is an ideal Søderberg reduction cell, which minimises environmental impact and the consumption of raw materials. Through a number of technological and technical innovations, it will enable Søderberg technology to achieve the efficiency and ecological parameters of the alternative prebake technology. In April 2008, test production of colloidal paste was started. Meanwhile, 20 Søderberg reduction cells at the Krasnoyarsk smelter use colloidal anode paste. When the testing is completed, the technology will be implemented in a whole potroom at the smelter, and later it will be rolled out across five potrooms. In the pe- riod 2010 to 2015, the technology will be introduced at all UC Rusal smelters that use Søderberg technology. When this unique technology is introduced at the Krasnoyarsk smelter, the hydrofluoric emissions will be cut to 0.24 kg per tonne (from 0.7 kg per tonne previously), fluorine emissions to 0.6 kg per tonne (from 1.62 kg per tonne), CO2 emissions to 53.5 kg per tonne (from 78.9 kg per tonne), benzo(a)pyrene emissions to 0.001 kg per tonne (from 0.002 kg per tonne tonne). The benzo(a)pyrene emissions levels will meet the requirements of the Russian laws and recommendations of Ospar 2010. Merger to strengthen aluminium services Thomas & Coffey will expand its services to the aluminium industry, after buying Gladstone-based Holcan. Holcan provides aluminium fabrication and project services. It has also supplied specialised anode maintenance services to Boyne Smelters in Gladestone for 25 years. It is said to be a leader in smelting processes. Accord- ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 CO M PA N Y N E W S W O R L D W I D E ing to the companies, the acquisition will not affect the present contract with the smelters, which runs for another two years. Thomas & Coffey says their Gladstone business will be consolidated into Holcan’s 7,000 m2 facility. Rio Tinto Alcan said. The plant will be able to treat about 80,000 tpy of spent potlining. Developed by Rio Tinto Alcan’s Arvida Research and Development Centre, the technology will also enable the plant to treat potlining from other Quebec aluminium producers. Tomorrow Technology supplies anode slotting machine Buss CP kneaders: single-source again In October 2007, Corus Aluminium Voerde GmbH in Germany awarded Tomorrow Technology (TT) from Italy with a contract to supply an automatic carbon anode slotting machine, including the required anode conveying lines. The ordered equipment has to be integrated into the existing anode supply chain with minimal interruption of the ongoing anode rodding production. Many smelters are now converting to slotted carbon anodes, which allow CO2 gas bubbles to escape faster from under the anodes, thus improving the reduction process performance due to lower voltage drops and improved reduction cell stability. The equipment supplied by TT is designed to cut two longitudinal slots for the Voerde anode as well as to cut single or double slots for external customers. With the supply of this anode slotting machine TT is completing its range of equipments dedicated to anode production, such as anode and stub hole cleaning, anode handling devices and roller conveyors. As of 1 August 2008 Buss AG of Pratteln, Switzerland will be marketing its large CP kneaders on its own again. That is when a ten-year marketing agreement with Buss ChemTech AG in Pratteln ends. During this time Buss AG continued manufacturing the CP kneader, used for anode paste compounding in electrolytic aluminium production, and improved it both from the mechanical and process technology points of view. Buss AG was also responsible on behalf of its marketing partner for CP Kneader spares and replacements as well as local service. All the leading aluminium producers worldwide use Buss kneaders today – currently at least 200 of them for anode paste processing. Rio Tinto Alcan opens spent potlining pilot plant Rio Tinto Alcan has officially inaugurated its newly commissioned pilot plant for the treatment of spent potlining, in Saguenay, Quebec. Spent potlining is a material that is removed periodically from the electrolytic cells used to produce aluminium. It is made up of carbon and other products, and is normally pre-treated before being disposed of in highly controlled conditions. The new technology being used in the Saguenay plant renders the spent potlining completely inert and provides the global aluminium industry with a sustainable solution, ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 Chinalco extends order with Siemens Chinalco Aluminium Co. Ltd., China, has placed orders with Siemens VAI Metals Technologies for two additional finishing stands for the aluminium hot rolling mill of Chinalco Ruimin Co. Ltd. in Mawei, Fuzhou. The extended order has a volume of around €15million and is due to be completed in September 2009. Chinalco had already ordered the supply of the mechanical and electrical equipment of a single stand finishing mill in the fall of 2007. The finishing mill, to be equipped by Siemens, will have a total of three four-high stands with automatic hydraulic roll gap control and positive and negative work roll bending. This will raise the planned capacity of the 2.4-meter hot rolling mill to 375,000 metric tons per year. In addition to the mechanical equipment, Siemens will also supply the complete automation system and the drive systems, including Sinamics SM150 medium-voltage converters and Sinamics S120 low-voltage converters, as well as the sensors. Fata orders equipment for Qatalum project Fata SpA, Italy, has placed an order with Hertwich Engineering, Austria, for the supply and commissioning of homogenizing and sawing equipment for the Qatalum aluminium smelter project, Qatar. The supply comprises two continuous homogenizing lines, complete with ultra-sonic inspection station, one batch homogenizing line, and three sawing and packaging lines, all combined into one fully automated plant. Total net production is 355,000 tpy (sawn-to-length, marketable billets). Sohar Aluminium smelter project makes first ‘hot metal’ At the end of June the Sohar Aluminium smelter in the Sultanate of Oman produced its first ‘hot metal’. For this project Bechtel provided engineering, procurement, construction, and construction management services worth US$1.4bn, which features © The Author The author, Dipl.-Ing. R. P. Pawlek is founder of TS+C, Technical Info Services and Consulting, Sierre (Switzerland), a new service for the primary aluminium industry. He is also the publisher of the standard works Alumina Refineries and Producers of the World and Primary Aluminium Smelters and Producers of the World. These reference works are continually updated, and contain useful technical and economic information on all alumina refineries and primary aluminium smelters of the world. They are available as loose-leaf files and/or CD-roms from the Aluminium-Verlag, Marketing & Kommunikation GmbH in Düsseldorf as well as by online ordering via www.aluweb.de (Alu-Bookshop) from Giesel Verlag GmbH. 85 CO M PA N Y N E W S W O R L D W I D E the world’s largest, most technologically advanced potline. The greenfield project also included a carbon plant, an ingot metal casting facility, and a port facility for storage and ship loading and unloading. The project was completed on schedule and within budget. This is a testimony to the dedication and hard work of the Bechtel project team, the contractors, and So- har Aluminium. Goods and services for the project were procured from 28 different countries, with more than US$300m also being spent in the local Omani business community. Bechtel was responsible for approx. 50% of the construction, and managed construction of the remainder. A key part of Bechtel’s construction programme was the recruitment and training of more than 800 Omani craft workers. Working for Bechtel has been the start of a career for many Omani craft workers, some of whom will work for the Sohar Aluminium operations team and other international construction companies. Sohar Aluminium expects full production by December 2008. N Seco/Warwick Installation of a travelling homogenizing furnace at Miluo Longzhou Aluminium completed floor space, since the furnace moves from one loading area laterally to the second loading area. • Loading and unloading consideration: a travelling furnace load base is floor level and the load base can be loaded or stacked with a fork truck. The loading base is designed with steel cover plates to withstand not only the billet load, but also the weight of the fork truck. Fork trucks can be used because overhead cranes are not Seco / Warwick Seco/Warwick (Tianjin) Industrial furnace Co. Ltd. has recently completed the installation of a travelling homogenizing furnace at Miluo Longzhou Aluminium Co. Ltd., a specialty aluminium alloy billets manufacturer in China. The company operates a 50 kt/a recycling aluminium alloy billet production line, which can produce 6000, 7000 and 2000 series of 152 mm, 178 mm, 254 mm diameter extrusion aluminium alloy billets. Travelling homogenizing furnace The furnace offers several advantages: • Limited plant floor space: the utilization of the travelling furnace provides twice the loading area in half the 86 needed. The potential of a billet rolling off an above floor level load car is reduced. The loading and unloading of the billet bases is accomplished in less time. Placing thermocouples in the load is made easier since the load is at floor level. • Energy savings: with the conventional car bottom type of furnaces, the load car is removed from the furnace, unloaded and then reloaded, and is then driven back into the furnace. During this time, the furnace interior can lose a significant amount of heat, so to bring the furnace back up to temperature will take additional time and heat input. • Cycle time reduction: when the new travelling furnace has completed the cycle, the furnace doors open and the furnace travels from one loading base to the next. The first base can be cooled, and then re-loaded while the other load is under heat. The result is a faster load change with a reduced heat loss from the furnace. Once the furnace has moved into position on the adjacent load base, the heating cycle begins. With the travelling furnace design, a reduction in overall heating time and input can be accomplished, compared with car furnace designs. Technical details: • Billet material specifications: batch load capacity – 60 tonnes maximum; billet diameters – 152 mm, 178 mm, 254 mm; billet length – 6800 mm • Furnace specifications: furnace design temperature – 650°C; furnace operating temperature – 570 to 580°C • Load temperature uniformity: +/- 5°C N ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 RESEARCH B4C-Al and B4C-TiB2-Al composites reactively bonded with AlMgB14 formed in situ V. Kevorkijan, Maribor Macro-hardness is one of the most valuable engineering properties of pressurelessly sintered boron carbide, particularly in lightweight armour systems and for various wear resistant engineering applications [1]. However, to ensure superior macrohardness (approx. 32 to 37 GPa) in pressurelessly sintered boron carbide, the sintering process should be carried out typically at temperatures higher than 2000°C, which substantially increases the production cost. The cost-effective alternatives are various B4C-based composites, among which B4C-Al metal matrix composites (MMCs) have been particularly well investigated [2-5]. B4C-Al composites are a family of engineering materials in which a range of properties can be developed, combining the high rigidity and hardness of B4C with the ductility of aluminium. Moreover, the Al-B-C system enables the creation of an entire spectrum of low-temperature (Al3BC, AlB2) and high- temperature (AlB12C2, Al4C3) phases, making it possible to tailor the composition and microstructure of the multiphase material accurately. Due to the several great advantages they combine, B4C-Al composites are the material of choice in many applications such as armour plate with high ballistic efficiency, disk drive actuators, hard disk substrates, brakes with high wear resistance, etc. First of all, B4C-Al composites need approx. 40% less B4C powder than presurelessly sintered (or hot pressed) B4C and can be fabricated at relatively low temperatures (1100°C), in an inert atmosphere at atmospheric pressure. The most frequently practised fabrication method is spontaneous, reactive infiltration of molten aluminium alloy into a porous B4C compact. The infiltration proceeds very rapidly (minutes), even for thick preforms (25 cm thick). As a result, in just one single processing step, near-net shape products could be fabricated with high productivity. In ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 addition, B4C-Al composites combine infiltration temperature), the final content of AlB12C2 could increase to low density with superior specific rigidity, as well as high bending strength 5 to 8 wt%, improving the hardness and fracture toughness. of B4C-Al composites by about 1.0 to 1.5 GPa (3 to 5%). In applications where hardness Further increase of the macroand high Young’s modulus are rehardness of B4C-Al composites to a quired, the multiphase B4C-Al material should contain only a small value close to the hardness of sinamount of residual aluminium and tered boron-carbide, is possible by phases such as AlB2 and Al4B3. The introducing new bonding phases with superior micro-hardness, even most desirable phase in the system higher than sintered boron-carbide, is AlB12C2 with a micro-hardness of and/or by replacing highly reactive about 28 GPa, similar to the microboron carbide with chemically more hardness of B4C. inert TiB2. However, as reported in detail by Arslan et al2, the Al3BC phase with The purpose of this paper was: (i) to select an appropriate bonding a micro-hardness of about one-third phase with a micro-hardness similar that of B4C, appears as the main reto that of sintered boron carbide, inaction product in the B4C-Al system cluding the route of its in-situ formaand its amount varies between 30 tion during infiltration of the porous and 75 wt%, depending on the infilboron carbide preform with molten tration conditions, the morphology aluminium and (ii) to demonstrate the of the starting B4C powder and the potential of such a method for cost-efchemical composition of the porous fectively increasing the macro-hardpreform. Moreover, the residual aluness in B4C-Al composites. minium content in B4C-Al composites fabricated by infiltration could not be The systems considered in this reduced below 3 to 5 wt%. Because of work were Al-Mg-B-C and Al-Mgthat, typical values of the macro-hardTi-B-C, in which, in parallel with the ness of B4C-Al composites produced formation of B4C-Al and B4C-TiB2-Al by infiltration are in the range of 7 composites by pressureless infiltration to 10 GPa, less than one third of the of a porous preform with molten aluhardness of sintered boron-carbide. minium alloy, the ultra-hard AlMgB14 It was also found [3] that some bonding phase was formed. The resultadditional hardness improvement in ant B4C-Al-AlMgB14 and B4C-TiB2-AlB4C-Al composites could be achieved AlMgB14 composites with hardnesses by carefully increasing the content near the hardness of sintered boron of the rhombohedral AlB12C2 phase, carbide were prepared and char- © which is actually a Preform Chemical composition low-temperature polyProcess type of green preform (wt %) morph of orthorhombic C TiB2 MgB2 B B AlB24C4. By infiltrating 4 Reactive infiltration the porous preform at A 70.0 / / / higher temperatures B 40.0 30.0 / / (above 1100°C) in Reactive bonding combination with an / 7.8 22.2 C 70.0 appropriate post-heat40.0 30.0 10.0 20.0 D 1 ing treatment of the 10.0 30.0 20.0 40.0 D 2 B4C-Al composite ma5.0 30.0 25.0 40.0 D3 terial (consisting of a few tens of hours hold- Table 1: The initial composition of various performs applied ing samples above the for infiltration and reactive bonding 87 RESEARCH acterised. The mechanism of formation of the AlMgB14 bonding phase is also discussed. Experimental Two classes of composites: reactively infiltrated B4C-Al and B4C-TiB2-Al, as well as reactively bonded B4C-Al and B4C-TiB2-Al with AlMgB14, were prepared by melt infiltrating 2024 Al alloy blocks into isostatically pressed preforms under an argon atmosphere. In the case of the reactively infiltrated composites, two types of preforms were fabricated. Type A preforms for B4C-Al composites were made from commercial B4C powders (H. C. Starck; Grade HD 07). In addition, preforms of type B for B4C-TiB2Al composites were made using the same B4C powder as for type A, doped with 30 wt% of TiB2 powder (H. C. Starck; Grade D). Preforms (types C and D) for reactively bonded composites were made from the same B4C and TiB2 powders as types A and B. However, to enable formation of the AlMgB14 bonding phase, preforms C, D1, D2 and D3 contained different amounts of MgB2 (H. C. Starck; Grade A) and amorphous B (H. C. Starck; Grade I) powders. The initial composition of the preforms used in this work is listed in Table 1. In order to improve the wetting of boron carbide with molten aluminium, chemical pretreatment of the as-received powders was carried out. The pretreatment consisted of chemical cleaning of the boron carbide powders in an equimolar mixture of HF and H2SO4 for 5 min, air drying at room temperature for 6 h, additional drying at 150°C for 24 h and calcination at 400°C for 3h, both in an Ar atmosphere. The mixture of pre-treated boron carbide powders and other reactants was homogenized and isostatically pressed at 200 MPa to produce samples with a green density from 70 to 78% T.D. Typically, the preforms consisted of 70 wt% of B4C and 30 wt% of other additives. Prior to the infiltration process, the preforms were passivated by heattreating them in the absence of free carbon at 1450°C for 2 hours under 88 an argon atmosphere. For infiltration, the preform was put into a sintered boron-carbide crucible, the aluminium compact was placed on top of the preform at room temperature and infiltration was carried out at the desired temperature in a static argon atmosphere. The infiltration temperatures were chosen as 1100°, 1200°, 1300° and 1350°C, while the holding time was 30 or 60 min. Heating and cooling rates were 20°C/min. After infiltration, the assembly was cooled to about 600°C in an argon atmosphere in order to inhibit oxidation during solidification, and removed from the furnace. The densities of the infiltrated preforms were determined using the Archimedes principle. Their microstructure was examined by optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The reaction products were analysed using an EDS detector. The Vickers micro-hardness and Vickers hardness of infiltrated and polished (down to 1 μm) samples were measured using a Fischerscope H100C micro-hardness tester and a Wilson Tukon Vickers macro-tester with a load of 1000 g, respectively. Five different measurements were made for each sample. X-ray powder diffraction patterns were collected on a Bruker D4 diffractometer using Cu Kα radiation in the range from 10 to 60° 2θ. Phase analysis was done with the help of Crystallographica Search-Match software [6] using the PDF-2 database release 2004 [7], while quantitative phase analysis was carried out using the Rietveld method, with the Topas proInfiltration conditions 1100 1100 1200 1200 1300 1300 1350 1350 Results In Tables 2 to 6 the phase content and measured Vickers macro-hard- Phase composition of infiltrated samples (wt%) Temperature Time (°C) (min) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 gram [8]. The structural data were obtained from the ICSD [9]. To account for the differences in the absorption coefficients of the phases present, the Brindley [10,11] correction was applied. The particle diameter was set to 1 μm as determined from the SEM image of the microstructure of the material. Phase quantification was done in two steps. In the first, the mass ratio of the phases identified was determined from the Rietveld refinement of the pattern of powdered as-made material. In the second, the samples were mixed with a known amount (40.0 wt%) of corundum with a particle size of 1μm and the data collection and refinement were repeated. Due to the presence of material not included in the Rietveld refinement model (amorphous or non-identified crystalline phases), the calculated wt% of corundum was in all cases larger than 40.0%. Dividing the actual (40.0%) by the calculated value of the wt% of corundum, a factor was determined which was used to multiply the relative weight fractions of the crystalline phases identified, derived in the first step, to obtain the ‘absolute’ weight fractions. The Rwp factors of the refined patterns were in the range between 13 and 15%. Cross-checking between the as-made and corundumadded samples showed good agreement and it was estimated that the errors in the quantitative phase analysis did not exceed 5% relative. 