Biostatistics and qPCR data analysis with REST software


Biostatistics and qPCR data analysis with REST software
Systemhaus für die Molekularbiologie
Registrieren Sie sich für den Kurs „Biostatistics and qPCR data analysis with REST software“
am 17./18.04.2008 in Wasserburg, indem Sie dieses Formular bis 20.03.2008 ausgefüllt an
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Systemhaus für die Molekularbiologie
Aus der LTF Kursreihe:
Biostatistics and qPCR data
analysis with REST software
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LTF Labortechnik GmbH & Co. KG • Hattnauer Straße 18 • 88142 Wasserburg • Telefon: +49 (0) 8382 98 52- 0
Telefax: +49 (0) 8382 9852- 32 • •
LTF Labortechnik GmbH & Co. KG • Hattnauer Straße 18 • 88142 Wasserburg • Telefon: +49 (0) 8382 98 52- 0
Telefax: +49 (0) 8382 9852- 32 • •
Systemhaus für die Molekularbiologie
Systemhaus für die Molekularbiologie
Biostatistics and qPCR data analysis
with REST software
The objective of this course is to provide an understanding of data processing and statistical
methods applicable for analysis of data obtained by real-time PCR. A key ingredient in the
course is practical exercises based on real data, including data sets provided by participants.
1. Quantitative methods for real4. Data analysis with REST software
time PCR data
What does REST calculate? How does
Absolute and relative quantification will be
REST calculate? Training with REST using
explained. Calculation formulas and their
real-life data. Participants are encouraged
modifications will be presented in detail and to bring their own data. Explanation of
analysed. Normalisation by reference gene
bootstrapping used in REST. What are the
and selection of reference gene will be
strengths of REST. What to consider before
considered in detail.
using REST.
2. Introduction to experimental design
Various experimental designs will be
shown and explanation of appropriate
data analysis methods will be given. This
part should provides intuitive guidance
to planning experiments and methods of
Ales Tichopad (PhD) has four years of experience as a biostatistician working
for pharmaceutical and biotec industry. Besides his skills in SAS statistical
programming, Ales Tichopad is experienced in all aspects of quantitative real-time
PCR. With more than two years of experience as a tutor for industrial as well as
academical courses and workshops, Ales Tichopad combines theoretical as well
as practical teaching methods accompanied with interactive approach to students.
Alex Tichopad is an author of 10 publications and held several conference talks
in the field of molecular biology, biostatistics and bioinformatics. In addition, Ales
Tichopad analysed or participated on analysis of some 20 clinical research projects
for companies such as Elli Lilly, Pfizer or Novartis.
17. - 18. April 2008 (1. Tag von 9 - 17 Uhr, 2. Tag von 9 - 14 Uhr).
Schulungszentrum der LTF Labortechnik GmbH & Co. KG in D-88142 Wasserburg
am Bodensee, Hattnauer Straße 18, Telefon +49 (0) 8382 9852-0.
Der zweitägige Kurs kostet 680,00 € pro Person zzgl. gesetzlicher Mehrwertsteuer. Der
Preis versteht sich pro Person und beinhaltet Dokumentation, 2 Übernachtungen mit
Frühstück, einmal Mittag- und Abendessen sowie Erfrischungen/Snacks während der
3. Statistical methods
Basics of descriptive and inferential
statistics. The stress will be put on
addressing the proper way of using
statistics as well as data management and
preparation. Several real-life experiments
as well as dummy data will be analysed in
the course.
Kurs "Biostatistics and qPCR data analysis with REST software", Änderungen und Ergänzungen ohne Ankündigung vorbehalten.
Die Teilnehmerzahl ist auf zehn Personen begrenzt.
Alle Teilnehmer sind im Hotel Gierer untergebracht. Die Anreise erfolgt am 16.04.2008.
Das Hotel Gierer liegt 5 min. zu Fuß vom Veranstaltungsort entfernt (
Die Konditionen zur Kursteilnahme bzw. Stornierung finden Sie auf unserer Website im Bereich „Service“.