30 60 30 60 30 60 30 60 Vickers hardness (GPa) B4C Al AlB2 Al3BC AlB12C2 36 28 35 24 33 12 25 6 15 14 14 5 7 4 6 4 6 8 6 10 13 6 13 5 41 47 42 57 43 72 49 77 2 3 3 4 4 6 7 8 11.8 ± 0.4 10.9 ± 0.3 11.8 ± 0.4 11.0 ± 0.3 12.0 ± 0.4 9.7 ± 0.3 11.4 ± 0.4 7.9 ± 0.3 Table 2: Phase composition and Vickers hardness of B4C-Al composites made by infiltration of preform A ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 RESEARCH ness of both B4C-Al composites prepared in the laboratory and reactively infiltrated, reactively bonded B4C-Al composites are reported. As evident, unreacted B4C and Al, and the reaction products AlB2, Al3BC and AlB12C2 were present in almost all the samples of both reactively infiltrated and reactively bonded composites, the amount depending on the infiltration conditions. In addition, in the reactive bonded composites, the AlMgB14 bonding phase was formed from MgB2 and boron under all experimental conditions, whereas TiB2 particles added to the starting reaction mixture remained chemically inert. Moreover, in the reactively bonded composites, a small amount of MgAlO4 was also detected in samples infiltrated at higher temperatures. The AlB2 phase varied between 2 and 13 wt%, with the amount generally decreasing with increasing infiltration temperature. An exception was the system B4C-Al in which, on increasing the infiltration temperature, the amount of AlB2 phase passed through a twin-peak maximum at 1300° and 1350°C. The appearance of Al4C3 phase was not detected either in reactively infiltrated or in reactively bonded samples. The AlB12C2 phase was detected in all the infiltrated samples. Its amount varied between 2 and 8 wt%, generally increasing with depletion of the initial boron carbide content. The highest amount of AlB12C2 was obtained by infiltration at 1350°C for 60 min. (Table 2). The same results were obtained in reactively bonded samples with the same initial B4C content (Table 3). However, in samples where the initial B4C content was lower due to the addition of TiB2 (Tables 4, 5 and 6), the amount of AlB12C2 phase produced under the same experimental conditions was drastically reduced. Al3BC was found to be one of the main reaction products in all laboratory-prepared composites since boron carbide was the dominant constituent in the preforms (Tables 2, 3 and 4). In contrast, in preforms with a low boron carbide content (Tables 5 and 6), the final amount of Al3BC become even Infiltration conditions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 comparable with the free aluminium content. The quantity of AlMgB14 bonding phase in the samples was changed systematically (starting from about 20 wt%, (Tables 3 and 4), to ~40 wt%, (Table 5), and around 60 wt%, (Table 6) by adjusting the concentration of MgB2 and boron in the porous preforms. The chemical conversion of MgB2 and boron to AlMgB14 bonding phase was found to proceed completely. A small amount of spinel phase (MgAlO4) was also formed but never exceeded 4 wt% in the temperature and time intervals investigated. According to SEM/EDS and RTG, no residual MgB2 and elementary boron were detected in the composites after infiltration and bonding under the processing conditions investigated. The Vickers micro- and macrohardness of all the prepared composite samples were measured and correlated with the initial chemical composition of the porous preforms, as well as the processing conditions. The data collected for the © Phase composition of infiltrated samples (wt%) Temperature (°C) Time (min) B4C Al AlB2 Al3BC AlB12C2 1100 1100 1200 1200 1300 1300 1350 1350 30 60 30 60 30 60 30 60 40 35 32 26 18 12 9 6 12 8 7 6 4 4 4 4 6 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 16 23 28 33 41 45 47 48 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 Hardness (GPa) AlMgB14 MgAl2O4 24 25 25 26 27 28 28 28 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 15.1 ± 0.5 15.0 ± 0.5 14.7 ± 0.5 14.3 ± 0.5 13.3 ± 0.5 12.9 ± 0.4 12.6 ± 0.4 12.4 ± 0.4 Table 3: Phase composition and Vickers hardness of B4C-Al composites reactively bonded with AlMgB14. Samples were made from preform type C. Infiltration conditions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Phase composition of infiltrated samples (wt%) Temperature (°C) Time (min) B4C Al TiB2 AlB2 Al3BC 1100 1100 1200 1200 1300 1300 1350 1350 30 60 30 60 30 60 30 60 20 18 14 10 9 8 7 6 11 8 7 6 5 4 4 4 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 6 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 11 15 19 22 23 24 25 25 Hardness (GPa) AlAlMgB14 MgAl2O4 B12C2 2 2 3 4 5 6 6 6 20 21 22 23 23 23 23 23 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 20.2 ± 0.7 20.0 ± 0.7 20.0 ± 0.7 19.8 ± 0.7 19.8 ± 0.7 19.9 ± 0.7 19.7 ± 0.7 19.6± 0.7 Table 4: Phase composition and Vickers hardness of B4C-TiB2-Al composites reactively bonded with AlMgB14. The preform applied was type D1. ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 89 RESEARCH Fig. 1: Microstructure of B4C-Al composite (Sample 1, Table 3) reactively bonded with AlMgB14. The infiltration was performed at 1100°C for 30 min. on type C preforms. Fig. 2: Microstructure of B4C-TiB2-Al composite (Sample 4, Table 4) reactively bonded with AlMgB14. The infiltration was performed at 1200°C for 60 min. using preform type D1. Fig. 3: Microstructure of B4C-TiB2-Al composite (Sample 1, Table 6) reactively bonded with AlMgB14. The infiltration was performed at 1100°C for 30 min. by applying preform type D3. Vickers micro-hardness of the various phases detected in laboratory samples after infiltration and bonding are summarized in Table 7. As expected, the least hard phase is TiB2 and the hardness order is B4C > AlMgB14 > AlB12C2 > Al3BC >AlB2 >Al. The experimentally determined Vickers macro-hardness values are presented in Tables 2 to 6. The measured values of the Vickers macro-hardness of laboratory-prepared composites were in the interval between 7.9 and 28.7 GPa. The highest values of macro-hardness (approx. 90% of the macro-hardness of presurelessly sintered boron-carbide) were found in samples with 30 wt% TiB2 reactively bonded to approx. 60 wt% of AlMgB14. Fig. 1 shows the microstructure of a B4C-Al composite (Sample 1, Table 2) reactively bonded with AlMgB14. As is evident, B4C and Al3BC are the predominant phases isolated. Some traces of AlB2 and AlB12C2 were also detected. The residual aluminium and AlMgB14 bonding phases appear in the form of a continuous metallic matrix with AlMgB14 and AlMgB14+MgAl2O4 aggregates. The microstructure of the B4C-TiB2Al composite (Sample 4, Table 4) reactively bonded with AlMgB14 consisted of an interpenetrating network of numerous individual phases (B4C, AlB2, Al3BC, AlB12C2, AlMgB14 and MgAl2O4) formed in situ, B4C and TiB2 particles, and a co-continuous network of residual aluminium, Fig.2. The microstructure of the composite (Sample 1, Table 6) with more than 50 wt% of AlMgB14 bonding phase (Fig. 3) confirms that in this case the bonding phase appears in the form of a co-continuous network in Infiltration conditions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Phase composition of infiltrated samples (wt%) Temperature (°C) Time (min) B4C Al TiB2 AlB2 Al3BC AlB12C2 1100 1100 1200 1200 1300 1300 1350 1350 30 60 30 60 30 60 30 60 7 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 7 6 5 5 4 4 4 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 6 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Hardness (GPa) AlMgB14 MgAl2O4 42 42 44 46 46 46 46 46 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 22.8 22.6 22.7 23.1 23.1 23.3 23.3 23.2 Table 5: Phase composition and Vickers hardness of B4C-TiB2-Al composites reactively bonded with AlMgB14. The preform applied was type D2. Infiltration conditions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Temperature (°C) 1100 1100 1200 1200 1300 1300 1350 1350 Time (min) 30 60 30 60 30 60 30 60 Phase composition of infiltrated samples (wt%) B 4C Al TiB2 AlB2 Al3BC AlB12C2 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 5 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Hardness (GPa) AlMgB14 MgAl2O4 53 55 56 59 59 60 61 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 27.2 ± 1.0 27.5 ± 1.0 27.6 ± 1.0 28.1 ± 1.0 28.1 ± 1.0 28.3 ± 1.0 28.7 ± 1.0 28.4 ± 1.0 Table 6: Phase composition and Vickers hardness of B4C-TiB2-Al composites reactively bonded with AlMgB14. The preform applied was type D3. 90 ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 RESEARCH which several individual phases (B4C, Al, TiB2, AlB2, Al3BC, AlB12C2 and MgAl2O4), as well as TiB2 particulates, are randomly dispersed. Generally, all the microstructures obtained are very complex, with numerous phases formed in situ. Moreover, the spatial distribution, morphology, and connectivity of these phases vary markedly, resulting in their poor repeatability. Discussion Reactive infiltration of boron carbide with molten aluminium The phases formed during infiltration of a B4C preform with molten aluminium alloy are mainly Al3BC and AlB2, although several other phases (AlB12, AlB12C2, Al4C3) were also thermodynamically predicted. Between 600° and 700°C, AlB2 and B4C are the predominant phases. Above 700°C AlB2 and Al3BC are both present, and as the temperature increases the relative amount of Al3BC increases. Finally, between 900° and 1000°C, the predominant reaction product is Al3BC. The chemical changes occurring in the system below 1000°C could be summarized by the following chemical reaction: B4C + 3Al ↔ Al3BC + 3B(Al) (1) The elemental boron liberated by reaction (1) is finely dispersed in molten aluminium and could further react with Al forming AlB2: B(Al) + Al ↔ AlB2 (2) At about 1000°C, AlB2 decomposes and generates free aluminium. The infiltration of a B4C preform carried out above 1000°C produces mainly AlB12C2 and, after a longer infiltration time, some Al4C3. The formation of AlB12C2 is favoured by lowering the initial B4C powder particle size. When the formation of AlB12C2 begins, the consumption of B4C increases drastically: B4C 31,6 ±1,1 Al 3±0,1 3B4C + Al ↔ AlB12C2 + C(Al) (3) The elemental carbon liberated by reaction (3) and finely dispersed in molten aluminium further reacts with Al forming Al4C3: 3C(Al) + 4Al ↔ Al4C3 (4) However, this reaction proceeds slowly, so by using a shorter infiltration time (about 10 min) the formation of Al4C3 could be avoided almost completely. Due to the significant complexity of the system, several other chemical reactions could also occur. For example, both elemental boron and carbon finely dispersed in molten aluminium could react with Al4BC, transforming it into AlB12C2: Al3BC+11B(Al)+C(Al) ↔ AlB12C2+2Al (5) Mechanism of reactive bonding with AlMgB14 The mechanism of formation of AlMgB14 has been described elsewhere [12], but briefly, the formation of orthorhombic AlMgB14 is initiated by the formation of α-rhomohedral boron consisting of nearly regular B12 icosahedra in an approximately cubic close packed arrangement, with bonds between adjacent icosahedra. In addition, it seems that the presence of elemental boron at the reaction front is a prerequisite for successful formation of orthorhombic AlMgB14. Trials with AlB12 and MgB2 as reactants were unsuccessful, resulting in a maximum of 25 vol-% of AlMgB14 in the product mix. To achieve maximum AlMgB14 yield, a sufficient concentration of highly volatile reactants (particularly magnesium) at the reaction front should be ensured. In this respect, MgB2 enables the liberation of elemental magnesium in situ, at temperatures of about 1100° to 1400°C, depending on the overpressure in the reaction chamber. Under atmospheric pressure, the decomposition temperature of MgB2 is 1047°C: Vickers microhardnes (GPa ± S.D.) TiB2 AlB2 Al3BC AlB12C2 31,8±1,1 10,3±0,4 11,8±0,4 27,9±1,0 AlMgB14 29,4±1,0 Table 7: Vickers microhardness measured on isolated ceramic phases in infiltrated and reatively bonded composites ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 MgB2 = Mg + 2B (6) Thus, the overall reaction for the formation of AlMgB14 bonding phase could be written as: MgB2 + 12B + Al = AlMgB14 (7) Modelling the phase composition of B4C-Al composites reactively bonded with AlMgB14 for achieving maximum macro- hardness To achieve the maximum hardness of B4C-Al composites comparable with the hardness of pressurelessly sintered boron carbide, it is necessary to introduce the secondary bonding phase formed in situ, during spontaneous reactive infiltration of the green compact with molten aluminium. Among the various phases formed during reactive infiltration of boroncarbide with molten aluminium, the highest micro-hardness was measured for AlB12C2. The measured Vickers micro-hardness was in the range of 26 to 28 GPa, which is about 80% of the micro-hardness measured on B4C grains. However, the maximum amount of this phase in a B4C-Al composite experimentally achieved after detailed optimisation of the processing parameters was 8 wt%. Due to the presence of other phases formed during reactive infiltration (such as Al3BC and AlB2) and in addition a minimum of 4 wt % of solidified aluminium alloy, the hardness of low-temperature reactively fabricated, fully dense B4CAl composites was very poor (typically about 40-45% of the hardness of pressurelessly sintered boron carbide). An additional improvement was made by introducing a secondary bonding phase based on AlMgB14. The macro-hardness of well-optimized composites (Sample 8 in Table 1) was in the range of 60% of the hardness of pressurelessly sintered boron-carbide. In comparison with the macrohardness of B4C-Al composites, this was a 50% improvement but still not enough for armour applications. The reason for such a modest improvement lies in the fact that during reactive infiltration most of the boron carbide is transformed to Al3BC and AlB2 with micro-hardnesses of about one third of the micro-hardness of B4C. In other words, although during reactive © 91 RESEARCH infiltration and reactive bonding the hardness of the composite improved with about 36 wt% of new very hard phases, the boron-carbide phase was also almost completely transformed, unfortunately into phases with poor hardness. Further improvement of the hardness of low temperature reactively bonded B4C-Al composites is possible only by: (1) inhibiting the reactivity of boron carbide by covering its surface with various protective layers (e.g. hexagonal BN); or (2) replacing a significant portion of boron carbide with some other hard ceramic phase, which remains inert in contact with molten aluminium. In this paper, the second approach was investigated, by introducing 30 wt% of TiB2 particles. The result was a significant improvement in the macro-hardness of composites synthesized at 1100°C, to almost 78% of the hardness of pressurelessly sintered boron carbide. Conclusion Reactive bonding of carbides and borides with in situ formed AlMgB14 to achieve excellent hardness in combination with near-net shaping is a promising new method for the fabrication of complex ceramic structures for military and civil applications. Fully dense B4C-Al and B4C-TiB2-Al based composites, reactively bonded with AlMgB14 phase, were routinely fabricated by spontaneous infiltration of green compacts at temperatures of 1100° to 1400°C. The best macrohardness values (23-24.5 GPa, that is 70% of the macro-hardness of sintered boron carbide) were obtained at 1100°C, approximately 50% below the sintering temperature of B4C. Further improvement of macro-hardness is possible by increasing the volume fraction of TiB2. The new class of reactively bonded composites is particularly suitable for advanced, low-weight and cost-effective ceramic armour and various wearresistant engineering components. Acknowledgement This work was supported by funding from the Public Agency for Research and Development of the Republic of Slovenia, as well as the Impol Aluminium Company from Slovenska Bistrica, Slovenia, under contract No.1000-05-217061. Author References [1] M. Srinivasan and W. Rafaniello, “Non-Oxide Materials: Applications and Engineering” in Carbide, Nitride and Bo- 5th International Brazing Congress again meeting place for the industry In May 2008 the International Congress ‘Aluminium Brazing’ again attracted some 200 participants and speakers from 25 countries to Düsseldorf. The Aluminium-Verlag, already organizing the event for the fifth time, was extremely happy with the response. “This year, too, we were able to benefit from the high standard of the speakers and their topics”, enthused Rolf Deipenwisch, CEO of the Aluminium-Verlag in Düsseldorf. The object of the Congress was to inform as comprehensively as possible about the processes and innovations 92 ride Material Synthesis and Processing, edited by A. W. Weimer, Chapman and Hall, New York, 1-42 (1997) [2] G. Arslan, F. Kara and S. Turan, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 23, 1243-1255 (2003) [3] A. J. Pyzik and D. R. Beaman, J. Am. Ceram. Soc, 87(2), 305-12 (1995) [4] D. C. Halverson, A. J. Pyzik, I. A. Aksay and W. E. Snowden, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 72(5), 775-80 (1989) [5] F. H. Froses, Light Metal Age, 57(3,4), 48-61 (1999) [6] Crystallographica Search Match, Version 2,1,0,2, Oxford Cryosystems, UK, 2003. [7] Powder Diffraction File 2, Release 2004, International Center for Diffractiona Data, Newtown, USA, 2004 [8] TOPAS, Version 2.1, Bruker AXS, Karslruhe, Germany, 2003 [9] Inorganic Crystal Structure Database, Release 1/2005, FIZ Karlsruhe, Germany and NIST, USA, 2005 [10] G. W. Brindley, Phil. Mag., 36, 347369 (1945) [11] J. C. Taylor and C. E. Matulis, J. Appl. Cryst., 24, 14-17 (1991) [12] V. Kevorkijan, S. D. Škapin, M. Jelen, K.Krnel and A. Meden, J. Eur.Ceram. Soc., 27, 493-497 (2007) developed over the past years in and around brazing technology. The event also elicited interest from manufactur- Photo: Aluminium-Verlag ers of stationary air conditioning and refrigeration plant, who have discov- Dr. Varuzan Kevorkijan (1957), Principal Scientist, is head of applied and industrial projects in the field of aluminium and aluminium-based composites. He is an independent researcher. ered and embraced this technology. The topics were separated into seven different categories, whereby the emphasis lay in research, development and design. Well-known speakers from international companies in brazing technology informed the delegates, using practical examples about multifarious aspects of brazing techniques for Aluminium and its alloys. The exhibition which accompanied the Congress has in the meantime established itself as a permanent feature, where the companies exhibit-ing displayed their products, techniques and technical innovations. The 6th International Aluminium Brazing Congress is set to take place from 4 to 6 May 2010. N ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 EVENTS ALUMINIUM China 2008 – Nachlese Zur vierten Auflage der Fachmesse ALUMINIUM China zählte der Veranstalter Reed Exhibitions 6.744 Fachbesucher. Vom 28. bis zum 30. Mai 2008 präsentierten sich insgesamt 265 Aussteller aus 24 Nationen auf der Messe, die erstmals in Guangzhou in der südchinesischen Provinz Guangdong stattfand. Neben Branchengrößen wie Alcoa, Aleris, Novelis, Wagstaff und Fata Hunter nutzten zahlreiche chinesische Aussteller die Messe für ihre Präsentation: u. a. Chinalco, Asia Aluminium und Haomei. Mehr als 70 Aussteller kamen allein aus der südchinesischen Provinz Guangdong, der Provinz mit der höchsten Zahl an Industriebetrieben in China. Parallel zur Messe hatten die Besucher die Möglichkeit, an einer Reihe von organisierten Betriebsbesichtigungen im Großraum von Guangdong teilzunehmen. Zudem wurde die Messe erstmals vom „China Aluminium Fabrication Forum“ begleitet. Initiiert wurde die Konferenz von der China Non Ferrous Metal Industry Associa- tion und dem chinesischen BranchenBeratungsunternehmen Antaike, die beide zusammen seit Beginn auch die Messe unterstützen. Anzumerken bleibt, dass die Besucher- und Ausstellerzahlen dieses Jahr erstmals rückläufig waren. Es habe sich gezeigt, so ein Vertreter von Reed Exhibitions, dass viele Aussteller und Besucher den Standort Shanghai als Messeplatz favorisieren. Die nächste ALUMINIUM China (30. Juni bis 2. Juli 2009) werde daher wieder in Shanghai stattfinden. N Besucher und Aussteller mit euroLITE höchst zufrieden Mit 193 Ausstellern aus zwölf Ländern bot die zweite euroLITE vom 24. bis 26. Juni 2008 im Messezentrum Salzburg einen repräsentativen Überblick an Softwaretools, Werkstoffen, Fertigungstechnologien und Serienbauteilen zur Realisierung von Leichtbauideen. Über dieses Angebot informierten sich 2.143 Fachbesucher – 39 Prozent mehr als bei der Erstveranstaltung – aus 16 Ländern. Zu den Highlights der Fachmesse für Leichtbaukonstruktion zählte erneut das Leichtbau-Forum, das in Kooperation mit dem Leichtbau-Cluster Landshut organisiert wurde. „Die euroLITE hat sich extrem weiterentwickelt, daher haben wir uns in diesem Jahr für eine Messeteilnahme entschieden und unsere Erwartungen wurden erfüllt“, sagte Cornelia Walter, Leitung Marketing der SAG im 9th Intl Aluminium Recycling Seminar 20 to 22 August 2008, Campos do Jordão, Brazil The Aluminium Recycling Seminar, conducted by Brazilian aluminium association ABAL, is the largest and most important Brazilian event in the industry: It will join experts from various countries to discuss subjects that may contribute for the continuous de- ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 österreichischen Lend. 193 Aussteller zählte die Messe dieses Jahr, das ist ein Plus von gut 50 Prozent. Die Nettoausstellungsfläche verdoppelte sich auf 5.000 qm. Die Messebesucher konnten sich über das gesamte Spektrum der Leichtbaukonstruktion informieren: von den Tools für die Konstruktion und Simulation über Werkstoffe, Prototypen, Umform-, Verbindungs- und Oberflächentechnik bis hin zur Serienfertigung von Leichtbauteilen und Systemen für Bauteiltests. Zahlreiche Aussteller nutzten die euroLITE, um innovative Entwicklungen zu präsentieren. Überzeugen konnte die euroLITE auch durch eine sehr hohe fachliche Qualifikation und Entscheidungskompetenz der Besucher. „Wir sind hier auf ein sehr interessiertes Fachpublikum gestoßen. Die Besucher haben sich im Vorfeld der Messe infor- miert, kamen mit konkreten Fragen und wollten Anwendungsmöglichkeiten aufgezeigt bekommen. Für uns hat sich die Messeteilnahme gelohnt und wir werden im nächsten Jahr wieder dabei sein“, berichtet Philipp Zach, Projektmanager, Alulight International GmbH, Ranshofen. Einer der Besuchermagneten: das euroLITE Leichtbau-Forum. In 26 Vorträgen informierten namhafte Referenten aus Industrie, Forschung und Hochschule über aktuelle Lösungen, neue Entwicklungen und Trends in Konstruktion, bei Werkstoffen und Fertigungstechnologien. „Erfreulich war nicht nur der gute Besuch der Vorträge, sondern auch die lebhaften Diskussionen, die sich danach teilweise ergaben“, führt Marc Bicker, Projektmanager beim Leichtbau-Cluster Landshut aus. Die nächste euroLITE findet 2009 vom 23. bis 25. Juni in Salzburg statt. N velopment of the aluminium recycling chain in Brazil. Presentations and debates will focus on crucial subjects for the industry, such as an overview of the domestic and international markets, technological innovations, taxation issues, in addition to the contribution of recycling for the aluminium industry. In parallel, manufacturers of secondary alloys and aluminium products as well as suppliers of equipment and raw materials to the recycling chain will present the latest news in terms of products, technology and services. This time the seminar, held every two years, will be organized and marketed by Reed Exhibitions Alcantara Machado. Further information: ABAL Tel: +55 11 5904 6450 imprensa@abal.org.br 93 V E R A N S TA LT U N G E N COM 2008 24 to 27 August 2008, Winnipeg, CAN The Organizing Committee has selected the theme: Sustainable Practices in Metallurgy and Materials: Embracing the Future with the below listed symposia for structuring the technical programme of the conference which reflect the main concerns and issues affecting the future of the metallurgical and materials industry. Lectures will be given by internationally recognized leaders in industry and will address the major topics that impact the future of the sector. Topics will include economic drivers, impacts of industry consolidation, development of new products, technological developments, manpower development, sustainability, trends in operations and productivity, and human health issues. Further information: Metallurgical Society of CIM Tel: +1 514 939 2710 metsoc@cim.org www.metsoc.org 33rd Intl Rolling Technology Course 7 to 12 Sept. 2008, Savannah, GA, USA This course is aimed at mill technologists and engineers involved in the design, operation, maintenance and improvement of modern, automated flat product rolling mill and has been extensively used by companies to “kick start” their newer recruits into the field of rolling. Tutorials and practical application studies, including hands-on exposure to a suite of advanced mill simulation and design programmes, will support the theoretical concepts and model derivations discussed in the lectures. Facilities for private study and informal discussion sessions will be available and delegates are invited to simulate problems of their own choosing outside the formal course timetable. Delegates receive an extensive set of detailed course notes for each lecture, together with other reference documentation, tutorial workbook a training CD and online access to the simulation software. Further information: Industrial Automation Services Tel: +1 724 375 5500 info@indauto.com www.indauto.com 94 Fortbildung Strategische Kommunikation für Industriegüter, 25. bis 26. August 2008, Düsseldorf / 22. bis 23. September 2008, Frankfurt am Main ManagementCircle, Tel: +49 (0)6196 22 700, anmeldung@managementcircle.de, www.managementcircle.de Bruchmechanischer Festigkeitsnachweis, 28. bis 29. August 2008, Düsseldorf VDI Wissensforum, Tel: +49 (0)211 6214 201, wissensforum@vdi.de, www.vdi-wissensforum.de Wertanalyse für Konstrukteure – Ein effizientes Instrument zur Kostentransparenz und Kostensenkung, 10. bis 11. September 2008, Wuppertal Technische Akademie Wuppertal, Tel: +49 (0)202 7495 0, taw@taw.de, www.taw.de Wälzlager – Grundlagen, Berechnung, Gestaltung, 15. bis 17. September 2008, Köln VDI Wissensforum, Tel: +49 (0)211 6214 201, wissensforum@vdi.de, www.vdi-wissensforum.de Bruchmechanik, 17. bis 19. September 2008, Karlsruhe DGM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde e. V., Tel: +49 (0)69 75306 757, np@dgm.de, www.dgm.de Umformen und Fügen von Blechen, 17. bis 18. September 2008, Hannover Fachhochschule Hannover, Tel: +49 (0)511 9296 3320, weiterbildung@fh-hannover.de, www.fh-hannover.de Werkstoffkunde leicht gemacht, 18. September 2008, Essen Haus der Technik e. V., Tel: +49 (0)201 18031, information@hdt-essen.de, www.hdt-essen.de Schweißgerechtes Konstruieren, 25. bis 26. September 2008, Wuppertal Technische Akademie Wuppertal, Tel: +49 (0)202 7495 0, taw@taw.de, www.taw.de 23rd Intl Aluminium Conference 8 to 10 September 2009, Montreal, CAN An expert programme of speakers will discuss and debate key industry issues, giving an insight into what is happening, where and by whom, from mine to marketplace, in this dynamic and global growing industry. Key conference themes are, among others: Energy – the aluminium industry’s greatest challenge / The consolidation process in the aluminium industry / The aluminium marketplace – prices, premiums, and global trading trends / Technological developments to more energy-efficiency and environmental improvements. Further information: MetalBulletin Events Tel: +44 (0)20 7779 8989 enquiries@metalbulletin.com www.metalbulletin.com Stahl Tag 2008 9. bis 10. September 2008, Frankfurt Zum dritten Mal trifft sich die deutsche Stahlbranche zu dieser von Dow Jones organisierten Konferenz. Themen sind: Marktüberblick Deutschland – Europa – Welt / Neue Wege für den mittelständischen Stahleinkauf / Vormaterialien: Schrott, Legierungsmetalle, Eisenerz, Kohle und Koks / Fallstudien zum Global Sourcing und Risikomanagement in der Rohstoffbeschaffung / Ausblick Preis- und Marktentwick- ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 EVENTS lung. Darüber hinaus wird das Intensivseminar „Praxisforum Preisbildung Stahl“ angeboten, in dem Strategien im Umgang mit den hohen Preisen vorgestellt werden. Weitere Infos: Dow Jones News GmbH Tel: +49 (0)69 29725 151 conferences@dowjones.com www.djnewsletters.de Internationale Ausstellung für Metallbearbeitung AMB 9. bis 13. September 2008, Stuttgart Im Zentrum der alle zwei Jahre stattfindenden Messe steht die Maschinen- und Werkzeugbauindustrie. Messeschwerpunkte sind Werkzeugmaschinen und Präzisionswerkzeuge, Messtechnik, Qualitätssicherung, Werkstofftechnik, Software, Bauteile, Zubehör und Dienstleistungen. Neue Werkzeugtechnologien werden auch Thema des Fertigungstechnischen Kolloquiums sein, das im Rahmen der AMB am 10. bis 11. September im Internationalen Congresscenter Stuttgart (ICS) stattfindet. Weitere Infos: Landesmesse Stuttgart Tel: +49 (0)711 18560 0 info@messe-stuttgart.de www.messe-stuttgart.de 11th Intl Symposium Superalloys 14 to 18 Sept. 2008, Champion, PA, USA Convened once every four years since 1968, this symposium presents the most recent technical information on a class of high-strength, high-temperature alloys commonly known as superalloys. It provides a forum for technical interchange among researchers, producers and users regarding the design, processing, utilization, testing and behaviour of high-temperature materials. Papers will be presented on cast, wrought and powder superalloys and associated coating systems. Further information: TMS Tel: +1 724 776 9000 www.tms.org Aluminium of Siberia 2008 10 to 12 Sept. 2008, Krasnoyarsk, RU This conference and exhibition has been held in Krasnoyarsk since 1995. Working in sections, round-table dis- ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 cussions in different courses, excursion to Krasnoyarsk Aluminium Smelter, conducting negotiations, summation and the ceremony of the awarding in different nominations will be held. Sections are: aluminium reduction technology, alumina production, casting and secondary processing, carbon materials, environment and labour protection. Russian and English are the official languages of the conference, presentations are simultanuously translated. Further information: Russkij Aljuminij Tel: +7 3912 342377 alusib@alusib.ru www.alusib.ru MSV und IMT 2008 15. bis 19. September 2008, Brünn, CZ Die in der Tschechischen Republik stattfindende 50. Internationale Maschinenbaumesse und 6. Internationale Messe für Metallbearbeitung thematisieren u. a.: Materialien und Komponenten für den Maschinenbau, Metallbearbeitung, Werkzeuge, Oberflächen- und Wärmebehandlungen, Schweißen und Kleben von Metallen, Antriebe, Hydraulik und Pneumatik, Elektronik, Automatisierungs- und Messtechnik. Der Messeveranstalter erwartet knapp 100.000 Besucher und 2.000 Aussteller. Weitere Infos: Veletrhy Brno a.s. Tel: +420 541 152 926 msv@bvv.cz www.b2faironline.com Die Verbindungs Spezialisten 2008 17. bis 19. September 2008, Desden Der DVS ist Wissens- und Kompetenzmanager für alle Fragen des Fügens, Trennens und Beschichtens, das heißt Bedürfnisse brachenübergreifend erkennen, Informationen erfassen, verwertbar aufbereiten und diese schnell und anwendungsgerecht für die Umsetzung in die betriebliche Praxis in Industrie und Handwerk verfügbar machen. Gebündelte fügetechnische Informationen werden in übergreifenden Veranstaltungen wie „Die Verbindungs Spezialisten 2008“ marktgerecht umgesetzt. Neben den Vorträgen der Großen Schweißtechnischen Tagung und der Vortragsreihe „Fügen im Produktlebenszyklus“ zu Projekten der BMBF-Forschungsförderung wird zum ersten Mal ein DVS-Studentenkongress veranstaltet. Studenten und junge Ingenieure bieten mit 13 Vorträgen und zahlreichen Posterbeiträgen eine weitere Attraktion der Tagung. Weitere Infos: DVS Tel: +49 (0)211 1591 234 hotline@dvs-hg.de www.die-verbindungs-spezialisten.de Motek 2008 22. bis 25. September 2008, Stuttgart Die Motek als automatisierungstechnische Fachmesse hat ihren Sitz im Herzen der Produzenten und vor allem auch der Anwender von Montagetechnik, Industrial Handling, Robotersystemen und mechatronischer Produktionsautomatisierung. Zahlreiche Unternehmen der Automobilund Zulieferindustrie, des Werkzeugmaschinenbaus, der Kunststoff- und Metallverarbeitung, der Elektro- und Elektronikbranche sind schließlich in Süddeutschland beheimatet. Weitere Infos: P.E. Schall GmbH & Co.KG Tel: +49 (0)7025 9206 0 Fax: +49 (0)7025 9206 620 www.motek-messe.de wire & Tube China 2008 23 to 26 Sept. 2008, Shanghai, China The 3rd All China-International Wire & Cable Industry Trade Fair (wire China 2008) and The 3rd All China-International Tube and Pipe Industry Trade Fair (Tube China 2008) will be held at Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC). The wire and cable industry keeps rapid growth momentum and plays an important role in the manufacturing industry of China. The manufacturing level has been greatly improved after its rapid development in the period of the 10th Five-year Plan. In terms of manufacturing scale calculated in output of conductors, China has surpassed USA and Japan and become the biggest manufacturer of wire and cable accounting for over 20 percent of the global total. Further information: Messe Düsseldorf China Tel: +86 21 50278128 (Shanghai) www.mdc.com.cn 95 PAT E N T E Patentblatt Mai 2008 Al-Basislegierung mit hervorragender Wärmebeständigkeit, Bearbeitbarkeit und Steifigkeit. Kabushiki Kaisha Kobe Seiko Sho (Kobe Steel, Ltd.), Kobeshi,Hyogo 651-8585, JP. (C22C 21/00, EPA 1905856, EP-AT: 07.03.2006) Al-Cu Dünnfilmsputterprozess mit hohem Durchsatz auf einem schmalen Kontakt-Via. International Business Machines Corp., Armonk, N.Y., US; Kabushiki Kaisha Toshiba, Kawasaki, Kanagawa, JP; Qimonda AG, 81739 München, DE. (H01L 21/285, PS 699 37 317, EP 0954015, EP-AT: 21.04.1999) Verfahren zur Verbesserung der Korrosionsbeständigkeit von anodisiertem Aluminium. Rainforest R&D Limited, Mullingar, County Westmeath, IE. (C25D 11/20, EPA 1903130, EP-AT: 25.09.2006) Verbindung eines einen galvanischen Überzug aus Aluminium aufweisenden Befestigungselements aus Stahl mit einem flächigen Bauteil aus Aluminium. EJOT GmbH & Co. KG, 57334 Bad Laasphe, DE. (B23K 20/12, EPA 1902811, EP-AT: 12.09.2007) Walking beam conveyor for an aluminium ingot heating continuous furnace. Hertwich Engineering Ges.m.b.H., Braunau, AT. (F27B 9/20, PS 501 12 481, EP 1223398, EP-AT: 19.12.2001) Verfahren zur Zulegierung von Aluminium zu Bauteilen. GKN Sinter Metals Holding GmbH, 42477 Radevormwald, DE. (C23C 10/48, EPA 1904662, EP-AT: 21.06.2006) Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Vorbereiten eines Bauteils aus oberflächlich oxidierendem Metall, insbesondere aus Aluminium, zum Schweißen oder Kleben. SLE Electronic GmbH, 94481 Grafenau, DE. (B08B 3/00, PS 10 2006 009 993, AT: 03.03.2006) Vorrichtung und Verfahren zur Sicherung von als Paket gelagerten Aluminium-Stranggussprodukten, so genannten Masseln, zu Transportzwecken. Signode System GmbH, 46535 Dinslaken, DE. (B65D 85/62, PS 10 2006 038 996, AT: 21.08.2006) Anodische Oxidschicht für elektrische Leiter, insbesondere Leiter aus Aluminium, Verfahren zur Erzeugung einer anodischen Oxidschicht und elektrischer Leiter mit anodischer Oxidschicht. Steinert Elektromagnetbau GmbH, 50933 Köln, DE. (H01B 3/10, OS 10 2006 052 170, AT: 02.11.2006) 96 Neue zinkhaltige Kalzium-AluminiumDoppelsalze. Nabaltec GmbH, 92421 Schwandorf, DE. (C01F 7/00, OS 10 2006 055 215, AT: 21.11.2006) Verwendung von dünnem Band aus Aluminium-Eisen-Legierung. Novelis,Inc., Toronto, Ontario, CA. (C22C 21/02, EP 1 483 422, EP-AT: 12.02.2003) Prozess zur Abscheidung von Aluminium in drei Schichten für einen Kontakt mit einem großen Aspektverhältnis. Qimonda AG, 81739 München, DE. (H01L 21/285, OS 103 54 937, AT: 25.11.2003) Verfahren zum Schmelzen von Aluminium, Schrott und Aluminiumrückständen. Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., Allentown, Pa., US; Metallwarenfabrik Stockach GmbH, 78333 Stockach, DE. (C22B 21/00, PS 695 22 801, EP 0756014, EP-AT: 27.07.1995 Verfahren für Erzeugung eines Verbundstoffs auf Basis von Aluminium. Chagelishvili, Vazha, Tbilisi, GE; Gogoladze, Paata, Tbilisi, GE. (C22C 47/08, WO 2006 134405, WO-AT: 16.06.2006) Vakuumhartlötverfahren für Aluminium. Denso Corp., Kariya, Aichi, JP. (F27B 5/05, PS 4404263, AT: 10.02.1994) Zn-Cu-Al Mischoxydkatalysator in Tablettenform. BASF SE, 67063 Ludwigshafen, DE. (B01J 35/02, PS 598 10 246, EP 0901815, EP-AT: 09.09.1998) Effektpigmente mit Aluminium- oder Aluminiumlegierungskern, Verfahren zu deren Herstellung und Verwendung derselben. Eckart GmbH, 90763 Fürth, DE. (C09C 1/00, PS 50 2004 003 724, EP 1685198, EP-AT: 19.11.2004) Verfahren zur Verbindung eines Anschlusselements mit einem aus Aluminium bestehenden elektrischen Leiter sowie nach diesem Verfahren hergestellter elektrischer Leiter. Gebauer & Griller Kabelwerke Ges.m.b.H., Poysdorf, AT. (H01R 4/02, PS 50 2004 003 811, EP 1730813, EP-AT: 21.10.2004) Druckgießen von Aluminium. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Campbell, AU. (B22D 17/20, PS 601 28 114, EP 1320434, EPAT: 24.08.2001) Verkupfertes Aluminium-Strangkabel und sein Herstellungsverfahren. F.S.P. – One, Pont de Cheruy, FR. (H01B 1/02, EP 1 647 996, EP-AT: 05.10.2005) Formgepresstes Backblech aus Aluminium. Comital Cofresco S.p.A., Volpiano, Torino, IT. (A47J 37/01, PS 60 2006 000 084, EP 1692988, EP-AT: 20.01.2006) Design einer Zelle zur elektrischen Gewinnung von Aluminium mit beweglichen Isolierabdeckungsteilen. Moltech Invent S.A., Luxemburg/Luxembourg, LU. (C25C 3/08, PS 603 15 974, EP 1509640, EP-AT: 03.06.2003) Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Behandlung von Abgasen aus Elektrolysezellen für die Herstellung von Aluminium. Aluminium Pechiney, Voreppe, FR. (B01D 53/68, EP 1 572 326, EP-AT: 15.12.2003) Aluminium Systembalkon. Döring, Martin, 42551 Velbert, DE. (E04B 1/00, GM 20 2004 014 203, AT: 13.09.2004) Verfahren zur Erhöhung der Bruchzähigkeit in Aluminium-Lithium-Legierungen. Pechiney Rolled Products, LLC, Ravenswood, W.Va., US. (C22C 21/00, PS 698 18 448, EP 0981653, EP-AT: 30.01.1998) Verfahren zur Behandlung der Oberfläche eines aus einer Al-Legierung, insbesondere TiAl-Legierung bestehenden Bauteils sowie die Verwendung organischer Halogenkohlenstoffverbindungen oder in einer organischen Matrix eingebundener Halogenide. Dechema Gesellschaft für Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie e.V., 60486 Frankfurt, DE. (C23C 8/40, EP 1 462 537, EP-AT: 17.03.2004) Behandlungsflüssigkeit für die Oberflächenbehandlung von auf Aluminium oder Magnesium basierendem Metall und Oberflächenbehandlungsverfahren. Nihon Parkerizing Co., Ltd., Tokio/Tokyo, JP; Toyota Jidosha Kabushiki Kaisha, Toyota, Aichi, JP; Daihatsu Motor Co., Ltd., Ikeda, Osaka, JP. (C23C 22/34, EP 1 489 198, EP-AT: 12.06.2002) Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Herstellung einer dünnen Legierungsplatte auf Magnesiumbasis. Gonda Metal Industry Corporation Ltd., Sagamihara, Kanagawa, JP. (B22D 11/06, PS 60 2004 006 402, EP 1614490, EP-AT: 01.03.2004) Blisterbodenteil und Blisterpackung. Alcan Technology & Management Ltd., 8212 Neuhausen am Rheinfall, CH. (B32B 27/18, EPA 1901920, EP-AT: 13.06.2006) Verbundstromschiene. Alcan Technology & Management Ltd., 8212 Neuhausen am Rheinfall, CH. (B21K 9/00, EPA 1909992, EP-AT: 18.10.2005) Verbundprofil mit einem Tragkörper aus Leichtmetallwerkstoff sowie einem Profilband und Verfahren zum Herstellen des Verbundprofils. Alcan Technology & Management AG, Neuhausen am Rheinfall, CH. (B60M 1/30, PS 10 2005 004 547, AT: 31.01.2005) ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 PAT E N T E Kühlkörper für Halbleiterbauelemente od. dgl. Wärmequellen, Verfahren zu dessen Herstellung sowie seine Verwendung. Alcan Technology & Management AG, Neuhausen am Rheinfall, CH. (H01L 23/367, OS 10 2006 055 455, AT: 24.11.2006) Verbundprofil mit einem Tragkörper aus Leichtmetallwerkstoff sowie einem Profilband und Verfahren zum Herstellen des Verbundprofils. Alcan Technology & Management AG, Neuhausen am Rheinfall, CH. (F16S 3/00, OS 10 2007 003 553, AT: 24.01.2007) Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Dosenkörpers und eines Deckelringes. Alcan Technology & Management Ltd., Neuhausen am Rheinfall, CH. (B21D 51/38, EP 1 519 802, EP-AT: 07.06.2003) Verfahren zur unidirektionalen Festigung von Beschichtungen und entsprechende Vorrichtung. Alcoa Inc., Pittsburgh, PA 15212-5858, US. (B22D 7/02, EPA 1901867, EP-AT: 12.07.2006) Interferenzbefestiger mit Umhüllung für Verbundwerkstoffe. Alcoa Global Fasteners, Inc., Torrance,California 90505, US. (F16B 19/10, EPA 1903221, EP-AT: 19.09.2007) Vorrichtung zur Drehsicherung von Dosenenden in einem Downstaker und entsprechendes Verfahren. Alcoa Inc., Pittsburgh, Pa., US. (B65D 1/00, PS 603 13 345, EP 1545987, EP-AT: 05.08.2003) Verkleidungsblech. Corus Bausysteme GmbH, 56070 Koblenz, DE. (E04F 13/12, GM 202 00 118, AT: 05.01.2002) Produkt aus Aluminiumschmiedelegierung der AA7000-Reihe und Herstellungsverfahren dafür. Aleris Aluminium Koblenz GmbH, 56070 Koblenz, DE. (C22C 21/10, EPA 1904659, EP-AT: 07.07.2006) Herstellungsverfahren einer Baugruppe durch Hartlöten von aus unterschiedlichen Metallen bestehenden Elementen. Aleris Aluminium Koblenz GmbH, 56070 Koblenz, DE. (B23K 1/19, PS 601 30 238, EP 1337374, EP-AT: 02.11.2001) Verfahren und vorgebrannte Anode für die Aluminiumherstellung. Norsk Hydro ASA, 0240 Oslo, NO. (C25C 7/00, EPA 1907606, EP-AT: 09.06.2006) Gießform zum Gießen eines Gussteils und Verwendung einer solchen Gießform. Hydro Aluminium Alucast GmbH, 66763 Dillingen, DE. (B22C 9/10, OS 10 2006 053 404, AT: 10.11.2006) Gewalztes, wärmebehandelbares AlMg-Si-Legierungsprodukt. Corus Aluminium N.V., Duffel, BE. C22C 21/02, PS 103 24 453, AT: 28.05.2003) Kammeranordnung mit verbesserten Dehnungsfugen und Ziegel zu deren Herstellung. Aluminium Pechiney, 38340 Voreppe, FR. (F27B 13/06, EPA 1907780, EP-AT: 10.07.2006) Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Stahl-/ Aluminium-Verbundbauteils. Bayerische Motoren Werke AG, 80809 München, DE. (B23K 31/02, OS 10 2006 056 489, AT: 30.11.2006) Gegossene Rahmenelemente für Kraftfahrzeuge. Alcoa Inc., Pittsburgh, Pa., US. (B62D 29/00, EP 1 100 714, EP-AT: 02.08.1999) Verwendung von CMP für AluminiumSpiegel und Solarzellenherstellung. CabotT Microelectronics Corporation, Aurora, IL 60504, US. (B24B 13/015, EPA 1917122, EP-AT: 22.06.2006) Al-Kunststoff-Fenster mit Klebebandfixierung. Hermann Gutmann Werke AG, 91781 Weißenburg, DE. (E06B 3/30, OS 10 2006 054 427, AT: 16.11.2006) Kolben für einen Verbrennungsmotor. Honda Motor Co., Ltd., Tokyo, JP. (F02F 3/00, PS 60 2004 008 184, EP 1528245, EP-AT: 29.10.2004) Wärmetauscher. Showa Denko K.K., Tokio/Tokyo, JP. (F28D 7/10, WO 2007 013439, WO-AT: 25.07.2006) Aluminiumlagerlegierungsteil. Daido Metal Co. Ltd., Nagoya, Aichi, JP. (C22C 21/00, PS 101 35 895, AT: 24.07.2001) Aluminiumspule und Verdampferkonstruktion mit einem Verbindungsstück aus Kupfer. O.L.S. Officina Lavorazioni Speciali S.r.l., 27038 Robbio – Pavia, IT. (F25B 39/02, EPA 1906112, EP-AT: 20.09.2007) Patentblatt Juni 2008 Hochfeste, schweißbare Al-Mg-Legierung. Aleris Aluminium Koblenz GmbH, 56070 Koblenz, DE. (C22C 221/06, EPA 1917373, EP-AT: 14.08.2006) Verfahren zur Beschichtungsentfernung von Schrottteilen mit metallischer Beschichtung. Aleris Aluminium Koblenz GmbH, 56070 Koblenz, DE. (B24B 31/00, EP 1 429 892, EP-AT: 13.09.2002) Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Al-MgSi-Aluminiumlegierungsbleches zum Formen mit guten Oberflächeneigenschaften. Kabushiki Kaisha Kobe Seiko Sho, Kobe, Hyogo, JP. (C22C 21/08, PS 199 38 995, AT: 17.08.1999) Verfahren zur Analyse von Flüssigmetall sowie Vorrichtung zur Verwendung in dem Verfahren. Aleris Switzerland GmbH, 8200 Schaffhausen, CH. (G01N 21/71, EPA 1907828, EP-AT: 24.07.2006) Verfahren zum Herstellen von StahlFlachprodukten aus einem mit Aluminium legierten Mehrphasenstahl. ThyssenKrupp Steel AG, 47166 Duisburg, DE. (C22C 38/02, EPA 1918404, EP-AT: 30.10.2006) ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 Formteil aus Al-Si-Cu-Aluminiumlegierung mit hoher Warmverarbeitungsbeständigkeit. Aluminium Pechiney, Voreppe, FR. (C22C 21/02, PS 60 2004 008 934, EP 1651787, EP-AT: 07.07.2004) Nickel-Aluminium-beschichtete Solarabsorber. Sunstrip AB, 612 44 Finspång, SE. (F24J 2/48, EPA 1920199, EP-AT: 12.05.2006) Farbablöser mit Korrosionshemmer für Aluminium. Henkel Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien, 40589 Düsseldorf, DE. (C08K 5/06, EPA 1918322, EP-AT: 31.10.2007 Stabilisiertes, mit Aluminium und Zirkonium gemischtes Oxidpulver. Evonik Degussa GmbH, 40474 Düsseldorf, DE. (C01G 25/00, EPA 1917215, EP-AT: 14.07.2006) Verfahren zur Rezyklierung von Legierungen vom Aluminium-Lithium-Typ enthaltendem Abfall. Alcan Rhenalu, 92400 Courbevoie, FR. (C22B 7/00, EPA 1913166, EP-AT: 03.08.2006) Aluminium-Gusslegierungen. KSM Castings GmbH, 31137 Hildesheim, DE. (C22C 21/02, EPA 1917372, EP-AT: 30.08.2006) Hochwarmfeste Aluminium-Gusslegierung. Bayerische Motoren Werke AG, 80809 München, DE. (C22C 21/02, OS 10 2006 059 899, AT: 19.12.2006) Befestigung eines elektronischen Bauteils mittels Druckfeder auf einem Aluminium-Strangpressprofil durch eine lösbare Schnappverbindung. Robert Bosch GmbH, 70469 Stuttgart, DE. (H01L 23/40, PS 197 29 851, AT: 11.07.1997 Finnen-Kühlkörper aus AluminiumKupfer-Verbundwerkstoff mit integriertem Wärmeleitrohr zur Kühlung von Wärme abgebenden elektrischen und elektronischen Bauteilen. Richard Wöhr GmbH, 75339 Höfen, DE. (H05K 7/20, GM 20 2005 003 502, AT: 04.03.2005) © 97 PAT E N T E Verfahren zur Vorbehandlung von vorbeschichteten Aluminium-Legierungskomponenten und so hergestellte Komponenten. The Boeing Co., Seal Beach, Calif., US. (B05D 1/22, PS 699 37 094, EP 1004363, EP-AT: 19.10.19999) Verfahren zum Schweißen von Bändern aus Aluminiumlegierung. Alcan Rolled Products Ravenswood LLC, Ravenswood, W.Va., US; Alcan Rhenalu, Paris, FR. (C22C 21/02, PS 60 2004 007 034, EP 1687456, EP-AT: 24.11.2004) Aluminium-Dachhaken mit Clipsfunktion zur Befestigung von Solarmodulen auf Schrägdächern. Kaack, Peter, 26386 Wilhelmshaven, DE. (E04D 1/34, GM 20 2005 004 348, AT: 17.03.2005) Verbundartikel aus Aluminiumlegierung mit Harz und Herstellungsverfahren dafür. Taisei Plas Co., Ltd., Tokio/Tokyo, JP. (B32B 15/08, EP 1 559 541, EP-AT: 07.11.2003) Finnen- und / oder Lamellen-Kühlkörper aus verkupfertem Aluminium mit integriertem Wärmeleitrohr zur Kühlung von Wärme abgebenden elektrischen und elektronischen Bauteilen. Richard Wöhr GmbH, 75339 Höfen, DE. (H05K 7/20, GM 20 2005 005 065, AT: 31.03.2005) Titan-Aluminium-Sitzschiene. Airbus Deutschland GmbH, 21129 Hamburg, DE. (B23K 26/32, EP 1 600 246, EP-AT: 24.05.2005) Aluminiumlegierungen der 2000er Serie mit verbesserter Schadenstoleranzleistung für Anwendungen in der Luftfahrt. Alcoa Inc., Pittsburgh, PA 15212, US. (C22C 21/12, EPA 1920077, EP-AT: 07.09.2006) Tragbare Hakenleiter aus Aluminium und Stahl. Trepte GmbH Metall- und Fahrzeugbau, 09232 Hartmannsdorf, DE. (E06C 1/36, GM 202 07 392, AT: 02.05.2002) Selbstklebende Oberflächenschutzfolie, insbesondere zur Abdeckung von lackierten Blechen und Hochglanzblechen aus Aluminium oder Edelstahl. Nordenia Deutschland Gronau GmbH, 48599 Gronau, DE. (C09J 7/02, ) EP 1 388 582, EP-AT: 28.05.2003) Verfahren zum Schmelzen von Aluminium unter Verwendung der Analyse der Ofenabgase. L’Air Liquide, S.A. pour l’Etude et l‘Exploitation des Procédés Georges Claude, Paris, FR. (C22B 21/00, PS 602 22 173, EP 1456425, EPAT: 07.11.2002) Formkern. Mahle International GmbH, 70376 Stuttgart, DE. (B22C 9/10, OS 10 2006 061 824, AT: 21.12.2006 Anoden auf Basis von Nickel-Eisen-Legierungen für Aluminium-Elektrogewinnungszellen. Moltech Invent S.A., Luxemburg/Luxembourg, LU. (C25C 3/12, EP 1 102 874, EP-AT: 30.07.1999) Verbundwerkstoff aus einer hochfesten Aluminiumlegierung. Visteon Global Technologies, Inc., Dearborn, Mich., US. (C22C 21/04, PS 10 2004 033, AT: 05.07.2004) Gussteil aus Aluminiumlegierung mit hoher Wärmebeständigkeit. Aluminium Pechiney, Voreppe, FR. (C22C 21/02, EP 1 516 072, EP-AT: 23.06.2003) 98 Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Kippgießen von Bauteilen aus Leichtmetall. Volkswagen AG, 38440 Wolfsburg, DE. (B22D 21/04, OS 10 2006 058 142, AT: 09.12.2006) Kühlkokille zum Vergießen von Leichtmetall-Gusswerkstoffen und Sandform. Hydro Aluminium Deutschland GmbH, 51149 Köln, DE. (B22D 15/00, GM 20 2005 001 564, AT: 31.01.2005 Verfahren und Anlage zum Gießen von Leichtmetall-Zylinderkurbelgehäusen in Sandformen. Honsel GmbH & Co KG, 59872 Meschede, DE. (B22C 9/02, EP 1 779 943, EP-AT: 08.09.2006) Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Spritzgießen von Leichtmetall. Takata Corp., Tokio/Tokyo, JP. (B22D 17/00, PS 696 37 088, EP 1206989, EP-AT: 28.08.1996) Hochfestes Aluminiumlegierungshartlötblech. Aleris Aluminium Koblenz GmbH, 56070 Koblenz, DE. (B32B 15/01, EP 1 648 694, EP-AT: 09.07.2004) Hartlötwerkstoff und dessen Herstellungsverfahren unter Verwendung eines Plattierbades. Aleris Aluminium Koblenz GmbH, 56070 Koblenz, DE. (B23K 35/02, PS 603 13 975, EP 1526943, EP-AT: 21.07.2003) Nickel-Aluminium-beschichtete Solarabsorber. Sunstrip AB, 612 44 Finspång, SE. (F24J 2/48, EPA 1920199, EP-AT: 12.05.2006) Verbundprofil mit einem Tragkörper aus Leichtmetallwerkstoff sowie einem Profilband und Verfahren zum Herstellen des Verbundprofils. Alcan Technology & Management AG, Neuhausen am Rheinfall, CH. (F16S 1/02, GM 20 2005 006 592, AT: 31.01.2005) Konstruktionselement für die Luftfahrt mit Variation der anwendungstechnischen Eigenschaften. Alcan Rhenalu, Paris, FR. (C22F 1/053, EPA 1727921, EPAT: 21.03.2005) Verbessertes Dachträgerkonzept für Passgierfahrzeuge mit einem rekonfigurierbaren Mehrzweckspeicherdach für verbesserte aerodynamische und ästhetische Eigenschaften. Alcoa Inc., Pittsburgh, PA 15212-5858, US. (B60R 9/04, EPA 1915277, EP-AT: 18.08.2006) Fahrzeug mit Stossstange und Deformationselement. Alcan Technology & Management AG, Neuhausen am Rheinfall, CH. (B60R 19/34, EP 1 234 729, EPAT: 21.02.2001) Verfahren zur In-situ-Bildung von Schlitzen in einer Söderberg-Anode. Alcoa Inc., Pittsburgh, PA 15212-5858, US. (C25C 3/12, EPA 1920086, EP-AT: 29.08.2006) Vorrichtung zum Herstellen von zwei Flanschen an einem Metallblech. Corus Bausysteme GmbH, 56070 Koblenz, DE. (B21C 37/00, GM 200 23 261, AT: 31.03.2000) Verfahren zur Reinigung eines Schmelzflüssigen Metalls. Aleris Switzerland GmbH, Schaffhausen, CH. (C22B 21/06, EP 1 727 917, EP-AT: 17.02.2005) Zylinderkopf-Gussrohteil, gegossener Zylinderkopf für Diesel-Verbrennungsmotoren und Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Zylinderkopf-Gussrohteils. Hydro Aluminium Mandl&Berger GmbH, 4030 Linz, AT. (B22D 15/02, EPA 1912754, EPAT: 18.07.2006) Formkörper zur Herstellung eines Hohlraumes. Mahle International GmbH, 70376 Stuttgart, DE. (B22C 1/18, OS 10 2006 058 123, AT: 09.12.2006) Titan-Aluminium-Sitzschiene. Airbus Deutschland GmbH, 21129 Hamburg, DE. (B23K 26/32, EP 1 600 246, EP-AT: 24.05.2005) ALUMINIUM veröffentlicht unter dieser Rubrik regelmäßig einen Überblick über wichtige, den Werkstoff Aluminium betreffende Patente. Die ausführlichen Patentblätter und auch weiterführende Informationen dazu stehen der Redaktion nicht zur Verfügung. Interessenten können diese beziehen oder einsehen bei der Mitteldeutschen Informations-, Patent-, Online-Service GmbH (mipo), Julius-Ebeling-Str. 6, D-06112 Halle an der Saale, Tel. 0345/29398-0 Fax 0345/29398-40, www.mipo.de Die Gesellschaft bietet darüber hinaus weitere „Patent“-Dienstleistungen an. ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 LITERATURE SERVICE Kolben mit gemustertem Überzug und Auftragsverfahren dafür. Mahle Technology, Inc., Farmington, Mich., US; Mahle GmbH, 70376 Stuttgart, DE. (F02F 3/10, EP 1 692 384, EP-AT: 21.10.2004) Hohlkammerprofil aus Metall insbesondere für Wärmetauscher und Verformungsvorrichtung. Erbslöh Aluminium GmbH, 42553 Velbert, DE. (F28F 1/02, GM 202 05 200, AT: 22.03.2002) Herstellung und Verwendung des Aluminiumlegierungsgussproduktes. Nippon Light Metal Co. Ltd., Tokio/Tokyo, JP; Denso Corp., Kariya, Aichi, JP. (C22C 21/02, PS 101 01 960, AT: 17.01.2001) Verfahren und Formschießmaschine zum Herstellen von Formteilen, wie Gießkernen, für Gießformen zum Vergießen von Metallschmelze. Hydro Aluminium Deutschland GmbH, 51149 Köln, DE. (B22C 15/24, EP 1 444 063, EP-AT: 09.09.2002) Bauteil aus Aluminiummaterial mit einer partiellen oder vollständigen Beschichtung der Oberflächen für die Hartverlötung. Erbslöh Aluminium GmbH, 42553 Velbert, DE. (C23C 4/12, GM 20 2005 004 807, AT: 22.03.2005) Zweiteiliger Kolben für einen Verbrennungsmotor. Mahle International GmbH, 70376 Stuttgart, DE. (F02F 3/00, EPA 1920152, EP-AT: 31.08.2006) Plastisch bearbeitetes Aluminiumlegierungsgussprodukt, ein Verfahren zur Verfahren zum Abschreckgießen zur Herstellung von Gussteilen mit eingegossenen Kanälen. Advics Co., Ltd., Kariya, Aichi, JP; Nippon Light Metal Co. Ltd., Tokio/Tokyo, JP. (B22D 19/00, PS 601 13 310, EP 1116536,EP-AT: 12.01.2001) Verfahren zum Verbinden von Bauteilen und danach hergestellte Verbindungen. WKW Erbslöh Automotive GmbH, 42349 Wuppertal, DE. (B23K 20/22, PS 10 2006 027 085, AT: 10.06.2006) Verfahren zur Bearbeitung einer Zylinderlauffläche sowie Zylinder. Mahle International GmbH, 70376 Stuttgart, DE. (C23F 1/44, OS 10 2006 059 045, AT: 14.12.2006) Kolben für einen Verbrennungsmotor sowie Abdeckung für den Kühlkanal eines solchen Kolbens. Mahle International GmbH, 70376 Stuttgart, DE. (F02F 3/22, EPA 1913250, EP-AT: 18.07.2006) Kolben für einen Verbrennungsmotor. Mahle International GmbH, 70376 Stuttgart, DE. (F02F 3/00, EP 1 819 920 u. EP 1 819 921, EP-AT: 28.11.2005) Verfahren und Vorrichtungen zum Fügen von mindestens zwei Bauteilen aus artverschiedenen Werkstoffen. Hydro Aluminium Deutschland GmbH, 51149 Köln, DE. (B23K 20/12, PS 10 2005 019 758, AT: 28.04.2005) Reibrührverbindungsverfahren und Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Hohlkörpers. Showa Denko K.K., Tokyo 1058518, JP. (B23K 20/12, EPA 1920868, EP-AT: 11.08.2006) Tiefziehverfahren und Tiefziehvorrichtung. Showa Denko Kabushiki Kaisha, Tokyo 105-8518, JP. (B21J 5/08, EPA 1914029, EP-AT: 02.08.2006) K. Symeonidis, D. Apelian, M. Makhlouf, Controlled diffusion solidification International Foundry Research / Giessereiforschung 60 (2008) No. 1, S. 30-36 conventionally cast alloys. In this publication, the process variables are explored and an operational window is established. In addition, the applicability of the CDS is demonstrated for commercial alloys. 12 figs., 7 tables, 4 sources. Wrought aluminum-based alloys exhibit superior physical and mechanical properties compared to conventional shape casting alloys. However, wrought alloys cannot be cast into near net shapes because they develop hot tears and hot cracks during solidification. For this reason, these alloys are typically cast into ingots and are subsequently brought to final shape by mechanical processes such as rolling, extrusion, drawing and forging. These processes significantly increase the cost of the manufactured component. Controlled Diffusion Solidification (CDS) is a novel process that allows casting of wrought alloys directly into final shapes that are free of hot tears, thus CDS eliminates the added cost of machining. The process follows a different mute from conventional casting methods. In CDS two liquid alloys of predetermined composition and temperature are mixed together so that upon solidification the resultant alloy has a globular rather than a dendritic microstructure. The hot tearing tendency of wrought alloys originates from the inadequate permeability of their dendritic network, which obstructs the flow of interdendritic liquid and hinders compensation for shrinkage. The nondendritic microstructure made possible by CDS minimizes hot-tearing thus enabling wrought alloys to be cast directly. A novel and easy to employ method has recently been devised to allow casting of wrought alloys. The method, which is referred to as “Controlled Diffusion Solidification (CDS)” relies on mixing two precursor liquid alloys of precisely controlled chemistry and temperature in order to produce a pre-determined alloy composition. The final temperature of the resultant alloy is aimed at a temperature that is a few degrees below the alloy’s liquidus temperature, and therefore contains some fraction solid that al-lows fast, copious nucleation of the solid phase from the liquid phase. Consequently, the resultant alloy solidifies over a short temperature range and has a non-dendritic microstructure that minimizes its tendency towards hot tearing and makes it more amenable to casting operations, rather than the predominantly dendritic microstructure that is typical of ALUMINIUM 7/8 (2008) ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 Werkstoffe, Legierungen D. Zander, U. Köster Influence of the casting method on microstructure and corrosion of magnesium alloys International Foundry Research / Giessereiforschung 60 (2008) No. 1, S. 38-43 Corrosion of thixomolded and die cast AZ91 and AM50 was investigated and discussed in regard to the microstructures involved. The investigations showed that the different behaviour can be explained by the influence of four microstructural aspects: porosity, volume fraction and distribution of the β-phase (Mg17Al12) and Al-content of the a-phase. In general, die cast AZ91 revealed a better corrosion behaviour regarding passivation and active dissolution in pH11 than in pH8 in comparison to AM50. The corrosion rates increased significantly with decreasing pH for both magnesium alloys which can be mainly related to the active dissolution of magnesium from the α-phase. In addition galvanic corrosion between the a-phase and the discontinuous distributed β-phase accelerates the corrosion. In alkaline solutions the corrosion rate of thixomolded AZ91 is one order of magnitude lower than of the die cast ones. The fine eutectic structure with the more noble continuous ß-phase works as a barrier against further corrosion attack as well as the formation of Mg(OH)2. Only small additions of 0.01 M NaCl lead to a change from passivation to active dissolution and pitting of thixomolded AZ91 in alkaline solutions. In addition a strong influence of the sampling point (gate, centre, overflow), the processed thickness of thixomolded AZ91 and therefore of the Al-content on the corrosion current density and rate was observed. 9 figs., 16 sources. ALUMINIUM 7/8 (2008) Magnesiumlegierungen © 99 LITERATURSERVICE O. Hahn, M. Wißling FEM-Simulation von mechanisch gefügten Verbindungen unter Crashbelastung Schweißen und Schneiden 60 (2008) Heft 3, S. 134-142 Der zunehmende Verdrängungswettbewerb auf stagnierenden Märkten, die Globalisierung bei der Vermarktung von Produkten und ein sich hieraus ergebender steigender Wettbewerbsdruck durch zusätzliche Mitbewerber zwingen insbesondere die Unternehmen in der Fahrzeugindustrie zur Erhöhung ihrer Produktivität. Daraus leitet sich die Forderung nach einer Verkürzung von Entwicklungszeiten für neue Fahrzeugmodelle ab. Dem stehen steigende Anforderungen an den Insassenschutz entgegen, insbesondere bezüglich der kosten- und zeitintensiven Crashsicherheitsbewertung. Diese Ausgangssituation bedingt den verstärkten Einsatz von rechnergestützten Berechnungsmethoden im Rahmen der konsequenten Umsetzung einer virtuellen Produktentwicklung. Mit Hilfe der FiniteElemente-Methode (FEM) kann das Fahrzeugverhalten unter Crashbelastung bereits in einem frühen Entwicklungsstadium abgeschätzt werden. Voraussetzung dafür sind zum einen experimentell ermittelte Werkstoff- und Verbindungskennwerte als Eingangsdaten für die Simulation und zum anderen geeignete numerische Methoden zur Berücksichtigung der Fügestellen in der Simulation. Im Rahmen dieses Beitrags werden Methoden zur experimentellen Kennwertermittlung und ein praxisgerechter Berechnungsansatz zur Auslegung mechanisch gefügter Verbindungen unter Crashbelastung vorgestellt. 11 Abb., 1 Tab., 19 Qu. ALUMINIUM 7/8 (2008) Finite-Elemente-Methode, Verkehr Z. Trojanová, V. Gärtnerová, Z. Drozd, Z. Száraz, P. Lukác, Short fibres and particles impact on compressive behaviour of an AZ91 alloy International Foundry Research / Giessereiforschung 60 (2008) No. 1, S. 44-52 The influence of various reinforcement types and preparation routes on the physical and mechanical properties of the AZ91 magnesium alloy has been investigated in this complex study. Compression tests were carried out at temperatures between 20 and 300°C The volume fraction, shape and composition of the reinforcements significantly influence the microstructure and the properties of a composite. Different contributions to the strengthening and softening of composites are analysed. Thermal stresses generated at the interface between the matrix and reinforcements play a very important role. Conclusions: the incorporation of reinforcement increases both the yield stress as well as the maximum stress especially at lower temperatures. Reinforcement impact is less significant at higher temperatures. Fibres provide more effective reinforcement than particles. The flow stress (especially the yield stress) depends on the fibres plane orientation. Contributions to the flow stress originated from the higher dislocation density and the load transfer are the most important supplies. Recovery is very probably caused by cross slip of dislocations and by dislocation climb at higher temperatures. 20 figs., 2 tables, 28 sources. ALUMINIUM 7/8 (2008) Magnesiumlegierungen J. Ji, U. Jasnau, P. Seyffarth Optimierung der Schweißparameter beim Nd:YAG-LaserstrahlMSG-Hybridschweißen von Aluminiumlegierungen Schweißen und Schneiden 60 (2008) Heft 3, S. 143-150 Für Aluminiumlegierungen ist das Nd:YAG-Laserstrahl-MSGHybridschweißen ein geeignetes Verfahren. Es bietet mehr Einflussmöglichkeiten zur Erzielung einer qualitativ hochwertigen Schweißung, erschwert aber auch wegen des angewachsenen mehrdimensionalen Parameterraums die zielgerichtete Auswahl der Parameter. Beim laserstrahlbasierten Schweißen von 100 Aluminiumlegierungen treten Nahtimperfektionen in Form von möglicher Entfestigung in der Wärmeeinflusszone, Heißrissen, Wasserstoffporen, Prozessporen und Schmelzbadauswürfen auf. Die Vermeidung dieser Nahtimperfektionen ist eine für das Erreichen einer hohen Schweißnahtqualität beim Hybridschweißen von Aluminiumlegierungen notwendige Voraussetzung. Mit den bisherigen Teilen der Veröffentlichungsreihe wurde gezeigt, dass beim Nd:YAG-Laserstrahl-MSG-Hybridschweißen von Aluminiumlegierungen die Nahteigenschaften durch die Vielzahl von verfahrensspezifischen Prozessparametern positiv beeinflusst werden können. In diesem Zusammenhang ist die Auswahl optimaler Schweißparameter eine erforderliche technologische Maßnahme zur Herstellung hybridgeschweißter Nähte mit hoher Qualität. 6 Abb., 20 Qu. ALUMINIUM 7/8 (2008) Schweißen G. Song, A. Atrens Recent Insights into the Mechanism of Magnesium Corrosion and Research Suggestions Advanced Engineering Materials 2007, 9, No. 3, S. 177-183 Magnesium is the most reactive engineering material and corrosion protection continues to be an issue of great importance. This note builds on prior reviews and our research on Mg corrosion. The corrosion performance of Mg alloys results from the high intrinsic dissolution tendency of Mg, which is only weakly inhibited by corrosion product films and the presence of impurities and second phases acting as local cathodes and thus causing local micro-galvanic acceleration of corrosion. The corrosion mechanism includes all physical features and chemical reactions when metallic Mg is exposed to an environment. Our prior work has indicated that the Mg corrosion mechanism has the following key points. In the general case, a partially protective film covers the surface of Mg and Mg dissolution occurs at breaks in this film. Hydrogen (H) evolution is associated with Mg dissolution in two separate ways. (a) An electrochemical reaction, equation 1, balances the Mg dissolution reaction, equation 2. (b) H is also produced directly by the reaction of Mg+ with water, equation 3. 6 figs., 1 table, 89 sources. ALUMINIUM 7/8 (2008) Andere Werkstoffe, Magnesium Th. Gloriant, F. Danoix, W. Lefebvre, A. L. Greer Nanocrystallized Al92Sm8 Amorphous Alloy Investigated by High-Resolution Microscopy and 3D Atom-Probe Analysis Advanced Engineering Materials 2007, 9, No. 3, S. 151-155 The discovery of Al-based metallic glasses has generated fundamental and practical interest since these amorphous alloys crystallize to a nanostructured composite containing face-centred-cubic (fcc) nanometre-sized aluminium crystallites (diameter < 20-30 nm) embedded in an amorphous matrix. They show remarkable mechanical properties, potentially useful for engineering applications. For example, the nanocomposite aluminium alloys produced by rapid solidification and subsequent annealing of Al-TM-RE alloys (TM: transition metal; RE: rare earth) show ultra-high tensile fracture strength: for the Al88Ni9Fe1Ce2 nanophase composite, the strength at room temperature is as high as 1.56 GPa far above the highest strength of conventional wrought aluminium alloys. The properties are strongly related to the volume fraction of the nanocrystallized fcc-Al particles in the amorphous matrix. We have previously presented our investigations concerning the glass-forming ability, nanocrystallization and the mechanical properties (hardness and wear resistance) of alloys prepared within the Al-Ni-Sm system. Because of the excellent mechanical properties, enhanced by a nanocrystallite dispersion, one strategy has been to control the primary crystallization (devitrification) by annealing the fully amorphous asquenched state. The nanocomposites obtained by devitrification of amorphous Al88Ni4Sm8 were found to provide very stable materials with rather good ductility in the temperature range ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 LITERATURE SERVICE corresponding to the primary crystallization. 4 figs., 35 sources. ALUMINIUM 7/8 (2008) Metallkunde St. Caporali, F. Ghezzi, A. Giorgetti, A. Lavacchi, A. Tolstogouzov, U. Bardi Interaction between an Imidazolium Based lonic Liquid and the AZ91D Magnesium Alloy Advanced Engineering Materials 2007, 9, No. 3, S. 185-190 Mg alloys are commonly used in various industrial sectors, especially in the automotive one because of their low weight and high mechanical strength. The main drawback of these materials is the poor corrosion resistance in atmospheric and saline environments especially caused by hydrogen corrosion. One of the most resistant, and therefore among the most investigated, of these alloys is the die-cast AZ91D. For this, alloy several studies have been conducted to investigate the corrosion mechanism in saline environment. However, a complete characterization in non aqueous environments is still missing. Such of these studies could present interesting insights on the corrosion mechanism of these alloys because of the absence of water in these environments which almost totally eliminates hydrogen corrosion. In particular, ionic liquids may offer a suitable environment for this purpose. 9 figs., 1 table, 25 sources. ALUMINIUM 7/8 (2008) Magnesiumlegierungen F. M. M. Snijkers, J. v. Hoolst, M. Schoeters, J. J. Luyten Water-Based Tape Casting of Alumina and Mullite Substrates for Crystalline Silicon Solar Cell Development Advanced Engineering Materials 2007, 9, No. 3, S. 197-200 For the development of solar cells, mullite (3Al2O3 · 2SiO2) is recognised as a potential material. Mullite is widely applied for the fabrication of a variety of ceramic parts for reasons of its high refractoriness and its good mechanical properties. The choice for mullite is supported be the shortage in Si supply worldwide at present. This can possibly be overcome by deposition of Si on low-cost foreign substrates, thus saving the expensive Si material. In addition, up to date there is no substrate which is cheap enough for the use in solar cell manufacturing. A further argument for the use of mullite is found in the good match of the coefficients of thermal expansion (CTE) of silicon and the substrate material. This is a prerequisite for successful deposition of silicon at elevated temperatures. The CTE of mullite matches much better compared to that of alumina. As such, the development of solar cells that use polycrystalline silicon for the conversion of solar radiation to electrical energy, may well benefit from the advantages of mullite. 8 figs., 1 table, 15 sources. ALUMINIUM 7/8 (2008) Gewinnung, Tonerde O. Hahn, H. Leibold Magnesiumknoten für Profilverbindungen Blech, Rohre, Profile, 3/2008, S. 18-19 Das Fügen von Aluminium-Strangpressprofilen mit Magnesium-Knotenelementen bei einseitiger Zugänglichkeit der Fügestelle könnte eine Alternative zu den heute vorherrschenden Schutzgasschweißverfahren oder den Aluminium-Druckguss- knoten werden. In einem Forschungsvorhaben am LWF Paderborn wurden geeignete mechanische Fügeverfahren sowie die Kombination aus mechanischen Fügeverfahren und Kleben (Hybridfügen) untersucht. Die Ergebnisse weisen die Klebetechnik im Vergleich zum Schweißen als leistungsfähige Verbindungstechnik mit günstigen Festigkeitseigenschaften aus. Die Entwicklung eines kombinierten Fügeverfahrens bei einseitiger Zugänglichkeit, bestehend aus Kleben und Blindnieten, erlaubt die sichere Fixierung der Fügeteile während der Aushärtung und für den industriellen Einsatz die Integration in den Prozessablauf. 21 Abb. ALUMINIUM 7/8 (2008) Verbinden U. Dillhey, A. Gumenyuk, S. Olschok Hydrodynamische Prozessanalyse beim Laserstrahl-MSGHybridschweißverfahren – Teil 3: Prozesssimulation und Vergleich mit Schweißversuchen Schweißen und Schneiden 60 (2008) Heft 3, S. 151-155 In diesem grundlagenorientierten Beitrag werden die Zusammenhänge zwischen Laserstrahl- und Metall-Schutzgasschweißprozess (MSC-Prozess) im Hinblick auf die entstandene Nahtgeometrie (Teil 1) und die Aufmischung von Grundwerkstoff und Zusatzwerkstoff beim Laserstrahl-MSG-Hybridschweißen (Teil 2) behandelt. Basierend auf einem Prozessmodell für das Laserstrahl-MSG-Hybridschweißen wurde ein hydrodynamisches FEM-Modell erstellt, das zur Beschreibung des Zusatzwerkstofftransports im Schmelzbad beim Laserstrahl- und Laserstrahlhybridschweißen herangezogen wurde. Die Ergebnisse der rechnerisch ermittelten Elementeverteilung wurden mit den Ergebnissen aus den Schweißversuchen abgeglichen (Teil 3). 5 Abb., 7 Qu. ALUMINIUM 7/8 (2008) Schweißen R. K. Guduru, A. V. Nagasekhar, R. O. Scattergood, C. C. Koch, K. L. Murty Thickness and Clearance Effects in Shear Punch Testing Advanced Engineering Materials 2007, 9, No. 3, S. 157-160 The FEA results reported here show that the plastic zone formed in an SPT produces a very sharp transition to through-section plasticity at a yield point determined by a fixed (0.15%) offset on thickness-normalized SPT curves. This self-similar scaling of the plasticity produces good agreement of the shear yield stresses determined using a four-fold in-crease in either specimen thickness/clearance at fixed clearance/thickness for a range of material yield strengths. This demonstrates that the yield-point offset criterion proposed in earlier experimental work using thickness-normalized SPT curves has a rational physical basis over a wide range of thickness and clearance variation. Small changes in the yield stress that do occur with changes in either thickness or clearance can be attributed to the effects of bending in the shear zone. The choice of an offset value for experimentally based correlations between SPT and tensile tests can be based on the Von Mises yield criterion for pure shear. The offset value will depend upon the testing fixture setup/compliance and standardization of loading rates to account for rate sensitivity effects. A 1% offset was established for the testing conditions reported in. 7 figs, 9 sources. ALUMINIUM 7/8 (2008) Umformen Für Schrifttum zum Thema „Aluminium“ ist der Gesamtverband der Aluminiumindustrie e.V. (GDA) der kompetente Ansprechpartner. Die hier referierten Beiträge repräsentieren lediglich einen Ausschnitt aus dem umfassenden aktuellen Bestand der GDA-Bibliothek. Die von der Aluminium-Zentrale seit den dreißiger Jahren kontinuierlich aufgebaute Fach-Bibliothek wird duch den GDA weitergeführt, ausgebaut und auf die neuen Medien umgestellt. Sie steht allen Interessenten offen. Ansprechpartner ist Dr. Karsten Hein, E-Mail: karsten.hein@aluinfo.de ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 101 PAT E N T E Grenz-, Richt- und Schwellenwerte im Umwelt- und Gesundheitsschutz Die „Grenzwertliste“ ist eine Zusammenstellung der WVM Wirtschaftsvereinigung Metalle über aktuelle Richt- und Schwellenwerte im Umwelt- und Gesundheitsschutz mit Relevanz für die NE-Metallindustrie. Sie vermittelt den in diesem Verantwortungsbereich tätigen Personen, besonders in den Metall erzeugenden, verarbeitenden und veredelnden Industriezweigen, einen schnellen Überblick über das sie tangierende Vorschriftenwesen. Grenzwerte, Richtwerte oder Schwellenwerte sind für die NE-Metallbranche wesentliche Parameter bei nahezu allen Prozessen. Diese gilt es zu beobachten und einzuhalten, da mit der Einhaltung der Werte in den meisten Fällen auch weitreichende Haftungsfragen verbunden sind. Diese Parameter betreffen die Elektronisches Fachwörterbuch Werkstoffe: Technik und Prüfung Das neue elektronische Fachwörterbuch „Werkstoffe: Technik und Prüfung“ der TDS-Technical Data Services Herrlich GmbH, Reinheim, enthält rund 130.000 Begriffe aus den Fachgebieten Herstellung, Be- und Verarbeitung, Anwendung und Prüfung von Werkstoffen in den Sprachen Deutsch und Englisch. Das als Einzel-, Mehrplatz- und Netzwerkversion verfügbare Werk zeichnet sich durch seine Kombination aus umfassender Information und einfacher Bedienung aus. Der Preis für die Einzelplatzversion beträgt 180 Euro zzgl. MwSt. Der Vertrieb erfolgt ausschließlich über das Internet. Weitere Infos: Norbert Herrlich, TDS Tel: +49 (0)6162 912 323 herrlich.tds@t-online.de www.tds-herrlich.de 102 Bereiche Luft, Abfall, Boden, Wasser, Verbraucher- und Arbeitsschutz. Um hier den Überblick zu behalten, bietet die Broschüre eine umfassende und praxistaugliche Zusammenstellung der wesentlichsten Werte aus dem Bereich des deutschen Umwelt- und Gesundheitsschutzes. Sämtliche Tabellen wurden aktualisiert und zwei Regularien neu aufgenommen. Dies ist zum einen die 17. Bundes-Immissionsschutzverordnung (BImSchV), in der die Anforderungen an Verbrennungsanlagen und Mitverbrennungsanlagen festgeschrieben sind. Die zweite Neuaufnahme betrifft die Zielgrößen täglicher Höchstmengen biologisch verfügbarer Metalle für den Spielzeuggebrauch. Die Broschüre kann zum Preis von €29,- inkl. MwSt und Versand bestellt werden unter: WVM, Diana Wiedenbeck Fax: +49 (0)30 726207 198 www.wvm.de Gestalten mit Aluminium Architektur und Design Der GDA – Gesamtverband der Aluminiumindustrie e. V., Düsseldorf, hat unter dem Titel „Gestalten mit Aluminium – Architektur und Design“ eine neue Designbroschüre aufgelegt. Auf 68 bilderreichen Seiten mit interessanten Fotos aus unterschiedlichsten Anwendungsgebieten informiert die Broschüre nach einem kurzen Exkurs über die 120-jährige Geschichte des Werkstoffs über den Werkstoff, seine Herstellung, die verschiedenen Fertigungsverfahren, die Oberflächenbehandlung, die spanende Bearbeitung sowie die Fügetechnik. Die Broschüre zeigt auch eine kleine Übersicht der verschiedenen Walzund Strangpressprodukte, die je nach Verwendungszweck schon mit Zusatznutzen versehen sind und die Weiterverarbeitung erleichtern. Anhand von zahlreichen Beispielen aus den unterschiedlichen Anwendungsmärkten werden die Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Aluminium eindrucksvoll belegt. Die DIN A4-Broschüre ist zum Einführungspreis von 19,50 € erhältlich. Bestellungen über Monika Fuchß, GDA Tel: +49 (0)211 4796 285 oder über www.aluinfo.de ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 International Journal for Industry, Research and Application How do your products and services come to appear every month in the list of supply sources, on the internet – www.Alu-web.de – and in the annual list of supply sources published by ALUMINIUM ? � � � Please mark the main group relevant to you ❑ Smelting technology ❑ Rolling technology ❑ Extrusion ❑ Foundry Indicate the sub-group and/or key word (if necessary, ask us for the list of key words) _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ Enter your text, not forgetting your on-line address: Line 1: ............................................................................................................................................ Line 2: ............................................................................................................................................ Line 3: ............................................................................................................................................ Line 4: ............................................................................................................................................ Line 5: ............................................................................................................................................ Line 6: ............................................................................................................................................ (Maximum 35 characters per line, including spaces. Price per line for each issue EUR 5,50 + VAT – minimum order 10 issues = 1 year. Logos are calculated according to the lines they occupy: 1 line = 2 mm). _______________________________________________________________ Place/Date Company stamp / Signature � … and send this form to us by fax or post: Fax number +49-511/7304-157 For information Tel.: -142 Giesel Verlag GmbH, ALUMINIUM Rehkamp 3, D-30916 Isernhagen We will gladly send you a quotation! LIEFERVERZEICHNIS 1 Smelting technology Hüttentechnik 1.1 Raw materials 1.2 Storage facilities for smelting 1.3 Anode production 1.4 Anode rodding 1.4.1 Anode baking 1.4.2 Anode clearing 1.4.3 Fixing of new anodes to the anodes bars 1.5 Casthouse (foundry) 1.6 Casting machines 1.7 Current supply 1.8 Electrolysis cell (pot) 1.9 Potroom 1.10 Laboratory 1.11 Emptying the cathode shell 1.12 Cathode repair shop 1.13 Second-hand plant 1.14 Aluminium alloys 1.15 Storage and transport 1.1 Rohstoffe 1.2 Lagermöglichkeiten in der Hütte 1.3 Anodenherstellung 1.4 Anodenschlägerei 1.4.1 Anodenbrennen 1.4.2 Anodenschlägerei 1.4.3 Befestigen von neuen Anoden an der -stange 1.5 Gießerei 1.6 Gießmaschinen 1.7 Stromversorgung 1.8 Elektrolyseofen 1.9 Elektrolysehalle 1.10 Labor 1.11 Ofenwannenentleeren 1.12 Kathodenreparaturwerkstatt 1.13 Gebrauchtanlagen 1.14 Aluminiumlegierungen 1.15 Lager und Transport Open top and closed type baking furnaces 1.1 Raw Materials/Rohstoffe Raw Materials / Rohstoffe ALUMINA AND PET COKE SHIPUNLOADERS Contact: Andreas Haeuser, ha@neuero.de Offene und geschlossene Ringöfen 1.3 Anode production TRIMET ALUMINIUM AG Niederlassung Düsseldorf Heinrichstr. 155 D-40239 Düsseldorf Tel.: +49 (0) 211 / 96180-0 Fax: +49 (0) 211 / 96180-60 Internet: www.trimet.de Anodenherstellung RIEDHAMMER GmbH D-90332 Nürnberg E-Mail: goede.frank@riedhammer.de Internet: www.riedhammer.de see Storage facilities for smelting 1.2 1.2 Storage facilities for smelting Lagermöglichkeiten i.d. Hütte FLSmidth MÖLLER GmbH Haderslebener Straße 7 D-25421 Pinneberg Telefon: 04101 788-0 Telefax: 04101 788-115 E-Mail: moeller@flsmidth.com Internet: www.flsmidthmoeller.com Kontakt: Herr Dipl.-Ing. Timo Letz Automatische Feuerungssysteme see Storage facilities for smelting 1.2 RIEDHAMMER GmbH D-90332 Nürnberg E-Mail: goede.frank@riedhammer.de Internet: www.riedhammer.de Abgasbehandlung Conveying systems bulk materials Förderanlagen für Schüttgüter (Hüttenaluminiumherstellung) FLSmidth MÖLLER GmbH Internet: www.flsmidthmoeller.com see Storage facilities for smelting 1.2 Unloading/Loading equipment Entlade-/Beladeeinrichtungen FLSmidth MÖLLER GmbH www.flsmidthmoeller.com see Storage facilities for smelting 1.2 104 Anodenanschlägerei Auto firing systems Exhaust gas treatment Outotec GmbH Albin-Köbis-Str. 8, D-51147 Köln Phone: +49 (0) 2203 / 9921-0 E-mail: aluminium@outotec.com www.outotec.com 1.4 Anode rodding ALSTOM Norway AS Tel. +47 22 12 70 00 Internet: www.environment.power.alstom.com Hydraulic presses for prebaked anodes / Hydraulische Pressen zur Herstellung von Anoden LAEIS GmbH Am Scheerleck 7, L-6868 Wecker, Luxembourg Phone: +352 27612 0 Fax: +352 27612 109 E-Mail: info@laeis-gmbh.com Internet: www.laeis-gmbh.com Contact: Dr. Alfred Kaiser Removal of bath residues from the surface of spent anodes Entfernen der Badreste von der Oberfläche der verbrauchten Anoden GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH Hornstraße 19 D-45964 Gladbeck Telefon 02043 / 9738-0 Telefax 02043 / 9738-50 Transport of finished anode elements to the pot room Transport der fertigen Anodenelemente in Elektrolysehalle Hovestr. 10 . D-48431 Rheine Telefon + 49 (0) 59 71 58-0 Fax + 49 (0) 59 71 58-209 E-Mail info@windhoff.de Internet www.windhoff.de ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 LIEFERVERZEICHNIS 1.4.1 Anode baking Anodenbrennen Anode charging Anodenchargieren SERMAS INDUSTRIE E-Mail: sermas@sermas.com see Casting Machines 1.6 Anode storage Anodenlager SERMAS INDUSTRIE E-Mail: sermas@sermas.com see Casting Machines 1.6 1.4.2 Anode clearing Anodenschlägerei Separation of spent anodes from the anode bars Trennen von den Anodenstangen SERMAS INDUSTRIE E-Mail: sermas@sermas.com see Casting Machines 1.6 SIGNODE® SYSTEM GMBH Packaging Equipment Non-Ferrous Specialist Team DSWE Magnusstr. 18, 46535 Dinslaken/Germany Telefon: +49 (0) 2064 / 69-210 Telefax: +49 (0) 2064 / 69-489 E-Mail: g.laks@signode-europe.com Internet: www.signode.com Contact: Mr. Gerard Laks Stopinc AG Bösch 83 a CH-6331 Hünenberg Tel. +41/41-785 75 00 Fax +41/41-785 75 01 E-Mail: interstop@stopinc.ch Internet: www.stopinc.ch Fixing the nipples to the anodes by casting in Befestigen der Nippel mit der Anode durch Eingießen SERMAS INDUSTRIE E-Mail: sermas@sermas.com see Casting Machines 1.6 IMPERIAL-OEL-IMPORT Bergstraße 11, D 20095 Hamburg Tel. 040/338533-0, Fax: 040/338533-85 E-Mail: info@imperial-oel-import.de Clay / Tonerde TRIMET ALUMINIUM AG Niederlassung Düsseldorf Heinrichstr. 155 D-40239 Düsseldorf Tel.: +49 (0) 211 / 96180-0 Fax: +49 (0) 211 / 96180-60 Internet: www.trimet.de Degassing, filtration and grain refinement Entgasung, Filtern, Kornfeinung 1.5 Casthouse (foundry) Gießerei HERTWICH ENGINEERING GmbH Maschinen und Industrieanlagen Weinbergerstraße 6, A-5280 Braunau am Inn Phone +437722/806-0 Fax +437722/806-122 E-Mail: info@hertwich.com Internet: www.hertwich.com INOTHERM INDUSTRIEOFENUND WÄRMETECHNIK GMBH Konstantinstraße 1a D 41238 Mönchengladbach Telefon +49 (02166) 987990 Telefax +49 (02166) 987996 E-Mail: info@inotherm-gmbh.de Internet: www.inotherm-gmbh.de OTTO JUNKER GmbH see Extrusion 2 Drache Umwelttechnik GmbH Werner-v.-Siemens-Straße 9/24-26 D 65582 Diez/Lahn Telefon 06432/607-0 Telefax 06432/607-52 Internet: www.drache-gmbh.de Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 Dross skimming of liquid metal Abkrätzen des Flüssigmetalls GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH see Anode rodding 1.4 Dross skimming of the melt Abkrätzen der Schmelze ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 HERTWICH ENGINEERING GmbH see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5 Sistem Teknik Ltd. Sti. DES San. Sit. 102 SOK No: 6/8 Y.Dudullu, TR-34775 Istanbul/Turkey Tel.: +90 216 420 86 24 Fax: +90 216 420 23 22 E-Mail: info@sistemteknik.com Internet: www.sistemteknik.com Metal treatment in the holding furnace Metallbehandlung in Halteöfen Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 Transfer to the casting furnace Überführung in Gießofen GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH see Anode rodding 1.4 Drache Umwelttechnik GmbH Werner-v.-Siemens-Straße 9/24-26 D 65582 Diez/Lahn Telefon 06432/607-0 Telefax 06432/607-52 Internet: www.drache-gmbh.de Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 Windhoff Bahn- und Anlagentechnik GmbH see Anode rodding 1.4 Transport of liquid metal to the casthouse Transport v. Flüssigmetall in Gießereien GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH see Anode rodding 1.4 MARX GmbH & Co. KG www.marx-gmbh.de see Melt operations 4.13 E-Mail: sermas@sermas.com see Casting machines 1.6 Windhoff Bahn- und Anlagentechnik GmbH see Anode rodding 1.4 Furnace charging with molten metal Treatment of casthouse off gases Ofenbeschickung mit Flüssigmetall see Equipment and accessories 3.1 Schmelz-/Halte- und Gießöfen Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 Bone ash / Knochenasche 1.4.3 Fixing of new anodes to the anodes bars Befestigen von neuen Anoden a. d. Anodenstange Melting/holding/casting furnaces GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH see Anode rodding 1.4 Behandlung der Gießereiabgase Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 105 LIEFERVERZEICHNIS 1.6 Casting machines Gießmaschinen OTTO JUNKER GmbH see Extrusion 2 Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 1.9 Potroom Sawing / Sägen T.T. Tomorrow Technology S.p.A. Via dell’Artigianato 18 Due Carrare, Padova 35020, Italy Telefon +39 049 912 8800 Telefax +39 049 912 8888 E-Mail: gmagarotto@tomorrowtechnology.it Contact: Giovanni Magarotto Pig casting machines (sow casters) Masselgießmaschine (Sowcaster) Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 Anode changing machine HERTWICH ENGINEERING GmbH see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5 Anodenwechselmaschine GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH see Anode rodding 1.4 Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 Tapping vehicles see Storage facilities for smelting 1.2 Rolling and extrusion ingot and T-bars Formatgießerei (Walzbarren oder Pressbolzen oder T-Barren) Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 343 Chemin du Stade 38210 Saint Quentin sur Isère Tel. +33 (0) 476 074 242 Fax +33 (0) 476 936 776 E-Mail: sermas@sermas.com Internet: www.sermas.com Heat treatment of extrusion ingot (homogenisation) Formatebehandlung (homogenisieren) Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 HERTWICH ENGINEERING GmbH see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5 Horizontal continuous casting Horizontales Stranggießen Schöpffahrzeuge GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH see Anode rodding 1.4 Crustbreakers / Krustenbrecher GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH see Anode rodding 1.4 Dry absorption units for electrolysis exhaust gases Trockenabsorptionsanlage für Elektrolyseofenabgase ALSTOM Norway AS Tel. +47 22 12 70 00 Internet: www.environment.power.alstom.com Anode transport equipment Anoden Transporteinrichtungen GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH see Anode rodding 1.4 Vertical semi-continuous DC casting / Vertikales Stranggießen Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 Elektrolysehalle HF Measurementtechnology HERTWICH ENGINEERING GmbH see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5 IUT Industriell Ugnsteknik AB see Extrusion 2 Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 HF Messtechnik OPSIS AB Box 244, S-24402 Furulund, Schweden Tel. +46 (0) 46-72 25 00, Fax -72 25 01 E-Mail: info@opsis.se Internet: www.opsis.se 1.11 Emptying the cathode shell Ofenwannenentleeren Cathode bar casting units Kathodenbarreneingießanlage see Billet Heating Furnaces 1.5 1.8 Electrolysis cell (pot) HERTWICH ENGINEERING GmbH see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5 Scales / Waagen Elektrolyseofen Calcium silicate boards Calciumsilikatplatten Promat GmbH – Techn. Wärmedämmung Scheifenkamp 16, D-40878 Ratingen Tel. +49 (0) 2102 / 493-0, Fax -493 115 verkauf3@promat.de, www.promat.de Pot feeding systems Beschickungseinrichtungen für Elektrolysezellen HERTWICH ENGINEERING GmbH see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5 106 FLSmidth MÖLLER GmbH www.flsmidthmoeller.com see Storage facilities for smelting 1.2 E-Mail: sermas@sermas.com see Casting machines 1.6 1.15 Storage and transport Lager und Transport HUBTEX Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG Werner-von-Siemens-Str. 8 D-36041 Fulda Tel. +49 (0) 661 / 83 82-0 Fax +49 (0) 661 / 83 82-120 E-Mail: info@hubtex.com Internet: www.hubtex.com ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 LIEFERVERZEICHNIS 2 Extrusion Strangpressen 2.1 Extrusion billet preparation 2.1.1 Extrusion billet production 2.2 Extrusion equipment 2.3 Section handling 2.4 Heat treatment 2.5 Measurement and control equipment 2.6 Die preparation and care 2.7 Second-hand extrusion plant 2.8 Consultancy, expert opinion 2.9 Surface finishing of sections 2.10 Machining of sections 2.11 Equipment and accessories 2.12 Services 2.1 Pressbolzenbereitstellung 2.1.1 Pressbolzenherstellung 2.2 Strangpresseinrichtungen 2.3 Profilhandling 2.4 Wärmebehandlung 2.5 Mess- und Regeleinrichtungen 2.6 Werkzeugbereitstellung und -pflege 2.7 Gebrauchte Strangpressanlagen 2.8 Beratung, Gutachten 2.9 Oberflächenveredlung von Profilen 2.10 Profilbearbeitung 2.11 Ausrüstungen und Hilfsmittel 2.12 Dienstleistungen Billet heating furnaces Öfen zur Bolzenerwärmung www.otto-junker-group.com OTTO JUNKER GmbH Jägerhausstr. 22 D – 52152 Simmerath Phone +49 2473 601 0 Fax +49 2473 601 600 E-Mail info@otto-junker.de Contact Mr. Teichert / Heat Treatmant Plants Dr. Menzler / Extrusion Plants Mr. Donsbach / Foundry Plants OTTO JUNKER (UK) LTD. Kingsbury Road, Curdworth UK - SUTTON COLDFIELD B76 9EE Phone +44 1675 470551 Fax +44 1675 470645 E-Mail info@otto-junker.co.uk Contact Mr. Hall IUT INDUSTRIELL UGNSTEKNIK AB Industrivägen 2 SE - 438 92 Härryda Phone +46 301 508000 Fax +46 301 30479 E-Mail office@iut.se Contact Mr. Berge 2.1 Extrusion billet preparation Pressbolzenbereitstellung SIGNODE® SYSTEM GMBH Packaging Equipment Non-Ferrous Specialist Team DSWE Magnusstr. 18, 46535 Dinslaken/Germany Telefon: +49 (0) 2064 / 69-210 Telefax: +49 (0) 2064 / 69-489 E-Mail: g.laks@signode-europe.com Internet: www.signode.com Contact: Mr. Gerard Laks ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 Hot shears / Warmscheren OTTO JUNKER GmbH see Extrusion 2 2.1.1 Extrusion billet production Am großen Teich 16+27 D-58640 Iserlohn Tel. +49 (0) 2371 / 4346-0 Fax +49 (0) 2371 / 4346-43 E-Mail: verkauf@ias-gmbh.de Internet: www.ias-gmbh.de Pressbolzenherstellung Billet transport and storage equipment Bolzen-Transport- u. Lagereinricht. SERMAS INDUSTRIE E-Mail: sermas@sermas.com See Casting Machines 1.6 2.2 Extrusion equipment Strangpresseinrichtungen MARX GmbH & Co. KG www.marx-gmbh.de see Melt operations 4.13 Sistem Teknik Ltd. Sti. DES San. Sit. 102 SOK No: 6/8 Y.Dudullu, TR-34775 Istanbul/Turkey Tel.: +90 216 420 86 24 Fax: +90 216 420 23 22 E-Mail: info@sistemteknik.com Internet: www.sistemteknik.com Billet heating units Anlagen zur Bolzenerwärmung OTTO JUNKER GmbH Oilgear Towler GmbH Im Gotthelf 8 D 65795 Hattersheim Tel. +49 (0) 6145 3770 Fax +49 (0) 6145 30770 E-Mail: info@oilgear.de Internet: www.oilgear.de SMS Meer GmbH Schloemann Extrusion Ohlerkirchweg 66 D-41069 Mönchengladbach Tel. +49 (0) 2161 / 3500 Fax +49 (0) 2161 / 3501667 E-Mail: info@sms-meer.com Internet: www.sms-meer.com see Extrusion 2 Billet transport and storage equipment Bolzen Transport- und Lagereinrichtungen OTTO JUNKER GmbH see Extrusion 2 SMS Meer GmbH see Extrusion equipment 2.2 107 LIEFERVERZEICHNIS Extrusion / Strangpressen Homogenising furnaces Homogenisieröfen Profilkühlung OTTO JUNKER GmbH see Extrusion 2 Section cooling OTTO JUNKER GmbH IUT Industriell Ugnsteknik AB OTTO JUNKER GmbH see Extrusion 2 see Extrusion 2 Press control systems Pressensteuersysteme Oilgear Towler GmbH see Extrusion Equipment 2.2 SMS Meer GmbH see Extrusion equipment 2.2 Temperature measurement Temperaturmessung Packaging equipment Verpackungseinrichtungen H+H HERRMANN + HIEBER GMBH Fördersysteme für Paletten und schwere Lasten Rechbergstraße 46 D-73770 Denkendorf/Stuttgart Tel. +49 (0) 711 / 9 34 67-0 Fax +49 (0) 711 / 3 46 0911 E-Mail: info@herrmannhieber.de Internet: www.herrmannhieber.de Vollert Anlagenbau GmbH + Co. KG Stadtseestraße 12 D-74189 Weinsberg Tel. +49 (0) 7134 / 52-220 Fax +49 (0) 7134 / 52-222 E-Mail intralogistik@vollert.de Internet www.vollert.de SMS Meer GmbH see Extrusion equipment 2.2 Section saws Profilsägen OTTO JUNKER GmbH see Extrusion 2 SMS Meer GmbH see Extrusion equipment 2.2 Section store equipment Profil-Lagereinrichtungen SMS Meer GmbH see Extrusion equipment 2.2 Puller equipment Ausziehvorrichtungen/Puller Heating and control equipment for intelligent billet containers OTTO JUNKER GmbH see Extrusion 2 H+H HERRMANN + HIEBER GMBH Fördersysteme für Paletten und schwere Lasten Rechbergstraße 46 D-73770 Denkendorf/Stuttgart Tel. +49 (0) 711 / 9 34 67-0 Fax +49 (0) 711 / 3 46 0911 E-Mail: info@herrmannhieber.de Internet: www.herrmannhieber.de Heizungs- und Kontrollausrüstung für intelligente Blockaufnehmer SMS Meer GmbH see Extrusion equipment 2.2 KASTO Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG Industriestr. 14, D-77855 Achern Tel.: +49 (0) 7841 61-0 / Fax: +49 (0) 7841 61 300 kasto@kasto.de / www.kasto.de Hersteller von Band- und Kreissägemaschinen sowie Langgut- und Blechlagersystemen MARX GmbH & Co. KG www.marx-gmbh.de see Melt operations 4.13 2.3 Section handling Profilhandling SIGNODE® SYSTEM GMBH Packaging Equipment Non-Ferrous Specialist Team DSWE Magnusstr. 18, 46535 Dinslaken/Germany Telefon: +49 (0) 2064 / 69-210 Telefax: +49 (0) 2064 / 69-489 E-Mail: g.laks@signode-europe.com Internet: www.signode.com Contact: Mr. Gerard Laks 108 Could not find your „keywords“? Please ask for our complete „Supply sources for the aluminium industry“. E-Mail: Schwichtenberg@giesel.de ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 LIEFERVERZEICHNIS Transport equipment for extruded sections Vollert Anlagenbau GmbH + Co. KG see Packaging equipment 2.3 Section transport equipment Profiltransporteinrichtungen OTTO JUNKER GmbH see Extrusion 2 Transporteinrichtungen für Profilabschnitte H+H HERRMANN + HIEBER GMBH Fördersysteme für Paletten und schwere Lasten Rechbergstraße 46 D-73770 Denkendorf/Stuttgart Tel. +49 (0) 711 / 9 34 67-0 Fax +49 (0) 711 / 3 46 0911 E-Mail: info@herrmannhieber.de Internet: www.herrmannhieber.de OTTO JUNKER GmbH see Extrusion 2 SMS Meer GmbH see Extrusion equipment 2.2 see Billet Heating Furnaces 2.1 Custom designed heat processing equipment Kundenspezifische Wärmebehandlungsanlagen Sistem Teknik Ltd. Sti. see Billet Heating Furnaces 2.1 Homogenising furnaces Homogenisieröfen Vollert Anlagenbau GmbH + Co. KG see Packaging equipment 2.3 HERTWICH ENGINEERING GmbH see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5 2.4 Heat treatment Wärmebehandlung Nijverheidsweg 3 NL-7071 CH Ulft Netherlands Tel.: +31 315 641352 Fax: +31 315 641852 E-Mail: info@unifour.nl Internet: www.unifour.nl Sales Contact: Paul Overmans Stackers / Destackers Stapler / Entstapler OTTO JUNKER GmbH IUT Industriell Ugnsteknik AB see Extrusion 2 OTTO JUNKER GmbH IUT Industriell Ugnsteknik AB see Extrusion 2 BSN Thermprozesstechnik GmbH Kammerbruchstraße 64 D-52152 Simmerath Tel. 02473-9277-0 · Fax: 02473-9277-111 info@bsn-therm.de · www.bsn-therm.de Ofenanlagen zum Wärmebehandeln von Aluminiumlegierungen, Buntmetallen und Stählen Annealing furnaces Glühöfen SMS Meer GmbH see Extrusion equipment 2.2 see Billet Heating Furnaces 2.1 see Equipment and accessories 3.1 2.5 Measurement and control equipment Extrusion Stretching equipment Reckeinrichtungen Strangpressen Mess- und Regeleinrichtungen OTTO JUNKER GmbH see Extrusion 2 OTTO JUNKER GmbH see Extrusion 2 Extrusion plant control systems Presswerkssteuerungen Heat treatment furnaces Wärmebehandlungsöfen INOTHERM INDUSTRIEOFENUND WÄRMETECHNIK GMBH see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5 SMS Meer GmbH see Extrusion equipment 2.2 ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 OTTO JUNKER GmbH IUT Industriell Ugnsteknik AB see Extrusion 2 SMS Meer GmbH see Extrusion equipment 2.2 109 LIEFERVERZEICHNIS 2.6 Die preparation and care Werkzeugbereitstellung und -pflege Castool Tooling Solutions (North America) 21 State Crown Bvld Scarborough Ontario Canada MIV 4B1 Tel.: +1 416 297 1521 Fax: +1 416 297 1915 E-Mail: sales@castool.com Internet: www.castool.com Sales Contact: Danny Dann Die heating furnaces 2.7 Second-hand extrusion plant Gebr. Strangpressanlagen Qualiteam International/ExtruPreX Champs Elyséesweg 17, NL-6213 AA Maastricht Tel. +31-43-3 25 67 77 Internet: www.extruprex.com Ageing furnace for extrusions Auslagerungsöfen für Strangpressprofile IUT Industriell Ugnsteknik AB see Extrusion 2 2.10 Machining of sections Profilbearbeitung Processing of Profiles see Billet Heating Furnaces 2.1 Profilbearbeitung Werkzeuganwärmöfen IUT Industriell Ugnsteknik AB see Extrusion 2 MARX GmbH & Co. KG www.marx-gmbh.de see Melt operations 4.13 Tensai (International) AG Extal Division Steinengraben 40 CH-4051 Basel Telefon +41 (0) 61 284 98 10 Telefax +41 (0) 61 284 98 20 E-Mail: tensai@tensai.com 2.11 Equipment and accessories Nijverheidsweg 3 NL-7071 CH Ulft Netherlands Tel.: +31 315 641352 Fax: +31 315 641852 E-Mail: info@unifour.nl Internet: www.unifour.nl Sales Contact: Paul Overmans Ausrüstungen und Hilfsmittel Inductiv heating equipment Induktiv beheizte Erwärmungseinrichtungen Sistem Teknik Ltd. Sti. see Billet Heating Furnaces 2.1 Nijverheidsweg 3 NL-7071 CH Ulft Netherlands Tel.: +31 315 641352 Fax: +31 315 641852 E-Mail: info@unifour.nl Internet: www.unifour.nl Sales Contact: Paul Overmans Am großen Teich 16+27 D-58640 Iserlohn Tel. +49 (0) 2371 / 4346-0 Fax +49 (0) 2371 / 4346-43 E-Mail: verkauf@ias-gmbh.de Internet: www.ias-gmbh.de 2.12 Services Dienstleistungen Haarmann Holding GmbH see Die preparation and care 2.6 Extrusion dies Strangpresswerkzeuge Haarmann Holding GmbH Karmeliterstraße 6 D-52064 Aachen Telefon: 02 41 / 9 18 - 500 Telefax: 02 41 / 9 18 - 5010 E-Mail: info@haarmann-gruppe.de Internet: www.haarmann-gruppe.de Hardening technology Härtetechnik Haarmann Holding GmbH see Die preparation and care 2.6 110 Could not find your „keywords“? Please ask for our complete „Supply sources for the aluminium industry“. E-Mail: Schwichtenberg@giesel.de ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 LIEFERVERZEICHNIS 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 Rolling mill technology Walzwerktechnik Casting equipment Rolling bar machining Rolling bar furnaces Hot rolling equipment Strip casting units and accessories Cold rolling equipment Thin strip / foil rolling plant Auxiliary equipment Adjustment devices Process technology / Automation technology Coolant / lubricant preparation Air extraction systems Fire extinguishing units Storage and dispatch Second-hand rolling equipment Coil storage systems Strip Processing Lines 3.0 Rolling mill technology Walzwerktechnik SMS Demag Aktiengesellschaft Eduard-Schloemann-Straße 4 D-40237 Düsseldorf Telefon: +49 (0) 211 881-0 Telefax: +49 (0) 211 881-4902 Internet: www.sms-demag.com E-Mail: communications@sms-demag.com Geschäftsbereiche: Warmflach- und Kaltwalzwerke Wiesenstraße 30 D-57271 Hilchenbach-Dahlbruch Telefon: +49 (0) 2733 29-0 Telefax: +49 (0) 2733 29-2852 Bandanlagen Walderstraße 51/53 D-40724 Hilden Telefon: +49 (0) 211 881-5100 Telefax: +49 (0) 211 881-5200 Elektrik + Automation Ivo-Beucker-Straße 43 D-40237 Düsseldorf Telefon: +49 (0) 211 881-5895 Telefax: +49 (0) 211 881-775895 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 Gießanlagen Walzbarrenbearbeitung Walzbarrenvorbereitung Warmwalzanlagen Bandgießanlagen und Zubehör Kaltwalzanlagen Feinband-/Folienwalzwerke Nebeneinrichtungen Adjustageeinrichtungen Prozesstechnik / Automatisierungstechnik Kühl-/Schmiermittel-Aufbereitung Abluftsysteme Feuerlöschanlagen Lagerung und Versand Gebrauchtanlagen Coil storage systems Bandprozesslinien Melting and holding furnaces Schmelz- und Warmhalteöfen Gautschi Engineering GmbH Geschäftsbereich Aluminium Konstanzer Straße 37 Postfach 170 CH 8274 Tägerwilen Telefon +41/71/6666666 Telefax +41/71/6666688 E-Mail: aluminium@gautschi-engineering.com Kontakt: Stefan Blum, Tel. +41/71/6666621 LOI Thermprocess GmbH Am Lichtbogen 29 D-45141 Essen Germany Telefon +49 (0) 201 / 18 91-1 Telefax +49 (0) 201 / 18 91-321 E-Mail: info@loi-italimpianti.de Internet: www.loi-italimpianti.com 3.2 Rolling bar machining Walzbarrenbearbeitung Band saws / Bandsägen SMS Meer GmbH Ohlerkirchweg 66 D-41069 Mönchengladbach Tel. +49 (0) 2161 / 3500 Fax +49 (0) 2161 / 3501667 E-Mail: info@sms-meer.com Internet: www.sms-meer.com Slab milling machines Barrenfräsmaschinen Metal filters / Metallfilter Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 SMS Meer GmbH see Rolling bar machining 3.2 Filling level indicators and controls BSN Thermprozesstechnik GmbH see Heat Treatment 2.4 3.3 Rolling bar furnaces Walzbarrenvorbereitung 3.1 Casting equipment Gießanlagen Füllstandsanzeiger und -regler OTTO JUNKER GmbH see Extrusion 2 Do you need more information? Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 Homogenising furnaces Homogenisieröfen Melt purification units Schmelzereinigungsanlagen E-Mail: Schwichtenberg@giesel.de ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 HERTWICH ENGINEERING GmbH see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5 111 LIEFERVERZEICHNIS Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 3.4 Hot rolling equipment Spools / Haspel Warmwalzanlagen OTTO JUNKER GmbH IUT Industriell Ugnsteknik AB see Extrusion 2 Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990, info@achenbach.de Internet: www.achenbach.de SMS Demag Aktiengesellschaft see Rolling mill Technology 3.0 Hot rolling units / complete plants Warmwalzanlagen/Komplettanlagen Annealing furnaces Glühöfen EBNER Industrieofenbau Ges.m.b.H. Ruflinger Str. 111, A-4060 Leonding Tel. +43 / 732 / 68 68 Fax +43 / 732 / 68 68-1000 Internet: www.ebner.cc E-Mail: sales@ebner.cc SIEMAG GmbH Obere Industriestraße 8 D-57250 Netphen Tel.: +49 (0) 2738 / 21-0 Fax: +49 (0) 2738 / 21-1299 E-Mail: info@siemag.com Internet: www.siemag.com SMS Demag Aktiengesellschaft see Rolling mill Technology 3.0 Coil transport systems Bundtransportsysteme Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 OTTO JUNKER GmbH IUT Industriell Ugnsteknik AB see Extrusion 2 3.5 Strip casting units and accessories Bandgießanlagen und Zubehör Vollert Anlagenbau GmbH + Co. KG see Packaging equipment 2.3 Cores & shells for continuous casting lines Cores & shells for continuous casting lines Windhoff Bahn- und Anlagentechnik GmbH see Anode rodding 1.4 see Equipment and accessories 3.1 schwartz GmbH see Heat treatment 2.4 Drive systems / Antriebe Bar heating furnaces Bruno Presezzi SpA Via per Ornago 8 I-20040 Burago Molgora (Mi) – Italy Tel. +39 039 63502 229 Fax +39 039 6081373 E-Mail: aluminium.dept@brunopresezzi.com Internet: www.brunopresezzi.com Contact: Franco Gramaglia Barrenanwärmanlagen Revamps, equipments & spare parts for continuous casting lines EBNER Industrieofenbau Ges.m.b.H. see Annealing furnaces 3.3 Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 SMS Demag Aktiengesellschaft see Rolling mill Technology 3.0 Rolling mill modernisation Walzwerksmodernisierung OTTO JUNKER GmbH see Extrusion 2 Roller tracks SMS Demag Aktiengesellschaft see Rolling mill Technology 3.0 Do you need more information? E-Mail: Schwichtenberg@giesel.de 112 Bruno Presezzi SpA Via per Ornago 8 I-20040 Burago Molgora (Mi) – Italy Tel. +39 039 63502 229 Fax +39 039 6081373 E-Mail: aluminium.dept@brunopresezzi.com Internet: www.brunopresezzi.com Contact: Franco Gramaglia Twin-roll continuous casting lines (complete lines) Rollengänge Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 Revamps, equipments & spare parts for continuous casting lines Twin-roll continuous casting lines (complete lines) Bruno Presezzi SpA Via per Ornago 8 I-20040 Burago Molgora (Mi) – Italy Tel. +39 039 63502 229 Fax +39 039 6081373 E-Mail: aluminium.dept@brunopresezzi.com Internet: www.brunopresezzi.com Contact: Franco Gramaglia ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 LIEFERVERZEICHNIS Heating furnaces / Anwärmöfen 3.6 Cold rolling equipment Kaltwalzanlagen Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 OTTO JUNKER GmbH IUT Industriell Ugnsteknik AB see Extrusion 2 Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990, info@achenbach.de Internet: www.achenbach.de BSN Thermprozesstechnik GmbH see Heat Treatment 2.4 www.vits.com see Cold rolling equipment 3.6 Mainzer Landstrasse 16 D-60325 Frankfurt am Main Tel.: +49 69 97 16 81 48 Fax: +49 69 97 16 82 00 E-Mail: juhani.aittola@pesmel.com Internet: www.pesmel.com Coil transport systems Bundtransportsysteme Vollert Anlagenbau GmbH + Co. KG see Packaging equipment 2.3 SIEMAG GmbH Obere Industriestraße 8 D-57250 Netphen Tel.: +49 (0) 2738 / 21-0 Fax: +49 (0) 2738 / 21-1299 E-Mail: info@siemag.com Internet: www.siemag.com Windhoff Bahn- und Anlagentechnik GmbH see Anode rodding 1.4 SIGNODE® SYSTEM GMBH Packaging Equipment Non-Ferrous Specialist Team DSWE Magnusstr. 18, 46535 Dinslaken/Germany Telefon: +49 (0) 2064 / 69-210 Telefax: +49 (0) 2064 / 69-489 E-Mail: g.laks@signode-europe.com Internet: www.signode.com Contact: Mr. Gerard Laks Cold rolling units / complete plants Kaltwalzanlagen/Komplettanlagen Vits Systems GmbH Winkelsweg 172 D-40764 Langenfeld Tel.: +49 (0) 2173 / 798-0 Fax: +49 (0) 2173 / 798-244 E-Mail: mt@vits.de, Internet: www.vits.com Process optimisation systems Prozessoptimierungssysteme Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 Coil annealing furnaces SMS Demag Aktiengesellschaft see Rolling mill Technology 3.0 Process simulation Bundglühöfen Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 Drive systems / Antriebe Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 Prozesssimulation OTTO JUNKER GmbH see Extrusion 2 see Equipment and accessories 3.1 SMS Demag Aktiengesellschaft see Rolling mill Technology 3.0 Do you need more information? E-Mail: Schwichtenberg@giesel.de ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 SMS Demag Aktiengesellschaft see Rolling mill Technology 3.0 Revamps, equipments & spare parts Revamps, equipments & spare parts Bruno Presezzi SpA Via per Ornago 8 I-20040 Burago Molgora (Mi) – Italy Tel. +39 039 63502 229 Fax +39 039 6081373 E-Mail: aluminium.dept@brunopresezzi.com Internet: www.brunopresezzi.com Contact: Franco Gramaglia 113 LIEFERVERZEICHNIS Roll exchange equipment Walzenwechseleinrichtungen 3.7 Thin strip / foil rolling plant Feinband-/Folienwalzwerke SMS Demag Aktiengesellschaft see Rolling mill Technology 3.0 Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990, info@achenbach.de Internet: www.achenbach.de SIGNODE® SYSTEM GMBH Vollert Anlagenbau GmbH + Co. KG see Packaging equipment 2.3 Windhoff Bahn- und Anlagentechnik GmbH see Anode rodding 1.4 Packaging Equipment Non-Ferrous Specialist Team DSWE Magnusstr. 18, 46535 Dinslaken/Germany Telefon: +49 (0) 2064 / 69-210 Telefax: +49 (0) 2064 / 69-489 E-Mail: g.laks@signode-europe.com Internet: www.signode.com Contact: Mr. Gerard Laks Vits Systems GmbH Winkelsweg 172 D-40764 Langenfeld Tel.: +49 (0) 2173 / 798-0 Fax: +49 (0) 2173 / 798-244 E-Mail: mt@vits.de, Internet: www.vits.com Thin strip / foil rolling mills / complete plant Feinband- / Folienwalzwerke / Komplettanlagen Coil annealing furnaces Bundglühöfen Rolling mill modernization Walzwerkmodernisierung Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 SMS Demag Aktiengesellschaft see Rolling mill Technology 3.0 OTTO JUNKER GmbH see Extrusion 2 Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990, info@achenbach.de Internet: www.achenbach.de Revamps, equipments & spare parts Revamps, equipments & spare parts see Equipment and accessories 3.1 Strip shears Bandscheren schwartz GmbH see Cold colling equipment 3.6 Bruno Presezzi SpA Via per Ornago 8 I-20040 Burago Molgora (Mi) – Italy Tel. +39 039 63502 229 Fax +39 039 6081373 E-Mail: aluminium.dept@brunopresezzi.com Internet: www.brunopresezzi.com Contact: Franco Gramaglia Rolling mill modernization Walzwerkmodernisierung www.vits.com see Thin strip / foil rolling plant 3.7 SMS Demag Aktiengesellschaft see Rolling mill Technology 3.0 Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990, info@achenbach.de Internet: www.achenbach.de Heating furnaces Anwärmöfen Trimming equipment Besäumeinrichtungen Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 INOTHERM INDUSTRIEOFENUND WÄRMETECHNIK GMBH see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5 SMS Demag Aktiengesellschaft see Rolling mill Technology 3.0 114 Do you need more information? E-Mail: Schwichtenberg@giesel.de OTTO JUNKER GmbH see Extrusion 2 ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 LIEFERVERZEICHNIS 3.9 Adjustment devices Adjustageeinrichtungen Process control technology Prozessleittechnik Strip flatness measurement and control equipment Bandplanheitsmess- und -regeleinrichtungen Sheet and plate stretchers Blech- und Plattenstrecker SMS Demag Aktiengesellschaft see Rolling mill Technology 3.0 SMS Meer GmbH see Rolling bar machining 3.2 Unitechnik Cieplik & Poppek AG D-51674 Wiehl, www.unitechnik.com ABB Automation Technologies AB Force Measurement S-72159 Västeras, Sweden Phone: +46 21 342000 Fax: +46 21 340005 E-Mail: pressductor@se.abb.com Internet: www.abb.com/pressductor Cable sheathing presses Kabelummantelungspressen Strip thickness measurement and control equipment Banddickenmess- und -regeleinrichtungen Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990, info@achenbach.de Internet: www.achenbach.de SMS Meer GmbH see Rolling bar machining 3.2 Cable undulating machines Kabelwellmaschinen SMS Meer GmbH see Rolling bar machining 3.2 Transverse cutting units Querteilanlagen ABB Automation Technologies AB Force Measurement S-72159 Västeras, Sweden Phone: +46 21 342000 Fax: +46 21 340005 E-Mail: pressductor@se.abb.com Internet: www.abb.com/pressductor Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990, info@achenbach.de Internet: www.achenbach.de SERMAS INDUSTRIE E-Mail: sermas@sermas.com See Casting Machines 1.6 SMS Demag Aktiengesellschaft see Rolling mill Technology 3.0 3.11 Coolant / lubricant preparation Kühl-/SchmiermittelAufbereitung Rolling oil recovery and treatment units Walzöl-Wiederaufbereitungsanlagen 3.10 Process technology / Automation technology Prozesstechnik / Automatisierungstechnik 4Production AG Produktionsoptimierende Lösungen Adenauerstraße 20, D-52146 Würselen Tel.: +49 (0) 2405 / 4135-0 info@4production.de, www.4production.de SMS Demag Aktiengesellschaft see Rolling mill Technology 3.0 Hier könnte Ihr BezugsquellenEintrag stehen. SIEMAG GmbH Obere Industriestraße 8 D-57250 Netphen Tel.: +49 (0) 2738 / 21-0 Fax: +49 (0) 2738 / 21-1299 E-Mail: info@siemag.com Internet: www.siemag.com ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 Rufen Sie an: Tel. 0511 / 73 04-148 Beate Schaefer SMS Demag Aktiengesellschaft see Rolling mill Technology 3.0 Filter for rolling oils and emulsions Filter für Walzöle und Emulsionen Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990, info@achenbach.de Internet: www.achenbach.de 115 LIEFERVERZEICHNIS Rolling oil rectification units Filtering plants and systems Walzölrektifikationsanlagen Filteranlagen und Systeme 3.17 Strip Processing Lines Bandprozesslinien Strip Processing Lines Bandprozesslinien Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990, info@achenbach.de Internet: www.achenbach.de Dantherm Filtration GmbH Industriestr. 9, D-77948 Friesenheim Tel.: +49 (0) 7821 / 966-0, Fax: - 966-245 E-Mail: info.de@danthermfiltration.com Internet: www.danthermfiltration.com 3.14 Storage and dispatch Lagerung und Versand SMS Demag Aktiengesellschaft see Rolling mill Technology 3.0 3.12 Air extraction systems Abluft-Systeme Exhaust air purification systems (active) Mainzer Landstrasse 16 D-60325 Frankfurt am Main Tel.: +49 69 97 16 81 48 Fax: +49 69 97 16 82 00 E-Mail: juhani.aittola@pesmel.com Internet: www.pesmel.com SIEMAG GmbH Obere Industriestraße 8 D-57250 Netphen Tel.: +49 (0) 2738 / 21-0 Fax: +49 (0) 2738 / 21-1299 E-Mail: info@siemag.com Internet: www.siemag.com Abluft-Reinigungssysteme (aktiv) BWG Bergwerk- und WalzwerkMaschinenbau GmbH Mercatorstraße 74 – 78 D-47051 Duisburg Tel.: +49 (0) 203-9929-0 Fax: +49 (0) 203-9929-400 E-Mail: bwg@bwg-online.de Internet: www.bwg-online.com Colour Coating Lines Bandlackierlinien www.bwg-online.com see Strip Processing Lines 3.17 Strip Annealing Lines Bandglühlinien www.bwg-online.com see Strip Processing Lines 3.17 3.16 Coil storage systems Bundlagersysteme Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990, info@achenbach.de Internet: www.achenbach.de Stretch Levelling Lines Streckrichtanlagen SIEMAG GmbH Obere Industriestraße 8 D-57250 Netphen Tel.: +49 (0) 2738 / 21-0 Fax: +49 (0) 2738 / 21-1299 E-Mail: info@siemag.com Internet: www.siemag.com www.bwg-online.com see Strip Processing Lines 3.17 Lithographic Sheet Lines Lithografielinien SMS Demag Aktiengesellschaft see Rolling mill Technology 3.0 Vollert Anlagenbau GmbH + Co. KG see Packaging equipment 2.3 www.bwg-online.com see Strip Processing Lines 3.17 Could not find your „keywords“? Please ask for our complete „Supply sources for the aluminium industry“. E-Mail: Schwichtenberg@giesel.de 116 ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 LIEFERVERZEICHNIS 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19 Foundry Gießerei Work protection and ergonomics Heat-resistant technology Conveyor and storage technology Mould and core production Mould accessories and accessory materials Foundry equipment Casting machines and equipment Handling technology Construction and design Measurement technology and materials testing Metallic charge materials Finshing of raw castings Melt operations Melt preparation Melt treatment devices Control and regulation technology Environment protection and disposal Dross recovery Gussteile 4.2 Heat-resistent technology Feuerfesttechnik Refractories Feuerfeststoffe Promat GmbH – Techn. Wärmedämmung Scheifenkamp 16, D-40878 Ratingen Tel. +49 (0) 2102 / 493-0, Fax -493 115 verkauf3@promat.de, www.promat.de 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19 Arbeitsschutz und Ergonomie Feuerfesttechnik Förder- und Lagertechnik Form- und Kernherstellung Formzubehör, Hilfsmittel Gießereianlagen Gießmaschinen und Gießeinrichtungen Handhabungstechnik Konstruktion und Design Messtechnik und Materialprüfung Metallische Einsatzstoffe Rohgussnachbehandlung Schmelzbetrieb Schmelzvorbereitung Schmelzebehandlungseinrichtungen Steuerungs- und Regelungstechnik Umweltschutz und Entsorgung Schlackenrückgewinnung Cast parts 4.6 Foundry equipment Gießereianlagen Casting machines Gießmaschinen see Equipment and accessories 3.1 see Billet Heating Furnaces 2.1 4.7 Casting machines and equipment Gießereimaschinen und Gießeinrichtungen 4.3 Conveyor and storage technology Förder- und Lagertechnik Vollert Anlagenbau GmbH + Co. KG see Packaging equipment 2.3 OTTO JUNKER GmbH see Extrusion 2 HERTWICH ENGINEERING GmbH see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5 Molten Metall Level Control Solution annealing furnaces/plant Lösungsglühöfen/anlagen 4.5 Mold accessories and accessory materials Formzubehör, Hilfmittel ERNST REINHARDT GMBH Postfach 1880, D-78008 VS-Villingen Tel. 07721/8441-0, Fax 8441-44 E-Mail: info@ernstreinhardt.de Internet: www.Ernst-Reinhardt.com Fluxes Flussmittel Solvay Fluor GmbH Hans-Böckler-Allee 20 D-30173 Hannover Telefon +49 (0) 511 / 857-0 Telefax +49 (0) 511 / 857-2146 Internet: www.solvay-fluor.de ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 Heat treatment furnaces Wärmebehandlungsöfen see Foundry equipment 4.6 Ostra Hamnen 7 SE-430 91 Hono / Schweden Tel.: +46 31 764 5520, Fax: +46 31 764 5529 E-Mail: info@precimeter.com Internet: www.precimeter.com Sales contact: Jan Strömbeck Mould parting agents Kokillentrennmittel Schröder KG Schmierstofftechnik Postfach 1170 D-57251 Freudenberg Tel. 02734/7071 Fax 02734/20784 www.schroeder-schmierstoffe.de 117 LIEFERVERZEICHNIS Melting furnaces 4.8 Handling technology Schmelzöfen Handhabungstechnik Vollert Anlagenbau GmbH + Co. KG see Packaging equipment 2.3 Manipulators Manipulatoren SERMAS INDUSTRIE E-Mail: sermas@sermas.com See Casting Machines 1.6 4.9 Construction and Design Konstruktion und Design ALERIS Recycling (German Works) GmbH Aluminiumstraße 3 D-41515 Grevenbroich Telefon +49 (0) 2181/16 45 0 Telefax +49 (0) 2181/16 45 100 E-Mail: recycling@aleris.com Internet: www.aleris-recycling.com Pre alloys / Vorlegierungen 4.11 Metallic charge materials Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 METALLHANDELSGESELLSCHAFT SCHOOF & HASLACHER MBH & CO. KG Postfach 600714, D 81207 München Telefon 089/829133-0 Telefax 089/8201154 E-Mail: info@metallhandelsgesellschaft.de Internet: www.metallhandelsgesellschaft.de THERMCON OVENS BV see Extrusion 2 Büttgenbachstraße 14 D-40549 Düsseldorf/Germany Tel.: +49 (0) 211 / 5 00 91-43 Fax: +49 (0) 211 / 50 13 97 E-Mail: info@bloomeng.de Internet: www.bloomeng.com Sales Contact: Klaus Rixen HERTWICH ENGINEERING GmbH see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5 Recycling / Recycling Metallische Einsatzstoffe Scholz AG Am Bahnhof D-73457 Essingen Tel. +49 (0) 7365-84-0 Fax +49 (0) 7365-1481 E-Mail: infoscholz@scholz-ag.de Internet: www.scholz-ag.de Aluminium alloys Aluminiumlegierungen TRIMET ALUMINIUM AG Niederlassung Gelsenkirchen Am Stadthafen 51-65 D-45681 Gelsenkirchen Tel.: +49 (0) 209 / 94089-0 Fax: +49 (0) 209 / 94089-60 Internet: www.trimet.de see Equipment and accessories 3.1 MARX GmbH & Co. KG Lilienthalstr. 6-18 D-58638 Iserhohn Tel.: +49 (0) 2371 / 2105-0, Fax: -11 E-Mail: info@marx-gmbh.de Internet: www.marx-gmbh.de TRIMET ALUMINIUM AG Niederlassung Harzgerode Aluminiumallee 1 06493 Harzgerode Tel.: 039484 / 50-0 Fax: 039484 / 50-100 Internet: www.trimet.de Holding furnaces Warmhalteöfen 4.13 Melt operations Schmelzbetrieb METALLHÜTTENWERKE BRUCH GMBH Postfach 10 06 29 D-44006 Dortmund Telefon +49 (0) 231 / 8 59 81-121 Telefax +49 (0) 231 / 8 59 81-124 E-Mail: al-vertrieb@bruch.de Internet: www.bruch.de METALLHANDELSGESELLSCHAFT SCHOOF & HASLACHER MBH & CO. KG Postfach 600714, D 81207 München Telefon 089/829133-0 Telefax 089/8201154 E-Mail: info@metallhandelsgesellschaft.de Internet: www.metallhandelsgesellschaft.de 118 OTTO JUNKER GmbH see Extrusion 2 Heat treatment furnaces Büttgenbachstraße 14 D-40549 Düsseldorf/Germany Tel.: +49 (0) 211 / 5 00 91-43 Fax: +49 (0) 211 / 50 13 97 E-Mail: info@bloomeng.de Internet: www.bloomeng.com Sales Contact: Klaus Rixen Wärmebehandlungsanlagen Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 see Billet Heating Furnaces 2.1 see Equipment and accessories 3.1 ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 LIEFERVERZEICHNIS Heat treatment furnaces Wärmebehandlungsanlagen 4.16 Control and regulation technology Flue gas cleaning Rauchgasreinigung Steuerungs- und Regelungstechnik Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 HCL measurements HCL Messungen HERTWICH ENGINEERING GmbH see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5 OPSIS AB Box 244, S-24402 Furulund, Schweden Tel. +46 (0) 46-72 25 00, Fax -72 25 01 E-Mail: info@opsis.se Internet: www.opsis.se Dantherm Filtration GmbH Industriestr. 9, D-77948 Friesenheim Tel.: +49 (0) 7821 / 966-0, Fax: - 966-245 E-Mail: info.de@danthermfiltration.com Internet: www.danthermfiltration.com 4.18 Dross recovery Schlackenrückgewinnung OTTO JUNKER UK see Extrusion 2 see Equipment and accessories 3.1 4.17 Environment protection and disposal Umweltschutz und Entsorgung 4.19 Cast parts / Gussteile 4.14 Melt preparation Schmelzvorbereitung Dust removal / Entstaubung OTTO JUNKER GmbH see Extrusion 2 Degassing, filtration Entgasung, Filtration Drache Umwelttechnik GmbH Werner-v.-Siemens-Straße 9/24-26 D 65582 Diez/Lahn Telefon 06432/607-0 Telefax 06432/607-52 Internet: http://www.drache-gmbh.de Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 NEOTECHNIK GmbH Entstaubungsanlagen Postfach 110261, D-33662 Bielefeld Tel. 05205/7503-0, Fax 05205/7503-77 info@neotechnik.com, www.neotechnik.com TRIMET ALUMINIUM AG Niederlassung Harzgerode Aluminiumallee 1 06493 Harzgerode Tel.: 039484 / 50-0 Fax: 039484 / 50-100 Internet: www.trimet.de Do you need more information? E-Mail: Schwichtenberg@giesel.de Melt treatment agents Schmelzebehandlungsmittel Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 4.15 Melt treatment devices Schmelzbehandlungseinrichtungen OTTO JUNKER GmbH see Extrusion 2 Metaullics Systems Europe B.V. Ebweg 14 NL-2991 LT Barendrecht Tel. +31-180/590890 Fax +31-180/551040 E-Mail: info@metaullics.nl Internet: www.metaullics.com ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 5 Materials and Recycling Werkstoffe und Recycling Alu-web.de der ALUMINIUMBranchentreff. Haben Sie schon Ihren Basiseintrag bestellt? Nein, dann sofort anrufen: 0511/73 04-142 Stefan Schwichtenberg Granulated aluminium Aluminiumgranulate ECKA Granulate Austria GmbH Bürmooser Landesstraße 19 A-5113 St. Georgen/Salzburg Telefon +43 6272 2919-12 Telefax +43 6272 8439 Kontakt: Ditmar Klein E-Mail: d.klein@ecka-granules.com 119 LIEFERVERZEICHNIS 6 Machining and Application Bearbeitung und Anwendung Machining of aluminium Joining / Fügen Aluminiumbearbeitung KGaA Haarmann Holding GmbH Henkel siehe Prozesse für die Oberflächentechnik 6.1 see Die preparation and care 2.6 6.1 Surface treatment processes Prozesse für die Oberflächenbehandlung Pretreatment before coating Vorbehandlung vor der Beschichtung siehe Prozesse für die Oberflächentechnik 6.1 Thermische Beschichtung Adhesive bonding / Verkleben Ausrüstung für Schmiedeund Fließpresstechnik Hydraulic Presses Hydraulische Pressen LASCO Umformtechnik GmbH Hahnweg 139, D-96450 Coburg Tel. +49 (0) 9561 642-0 Fax +49 (0) 9561 642-333 E-Mail: lasco@lasco.de Internet: www.lasco.com Henkel KGaA Thermal coating Henkel KGaA D-40191 Düsseldorf Tel. +49 (0) 211 / 797-30 00 Fax +49 (0) 211 / 798-36 36 Internet: www.henkel-technologies.com 6.3 Equipment for forging and impact extrusion Berolina Metallspritztechnik Wesnigk GmbH Pappelhain 30 D-15378 Hennickendorf Tel.: +49 (0) 33434 / 46060 Fax: +49 (0) 33434 / 46701 E-Mail: info@metallspritztechnik.de Internet: www.metallspritztechnik.de Henkel KGaA siehe Prozesse für die Oberflächentechnik 6.1 8 Literature Literatur Technikcal literature Fachliteratur Taschenbuch des Metallhandels Fundamentals of Extrusion Technology Giesel Verlag GmbH Verlag für Fachmedien Ein Unternehmen der Klett-Gruppe Rehkamp 3 · 30916 Isernhagen Tel. 0511 / 73 04-122 · Fax 0511 / 73 04-157 Internet: www.alu-bookshop.de. 6.2 Semi products Anodising / Anodisation Henkel KGaA Halbzeuge Wires / Drähte Technical journals Fachzeitschriften siehe Prozesse für die Oberflächentechnik 6.1 Cleaning / Reinigung Henkel KGaA siehe Prozesse für die Oberflächentechnik 6.1 DRAHTWERK ELISENTAL W. Erdmann GmbH & Co. Werdohler Str. 40, D-58809 Neuenrade Postfach 12 60, D-58804 Neuenrade Tel. +49(0)2392/697-0, Fax 49(0)2392/62044 E-Mail: info@elisental.de Internet: www.elisental.de Could not find your „keywords“? Please ask for our complete „Supply sources for the aluminium industry“. E-Mail: Schwichtenberg@giesel.de 120 Giesel Verlag GmbH Ein Unternehmen der Klett-Gruppe Rehkamp 3 · 30916 Isernhagen Tel. 0511 / 73 04-122 · Fax 0511 / 73 04-157 ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 IMPRESSUM / IMPRINT International ALUMINIUM Journal 84. Jahrgang 1.1.2008 Redaktion / Editorial office Dipl.-Vw. Volker Karow Chefredakteur, Editor in Chief Franz-Meyers-Str. 16, 53340 Meckenheim Tel: +49(0)2225 8359 643 Fax: +49(0)2225 18458 E-Mail: vkarow@online.de Dipl.-Ing. Rudolf P. Pawlek Fax: +41 274 555 926 Hüttenindustrie und Recycling Dipl.-Ing. Bernhard Rieth Walzwerkstechnik und Bandverarbeitung Verlag / Publishing house Giesel Verlag GmbH, Verlag für Fachmedien, Unternehmen der Klett-Gruppe, Postfach 120158, 30907 Isernhagen; Rehkamp 3, 30916 Isernhagen, Tel: 0511/7304-0, Fax: 0511/7304-157. E-mail: Giesel@giesel.de Internet: www.alu-web.de. Postbank/postal cheque account Hannover, BLZ/routing code: 25010030; Kto.Nr./ account no. 90898-306, Bankkonto/ bank account Commerzbank AG, BLZ/ routing code: 25040066, Kto.-Nr./account no. 1500222 Geschäftsleitung / General Manager Georg Dörner Tel: 05 11/73 04-166 E-Mail: doerner@giesel.de Objektleitung / General Manager Material Publications Stefan Schwichtenberg Tel: 05 11/ 73 04-142 E-Mail: Schwichtenberg@giesel.de Anzeigendisposition / Advertising layout Beate Schaefer Tel: 05 11/ 73 04-148 E-Mail: BSchaefer@giesel.de Vertriebsleitung / General Manager Distribution Department Jutta Illhardt Tel: 05 11/ 73 04-126 E-Mail: Illhardt@giesel.de Abonnenten-Service / Reader service Kirsten Voß Tel: 05 11/ 73 04-122 E-Mail: Vertrieb@giesel.de Herstellung & Druck / Printing house BWH GmbH, Beckstr. 10 D-30457 Hannover Jahresbezugspreis EUR 285,- (Inland inkl. 7% Mehrwertsteuer und Versandkosten). Europa EUR 289,- inkl. Versandkosten. Übersee US$ 375,- inkl. Normalpost; Luftpost zuzügl. 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Halbzeugindustrie Semis industry • Aleris Koblenz – Vorstoß in neue Dimension beim Warmwalzen von Aluminiumplatten • SMS Demag – Eine Walzwerkmodernisierung der besonderen Art • Pezzorgna Armando erweitert Produktpalette um automatische Werkzeug-Lagersysteme • Profilglass erweitert seine Halbzeugbasis • Otefal – Farbaluminiumbleche für Fassaden • Aleris Koblenz – venturing into new dimension with hot rolling of aluminium plate • SMS Demag – a rolling mill modernization of the special kind • Pezzorgna Armando adds automatic die storage systems to product range • Profilglass expands semis base • Otefal – painted aluminium sheet for façades Weitere Themen Other topics • Aktuelles aus der Branche, Kurzberichte • Latest international news from the industry Erscheinungstermin: 1. September 2008 Anzeigenschluss: 15. August 2008 Redaktionsschluss: 11. August 2008 Date of publication: 1 September 2008 Advertisement deadline: 15 August 2008 Editorial deadline: 11 August 2008 Abonnement-Bestellung Subscription-Order Ja, wir möchten die Zeitschrift ALUMINIUM ab sofort zum Jahresbezugspreis von EUR 285,- inkl. Mehrwertsteuer (Ausland EUR 289,-) und Versandkosten abonnieren. Das Magazin erscheint zehn Mal pro Jahr. Das Abonnement kann mit einer sechswöchigen Frist zum Bezugsjahresende gekündigt werden. Yes, we want to subscribe ALUMINIUM. The rate is EUR 289.00 per year incl. postage. Outside Europe US$ 375.00 incl. surface mail, air mail plus US$ 82.00 The magazine is published ten times a year. Cancellations six weeks prior to the end of a subscription year. Name / name Firma / company Anschrift / address Umsatzsteuer-Ident.-Nr. / VAT Reg.-No. Datum / date Unterschrift/Signature Fax: +49 (0) 511 73 04 157 122 ALUMINIUM · 7-8/2008 Please be our guest and discover the benefits of the Aluminium ePaper yourself in a free three-month trial: Wärmebehandlung für Aluminium EISENMANN zählt zu den führenden Systemanbietern von Komplettanlagen zum Lösungsglühen, Auslagern, Aushärten, Anwärmen und Kühlen. Unser Fertigungsprogramm für die Aluminium verarbeitende Industrie umfasst Wärmebehandlungsöfen, Abschreckeinrichtungen sowie die dazu gehörende Fördertechnik. Darüber hinaus verknüpfende Materialfluss-Automation, komplette Lackierstraßen und Systeme für den integrierten Umweltschutz. ! Process & High Temperature Technology · Daimlerstrasse 5 · 71088 Holzgerlingen · Germany Tel. +49 70 31 78 -0 · Fax +49 70 31 78 -10 00 · info@eisenmann.com · www.eisenmann.com